Mise en page 1 - anuttara.com: Institut de Yoga Iyengar de Nice


Mise en page 1 - anuttara.com: Institut de Yoga Iyengar de Nice
Immersion Practice Cycle, for teachers of Iyengar Yoga
with Christian Pisano and June Whittaker
This cycle is an immersion and a deepening of the understanding of the rituals (asana, pranayama, bandha,
mudra, bhavana etc.) of yoga. Fundamentally, practice
is the initiation to one’s spaciousness. This initiation is
done through a deeper and more intimate understanding of the vital elan (iccashakti), that knows itself
(jnanashakti), in activity (kriyashakti). One of the first
rituals is the ‘reading’ of the body which becomes our
foremost text, a tantra.
This reading is very important and allows us to intuit
form (rupa), as sensation (sparsha), and vibration
(spanda), which are all expressions of the seed (bija)
of undifferentiated Consciousness.
The texts that will accompany us in our practice are:
Vijnana Bhairava, Spanda Karika, Pratibhijnahrdayam,
Shiva Sutra, Le Paramarthasara d’Abhinavagupta,
Kulajnana-Nirnaya de Matsyendranatha et le
Siddhasiddhantapaddhatih de Gorakshanatha.
For who? This Immersion Practice Cycle addresse
Iyengar Yoga teachers from all over Europe and beyond*.
We will explore yoga in a traditional way. By ‘tradition’,
we mean everpresent, underlying luminous intuition
(pratibha) that imbibes this art with an ever-renewing
Iyengar yoga practitioners with a minimum of
* 8Mature
years regular Iyengar Yoga practice may also apply.
Subjects and dates for 2016
Preliminaries of Reading the Body
7- 8 may or 28-29 may
Practice of Rooting (mulakriya)
12-13 november or 26-27 november
Coming subjects
• Practice of the Flow (Pravahakriya), Suryanamaskar.
• Expansion of the West (Paschimavikasatkriya),
forward extensions.
• Purification of Jathara Agni (Jatharagnikriya), lateral extensions.
• Expansion of the East (Purvavikasatkriya), backward extensions.
• Use of Ropes in Practice. (Yoga Kurunta).
• Gesture of the Crane, (Bakamudra), the pratice of balancing.
• Belly of the Fish (Matsyodharikriya), the practice of the 16
supports of contemplation (adhara) the firmaments (vyoman),
the locks (bandha) and the seals (mudra).
• Savour of Quietude (Vishrantirasa), asana and breath
as the mirror of the great rest (savasana).
• Sacrifice of the Breath (Pranayama).
Important information for the bookings Each theme must be booked separately. To reserve, please send
us POSTAL BOOKINGS ONLY. No email or other internet bookings. Send your booking form (from our website) and cheque
for the full amount (180€). Cheque will not be not cashed until the Immersion weekend. Bookings open 5 calendar months
before each theme, (e.g. weekend date 15th March, bookings open 15th October). Please check our website or our Facebook
page: Anuttara, Institut de Yoga Iyengar de Nice, as dates will be published over time. We envisage 2 themes per year. Each
theme will have two possibilities of dates. We will confirm your place, it may take a week or so, please be patient. Booking
are firm. NO refunds. If there are queries from those coming from different countries, POST to us your booking form
nevertheless, even if you do not or cannot enclose a cheque. Please contact us by email for any further details on payments.
Where? Nice Institut de Yoga Iyengar de Nice (France)
+33(0)4 93 89 53 91
Saturday: 9h30-12h30am & 4h-6h30pm
Sunday: 8h30-11h30am & 2h-4h30pm
1 weekend = 180 €
Infos, contact...
[email protected]
Christian Pisano has practised Iyengar Yoga for 30 years. He is the
author of the book: The Hero’s Contemplation. Yoga in the light of the
teachings of BKS.Iyengar and non-dual Kashmir Shaivism; One of only
3 teachers worldwide, Christian has an Advanced Senior Teachers’ certificate given by BKS Iyengar.
June Whittaker Pisano A practitioner in London since 1979, June
moved to Nice in 1998 to live and work with Christian where they are
joint directors of the Institut de Yoga Iyengar de Nice. June has an Iyengar Yoga Senior Teachers’ qualification and is married to Christian.