August - GWRRA Chapter PA-I


August - GWRRA Chapter PA-I
Northeast Region B
Pennsylvania District
AUGUST, 2016
Chapter PA-I
On The Web:
Ray & Doreen Snyder..................................... Chapter Directors
Chapter I Gatherings
Hi Chapter I…
Pennsylvania is in GWRRA’s Northeast Region B.
What are the other states in the Northeast Region?
Doreen and I just got back from the weekend ride
that Donna and Lee Miller led to Blackwater Falls in
West Virginia. There was a total of 13 people on
seven bikes enjoying the beautiful scenery, good
roads, and having fun with great friends! Thank You Donna and Lee!
Looking back to the beginning of the month, on July 3rd, we led a ride to
the Texas Road House in State College. The four bikes on the ride
attempted to go through Black Moshannon State Park on the way to
State College but found that an accident had closed the road. We
returned to Philipsburg, the on to State College. After dinner, we
returned home via Black Moshannon since damaged vehicles were
removed and the gas spill was cleaned up.
On July 4th, we led a group of four bikes to Ellicottville, New York. The
weather was perfect for a stroll around town, and lunch at one of the
local eateries. It wasn’t until we were almost home that we saw a little
light rain.
Then on July 7th, Doreen and I enjoyed some fantastic weather as we
rode the bike to Delaware to our grandson's birthday party.
We had a nice turnout at the gathering. There were 36 members plus
Roger Witter brought a guest .
There were 11 that attended the Meet & Eat at the Pine Inn in Falls
The summer is going fast! Keep watching your emails for rides!
The Chapter Picnic is on August 13th (See Page 9). Let us know if you
are coming.
Friends for Fun, Be Safe, and Learn Something New!
Ray and Doreen Snyder
Chapter Directors
Third Friday each month
Hoss’s Steak & Sea House
675 Liberty Boulevard
DuBois, PA
6:30 pm Dinner
7:30 pm Gathering
Come Join Us!
Contact Chapter Directors,
Ray & Doreen Snyder at:
[email protected]
Inside this issue
Ray & Doreen Snyder, Chapter Directors ... 1
Chapter, District, Region Team Listings ..... 2
Web Links ................................................... 2
Rick & Andi Riek,
Pennsylvania District Directors .................. 3
Levels Program ........................................... 4
Jim & Pat Delo,
Assistant Chapter Directors ....................... 4
Release Your Inner Author! ........................ 5
Lori Schill,
Chapter Educator/MAD Coordinator ......... 5
Advertisement: World of Wheels ............... 5
The Answer to the question at the beginning
of this article: CT-DE-ME-MD-NH-NJ-NY-PA-RI-VT.
Advertisement: The Dog House .................. 5
On The Road With The Wandering
Hartle and Simcox Team ............................ 7
Jim & Pat Delo
Chapter I couple of the Year ....................... 7
Kathie Simcox & Danise Hartle
Ambassadors of Fun ................................... 7
Let’s Celebrate ........................................... 8
Event Calendar ........................................... 8
(Continued on page 3)
GWRRA Pennsylvania Chapter I
(Continued on page 3 )
Chapter Directors
Ambassadors of Fun
Ray & Doreen Snyder
[email protected]
Kathie Simcox
[email protected]
Danise Hartle
[email protected]
Assistant Directors
Jim & Pat Delo
[email protected]
[email protected]
Ride Coordinators
Terry & Mary Mauk
[email protected]
[email protected]
Chapter Educators/Motorist
Awareness Coordinators
Roll for the Dough Coordinators
Lori and Gary Schill
814-226-6314 (home)
814-229-6314 (cell)
[email protected]
[email protected]
Dana & Danise Hartle
[email protected]
Greeting Card Coordinators
Membership Enhancement
Gary & Carol Doverspike
[email protected]
Dick & Mary Lou Hetrick
[email protected]
Goodies Coordinators
Dave & Cindy Marconi
[email protected]
Nancy Knarr
814-952-5317 (home)
814-938-3729 (cell)
[email protected]
Newsletter Staff
Lori Schill, Editor
[email protected]
Bill & Peg Zortman
[email protected]
Dave & Susan Moore
Album Coordinator
Donna Miller
[email protected]
Couple of the Year Coordinators
George & Kathie Simcox
[email protected]
Webmaster &
Advertising Coordinator
Chapter Couple of the Year
Gary Schill
[email protected]
Jim & Pat Delo
[email protected]
[email protected]
Chapter of the Year Coordinator
Doreen Snyder
[email protected]
Pennsylvania District Directors
Rick & Andrea (Andi) Riek
[email protected]
Assistant Directors
Jim & Diane Heffelfinger
[email protected]
Harold & Diane Jackson
[email protected]
Doug & Cyndy Motter
[email protected]
Phil & Darlene Pirozzi
[email protected]
Gerry & Bonnie Vanart
[email protected]
Couple of the Year
John Steele & Kit Johnson
[email protected]
Goodies Coordinators
Dave & Cindy Marconi
Northeast Region B Directors
Tom & Renee Wasluck
[email protected]
Region B Assistant Directors
Kevin & Georgia LeBlond
[email protected]
Ken & Lois Ingram
[email protected]
John & Pam Van Deusen
CPR/FA Coordinators
Keith and Elaine Price
[email protected]
Couple of the Year Coordinators &
Membership Coordinators
Dan & Mary Costello
[email protected]
Chapter of the Year Coordinators
Bob & Julie A’Hearn
[email protected]
GWRRA International
Northeast Region B
Pennsylvania District
Pennsylvania Chapter I
GWRRA Pennsylvania Chapter I
2015 / 2016 Couple of the Year
Rich & Wendy Wirt
[email protected]
Eileen & Time Guile
[email protected]
Clark Clemens
[email protected]
(More of what’s inside)
GWRRA Pa Chapter I Pig Roast
at Clarion County Park Flyer ....................... 9
Gravity Hill Ride Flyer ................................. 10
Advertisement: Brookville Motorsports ...... 11
Advertisement: Xtreme Wear ..................... 11
For Sale ....................................................... 12
Chapter Pride (Chapter Goods) .................. 12
Terry & Mary Mauk, Ride Coordinators ..... 13
Advertisement: G&L Designs ...................... 13
Dave & Cindy Marconi, Chapter I Members/
Goodies Coordinators ................................. 13
Gary Schill: Advertising Coordinator/Webmaster:
What’s Old is New Again! From the Grave to
Production Line........................................... 14
Support Our Advertisers!............................ 14
Peg Zortman, Chapter Historian:
American Honda Plant Tour:
A Memory From January, 1988 .................. 15
Advertisement: Biker King .......................... 15
Lee & Donna Miller ..................................... 17
Holly & Dan Stitt ......................................... 17
Advertise With Chapter PA-I....................... 17
Photo: Ranger Dana Hartle ......................... 18
Photo: George Simcox and His BFF ............. 18
Photo: Danise Hartle & Kathie Simcox:
What A View! .............................................. 18
Fourth Annual Teddy Bear Fun Ride ........... 19
GWRRA Chapters of the Pennsylvania District
Rick & Andi Riek ......................................... PA District Directors
Hello everyone! Andi and I hope that
everyone is doing well and is able to get a lot
of riding in this summer. We've been reading
the chapter newsletters as they come out
and have seen a lot of interesting rides being
posted. If you need some ideas on where to
go, check out the chapter newsletters and websites to see what all
of the chapters have to offer. I'm sure you will find something
We are in the hottest time of the year for riding now and one thing
we must do is stay cool and hydrated while on our Gold Wings. If
you want to have a FUN ride, do everything in your power to keep
your co-riders safe and cool. Keep water and sports drinks
available while riding to keep hydrated. Stop often and drink if
needed to make sure you don’t get heat stroke.
Another thing you can do to keep cool is place towels soaked in
ice water around your neck. There are many tools out there to
keep you cool while riding so check them out and if you can use
them please do. Remember that if you wait until you’re actually
thirsty, you’ve waited too long to take a drink! Stop for regular
breaks, before anyone gets overheated. Why not plan some rides
in the evening instead – dinner rides, or “moonlight rides.”
Andi and I will be attending the NY/NJ Bi-State Rally in
Swedesboro, New Jersey on August 4-6. It's always a fun time
being with fellow Gold Wingers from neighboring districts. Also,
along with having fun, chapters that have at least five members
attending will receive Roll for the Dough points.
Speaking of Roll for the Dough, it looks like many chapters are
doing a lot of visiting and receiving points. That is a good thing to
see. We always said that the main goal of Roll for the Dough is
visiting and getting to meet other chapter members. The points
you receive are just an added bonus.
Make sure to watch the evening daily 4 digit lottery number
beginning in August to see if you have the winning Pennsylvania
District raffle ticket. Last year Chapter D sold three winning
tickets. Thank you to everyone for selling the district raffle tickets
for the chapters. There were eight chapters that sold all of their
tickets and we sold 10% more tickets in 2016 than we did in 2015.
Congratulations and thank you again for all the hard work in
selling the tickets.
We now have two chapters who have stepped up and committed
to sponsoring All Chapters East and West for 2017. A big thank
you to these chapters. In talking to previous chapters who have
sponsored an All Chapters event, they all said that doing this
brought enthusiasm to the chapter. They all had a great time
planning the event. It is a lot of work, but in the end it is well worth
the effort. Maybe this is something your chapter may want to think
about for 2018. More information about these events will be
coming soon.
Plans are coming along for the District Rally in State College in
2017. We read the suggestions you gave us in the survey and will
GWRRA Pennsylvania Chapter I
Levels Program
Have you enrolled
in the GWRRA
“Levels Program?”
Contact the Chapter Educator
to enroll now!
Are you “current” in the
Levels Program?
Check your status at:
On the Rider Education page,
click on “My R.E. Information”
and log in to see where you
Watch for announcements here,
and in your email inbox, about
upcoming education
We encourage you to
accept the challenge to
make the commitment,
learn the skills, and
apply what you learn
so that you can make
motorcycling safer,
increase your riding skills,
and make other drivers
more aware of motorcycles.
Safety doesn’t happen
by accident!
try to incorporate as many as we can. Thank you for your
feedback. It was very helpful. I know it's early to start planning,
but we need to find a place to hold the District Rally
in 2018. We will be sending letters to a few hotels,
but if you know of a place that you think would be
able to accommodate us, please let us know.
Rick & Andi Riek
Pennsylvania District Directors
Jim & Pat Delo ................................................. Assistant Directors
Hello to all!
Can you believe it is almost the end of
July? We sure hope you have been
getting some nice rides in. The weather
has been beautiful...a little hot and humid,
but with the wind cooling us off on the
bike, it is nice.
Terry and Mary Mauk led a very nice ride to Amish Country.
Jim was having some problems with his one hand and didn’t
feel up to the ride when he got up. I emailed Mary and
explained that we would not be joining them. As the morning
went on, and the nice sun came out, the aches and pains
melted away and we decided to head out and meet up with the
group in Volant. We had no trouble finding them in the small
town. First, there was the Gold Wing with a duck on the back. It
had to be Chapter I. Then...where to look for the riders? Find
food! There they were.
Just a reminder: If at first you think you aren’t up to the ride and
then wish you had gone (and it is within reason) hop on the
‘Wing and catch up. This was a very enjoyable time and we
almost missed it.
By the time you read this, the trip to Blackwater Falls will be
over. This is an overnight trip that Lee and Donna Miller have
put together and we are sure looking forward to a great time.
We are going to places that we would never see on our own,
but with others it is so much fun.
Another reminder: Don’t worry about not really knowing
everyone (or anyone) on a ride or at an event. By the end of the
day, you will be like a family member. Sometimes we just have
to put ourselves out there. Do it, and I’m sure you won’t be
Enjoy your riding and we’ll see you soon.
Jim & Pat Delo
Assistant Chapter Directors
GWRRA Pennsylvania Chapter I
Release Your
Inner Author!
Not everyone has a novel inside them,
but we all have a story to share.
Release your “inner author” …
Share your stories here
in the Chapter I newsletter.
Submissions received before
the 27th of the month
appear in the next month’s publication
(space permitting).
Email your story, recipe, etc. to
Lori Schill at: [email protected].
Lori Schill ...................... Chapter Educator/MAD Coordinator
Safety Quiz
I found this quiz on a South Dakota website.
Give these questions some thought; we’ll
discuss these at the next gathering.
1. When riding a motorcycle, the rider:
a. Uses both hands, both feet and both thumbs to operate the
b. Must stay alert.
c. Must be in good physical condition to ride a motorcycle.
d. All of the above.
2. What is the minimum safe following distance behind a
a. One second.
b. Two seconds.
c. Two car-lengths.
d. Three car-lengths.
3 Since motorcycles are so much smaller than other vehicles, it
is okay to share a lane with them.
4. When riding you should:
a. Turn just your head and eyes to look where
you want to go.
b. Keep your arms straight.
c. Keep your knees away from the gas tank.
d. Keep your head and shoulders straight
5. How much alcohol does it take to impair one’s
ability to drive safely?
a. One drink.
b. Two drinks.
c. It depends on your gender.
d. It depends on your age and/or weight.
(Keep going...there are more quiz questions!)
GWRRA Pennsylvania Chapter I
The most accurate statement about motorcycles is:
a. They are dangerous.
b. Motorcycles take longer to stop than other vehicles.
c. Motorcycles are easier to see in traffic because they can
weave in and out of other vehicles.
d. They cost less to drive than most cars.
7. A motorcyclist who weaves around within one lane:
a. May be avoiding hazards in the road.
b. Is probably drunk.
c. Doesn’t know how to ride his motorcycle correctly.
d. Shouldn’t be riding a motorcycle.
8. When passing a motorcycle:
a. You are allowed to pass in the same lane due to the
smaller size of the motorcycle
b. You should allow as much room for the motorcycle as you
would for any other vehicle
c. You can come up close behind a motorcycle because they
don’t take up as much room on the road
d. You don’t need to signal because a motorcycle doesn’t
take up a full lane
9. Why do motorcycles have their headlights on during the
a. To increase their visibility to other drivers.
b. To tell the difference between other motor vehicles and
c. Motorcyclists forget to turn off the headlight.
d. All of these answers are correct.
10. If an animal chases you on your motorcycle, you should:
a. Try to kick the animal.
b. Stop until the animal loses interest in you.
c. Approach the animal slowly and then speed up.
d. Swerve around the animal.
11. If a tire goes flat while riding, it is usually best to:
a. Shift your weight away from the flat wheel and brake.
b. Hold the handlebars firmly and stay off the brakes.
c. Use the brake on the good wheel and steer to the side of
the road.
d. Use both brakes and stop quickly.
12. A plastic face shield:
a. Helps protect your whole face.
b. Is not necessary if you have a wind screen.
c. Only protects your eyes.
d. Does not protect your face as much as goggles.
Hopefully, these quizzes get you thinking about your riding skills
and strategies.
Be aware that motorcycling is not a passive activity. We need to
always be thinking about the next “what if” moment that may pop
up in front of (or behind or beside) us.
Safety doesn’t happen by accident…
Ride like your life depends on it!
Lori Schill
Chapter Educator/MAD Coordinator
GWRRA Pennsylvania Chapter I
Jim & Pat Delo ...............................Chapter I Couple of the Year
On The Road With
The Wandering Hartle
and Simcox Team
Kathie and Danise sent along a little
extra that they thought you might
Signs You Probably
Will Not See In Pennsylvania:
Tsunami Evacuation Route
Avalanche Zone
Shark Sighting:
Swim at your own risk
Electric Car Charging Station
Wildfire Season:
Is your home ready?
Chains may be needed at any time
Pig Crossing
High Gusty Crosswinds
Next Three Miles
Active Bear Area:
Don't take food from bears.
(They must have heard that George
was coming to the area!)
Falling will cause injury or death.
Stay back from cliff edges.
Skunk Crossing.
Please Don't Steal sign,
it cost me $40.
Plague Warning.
Don't feed chipmunks and squirrels.
They have been infected.
Our time as your Couple of the Year is almost
over. It has been a great year and a half. I can’t
tell you how many new friends we have made,
and it is all because of being asked to represent
Chapter PA-I.
This has been an experience that we will treasure
for a long time to come. If you had heard Jim before we became
Couple of the Year, you know he really didn’t want the position. Now
he will tell you, “Go for it.”
There probably isn’t a chapter in Pennsylvania that we can go to and
not know someone. It’s been one of the best times of our GWRRA
membership. So if you are approached, don’t say “no” too quickly.
There are many adventures around the corner, and it is
a great journey. Travel and make memories.
Jim & Pat Delo
Chapter I Couple of the Year
Kathie Simcox & Danise Hartle ............ Ambassadors of Fun
Hi Chapter I! It's Danise and Kathie hailing from
Oregon. We are on the 21st day of our 35-day
trip. We’re more than halfway through, and we
can't believe it. Not a drop of rain as of this
We have traveled over 5,500 miles … so far.
Every once in a while, we will see Dana or George doing laps around
the parking lot, each hoping to rack up more miles than the other. We
told them not to bother; Dale Bundy will beat us anyway!
We have seen so much beauty in each state. We have also seen
temperatures ranging from 52 degrees to 111 degrees! We have been
trying to keep a journal each night but it is so easy to forget things!
Now we know why Peg Zortman keeps that little notebook and pen
with her at all times!
The wildlife has been amazing. We’ve spied prairie dogs,
roadrunners, elk, antelope, seabirds, seals, and sea lions to name a
Everywhere we go, people stop us to ask questions about the bikes
and take pictures of them. We have been quite the celebrities!
We miss everyone and hope you are having a great summer with lots
of riding. We know you miss our games and we'll be sure
to make up for it at the next gathering! Love, Danise &
Kathie Simcox & Danise Hartle
Ambassadors of Fun
(Continued on page 8)
GWRRA Pennsylvania Chapter I
Let’s Celebrate!
July 31
Ray & Doreen
Snyder ‘s
Ken Maines’
Happy Birthday
Ken Maines .............................August 3
Leslie Snyder.........................August 11
Bonnie Horner .......................August 13
Jack Horner ...........................August 19
Denny Snyder .......................August 20
Dana Hartle...........................August 26
Sheila Reams ................... September 1
Chapter I Pig
Bonnie Horner’s
Meet & Eat
Leslie Snyder’s
4th Annual
Teddy Bear
Fun Ride
PA-I Gathering Grice/Ft.
Jack Horner’s Denny Snyder’s
Terry & Mary
Chapter I
Dana Hartle’s
John & Patti
Anniversary Articles Due! Bill & Nora Jean
Richard &
(Gravity Hill)
Dave & Susan
Sep 1
Sep 2
Chapter I
Sep 3
Wing Ding 38 Wing Ding 38
Dana & Danise
Wing Ding 38 Sheila Reams’ Jack & Bonnie Wing Ding 38
Chapter I
Happy Anniversary
Ray & Doreen Snyder ..............August 6
Terry & Mary Mauk ................August 15
Dave & Susan Moore .............August 21
John & Patti Marnati...............August 24
Bill & Nora Jean Nall...............August 26
Richard & Dorothy Youngdahl August 26
Dana & Danise Hartle ............August 30
Jack & Bonnie Horner ....... September 2
Check the Chapter I
website calendar
for more event details as
they become available!
GWRRA Pennsylvania Chapter I
August 7
Teddy Bear
Fun Ride
Looking for a leader to
organize this ride.
Meet & Eat
6:00 pm
Sarah’s Place,
Route 950
Chapter I Pig
2:00 pm
Meat Served at
4:00 pm
See flyer on
Page 9
Chapter I
(Gravity Hill)
Articles Due
Meet &
6:00 pm
Deb’s Diner,
720 Main
Chapter I
Camp Out
All Weekend
6:30 pm—Dinner Hoss’sHouse,
7:30 pm Gathering & Sea
10:00 am
Meet at Sears
parking lot in
DuBois Mall
RSVP, Please!
Print & bring email that is
sent out before gathering
This ride is in honor of Gary
& Carol Doverspike’s 50th
wedding anniversary
See flyer on
Page 10
Share a story, recipe, or joke!
[email protected]
Members and Their Families Are Invited!
August 13, 2016
2:00 pm (Meat Served at 4:00 pm)
Take Exit 60 off Interstate 80
On Route 66, travel 9/10 of a mile from Jiffy Mart
Turn Left at Charles Tool, across from Bauer Truck Repair
Travel 1/2 mile on heavily-wooded road to Clarion County Park
We have Pavilion #8 (near the soccer field)
GWRRA Pennsylvania Chapter I
Gravity Hill Ride
Sunday, August 21, 2016
Ride hosted by Terry and Mary Mauk. Please let us know if you plan to join us.
([email protected] or 814.648-0836) Thank you!
Meet at Brookville Sheetz, corner of Routes 322 and 36 – Kickstands up at 11 a.m.
Stop at Punxsutawney WalMart on Route 119 to pick-up additional riders – estimated
time 11:30 a.m.
We’ll enjoy a scenic country ride to Gravity Hill in Bedford County. Located in the
“suburbs” of New Paris, Pennsylvania, Gravity Hill is quite a phenomenon. Cars (and
bikes!) roll uphill and water flows the wrong way. It’s a place where gravity has gone
haywire. There is no fee to venture onto Gravity Hill, because it is, quite simply, a
road in a remote corner of Bedford County!
We’ll turn around nearby where one of the locals has a small fish hatchery and sells
fresh honey on the comb or in jars.
From there, we follow part of the Bedford County
Covered Bridge Driving Tour viewing Cuppett’s
and Ryot covered bridges and stopping at
Kniseley covered bridge.
Just up the road from the Kniseley Covered
Bridge is Long’s Outpost. This unique store has a
little something for everyone from tools and farm
supplies for the guys, to candles and kitchen
towels for the ladies, to genuine John Deere toys
for the kid in all of us.
Our lunch stop is to be determined. W e’ll choose between 1) The Cow, a familyowned and operated soft ice cream and sandwich stand in operation since 1958
serving soft ice cream treats crafted from local
dairy milk and hamburgers from their own beef
cattle raised on Claycomb Farms, or 2)
Traditions, a step back in time to grandma’s
table where you can enjoy some true
Pennsylvania Dutch culture featuring fresh made
-from-scratch cooking and baking. A bakery and
store are adjacent to the restaurant with many
Pennsylvania Dutch items such as gifts and toys,
handmade clothing and footwear, thousands of
fabrics and notions, and wildlife displays for the
whole family to enjoy.
(Our grandson, Cayden, posing at The Cow.)
Our hope is for this to be a relaxing, enjoyable day for all. Total travel time is 8-9
hours depending on the number of rest and refuel stops. Estimated arrival time back
home is 8:00 p.m.
GWRRA Pennsylvania Chapter I
GWRRA Pennsylvania Chapter I
For Sale:
Chapter Pride
Gently used. King-sized
bed with 6 x 6 sitting
area. If seriously
interested, call
Dick at 814-856-3222.
A variety of Chapter Wear items are
available from the suppliers below.
Shifter & Floorboards.
Fits GL1500. Very good
condition with little to no
rust. Check Chapter I
website Classified ads for
pictures and what all
comes with. Asking
$215. Contact Gary &
Lori Schill at
*Driver backrest for
GL1500. Adjustable
from front-to-back using
chromed sliding tubes.
Retails for about $210.
Asking $50. See Chapter
I website Classified ads
for pictures. Contact
Gary & Lori Schill at
Secco Designs
If ordered “in quantity” from Secco Designs,
prices are as follows.
Polo Shirts:
Small to XL
3XL to 5XL
Short Sleeve
Small to XL
3XL to 5XL
Long Sleeve
$ 8.00* $11.00*
$ 9.00* $12.00*
$10.00* $13.00*
Hoodie Sweatshirt:
Small to XL
3XL to 5XL
* Adding name adds $1 to the price
Biker King
An advertiser - and chapter member - Biker King offers a
wide variety of high-quality Chapter I clothing - many
items feature exclusive “Gold or Black Glitz” (sparkling
metal flake) printing of logos and names. Order just
one ... or more!
Go to Biker King’s website to view the selection and
pricing of Chapter I gifts and wearables. Complete your
order online and have your items delivered to your
home … usually within one week!
Looking to buy,
sell, or trade
There is no charge to
Chapter I members
who wish to list items
Contact Lori Schill at
[email protected]
with detailed
*Biker King supports Chapter I by donating a portion of
your purchase price back to the chapter.
Brookville Motorsports
Black Denim Vests
Brookville Motorsports, an advertiser - and
chapter member - stocks a very attractive black
denim vest in sizes S to 5XL. Contact Dale or Lisa
at 814-849-0004 for current pricing and
availability. More on these vests is on the Chapter website
merchandise page.
GWRRA and Chapter I Bike Flags, Patches, Pins, & Pin Locks!
Contact Goodies Coordinators, Dave or Cindy Marconi at
[email protected] with inquiries and orders.
Payment due upon receipt of order.
GWRRA Pennsylvania Chapter I
Terry & Mary Mauk ....................................... Ride Coordinators
What do teddy bears, ice cream cones, honey bees, cows, and wienies
roasting on an open fire all have in common? They’re things you’ll see
when you participate in the Chapter I group rides scheduled in August!
Check the Chapter I online calendar for more information as it becomes
available. Flyers will be distributed via email and/or at the monthly
gathering. Here’s a brief explanation of each ride to whet your appetite:
4th Annual Teddy Bear Fun Ride to benefit the Pediatric Units at
IRMC & Children’s Hospital, Sunday, August 7th. Fifty miles of
escorted riding from Indian Springs Road Fire Station in Indiana.
Cost: $15/driver & $10/rider. (See flyer on page 19 for more
information) We’re looking for someone to organize and lead our
group to Indiana. Interested? Let us know!
Meet & Greet #1: Sarah’s Place, Route 950, Reynoldsville.
Thursday, August 11th at 6 pm.
Chapter I Picnic, Clarion County Park, Saturday, August 13th.
Games start at 2 pm, and serving of Pig Roast at 4 pm. Bring a
covered dish. RSVP to [email protected] or call the
Snyders at (814) 591-5538. (See flyer on page 9 for more
Grice’s Museum, Clearfield followed by Fort Worth Restaurant,
229 West Long Avenue, DuBois. Saturday, August 20th. We will
meet at - and leave from - Sears’ parking lot at the DuBois Mall
at 10 am.
Bedford County Ride: Stops include Gravity Hill,
Rick’s Apiary, covered bridges, Long’s Outpost, and
The Cow. (See flyer on page 10 for more information.)
RSVP to [email protected] or call the Mauks at (814)
Meet & Greet #2: Deb’s Diner, 720 Main Street,
Strattanville. Thursday, August 25th at 6 pm.
Chapter I Camp-Out, Curwensville Lake, Clearfield
County. Weekend of August 26th - 28th.
Terry & Mary Mauk
Ride Coordinators
Dave & Cindy Marconi..…Goodies Coordinators
We want to sent a special “thanks” to Kathy Simcox for
sharing her vacation photos. We looked forward to
updates from your travels every day.
What an adventure you are having!
Dave & Cindy Marconi
Goodies Coordinator/Chapter I Member
GWRRA Pennsylvania Chapter I
Gary Schill ................... Advertising Coordinator/Webmaster
What’s Old is New Again!
From the Grave to Production Line
Several years ago - in fact, decades ago - there
were many motorcycle manufacturers producing
some incredible bikes for their time. They came
from Italy, Spain, England, Sweden, and others.
Although many of us ride big touring bikes, most notably Gold Wings
(except for the few “rebels” among us), most started on smaller bikes.
While some of those manufacturers are still producing, many have
succumbed to bad economic conditions or the fiercely strong
competition of the predominantly Japanese market.
You may recognize the names: Benelli, Bultaco, Husqvarna, Laverda,
Excelsior-Henderson, and BSA. Not so long ago, even Indian and
Triumph were on the list of now-defunct bike makers, but these two
are now back in production and doing quite well.
For those that admire Italian style, Benelli has been on the comeback
trail for a few years now. After a few shaky restarts, they seem to
have firm footing. Recently, they announced that they will again enter
the larger displacement classes soon. For the story leading up to the
recent announcement, you can read the article that I have published
in a Biker King Newsletter back in 2015 here.
The Swedish Husqvarna has been limping along for more than a few
years. After at least two buyouts, they are again on solid ground and
expanding their lineup rapidly. Although Husqvarna was primarily dirt
bike-oriented, they are now getting in to street bikes thanks to the
brand purchase by KTM.
The advertisements in
this newsletter have
been purchased by
businesses that support
our chapter.
We encourage you to
thank them by giving
them your business,
whenever possible. Be
sure to tell them that you
saw their ads in the
PA Chapter I newsletter!
GWRRA Pennsylvania Chapter I
Excelsior-Henderson tried, and failed, at a comeback after about
2,000 bikes were produced. Approximately 100 million dollars was
raised and spent in that revival by CEO Dan Hanlon. They were
nearing profitability, but could not raise the needed capital fast
enough to keep up with manufacturing, and were forced to cease
production. Their website is currently maintained for those who
purchased the bikes, and with the hope of one day trying it again.
Laverda and BSA never returned to production. That brings us to
Bultaco. For those that don’t know, Bultaco had produced some very
competitive bikes in everything from road racing, trials, motocross,
and even short track. Their trials machines were perhaps the most
well-known and successful. However, it was their short track model the Astro - that put many larger machines to shame on the track.
Bultaco also produced some great street bikes. Out of production
since 1983, they are coming back with a very slow introduction of
new models. The new models, though, are certainly not what an old
Bultaco fan might expect from the reborn company. Why? That will
be revealed in an upcoming Biker King Newsletter within the next
several weeks. To be sure you know when that
newsletter is published, like Biker King’s Facebook
Gary Schill
Advertising Coordinator/Webmaster
Peg Zortman ...................................................... Chapter Historian
American Honda Plant Tour:
A memory from January 1988
The * indicates a deceased friend
Now keep in mind this was nearly 30 years
ago and the facts were correct at that time.
Friday January 22, 1988 … Bud and Pat Howell and Bill and Peg
Zortman left the Zortman’s at 3:20 am ... AM ... as in, before
anyone should be expected to be up. We traveled from Murray
Summit to Diamond J’s at Exit 15 (86) of I-80 to catch up with 12
more from the chapter including friends from Canada.
From there, we traveled - convoy fashion - to the Golden Bison
Restaurant at the Blue Beacon Truck Stop in Lodi, Ohio. Dave and
Susan Moore opted to travel by themselves because, “Susan had
planned a route to include as many BOB EVANS Restaurants as
she could.”
The only snow we encountered on our entire trip was between mile
markers 175 and 172 on I-71... just three miles out and back – not
bad for January (although Peg’s notes show roads got bad that
night as we slept in Ohio).
At 277.4 miles and an hour ahead of schedule (9:50
am), we arrived at the Honda manufacturing facility
in Marysville, Ohio where chapter people who had
gone the night before met us. Our total was now 31
people for the tour.
Two young women herded us into a large
conference area for an orientation that included a
slide program giving us an idea of what the tour
The ladies then introduced a gentleman who
requested we speak slowly - he hadn’t been in the
US long; the three lead us into the plant and around
the various stations and back to the conference
room where coffee, soft drinks, and cookies were
waiting on a long white cloth-covered table.
Two more Honda Associates were introduced – one gentleman
knew the technical side and the other the production side. We were
ready for the Question and Answer session.
A new 1988 Honda Gold Wing was prominently displayed at the
front of the room for inspection. We were invited to (and did) sit on,
lean on, push, climb over, under ,and around that ‘Wing. We even
had it lying on its crash bar just to see where we didn’t want to be if
that should happen.
Here are some of the facts and observations from that 1988
It all started in 1948 in Japan. Mr. Honda (yes, there was a Mr.
Honda and a Mr. Honda, Jr.) manufactured a motorized bicycle.
The first bike to come off the Honda of America line was a dirt bike
in 1979. The auto plant became a reality in 1982, and the engine
GWRRA Pennsylvania Chapter I
plant started production in 1985. Motors for the Gold Wing and for
the Honda Civic auto were produced in the engine plant in Anna,
Honda of America (in 1988) employs approximately 8,000 people
with a starting wage of $11.25 per hr. There are nearly 30,000
applications on hand and they hire about 75 people per day. All
Associates are treated equally. Even the boss occasionally works
the line and the person in charge has a desk in the same huge
room as the other office personnel. We saw suggestion boxes
throughout the facility including one at the time clock.
It takes about six hours to build a Gold Wing motorcycle. We
watched this happen on our tour – assembly, painting (robots
except for that one man at the end of the line), testing ,then
disassembly and crating. The walkways and assembly line were
clean and uncluttered. Even the ceiling beams looked to be freshly
painted. The Associates (plant workers) were friendly and
enthusiastic about their product.
Question: Why go to a 1500 cc engine?
Answer: Have you ever looked at our bikes – loaded with
accessories, packed with necessities, pulling a fully loaded camper
(also loaded) and carrying two well-fed wingers? That power is
We were informed that Honda does not recommend you overload
the ‘Wings or pull trailers – but it looks like they’ve built a
motorcycle to handle the load.
After the tour and Q&A Session, some of our group headed home.
The rest of us had room reservations locally for the night - but first
a quick self-guided tour of the Anheuser-Busch Brewery just a few
blocks away.
We also fit in dinner at Red Lobster. In 1988, this was a special
treat. There was no local Red Lobster. Peg’s notes proclaim, “They
don’t grow shrimp in Sandy Lick Creek.”
Next morning we were heading home. One special event to
mention, though...
Kevin Smith, our favorite faithful follower, ran into a slight
problem. There was no one to follow out of the motel. The in/out
doors were part of the glass wall. Door, wall and all had a metal
bar running through its middle. Kevin, arms loaded with parcels,
pushed and pushed and pushed... on the WALL. He couldn’t find
the right glass panel. Good friends that we are – we sat in our
vehicles cheering him on – although no one moved to help.
On the way home we stopped in downtown Seville, Ohio at the
Historic Seville Inn – an old 1823 stagecoach stop. We considered
it an excellent meal, good price, great attitude, and we talked about
a future supper ride there. Wonder if lit still exists?
History download complete –
now go make a memory.
Bill & Peg Zortman
Chapter I Member/Historian
GWRRA Pennsylvania Chapter I
Lee & Donna Miller...................................... Chapter I Members
Lee and I lead a trip to The Blackwater Falls State
Park in West Virginia July 23. Riding along with us
were Ray and Doreen, Dave and Sheila, Terry and
Mary, Ron, Patty and Larry and Jim and Pat.
We stayed at The Canaan Valley Resort near
Davis, West Virginia. We rode around 460 miles
round trip. We rode on all good roads except for a unplanned detour. We
ate at some really good restaurants with good country cooking. We
shared a lot of good stories with hardy laughter. There were a few
raindrops but only a few which is good for a West Virginia trip. Thanks
Chapter I friends for letting us experience our first time at leading a
weekend ride.
Lee & Donna Miller
Chapter I Members
Lee & Donna Miller ...................................... Chapter I Members
I would like to thank everyone for all your cards and prayers while my
Dad was ill and when he passed away. It is truly appreciated, and is nice
to know we have such good friends.
Thank you...
Holly & DanStitt
Chapter I Members
GWRRA Pennsylvania Chapter I
Dana Hartle
(right) trying
on the hat as
“Ranger For
A Day” …
a near-perfect
George Simcox (left) with his new BFF
Danise Hartle and Kathie Simcox (above)
enjoying the beautiful view on their
big west vacation.
GWRRA Pennsylvania Chapter I
GWRRA Pennsylvania Chapter I