EASTER SUNDAY March 23, 2008
EASTER SUNDAY March 23, 2008
MARCH 2008 ISSUE Prince of Peace Lutheran Church * 209 Eastern Avenue * Augusta, ME 04330-5951 * (207) 623-9486 Inside This Issue Cover —Lent, Holy Week, and EASTER Events Page 2—Pastor’s Message Page 3—Worship Committee Message Page 4— Turn Your Radio On... Thank You Message Page 5—Trading Graces Acceptances Gifts in Action/Opportunities Sun. Nursery Coordinator Transportation Coordinator Community Dinner Shelter Needs Page 6—Mar. Birthdays & Anniversaries Breaking News for Seniors Journalizing From the larger Church Serving Our Country Page 7—Council Officers Reaching Out Ministries We celebrate with… Addie’s Attic Apr. Newsletter Deadline How to Reach Pastor Page 8—February Servants Sonshine Nursery School Registrations Campbell Labels Wish List Page 9— March Calendar Kids Nite Notice Back Page - Church Schedule Church Staff 7:00 PM March Lenten Worship Led by Pastor Jon March 5—Word of Love, Just Add Water March 12—You. Yes, You. Do This PALM SUNDAY March 16 (8:00 & 10:45 AM) MAUNDY THURSDAY SERVICE March 20 (7:00 PM) PRAYER VIGIL March 20 (9:00 PM) to March 21 (3:00 pM) GOOD FRIDAY SERVICE—March 21 7:00 p.m.-Tenebrae Service EASTER SUNDAY March 23, 2008 HOLY COMMUNION SERVICES 7:00-9:00-11:00 AM 9:00 AM —11:00 AM Bedecking of the Cross GREAT MUSIC! GREAT SINGING! Prince of Peace Lutheran Church MISSION STATEMENT Recognizing the love of God in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, we confess Jesus as our Savior. Further being empowered by the Holy spirit to respond to the love of God, we confess Jesus as our Lord. It is the mission of Prince of Peace Lutheran Church to proclaim Jesus Christ as Savior, and to follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit as we grow following Jesus Christ as our Lord. Don't miss this most joyful day of the Church Year. (8:15 to 10:30 AM) Full breakfast to be served by the youth group. Come any time during that period, in the Christian Community Room. NO SUNDAY SCHOOL EVENT PARKING Please know that you can use the adjacent Dental Arts parking lot on Easter Sunday. There‟s a walkway in between. Adventures in Ministry! Among Webster’s more helpful definitions for perspective is: 2 b: “the capacity to view things in their true relations or relative importance;” and 3 b: “a mental view or prospect.” (I didn’t think 1 a was particularly useful: “the technique … of representing on a plane or curved surface the spatial relations….”) The capacity to view things in their true relations…. What a gift! Of course, that also begs the question of what those “true relations” are! A difficult thing to discern at times. Many years ago I had an insight into perspective through my son, Christopher. He and a friend were working on a puzzle while Rebecca and I were at choir rehearsal. At one point we told him that we would be leaving in a few moments. This news almost brought him into a panic! He felt he needed to complete that puzzle before we left. It was desperately important to him to finish it! From my perspective that puzzle wasn’t “relatively important.” In the “true relations” to the needs of the world, what value does a child’s puzzle hold? It was (briefly) tempting for me to dismiss his fears, tell him to stop fussing and get moving so that I wouldn’t be inconvenienced. From Christopher’s “mental view or prospect,” however, this puzzle was something truly important. Would leaving the puzzle unfinished cause any irreparable damage? No. Thoughtlessly dismissing my son’s concerns might be different story. Some of you have heard me talk about the different perspectives I hold on tasks and people. Yes, there are many important things that need to be done at Prince of Peace. We need constantly to be seeking new ways to invite people to learn more about God’s love and mercy; once they’re here we need to incorporate our new members into the life of the Congregation; we need to reach out to those without food, shelter, voice, support; we need to maintain our building so that it is welcoming and attractive; we need to involve more and more members in active participation in the life of the church. Hundreds of tasks. Perhaps even thousands of tasks. Such an overwhelming number of things to do — and in many cases their “relative importance” — could easily cause us to get frustrated, to stop trying, to be divided from another member over perceived fault or failure. As pastor one of my more important duties is to keep a mental view or prospect that people are always of far greater relative importance than tasks! The work is important, but it will get done. God will provide. But if you and I (or you and the person in the next pew, or you and the person on the other committee) do damage to our faith (our relationship with God) over that issue, what a waste! If we accomplish the task at hand, but in doing so injure a sister or brother in Christ (or our relationship with that person), do we really think we have pleased God? Prince of Peace Lutheran Church is not a place so much as it is a process; a process of God’s people figuring out how to be in relationship with God and with one another as we carry out God’s work in the world. I rejoice to be engaged in that process with you! Let us all continue to pray that God will keep our perspective healthy as we proceed. Pastor Jon CHRIST IS RISEN! HE IS RISEN INDEED! ALLELUIA! They found the stone rolled away from the tomb, but when they went in, they did not find the body. … Then they remembered his words." (NRSV Luke 24:2,8) “In the dark days of perplexity and despair for the troubles of this world, let us remember the hope of Easter morning. In the dawn of Christ's resurrection, we rejoice that death and evil did not have the last word: the tomb is empty! Christ is with us, living among us and through us, announcing "good news to the poor … release to the captives … recovery of sight to the blind," freedom to the oppressed, and "the year of the Lord's favor." (NRSV, Luke 4:18-19) Christ is with us as the word of forgiveness is declared and the sacraments are received. Christ is with us as we look for signs of Jesus in our churches and communities and remember his words: "And, remember I am with you always, to the end of the age." (NRSV, Matthew 28:20b)” Come and experience the Passion of our Lord and rejoice in His resurrection. Our 2008 Holy Week Worship Services are: March 20 7:00 pm - Maundy Thursday Service Prayer Vigil - Maundy Thursday, 9 pm through Good Friday, 3 pm March 21 7:00 pm - Good Friday Tenebrae Service Sunday, March 23 Easter– The Resurrection of our Lord 7:00 am Service No Communion 9:00 am Holy Communion Services with Bedecking of the Cross 11:00 am Holy Communion Services with Bedecking of the Cross 9:00 am and 11:00 am Nursery Care available Have a blessed Easter! On behalf of the Worship Committee Sandy Bernard —————————————— From Bishop Mark Hanson‟s 2007 Easter Message "Turn your radio on..." Remember that old song by the Statler Brothers? "Come and listen into a radio station where the mighty hosts of heaven sing, Turn your radio on, turn your radio on; If you want to hear the songs of Zion coming from the land of endless spring, Get in touch with God, turn your radio on." These days our radio often gives us bad news about the economy, the latest scandal in Hollywood and the grim statistics from the war. It's no wonder we're all depressed when we get out of our cars! Wouldn't it be wonderful if what came out of our radio speakers was uplifting, giving us hope to accomplish whatever task was at hand? Tuning in to God can be accomplished in lots of different ways in our lives every day. Your car radio can be just one avenue for hearing scripture, listening to testimony from those who have survived life's tragedies, or even humming to a Christian tune you don't quite know the words to. Christian radio is available throughout Maine these days, allowing the spirit of Christian talk shows and music to travel with us. There's something for everyone at these ratio stations, so give it a try. You'll find a world of difference in your daily life when you listen to uplifting Christian radio stations when traveling. Go ahead, turn your radio on...95.3 Augusta, 94.5 Richmond, 98.9 Lincoln, 97.9 Houlton, 100.7 Bendicta, 92.5 Portland, 97.1 Sanford, 98.3 Freeport, 100.7 Bangor, 102.3 Biddeford, 107.9 Falmouth and 1340 a.m. for Zap! Kids Radio. Allowing our hearts and minds to be filled with Christian music, thoughts and words helps us to stay connected to God in our everyday lives. Try one of these radio stations for a week...then see the difference staying in touch with our Christian roots can make in your life! Betty Balderston, Stewardship Chair 1/26/08 Dear Prince of Peace, Thank you to everyone who gave on December 16 when Mollishmael and Joshua came to church and Mollishmael gave the sermon. Your offerings totaled $687.00, which will pay for half a month of operations in Kisssehman. Thank you so much for your continued help and generosity. Without your support of Maine-Ghana Youth in the past year and a half, I’m sure there would be no organization. This card was made by Roger Amuzu, one of the 40 kids who you have helped send to school and provide meals for. Thank You. With Love, Erin - Co-President—Maine-Ghana Youth TRADING GRACES "Trading Graces". Trading Graces is an opportunity to offer assistance to and seek assistance from our brothers and sisters at Prince of Peace. Please call the church office to submit your information. ACCEPTANCES ACCEPTANCES ALTAR CARE HELP Looking for a volunteer to take responsibility for the POP sign on the front lawn. Duties include changing the message regularly and advertising any special events. If interested, contact Bill Woodward at 933-3002. Additional volunteers are needed for altar care. Our altar care volunteers serve a very important role in worship as they prepare the altar for Communion each Sunday. If you are interested in becoming a volunteer, please see or contact Heidi Joslyn, 623-2284. SUGGESTIONS FOR SEXTONS ACCEPTANCES Bread of Life is looking for a volunteer to update their website. If interested, contact the BOLM office at 626-3434. A cobweb has been missed! Dust has set too long! Tell us what we missed, or how we can improve Prince of Peace’s appearance. There’s a notepad on the sexton’s door. Write your ―suggestion‖ and slip it under the door. Thanks for your help - Karl & Flo COMMUNITY ANGEL FOOD NETWORK DINNER PERHAPS YOU OR SOMEONE YOU KNOW CAN PUT YOUR GIFTS TO USE IN ONE OF THESE WAYS! Transportation Coordinator — Every child of God who participates here is a blessing and a joy! Some do not drive. Others could be blessed by providing rides to worship or other congregational activities. Would you be willing to help bring such people together? Contact the Church Office. Sunday Nursery Coordinator Needed A coordinator for our Sunday morning nursery care is needed, as soon as possible. This volunteer position has responsibility for obtaining nursery care workers each Sunday during regularly scheduled worship services. Providing nursery care to parents of young children is essential for some families to attend worship services. If you are called to work with children and wish to serve with this important ministry, please contact Sandy Bernard, Worship Committee Chair, at 622-7918, evenings. The dinners are sponsored by local Augusta Area Churches. Please check your local newspaper for the Church that is sponsoring the next Saturday Community Dinner. Prince of Peace sponsors a dinner every fifth Saturday of a month (with the exception of December). Please check your weekly bulletins in the scheduled month. If interested or for more information, please call Beth Pfeffer (582-3651). SHELTER NEEDS Donated cars, and mattresses & box springs. All of the mattresses & boxsprings at the shelter need to be replaced. If you can help in this way could you please call Mara at 485-2511. Breaking News for Seniors! BIRTHDAYS 5. Arnold Hills 9. June Bisbee Melanie F. Lajoie 10. Tricia Hasch 11. Grace Pease 13. Bonnie Heidelmark Linda Scott Haley Truppa „91 17. Kelly Davenport „90 18. Mary Ellen Cyr 19. Kourtney Ames Blake Peachey „92 Adam Small „96 20. Connie Hanson Joyce Hobbs 21. Harrison Pearce Roland Pease 24. Katrina Bansmer „90 Sarah Toto „92 28. Kiersten Bumford „94 Kaite Perry „94 31. Garrett Joslyn ANNIVERSARIES 6. Ed & Shirley Churchill 20. Tom & Dee Benn JOURNALIZING IN THE NEW YEAR! Using Scripture and a blank page in a book is great for beginners or experienced. We meet on Tuesday mornings at 9AM or at a time when you can meet. Please contact Bev Savage at 446-1238 to order a book or for more information. Congress recently passed a new economic stimulus package that allows $300 rebates for retired seniors. If you're a retiree who doesn't normally have to file a tax return because your source of income is Social Security, be aware that you must file a tax return for 2007 using either Form 1040 or 1040A if you want to receive this $300 rebate. If you need assistance, contact your local Area Agency on Aging at 1877-353-3771. From The Larger Church - LWR -- Cyclone Sidr left more than 3,000 people dead and millions homeless after it struck the coast of Bangladesh in Southern Asia on Nov. 15. The cyclone triggered a 15-foot water surge that inundated the coastal towns of Patuakhali, Barguna and Jhalakathi, with a combined population of 700,000. The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), through its International Disaster Response, is sending an initial $50,000 to assist disaster response organizations that have mobilized to provide emergency food, medical support and temporary shelter. MILITARY PERSONS, SERVING OUR COUNTRY that are connected to Prince of Peace members. Co-Worker of Bill Burgess - Michael Stultz Ed & Shirley Churchill’s Family - Son, Edwin Churchill II. LouAnne Story’s Family - Son, Brady Joslyn. Bill & Jane Peterson’s Family - Son, Kurt and his wife, Jayne; Granddaughter, Alicia Peterson. Bob & Kelly Landry’s Family - Grandsons: Patrick Landry, and Scott & Michael Wirth Paul & Joanie Rhoda’s Family - Nephews, David & Joseph Quimby. Paul & Kathi Ruopp’s Family - Son, Paul III & Daughter, Shannon Ruopp Alice VanDerwerken & David Sprague’s Family - Alice’s brothers: Roger & Mark. Michael & Phyllis Tessman’s Family - Grandson, Rodney Fontaine Catherine (Couture) & Robert Whittemore’s Family - Son, Steven. Karl & Flo Wilkins’ Family - Son, Sean Wilkins. Please keep these families in your prayers and the other names of those serving our country: Allan Proctor, Bill Pieyton, Chris Soucy, Heidi, Jeff Mason, Josh Kurtzman, Scott Ludwig, Zach Benson. PRAYER FOR OUR SOLDIERS, SAILORS, and AIRMEN “Lord, hold our troops in your loving hands. Protect them as they protect us. Bless them and their families for the selfless acts they perform for us in our time of need. I ask this in the name of Jesus, our Lord and Savior. Amen” CHURCH COUNCIL OFFICERS President Bill Woodward 933-3002 [email protected] V-President Jean Davenport 446-6611 [email protected] Secretary Joan Morgan 622-1761 [email protected] Education Beth Pfeffer 582-3651 [email protected] Evangelism Jeff Crate 582-4206 [email protected] Stewardship Betty Balderston 377-4293 [email protected] Fellowship Linda Lowell 623-1532 Worship Sandy Bernard 622-7918 [email protected] Finance Bill Burgess 622-3570 [email protected] Soc. Awareness Bev Savage 446-1238 [email protected] Property Doug Ames 582-8262 [email protected] Youth Joe McVety 621-9920 [email protected] SNS Board Nancy Grover 622-9272 [email protected] Trustees: Jeff Crate, Jean Davenport, Joan Morgan, Joe McVety, Bill Woodward. Nominating Com.: Bev Savage, Darryl Praul, Myrna Duplessie, Joe McVety, Karl Wilkins. ADDIE’S ATTIC A A community community clothing clothing exchange exchange housed at St. Mark’s Episcopal housed at St. Mark’s Episcopal Church, Church, 9 9 Summer Summer St. St. in in Augusta Augusta is is open open Tuesdays Tuesdays & & Thursdays, Thursdays, 9:00 9:00 a.m. a.m. to to 11:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m. We provide clothing free of charge to We provide clothing anyone who comes in. free of charge to anyone who comes in. We accept donations of clean, usable We clothing accept donations only duringof operating clean, hours, please. usable clothing only during operating hours, please. Anyone interested in volunteering or POP’s REACHING OUT MINISTRIES Please read your bulletin for current info on the ministries or get in touch with the contact person listed. Head Deacon - Duane Scott (623-2092) Men’s Prayer Breakfast - Bill Burgess (622-3570) Women’s Prayer Breakfast-Nancy Merrill (737-8105) Prayer Shawl - Liz Burgess (622-3570) At Your Side Committee - Liz Burgess (622-3570) Helping Fund - POP (623-9486) Heavenly Bodies - Lauret Crommett (622-7437) POP Quilter’s Group - Millie Mauthe (547-3752) Kid’s Nite - Beth Pfeffer (582-3651) Nursery School - Donna Bansmer (623-4845) Women of the Church - Joan Morgan (622-1761) Dorcas Circle - Jutta Hartung (623-2040) Miriam Circle - Ellen Woodward (933-3002) We Celebrate with... - Church Office (623-9486) Bread of Life Ministries - Office-Karen *Soup Kitchen on Water St. *Shelter on Hospital St. (626-3434) (621-2541) (626-3479) Food Bank at St. Mark’s, Augusta POP’s contact— Bud Walters (622-5225) (685-3676) “WE CELEBRATE WITH...” is a column for those in our congregation who have been honored, achieved some-thing special, or had some recent success. If you have such news, please write the news and leave it in the office, or send it by e-mail or snail mail. APRIL NEWSLETTER DEADLINE MARCH 14th is the deadline for APRIL 2008 edition of the “Peace Chimes”. Please have your articles in the office by 9AM on March 14 for the April edition of ―The Peace Chimes‖. . If possible, please send by our e-mail: [email protected]. simply wantinterested to find out more about or it, Anyone in volunteering please Cormier 623-9434. simply call wantAnne to find out at more about it, please Please call call AnneLaura Cormier Peckham at 623-9434. at 5821882 for all other inquiries. Please call Laura Peckham at 5821882 for all other inquiries. IF YOU NEED TO REACH PASTOR JON Please try the church office first (623-9486). Next number would be his cell phone (557-3637). His home number should be the last number you try (445-2705) Deacon: Karl Wilkins; Altar Care: 2/23-Heidi Joslyn; 9-Rebecca Vogel; March Servants: 16/30-Lloyd & Betty Balderston; Easter Sunday Deacons: 7-Ellen Woodward; 9-Paul Rhoda; 11-Karl Wilkins Acolytes 2 9 16 8:00 Greeters Willi & Jutta Hartung 8:00 Beth Pfeffer & Becky Pearce 10:45 Willi & Jutta Hartung 8:00 7:00 Nursery Beth Pfeffer & Becky Pearce 10:45 10:45 23 Ushers Kate MacLagan Rod & Irene Hill Jayne Labbe Michael & Phyllis Tessman Beth Pfeffer & Becky Pearce Willi & Jutta Hartung Connie Hanson Beth Pfeffer & Becky Pearce Kate MacLagan 9:00 11:00 30 8:00 Connie Hanson Beth Pfeffer & Becky Pearce 10:45 Arnie Hills SONSHINE NURSERY SCHOOL A Christian based Nursery School NURSERY SCHOOL REGISTRATIONS CAMPBELL’S UPC BAR CODES We accept registrations for preschoolers who are 33 months old, up to and including kindergarten age for our nursery school. They must be toilet trained at the beginning of school in September. Our younger students attend Tuesday & Thursday mornings, 8:30 to 11:30 and our 4/5 year olds attend Monday, Wednesday, & Friday mornings, 8:30 to 11:30. The Campbell Company is now requesting UPC CODE labels, with the kid picture next to it on some of the products. Products that labels should come from are: Campbell’s, Chef’s Kettle, Franco-American, Goldfish, Healthy Request, Market Day, Pepperidge Farm, & Swanson - Lids from Prego, V8, V8 Splash & VFusion - # # -2 Code Numbers from outer case of Food Service Products. All products mentioned are trademarks of Campbell’s Company. Interested families can call 623-9486 to receive a handbook and pre-registration form. Sonshine Nursery School invites students of any background and religious affiliation to attend. WISH LIST SCHOLARSHIPS - SNS periodically grants scholarships to families with children in the school. We will never turn away a child simply because they cannot afford our tuition. Old Wallets—men or women Stickers Paper Plates—inexpensive Paper Cups—5 ounce size Check our wish list in future newsletters or check the small bulletin board outside our room. 2008 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri 2 - Lent 4 *Home Communion & Feed the Hungry Sunday *8 & 10:45 Serv’s *9:30 Sunday School & Confirmation Class *10:30-Bell Choir *EVENT after Late Service 3 9 - Lent 5 10 11 12 13 14 8 & 10:45 Serv’s 9:30 Sunday School & Confirmation Class 8:30-SNS 6:30-WPB 8:30-SNS 10-Thrivent Group 8:30-SNS 6:30-Men’s Prayer Breakfast 8:30-SNS 8:30-SNS 5:30-Heavenly Bodies 4 5 6 7 6:30-WPB 8:30-SNS 8:30-SNS 8:30-SNS 6:30-Men’s Prayer Breakfast 9-Bible Study-CCR 6:15 Bread & 8:30-SNS 9:30-Dorcas Circle 7-Worship Committee 5:30 Heavenly Bodies Broth 7-Lenten Service 7:45 Choir Rehearsal 9-Bible Study-CCR 6:15 Bread & 9:30-POP Quilters 6:30 COUNCIL Broth 7-Lenten Service 7:45 Choir Rehearsal 1 -8-Deacon’s Set Clocks Ahead tonight (Grace Room) 7:00-AA-(Lib.) 5:30-Al-Anon (Grace Room) 7:00-AA-(Lib.) 18 19 20 8:30-SNS 8 & 10:45 Serv’s 8:30-SNS 8:30-SNS 8:30-SNS 5:30-Heavenly Bodies 6:30-Women’s Prayer Breakfast 7:00-Maundy Thursday Service 3-Prayer Vigil Ends 23 –EASTER 9-Bible Study-CCR 6:30 Choir 6:00 All Commit- tees Night 5:30-Girl Scouts 24 25 25 7, 9, 11 Services 9 & 11 Bedecking of the Cross Easter Events See Page 8:30-SNS Office Closed 6:30-Women’s Prayer Breakfast Rehearsal 8:30-SNS 6:30-Men’s Prayer Breakfast 8:30-SNS 30 31 April 1 8 & 10:45 Serv’s 8:30-SNS 10-Thrivent 9:30 Sunday School & Confirmation Class 5:30-Heavenly Bodies 7-Women of the ELCA (CCR) 9-Bible Study-CCR 9 Apr. Newsletter Mailing 9:30-Dorcas Circle 28 8:30-SNS Rehearsal 22 7-Tenebrae Service 27 9-Bible Study-CCR 6:30 Choir 8:30-SNS 21 26 5:30-Heavenly Bodies 6:30-WPB 6:30-MPB 9-Prayer Vigil Starts 8:30-SNS 15 7-Praise, Prayer & Meditation 17 8:30-SNS CCR/Sanctuary 8:30-Pine Tree Quilters 16 - Palm Sunday 9:30 Sunday School & Confirmation Class 11-Tres Dias 8—CCR 5:30-Al-Anon 8:30-SNS Sat 29 5:00 Community Supper 5:30-Al-Anon 7:00-AA KIDS NITE NOTICE Our 3rd Friday night in March falls on Good Friday. There will be no Kids Nite in March. Please plan to join us on Friday, April 18th— 5:30 to 7:30. CHURCH OFFICE HOURS 8:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m. - Mon/Tues/Wed/Thurs/Fri SONSHINE NURSERY SCHOOL September through May PRINCE OF PEACE CHURCH STAFF Director, Donna Bansmer PASTOR Jonathan Vogel-(O) 207-623-9486 (H) 207-445-2705 / (Cell) 207-557-3637 E-Mail: [email protected] 8:30 a.m.-11:30 a.m. (Monday thru Friday) 2½ to 4 year olds attend Tues. & Thurs. mornings OFFICE MANAGER, Bunnie Picher 207-623-9486 E-Mail: [email protected]/Web Page: www.poplink.org ORGANIST, Alice VanDerwerken - 207-397-4214 MUSIC DIRECTOR, Don Davenport - 207-215-6838 To register, call the Church office - (207) 623-9486 WORSHIP SERVICES Fall Schedule (September-May) - 8:00 a.m. & 10:45 a.m. Communion both Services Sunday School - 9:30 a.m. (Children & Adults) Summer Service Schedule: Memorial Weekend thru Labor Day Weekend ) - 9:00 a.m. Four/Five year olds attend Monday, Wednesday & Friday mornings The Prince of Peace “Peace Chimes” is published once a month to distribute news and keep members & friends informed of our many ministries & activities. DEADLINE for articles is usually the 15th of every month. MAILING DAY is usually the last Tuesday of the month.
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them and their families for the selfless acts they perform for us in our time of need. I ask
this in the name of Jesus, our Lord and Savior. Amen”