Cheraw Traded Great Bobo For Measly Price In 1926
Cheraw Traded Great Bobo For Measly Price In 1926
# 2539 s.c. FIVE BATS, DOZEN BALLS Cheraw Traded Great Bobo For Measly Price In 1926 (Eighth in a Sunday scries jeration of diamond fans, but he on the greatest baseball teams [was quite a famous southern star produced in Carolinas towns), about 40 years ago. The team which was paid so much coin during a time when BY HERMAN HELMS ObftcrTtr S»om Writer money was far from plentiful CHERAW, S. C., June 26 So was the 1920 outfit which boast such talented performers as far as baseball is concerned, Che- ed Tom (Submarine' Gheen, Rube raw, like many other Carolinas Eldridge, Blackie Carter, Fred towns, is now on the outside look- Prim and Lee Rhame. Ins in. Eldridge wan not a regular But the little city was once sort member of the Hub, but was of a pioneer community in the called in to pitch many impor diamond game, and it cherishes tant games. He was always the memories of those days. told. "You Ret $75 for winning, It was here that pitcher, later to become famous in the big leagues, was swapped to a North Carolina team for a few biUi and bats. It was a Cheraw star of whom Bob Richaud said, "1 must have played with or against close to 10,000 ball players in my day. He was the only real gentleman I ever ran into.** It was a Cheraw team which had a Sl.OOQ-plus payroll per week during tough times and was worth every penny of it. MIGHTY HOMER It was here that a Boston Braves rookie outfielder struck what must have been one of the longest home runs ever hit in any ball game and drew this sour cnmment from Casey Stengel. "That so-and-so ain't nothin' but a wrist hitter. He'll never amount to nothin'." It was Cheraw player who, on orders from the bench, stuck ut his bat in an attempt to lay down a bunt and Instead sent a vicious liner to the outfield for a double. Although confined to the side lines for many years, Cheraw has much to remember about its base ball. The pitcher who went, for such a measly price was a brash in dividual named Buck Newsom. It must have been a cruel blow to hU pride when he was traded in 192R to Raleigh for five bats and a dozen balls, But in all due respect to Bobo, It must be stated that the bati and balls were new. The Cheraw star who drew the lofty compliment from Bob Ri chaud was Edwin Malloy, a slug ging second base man on teams in Ithe early 1900's and now president |of the Cheraw Cotton Mill. FAMOUS PLAYER Richaud's name may be a [strange one to the present gen- $25 for olsing." He always won. The Boston Braves rookie who struck the mighty homer was named Welch, \obody remembers his first name, but nobody has forgotten his tremendous blast which sailed out of the park and cleared the old nearby schoolhouse. A certain individual in town chased the ball down, still prizes it as a souvenir. He has been- off ered many fancy prices for it. He won't sell. Welch teed off during an exhi bition game against Rochester in 1924. Stengel was then manag ing the Braves, and L. A. Meiklejohn, one of the town's greatest fans, recalls the conversation he had with Casey at the Cheraw Hotel that night. FINEST CLUBS Chcraw's finest .teams were produced durinf., the 1900-1905 pe riod. Most veteran fans figure tl»« '05 club, which defeated Monroe in a big three-game series for the championship of the Caro linas, was the best of them all. Edwin Malloy, who sparked Cheraw to a clean sweep of the series, says, "It was just like fight ing the Civil War all over again. "Wt played all tbe gamei here, but 75 per cent at tbe population of Monroe must hare made the trip by train to see them." Other outstanding Cheraw play ers that season vere McFall, Wil son Malloy. Bob Tomlinson. Bun ny Cunnningham, and Odiorne. Monroe was led by Phifer Fullenwider, who later pitched for the New York Giants, and Fred Stem, who became a first baseman for the Boston Braves. The 1900 Cheraw team, which was blessed with such classy per formers as Edwin Malloy, Wilson Malloy. Fish Saunders, Goat Powell, Bob Tomlinson, Edward McIver, Burris. Harry and Pern Finteyson, Walter Duvall and John Evana, wa* another fabled dub. CASEY CORRECT Meiklejohn, naturally, was still stunned by the distant wallop. Caseey was unimpressed. "Pay n» attention to It," h« told Meifclejohn. "The so-andfto'g Just a wrist hitter, and won't amount to nothin'." And old Case wai quit* correct. Welch may still be a hero in Cheraw, but he's a total stranger to the rest of Uie baseball world. The fellow who tried to bunt, hut wound up sending a solid double to the outfield was named John McFall. There's a story about that. Seems Mcl'all borrowed a bat from a teammate, George Odiorne, and rival clubs had al ways accused George of swinging a "loaded" stick. But Odiorne hturk to this itory. "That bat ain't loaded with nothin' but base hits," he Inilited. Anyway, the tale is told that all McFall did was stick the bat out in front of a fast pitch and the ball carried like a cannonshot to the outfield. McFall was surprised. Odiorne was embar rassed. sr •si fc £ J © I CRACKERJACK OUTFIT This 1900 team was one of Cheraw's finest baseball clubs. Seated, left to right, are Fish Saunders, Bob Hudgens, Bob Tomlinson, Pern Finleyson, Wilson Malloy, Walter Duvall ai John Evans. Standing, left to right, are Goat Powell, Edward Mclver. Harry Finleyson, \V. P. Pollock, Burris Finleyson and Edwin Malloy. Remember 'Dab' and 'Molly' At the Sumter Dirt Track? commonplace and ]»;irt and of inn American way o[ ]jfp. Relhea and Shaw wore not only skilled as drivers. They wpre both expert automobile mechanics for 1 thru it was necessary ;i ho a combination of both to go placey and win races, Rethra raced for ;ilx ut ninr years whilp Shaw raced vt vrral years less rjijp to his war service and his untimely dcalh. And in that place railed \VaIhalla. where p\-er>F livms* inrliviHIH| some day must make a pil1:1 image, in a srrtion rlevoted to l:indred spirit: of the race me would most likHy find our youthful drivers of another era re united in deaih. The curtain has gone; doun on " ,e saga. Never diH two youthful drivers irive more to the daring game they curia in over the years rolls participated in. It was that samp ! ha'-k and into view eomps a dirt spirit that Shaw took with him to track in Sumter and two young ihe air force as he volunteered for I firry nulnmohilr rare track driv- ;:cljnn against the Hun. Rethea , rrs who always finished nhe;id in i tried to enter the service but cirjlhe various suite races, in either cumstantes beyond his control dc!iirst or second posihon. The>jfird him. .uere "(ops'* in th;t1 other era of On September 2. 1019, Thfl Slate racing that saw fewn -f.,(..)ort(;^; miles to the hour but to that gen J. I). Rethea of Rarnwell. rtrivlerntinn quite speedy. a ('palmers labeled 'Victory On Thursday in Columbia at tbr wins first place in allof. BO ihe surviving member of of i/anor Day Auto Races ;hat pair .Tames Dahney Rethea .,, State fair Grounds." a native of fliilon, passed to hi> !is intimate buddy. Ihe late jreward, Me was recently with . Lieutenant Shaw. w;ts gone. ihe King Ponltac Company of Co-j Sumter the automobile racr litmbia. ! was located near the Brick The other member of tha thatf pa.r JVnrH trd hv , hp ]Mp , n. in |of racing aces ces was the late l£Ut.,,, v(|rnbp { ^ f. rnwds of r ^kim>> frtf Ck^ui , . Krvin D. Shaw, for tL'tium whom Shaw la Tors attended regularly and for [Air Force Rase is named. Tbr 'ometime the race track business nickname of "Molly" went wi|h war popular. I^tcr the nld track I this ynimc aviator on his last ride 'A;IS abandoned when the interest j i\\jlh death somewhere in France n' South Carilinians was centered! on winning wars and not on auto-| Itl-iring World War I. "Dab ' and "Molly," as the young mobile racing. In those days A spepd of fin miles! '.ice track drivers were nieknarn- ap hour would win a race wit hi nd, vied at rvrry ra<-e. At one ase. In conlrwst in Ihe Memor-l perhaps Shaw .would um and at in. Day Race this year a( Indian-1 the next it would be Rethea who! f.polls the average speed was 124 [came in first. They competed in!Lnilrs prr hour. But cars were very race thnt wns held in thclslowr in that era of in years ngo] during the 191VW17 period.Jrtnd when an accident 'happenpd rar-pH until IWn. Ijt was real news. Twlay accidents' F. -JKNKINS KNHiHT C < t/, ui </ • < MM CD *•• 8