Graffham Parish News November 2011
Graffham Parish News November 2011
Graffham Parish News No. 245 November 2011 75p Cover illustration: THE OAK AND THE REEDS by Arthur Rackham An Oak that grew on the bank of a river was uprooted by a severe gale of wind, and thrown across the stream. It fell among some Reeds growing by the water, and said to them, "How is it that you, who are so frail and slender, have managed to weather the storm, whereas I, with all my strength, have been torn up by the roots and hurled into the river?" "You were stubborn," came the reply, "and fought against the storm, which proved stronger than you: but we bow and yield to every breeze, and thus the gale passed harmlessly over our heads." From AESOP'S FABLES trans V S Vernon Jones, 1912 Magazine printed by Calabre Print, Emsworth Cover printed by Tobit Computer Co Ltd Website: Email: [email protected] PARISH OF ST GILES GRAFFHAM & St PETER WOOLAVINGTON with All Saints Chapel Wednesday 2nd November 2010 All Souls Day 7.30 pm A Service for the Faithful Departed (with Communion) Sunday 6th November 3rd Sunday before Advent 10.30 am Parish Communion at St Giles 6.30 pm Evensong at All Saints Friday 11th November 2011 10.50 am at the War Memorial Armistice Day Sunday 13th November Remembrance Sunday 10.45 am Remembrance Day Service at St Giles (with Canon Michael Till) No Service at All Saints Sunday 20th November Sunday Next before Advent 10.30 am Parish Communion at St Giles 6.30 pm Evensong at All Saints Sunday 27th November 1st Sunday of Advent 10.30 am Family Communion at St Giles 6.30 pm Advent Carols with the Seaford College Choir at St Giles No Service at All Saints Sunday 4th December 2nd Sunday of Advent 10.30 am Parish Communion at St Giles 6.30 pm Evensong at All Saints St Giles Church Contact Numbers Rector: Rev Stephen Gray 01798 867 533 (day off Tuesday) Church Wardens: John Bellis 01798 867 444 Alan Sargent 01798 867 460 Page 1 from Rev. Stephen Gray I attended in the Long Room at Lords earlier this year a lecture by James Holland on two cricketers who were involved in the War ... Hedley Verity, possibly England’s greatest spinner killed in Sicily in 1943 and Keith Miller, arguably one of the greatest all-rounders ever. After the War, to celebrate its end there were a series of Tests between England and Australia called the “Victory Tests” Miller was at the crease with a hundred under his belt and was joined by Graham Williams, who had just been released from a German Prisoner of war camp weeks before the series started and played at 31kg below his pre -war playing weight. In between overs he drank glasses of glucose and water to sustain his energy. When this strike bowler emerged through the long room and on to the pitch, he received a spontaneous and deafening standing ovation. “It was” Miller said, “the most touching thing I have ever seen or heard, almost orchestral in its sound and feeling. Whenever I think of it, tears still come to my eyes.” The season of November is the season of remembrance as we reflect on stories of heroism, sacrifice and the cost laid down for our freedom. All-Souls on November 2nd when we remember our own loved ones who have died, “Remember, Remember, the fifth of November”, and, more poignantly, Remembrance Sunday itself. It is a reflective month. Returning to that heroic and moving image of Williams’ homecoming emerging from the Lords’ Pavilion, we are reminded of the Apostle’s words of hope and triumph despite costly sacrifice. It illustrates the prize of Eternity through Christ’s sufferings for us all. We, like Williams, but on a far grander scale, will be granted a Heavenly Page 2 reception with all the Saints standing and applauding our homecoming - lost in wonder, love and praise. “No, in all these things we are more than Conquerors through him who loved us. For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Armistice Day Friday 11th November As well as the traditional service on Remembrance Sunday there will be a short act of remembrance on Friday 11th November at 10.50am at the War Memorial in the heart of the village. This year children from Graffham and Duncton schools will be reading the Roll of Honour. Please do come along, and afterwards there will be coffee at the Foresters Arms. Page 3 November Men’s Breakfast ... The next Men’s Breakfast will be on November 5th at The Foresters Arms Insights into the legal profession will be provided by a well-known Graffham barrister … Price £8 includes Full English Breakfast To reserve your place ring the Rectory on 867 533 A SPECIAL SERVICE OF HOLY COMMUNION to give thanks for the lives of loved ones who have departed from us. ALL SOULS EUCHARIST Tuesday 2nd November at 7.30 pm At St.Giles’ Church This will be a chance to reflect upon loved ones we no longer see but still cherish, with the opportunity of placing a candle in their memory upon the altar. The names of those departed will be read out in the intercessions and there is a book on the altar in the side Chapel currently available for you to sign in good time prior to the service. Stephen Page 4 All are Welcome to our Advent Carol Service Sunday 27th November at 6.30 pm A Service of Advent Hymns and Readings in preparation for Christmas At St Giles Church With Seaford College Choir Page 5 Graffham Calendar November Sat 5 Graffham Down Trust Work Party Men’s Breakfast, Foresters Arms Mon 7 Graffham Parish Council Meeting, Empire Hall, 6.30pm Weds 9 Mobile Library, Shop Car Park 12.00-12.20 East Lavington Parish Council Meeting, Seaford College Thurs 10 Thursday Club Talk, Palestine, Empire Hall Fri 11-Thurs 17 Graffham Weavers Exhibition at Shuttles, Daily Fri 11 Remembrance Day, Cenotaph 10.50am Sat 12 Jazz Night at the Foresters Mon 14 Guides & Brownies Christmas Sale, Empire Hall, 6.00pm Sat 19 Graffham Down Trust Work Party Weds 23 Empire Lunch Club Mobile Library, Shop Car Park, 12.00-12.20 Fri 25 Graffham Rustics Presentation, Empire Hall, 7.45pm Sat 26 GEM Present “Shooting Dogs” with presentation on Rwanda by Seaford College Students, Empire Hall, 6.45pm December Sat 3 Sun 4 Weds 7 Thurs 8 Sat 10 Sun 11 Weds 14 Fri 16 Sun 18 Weds 21 Sat 24 Sun 25 2012 January Weds 4 Sat 7 St Giles Christmas Fair, Empire Hall, 10.00-2.00 GEM Family Matinee, KUNG FU PANDA 2, Empire Hall Mobile Library Shop Car Park 12.00-2.00pm Thursday Club Christmas Lunch GDT Work Party Jazz Night at the Forester’s Arms Christingle at St Giles 4.00pm Empire Lunch Club Ladies CLIC Carol Concert, Empire Hall Christmas Parish Communion at All Saints, 10.30 Candlelight Carol Service at St Giles, 5.00 pm Mobile Library, Shop Car Park, 12.00-2pm Christmas Eve Christmas Crib Service, St Peters Chapel, 4pm Midnight Mass of Christmas, St Giles, 11.00pm Christmas Day Family Communion at St Giles, 10.30am Mobile Library GDT Work Party Page 6 Weds 18 Sat 21 Sat 21 February Weds 1 Thurs 2 Fri 3 Sat 4 Thurs 9 Weds 15 Sat 18 Mon 20 Sat 25 Weds 29 Mobile Library GDT Work Party Graffham Empire Movies, Empire Hall Mobile Library Thursday Club Trip to South Pacific Bowls Club Presentation Dinner GDT Work Party Thursday Club, Talk by Helen Martin Mobile Library GDT Work Party Graffham Empire Movies AGM Graffham Empire Movies, Empire Hall DIGITAL SWITCHOVER FOR GRAFFHAM TVs! Mobile Library March Sat 17 Sat 24 Weds 28 GDT Work Party Graffham Empire Movies, Empire Hall Mobile Library April Sun 22 Sat 28 Bowls Club Opening Day Graffham Empire Movies, Empire Hall July Sat 21-Fri 27 Tennis Club Tennis Week 2012 The Graffham Calendar Advance dates in the Graffham Calendar are all now stored on a Google calendar. They can be viewed online on the website Those of you who already use an electronic calendar, the Graffham calendar is stored in a standard ics format so you can link it into your own. Very usesful. Email [email protected] for details. Page 7 Christmas Fair! Can You Help? Ann Rowney still needs some helpers with this year’s Christmas Fair. If you would like to help on a stall or help in any way please call Ann on 01798 867 487 Produce Stall? Contributions for the Produce Stall would be much appreciated. Jams, Marmalades, Chutneys, Cakes, Biscuits, Mince Pies, etc. can all be sold on the stall. Please bring your goodies along early on the day, or ring Ann for more information. A PERSON TO RUN THE PRODUCE STALL IS URGENTLY REQUIRED—this is one of the busiest stalls at the Fair and really needs a dedicated person to co-ordinate … might this be YOU? Donations? A sponsor for the Father Christmas Gifts, and a sponsor for the wine to go on the tables would be really appreciated … also a cook who will make some mince pies to serve with the coffee and mulled wine. Thomasina’s Amazing £1 Stall Who can help Thomasina? She is looking for 100 items to sell on her new £1 stall - help her reach her target by ransacking your drawers for small but desirable items. Donations for this stall only can be left in the box in the porch of Hartley Cottage! Page 8 It’s time for St Giles Christmas Fair! In the Empire Hall Saturday 3rd December 10 am to 2 pm Santa’s Grotto Silent Auction (some great bargains to be had) Produce Stall with cakes, jams, pies and lots of other home-made goodies for your Christmas table! New This Year ... Wood Turning Demonstration and Country Crafts Plus Paintings, Candles & Jewellery Stall and Thomasina’s Amazing £1 Stall Some Old Favourites include … Guess How Many Logs? and Paula’s Christmas Decorations This year Graffham cooks will be making a delicious Christmas Fair Lunch (buy a ticket on the door and enjoy your meal with a glass of wine in congenial company) Mulled Wine, Tea and Coffee served with Mince Pies throughout the event Lots more to enjoy on the day, so BE THERE! Page 9 Graffham supporting Rwanda and Burundi Charities The October Carwash by teenagers in the Blue Banana Club and other young people from Graffham raised £220 for the Peace Orphanage in Rwanda! Well done everyone who washed cars, and thanks to all our customers. Last month we were able to sent £700 from the St Giles parish to our link parish of Buye in Burundi. This money will go to the Primary School, the HIV Project and the Theological College. A further £1,400 was raised by Seaford College students holding various events in aid of Rwandan charity, R.E.A.C.H. (Reconciliation Evangelism And Christian Healing). Thanks to all those who have donated or participated in any way. Stephen December at All Saints Chapel “Advent Saints at All Saints” There will be a weekly talk at All Saints Chapel with mulled wine, donations and proceeds to Buye-link in Burundi. Thursday 1st, 6.30pm Thursday 8th, 6.30pm Date/Time TBC Thursday 22nd, 6.30pm Francis Xavier Nicholas Ferrar St John of the Cross St.Nicholas of Myra. Page 10 BARBARA MULLINS GRAFFHAM WEAVERS W E AV I N G E X H I B I T I O N & SALE BASKETS BY VIVIEN GOSDEN AND CHRISTINE LLEWELLYN WORK BY THE GRAFFHAM GUILD OF S P I N N E R S , W E AV E R S A N D D Y E R S AT SHUTTLES GRAFFHAM, NR. PETWORTH WEST SUSSEX TEL. 01798 867 348 FRIDAY NOVEMBER 11TH 2011 TO THURSDAY NOVEMBER 17TH 2011 O P E N DA I LY 1 0 A M - 4 . 3 0 P M Now is the time to think about Turkeys ... Don’t forget to ORDER YOUR TURKEY from Graffham Village Shop. Jeeva will be taking orders for Norfolk Bronze Turkeys, Goodwood Turkeys, etc. as well as all your Christmas meat from Petworth Butchers from the beginning of November. Page 11 Thursday Club The intriguing details of life as a hedgehog were presented with panache and a live model (who needs modern technology) by our guest speaker in October. Graham Bowring is devoted to hedgehogs and their welfare and talked with great humour and interest. He is prepared to return to Graffham to collect a hedgehog which is making a misery of the lives of two local dogs. These village canines are not enjoying their nocturnal adventures in the back garden because the hedgehog does not understand the meaning of “territory” and when they meet “prickles” comes off best in any scraps. Our next topic is a world away from wildlife and the countryside. “Palestine” is the topic for the November meeting. Sam Thompkins, who has family roots in Graffham and has lived in the village for many years, will be our guest speaker. We look forward to his talk and the pleasure of your company on Thursday, 10th November at 2.30 p.m. in the Empire Hall. The Bring-and-Buy Sale on that same November afternoon is with Christmas in mind, suggestions including cakes, puddings, pies, preserves, cards, wrapping paper, anything with a festive theme. Your support for this fund-raising stall is very much appreciated. Looking further ahead to December, the arrangements for Christmas lunch are well in hand. The venue is the Goodwood Restaurant at Chichester College, Westgate Fields (near Waitrose and the Leisure Centre). The meal has been booked for Thursday, 8th December at 12.30 p.m. We intend to travel by car, sharing lifts as on previous outings. The caterers appreciate advance notice of our requirements, and a choice of menu will be circulated at the November meeting. The total cost is £20 per head. A deposit of £5 per person is requested at the time of selecting your choice of courses and the balance is payable on the day. The theatre trip to see “South Pacific” at the Mayflower Theatre in Southampton has been arranged for Thursday, 2nd February, 2012. The coach will leave the Empire Hall at 10.30 a.m., Page 12 scheduled to arrive in Southampton in time for lunch in the theatre’s restaurant. The performance commences at 2 o’clock and including the interval lasts for about three hours. We shall, therefore, be back in Graffham around 6.30p.m. to 7 o’clock, depending on the traffic. The outing to Southampton replaces the January Thursday Club meeting. On the usual second Thursday in February, 9th February, 2012 we are much looking forward to an afternoon with Helen Martin, Headteacher of Graffham and Duncton Schools. Future dates are, therefore: 2011 10th November 8th December SamThompkins “Palestine”; Christmas Bring-and-Buy Christmas Lunch at Chichester College of Technology 2012 2nd February 9th February “South Pacific”, Mayflower Theatre, Southampton Helen Martin, Graffham & Duncton Schools + Bring & Buy Diana White Graffham, Selham & South Ambersham Parish Council Sadly Jean Huggett, the clerk to the Graffham Parish Council is standing down and the Council is seeking a replacement. If anyone is interested, or knows of someone who else who might be interested, in taking on this role, please would they contact Richard Davidson, the chairman of the council, on 01798 867 232 or [email protected]." Page 13 Graffham Down Trust The Butterfly season is coming to an end and the Trust has been very fortunate to have had the services of Neil Hulme, Chairman of Sussex Butterfly Conservation at our talk at the Empire Hall on Saturday, 24th September. This proved to be quite an evening. We started with our Chairman, David Mozley explaining and showing the public and members what the Trust had achieved over the last year. With excellent photos of the reserves and the winter work parties, especially one or two highlights, we were reminded of the really worthwhile progress that can be achieved by volunteers. Neil Hulme followed, giving a clear insight of the strange habits and life cycle of the Purple Emperor Butterfly - why it had taken us so long to confirm that this iconic butterfly frequents our reserves on the Downs. Butterfly Report 2011 Elusive Brown Hairstreak recorded in Bowley's Field The Red Admiral is 'Butterfly of the Year' It seems to have been a quiet year for many butterfly species although in July, Biddy observed that there were masses of butterflies on the reservations. The Grizzled and Dingy Skippers were seen in good numbers in Long Meadow and Scott's Corner during the warm sunny days of April and May. There were many sightings of Small Copper and Meadow Brown butterflies despite the below average temperatures of July and August. Below: Red Admiral at GDT 'Butterfly of the Year' is the Red Admiral. The numbers recorded have increased significantly throughout the summer. An amazing thirty three were sighted in the Tumuli area on one day in September. It has been a poor year on Graffham Down and elsewhere for the Common Blue, Peacock, Page 14 Ringlet, and Silver-Washed Fritillary butterflies. Our star butterflies, the Purple Emperors, were seen flying high above the Sallow trees in July. Unfortunately numbers of the Purple Emperor are reported to be poor, possibly due to cold wet weather during the egg laying period of 2010. On a committee walk in August, two Painted Lady butterflies were recorded in Long Meadow. These are summer migrants visiting from Europe. The highlight of this walk was a first sighting on Graffham Down of a Brown Hairstreak. These elusive butterflies spend most of their life basking and feeding on aphid honeydew in the treetop of a favoured Ash tree. It is only when the female descends to lay eggs on a low Blackthorn bush that she is likely to be observed. This summer, the beautiful Long Meadow was full of many varieties of wildflower. It provides an ideal habitat for many species of butterfly. There was also a noticeable increase in flowers in the Paterson meadow area, Scott’s Corner and Bowley's Field. This is a promising development and bodes well for the future. Dianne Hardcastle, Biddy Dimmer GDT Work Party Dates 2011 : 2012 : Oct 29, Nov 5, Nov 19, Dec 10 Jan 7, Jan 21, Feb 4, Feb 18, March 3, March 17 We meet at Ladywell Cottage at 10.00. It is helpful if people can bring their own tools such as loppers and bow saws, but we do have some tools so not essential. Please bring your own gloves and protective glasses and where stout shoes. The Trust does not provide refreshments so people generally bring their own sustenance in the form of a thermos, cold drinks and packed lunch/ elevenses. It is hot work so do not stint on the liquids. The work parties are generally only cancelled in really inclement weather such as torrential rains, high winds or over doses of snow. We hope you will join us, you can in fact do as much or as little work as you like. David Mozley Tel. 07932 690 292 or (on the day) 01798 867 322 Page 15 800,000 killed in 100 days. Would you risk your life to make a difference? Graffham Empire Movies will be showing Shooting Dogs (2006 Cert 15, 115 mins) on Saturday 26th November GEM’s November film has been chosen to tie with a visit to Rwanda by Seaford College 6th Formers with Graffham Rector and School Chaplain, Steve Gray. The film will be preceded a short talk by some of the students about their experience in Rwanda. On their journey they have had the opportunity to visit projects organised by “REACH”, a Rwandan-run charity founded in 1996 to promote peace and reconciliation in communities which torn apart by genocide and civil war. Doors open at the earlier time of 6.45; Seaford College Students’ Presentation 7.15 Film starts 7.45 (There will be a short break between the presentation and the film for “latecomers” to take their seats; interval, bar and refreshments as usual; all tickets £6 on the door) SHOOTING DOGS Page 16 Shooting Dogs reviewed by the BBC ... A powerful, based-on-fact film, Shooting Dogs follows John Hurt's priest and Hugh Dancy's idealistic young teacher as they watch bureaucracy, institutional racism and generations of hate lead to mass murder in Rwanda. It's April, 1994 and after the apparent assassination of the president, the country is in uproar: the majority Hutus are blaming the Tutsis - and killing them. By the bus load. Refugees seek shelter at the United Nationsguarded school of Father Christopher (Hurt), but no one's sure how long the UN troops will stay... As with Schindler's List, you're not exactly hard-pressed to guess the direction Shooting Dogs is taking. There are few surprises here. But that doesn't make it any less affecting. If Rwanda is a scar on the conscience of the United Nations, this film picks at its stitches. A passion project for those involved, it is angry and earnest and highlights an episode the international community have never quite dealt with: how it sat back and watched as thousands of Africans were killed. "IT IS HURT WHO EXCELS" There's a particularly effective scene where Dancy sits with a TV reporter (Nicola Walker), as she admits the reason she is less affected by the brutality she sees in Rwanda than in Bosnia: "Over here, they're just dead Africans." It's a potent point, too often unspoken when considering Western attitudes to the 'Dark Continent'. Of the performers, Dancy looks effectively shell-shocked but it is Hurt who excels. The veteran actor makes his man of the cloth both admirable and ambiguous - the heart and soul of an unusually thoughtful film. GEM NEWSFLASH! TWO different dogs came along to our screening of The King’s Speech last month! One came on his own and watched the first half from a comfortable lap, the other turned up at the interval with some unrelated humans who had found her in their kitchen and were looking for an owner. You’ll be pleased to hear that both dogs were re-united with their proper owners. Thanks to all those who helped. Page 17 The Bury Players present Dick Whittington A pantomime by Christopher Loveless December 1st, 2nd 3rd Matinee on Saturday 3rd Bury Village Hall Curtain Up Matinee 2.30pm Evening 7.30pm Tickets £8 / £5 Tel: 01798 831468 Coldwaltham/Bury Post Office Castle Chocolates, Arundel Page 18 PREPARE FOR THE YEAR OF AWESOMENESS Graffham Empire Movies Christmas Family Matinee Sunday 4th December Doors open 2.00pm, Film Starts 2.30pm KUNG FU PANDA 2 (Cert PG, 90 mins) Children’s tickets £3, adults free WITH CHILD (otherwise £6), no unaccompanied children please, as GEM cannot be responsible. Interval and refreshments, Free tea for grownups. Come along and enjoy a great family afternoon in the village hall! Page 19 Graffham Harvest Crumble-thon! Thank You All .. I should like to thank everyone made all the scrumptious crumbles for St Joseph’s Night Refuge last month, and those who donated fruit. We made a total of 53 crumbles altogether! The delicious smells as they were all delivered to my porch were really mouth-watering. I took them down in three separate batches to the refuge, where most of them were all stored away in the deep-freezer. I was able to stay for dinner myself on one occasion to see what happens there. Dinners are cooked at St Joseph’s every night for 16 people (14 clients and 2 night staff). Cooking is done entirely by volunteers from donated ingredients. The cooks on my visit had generously brought their own food to make a shepherd’s pie, which was followed by one of the Graffham crumbles. On most nights the volunteers select something from the store cupboard to turn into a meal. At this time of year their larder is full with harvest donations but on an earlier visit this year, I thought the cupboard looked bare and cooking a meal would be quite a challenge. The crumbles are particularly useful on those occasions when there is no volunteer cook and night staff need to grab something pre-prepared while carrying out their other duties. Now the apple season is over I am left with a bulk purchase of tinfoil trays. I am mulling over what to do with these cateringsized containers … perhaps a Bolognese “sauce-a-thon” next time? Once again, thank you all for your generous donations both of fruit and of your time. Mary Butterworth Page 20 Graffham in Nature 2012 With photos by Fiona Gray £6.00 A collection of 12 photos of Graffham landscapes, one page per month with room for daily engagements and some key Graffham dates included. This will make a perfect present for friends and relatives, or to decorate your own kitchen wall throughout 2012. The A4 Calendar comes with envelope for posting. It will be on sale at the Christmas Fair or can be ordered direct from Fiona at the Rectory from early November or purchased at Graffham Village Shop. All profits to St Giles Church 21 Jane Pine-Coffin and Lillee Puttick Harvest Supper 30th September 2011 Stan Page Photos © M Butterworth/D Koopman 22 Nick Angier with Caroline & Martin Fleetwood Harvest Supper 30th September 2011 Nadia Mahabir and Elsie 23 Photos © M Butterworth/D Koopman Tennis Club Diner Above : Tennis Club Dinner— Mike Dimmer presenting cup to Annie Dennig (Photo © Denise Clay) Below: Harvest Festival Flowers (Photo © M Butterworth) 24 Resurfacing the Tennis Courts, October 2011 (Photos © Denise Clay) 25 Advertisements Jo Jackson Equestrian websites | graphic design | printing Websites SEO Print Design Printing Advertising Branding Mobile Apps Web Hosting Emails IT Services Exhibitions Digital Media [email protected] 0800 917 3255 Riding tuition available on quality schoolmasters. Stables based in Graffham Childrens lessons also available Please contact: Jo Jackson BHSII (reg’d) Tel: 07876 56 00 50 LONDON MIDHURST PETWORTH 26 Above: “Graffham Harvest Crumblethon” - crumble-maker Gillian Brandt Below: Charity Car Wash 2011 raises £220 for Buye (Link Parish in Burundi) Photos © M Butterworth/D Koopman 27 Graffham Brownies made 5 crumbles for St Joseph’s Night Refuge “Graffham Harvest Crumblethon” - making crumbles for St Joseph’s Night Refuge Photos © M Butterworth 28 1st Graffham & Heyshott Guides & Brownies Last month Brownies joined Graffham Crumblethon, making five crumbles for St Joseph’s Night Refuge. Stonepillow representative Dawn Ingram came to talk to Brownies about the homeless. Brownies also wrote harvest prayers and Thomasina and Natasha read their prayers at the Harvest Festival Service: Dear God Thank you for harvest and the food you give us to harvest. Thank you for the farmers who grow our food. Amen (Thomasina) Dear Lord Bless all the homeless people who do not have homes. Thank you for the food. Help all the people in Afghanistan who have been killed. Amen (Natasha) 1st Graffham & Heyshott Guides & Brownies Christmas Sale Empire Hall Monday 14th November at 6.00 pm Christmas presents, cake stall, bric-a-brac, tombola, raffle, plant stall and refreshments All Welcome! Page 29 New Coffee Pots in Empire Hall Last month a quick collection was held for cafetières at the GEM screening of The King’s Speech. Film goers generously donated £43 and which paid for five new cafetières (taking advantage of a half-price offer at Sainsbury’s.) and a further cafètiere was donated later. The new cafetières now mean the Hall has equipment to make over 50 cups of coffee simultaneously, an enormous help to those serving coffee at sit-down events such the Harvest Supper and the Tennis Club Dinner, or hiring the Hall for private receptions. Thanks to everyone who contributed from GEM and the Hall Committee. the textile space a place to create and make all things textile Workshops from quilting, felting to a little black dress and much much more! See the workshops we have on offer at Charlton Barns, Charlton Chichester, West Sussex PO18 0HX t: 01243 811300 m: 07976 800965 e: [email protected] advertisement Page 30 Graffham Rustics What is happening with the Graffham Rustics you might ask? Since our AGM in the summer we have been concentrating on getting everything in place for a full production. When we looked back at some of our most recent success, these were productions such as Oliver!, My Fair Lady and The King and I. Going further back musicals and operettas always helped as attract active members and audiences alike. The new Graffham Rustics committee decided we should build on these successes for our next full production. We have had tried to make sure we plan well ahead as well as recruit a keen band of helpers to get the production successfully underway. We are now in a position to announce our plans for our next full production to be staged in May 2012. We are delighted to announce our next production will be Pinocchio. This will be a musical production with a large cast for all so children and adults of all ages will be needed to make this a success. To find out more about taking part in Pinocchio, there will be a presentation evening on Friday November 25th at 7.45 pm in The Empire Hall. For more information call The Graffham Rustics, Chairman, Neil Castle on 01798 344227 The Graffham Rustics Spring Production 2012 Pinocchio Presentation Evening 7.45pm Friday November 25th The Empire Hall, Graffham Wanted! Actors Young and Old, Musicians, Stage Crew, Set Builders, Costume, Make Up, Publicity, Sound, Lighting All welcome Call 01798 344227 or email [email protected] Page 31 Graffham Bowls Club We held our Coffee Morning on Sept 17th, a total of £241 was raised. Thanks to all that supported us. We had the AGM on Monday 3rd October and officers were elected for 2012. The presentation dinner will be held on February 3rd. The opening day for 2012 will be on April 22nd. More information available from Graham Kingsmill (01798 867 244) or Den Petter (01798 867 221). Den Petter Macmillan Cancer Support Tree of Hope 1st December 2011 Macmillan Cancer Support in Midhurst will be holding it’s tenth annual Tree of Hope Service at St Mary’s Church Easebourne on Thursday 1 December at 6.30pm. We invite you to remember a loved one who will not be with you this Christmas by dedicating a light on the Macmillan Tree of Hope and having their name entered into our 2011 Book of Love. All donations received will help fund the Macmillan Palliative Care Service, based at Midhurst Community Hospital, supporting their patients and their families living with cancer and other life threatening illnesses in Midhurst and the surrounding areas. Dedication forms available from Macmillan Charity Shops in Midhurst & Grayshott, or email Karen Lang at [email protected] or visit sussex Page 32 Affordable Housing A review from Graffham Parish Council Given the amount of interest in this topic, and its continuing efforts to achieve an appropriate solution, the Parish Council thought it would be helpful to summarise the present position. What is Affordable Housing? Although the term “affordable housing” can mean any housing provided at lower than market cost it is now the recognised term used to refer to affordable rented social housing . It is this meaning which is used in this summary. Affordable Housing in Graffham At present all 10 units of affordable housing in Graffham are currently owned and managed by Hyde Martlet, the affordable housing “partner” and preferred supplier of the Chichester District Council (“CDC”), the relevant housing authority. There are, however, other housing associations/providers of social housing available in the district. Allocation of Affordable Housing Under current rules, if one of the existing affordable housing units within Graffham, such as an ex-council home in Guillods Cottages, becomes available it would be allocated on the basis of housing need as opposed to the degree of local connection (although there are proposals to modify this for the future). However, permission for any future development within the parish on sites outside the Settlement Policy Area (“SPA”) (known as exception sites) will only be given if priority is given (in perpetuity) to households with a local connection. Unlike ex-council housing, affordable houses built on exception sites cannot be sold under the Right to Buy and must remain as affordable housing in perpetuity. A map of the SPA is attached. What is the “housing need”? CDC have provided us with a summary of the “housing need” in Graffham based on the June housing register (for reasons of confidentiality the data was, of course, given to us without any names). Households are banded into four bands ranging from band A (priority housing need) to band D (least pressing – and not officially counted as a housing need). There are 15 households on the register – one in band A, four in band C and ten in band D. Page 33 Page 34 Siting of any new Affordable Housing Much of the discussion over the recent past has been over potential new development of affordable housing in greenfield sites adjacent to the SPA. There has been considerable opposition within the village to the use of these sites on the basis that open spaces are important to the character of the village and that new social housing should not have to be at the expense of greenfield gaps in the existing “envelope”. As a result of the clear lack of consensus within the village there are no sites currently under consideration for social housing development. It is important to understand that the reason for the concentration on these sites has been a current planning restriction (H9) preventing affordable housing in rural areas on any site outside the SPA which site does not “immediately adjoin” the SPA. The result of this prohibition appears to be that where, as in Graffham, there is an SPA, no affordable housing can be built on a plot which is not within the SPA (and so prohibitively expensive) or which does not actually touch the boundary of the SPA. It seems that a new development, however modest, sited anywhere else within the parish would not (except under very exceptional circumstances) be permitted under current rules. Next Steps The PC feels that this restriction is inappropriate and has submitted that “It is our view that open spaces are vital in creating the character of many villages. The idea that a tight village envelope should take precedence may be useful in simplifying decision making but should not rule out other sustainable solutions and attractive modest developments in surrounding incidental settlements.” This submission has been made to the CDC as part of its public consultation on the shape and location of future housing in the area. Graffham is, of course, now covered by the South Downs National Park Authority (SDNPA) and the PC has made the same submission to the SDNPA and is currently setting up meetings with it and with the CDC planning official, to press the point. If the restriction were to be removed the options might be significantly increased and there would be potential for identifying possible sites for modest sized future development away from the SPA. We do not know at this stage whether our submission is likely to have any effect but both the CDC and the SDNPA are having to develop new core strategies and there are well publicised changes to planning laws proposed. We shall keep the parish informed. Richard Davidson Graffham Parish Council Page 35 Cartoon copyright © Dave Walker A reminder A reader has suggested I remind everyone to get their oil tanks filled up before the cold weather sets in … Page 36 Graffham Garden Group Flower Show 2012! Photo Competition Classes for NEXT YEAR’S photo competition will be: 1. Autumn Colour 2. Wild Flowers 3. Up the Garden Path 4. Friends & Family 5. Any Subject (children U16) Peter Hardcastle Petworth Cottage Nursing Home Winter Gift Fair on TUESDAY 22ND NOVEMBER from 10.00 am to 4.00 pm at UPWALTHAM BARNS (GU28 OLX) Admission: £4 Over 30 Stalls for Christmas Shopping, With Refreshments and Free Parking! Shackleton : Beyond Endurance An Illustrated talk by Keith Young Keith Young talks about the “Beyond Endurance” Expedition which set out to retrace Shackleton’s expedition to Antarctica in 1916— slides & film clips from both expeditions. Lodsworth Village Hall, Saturday 19th November @ 6.30 Tickets £25 in aid of the Mary How Trust for Cancer Prevention Ticketline: 01798-877 641 Page 37 Announcements Funeral We give thanks for the life of Kathleen Evelyn Tose. The funeral took place on 27th September. Baptism We celebrated the Baptism of Edward Bowden on Sunday 25th September. Congratulations to all of the Bowden family. Church Notices Church Cleaning: October November December Mr and Mrs Knight Mr and Mrs Page Mr and Mrs Kingsmill If you are unable to do your month, please contact John Bellis on 867 444 Flower Arranging Rota : November 6th Nov 13th Nov 20th Nov 27th Nov 4th Dec St Giles Remembrance Betty Bradley Linda Moorby Alan Sargent Advent Ring Only Advent All Saints Remembrance – Barbara Kemp / Ann Rowney Barbara Kemp / Ann Rowney Sylvia Smith Advent Advent If you are unable to do your Sunday or want to join the flower arranging team please contact Ann Rowney on 01798 867 487 Or email [email protected] Church Bell Ringing: 7.30pm Tuesdays further information from Hilary Major on 01798 867 238 Churchyard Work Party: 10.00am last Saturday of the month further information from Alan Sargent on 01798 867 460 Page 38 Other Churches Catholic Church of the Sacred Heart Angel Street, Petworth, and St Anthony and St George, Duncton Parish Priest Fr Peter Newsam (01798 342 169) Masses Saturdays 5.30 pm Sundays 8.30 am 10.30 am Petworth Duncton Petworth Weekday Masses 10.00am Petworth Confessions Saturdays 5.00-5.20pm Midhurst Methodist Church Minister Rev Simon Coleman (01428 723 234) Services Sundays 10.00am First Sunday of Month 6.00pm Morning Worship Evening Worship Society of Friends (Quakers) 2nd & 4th Sundays 10.30am St Ann’s, Midhurst For further information telephone Daphne Taylor on 01798 867267 United Reformed Church, Petworth Telephone 01798 872 625 Sundays 10.30am (Morning Worship + Sunday School) Petworth Area Churches Together Friday Coffee Mornings At Petworth United Reformed between 10am and 11am – you will be made very welcome. Further information on PACT from Maureen Purser on 01798 343 102. Page 39 Advertisements GREAT FEET Foot Health and Pedicures Unable to cut your toenails? Diabetic? Corns? Ingrowing toenail? For all foot health issues, dealt with in the comfort of your own home, contact Vikki on: 07825 185880 [email protected] Serving Petworth and all surrounding areas. Fully qualified, insured and CRB checked MARQUEES FOR ALL OCCASIONS WEDDINGS : BUSINESS PROMOTIONS & CORPORATE HOSPITALITY SPORTING EVENTS DINNER DANCES : FÊTES : PARTIES For further information please contact Richard Whitcomb on 01403 820020 email: [email protected] web: EASTWOOD STUD FARM GRAFFHAM, PETWORTH Est. 1983 We have vacancies for CREATIVE LESSONS FOR ALL LEVELS OF ABILITY Full, Part, Grazing and DIY Liveries WORKSHOPS, DEMOS & MASTERCLASSES COOKERY PARTIES FOR ALL OCCASIONS Please call Jane or Kirsty Tel 01798 867570 07593 683976 or 07950 044390 Or visit the website CORPORATE EVENTS ORIGINAL GIFT IDEAS SuJoCo Cookery School, Langham Stables, Lodsworth, GU28 9BU Tel. 01798 861731 Singing Teacher The Empire Hall Classically trained singer with over 10 years of teaching experience, particularly with young singers and exam preparation, but happy working with all ages and abilities. Graffham Available to hire for functions and parties Theory also taught. 100% pass rate. ******* For more information Ring Yvonne on Kate Huddie MMus (RSAMD) 0780 878 1510 07968 072121 01798 867784 [email protected] Or visit our website Page 40 Advertisements The Foresters Arms Country Free House, Dining and Rooms. LUNCH & DINNER SEVEN DAYS A WEEK Traditional Canvas Marquees OPEN ALL DAY SATURDAY & SUNDAY Take-away Fish and Chips (limited availability during busy times) 01798 867202 Telephone 01798 860860 [email protected] HOYLE GARAGE Mobile Car Valeting & Detailing BOB, VICKY & EMILY CROSDIL For all your car servicing, MOT and repair needs COURTESY CARS Tel: 01798 867678 Fax: 01798 867727 Fully Insured & Fully Mobile Exterior, Interior, Mini & Full Valets Swirl mark Removal Maintenance Plans available Tel: 07930 732 839 Email: [email protected] Web: Firewood & COOKSHOP at PETWORTH Cooked Meats (ham on the bone), Fish, Cornucopia of Cheeses, Local Dairy, FREE Range Eggs, Our Infamous Homemade Quiches, Treacle Tarts, Finger Portion Cakes all made on the premises. Lunches ready to Goooo … Sandwiches, Pasties, Pastries, cold drinks. OUTSIDE CATERING Soirees—Wakes—Corporate COOKSHOP GADGETS incl. AGA, LaCafetiere, Guzzini, Sheffield Steel Knives and Bakeware Telephone 01798 34 36 34 Seasoned Split Logs in Ash Oak & Beech. Collections or Deliveries 01730 816 941 [email protected] English Woodlands Timber Cocking Sawmill, Cocking, GU29 OHS Page 41 Advertisements Roger Poat & Partners Gavin Knight Decorating Professionally Managed Funeral Directors & Monumental Masonry Consultants Not just your average decorator Bob Metcalf MBE DipFD Duck Lane, Midhurst, West Sussex GU29 9DE 01730 817 663 07957 667 606 Telephone 01730 812094 (24 Hours) Pre-need Funeral Plans Private Chapel [email protected] Painting & decorating since 1984 Email: [email protected] Michael Miller & Partners Ltd CARPET DRY CLEANING UPHOLSTERY CLEANING CHIMNEY SWEEPING DRY WITHIN MINUTES FREE ESTIMATES YOUR LOCAL CARPET CLEANER TEL:01730 814 965 G. Strowbridge 26 Elmleigh Midhurst W. Sussex GU29 9EZ Tel. 01730 812011 The Country House Company Clear All Pest Control Sue Crossley TEL: 02392 632275 Fully qualified professional country services Specializing in Hornets, Wasps, Moles, Rats, Mice & Squirrels Phone Dean on: 07768 986338 or BSc MRICS FARLA Quality Country & City Properties Sales □ Lettings □ Management □ Professionalism □ Personal Service □ Peace of Mind Web: Email: [email protected] Page 42 Advertisements Cayton’s Limited M.H. Perry Plumbing & Heating Engineer All aspects of plumbing and heating works undertaken. Stuart A Haill Specialist Oil Fired Heating Engineer Ser Bre vicing a Inst kdown alla tion ers Boil s Aga Natural Gas, LPG & Oil Boilers installed and serviced Full bathroom installation service Registered Call Mark anytime on Home: 01798 343450 Mobile: 07860 746310 T- 01798 344213 M-07779 113343 [email protected] CORGI and OFTEC Registered The Gamekeeper’s Logs Prism Window Cleaning Prompt and Friendly Tel. Direct Fran or Dean Hardwood seasoned logs Cut and split to any size 07768 986 338 Also supplied: Bags of logs and kindling Based in Lickfold Est. 1990 James Bird Tel. 07769 747489 Southdown Boiler Services Specialist in all types of oil fired appliances Maintenance / Installation of boilers Domestic and Industrial clients welcomed Call 07786 857812 or 01730 810 118 Free quotations - No job too small Home: 01798 874 758 Mobile: 07766 475 751 Email [email protected] Email: [email protected] Tiling, Slating, Flat Roofing, Lead Work, Skylight Windows, Re-pointing and Repairs Oftec Registered Dave Gregory Page 43 Advertisements Duvet Washing Martin Taylor Quality Carpenter, Joiner and Cabinet Maker Free pickup and delivery Personal and friendly service 3 day turnaround Competitive prices Over 7 years experience All profits to the Aldingbourne Trust Call: 07900 993585 Email: [email protected] Fully fitted and freestanding furniture a speciality. Cupboards, Wardrobes, Radiator Covers, Fitted Kitchens. Design service available. Lurgashall 01428 708123 (workshop) Graffham 01798 867471 (home) e-mail: [email protected] Holiday Cottage Beautiful BespokeTimber Buildings Home Offices & Studios ; Garages & Garden Sheds; Traditional Tree Houses; Luxury Hen & Duck Houses; Charming Play Houses & Summer Houses; Stabling & Field Shelters Any size or design undertaken Everything handmade and built to last from our workshop in Fittleworth. Please visit our website Beesands, Kingsbridge, South Devon Comfortable and spacious in a peaceful fishing village on the shore of Start Bay, South Devon 3 Bedrooms (sleeps 6) Book Now for Summer 2012 to view our wide range of buildings, or call us for further information or to arrange a visit on Apply to Maggie Paterson 01798 869919 01798 861 429 P. TUPPER MARTIN SEWELL BUILDERS LTD Carpenter & Joiner Lilac Cottage Graffham Petworth - Highly experienced, professional and reliable principle contractor. - Outstanding portfolio and reputation spanning 25 years. t - 01243 542056 FREE QUOTES e - [email protected] w - Tel: 01798 867256 Page 44 Advertisements ROGER GUNN GARDEN MACHINERY WHYTELEAFE SALES - SERVICE - PARTS HARD LANDSCAPING SPECIALISTS We are a professional team with a successful track record of over 25 years in the landscaping business. Most of our work is local, and our web portfolio showcases many projects within the Midhurst Petworth Haslemere area. Please feel free to contact us for an informal discussion about your project, large or small Tractors, Ride-On Mowers, Lawnmowers etc Fast Friendly Service, Competitive Prices Collection & Delivery Available Telephone 07979 752242 or 01243 786003 located at Binderton near Lavant Jonathan Seddon Whyteleafe Paving Company Ltd Tel: 01730 813910 Mob: 07973 343857 Email: [email protected] Pruning Specialist NORWOOD CONTRACTORS CLOUD FORMS * KNOT GARDENS PARTERRES * TRAINED FRUIT TREES WISTERIAS AND ROSES PRUNED ESTABLISHED PLANTINGS AND NEW SCHEMES * PLEACHING * TOPIARY GARDEN MAINTENANCE Grass and Hedge cutting, Pruning, weeding, Planting etc..... ENQUIRIES: 01798 867338 or 07973 370727 **** MAZES & LABYRINTHS **** DESIGNED AND CONSTRUCTED Alan Sargent GARDEN RESTORATION SINCE 1968 01798 867460 email sargent 396 @ btinternet . com FULLY INSURED * NO VAT Tree Surgery TIPTOP GRASS by Matt Harridge LAWN MOWING, PARKLAND MOWING, PADDOCK TOPPING, CHAIN HARROWING, HEAVY ROLLING HEDGE CUTTING All aspects of tree work Free quotations & advice Also Hedge cutting, Planting Garden Maintenance Petworth For all your grass needs, including Free Local Estimates 07786 074888 website: [email protected] Home: 01730 816781 Mobile: 07903 034719 Page 45 Advertisements SMART CARS PRIVATE HIRE/TAXI SERVICE Executive Salon & 6 Seater Cars Chauffeuring Service Professional, Personal & Reliable Accounts & Corporate Business Welcome Airport, Docks & London Runs Same Day Courier Parcel Service PETWORTH PRIVATE HIRE TAXIS (Prop. E.R. Ireland) 4 Meadow Way, Petworth Tel: 01798 342691 Mobile: 07971 082333 ANY OCCASION & DISTANCE ENJOY COMFORT DOOR TO DOOR “Any time, any place, anywhere” FOR QUOTES & BOOKINGS PLEASE CALL DOMINIC 0800 44 88 030 / 07823 559099 Advance Bookings Welcome Self Drive Van Hire Removals and Storage Domestic and Commercial Office Moves—Antiques carriage Multi-drop and Part-load Standard or Self-Storage Containers Your local choice for a world class service 01403 820814 (Petworth) Wedglen Business Park Bepton Road, Midhurst, GU29 9RE COMPUTER PROBLEMS? PHONE CHRIS! Need help with your PC???? Clive Way BA(Hons) Computing Tel: 01798 867636 Email: [email protected] Local friendly professional service for all your home PC and Laptop nightmares including: Repairs . Upgrades . Tuition . Wifi Security . Data Recovery . Servicing . Installation . Broadband . Digital Photography . Ipods/ MP3/4’s . Printers . Scanners . Webcams . Skype or 95 4 65 06 8 8 5788 9 7 01 876 07 [email protected] Page 46 Advertisements Couture Dressmaking Classes THE CURTAIN MAKER A unique opportunity to learn the secrets of top London Couturier Curtains Roman Blinds Cushions etc. Including pattern cutting, design and fitting. Katherine Cusack More details from Katherine on 01798 861 365 Please contact Carole on 01730 815144 or email her on or [email protected] [email protected] THE BOWEN TECHNIQUE This technique is effective for any of the following Back/neck pain Frozen shoulder Asthma/hay fever Whiplash Sports injuries RSI/carpal tunnel Joint pain Fatigue issues Ginny Kingsmill BDS PhD FDSRCS(RestDent) And many more imbalance issues Any of the above sound familiar then call Jane Stickley MBTER, Cert ECBS Providing general and specialist dental care For more information 01798 867306 / 07593 683976 Email: [email protected] Home visits by arrangement Also qualified Equine Bowen Therapist 45 East Street, Chichester, West Sussex PO19 1HX Tel: 01243 755570 [email protected] Anthony Lodge Fine Jewellery DORSET HOUSE SCHOOL We undertake all forms of jewellery repair which will be carried out by a qualified goldsmith The Birdcage Shop Church Hill Midhurst Tel: 01730 815 947 Mobile: 07881 623916 Local Independent Day and Boarding School for Boys and Girls from 3 to 13 years Visitors always welcome please call (01798 831456) to arrange an appointment The Manor • Church Lane •Bury West Sussex • RH20 1PB Page 47 Useful Telephone Numbers Archives Terry Davy and Diana White Badminton Penny Jennings Bellringers Hilary Major Bowls Club—Captain Graham Kingsmill Bowls Club —Secretary Den Petter Brownies Brown Owl: Harriet Rowntree Tawny Owl: Diane Bellis Cricket Simon Mitchell Darts John Kewill Dog Warden Office Emergency Office Empire Lunch Club Maggie Paterson Foresters Arms James & Sarah Graffham Down Trust Chairman: David Mozley Reserve Manager: Paul Dimmer Graffham Empire Movies Martin Taylor Graffham Football Club Chairman Keith Tupper Secretary Eddie Challen Graffham Garden Group Martin Buckley Graffham Health Support Association Chairman: Alison Davidson Hospital Transport: Ann Rowney Equipment Hire: Sylvia Smith Graffham Ladies Group Diana Kingsmill Graffham Nuthatches Rhiannon Leysen (for mothers, babies and toddlers) Graffham Rustics Vic Constable Graffham Tennis Club —Chairman Beetle Clay Graffham Tennis Club—Treasurer/MembershipTracey Carr Graffham Tennis Club—Coaching Denise Clay Graffham Village Shop Association Jacqueline Woods Graffham Village Stores Jeeva and Vasu Guides Guide Leader Carol Tickner Assistant Guider Diane Bellis Hoyle Garage Bob & Vicky Crosdil Long Bostle Downland Preservation Society William Godman-Dorington Midhurst & Petworth Observer Local Rep. JulieTickner Seaford College Stoolball Club Helen Mason Thursday Club– Chairman Sylvia Smith Thursday Club—Secretary Diana White White Horse Adam Mordue 01798 867 511 01798 867 405 01798 867 391 01798 867 238 01798 867 244 01798 867 221 01798 867 536 01798 867 444 01798 867 351 01730 814 482 01243 534 618 01243 785 339 01798 861 429 01798 867 202 07932 690 292 01798 867 454 01798 867 471 07818 052 067 01903 713 176 01798 867 234 01798 867 232 01798 300 533 01798 867 209 01798 867 244 01798 343 213 01798 343 070 01798 867 035 01798 867 148 01798 867 035 01798 867 000 01798 867 700 01730 813 271 01798 867 444 01798 867 678 01798 867 291 01798 867 747 01798 867 392 07758 223 731 01798 867 209 01798 867 405 01798 867 331 Advertisements. Neither the editor of this magazine nor the PCC are responsible for the content of any advertisements in this magazine. Readers are advised to check references of service providers for themselves. Page 48 Useful Telephone Numbers St Giles Church Rector Church Wardens Parochial Church Council Treasurer Secretary Graffham Parish News Editor Subscriptions/Distribution Rev. Stephen Gray John Bellis Alan Sargent 01798 867 533 01798 867 444 01798 867 460 Alan Gordon Diane Bellis 01798 867 545 01798 867 444 Mary Butterworth 01798 867 464 [email protected] Jean Page 01798 867 009 Graffham, Selham & South Ambersham Parish Council Chairman Richard Davidson 01798 867 232 Clerk Jean Huggett 01798 343 906 East Lavington Parish Council Chairman Carolyn Davies Clerk Kate Bain 01798 867 288 07973 802 595 Empire Hall Committee Chairman Treasurer/Secretary Bookings Secretary Maggie Paterson Philip Trower Yvonne Butterick 01798 861 429 01798 867 559 07808 781 510 Recreation Ground & Sports Pavilion Chairman Simon Mitchell Secretary Kathy Gyles 01798 867 351 01798 867 484 Graffham First School (& Nursery) Duncton Junior School 01798 867 324 01798 342 402 Doctors The Surgery, Petworth Riverbank Medical Centre, Midhurst 01798 342248 01730 812121 Graffham Village Shop 01798 867 700 POLICE 999 0845 60 70 999 In Emergency dial Sussex Police Non-Emergency number Visit the Mobile Library in the Village Shop Car Park Wednesday 9th November & Wednesday 23rd November 12.00 noon— 12.20 pm Why not choose a new book to read this month and support this valuable rural service for the future?