August 6-7 - St. Frances Cabrini Parish
ST. FRANCES CABRINI PARISH 9000 Laurence Avenue Allen Park, Michigan 48101 Phone: (313) 381-5601 Fax: (313) 381-7837 Website: OUR CREDO No matter what your present status in the Catholic Church; No matter what your current family or marital situation; No matter what your past or present religious affiliation; No matter what your personal history, age, background, race or color; No matter what your self-image or esteem; You are invited, welcomed, accepted, loved and respected at St. Frances Cabrini Catholic Church. Vision Statement Building upon our Catholic tradition and diversity, we are committed to the spiritual and physical well-being of all. Our sacramental life challenges us to life-long Catholic formation and Christian service. Mission Statement As a Faith Community, we are called to serve through worship, service, and education. PARISH LITURGY SCHEDULE Weekend Masses Saturday Evening 5:00pm Sunday 8:00am & 10:00am 12:00 noon & 7:00pm Daily Mass Monday - Saturday at 8:30am Confession Saturday 4:00pm Holy Day Masses As scheduled in Bulletin Rectory Office Hours Monday thru Thursday 8:00am to 7:00pm Friday 8:00am to 5:00pm (Closed for lunch 12 - 1pm) Saturday 9:00am - 2:00pm Sunday CLOSED Weekend at Birney’s This past week, I had the honor of baptizing my niece's daughter--Nora Grace. Our newest member to the family is named after my mother, whose name is Grace. What made this particular celebration unique for me, is with this baptism I am the proud Uncle to twenty nieces & nephews and now one grand-niece! This leads me to a few different reactions. First, I'm not sure I like the idea of having 'grand' in front of my name. Some have told me the proper title is great-uncle, but I'm going to stick with grand. Second, with all these nieces and nephews, you'd think one of my siblings would have included good old 'Uncle Tim' in the naming of their child....not even a middle name, as of today! So, I guess my best hope is now with all the 'grands' who will making their way into the world in the years ahead. Welcome Home WYD Youth Day Pilgrims Our pilgrims who made their way to Poland for the World Youth Day celebrations have returned to the USA. I looked for them intently on TV, but was not able to pick them out from the one million+ crowd. Many people will tell us that the Church is not reaching the youth, that we are in decline or perhaps even dying. If anyone took the time to see how many young people from all over the world gathered together to celebrate their faith with the Vicar of Christ, you'd see the answer to that misconceived observation. The Church is, and has always been, in need of constant renewal and inspiration from the Holy Spirit, but I believe we are very much alive and doing much good throughout the world. I look forward to hearing the many stories from our WYD pilgrims, and ask a few of them to share their reflections in an upcoming bulletin. The next WYD will be in 2019 and take place at Panama...sign me up! Fr Tim Page 2 Greetings from World Youth Day!!!!! Cabrini CSA Goal 2016: Pledged to date: $150,000.00 $114,927.00 Remaining to meet target: $ 35,073.00 Could you help us meet our goal? We are close and could use your donation. If you haven’t donated yet, please fill out the yellow pledge sheet, place it along with your donation in an envelope, and drop your envelope out off at Rectory or in the Sunday collection. Thank you! Please note: Starting Monday, August 8, 2016, we have resumed our “School” hours at the Rectory. Rectory Office Hours Monday-Thursday 8:00am to 7:00pm Friday 8:00am to 5:00pm (Closed for Lunch 12:00pm to 1:00pm) Monday-Friday 8:00am to 5:00pm Saturday 9:00am to 2:00pm Sunday Closed DEADLINE FOR ARTICLES IN THE CONTACT IS FRIDAY MORNING BY 10:00 AM. Advertiser of the Week FARON ROOFING CO., INC. Page 3 Athletic, Parish & School News CABRINI ATHLETICS ~ Dean Allen, Athletic Director Please see (listed under Cabrini High School) for up-to-date game times for both CYO & High School student-athletes. You can also contact the Athletic Department at (313) 388-0576. The new High School athletic website is at Bus drivers for afternoon athletic routes are still needed. Contact Debbie Norman at (313) 388-0576. CABRINI HIGH SCHOOL FACEBOOK PAGES: See what’s happening at our school! COACHING VACANCIES Cabrini is seeking a Head Varsity Boys Soccer Coach for the 2016 fall season and a Head Varsity Girls Soccer Coach for the spring of 2017. We are also seeking a Freshman Boys Basketball Coach. Interested candidates should email their resume and a cover letter to Athletic Director Dean Allen at [email protected]. Please call (313) 3880576 with any questions about the position. Upcoming Events Booster Club Meeting ~ Wednesday, September 7th Dueling Pianos ~ Saturday, September 10th Homecoming, Tuition Raffle & After Party ~ TBD Trivia Night (Audible Edition) ~ Saturday, October 15th The Cabrini Booster Club meets on the 1st Wednesday of the month at Holy Family Hall at 7:30 pm. All men and women are invited to join, as our goal is to help serve the sports programs at Cabrini Schools, as well as the Parish. Come on down and check us out. Our next meeting is September 7. To become a member, register online for $25. Any questions or if you need more information, please email us at: [email protected] Our website: Facebook: Athletic Boosters Fall Soccer registraon is now open! $45 for the fall season includes a team shirt, a minimum of 3 pracces before the first game, 2 games a week, and 1 pracce per week. We do take coach and friend requests in the order in which they are received via online registraon, so register now before me runs out! For quesons please email [email protected] From the Basket Booth Thank you to anyone who donated a basket(s) or gave their time to help work our booth. It was a great success this year. We could not have done it without all of the beautiful unique baskets or the wonderful volunteers who kept our booth running seamlessly. Thank you again, and remember, it’s never to early to start thinking of basket ideas for next year’s festival. Brittany Kmita, Darlene Kmita & Therese Tardiff Page 4 Christian Service and More ST. LEO’S SOUP KITCHEN Saturday, August 13 8:30 am – 1:30 pm We will be preparing and serving a delicious lunch at St. Leo’s on August 13, if you would like to join on this day call Barb at (313)388-7827 to reserve your spot. We will meet in the Holy Family Hall to car pool to St. Leo’s. If you would be willing to be an “At Home” volunteer by cooking some hamburger with Manwich (recipe: one pound of hamburger per one can of Manwich, put in a zip lock bag) or by donating baked goods please call the Rectory office at (313)381-5601 and leave a message with the staff. All donations need to be dropped off to the Rectory office by Friday, August 12 before 5:00 pm. Thank you in advance for your time in preparing food at home. Franciscan Facts God Is Making Me New Words of St. Francis of Assisi I have been all things unholy. If God can work through me, He can work through anyone. Scripture Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, there is a new creation; the old is gone, the new has come. 2 Corinthians 5:17 Prayer Creator God, before meeting Christ on His way to Damascus, the Apostle Paul persecuted Christians with passion and hatred. He even held the robes of those who stoned St. Stephen. Yet in the aftermath of his conversion and baptism, he spent his life serving Christ, carrying his message to the world, and building up your church. Father, I want to be transformed too. Please help me to always have hope that, despite the failures of my past, you are making me new. Amen. Practice Today, as I follow Christ, I will offer myself to God with hope and expectation that he will accomplish His purposes through me. (from Thirty Days with St. Francis of Assisi) For Info on Secular Franciscan Order , call Pat (313)381-1916. For Widowed Men & Women Mass at the beautiful historic St. Anne Catholic Church in Detroit August 21, 2016 12:00 Mass All widowed men and women are invited to join us for Mass at St. Anne in Detroit as we continue to enjoy Mass at historic churches. We will attend the 12:00 Mass on Sunday, August 21st at St. Anne de Detroit, 1000 St. Anne St., followed by lunch at a location to be determined. Check-in by 11:30am for Mass at 12:00. Come worship together and meet new friends in a safe, friendly and supportive setting. RSVP by August 12th to Gerry at (734) 259-5024. Sponsored by Widowed Friends, a “peer” support group in the Archdiocese of Detroit. For further information about Widowed Friends, come visit our website at Tuesday Travelers Inerary for the coming months Organizers have been busy this summer planning day trips through December for the Tuesday Travelers. The group always has a lot of fun together; consider hopping aboard the Bianco bus for one that appeals to you (and feel free to bring a friend or two along!) Aug. 23, 9:15am to 4:15pm: Seats are sll available for our Pilgrimage to the Holy Doors of the Cathedral of the Most Blessed Sacrament, which includes a guided tours of Old St. Mary’s and Sweetest Heart of Mary in Detroit, and a personal journey through eight Holy Door Staons inside and outside the Cathedral. Parishioner Dan McAfee, worship director for the Archdiocese of Detroit, will be our guide. Lunch at Fishbone’s Rhythm Kitchen Café. Cost: $70 (includes lunch). Sept. 27: 7:15am to 9:45pm: ArtPrize in Grand Rapids – you’ve heard about it; now be part of the experience! The art of more than 1,500 global arsts is displayed everywhere within a three-mile radius of city’s center, and we mean everywhere – street corners, restaurants, museums, banks, churches and the bridges over the Grand River. Tour the taproom and unique producon facility of Founders Brewery, whose cra? beers are wildly popular across the United States. Lunch at the historic Women’s City Club. (Founders and the WCC are two unique ArtPrize venues). The a?ernoon to explore more art at some of the larger venues downtown. Cost: $87 (includes coffee and muffins before departure, lunch, Founders tour and souvenir glass). Dinner on own during return home. Registraon deadline for ArtPrize trip is Aug. 25 Harvest Adventure We’re heading out to northern Oakland County for a visit to an Alpaca Farm in Ortonville and Westview Orchards and Winery in Washington Township. Lunch is at the White Horse Inn in Metamora, a local landmark dang back to the 1850s that has served as a stagecoach stop and hotel throughout the years. Cost: $83 (includes coffee and muffins before departure, lunch, tours of farms, wine tasng, bag of seasonal fruit). Oct. 18: 8:45am to 5:00pm: Dec. 13: 9:30am to 6:30pm: Cornwell’s Turkeyville for lunch and theater We’ll celebrate Christmas together a liEle early with a famous tradional turkey lunch and the stage producon of the musical comedy, “Christmas with the In-Laws.” Cost: $73 (includes lunch and the show). Trips leave from the church parking lot. To reserve a spot for either day trip, stop by the Parish Office to register. Page 5 Christian Service / Nurse’s Notes AUGUST FOOD COLLECTION Downriver Food Pantry August 7, 2016 Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Christian Women ~ PBJ Thank you for your consideration and your offer to make sandwiches or send a donation. Please send your donations to the Rectory marked “Nancy Trela/PBJ Sandwiches”. ITEM Bread (white) Bread (wheat) Peanut Butter Jelly Sandwich Bags QUANTITY COST PER 8 loaves (Sam’s) $2.85 / 2pk 8 loaves (Sam’s) $3.48 / 2pm 2 jars (GFS) $9.99 each 2 jars (GFS) $6.49 each 300ct box (GFS) $7.99 EXPENSE $11.40 $13.92 $19.98 $12.98 $ 4.00 Monthly Total In this Gospel, Jesus says “Sell your belongings and give alms. Provide money bags for yourselves that do not wear out, an inexhaustible treasure in heaven that no thief can reach nor moth destroy.” Please help the Society of St. Vincent de Paul bring respite and hope to the elderly who are not able to find relief from the summer heat, and you will indeed find “an inexhaustible treasure in heaven!” Cabrini Card Club We are in need of card players when our games start again in September and play until April. For more information, please call: $62.28 I / We would like to sponsor the following items for the Christian Women’s monthly PBJ program for St. Aloysius church: BRIDGE: Name_______________________________________________ EUCHRE: Joyce Feher PINOCHLE: Tony & Gaye Olah Phone #_____________________________________________ Peggy Lupton Home: (313) 382-5746 Cell: (517) 404-7102 Home: (313) 928-8058 Home: (313)382-0210 Questions? Please call Joyce Feher (313) 928-8058 Item_____________________ Quantity________$___________ Former students of St. Alfred’s Item______________________Quantity________$___________ Item______________________Quantity________$___________ Memorial Garden Plaque We are still taking names for the next memorial plaque. We need approximately 105 names before we can send to the engraver. As of now, we are at 35, so it will take a smidge longer! You do NOT have to be deceased to reserve a place on the plaque. Different fonts = different prices. Please call Janet at the Rectory at (313) 381-5601 if you have any questions. Church Signs No God ~ No Peace? Know God ~ Know Peace Try our Sundays. They are better than BaskinBaskin-Robbins Do not wait for the hearse to take you to church If you’re headed in the wrong direction, God allows UU-turns Running low on faith? Step in for a fillfill-up In the dark? Follow the Son If you attended St. Alfred’s and graduated high school between 1990-1992, you are invited to an informal reunion on September 17. We’d love to catch up with some former classmates from St. Alfred’s Catholic Grade School. We even invited a few of our former teachers and Principal, Mr. Caruso. A pavilion is reserved for us to have a casual picnic/potluck for the afternoon. Please reach out to Jennifer Sutherland at [email protected] or (248) 7977232 to find out more details! Or you can find Jennifer on Facebook to receive a Facebook invite to the event. 10 Ways to be a Great Evangelist Providing an Avenue to Share your Faith Saturday, August 13, 2016 9:00 - 10:30 a.m. The day will begin with 8:00 a.m. Holy Mass. Also, you are invited to evangelize at Bishop Park at10:30 a.m. (immediately following this free workshop). “I sense that the moment has come to commit all of the Church's energies to a new evangelization and to the mission ad gentes. No believer in Christ, no institution of the Church can avoid this supreme duty: to proclaim Christ to all peoples.” St. John Paul II Our Lady of the Scapular 976 Pope John Paul II Ave. Wyandotte, MI 48192 (Parish Library / Brunch included) To reserve a seat contact Debbie Bloomfield by Wednesday, August 10th at 734-934-2599 or [email protected] Our presenter, Anne Harman, is a Regional Missionary with Saint Paul Street Evangelization (SPSE). See SPSE website: for more information. Page 6 Religious Education / Parish News Registration for the Religious Education Program for the 2016-2017 school year for grades 1 - 8 began on May 2, 2016. Forms are available in the Rectory Office. The tuition is $150 per FAMILY and due in full at registration. If this is your child's first year, please bring a copy of their baptismal certificate. Please register early to ensure we order enough materials and have the catechists we need for each grade level. We also have Sunday Pre-School for ages 3-4 through kindergarten on Sunday morning during the 10:00am Mass. Tuition is $40.00 per child. During the Sunday Pre-School, nursery is available for younger toddlers at no charge. For Widowed Men & Women Buffet Dinner & Games August 31, 2016 Red Olive Banquet Center, Plymouth, MI All widowed men and women are invited to join us for a Buffet Dinner and Games at the Red Olive Banquet Center, 1059 W. Ann Arbor Road (East of Sheldon), in Plymouth. Doors open at 5:30 pm., Dinner at 6:00 pm. Cost of $20 includes a variety of Pita sandwiches, soups, Michigan Salad, coffee, tea, dessert, tax, tip and prizes. (Cash bar is available). Pay at the door, cash only, no walk-ins please. After dinner, test your skills at some of TV’s best game shows. RSVP by August 25th to Gerry L. at 734-259-5024. Come meet new friends and have lots of fun in a safe, friendly and supportive atmosphere! Sponsored by Widowed Friends, a “peer” support group in the Archdiocese of Detroit. For further information about Widowed Friends, come visit our website at It’s that time of year again! SOCCER TIME! Attention all children, ages 9-14 years old Join us for the Father Saylor K of C Soccer Challenge September 17th, 2016 at 2pm Location: Father Saylor Park 17113 Champaign Allen Park, MI 4810 Don’t play Soccer? No problem ~ Can you kick a ball? All you do is kick a soccer ball from the 12 yard penalty line into the net. Questions or to register call Don Siegel @ (313)408-7490 after 3pm COACHES: Do you want your whole team to practice penalty kicks? Call me ~ will schedule time at your field that works for your team. Living Every Day With Passion & Purpose With Matthew Kelly Special Musical Guest Eliot Morris Friday, October 7, 2016 7:00 pm – 10:45 pm St. Frances Cabrini Catholic Church Are you thriving or just surviving? Are you ready for more energy? A deeper sense of purpose? More joy? A clearer understanding of God’s plan for your life? Join us for one of our Passion & Purpose events. It has been a life-changing event for tens of thousands of people. Living Every Day with Passion & Purpose is presented by internationally acclaimed speaker and author Matthew Kelly and the incredibly talented Eliot Morris. Doors will open an hour before the event. We recommend you arrive an hour to half hour prior to the event starting, to collect your event materials and find a seat. Every event attendee will receive an event bag, which contains a book, CD, journal, pen, and several other great resources. Please note, meals are not served during the breaks, feel free to pack a snack to enjoy during the breaks in public areas. Tickets are $39.00 and can be purchased at St. Frances Cabrini and at AllenPark or call (859)980.7900. Page 7 Youth Ministry / Christian Service / Misc YOUTH MINISTRY CONTACT INFORMATION Therese Tardiff: Coordinator of Youth Ministry (313)381-5601 or [email protected] Maria Wyatt: Middle School Youth Leader (734) 283-1929 or [email protected] Service Day Sani-Pad Workshop Saturday, August 20, 2016 8:30am - 12:00pm There will be a workshop/service day on Saturday, August 20 from 8:30 – Noon in Holy Family Hall. Many hands will lighten the load and enable us to restock our supply of completed Sani-Pad kits ready for fall shipment. We have 600 kits in varying stages of completion so any and all will be able to help! You can stop in for part of the day or stay for the whole morning, all help will be greatly appreciated. Cabrini has donated 1410 completed sani-pad kits through this project since we began in the spring of 2015 and fall trips to Kenya and Peru will soon be here. Lend a hand and support the young women benefiting from our generosity. Tracers: mark towels for cutting, simple squares & rectangles. Cutters: cut towels, flannel fabric, PUL fabric, elastic, velcro. Pinners: pin pieces together for sewers. Sewers: stitch outside edge of towels, stitch base units, top stitch base units. Packers: count and bundle completed sani-pad kits for shipping. All supplies needed will be there! I have pins, scissors, markers, patterns etc. If you are a sewer PLEASE bring your machine, we do have a couple available for use that day. If you have any questions, please call Nancy Trela at (313)575-2971. Students needing service hours? This will qualify. Bring your forms and I will sign them. Join Our Family of Volunteers Now! Help Us Help Others There are so many opportunities for us to be the hands and feet of Christ right here in our own neighborhoods and cities! We need “you” to help us help others. If you’ve been looking for an outreach where even a few hours of your time will matter…this is it. The Society of St. Vincent de Paul is a volunteer lay organization comprised of men and women of all ages who provide comfort and assistance to those in need. Volunteers sharing their time and talents are the core of St. Vincent de Paul store operations. Help us sort and display a variety of donated clothing and household goods. Sign up now to work at our Lincoln Park Thrift Store on Fort Street and join our family of volunteers. Families are welcome, groups are welcome, and individuals are guaranteed to meet new friends. Consider a morning, an afternoon or early evening. Our conference gets $10.00 in debit cards for every volunteer hour worked! Please contact the store at 313-382-3100 for more information regarding volunteer opportunities. Thank you and God bless you. Blessings to YOU for your continued support of Youth Ministry It has been a busy summer of spiritual travel for the youth of our parish, and there are so many adults who help make possible our annual Young Neighbors in Action and Just5Days community service trips. A big shout out to you, our fellow Cabrini parishioners, who support Youth Ministry events throughout the year to help participants raise the money to attend YNIA and J5D. Most importantly, thank you for your prayers during our preparation and our time away. This year, groups traveled to Kentucky and Chicago (YNIA) and St. Joseph, MI (J5D), serving the poor and marginalized according to Catholic social teachings. All of the weeklong community service programs were AWESOME, according to our young parishioners. Thank you to the parents for entrusting us with your children (they are great!); to the adult leaders (who took vacation time to share their faith in action); to the families who let us use their cars (so we didn’t have to rent vehicles); and for the parents who shared our journey by transporting luggage to and from the sites (they didn’t stay the week, they just drove there and back with a car full of luggage!) As we look ahead to a new year for Youth Ministry, continue to pray for our young parishioners, that they continue to be Christ to others while strengthening their personal relationships with God. Therese Tardiff Coordinator of Youth Ministry Page 8 Week of August 8, 2016 Monday, August 8, 2016 8:30am Mass 1:00pm CW Sewing Guild Church WWW Tuesday, August 9, 2016 8:00am AOD In-Service 8:30am Mass 10:00am Al-Anon 8:00pm AA Schools Church HFH Mtg#2 HFHBsmnt Wednesday, August 10, 2016 8:30am Mass 8:30am Freshmen Seminar 12:00pm Cabrini Seniors 7:00pm N.A. Church HFH MCR HFH Bsmnt Thursday, August 11, 2016 8:30am Mass 8:30am Freshmen Seminar 9:30pm APPC Basketball Church CHSRooms CC Friday, August 12, 2016 8:30am Mass 8:30am Freshmen Seminar Church CHSRooms Saturday, August 13, 2016 8:30am Mass 1:00pm AA 2:30pm Wedding Chelsea Lieto & Jeremy Bell 4:00pm Confession 5:00pm Mass Church HFH Bsmnt Church Host an Exchange Student with PSE! Are you interested in other cultures and languages? Would you like to share your culture with a young person from another country? Private & Public School F-1 Exchange (PSE) is currently seeking families to open their homes and lives to an international exchange student. PSE strives to bring people together from around the world to share ideas and foster cross-cultural relationships and understanding. Our exchange students are eager to share their culture, customs and values with you, as well as learn about American culture by participating in your daily life and attending high school. It is only through kindness and generosity of families like yours that enables PSE students and families to share in an experience of a lifetime. Help promote international understanding and goodwill by hosting with PSE! Benefits of Hosting: • Expose your family to a new culture and language • Form a lasting international relationship • Enrich your community • Receive a monthly stipend to help assist with the costs of hosting PSE Exchange Students: • Want to learn about American culture and values • Have proficient English language skills • Bring their own spending money & insurance For more information, contact Theresa Ledesma at (248) 6704030; [email protected] or Church Church HOST AN INTERNATIONAL STUDENT Sunday, August 14, 2016 8:00am Mass 10:00am Mass 12:00pm Mass 12:00pm Private Party 7:00pm Mass Church Church Church MCR Church St. Frances Cabrini High School is planning to recruit through the council on Standards for International Educational Travel, CSIET, several international students for the next school year. We have been approached by agencies interested in assisting us with the international students studying at Cabrini High School in preparing for a college career at a U.S. university. In order to enroll international students, we need to identify Cabrini Catholic Parish or School families who would be interested in providing home-stay housing. As a host family, you will share your home and family life with an international student as well as expose them to the best of American history and culture. Together, you will celebrate cultural differences and discover similarities with regards to values and beliefs. Most importantly, your family can make a difference in the life of an international student by fulfilling the dream of an American private educational experience and in providing a safe, Christian home away from home. For more information, please contact: FLAG Beyond Program at [email protected] or PSE: [email protected] Page 9 Please Pray For……….. Jeff Adamczyk Ken Adkison Alicia Atkinson Erika Bacha Joseph Bachleda Janina Bak Alan Barnas Family Irene Barnas Michael Bartoluzzi Julie Bauman Nick Beasanski Mary Beaubien Dwight Behm Bill Benson Cindy Berg Robert Billing Ronald Bloom Michael Booth Erica Born Alan Burch Pat Burtka Byrne Family Danny Cain Dean Cap Mae Cap Dorothy Ceccarelli Marie Cunningham Vincent D’Amico Gloria Daniels Marie Dean Rocco DiGiulio Chelsea Dobija Mary Dow Mary Duley Maryanne Fall Ellen Farkas Matylda Fron Norma Fusco Herman Gaines Alanna Gehringer Leslie George Ronald Gering II Ronald Gering III Denise Gregoire Drew Gregoire Katherine TallonGrundman Cecilia Haig Frank Hansinger Martha Ann Harris Steve Hecmanczuk Rinetta Herman Tom Higgision Tim Hollman Anita Howard Virginia Holowecky Dan Howe Mary Howe Catherine Humbles Catherine Husky Patricia Irwin Betty Joyce Quentin Kastlan Eddie Kastl Bonnie Kawalec Steve Kawalec Tom Kearn Janet Keeth GOOD NEWS! Summer help with your heating fuel costs is available through the Michigan Home Heating Credit. Heating bill assistance may be as close as the pen you hold in your hand. If you are a qualified Michigan homeowner or renter, you may be eligible for a Home Heating Credit. To apply, you must meet the income guidelines below, own or rent the home where you live (including rented apartments and mobile homes) and have your heat bill (gas, electric or heating fuel) in your name. To claim the credit, complete the Michigan Home Heating Credit Form (MI-1040CR-7). Don’t wait. The deadline for submitting this form is Sept. 30, 2016. For 2015 (November 2015 – September 2016), the Home Heating Maximum Income Guidelines are: John Kepes & Family Gayle King Frank King Alice Klenczar Brittany Kmita Christopher Krupinski Karin Kozlo Paul Kwasniewski Monica “Gerri” Lambert Candice Lamborghini Harry Letinski Josephine Letinski John Liburdi Dee Lipchik Shirley & Alfred Locker Lucas MacLeod Tammy Maguire Mike Manor Elizabeth Marra Julie Mastin Rose McGovern Dolores McKernan Rita Megge Carl Mollett Wendy Mollett James Moore Tony Muklewicz Jennifer Mussio Maureen Mussio Joseph Neal Rosemarie Nowacki Randy Pearson Bruce Perry Charles Reseter Jackie Riopelle Jack Rochon Bill Sabo Emery Salamon,Jr Renee Salamon John Sanchez Ann Sarich Claire Scalici Walt Shogren Jacqueline Smith Helen Soter Kathleen Stauder Kevin Stauder Gloria Staley Carol Stromberg Sam Sturgill Robert Sucheck Joan Sullivan Cody Terteling Judith Tink Mary Tirpak Bradley Trombley Rhonda Turner Ed Vespa Nancy Volk Al Williams Carie Woodall Joseph Scott Zyskowski Donating Your Car Is Easy! National Vehicle Donation Program coordinated by the national council Society of St. Vincent de Paul is a 501(c)3 tax exempt organization. Proceeds from the auto donation program directly benefit St. Vincent de Paul programs in local communities throughout the country, offering a lifeline to those in want of food, clothing, rental assistance, medical aid, and help with addiction, abuse, incarceration, employment, or shelter. Our St. Frances Cabrini Conference has benefited $1830 from the donation and sale of three vehicles within our parish community during the past year. We get ½ of the proceeds from each sale. Call 800-322-8284 Available 7 days a week We accept all types of vehicles. Your generosity is greatly appreciated! Thank you. Holy Land Pilgrimages If you are unsure of whether or not you qualify for the Home Heating Credit, visit . The Montessori Giving Tree Academic Preschool still has some openings for the fall. Please call (313) 386-5573 or visit for more information. We would love to be a part of your little ones’ education experience! Children must be 3 years of age and toilet trained to attend. Fr. Dariusz, pastor of Our Lady of the Angels Parish in Taylor, would like to invite you to join them on their pilgrimage to the Holy Land from April 26, 2017 to May 4, 2017, with an optional 4Night Jordan Post Tour Extension. The highlights of this pilgrimage are: Jaffa, Caesarea, Nazareth, Cana, Tiberius, Sea of Galilee, Mount of Beatitudes, Capernaum, Transfiguration Church, Bethlehem, Church of the Nativity, Jerusalem, Mount of Olives, Church of the Holy Sepulchre, Western Wall, Via Dolorosa, and celebrate Mass daily. Just think how you will be spiritually enriched by going to places where Our Lord used to walk, preach, perform miracles, died and was risen. What a great Spiritual experience! Once in a lifetime! A special travel presentation will take place on Monday, October 17, 2016 at 6:00pm at Our Lady of the Angels, 6442 Pelham Rd., Taylor. For more information, or for an electronic brochure of this pilgrimage, please contact our parish office at (313) 381-3000 or email us at [email protected]. Page 10 MASS INTENTIONS / READINGS Monday, August 8, 2016 8:30am Mass Saint Dominic, Priest Ezekiel 1:2-5, 24-28c; Psalm 148:1-2, 11-12, 13, 14; MaEhew 17:22-27 John and Norma (deceased) Scannell by Daughter Sue Tuesday, August 9, 2016 8:30am Mass Saint Teresa Benedicta of the Cross, Virgin and Martyr Ezekiel 2:8—3:4; Psalm 119:14, 24, 72, 103, 111, 131; MaEhew 18:1-5, 10, 12-14 Betty Wierzba (13th Anniversary) by Husband Bill Liphardt by C. Caulfield 7:00pm Mass - Discontinued for the summer 8:00 am Mass Lector - Jeannine Little Commentator - Pat Csatari Sacristan - Robert Powell Altar Servers - Lily & Donnie Andrysiak and David Henson Anthony & Grace Vassallo by Daughter Chris Previch James & Emma Previch by Son Marty Previch Frances & Roy Zimmer (Anniversary Remembrance) by Family Mary Ann Moses by John Moses Josephine & Michael Aniol by Son, Gary David & Greg Boik by Family Support & Healing of all law enforcement by Frank & Gayle King 10:00 am Mass Lector - Fred Guardiola Commentator – Jeanne Salerno Sacristan – Marge Wolber Altar Servers - Taylor Padget, Ben Maffesoli & Grace DeBerardino Alex Sobocinski by Filarski Family Del Pallotta by Dad Fr. John Canavan by Fr. Joe Mallia Thursday, August 11, 2016 8:30am Mass Noah A. Barnas by Tony & Gaye Olah Saint Clare, Virgin Ezekiel 12:1-12; Psalm 78:56-57, 58-59, 61-62; MaEhew 18:21—19:1 Thomas Raiche (Anniversary Remembrance) by Wife Ann Michael Galvan by Mr. & Mrs. Roy Pompa Jerry Drumheller by Pat Tripp Therese Page by Kathleen Page Kenneth Cuthbert (Birthday Remembrance) by Trionfi Family Friday, August 12, 2016 8:30am Mass Saint Jane Frances de Chantal, Religious 12:00 pm Mass Ezekiel 16:1-15, 60, 63 or 16:59-63; Isaiah 12:2-3, 4bcd, 5-6; Lector - Mary Brua MaEhew 19:3-12 Commentator - Shirley Bardallis Special Intentions for Walt & Rozanne Shogren on their Sacristan - Kim & Bruce 50th Wedding Anniversary Altar Servers - Jessica Carnarvon, Alex Fabbri & Samantha Graf Wednesday, August 10, 2016 8:30am Mass Saint Lawrence, Deacon and Martyr 2 Corinthians 9:6-10; Psalm 112:1-2, 5-6, 7-8, 9; John 12:24-26 Adam Dusik by Geraldine Grieves Joseph Vaneecke by Godelieve Rummel Saturday, August 13, 2016 8:30am Mass Saints Ponan, Pope, and Hippolytus, Priest, Martyrs Ezekiel 18:1-10, 13b, 30-32; Psalm 51:12-13, 14-15, 18-19; MaEhew 19:13-15 Audrey Valchine by Candace Faulkner Saturday and Sunday, August 13 and August 14, 2016 Tweneth Sunday in Ordinary Time Jeremiah38:4-6, 8-10; Psalm 40:2, 3, 4, 18; Hebrews 12:1-4; Luke 12:49-53 5:00pm Mass Lector - T.C. Bates Commentator - Ted Hughes Sacristan - T.C. Bates Altar Servers - Erin Druyor, Donovan Colegrove & Ava Maksai Carol Villanueva by Christina Horvath Mary Bolduc by Husband Bill Liphardt by Pat & Maureen McParland Louis Alfred & Mary Jane Zan Dave Boik by Jerry & Carolyn Dusik Martha Schwartz (24th Anniversary) by Granddaughter & Family Colleen Lyons by Ann Lindbergh Gene Stus by Family Helen Szpyrka by Son-in-law Sal & Granddaughter Lisa Mary Ann Grillo by Husband Sal & Daughter Lisa Joseph & Helen Germek by Children Ada Andreassi by Todd & Anita VanAcker Ron & Bernice 65th Anniversary Remembrance by Family Rita Gentner by Irene Nowak 7:00 pm Mass Lector - Kate Zimnicki Commentator - Jim Shannon Sacristan - Amanda Courtright Altar Servers - Andrew & Chris Courtright **Need 1** For our Police Officers Please pray for the family and friends of our dearly departed Frank Polis Candles 2nd Friday Therese Zacny Towels 2nd Sunday Shirley Mckay Page 11 St. Frances Cabrini 9000 Laurence, Allen Park, MI 48101 Rectory Office / Religious Formation (313) 381-5601 Fax (313) 381-7837 Web: Rectory Office Hours Monday-Thursday 8:00am to 7:00pm Friday 8:00am to 5:00pm (Closed for Lunch 12:00pm to 1:00pm) Monday-Friday 8:00am to 5:00pm Saturday 9:00am to 2:00pm Sunday CLOSED Pastor Reverend Timothy Birney Associate Pastor Reverend Dominic Macioce Permanent Deacon Reverend Mr. Luis Flores Budget Director Jill Ferraiuolo Director of Music Ministry/Liturgy Coordinator Nick Beasanski Dir. Religious Education Catherine Borsh Coordinator of Christian Service & Youth Ministry Therese Tardiff Summer Camp Job Opportunities Now Available Are you or someone you know looking for a summer job? We are accepting applications for 2016 summer camp! We have openings for camp counselors, camp activity specialists, team leaders, health officers, and food service staff at SVdP Camp Ozanam and CYO Camps, both located near Lexington, Michigan on the beautiful shores of Lake Huron. Working at a summer camp is the most meaningful job you’ll ever have! Share your faith, develop your leadership skills, and make a huge difference in the lives of children that need the Gospel message. Put your faith into action this summer at Camps Connect. More information about our camps and an application are available at: For questions, contact Caroline Krucker at [email protected] or call (810) 622-8744. PRAYERS FOR THOSE IN MILITARY SERVICE Lord, hold our troops in your loving hands. Protect them as they protect us. Bless them and their families for the selfless acts they perform for us in our time of need. In Jesus’ name, Amen. Please God, grant them courage when times are bleak. Grant them strength when they feel weak. Grant them comfort, when they feel all alone. And most of all, God, please…..BRING THEM ALL HOME!!! ST. FRANCES CABRINI COMMISSIONS Pastoral Commission Carolyn Sohoza Education Commission Catherine Borsh Christian Service Commission Therese Tardiff Worship, Finance & Vicariate Rep TBA Vicariate Website: Detroit Retrouvaille Bookkeeper/Tuition Joy Mousseau Facilities & Calendar/ Bulletin Editor Janet Shea SACRAMENTS Parish Policy: Before any sacramental preparation can begin, we require that you be a registered member or a baptized Catholic. Baptism: Contact the Rectory Office. Marriage: Arrangements must be made by the engaged couple by contacting the Rectory Office at least six months before date of marriage. Reconciliation (Confession): Saturday at 4:00pm and upon request. PHONE NUMBERS Cabrini Elementary School Cabrini High School High School Attendance High School Athletic Office Extended Day Program Rectory Office Music Director CHS Campus Ministry Holy Family House 928-6610 388-0110 388-2566 388-0576 928-6116 381-5601 381-5601 388-0110 928-4727 We believe that every marriage deserves the opportunity to survive, be healed and thrive as a covenant of life and love. Retrouvaille is the place where we, as hurting couples, found hope. Retrouville is a Christian Peer Ministry focused on reaching out to hurting married couples longing for renewal and hope. Metro Detroit has multiple English and Spanish programs scheduled this year, each beginning with a weekend on the following dates: September 16 October 14 (Spanish) October 28 For more information or to register, please see our website: or call 1-800-470-2230. Holy Land Pilgrimages Terra Sancta Pilgrimages, with Franciscan Friar Fr. Alex Kratz, will be leading a Catholic Pilgrimage to the Holy Land October 3-17, 2016. This life-changing experience walking in Jesus’ footsteps includes daily Mass and Rosary, biblical readings on site, time for prayer and spiritual guidance, and meeting local Christians. Cost is $4,299 (all expenses included, round trip from Detroit, 3 daily meals, all tips & taxes). $500 deposit due at registration. For more information, call (313) 727-0784 or [email protected]. Page 12 Hiring / For Hire / For Sale / For Free / Tutoring / Needed~ Needed~Misc. ATTENTION PLEASE! I am trying to keep the ads in as long as there is room, but some of these ads have been in for a looooong time! Maybe it’s time to lower your price or possibly even donate your item ! Please remember to contact the Rectory at (313) 381381-5601 if your your item has sold, been donated or just would like to make changes. Ads can be dropped off at the Rectory or emailed to [email protected]. [email protected] REMINDER: Home Care/Senior Care ads have been removed and no longer accepted. The ads below are posted as a courtesy to our St. Frances Cabrini parishioners. Cabrini is not affiliated with nor do we have any more information than what is stated in the ads. HIRING: Voran Funeral Home. We are a family owned funeral home looking for two part time associates to join our team. We are seeking Funeral Home Support Associate/Greeter and also a Death Certificate Processor. Standard Greeter shifts are usually 3pm9pm with some 9am-3pm available. Death Certificate Processor are usually 9am-3pm. Must be able to work weekends and holidays.Please call Eleana Voran Keding at (313) 928-2300. HIRING: Allen Park Electrical Contractor - Haddix Electric - is looking for a Licensed Electrical Journeyman. Minimum 3 years experience in commercial & residential. Please send resume to [email protected] HIRING: Are you a certified ultrasound technician? We are a ProLife organization offering free ultrasounds for pregnant moms, especially those who are abortion vulnerable. You can make your own schedule and we can offer $25 p/hr. If you are interested, please call Lennon Pregnancy Center at (313) 277-5637. HIRING: Symon Rental is looking for summer help. The duties would include loading, unloading and set-up and breakdown of tents, tables and chairs. Please call Colleen (734)283-5374. TUTORING: Teacher available for tutoring in Reading & Math. Call Ruth at (734) 934-1405 or email [email protected]. TUTORING: Tutoring in Math, Science & History or SATs for 5th grade and up. Working on teachers certificate. Call 549-6761. TUTORING: Math, Chemistry & Physics for high school & college students. ACT prep in all subjects. I am a Cabrini parishioner with a solid engineering & tutoring background. Reasonable rates and flexible scheduling. Contact Dan at [email protected]. TUTORING: Fluent native Spanish speaker available for tutoring. Wayne State Graduate in Spanish. Parishioner. Laura (313)5858650 or [email protected]. FOR HIRE: Seamstress ~ uniform hems to formal wear - I do it all. Custom sewing/Crocheting/Knitting. Allen Park resident & Parishioner. Call Robbie (734)626-4037. FOR HIRE: A wide variety of pet care in your home or mine. Cabrini Parish family. Call Kathy (313)982-7004. FOR HIRE: Light housecleaning & errands. Minimum 3/4 hours at $10.00 p/hr. Allen Park/Melvindale area. Call Gloria (313)389-5506. FOR HIRE: Rides to the doctor, store, errands & light housekeeping. Call Danielle (734) 497-4696. FOR HIRE: House cleaning, laundry & shopping for you! Cabrini parishioner, references available. Call Shirley (313)434-6027. FOR HIRE: Very generous & compassionate person to lend a helping hand for you or your loved ones ~ all help from A to Z! Very experienced and caring. Minimum 2 hours. Call Mary (734)680-0812. BABYSITTER NEEDED: Full, part-time or on occasional basis. Two children, girls ages 14 & 11. Very active, Special needs. Please call Jen (313)320-2796. Must be honest, caring and patient. Full time benefits available. After school/weekend/evening. FOR SALE: Couch~ripe pear colored. Paid $800, will sell for $300. Call (313)381-3964. FOR SALE: Craftsman 3HP-1400PSI high pressure washer $190. 16” hanging ceiling lamp w/leaded & stained glass panels $30. Rocking horse $75. Call (734)287-6418. FOR SALE: Smoker barbeque w/tank $500. Two bunk bed sets~5 pieces. Portable sewing machine, table sewing machine w/chair and a like new ironing mangle.Make offer.Call Mary (734)680-0812. FOR SALE: Exquisite Lenox fine china featuring a red rose w/24K gold trim. 8 place settings & 9 accessory pieces $1,000. Also Lenox crystal w/24K trim $300. Proud Cabrini parishioner. Call (734)5529597. FOR SALE: Floor tiles. Make offer. Call Mary (734)680-0812. FOR SALE: Traditional 8x11 wool rug w/fringe (red, black & gold) from Ethan Allen. Excellent condition. Professionally cleaned. $800 or best offer. Picture upon request. Call (313)421-1978. FOR SALE: One (1) cemetery plot at Our Lady of Hope. Section E46 #6. $1,100. Call John (734)309-3906. FOR SALE: Three (3) plots at Holy Sepulcher Cemetery. Lot 21 of section 20 in old section. $1,200 each. Electric Toro power snow shovel, like new, $40. Call (734)282-3507. FOR SALE: Vintage late 50’s coffee table & two (2) end tables. Great condition, leather top. $75 for all 3. Call Marylou (734)4868564. FOR SALE: Wet/Dry ShopVac, 8 gallon $60. Big box floor fan $20. Contemporary Blonde sofa table $60. Call Valerie (313)381-0985. FOR SALE: Georgia Boot Co. men’s size 9.5 8”brown insulated waterproof outdoor/hunting boots, like new $75. Call (313)587-1541 after 12pm. FOR SALE: Bread maker $20. Cuisinart blender/food processor $35. Call Dave (313)381-5717. FOR SALE: Brand new Charles Schneider hazelnut leather loveseat. $900. Call (313) 613-6100. FOR SALE: 92” dark brown, 2 cushion couch. One year old. $150. Call Kathy (313) 292-9632. FOR SALE: Vacation/retirement home near S. Higgins Lake State Park. Double wide trailer, 3 bedrooms, 1 bath, large living room, 2 car garage on 1/2 acre. Call Larry (313)388-6831. FOR SALE: Upright piano, $300. Call Theresa (734) 787-1227. FOR SALE: Two (2) crypts/tandem. Trillium Gardens section at MI Memorial. Block 28C, Section 804, Row 3 (eye level). Crypts H&J. Paid $9750, will sell both for $6000. Call (734)981-3290. FOR SALE: Beautiful mahogany mink coat. Size 16. Original cost $1500. Selling for $175. Call (313)231-0364. HOME FOR SALE: Lovely well maintained 3 bedroom, hardwood floors, finished basement 1 1/2 bath Ranch home in Allen Park for sale by Owner. Call (734) 444-7473. FOR SALE: Esther Williams 18ft round, 4ft high heavy aluminum swimming pool. Safety fence around top of pool. Doesn’t rust. 2 pumps. 1 sand filter. Storage box & screen cleaners. You take down $500 OBO. Parishioner. Please call Ron Howle (313)382-0919 (h) (313) 320-9418 (c). FOR SALE: 4pc Patio set $165. Porch swing $65. Solid wood kitchen hutch $180. Bar stools (4) $180. Solid wood chairs (6) early 1900’s $125. Black microwave $35. All items OBO. Please call (313)243-6981. FOR SALE: 2 chairs $80 each/obo. 2 end tables, solid, $60 for pair/ obo. Call (313)429-3648. FOR SALE: Glass picnic table & 4 padded chairs plus umbrella. Very good condition. $100. Call (313)386-1073. BABYSITTER NEEDED: looking for an in-home child care provider for the upcoming school year. Three 1/2 days, 2 full days. Located in Allen Park. Please call Samantha (313)574-4495. FOR SALE: End tables, glass top, $60 pair. Stearns Foster queen sleeper sofa (green) $60. Loveseat $40 available in September. Swivel recliner $50 available now. (313) 386-7027. FOR HIRE: Need someone to watch your pet? Compassionate “fur” mom will care for your pet. Day and evenings. Please call Mary (734)680-0812. LESSONS: Piano, voice & woodwinds. State certified teacher has openings for students of all ages. Parish member. Call Theresa at (313) 550-1716.
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