Sunday, August 23, 2015
Sunday, August 23, 2015
TODAY 9:15 Small Group Studies 10:30 AM Worship 5 PM Deacons Meeting Church-Wide Breakfast September 6th 9:15 AM Promotion for the 2016 Sunday School Year will be Sept. 13th. We will kick off the year with our church-wide breakfast on Sept. 6th. Information will be available about adult classes for the next year. Volunteers, Workers, & Teachers Reminder: If you are interested in working with our children or youth please contact your department leader or the church office for the required background check form. tomorr ow God will do amazing things 2015 Annual Meeting and Missions Fair Sunday, September 13 Missions Fair 3:00-5:00 PM Annual Meeting 5:00 PM Temple Baptist Church 845 S. Fort Ave. Invitation For Women’s Bible Study Leaders Breakfast at LifeWay Bookstore with Jennifer Rothchild August 27 8:30 a.m. (Limited reservations— Call 886-0911) Choir Fellowship Dinner Sunday, August 30th Have you been thinking about joining our worship choir? Now is a great time to join. . Dinner at 5 –7 PM Meat will be provided. Everyone should bring a side dish or dessert. Pray for our adopted unreached people group, the Basotho people of Lesotho, Africa who have no access to the gospel. Contact Debbie Trammell via [email protected] to receive prayer updates. among y ou.” J os hua Pray & Serve Next Sunday: Pray for our church, our interim Pastor, our staff, and members as we seek to follow God’s plan for our future. 9:15 Breakfast 3:5 10:30AM Worship September 23rd 6-8 pm One Sole Purpose We have collected $3,071 toward shoes for Bowerman students. Our goal is $3,120. Make checks to Hamlin or SolesforChrist and designate “Shoes for Bowerman” on your envelope. Contact T.K. (860-7982) to help with sizing students on Aug. 24th at 7:45 a.m. at Bowerman. More details will be available about delivery of shoes on Sept. 14th. Last Sunday’s Record Sunday School. …………………..132 Worship……………...……….........218 Undesignated Giving….......$5,975.97 Budget Requirement……....$7,855.12 Year to Date Budget ……………….….….$258,801 Offerings…………………….$242,425 Expenditures…… ………….$234,172 Building Fund…………...….. $13,530 THIS WEEK’S VOLUNTEERS Note: If you are unable to work in the Nursery on the week you are scheduled, please contact a replacement or let a Nursery committee member know so they can make necessary changes. Attn: Youth ..”c onsec rate y ours elves for Today’s Nursery Assistants: 10:30 (AM) Ralene & Stephanie Graves, Karen Williams, Brandon Hoover, Taylor Hampton 52 Weeks of Encouragement Parking/Security Volunteers: Next Week’s Nursery Assistants: (AM) Janilyn Erwin, Patsy Simpson, Belinda Wingo, Sharron Coffman, Myra Kleier Please continue to pray. Kelsey Kleier c/o Jim & Teresa Flora P O Box 151 Fouriesburg 9725 Republic of South Africa Ministry Needs?? Please call the church (869-4694) Mon—Thurs to let us know of ministry need or e-mail at: [email protected]. You may call Bill Hudgens (Deacon Family Ministry) on Fridays or if you cannot reach someone at the office. His number is 771-8532. Keith Putman Freeman Kleier Rusty Puckett Rick Simpson Prayer Requests Pat Adams, Lorean Brobisky, Don Burchell, our homebound people, our neighbors, our President, nation and leaders, and our military. WELCOME CARD THIS WEEK’S GUEST/ INFORMATION VOLUNTEERS 8/23/2015 Note: If you are unable to work in the Nursery the week you are __Mr. __Mrs.on __Ms. __Miss scheduled, please contact a reName______________________________ placement or let a Nursery committee member know so they can Address____________________________ make necessary changes. City/Zip____________________________ Today’s Nursery Assistants: Phone 10:30_____________________________ a.m. Ralene Graves, Karen Williams, Brandon Hoover, Email Nathan Coons, Rachel Stephanie Graves Children Kleier, ___________________________ 6:00 Kaleigh Trammel, Jenni I am ap.m. guest of:______________________ Wessley Age Group (circle one): Next Week’s 1-10 Assistants: 11-18 19-25(AM)26-35 Nursery Janilyn36-45 Erwin, Sheryl Counts, 46-55 56-65 65+ Delinda Marling, Sharron Coffman, Are you a church member? Yes No Myra Kleier, Nadine Hudgens If yes, where? Sunday, August 23rd 7:30 a.m. Worship Team Band Practice (7:30-9:00 a.m.) 9:15 a.m. Small Group Bible Studies 10:30 a.m. Worship 5:00 p.m. Deacons Meeting Wednesday, August 26th 6:00 p.m. Middle and High School Youth Connect (all Youth 6:00-7:15) 6:00 p.m. Adult Prayer Meeting and Bible study 6:00 p.m. Sermon-based Small Group Discussion TBA Worship Team Practice (Vocals Only) Welcome Keith Coons August 23rd, 2015 The Saving One Offering Near the Cross Hymn 385 The Old Rugged Cross Hymn 186 Revelation Song Choir Special “All to Us” Children’s Church Dismissal Pre-K through Kindergarten Parking/Security Volunteers: I am interested in: Keith Putman, — Knowing more about what it means to Freeman Kleier, Rusty Puckett, have a relationship with Jesus Christ Rick Simpson — Receiving information about what it Grant Oak Golden Jubilee 50th Anniversary means to be a member of Hamlin — A visit from a minister or representaPrayer Requests tive of Hamlin. Saturday, October 10 1:00 PM HAMLIN BAPTIST CHURCH WORSHIP—10:30 A.M. Hear our Praises (PM) Becca Findley, Susie __________________________________ Compton Leonard Robertson, Bonnie Fuzzell, Mark Oehring, Loraine Prayer Request______________________ Brobisky, all of our homebound __________________________________ people, our President, nation and leaders, and our military. __________________________________ Dr. Richard Baker - Interim Pastor Keith Coons -Associate Pastor Nicholaus Goodin - Student Minister Bekah Dale - Worship Coordinator Debbie Futrell-Choir Director Featuring Hosea Bilyeu Family Concert Bring lawn chairs for concert on the grounds and enjoy refreshments and tours. 2854 W. Grand Street Sermon Keith Coons “Saving the Best ‘Til Last” John 2:5 Prayer & Response Time Healing is in Your Hands Announcements Closing Prayer Freeman Kleier Projected lyrics used by permission—CCLI License #24425 829 West Atlantic Springfield, MO 65803 (417) 869-4694 fax (417) 869-5854
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__Mrs.on __Ms.
scheduled, please contact a reName______________________________
or let a Nursery committee member know so they can