Christian Service - St. Frances Cabrini Parish
Christian Service - St. Frances Cabrini Parish
ST. FRANCES CABRINI PARISH 9000 Laurence Avenue Allen Park, Michigan 48101 Phone: (313) 381-5601 Fax: (313) 381-7837 Website: OUR CREDO No matter what your present status in the Catholic Church; No matter what your current family or marital situation; No matter what your past or present religious affiliation; No matter what your personal history, age, background, race or color; No matter what your self-image or esteem; You are invited, welcomed, accepted, loved and respected at St. Frances Cabrini Catholic Church. Vision Statement Building upon our Catholic tradition and diversity, we are committed to the spiritual and physical well-being of all. Our sacramental life challenges us to life-long Catholic formation and Christian service. Mission Statement As a Faith Community, we are called to serve through worship, service, and education. PARISH LITURGY SCHEDULE MALLIA’S MOMENTS By Fr. Joe Mallia Weekend Masses Happy Easter! On behalf of all of the parish staff, I want to wish all of you a very Holy and Happy Easter celebration. What a great joy it is to celebrate Daily Mass the gift of our redemption as we recall Monday - Saturday at 8:30am the resurrection from the dead of our Lord Jesus Christ. Confession Saturday Evening 5:00pm Sunday 8:00am, 10:00am, 12:00noon & 7:00pm Tuesday 7:30pm (see pg. 8) Saturday 4:00pm Mass Tuesday 7:00pm Holy Day Masses As scheduled in Bulletin Rectory Office Hours Monday thru Thursday 8:00am-7:00pm Friday 8:00am to 5:00pm (Closed for lunch 12 - 1pm) Saturday 9:00am - 2:00pm Sunday CLOSED Through this saving love, the barrier that kept us from the fullness of God’s glory in heaven has been removed and we are now able to enter into his presence when we die and if we have lived a life worthy of this destiny. Therein lies the key though; that we must live lives reflecting our love for God. In today’s world, we are under the misconception that everyone who dies goes to heaven. If that were the case, then everything Jesus said and did was for nothing. The whole passion, death and resurrection was not to render God blind to our faults so that we could all go to heaven, but to change our hearts through his love to come to know what living lives in faithfulness would result in. Heaven and eternal life with God is a gift not a right or something up for purchase or negotiation. That is why I have continually stressed the importance of prayer in our lives. We must pray every day and go to mass every week. Beyond prayer, we must seek to serve our brothers and sisters and live lives that seek to avoid sin and not excuse ourselves from sin. Too often people have become comfortable with sin in their lives to the point that we almost joke about the fact that we are going to hell. Why would we want to go there? What is so great about sin that would make us choose to turn our back on God? Is temporary pleasure here so much (continued next page) Page 2 (continued) better than eternal joy in the glory of heaven? Did Jesus really go through all this so we would reject God’s love? As we celebrate Easter, please also take the time to reflect on your own resurrection from the dead. That day will come and we will have two directions to head, the only problem is that we will have had only one life to make the choice. After we die it will be too late, so I suggest you make a wise choice starting today and not roll the dice that you will be able to get to heaven later on. God bless you all and Happy Easter. Welcome Fr. Tim Birney As I announced last week at all the masses, the Archbishop has appointed Fr. Tim Birney to be the new pastor here at Cabrini starting July 1. You are most fortunate to have Fr. Tim as your new pastor. He is a good priest and a good man. He is filled with energy, he is a good homilist, and he is a kind man who is very humble and prayerful. He has a passion for schools and he has a deep love for God. I prayed that God would send you a good pastor who would continue to move the school and parish forward and God has answered our prayers. This proves that the Archbishop only wants good things for our community and the hopes of some that our school would close or decline have been painfully dashed. That is because God is in charge and not people. Let us give thanks to God for Fr. Tim and pray for him during this time of transition. those who may have children at Taylor Kennedy. Please spread the good news to all. We had a wonderful day Making A Difference Our Lenten Make A Difference Day was an awesome example of God’s Spirit flowing within the Cabrini community. That Spirit started moving with the overwhelming collection of items we needed to complete our projects. Thank you for your donations; a very important part of our day of service. More than 100 parishioners of all ages filled Holy Family Hall and Mother Cabrini Room March 12, working diligently to meet the needs of our local neighbors as well as those across the globe in Africa. We sewed “britches for boys” and sani-pad kits for girls, all of which will be sent to African nations and distributed in villages. Thank you to all those who brought their sewing machines and guided our volunteers through the process. We sorted bins of hygiene products collected by the elementary and middle school students and filled Blessing Bags, which we will deliver to local organizations who care for our homeless neighbors. They are welcome gifts indeed. We cut plastic bags to make ‘plarn’ that is crocheted into mats and then distributed by Sr. Judie to homeless residents in Detroit. We decorated cards that will brighten the rooms of area nursing homes and local soup kitchens. School News: With the news that the proposed new It truly was a grace-filled project, and a wonderful part of school to replace the closing St. Raphael, St. Genevieve our Lenten journey. and St. Damian schools has also not meet its enrollment Peace to you this Holy Week numbers and will not open either. As a result many families from those schools have sought places here at Cabrini Parish Schools. That means that we have even DEADLINE FOR ARTICLES IN THE CONTACT IS fewer spots available. If you want information about FRIDAY MORNING BY 10:00 AM. what grades still have openings, please call the elementary school office after the Easter break. Kindergarten Round-Up! We will be holding a last chance to enroll in our kindergarten on April 19th from 9:30 -2pm. Please let people know that the best way to make sure a child gets into Cabrini Grade, Middle or High School is to start here from the start. Transfer students to Cabrini High School will receive a special rate for the first year! Just a reminder that transfer students from a public or charter school will only pay half price for the first year. This is important information to get out to people you know, especially Advertiser of the Week Vettraino’s Page 3 Athletic, Parish & School News Coach Needed The Cabrini High School Track team is seeking a shot and discus throwing coach for this upcoming season. Please contact Athletic Director Dean Allen if you are interested. He can be reached at (313)388-0576 or via email at [email protected]. CABRINI HIGH SCHOOL FACEBOOK PAGES: See what’s happening at our school! Bible Study with Fr. Joe 7:00pm in Holy Family Hall March 28 April 11 April 25 A tisket, a tasket, it’s time to think baskets Soon, and very soon, a warm breeze will fill the air. But in the meantime, here is something to think about – creating a themed basket for the Basket Booth at the Parish Festival June 10 - 12. Our booth under the big tent is filled with these baskets created and donated by parishioners, which are then won by playing a game of chance. The possibilities are endless … Start by thinking what kind of basket you would like to win, and plan from there. Baskets created have centered around seasonal events, hobbies and activities, have come in all shapes and sizes, and appealed to men, women and children. You are limited only by your creativity. Darlene Kmita and Therese Tardiff Basket Booth Chairmen St. Frances Cabrini Elementary School Mom2Mom Sale Saturday, April 23, 2016 8:00am - 1:00pm Setup is Friday, April 22 from 7:00 – 8:30pm Table rental is as follows: $20.00 Each $3.00 Rack space---Must supply own rack Large Items $1/per Item Contact: Kathy Atkinson Phone: 313-310-6053 Or [email protected] UPCOMING DATES OF INTEREST Dueling Pianos - Saturday, April 2. Visit our website for more details and to register/pay at The Cabrini Booster Club meets on the 1st Wednesday of the month at Holy Family Hall at 7:30 pm. All men and women are invited to join, as our goal is to help serve the sports programs at Cabrini Schools, as well as the Parish. Come on down and check us out. Our next meeting is April 6. To become a member, register online for $25. Any questions or if you need more information, please email us at: [email protected] Our website: Facebook: Athletic Boosters • Join the Cabrini Usher Team Any member of St. Frances Cabrini parish in good standing, high school age or older, who is willing to serve as an ambassador of Cabrini can join the Cabrini Usher Team. Ushers teams serve weekend and Holy Day masses. Scheduling allows flexibility in choosing mass times that are convenient to personal and family needs. Typical duties may include greeting people as they enter the church and assisting the pastor and parishioners when needed. Ushers are encouraged to take part in other parish activities such as the pancake breakfast and the festival. Please consider joining this ministry that not only provides an opportunity to meet new people but helps set the tone for worship. Ushers will be in the narthex on April 2nd and 3rd, after all masses, to answer questions about joining this spirited team. Back by popular demand! Dueling Pianos! Saturday, April 2, 2016 $25 per person (includes a fabulous dinner) See our website for more information CABRINI ATHLETICS ~ Dean Allen, Athletic Director Please see (listed under Cabrini High School) for up-to-date game times for both CYO & High School student-athletes. You can also contact the Athletic Department at (313) 388-0576. The new High School athletic website is at Bus drivers for afternoon athletic routes are still needed. Contact Debbie Norman at (313) 388-0576. Page 4 Christian Service Tuesday Travelers Exploring the past to enlighten our future Our next day bus trip is a Jewish Cultural Experience on Tuesday, April 12. We’ll tour the Holocaust Memorial Center Zekelman Family Campus in Farmington, which has received international accolades from millions of visitors since its opening 25 years ago. From the architecture to the exhibits, this Michigan museum has been called one of the most provocative of the museums that chronicle the crimes of the Holocaust. Included in the tour is a new exhibit of calligraphic paintings, “A la Memoire des Enfants Deportes,” honoring the memories of thousands of Parisian children who were murdered in the death camps. We’ll also tour, and learn the history of Temple Beth El, Michigan’s first Jewish congregation, established in Detroit in 1850 and now located in Bloomfield Hills. Lunch, included in the cost of the trip, is at Buddy’s Pizza. Before heading home, we’ll also stop at Steve’s Deli, a kosher style delicatessen that is reminiscent of old-time New York City cafes. Cost is $65 per person; the bus will leave the church parking lot at 8:45am and return at 5:30pm Plan to arrive at 8:15am; coffee and breakfast treats will be served (and is included in the cost of the trip). To register, call the parish office at (313) 381-5601. Help us host ChristNet for the homeless Our parish is hosting the ChristNet Warming Center April 3 through April 10 in Holy Family Hall. We are one of several local churches that take turns providing nighttime shelter during the winter and early spring months, and we can’t think of a better way to be Christ to others. Volunteer sign-up sheets are on the Narthex bulletin board. There are many areas where help is needed to welcome the 30 men and women who will be our guests from 7:30 p.m. to 7 a.m. each day. Take a look and see how you can get involved. The efforts of many make this Christian outreach a success, and we are certain this year the same holds true. If you have any questions, please call Therese Tardiff in the Parish Office, 313-381-5601. Sr. Judie Ann Lunch Ministry On Thursday, April 7 we will again join Sr. Judie Ann in her ministry to serve those in most need in the Eastern Market neighborhood. If you would like to assist in this ministry by donating needed items please drop them off to the Rectory office by Tuesday, April 5. If you have questions please call Therese Tardiff at (313)381-5601 or email [email protected]. Some items needed this month are: water bottles, individually wrapped cookies, chips, lunch size fruit cups/apple sauce, napkins, zip lock sandwich bags, men’s and women’s white socks, underwear and t-shirts, and monetary donations. Downriver Vicariate Dementia Series II The Downriver Vicariate is sponsoring a second dementia series with HOPE Dementia Ministry LLC. The new series will run each month hosted at a different parish through June 2016. Food for Thought…… Presentated by: Carol Waarala, MSW. LMSW Saturday, April 9, 2016 9:00 – 11:30 am ● Mealtime changes ● Possible causes for not eating ● Maximum nutrition • Dehydration • Hosted by: St. Joseph Parish in Trenton 2565 Third St. Trenton 48183 Contact: Scott Anastasia (734)676-9082 [email protected] Tuesday Travelers Saugatuck / Holland 2-Day Trip Tuesday Travelers will start the summer with an “overnighter” Dinner cruise on Lake Macatawa …dune ride on the Saugatuck sands … shopping, dining and gallery hopping … these are all part of the overnight trip to West Michigan being planned by Tuesday Travelers May 31-June 1. We’ll meet at 8am Tuesday, May 31, at the parish office for coffee and breakfast snacks, boarding our Bianco coach at 8:30 and heading across the state for a visit to two beau+ful coastal Michigan towns. We’ll spend the first a-ernoon exploring the trendy shops in downtown Holland before checking into the Haworth House, within walking distance to the historic downtown district. Dinner will be aboard the Holland Princess, as we cruise past the Big Red Lighthouse, picturesque lake homes and historic landmarks. Upon our return, you can spend the evening as you like. Our second day begins with breakfast at Haworth House and some free +me for exploring or shopping before we head south to Saugatuck. Our first stop is the dune rides, an entertaining tour of the unique landscape, including the history of the lost city of Singapore (right there on the shores of Lake Michigan). Lunch follows at Coral Gables, one of the state’s oldest family owned restaurants. A-er lunch, we’ll have +me to shop downtown, an art colony of 30 galleries, trendy bou+ques and one-ofa-kind shops. We’ll head back home mid-a-ernoon to arrive back in Allen Park early evening. Cost for the trip is $305 per person, based on double occupancy. This includes overnight accommoda+ons, a breakfast, lunch and dinner (cruise), admission to the cruise and dune ride. A $20 deposit holds your reserva+on, with final payment due April 15. Please stop in the Parish Office to fill out necessary paperwork, or call Therese Tardiff at 313-381-5601 for more informa+on. Page 5 Christian Service / Nurse’s Notes MARCH FOOD COLLECTION Downriver Food Pantry Walk to Jerusalem 2016 Update Thank you to all for your commitment to our journey to Jerusalem. We made it to our destination at the end of week 5, and continued on back home. I hope this journey has brought all of you closer to your personal goals in both physical and spiritual health. I pray that it has given you motivation to keep going. I am here to assist you in achieving your goals for better physical and spiritual health. If there is anything I can do to help, email or leave me a message in the rectory! May the Peace of the Lord be with you and your loved ones as you continue your journey. Please continue to check the Narthex for health and wellness information. If there is anything you would like to have more information about, please let me know! Megan Pierrel RN, BSN, CPN Parish Nurse 313-381-5601 ext. 1052 [email protected] FranciscanFacts FranciscanFacts “So you also must consider yourselves dead to sin andalivetoGodisChristJesus.”Romans6:12 Francis described his life before his conversion as “When I was in sin.” St Paul’s letter to the Romans, a partofwhichisalwaysreadattheEastervigil,reminds us that we died with Christ in our baptism and so will risewithhimintheresurrection. WehavejourneyedthroughthisLentwithSt.Francis,re-lectingwithhimonthecrossofChrist,theGospel calltopoverty,careforthepoor,thedangersandtemptationsthatbesetusevenwhenwe’restrivingtolivea goodandholylife.Aswecomenowtothecelebrationof Easter, we should recall that Easter is a beginning not andending.OurchallengetobetruetotheGospelisone thatneedstoberenewedagainandagain.0LentwithSt. Francis) Our scheduled Franciscan Gathering on April 3 is beingcancelledasitfallsonDivineMercySunday.Since this is the Year of Mercy, we want to make sure our members are free to attend the afternoon Mass of DivineMercy. A Blessed Easter to all!!!!! NURSE’S NOTES Our Walk to Jerusalem has been a success again this year. It is great to see such dedica+on to both physical and spiritual health and wellness. The Taking off Pounds Sensibly (TOPS) chapter meets every Thursday at 5pm. We currently have 13 members. If you are interested in seeing what this group is about, please join us for more informa+on on any Thursday. Or you can contact Megan Pierrel in the rectory. Save the dates Sunday May 8: Red Cross Blood Drive Friday May 13: Lifeline Screening Make sure to check the Nurse’s corner in the narthex for your health educa4on. Topics currently displayed are heart health, nutri+on and distracted driving. As always, if there is a topic you would like to see, please contact Megan Pierrel in the rectory. Megan Pierrel, RN, BSN, CPN Parish Nurse 313-381-5601 ext. 1052 [email protected] Parish Service Day Saturday April 16 - 8:20am - 12:30pm Focus Hope - We will be working in the distribution center of Focus Hope packaging food boxes which will be given to local food pantries, eligible senior citizen, and soup kitchens. Or Cass Community Social Services - Cass Community Social Services is Detroit-based agency dedicated to providing food, housing, health services, and job programs. Our job on this day will be preparing a meal for the guests who are currently housed at the Cass Community shelter. Call Therese at (313)381-5601 if you are interested in volunteering for either of these service opportunities. Families are welcome. We will meet in the Holy Family Hall and car pool to Cass Community. March 27, 2016 Easter Sunday Today as we celebrate the feast of Easter, we find the challenge of also seeing and believing the resurrection that comes through our own lives of self-sacrifice which brings new life to others. In the month of March, through your gifts, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul was able to help the poor celebrate the joy of Easter, by assisting needy families with food, rent, and utility assistance. Thank You! Sani-Pad Project The sewing group meets in Wayne Wesenberg Wing on the 2nd and 4th Monday of the month from 1-3pm. If you have any questions regarding this project please feel free to stop in and check us out or give me (Nancy Trela) a call at (313)575-2971. Page 6 Religious Education The following children will be baptized on April 2, 2015 by Rev. Joseph S. Mallia. First Eucharist Candidates April 9 & 10, 2016 Joseph Michael Kendziuk, child of Joseph & Kathleen (Panganis) Kendziuk John Eugene Biddle, child of Scott & Amber (Noland) Biddle Helena Cecilia-Marie Patroniti, child of Philip & Margaret (Turner) Patroniti The following children will be baptized on April 3, 2015 by Rev. Joseph S. Mallia. Ella Maria Linares, child of Daniel Linares & Erin Figlan Cameron Ross Schmidt, child of Heidi Schmidt Miguel Angel Figueroa IV, child of Miguel Figueroa III & Samantha Benefield WELCOME TO THE FAMILY OF ST. FRANCES CABRINI CONFIRMATION PREPARATION The only Service dates remaining are April 16 and May 21. Call Therese Tardiff if you plan to aAend either of these dates. Confirma+on Prepara+on con+nues this weekend. We will meet again on: April 17 8 AM-11:00 AM May 15 We will meet from 9 am – noon and go to 12:00 pm Mass May 1-31st Pastoral Appointments with either Fr. Joe or myself as assigned. September 11 8:00 am October 9 Confirmandi/Sponsor Dinner 5:00-7:00pm Date of Confirma4on to be announced when we get it from the presiding bishop. Monica Aceves, Ariana Agueros, Gavin Alpert, Marla Bartolotta, Tyler Bielak, Luke Biroscak, Colin Bonar,Brady Boroniec, Mya Brandenburg, Caleb Branham, Marcus Buchanan, April Cardinal, Isabella Castro, Lorenzo Castro, Christian Celsi, Jack Curtis, Claire DeBerardino, Kourtney Downham, Dominic Dudek, Payton Eiden, Salvatore Fabbri, Andrea Flores, Ashley Flores, Jeremy Fust, Zackary Gajewski, Jayse Gehringer, Alyssa Gomez, Sam Granata, Aidan Hancock, Brayden Hawk, Gabriela Hawver, Peyton Heath, Elena Height, Emmanuel Hernandez, Derek Holly,Kathleen Housley, Edward Hughes III, Ella Kaminske, Aidan Klonowski, Nolan Leitz, Peter Lenart II, Luke Lyall, Julia Mach, Sarah Massella, AnnaLeise McKay, Karol Moreno, Emiliano Nava, Samantha Neu, Zachary Niemeyer, Tessa Nolan, Marissa Oleynik, Jack Orris, Ruben Ortega, Ethan Pawlowski, Bradley Pelc, Aiden Pianga, Cayden Piazza, Anastasia Pierrel, Brenna Pierson, Carlos Plascencia, Chris Plascencia, Moira Riling, Emma Ronchetto, Drew Rzepka, Hailey Sanduskey, Jake Schembri, Madisyn Smith, Rebecca Smith, Matthew Snider, Anahi Soto, Gustavo Soto, Colton Stanley, Jean Stefani, Griffin Teems, Evan Thompson, Gregory Tomblin, Jenna Wagner, James Weist, Finlay Wellington, Anthony Werling, Olivia Wilson, Jack Woods, Mario Woodward Vaca4on Bible School is Coming! We are beginning to plan our summer Vaca4on Bible School program (June 20th - 23rd / 6pm 8:15pm). This program is for children ages 4 years through 6th grade. Registra4on has begun!!!!!! Forms are available at the Rectory. We are in need of adult volunteers (18years and older) to help make this another successful event. All volunteers need to have a@ended a Protec4ng God’s Children Workshop (you must register online at for this workshop) and have had a background check done through St. Frances Cabrini. Please contact Maureen at (313)381-5601 if you would like to be a part of this wonderful experience. Page 7 Youth Ministry YOUTH MINISTRY CONTACT INFORMATION Therese Tardiff: Coordinator of Youth Ministry (313)381-5601 or [email protected] Maria Wyatt: Middle School Youth Leader (734) 283-1929 or [email protected] Attention all current 8 - 12graders High School Youth Ministry News - March All high school aged teens are invited to any Youth Ministry sponsored activities and events Information Meeting Sunday, April 24 from 6:00 – 6:30 Wayne Wesenberg Youth Wing Sunday, April 3 ChristNet Warming Center Join us as we prepare and serve a meal for our homeless guests from the Downriver area. We will meet in the Holy Family Hall kitchen at 5:30 p.m. to set-up for and prepare the meal. From 7:00 – 9:00 we will serve, interact with the guests and play Bingo. This is the first night of the weeklong service to our community. World Youth Day is an international event that takes place in a new location every three years. To coincide with World Youth Day in Poland the Archdiocese of Detroit will be hosting this event. If you would like more information regarding this two day pilgrimage please plan on attending this parent/ participant information meeting. The estimated cost for this trip is $60.00 (includes: some meals, registration fee and a t-shirt). Sunday, April 10 Vicariate Timothy Awards St. Vincent Pallotti Parish 1:00 – 3:00 pm Eight teens from our parish have been nominated to receive this award and be recognized for their efforts in Leadership, Christian Service, or commitment to their parish, family, community, or school. Evening Mass/Social We will attend as a group the 7:00 pm mass. At this Mass we would like for the youth and young adults to fulfill the liturgical ministry roles, so if you would like to Lector or EM please let Mrs. Tardiff. Following Mass we will go over to the Holy Family Hall for pizza and snacks until 9:00 pm. Please invite your families to join us. Sunday, April 17 YNIA Prep Meeting 7:00 – 9:00 Holy Family Hall For all those going to Kentucky or Chicago this is a mandatory prep meeting. Sunday, April 24 BBQ&Game Night @ Mrs. Tardiff’s House from 6:30-9:00pm Join us for Euchre’, ping pong, foosball, video games and more! There will be hot dogs, hamburgers and other yummy snacks to fill you up! If the weather is nice there will be outdoor games! Contact Mrs. Tardiff in the Rectory office at (313)381-5601 to sign up for any of these scheduled events. The Youth Ministry team will be providing hospitality after the 7pm liturgy on the second Sundays of the month. Please join us in Holy Family Hall for fellowship - all are welcome! Youth and young adults—if you are interested in being part of these liturgies as Lector, Commentator or Eucharistic minister, please call Therese Tardiff. World Youth Day @ Home Event St. Mary’s Orchard Lake July 30-31, 2016 2016 Scholarship Opportunity from Alliance Catholic Credit Union Alliance Catholic Credit Union initiated this Scholarship Program to award educational scholarships to students and families who are committed to making a difference in the lives of others through their service and volunteer work in their school, parish and/or community. Twenty-five (25) one -year educational scholarships will be awarded this spring to selected Alliance Catholic Credit Union members. Families and students can apply for one of four categories of scholarship allocation: 1. Catholic School Families: The 10 scholarships awarded in this category will be paid directly to the primary or secondary Catholic school that the recipient’s child/children will attend during the 2016/2017 school year. (Award is $250 each). 2. Catholic School Families (8th-11th grade): The five scholarships awarded in this category will be paid directly to the Catholic High School that the recipient’s child/children will attend during the 2016/2017 school year. (Award is $500 each). 3. High School Seniors: The seven scholarships awarded in this category will be paid directly to the college, university or trade school that the recipient will attend during the Fall 2016 semester (Award is $500 each). 4. College Students: The three scholarships awarded in this category will be paid directly to the college, university or trade school that the recipient is attending during the Fall 2016 semester. (Award is $500 each). For a complete list of eligibility requirements and to obtain an application packet, please visit our website at All scholarship applications are due by Monday, April 18. 2016. Page 8 Week of March 28, 2016 Monday, March 28, 2016—Rectory CLOSED Schools Closed—Easter Break 8:30am Mass Church 1:00pm CW Sewing Guild WWW 6:00pm Cub Scouts WWW 7:00pm Bible Study w/Fr. Joe HFH Tuesday, March 29, 2016-Rectory closes at 5pm Schools Closed—Easter Break 8:30am Mass Church 10:00am Al-Anon HFH Mtg #2 7:00pm Mass Church 7:30pm Confession Church 8:00pm AA HFHBsmnt Wednesday, March 30, 2016 -Rectory Schools Closed—Easter Break 8:30am Mass 12:00pm Cabrini Seniors 7:00pm N.A. closes at 5pm Church MCR HFH Bsmnt Thursday, March 31, 2016 -Rectory closes at 5pm Schools Closed—Easter Break 8:30am Mass Church 9:30pm APPC Basketball CC Friday, April 1, 2016 - Rectory closes at 5pm Schools Closed—Easter Break 8:30am Mass Church Saturday, April 2, 2016 8:30am Mass 1:00pm AA 4:00pm Confession 6:00pm Cabrini Booster’s Dueling Pianos 5:00pm Mass Sunday, April 8:00am 9:00am 10:00am 11:00am 12:00pm 1:00pm 2:00pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 3, 2016 Mass Coffee & Donuts Mass RCIA Mass Franciscans Council Franciscans Gathering Mass Warming Center (Guests arrive) Church HFH Bsmnt Church CC Church Church CC / Annex Church MCR Church HFH Mtg #2 MCR Church HFH / MCR Parish support is a blessing for our Youth Faith and Begorrah - Your support of our parish youth continues to amaze us! Thank you for attending the Pancake Breakfast hosted by Youth Ministry, donating your bottles and cans for us to turn in, and stopping by our pastry table for Irish soda bread, scones and shortbread. The proceeds from these recent events will be used by youth to offset the costs of attending Young Neighbors in Action and World Youth Day this summer. Our parish youth have been attending prep sessions all year to ready their hearts and spirits for these faith-filled programs; please continue your support with prayers. A special shout-out to Gordon Food, Meijer (Allen Park) and Saveland for their donations for the Pancake Breakfast, and to the Ken, the Irish Baker. Host an Exchange Student with PSE! Are you interested in other cultures and languages? Would you like to share your culture with a young person from another country? Private & Public School F-1 Exchange (PSE) is currently seeking families to open their homes and lives to an international exchange student. PSE strives to bring people together from around the world to share ideas and foster cross-cultural relationships and understanding. Our exchange students are eager to share their culture, customs and values with you, as well as learn about American culture by participating in your daily life and attending high school. It is only through kindness and generosity of families like yours that enables PSE students and families to share in an experience of a lifetime. Help promote international understanding and goodwill by hosting with PSE! Benefits of Hosting: • Expose your family to a new culture and language • Form a lasting international relationship • Enrich your community • Receive a monthly stipend to help assist with the costs of hosting PSE Exchange Students: • Want to learn about American culture and values • Have proficient English language skills • Bring their own spending money & insurance For more information, contact Theresa Ledesma at (248) 6704030; [email protected] or HOST AN INTERNATIONAL STUDENT St. Frances Cabrini High School is planning to recruit through the Council on Standards for International Educational Travel, CSIET, several international students for the next school year. We have been approached by agencies interested in assisting us with the international students studying at Cabrini High School in preparing for a college career at a U.S. university. In order to enroll international students, we need to identify Cabrini Catholic Parish or School families who would be interested in providing home-stay housing. As a host family, you will share your home and family life with an international student as well as expose them to the best of American history and culture. Together, you will celebrate cultural differences and discover similarities with regards to values and beliefs. Most importantly, your family can make a difference in the life of an international student by fulfilling the dream of an American private educational experience and in providing a safe, Christian home away from home. For more information, please contact: FLAG Beyond Program at [email protected] or PSE: [email protected] Page 9 Please Pray For……….. JeffAdamczyk SherriAntoszewski AliciaAtkinson ErikaBacha JosephBachleda NickBeasanski MaryBeaubien DwightBehm BillBenson RobertBilling RonaldBloom MichaelBooth EricaBorn AlanBurch ByrneFamily DannyCain DeanCap MaeCap KenCuthbert VincentD’Amico CarlDamron GloriaDaniels MarieDean RoccoDiGiulio MaryDow MaryDuley LaurieAnnFedo NormaFusco HermanGaines AlannaGehringer RonaldGeringII RonaldGeringIII SamanthaGerlach KatherineTallon- Grundman CeciliaHaig SteveHecmanczuk RinettaHerman TomHiggision TimHollman AnitaHoward VirginiaHolowecky DanHowe MaryHowe CatherineHumbles CatherineHusky PatriciaIrwin KathleenJackson BobJohnstone BettyJoyce QuentinKastlan EddieKastl BonnieKawalec SteveKawalec TomKearn JanetKeeth PeggyKiss AliceKlenczar BrittanyKmita Christopher Krupinski KarinKozlo PaulKwasniewski Monica“Gerri” Lambert Detroit Retrouvaille We believe that every marriage deserves the opportunity to survive, be healed and thrive as a covenant of life and love. Retrouvaille is the place where we, as hurting couples, found hope. Over 5,000 hurting couples have experienced hope through the Retrouvaille program in the Detroit area. Struggling couples are looking for help and want a lifeline, but do not know where to turn. Retrouville can help. Retrouville is a Christian Peer Ministry focused on reaching out to hurting married couples longing for renewal and hope. Metro Detroit has multiple English and Spanish programs scheduled this year, each beginning with a weekend on the following dates: March 18 September 16 April 8 (Spanish) October 14 (Spanish) April 29 October 28 July 15 For more information or to reegister, please see our website: or call 1-800-470-2230. The K of C #1802 Ladies Auxiliary is hosting a Mom-toMom Sale on Saturday, April 16, 2016 from 8:00am to 2:00pm. The sale will be held in the St. Elizabeth Education Center Gym which is located at 3051 Fourth Street in Wyandotte. If you would like more information or would like to reserve a table and participate in the sale, please call Judy Dolinski at (734) 552-9746 or email at [email protected]. “Early Bird” admission (from 8-9am) will be $2.00 and general admission (from 9am-1pm) will be $1.00. We hope to see you at the sale! Candice“Candy” Lamborghini JosephineLetinski WilliamLiphardt DeeLipchik Shirley&Alfred Locker LucasMacLeod TammyMaguire MikeManor JulieMastin ConstanceMazur DoloresMcKernan RitaMegge MikeMizzi CarlMollett WendyMollett TonyMuklewicz JenniferMussio MaureenMussio JosephNeal BryanNovak RosemarieNowacki RandyPearson BrucePerry CharlesReseter JerryRichards MaitaRiling JackieRiopelle BillSabo EmerySalamon,Jr ReneeSalamon JohnSanchez AnnSarich ClaireScalici TonySeguraII WaltShogren JacquelineSmith HelenSoter KathleenStauder KevinStauder GloriaStaley CarolStromberg SamSturgill SamanthaSturgill RobertSucheck JoanSullivan CodyTerteling JudithTink MaryTirpak DorothyTrader RhondaTurner JaneVermeulen EdVespa NancyVolk AlWilliams CarieWoodall JosephScott Zyskowski 2016: NOVENA IN HONOR OF THE DIVINE MERCY Conducted by: Fr. Dan Zaleski, Fr.Ben Luedtke,& Deacon Henry Kibit March 27 - Easter Sunday 3:00pm Novena & Homily March 28 - April 1 6:00pm Confessions 7:00pm Mass, Homily, Novena April 2 9:00am Mass, Homily, Novena April 3 Divine Mercy Sunday 1:30pm Confessions 3:00pm Mass, Mercy Chaplet & Litany / Fr. Ben Jesus promised that on this day, “I will pour out a whole ocean of graces upon souls who approach the fount of my mercy. The soul that will go to Confession and receive Holy Communion shall obtain complete forgiveness of sins and punishment. Let no soul fear to draw near to Me, even though its sins be as scarlet.” All are welcome to come to the Pot Luck Celebration, in the parish gym, at the conclusion of Mass and Devotions. To donate food, call (313)770-3203. Your generous donations make our programs possible at St. Albert’s. St. Albert the Great Church 4855 Parker, at Annapolis (One mile East of Telegraph on Annapolis, and 4 blocks North of Van Born) Page 10 MASS INTENTIONS / READINGS Monday, March 28, 2016 8:30 am Mass Monday within the Octave of Easter Acts 2: 14, 22-33; Matthew 28:8-15 Winifred Grieves (1st Anniversary) by Children Raymond Nowacki (Birthday Remembrance) by Wife & Family Special Intentions for continued strength for Randy Pearson by Martui Pearson Tuesday, March 29, 2016 8:30 am Mass Tuesday within the Octave of Easter Acts 2: 36-41; John 20: 11-18 Marty Schmidt (Birthday Remembrance) by Mother Mr. Kosmoski by Marti Pearson 7:00pm Mass Marty Schmidt by Matthew Wednesday, March 30, 2016 8:30 am Mass Wednesday within the Octave of Easter Acts 3: 1-10; Luke 24: 13-35 Richard Curtin by Family Patricia Cavanagh by Son Terry Gabrielle Ceccarelli (13th Anniversary) by Grandma Dorothy Chester Pinkowski (19th Anniversary) by Family Adam Dusik by Kathleen & Bill Beaty Paul Kowalchik by Ron & Kathy Kowalchik Thursday, March 31, 2016 8:30am Mass Thursday within the Octave of Easter Acts 3: 11-26; Luke 24: 35-48 Charles J. Anderson (Birthday Remembrance) by Kathleen Gaty Marty Schmidt by Marti Pearson Friday, April 1, 2016 8:30am Mass Friday within the Octave of Easter Acts 4: 1-12; John 21: 1-14 Special Intentions for the Children, Spouses, Grandchildren & Great Grandchildren by Frances Adamczyk Saturday, April 2, 2016 8:30am Mass Saturday within the Octave of Easter Acts 4: 13-21; Mark 16: 9-15 Jim DallaVecchia by Don & Tom Houck Saturday and Sunday, April 2 and April 3, 2016 Divine Mercy Sunday Acts 5: 12-16; Revelation 1:9-11a, 12-13, 17-19; John 20: 19-31 5:00pm Mass Lector - Bea Cassidy Commentator - Ted Hughes Sacristan - Kim & Bruce Altar Servers - Ryan & Megan Budai and Jessica Carnarvon Joseph S. Mac by Wally & Debbie Bizon Special Intentions for Tom Higgison by Family Mary Bolduc by Husband Elias & Beatric Bolduc by Son Frank Zacny (17th Anniversary) by Wife & Children Marge Balitski Horchar by Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Prusak Leocadia “Larry” Matusik by Lance Family 8:00 am Mass Lector - Chris Bowen Commentator - Kate Zimnicki Sacristan - Robert Powell Altar Servers - Lily & Donnie Andrysiak and Samantha Graf Mary Walski Ames (Birthday Remembrance) by Family Roger Teed by Family Delores Dippert (4th Anniversary) by Family Agnes Andrews by Family Jean Suzor by Sander Family Teresa Morabito (Birthday Remembrance) by Maria Morabito Jim DallaVecchia by Jerry & Lois Teed Richard Norman (1st Anniversary) by Wojtala Family 10:00 am Mass Lector - Ed Szafranski Commentator – Pat Tardiff Sacristan – Jill Feraiuolo Altar Servers - Daniel Szafranski and Andrew & Chris Courtright Special Intentions on Divine Mercy Sunday for the Adamczyk Children, Spouses, Grandchildren & Great Grandchildren by Frances Adamczyk Eleanor & Jack Engle by Filarski Family Bruce Karkoski by Filarski Family Thomas Gonyeau by Fr. Joe Ann Zucchet by Violet DallaVecchia Josephine & Michael Aniol by Son Gary 12:00 pm Mass Lector - Eric McCann Commentator - Ellen Farkas Sacristan - Greg Montminy Altar Servers - Jackie Lazarski, Emma Clemente & Lauren Schulte Marchelletta Family by Louis & Maria Fucinari Ian Taylor by Mary Brua William Liphardt (Birthday Remembrance) by Tim, Julie & Ryan Liphardt 7:00 pm Mass Lector - Marge Wolber Commentator - Jeanne Salerno Sacristan - Marge Wolber Altar Servers - Elaine, Nicole & Ava Teed Paul Devlin by Daughter Special Intentions for Frank J. Ricco Sr. by Terry & Becky Adams Please pray for the family and friends of our dearly departed Eugene Pulski Candles 1st Friday Lori Nowacki Towels 1st Sunday Alice Klenczar Page 11 St. Frances Cabrini 9000 Laurence, Allen Park, MI 48101 Rectory Office / Religious Formation (313) 381-5601 Fax (313) 381-7837 Web: Rectory Office Hours (Closed for Lunch 12:00pm to1:00pm) Monday-Thursday 8:00am to 7:00pm Friday 8:00am to 5:00pm Saturday 9:00am to 2:00pm Pastor Reverend Joseph Mallia Permanent Deacon Reverend Mr. Luis Flores Budget Director Howard Behr / Jill Ferraiuolo Summer Camp Job Opportunities Now Available Are you or someone you know looking for a summer job? We are accepting applications for 2016 summer camp! We have openings for camp counselors, camp activity specialists, team leaders, health officers, and food service staff at SVdP Camp Ozanam and CYO Camps, both located near Lexington, Michigan on the beautiful shores of Lake Huron. Working at a summer camp is the most meaningful job you’ll ever have! Share your faith, develop your leadership skills, and make a huge difference in the lives of children that need the Gospel message. Put your faith into action this summer at Camps Connect. More information about our camps and an application are available at: For questions, contact Caroline Krucker at [email protected] or call (810) 622-8744. Widowed Men & Women - “Moving Into New Life” Saturday, April 9th 10:00am-2:00pm Director of Music Ministry/Liturgy Coordinator Nick Beasanski Dir. Religious Education Catherine Borsh Coordinator of Christian Service & Youth Ministry Therese Tardiff Marketing/PR Paula Steele A bereavement seminar for all widowed men & women, no matter how long since the death of a spouse, will be held on Saturday, April 9th. Join other widowed persons at St. Kieran’s Parish Center, 53600 Mound Rd, Shelby Twp., 48316 (just north of 24 Mile Rd.) Sign-in begins at 9:30 with refreshments served. Seminar begins promptly at 10am and ends at 2pm. Cost is $17.00 per person and Includes two speakers, a box lunch and beverages. Presented by Widowed Friends, a peer support group in the Archdiocese of Detroit. For more information or to register by March 28th, contact Mary at (586) 242-8784. PRAYERS FOR THOSE IN MILITARY SERVICE Bookkeeper/Tuition Joy Mousseau Facilities & Calendar/ Bulletin Editor Janet Shea SACRAMENTS Parish Policy: Before any sacramental preparation can begin, we require that you be a registered member or a baptized Catholic. Baptism: Contact the Rectory Office. Marriage: Arrangements must be made by the engaged couple by contacting the Rectory Office at least six months before date of marriage. Reconciliation (Confession): Saturday at 4:00pm and upon request. Lord, hold our troops in your loving hands. Protect them as they protect us. Bless them and their families for the selfless acts they perform for us in our time of need. In Jesus’ name, Amen. Please God, grant them courage when times are bleak. Grant them strength when they feel weak. Grant them comfort, when they feel all alone. And most of all, God, please…..BRING THEM ALL HOME!!! ST. FRANCES CABRINI COMMISSIONS Pastoral Commission Carolyn Sohoza Education Commission Catherine Borsh Christian Service Commission Therese Tardiff Worship, Finance & Vicariate Rep TBA Vicariate Website: Young Adult & Campus Ministry PHONE NUMBERS Cabrini Elementary School Cabrini High School High School Attendance High School Athletic Office Extended Day Program Rectory Office Music Director CHS Campus Ministry Holy Family House Cabrini Center 928-6610 388-0110 388-2566 388-0576 928-6116 381-5601 381-5601 388-0110 928-4727 382-9784 The Archdiocese of Detroit and the Catholic dioceses of Michigan are presenting the 2016 Michigan Catholic Young Adult Conference, “Radical Mercy”, at St. John Neumann Parish in Canton on Friday and Saturday, April 1 and 2. Supported by gifts to the Catholic Services Appeal, the conference is designed to bring young adults ages 18 to 35 into a closer relationship with Jesus Christ. It will include Holy Hour with Archbishop Allen H. Vigneron and a social gathering on Friday, and breakout sessions and a keynote presentation by Jack Jezreel on Saturday. The conference will conclude with Mass. Page 12 Hiring / For Sale ~ For Hire / For Free / Tutoring Ads will stay in as long as there is room :) Please contact the Rectory at (313) 381-5601 if your item has sold or if you would like to make changes. Ads may be dropped off at the Rectory or emailed to [email protected]. [email protected] Home Care/Senior Care ads have been removed and no longer accepted. Ads below are posted as a courtesy to our St. Frances Cabrini parishioners. Cabrini is not affiliated with nor has any more information than what is stated in the ads. HIRING: Allen Park Electrical Contractor looking for Licensed Electrical Journeyman. Minimum 3 years experience in commercial and residential. Please send resume to [email protected]. [email protected] For Sale: Couch, slightly used. Paid $800, will sell for $400. Color of a ripe pear. Call (313) 381-3964. (9-13) For Hire: Seamstress--Uniform hems to Formal wear, I do it all. Custom sewing /Crocheting/Knitting. Allen Park resident/ parishioner. Call Robbie at (734) 626-4037 . For Hire: A wide variety of pet care in your home or mine. Cabrini Parish family. Call Kathy at (313) 982-7004 Tutoring: Teacher available for tutoring. Reading and Math. Call Ruth at (734) 934934-1405 or email [email protected]. For Hire: Light house cleaning and errands. Minimum 3/4 hours at $10.00 per hour, Allen Park/Melvindale area. Call Gloria at (313) 389-5506. For Sale: raftsman 3HP 1400 PSI High Pressure Washer $190. 16” Hanging ceiling lamp w/leaded & stain glass panels $30. Queen Mattress foam (1.5) with removable decorative knit cover, like new $30. Call (734) 287-6418. (10-11) For Hire: Snow removal, serving Allen Park, residents sign up now for my snow list. Reasonable rates, 26 years experience, Senior discounts. Call Dave at (313)386-3776. Renter /Helper: Semi-retired guy, Cabrini grad, seeks room to r e n t house/share in Allen Park. Has transportation and income. Neat, quiet, non-smoker. Can help with chores to reduce rent if desired. Call (313) 587-1541 after 12 noon. For Hire: Tile Mason. Specializing in fire places, floors, back splashes, bathroom renovations. 20 years experience, Cabrini parishioner. Call Walter at (313) 971-3462. For Hire: Rides to the doctor, store, errands and light housekeeping. Call Danielle at (734) 497-4696. For sale: Rocker Recliner for sale. brand new, brown, and asking $150.00. Call (734)258-8166 . (10-18) Tutoring in Math, Science and History or SATs for 5th grade and up. Working on teachers certificate. Call 549549-6761. (11-1) For Sale: Oak pedestal table, like new. 40” round & 4 chairs. $100. (313)382-0919 or (313)320-9418. (10-26) For Sale: Smoker BBQ w/tank, $500. Two bunk bed sets—5 pieces. Make reasonable offer. Call Mary at (734) 680-0812. (10-29) Tutoring For Hire: Math, chemistry & physics for high school & college students. ACT prep in all subjects. I am a Cabrini parishioner with a solid engineering & tutoring background. Reasonable rates and flexible scheduling. Contact Dan at [email protected] For Sale: 2pc sectional couch, 12 yrs old, $300. Specialized Road bicycle, 4 yrs old, good condition $450. Small dining room table w/ expandable leaf. $50. Magnavox 20” flat screen TV, 10 yrs old, $75. For sale by parishioner (734)308-4949 (10-31) For Sale: Exquisite Lenox fine china featuring a red rose w/24K gold trim. 8 place settings & 9 accessory pcs- $1,000. Also Lenox crystal w/24K gold trim. $300. Call (734)552-9597. Proud Cabrini parishioner. (11-2) For Hire: House cleaning, laundry and shopping for you. I am a Cabrini parishioner, references available. Call Shirley at (313) 4346027. For Sale: Traditional 8x11 wool rug w/ fringe (red, black, & gold) from Ethan Allen. Excellent condition. Professionally cleaned. $1,000 or best offer. Picture available upon request. Call 313-421-1978. (11-4) For Sale: One cemetery plot at Our Lady of Hope. Section E46 #6. $1,100. Call John at (734) 309-3906. (11-9) For Sale: Fur vault-Macy’s. Beautiful mahogany full length real mink coat, size S/M. Must sell. $2,000. Suzanne (313)561-1148 or (313) 544-8070. (12-3) For Hire: Helping hand for you or your loved ones — all help from A to Z! Very experienced. Minimum 2 hours. Please call Mary at (734) 680-0812. (10-26) For Sale: Electric Toro Power Snow Shovel, like new, $40. Three graves in lot 21 of section 20 on old section of Holy Sepulchre Cemetery, $1,200 each. Please call (734) 282-3507. (1-4) FREE - Free to good home. 2 gray female chinchillas. Comes with large cage, food, treats and all accessories. Jody (313)802(313)802-0146. For Sale: 2 end tables & coffee table, vintage late 50’s. Great condition. Leather top tables. All 3 for $75. Call Marylou at (734)4868564. (1-28) For Sale: Kitchen canisters, salt & pepper shakers & spoon rest. Wildlife (moose, wolf, bear, mountain goat & deer) w/cream background. Excellent condition $40. (734)620-1182. (1-28) For Sale: JC Penney area rug 5x7, brown w/tan $40. Two long mirrors, 4ft w/wood $20. 4.5 ft tabletop Christmas tree from Ray Hunter’s, like new. Some lights, too. $70. White metal cabinet 25 1/2w x 64” long $25. Blonde sofa table, contemporary, 50’ across, $60. Call Valerie (313)381-0985. (2-1) For Sale: Portable sewing machine and table sewing machine w/ chair. Make offer. Ironing mangle , like new. Make offer. (734) 6800812. (2-4) BABYSITTER NEEDED: Full, part time or on occasional basis. Two children, girls ages 14 & 11. Very active , Special Needs. Please call Jen (313)320(313)320-2796. Must be honest, caring and patient. Full time (2--4) benefits available. After school/weekend/evening. (2 For Sale: 1997 Lincoln Towncar Signature Series. 113,000 miles. Dark blue w/matching leather interior. Full power w/moonroof. Runs excellent. $4,000 or best offer. Mark (313)386-3044. (2-8) For Sale: 1996 Ford F150 XLT Supercab 302 V8. 8ft bed with cap, 4WD, all power, air, new tires, shocks, radiator, tow package, full length side steps, locking hubs plus a lot more extras. $2,000. Call Frank for more details at (313) 721-8314. (2/22) HIRING: LGC Associates, LLC. (248) 546546-1446. PartPart-time jobs: Banquet Servers (some experience preferred but will offer training), Bartenders (18 & older), Cooks & Kitchen Utility (prior experience), & Housekeepers (ability to service 14 rooms a day). Flexible schedules. (2/25) For Sale: Two (2) cemetery plots in Our Lady of Hope cemetery. Lot B-15 Section 3, Graves 1 & 2. Call Richard at (734)332-1904. (3/10) HIRING: Lennon Pregnancy Center. Are you a certified ultrasound technician? We are a ProPro-Life organization offering free ultrasounds for pregnant moms, especially those who are abortion vulnerable. You can make your own schedule and we can offer $25 p/hr. If you are interested, please call (313)277(313)277-5637 (3/7) For Sale: Hoverround mobility chair, new batteries, charging chord. Charged and ready to go . Deliver possible locally. $750. Please call or text Pat (313) 383-9261. For Sale: Georgia Boot Co. men’s size 9.5m 8” brown insulated waterproof outdoor/hunting boots, like new. $75. Vintage Zebco 33 spin cast reel with new line and Southbend rod. Like new $20. (313) 587-1541 after 12 noon. (3/14)
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