Summer 2009 Paradox - Des Moines Science Fiction Society
Summer 2009 Paradox - Des Moines Science Fiction Society
Summer 2009 DMSFS PARADOX R EAD. I MAGINE. T HINK. June, July, August 2009 Paper or Plastic? SACC Attack Is Back We're doing it again ... SACC Attack (aka the Semi-Annual Constitutional Convention held by the Des Moines Science Fiction Society) is slated for September 5, 6 and 7, 2009, aka the topic of film impresario Tammy Mohning's award-winning Fannish Film Festival entry. Opening Friday evening (post-work for most of us) and continuing until Monday evening, various forms of wildlife and wild life will be featured for those brave enough to join us. Hosts Susan Stewart and Brian Weigel are looking forward to hosting yet another long and crazy weekend for DMSFS members, friends and their guests. . For those with allergies we recommend bringing antihistamines. The house and grounds feature dogs, cats, fish, geese, ducks, chickens, and, praise the fates, NO goats. Most of these critters have the run of the yard (except the fish, duh) and dander can be found most anywhere inside and out. For our new guests, the rules and regs are simple: 1. Bring your own food and beverage for the weekend but expect to share and for others to share with you. Think of it as a three-day potluck. You are expected to bring your own meat particularly. If you are financially able to, feel free to bring enough to share. Recommendations are a pound of meat per day per person and a pound of side dish per day per person. Beverages are of your choosing and purchasing. 2. Keep in mind that we have limited refrigeration available. If you are unsure of what to bring, call for ideas. 3. Harassment of animals or humanoids is strictly prohibited. 4. No firearms or illegal pharmaceuticals will be tolerated. None. No exceptions, no excuses. 5. Bed space will be doled out on the basis of medical need. If, and that's a big IF, there is still inside space, it will be first come-first served. Otherwise, there is plenty of space for tents, campers and/or sleeping bags. 6. Everyone is expected to police their own trash and recycled materials. 7. Food and drink left behind is likely to be discarded. Don't assume that we have a use for a half a watermelon, a quarter pan of baked beans or three beers. If it's good enough to use, take it home please. 8. For our convenience, there is a rather spiffy Kum & Go convenience store in Ellsworth, just west of I-35. Feel free to shop there with great delight. FYI. it includes a small coffee bar with a limited selection of specialty caffeines. 9. There is no rule 9. Number nine, number nine, number … Inside This Issue: • • • • More SACC Attack 2009 Information DemiCon 20 Items & Photos Call for DMSFS Officer Nominations And Much More!! More SACC Attack Information 10. Musical talent and/or instruments are welcome. We have been known to burst into song or consider ordinary conversation to be song cues or share our newest favorite musicians with each other. 11. Out-of-area guests may contribute cash in lieu of food or beverage. A serious grocery run to Ames will be conducted as needed. 12. Anyone arriving earlier than 5 p.m. on Friday will be pressed into service. This means you may be expected to mow, vacuum, cook, scrub toilets, scoop litter boxes or herd chickens. Your choice (of showing up early. I get to pick the chore - mwaa haa haa.) 13 We have two bathrooms and one shower. We expect anywhere from 50 to 80 people over the three days. Simple calculations assure us that five minute showers are adequate and may even push the available resources at certain times of the day (clue: it's easier to get time in the bathroom at 2 a.m. rather than 10 a.m.) 14. Well-behaved children are always welcome. Ill-behaved people of any age will be escorted off the premises. 15. Smoking is allowed outdoors only. While the house does contain a smoker, during the party there is only smoking outdoors. Anyone smoking indoors will be extinguished immediately. To reach us for information, call 515-836-2174 or e-mail [email protected]. To reach us on a more physical level, take I35 to Highway 175 (exit 133) and turn right (east). Go approximately 3 miles to Xircus Ave. and turn right (south). We are in the first house on the left (east) and, cleverly, the mailbox identifies us as Toad Hall. From the DemiCon DemiCon 20 Blood Drive 20 "Cast A Movie" 2009 Panel Here's who we came up with if we were to cast a live-action movie from 80s cartoons. He-Man/Prince Adam: Kevin Sorbo Skeletor: Vin Diesel Man-At-Arms: Tom Selleck Evil Lyn: Angelina Jolie, Rebecca Romejn Voice of Orko (he'd be CG): Wallace Shaun Teela: Rose McGowan, Alyssa Milano Sorceress: Jodi Foster, Gillian Anderson For some weird reason, we cast the Smurf movie with British actors. Smurfette: Billie Piper (from Dr. Who) Papa Smurf: Derek Jacobi Gargamel: Alan Rickman Brainy: Rowan Atkinson Greedy: Anthony Hopkins Handy: Colin Farrel Harmony: Bono Jokey: Kenneth Brannagh Lazy Smurf: Jamie Bamber Vanity: Hugh Grant I would like to thank everyone that participated in the blood drive this year. We had 15 people registered, 11 gave whole blood, and 1 person donated double red cells. There were even 7 first time donors! After testing the blood, it is separated into components. A total of 34 patients will receive life saving transfusions because you took time out of your busy schedules to donate blood at the DemiCon blood drive. Thank you again. Everything ran smoothly and we are pleased with the Blood Center staff that gave up their Saturday to provide this service to our Community. By Sheril Harper, Blood Drive Chair Submitted by Robert Uy DemiCon 20 Pictures DemiCon 21 21 May 14th-16th, 2010 Holiday Inn Hotels & Suites, Des Moines, Iowa Author Guest of Honor: Don Maitz Also Featuring: Janny Wurtz Fan Guest of Honor: Gregg Parmentier Toastmaster Emeritus: Rusty Hevelin Toastmaster: Tadao Tomomatsu ConCom: Al Hohrmann, Nicki Reed, Andy Wheeler 21 DemiCon 20 Pictures DMSFS Officer Nominations & Elections According to the DMSFS by-laws (read it for yourself at, nominations for DMSFS club offices will take place at the September 11th & 25th DMSFS meetings with elections taking place at the September 25th meeting. The offices up for election are: president, vice-president, secretary, treasurer, and property manager. DMSFS members may nominate themselves or other (cooperative) members. Here is your chance to contribute to the continued success of DMSFS! For Your Filking Pleasure My S.C.A. (Tune: Y.M.C.A.) Young nerd, there’s no need to feel down. I said, young nerd, go put on your fake crown. I said, young nerd, in this medieval town There’s no need to be unhappy. Young squire, there’s a tourney to go. I said, young squire, heft your duct tape and bow. You can play there, and I’m sure you will find Many ways to have a good time. I'm reenacting with my S.C.A. I'm reenacting with my S.C.A. They have everything from the middle age. You can party down with your page. I'm reenacting with my S.C.A. I'm reenacting with my S.C.A. You can live history; you can live like a king, Dressed in all your medieval bling. Young knight, art thou listening to me? I said, young knight, what dost thou want to be? I said, young knight, thou must make real your dreams, But thou hast to de-feat thy king. No maid sews her garb by herself. I said, no maid, dresses up like an elf, So just sew there. Go to my S.C.A. I’m sure they can help you today. I'm reenacting with my S.C.A. I'm reenacting with my S.C.A. They have everything from the middle age. You can party down with your page. I'm reenacting with my S.C.A. I'm reenacting with my S.C.A. You can live history; you can live like a king, Dressed in all your medieval bling. Young prince, I was once in your shoes. I was knocked down; I can show you the bruise. I felt no pain 'cause I felt so alive. I felt at last I had ar-rived. That’s when minstrels came up to me. They said, my leige, here's a song about thee. You are famous now in my S.C.A. And a feast was held on that day. I'm reenacting with my S.C.A. I'm reenacting with my S.C.A. You can live history; you can live like a king, Dressed in all your medieval bling. My S.C.A. I'm reenacting with my S.C.A. Young king, young king, now it's not so absurd. Young king, young king, all the girls love a nerd. My S.C.A. I'm reenacting with my S.C.A. You're the new king. There's no need to feel down. My leige, my leige, here's your Burger King crown. My S.C.A. [spoken] It's good to be the king! (c) Instant Filk 2009 (Bob Cook, Marty Cook, Nick Hadaway, Melissa Hawk, Steven Laird, Dawn Mennear, Rodney Ruff, Robert Uy, Patty Westlund, Warren Westlund) Filked at DemiCon 20 in 60 minutes. Calendars and Milestones June 2009 Sun 31 Mon 1 7 Tue 2 8 Wed 3 9 Thu Fri 4 10 5 11 6 12 DMSFS Meeting 14 15 16 17 18 Sat Wendy Tschampl June 1 13 DucKon 22 28 29 23 24 19 25 Melissa Gerber June 9 James Webster Holiday Inn Select, June 17 Naperville, IL Thomas Cleary June 19 20 Lynette Lehman, Joe Struss June 20 DucKon 21 Birthdays 26 DMSFS Meeting 27 Eugene C. Hoth June 21 Dave Countryman June 24 30 Ted Poovey July 1 Tammy Mohning July 10 July 2009 Sun Mon Tue Wed 1 Thu 2 Fri 3 Sat 4 CONvergence Sheraton Bloomington Hotel, Bloomington, MN 5 6 7 8 9 10 DMSFS Meeting 11 19 26 13 20 27 14 21 28 15 22 29 16 17 18 23 30 24 DMSFS Meeting John Webster July 18 Monica Harper July 19 Ann Totusek July 25 CONvergence 12 Marian Webster July 13 25 Robert Uy July 27 Taliesin Roth, John Johnson July 28 Sheril Harper August 2 Virginia Fee August 7 31 Diversicon Best Western Bandana Square, St. Paul, MN Susan Stewart August 13 Calendars and Milestones August 2009 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 Greg Abba August 17 Diversicon 2 3 4 5 6 7 DMSFS Meeting Birthdays 8 Alois Tschampl August 20 Sarah Macht August 21 Diversicon 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 AnimeIowa Coralville Marriott Hotel & Conference Center Coralville, Iowa 16 17 18 19 20 21 DMSFS Meeting 22 AnimeIowa 23 24 30 31 25 26 27 28 29 R. C. Nelson August 29 Anniversaries Phil Dean & Sarah Macht June 22, 2003 Mark & Ida Jones August 24, 1980 Les & Jeannette Roth August 27, 1988 DMSFS meetings are held at the West Des Moines Community Center 217 5th St. There is parking and a covered entrance at the rear of the building off of 4th St. Down the Convention Road Archon 33 - October 2-4, 2009 at the Collinsville Gateway Center, Collinsville, IL Gaylaxicon - October 9-11, 2009 at the Doubletree Hotel Minneapolis-Park Place, Minneapolis, MN ICON - October 23-25, 2009 at the Cedar Rapids Marriott, Cedar Rapids, IA Contraception - November 20-22, 2009 at the Hilton Garden Inn, Kansas City, MO DemiCon 21 - May 14-16, 2010 at the Holiday Inn Hotel & Suites, Des Moines, IA Paradox Time Warping Highlights From Last Year‚s Summer 2008 Paradox Included: • • • DemiCon 19 highlights, including InstaFilk, and Blood Drive summary. Sarah Macht’s report on a special goat born during DemiCon 19. Pictures of Mark & Ida Jones’ new kittens. Highlights From Summer 2005 Paradox Included: • • • • Results of the DMSFS-sponsored cooking contest at the Iowa State Fair. Reports from Costume Con 23 and ConQuesT 36. Announcement of SACC moving to Labor Day weekend. A crossword puzzle courtesy of Jeannette Roth. Have a Great Summer! The Des Moines Science Fiction Society, LTD. P.O. Box 7572 Des Moines, IA. 50323 How To Reach Us: If you need to contact the Des Moines Science Fiction Society for any reason, including subscription to this newsletter and submission of newsletter articles or information, you may do so via any of the following methods: By US Mail: The Des Moines Science Fiction Society, Ltd. P.O. Box 7572 Des Moines, IA. 50323 By E-mail: [email protected] (Subject: For Paradox) DMSFS meets twice a month at the By Website: West Des Moines Community Center 217 5th St. There is parking and a covered entrance at the rear By Phone: of the building off of 4th St. The business meeting begins at 6:30pm and the fun stuff starts at 7:00pm. Around 8:00pm we go out to dinner as a group. (515) 830-1305 (Voice mail checked daily) Contributors To This Issue: Sheril Harper, Susan Stewart, Robert Uy. Photographs by: Steve “Wookie” Houle, Jon Mohning. Editorial Assistance by Diane Dunlap. Edited by Jon Mohning. Thank you one and all! Deadline for Fall Paradox submissions: August 7th, 2009. Articles, reviews, photos, etc., can be e-mailed to [email protected] or sent to the DMSFS mailing address mentioned above.
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