The Elim Light - Elim Baptist Church
The Elim Light - Elim Baptist Church
The Elim Light Elim Baptist Church Volume 38, Issue 4 April 2014 Inside this issue: Foot-washing is a special, optional feature of the Maundy Thursday service. It exists in many churches, though many people aren’t aware of that. It is practiced, though infrequently, in eastern Orthodox churches, Anglican churches, Roman Catholic churches, and Protestant denominations. In John’s gospel, Jesus washed His disciples’ feet during the Last Supper, but before the part that has become our Communion service. So foot-washing is appropriate for the Maundy Thursday Service and will be a part of the service at Elim this year. We will also observe the Lord’s Supper and remember what Jesus really did for us. Then be ready for the Resurrection Sunday worship as we celebrate the risen Savior and His victory over death. Praise be to God!!! 11 a.m.— Palm Sunday, Apr. 13th [dramatic presentation] 7 a.m.—- Maundy Thursday, Apr. 17th 8 a.m. — Early Easter Service, Apr. 20th 9 a.m. — Easter Breakfast [please sign up] 10 a.m. — Sunday School 11 a.m. — Easter Worship [no evening services] Senior Adults 2 This & That 2 Youth & Kid News 2 Calendar 2 Birthdays & Anniversaries 4 --Our Church Staff--Reverend Kenneth W. Moore Pastor Mr. Buck Ham Music Director Mrs. Sally Ham Children/Youth Minister Mrs. Ann Floyd Ministry Assistant Mrs. Joanne Long, Organist Mrs. Suzette Reynolds, Pianist Mr. Alan Lawhon, Sexton Email: [email protected] Website: The Elim Light Page 2 Youth & Children’s News 1) Summer camp info has been mailed. Sign up by Sally’s office or contact the church office by April 13th to reserve your child’s spot. Deposits will be needed. Plans are being made to have some Wednesday night suppers to help offset the cost of multiple camps. Parents will need to help with the suppers for your child to receive financial offsets . Vacation Bible School June 8-12 Arrow Island: Choosing God’s Way shows students the importance of choosing obedience, Godly friends, kindness, courage, and active faith. The VBS sign-up board in Hunter Hall still has several areas needing teachers and workers. Please go by and choose the spot you want to help with. Beth will host a meeting at her house on Tuesday, April 22nd, at 6:30 p.m. for all VBS teachers. Prayer Walk—April 27th Elim will honor the request for a Prayer Walk at South Florence High School on Sunday, April 27th. We will meet at the church and depart at 4:45 p.m. or you can meet at the high school at 5 p.m. Awesome opportunity to cover this school in prayer as they go into the end of year testing and school activities. May marks the anniversary month for our organist, Joanne Long. Thanks Jo for the beautiful music you share with us! 2) Coming March 19th… Eggs Hunts! Sally needs you to volunteer your home to host an egg hunt. One for preschool (ages 2-5K) from 12 noon til 2 p.m., or one for children (gr. 1-6) from 6:30 p.m. til 8:30 p.m. Give her a call. 3) The Youth will go kayaking on Saturday, April 26th. Be at the church at 11 a.m. and sign up so we can have enough kayaks. 4) The Friends of Jesus Choir will practice immediately after morning worship on Sunday, April 27th. Lunch will be provided. This & That... The Joy Club will head over to Webster’s on Thursday, April 17th to enjoy lunch. You will depart at 10:30 a.m. Please let Lana know if you are going by April 13th so reservation can be made. Thanks! Camp McCall work days will be April 24-26. Ebenezer men will depart at @ 2:30 p.m. on Thursday and return around 5:30 p.m. on Saturday. Contact Irving McLeod at 662-1296 if you want to go. The Lalla Carter Group will have their monthly bake sale on Easter Sunday, so you don’t have to do any baking!!! Help 4 Kids: A food drive will be held during April to collect enough food for the month of May. Currently Help 4 Kids is providing a bag of food each Friday for 530 children in Florence District 1 in all the elementary schools. The community has been a huge help in making this happen. Bring your items by April 27th. These SPECIFIC self-serve, individual items are what they need: Ramen noodles (3 oz.); applesauce cups (4 oz.); pudding cups (3.1oz.); Pop tarts (any kind); mac & cheese cups (2 oz.); Pop top cans of Vienna sausages (4.75 oz.) April 2014 Sun 6 9:55 am Sunday School 11 am Worship/Children 4:15 pm Friends of Jesus 5 pm Worship 5:35 pm Discipleship Training 13-Palm Sunday 9:55 am Sunday School 11 am Worship 4 pm Pastor App. Committee Mtg. 4:15 pm Friends of Jesus 5 pm Worship 5:35 pm Discipleship Training 20-Easter Mon 7 7 pm Lalla Carter Grp. w/ Carolyn Carmon 14 7 pm Janie Chapman Grp. w/ Dianne Pigate Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 2 pm Frances Johnson Grp. in MFLC 7 pm Basketball Women in Action w/ Gloria McKay 7 pm Business Mtg. 7:45 pm Adult Choir 10 11 12 8 7 pm Basketball 15 7 pm Basketball 9 7 pm Prayer Mtg., Mission Orgs. for kids 7:45 pm Adult Choir 16 7 pm Missions Night 7:45 pm Adult Choir 7 pm Church Council 17 18 10:30 am Joy Club to Webster’s Office closed 19 12 noon– 2pm Preschool Egg Hunt 6:30-8:30 pm Gr. 1-6 Egg Hunt Service 7 p.m. 21 8 am Early Service 9 am Breakfast 10 am Sunday School 11 am Worship/ Children 22 23 6:30 pm VBS Teachers Mtg. @ Beth’s 7 pm Basketball 7 pm Prayer Mtg., Mission Orgs. for kids 7:45 pm Adult Choir 24 25 26 11 am Youth Kayaking LCG Bake Sale No PM Services 27 9:55 am Sunday School 11 am Lord’s Supper/Worship 12 noon FoJ practice & lunch 4:45 pm Depart for Prayer Walk @ SFHS —Camp McCall Work Day— 28 7 pm Deacons Mtg. 29 7 pm Basketball 30 7 pm Prayer Mtg., Mission Orgs. for kids 7:45 pm Adult Choir We’ll be heading to Aurora, Ohio this summer! Light construction and nightly VBS. The week is June 14-21. Sign up by Sally’s office. 01– Deloris Thompson, Dalton Price, Edward Crosby 02– Gail Hill 03– Spencer Singletary 04– M/M Tony Turner, M/M Kelly Hardee 05– Betty Butler 06– M/M Chris Carmon; M/M Kevin Barfield; & Anniversary! Hillary Kirby 07– James McGee 08– Wallace Hayes, Michael Whitehead, Heather Broach 09– Laura Stokes, M/M Pack Packard; M/M Dexter Lee 10– Courtney Morris 11– Adlevia Strawn, Jimmy Hewitt 12– Thomas McKenzie 13– Terry Strawn 14– Jennifer Kight, Jonah & Jonathan Moore 16– Matthew Long 18– M/M Wayne Gerald 19– Angel Heike 20– Kenzie Whitehead 21– Geraldine Frazier, Tonya Bayliff, Susan Kirby 220 M/M Johnny Barr 23– Gene Lawhon, M/M Brett Price 24– M/M Terry King, M/M Wendell Dennis 26– Keith Pierce 27– Amanda turner 28– Joan Matthews, Suzette Reynolds, Linda Gibson 29– Casey A. Taylor My Place of Service—– Apr. 6 Apr. 13 Apr. 20 Apr. 27 Ushers B. Price Stokes T. Bacot Turner Floyd McMillan Whitehead Pigate Reynolds Kirven Cox Anderson B. Price Stokes Anderson McKay Nursery AM Andrew Brandon & Beth Moore Betty Ham Penny Trask Lana Jones Elizabeth Chavis Betty Ham Maggie Kirven Hallie Ham Lauren McClure Lisa Cox Beth & Andrew Moore Linda Gibson Nursery PM Sally Ham Beth Moore Gloria McKay Fredda Irving Brandon & Beth Moore No PM Prayer Walk @ SFHS Children’s Church Ricky Moore Family Ann Floyd Rachel Hale Lauren McClure Barbara Reynolds Carolyn Carmon Hallie Ham Sheryl Evans Date May 01– Judy Vause, Leslie Guzman 02– Ruth Pierce 04– Cam Coker 05– Michael Anderson, M/M Charles Crosby Elim Baptist Church 1303 Olanta Highway Effingham, SC 29541 Phone: 843-662-5860 Address Services Requested ...And they came to Elim. Exodus 15:27 Nonprofit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Lake City, SC No. 20