Târg de oferte - Zilele Carierei
Târg de oferte - Zilele Carierei
Ediția 6 Locuri de muncă Oferte de practică Training-uri tematice Cariere de succes Interviuri și simulări de interviuri Concursuri tematice Vizite în companii Prezentări de companii Prezentări de burse și mobilități Erasmus pentru studenți și absolvenți 25 - 26 martie 2015 zilelecarierei.upt.ro Companii participante: Parteneri: Restaurantul Universitar Politehnica Târg de oferte Technology Driven, People Oriented Centrul de Informare și Consiliere a Studenților • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • cics.upt.ro x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Științe ale Comunicării x x Mecanică x x Management în Producție și Transporturi x Inginerie din Hunedoara x Electronică și Telecomunicații x Electrotehnică și Electroenergetică Construcții x x x x x Chimie Industrială și Ingineria Mediului S.C. A&C CONSULTING CENTRE S.R.L. ACI WORLDWIDE EASTERN EUROPE DEVELOPMENT SC AdVa Software Engineering SRL AEM SA Alcatel-Lucent Romania S.R.L. Aquatim SA SC Arabesque SRL Atos IT Solutions and Services SC ATOSS Software SRL Autoliv România BeeSpeed Automatizari berg COMPUTERS BT ROC kft Coca-Cola Hellenic S.C. COINDU ROMÂNIA S.R.L. CONTINENTAL AUTOMOTIVE PRODUCTS SRL CONTINENTAL AUTOMOTIVE ROMÂNIA SRL E-Education SDC SRL DPR DRAEXLMAIER PROCESE DE PRODUCȚIE ROMÂNIA S.C. ELBA SA SC ETA2U SRL S.C. FLEXTRONICS ROMÂNIA S.R.L. Hartl Connect Transport Gmbh HAUFE-LEXWARE SRL Hella România HELPLINE ROMÂNIA SRL SC Huf Romania SRL S.C. IT Vizion RO S.R.L. SC Leoni Wiring Systems Arad SRL SC MAHLE Componente de Motor SRL Microsoft România S.C. MONDIAL S.A. SC MOVIDIUS SRL SC NETEX CONSULTING SRL SC Oce Software SRL Procter&Gamble Pirelli Tyres România RICARDO M.I. IMPEX Saguaro Technology , Inc. SIPA ENGINEERING ROMÂNIA SC Smithfield Ferme SRL S.C. Smithfield Prod S.R.L. SC SoftVision SRL SC Systronics SRL SC TAKATA ROMÂNIA SRL TMD FRICTION ROMÂNIA TRW Automotive Safety Systems TT Electronics Sensing and Control SRL Ursus Breweries SC USTravel SRL Valeo Lighting Injection virtual7 GmbH SC VISMA SOFTWARE SRL SC WEBASTO ROMÂNIA SRL YAZAKI COMPONENT TECHNOLOGY SRL ZOPPAS INDUSTRIES ROMÂNIA SRL Arhitectură și Urbanism Companii Participante Automatică și Calculatoare OFERTE DISPONIBILE PE FACULTĂȚI x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x 3 e.com d i w rld aciwo mania @ t n e Ro cruitm orldwide ide.com e r m t ACI W aciworldw . www high quality services close to our clients our belief people are the highest valued capital Alcatel-Lucent Romania Ascent Soft Astra Vagoane Arad / Trinity B. BRAUN Medical Romania BOS Automotive Products Celestica Romania & Europe makes the difference Continental Automotive Products Contitech Romania Cooper Industries Romania Dura Automotive Since 2003 we have managed to develop solid Elektrokontakt Romania relationships with our clients and permanently extended Eybl Automotive our portfolio. Our clients advocate for us. Flextronics Romania FM Romania Frigoglass Romania Hirschmann Romania Inform Media We provide vocational and functional courses for Johnson Controls (CRH Romania) Kromberg & Schubert Romania managers and other professionals, with maximum Key Safety System RO impact on the job. Leoni Wiring Systems Arad Mahle Componente de Motor Midtown Retail Mondial Lugoj Nadab Automotive Components Nestle Romania We are specialized on recruitment and selection for Panduit European Solutions managerial and specialist positions and we have Procar Timisoara years of experience on Western Romanian market. Profi Rom Food SE Bordnetze Romfilms SCA Packaging Smithfield Sumida România Human Resources Processes Takata-Petri Romania Organizational Development Management Processes Thermopol/ Contitech Transelectrica Webasto Romania Yazaky Component Technology our enthusiasm and warmth TRAINING RECRUITMENT & SELECTION CONSULTANCY SERVICES 300181 Timisoara, Bd. G-ral Ion Dragalina nr. 7 ap. 7 Tel./fax +40-256-27.07.03 E-mail: [email protected] www.accc.ro WHO WE ARE AdVa Software Engineering is specialized in providing expertise in the area of Model Based Development of Automotive / Aeronautics Embedded Software. Our main domains of activities are in the area of modeling (Matlab / Simulink / Stateßow, Statemate, Rhapsody UML), auto-coding (TargetLink, Statemate MicroC, Rhapsody in C) and advanced formal veriÞcation and test generation (EmbeddedSpeciÞer / EmbeddedValidator / EmbeddedTester) with focus on: • Providing consulting on development and test process improvements in order to fulÞll the ISO 26262 / DO178B/C safety standards. ¥ Supporting the organizations to roll-out the models based technologies and safety standards in new projects. ¥ Managing and executing projects in the area of model based development and model based testing. The target of AdVa Software Engineering is to give its customers efÞcient and high qualitative work results in-line with the industry safety standards ISO 26262, DO178B / DO178C, MISRA C and AUTOSAR. OPPORTUNITIES Junior Model Based Software Engineer! Summer Practice! Diploma Projects! ! Contact us: [email protected]! www.adva-software.com 5 sucursale: Buziaș, Deta, Făget, Jimbolia, Sânnicolau Mare 316.000 consumatori 20 stații de tratare a apei potabile 15 stații de epurare a apei uzate 1,600 km lungime rețele distribuție apă 760 km lungime rețele de canalizare 3 laboratoare de control a calității apelor 1 laborator metrologic Tel: 0256 201370 Fax: 0256 201753 [email protected] www. aquatim.ro S.C. ARABESQUE S.R.L www.arabesque.ro Oportunități Oferte de practică Descrierea companiei Lider național in distribuția materialelor de construcții. Compania Arabesque este liderul numărul 1 de materiale de construcție si finisaje din România. In România, Arabesque dispune de o rețea de centre comerciale in cele mai mari municipii: Galați, București, Baia Mare, Brașov, Bacău, Craiova, Cluj-Napoca, Constanța, Focșani, Iași, Piatra Neamț, Ploiești, Pitești, Oradea, Timișoara si Târgu Mureș. Începând cu anul 2005, Arabesque a devenit si o prezența internaționala prin deschiderea de filiale pe piețele țărilor din regiune: Republica Moldova, Bulgaria, Ucraina și Serbia. 12 zilelecarierei.upt.ro Your first career move is important. After all, with your studies completed, you’ll be able to turn from grad to guru. Or at least, you will if you join Atos. We’d like to take you on a journey. On the way, you’ll see yourself transformed from an ambitious student to a business technologist. At Atos, that’s what we do. We bring together people, technology and business. Join us and become one of more than 86.000 business technologists powering progress for the firm of the future. Together, we embark on a new journey that will shape the future of IT ! 1st step in this journey it’s to send us your CV & a cover letter at [email protected] See more and apply at careers.atos.net Dive into the worlD of AtoSS! working at AtoSS is something special. our staff appreciate their work and working environment. here, individuals count. Your strong points are discovered, your talents are furthered and your performance is rewarded. no wonder that the majority of our employees has been working for AtoSS for over five years. Join our young and strongly growing timisoara branch office now, and you will be offered exciting career opportunities. the outstanding performance and the passion of our people make AtoSS a convincing, preferred partner – now and in future. leave the old structures behind and shape a new, promising career at AtoSS. w w w. At o S S . c o m / c A r e e r S o f t wA r e | c o n S U lt i n G | S e r v i c e S SC ATOSS Software SRL, Bd. liviu rebreanu nr. 76-78, 300755 timisoara human resources, Alexandra Guliman, f +40 356 710 170, [email protected], www.atoss.ro Join berg COMPUTERS and enjoy project diversity Options for your career! www.berg-computers.com/careers www.facebook.com/BergComputers Kick-start your career career with British Telecom (BT)! com (BT), d’s leading s Find out more and apply for BT jobs here: http://www.btplc.com/Careercentre Join our new graduate programme and Debrecen! help us succeed Keyand facts to know about in BT:Budapest • Fluent English and Hungarian . We have a global presence in 170 countries . We have a large and sophisticated Regional Operation Centreas(ROC) Hungary BT is known globally a major in technology player . The ROC hasdigital 1,300 employees operating - pioneering advances that will shape the In Hungary we provide networked IT services infuture. 15 different business branches professional services. . Weandoffer 16,000 training hours annually . We offer a multicultural environment We look for the potential future leaders of BT offering . A family-friendly workplace a two-year programme with major development . Winner opportunities. of the “Best Workplace”award in Ifthe Shared Service Centre (SSC) category you’ve got the drive, and raw talent, we’ll give you . State-of-the-art office environment the foundations to your career. . Competitive salary and wide range apply for our programme you must have: ofTo‘cafeteria’ benefits • A Bachelors’ Degree with at least Grade 4. . We are a “bike-to-work” supporting employer Weofferacompetitivesalaryandbenefits,training, career advice while you are at BT, and a chance to Webuild have opencareer. positions a fantastic in the following areas: . Customer So what areService you waiting for? Find out more about our . graduate opportunities and apply now at: Service Operations http://www.btgraduates.com/emea.aspx . Business Administration Start up your future! Fă primul pas în cariera ta • Voluntariat • Practică • Master • Full-time • Part-time Continental Anvelope Timișoara www.romania.careers-continental.com www.romania.careers-continental.com Continental Automotive Romania Suntem mândri să-ţi punem mașina în mișcare! La Continental Automotive în România, peste 7 500 de angajaţi lucrează în centrele de cercetare și dezvoltare din Timișoara, Iași și Sibiu și în unităţile de producţie din Sibiu, Brașov și Timișoara. Inginerii noștri dezvoltă soluţii software, hardware și de design mecanic pentru aplicaţii în interiorul mașinii, pentru siguranţă, motor și transmisie, cât și sisteme de navigaţie și instrumente de bord pentru viitoarele mașini și camioane. Și tu poţi fi parte din echipa noastră: • Embedded Software Developer • Software Developer C/C++/OOP • Hardware Engineer • Mechanical Design Engineer • Test Engineer • IT Engineer • • • • • • • Software Architect Technical Project Leader Quality Engineer Production Test Engineer Project Quality Manager Launch Manager Project Manager De fiecare dată când activezi sistemul de navigaţie, accelerezi sau frânezi, foloseşti software-ul şi electronica încorporate în produsele noastre. www.romania.careers-continental.com www.facebook.com/ContinentalCareer DRÄXLMAIER Group www.draexlmaier.com Oportunități Oferte de practică Descrierea companiei Dräxlmaier Group, fondat în 1958, cu sediu în Germania, furnizează celor mai importanți producători de automobile sisteme de cablaje moderne, interioare luxoase și componente electrice și electronice. Dräxlmaier are peste 50.000 de angajați în mai mult de 60 de fabrici în peste 20 de țări. Dräxlmaier Group și-a început activitatea în România în anul 1993, iar în prezent are peste 14.000 de angajați în cele 5 arii de producție care sunt, de asemenea, și centre de dezvoltare: Timișoara, Pitești, Satu Mare, Hunedoara și Brașov. În Timișoara, activitatea Grupului urmărește atât producția sistemelor de cablaje, cât și dezvoltarea și producția sistemelor de testare electrice. De asemenea, o serie de activități cu acoperire regională au fost dezvoltate la sediul companiei timișorene, precum suport și dezvoltare aplicații IT și achiziții. 24 zilelecarierei.upt.ro CINE SUNTEM ? ELBA este societate privată pe acţiuni, cu capital integral românesc avand ca obiect de activitate proiectarea, productia si comercializarea corpurilor si sistemelor de iluminat. CU CE NE OCUPĂM ? Prin continua dezvoltare a resursei umane şi a tehnologiilor aplicate, ELBA oferă clienţilor săi: corpuri de iluminat pentru industria de automotive – faruri şi lămpi; corpuri de iluminat indoor si outdoor într-o gamă variata; matriţe, scule de injecţie mase plastice; servicii complete pentru sisteme de iluminat interior, exterior sau stradal. CE VĂ OFERIM ? Mai mult decât un job – o CARIERĂ. Daca vrei sa continui sa înveți si sa evoluezi profesional alătură-te unei echipe de oameni talentați si profesioniști , preocupați continuu de inovație si tehnologie in domeniul iluminatului. Timisoara, str. Paul Morand, nr. 135 Tel: 0356.443.908; Fax: 0356.443.906 Email: res.umane@elba .ro Flextronics Romania Flextronics is a leading Electronics Manufacturing Services (EMS) provider focused on delivering complete design, engineering and manufacturing services to aerospace and defense, automotive, computing, consumer, industrial, infrastructure, medical, energy, and mobile OEMs. Flextronics helps customers design, build, ship and service electronics products through a network of facilities in 30 countries on four continents. This global presence provides design and engineering solutions that are combined with core electronics manufacturing and logistics services, and are vertically integrated with components technologies, to optimize customer operations by lowering costs and reducing time to market. According with worldwide development strategy, Flextronics Timisoara started since 2012 to build up a team for Medical and Automotive R&D activities. Being part of worldwide R&D organization, this team works with top healthcare companies and automotive OEMs with focus on development of medical devices in the diagnostics, drug delivery (Medical) and lighting, clean products, connectivity (Automotive) products. Timisoara, Romania Manufacturing Services Center ISO 9001; ISO 14001, TL9000, ISO /TS 16949, ISO 13485, ANSI/ESD S.20.20 Built-up Area No. of Employees Address 430,000 sq. ft. Over 4000 Calea Torontalului DN6, km 5.7 We are looking for talented energetic people who dare to create and innovate. - Mechanical Design Engineer R&D - Mechanical Design Engineer Trainee R&D Hardware Development Engineer R&D - Hardware Engineer Trainee R&D Software Engineer for Embedded Systems R&D - Software Engineer Trainee R&D Test Development Engineer - Test Engineer Process Engineer SMT - Prototyping/Test Engineer AOI Product Engineer - Network Engineer Program Manager - Project Manager Debug Technician - Line Supervisor Demand Planner - Buyer Production Planner - Materials/Planning/ Engineering Trainee HR GBS Associate (English and German/ Polish/ Hungarian/Ukrainian) If you are ready to join a global team with locations in 30 countries and 4 continents, send us your resume to e-mail: [email protected] or visit our site www.flextronics.com www.flextronics.com Do you speak more than two languages? Communication is one of your strengths? Sprichst du ein wenig deutsch? Always one step ahead too? YES? LET’S TALK! We are an international transport and logistics service provider that offers comprehensive and partial cargo solutions throughout the EU. Through many years of experience, competence and speed we have become a reliable partner for industry and trade. Our staff demonstrate high levels of service and communication skills, have a background in business and commerce and speak all main languages of the European Union. Whether a newcomer to the workforce or a long-standing business professional with experience in the industry, working for HARTL provides every opportunity for further development. We are constantly looking to strengthen our successful team in Timisoara in the field of TRANSPORT SALES MANAGEMENT and ADMINISTRATION It awaits you a field of activity requiring high level of responsibility and independent work within a dynamic and professional environment. Attractive conditions and an appropriate remuneration are ensured. Extensive training and support will be provided during the introductory phase in order to familiarise you with the internal and external organizational processes. Interested? Please send your CV and motivation letter to [email protected] We are looking forward to your application and assure confidentiality of your data at all times. www.hartlconnect.com Technology with Vision HELLA Romania – Light Up your career We are hiring! Be part of HELLA family! HELLA is a global technology group boasting more than 30,000 employees at over 100 locations in more than 35 countries. We develop and manufacture lighting technology and electronics for the automobile industry and have one of the largest aermarket organizations for vehicle parts, accessories, diagnostics and service in Europe. With sales of approx. 5.3 billion euros in the fiscal year 2013/2014, HELLA is among the 100 largest German industrial companies and one of the top 50 automotive suppliers in the world. At the same time, HELLA is a family-run company that has been planning and acting with vision for over 100 years. An employer that knows that success, security, satisfaction and trust are important prerequisites for every individual's innovative power. That, by conviction, offers outstanding development opportunities and has anchored reconciliation of family and professional life in its DNA. For this reason, we attract people that are looking for both: Innovation and tradition, freedom and responsibility, challenges and security. People with vision. In HELLA Romania there are more than 2,300 employees, in 4 cities: Timisoara, Arad, Lugoj and Craiova. Available jobs: Hardware Development Engineer Embedded Soware Developer Mechanical Design Engineer Qualification Test Engineer Accountant Fixed Assets - German Speaker IP Researcher Specialist - German speaker CMS Expert Manufacturing Engineer Java Developer Firewall Administrator Network Administrator All the above mentioned positions require: University degree, Good English and/or German Skills, Motivation and Creativity. Contact information: Address: Str. Hella nr. 3 Ghiroda, Timis Website: www.hella.com E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 0372.227.100 HAVE A CAREER THAT GOES PLACES IT Vizion este o companie privată multinaţională, care furnizează soluţii şi servicii în domeniul Tehnologiei Informaţiei. Compania este axată pe crearea şi furnizarea de soluţii tehnologice inteligente şi rapide, în vederea creşterii eficienţei în afaceri. Printre domeniile în care ne specializăm sunt industriile de Gaze Naturale, Petrol şi Energie. Succesul nostru, ca şi firmă, se datorează echipei noastre. Suntem un grup divers de oameni creativi, motivaţi, cu o pasiune pentru tehnologie. Compania a fost fondată în SUA, iar pe piaţa din Romania s-a lansat în anul 2012. Astăzi, IT Vizion are 4 locaţii internaţionale şi continuăm să creştem! Start your future with us! » SQL Server DBA » IT Specialist – Networks » Oracle Database Administrator (DBA) » PHP Application Developer » Java Developers » .NET Software Developer » Software QA Engineers » Software Developer in Test Vino să lucrezi cu noi într-un mediu pozitiv, unde îţi oferim flexibilitate, oportunităţi de avansare şi o sansă să vezi lumea! Trimite CV-ul la [email protected] Your goal Your perspective Your future move Your career connection. Welcome to LEONI Worldwide-Group As a well-known, innovative and competent system and development supplier of wires, cables and wiring systems, we employ over 66.000 people in over 88 locations in 33 countries. Our products have various applications - in cars, computers and household devices and even trams. Our customers include well-known companies such as Aston Martin, Audi, Bentley, BMW, General Motors, Land Rover, Mercedes-Benz, Porsche, Peugeot, Renault, Nissan, Rolls Royce, VW and others. LEONI in Romania With more than 11.700 employees, we are one of the top employers in Romanian automotive industry. With operational plants based in Arad (1999); Bistrita (2002) and Pitesti (2005) we are in a continual growth as an output of our high level of customer orientation through innovative technology. New projects result in new growth. Job Opportunities - Manufacturing Plant Arad • Process Engineer • Quality Plant Section Manager • Design Engineer • Quality Engineer • Facility Engineer • Electronics Technician • Automated industrial equipment • Procurement Analyst Technician LEONI Recruitment You can apply directly at www.leoni.ro or Andreea Terbet | eMail [email protected] [email protected] Phone: +40 (0) 257 205 266 S.C. MAHLE Componente de Motor Shaping the future with innovative strength. As a leading global development partner for the automotive and engine industry, MAHLE offers unique systems competence in the areas of engine systems, filtration, electrics/mechatronics, and thermal management. The MAHLE Group ranks among the top three systems suppliers worldwide for mobile applications in these sectors. In the original equipment industry, MAHLE provides technologically innovative solutions for automotive, commercial vehicle, machinery, and other industrial applications. The Aftermarket business unit also serves the independent parts market with MAHLE products in OE quality. MAHLE has a local presence in all major world markets. In 2014, some 66,000 employees at approximately 150 production locations are expected to generate sales of around EUR ten billion. At ten major research and development centers in Germany, Great Britain, the USA, Brazil, Japan, China, and India, more than 4,500 development engineers and technicians are working on forward-looking concepts, products, and systems. Get started with new ideas at MAHLE Componente de Motor in Timișoara Apply now: MAHLE Componente de Motor Calea Aradului, DN 69, Km 6.6, Timisoara tel. 0256 265 630 fax.0256 265 631 [email protected] cics.upt.ro www.mahle.com Oportunități Senior Project Leader’s Manager Deputy Warehouse Leader Supplier Quality Development Leader Quality Customer Leader Design Team Leader Mechanical Design Engineer Industrial Engineer Packaging Engineer Maintenance Engineer Maintenance Technician Process Engineer Process Technician Test Engineer Test Technician Financial Controller Material Planner Supplier Quality Developer 35 MICROSOFT ROMÂNIA www.microsoft.com Descrierea companiei Mission: Founded in 1975, Microsoft (NASDAQ “MSFT”) is the worldwide leader in soft-ware, services and solutions that help people and businesses realize their full potential. Employer: The company developed from a start-up with 4 employees in 1996 to a company with over 400 employees in 2012.This year, Microsoft is the Employer of Choice in Romania for the 2nd year in a row, a result of a comprehensive market research by Catalyst Consulting. Microsoft is also the Best European Workplace for the 5th consecutive year. Award conferred by Great Place to Work Institute, in an analysis that covers 1500 companies. Economic impact: Over 50% of the jobs from the IT industry are influenced by Microsoft (according to an economic impact study by IDC for Microsoft, 2009). For each dollar that Microsoft earns in Romania, industry partners make additional 6 RON (according to the same study). With the support of 4,000 local commercial partners, Microsoft addresses with its solutions a market of over 400,000 SMBs. Social impact: Youth and Education are among the priorities of Microsoft in Romania. For example, Microsoft announced in 2012 a grant of 100,000 USD to support the development of digital and entrepreneurial skills of 4,500 students; thru Partners in Learning, a program focused on improving education throughout the world, over 50,000 Romanian teachers were trained on digital skills during 2004-2012. 36 zilelecarierei.upt.ro 1. Compiler/Tools Engineer/Lead for DSP Processors 2. Embedded SW Engineers/Leads 3. Digital Signal Processing Applications Developer/Lead 4. Eclipse IDE RCP/CDT Engineer 5. Senior Python Scripting/Automation Engineer Océ Software România Océ is one of the leading providers of document management and printing for professionals. The Océ offering includes office printing and copying systems, high speed digital production printers and wide format printing systems for both technical documentation and color display graphics. In 2010 Océ joined the Canon Group of companies with headquarters in Tokyo, Japan, to create the global leader in the printing industry. Océ innovation & technology center Established in 2005, Océ Software România is the largest Océ R&D software application site worldwide, with over 160 employees. Océ Software România carries out a wide range of software development, cutting-edge testing technique for cutsheet, continuous feed and wide format printing. We value our staff by investing in their development, health and good employment practices. Our workplace has a creative, dynamic and fun atmosphere that allows people to develop their potential and enjoy sharing experience with other professionals. If this sounds appealing, why not join our team? Océ Software SRL Timişoara 300222, Bd. Mihai Viteazu 30B, T: 0256 200 786 www.oce.ro WWW.PIRELLI.RO PIRELLI TYRES ROMANIA Founded in 1872 in Milan, Pirelli is among the world's leading producers of �res. Present in over 160 countries, Pirelli has 22 manufacturing sites and employs approximately 38.000 people around the world. Pirelli strategy is focused of Premium �res with a strong commitment to R&D. Successfully compe�ng in Motorsports since 1907, Pirelli is currently the exclusive supplier of the Formula 1® championship and the Superbike world championship. The Pirelli’s �re plant in Sla�na (Olt), is today one of the most modern car �re produc�on plants of Pirelli, equipped with the highest produc�on technology designed to manufacture high performance �res of Premium range, where Pirelli is a leader. The produc�on is designed for the original equipment of the largest automo�ve companies. _____________________________________________________________________ DRIVE YOUR CAREER & ACCELERATE YOUR GROWTH Jobs opportuni�es Preven�ve & Breakdown Maintenance Engineer Industrial Engineering & Con�nuous Improvement Specialist R&D Materials Process Engineer Industrializa�on & Process Quality Engineer Quality Claims Management & Original Equipment Specialist Ergonomics Specialist Sla�na (Olt) Str. Drăgăneș�, 3� [email protected] Candidează pentru un post de Inginer Proiectant la Departamentul Proiectare electrică! Rezervă-ţi un loc la Internshipul Sipa în cadrul Departamentului Proiectare Mecanică! Proiectează-ţi o carieră cu perspective! Te așteptăm în echipa SIPA Timișoara! Reprezintă-ne în faţa clienţilor ca Inginer Automatist la Departamentul Service Clienţi! Alocă-ţi timp pentru viitorul tău! Tot ce trebuie să faci este să trimiţi un CV la adresa de e-mail: [email protected] Oportunitati de Cariera Cicor este un grup inter national hightech, lider in industria microelectro nica avansata, substra turi si solutii electronice. Grupul ofera servicii complete de outsourcing, precum si o gama variata de tehnologii inovatoare, electronica, optiuni de productie si asamblare PCB, asamblare sisteme, injectii de plastic. Cu aproximativ 1900 de angajati in cele 11 centre de productie si cu mai mult de 20 de rep rezentante la nivel mon dial, grupul ofera solutii personalizate de inalta calitate pentru clientii sai din lumea intreaga. Inginer Dezvoltare Test Inginer Test Inginer pregatirea productiei Inginer electronist Inginer calitate Tehnician Manager de produs Achizitor Montator subansamble Posibilitati de practica Contact SC Systronics SRL Tel: 0257285944, 0257285914 Str. I – Zona Industriala Arad Vest, nr. 10 310580 Arad [email protected] www.cicor.com We stop everything, except your career TMD Friction are a Nisshinbo Group company. We are the global leaders in brake friction technology. From passenger cars, racing cars and commercial vehicles to rail and industrial transport, we drive excellence through effective, reliable and safe braking solutions. Job Opportunities: • Software Developer • Group Web Developer • SAP Business Warehouse Specialist • Marketing Analyst • Data Analyst • Graphic Designer •Digital Media Designer and Packaging Design & Technology Opportunities for Students: Paid internship within the following departments: • Finance • HR • IT • Logistics • Process Engineering • Product Engineering • Maintenance Contact information: TMD Friction Romania Address: Str. Varful Gugu, no. 1, Caransebes, 325400, Caras-Severin Website: www.tmdfriction.com E-mail: [email protected] Telephone: (0) 355-403 922 TRW TRW Automotive is among the world’s largest automotive suppliers and one of the top financial performers in the industry . We produce advanced active systems in braking, steering and suspensions, sophisticated occupant safety systems, including airbags, seat belts and steering wheels for more than 40 major vehicle manufacturers and 250 nameplates. TRW has over 60 000 employees working in more than 185 locations. TRW Automotive Safety Systems, Romania, started the activity in Timisoara more than 10 years ago and currently has over 4000 employees in five production sites: Timisoara, Marghita, Lupeni, Baia Mare and Oravita. We produce steering wheels and perform the assembly of airbags. Our mission is to HELP PROTECT PEOPLE ON THE ROAD. Join our team! Apply your resume at [email protected] For more information visit our website: www.trw.com or our local Facebook page: facebook.com/TRWAutomotive About TT Electronics Sensing and Control What we do? Portofolio If you like what you see please send your job application at: [email protected] Join virtual7 and be part of our success story! We will be happy to get to know you! Company description virtual7 GmbH is a Software and Consulting company with the focus on implementation of middleware projects in the ORACLE environment. Our company has more than 60 employees, divided over the headquarter in Karlsruhe (Germany) and the subsidiaries in Munich and Timișoara. Since 2010 virtual7 is a certified ORACLE Platinum Partner. Our close connection with ORACLE, as well as our young, dynamic and highly motivated team, ensures a short time response and successful project for our customers. What do we offer? „One of our unique selling points is that we always respect deadlines and deliver dates, due to our passion for success and happy clients.” Ciprian Iancu, Head of Development, Timisoara - Innovative and creative working environment - Career development possibilities - Trainings in order to become an expert in ORACLE iiitechnologies - Opportunity to work with State of The Art Technologies and iiiwell known clients - Flat hierarchy and the possibility to make a difference - Financial benefits (bonus packages, overtime iiicompensation) Career and professional development at virtual7 - Java Web Developer - German Speaker positions (with iiiopportunity to work in Germany) - Paid summer internship - Bachelor’s or Master’s thesis collaboration Contact us virtual7 GmbH | Simion Barnutiu, nr. 65 A | Timisoara Phone: +40 0740 799 834 Email: [email protected], [email protected] Website: www.virtual7.de Social Media: www.facebook.com/virtual7ro http://virtual7.de Join the R&D department of one of Europe’s leading software companies Visma Software Research & Development department (R&D) drives Visma’s technological innovation in areas that shape the future of international business systems. We create business software solutions that improve our customers’ efficiency through business process automation. We develop business software solutions such as ERP, CRM, logistics, HRM and payroll along with other add-ons. Currently, we have more than 800 R&D employees located in Europe. We offer: • • • • • • • An exciting position in an international working environment. You will be part of a dynamic and highly skilled team and work in smaller scrum teams. The chance to work with interesting customer segments, in a creative working environment, using the latest technologies, methodologies and tools. Good opportunities for career development by working in different projects and in an extensive and successful international company. Some traveling in Europe. Continued training and the opportunity to keep up-to-date within your field. Company holiday apartments in Spain and France. Competitive terms and conditions, including pension schemes. www.visma.ro Visma makes businesses more efficient, through offerings of software, outsourcing services, commerce solutions, retail IT-solutions, and IT-related projects and consulting. We simplify and digitalize core business processes within the private and public sector. 340 000 customers in Northern Europe utilize our products and services, and an additional 330 000 use us as a hosting partner. We are 5 600 employees and our net revenue amounted to NOK 6 500 million in 2013. SC WEBASTO AG SRL www.webasto.com Descrierea companiei Webasto AG, cu sediul în München/Germania, a fost înființatã în 1901 ca o afacere de familie, fiind în present unul din primii 100 de furnizori auto la nivel mondial. Domeniile de bază ale companiei includ dezvoltarea și producția de sisteme de acoperiș, decapotare și caroserie, precum și sisteme de încălzire, climatizare și ventilație pentru automobile, respectiv vehicule comerciale. Webasto este de mai mulți ani, numãrul 1 mondial în producția de trape auto și încălzitoare staționare. Webasto România SRL și-a început activitatea în iunie 2008, în cadrul Zonei Industriale Zimandu Nou, jud.Arad, și dorește să rămână în România pe termen lung, încurajând angajații să facă același lucru, atât prin salarii competitive cât și prin condiții de muncă excelente: un pachet consistent de beneficii, bonusuri, precum și transport gratuit. Oportunități: Inginer producție Inginer calitate Logistician Tehnician mentenanță cics.upt.ro Contact: Parcul Industrial F.N. 317425 Judetul Arad, Comuna Zimandu Nou [email protected] 59 Quality leads the way! Join our Team! We are looking for: 9 9 9 9 Process Engineers Quality Engineers IT Engineers Buyer Analysts We also offer internships Contact us: [email protected] www.kathrein.ro 0256/290565 Centrul de Informare și Consiliere a Studenților www.cics.upt.ro