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On jn ec,,ce (/11 ~ii!? V (1 que ic’ te ~te
pTO(IlIIse des elf ci jui-,d,ques
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Ii inns, be spe ified iluzi the oiilv Icii n/in Ii ~/uill
produce legal efleels is the Ronian Ion rest.
Acesi volum a fost rea1i’.~atin colal)orarc cu Ministerul Apclor.
5i Pro[cc~iei Mediului.
ISBN 973—567—144--i
LEGEA apelor*
Dispozitii generale
Art. 1.
(1) Apele reprezintA o resurs~lnaturalA regenerabil5, vulnerabilà ~i limitatuI, element indispensabil pentru
viatà $ pentru societate, materie prima pentru actività;i productive, sursà de energie ~i cale de transport, factor determinant hi mentinerea echilibrului ecologic.
(2) Apele fac parte integrantà diii patrimomul public.
Protectia, punerea in valoare ~i dezvoltarea durabilà a resurselor de apâ sunt actiuni de interes general.
(3) Dreptul de folosintà, cat ~i obliga~iilecorespunzàtoare rezultate din protectia ~i conservarea resurselor de apà
vor fi exercitate in conformitate cu prevederile prezentei
legi, cu exceptia apelor geotermale pentru care se vor adopta reglementàri specifice.
(4) Apele, malurile ~i albiile acestora, indiferent de persoana fizicà sau juridicà care le administreazà, sunt supuse
dispozi~iilor prezentei legi, precum fl prevederilor din conven;iile internationale Ia care România este parte.
(5) Sunt, de asemenea, supuse dispozitiilor prezentei legi
lucràrile care se construiesc pe ape sau care au legàtura cu
apele ~i prin care, direct on indirect, se produc modificAri
temporare sau definitive asupra calitàtii apelor on regimului de curgere a acestora.
Art. 2.
Prevederile l)rezentei legi au ca scop:
a) conservarea, dezvoltarea ~i protec4ia resurselor de apà,
precum ~i asigurarea unel curgeri libere a apelor;
b) protectia Impotriva oricàrei forme de poluare $ de modificare a caracteristicilor resurselor de apà, a malurilor ~i albiilor sau cuvetelor acestora;
c) refacerea caIità~ii apelor de suprafa;a ~i subterane;
ci) conservarea ~l Pr~~eJa~~ea
ecosis temelor acvatice;
e) asigurarea alimentarii cu apà potabila a poi)uIatiei ~i a
salubritáfii publice:
*Legea iii. 107 din 25 septernbnc 1996. Legea apeloi, a fost J)UI)Iie~tü
Monuloini Oficial al Rornaniei. Paitea I. iii’. 244 din 8 ocuombrie 1996
Legea nr. 107 cliii 25 septc’rnl)iie 1906
f) valorilicarea complexa a apelor ca resursà economicü ~i
repartitia rationalá ~I echilibrata a acestei resurse, cu mentinerea ~i cu anieliorarea calitàLii ~i productivitàtii naturale
a apelor;
g) apàrarea impotriva inundatiilor ~i oricâror altor fenomene hidrometeorologice periculoase;
h) satisfacerea cerintelor de apà ale agriculturii, industriei,
producerii de energie, a transporturilor, acvaculturii,
turismului, agrementului fl sporturilor nautice, ca ~i ale oricàror alte activitAti umane.
Art. 3.
(1) Apalin domeniului public apele de suprafatä
cu albiile br minore cu lungimi mai man de 5 1cm ~i cu
2, malubazine
ce depa~escsuprafata
de 10 1cm
rile ~i cuvetele
precum ~i apele subterane,
apele ma—
ritime interboare, faleza fl plaja màrii, cu bogà~iile Ion
naturale ~i poten;ialul energetic vabonificabil, marea teritonialà
~i fundul apebor maritime.
(2) Albiile niinore cu lungimi mai mici de 5 km ~i cu bazine hidrografice ce nu depá~escsuprafata de 10 1cm2, pe care
apele nu curg permanent, aparfin definätorilor, cu once
litlu, ai terenurilor pe care se formeazà sau curg. Proprietanii
acestor albii trebuie sA foloseascA aceste ape in concordanfA
cu condifiile generale de folosire a apei in bazinul respectlv.
(3) Insulele, care nu sunt in legâturA cu terenurile cu mal
la nivelub mediu al apei, aparfin proprietarului albiel apei.
(4) Apa subteranä poate fi folositá de proprietarul terenului, numai In mAsura In care este utilizatá conform art. 9
alin. (2).
(5) Sunt exceptate de la prevederile alin. (1) pepinierele ~i
crescàtoriile piscicole aflate in afara cursurilor de apà.
Art. 4.
(1) Stabilirea reglmului de fobosire a resurselor
de apS, indiferent de forma de propnietate, este un drept exclusiv a! Guvernului, exercitat pnin Ministerul Apelor,
PAdunilor ~I Pro tecfiei Mediului, cu excepfia apelor geotermale.
(2) Apele diii cbomeniul pubjic se dau in aciministrare
Regiei Autonome .,Apele RomSne” de catre Ministerul Apelor,
Paclunilor ~i Protectiei Mecliului, in conclitiile legii.
(3) Reglementarea naviga~iei~i a activitalilor conexe acesteia pe càile navigabile se face (le catre Ministerul
Transporturilor, prin unitàfi (be profil.
Legea apeloi
(4) Faza atmosfenicà a circuitului apei in natunà poate fi
modificatâ artificial numa i de Minis terul Apelor, Paduri!or
si Protecfiei Mediu!ui ~i de cei autonizati de acesta, In condifii!e legii.
Art 5.
(1) fri jurul surselor ~i instalafiibor de alimentare
cu apà potabi!â, a! sursebor de ape minerale ~i al lacunilor ~i
nãmolurilon terapeutice se lnstituie zone de protectie sanitarà cu regim sever sau cu regim de restnictii, precum ~i perimetre de protecfie hidrogeo!ogicä. DrOptul de propnietate
asupra surselon ~i instalafiibon de a!imentare cu apA potabilà,
sursebor de ape minera!e ~i lacunilor ~i námolurilor terapeutice se extinde ~i asupra zonelor de protecfie sanitarà cu
regim sever.
(2) Regimu! de exploatare a apelor geotenmale, a bacuri!or
~l nàmolunilor terapeutice, a turbAniibor ~i zonebor umede, a
zonelor de protecfie sanitarS, precum ~i regimul pnivind navigafia pe cursuni!e de apà naturale sau artificiale, pe apele
maritime interioane ~i pe marea tenitonialá, ca ~i !ucrth-ile, construcfiibe san instalatil!e aferente sunt supuse prevederibor prezentei begi, precum fl reglementànilor cu caracter special.
(3) Regimul de exploatare a fondului piscicol, precum .~i
exercitarea pescuitului in cunsunile de apA naturale sau amenajate sunt supuse prevedenilor prezentei !egi ~i reglementàrilor specifice.
(4) Normele speciale pnivind canacterul ~i mAnimea zonebr de protecfie sanltaxà se aprobá pnln hotarane a
Guvernului, la pnopunerea Ministerului Ape!or, Pàdunilor ~i
Protec~iei Mediului si a Ministerului SànAtMii.
(5) Supravegherea ca!it5fii apei potabi!e se asigurâ de
càtre Ministeru! Sanatafii.
Art. 6.
(1) Activitatea de gospodàrine unitar5, rajional5
~i comp!exâ a apelor se organizeaza ~i se desfa~oara pe bazinc hidrografice, ca entitãfi geografice Indivizihile de gospodanine a resurselor de apà. Gospociàrirea ape!on trebuie sS
considere ca un tot unitar apele de suprafa~ü ~i subterane
atflt sub aspect cantitativ, cat fl calitativ, in scopul asigurani c!ezvoltànii clurabile.
(2) Gospodárirea ape!or se bazcaza pe pnincipiu! so!idaritütii umane ~i interesu!ui comun, pnin colaborare ~i coopenare strânsà, la toate nive!unile achninistnatiei puMice, a
107 cliii 25 sejileinbiie
utibizatonibor de apa, a reprezentanfilor colectivitáfibor locale
a popubafiei, pentru rea!izarea maximului de profit social.
Art. 7.
(1) Ebaborarea strategiei ~i po!iticii nafiona!e in
domeniub gospodàninii apebor, asigurarea coordouàrii fl controbului apbicärii reglementâri!or in terne ~i internafionabe in
acest domeniu se reabizeazà de catre Ministeru! Apelor,
Pàduribor si Protecfiei Mediu!ui.
(2) Gestionarea cantitativà ~i ca!itativà a apelor, expboatarca !ucrünibor de gospodànire a apebon, pnecum fl ap!icarea
strategiei ~i politicii nafionabe In domeniu se rea!izeazà de
Regia Autonomà ,,Apele Române” ~i filia!ele sale bazinale.
(3) Pc ldngà Ministerub Apebor, P5dunibon ~i Protectiei
Mediului funcfloneaza: Comisia centralà de apànare impotniva
inundafiibor, fenomenelor meteonologice penicuboase fl accidentelor la construcfiile hidrotehnice, Comisia nafiona!à pentru siguranf a barajebor $ lucn5ri!or hidrotehnice ~i Comitetu!
national pentru programul hidro!ogic internafional, organisme cu caracter consultativ. Secretaniatele tehnice permanente ale acestor organisme se asigurâ de Ministenil Apebor,
Pàdurilor ~i Pnotecfiei Mediubui.
Art. 8.
Termenii tehnici fobositi in prezenta lege au scmnificafia stabibità in anexa rim. 1, care face pane integnantà
din prezenta lege.
Regimul de folosire a apelor
a albiilor
Secfiunea 1
Peg/mu! de fe/os/re a ape/or
Art 9.
(1) Dreptu! de fobosinf a a apebor de suprafa~asau
subterane, inc!usiv a cebor anteziene, se stahibe~te pnin autonizatia de gospodàrire a apelon ~i se exercita potrivit prevederibor legale. Acest (Inept include ~i evaéuarea, in resunse!e
de apa, de ape uzate, ape din desecari on drenaje, ape meteorice, ape de mina sau de zacamant, dup5 utilizare.
(2) Apele de suprafa~asau subterane pot fi fo!osite biber,
cu respectarea noniielor sanitare ~i de protectie a ca!itütii apebr, pentru haut. adapat, uciat, spa!at, Imbaiat Si alte trebulife gospod5re$i, (laca 1)elitnl aceasta nu se fo!osesc insta!atii
sau se foboscsc instalatii (Ic capacitate mica dc piin5 !a 0,2
!itni/secundü, destina te exc!usiv satisfacerii necesitAfibor gos—
Legc’a a;icloi
podariei propmii.
(3) Once persoana fizica, pe propnie räspundeme, poate utibiza biber ape!e marine, din afara zone!on de restnictie, pentru imbàieme.
(4) Uti!izarea apebor subtemane se face pe baza mezervebom
omobogate, determinate conform prevedenilor aplicabile mesumse!om minerale.
Art. 10.
(1) Satisfacerea ceminfelom de apa ale popubafiei
are prionitate fafà de fobosimea apei in alte scopuri. Dc asemenea, au priomitate, fafâ de abte fobosinte, alimentamea cu apa
pentru animabe, mefacerea rezervei intangibi!e de apa dupa
incendii, precum ~i debitele necesare menfinenii echilibrului
eco!ogic a! habitatului acvatic.
(2) Restmângemea utilizarii apei potabibe pentmu popubafie,
in fobosul altom activitafi, este interzisa.
(3) Apa potabila distmibuita organizat in centre populate
poate fi uti!izatA ~i in alte scopuni, numai daca s-a asigurat
satisfacerea integra!a a cerinfebom popu!afiei, animalelor ~i ale
unor activitafi care necesitá apa de aceastà calitate.
Alimentamea cu apâ potabiba in alte scopuni va fi limitata sau
desfiinfata numai atunci când apam ceminle noi in abimentarca cu apâ a popubafiel.
(4) Apele subterane, corespunzatoare calitativ, sunt destinate in primu! rand pentmu alimentamea cu apa a popu!afiei
~i animale!om, pmecum ~l pentru asiguranea igienei ~i sanatafii
popubafiei. Aceste ape pot fi utilizate ~i in alte scopuri,
numai in baza automizafiei de gospodamime a apebor.
(5) La pbanificarea $ !a realizamea unom activitàfi, cuni sunt
minemitub de suprafa~a,demivatii!e de debite etc., cc pot influenfa rezerva de ape subtemane sau pot modifica reteaua hidmografica de suprafaf a, se -von !ua obbigatoriu masuni de
refacere a abimentami!om cu apà ~i de pmotecfle impotriva inunda~iibor.
Art. 11.
(1) Tn lacumlle de acumu!ame fobosite ca sumsa pentru a!imentari cu apa potabila se poate pmactica numai plscicubtura in regim natuma!, fara furajanea pe~ti!or ~i fama
aplicarea fungicidelor sau a onicaror meclicaniente veteniname
(2) Tn once a!te zone ctec5t cele I)met’azute in aIm. (1). piscicultura cu administrare dc furaje se poate practica numai
iii cazu! in care nu este influentatã calitatea ape!or cliii aval
~i iii baza avizului de gospodamire a apelor.
107 din 25 st’plernbne 1996
Art. 12. (1) Utilizatomii dc apa sunt obligafi sa respecte
norme!e de consuni de apà pe unitatea de produs sau pe activitate ~i sa economiseascà apa b)miii fo!osime judicioasa, recimculame $ fo!osime mepetata. Dc asemenea, au obligafia sa
asigure intmefinerea fl mepararea instalafiibom proprii 5i a
ce!or din sistemele de alimentame cu apa ~i canalizame-epurame,
dupa caz.
(2) Nommele de consum de apá pe unitatea de produs san
pe activitate se detenmina ~i se reactualizeaza periodic.
Normele de consuni se propun de utilizatomii de apa, la nivebul cebom mai bune pemfommanfe ale tehnologiibor fobosite,
se avizeaza de ministerele interesate ~i se aproba de
Ministemul Apebom, Piidunibom ~i Protecfiei Mediului.
Sobufionamea eventuabebor divemgenfe este de competenf a
Art. 13.
Ministerul Apebom, Padumibor ~i Pmotecfiei
Mediului ~i Regta Autonomá ,,Ape!e Romflne” sunt in drept
sà ia masuri de bimitame san de suspendare pmovizorie a fobosimil apei, pentmu a face fafà unui pemicol sau consecinfebom
unor accidente, secetei, lnundafiibom sau unui misc de lipsa de
apâ datonat supraexp!oatamii mesumsei.
Art. 14.
(1) Daca, din cauza secetei sau a altor calamitafi naturale, debitele de apA autonizate nu pot fi asigurate
tutumor utilizatomibom autonizafi, se apbicA restnictii temporame
de fobosire a mesursebor de apa.
(2) Restmicfiile se stabilesc pnin p!anumi de mestnicfil fl fobosire a apel in perloade!e deficitame, elaborate de Regia
Autonomui ,,Apebe Române”, dupa consu!tarea utilizatomilom
automizafi, cu avizu! Ministemulni Ape!or, Paduribor ~i
Pmotecfiet Mediu!ui ~l cu apmobarea comitetu!ui de bazin.
P!anumibe de restricf ii ~i fobosime a apei in perioade!e deficitame, denumite in continuare plamlri dc restric(ii, se aduc la
timnp ba cuno~tin~apublicubui.
(3) Metodobogia de e!abomare ~i de aprobare a planurilor
dc restmictii ~i !)rocedlura dc Infomniame a publicului se stabilesc de Ministemul Apebor,
Ta trebui
sä tina ~iseania
dc priontafile
la art. tO ~ii dc impomtanfa socialà ~i economica a
utibizatoribor autorizafi.
(4) Masiii~i1estabilite de Regia Autonoina .,Apele Romãne”
in aplicarea plaiiului dc restmictii sunt ob!igatorii 1)eiitmu toU
8’a apc’Ior
utibizatomii de apa. Masumile de mcstnicfil se aslmi!eazä cu situafia de fomf majomâ in nemealizarca contractebor de bivrame a apei.
(5) Pc durata apbicànli pbanumibom de mestmicfii, pmevedcrlbe
automizatiei de gospodàmime a apebor se subomdoncaza acestora.
Art. 15.
(1) Poluamea in omice niod a mesumsebom de apIl
estc intemzisd.
(2) Normebe de ca!itate a mcsumscbor de apa se apmobá pnin
standarde, ba pmopunerea Ministcmu!ui Apebor, Padumibor ~i
Protecfiei Mcdiubui.
(3) Nommebe pmivind ca!itatea apei potabile se apmoba pnin
standardc, la pmopuncmca Minlstemului Sanata~ii.
(4) Limitele de incamcare cu po!uanfi a ape!or uzatc evacuate In mesursele de apA se aprobä prin hotamame a
Guvcmnului, ba pmopuncmea Ministemu!ui Apebom, Paduribor si
Protectiei Mediu!ui ~i a Ministemubui Sanatatii.
(5) Limitele de dcscAmcame inscmise in avizu! sau autonlzafia dc gospodàmime a apcbor reprezinta limitele maxime admisc, iar dcpa~imeaacestoma cste lntcrzisa.
Art. 16.
(1) Pentmu pmotccfia mesumsebom de apa, se interzic
a) punerca in funcfiunc de obicctive economice noi san
dezvobtarca ccbor existente, darca in funcfiune de noi ansambbuni dc bocuinfc, introducemea la obiectivele cconomice
existente de tehnobogii de producfie modificate, care marcsc
gradul de incAmcare a apebor uzate, fara p~memeaconcomitcnta
in funcfiune a ref ebebom de canalizare ~i a lnsta!afii!or de cpurare on fama mealizamea abtor bucrami fl masumi care sa asigure,
pentmu apcbe uzate evacuate, mcspectarca prcvedcmibor impusc
pmin autonizafia dc gospodünire a apebom;
b) rcalizamca de bucmami noi pentmu alimentame cu apa potabila sau tndustriaba on de extindere a cc!om existente, fara
reabizamea sau cxtinderea corcspunzatoare ~i concomitenta
a mefebcbom de cana!izarc ~i a insta!afiibom de epumamc necesame;
c) amuncamca sau intmoducemea in once mod, in albii!c
cumsumibom dc apa, in cuvetebe lacunitom san ale bàbtilor, in
Mamea Neagra fl in zoncie unicde, pmccum ~i diepozitarea pe
malurile acestona a dle5eurilor die onice fel;
dl) evacuarea de ape uzatc, in apebe subterane, !acurile natumale san dc acumulame, in iazuri, in bMIi sau in he!e~tee;
107 cliii 25 septernlnie 1996
c) uti!izamca de canalc deschise dc once fc! pentmu evacuai-i!c oil scungemi!c de ape fecaloid-inenajere sau en confinut
f) spalamea in cumsumi dc apa san in lacuri fl pe malumile
acestora a vchicnbebor, autovchicu!ebom, a altom utilaje ~i agregate niecanice, prccum ~i a amba!ajc!om san obicctebom came
an confinut pesticide san alte substantc pcmicuioase;
g) spalarea anima!e!or domestice dezinfectate cn substante toxice in afara !ocumibom special amenajatc in acest scop;
h) amnncamea san vâmsarca in instalaf ii sanitame san in mefele de canabizamc a mcziduumibom pctmolicmc san a snbstanfebom pcnienboasc;
i) spàlarea in cursnribe dc apa sau in lacnni, pe mabnmilc
acestoma, pe dignni san barajc a obiectcbom de nz easnic, en
folosirea substanfcbor chimice de omice feb.
(2) Tn zonelc dc pmotectic institnitc potmivit pmczentci lcgi,
sunt intemzise depozitarea ~i fobosirea dc Ingra~amintc, pesticide san alte substanfe pcmienboasc.
Art, 17.
In scopub fobosimii mafionalc ~i protejanii calitafii
rcsnrscbom de apa, utibizatomii dc apà an nmmatoame!c obbigafii:
a) sa adopte tchnobogii dc prddnctie en ccminfe dc apa meduse ~i cat mai puf in poluante, sà cconomiscascà apa pmin
mecircubame san fobosimc mcpctata, sà climine misipa ~i sa diminnczc picrderibc de apa, sa medncà poluanfii evacnati o data
en apcbc nzatc ~i sà rccupemezc snbstanfele utile confinntc in
apelc nzate ~i in namolnmi;
B) sa asigume mealizanea, intrcfinemca ~i cxp!oatamea stafiibom ~i instabafiibom de pmelncmame a ealitafii apebom Ia capacitatea
antorizata, sa nmmameasea cfieicnf a acestoma pmin analize dclaborator ~i s~intemvina opcmativ pentmn incadnarca indicatomibor de emisie in !imitele adinise pentmu evacnamea apebr nzate, limite pmcvazute pmin antomizafia de gospodamire a
e) sa nespcetc en strictcfe disciplina ~i nomnicbe tehnobogiec
in aetivitatilc de pmodnctie came fobosesc apa ~i evaeueaza ape
nzate, ~
~i in slatiiic ~i instala~iIe die pre!ncrame a ca—
Iitafii apebom;
dl) sa ummamcasea, prin foraje die obsenra~ii~i control, starca eabita(ii apcbor subterane cliii zona dtc intluenta a dbepozitelom die mezidunri die once feb.
Lcgea apeloi
Art 18. Utilizatomii dc apa, amplasafi pe temitominl boea!itafibom san pe l)IatfOrmcle industmiale, pot cvacna apele
nzatc in mefelelc dc eanalizame publiea san in eele ale pbatfomnicbor indnstniale nuinai en acceptub ~i en mcspectamca eondifiibor stabilite de dctinatomul accstor ref dc ~i nnmai dacä
stafiilc de cpnmamc finala ale bocalitatilom san platfommebor indnstmiale mcspeetive au profil tehnobogie necesam fl eapaeitafi
disponibilc. In toate eaznmilc cste obligatomie preepnmamca locala a apclor nzatc provenite de la acc~tiutilizatomi.
Art. 19.
(1) Antoritafibe administrafici publice locale an
obligafia asiguranil gospodaminii cfieicnte a apci distribnitc hi
bocabitafi, prccnm ~i colcetamea apebom meteomiec, eanalizamea
~i epumarea apelom uzate.
(2) Rcalizamca a!imentamii ccntnaiizate en apà a satelom $
eomnnelom en distmibn~ic stmadala, fama bman~amcnte la boeninfe, cstc eondijionata nnmai de asigumarca senmgemii apei
pnin rigolc stradale.
(3) Persoanebe fiziec ~i jnmidiec came expboateaza stafiibc ~i
instaba;iibe dc epnmarc an obliga~iasa mealizczc nmmamimca continua, prin analize de labomatom, a modnini de funcfionarc a
aeestoma, sa pastnezc rcgistmclc en mcznltatcbe analizebom ~i sa
puna aecste date la dispozifia pcmsonainlni impntcmnieit en
sarelni de inspecfic ~i control.
Art. 20.
(1) Ape!e de mina san dc zaeamant pot fi evacuate hi cnmsnri dc apâ, numai dupa epumamea br corespnnzatoamc, astfc! meat sa fie rcspcetate limitcic admise
pentru evacuamc hi meceptomii naturali de snprafaf
(2) Apeic uzate indnstmiale, ca ~i apebe de niina san de zacàm5nt, pentru care nu cxista telmobogii san pmoecdec dc epnmarc cficientc, pot fi injeetatc numai in stratumi de foamte mane
adâncimc, pe baza nnon studii speciale, a avizubni aeordat de
Agenfia Nafionala pen tm Resumse Minemale ~i a avizulni dc
gospodamire a apelor.
Art. 21.
(1) Topimea teinini, cSnepii, inulni $ a a!tor
b)laIite textile hi cnnsuni dc apa, eanale, lacuil amtifieiaie, laenii
natnmale san in balti este intemzisa. Opcna~innile die topire pot
fi efeetuate Ii locnni special anienajate ~i in baza autonizafiei de gospodamire a apelon.
(2) Tabacimea pieilom este pemmisa nnniai in eondi~iile
pmevazute hi antomizafia de gospodamimc a apelom.
I (17 din 25 seplvni In ie 1996
Art. 22.
(1) Adniinistmatomii portumilom finviale san mamitime an ohliga;ia de a mcaliza instalafii specializate pcntrn
colcetanca, pmelnarea ~i epnramea comespunzatoame a apcbom
nzatc pmovenitc de la nave fl instalaf ii plntitoame san din seapan aceidentaic.
(2) Evacnamca hi apclc de snpnafata san maritime a apebr nzate necpnmate, pmovenite de ba nave ~i instalaf ii pbntitoarc san de foraj mann, precum ~i a pmoduscbom petrolicre
de la mefeana afcmenta dc transport, estc intcrzisa.
Art 23.
(1) Regia Autonoma ,,Apcle Românc” pnin filialclc sale bazinaic organizeazà activitatca dc pmevenfre a p0lnaniiom aecidentaic ~i de mniatnnamc a efectebom br, pe baza
de plannmi elaborate in fnncfie de condiliibc specifice bazinèbor hidrografiec respective ~i de natnma snbstanjcbor pobnantc cc pot fi evacuate accidental.
(2) Utibizatorii dc apa snnt ohligafi sa mntocmcasea pbannni
propnii de prcvcnirc ~i de combaterc a polnanibom accidentale,
posibib a sc prodncc ca nnmamc a activitafii ion, ~i sa be
pnna in aplicare in eaz dc ncccsitatc.
(3) Ebaboranea plannnilor de pneveninc ~i de combatere a
pobnaribom accidentaic se face potnivit metodobogici-cadnn
stabilite dc Ministcrul Apcbom, Padnribor ~i Proteefiei Medinbni.
(4) Utiizatorii dc apa care an prodns o pobname accidcntabà sunt obligafi sà ia inasuni nmgcntc pcntrn Inlàtnrarca canzebor $ cfcctebor accstona fl sa informezc imediat cea mai
apropiatA nnitate de gospodanire a apebom asnpma acestei pobnari.
(5) Unita~ibcdc gàspodarime a apcbor an obligafia sa ia hi
eonsiderare once informafie provcnita dc in persoanc fizice
~i jnnidiec, altebe decât ntilizatonii, care an pnodus polnanea
(6) Polnanea intcntionata se pedcpse~te.
(7) In caz de pobuami accidentale, filialele bazinale ale Regiei
Antonome ,,Apcle RomSne” von avertiza imediat ntiiizatonii
de apa ~i antoritafile administrafiei pnblice a loealitafilor diii
aval b)eiitm a bun inasumi die protec[ie a apelom ~ die dlinnnnarc
a ~)agubclOm.
(8) Utiiizatomii die apa l)oteiiliat polnatoni, autoritatile adrninistmatiei publicc locale, ~
~i Regia Antononia ,,Apele
Roinanc” an obligalia dotamii en mijboaee specifiec de intervenfie pcntrn eazuni de poluari aecidentale.
Art. 24.
(1) Utibizatonii de apA din aval, care an snfenit
dannc rnatcnialc eanzate de o polnare aeeidcntala, pnodnsa
In amonte, san die distnngenca unci eonstmncfii die rctenfie a
apei din amonte, an dmeptnb la despâgnbine de in pcmsoana
fizica san pcnsoana jnnidieA cc se face vinovata, potmivit
(2) Chcltniciiic cfcetnatc de pensoane fizice san persoane
junidice, inebnsiv de caIne Regia Antonoma ,,Apele RomSnc”,
pcntmn inbatnrarea efcetcbom polnamii aceidentale, sc snpomtui
dc ccl came a pmodns polnamea.
Secpunea a 2-a
Peg/mu! de fo!os/re a a/bY/or
Art. 25.
(1) Pc mainmile apcior apaflinftnd domcninlni
pnblie, daca nn snnt impnsc restnictii, omicc pcrsoana fizica
arc drcptnl de acecs biben, pe pmopmia naspnndcre, pentmn
plimbare san rcereeme, fara a pnodnce prcjndicii apebom, albiibor, inalnnibon ~i nivenanibom.
(2) In zoncie special onganizatc on amenajate pcntnn
agmemcnt pc mainmile apebom, aecesni estc pci-mis in eondifiiie stabilite de definatorii aceston zone ~i en rcspectamea pmevcdcnibon insenise hi antonizafia de gospodarire a apebon,
ciibenata acestora.
(3) Cirenbafia PC cnrsnnlbc de apa, iacnnl natnmale san pc
mane, en barci dc agrement fara motor, sc efectneaza libcr,
en nespectanca dmcptnnibom nivcranibor fl regiemcntanilor begale.
(4) Dncptni dc fobosin~aa albiilor minonc, a plajei ~i a fam—
mnlni manii, in aite seopnni dec5t ccbe pncvazntc In aIm. (1),
se dobande~te nnmai dupa obfinemca antonizaliei dc gospo-
darire a apciom.
Art. 26. (1) Definatonii temcnnnibom din avab suiit ohligafi
sa pninieasea apcbe cc se senmg hi mod! natnral de pe temcnnnibe situate in ainonte.
(2) Lneramile de bamanc san de travemsame a enrsnmlbom
de apa, cane pot eonstitni obstacol in eumgerca naturala a apeion, von fi astfel concepnte, mealizate ~i expioatale meat sa nn
infinenfeze iicfavorabil cungerea apebor, in vedienea asigunadi atuIt a stabilita~iiaecstor lnerani, a abbiiior minore ~i a ma-
bnnibor, eat ~i pciitrn pmct’eiiinea union efeete dbistmuetive san
pagnhitoare. Lncraniic constnnite fama a avca in vedemc astfcl
107 (liii 25 sepwnibrie 1996
de ecnlnfc tnebnie niodifieate san demolate de pmopnictarii san
detinatomii ion, In condlifiile $ Ia tenncncbe stabilite de
Rcgma Antonomä ,,Apebe Romane”. In eaz eontmar, Ministcmnl
Apcbor, Padnnibor ~i Proteefici Mcdinlni, pnin nnitàfile sale tenitoniale, este abilitat sa aplice sancfinni potmivit legii, din ofiem san ba sesizanca Regici Antonome ,,Apcle Romanc”.
(3) Obtnnamea san bboearca, sub once fonma, pmeenm $
scoaterca dliii fnnetinnc, in once mod, a constmnefiiion ~i instalafiibon de deseareanc a apebon mami, snnt intcrzise.
Art. 27.
Once activitatc pe incmn de apa, in abbii minore
on in zone de pnoteefie, inebnsiv navigafia, plntanitnl, flotajni, expboatamea agregatebom mincraic san mecobtamea stnfnlni,
pneenm ~i pesenitni sc von realiza astfei meat sa nn prodnea
cfcctc negative asnpra mainnibom $ abbiibor cnmsnnibon de
apa, mabnmibom ~i cnvctcbon lacnniior, monnmcntcbor natnnii,
eonstnnctiilor, bnenamibom san instaiafiibom existente in abbii ~i
sa infincufeze eat mai pnf in fobosmrca apeior de càtrc alfi ntibizatoni. In nici o sitnafie nn este pcrmisa dctcniorarea ealitafmi apei.
Sectiunea a 3-a
Peg/mu! de seni/tufi s/ de expropr/ere
Art 28. (1) Rivcmanii snnt obligafi sa acorde dncpt dc servitnte, avandn-se in vederc zone annme stabilite dc comnn
acord en Regia Antonoma ,,Apcbe Romane”, fara a penccpe
taxe, pentnn:
a) treeemca san einenlafia pensonabnbni en atnibnfii de scnviein in gospodanmmca apebor, hi scopnl indcplininii acestora;
B) amplasamea, in abbie si pc malnni, de borne, repene, aparate de masnna ~i control san abte apamatc on! Instalaf ii necesare excentaiji die stndii i)mit’iiid negimni apclor, preenni ~i
accesni pentmn intrc~inerca instalatiiion destinate aceston ac—
c) tmansportni ~! depozitamea temporara a matenmalebor ~i
ntilajelon pentru intemvcn(ii operative pmivnidi apararea impotiiva
di) transpomtnl Si diepozitarea
teinporara die mateniale, nIllaje, pmecnm ~i eircuiaLia aecstona ~l a pensoiiainbui, in eazni
execntàmii de Incnani die intrefincre $ dc mcpara~i.
L(%’ca ~ipcioi
(2) In eaznl Ii came, pnin cxemcitamca actinnibon prevazntc
Ia aim. (1), se pmodne pagube, definatomii terennniior riverane
apeior an dreptul la dcspaguhimi potnivit iegii.
Fondnribe pen tm aecstc despagubmmi se von asigura din nbcafii bngetarc, pentmn sitnafiile I)revaznte la aim. (1) bit, a) ~i
e) ~i din fondnnile pmop~iabc pensoanebon jnnidice care an prodns pagnbeic, pentnn situafiilc pmcvazntc in aim. (1) lit. b) fl
Art. 29.
(1) Pcntmn nealizanca nnor lncnani de amenajane
a bazlneion hidrogmafice ~i a aitor inemami hidmotchniee de ntilitate pnl)biea, enm am fi: barajc ~i iaenni de acnmniare en anexcle acestora, centrale liidrocieetniee, dcnivafii de dcbitc
intre cnmsnmi de apa, lncnani de apilrarc impotmiva innndafiibor, sisteme de alimentami en apa ~i eanaiizani, incbnsiv instalafiiic de epnmamc en anexele aeestoma, mcgnlamizani dc
r5nni, stafii ~i platforme hidnomcteoroiogiee, sisteme de Imbunatafiri fUneiane, comeetamca toncnfibon, pot fi expropriate,
pcntm ntibitate pnblica en jnsta despagubinc, san oenpate temponan, contra plata, tencnnmi si ciadimi, In eondifiiic legii.
(2) Snnt scntitc de servitnfi penmanente: eladinibe, cnn lie,
gradinibe afcrentc loeninfebon, monnmcntele pnbliee, bisenicue fl eimitireic, pmeenni ~i parcnniie deebanatc monnmentc
aic natnnii.
(3) Dmcptni de servitntc, odata stabilit, constitnic o obligatie
opozabila tntnrom.
(4) In eazub In came, Ia inenamile pnevaznte ba aim. (1), pentm care s-a prevaznt senvitutea, aecasta a fost abandonata
timp de ccl pnf in 3 ani san, daea mcnfincmea ci nn mai estc
neecsama, scmvitn tea se poatc considena stinsâ.
(5) Despagnbmnea in eneamea scrvitnf ii temponanc san penmanciitc consta dliii:
a) valoarca dc cinenlafie a pnodnsclor, piantaliibon, eonstruefiibom san bnnnnilor mobile die odee fel, avariate san distrnse;
b) valoanca pagnbei canzatc pnopnictamnini pentmn stabibmmea
semvitutii pe zona respcetmva dc teren, in maport en foloaseic
dle cane este bipsit i)Hn sehimbamea destinaliei teniponare san
pcrmaneiite a zone! rcsI)eetivc die tenen.
Art. 30.
(1) Plantamca san taierea ambomilor san anbn~Ei—
ion de pe tcrennmiic sitnate in aibiiic majome aie enrsnnibom de
107 din 25 septeinbric’ 1996
fanninb inanli, fana
avizni de gospodammre a apelor
~i avizni organelor siiviee dc speeialitate, cstc mntemzisa.
(2) Avizni dc gospodiammre a apcbor pmevaznt in aim. (1) estc
pentmn inemarile eonstmnitc pc ape san care an begatnma en apcie, ncaiizatc In albia majona.
(3) In zona mamutima, fluvmala san a aiton cam navignbiie sc
pot cfcetnn, in condifilie iegii, en aviznl ongnncior silviec de
speeialitntc ~i al Regici Antonome ,,Apcic Romanc”, defnu~anile necesame asignnarmm vizibmlitafim semnnlcbor dc baiizaj fl
a mijboaecion dc scmnaiizare, pe toata Intindenea mainniion
~i npeior, In pnnetcbc pc came be va stabibi Mmnistenni
Art. 31.
(1) Padnribe en fnne;ii spceiabe dc protcefic din
bazincle dc mceepfie ale laenniior de aenmniame, eebc din Bazinebc en grad marc de tomenfiabitate ~i pnedispnse crozinnii,
din aibiibc niajore abc rflnribor, din zoncie dug-mat, prcenm
~i benzibe de padnme sitnnte dc-a lnngnb nannmion ncindignite
apamfin grupei de padnmi en fnnefii speeialc de pmotccfie a apebr ~i snnt gospodanite ea atnnc prin tnatamcntc intensive, intcmzieandn-sc taiemile nasc san tratamcntcic en penioada
scnmta de megcncrane.
(2) Puidnribc de protcefie a apcion, cebe de protcefic a sobunion, situate pe stancamui, gnohoti~nni,pe soinri cmodate, pe
tenennni en inelinare mai mare dc 350 fl abte ascmcnca püdun se gospodamese hi regim special dc protcefic.
(3) In pcrimctreic menfionate ia almn. (1) ~i (2) sc von cxccnta lnenàmi de combatcme a crozinnii sobnlni, de stingere a
torenflion ~i se von aplica ncgnlm spccmabe de Intrefmneme a inemamulon cxecntate.
(4) Pâdnnulc din zoneic dc mnnte ~i de deal tmcbnie astfci
gospodiamitc meat sa nn eontmibnic in fonmnren innndiafiibom
~i in pnodneerea erozmnnui soinini.
Art. 32.
(1) Foiosimen, tnansportnl ~i manipniamca dc de~cuni ~i snbstnnfe pcrienloase in zoneic diii jnmnl apcbon ~i In
able boenni diiii cane neestea an pnten ajnnge in npcic die sn—
pmnfafa, snhtenane san marine se pot face nnmni In nstfei die
eoirdlifii meat sa mi prodluca Poluanea apelor.
(2) Depozitnncn die5eul’iion ~i snbstanfeior pciicnioasc in
zone dim apropierca npd’lon sc face In conformitate en nvizni
die gospodamic a apcion.
(3) Dcpozitanca hi abbin majona a ninteminicion san a descnribor nadionetivc cste mntcmzisa.
(4) Tmanspontni pe apcle intcnioame, pe Dnnanea finvmnia ~i
manitimà ~i pc manca tenitonmalà ab snbstnn~cbonpcnicnlonse,
mneinsiv al mateniniciom radioactive, sc poate face nunini hi
condifiibe nnni aviz comnn, cmls, pcntmn fuceanc enz in
paflc, de Ministerni Apciom, Padnmmior ~i Pnotccfici Mcdinini
~i Mmnistcmui Tmnnsportnmiior. Aecste diispozlf ii se npiica ~i
tnnnsportnini in tmanzit al acestona.
Art. 33.
(1) Ministenni Apcbon, Padnnmbom ~i Pnotceficl
Mcdmnbni poate eonecsmona san inehmmia pante din domcninl
public ai apeior, pentmn exploatanca npcbom de snpmnfaf a san
snbteranc, en cxeepf in npebon geotemmale, a matcnmnlcbor din
accstea ~l din mninni, pneenm ~i pentmn vnbonificamca vcgetafici
din abbuile minomc ~t de pc mnbnni, fobosirca cncnglci apebon,
exploatarca ineinini dc apa pcntnn piseienltnna, pcsenit,
agncmcnt on spontnni nantiee, en ~t pcntmn altc aetivitali, en
mcspeetarea prcvedcnibor legaic.
(2) Drcptni de cxpbontnrc a agmcgateior minemaic din nbbiilc
san malnnilc enrsnmiiom de apà, incunlior, baifibom 5i din t anmnb manii prin cxpboatami organizate sc obfmnc in bnzn antoniznfici de gospodamirc a apcion. Pentmn antonizanca aecstom
aetivmtafi pc apelc nafionaic navigabile este obligatonie obfinercn aviznlni Mmnustemnini Tmnnspontnmiior.
(3) Expiontanca ngrcgateion minemnie cstc perniusa numni
din nczenrc omobognte, en respcetnmca eondifiibom dc senngerc
a apcion ~l dc ns!gnnnnc a stnbilitafii aibiiIom ~i malnniIom ~i
fama nfeetarea constnnefiiion din zone cc an Iegatnra dmnecta
san mndmnccta en megmmnl dc enrgemc a apebom. In caznl Ii care
cxpioatamea ngncgatebor niincnnlc sc face hi nibiile enrsnini
de apa, pcntni a servi incranubom dc regninmizanc a aibici, stabilizanii tnlveguini san ndnecnii albiei. in stamen Inifmala, nn mni
este necesarS omobognnca rczervcior.
(4) Drcptnl die cxpboatame a agmcgatcbor minemnie neeesnre
gospodlanmbor indhvidnaie san intcmesulni
local, adimiin ii5 ie nii,pnblie
se ncordla
niita eantmtatmi
(Ic gospodianire a
apeion. Aeeasta nntonizntie se dibcnenza nnuai, In cemercn con—
suhuior locale.
Legea nv 107 cllii 25 scptembiie 1996
(5) Expboatanile de ngmegntc minemnic pmcvaznte la aim. (3)
se ncniizcaza ~i In eonfonmitatc en pmevedenilc icgisla~ici
specifiec domeninlni rcsnrscion mincmnle.
(6) Lnemanule de dragnnc cfeetnatc pe eàibe nnvignbmle,
pcntnn mcnfinenca ndancimmi de navigafic, sc excenta fana
aviz de gospodammme a apebor. Locnniic de depozitanc a matcmiabnlni neznltnt din Inenaribe dc dnngnnc sc stabilcse annal
dc eatne Regia Antonomà ,,Apcic Romane”, Impmcnna en
Ministenni Trnnsportnniion.
(7) Expboatarca dc ngmcgntc niincmnic in zoncic de pnotcefie
institnite potmivit prczentci begi este mntcnzisa.
(8) Incbiricmen san conccslonnrca piajci manii se face en aviznb Mmnistcrnlni Tnnismnini.
Art. 34.
(1) In zoneic in cane nibiilc snnt amcnnjatc pnin
incnAri de apAmanc, consoiidnmc, tenasamcntc san nltc nsemenea
bneräni, oblignfia de hitncfmncnc, ncpnnanc snu mcfaeerc a nnor
nstfcb de incnämi, en ~i de Intrefincre n nlbiiiom in zona nmcnnjata, a cnvcteior $ a mainmibon mcvmne eciom cane an hi adminlstmane san hi cxpboatnrc bncranilc respective.
(2) Dcfinätomui en once titin ai terennnibor, care an nvnntnje diii Intmcfinenca ~i amcnajarcn nnni dig dc pmotcefie, platesc definatornini dignlni o cotA-parte din ehcltuiebilc aecstnin
en amcnajnrcn fl intrcfinerca diguini, corespnnzatom avantnjnini. Ministerni Apeion, Padnrllom ~i Pnoteefici Medinini va
stabili mctodoiogia de dctcmmmnnre a cotci dc partieipnnc in
chcitnieiie dc intrcfincrc ~i amcnajamc a dignrilor de pnotccfic.
(3) Intne;uncncn nlbicl minone in avnb dc o bncnnmc de hamarc rcvmnc definátonnlni en once titin al nccbei inerani, pe o
zona dc cci pnfin 500 m.
(4) Intnc~mnemcnnibiei minore pe zonebc nennicnnjntc mcvine Rcgici Antonome ,,Apcbc Romanc”.
(5) Pnevedcnuic aim. (3) sc apimea ~i inemanmbor de bnrane cxccntntc Inamnte de data mntmarii hi vigonme a prczcntei beg!. In
accst enz, modnl dc intmefmncrc a nibiei minonc hi avni de incramcn dc harnmc se stabiie$c pnin proicetni tchnie einbornt
pentmn mceonfimmamca antonizafici dc gospodammnc a npclor san
pentnn eiibennmcn nntomizatmibor nceesnmc, potnivit bcgii
(6) Lneraniic pmcv5zntc Ia aim. (1) ~i (3) se mcaimzenza snb
Indnnmarcn ~unsistcnf a teiiniea a Rcgiei Antononie .,Apcie
Romane”, in soiieitnrca dictinAtonmion.
Legea apeloi
Gospodàvirea apeloi’
Sectiuriea 1
Cunoa?terea resurse/or de ape
Art. 35. (1) Gospodammmcn npclom se desfa~onma~i se Bazeaza pe ennoastcmea ~t!infifieã, eompicxa, cnntitativa ~i eniutatuva a rcsnmscbor de apa aic fAmii, menlizata pmmntn-o nctivitntc
nnitana $ pcrmnncntà de snpmnveghcnc, obscmvnf!i ~! masnnatoni asnpnn fcnomenciom hidnometcomobogiec ~i nesumscbor
dc npa, inebnsiv dc pnognoznmc a cvolnfiei natnmalc n accstoma,
en ~i a cvolnfici br snb efccteic antnopiee, pmccnm ~i pnin cemcctàri mnbtidiscipimnnrc.
(2) Infommnfiiic hudmomcteomoiogicc, hidnogcoiogicc fl cele
de gospodanmnc n apcion sc obfin pmin unitafu nbc Rcgici
Antonome ,,Apeic Romane”, de in nbte nnitafu speeinlizatc nntonizntc ~i direct de in ntiiizntomii dc apà. Toatc accstca eonstitnic Fondni nnfionni dc date de gospodammne a npcbon.
(3) Modni dc ongnnizarc, pastnnnc ~i gestionanc a Fondnlni
nafionni dc date de gospodammnc n npciom, sc stnbibcflc nnitnn
de eatrc Ministcnnl Apebom, Padunmior ~i Pmotecfici Mcdmnlni.
mntoemmren ~i fincren bn zi a necstni fond de date sc asignma
de Regin Antonomà ,,Apcle Romanc”.
(4) Unitàfiic speeializatc nntonlzatc, en fl ntiizntonui de apa
cane pmodnc informnfii cc pot constitni Fondnb nnfionai de
date de gospodammnc a apebor snnt oblignfi sa be pastreze timp
dc 5 nni ~i sa be tmnnsmmta innar In Regin Antononia ,,Apcic
Romanc”, hi bnza unci pmoecdnmi stnbibitc de Ministerni
Apeior, Padnnuior ~b Proteefici Mcdinlni.
(5) Fondnl nafionni de date dc gospodanire a npeion, precam ~i evidicnta npciom cc npar~indomciunini public snnt ineinsc In Cndastmnb npcbon, en execpf in apciom geotcrmnie.
Modnl de ongnnuzame n Cndiastnnlui npelon se stnbile~te de
Ministenni Apcbom, Padnniiom fl Pmotceliei Medinini, inn finenen Ia zi a aces tnin se asigumà de Regma Antonomá ,,Apcle
(6) Pcrsonneie fiziee ~i jnmidiee an aeces in mnformn~iilccc
constitnie Fondiul nafionai die diate die gospodiànre a apcbom.
In bnzn nnci pmocedinn stabilite die Ministcmni Apcion,
Pàdnrilor ~i Protcetici Mcdinini. Folosirea dc eatrc necstca a
infonnintiilor confinntc in Fondinl nnfionai die dinte die gos—
nit 107 diii 25 sepleni brie 1996
podanmmc a apebor in scopnni comcncinbc este permisa nnniai
contra cost, in condImfiile bcgii.
(7) Dctmnatomii die infonmnjui cc constitnic Fondini nntioIinb
dc date dc gospodammre a apciom pot mcfnza, motivnt,
fnmniznrcn de astfci de mnfommnfii, hi eazni hi care accstcn
a) signnanfn nafionaià;
B) dcsfa~nmarca unor ncfinni In cnrs de nmmarirc pennia
san de jndecata;
c) eonfidentmaiitntcn mndnstrmala ~i comercmnia. Pmin aecasta
sc hifebege situa(iilc In came sc dczv5luie .~ise folosese secrete
c/c coniert, mntr-o manierC contrarY pmacticLior coin erciale JohUe.
Art. 36.
(1) Unitafile ~i instabafiiic antonome cane furnizcnzà mnfommafil hidnoiogicc, hidmogeologiee ~i meteoroboglee spceifice gospodanumii apelor, pmcenni ~i infonmnfii
pnivind camaetenisticibc cantitative ~i cabitative ale resnnseior
dc apa formeaza refcann nnfionnia dc obscrvnfii pcntnn gospodanmnca npeion.
(2) Pentru asigumarca contmnnita~mi~i omogenltäfii ~imnmlion de informafii, unitAfiie ~i !nstniafiiie nntonomc nbc ref eiei -nafionabe de obscmvafii nn pot fi dezafcctatc decât hi
sitnafii dcoscbitc, de lntcrcs nn3ionai. Dcznfectnrca se face cu
aprobamea Mmnistenuini Apcbon, Padnniiom ~i Protecfici
Mcdinini ~i en oblignnen sobieitnntubni de n asignmn pnoicetamea, exeenfia $ puncnea hi fnnefinne a nnita~ii snn a instninfiiior in noni ampiasnment, nntemion incepcnii
opcmafiuniion de dezafcctnme.
Art. 37.
(1) In seopnb asignnamii nnci cnlitati corcspnnzatoamc a observafiiion ~i masunatoribor nicteorologiec speciflee, in ,jnmnb pintfommclon mctcoroiogicc se Institnie zone
dc pmotccfie a canon ia~imc este die 30 m. In accste zone dc
pnotccUe este mntenzisä excentancn omicAnom eonstnuef ii san instnlafii snpmntemanc.
(2) Ampinsamen Pc 0 diistnn~ dc pana In 500 in in jnmnl ~i
in nfnna zonci die pnotee~ieI)ncvaznte in nun. (1) die eonstmnefii
ma! inabte diceat 0 ~esinie cliii diistnnla diimitre constmneiie ~i
iimnita zonel die proteelic, c/c relelc die mnnita tensinne san c/c
teiceomnnmenfii, (be obieetivc cane emit in atmnosfcna funi snu
pniben, die sistcmnc die mnigntii pnin nspensinnc, en ~i i)inntarca cic pcndielc fonestienc se fae nnmai In baza nv!znbni c/c am—
Legea aj)eiOI’
plasanicnt cibenat die Mmnistenub Apeiom, Padnnilor ~i Protecfiei
(3) Zonebe de b)rotecIie u)rcvazutc la nun. (1) ~i (2) snnt considerate, hi pianni’ibc de nmbnnmsm ~i nmcnajnrca temitonmnini,
zone snpnse nnom rcgicnicntani specinlc.
Art. 38. Pentmu asignnamcn folosinii rafionale a apeion snbtenanc, a apcbom mincmnie ~i geotcrmaic, a inenmibom $ nainoinmilon tcnnpcntiee, pmceum ~i a ngnegnteiom minerale din
nlbii, ccmcetnnen, evninnncn ~i omoiogamca rczenreiom se von face
confomni prcvedcnilom apiienbiic resnnscbom ininennie ntiie.
Sect,’unea a 2-a
Protec,t/a a/b/i/or m/nore, a malurior ç/ a /ucrãr/!or
de gospodár/re a ape/or
Art. 39.
Debimitnnca niblibor minore se ncaiizeaza de
Regma Antonoma ,,Apeie Romanc” inipmcnnà en nntonitnten de
endnstmn fnncinr si en dcfintItonil tcrennnibon nivemnnc.
Art. 40.
(1) In scopul nsigunanim proteefici aibiilor, malnmiior, constmnefuiion hidmotehniee ~i imbnnatafinii mcgimnc/c enngcne ni npebor, se institnie zone de protccfic pentmu:
a) nbbin mmnomà a ennsnmilon de apd;
B) snpnnfnf a incunilon nntnmaie san n bai~miomneoperite de
apä ~i de vegetnfic aevatica, pmccnm
e) snpnnfnf a iacnniiom dc ncnmnbare comcspnnzatonmc cotci
cononnmentnini bnmajnbni;
d) suprnfefclc ocupatc dc bnerami de nmenajarc snn de eon—
soiidane a niblmion minonc, de ennabe ~i dcnivnfii dc debite in
enpneitntcn maxima dc transport a neestonn, pnccnm ~l de alte
constnnef ii hidrotchniec reniizntc pe ape;
c) lnerani de npannmc impotnivn innndnfiibom;
f) constmnetii ~i instaln~iihidinometnmcc, iimcenin si instniatii
c/c detenmninamc nntomata a enbitatim npebom.
(2) La~mmcnzoncion dc l)notce~mccstc stabilita conform nnexci nr. 2, cane face pnnte mntegmanta diii prezentn iege.
Deiimitarcn zonebom de pmoteejic se mcniuzenza c/c Rcgin
Antonoma ,,Apele Rornanc” hiiprcnna en antonitnten de endinstmn fnneian si en dicfmnatonim temennnilor nmvcmane. Dreptul
c/c PrOi)i’ictnte asupra lucm5nilor menfionate in lit. di), e) si f)
se extindc ~i asnpma zoneioi’ die proteetie a aecstona.
(3) Apliearen, in funcfie die speelfienl local, a ncgimnini mcstmiefionni dc fobosine a tcmcnnrilon dliii zoiiele die i)I’otecIie, c/In
Legea ni 107 din 25 seplernbi’ie 1996
zona c/ig-mni ~i c/in aenmniami ncpermnnentc sc nsignra c/c
Rcgin Antonoma ,,Apclc Romanc”, en eonsnbtnmen c/ctmnatommIon en once titin a! aecston terenuni ~i, dnpa eaz, a nnltafilor
c/c nnvigafic cuvuia ~i In eoncomdnn~aen mctoc/oiogia elnbomnta
de Ministernb Apebor, Padnnibom ~i Protcefici Mcc/mnini.
Art. 41.
(1) Masnnilc ~i nmcnnjanuie pcntnn pnoteefia albiiiom minone abc enrsnribon c/c apa, a pinjei ~i farmnlni
Manmi Negnc, a lnenanmion cc sc constnnicse pe ape san cane an
begatuna en npele Sc stnbilcsc pnln pncserlpf!! c/c negbcmentnme
~i nomme tchniee cc sc ciabonenza de Ministenni Apeion,
pac/nmmior ~i Pmoteefici Mcc/inlni.
(2) Debitcie c/c semvitntc $ ecie sninbrc, obligntomii in
aibii, hi naport en spceifieni seetoarcion c/c nan respective, en
grac/nI c/c amenajanc a bnzinciom hic/rogmafiec, fmnand scnmn
c/c solicitaren resnmseion c/c npà ~i en ns!gnmnrcn rcspeetarii
condifiiior impnsc pentnn pro teefin ecosistemeion ncvatiec,
conform iegum, sc stnbibese, pe etnpc, c/c eatne Regia Antonoma
,,Apebc Romanc”.
Art 42.
(1) In situntia hi came mi cams c/c apui i~mformcnza
o aibie nona, pámàsinc/ hi mod natural pe eca vcehc, riveranil san ntiiizntomii c/c npa pot sà solicitc, pmtn c/enogare c/c In
prcvec/cniie art. 496 c/in Coc/ni civil, hi tei-men c/c nn an, apmobanea Regici Antononie ,,Apeic Romane” pentnn neac/nccmen
apci In vcchen aibie, pe eheitnmnla nccstoma. Litigiibc se soinfioneaza c/c mnstnnfele jndecatoncfli.
(2) Daca, in tenmcn c/c nn an c/c in sfam~itniannini in came
npa a parasit alMa, nn sc fommnlcaza o ecreme conform nun.
(1), aibmn veehe namanc hi propnietatea nlvcnaniion, ian alMa
nona sc eonsidcrà nlbie natnmnla ~! sc Inmegistreaza In
Cac/astnnb npebom, fiinc/ pnelnnta in nc/mmnistnane c/c Regmn
Antonoma ,,Apcle Romane”.
(3) Pcntnn intencsc pnblice, neac/ncenea apei in nbbin veehe
se menlizcaza In pnopnnenca Reglei Antononie ,,Apele Romane”,
en eonsnitanen nivemnnilor, en nviznl comitetnlni c/c bnzin $
en aprobanea Ministennbni Apelon, Pac/nnibon si Protecfici
Mcc/inini, elieitn!ciilc snpomtfindin-sc die in hngetni c/c stat.
SectIunea a 3-a
Amelia/area baz/ne/or h/drograf/ce
Art. 43.
(1) In vctlerea stnbilinii omicntariion fnnc/ainentnie pnivinc/ gospodanircn c/nmnbiia, nnmtara, cchil!bmatil ~i eom—
Let’ea apeioi
plcxa n mcsnnscbon c/c apa, se eiaborenzA selieme-cndru c/c nmenajame fl gospoc/ammnc n apcbor, pe bnzine san pe grnpe c/c Bazinc hic/nognafiec, c/ennmite in continnamc scherne-cadru. In
eorclnne en prevec/enibe aces torn, sc ebabomeaza pmogmnme c/c
c/ezvoltanc a ineranibom, !nstnbnfiibor $ amennjamilor c/c gospoc/amure n npeion, cane trcbnie reaiiznte pentnn atingeren
obieetivelom pnivinc/ asignrnnea enntitativa ~i cnbitntivà a apeIon, apannren impotniva nefinnibor c/istmnctivc ale apcior, pmc-
cam ~i vnborifieamca çoten;iainbni apclom. hi mnpomt en ceminfeie
dczvoitanii dnmabile n soeictatmi ~i In neond en stmategin ~i p0uitieiie c/c mec/in.
(2) Schemcie-enc/nn fl pmogmamele c/c c/czvoltnrc pnevàzntc in nlmn. (1) sc elnbomeazà, sc actnnbizcaza ~i sc nvizcnza,
hi bazn pmoecc/nnii stabibitc c/c Ministcmnl Apclon, Pac/nnulon
~i Pnotccfiei Mcdinini, se apnoba pnin hotamanc a Gnvennnin!
se mntcgmcnza hi pinnnnibe c/c nnicnajame a tcnitoninlni.
(3) Toate aetivitãfiie soelnl-cconomiee, mnclnsiv nmcnajanen
bazincbom hic/nogmafiec, protcef in mec/inbni ~i amcnajarcn tenitoniuini sc eorcbcnza en pmcvec/cmilc schemciom-cac/mn.
Art. 44.
Infonma!iibe necesanc pentru ebabomarea sehemebon-cac/ru fl a pnogramebor c/c c/czvoltnmc, mnelnsiv ecie ncecsare pentmn stabilinca ccmmnfciom c/c np/i, c/c vnbomifiearc a
potcnfiainbni hic/mocncngetie ~! c/c np/inane Impotnuvn innnc/afiilon pc nnsamblnl tenitommnini nafionni, pe etape c/c dezvoitnme, von fi pnse obbigntonin in dispozifin Ministernini
Apebom, Pac/nmmbor ~i Pmotcefiei Mec/inini ~i Regiei Antonomc
,,Apele Romane” c/c cätme ministeme, regii nntonomc, eonsiiii
jndefene ~i eonsiiii locale, c/c eatmc prineipnbii ntiiizatoni c/c
npa, pmecnm ~i c/c organizn~iiiencguvcmnnmcntnle intemcsatc
hi nmenajnmcn bnzmncion hic/nogmafice. Aeestc infonmnfii von
fi pnsc $ in c/ispozifia eomitctcbor c/c bazmn.
Art. 45. (1) Pcntnn bnzlnc h!dnogmnf!ee rniei sc hitoemcsc
scheme boenbe c/c ninenajnme ~i c/c gospodanine a npeiom, c/cnnmitc hi eontinnare scheme locale, came se inendmenza in
Schemcie-cadlru.. Sehemebe ioeale stnbibcse obicetivele gencrnbc
c/c pnncne in vaionre ~I die protejnrc cantitntiva ~i ealitativa
a ncsnnselon die apt!, a ecosistenicior ncvatmcc ~! n zonclon
nmcdic, imreciimn ~i obieetivcie gcncnabe I)ri~~mndintilizanea
c/nnabilà ~uproteefia tutunor eatcgoniilor c/c nesnrse c/c apa c/in
tenitonini nespeetiv.
Legea or. 107 (liii 25 SeI)t(li]bI’i(’ 1996
(2) Schema local/i invcn tan aza c/ifcmifii ntilizntoni came
foiosese rcsnnsebc c/c apa existente, stnbilind stamen ncsnnscbr c/c apa ~i a eeosistemebor aevnt!ee. Aeenstn fine senmn c/c
stnntcgiiie ~i c/c pmogmanicle stntnlni, ale eoicctivitatilon locale,
nbc inst!tnfiiior pubbice, ale abton pensoanc fiziec ~i pcrsonne
jnnic/ice, en ineidcnf ü nsnpmn cnbitàfii, mcpnmtifici ~i fobosiril
resnnselom c/c npá. Dc nsemenen, stnbileflc prionitafile pcntrn
ntiiigenea obieetivcion nienfionatc in nlin. (1), fmiiaiidi scnma
c/c pmotecfia mec/inlni nevntie natural, c/c nceesitatea pnnerii
hi vnlonrc a ncsnnsclon c/c np/i, c/c cvobnfia previzibila a ioealitàtulom mnmaie ~i nmbnnc ~i c/c eehibibnni cc tmcbnie nsigunat intre c/ifenifii ntilizntoni c/c apt!.
(3) Pmmn schema bocaia se evalneaza mijbonccle economiec
~i fmnaneinme nccesnre pcntmn mcnbizamen inemanibor, instninfiibm ~i nmennj/iniior pmcv~zntc. Aecnstn tmebnie s/i fic eompatibila en onientanibe fixate hi schcmn-cadrn.
Art. 46. (1) Pnogmnmcie $ c/eeizlllc administrative, care
an iegatnna en npcle, tncbnie sa fic hi eoncomc/anfa en pnevec/cmilc sehemeior-cadnu npmobnte.
(2) La elabomamca docnmcntnfuilom tehnicc pentmn incnaniie
pnevaznte in art. 48 se vn fine senmn c/c pmevedeniie sehemeior-cnc/mn, nespeetiv ale sehemelor boeaie.
Art. 47.
(1) La nivelni fuecarei fiiinlc bnzinaic a Rcgici
Antonomc ,,Apcle Romane” se orgnnmzeaza nn eomitct c/c
(2) Comitetni c/c bazin cste format c/in 15 mcmbni, c/npa
enm nrmcaza:
a) do! ncpmezcntnnfi ni Ministernlni Apelor, Pac/nrmlon si
Proteefici Medium!, dmntne care nnni scbcctat c/in cnc/nnl
ngenfiiior c/c pmoteefic a mec/inlni din bnzinni hidnogmafie nespectiv;
B) nn ncpmezentnnt al Miii!stenulni Sanatafii, scicetat c/c
neestn c/in endlrnl mnspcctonntebor judicfcne die poli~iesanitana
$ mec/meina i)revent!v/i dliii bazinni iiic/nografme nespectiv;
e) doi pnimnni c/c innnieipii ~i nn pmimnn c/c ona~snn eoniniia, aie~idie b)nimnmii iocnlitafilon dliii bazinul hidirognafie
di) nn rcprezentnnt ales die orgniiizn~iiiciiegnvcrnamnentnue
en scdimnl In bazinnl hidnognafie rcspcetiv;
e) mi Prefect dliii bazinnl hidinografie nespcctiv, nominaliznt
die Departnnientni i)elitrn Adimiiiistnnfie Pnbiiea Loenba;
f) nn pne~eclintcdie eonsilin jndiefcnn, ales die pmc~edlinfii
cons!inIor jndiefene dun bazinnb Iiidimogmnfie respeetmv;
g) tnei rcprczentnii~i ai ntilizntorilon die np/i dliii bnzinnl hidrografic mespectiv;
h) c/oi ncprczentanfi a! Regiel Antonome ,,Apcie Romane”;
i) nn mepnezentant nI Oficinbni pcntmn Pnoteefmn
(3) Reprezcntanfii ndiministrnliei pnbl!ee locale abc~iin comitctnl c/c bnzin von funefionn In cndmni aecstnin nnmni pe
c/nmatn cxcneitani! mnnc/atnbni fnnefiei pc came o meprezmnta.
(4) Pncfcetni, pnc~ec/inteleeons!Iinbni jnc/cfcan ~l prlmni-ii
nic~ivon pnovcni diiii nnitafi ndiministmntmv teritoninic difemite.
(5) Rcprczèntnnfii ntilizntomibom c/c np/i sc pmopnn ~i se nicg
c/c eojnitetnl c/c bnzin, hi fnnet!c c/c eeninfn c/c apa fl c/c impactnl apeior nzate evnenate nsnpma resurscbom c/c apa.
(6) Mcmbnii eomitetnbni c/c bazin pot fi sehimbafi c/c eel
cane i-an selectnt san ales.
(7) Comitetni c/c bazin colaborcnza en Regin Antoiioma
,,Apeic Rornanc” in nplienrcn stmatcgiel ~i poiit!eii nnfionnbc
c/c gospoc/anirc a npcbon, in came scop trebnic:
a) s/i nvizezc schemclc-cac/ru, preenm ~i progmnmeic c/c c/ezvoitame n lncmaniior, instalaliibor ~i nmeiinj/irlbom c/c gospoc/anire
n apebor;
B) s/i nvizeze pbnnnnile c/c prevenirc n polnamibon neeic/cntnic
~i c/c inbatnmarc a cfcetebor br, elaborate In fnnefie c/c conc/ifiiic bnzinnini hic/mogrnfic mespectiv;
e) sa npnobe sehemeic locale, stabilind pnionitafile tchniee
~i finaneinne ~i s/i Ic intcgmeze In sebieinebc-eac/rn;
c/) sa nprobe plannl c/c gospoc/amime mntcgmnta a enlitafii ~i
eant!taf!i npci c/in bazmnni hidlrognnfie nespcctiv;
e) sA pnopnna mcviznirea noniiclon ~i standandlebor diii do-
mcninl gospoc/ammni! npelon si, in eaz c/c neeesitntc, sa cIaBoreze norme c/c enlitate a apei evacnnte, pnopnim bazinnini
hic/rogmnfie; neestc nomme pot fi mni cxigcntc c/eeat ecic Ia
nivel iinfionnl;
f) sa stnbileasc/i noniiie speeinle b)entnn evaenàni die flI)C
nzate, dine/i este nceesnn, i)ciitill respeetarea noi’nwbom stabiiite
c/c enlita tea apelor:
g) sa nprol)e Inencinarea in eategonii c/c calitate a cnrsnr!ion dlc apii dliii bnzinnl h!dirogmnfie respceliv:
iii~. 107
din 25
h) sa nccomnnc/e pnionitatiic pmivmnc/ f!nnn~aren~! eonformarca, hi seopnl neniizanmi pmogmameion c/c c/czvoltnrc a inenaribom, instalnfi!ion ~i nmenaj/iniiom die gospoc/anire n npelon;
i) sa asignne infonmanen pnbbicnini, gnnantaren nnei pcniondc c/c timp nceesanc pniminii comentnniiiom pnbiienbni, sa
omgnnizcze nndicmb pnhiiec nsnpma tntnnor aspeetebom pmopnse
pcntmn apmobare ~i s/i nsignnc neccsnl pnbiienlni in cboenmcntelc sale.
(8) Comiteteic c/c bazin:
a) pot lnn hi consic/emnmc ~i pot c/iscntn oniee nspeete noi
pnivind cantitntea, ealitnten ~i foiosiren npci, cc pot np/inca hi
bnzinni hidnognafie rcspcctiv;
B) pot eonstitni ~! hnpntemniei snbeomitcte a canon fnnetie vn fi c/c infommnmc ~i c/c consnltnnta;
c) pot soiic!ta cxecutamcn c/c nnc/ituri, c/ncà conslc/enà nccesar;
c/) pot pnopnne neomdnnen c/c Bonificnf!i, hi baza prevcdeniion art. 82 nUn. (1);
c) pot meeomanc/n antomitafiiom locale, In fnnefic c/c pmiomitatca ~i nrgenf a meaiizarii mncranibom necesanc, moc/ni c/c asignmare n snmsebon financiamc.
(9) Comitctnl dc bnzin nrc nn secretariat tchnie, permanent, format c/in 3—5 pensonne, nsigunnt c/c fibialcic bnzmnnbe
ale Regici Antonomc ,,Apcle Romane”, apmobnt ~i snbomc/onat
(10) Pcntmn cxcentnren mandatnbni san, eomitctnb c/c bazin
are acees in informafiiie ~i resnmselc orie~neiinstitnf ii pnbiiec,
potrivit icgii.
(11) Regnlnmcntnl c/c omgnnizane ~i fnnefionnre a coin!tetciom c/c bazin se pnopnne c/c Miiiistcmni Apeiom, Pac/nmibor
~i Proteefiei Mcdinlni ~i se apmoha prin hotaranc a Gnvernnini.
Secjiunea a 4-a
Reg/mu/ /ucräri/or care se constru/esc pe ape
sau care au /egãturi cu ape/e
Art. 48. (1) Lncn~nilecare sc eonstrn!cse pt~npe snu care
an legatuna en al)ele sunt:
a) lncmani, eoiistmnelii $ ,instnlalii care asignra gospodaniren eompiexa a npebon, inelnsiv atennarea npcbor mar!, pn~~
niodifieñnea ncgimnlni nntunnl die enngcre, enni snnt: bnnnjc,
nenninlàni pemniaiieii te san nepernianente, dienivntii die c/ebite;
Legea aj)e10i
B) lncnani c/c foiosine a apeion, en eonstmnctiiic si instalafiiie afcrentc: aiimentani en ap/i potabila, mndnstninia ~i pentm inignfi!, anicnajanl piseieoie, ccn trnle liic/rociectn!ce,
fobosinfe hidnomecaniee, amenajani pentnn navignfic, pint/init ~! fbotnj, poc/nni pint!tonme, amenajan! bninenme, tnmistice san
pcntnn ngrcment, abte lner~ric/c neest fel;
e) inem/im!, constnncfi! ~i instaia~iipcntmn proteefin eabitàfii
apelon snn came tnfbncnfeaz~ calitaten npcbor: Inemami c/c ennaiizare ~! evnennne n apciom nznte, stafii ~i instnbafli c/c pncinename a cabit~fii npcbor, injcefii c/c ape hi snbteran. alte
ascmcnca bncmCni;
d) eonstruefii c/c np/rare Impotniva aef!nnii c/istmuetive a
ape!: Inc/ignmn!, apanani p consolidámi c/c mainni ~! nibi!, meetmficami ~i repmofmiani c/c nibii, lner/iri c/c c/imijamc a apci, comBatcmen erozinnii soinini, megninniznmca senrgcn!i pe versanfi,
conect~ric/c tomeiifi, c/csee/nb ~i asnnari, abtc Inenani c/c nparare;
e) travems/ini c/c cnrsni-l c/c apt! en Ineranile afemente: poc/nni,
conc/netc, binii eieetmice etc.;
f) nmennj/inl ~i instalnf ii c/c extnngcnc a ngregatcbon mlncraie c/in aibiiie san mninriic enmsnmibom c/c np/i, inenmibom fl
abc fanmnlni mCmii: Baiastiene, camiere etc.;
g) depozitc c/c c/e~enmiampiasnte hi nbbiile mnjomc nbc
eursnnilom c/c np/i: haide c/c stenil, zgumi ~i cenn~i,~Inmnni, nàmolnni ~i aitcic asemcnca;
h) plant/in! ~i dcfni~ànic/c vegcta~ieiemnons/, pcmc/cic antiemozionabe ~i fiitrnntc in zoneic c/c pmotec~!csan In nibiibc
majone, cane nn fnc partc c/in fondnl fomestier;
!) bncrCni, eonstmnef ii ~i instainfii cane se cxcenta pe malni
man!, pe fnnc/nb apelon maritime intcmioame ~i ni man! ten!toniale, pe piatonl eontiIieIitai san lnen/ini pentru npamnrea f/inmnlni;
j) lncr~ric/c pnospecfinni, c/c cxplomnne/expiontare pnin fomnjc tcmestmc san marmtinie, instainfii hidrometnice, borne topohidmogmnfiee ~i alte lncmani c/c stndlii die teren hi beg/itnn/i
en apele;
Ic) lner~mi~i mnstnlatii I)CIi tnn nmniàr!nen paramctribor iiidnologiei san nnmàninea automata a ealitàtii apei.
(2) Doennicntaf jibe elaborate pciitrn inemanilc prcvàznte la
aim. (1) tncbnic s/i ofene secnritntea necesnn/, sa naspnndia nonmnt!veion $ pmcseniptiilom teliniee, nvandb in vedene intcnescle
proteefici mcdinlni ~i ampiasnincntcbon.
Legea ni. 107 diii 25 septernbne
Art. 49. (1) Sc intemziec nmpinsnncn hi zona !nnnc/nBil5
n nbbic! majone c/c noi obicetive ceonoinice san soemnbe, inelnsiv die noi loenmnte.
(2) Se exccptenzä c/c In pncvedcmibe aIm. (1) enznnilc c/eoscbite pentnn came Regia Antonomà ,,Apclc Romane” ponte
nvizn nstfeb c/c ampins/imi. Av!zni c/c amplasnment se emitc
nnmni en neomc/nb nivemanilor ~i c/np/i renlizaren nntieipnt/! a
incm/iniior ~i ni/isnmilon neccsnrc pentrn evitnmea pericolnini
c/c mundane ~i as!gnmanen enmgcnim npeior.
(3) Aviznl dIe nmpbasnnient mcnfionnt Ia aIm. (2), obimnnt
hi bnzn metoc/obogie! elaborate c/c Ministcrul Apebor, Pàc/nnibom
fl Proteefici Mec/inln!, nn exclnc/c oblignfin obfincrii nviznmi c/c gospoc/arime a apelor ~! a eciombnite avize nceesnre, potnivit leg!!.
Art. 50.
(1) Lnenàm!ic pnevàznte in amt. 48 pot fi excentate nnm-ai hi bnza nviznbn! c/c gospoc/an!rc a npelon emis c/c
nnitàfiie tem!toninic ale M!nistcmnbni Apcior, Pãdnniior ~i
Pmotecfiei Mcc/inlni nsnprn c/oenmenta lie! c/c mnvestif ii.
Pnnenca in fnnefinne san hi expioatnmc n neestor inenári sc
face nnmni in baza nntoniznfici c/c gospoc/ânine a apelor.
(2) In cnznb In care inemamiic se cfectuenzà In zonn npcior
nafionaic nnvigabilc, cstc ncccsam ~i neonc/ni Ministemnini
(3) Se cxeeptcnz/i c/c in pmcvedemiie nUn. (1) aetivit/ifibe pmevàzntc in ant. 9 aIIm. (2), preenm ~ ecie pentmn enme pnezenta
lcge pmevec/e notificamca.
(4) Pentru senrieiiie c/c nntonizare san c/c aviznrc a buenanilom, pmevàzntc in art. 48, se pcrecp tnxc ~i tnn!fe cane se stnbiicsc In eondifiilc begi!.
(5) Taxcic ~i tanifeic pcntmu scnrie!ile c/c nv!zarc san die nntoniznme, institnitc hi Baza nUn. (4), se datomenz/i In Fonc/ul npebor.
Art. 51.
(1) Avizni c/c gospodlanmrc a apcbon ~! nv!zni c/c
ampias nment sunt nvi ze eonfonnic.
(2) Aviznl ~! nntorizaf in c/c gospoc/~mmnca apcbor nn cxelndi
obligativitnten obfinenii neonc/nlni ~i n nnton!znfici c/c medin,
potnivit leg!!.
Art. 52.
Elabonaren doenmentntiibon i)cntrn fundamcntnnca soiicit5rii aviznini dc gospodlarinc n apeior trebnic s5
se Bnzezc l)~slud!i meteorologiec, hidinolog!ec san hidirogeologiec, c/npã eaz, ~ studii c/c gospodanmne a apelor ~ c/c impact nI lneràniior respective asnpnn resnnscion c/c apa ~i
Legea apeloi
asnpma zoiiebor nivennme. Accstc stud!! pot fi intoemite c/c nnbt~fi publice san private, nbilitntc c/c Minis tcmni Apebor,
P/ic/nnibor ~! Pmoteetiei Mec/inmni. Doenmcntnthic c/c fnnc/nmcntnre tmcbnic sa c/emomstnezc c/I sobieitnmtni aviznlni c/c
gospoc//irmnc n npeion se poate confonma eeninfeiom legaic.
Art 53.
(1) Aviznb c/c gospoc/Amime a apebom Isi pienc/c valnb!litnten c/np/i 2 am! c/c in cmiitcme, c/nc/i cxccnf in unemanibon
respective mu a hicepnt in accst interval. Posesomni nnni nviz
c/c gospoc/armre a apebom nrc obuigafin s/i nnnmfe emitcmtnini,
hi semis, data c/c Inecpcmc a cxccnfiei, en 10 zilc Imnmntc c/c
(2) Avizni c/c gospod~mmrca npeion este meccsnr $ hi caz
c/c c/ezvobtamc, modcmn!zamc snu rctehnobogizame n nmor proeesc tchmobog!cc san a nmon ins talnf ii existente nbc ntiiizaton!ion c/c apà, c/ncà sc moc/ific/i pmevcc/cniie nviznbni obfmnnt
anterior, pneenm ~! dncà nccnstà modificnmc a intcrvenit
pan/i Ia pmomovnmea inenamibon respective.
(3) Docnmcmtaf!!ic lnemàmilor c/c intemes pnbb!c cane se
constnniesc pe npe san cane an leg/mtnm/! en npcbe tmcbnie aviznte, chinm c/act! neaiiznmca acestomn am mccesita mestrangemcn
san inectamea nnor netivitàji cxistcmte. Pcrsonneie fizice ~i pensoanele jnmic/ice nfeetatc pot fi dcspàgubite hi comc/ifiile
beg!!, c/nca fne dovnc/a c/i ntilizcnz/i efic!ent apn snu c/i mn poinenz/i mesursele c/c apt!.
(4) Lncmäm!ie c/c bamane a cnmsnnibon c/c np/i trcbnic sà fie
pmevüzntc en imstainfi! care s/i asigume c/cB!tni mcccsnr hi aval,
prcenm ~! en comstnnefiiic mccesane pentru m!gnnmea iht!ofnunci, hi caznb hi care ncenstn se impnme ca mecesan, pe bnza
nun! stndin.
(5) Pmin nvmznl c/c gospodanmme a npcbom, !nvcstitomni poatc
fi obiignt sã execute ~ nbte hier/imi mceesame, nccnpnimse hi docnnieiitni!n tehm!efl, nstfel !mcat incr/iniic, eonslnuctiiie san in-S
stalnliibe pnopnsc s/i tin pnoc/nca pagube nt!l!zatomibom c/c
apa existeiifi san n!vemaniiom dliii nmomte ~1 dliii aval.
Art. 54.
(1) lmvcstllorni nnc obbign~mnsa notifice Rcg!c!
Antononic ,,Apclc Rouiiane”, en cci pnfin 20 dIe zile inaintc,
hiccperen exceufici m)entnn nnIii/itonrele cntegon!i dc nctiv!tafm
si lnen/ini:
n) men/mi c/c c/czvoltare, iiioclenniznre san rctelinouog!znrc a nnor pmoeesc teiinoiogiee san a nuon ins tabnfii cxistcnie.
c/ne/m pnin nenbizarea neestorn nn se inoc/!ficà paranietn!i can—
107 (liii 25 septeinbile 1996
titativi ~! enlitativi f!iinii a! fobos!uile! die npà, Iiisemi~iin antoniznf!a c/c gospodàninc n npelon. pc bazn c/rem ntilizntonil
mespect!v a fnncfiomat innmntc die inecperen exeenfiei nmon nstfci c/c men/n;
B) injcctnnen in stmnetnniie c/in care an provenit a apebon
c/c zac/imamt c/c ia scheiele c/c extmnctie, f/m/ a proc/nec polnnncn stmntnmibor c/c ape snbtenamc tnnvcnsntc, hi conform!tate en mcglcmcmtamiic c/in c/omenini nesnnseiom mimcrnle;
c) !nstalafiilc cu canaeter provizonin, pe dnnntn c/c exeentic a nnor investif!i, c/nc/I c/eB!tnl pmeievnt mn c/epà~c~tc
10 iitni pc scennc//I, inn apcie evnennte rcznbtnte c/np/I folosinc
nn fmflnemtenz/i cnlitnten mcsnrsebor c/c np/i;
c/) protec~insanitar/I a snnseiom c/c nimmentare en npà potaBilá, a apciom mimennle, a bacnrilor ~i n/imoinniion tcnnpcnt!ee;
c) trnvens/Ini nbc cnmsnn!bom c/c np/i c/c cátrc dmnmnni c/c cxpboatane, comnmnlc
san jndcfene, In bnz!nc hidnogmnf!ee mai
m!ci c/c 10 km2
f) bncrami c/c enbtnnã ~i rcfaccme n p/ic/nmibon ~i c/c combntcmc a emozlnn!! solnbni, pc snpmafcfe totnic mni mic! c/c
20 km2, mncbnsiv lnemami c/c mcgnlamizare a senmgcnii pe vemsanfi
~! eorcctàmi dc tomcmfi, pe lnngiuni ma! mid c/c 10 1cm;
g) inem/Ini no! c/c captnne a npei, c/nc/i c/cbitnl pneievat nn
c/ep/i~eflc10 litni/secnmc//m, ian npebe evaenatc rcznltnte c/npà
fobosime mu inflncnfcnzà cnuitnten resnnsciom c/c ap/i.
(2) Pcmtmn bnemàm!ie hiscnise in aIim. (1), imcepemen excenfjei sc face hi baza notificanii, f/ma n fi neecsnm nv!znl c/c gospoc/àm!mc a apeiom.
(3) Pnmeren in fnnc~mnmca mnem/imiion ~i !nstnlaf!ilom pmevt!znte in nlin. (1), en ~i a cntegoniiiom c/c inemani pn!vinc/ i!mi!
cieetnicc, apàn/mi ~i consob!d/mi c/c mnlnr! ~! nib!!, meetific/mn!
~i mcpnofil/!ri c/c nlbii, rcgnlaniznmcn scnrgcnii pe vcnsamti, conectàni c/c torenfi ~i combatenen emoz!nn!i soinini sc face In
Bnzn notificãrii c/mine Rcg!a Autononi/i ,,Apelc Romane”, en 20
c/c z!lc Imninte c/c necnstn, antoniznf in c/c gospodamire a apeIon mcfi!nc/ meecsan/m.
Art. 55.
(1) Antonizatia c/c gospodlanmrc a apelon se cUBercnza in bnza eoiistntani! telinice hi tenen, in prezen~a bcuicfic!anilui cci mai tarziu o data en nceeptin invesliUion
snuit respcetntc pncvec/emile icgnIe pnivindl gospoc/an!nea apelom pcmtnu pnnencn hi cxpboatamc n lner/n!Ior ~! cxaet!tatea c/n—
Legea apelrn
tclon cnpr!nse hi cenenea die nntoniznne fl In c/ocnmentnfia nncxnt/I in aceastn.
(2) Daea in vcn!fieanen in tcmen sc comstntö b!psnni c/c nntnm/l
a nn permitc, potnivit prezentci legi, c/amen in fnmetinme a investifie!, cm!tcntub nntor!zntici c/c gospodarime n apcbon vn fixa
nn tennen pentru cfeetnnmea ncmed!cm!bon san n compict/imiion mcccsanc. Dac/i cstc cnznl, emitcntnl antorizafici c/c gospod/mime n apebon poatc refnzn, motivat, elibenamcn ci.
(3) Antoniznf in c/c gospoc//mnime a npebom se pontc aconda ~
pe c/nnat/m b!mmtnt/I, c/acà bipsnmibe constntnte en ocazia yenf!eàm!i in tenen permit pniiencn in fnnefinuie a investific!, far/I
pcnicoi, dim pnnet c/c vcc/cne ni gospoc//mninii npcbom.
(4) Moc/nl c/c explon tame ~i hitnelinene a bncn/Imibom, constmncf!ilon ~! imstnlafiiion sc Inscmie im regnlamcntnl c/c cxplontnmc, came face pnmte mmtegmnnt/i dim nntonizaf in c/c
gospoc/ànmme n apelor.
(5) Pnin nntonizatia c/c gospodamire a apebom, cat ~i pnin ncteic complemcntame ncestein, tncbnic impnse pnevcdcmi specifiec pm!vind mijbonccie c/c snpmnvcgheme, modni!tàf!be c/c
eouitrol tehm!e ~! m!jbonccle c/c intcrvcmfic In caz c/c ime!c/cntc;
nvnr!i san nec!c/emte ~i nltele nscmcnca.
Art. 56.
(1) Antomizalia c/c gospoc//mnire a npeion ponte fi
moc/!f!cntà san netnns/i c/c c/itre em!tent, f/mmâ c/esp/mgnbmni, In
nmm/Itonncie cnznni:
a) In imtcncsni snlnbritàfii pnbiice 0, In spccmnl, dacà modificaren san metmagcrea estc neeesnr/I pcmtmn a hil/Itnna o prejnc/ic!cmc importnnt/i a Bincini comnmit/!fii;
B) pcmtrn prevcninen snn asignnnrca eombatenii efeetcbon
innmdafiibor san, hi cnz c/c perieoi, pciitmu secnnitatea pnbUe/m;
c) hi caz c/c pcr!col pentmn mcdinl ncvatic ~i, mai nbes, c/ac/i
med!!lc acvatice snnt snpnsc nnor eondifii cmitiee iiccompatibibc en protcjaren neestoma;
d) In cnznni c/c fofl/ majora, c/ntonit/I schimb/inilor nntnrale I)n!v!uid mesnrsa c/c npa san nnor calnmit~f!natunaie intcmvcn!te asnpmn instnlnliilon ntibizatonibor;
c) in sitnafia In care lncr/mnile snn instnlatiile stint aBnndlomate san un snnt Intretinnte eonespunz/iton, caz iii cane dlefin/!tonnl acestora este oBmigni en, -dliii diispozilin Reg!ci
Antononie ,,Apebe Romanc”, sA ic demoicze.
(2) Anton!znfla c/c gospodànmnc a npeior ponte fi modif!eatà
san retnas~iii s!tnnlii hi cane npnm eeninfc no! de npa, came
2egea ni.
107 diii 25 ~ep1enibne
tmebn!e sntisf/Icnte en prioritate confomm prevedemilor art. 10
nun. (1), aconc/andin-Se c/csp/ignbini potnivit beg!!.
(3) Rcfnznl eliBen/mni!, prccnm ~i on!cc moc/if!enmc san retmagcnc a nnci nntomizalii c/c gospod/Imire a apelon trebn!c motivate In scn!s sob!c!tnntnbni san titnlamuiui dc nnton!zntic, dInp/i
caz, c/c came eel came a c/eels in/sum rcspectivà.
Art. 57.
Rctnagcmcn nntor!znfiei c/c gospodanmne a apclon
atmngc dnp/ sine oBbigntiv!tnten ineet/mn!i aetivit/mfii, en ~!
pienc/cmen c/neptnnibom oBfmnutc in Bnzn pnczeiitei beg!
Art. 58.
(1) Antorizafin c/c gospod/mninc a apclom ponte fi
snspcndlnt/i tcmponnr, f/In/I despagnb!ni, in nmni/mtoancic enznri:
a) dine/i un s-an respeetat couic/ifmile impnsc iuiif!nl;
B) c/nc/i men/rile, comstmucfiile i~iiuistalaf bile antorizntc
nn prezintã signnanfü hi explontnmc ntât en pm!virc In rezistcnf a stmnctnmibom, e~t~! la cfbeicnfa tehnobog!iion ndoptntc;
e) pcntmn abater! repetate san gnnve c/c ln eomc/ifi!be c/c folosine san c/c cvnenanc a npci, pnev/zntc In nnton!zafie, prcenm si hi cnzni in care ntilizntomnb mu nenb!zcnz/I eonc/ifi!lc
c/c signmamf/! in expbontnnc, en ~! nlte ni/Isnmi stnbilitc c/c
Mimistemnb Apclom, P/Ic/nniiom ~i Pnotccfiei Mec/inin! ~! c/c
Regmn Antonom/m ,,Apclc Romane”;
d) In cnz c/c poinnne accic/entalA scnin!ficnt!v/I a mcsnnscIon c/c np/I, came nmenint/! s/In/mtntca popnlnf ie! on! pnoc/nee
pagnbe ceobogiec importante.
(2) In caznl sitnaf~ibom prev/Iznte ba aim. (1) bit. d),
Min!sternl Apebor, P/Ic/nn!ior ~! Protecf!e! Medium! poate
c/ispnnc ~i opnirca netivit/bli! pobnntorulni san a instalnf!c! enre
pmovonc/i polnarca apelon pana in inb/Itnrnncn ennzebor.
(3) Ministcrnb Apebon, Pàc/nniior ~i Pmotecfiei Mcc/inlni
pontc mnst!tn! nn ncgim de snpnavcghcrc spee!aIà, In enz c/c
ncrespccinrc a ni/snniior stnbilite l)entI1~insignnanea cond!fiibor
insenisc Iii antonizatin c/c gospod/irmnc n npeion. Pc toni/i c/nmata neesini regini, ntiliznren ~i cpnmanea apcm se fae suB controinl di!rect nI pcrsonalnlni annnie dbesciiilint dIe M!uiistcnui
Apclon, P/idnnilor ~i Protectiei Mcd!ninm. Toatc ehcitn!dile snpiimentnre detenniiiiate die aplicarcn reg!mnini de snpraveglierc Si)cc!nla se suponta c/c litnlnmnl auton!zatic! de
gospoclanne a apelon.
Art. 59. (1) Lner/inibe ~ instabafi!le snpnse anton!z/mrii snn
notifiearmi. potnivit pneveden!iom m)nezelitei iegi, cane snnt fobos!te peiitnti l)I’ciet’ani die npä die snpnafn~/msan snBtenan/ or!
Legea apelni
pentru evaen/ni hi receptor! natumali, tmebnic s/I fie pmevàznte
en m!jbonce dc un/isnmamc n dieb!tebom ~i volnunebon c/c np/i prcievatc san cvaennte ~i c/c c/etemminnrc a cal!t/tii apebor evacuate coufomm pncvedcriiom nntonizafie! c/c gospoc/àn!re a
(2) Def!n5ton!i men/muon fl insmninfi!lon snpnsc nntomiz/Irii
san not!ficömi! prevaznte ba nun. (1) snnt oBi!gafi s/I nsignrc
mouitnrcn ~! fnncfionamca mijloaeelom c/c m/Isnrarc. S/i p/stmcze
pc timp c/c 5 an! c/ntebe oBfinnte din m/isnnàtomi ~ s/I ie mansmit/I bnnar Rcg!c! Antonomc ,,Apele Romanc”.
(3) Rcgia Antononiâ ,,Apclc Rom~ne” pume ma c/ispoz!fia
personnelom fiz!ec ~ pcrsonnclon jnmic/!ce c/ntcic prevâzntc ma
nun. (2), en mcspcctnren d!spoz!fiilon ant. 35 nlin. (6) ~i (7).
Art. 60. — Avizebc ~i antomizafiiie c/c gospoc//in!me a npcbom,
pmeenm $ refnznb c/c cmitcrc a acestomn pot fi comtcstatc p0tn!yit Legi! contenciosnin! adm!nistrativ mm. 29/1990.
Art. 61.
Ministerni Apcbom, P/Ic/nr!lom ~i Protccf!eb
Mcc/inbn! va staB!ii:
a) pmoccc/nnn ~! eompetcnfcle dc cmltcnc a av!zeior ~! antoniznfiibom c/c gospodàmmrc n apcbom;
B) proccc/nma c/c modificanc san c/c metmngcrc n avizcion ~!
nntor!zaf!!lon c/c gospod/Imire a apcior;
c) pnocec/nna c/c snspenc/ame tcmporam/i n anton!znf!ibon c/c
gospod/Ir!rc a npelom;
c/) pmoccdnna c/c notificame;
e) pmoccdnna c/c inst!tnirc a ncg!mnmn! c/c snpnnveghcme Special/i;
f) nommat!vui c/c confiiiut al c/oenmcntati!bon tchnicc snpnse av!z/inii san nntom!z/ini!.
Art. 62.
(1) Lncnmlle c/c ncnmumnre von fi pmoiecmntc ca Inen/mm! en fobos!nf/! complex/i pentmn a asignmn nbimentanea en
np/I pcnfl-u popnlnfic, nidlustric qi mn!ga~ii,pmodlnceren die energie electric/i, ap/lnnnea hnpotniva iiinndaliibor, piseicnitnna p
(2) In mmobcetcic dc Barnjc ~ die Ind!gnmni se von prevedica,
Iii iTiodi oBligntommn, ap/Im/ini s! eouisol!d/Ini die nialnni, rcctific/In si rcprofil/Ini die aiBii, uncranm die eombntcrc a crozinn!i
(3) Bnnajcie ~m
inenmile c/c ncnmnianc sc von proieeta si cxcenta die unitàfi die speeialitnte.
107 diii 25 septernbiie 1996
(4) Banajele mid c/c intencs beam pot fi execntnte ~i c/c abtc
nn!t/mti, ins/b uinmni en nsisieIif/m tclinic/I ~! snB eontrolnl
pcmmnncni al nnitàfii c/c special!tnte care a claBomat pno!eemi.
Art. 63.
(1) Dcfin/Itoni! c/c Banaje ~i bacnni c/c acumninre,
pneenm ~! c/c pnize pentnn al!mcnt/Imi en np/m. en san f/mn/I
Bamaj, nn obligafma s/i intoemcnsc/ mcgnbnmcntc de explontnne
~i s/I respccte prevedenile nccstora. Regninnicntcbc c/c cxploatare se avjzcnzà c/c comitctcbe c/c Bazin, se nproB/m c/c
Regmn Antonomâ ,,Apeie Romane” ~i fae panic intcgnant/
c/in nnioniznfia c/c gospod/Im!re a npcbon.
(2) Rcgninmcmteie c/c expbontnre, clnbonntc hi Bnza mcgnlnmcntnini-cnc/mn stnBib!t c/c M!mistemni Apclor, P/Ic/nn!lor ~!
Protcefici Medinlu!, detni!nzà ~i concnet!zeaz/! condl!f!!le gcncmnle c/c explontnnc eoordonntü, pc amsnmBbnb bazmnnln! hidmogmnfic, a cntcgomiiior de bncn/Ini pre-vàzntc in nb!m. (1).
(3) Rcgnmnmcnteic c/c expiontnrc prevàznte ma abim. (1) sc
ac/nptcaz/I, pe ctnpc, hi l!mitcbc pmevedcnblom nnton!znf!ei c/c
gospod/In!mc n npcbon, fnmefic c/c c/innmbca ecn!nfelor c/c np/i
san c/c aite comditii.
(4) Coomdonnnen expbontàni! lnenniion c/c acnmnmnne pc
Bazine hic/mognafice, inc/ifcnent c/c defin/tor, sc nsignn/m c/c
Regin Antonom/i ,,Apeic Romanc”.
(5) Lii sitnnfii entice
sccctc prclnngite, ape mnmi san nitele nscmcnca
expbontamen nmn! inc c/c acumniane sc snborc/oncazà necesit/filom I)cmiondei respective, potnivii meg!mnln!
stnbil!t c/c Rcg!n Antomom/I ,,ApeIe Ronianc”.
Art. 64.
(1) Pemsoaneic jnr!dicc cane nu In ndm!nistmnrc
san hi explontnne men/In hidrotchnice snnt obligate s/I nt!b!zczc pnizclc, Bnrnjele fl iaenniic c/c nenmnIanc conform gmficebor-c/ispeeer, pe Bazn pnognnmcior lnnnne c/e cxpioatare,
inn, conelat en pnodnccncn de energie, sa asignre ~i dcB!tcie
nceesamc fobosintclon indiusinic!, agn!cnltnnii ~i l)oI)nmnfie!.
(2) Def!n/!ton!i c/c Bamaje. en laeuriie die ncnmnbare afcnenie,
~i a! nlior constnncfii hidmotehniec, an oBligat!n s/I montezc
npamntnnn ncecsar/ nnm/Inini! comport/mu hi tinip a acestora,
s/I-s! organizeze sisteinni c/c nnm/Inine ~i s/I renlizeze expcntiznnea inentIniion in tenincncle smnBilite.
Art. 65.
Counpcteiileic dc nproBarc a regnlamcntcbon c/c
cxplontnnc Bazmnnbe ~i a progrnmcbor c/c expbontare se stab!—
Legea aj)eIOi
lese c/c c/itrc Mimisterni Apebor, P/!c/nn!Ior ~ Proteefici
Art. 66.
Evnenanea dintr-nn Inc c/c acnnininne a nnon yoInme c/c np/I c/ifcnitc c/c cebc inscnisc hi ncgnlnmcntnl c/c cxplontnre, pmcenm ~! efectnnncn in mccnn!smele Bnrajnini a
nnom mnnevrc nepmeväzntc hi necsta se pot face nnmai cn
aprobnnea snn c/in c/ispoz!f!n Rcgiei Antonomc ,,Apelc
Sectiunea a 5-a
Apirarea ImpotrIva inunda(il/or, fenomene/or meteoro/ogice
periculoase ~i accidente/or /a construc,tll hidrotehnice
Art. 67.
(1) Ap/nanen impotniva mnnnc/nf!iior, fcnomcnelon
mcteonoiogiee penlenbonse ~i nce!demiebom la comstrncf ii hic/notchn!ce nepnezintà o act!vitnte c/c pmotec~iccivil/I a popnbnf!c!, c/c mntemes nnfionai.
(2) In scnsnl pnezcntci icgi, prim apärarea iiflpbtriva innnda tillor, fcnomenelor rneteorologice peniculoase ~i accidentelor
la construdtii hidrotchnice se hifcbcge:
a) m/Isnni c/c prcvcmime ~! c/c pmeg/it!mc pentmn !ntcrvenfii;
B) m/Isnni operative nngcntc c/c mmtcrvenfie c/np/I c/ccbnn~amen fenomcncbon pcnicnbonsc en nrm/in! gnnvc;
c) ni/isnm! c/c !ntcrvcmfic nitemboant! pci-Urn nccnpcmnne $
(3) Activ!t/fiie prcv/Iznte bn aim. (2) constitnic 0 oBlignfie
pentmn tonic pemsoanele fizice ~l jnmidiide, en execpf!n pensoancion handicapnte, a B/tm/mniion ~l a abtom cntcgomil c/efayonizate.
(4) Ebabonnrcn strategic! ~l conccpfiei c/c npàmarc impoiriva
innndaf!ibom, fenomcneior metcorologice penlenboase ~i aceidcnteion in eons tnncfii iiidbnoteiiuiiec rcvmne Mmnisiennbn!
Apelom, P/Idinrilon ~l Pnotecfie! Mcdl!nlni.
Art. 68.
(1) Delin/itom!i en once titin c/c eonstmnetii hic/notchnice ale c/mom avnnieri sap c/istmngeri pot pnnc hi pcnicol viefi omeuiesii ~i Bniinni san pot ac/nec pmejpdi!eii
mec/mnbni snnt obligati s/i dioteze accste men/In en apnnatnr/
die un/snn/ si control ncecsart! pentrn nrni/mninea domporl/nib in timp a acestorn. s/i instaleze sbstenic die avcntiznnc-nlanninmc In cnz c/c perieoi ~ s/i onganizeze acliviintea die
107 din 25 septeinbiie 1996
(2) Pcmtmn coordonanen, hidrumaren ~i nu-ni/rmnca activitAf!!
c/c snpnavcgheme a Bnmajeion, a lnennilon c/c nenmnlnre ~! n
alton mnem/Ini liidrotehiiiee, hi vcdicnen expioat/Inm in signmnn4/
a accstonn, pe lang/I Ministcmnl Apebon, Pàc/nniion fl Proiecfie!
Medium! fnncjiomeaz/i Com!s!a nafionai/i pentnn signnanf a Barajebon ~! mncr/Inilon hidimotchmee, constitn!t/i c/in ncpmczentnmfi
ni ministenelom, mcgiblon antonomc ~i imstitnf!ilon pnblbce intenesatc.
(3) Stmnetnna, atm!Bnfiibc specif!ce, compctcmfelc ~i dotanen
Comis!ci nafionnie pcntmn signmanfn Bnrajcion ~i Incm/Inibor hic/notchm!ec se stnbilesc pmin megubament c/c ongnnizarc ~!
fnncfiomanc, cnne sc einBomcnz/I c/c e/Itme Minis temnl Apeion,
Pàc/nn!lor ~i Protec;iei Mcc/!nmni ~! se nproBà pm!n hot/Inane a
Art. 69.
(1) Organizarca ~i comdiucencn ba n!veb naf!onnl
a ncfinm!bom c/c pmcvcn!re $ np/Inane hnpotm!vn mmnnc/nf!ilon,
fenomenelom memeonoiogicc pemicnboase ~i aee!denteior la
comstmncf!!mc h!c/motehnicc se neaiizcnz/I, potr!vit leg!!, c/c
e/itne Comis!n centmni/I c/c ap/Innmc impotnivn !nnmc/nfbiiom, fenomcnelon metcorolog!cc pcn!cnionse ~b nccic/cntcbor bn constmncf!!ic h!dmotchn!ce, c/ennm!t/i in eouitinnane Cornisia
central/I, care fnncf!omcnz/I pe bang/i Min!stcmnl Apciom,
Pàc/nn!ion P Pmotccfici Mec/!niu!. Comis!n centmai/I cste eonst!tn!tà dim mcpnezentamf! n! ministemclom, reg!iiom antonome
~i imstitnfiilon pnBlicc intenesnte.
(2) Com!sia central/I conlncneaz/I permanent $ se snhomc/omeaz/I, in caz c/c c/ezastne, Com!s!ei gnvemnnmentaie c/c apàrare impotniva c/ezastmelon, !nst!mnit/I potr!vit leg!!.
Art. 70.
Structuna, ntmiBnfi!ie specifice, compctenfele ~i
c/otamen Comisie! ccntnale sc stab!lesc prim megninmcnt c/c orgnn!znmc P fnmcIionnme came se eiaBorcnz/i c/c e/Itmc Min!stemnl
Apebom, Pàc/nm!bom ~flProtecfici Mcc/!nini, nvizat c/c Comisia gnvcninmcntnl/I c/c np/marc impotmiva c/ezastreior ~i nproBnt pn!n
hot/Irarc a Gnvennnlni.
Art 71.
(1) Acf!niiiie opcrntive c/c np/mare Iunpotnivn inunc/nfiilor, fcnomencior mcteorolog!ec pcn!cnionsc ~i acc!c/cntcbor
in comsmnucfi! hidinotehniec se omgnnizeaz/l c/c conils!!ie judbctcnc, mespcctiv a unnnicipmnlni Bncnne~tm,die aI)annne mipotnmvn dezastneion. care fnuieflonenz/i P~lang/I pnefectnni. ~!
die eoniisi!lc comnnnic, onà~cnc~tb
~! mniiicipaie c/c np/rare
mnipotnmva dIeznstmebor, condinsc die pniuiinn!.
Legea apelol
(2) Comisiilc jndlcfeuic, nespcctiv a mnnmcmpinlnm Bnenmcsti,
c/c np/Inane impotniva c/eznstreior snuit const!tn!tc prin omdin
nb mJmefeetnlnm cane mndIepIine~mc~i fnne~indie m)rc~ediiiimeal eomusic!. Sccnetanintni pcnunaiient am nccStom eomisii se as!gum/I c/c Regin Anionom/i ,,Apcle Romane”.~
(3) Comis!ilc comnnnbe, om/~cnesti~! mnn!cipnic c/c ap/Irare impotrivn deznstnebon, SC snBomc/oncaz/i comis!iior jndietene, ncspceiiv a ninnicipmnini Bnenne0i, die np/Inane
component/I nn mcpnczentant
s1 an hi
al Regic! Antonome
(4) La obiectivebe care pot fi nfectntc c/c !nnnc/nfi!, c/c fenomene meteorologiec penienloase snn c/c efectele ncc!c/enteiom in constrncfii iiidlnotebinide, !uid!fenemt c/c fornia c/c
proprietate, sc orgnm!zcnz/I comnndnmentc c/c np/Imamc conc/use c/c comdne/Itonnl ncestoma. Aceste eomamc/nnicntc snnt
snBomdonntc direct comislilor eounnnnle, om/i~cncsti~i mun!e!pnlc c/c np/inane impotm!va c/cznstmclon.
Art. 72. (1) Personnclc fiz!ce snn jnmic/!ce, cane an hi proprietate san in fobosinf/I oB!cet!vc in zone cc pot fi afectate
c/c acfinn!Ie d!stmnetivc nbc npeiom, c/c fcnomenele metconoiog!cc penienionse san c/c nceic/entclc in eomstmncfiiie h!dmotehm!ce, an obbigafin s/i nslgnre Inimefinenea ~! expioatnnen
corespnnz/Itonne a bner/Imilom c/c ap/Imanc cx!stente.
(2) In cnznl d!strngeru! snn c/ctem!or/Irii lncràriion c/c np/Iname Impotm!vn innndafiibon san a nnom constmuefi! h!dmotehnice c/ntonit/I viitnmiiom, c/efin/Itonii en once t!tlu a! nnom
astfeb c/c incn/ni an oBligaf in s/i mcfne/I san s/i ncpnrc aeestc
men/In iii eel niai scnni t!nii) l)OSiB!l.
Art. 73.
(1) Cheltn!eliic pentmu aefinnilc opcnnt!vc, c/c intenes public, c/c np/inane hnpotniva !nnndafi!Ior, fcuiomencbom
meteomoiogiee pcnienlonsc ~b aecic/entelor in eonsirnef ii hidrotehnice, prccnun ~i ceic pen tm eonst!tninca stoenlni cie nmter!nlc ~i niijbonce die np/rare, sc pnev/Idi ~ se finnii(eaz/m, dlnp/I
cnz, cliii Bngcmni dle Stat, diiui Bngetcic boenle ~ dliii snrsc b~”~pm!! abe pcnsoaneIor fizice ~i ale pcrsonnelor jnr!d!ea
(2) In eazni iii care snmeic pncv/zntc In bugetni local nI
nnni jndicl san a! nuic! localit/ti, In care an ovut bc innndatii.
fenomene meteorolog!ce penmenloase snu efecie negative ca
nrnmnne a unon nccic/cnte la couiSlnne[n im!c/roichnice, smut !nsnfbcicnte pcntni eomBatcnea ~i mni/tnnarca efecteion ncestoua,
ebe nnrneazti s/i fic asignratc diii Fondni dc !ntenventie pre—
107 cliii 25 septemlnie 1996
y/Iznt hi Bngctni c/c stat, potrbvit beg!!, in propnmcrea préfcctnlni ~! en av!znl Min!Stcu-ulni Apc!on, P/Ic/uu-iion si Pnotccf!ci
Art 74.
(1) Regnlnuncntnb c/c np/Inane Impotmiva innnc/af!!lor, femomcnêbom mcteomologice pcr!cnioase ~! necic/cntcbom
ba eomsmrnef!i h!c/roiehmiec ~! Nonmniivul-enc/mn c/c c/otnne en
mntcninle ~! mijionec c/c np/mane opemaiiv/m impotniva mumdnfiibor ~ ghcfnn!bom se elaBoncaz/I c/c c/inc M!n!stcnnl Apelor,
P/Ic/nr!lor ~! Pnotecfic! Mec/inbni, en eonsnitanen Comisie!
ecnmmnle ~! a comiteiclom c/c Bazin, sc avizcnz/I c/c Comis!a guvcmnameuinl/ c/c np/mane Impotnivn c/cznstrclom $ se aprob/I
prim hot/In/mme a Gnycnuinbn!.
(2) Aplicamen m/isnn!bom operative c/c np/Iramc se rcni!zenz/i
hi mod nnitnr, pe bnza pinmunbior c/c np/rare impotmiva
!nnnc/nfl!bom, fenomencion mcieorobog!cc pcnicnlonsc san accic/entelom In comstmucfii hic/noiehn!ec, care se claBoreaz/I pe
Bazmne hic/rogmaf!ec, jnc/efc ~! bocalit/It!, pmcenm ~! la oB!cetiveic care pot fi nfcctntc c/c astfel c/c fcnomenc san acc!dcnte.
(3) Eiabomnnen plannn!bon c/c np/name prcv/Izntc In nbin. (2)
se va face en inanen hi comsidemare a plnnnmiion c/c amcmnjame n tcmiton!nln! ~! a nesim!cf!on/mmii ncgimnini c/c eonstnnef!i ~i en consnliamea personnebor fiziec ~ pcnsonneion jnric/iee
(4) Coonc/onamen opemntivä a net!v!t/Ifl! dc np/Irnmc inupotr!vn
!mnndafi!ion, fenomeneior mcteorolog!ce pen!cuioase ~i accic/cmtcbor ba eonstmuclii hidrotehui!ee ncviuie Rcgiei Anionome
,,Apcic Romanc”.
(5) Pmefcctnl jnc/efnbni iii came sc nfl/I sec/mb fib!nbci Bnz!male a Regic! Antonome .,Apeic Rom/Inc” are ntm!Bnfii c/c coomdomame n aciivii/If ii cic np/mmnme Impomn!va !nnndnf!!ion,
fcmomcnclor mcieonobog!ee I)cmicnbonse ~i accideniclor la
consmnnefii h!clnoteiin!cc pe Bnz!nnl h!c/rogmnfie mespcetiv.
Art 75.
(1) Pcnmrn n cy!tn prodnccrcn nnom ealainitàf! hi
peniondeie c/c ape ninni san die accidente !a Banajc, fnncf!onanca ncnmnb/Ir!bom nepcnmancnte in pnmanmctnii pcntmn cnne
an fosi comsimnite csic oBbiga tonic, inn CQmbs!n ccimmnai/I poate
npnoBn bnnndIanen diinijnta a unor icncnnmi diiimainte stabil!te
~ plnumnn!ic die ap/Iranc. precuni ~i a lne!niebon mnchgnitc,
menliznte lateral nnni curs c/c ap/.
(2) De~!umàton!!en mice tit!n ai terenur!!or siab!l!te pnin
plannm!ic Baz!naie c/c np/name, en ~i a! cclor situate hi !ne!nte
Legea apeloi
Inc/ignite sunt oBlbgafi ~ permit/I innndiamcn temponam/I. In
mod c/ir!jni, a acestoma.
(3) Pcmtrn prejndici ile snfeniic pmin innnc/nrca iempomnr/I
n iereuinniiom, m)mopnictnui! neeStona von fi c/csp/guB!f! dliii fomc/ni de asignname, in conc/!ti!Ic leg!!. Vniomiic desp/gnB!nilon
sc propnn c/c prefeefi, se avizcnzà c/c Comis!a eentmab/m ~! sc
npnob/I pnin hot/n/Inc n Gnvernnmni.
Art. 76.
(1) In seopul ns!gnr/n!i sinB!l!i/Ifi! $ iniegn!t/Ifii
c/ignnibon, Bamajcion ~! n nltom lncm/In! c/c npümnme impomnivn adf!nn!bom c/!stmucihrc nbc npebom, sc !mtcnz!e:
a) cxtmagcmea p/Iin/Intnlni san a aiton mntcminbc c/in c/ignmi,
bnrnjc snn diii nltc men/u-! c/c np/Inane, en ~i c/in zoncle c/c pnotecfie a accstomn;
B) plnntnmca anbom!!or c/c once fei pc c/!gnm!, Banaje fl pe
abte men/mn! c/c np/marc;
e) p/I~nnnrcnpe dbguni san Bnnnje, pe mnlnmi san In nib!!
minorc, hi zoncbc in enre sniit executate lnemãn! h!c/rotchn!ee
$ in zomele c/c pmoteet!e n neesioma;
d) rcnl!znren c/c Babastienc san bnem/Im! c/c exeavane in
nibie, In zona cnpt/Iniiom c/c np/I c/in n/In, n capt/muon en inf!uirane pnin mni, a snBtnavers/Iniion c/c conc/nete snu nltc Iner/fri c/c art/i.
(2) Cu ncondni Rcg!cb Antonomc ,,Apeic Rom/Inc” snnt
a) depoz!tamca c/c mnteriale ~! cxccntarca c/c constmncfii pe
c/ignn!, Bannjc ~i in zona aitom lncr/Im! c/c np/marc;
B) c!mcninf!a en yehicuic san tmeccmea animnlclom pe c/!gnn!
san Bannjc pnin bocumi specini nmenajatc pcntmn astfei c/c net!nn!;
e) imnversanen snn str/pnngcnea dignnibon, Bamnjcbon san a
n!tom Incn/Imi c/c ap/Imare en condnctc, liii!! san cnBbnm! ebcetnice
san c/c tclceoniunicnii!, en alte constmncfii san !nstabat!! enne
pot si/mb! rczbsientn lncn/Inblom snu pot impiedica netinnile dc
(3) Efectnnrca bncr/In!ion pncv/zute in abin. (2) lii. c) sc rcalizcaz/ snb snpnavcglmcrcn Rcg!e! Antononme .,Apele Rom/Ine”.
Sectiunea a 6-a
Participarea pub//cu/ui
Art. 77.
(1) Pentnn apiicarca prevcdcnilor pnezcnici leg!
pflvuuidi pnotcefin apcbom c/c snpnafa~/I~i Snbtemane, precnnm ~l
Legea in-. 107 diii 25 septemLirie
l)entnn nsignmarca niiuncmt/Imi! en np/I, M!mistcmnl Apclon,
P/Ic/nmibor fl Pro tccf!c! Mcdinlni ponic Inn in/snn! cc afeetcaz/I
!uiiencsclc ntilizatonilor c/c ap/i, nbc niycnnum!bon san pnBlienlui,
nnmab c/np/I consnlinrea neestoma, en excepf in nnor Sitnnf!!
spec!nbc, cmii am fi seceic, bmnmdnf!i san abide nsemenen.
(2) In vec/erca reni!z/n!! consult/n!! pmev/Iznie in ai!n. (1),
Min!sterni Apebor, P/dum!bor ~i Pmotccfbci Mec/inln! 0~c/np/I
enz, Rcg!n Aniomom/i ,,Apcbc Rom/Ine” san fui!niebc snbc Bazunnle von pnBiica hi z!nnil ioeai o !nfornmame en pn!vinc in m/snr!ie pmopnSe. Aceen~i mnfonmare sc vn tmansmiic fl
ntii!zatonibor c/c np/I, nivcnnnilor, precnm ~! one/mci nite personnc cc nr pnten H afectnt/.
(3) M/ISnnilc pnopnse, en ~ once doenmentnf Ic c/c fnndnmeniame a acestoma se vor fine in d!spozifin pnblicumni c/c c/inc
nmit/Ifilc pmev/Iznte in nun. (2).
(4) Comcntaniiie, oBservnf!!lc san pnopnncmile scn!Sc nsnpm m/snmiion pnopnsc sc vom imansmitc ecmni cane a f/Icnt infonunnrca, hi termcn c/c ccl mnit 45 c/c zibe c/c In c/ama
public/mi! acestcbn.
(5) In enzni propnmcn!! nnor m/Isnni spcciaie, impontamtc
san contnovcnsnie, cmitcntnb !nfonmàmii va ongnn!zn o dezbnicne public/i a ncesteia, c/np/b 60 c/c z!ic dc la pnBi!canca inform/mu.
(6) Min!stcnn! Apcbon, P/Idnn!bon ~! Proiecf!ci Med!nini
san, c/np/I enz, Rcgin Anionom/I ,,Apele Rom/Ine” vn nnnlizn
ionic oBservnfi!le ~i mnopnuien!lc f/Icnic, Inninte dc n lna o hot/In/Ire. Textnl hot/Im/Iui! ~! nb moiivnfie! acesie!a von H pnse ma
d!spozif!n pnBiieumn!.
(7) Pnocednmn pnivinc/ pnrt!cipnrcn nt!iiznton!iom c/c np/I, r!vennm!bom ~! pnbiicnlni in nctivitatea c/c consnlinre vn fi sinb!bit/I c/c M!n!sicmu! Apeion. P/dnnibon ~! Protccf!c! Mec/!nln!.
Controlul aetivitàii de gospod/h’ire a apeloi’
Art. 78.
(t) Aetiv!tatea de gospoc//mmne a apclor ~! ncsm)cdtnnea pnc\~ed1enimorm~rezeuitei leg! snimt snpnsc controlnini
dc Special! tate.
(2) In cndnul Ministemnlni Ape!or. P/dinnilon ~i Pnoteefiei
Mediinln! func(ioncaz/I unspcc~iade stat a npcion, cu atniBnf!! die inspect mc P dlc contnol a! apiic/nui m)nc%Tclicuilor l)nezcimtei
Legea apclor
(3) In scopnl Iuidicpliuiinib ntnbBntuilom c/c control, personalnl c/c gospod/In!re n apebon. pmeeuni ~i iniputemnic!f!i
M!n!sicrulni Apcbom, P/dnm!bom ~bPnotec(!ci Mcdinbn!, c/up/I c/ccbmnanen ic/ent!t/Ifi! $ enlit/It ii, an drcptnb:
a) c/c acces la ape, in zoncbc dim inngni npelor, en $ hi
once nit bc, nmltnie san !nStniafic, inc/!fcncni die dietin/Itorub
san propnietnrub ncestoma, peimtnn a face comsiat/Irm pn!vind respectanca ncgieunent/r!lor P api!carcn m/snn!lom c/c gospod/Imime n npelon;
B) c/c n conimoln men/rue, conStmncU!be, !nStalnfi!lc san act!v!t/If!ie cane an lcg/Itnn/I en npclc ~b c/c a vcn!f!ea c/ac/I aceStea Snnt nealiznie ~1 exploniate hi confonmitnte en prevcden!bc
begnie Spedlficc ~! en respcctanen nv!zebom san n anion!znf!!bom
c/c gospod/iminc a apelor, c/np/I cnz;
e) c/c a ‘vcnlf!ca imStalnfi!be c/c m/Isnrnne a c/cB!tebom, c/c a
recoitn probe c/c np/I ~! c/c n cxnminn, hi condifmime leg!!, once
date san doenmenie ncccsnmc controbnln!;
c/) c/c a comsinta fnptele cane comStitnie coninnvenfii san infmaefinni hi c/omenlni gospoc//Im!n!i npcion ~! c/c a hicheia docnmenicbc, potniv!t beg!!.
(4) Impnicnn!cifu! Mmnisiemubn! Apebor P/Ic/nn!bon P Proieefici
Mcdinln! en efecinamen acfinniion c/c control hi unit/If! en enracier spcc!nl von pn!mi aprobaren ~! c/c in min!stcnclc care
coomc/onenz/I nn!m/If!ic respective.
(5) Pc c/Iilc nav!gnb!le ~! hi poniun!, nim!Bnf!ile c/c eenceinne,
constaiare, control ~i snneflonamc pnMnd mespcdtarea negiemcnt/Im!bom hi dounen!nb protccfie! npclon rev!n pcnsonnlnln!
impntenn!c!i c/c Mmm!stcmui Apciom, P/Idnn!bor ~ Protectic!
Mec/inbn!, imprcnn/I en Minis tcmnl Tmnmsportun!ion.
Art 79.
Anior!t/It!lc nc/min!strnfbe! publiec centmnbe ~! bocaic smit obligate s/i nsigume sprijinul snlau-iafibon Mmnisterubu!
Apelor, P/c/nnibon ~i Protecf!e! Medliulu! $ Regie! Auionomc
,,Apeic Rom/Inc” ~ himpnieniic!fiior acesiomn, pnecuun ~ s/i nsigurc, hi pcr!oadebc c/c ape man! ~minnndafi!, efectnamca cont!nn/I a obseuva~!1lon,m/Isun/touilon ~! tmnnsnmitemi! !iifou-immnji!ior.
Mecanisnini economic In doineniul apelor
Art. 80.
(1) Apa constitu!e o rcSunS/I natuma!/ cu valoanc
ccononmic/ hi tonte fonncle sale die uti!!zamc. Coiiscrvanea, mefolos!rea ~! econom!Sincn al)ei snnt Incnnajate prm nplicnrea
Legea ni- 107 diii 25 seplein 1)1-ic 1996
c/c stimuli economic!, !nclns!v pentnn cci cc manifest/I o pmcocuparc constani/ In pmoicjnncn cant!t/~i!$ cal!t/I(!! ape!, pmecum ~ pnin api!enren c/c pennl!t/If! celom came m!s!peSc san
polneaz/ mcsnnSelc c/c ap/I.
(2) Mccnn!smnl economic specific c/omcnmnln! gospoc//mini caniitat!ve ~! cal!tnt!ve a npcbor !ncludlc sisiemnl c/c p1/f!,
bon!ficnf ii ~! penaiii/f! en panic a moc/nbn! c/c f!nnmf are a c/ezvolt/In! domenmnlni $ de aS!gnmarc a fnumdf!on/Im!! pe l)r!iic!pu eeononmicc a Regiei Antonome ,,Apcle Roun/Inc”.
(3) Mctodiobogbn c/c fnmdnnicntamc a sisicmnmnm c/c p1/f! hi
c/omeninl apcbon, precum ~i pmocec/nma c/c elaBoname a acestorn se siaBibcsc c/c MimiStenni Apebor, P/Idumilor ~! Proicefie!
Medinini, en av!znl Ministcnnlui F!nnn~cbom.
(4) Sisicmnl c/c p1/If! prcv/Izni bn ab!n. (2) se bazcnz/ pe megnln: beneficiarul pláte~te,in fnncf!e c/c serv!ei!le presiatc ~i
c/c ecie pm!yinc/ fobosirea mnf!onai/I a mesnnsebom c/c np/I, enme
a) siimnianen economic/I n nt!l!z/Ir!i dnmnB!ie ~! a pnotecf!e! cnl!i/f!! npeion;
B) difenenfienea icr!toninl/I a pmcfnmilom ~! tnnifebom pe eniegor!i c/c snmsc s! c/c ni!b!zntoni, en nrmnnc a comc/bfi!bom difcmite c/c asigumnnc a apcb, hi m/Isnma hi cane s!stemnl as!gun/i
ven!tnm! ~i cheltn!eI! ech!libmntc;
e) coreciamea nivciulni pmefnniiom ~i tnn!febon in fnnef!c die
d!nam!cn general/I a pmefnniiom;
c/) tnansmitemen Ia ntiliznton! a imfluenfcior economiec
determinate c/c nctivim/Ifilc de as!gumame a snnsciom c/c np/I dim
pnnet c/c vedere cantitntiv ~! cnbiiativ;
c) m!n!nmizarea cosinnibom c/c pnoc/ucfie prim st!mnlanen economic/I a pmefnbni, in scopnm as!gnr/Imii mnximnlni c/c pnof!t
f) rcflcetnren In pre~ini a eeren!! c/c c/ebit ~ c/c voinun c/c
Art. 81.
(1) Sistenmni die pi/fi, bouibf!cnfiiie ~ pcnnl!t/fiie
specifiec nctiv!t/f!i c/c gospod/imire a apelor se apl!c/ tutnmon
(2) Pmevcc/em!lc aIm. (1) nn sc apl!c/ Ia apn lmanz!tat/I peimmu nnv!gnf!e 1j~ c/mile nnv!gaB!!e nrt!fic!ale, irecum ~b pensoanelom f!zice care foioscsc apa eonfomni ant 9 aIm
(3) Begin Autonom/ ,.Apelc Roin/Inc” este s!ngnmnl fumn!zon al ape! prelcvnte c/!rect diii snnscle dc np/i c/c supnnfaf/I,
natnmale san amennjnte, iimdifement die c/e4iii/Itonul en om!ec t!tln
ni nmennj/Inui fl c/in snnsclc SnBtcnane, en cxccpf!a npeion gcotemmale, pncenm
c/c proc/usc ~5isenv!e!i spceificc die gospod/Irmme a apelon, pe Baz/i die contracie Inchemate hi aceSt Sdop.
(4) Pemirn activit/If!ic mcnfionnte ba aim. (3), Rcg!a
Antomom/I ,,Apcie Rom/Inc” estc slngnmn in c/mept s/I nplice S!steunul die p1/If i specific gospoc//Inbn!i apeiom.
(5) Pentnn npa tmatai/I l!vnat/I ~nu pcnfl-u nite Semv!di! de gospod/mire a apebom c/cc/It cele spcc!ficc, fnnn!zon san pmestnton
snmt persoamele f!z!cc ~l jumidiec care, c/np/I cnz. an In admin!stnnne incm/Inil~liidrotchmice san enne pmcstenz/ senvie!iic c/c gospoc//nmnc a npcbom.
Art 82.
(1) Bonif!cafi!Ie se ncomc//I ut!i!zatorilor c/c np/m
enne c/emonstmeaz/, couistant, o gm!j/I dieoseBbt/I penn-n foboSimea
maf!onnl/ ~! pentmn protec~in cal!t/If!i apeior, cvncn/Inc/, 0
c/ni/I en npclc nznte cpurate, snbsmnnfe bmpnm!fieatonne en conccminnfii si In cnnt!t/Ifi unn! mic! duec/It ceic hiser!se hi autoniznf!a c/c gospod/Immne a apclon.
(2) Pcnai!t/Ifuie sc aplie/I necion nm!Iizntom! c/c np/I ba care sc
comstnt/I abater! c/c in pnevec/emile contmnctelon pmcv/Iznte ba
art. 81 nun. (3) at/It pemmmn dep/flnen cnni!t/If!lom c/c np/I preicvate, c/It ~! a comcentmnf!!bor ~i camtit/I~ilomc/c snBstanfc !mpnrifienioame evacuate.
(3) Reg!n Antonom/I ,,Apele Rom/Inc” este singumn hi drept
s/I consiate cnznm!le in care se neorc// bon!f!cafui san se
aplic/I pemnl!t/If!. Bon!f!cnfiile SC aeond/I en npmoBnrea
Mmn!sterubn! Apeiom, P/Ic/union ~! Protcefiei Mcd!nbn!.
Art. 83.
Sistemni c/c Pi/ti, bonif!cnf!! P pc~m~~fm,
precnm ~ categor!ilc c/c pmoc/nse ~ scnrici! c/c gospod/rmnc a apebom se staB!icsc pn!n hot/n/me a Gnvennnln!.
Art. 84.
(1) Iii scopnl part!eip/inm! la finnnfnmen dIe invcst!f!i In lner/n! ~! m/Isuni en eontrmbul!e inmpomtaumt/ In
ImBnn/It/f!mcn nslgnr/n!! snrsclon dc np/I, in protccfin cnbit/If!i
npeion, pnccnun ~! la elieltuiclile pcimtmn intoeminca die smndii
$ ccmeet/Ir! apl!cative in dionmeimin! apebon. se eonstitu!e num
fonc/ spec! nI, extnnbngctam, dbcuiUiii! t Fond ul apelor.
(2) Fondnl ape!or se const!tnic dI!n tnxcle ~! tan!feic pcuiti-u semv!ci!ie c/c aviznne $ antor!zamc, stnb!lite confomnm leg!!,
iineciuuii Si dliii i)eimai!i/~i!c pnc~’/zutc la art. 82 al!n. (2).
(3) Fouidlul apeiom estc gestionat I)i~iuibugct scpanai, clabonat
c/c Begin Antonom/I ,,Apclc Ronm/Inc” ~b nprobnt c/c M!nistcmul
107 cIhi 25
Apelon, P/Ic/nr!ion ~! Protcctiei Mediulni, care staBiie~te~i meiodoiogin c/c intocun!nc a neeStn! bngct. en av!znb Mbnbstemulni
(4) Fonc/nl npebor. hnpreun/I en aitc snmse, vn H fobos!t peninn snsf!neren f!nnnc!nm/I a:
a) meni!z/Inm! S!stcmnlni mnfionai c/c snpmnvcghcre cnni!tni!v/I $ ealiiniiv/ n ncsnrSeion c/c np/I;
B) dot/In!! metelcbon c/c InBomatonme, dIe tnnnsunis!nni ~! mumfommnf!onnle nfcmcnie nccSin!n;
e) pnrt!e!p/rib in menlizaren san moc/erniznrcn sinfiilon ~ instnlnfiibor c/c epumare a apebor nznie pcntmn ImBun/It/Iflnea enbit/If!! mcsnrseiom de np/I;
d) mcnl!z/mi! lncm/Im!bom pnBliee c/c mnienes beam en cfect Social deoseBit ~! pcmtnn came nnionit/Ifile locale nu an snf!cicntc
nesnnse f!manc!nme;
-c) mcal!z/Ir!! men/muon pnBI!ce pn!v!nc/ ap/Innren c/c imnmdafi!, a ecbom c/c nctiniic, pmevenine ~! comBaicre n caiamit/fibor
nntnnnbe dntomnic exccsnlni san l!psei c/c np/I;
f) c/ot/Imii s!stemnini imformnf!onab h!c/nolog!c ~! openativ
dcc!ziomai in domen!nl gospoc//Im!nui npebon;
g) mb/mm/mu nvnm!!lom san pentmn pnmenea in sigumnnf/I a
constmncfiilon hidnotchn!cc c/c imtenes nnfional san local,
cnm nn H Bamnje, c/ignm! etc.;
h) meniiz/Ini! men/muon c/c pro tccf!e a bnzinelor h!c/mogmnflee impotnivn cobmni/Im!!;
i) neniiz/In!i stnc/!ibom pcntmn cnmon~tcnea cvoinf be! $ gcstinnii mesnmselor c/c np/I;
j) ncond/Inii Bon!f!caf!!lon pentnn cc! enme an rezulinte c/coscB!te In proiecfin lunpotmiva cpn!z/mi! ~i c/cgnad/Ini! mesnmsebon c/c ap/I.
k) nctiv!t/It!! comutetnlni c/c Bnz!m.
Art. 85.
Finnnfanen !umvestif!ilon pniv!ndl lner/Imile, constnncf!ibc san inSinlnfiile die goSpodb/Ir!me a npe!om se ns!gnr/,
total san pnmf!al, c/np/I caz. din:
a) bngetni c/c Stat san bugetcbc locale, pcntmn incm/Imi c/celaratc c/c ntil!tate public/I, pomnivit !cgii;
B) fondlunile ntilizatonilor die np/I;
c) fondul de dczvoitare nI Rcgicm Auionoinc ..Apclc
dl) fondinn! oB(inutc pnium cred!te san pu-un cm!temc die oBlugnfinumi, gnmnntate die Guvenm san die nnton!t/ilbbe ndlnministramie!
Legea .ll)ebn
pnBb!cc locale, b)entmn men/n! die niil!tntc pnBl!c/I san l)ciitnn
asocinfli c/c pemsoanc came i’or s/I execute nstfel c/c bncn/Inm;
e) fondnl afeion.
Art 86.
Inc/ilenren diispozifi!lon prezcntei leg! nimagc r/Ispniidenen c/!sciplinar/I, niatcn!nl/I, civil/I, comimnvciiflonnl/I
san pcimab/I, c/np/I caz.
Art. 87.
Constitnie contmnvenf!! in c/omcn!nl apebon nmm/Itonrcie fnpte, c/nc/i nn snnt s/Iv/In~itehi nstfeb c/c eonc/if ii
hie/It, potn!v!i leg!! penaie, s/I fie cons!c/emnte !nfract!nmi:
1) execntnnen san pnmcnen In fnncf!nnc c/c bncn/Ir! consimn!te PC npc san cane an leg/mm/I en npeie, pnecnnm 5i mo—
d!flcamen san ext!mc/emcn neestorn, f/In/I mespectancn nv!zuln! san
a nniom!znf!c! c/c gospod/Inire a npebon;
2) cxpioatancn san Intmefmncmea lucm/Ir!bor comstnuitc pe ape
san care an leg/Itnn/I en apcbe, f/In/I mespectarcn pnevederion
nntor!znf ie! c/c gospod/nmnc a apebor;
3) foboSimen resnnseion de ap/I c/c supnnfaf/I san snBtcmnme
hi c/ifer!tc seopnmt, f/n/I rcSpcctnnea preveden!ion automizaf!c!
c/c gospoc//In!me a apcbor, en cxccpfin sntbsfncenbi ncccs!i/Ifibom
gospod/Imbe! pmopni!;
4) cvncnnnen san imjccmnrea c/c ape nznic, pneenm ~i c/csc/Imcnren c/c rczic/nnmi ~! once alte mnicmiabe hi mcsnnSebe c/c
np/I, f/In/I nespectaren pnevcc/cr!lom avbznlni san a nntoniznfie!
c/c goSpoc//Imime n npelom;
5) cxtrageren agregntebom minennbc c/in cc/bible san mnlumiic
ennsnr!bom c/c np/I, cannlclor, lncnm!Ion, c/c pe pinj/I san c/c pe
fnleza un/ni!, f/r/I aviz sau nniombznfme c/c gospod/In!ne n apeIon san en nenespectarca pmcvec/enilon accstoma;
6) cxtnngemca agrcgatcbon minemalc d!n rezcnvc neomobogate san hi nfamn peiiunctrelor
3 pc an; mnmcnte, peStc 1!mima cant!t/IIi!
7) nenespcctamca
c/c 5.OOQ inc/c c/inc ngcimf!! economic! a obl!gnfie! c/c
n solbcbtn antorizal!a dc goSpodl/Imirc a apeior, la temmcnclc staBil!mc;
8) neresm)eetaren, die cati-e u)modliic/Itomii die !nfomnmat!! cc I)ot
constitn! Fondiul national die dlate do gospodi/Imirca npelom, a
oBliga~!!lomdie a I/strn nccste dinte ~i c/c a ie funniza coumfonni
pnc~cc/eniIorpnezcnte! leg!;
107 din 25 septenilnie 1996
9) amplasnnen in alBii majone c/c no! objective econom!ce
san socinle, !ncbnS!v die no! locuinfe, f/br/I nviznl c/c ampinsnment, precnnm ~i f/In/I avizul san anton!zaf!n c/c gospod/Ir!nc
a npcion snu f/n/I neSpcctnrcn ni/Isum!lom c/c pnoiecfic hnpotniva
10) mclntncf!nenen corcspnmz/ionnc n mabnn!lor san a alBiibm in zonebe stnbil!te, c/c c/itmc cc! c/mom ii s-n reennoscni
nn dmcpt c/c foloSinf/I a ape! san c/c c/ire c/eI!n/Iion!i c/c Incm/in!;
11) nemespeetamen c/c c/ire pcrsonncic f!zbcc ~! personmdc jnnldiec n neglmnln! !mpns In zoncle c/c pnotccf!e;
12) nemespeetarea c/c c/itrc nt!i!zntom!i c/c np/I n oBlignf!iion bcgaie care ic mcvin pnbv!nd gospod/n!mcn raf!omnb/I a
ape!, Intnef!nemen ~t mepamnnea inStninf!!bor propri! san a
celom c/un s!siemebe c/c abimentane en np/I ~! canaliznrc-epnrare;
13) umens!gnmnren Intncfiiienii ~i cxploni/m!i sinfi!Ior ~i insmnlaf!ilor c/c pmcbncmnne a cni!t/If!i npelon ln cnpnc!tnicn an4on!zat/I, bipsa c/c nmm/Im!nc, prim amai!ze c/c lnBomntor, a
cfle!emfe! ncestomn ~! c/c !ntcmvenf!e operat!v/I hi enz c/c mehmcac/nnme In nommele c/c enlutate ~! Iii uim!tebc Inscmise hi anton!zaf!n c/c gospoc//Ininc a apebom;
14) evacnnmcn npelom c/c mum/I san c/c z/Ic/m/Ini hi enmsnrile c/c np/I f/mm/I ns!gurnrcn epnm/Imi! eorespnnz/Itoane n acestorn, astfci lime/It s/I He nespeetntc l!m!ielc ac/muse peminn
cvacname in rccepton!i natural! c/c snprafnf/I;
15) fobosmnen, innnsponmnl, m/Innimcn ~! c/epozutnrca c/c mezic/nuni snn c/c snbstaiitc ehimiec, f/n/I nsigunamen eonc/if!!Ior
c/c cv!inrc a polu/Im!!, c/!nect/ san !ndi!nect/, a apclon c/c Snpmnfnf/I san suBiemane;
16) pmactbcarea, in bacnn!lc c/c ncuninlnme folos!ie en snmsc
peminu niinicnt/n! en np/I I)otnB!l/I, a p!seicubtnn!! hi neg!m c/c
fnrajame a pe5tilon;
17) top!rea tciului, c/Incp!!. inulni san n niton pianie textile, f/In/I nv!znl snu nntoiizn(in c/c gospoc//Ir!re a npelon ~! In
afnma iocnn!lon nimnnie dlestinate 5! ainennjatc in aecste seopnn!;
18) dlepozutanea in alBii san pe immalunibc eunsur!bon die
api, ale caimaicbom, lacnr!lor, li/itilom 5! pe faieza nm/ri!, pc banaje ~i d!gum! san hi zonele die pro tectie a accstoma a mateniabcbon c/c on!ce fc!;
Legea apelcii
19) sp/inrea, hi eunsnnibe c/c np/I san in lncun! ~! PC malnrilc aecsiora, a vehicuielor ~! nniovelmicnieior, a nitom nt!laje
agncgntc mecan!ee;
20) sp/lnren, in cnnsun!bc c/c np/I san hi macnm! ~! pe maInnile ncestoma, a nn!maicbor domestice, dezinfeetnie eu suBstnnfe toxice, a oBieciclom c/c nz cnsn!e pn!n foios!men
detcmgcnfibon ~! a nmBalajebor cc an conf!nnt pcst!cidle san nlte
snBsmnnte pcn!culonse;
21) v/Imsnnca san nmuncnrcn in instabnf!! saim!tnmc san In mcfele c/c ennal!znne a mczidlnnn!lor petmol!emc san n snBsmnnfebr pen!enboase;
22) devemsaren npelor nzate hi refdde c/c cannl!znnc ale bocnb!i/If!lom san abe obiectivebon !ndnstn!alc, en nenespeetnrea
conc/!f!ilon staB!l!te dc def!n/Iton!! accsioma, en ~I b!psn preepun/ni! locale a nccsion ape;
23) folosinca c/c eanaic c/eschisc, pentru scnrgenen apelon
fecaioic/-menajene san a npebor en confimnt toxic;
24) nemespccinmcn, c/c c/inc personnebc f!z!ce ~ jun!d!ee, a
megucment/n!bor legnbc in vigoare, Iii cazum!ic c/c polnanc a apemom nnf!onalc nnv!gnBile c/c c/Itmc nave san !nstaint!! pintutoare,
snB once pavilion;
25) !nexistenf a, in ni!iizntomi! c/c np/I, a pbnnnnuion pnopnui
c/c pnevcn!me ~! comBntcnc a poin/Inibom ace!c/entnbe san nen~
pl!earcn neestora;
26) neannnf amen nn!t/It!bom c/c gospoc//m!ne a npelom en pn!vine bn proc/nccrea uimci poiu/Im! aceic/enmnbe, c/c c/tne util!zaton!i care an pmoc/ns-o;
27) ncbnnnen c/c un/sum! operative, c/c c/ire nt!b!znionnl c/c
ap/ care a pmoc/ns polunnen nccidentab/, pentrn ini/tumaren
cnuzcion $ efectelor acesicin;
28) ncncspcctaren, c/c c/Itnc personiic fizice ~i persoanc junid!ce, a ncstnicf!ibon In foios!mca apelon ~! a niton m/snr!, siabbhmc pcntmu pcrbonc/elc de sccet/I, ape mar! san cnianm!i/Ifi;
29) incx!steiif a pinnurilon c/c np/mane impoimiva iuinndinfiibm, fenomenclor mctcoroiog!ce penienlonsc ~ ncc!c/entelom
la construct!! imidlrotehnicc, in n!ve! die obicct!v, pnccurn ~i nemcspcctnrca aceslora fl a pinnumibon bocaic c/c ap/Innrc;
30) obtumnrea san Biocamea, sub once form/I, pnccnnm ~i
scontencn dliii fniicf!nnc, hi omice modi, n eonstmncfi!Iom ~i instnin~imlorc/c c/csc/Incnnc a npebom mar!:
107 cliii 25 sepleinlnie 1996
31) pbnntnncn, t/Ibcnen or! d!stmugencn nmBombbor, amBnsi!bon,
mnfelor, a cnbiur!lon penene ~i pn!cfilor c/!m alB!!le cnmsnm!Ion
c/c np/I, dun cnveteic lacnr!lom c/c acnmulnme ~! c/c pe mainrile Ion san c/c pc bnmnje, d!gnn! ~! din zonelc c/c pnotecf!e a
32) planiamen c/c stãlp! pe Bnmnje ~! c/ignm!, f/n/I nv!zni c/c
gospod/In!ne a npclon san en ncmcspcctnmea pncvcc/en!ior acesmnia;
33) p/~nnatnI in zonclc c/c pnotecfbe n ennsnmibor c/c ap/;
34) c/isimngerca san c/eicmbonnmcn nnlm/If!Ior fl mnsmainf!!bon
mefdlc! nafionnlc c/c obscrvn!I!, a ncpcmeion, a mimelor h!c/nomeim!cc san a alton Insemne iclmniec san iopognaficc, n fonajciom h!c/mogcolog!cc, a stnfiibom c/c c/ctermmnarc nntomat/ n
cal!i/If ii npeiom ~! a abtorn nsememea;
35) instnlnmcn c/c condncte, cnbbum!, bin!! nenienc prim,
pesic san sub nbBii ale r/Inr!bom, dignn!, cnmale, conc/ncie, Bamaje snn alte bnen/m! hic/motchn!ee on! In zonele c/c proicefie
n neestorn, f/In/I nv!znb c/c gospoc//Imime a npcbor san en memespectaren pnevcder!bom acestuin, or! f/mm/I not!flcnmen nmor astfel c/c nctivbi/Iti;
36) cfcctnaren c/c s/p/inn! pe mnlnm! ~i in nbBbiie cnnsnniiom c/c np/I snn ale cnnaleiom remmmn exeentamen c/c bncr/Ir! c/c
tmnvensanc san nitc mnem/mi h!c/motehm!ce, f/In/I nv!zni c/c gospod/nine a npeior san en mcnespectnncn ncesin!n;
37) circnlntin en vehicule, tmeeemcn en nnlmnbc snn sin1!omarca acestomn pe Bnmaje, d!gur! san cnnnic, en cxccpfin
ioenriiom nnnmc desiinntc in acest scop san pentmn !micnvenf ii
38) intnct!ncmca neeonespnnz/Iioarc n lncm/Im!bom c/c enpmnrc,
ncnmniame ~! c/istmiBn~iea ape!, a lucm/m!ion c/c pnoiecfie a alB!!bor ~! mabnr!lor, a ceiom c/c I)nevcnind ~I comnbnicmc a net!nnb!
c/ismmnet!vc a npclon;
39) inexisienf a In lncr/Inile c/c Bnramc a cnnsnmiion de np/I
a immsmninf!ilor came s/I ns!gnnc In aval dIcB!tdic sabnbme ~b dieB!tele c/c sci-v!mnte, prccum ~! nm!grnmca !ht!ofnuimei:
40) mcmespcctnmea I)meVddlcr!lom progmamcbon c/c cxploatanc a lncnnbbon c/c acumnlnrc ~! pr!zcbon c/c np/I, pmecumn ~i
nensigumarcn diebitebor salnbnc ~b a deBitelor die scnvitute:
41) !ncxbstcnta sau nefunctionnmcn b)illniilor did observafie
control pcimtmn umnm/Imiren i)oIu/Imii apclom suBterane, c/aton!t/ npelor nzate neznitntc dliii act!vbtatcn ~ropn!e;
Lcgea aj)c-loi
42) inex!sicnfn c/!spoz!t!vclom san a npnmatnm!! c/c ni/sum/I
control al diebitebom c/c np/I cnptnte san cvncnntc;
43) !nexbstenf a dispoz!i!vebom san a npnmninnil c/c nmm/Ir!me
a comport/mm!! hi limp n Inen/nulom hidrotelrnicc ~! c/c niamnianc
hi cnz c/c pen!cob;
44) imtrcf!ncncn neeoncspnmzAtoarc n d!spozitivebom san npnrainr!! c/c m/Isnn/I ~ control al c/eBitcbom de ap/ cnptaie snn
cvacnnte, pmcenm ~! a apanntnnbi c/c nmm/im!nc n conmpont/n!!
in timp a Incr/Im!ior h!dnoicimnicc ~i c/c abnrmnre In cnz c/c pcnicol;
45) ncfnznb pcmsonnebor fizice ~! jnm!c/icc de a pnezcmta av!zcic ~i nnton!znflile c/c gospoc//Imire a npelor san once nite docnmcntc neccsnnc pcmtnn efectnnncn comtmolnlni, mncinsiv
de a pnri!c!pn in control en rcpmczcntnnf! c/c specialitate;
46) mefnznl c/c n pcnmibtc, pemsonninbn! en ntmiBnfi! c/c
semv!cin hi gospod/In!ren npcbom $ cebon en c/mept c/c conimol,
accesni ln ape, pe tememnm!le ~! !mc!micle nibi!zntom!ior c/c np/I
snn ale c/cfim/iom!bom c/c inem/imi, pmecnm ~i hi once nlt bc unc/c
estc mecesnn a cfcctnn comsmat/In!, a momtn ~i a hitmefine npnmnmnmn c/c m/snm/ ~b contnoi, a pmcievn probe c/c np/I san a interveni hi aplicarea prcvcc/en!bon begale;
47) nenc/nccrca ba hic/cpmin!nc, bn icrmeneie siaBilite, a m/msnm!iom c/!spnsc anterior, pmccnm 0 n solicit/Im!bom icgaic ale
M!n!sicrnmni Apcion, P/c/nnibon ~! Pmotccf!c! Mcdinlni $ abc
Regieb Antomome ,,Apelc Rom/Imc”;
48) nntoriznmea incm/Im!Ion pncv/znte ba art. 48 f/In/I a H hideplimite condifibbe penirn pnevenimea poin/Imil apebom, conform
pmcvcc/en!iom icgnle in v!gonrc, san mcmmagcmen ncjnsi!fleat/I a
antonizaf be! c/c gospoc//Imire a npebor;
49) neprimincn snb orice form/I, c/c c/Itme c/ctin/Iiomi! tcrennm!lon c/in aijab, a npcbon cc se scumg hi mod natural c/c pc
tcmennr!ic sitnate hi nmonie;
50) exccntnrca c/c constmncfi! san mnsmalni!! snpnnicrnnc hi
zomcbe c/c pmotect!e a l)bntfomniebom rneiconoiog!cc:
51) nepnmtbcbpamen in acflnnuic c/c np/mane impotr!vn innnc/nfi!ior, c/c comBntcnc a seccte! san a nltor eninniit/IL! natnrnbc;
52) !nexistenfa insmaintiiior die stoenne, cpnmarc ~! n macomdlnr!bon c/c dlesc/mcareiii iiistniat!i die. mai san plutitoare
a apebon impnnif!cate. c/c pe nave san instalatii plutitoame, sub
once i)nvibiOui;
107 din 25 seplemLii-ie 1996
53) Bnan~nrcabocubmtebor In ncfennn c/c nlbnicninne en np/I
eemtrai!zai/, f/m/I existenfn san mcabizamca nelelebor c/c cannI!zarc a stafici c/c dpnnnnc.
Art. 88.
(1) Contmavcnf!ilc prev/Izntc la art. 87, s/Iv/Im~!tc
c/c pcrsoancle f!zicc ~! personneie jnn!d!ce,se sancfioncnz/I,
c/np/I enni nmmeaz/:
a) en amend/I c/c Ia 2.000.000 Ic! ln 3.000.000 be!, pentmn
pcnsonnc jnmic/!ce, ~! en anmcnc//I c/c in L000.000 be! in
2.000.000 be!, pentnn pemsoane f!z!cc. fnpicic pmcv/znie ba art.
87 pet. 5), 6), 9), 1l)—18), 21)—23), 28), 30), 34), 35) ~! 52):
B) en amend/I c/c la 1.000.000 me! in 2.000.000 lc!, pcmtru
pcmsoane jnmuc/!cc, fl en amend/I c/c la 500.000 be! ma
mc!, penimn persoanc f!z!ce, fnptcic prcv/zntc ma ant. 87 pci.
1)—4), 7), 10), 24)—27), 29), 31), 32), 39)—41), 43)—Si);
c) en aniend/I c/c in 500.000 ic! bn 1.000.000 be!, penimu pensonne jumic/ice, fl en amend/I c/c in 250.000 be! in 500.000 ic!,
pentru pcnsoame fiz!cc, faptele prev/Izntc in nit 87 pet. 8), 19),
20), 33), 36)—38), 42) ~ 53).
(2) Cnnntnmni nmenzilor sc actnal!zcaz/I pr!n hot/In/me a
Art. 89.
Amenz!ic npl!cntc pensoamcbom fizice san pensoancior jnm!c/!ce sir/inc se pI/Itese in ic!, bn cnrsnl c/c sch!mB
vnlntam in momcntnl cfectn/Imb! pb/If!!.
Art. 90.
Constntaren comtnnvenfi!Iom ~! aplicamea sanef!nniion prcv/Izntc la art. 88 se fac c/c c/Itre:
a) mmspeeiom!! din Minisiemni Apclom, P/Ic/nn!ion ~! Protccf!c!
Mec/mnini $ din Begin Antonom/ ,,Apcic Rom/Ine”;
B) d!ncctpmii fib!aleiom Bnz!nabc aie Reg!e! Anionome ,,Apclc
Rom/Ine” ~i samambafii Impnicmn!c!f! c/c aec~i!a;
c) nile pensoane iinpnicmn!cite c/c conc/uceren M!n!sicmnbui
Apcbor, P/dnr!Iom ~ Pmoiccfbe! Medium!;
dl) inspcctonii di!ii agcui~miIedie pnoictfic a niedliulum.
Art. 91.
Contmavenf!iuon prcv/zutc c/c pmezenta lege be
snni aplicaBble dibspozit!!lc Leg!! mm. 32/196& pnivind siaB!l!men ~! sancfionnrea contnavcn[i!iom, en execpt!a prevec/emulom
ant. 26 nliii. 1 ~i 3.
Art. 92.
(1) Evacuanca, nmnncnnca san !njcctarea Iii apeic
die supmafa~/san subtemane. hi apelc maritime !ntdmioare san
in apebe in/mi! tcn!torhuie die ape uzate, dle5cun, mezmdlunmm san
pnodlnsc c/c onice fel, came coum[in subsianfe hi stare sob!c//I, iichic//I san gazoas/I. bacten!! san m!croBi, hi cnntbt/fi san con—
cemimaf!! care pot schimBa canactemistieiie ape!, f/c/Ind-o astfel c//nn/Itoamc pcmtm-u s/mn/Iiatea 5i integn!taiea com-pomai/ a pensoanclor, pcnimn v!afn animnalclor ~! medium inconjnn/ion,
pcnirn proc/uctia ngr!eol/I snu !ndlnstn!ni/ or! pentmn fondul
p!se!coi, consi!tuic mnfrncfbnne ~! se pcc/cpse~tc en inch!so~mcc/c bn nm an in 5 an!.
(2) S/Iv/Im~!rcadin cnip/I a fapteb sc pec/epsc~tcen hiehisonre
c/c in un an ln 3 am! san cu anmenc//I c/c ln 3.000.000 ic! ma
10.000.000 be!.
Art. 93.
(1) Exccninmea, mod!f!carea san cxiinc/cncn incm/Ir!iom, comstmucfb!bom san instalatbibom pe ape san came an leg/inn/I en apclc, f/Im/I av!znb c/c gospod/In!nc a apeiom san f/mr/I
noiiflcamen unom astfcl c/c bncm/In!, ~! c/amen in expionmnre c/c
unit/fl f/mm/I pnnenen hi fnncf!nnc concomlicnt/I a mefcicbom c/c
cnnal!zanc ~! n smnf!!ior ~i !nstnlaf!!lon c/c epnmnrc a npebom
uznte, potm!vii pmevcc/em!iom nnton!zafie! c/c gospoc//mn!ne a
apebor, comst!in!c !nfmacfiune ~b se pec/epse~teen Imch!soanc
dc bn 6 bun! In 3 an! san cu amend/I c/c ln 3.000.000 ic! la
10.000.000 be!.
(2) S/Iv/Ir~!ncndin enip/ a fapie! se pec/epse~teen inch!soarc
c/c la 6 luni ba nn an san en amend/I c/c ba 2.000.000 ici Ia
5.000.000 be!.
Art 94.
(1) Ui!bizancn nesnmsciom c/c np/I in c/!fcn!te scopun! f/In/I nutor!znfia c/c gospoc//Inirc a apcion, en exccpfin enznr!ior pncv/Iznte In nri. 9 almn. (2), san f/n/I notifleanen
nct!v!i/If!!, dnp/I caz, constitnbc !nfnacf!nme ~b sc pedcpsc~ie
en hichisoare c/c Ia 6 lun! ln 3 nni san en amend/I c/c la
3.000.000 Ic! Ia 10.000.000 Ic!.
(2) S/Iv/Im~!nendiii enbp/ a fapte! se pcc/cpsc~teen Inch!soane
c/c in 6 inn! la nn am san en amend/I c/c in 2.000.000 be! la
5.000.000 lc!.
Art. 95.
(1) Explontancn san imitrctinemcn iucn/Im!iom constmn!ic pe ape san cane an icg/tnr/ en apebc, c/csf/I~unareaact!v!t/f lion die topinc a ie!uln!, e/Iiicpii, mnuini ~ a nitom pbamiic
icxt!lc, c/c i/IB/c!mc a pie!ior ~! c/c extmagcme a agmegaicion mincmalc, f/In/I auiomiza~!adie gospodb/mire a apelon. const!tu!c !nfmact!umic si se pcdepsc~te en hmch!soarc (ic in 6 bun! ia 3 nmi
san en amend/I c/c la 3.000.000 1cm la 10.000.000 Iei.
(2) S/v/ms!rea dliii culp/ a faptei Se pedicpse5te en Immcii!soamc
c/c in 6 bun! la un aim sau en amnmend/I c/c In 2.000.000 id in
5.000.000 be!.
107 diii 25 seplenthiie 1996
Art. 96.
(1) Expbontamen de ngregate mincrale in zoncle
c/c pnotecf!e san!tnr/I a sumsebor c/c ap/I, in zoumele die pmomcca nbb!!bom, niabnn!bor, eonstnucf!!bom hic/notebin!ce, constmucfiiion ~! !mistainf!!lor h!drornctr!ce san lnstabaf!!ior de
m/snmane automat/i a cabit/Ifli apelom const!tn!e !mfnacfiune Si
se pedepse~tc en Inchisoare c/c la 6 Inn! ba 3 au! san en
amend/I c/c in 3.000.000 be! in 10.000:000 be!.
(2) S/Ivãr~ireadlii cnip/I a fnpte! se pedcpsc~tcen Inebisoare
c/c la 6 inn! la mm an san en amenc//I de la 2.000.000 ici in
5.000.000 be!.
Art. 97.
(1) Utiliznnea f/mn/I nutonizafia c/c gospod/mire a
npclon a alb!ibor nmimore, prccnrn ~ a pbajc! ~ f/mmmnbn!
rn/nil in alte scopuni cbccât ceic c/c Imb/Iiere san plimbame const!tu!c infmacfinne ~! se pedepsc~tc cu Ineb!sonrc c/c in 6 Inn!
ba 3 an! san en amend/I de ba 3.000.000 be! ba 10.000.000 be!.
(2) S/Iv/r~imeadin cnbp/ a faptc! se pedcpse~teen inchisoanc
c/c la 6 lumi in un an san en amend/I c/c in 2.000.000 Ic! la
5.000.000 be!.
Art. 98.
(1) Comt!nunrca act!vitâf!i c/np/I piemdemca c/reptur!ior obf!nnte In baza prezcnte! leg! constiiu!c lnfmacfinnc
~i Sc pedepse~te en inch!soame c/c ia 6 inni ba 3 an! san en
amend/I c/c Iii 3.000.000 Ic! Ia 10.000.000 le!.
(2) S/ivãr0rca din cnlp/i a faptel se pcc/epse~cen Inehisonre
dc ia 6 bun! ln un an san en amend/I de ba 2.000.000 be! in
5.000.000 iei.
Art. 99.
(1) Restrângenea nt!b!z/Inii ape! potab!le pentmn
populaf be In foiosub nbtom activit/Ifi san c/cp/m~meacan t!t/fi! c/c
np/I aboente, c/ac/i arc num camactcm sistematie san a prodns o
pcrtnnbanc In aci!vitatca nnon un!mâfi c/c ocnotirc social/I on!
a cneat neajnnsnnl In alinieniamea en apà a popnlafici, constituic !nfnacfiume ~! se pcciepsc~tcen Inehisoare c/c in 3 mmii
la 2 aim! sau en aniend/ dc Ia 1.500.000 ie! in 5.000.000 be!.
(2) S/v/Im~!ncndin culp/ a fnpte! se pec/cpsc~teen Ineh!soare
de la 6 Inn! ba nn aim snu en amend/I dc in 1.000.000 be! in
3.000.000 ici.
Art. 100. (1) Polnarea 1mm once moc/ a nesnrseion c/c nI)à,
(Inc/I arc nn cnraeter sislenmalic 0 pu~~thice
daunc utilizatomibon
c/c ai)/ chum avnl, constitnic infnaefiuime ~! se pediepseste en Inchisonme c/c Ia 6 inn! in 3 nni san cu amend/I c/c in 3.000.000
Ic! la 10.000.000 lei.
Legea apcicn
(2) S/v/r~inea din cnlp/ n fapic! sc pcdepse~tceu Inchisonre
c/c Ia 6 inn! la nm an san en amend/I c/c in 2.000.000 le! In
5.000.000 be!.
Art 101. (1) Dcpoz!iarcn ~! fobosimea c/c higr/I~/m!mtecliimice, pcst!c!de san aitc snl)sinmfc tox!cc pemienboase hi zomeic
c/c pnotccfie, inst!tn!ie conform prevec/cn~iorprezente! leg!, consi!tnic infmacf!unc ~! se l)edlePscste en Imcbi!soane die in 6 inn!
ma 3 an! san cm nmenc// c/c Ia 3.000.000 be! ma Ic!.
(2) S/Iv/Ins!mea din cuip/I a fapiei sc pcc/cpse~teen Inchisonre
c/c in 6 inni ba nn am san en amend/I c/c ba 2.000.0011 be! in
5.000.000 be!.
Art 102.
(1) Depozitamca hi alB!n rnajom/I a eomBusi!B!inlu! mnclenm san a c/e~enn!iommczultate c/in fobosimen aces tnia
const!tn!e !nfmacfbnne ~b se pec/cpse~tecu Imchisonne c/c in nn
an ba 5 an!.
(2) S/Iv/Ir~!mcndim enlp/ a fnpic! se pedepse~tcen inchisoarc
c/c Ia 6 bun! in un am san en amenc//I c/c la 3.000.000 be! in
10.000.000 leb.
Art 103.
(1) Distmugcmen, dctenionarcn ~! mamevmamen c/c
c/Itmc pensoanc flz!cc mcanton!zatc a si/Iv!Ianelor, gm/itnncbor, Vanebon, Banbcneiom, altor constmncf!! ~! instalaf ii hic/notehn!ce const!in!e !nfmnefbnnc 0 sc pcpepsc~te en hichisoanc c/c in 3 bun!
in 2 an! san en amemc//I c/c ma ie! la 5.000.000 Ic!.
(2) S/Ivãr~!nenc/!n cnip/ a faptci se pedepse~tcen hichisoare
c/c ia 6 bun! Ia nm an san en amend/I c/c in 1.000.000 ic! In
3.000.000 be!.
Art 104.
(1) Efectnamea c/c s/p/tum!, grop! san Snmlnri hi
bamaje, c/bgnm! san In zonelc c/c pmotccfic a aceston bncn/In!, en
~! exmmagerca p/Irn/Ininln! san a nltom rnateniaic c/in bucr/mnibc
c/c np/marc, f/In/I nvbzui c/c gospod/Ir!mc a apelon san en memespeciarca acesinia, const!tubc iiifmacl!nnie ~! se pec/cpse~tc
en hichisoane c/c ma 3 bun! in 2 ani san en nmemmc//I c/c la
1.500.000 le! in 5.000.000 be!.
(2) S/vôn~ineaciin euIp/I a fapici se pecIepsc~ieen inclibsoame
c/c Ia 3 bun! ln 6 inni san en amend/I c/c ln 1.000.000 be! in
3000.000 be!.
Ait 105. (1) Fapia s/v/nOt/I coimina nnei coIect!vit/It!, pr~~
oir/Ivbme in mas/I, Pro\’ocare che cpiciemii sau c/c able eonsec!umfc
deoseB!i c/c grave, en urmare a otm/v!mi! san a infect/mm!!
ape!, sc pcc/epse~tepotriv!t Cociuln! penal.
(2) Teniativa se pechcpse~ic.
107 din 25 sepleinin ie 1996
Art. 106.
Infnact!nnibe pnev/znle c/c pmezenia bcgc se constat/I c/c c/tne organele aB!litntc, pmeenmn ~bdc c/trc pemsonalni
pmev/mznt ln art. 90. came hin!ntcaz/ actnl c/c consintame bn ongnnnl local c/c cenceiamc penal/I.
Dispozif ii traiizltorii ~1 finale
Art. 107.
(1) Pentnu lncm/In!bc cx!sicnte pe ape san hi Icg/Itnm/I en npele, neautonizate, utilizatom!i c/c ap/I san c/ef!n/mion!! lncm/Irulon mcspcct!ve von hitoemi c/ocnnicntcle necesnmc
~! von soiicita antonbza~inc/c gospoc//rime a apclom hi icmrncn
c/c 6 bun! c/c ba data !mtm/Ir!i In v!gonmc a pmczenic! leg!.
(2) Pemimn ecbiiparen instainfi!iom exbstcnte, hi confommitate
cu pncvec/cnile art. 59 alin. (1), ntilizntom!i c/c np/I von ebnBomn
programe etap!znte In fnncfbc c/c impaetul cant!iativ 5i cab!tat!v nsnpma ncsnnscbon c/c np/I. Nenespecinmen termcmeior
prev/zntc hi pnogmanicbc ctnpizate conduce la nplicarca hi s!stern pnn~nla rnccanisrnnin! economic in dorncn!ni npelom, in
capncltatea total/I a lnstnmnfb!bor c/c pmcievame san cvncnamc.
(3) Ut!bizatom!! c/c np/I, came in data !ntn/In!i in v!goame a pmczentci leg! mu suni c/olaf! en stafii san bnstalnf!! c/c epnmame
or! ale c/mom instalnfii exisicnte meccs!i/ compbct/Ini, extinc/em!,
nctehnoiogiz/Imi san optirn!z/ni fnnct!onalc, sunt oBl!gafi s/I
mcnl!zcze ~ s/I pun/I hi funcfinnc stnt!! ~! instalaf!! c/c cpumarc
la enpacitaic ~! en cflc!enfn concspnnz/toanc, pe Bnzn unn! program etapizat hiiocni!i hi maport cu rn/Im!rncn !rnpactnln! cvncu/ri! nsupma resnnseiom c/c np/I.
(4) Pnogmamcbc etapizate prcv/znte Ia aI!m. (2) ~b (3) sc hitocnicsc c/c c/ire ntibbzntonli c/c np/I, hi tenmcn -c/c nn an c/c
in data !nin/n!! In v!goame a pnezcnici leg!, sc nv!zcaz/I c/c
Reg!a Antonorn/I ,,Apelc Rom/Ine” ~ se apnoB/I c/c Mhiisiemnl
Apebon, P/dur!Ior ~! Pnotcctic! Mcd!nln!.
(5) Pmognamcbe etnpiznte an putemc jumic/ic/I.
(6) Ncncspcctamca prevec/emibom nun. (2), (3) s! (4) ponic detcnnilna Inanca m/Isum-ilom dc inectane a aciivit/fii ut!b!zaion!lom
de np/I.
Art. 108.
(1) Anlomizal!iie c/c gospoc//Im!re a apebom, cliBerate Ina!nte c/c !mmtmaren 1mm vigoare a pm’ezeiite! leg!. I5u p/Isineaz/I valaBilitntea minima! c/nc/I sunt meconf!muimate die c/ire
Begin Autonom/I ,,Apelc Romnãnc”. in Baza venue/ni imic/epbiiimnui in tumor eondlitiilor nccesare i)cntmu nnion!zame.
(2) In tennen c/c un an c/c In c/atn iiitm/rb! In vbgonne a prezenie! beg!, t!tulami! c/c autom-izatib c/c gospoc//Im!re a npclor von
sol!c!ta mccoimflmm area acestonn, in baza umici docunienia t!i tehmice hiiocrn!ie confonm pmcvec/cmibom art. 52.
(3) In ennui In care nutomizafin c/c gospoc//In!ne a npeion mu
poate fi mccomfmrrnnt/I dim motive jnst!flcnie, i!inlamnl acesieia
vn hitocini un program etnp!zai, cane va f! npmoBat ~ nnn/Im!t
c/c Begin Auiomiorn/I ,,Apele Rota/nc”. Ncnduccnca ln Inc/cplbn!me a pnevec/en!bor pmogmarnuln! apmoBni dctcnni!n/ incetarea nciiv!i/If!! ni!bizniom!Iom c/c np/I.
Art. 109.
Snianial!i M!nistemulu! Apelon. P/Ic/unIon ~!
Protccf!c! Medinini 5i a! Rcg!e! Antomome ,,Apebe Born/nc”
an dncpinl s/I poamte uniform/I, al c/mci model vn fl apmoBal
prim hot/In/me a Gnvemnnbn!.
Art. 110.
Minisiemni Apelon. P/duniior ~! Pnoiccf!e!
Mcc/!nln! esie hi drcpt s/I emit/I nonme, monnmniive ~! omd!ne
en cnmactem oBl!gntonin hi domem!nl apebom. Acteic c/c mcglementame pmcv/Iznie c/c prezenia bege von fl elaborate c/c
c/mime M!m!stenub Apelom, P/Ic/nr!lom $ Pnotecf!e! Mec/!ubn!, in
tcnmem c/c 60 c/c z!lc c/c bn intmarcn In v!gonnc a prezenici leg!.
Art 111.
Rcg!mni apeiom rn!nemalc ~b geotcnmalc va fi noglerncntnt pnin legc special/I.
Art. 112.
Pmczcmtn iege !nim/ in v!goame Ia 60 c/c z!le c/c
in data pnBl!c/in!! ci In Monitomub Oficial am Rom/In!cb. Pc aceca~!c/nt/I, Lcgen apclom nm. 8/1974, art. 8, 24, 25 ~i 34 c/!n
Legca nm. 12/1974 pm-hind pbsciculinma ~ pescubini, art. 44 dbn
Legea dnnnium!lom mm. 13/1974, Legea mm. 5/1989 pn!v!nd gospod/minea national/I ~! pnotecf!a npebom, Decretni Cons!l!nlni
c/c Stat nm. 155/1975 pm!vindl bmganizth~cnap/Im/mib impoiniva
cfeciebon fcnorncncbom rncteoroiog!ee perbcnboase, pnBl!cat hi
Bniet!nub Ofbcinl mm. 137 din 29 c/ecemBrbe 1975, Decneiul
Cons!i!nlu! die Stat mmn 414/1979 l)nn~Tmumc/staB!I!rea vnbon!bor
b!m!t/ adni!siB!lc ale pmimic!palcbon substamife pobnaimtc diii
npeie nzaie hmabnte c/c evacnamca acestora, Decmctul Comsibiulni
c/c Stat nm 974/1968 nmii~inc/cond!ti!lc die extmngcme a suBstaumlebor nm!miemabe utile l)eumimu constmncfi! dliii cam!cmeie 5i Baiast!eneie aflate 1mm admmministmamen climect/I n com!tetebom
executive ~i a Bironmiion exeeut!ve ale consii!!lor popnlane,
Decretnl Consilbulub die Stat mm. 230/1981 pmivmndl staBiibrea
zoncbon c/c pnotccf!e 1mm jun.11 platformelom c/c oBsemvat!! nie
teomologice, I-lot/mr/men Commsil!nbui de Minb~tminn. 1.397/1975
Legea in-. 107 (liii 25 septeminie 1996
pnivind ncpnribzaren Bnz!ncbor pisc!coie pnopnbcinte c/c slat
mire Mbnistemni AgmlcuIiuni! $ Industnie! Al!meniamc ~b
M!nislerub Economic! Fomest!cmc ~ Maicmbnlclom c/c Consiniefi!,
Hot/In/rca Gnvcmnuiui nr. 138 c/!n 1 apm!iie 1994 pmiv!md sinbibirea ~! sancfionnmea contravemfiilom in domcnbui apebon, procnm ~! once nlie c/!spozif!i contmnre pnczcmtci leg! se aBmog/I.
Legea apeivi
termenilor tehnici folositi In cuprinsul legli
In sensni prezenie! leg!, pm!ui iennien!! imscmi~!ma! jos, se
1. acumulare neperrnanentã: acnmnlamc neal!zni/I pm!n
Bamnmea nnu! curs c/c np/I san en inc!nt/I lateral/I hic/!gu!t/I,
nv/nd nol numa! I)entnn alemnarca viitnn!lom;
2. agregate minerale: niatemmnb !uicrt granular (n!sbp, piein!~,
boIov/In!~etc.) c/c nntnm/I mineral/I, ut!l!zat en matcr!al c/c constnncf!e, existent In aIB!!ic ~! malnnile cursumibor c/c np/I, ale
incunilom, pmecnni 5! pe f/Immni ni/ri!;
3. albie minor/I: supnafaia c/c lercn ocnpai/i permanent san
icmpomnn c/c ap/I, care nslgnr/ enrgcnea nesllnghenii/I, diii mal
in mal, a npeior ln m!velnn! oB!~nubtc,!nclns!v !msnleic create
prim cnmgcmen natural/I a apelor;
4. albie major/I: portbnmca c/c temen c/in valca natural/I a
nmni cnns c/c np/I, pesic came se meyers/I npelc mar!, in ie~bncn
ion dim alb!a minor/I;
5. ape nationale navigabile:
a) apeic mam!t!me comsidemnle, poirhcit leg!!, ape maritime
B) flnviiie, m/nn!Ie, camalele fl iacnmilc c/in !ntcnbornl f/rib,
pc secionnele ion mavignB!ie;
c) npeie nav!gaB!ie c/c fmontben/i, c/c la mniui rota/n p/n/i
ba linia c/c fmont!cr/I;
6. ape uzate: ape pnoven!nd c/in actbv!t/If! cnsn!cc, soc!alc
san econom!ce, confin/nd suBstanfe polnante san mez!c/nuni
came-i altercaz/I camnctcmbstbcile f!z!ce, chimice ~i bacten!oiog!ce
!mmbfiale, pmecum ~b ape c/c pboabe cc cnmg pe iemennn! poIuate;
7. bazin hidrografic: un!iatc fiz!co-geogmnfbc/ cc IngboBenz/I neteaun hbdmognafbc/I p/n/I la c’ump/Inn npeion;
8. ca daslrul apelor: aet!v!inten pnivi ad bnvenianbcmca,
clas!f!cnnea, evic/enfa ~! sbnieza c/nieion rcfcn!toanc in ref ennn
h!c/rognaf!c/I, mesunscic c/c np/I, luer/mile c/c gospod/mime n apeion, precummm ~i in l)neleV/n!le ~b mestilnl!ilc dIe np/I:
9. (lebit salubru: cleBbtimi nmbmiimmm necesam immtr-o scctbnne l)d
uui cnns die np/I, l)dumtu9~insignmnmea commc/iti!Iom miatumale die flat/m
ale ecos!slcniclom acvat!cc existente;
107 diii 25 sepleinbixe 1996
10. debit de servitule: dcB!tub mbn!rn necesar a fib/sat penmnancnt inin-o secf!une pe nn curs c/c np/I, hi nval c/c o lncmnnc
c/c Bnnnre, fonnmat dliii dleBiiuI snluBnu ~i cieB!inb nmbn!rn necesam nl!l!zatomilom c/c np/I din aval;
11. de~eu:once suBsinnf/I iii stare solid/I san iicimid/I, pmvcn!i/I c/in pnoecse c/c pnoc/nefic san d!n nctivii/If! casn!cc $
soc!ale, care mu ma! ponic f! utbbizat/I conform dest!naf be! in!f!abe ~! came, in vec/eren umic! cvcniunle mcnt!Ibz/Imi hi nbie scopnr! san penimu i!mblamca cfcctebor polunnle, necesil/I m/Isnni
spec!ale c/c c/epozilame ~i p/Isinamc;
12. drept de folosintä a apelor: dmepinl nccnnoscul c/c lege
one/re! persoame c/c a fobs! mesnmsele c/c np/I;
13. faleza mãrii: mal malt ~! abrupt al une! ni/mm!;
14. fond piscicol: toinl!lnten popnlaf!ilom p!sc!colc ~! a ccbonbalte mesumse nntumnlc c/c hman/ cc comsi!iuic fauna aevatic/I a baz!neior p!sc!colc;
15. gospodärirea apelor: act!vit/t!lc camc~pm!ntn-nn amsnrnBln c/c mijionce tehn!ce 5i in/sum! leg!slaibvc, economn!ce
~! ndm!n!stnnt!ye, conduc bn cunoa~lenca,ntiI!zamea, vnbomificanca nafiomal/, nicnf!mcren san imbnn/It/Ifirea mesumsebom
c/c np/I penlnm sat!sfncemen nevoibor soc!nlc 5b cconombce, la
protecf!a Impotm!va epu!z/mrii ~! pobu/Im!! acestom mesnmse, pmceum ~i be preven!rea ~! comBaterca acf!nnilom c/!stmnctbve ale
16. informa(ii de gospod/rire a apelor: cnractembsliciic
cant!tat!ve ~b cai!intivc abc nesumsebor c/c np/I, zonelc mumdabble, c/cgmac//n!Ie nlBb!iom ~b mabnm!lor, incm/miic c/c amenajame a Bazbmebon h!c/mognafbce ~! die men/In came an leg/lum/I
en apcle, !nclnsiv snmsele c/c poiunnc ~ luen/Inile penimn prolect!a edit/If ii apcbom $ abte cbemente camactcmisiice nniumnie
san amtnop!cc, pmecnm ~ c/mcpiumblc tie nt!iiznne a apelon;
17. rnal: pofliuume Immgnst/I c/c tcmcn, c/c mcgnl/I hi pammt/I, c/c-n
inngnl nnei ape;
18. nivel mediu a! apei: pozifln curBe! snpnafcfe! iibeme a
ape!, rapomtat/m la umm I)lnmi c/c mcfcmint/m, comcslnmmiz/Itoame
lmanzit/Imi! pnimm nlb!e a c/eB!tuinb medbiu I)C 0 pem!oadl/I imic/ebungnt/I (c/eB!i-rnodui);
19 plaja rn/ru: b)omtb~mmietlc/c teneum dliii vec!n/Itntea nm/mi!,
cnpmins/ intmc cotn cea nmai sc/Iznt/I a apei ~b Ibinila tememiuin! neafeciat c/c c/bnanmbcn mncciiuini acvai!c;
Legea apeloi-
20. poluare: once altemame fizbc/I, ch!mic/I, b!olog!c/I san
Bncten!oiog!cà a ape!, peste o limit/I ac/m!sbbil/I siaBilii/I, bumcbns!y c/ep/I~ineanivelulni natural c/c mac/ioact!viiate proc/its/I
direct san !nc/!rcct c/c act!vii/mfb umane, came 0 fec !mpmopnie
pentmu o folosire normal/I In scopnmbic in care aceast/I fobsine era pos!B!b/I ina!nte c/c a !ntcmven! abteranen;
21. recirculare: nefobos!rea ape! in cadmul nnci fobosinfe, in
scopub mec/ncem!i volnnmnbui c/c np/I pmonsp/It/I pmelcvnl/ d!n
22. resurse de ap/: npele c/c snpnalaf/I ale/mite din cnnsnmile c/c ap/I en deltcbc lom, macun!, B/Ilt!, apele man!i!me !nien!oarc ~! mnrca iemiton!aI/, pneenm ~! apcle subtenane c/c pe
tcr!tom!nl f/ri!, In toinlitatea bom;
23. schema-cadru de amenajare ~ gospod/rire a apelor: doenmeminrin c/c gospoc//mine a apelom, came pmez!nt/I rnoc/elnl
s!sicmniu! c/c gospod/Imime a apebom, cnpn!nz/nc/ ref enna hic/mognaf!c/I, lncm/m!lc c/c gospoc//In!ne a npebon ~i pnelcv/n!be-evaen/rile nfenente fobos!nfebon, analizaic in difen!ie scennr!! ~!
etape c/c c/czvolinmc econonilco-soc!nl/I a spafiulni hic/nogmaf!c respect!v, pmecnrn ~! moc/ni de pmoicc~!e,menf!ncre snu
i.miBnn/t/If!me a cai!t/If!i npebon;
24. statii ~i instaia(ui de corectare a calitäfii apelor: stafi!
c/c tratnre pemiru obfbmcrea c/c np/I potnB!l/I san !nc/nsln!al/I;
staf!!/instninf ii c/c prcepnmame/epnmare a apebor uznlc;
25. unitate de gospod/rire a apelor: or!ce form/I organ!zatomic/I c/in sim’ncinma Regleb Anionomc ,,Apelc Born/ne”;
26. utilizator de api!: once pcmsonn/I fiz!c/I san persoan/I jnrkl!c/ came, in activit/Ifibe sale, fobosc~tcapa, iuc!nl c/c np/I san
vnlomific/ fmnctnl accsteia;
27. zonE! de protec~e:zomma ac/iacemmt/I cumsnmibom c/c np/I, incm/n!bor c/c gospoc//Im!re a apeiom, constmncfiilom ~! !nsialafiilom
aferenic, hi care se hitroc/uc, c/up/I cnz, intendief!! san mesmn!etii
pm!vbndl ncg!nmul consimncj!!lor san expboniamcn fonc/ulni fnndam, peumtmn a ns!gunn stabib!tatea nmalunbbom san a comistnimefiibm, rcspcct!v penirn pmcvenbmea polu/Ini! mesunsebon de ap/m;
28. zoni! uniedà: intindlcmi die B/Ill!, nmia~timi!,tumb/Im!i s! nlic
snpnafefe ocupate pemnianent san temnpoman c/c ape st/mi/bane
san cumg/Itoame, duic!, salmmmastre san s/Irate;
29. zonE’! inundabilti: supmafnla die tememm c/itt albia major/I
a nmiu! cnms die np/I. c/el!nmitat/ c/c mum mmivcl ab ogl!nz!i npeb,
comespnnz/Iion ammunmitom deb!te 1mm situaf!! die ape mmmnni.
Legea ne
107 (liii 25 sepletnlnie 1996
a) L/If!mea zomc! c/c pmotecf!e In bnngnl cnmsum!lom de np/I
L/fimea cumsninb c/c np/I (rn) 10—50
L/If!mea zomie! c/c pnotccf!c (m) 15
5 1—500
peste 500
B) L/If!men zome! c/c pmotecfie In jnmui iacnm!lom nntnmnle
Snpnnfnfa lacuin!
nntural (ha)
10—100 10 1—1000 peste 1000
c) L/mf!men zone! c/c protecf!e in jnmnl Incnm!lon
c/c acumularc
Voinmni Brut nl bncnlu!
1,1—50 pestc 50
c/c ncnmnlnre (ni!l. m3)
L/If!mcn zone! c/c protecf!e (m) 5
d) L/f!mcn zone! c/c pmotecfie c/c-n Inngnb c/!gnniior
Im/mifimen medic a dl!gulni (m) 0,5—2,5
peste 5
L/Ii!mca zone! c/c proiecf!e (m)
spnc cunsub c/c np/I
spme !nten!omnb incinlci
e) L/If!mea zonei c/c pmotecfbe c/c-a inmigul canalelom
die c/em!vafme die diebbtc
Ati/Ineimen medic a caiiaiulni (mm) 0,5—2
L/If!men zone! c/c protecfie (iii)
Canal en dIeBbtnl imistalat
p/na be 10 m3/s
Canal cu ciebilub bmmstaiat
dc in 10 nm5/s Ia 50 ni~/s
Caumab cu dicbilnb instnlnt
pesic 50 mmmm/s
pesie 5
Lc’gea apcivn.
f) Banaje ~! incm/ni-anexc In bnmaje
fm/if bmen maxim/I a Bnmajnlui
c/c In func/af!e Ia coromamenl (m) 5—15 16—50 peste 50
L/If!mea zone! cie prolecfle (m)
Baraj c/c p/nmfirui, anmocamente,
Beton san alte maier!ale
Lncm/mr!-nnexc In Bamaje
Instalafi! dc c/ciernminnme
automat/I a calbt/If!i ape!,
constnncf!! sb instain~bi
2 m injumni
Borne c/c in!cnotr!angnlafie,
fomaje c/c c/renaj, apanate
1 m hi jnrnl
c/c m/Isumamca dcB!telor
Zonele tie I)ioLCcIiC se nm/soar/I astfei:
a) Ia cursui ibe de ap/. inccp/iul die Ia Iiimmita alblei ininoje,
b) Ia iacurilc imaturale, (IC Ia nivelut mcdiu;
c) Ia iaeurile artifieiaie, tie Ia imivelul normal (IC retentie:
ci) Ia alte lucy/ri Imidrotelmnice. tie Ia limita ZOlm(’i tie consLructme
Zona de protec[ie
sanitará Ia uimstdial!uie (IC aiirneimtare cu apà
se siabbbeste tie autoritatea central/I in donmeniut s/mm/It/tb! Pubbice
des eaux
LOl des eaux*
Dispositions généraics
(1) Les caux représenient une ressonrcc
natnmelic, renonvelabic, vnlnémaBie ci l!mbtée, élémeni
!nc/!spensabie pour Ia v!e ci la soclété, mniiême premiere
pour les nct!y!tés pnoduct!ves, source c/’éneng!e ci voie c/c
transport, facteur c/étenm!namt c/ens be rna!nt!en c/c
l’éqn!l!Bre écologiqne.
(2) Les enux font panic !ntégmante c/n paim!molne public.
La protection, In misc em vnlenm ci be c/évclopperncnt
durable c/cs messonmces en can sont c/es actions c/’!miiérêi
(3) Le c/no!i c/’nibiisat!on, ems! qnc bes obligations comesponc/nntcs resultant c/c Ia protection ci c/c la conservation
c/cs messounces en can seront exercés conformémeni aux
c/ispos!i!oms c/c in présenie lob, exceptnnt be cas des enux
géothenmnles, pour iesqnebles c/es régiememtnt!ons
spécif!qnes semomi nc/optées.
(4) Les canx, bes bonc/s ci benrs Ibis, quelle que solt ia
persomme physiqnc on morale qu! les gene, soni sonmis
anx c/isposlt!ons de in présenie lob, ains! qn’nux
disposlt!oms c/es conventions bntcmnnibonnles anxquelies la
Ronmanie cst panic.
(5) 80mm égimlement soumis nnx c/!spos!iions c/c Ia préscnte
bo! les mnavaux exCcniés sum les caux on nyani rapport aux
eanx ci gm/ce nnxquebs se pmodubscnt dlbmectemcnt on
!nc/!neciememt c/es modificaibomis tempora!mes on c/éf!m!t!ves
snr la qualiié c/es eanx on sum Icun rég!me d’éconlenieni.
Art. 2.
Les dispositions c/c In préscnie bo! ont pour but:
a) la conservation, Ic dléveboppemnent ci In protection
dies nessoumces en ecu, aiumsi cimic l’nssumamice cl’un
éconlemncnt i!bre dies caux;
La Loi n° m07 dci 25 septernhre 1990. Lot iies eaux. ii Oté puiiliée an
MonItetir Oflielel tie ma Roumanle, Partie P’~,a° 244 (iti 8 octobie 1996.
Loi n° 107 du 25 seplernbre 1996
B) la pmoiecibon comtne tonic forme dc pollnt!on ci c/c
modification c/cs camnctér!st!ques c/es messonmces en can,
c/es Bomds et c/es ills c/es eaux ou c/c leums cnvcites;
c) in mesmnnnnt!om c/c Ia qnaiiié c/es enux snpemf!c!clles et
c/) ln conservation ci in protection c/es ecosysiemes
e) I’assuramce c/c i’nibmeniaiion en can potable c/c in
popnlat!om et c/c ba salnbm!ié pnbl!que;
f) ia misc en vaicum d’nne mnn!ême complexe c/es eanx
comme messonmce économbqne ci Ia mepartii!on raisomnabie
et équbiibmée c/c cc ttc ressonnee, nimis! que be ma!ni!en ci
l’amél!onai!on c/c in qnal!té et c/c In pmoc/nctiv!ié nainreile
c/es canx;
g) in protecibon comtne les !nomidat!oms ci conire ions
antmcs phenomemcs hyc/nométéomoiogiqncs dangemeux;
h) la satisfaction c/es Beso!ns c/’eau c/c l’agrbcnitnmc, c/c
l’!nc/usin!e, c/c in pmoc/nct!om c/’émemgie, des imamsports, c/c
b’aquacubinre, c/u tonnisrne, c/es lo!sbms et des sports
mnut!qnes, aims! que c/c tonics nuimes aciiv!tés huma!nes.
Art. 3.
(1) Les eaux supenficiebies avec lenms his
mineums plus longs c/c 5 km ci avec des Bassims
hyc/rograph!qnes qni c/épnssemi la surface c/c 10 krn2, les
borc/s et ics cnvcitcs c/es bees, aims! qne lcs eanx
sontcmrabnes, les ennx mam!tbmcs !ntém!eures, In faia!se ci in
plage c/c be men, avec icnms n!chcsses nainmelles ct le
poientbci énemgéiiqne expbo!iable, la men iemm!ior!ale et be
fomc/ c/es ennx mnn!tbmcs nppnmt!enneni an domn!ne
(2) Les bits mnbnenms, aux iongneums jusqu’à 5 km ci aux
bass!nA hyc/nogmnphiques jusqn’à 10 km2 c/c sumfncc, sum
lesqnels les caux coulcni en régime non-permanent,
appart!enmcni nux c/étentcnrs it toni titme c/es terrains oh
dies se formeni on conlent. Les pmopniéin!res c/c ces ibis
c/o!veni ni!lbsem les caux confommmmément anx conc/!ibons
génémales c/’nt!b!saibon cie l’enu claims Ic basshm mespectif.
(3) Lcs lies qn! n’ont ~
an nivenu moyen dIe b’eau, c/es
bieuis phys!qnes nux temna!mms avec c/es bonds appantienneimi
an pmopniéta!re c/u l!t d’enn.
Loi des eanx
(4) L’ean souiemna!nc mc pent etne ni!bbsée pam he
pmopr!étn!me c/n temnain qnc dams In mesunc oh die cst
nt!l!sée confonmément im l’art. 9 al. (2).
(5) Sont excepiécs c/es c/!spos!i!ons c/c i’d. (1~) hes
pépbnberes ci hes femmcs pbsc!cohes qui se tmonveni hors bes
conns c/’cau.
Art. 4.
(1) L’étaBbbsscment c/u mégbme c/’ntblisni!om c/es
messoumces en can, it l’exceptiomm c/es ennx géotliermaies,
quclic qu’cn sobi In fonme c/c pnopn!été, esi un c/ro!i
exclnsif c/u Gonvcrnenment, exencé par he Mbmbstêrc c/cs
Enux, c/es Fométs ci c/c la Pmoiection c/c b’envbronnemcni.
(2) Les ennx appamienani nu c/omn!ne puBi!c soni
c/onnées, pam le MinistCme c/es Eanx, c/cs Foreis ci c/c In
Pmoicct!on c/c i’emvbmonncment, it be Régie Antonome sEanx
ronmabmesm pour êirc ndm!nistmées nux tennes c/c ln bob.
(3) La néglemeniniiom c/c bn navigation ci c/c ses aci!viiés
conmexcs sum les vo!cs mnvignbles scm fabte pan lc
M!m!stere c/es Tmnmspomts, par h’!ntemniéc/!a!me des unites
(4) La phase atmosphémiqne c/c in c!mcniai!om c/c i’cnn
c/nms la mature peui êimc nioc/!fiéc c/c mam!eme nrtif!c!cibc
nm!qncment par be M!nbsiemc c/cs Ennx, c/es Fomêis et c/c in
Pmoiect!on c/c l’envbronnement et pan ccux qu’ih aniom!se
anx tcmmes c/c la bob.
Art. 5.
(1) Antonm c/es sources ci des !nsiallnt!ons
c/’aiimeniation em can potable, c/cs sources c/’eanx
mimémnies, c/es lees et c/cs bones ihémapcut!qncs, soni
!msi!inés c/es zones c/c proicct!on snn!iaime en négime
sévéme on em régime c/c restriction, aims! qne des
pém!nmétmcs de pnoteciion imyc/mogéobogbqne. Le drobi c/c
pnopm!été snr les sonmees et ies bnstallaibomis d’nI!mentni!omm
en ecu pomabie, ics sources c/’eaux m!nénales, les iacs ci
lcs bones thénapcni!ques s’étcncl auss! sum les zones c/c
proieciion sambta!ne en rég!nme sévéne
(2) Le még!mie d’exploiiat!on c/es caux génihemmales, des
lacs ci c/c be bone thémapcuiique, c/cs tonmb!énes, c/es zones
imum!des, c/es zommes die pro tectiomm sammiiaime, abns! que Ic
méginmc concemmmant Ia mmavigat!on sur les conms ci’enim
naturels on antificiels, sum bes eanx mmmamitbmmmes !mmtémieimres
ci sum la nmcm tenmiior!abe, aims! que les iravaux, ics
constmncibomis on ics bmmsiallntiomms affémemmts somit soum!s aux
Loi n° 107 do 25 septernlne 1996
c/c ha pnésentc
lob, a!ns!
réglementations it camactêne special.
(3) Le négime c/’explo!maiion des ressonmces piscicolcs,
aims! qne h’exencice c/c ln pêche dams hes conrs cI’enn
nainreis ou aménagés somt sonmis au.x c/!sposbi!ons c/c be
présenie ho! ci anx méglemenmat!ons spécif!ques.
(4) Les nommes spéciales conccmnnmi he camnciCre et
l’étemdue des zones c/e protection
snn!ta!ne soni
npprouvées pan amrêié c/u Gonvemnemcni, sun proposition
c/n M!mbsiéne c/es Eaux, c/es Forets ci c/c ba Protection c/c
l’env!rommement et c/n Mbn!sière c/c in Sante.
(5) La surveillance c/c in qual!té c/c i’enu potable esi
nssnmée par be Mbn!stère c/c in Sante.
Art. 6.
(1) L’activiié c/c gesi!on nnita!re, matiomnelle ci
conmplexe c/es ennx est omgan!sée et se déveboppc c/ens c/es
bass!ms hyc/mogmnphiqnes comme emtbtés géogmnph!qnes
!nc/iv!sibies c/c gestion c/es messonmces em can. La gesibon
c/cs caux doit cons!c/éner comme un tout unbta!me bes eanx
superf!c!eiies on sontemmn!mes, tent sous l’nspect de ha
qnanibié que c/c be quai!ié, nfbn c/’assurer un c/evehoppement c/nmabie.
(2) La gest!on c/es ennx repose sum be pn!nc!pe de in
sol!c/aniié humabmc et c/e i’!niérêt commnn pan une
coiiabornibon ci nne coopémnibom émro!tc it tous les nbveanx
c/c b’ndm!m!stmni!om pnbliqnc, des ui!i!saienrs d’enu, c/es
représeninnis c/es coihect!viiés locales ci c/c in population,
pour méaiisem nm maximnm c/c pmof!i soc!nI.
Art. 7.
(1) L’éhnbomaibom c/c in strategic et c/c be polii!que
mationabe c/ens be c/onma!nc c/c in gcst!on des enux, c/c
i’assnmance c/c be coomc/hmation di c/u conimôie c/c i’nppbicai!on
c/es méghementaiboms bmiiemmies ci bntemmiat!omiahes c/amms cc
c/ommiabme somi méalisées par Ic M!nisiêre c/es Ennx, c/es Foréts
ci cie in Protection cie l’emivbmommnetmment.
(2) La gesibon quantitative ci quniitaiive c/es ennx,
b’expio!teibon c/es tmavnux c/c gest!on c/es eanx, aims! qne
l’appl!catiomm die la stmntég!e ci dc in poliiiqne nat!onnle
dams cc c/onma!ne sont méni!sées pan be Rég!e Autononme
((Eanx nonmainesm et ses fiiiales cte bessin.
(3) AnprCs c/u Mbnisleme dies Eanx, c/cs Fonêts ci c/c in
Pmoiectbon dc l’env!nommnenmemit fonctionmicnt ia Commbssbomi
ccntmalc dc defense coimtre les immommc/nt!ons, bes piménonménes
Lol des
c/angeneux et bes accidents
cons trucibomis imydroiechmi!qnes, Ia Commbss!on nni!ommale
In sécunbté des bammages et c/es Inavanx
hydnoieclmn!qnes ci be Comité nnt!omiel pour ic programme
hydroiog!qne international, des omgnnbsmes it çemncière
comsnltaiif. Les sccmétaninis techniques permanents c/c ces
organismes soni assures par le Ministitme c/es Eanx, c/es
Fomêts ci c/c in Proiect!on c/c i’environnement.
Art. 8.
Lcs iemnmcs techmi!qnes utbl!sés dens in présente
lob omit ln sign!f!cnt!on établbe it l’anmexc mm0 1, qub fa!t
pnri!e intégmante c/c In présente lo!.
Le régime d’utiiisation des eaux et des lits
Section ire
Le régime d’utiiisation des eaux
Art. 9,
(1) Le c/molt d’nibibsat!on c/es enux superf!cieiies
on souiemrabnes, y compnis bes eanx artés!cnncs, est émablb
par i’antombsatbon
c/c gesi!on c/cs caux ci exencé
conformémeni aux c/!spositbons c/e Ia lob. Ce c/roil ineint
h’évncuntiom, c/ens bes ressounces en can, c/es eenx usées,
des eaux provennni c/es nssêchememts on c/rabnagcs, c/es
ennx météonbqnes, c/es eanx c/c mine on connécs eprês
beum ntilbsatbom.
(2) Les eanx superfbc!eiies on soutemraines penveni êire
uibi!sées I!bremeni, tout en respectant hes nommes snniia!res
ci c/c proiect!on c/c be qualbié c/es eanx pour in
comsommatbon potable, le bobre, ie bavagc, Ia baigmade,
i’nmrosage ci pour c/’autmes beso!ns nmémngems, s! encune
immsinlletion mien est utbl!sCc on s’il y a c/es imisialbai!ons it
capacité rédnite, jnsqu’it 0,2 hitres/s, c/estbnées exclnsbvemeni
it be sei!sfact!omi des nécess!iés dim pro~re méminge.
(3) Toute pemsoimne physique pent ntblisen ibbremeni les
eanx marines sbiuées en c/ehors c/es zones c/c mesinbct!on,
ponn babgmmaclc, cim nssumammi sa mcspommsabihte.
(4) L’niblbsai!on des enux soutemrabmies se faiL sun be base
c/es reserves homologuees, c/CtemnminCes coimforrnCmnent aux
dI!spositbons ap~)Iicnblesnux messonmces mmm!mménales.
Art. 10.
(1) La satisfaction des denmancles ch’eau poum
in population est pmiombtabre pam mappomi anx autmcs
107 civ 25 Sept(lJil)le 1996
ni!bisai!ons. Sont égalemmment pmbonbiaimes, per meppomi anx
eutmes uibbbsetbons, b’abbmmmcntet!on en can pour Ics anbmaux,
he meconstbtuibon c/c be reserve bntengible c/’enu apmés les
inccnc/bes, aims! que ics c/éb!ts néccssnbrcs ponm be
mnbnt!en c/c i’éqnblbbre écologiqne c/c b’hebbiai nqnatbqne.
(2) La h!mitni!on c/c l’nt!liseiion c/c b’eeu potable pour be
population c/ems i’iniémet c/es eutnes nctbv!tés esi !niemdbte.
(3) L’eeu potable d!stm!bnée d’nne mambitre orgnnlsée
c/ens c/es commnnauiés pent égehemeni êire ntbI!séc c/ens
d’antmes bums senlement eprés be satisfect!om intégmaie des
c/emendes c/c in population, cies enimeux ci c/c ccntebnes
actbvbiés nécessbinnm ume enu c/c cette quei!té. L’abbmenini!on
em eau potable c/ens d’enires buis ne scm iinmbtéc on
suppnimée que lorsque c/c nonveibes exbgences sumgbsseni
c/ens l’aibmeniatbon cm can c/c In population.
(4) Les ennx sonicmmn!mmes eppmopr!ées qnaibiaibvcnmeni
somt c/esibmées en premier lieu it l’eI!menmnibon en can c/c
be population ci c/es an!meux, nimsi qn’um i’nssumence c/c
l’hygbéne ci c/c be sante c/c be popnlni!om. Ces ennx peuvent
égaiemeni êire ut!ibsées c/ens c/’nntmes buts sum be senle
bese c/c l’entom!sat!on c/c gestiom c/es ennx.
(5) Pour in piemifbcaibon ci be méel!set!on c/c ceriaincs
eci!v!tés, idles quc h’expboiteibon min!ére c/c surface, les
c/ém!vei!ons c/es c/ébbis etc., qu! penvemi influencer in
reserve d’eenx soniemmeines on qub peuveni modifier he
résean hyc/nogmnph!qne c/c surface, semont obl!geiobrememi
pnbses c/es mesures c/c restanretbon c/es aiimcnmations en
can ci c/c pmoicct!on contre ics inondeibons.
Art. 11.
(1) Dens hes lees c/c retenue uiii!sCs
comme source pour c/es eibmentntbons en can potable,
scule be p!scbcnliume pent emme pmetbqnée en régime
meinrel semis fonnn!n cie be mioumnbinme enx pobssomms ci
sans eppliquem des fongbcic/es
on tons nuimes
médbcemnents véiéminebnes.
(2) Em tonics enimes zones que cebles pmévues it lab. (10r),
in pbscicuitnre en néginme c/c nonmnitnme pent êtne
Pmat!diuée senlememit claims be ces oh be quaiilé cies cenx cmi
neal im’cst pas bmmfluencée. et sur in bese cic I’evis c/c gestiomm
c/es eeux
Art. 12.
(1) Les utilbsetcums ci’eeu sont temmus c/c
respecter les mionmncs cie consonmmimatiomi ci’een h)C~unite cie
Lox des vain’
proc/nit on par aciiviiC ci c/’économlsem l’eau pam ui!i!sai!on
jnc/bcbense, mccbrculeibon ci nibibsatbom répéiée. us somi
égebememmi ienus c/’assuncr i’emmtretben et be reparation c/c
leums pnopres !msiebintbons ci c/c cehies c/es systémes
d’aiimemiai!om en can ci c/c canal!seibon-Cpnmation, scion be
(2) Les nommes c/c consommntbon d’eau pan un!té c/c
proc/nit on par ect!vbié sont pCmioc/iquement cietemminees ci
m!scs it jour. Les nonmes c/c consonmmetbon sont proposees
par lcs ui!Ibseteuns c/’enn en nbveau c/es meblbennes
performances c/es technologies u tilisécs, mecnebhicni h’nvis
c/cs m!n!siéres iniémessés ci somi nppronvées pen be
Minisiéme des Eanx, c/es Forêts ci c/c in Pmotecibon c/c
i’env!ronmemeni. La solution c/es évcniueiles divergences esi
c/c le competence c/n Gonvemnement.
Art. 13.
Le Mbn!stéme c/cs Enux, c/es Fomêis ci c/c be
Proieci!on c/e I’env!ronnenmeni ct in Regbe Autonome ~Eaux
nonma!mes~ ant be c/mo!t c/c pmemc/me c/es mesnrcs c/c
limitation on c/c suspension prov!so!re c/c i’niblbsntbon c/c
i’ean pour fe!me face it um c/anger on eux consequences
c/’un accident, it In sécimeresse, aux !nondeibons on it um
risque c/c menque c/’eeu c/fl it In suncxplobtei!on c/es
Art. 14.
(1) Sb, it cause c/c Ia sécheresse on c/’entres
cninmbtés metnmelies, ne penvent êimc essnmés lcs c/éb!is
c/’een pour tons les usegcns nniombsés, scrommi nppl!quees
c/es resim!ci!ons tempomeimes c/ens l’ntil!setion c/es
rcssounces en can.
(2) Les restrictions sont éiebl!es per c/cs plans c/c mesir!ctboms ci d’util!set!on c/c l’eeu pendant les per!odes c/éf!cbta!rcs,
élnbomés pen Ia Regie Antonome mEnux rounmnines~,aprés in
commsuimeiboim c/es nsagems nutomisés, nvec l’evbs ciu Mbnbsiéme
c/es Eeux, c/cs Foréts ci de be Pmotect!on c/c i’envbmonncmemt
et i’appnobetbon c/u comité c/c bessin. Lcs plans c/c mesiniction
ci c/’uibbbsetion dc i’eeu i)emmc/afll ies pem!ocbes cléfbciieines,
ciémommés ei-epmCs plans c/c restrictions, semont portés it be
conna!ssemce c/u public en temps utile.
(3) La mmmethoclologbe ci’élabom-etboim ci cI’approbetbomm des
plans c/c rcsimbctiomi et be procedure ci’bnfommmmatbomi dim
public sommi Cieblies pan le Miimistêre des Eaux, cies Fomêis
ci c/c in Protection c/c l’envbnonnement. Cette nmethodobogbe
107 tiii 25 seplernine 1996
c/cvmn ienbm compic des prbombtés prévnes it Pent. 10 et c/c
i’bmportencc soc!eie ci écononm!que c/es nsegems euiomisés.
(4) Les mesnrcs eteblies pen be Régle Anionoimme ~Eeux
mouma!nes)) c/ens l’eppl!cei!oim c/u plnn c/c nestrbctiomts somi
obiigeto!nes pour ions les niblisateurs dean. Les mesures
c/c mesiricibon somt assbmblées eux causes c/c force rnajenre
c/ens l’!neccompi!ssemeni c/es conimats c/c dbsmnbbntbom c/c
(5) Les dbspos!i!ons c/c l’nntonisetlon c/c gestion c/es eanx
sont subomc/onmées eux piens c/c restrictions pour In c/unée
c/c leur application.
Art. 15.
(1) Toute pollution c/es messonrces en ecu esi
(2) Lcs normes c/c queliié c/es nessonrces en eau sont
nppronvées per c/es siemc/amc/s, sum ha proposition c/u
M!nbsténe c/es Eaux, des Forêts ci c/c be Proiect!on c/c
(3) Les normes c/c qnelbié c/c l’cnn potable soni
nppmouvées pan c/es sinnc/nmc/s, snn proposition c/n
M!nbsiéme c/c be Senté.
(4) Les iim!ies c/cs cherges poilnenies c/es eenx nsées
évacnées c/ens des ressonmccs en can sont eppronvées per
erreié c/n Gonvennememi, sum proposition c/n Min!siére c/es
Eenx, c/es Forêts em c/c be Protection de i’envbromnemcni et
c/u Minbsiére de in Sante.
(5) Lcs lbm!ies c/c décharge prescnbies c/ens i’ev!s ou
h’anioniset!on c/c gcst!on des ceux représentent les limbies
mnxbmeles ec/m!ssibles, c/ant be c/epnsscmeni esi !nicmc/!t.
Art. 16.
(1) Pour be protection c/es ressoumces em enu,
!l esi imiterdit:
a) c/c metire em serv!ce c/c nouveenx objecibfs
écononñqnes ou c/c c/éveloppem cenx exisinnts, c/e meiire en
service c/c nonvenux ensembles c/c bogememis, c/’!ntroc/uirc
ponn Ics objeeibfs econom!qncs exisiants c/es technologies c/c
production mmmodifbees eugmentant be c/cgmé c/c charge des
eeux nsees, sans be nmbse en exploitation crnmcombtente c/es
rescaux dc cammaliset!omi et des !nstelletions dl’eI)umeiion on
sans I’acimévemmiemmt c/es antres tmaveux et mesures qni clobvemmt
assurer eux eanx usees évecnées be respect des c/bsposbtions
!mposées pen I’anionbseibon c/c gestion c/cs eanx;
Lot des en ax
B) c/c réeisen c/c miouveenx treveux c/’eimemtet!on em can
potable on bnc/nstmbeIle ou d’élergir ceux existents, sans
I’nchévemeni on l’extens!om comrespommciammte ci concomnitemie
c/es réseaux c/c cenelbsetbon ci c/cs hismalietbons c/’épumei!on
c) c/c nejetem on c/’introdnbre c/ens hes ibis c/es conns
c/’enu, dens les cnvettes des Incs et des étengs, c/ens in Mer
Noire ci c/ens ies zoimes lmunmides, quel qu’emm sobi be mode,
ems! que c/c stocker sun leums borc/s iontes sortes c/c
c/) d’évecner c/cs eeux usécs c/ems ics eenx soutemre!mcs,
ics lees naturebs on c/c metcnue, c/ems bes éiengs, hes mmnmn!s
ou c/ems bes vbv!ems;
e) c/’ut!ibsem c/es ceneux onverts c/c tonte sonic poun les
évecuet!oms on bes econlcmenms c/’eenx féceioIdesmenagéres on it coniemu demgerenx;
f) c/c nciioyer c/ems hes cours d’eeu ou dens les lees ci
sum heums bards c/es véhbcnles, eniovéhicubes, d’enires
onibliages ci egregets mecen!qnes, aims! qne c/es embalieges
on c/es objeis qub ont renfemmé c/es pesticides ou c/’eumres
substances c/emgerenses;
g) de lever c/es en!meux ciomestiqncs désbmfectés evec
c/es substances
ioxiqncs it b’extérieur c/es places
spécielcmemt amenegecs c/ens cc but;
h) c/c mejetem on c/c déverser c/ens les Installations
senite!res on c/ens hcs nésennx c/c cenebisnibom des résic/us
pétmoi!crs ou c/es substances dengerenses;
!) de nettoyem dens les conns c/’enu on demis ics bees, sum
bcnrs bonds, sun les cl!gues ou les barrages, c/cs objcis it
usage meneger, em nt!l!sant c/cs snbsiences chimiqnes c/c
toute sante.
(2) Dens hcs zones c/c protection étebl!es confomnmément
it be pmésentc bo!, !l esi bmmtcnciit dc cbéposem ct cl’ntil!sen des
engme!s ch!mbques ou pesticides ou c/’eutres substances
Art. 17.
Aux fimms die I’utblbsatboim mebsommneble ci c/c in
i)moteci!on dc le qnelitC c/es messources cmi ecu, les
ntilisaieurs cl’eeu omit les obligations subvemites:
a) nchoptcn cies iecbmmiobogies c/c pmochuctiomm it c/emmmemicles
c/’eeu récinites et eussi peu I)ollnammies qime possible.
économ!scr lean per recirculatbon on utblbsaibon répéiée,
Lot n° 107 ci,j 25 seJ)lerni)1e 1996
ebinminer he gespillege ci c/immmimmner les peries c/’cnu, rédubme
les pobluents evecues evec les eenx usécs et mecupémer bes
subsiemices ut!les comitemmues c/ens hes eenx nsecs ci ciemms les
b) assumer be méelbsei!on, l’enimeiicn ci l’expiobietion c/es
sietions ci c/cs installations c/c ine!tement c/e he qnei!té c/es
eenx it be capecite eutor!see, snnve!lien lenr effbciemce pen
des enalyses c/c lebometobre em !nienvenbr efficecemeni ponm
imtégrer bes immc/!ceieurs ci’émission clans les i!miies
ec/m!ses pour i’evecnetion c/cs ceux nsees, himites bnscriies
dens i’entomiseibon c/c gcsi!om c/es ennx;
c) rcspectem smmictemeni In c/bscbplbne ci hcs normes
techmobogiqncs c/ems hes ectivbies c/c proc/ucibon ntii!sani
i’eeu ci évecnemt c/cs eeux usees, ems! que c/ens les
sinuous ci les !mmsielietbomms c/c imeiicmemii dc in quelbié c/es
c/) snrveiilcm, per des forages pour observation ci
conmmôie, i’éiet quelbint!f c/es eenx sonierrebnes c/ens be
zone d’!nfhnence c/es c/épôts c/c més!c/ns c/c tonic sante.
Art. 18.
Les utiliseteurs c/’ean s!tnés snm be icmriiobre
des bocelités ou sun c/es pletes-fommes bndustniehhes penveni
évecuer les cenx usées dams ics réseaux c/c cenel!seibom
pnbi!que on c/ens cenx c/es pietes-formes !ndusmm!cihcs,
evcc i’nccord et c/ens lcs conditions
obbigniobres éiebl!es per be possesseum c/c ccs réscnnx ci
senlememt sb bes stations c/’épumei!omm fbneie c/es bocebbies on
c/es pletes-formes bnc/ustriciles mespectives ant be structure
iechumobogbque mécesseire ci c/es cepecites disponibbes. Dams
tons bes ces, be pméépnmeiion spécbfbque locale c/es ceux
nsées provenues c/c ces utilbsnteurs est oblbgataine.
Art 19.
(1) Les entomités c/c i’ecinmbnbsirei!on publmqne
locale ant l’obligaiion c/’essurer be gesibomi effbcece c/c been
c/istnbbnCe dens bes hocelbtés, abnsi quc be coliecie c/es eeux
météombques, be ceneibsetbomi ci l’épnretian c/es cenx nsées
(2) Le reeiisetbon dc i’elbmenteflon ccntral!sée c/’enn c/cs
villages em des conimnumies it distribution eu Iommg c/es rues,
semis bmenclmemmmemmts eux bogenments, est comic/btbonnee
seuienmeimt per h’assumemmce dc I’éconbemnent dc l’ceu it
trevers les nbgahes.
(3) Les persommmmes plmysbques ci nmameles expbobtammi les
steiboums et lcs bnsteilet!oims ci’epumetion soul temues c/c
Loi tic’s c’niix
snrveillcm en pemmenence leun mac/c c/c fonciiammmement,
en moyen c/es analyses c/c Iebometo!re, c/c gamc/en les
megbstrcs contenant ics mCsnltats c/cs enelyscs ci c/c mcttne
ces damnées it be disposition c/u pemsonneb eutonisé it
imspectcr ci contnôbem.
Art. 20.
(1) Lcs eenx c/c mine on connécs penveni êire
évecuées c/ens hes coums c/’een nniqnement epmés icnr
incitement edéquet, c/c som’te que les Ibmites ec/nmises pour
l’évecuetioim c/ems les récepienms netumels c/c surface soient
(2) Les eenx usées lmdnstrbelbes, ebnsi qne lcs ceux c/c
mime on connées, pour besquclies il n’y a pes c/c
technologies on dc procéc/és c/c ireitemeni efficeces,
penveni êime !njectécs seulemeni dens bes couches trés
profomic/cs, sum Ia base c/es etudes spécieles ci die l’evbs c/c
b’Agence neiionele pour hes messources mbnérelcs ci c/c
i’evis c/c gesi!on c/cs eaux.
Art. 21.
(1) Le rau!ssege c/n tibbeul, c/u chenvme, c/u bin
on d’eutres pientes textiles c/ens hes caurs d’eeu, bes
caneux, bes lees eniifbc!eis, les lees neturels an les étengs
esi iniemc/ii. Les operations de ronissege soni pemmises
c/es enc/moits spécbelcmcni
conformémemi eux d!sposiiiamis c/c I’autor!seiion c/c gesibon
c/cs enux.
(2) Le tennege c/cs peeux esi pemm!s seulemeni c/ans ics
conditions pmévues c/ems h’eutorbseibon c/c gestion des eenx.
Art. 22.
(1) Les gesmbomneires des pants flnvbenx on
mnmitbmmes omit l’obiigetion c/c réelbser cies bmmstebieiboums
spéciel!sées pour he cohlecte, Ia pnise en change ci
I’épumetbon eppraprbées c/es eaux nsées proveneni c/es
nevimes ci des mnstelletiomms flottnntes, ou des fubtes
eec!denie lies.
(2) Il est bmmtemciii c/’évecnem dens les eenx supenfbcbelies
on nmeniiimes c/es ceux usées nan-épurees pmoveneni c/es
mevimes ci c/es bnsielletions flat tentes an c/c forage mcmiii,
ebnsb que c/es produiis petrol!ers c/n rescan affémemmt c/c
ire misponi.
Art. 23.
(1) La RCgie Autonomue ~Eaux mounmeines~,per
ses fbibeles dc bassbmm, orgenbse i’activite c/c preventiomi des
pohlnt!omms eccidlcmmielies ct cl’eiinmbnetiomm dc leums effets, sun
be base c/c l)lemis élebonés cm fonct!am c/es conc/itboums
Lot n° 107 cia 25 septembi e 1996
specifbques eux bessins hyc/ragrapimiqnes respect!fs ci c/c be
nature c/es substemces polluemtes, qnb peuvent êire
évecuées eccic/enteilenment.
(2) Les nmll!sntenms c/’een somt tenns de c/ressem beums
pmopmes piens c/c prevention et c/c butte comtre bes
pollutboms eccic/enteiles qn! pounmeicnt se produbme it ceuse
c/c leur ectiviié ci c/c bes meitre en rnvre en ens c/c
(3) L’ebaboneiian c/es plamis c/c prevention ci c/c butte
conine hes pollnibons accbc/eniehies est fe!te canformémcni
it Ia méthodobogie eec/me étnblic pam he M!nisiênc des Eenx,
c/es Fomêts em c/c be Protection c/c h’emvironmemcni.
(4) Les ntbl!seienrs d’cau qub oni pmac/n!i ume pollution
ecc!c/emteibe soni menus c/c prenc/ne c/es mcsnmes umgemtes
pour suppnbmer beums causes ci beurs effcts ci d’bmformem
!mméc/!etemeni be plus proche unite c/c gestiom c/es eenx.
(5) Les unites c/c gesi!om des ceux ant h’obimgetiom c/c
tenir compie c/e tonic information proveneni des
pemsonmes physiques ci morales, enires que bes usegens qn!
ant produit Ia pollution ecc!denteibe.
(6) La pollution intenibonncbhe est pumie.
(7) En ens de polbut!ons eccic/emielles, bes fibinies c/c
bessbn c/c be Régie Antomome ((Eenx ronmeimes)) evertiront
!mméc/!atemeni ies ntbi!satenrs c/’eeu ci hes euton!iés c/c
b’ec/mim!stmniion pnbiique c/es locaibtés siiuées en avei pour
prenc/re c/es mcsures c/e protection c/es eenx ci c/c
c/imbnntion c/es c/égâts.
(8) Les utibisetcurs c/’eeu Poteumtbeiiememi i)oibnentcs, bes
eniomités c/c b’ec/mbmistretiomm pnbliqne locale, aims! qne be
Régic Autanome ~Eeux ronnmeimes~ant l’obi!getban d’être
dotes c/c mayems spécifiqucs c/’!nterveumtiomi en ens c/c
pollutiomis accbdlenielles.
Art. 24.
(1) Les ut!lbseienrs c/’enu en evel, qub ant
subi c/es ciégflts metériels it cause d’nne poblniion
ncc!c/enieihe proc/nile en emant, on c/c be c/estmuctbon c/’une
commstmnciiomm chestinéc it retemibm l’eeu en nimmont, omit he
dmo!t, confommnCumemmt it in lab, c/’êire dedommeges per Ia
Icrsoummme physiqne an le persoumie nmoneie caupebie.
(2) Les clepemises cffectuCes ~CF dies personimes plmysiqnes
ou c/es pcnsonncs morales, per Ia Regie Aumonomne ~Eaux
nounmebucs)) y comprise, pour snpprbmnem bes effets c/c in
Loi qies enax
pollution ecc!c/enieihe, soni suppantCcs per celni qni a
proc/nit Ia pollution.
Section 2
Le régime d’utilsatlon des Ills
Art. 25.
(1) Sum bes bonds des eeux eppantenent eu
doma!ne public, seuf rcsirbci!am inmposCe, monte persaune
physique a Ibbme eccés, snn se pmopme responseb!lbté, it le
promenec/e on b’egrément, sans pméjnc/ice c/cs eenx, bits,
borchs ci m!vema!us.
(2) L’eccés c/ens les zones spéc!element ongenisées ou
amemegees pour l’egmement sun hes bard c/es cenx est
permm!s dens les conditions étabibes per Ics c/éientenrs c/c
ces zones ci en respecteni les c/ispos!i!ons inscrites c/ems
i’nnior!seiion c/c gesibam c/es eeux qub leun est c/éh!vrée.
(3) La c!rcnieiion sum les caurs c/’eeu, hes bees netumels
on sum be mer, en berques d’egrémeni sans moteur, est
effecmnée l!brcmneni avec he respect c/u dro!i c/es rivemeims
ci c/es réghemeniei!oms hégales.
(4) Le droit ci’umih!seibaum c/es bits mineums, c/c be plege ci
c/n bard c/c be mer c/ens d’entnes bums que ceux prévus it
i’ei. (1~) n’esi ecquis qn’eprés l’obicnt!ou c/c i’eniarbsei!om
c/c gestiom des eenx.
Art. 26.
(1) Les c/éienteurs c/es terreins em eveb sont
obliges c/c reccvoir hes ceux qub s’éconhemi neiumellemenm
c/es terreins sitnés en emont.
(2) Les inevenx c/c benmege an passage c/es conms c/’eeu
snscepibbles c/c consumer un obstacle pour l’éconlememt
neiureh c/es ceux semoni caucus, réelbsés em cxpbo!iés c/c sante
qu’bis n’!nflnencemi pas c/éfavorebhcment b’éconiemeni des
ceux, afin c/’assnmem ie stebbiitC de ces trevnnx, c/es hits
mineurs ci c/es borc/s, ninsi qne pour prévemibm les effets
c/estruct!fs on dlommnegeebbes. Les tmeveux constmnbts sans
enviseger c/e tdlles exigeuces, c/o!vent êtne nmodbf!es an
démolis pen henrs prapniémeires au détcnteuns c/emis les
conditions em enx temnmes étebl!s P~ be Régbe Automiomne
mEeux maunmabnesm. Eu ces contnabne, be MimmistCre dies Eeux,
des Fomêts ci c/c be Pmotcctbamm die l’envbmonmmenieimt, b)ar
l’cumtnemise c/c ses ummbtés tenitaniehes, est hebibitC it eppbbqnem
des semmciions cammfornmCumemmt it Ia lob, ci’office au sum sebsine
dc La Régie Autanome (Eaux mDnmeimmesm.
107 cia 25 scptemin e 1996
(3) L’obtumet!au on be biacege sans tonic forme, aims! qne
l’errêt, c/c n’bmponte queue muenbéme, c/n fanctionuenmeni des
caumstmnctbons et c/es !nsteliet!ans c/c decimemge c/es lieu tes
eenx sammi immterc/bts.
Art. 27.
-Tonic ectivbmé sum les plans d’een, c/ens c/es
ibis mimeums au c/ems c/es zones pratégécs, y compris be
umev!getiomm, be fbattege, be fiatmetbami, i’expbaiietiamm c/es
egmégems mmmbnénenx an In récabie dn raseau, aims! qne be
pêcime scnani méei!sés c/c idle mnniéme qu’bis ne prac/ubseni
pas c/es effeis négeibfs sum les bonds et Ics hits des caums
c/’ceu, les hits et les cnveites c/es bees, les mannments
netnmeis, les constructions, les tmevenx an hes insteibetbams
exisiamics c/ens les hits ci qn’bbs imfinencent nnssi pen qne
possible l’ntil!set!omm des enux per les euimes umii!setcnrs. bi
m’esi pemmis c/e déiériamem be qneiimé des eeux em nncnnc
Section 3
Le régime de servitudes et d’expropriation
Art. 28.
(1) Les mbvemeins sont tenus c/’eccardcm be c/mobi
c/c servitude, compie temu c/es zones étebi!es it cet effet
canjaintemeni evec in Régie Antamome ~Eaux noumeinesm,
et sans percevair encnne mcxc, pour:
a) be passage on in circulation c/u personnel eyeni c/cs
attributions c/ens ia gestbom c/es eenx, efin c/c bes eccompl!r;
B) b’empiecememt, c/ems be lit em sum hes bamc/s, c/c barnes,
c/c repCmes, d’epperebhs c/e mesume et contmôie on c/’apperebls
ci installations mécessebmes it l’exécntban d’étndes concemnent
he régime c/es eenx, aims! que I’nccés pour l’enmretbcn c/cs
hmstailetions c/estimées it ces ectivités;
c) be transport em Ic stackage iempaneire c/es metérbels
ci c/es équipcnmemmts pour bes interventions opéreiiammncbies
c/c defense canine ics !mmommc/atbams;
c/) be tmenspart ci be stackegc ienmporeime c/es meténbels,
équipements einsi qne leur circulation ci ceiie c/u
pemsonuicl c/ens ie ces c/c l’exécutian c/es imeveux
d’emmtmetieu em c/c répenetbans.
(2) Dens be ces aim, suite it I’exercbce c/es ectians prévues
it i’d. (b’~’),dIes c/amnmeges se praciuisemmt, ies ciétemmteurs
c/cs tcmme!mms mbvcrains des ceux out be dimait d’être
dédommegés confammiiément it be lab.
Lot ties VQLJX
Les fanc/s pour ces immdemumisetions serant assures des
elhacniiams budIgCtebres, pour ies situations pi~é~~ues
it I’d. (la)
beti. a) et c), em cics fonc/s prapres dies icnsamiimes nmoraies
eyant cause c/es c/onimeges pour ies sbtnet!ans prévnes it
i’ai. (1~)left. b) ci di).
Art. 29.
(1) Pour i’exécniban des mmevenx
d’emémegemeni des bessins hyc/magmephbqnes em des eutres
mmnvnnx bmydiroteclmnbqnes c/’umihbmC pubibque, tebs qnc
barrages ci lees c/c rctenue evec henrs annexes, centraics
hyc/roélectmiqnes, derivations c/c débbts entre ics caurs c/’een,
irevenx c/c defense cantme ics inandetbaus, sysiémes
c/’aiimentemban en ecu et cemebiseibons, y compnis bes
stat!ons c/’épnmetbon evec hcnrs emmexes, méguberisatbans c/cs
r!v!émes, smetboims ci pletes-fomumes hyc/ranméiéomabagiqnes,
systémes c/’amélbameiban fancbitre ci corrections c/es iamrenis,
peuveui être cxpmopr!és c/es iemrebns ci c/es bitibmemis, pour
b’utbiiié pnbiiqne, mayennent une bmic/cmum!sei!om, ou
accnpés icmpameimement, mayemneni peyenmeni, dens ics
conc/iibons éiebbies pen in lob.
(2) Les bâi!menms, ies conms ci hes jerc/bns efférents eux
bagemenis, Ics monuments publics, ies égiiscs ci ies
cimeiiéres, ems! que hes panes c/écbemés mannments
mamurels, sani exemptés c/es semvbtnc/es permememtes.
(3) Le dmait de servitude, nue fobs éieblb, camstiiue
abliget!om oppaseble it tons.
(4) Dens be ces aiim, nux tmevnnx prévus it i’d. (i0~),pour
lesqucis ii e été prévu in servitude, celie-ci a éié
abeumc/ammnée pcmic/eumt trabs ens en mains on s! son
p1~~mmécesseime, Ia servitude peut êime
camsic/éméc mm’est
(5) L’bimdemnbsetian, it in creation dc Ia senvitudie
tcmpameirc an pemnmenen te, cans!ste cmi;
a) be veleur dc cbrculem!an dies L)radiuits, des plemimntiauis,
c/es camismmnci!oums an des biemms meubies dc taute sonic,
everbCs au dbéiruits;
b) la veleur diu tianmnmege ceusC au pmapnieteire paur Ia
ciétcmnm!net!an c/c Ia servitude P°”~Ia zone respective c/c
terrain, ptim~rapport eux profits c/omit ii est privé suite au
chengenmeut cie be destbneibomm tempareire
ou l)ernmeuiemmte
c/c be respective zaume c/c terrain.
Lot n° 107 dti 25 septemlne 1996
Art. 30.
(1) La plantation an he coupe c/es embres on
dIes arbnstes des terreims siiués diemms les hits mejenms cics
cours d’eeu ci sun ie barc/ die be mmmcm sans levis c/c gesiiomm
c/cs eaux ci l’ev!s c/c b’eumam!té syivicole spCcbelisée. sani
(2) L’av!s c/c gestbou des enux prévu it I’d. (1et) esi
mécesseire pour ies anvreges canstrubis sum les eenx on
eyeut reppami enx enux qui sant réelbsés demms be bit
(3) Dens be zone merbtimne, fluvbaie on sum d’enires va!es
nevigebics il est possible d’effcctuer, dents les conc/iibons
prévues par be bob, evec l’evbs c/c I’nutambté syivicale
spéclal!sée ci c/c Ia Régbe Antaname ~Eeux raumebmes~,bes
défriclmememmts nécesse!res pour assurer Ia vbsbb!i!ié des
s!gmaux c/c beh!sege ci des mmoyens c/c siguel!setbam, en
long c/es bards ci des eanx, dens les points qub semant
émnbbbs per be Mbnistéme c/es Tmnnspamis.
Art. 31. —-(1) Les fôrets it fonct!ans spéciebes c/c
pmoiect!an, s!muées c/ens ies bassins c/c reception c/es lacs
c/c rcienne, celies stmnées dens hes bassins pmésemtemt nn
heut degré c/c torrenibeibté et préd!spasées it i’éros!an,
c/ems bes b!is mejeurs c/es caurs c/’een, dams hes zones
c/igne-bamd, elms! qne les bendes de fômeis simnées en bong
c/es m!vbéres non-emc/ignées nppertbcmnent en granpe de
fôrets it foncibam spéciebe c/c protection des eeux ci sami
adm!mm!stmées pnr c/es traitemcnts bnmenslfs, en imtcmdiseni
les conpcs reses on hes trebtemneuts it connie pén!oc/e c/c
(2) Les fôrets pour he pro teci!on c/es eeux, celles pour
be protection c/es sols, sitnécs sum c/es machers, c/es
manebmies, c/es sobs émadCs, dies ierrebmms it immclimmeisomi
supémicure ~ 350 et autnes fômeis c/c cc type sani
ecinmimmisimees cmi rCgimmme spécinb c/c Protection.
(3) Dens les périnmétres pmévus eux ci. (15’) ci (2) dies
trevaux c/c iuiic cantre l’Crasbamm c/u sol, dl’iuiiencepiiamm dies
torremits scrani réeiisés et dies mégles spécielcs cI’emmtretbemi
c/es tmeveux exCcutCs seman t eppibqnées.
(4) Les fords siiuCes dlemms ies regions mammtegneuscs ci
de cablimie daivent Ctme ac/nminis(rCes c/c sante qu’ebles me
commtr!buent pes it be fannmeiion ties imiandietbomms em it
h’éras!an c/u sob.
Lol ties eaLix
Art. 32.
(1) L’uiiliseiian,
Ic mremmspari ci ba
c/es déchets em c/es substances dengemeuses
dens les zamies antaur
cics eanx et diemms taut entre lieu
d’aü celbes-ci panmrabeni pnmvenim c/ens les enux
snperfbc!elies, saniemmabmes an marines peuvent êime faiies
seuhememmm c/aims c/c tebles cancliibomms qn’ebhes ne
prac/u!sent pes Ia palint!au c/es eeux.
(2) Le c/CpOi c/es c/échets et c/es substances c/emgemeuses
c/ems les zones avobsiment les eeux se febi en coufarmiié
nvec i’evbs c/c gestban c/es eeux.
(3) Le dépOi c/cs meiériels an c/es décheis rec/ianctifs
dens be i!t mejeur esi bmmtemciii.
(4) Lc transport per ies eenx !ntér!eumes, ie Danube
fhuv!eb ci mmembi!mme, be men temn!tamiebe c/es substances
c/nmgerenses, y compm!s bes maiémbeis rec/!oectbfs, pent être
fait senleimmeni c/aims bes cammcb!ibons ci’um ev!s cammnim,
émis pour cheque ces séparéument, per be Mbm!stére c/es
Eaux, c/es Fomêis ci c/c le Protection c/c i’envbmonuement ci
be Mbnismére c/es Transports. Ces c/ispos!ibons s’eppliqnemi
égeiemeni an transport en transit c/c cenx-cb.
Art. 33.
(1) Le Mbnbsiéme c/es Eanx, c/es Farêts em c/c he
Protection c/c i’euviroumemeni pent c/onner en concession
an boner nme panic c/u c/amnine pubb!c c/es eenx, pour
l’expboitetbamm c/es ennx snpemf!cbelhcs an sontemma!nes, it
b’exccptbom c/es eenx géothermeles, c/c heurs matémbaux ci
c/c ceux c/es bards, ainsi quc pour be mise em velenm c/c be
végéietion c/cs bits mimmeurs di des borcis, h’ntblbseiiomm c/c
I’émmcrgie c/cs caux, l’explaitniian c/es plans d’eeu pour be
piscicnltnme, be pêchc, be bnigmndc an Ies sports nent!ques,
aims! que pour c/’entmcs eciivités, avec he respect c/es
cl!sposbiians bégeles.
(2) Le drabt c/’expboitetbami des egmégets miimémeux des ibis
on c/cs bonc/s c/es caurs c/’ceu, c/es lees, c/es étangs cm c/es
bonds cie be men per cies explaimemians angeimbsées s’abt!cnt
sum be base c/c l’entomisetbon c/c gestian c/es canx. Pour
entaniser ces activités sum les eenx natbonebes mmevigebics, ii
esi abligamaire dI’abtcmmir I’evbs (in Mbn!stére des Transports.
(3) h~’expIaitaiian des egrégets nminCreux esi l)crnibsc
sculenment c/cs ~résen’es haniabaguées, evec be respect c/cs
cammclbtions dI’écaulenmeut des caux em cl’assnmencc cic be
stebiliié c/cs bits ct des bardis, semis
affecter lcs
Lot if’ 107 do 25 septeinln’e 19’Jr;
constructions c/es zommes eyemmi rapport direct au !imdimeci
eu rég!nme c/’écoulement c/es eeux. Dens Ic ens aim
l’explobmeiiomi cies agrégems mmminéreux se fait c/emms bes Ibis
c/es caurs d’een pour servim nux mmevanx c/c régulenisetban
c/n hit, c/e be steblibsembon c/u maiweg au panm remenen le bit
c/ems son éiei iii! tiei, l’iiamalagetbamm des reserves mm’est plus
(4) Le cirait cI’expioitetiamm des egrégats nmimmérenx
nécessnires enx mmCmmages !imciivbciueis an it b’bimiérêt
public local, dens les iimites c/c he queniité mexbmnalc
c/c 5000 m3/eu, est accardé it l’ec/nmbnbsimeiban pubiiqne
locale par l’autambsetbon c/c gesibon c/es eeux. Cetie
eutam!sntban est c/élivméc clmeqne nnnée, sum c/eumenc/e c/cs
conse!bs beaux.
(5) Les explabmeibamis c/es egrégets miméreux prévus it
h’ei. (3) se méel!sent Cgehcmeui eux termes c/cs c/bspositbamms
c/c be legislation spécifique c/u c/ama!ne c/cs ressonrees
(6) Les .mmaveux c/c dregege cffectnés sum les vobes mcvigables, paum mmme!mtenbm ha profauc/cum c/c nnv!get!an,
s’exécnieimi sans b’evbs c/c gestion c/es eeux. Les places c/c
c/épôm c/n nmeténien resultant c/es treveux c/c c/megege sont
étebbies cheque eunéc per he Rég!e Antamome ((Enux
raummmabnes~ canjaimmement evec be Mimistére c/es
(7) L’expiabiet!on c/es egrégnts minérenx, c/ems bes zones
c/c protection !nstiiuécs camfarmémenm it Ia présemte lo!,
est !nicrdiie.
(8) Le bauege on be concession c/c Ia plage c/c he men se
fe!t evec l’evbs cm
Mbmmistéme c/u Taunbsmmme.
Art. 34.
(1) Dens ics zones aim les bits sani aménegés
per c/cs tmevenx de ciCfense, consabbc/eiian, tcmmessements ou
c/’entres, treveux semnbbabies, l’abbigetian c/’entmetben,
méperem!an an resteuretbon c/c teis ireveux, aims! que
c/’emmtreibemi c/es Ibis c/aims be zamme emCnegée, cle& cuveties ci
ties bancbs revient it ceux qui ammi en acinmimmbstmetiomm au cmi
cxpiabietbon les iravaux respectifs.
(2) Les ciCiemuteurs it iaut time des terrabmms, qui tirent
c/cs profits dc l’eimtretien et die I’ammmCmmegcrncimt ci’une
cibgnc dc protection, pameni au ciémcimieur dc be cibguc une
qnaie-part des fm’ebs pammr i’anméimegeimmemmt ci l’euireiieim dc
Loi des ea,ix
Ia dbgne, pam rapport it i’eventege. Le Minbsiére c/cs Eenx,
c/es Famêms em c/c in Pmatcctbon c/e l’envinanuemeut émeblirn
in nméthoc/abagbe pour c/étermbncr be quote-pan cie
participation eux freis c/’emmtrei!em em d’enmémegement c/cs
c/bgnes c/c protection.
(3) L’emmmmet!emm clu ibm nm!mmenm cmi evei d’uim travail dc
barrage nevieni en c/éienieum it taut litre c/c cc tmevnbl, sun
une zone d’en maims 500 nm.
(4) La mespansebilimé c/’emmtmeteimir be lit mbmmcmmr c/ens les
zones non enménegées rev!emmt it le Régic Antaname uEani
(5) Les dispositions c/c h’eb. (3) s’eppbiqnent égahemeimi
eux imevenx c/c barrage cxCcntés avant in date d’enirée en
viguenr c/c be pmCsemie lab. Dams cc ens, be mac/c c/’cntretbcn
c/u lii mineur en eveb c/u trevebi de barrage est éiebbi par be
projei technique élaboré pour in meconfimmmetiam c/c
h’entar!sni!au c/e gcsm!on c/es eeux on paum le c/élivremce c/es
nutanbseibans nécesseimes, eamformément it be ba!.
(6) Les mreveux prévus nux al. (b~)ci (3) serani effeciués
sans be direction et evec i’assbsmnnce technique c/c le Régie
Anianame tEnnx ranmnniues~, sum soliiciteibon des
La gestlon des eaux
La connaissance des ressources en eau
Art. 35.
(1) L’ectivbté cie gestbaim c/es eeux se dCvcbappc
et repose sum le canmiebssence scienibfiquc, carnpicxe.
qnentitetivc’ ci queiitetbve dies messaurces en can c/u peys,
réelisée pen une ectivité unbtaire ci permenenic c/c
et nmcsumeges sui~~les
piménomnénes lmydranmCtCarabagbqnes ci ies nessources en
ecu, y commmpris be pret’isiaii (Ic leum evalutman imeturclle.
aims! que c/c Icur évalutiomm sans les effets entlmrapic~ues,
eussi bben que i~erties recherelies immulticiisciplmmmeimcs.
(2) Les immfarmatians Imyc/rométéorabogiqucs, hydragéolagiques em tie gcstion des eeux soul abtemmues b)~m~
ummités dc be RCgbe Autouomne aEaux roummmamnes,~, cl’eutrcs
Loi 11° 107 tit, 25 S(
ummiiés spécielisécs
enlomisées ci ci!rectemeimt des
utilisetcurs cl’ean. Taut ccci calmstitue be fomds naiioimal die
c/années c/c bn gesliami ties ceux.
(3) Le nmade ci’organ!setion, conservation ci gesiiomm tin
fommds national tie donmmées snr la gcstion des eaux est
éiel)Ii c/c manlène ummitaime ~iem be M!n!stère c/cs Eeux, c/es
Fanêis em tic be Protection tie l’env.imommnement. La Régic
Autononmc ~Eeux ronmelnes~ esi elmamgéc tie l’Cbebonation
ci tie be fuse it jour c/c cc foncis dc damnées.
(4) Les unites spéclahisCes antorisécs, e!nsi que bes
utilisateurs d’eeu qui pmoc/u!semi tics !mifonmations
ponvant consiitncm he Foncis imatiomal c/c damnées sum ba
gestian des eaux somt temues c/c les gender pcnciammt cimmq
aimmécs ci c/c ies trammsnmcitmc mensuehlemenm it be Regie
Auioname sEaux mouma!i~tes~comformément it une
procéc/ume éteblie par le Ministère c/es Eaux, c/es Fomêis ci
c/c be Protection de l’cmmvironnement.
(5) Lc Foimds netianel de donnécs sun be gcstion c/cs
enux, einsi que in tenuc it jour c/es eanx appantemammt an
c/ome!me public sont bmmclns claims be Cadasime des enux, a
b’exceptian des eanx geambmermahes. Le Mimisiène des Eeux,
c/cs Fomêts ci de be Protection tie b’cnvironnement éieblit be
nmode c/’argan!sation c/n Cadestre des eeux ci be Rég!e
Autonome BEaux roumaimmcs~assure sa mise it jour.
(6) Les persamimes physiques ci nmomeles ant nceès anx
iimformatiamms constituent be Foimc/s national c/c damnées sum
be gesibon ties eeux, coimfonmémemmi it umme procedure
étabiie per be Minis Lère ties Eaux, des Forêts ci the be
Protection tic l’envimonnemcnt. L’ntilisat!omm par ceux-ci
c/cs informmiatioims coimlenucs c/aims be Fommc/s national c/c
cionnécs sun Ia gestian ties eaux poimm cics buis
commemciaux cst i)cmmliise seniememit moyelmmiammt
l)eYcmelii, claims les calmdhtbomms prévues par be lab.
(7) Les déicntcums d’!mmfornmetioims coimsiitnant be Fonds
imaiiommal tie damnées sun la gestian ties eaux pcuveni
mefnsem c/c nmnnbCre jnstifiée die faunnin ties idles immfominations borsqu’elles I)OI~iemiI at teinle:
a) it la sécumitC netionale;
b) an cléronienmeni dc certaines actiamis en cours tie
paumsuite 1)énele au die jugenment;
Lol des eaux
c) it be confbc/eniieibmé bnc/nstrbeile ci cammnenciele. Cei
aspect comcerne ics sbmuetions aim ties secrets cornrnerciatix
sont tiévoilés et utilisés tl’urie inanière contreire aux
pratiques cornmerciales loyales.
Art. 36.
(1) Les nmmbiés ci bes imsmellamiams auiomomnes
imyc/ragéabagbqnes em météarabogiques spCcifiques it be
gesiiam ties eeux, eiimsb que des bnfarnmntbaims caimcermmant les
cnnectémbsibques qnenmiietives em qnnibiat!ves c/es messanrces
em can cousilmnent ie méseen national c/’abserveiians panm In
gesibon. des eanx.
(2) Pour assumer he cantinuité em i’hamagénébié c/es
raimgées d’!mmformemioms, ics uimimés em ies instelhatbons
entonomes dn néseen metbamel c/’obsemveibons ne penvent
etre déseffeciées que dens c/es sitnei!ans spéc!eles,
c/’imiérêm national. La désnffectatbam se fail evec
b’npprabeibaim c/n Mbmbsmême c/es Eenx, c/es FarOts em c/c in
Protection c/c b’emv!mannememi ci evec I’abi!gniboim c/u
c/ememc/enm c/’essumem be projet, b’exécni!an ci be misc en
service c/es uimiiés on c/es immsmehlemiaims dInims he nanveb
event be debut ties opCnetbans c/c
Art. 37.
(1) Dens be but d’assnrer une qneliié adequate
c/cs observations et c/es mesnmeges météarobag!qnes
spécifbqnes, soni !nsiitnécs auianr c/es pletes-farmes
nméméomohogiques c/es zones c/c pnotect!on nynum ume Iemgeum
c/c 30 m. Dens ces zammes c/c protection, l’exécut!an c/c monte
construction an imsielietboim sum-icrreimm esi !imiercibte.
(2) L’emphecement. sum nme distammce c/c jusqu’it 500 m
eutaur ci it l’extémienr c/c Ia zone c/c protection pmevue it
i’nl. (101), c/es caimsmn.mctiaims pins Imeutcs qn’un six!émmmc tie be
distence enmre be cammstructban em be lbmbte the be zaime de
protceiban, des méseeux c/c lieu Ic tension au c/c
téiécammmunbcetbons, ties abjectbfs qub mejeitcut c/ens
b’ntmosphémc c/c be fumée an c/es panssbémes. c/es sysiémes
c/’!rrigatiam it aspersbomm, aimmsi que be pbentetian c/c nidcaux
farestlers sant felts seulemmient avcc h’accarti tl’enmplacemiment
clélivré i~~rbe 1~’iimmistére ties Eeux, ties Foréts ci tie be
Pmatectban die l’emmvironnemmmeimi.
(5) Les zammes c/c pmatecibomm prévues~eux ci. (1°”) ci (2)
sant caimsiciérées, tieims bes pleims ci’urbemmisimme et
107 dxi 25 septemlne 1996
c/’eimméimegemeimi c/u ierritabre, ties zammes sanmmm!ses it des
régienieniaiians spCcleles.
Art. 38.
Pour assurer l’uiiibsetbam meisannable des
ressanrces en can sonierrebimes, c/es eenx nmiimémeles ci
géothermales, c/es lees ci c/es bones thémapeniiques, ebusi
qne des egmégets nm!nénenx c/es bits, l’buvesibgeiban,
l’éveiuetbom ci I’lmamoiagaiian c/es reserves scram I faites
canfarmnément enx dispasitbaims qul s’appbbqnenm eux
ressoumces mmm!néreles nibles.
Sectton 2
La protection des lits mineurs, des bords
et des travaux de gestion des eaux
Art. 39.
La c/éiimitetion c/es ibis mineums csi méalisée
par in Régie Autananme ~Eeux maumainesxx, canjaimiemeni
evec b’antor!mé tie cec/estre foncier ci hes c/ementenrs c/es
ierme!ns rbvereins.
Art. 40.
(1) Dens he bum c/’essnnem be protection c/n lii,
c/es borc/s, c/es constructions
hyc/romechmiques cm
c/’emél!oren be régime c/’éconhement des ceux, somt
imsibtuées des zones c/c pnatcctioim pour:
a) he i!i mineur des cours d’een;
b) be surface des lees natnreis an des émammgs, canverte
d’een ci c/c végématian eqnat!qne, ems! que be bard c/c in
c) be sumfnce c/es lees c/c netenne cormesponc/ant it be caic
c/u conmannement c/n bermnge;
c/) bes snrfeces occupécs per c/cs tmevaux c/’aménegemcni
an c/c cammsolbc/aiian c/es lims m!neuns, ties ceneux ci c/cs
c/ém!vnmbons c/c debits it heum cepecimC maximele c/c
hydraiecimim!ques méel!sées sum les cenx;
e) ies mrevenx tie tiéfeimse coimtne les inammdambamms;
f) hes cammsimuct!aims em les bimstebleiboims bmydiramétmiques,
aims! qne ics bnsteiietiamms the clétenimmhmatiaim enlaimmetbquc
c/c be quelbté tIes eanx.
(2) L’étemmtiue ties zoimes tie pmatectiomm est Cteblie cm
canfamnubiC evec i’aminexe n° 2 pu fail partbe intégneimle tie
be hJresemmte lob. La c/élimiiatbomm ties zones tie protection esi
réebisCe par La RCgie Autauanme sEaux raunmeiness
canjaiimtemmmcmmi avec i’eumaritC tic cac/asmme fancier ci ies
Lw des eau~
tiétcimieurs ties iemmeimms rbvenebims. Le tiroit tie prapmiéié sum
les treveux nmeimibommimés enx belt. ii), e) ci f) s’étcnd amiss!
snr ics zones c/c protection tie ceux-ci.
(3) L’epph!cei!an, en fauci!au tin cenecmére spécifbqne
bacab, c/n régime restrbciif d’uiii!semiou c/cs terrains c/es
zones c/c protection, c/c Ia zone c/bgue-bard ci c/es~
eccumuletiamms nan-pemmenenies est essnméc pen In Régbe
Autaname aEnux manmaines~x, epmés cansnbteiian c/es
c/éteimtenms it taut mime c/c ces terrains ci, scion he ens, c/es
unbtés tie la navigation civile ci em cancamc/amce avec in
méthmoc/alag!e éiebaméc per be Min!siéme c/es Eeux, c/es
Farêts ci c/c in Proieciiaum c/c i’enviranuement.
Art. 41.
(1) Les mesnres em ics emCnegemenis pour be
protection des ibis mimeurs c/es canrs c/can, c/c in plngc ci
c/n bard c/c be Men Noire, c/es tmavenx causmrubis sum bes
eenx on eyaui meppomi eux eenx, sant éiablis pam c/es
prescriptions ci c/es mammes techniques éinborées per be
Mbn!stére c/es Ennx, c/es Foréts et c/c la Protection tie
(2) Les debits c/c servimnc/c em cenx sebubres, ablbgeiobmes
dens hes hiis, par meppari en cerectéme spécifique c/es
secteums c/c n!v!ére respectifs, en c/egmé c/’eménegemenm c/cs
bessbns hyc/mogrepim!qnes, tenant campte c/c be soiibcbiei!om
des ressanrces en can ci c/c l’observei!on des conditions
!mpasécs pour In protection c/cs écasysiémcs aqueibques
soni éiebi!s, per éiepes, pen in Régie Autaname sEeux
ranmeines,x, comfomumCmenm it be bai.
Art. 42.
(1) Dens in sbtuei!omm aim un canrs c/’cnu farme
bit emm qnimiemmt be vbemmx iii d’uime nmeimiéme
untnmelle, les rivenebmms an ics umbibsetenms d’eeu penvent
solbiciter, per démagemian aux tiispasitboims tie i’ert. 496 c/u
Catie civil, tinims umm tiCbai ti’uim en, b’eppmabetion tie In
Régie Auianamme ~Eeux roumeiuesm pour renmenem l’eeu
thans be vienx bit, an freis tie ceux-ci. Tans les litiges saul
résans pu~~
ies iumslemmces juc/bciebres.
(2) Si, tietms num tiélei ti’uum en it conui)ter tie be bum tie
b’ammnCe au l’eau a quittC be lit. umue belie tiemantle nest pes
fomnmulCe, cammfarnuéniemml ii lab. (I Cl) itt vieux bit reste tiamms
la pmopriéie ties rbvemeiums em be umauveeu lit est comsitiéré
coimuine lit mieturel em eumregistré au Cadastre ties ceux,
107 dxi 25 septeinlne 1996
étaimi pmis en atinministretiomi p~u Ia Régic Autonome sEaux
(3) Pour les intérêts publics, l’een pent être nanmenéc au
vienx lit sum in l)maposiiiafl tie ba Régie Autanoumme ~Eeux
ronrnaimes~, eprès be consultation des mbvcnniims ci l’evis tin
comité c/c bassbn ci avec l’epprobetiamm tin Miim!sière c/es
Enux, c/es Fomêts ci c/c ba Protection tie i’eumvironnemmemi,
en frais tin budget tic bEtel.
Section 3
L ‘aménagement des bassins hydrographiques
Art. 43.
(1) Emi vue ci’éieblir bes omicmmtetions fondameniales cancenmmaimt b’ac/nmiimisimaiion durable, unltaire,
équihibmée et camplexe c/es ressonrces emm can, somii éleborés
c/es sebmémas cadre c/’aménegcment ci the gestban c/es eenx
sur des bessiims an gmonpes c/c bassins hydragmaphiques
c/émmornmés ci-après schemes cadre. En correlation avec beurs
élabomés les programmes
déveboppcnment c/es imavaux, c/es installations ci c/es
eménagcments c/c gesibaum ties eaux, qub doivemi êire réelisés
pour l’atteinte ties objectifs vlsnni it assurer in quammité ci be
qualité des canx, be defense contre hes actions destructives
c/es ceux ninsi que pour be misc en veleum c/u patcntiei c/es
ceux, par rapport aux dememcies du c/évebappememmt c/unable
c/c be société ci en accord avec be siretégie ci hes poliiiqnes
(2) Lcs scimémas cadre ci les programmes c/c c/eveboppenmeimt pmévus a b’al. (101) sont élebarés, mis a jour ci
recueilbemi l’avis canfarménmcni it Ia procedure éteblbe p~
be Ministère tIes Enux, ties Forêts ci tie Ia Praieciioim c/c
l’emmvironnenmenl, sant eppmouvés p~’ nrrêié tin
Gouvennemnent ci sant iniégrés tieiis les 1)leums P~~-’~
l’anménagemeimm c/u temnitaire.
(3) Tautes bes actbvbtés socia-ecammonuques, y canmpris
l’eménagenmcmi ties bassiums hyc/ragraphiques, be protection
tie i’eimvinonmmemeimi ci i’eménegerneimt tin temnitaime smut
corrélées avec ies tlispositiomms ties schemes eec/me.
Art. 44.
LeS informetbomms nCcessaires p~~~m’
b’Cieboraijon (ies :schCnmas cadre et ties prognamnues tie
cléveboppemenl, y cam~)mis ccblcs nécessaires ianr
l’étnbiissemnemii c/es dcmnenties cl’ean, tie misc Cm valeur c/u
Loi des cain
potentiel hyclroénergétique et cle defense contre les
inonclations clans l’ensemble clu territoire national, par
étapes de cléveloppernent, seront obhgatoirement arises it
la disposition du MinistCre des Eaux, des Forêts et de la
Protection cle l’environnement et de la Régie Autonome
~iEaux roumaines)), par les ininistêres, régies autonomes,
conseils départementaux ci conseils locaux par les
principaux utilisateurs cl’eau, ainsi que par cI’autres
organisations non-gouverneinentales
concernées dans
des bassins hydrographiques.
inforrnations seront aussi arises it la disposition des
comités de bassin.
Art. 45.
(1) Poup les petits bassins hycirographiques
sont établis des schémas locaux d’aménagernent et de
gestion des eaux, dénommés cl-après schemas Iocaux, qui
s’intêgrent clans les schémas cadre. Les schémas locaux
établissent les objectifs généraux de misc en valeur et de
protection quantitative et qualitative des ressources en
eau, des écosystémes aquatiques et des zones humides,
ainsi que les objectifs concernant l’utllisation durable et la
protection de toutes les categories de ressources en eau du
territoire respectif.
(2) Le schema local enregistre les différents usagers qui
utilisent les ressources en eau existantes, en établissant
l’état des ressources en eau et des écosystêmes aquatiques.
Ii tient compte des strategies et des programmes de l’Etat,
des collectivités locales, des établissements publics,
d’autres personnes physiques et personnes morales, it
incidence sur la qualitC, Ia repartition et l’utilisation des
ressources en eau. II établit également les priorités pour
atteincire les objectifs inentionnés a I’al. (1er), tenant
conll)te dc la l)rotectioll clu milieu aquatique naturel, dIe la
nCcessité die arise en valeur des ressources en eau, de
l’évolution previsible des localitCs rurales et urbaines et dc
l’équilibre qui dolt être assure entre les différents
utilisateurs cl’eau.
(5) Par Ic schema local sont Cvalués les nioyens
écononiiques et financiers nCcessaires pc~t~’
La rCalisation
des Iravaux. des installa (bus ci (los amCnagements l)rénls.
Celui-ci diGit être conpatible avec les orientations fixées
clans le schCnia cadre.
Loi ii° 107 ui, 25 seplembre 1996
Art. 46.
(1) Les progranmmes et les décbsbons
edministnntbves eyeui rappamt enx eeux daiveni êmne
camformes enx c/ispasiibans des schemes cadre eppranvés.
(2) A l’éiabaretbam des c/acunmeumetians techniques pour ies
trevaux prévns it I’erm. 48, ii scm tenu campme c/es
c/ispasbtbans c/es schemes cadre, mespeemivement c/es schemes
Art. 47.
(1) Au nivean the cimequc filinhe c/c bessbmm tie
be Régbe Autanome xEaux rounuabmmes~, ii esi argenisé un
comiié c/c bessin.
(2) Le camité c/c bessin est canmpasé c/c 15 membmes,
camme snbt:
e) c/enx représeutents c/n Minisiéme c/es Eeux, c/es
Farêts em c/c in Pmamecmban tie l’eimviroimmenmemmi, i’umm c/’eumtme
eux étnnt choisi c/u eec/re c/es egemces c/c protection c/c
i’cimvbronmemenm tin bessbn hyc/mogmephiqne mespecmif:
b) nu meprésemient c/n Mbnbsméme tie he Sauté, chobsi per
ceini-ci c/u eec/re c/es inspections dépertenmentales c/c police
hyc/ragrephbqne respecibf;
c) c/enx meires c/c niumicipeibtés ci nn meire c/c yule on
commune, chaisis per les maires des laceliiés c/n bessin
hydrogmephique mespectif;
c/) nn représentent chabsi pam les argeniseiboms nan
ganvemnemmemteles nynni he siege c/ens le bessim hydragmephiqnc respectif;
e) um préfet tiu bessbmm hydragmepimbque respeemif, nommé
par be Départemeni panm i’Atiumbumistmetiaum publiquc locale;
f) nn pmésic/emt c/u eommseih dépertememmei, chaisi per les
présidemmts ties caumseihs chepartemeumiaux c/u bessbum
imyttragmephique mespectif;
g) irabs mepréseimieimts c/es uiilisemeurs ti’eeu tiu bessin
lmytirogrepbmi que respecm if;
h) deux repmésentenms tie Ia Régie Antanaume ~Eeux
i) uum représeumtant (be lOffice p~uI’ in pramectuoum ties
(3) Les rcprCsentants (ie I’atlmiimistratbOn pubiitiue locale
ems c/aims be comuitC tie bassbn fommctianimerant au catire tie
ceini-eb seuleument pour Ia c/urée ti’cxercice tin nmentiat tie
Ia famciban qu’ils repmesenmemit.
Lol des eaux
(4) Le pméfet, he Présiticumt c/u cammseii tiépertemmmenieb ci
les meires cimabsis pmavuentiroumi c/’numités ecimimmbsiretbvcs
temrbmarbeies duffemeimtes.
(5) Les rcpméseumienms ties nmiliseieums c/’eeu somi prap~~és
ci ebmabsis per be camité c/c bessim, en fancibon c/c in
c/cmaude d’enn ci c/c l’bmpect c/es cenx nsées, déversécs
c/ens les ressources en can.
(6) Les membmes c/n caumité c/c bessin peuvemt être
mempiecés per cenx qni ics out sChecibonués an chobsis.
(7) Le commute c/c bessin colbnbame evec be Régbe
Autammome ~Eenx noumeimes~ it b’eppbbceiiau c/c In smreiégbe
ci c/c Ia paiiibque untionehe c/c gesiban c/es ceux, c/ens qnei
but H doit:
a) danmen son avis sur ies schemes eec/me, ebimsi que sum
les programmes c/c dCveboppement c/es tmevanx, des
bimsmeblatiaus ci c/es emCnegeumerits c/c gesiban c/cs eeux;
b) danner son avis sur hes plans c/c prevention c/es
pahinibams eccltieniehies ci c/’éliuniumatiamm c/c leurs cffeis,
élnborés en fomciian c/es conditions
c/n bessin
hyc/ragmaphbque respectif;
c) epprouver bes schemes haceux, éiebhbsseui hes
pniombiés techniques em finnmmcieres ci hes intégrer c/ems hes
schemes cadre;
d) epprauver be plan c/c gesmbon bum tégrée c/c be qnelité
et c/c be qnnnibté c/c i’ean c/n bnssbn hyc/rogrephiquc
c) pnopasem he mévbsban des umarmes ci ties steuc/ertis c/n
damneime c/c be gesmban c/cs enux ci, en ens c/c nécessbté,
éhebarem c/es mormes c/c quebité tie l’eeu évecuée, pmapres
en bessbn hyc/magnephbque; ces narrnes penvent êtme pins
exigeaumies que celies eiebbies en xmbveeu mamiaumeb;
f) éteblir ties manmmmes spéciebes pour Ics éveeueiiamis
ti’eenx usées, si umecesselrc, pour le respect des umormes
émebiies coucerueumt be queibté c/es eeux;
g) epprauver i’iumiégretbami c/aims ties categories tie qualité
ties caurs ti’een c/u bessbum hytiragmephit~ue respectif;
h) recammentler bes priorbtCs en cc qiui coucemne Ic
fuumencenmeut ci Ia caumfonnutC, tiaums be but c/c réalbser ties
pmogmamummes c/c tiévelappeuncimt c/es trevnux, ties
iumslebletiamms ci ties enmémmegeumieumts tie gesibamm ties eenx;
Loi ii” 107 dxi 25 scptemln e 11)96
I) assurer l’immformntbaum c/u public, in gerentie c/’umme
pérbac/e tie iemps uécessebre pour be reception c/es
cammmmeumtaircs tin public, amgammiscm ties euc/iiboims pnbhiques
snr tans ies nspecms proposes en vue tie I’approbeiion ci
assumer h’accés c/n pnblic it ses dacnnments.
(8) Les coumités c/c bassbn:
a) penvent pmeuc/re en consbc/émntban em peuveni
discuien tans les mauveaux aspects cancernent in quanibté,
le queiité ci b’ntbibseiion c/c i’eeu, qui peuveni epperelmre
c/aims be bessium bmytiragmepbmbqne mcspeciif;
b) penvent caumsibmnem ci nuiombsem c/es sans-camités c/ant
in faumctbaum scm tPbmmfamnmetban ci tIe commsnltetboim;
c) penveni sobiicbicr i’exécntban c/es audits, sb
d) penvenm proposer h’emtnibniiam c/c banbfbcetbons, sum in
base c/es dbspasbtbomms the Pert. 82 ci. (1~”);
e) penvent recommender eux eniorités locales, em
famctban c/e he prbamiié ci c/c l’umgence c/c in réeiiseiion des
tmevanx nécessnires, be moc/ehité d’essnnence c/es sanrces
(9) Le cambié c/c bnssim a nn secrétemini iechnbqne,
permanent, caumposé c/c 3 it S personnes, assure pnm ies
fibbehes c/c bassin c/c he Régbe Anianame ((Enux manmaiues~,
eppronvé ci snbarc/anué it celie-ci.
(10) Pour l’exécuibau c/c son meudet, he camité c/c
bessin a nccés eux infarmeibans ci ressanrccs c/c n’importe
qnei émablissemeut pnbbbc, confonmémeni it In lab.
(11) Le mCglenmemit ti’orgembseiiaim ci tie fanciboimnenmeumi
c/es combiés c/c bessin est propose per le Mbmisiéme c/es
Eaux, c/es Farêts ci c/c be Protection tie b’envimaunenmeni ci
ii esi eppranve P~’~
emrêté tin Ganvemncment.
SectIon 4
Le régime des travaux construits sur
les eaux ou ayant rapport aux eaux
Art. 48.
(1) Les ireveux cansirubis stir ics eeux au
ayani rapport eux eeux soul:
a) ties travaux, constructiaums et ijmsiabialiomms qnu
assuremmi Ia gestion complexe ties eaux, y caummpmis
lemiémmuetbon ties bautes enux par in niatiifbcatian tin
régime umeiurel d’Ccauienient,
teis que: barmeges,
Lw (1(5
tul hA
eccnnmnlemioims i)emmeneuites au imaum pernmeumemmics,
tiéniyetbaums c/n ~bbt;
b) ties treveu?’ti’nmuibsatbaum c/es eeux, evec bes caumsmnuctboums
em hes installations efféreutes: des nibmentembaims en can
pamebie, inc/usirbelle ci pour les irrigations, eménagemeuts
cemmmeles hyc/roéleciriqnes,
hydmoméenniqnes, emenegemenis paur be nevbgeiiam, be
fhoiiege em be fiatietian, pants fiaitanis, eumenegeuments
belnéebrcs, tourbstiques on d’agmemeui, eutmes trevenx
c) des tmevanx, constructions et iustebieiiaus paur be
protection c/c Ia qnalité c/es eeux on qub bufinenceut be
qneIimé ties eenx: c/es imaveux c/c cnnelbseiion ci
d’évecnaiian c/es eanx usCes, stetians ci installations pour
he mmebmemeni c/c be qnnibié c/es eaux, injections c/es eenx
dens be soniemmebn, eutmes tmevenx semblnbbcs;
d) c/cs constructions c/c défeumse contre h’aetiom c/csiructive
c/c b’eeu: eudiguemenis, defenses em cousailc/embans ties banc/s
ci c/cs ibis, rectifications ci deviations c/es ills, tmevenx tie
conc/uite c/c i’een, c/c mmmc canine b’émosbou c/u sob,
régninrisetion c/c m’econbeniemt sum les versnnis, corrections
c/es torments, essechements em esseinissenments, nuimes mmnvaux
c/c defense;
e) c/es passages c/c canrs c/’eeu evec les mreveux
efférenis: pouts, continues, bbgmes éiectmbqnes, etc.;
f) c/es nmémagements ci imstelbetbous d’exmrectbau c/es
egregeis mbmémenx c/es ills an c/es bards c/cs cant’s c/’een,
c/es lees em c/u bard c/c be mer: belhesiiCnes, eemmbéres, etc.;
g) c/es tiépôts c/c tiécbmets pieces tieums ics bits mejcnrs ties
caurs th’enu: c/es hebties de debris minémnux, scones ci
ccnc/rcs, schiemum, baues ci c/’nutres sembbebies;
ii) des piemmieiioumsti tléfrbcimeumments tic végeteiban
iigmmeuse, rltieenx anti-erosions ct fbbtreuts tiaums les zones
c/c proiecmiaum on tinums ies bits mnjenms tiub me font pes
pertbe c/es mcssonrces forestieres;
b) ties irevenx, cansimuciboums ci bnstella(bans exCcutCs sun
be barti tie in ummer, sum Ic fond ties eaux mmmaritinmes
iumlérieures e t tie le mmcm termi tori ale, sum’ be plateau
cauiiimentel, an ties tmnveux pOur Ia consolidation tlu bard;
j) tics ireveux tie praspectiaum, d’expbaratbomm/explautaiuan
per forages terrestrcs au maritimimes, insielbetiaums
Loi n° 107 dii 25 septemln’e 1996
hyc/rammCt riques, barnes tapahyc/ragmephbqnes ci tans entres
travaux ti’étntle tin terrain, eyant rapport nu.x ceux;
k) ties treveux em bnsielletiaums panm ba~uivcbhieumcetles
pemeumemmes hyc/rolagbqnes an ponm in surveillance
eniomembqnc c/c he quelbté c/c l’eeu.
(2) Les c/acnmenteiians eiebamees pour hes irevnux
pmCvns it i’d. (lw) tiabveimt affnbm in secunlie nCcessebrc,
repoumc/ne enx umammcs em eux prescriptioums tecimnitines,
ieimemt campie c/es bntérets c/c be pratecibam c/c
b’enviranneumeni ci des emplacements.
Art. 49.
(1) L’empbecement c/es uonveenx abjectifs
écamamiqnes an socieux, y campris hes nonvenux
hagemeuts, dens bes zones imaudabies c/u lii mejenm esi
(2) Saimi exceptés ties tiispasutions the i’d. (lEO hes ens
spéeieux pour Icsquems in Regie Antaname ~Eenx
peui daumer son avis snr c/c tebs
emplacements. L’evis c/’empiecememi est emus nvee i’eccarc/
c/es nivenebus ci senbememi eprés be reelisemian enibcbpée
c/es mmnvnux em ties umesures nécesseires pour évbier be
c/anger d’imonc/nibam em pour assurer i’écanicment c/es
(3) L’nvis c/’empiecemeni menibonné it i’d. (2), abmenn
sun be base c/c in unéthadolagie ebebaree per be Miubsténe
c/cs Eenx, des Forêis
ci de ha Pnoteciban
i’eimvbraummemeumm, u’exclui pns be uéccssbié c/’obicubm i’avbs
c/c gesiiou c/es ceux ci c/es entres nvbs imeccsseires,
canfarmémeni it be lab.
Art. 50.
(1) Les mrevnnx prévus it l’ert. 48 mc penvemt
Ctme exécnmés quc sun in bnse tie levis c/c gestban c/es eeux
émbs per bes nuités c/n Miubsiêre c/es Eeux, ties Faréts ci
c/c in Pratecibamm c/c b’euviranuemmmeut, sun in docunmenteibam
c/’immvcstbssenmemmt. La misc en service on cmi expiaimeibomm tic
ces ireveux sc fail seuienment sum in base tie l’euianisetbaum
c/c gesmban des equx.
(2) Lomsque lcs travanx s’exécnteui tiens he zone ties
ennx naibaumeles mmevlgebbcs, b’eccarti tin Ministéme ties
rru.euisporcs est Cgabeumeimt uiecessebre.
(3) Saut exceptées ties tiispasitiaums tie l’ai. (1~’) les
ectbvbies i)re\’uues it b’ert. 9 el. (2), eimmsb que celbes iaur
iesquelbes be présemite lab prévabi La umatbfbcatbomm.
(1(5 ,~,x,x
(4) Pour lcs services d’avis on dautomisetian ties tmeveux
it i’nrt. 48, sant pcrcus les taxes ci les tanifs eteblus
claims les cautbitians prevues pai’ Ia bai.
(5) Les taxes ci les tamifs 1)a~t1’les services d’avbs et
d’nutonisation, iimstitués sur be base tie i’d. (4), soul tins eu
Fonds des eaux.
Art. 51.
(1) Levis tie gestion ties eaux et lavis c/’emplecement saul ties avis conformes.
(2) Levis ci i’euiorisetion (ie gestiaui ties eaux tm’excluent
~d5 i’obligaiiafl ti’ai)tenir
l’accord et b’eutanisetiou
c/’emmviroummmement, coumformémmment it Ia ioi.
Art. 52.
L’élabometion ties tIocunmentations it l’appni de
le soliiciiation tie I’avis c/c gcstiomm ties caux doit êire
fonc/ée sum des etudes nmCtCarobogiqnes, hydrabagiques on
lmydragéoiagiques, seboim be ens, sun tics étutles c/c gestian
c/cs eaux ci c/impact tics imeveux mespeeiifs sur les
ressounees em eau ci sum Ics zones riveraines. Ces émuties
penveimt êire établies bnm ties uumiiés publitines on pnlvées,
antomisécs par be Mimmistère ties Eeux, tics Forêis ci tie in
Protection tie b’emmvinomuicnieimt. Les c/acumen tatiomms tie
jnsibficaiioim doivent faire be pmeuve tine Ic tienmamiticur
pent se coumfarnier anx tiispasitiaims tie Ia lab.
Art. 53.
(1) L’avis tie gestian ties eeux perth se vnlitiiié
deux ems après Ia date tie sa tiéiivrancc, si b’exéeution c/es
tmeveux respcetifs n’e pas canunencé tians ccl Lnterveilc. Le
possesseur tl’un avis c/c gesmian ties eaux a i’obhigetiou
c/’nnmmoncer It l’énmetteur, par eeriE, be c/ate tiu
eammnemmcemnemi tie i’cxécutiouu, tiix jaurs avant celie-ci.
(2) L’evis tic gestian ties enux est ~éga1enient nécessaire
reteebmmmologisaiian c/c certains pnocessuis tcclmnoiogiques on
tie ceniaiumcs installations existaules ties utilisateuns d’eaij
si ics clispasitboums tic l’avis obtenu aimtCrienrenicnt soul
n-iothifiées, einsi tine si celte modification est iniervemmue
jusqu’it la pu~anmotia1mties Lmavaux resl)t’ctifs.
(3) Les ttocunien tel ions ties (rat’aux d’imm tCrêt i)ul)iic
consiruits sum les caux on avant rapport aux eaux doim’en[
recevoir levis nmênme Si bum realisation n~cessitcraiI Ia
restriction ou be cessation (Ic certaiiies activi lés exiSLaliteS.
Les persouiucs I)IlysiqUes et les I)~~’so11uIeS
morales affecLCcs
peuveumi êLre tiCdomnmagecs coimfomniCmcnt aux thspositions
107 (lxi 25 seplernlnr 1996
tie be lot, si dies font La preuve qn’elles nilbiseumi
effbcacemcnt been on qu’elies ne pabiueut pns ics ressanrees
en cnn.
(4) Les tmevanx c/c bernege c/es canrs dean doiveui être
pmevns evec c/es bmsteihatbaus qnb assnrcut he debit
néccsseire en evab, ebnsi qu’nvec c/cs constructions
necessabres pour be umigmetion tie i’ichiyafaume, c/ems he ces
aim cebe severe nécesseine sun in base d’nme étntic.
(5) Pam levis tie gesiiam ties eanx, l’iimvestissenr Pent eirc
oblige c/’exécnter égnleumeut d’anmnes treveux nécessnimes,
non caunpmis c/ens be dacumeniambau technique, c/c sorte
qne hes trevaux, ics caumsimnctbams an hes iumstehhntbaims
proposes me proc/nbsemi pes c/es damumages enx ntihisemenms
c/’ean exiistemts an nnx rbverebns cm emami ci em evel.
Art. 54.
(1) L’iumvestbsseur est temmu tic umaiifber it in
Régic Autonome ~xEenx raumebmes~, an umahms vbmgt jaurs
anpamnvemi, be camnmencememt c/c i’cxecuiian panr hes
suivenies cetCganbes c/’ectivbiés ci de trevanx:
e) ies tmeveux c/c c/eveiai)i)ememt, mac/emnbsetian an
reiechmobogisamtion tie centebms pnacessns technohogbqnes
on tie ceniebnes bumstelhetbams exisiaumies, sb pen lenr
réebisetiam me saimt pas modbfiés bes pemamêtres
qnexmtbmaiifs cm qnnibtntifs fiumels c/c i’niblisetban de b’eeu,
uumscnbts c/aims i’eutarbsetbam c/c gestion ties ennx snr la base
c/c heqneile i’utibbseienr ncspecmbf a fomctbanmé event be
canmmencenmcnt tie b’cxécntban c/c tels treveux;
b) i’injectiou dams bes conches c/’aim des soul pmovcnues c/es
eeux cannees provemâut c/es expioimntiams peiraiieres scums
proc/nine In pollution c/es conches dean souiemTabne treversécs
camfarmCunenm anx rCgiemeumtnibans dens le dornabme des
messonrces umiumCrebes;
c) ies installations it ceracténe pmavbsaire, penc/ent
l’exécuiboui c/’umm bumvestbsscmeumt, si be c/ébit pméhevé ime
tiepesse pns 10 litres/s ci ies eeux évncnées résuiment eprCs
l’ntiliseiboum mi’imufiuenceumt ~es be qneibtC ties ressaurces cii
ti) ia i)roLectioum saumitaire ties sources ti’elimentetion cii
can potable, c/es enux miuérabes, c/es bacs ci tie ia bane
Lox 1cs catix
e) be pessage c/es cours dean par ties routes
ti’exploimeiian, cammunaies au tiepemmemen tales dens c/es
i)nssiums hytirogreplmiqnes ayent nmains tie 10 bun2
f) les tmevenx c/c culture et tie membse en Ctat ci tie mite
comire h’érasbon tin sal sun ties surfaces tainies eyeumt
maims c/c 20 1cm2, y campnis ies tnavaux tie régnierisniban
de i’ecanhcment sur les vemsauts ci tie correction c/es
iamreimms sun c/es iauguenms nyent mains c/c 10 1cm2
g) les nouvceux trnvnux pour he ceptege tie l’ean, sb le
tiébbt pméieve ne c/épassc pes 10 limes/s ci les eenx
évecuées résulteumt eprCs l’utbiisetiaum n’infbueumt Pi~~
sun be
qnabité ties nessaumees en ecu.
(2) Ponr hes tmavaux bnscnbts it b’ai. (let), he cammeucemeumt
tie l’exécntbaim est fail sur in base tie in notification, b’avbs
c/c gesmion c/es eenx n’éiant pa~nécesseirc.
(3) La misc eum service c/es tmeveux ci tics bustaiiatious
prévus it i’ab. (let), aimsi qne ties cetCgories c/c tmavanx
visemt hes lignes eiecmnuqnes, be pmaiectiam ci be
coumsolideiiami tics bonds em ties bits, les rectifications ci hes
c/evictions ties ibis, In mégnbanbsetbau tic i’éconlement sum
les versamis, hes corrections c/es iamrenLs ci Ia mmmc canire
i’érasian c/n sob, esm febme snr be base tie be notification
nc/ressée it be Régbe Autonome sEnux ranmimainesm, vingi
jaurs nvant ceihe-ci, i’aniorisatbam tic gestion c/es eaux
n’Cmnut pas necesseime.
Art. 55.
(1) L’autanbsetian tie gestiau c/es eaux esi
tiéhivrée sum be bese tie be constatetion technique sun be
terrain, en presence tin béuméfbcbebre
en plus terc/ en
méme icmps que be reception ties investisseunents
condition tie respecter bes tiispositbomis tic be iai, relatives it
in gesmioum ties eenx i~m~be nmbse en exm)boitatboui des
tmaveux, et I’cxncibtnc/e tles~tiouiuiées coumteumues tiens in
tleinentle tl’nntonisatiomm ci dams In tiocumentation y
(2) Si, ions tie be verification sum be Lerreium, sommi
canstatées ties tiéficbences tie nature it mme ~cu~ pemniettrc,
coumformemeuml it be prCscuitc Lob, in misc cim exploitation tie
I’iumvestissenment, i’émettcur tie I’auitorisation tie gestion ties
eaux fbxern un c/éiai pour b’exCcution ties répnrntions on
c/es campbétemneiiis
107 (Iti 25
StJ)l (ill
tue 1996
I’automisalbam tie gestbom c/es enux peut nefuser, he ens
échéaui, tie be c/ébivrer c/c meuiCme juslifiée.
(3) L’autarisntian tie gcstboui ties caux peut égaiemeni
être accortiée pour nne tiurée limnuiCc, sb les insnffisences
comstatées it I’occesian c/c in vénbficetbau sun he tennein
i)enmetmcumt be misc cmi cxpioitaiiomm tIe h’iuvesibssemcut,
snns danger, tin paint c/c vne c/c La gestiam c/es caux.
(4) Le niotie ti’expioitntiami ci ci’eumtmemicum ties imevnnx,
ties caumsmrnctbans ci c/es insmniletions s’iuscrit tiamis Ic
négiemeimi c/exploitation, qni febt pemime uumtégmemmtc tIe
i’aniariseiban c/e gesmbon ties eeux.
(5) Pan b’auiarisaiion de gesibau c/es ennx, ainsi qnc par
ses ecies compbéunentaimes, c/abvent êime imposécs des
tibspositians spécifiques concernent les umayens c/c
snmveiilaumce, bes mac/eibiés tie coumirôhe technique em bes
mayens c/’bmmtemveumtiaui en cas d’bmcbtieuts, evarbes on
accidents em c/’eu tres sembiebies.
Art. 56.
(1) L’entambsntbou tie gesiban c/es eenx pent
êtnc moc/ifbée an retiree
par i’eumeiteur,
bmticmnisaiiaums, tieums les cas suivents:
a) c/ems i’buiémêt tie in sainbrité pubiiqne et, natemmneni,
si Ia nmoc/ifbcntbom on be retnait est nécessaire pour évitcr nu
prejudice mejenr c/u biemm tic Ia cammuneute;
b) pour pmCvenim on assumer Ia butte conire ics effets tics
imomtietians an en ens c/e c/anger pour me sécnritC pnbliqne;
c) en ens c/c tienger pour he milieu equntiqne ci surtoni
sb hcs nmiiieux equetbques sani sonmis it centabmmes comtiuibons
critiques uucompetibhes avec lcur proieciioui;
ti) cm ces c/c force umajeure, tins aux chaugemeuts
neiurebs subbs par be ressoumcc en ecu, au it certabnes
cninumuités umatureibes intervenues eux imislailetboums ties
e) c/aims be situation aim bes trevaux au ies bmmstabbaiiomms
soni ebeumtiouiiiés ou us ume saimt pas enimemeumns c/’umme
mneniéme etiéqnate. ces oil leur possesseur esi oblige, seloum
in ciisposution tie Ia biCgbe Autonoune mEaux rounmebumes)),
tie hes tiéimmobir
(2) L’autorisaLion tie gestioum ties eeux pent être motiifiCe
On retiree claims Les situations au appnmaisseumt tie nouvelies
deuimaumties ti’eau it satisfeire en priorumC confomniCniemmt it
Lvi (fe, (4 Li~
l’art. 10 em. (l~”~),cmi accartient ties umic/eummuisaibons cmix
temmes tie be lab.
(3) Taut refus tie dCiivmcr une antombsaiion tie gcstbon
ties enux dust que monte nmatiificatian an taut metmebt
tiaivemt êime justbfiés, per écmit, an c/emnntieur an an
titulabre ti’autarbsatiomi, scion Ic ces, per cehub eynni pnbs
in mesnre respective.
Art. 57.
Le remrait c/c i’autamisetbomm c/c gcsibomm ties
eenx emtmaine I’obligetban tie cesser i’ncmuvime ebuisb que ia
pemie c/cs tirobts obienus sum be base tie in présenme lob.
Art. 58.
(1) L’eumomisetbon tie gestbon ties eaux 1)cut
êmne suspentine tempomeimeunent, snums imtiemuisations,
c/ens ics cas snivants:
a) si les cantiiliamms iuipasées bniLielement um’oumi ~
b) si ies trnveux, bes cauistmuctbams et bes bnsteiinibons
entonisés ume pméscutent pes tie sflreté cii explautnibon, en
ce qni concemme ia résistance c/es structures ebnsi que i’effbcience ties mechnoiogbes etiop tees:
c) panr c/es ecenms répétCs on graves aux comtiitbons
c/’ntbiisetiou on ti’évecuetian tie lean, prévues dams
l’nntarbsetian, niiisi que tiens ic cas aim i’uiilbsetenr ne
méduse pes ics canc/imbons tie sUreié en cxpiaitnibon, ainsi
que ti’autres mesures établies per be Mbnbstére ties Eaux,
des Forêts em tie be Pro tectbou tie i’euvimonuemcni ci be
Régie Antaname bEaux naumeindsb;
ti) en ens tie pollution accic/eumieibe greve ties ressourccs
en ecu qub meumeec in senme tie in popubetioum ou prac/uit
c/es c/ommages ecobaguques importants.
(2) Dens be ens ties situations préwues it b’ai. (1do) iett. ci),
Ic Mimmbsiére ties Eaux, ties ForCts ci tie be Protection tie
b’envirannernemmt pent égaieunent decider ti’ammeter i’aclbvitC
c/u poihueum on tie i’insteblatiomi qui ~
la i)oiiutbon
ties enux jnsqu’it i’ébbmiibnntion ties causes.
(3) Eu ens tic umon-respect ties mesures Ctebibes pour
assurer les contibtbons inscrites tians i’autorisatbomm tie
gestion ties eaux. Ic MiumbstCre ties Eaux, ties FomCts ci tie Ia
Protection tie L’euuvi ronncnwn t pcut bums Lit ncr un régime tie
survebliance spCclabe. Peumtiant toute Ia tiurée tie cc rOgime,
lu tibbsa tion ci l’epiura Lion ties eaux son t feb tes sons le
conmmôie direct tiu persouineb spCcialement tlesbgne par be
Lox ;x° 197
Ministére tics Enux, ties Foréts ci tie in Protectiomm tie
i’emmvbranumemeumm. Toutes les tiepcnses suppiémnentabres
tiétenunbnCes pam i’nppbbcntbon tin rCgime tie snrvebibance
spécieie sont supportCes p~r Ic tbtubnime tie l’auioriseiioui
tie gesmban c/cs eeux.
Art. 59.
(1) Les mrevaux ci les imisieilntboms soumis it
i’autorisatbouu on it ia umotifbcatbon, coumfarmCunent nux
tibsposbiboums tie ha préseumic lab, qui soumi. utbibses poum c/cs
pmébévemenms ti’enn supcmfbcbeiie on sautemnebue on pour
c/cs evacmuatbouis c/aims les receptenms umatnrels tioivenm êtme
prévus tie mayens I)OU~ he uncsnmnge ties debits et c/cs
volumes d’cen prClevCs an évecues ci tie tietermnbnatbon tie
Ia qnelbté c/es eeux evacuees camformément
tiisposbibaums tie i’auiauisatban tIe gestban ties eaux.
(2) Les tiétenteurs ties ireveux et ties insinuations,
prevns it i’ei. (l~fl, sannmbs It l’antomisatiomm an it be
uotificeiian soft obliges ti’essnrer be mnoniege ci Ic
fouctbamuiemeut tics moycns tie umesurc, c/c gartier pentiammi
cbnq ams les damnées obtenucs suite nnx mesumages em tic
ics ireusmettre meusneilement it In Régie Aniamome sEenx
(3) La Régbe Autoname sEeux ronrnninesm met it ma
tlisposutiaum ties persounics pimysiques et ties pemsaumnes
mamnies les tianumCcs prevues it i’d. (2), en observant les
tlbspasitiams tic I’ami. 35 ni. (6) ci (7).
Art. 60.
Les avis et les eutonisntbons c/c gesmion c/es
enux, aiusi pie be refus tie ies emeitre peuveumt étre
contestes caumforniCnuenl
It la Lob thu coumteumtbeux
atinmbnbsimatbf mm0 29/1990.
Art. 61.
Lc MbimbsmCre des Eaux, ties Fomêis ci tic Ia
Protection tie i’envimomuiemneuut étabiira:
n) be procedure et Les counpéiences tic c/Clivreumce des
avis em ties antonisations dc gesibon ties eeux:
b) be pmacétlnrc tie retmabt ou tie modification c/cs avis et
tics enmorisaibons tic gcsiiomm ties eaux;
c) in procétiume tie suspeimsuaum tcummpomaime tics
autoriseibons tie gcsmioum dies enux;
tb) la procetinic tic notification;
c) la procetimime tl’bnstbtutbon c/u uegbnme tie snmvciiiaumcc
Lvi ties eav~
f) be tableau tie umorimmes tie contenu ties tiacuuneumtembaums
teclmumbqucs souumiises It i’avis on It l’nntarisatban.
Art. 62.
(1) Les iacs c/c reienuc senomt pmojetés camme
travenx It niblisation campiexe desminés it nssnmen
i’abbmeummemioum en can pour me populetioum, I’bntinstrie ci bes
irnigamboms, in pnoc/ucibam ti’énemgbe éiectmbqne, in defense
contre les inanc/atbons, be pbscicnbturc ci l’egmemeum.
(2) Dams bes pmojeis tie bnmmages ci ti’emutibgneuneumts
seront obiignmabrcmemt prevns des protections
consolidations ties bards, meciificatboms em tieviembaums ties
bits, imevaux tie butte caumtre i’erosbon tin sob.
(3) Les bamreges em les bees tie retenne semont pmajeiés ci
méabbsés per c/es nnbmés spécbaibsées.
(4) Les petiis barrages ti’intémêt hoed peuvemi êtme
egalememi exécniés par d’euires unites, senbemeni avec
i’assismance technique em sans be canmrôle permanent tie
h’unbté spécialbsée qui a élabané Ic pmojei.
Art. 63.
(1) Les dementeurs ties berneges ci ties leg tie
reiemne einsb qne c/es pmbses pour i’abimeniaiiam en can,
nvec on sans benmege, somt menus ti’éiebonem des négiememis
d’expiaumniion ci tie respecier beums tiispositians. Les
réglemenms ti’expiabmntian mecneilieni b’nvis ties cambtés tie
bnssin, saui appronvés per be Régbe Autanome bEaux
ranmebnesm ci font panic intégmnnte c/c l’eniombsemion tie
gesiian c/es eaux.
(2) Les mégicmcmms d’expiobmntbou, éinbarés sun In bese
tin méghement eec/re emabmu per he Ministére c/es Eenx, c/es
Famêms et tie in Pmotectbaum tie b’euvirauumement, c/emabbieumm em
cancnéiiscni bes conditions gémémabes d’expialmntion
caandomnée snr u’enscnmbie tin bassin hyc/ragnephique, ties
categories tie ireveux prévnes it I’d. (ic!).
(3) Les méghemeumis ti’cxpbaitetian prévus it i’albuméa (10!)
saumi atiapmés, uiam émapes, tiaums ies limites ties c/ispositboums
tie i’aumombsambaim tic gestbaum ties eenx, cii fanctian tie Ia
c/ynamiqne ties dementies c/’eau on tt’autnes comtiutiamms.
(4) La coomtibumemban tie b’explobtetbauu ties lees tie reteumne
sum ties bessiums hytlrogrnphiques, tiuci tln’en sobt be diCteflieum,
est essutCc per Ia Régbe Autononic sEaux roumnebnesu.
(5) Deums ies situations critiques séchercsses proboumgées,
imautes eaux au ti’autmes seumiblebies i’expioitembon di’un lee
tie rcteune cst subordommmee nux nécessitCs tie in periodic
respective. confomuuiCunent an régime étabii per ba Regic
Autoumanme ~Eaux rounu ames m
Art. 64.
(1) Les personmues niarnies ayaumm cmi
cc/ministration ou cmi expbaitetboum ties imavaux hydratechimbques sant menus ti’utbiisem les prises, bes barrages ci
les ices tie remenne caufomumémenut eux dbagmamnics tie
charge ti’utblbsetbami, sum be base c/es progmamnmncs meumsnehs
ti’expioitatiomm ci. en carréiatiaum avec be i)rotlnctiOn
ti’énergbe, ti’assurem les tiCbbms umécessaires it l’usage tie
Pintiusirbe, tie l’ngrbculture et tIe in popuinmian.
(2) Les tiétenteums tie bnmmeges, avec ics bees tie retenuc
bmytirotecimubqncs, sont teumus tie faire unonier l’Cqnipemeumt
umécessaime pour snrveillem benm camportememi en temps,
d’orgembscr be systénme c/c sumveiiience em tie réeibscr
i’expemiise ties tmevnnx aux tcnmes emabbus.
Art. 65.
Les compCtences ti’eppmobnibon ties régiememis
ti’e~pIabtnlian sum bessimis imytimognapimiques em ties
pra~’nnniunes c/exploitation 50mm étnbiies per he Mimisténe
ties Eeux,
des Fonêms et tie be Protection
Art. 66.
L’évacuatban ti’um lac tie retcune c/es voiunmes
ti’ean nutres que cenx bnscnims dams be méguernent
ti’expbabtatbon, abnsi que l’exCculian ties nmanaenvres
impnévues eux mécnnismes tin barrage penvent être febtes
seuienmcumt evec i’ap~)mabatioum ou sum disposition tie ma
RCgbe Antommome sEaux raumneines~.
Section 5
La defense contre les inondations,
les phénoménes métdorologiquesdangereux
et les accidents aux constructions hydrotechniques
Art. 67.
(1) La defense caumtre les bmiouitietions, les
phéuiomenes me tCorabogiques tiangeneux e t les accidents
eux constructions hytiromecimniques rcpréseimte une ectivbtC
tic protection chile tie in population, ti’iumtérêt natbonai.
(2) Au semis tic Ia })rescnte ioi. in defense contre les
inonttn (ions. Its phel]o1u1 Cues iuuCtCwoiogitjues dnngeieuix
e t les nccitlen is :i uix cons! iuct ions hytlio I eciun ‘quits
Lvi tics eat!.\
n) ics mesures tie preventiomm ci tie preparation h)0~i~
b) les mmuesurcs aperetbonumeiles urgentes ti’bnien’emmtiomi
apmés he tiéclemmeimement ties piméumameumes deumgereux nynmit
ties consequences graves;
c) bes mesnres ti’bnterveniion nhtemieure pour In
récnpémniian ella rehabilitation.
(3) Les ectivites prévucs it i’ab. (2) cammstbtueumi un tievabr
obbbgataire pour tonics les pemsannes physiqnes ci
marebes, exceptiomi fabLe ties pemsoumnes haumtibcepees, ties
persannes âgees ci ti’entres categories tiefavarisees.
(4) L’ébnbomeiban tie be strategic ci tie Ia conception tie
tiéfense coumime ies immoimtieibamis, les plmenaunemmes
tiangeneux ct ies eccitients eux
constructions hytiraieeimnbques incombc en Minbstére ties
Eeux, ties Faréms et tie Ia Protection tie i’euviraumnemezmm.
Art. 68.
(1) Les tiémcnteurs it mont titme ties
consimuciboms hytimotechnbques c/ant ics avanbes on Ies
tiestructions penvent menecem ties vies humebues ci ties
bbens an qub peuvent partem prejntlice it l’envbmouneuneni
soni ienus tie c/amer ces tmeveux ti’eppemebls tic umesume ci
côutrabe nécessnimes pour l’absemvetban tic ieur
campomienment en icmps, ti’bnstaiber ties systémes
ti’avertissemeumi-eiarnme cmi ens tie cianger et ti’organiser
l’actbvité tic snrveiibamice.
(2) Pour ba coomtibnntban, be canseil em in poumsubte c/c
b’ecibvimé tie survebbiance tics barrages, ties lees tie metenue
ci ti’antres commstrucibons Imytimateclmumbques, cmi vue the leur
explabtembom en sécnrbié, auprCs c/u Minbsiére ties Eeux, ties
Fomêis ci tie in Protection tie l’envirannemcumt foncibonne
ba Counmbssioui mmatioumale pour Ia seenrbté ties bammages ci
ties tmavnux imyclroiechumbqnes, coniposée ties represeum tents
tics uniumistCres, tics mégies autonomies et ties emabimsseunenms
l)ubibcs comccnuCs.
(3) La stmncture, ies attmbbuiioums spécifiqucs. ies
counpeiences ci in tiotetion tie Ia Commission natioumaie i~u~
in séCurbtC tics barrages ci des travaux hytirotechumiqucs souit
ét aI)Iies par un rCgiemcnt
tiorganisa thin ci tie
fouictbonnemncnt, élaborC pam’ le Ministérc ties Eanx. dies
ForCts ci tie be Protection tie i’environnemcnt et approuve
emrêtC tiu
107 (iv 25 septcrniiie 1996
Art. 69.
(1) L’organisatban ci ie direction an nbveau
umemional ties actbons tIe u)rémTemmibaum ei tie défcumse cantme hes
inoumtiatbons, bes phénouméncs méméomoiogbqnes tiengerenx ci
hes accidents eux constructions hytimamechniqnes esi
néalbsée, confammément it in bob, per in Commission
centrebe tie théfeumse caumtme les bmontieiboms, bes plmémaménes
ci les eecitienms aux
comsmrncibans hytirotechmbques, tiéuomméc ci-aprés in
Coinxnissioyj centrale, qnb fouicmmamie auprCs tin Ministére
ties Eeux, ties Forêms em de Ia Pmamectban tic
l’environnemenm. La Camnmbssbon cemtmahe est campasee ties
repméscntamiis c/es mbnbstCres, c/es mégies autonomies em ties
émnblisscments pnblics camcemnés.
(2) La Commission centraic cabiabore en permanence et
sc snbartiamue en cas ties cebamités it in Commission
gauvennementahe tic defense cantre hes tiesesires, imstbtnée
canfommémeni it he lob.
Art. 70.
La strucmnne, bes emtribniians spécbfiqnes, les
compéiences em Ia tiatatbon tie he Commission cenmrnie sanm
etabuies par un mCgiemenm ti’omgenisntiom ci tie
fancibonmememi éhaboné pan he Mimismére ties Eenx, tIes
Fomêis ci tie be Pramecmion tie i’enviramnemeut, npmés evis
tie ha Commission ganvemnemenmeie tie tiéfemse canine les
tiésnsmres ci nppnanvC pen armeté tin Gonvernement.
Art. 71.
(1) Les actions apémnibonmeibes tie protection
conime bes inontintbams, hes phéuamênes meteoraiogbqnes
ci les
enx constructions
imytimatechumiqnes sauL orgammisees pam les commissions
em, mespeciivememt,
ceihe tie ba
mnnicbpeibmé tic Bncamcsi, tie tiéfemse canine ics tiésesircs,
qub fonctbomneni anprés ties prefectures, ci par les
tie tiéfense cautre ies tiésnstres c/es
communes, villcs ci municipalimés, tlbrigées par ics mabmes.
(2) Les camummbssians tiepermemeum teies, mespectbvemeumt
cebie tie be mnnicipaiimé tic Bnceresm, tie defense cantre les
c/esastres saumt canstituécs per amtire tin prCfet tini exemce
égabememii Ia fauciioum tie présbtiemit tic ha commission. Le
Régbe Anmouiorne ~Enux maumebuesm assure ie secrémnriai
I)erflmemieumt tie ces camnniissians.
(3) Les commissions tie tiéfensc canine ies tiésestmes ties
commnumes, vilies et mnmncipnimtes soul sul)ortiomimiées aux
des c’atix
commmmbssiams tiépamtenientahes, respecibvement It ceiie tie be
municbpnibme tie Encarest, et soni composées ti’nn
représeniant tie Ia Régic Anmaname Eaux moumabuesm.
(4) Pour bes abjecmbfs qni peuvent êmre affeciCs per ties
inontiniioms, phemaméuies météaralogbqucs tiamgereux ci
eccitienis enx consmnncmbous lmytirotechuibqnes, quelle qu’em
sail be formc tie prapmbété, sant argnnbses c/cs
cammentiemenis tie tiCfensc tibriges par icum tibmigeaum. Ces
cammnutienmenms sami subortiomnes tiirectemeuit anx
tie tiéfcmse canine ies tiésnstmes tie
communes, vibbes ci municbpniliés.
Art. 72.
(1) Les pemsamnes physiqnes an momnhes eyaum
cm pmopniéié an en niblisambam ties abjecmbfs dams ties zones
panvnni emre affeciées par les actions desmmncibves ties
eanx, c/es phémaménes meiearabagiques tiamgerenx on c/es
eccbtiemts anx comsmmnciiams hytiratechuiques,
uoblbgemban ti’assnren I’eniretien ci l’explobmemioui atieqnnms
ties tmevenx tie defense existants.
(2) Em ens tie tiestmncibau an tie deterioration ties
mmevenx tie tiéfensc canine bes bnamtietions on tie cemmaines
canstmncmbons hydnamechniques, ceusees per hes cmnes, bes
c/ememmenrs it toni litre tie ieis imavanx out i’obibgembon tie
nefebre on tie népemer ces tmnvenx ic plus vite possible.
Art. 73.
(1) Les dépenses pour Ies nciians
apéraiiounehhcs, ti’intérem public, tie tiéfense canine les
mnantinibans, hes phénomémes nméméamabagiqnes tiengereux
ci les accithents aux consmmncmbons liytirateclmmibqnes, niusi
qne ceflcs pour La constitution tin smack tie memériels ci
moyens tie tiéfeuse, saul pmévues em fbnencécs, scion be cas,
tin bntigem tie h’Eiet, ties butigeis beaux ci ties sonrces
propnes ties persannes physiqnes ci c/es persanmes
(2) Dams he ces oü les samunes prévues au budget local
ti’nn tiépenmemnent an ti’une haceiité aim il y e en ties
imontiatians, ties phénaméuies metéaraiogiqnes tiemigereux
an c/es effets umegetbfs it be suite ti’uum nccbtieuim aux
constructions hytIrotecimniqnes ne souL Las suffiseumtes
uomur conmbattre el éliminem lenrs effets. ces samrncs serout
essurées tIn Famtis ti’iuitervention prévu an bntigem tIe
h’Eiat, canformément it in lab, sun proposiibon tiu prefem et
iü~ciii 25 septeml)ie 1996
eprés avis tin Ministére ties Eenx, tics Faréts em tie in
Proiecibomi tIe i’eumvirauiuierneu t.
Art. 74.
(1) Le méglenment tie tiéfeuise canine Ics
iuantintbons, les phénounémes mime Léaroiogiques tiangemenx
ci les nccbtieumms anx constructions liytimotechmmbqnes em be
Tableau ties nonmes tie mravebb-catime tie tiomamboum en
mniérieis ci unayems tie tiefense apemeiiaumumebie canine ies
inauitieiiouis et les glaces sout éieborés par be Mbumismére ties
Eanx, ties Farêts ci tie be Protection tie l’euivironnemeui,
avec bn cansnitetioum tic be Cammuiissioum centrele ci ties
comites tie bassin, epnés avis tie be Comummissban
gonvenuemmeummale tie tiéfemmse contre ies thesnsmres ci somi
appranves par emrêié tin Ganvemnemeut.
(2) L’appibcetion ties mesures aperationuielucs tie tiéfemse
esm néelisée tie mamiére umitnire, reposant sun les plans tie
defense canine ics inantinmions, les phénoménes
tlnngereux et bes accbtienms aux
causmnuciions hytimoiechuiques. elnbares per bessins
hytimognnphbques. dépertemenms ci bacniiiés, ninsi que pour
les abjecibfs panvemi être nffectés per tie teis phenaunenes
an eccitients.
(3) L’élebanetion ties plens tie tiéfeuse prevus it b’ab. (2)
fniie premant en consideration
bes plans tie
sysiémamisembau tin termiiabre em tie restriction tin regime tie
camstnnciiamm ci eprés consultation
ties pemsanmies
physbques et ties pemsoumncs morales comcemuées.
(4) La coantiimiaiiau apéretboumumebie tie Pnctbvbié tie tIéfemse
coumtre bes iumoumtbetiouis, bes pliéuianméues uneteorologit~nes
hytirotechubqnes mevient it in Régme Autoname bEaux
(5) Le prefet tin tléparteuncnt oh ii y a be siege tie Ia
fibbaic tie in Regbc Autouanme bEaux nauuuainesb a les
amtribntmoums tie caautibmmation tic i’nctbvbté tie défeumse canmre
les immomitbatioms, ies plmCumoumienes mneteorabogbques
ci les
eux constructions
liytiroiechniqucs sum be bassbu hydrographique rcspecmif.
Art. 75.
(1) Pour Cviier que dies calamblCs_se
i)rotinmseuit tians les pCriodcs ties lueutes emuux ou tics
aux barrages,
be fonctiouncmcnt
eccnn-uulatiaums uion perumuauieuites anx paranmeLrcs poem
lesquels ant été canstmuites est obbigatoire et ba
Cammunission cenimele i)eUt approuver l’inontiation tiirigée
tie certaimis temmeimus éiablis anténicumenment pam~ les plans
tie dCfcumse, niumsi que tics emiceimimes emtiignees, réaiisécs
sun ie côié c/’uim caurs ti’eau.
(2) Lcs tiémemiteums it tout titre ties terrains étebhis pam
les plamis tie bessin tic defense, niumsi que tie cenx situés
claims ties emceiumtes entiiguées soul Lemmus tie permmicttm’e leur
inantiaiion mernpom’aire ci clirigée.
(3) Pour ies préjutliecs snbis suite it i’inancietioum
temupomaire ties temraimms, beurs 1)ral)riet aires semoumt
clédommegés tin foumds tI’assuramice, tiaums les conditions
prévues Pa” in bob. Les vaieurs ties iuitlcmmiisatiomis sammi
proposées par bes pmCfets, daivent mecneillim i’evis c/c be
Cammbssioum eentnale ci somi appmanvées per nrrêté c/u
Gonvennernen 1.
Art. 76.
(1) En true c/assurer be smabiliié ci l’integnime
ties dignes, ties barrages et d’eummes tnaveux c/c defense
canine bes actiomms tiestructives tie l’ceu, soul imierthits:
a) l’extnectioum tie la temne an tl’eummes matémieux ties
digues, barrages on th’antrcs tmevanx tIe defense einsi que
de ieums zones c/c pramectian;
b) Ia pleumiatiomi ties arbres c/c toute sarte sun les c/ignes,
barrages ci sum bes antres tmavaux tie ciéfeumse;
c) be paiumage stir bes tibgues an les barrages, sur ies
bards au dens les bits nmimueiurs, tians les zommes aim il y a
c/es trevanx hytirotechniques ci c/aims Ienrs zones tie
ti) ba réalisniion tie babinstièrcs on tie travaux ti’exeavaiboum c/nuts he lit, tians in zone ties capiages cii can tie
rivière, tics eaplages nvec infiitm’ation ~ Ic borti, ties sanspassages ties contiuites on ti’eutres tmavanx tI’art.
(2) Avec b’avis tie in RCgic Autononme mEaux moumniness
saimt l)emfliis:
a) be tlépöt ties maLCrianx et I’exécutiaim ties
commstruclions sum’ ties tiigues, ties barrages ct claims tune
zone oii ii y a tt’auires travaux tic defense:
1)) ia circulation avec les véluicules on Le I)assage ties
auiiniaux sun ties dignes on ties barrages mum ties l)leces
spécinbenment aunCnegees pour tic telles actions;
1 0~)
Lvi no 107 (Iii 25 sc’j)leii]I)ie 1990
c) 1euircs
be passage
au ietiepencemeut
ties ties
ties barrages
defense per
on d
citbhes éLectriqnes on tic téiécamunuuicatbons,
ti’enires canstrncmions an insteilntbomms panveumt tibmiminem
he résistance ties tmavnnx on empecher ies ecmiaus tie
(3) Liexecnmioui ties iravaux prCvus It l’eh. (2) ieit. c) se
rénhise sans ia snrvebiiamce tie be Régie Automome mEnux
Section 6
La participation du public
Art. 77.
(1) Pour i’npplbcamiau ties thispasiibons tie be
hai coucernaut
he protection
ties ennx
snperficieiies on saumerrabncs, nbnsi qnc pour l’nssnremce
ties ebirnemmembans en cnn, be Mimisière ties Enux, ties
Panels ci tie in Protection tie leuvinaumemeni pent
preudre ties mesures effecmeut les buménêms ties nmbbbseienrs
c/cnn, c/es nbvernbus an tin pnbiic, seuhement nprês lenm
cansnlmnmbau, seuf bes simuamious spécieies camme les
sécheresses, les imantieiions ci ti’antres semblabies.
(2) Eu vue tie rénlisen in cansubietbon pnet’ne it lab. (1~),
be Minbsténe ties Eenx, ties Forêis et tie ha Protection tie
I’envinanmemeut ci, scion ie ens, be Régie Aniamame sEnnx
ranmeimesh an ses fibbabes tie bnssin, u)nbiberauim dens he
journal iaceh une information caucermnni les mcsnmes
pmapasées. La mCmme information scm envayee nux
uiiiisetcnrs ti’een, eux nbverains nbusi quit monte nuire
persammc qni pourreit en emre effectéc.
(3) Les mesures proposées. ainsi que Ia tiocnnmeuimatian
it beur eppnm serouit leuues it be tiisposimian tin imubbic per’
bes umiiiés prévues it i’ai. (2).
(4) Les cammentaires,
les obsenratboms on ies
propositions écmltes an sujei ties mnesures proposécs serani
envayées It ceiub qub avail feit I’informntbomi, claims umi tiéiab
maximal tie t~nerantc-cinqjouurs suivant ~ i)ublbcaiioui.
(5) Dams Ic ens tie In proposition tIc mesumes spCciales.
mml)orteuites ou couuirovcrsées, l’éme tteur tie Imnformaiion
orgemibsema uui ciel)at public tie ceble-ci, claims uui tiClai tic
saixanie jonms snivemml Ia publication tie i’imfornmatioui.
cI&”i eiiv’.’
(6) Le Mbmistère des Eeux, ties Porêts ci tie be Protection
tic b’cmivbmaunememmt ci, seiami le ens, be Régie Autononme
bEaux ronnmabmiesb, aneiyscrant tautes ies observetbomis et
bes propositions reçnes event tie prentire uue tiécision. Le
lexte tie Ia decision ci tie se motivation semant nibs it be
tiisposimioui tin i)ubbbc.
(7) La procedure concernemt Ia pamticipntian ties
utilisnicurs ti’ean, ties rbvereimis ci tin pul)iic it i’eclbvité tie
consultation sere émnbbbe per be Mbnislere ties Eanx, ties
Famêms ci tie ha Praiecmbau tie Pemvirouneniemmt.
Le coiztróle de l’activitë de gestion des eaux
ArL 78.
(1) L’ncmbvité tie gestian ties eeux em lerespeci
ties tiisposbmians tic be prescute bai soft sauinbs eu canirôie
(2) Dams be cetire c/u Miuistère ties Eenx, tics Forêis ci
tie ha Pmalecmiou tie b’euviraunemeut
l’Iuspeciion d’Etat ties Ennx, nyaut pour attributions
d’iuspecmem ci tie cauitmôber i’eppiicniion ties tiispasbiions tie
he présente lab.
(3) Dens ie but tieccomplir ies attributions tie conmrôhc,
he personuci tie gesiiau ties eeux, eiusb que les
mnmtiataires c/u Miuisière ties Eanx, ties Porems et tie in
Protection tie i’emvimannemeum, eprès avair tiécliné ieurs
mom et qnnhimC, aiim Ic tirobi:
a) ti’nccès aux eanx, tiams ties zones iongeeuit ies eanx
abnsb qn’emi taut auire lien, unite on imistelietian, quel
qn’en sobi be tiétcnienr au be praprbétairc, pour faire ties
constatetioms concerneni be respect ties régleuneuitatiaus em
b’eppliceliami ties mesures tie gestion c/es eeux;
b) tie contrôben les Imeveux, ics constructions, les
installations ou les activités relatives anx eaux cm tie
verifier sb cenx-cb soul réelisés et explabtés conforménment
anx dispositioums lCgeics spécifitines ci an respect ties avis
on ties autorbsatiouis tIe gestion ties eaux, scIon Le cas:
c) tie vCrbfier ics insinuations tie mesure ties tiCbits, tie
faire ties prClèvenmeuits tI’eau et ti’exanuiucr, tiamis les
conditions uirévues P~’~
In lob, tons ciouuées on documents
uécessabmes an comtmôic;
Lvi n° 107 il
25 Sc’j)l(’iIiifli 1096
ti) tie coumsteter ies fails qui constituent ties coniravemitbans
on infractions clans ic clomeimie tie gestiaum tics eaux et tie
concinre tics tiocnnmcnts comfonnémncumt it be Ioi.
(4) Les mantle takes c/u Minbstère ties Eaux, ties Fomêis
em tie be Protection tie h’envirannemenm
charges tie
l’exécuiiou ties actions
tie cautrôle c/ems ties unites It
cerectère special recevraumt égeiemeni i’nppmol)embOim tics
uiimmbsières qu b coomtiounen t les unites rcspcetbves
(5) Snm ics vaies umevbgnbbes em dens ties- paris, les
etiributioums ti’imivestigetbaum, coustaietian, caummrôic em
appbicemban ties sammctiaus cancemuant ic respect ties
régiemenietious c/ens ie tiomaine tie in protection ties enux
revienueut en personnel chargé pan be Mbnbsièrc ties Ennx,
des Foréts ci tie be Protection tie h’envbronnement
comjoiniemeut avec be Mmnistère ties Tneusports.
Art. 79.
Lcs eutonités tie l’etimmubstmambou pnblbque
cenmmeie ci locale sani icunes ti’accartier lenm eppui en
personnel tin Mmuistème ties Eeux, ties Parems et tie be
Promeciian tie i’euvirannement ci tie be Régbe Antaname
mEeux ranmamuesi> et enx employés eniomisés per cenx-cb
ebusi qnc ti’nssnrem peimtient les pérboties tie henies eeux ci
ti’iuautietbomis, be réebbseiion continue ties observations, ties
mesumeges em tie in mrensmission ties bmfarmneiians.
Le mécanisme éconornlque dens le dornaine des eaux
ArL 80.
(1) L’cen camsmitnc nne messonmce ueiureiie
eynmt nue vnleur économique dens tantes ses formes
ti’ntilisaibon. La cauiservation, be réuiilisetiami et i’épemgume
tienu soul enconragécs per l’aPl)lbcntiaum ties stimuli
économiqnes. y canmpris pour ccnx qni menifesieut nume
pméaccimpetian comisiente pour Ia protection tie la queniiié
ci tie be qneiité tie beau, aimisi que per i’applicelion tics
pCnelités it ceux qub gespblbcut on pallucuit bes ressources
em ecu.
(2) Le mCcanisnme écouiomiquc spécifique an tiomabmie
tie gestiou tjuanlitaiive et qualitative ties eaux coiitient le
système tie i)eicluent, i)onificetbous ci péuiaiites, comnnie
pci-tie tin unotie de~fiumanccnien( tIn tic-veboppememit tin
tiomabrie eL tI’assnrance tin fonctiounemneumt stir ties~
Lvi (IrS
pnbucipes écauomlques tie Ia Régie Auionome bEaux
(3) La mnetimotioiogbe tie consolitiaiian tIn systemic tie
paiemcmm c/ens be tiomaine ties caux, ebusi qne Ia
pnacétinmc tic leur elaboration soni étebiies pem le
Miuisièrc ties Eenx, ties Faréts et tie he Protection tIe
b’envmmonmmement eprès avis tin Minbstère_cles Finances.
(4) Le sysième tie peiemnent prétru it b’el. (2) repose sum
be règle: le bélléficieire pare, en fouctiou tics services
fourumis ci tie cenx comicernent I’utiiisemian reibonumelle ties
messoumccs em can, qni assume:
a) in siimubntiau écauamique tie b’utblbsetbou tiurabbe et
tie in protection tie Ia qnelbté ties eenx;
b) be tibfférenciemiau temrbioniabe ties prbx et ties tamifs
pam cetégonies tie sources et ti’ntblisetenrs, tiémermiués par
les conditions tibfféreumtes c/assurance tie beau, c/aims in
mesure aim be système assure ties needles em tiépeuises
c) be correction tin uiveen ties pnix ci ties merifs cii
fametion tie in tiynembque génémeie ties prix;
ti) be tmemismissiom enx usagems ties bumfluemices
écanomlqnes tiétermmuées Pt” bes ectivités ti’assnmancc ties
sources c/can tin pout tie vue qnelbtntbf em quentitemif;
e) be retincmbau ties cafits tie production per Ic
stimulation écouamique c/u prix tiens Ic but c/assurer be
maximum tie profit sacieb;
f) ie meflei c/aims bes pmix tie be tieunaumtie tie tiCbii em
volume dean.
Art. 81.
(1) Le systemic tie pebenment. bes bommifbcatbons
ci bes pémebimes spécifiqumes it i’eciiviiC tie gestiau ties ceux
sappliquent it ions ies nsegers.
(2) Les dispositions tie i’d. (J~) mc s’eppbit~ncnt I)~S it
beau treumsbtée pour be navigation sum Ics vaies navigabbesartbfiebelles, ebnsb -qu’aux bersamines physiques qui uiilbscnt
b’eeu conformément it b’erl. 9 al (2).
(3) La RCgie Autonome bEaux rounmeinesb est be seul
fournisseur tic beau préievée tibrectenmen t ties sonrces
dean snperficielles. naturebles ou amCnagOcs, sans ienir
comimpte c/u tiCtenleur a tout Litre tie l’anmCuagement et tics
sources sauterraines, it I’excei) tbon ties eaux géo tht’rmabes,
ebmisb que tics produits ci ties services sb)Ccifbtlules tie
Lvi n° 107 dii 25 svplcrntn c’
gesmion ties eaux, sum Ia base ties cantrets conclus claims cc
(4) Pour les aetivités visées -h lab. (3), seule in Régie
Antauomc bEaux ranmeimes)) a Ic c/roil ti’epplbquem he
système tie palemeums spCcifiques tie in gestiom tics ceux.
(5) Pour been mreitCc foummie an pour des services tie
gesmiom tics eeux enires que ceux spécbfiqnes. ies
fournisseums on ics pourvayeums sant bes persoumes
et nmomebes qni, seian be ces, omit cii
ecimumiisiratiaum bes trevaux lmytiroicchniqnes on qul
fourubssemmt ics senrlces tie ges lion ties eanx.
Art. 82.
(1) Les bouifbcetbons soul nccomtiées eux
nmiiisnmenrs ti’cnu qui tiémautneni consiamment ume
attention spéciele pour l’nmibbsetian raisaumebie ci pour Ia
protection tie in queiitC ties eeux, em évecueni, evec les
eanx nsées epnmécs, ties substances poiiuemtes en
concenmreiiaus et quenlités nec/mites pen rapport a cebbes
immscrites tieiis i’eniomiseiion tie gesiboum ties eeux.
(2) Les péneibmés saul appiiqnées eux ntilbsntenrs tieeu
euxqnebs soul caustatés ties écents per rapport enx
tibsposbibous ties cantrnts prévus It l’ert. 81 ci. (3) tent pour
be tiépesscmcmt ties qnamtiiCs ti’eeu prélevées, que ponm les
coucenimeiiaus ci ics quanlités tie snbsmeuces poliueuies
(3) Senie Ic Régie Aumaumome bEaux ranmeiuesb a he tim-aim
tie consteter les ens oh sont eccortiées ties bonificemiams on
eppliquées ties pénaliiés. Les bonificetious soni eccartiées
eprès avis tin Mbnistère ties Enux, ties Famêts ci tie be
Praieciiau tie b’envbrounememt.
Art. 83.
Le systènme tie peyement, bomibficambamms et
pCnalmies, aimsi que bes categories ties i)ratiubts ci ties
semvices tic gestian ties eaux soul étabbis per errêlé tin
Art. 84.
(1) Dens be but tie perticbper en fiuencemeni
ties immveslbssements tiarms ties travaux em umiesures avec nmme
comtribn Lion imnpontemm te p~uurl’aniCliora lion tie b’essuramice
ties sonrces- clean, it in protection tie ba qnalité ties eanx.
abnsi qu’aux tlCpeumscs entrainées ~
i’élaboraiiou tIes
éiuties et recliemches applitpuées c/aims ie tiomnainc ties caux.
ii est comisibtuC mm fouitls spCcieb. exlrabncigétaire,
cienonmnmé le Ponds ties en irx.
Lvi tIcs
(2) Le Ponds ties eeux est constiiué ties iexes ci ties
terifs pour hes services cI’avbs ci ci’antomisatian, étabibs
conforuiément it Ia hoi, alusi tine ties pCuiaiités pméwues it
b’eri. 82 ab. (2).
(3) Le Ponds ties enux est atimbuiisirC par mu bntiget it
pert, éinborC per be Régie Amioname sEnux ramniebnesh ci
eppmonvC per Ic Minislèrc ties Eenx, ties Parêts ci tie In
Praiectbomm tie b’emivbraiinenient qnb étebiii Cgalenmeuml Ia
mémhotiabogie tie tiémermineiion tbe cc butiget, avec i’evis
c/u Minbstère ties Finances.
(4) Le Ponds tics camx, avec tl’antres sources, sera umbiisé
pour be sanmien finencier tie:
e) be méelbsetiamm tim Système national tIe surveillance
qnemitbtamive cm qualitaibve ties rcssources em ecu;
b) be tiotatban ties réseaux tie laborataircs,
mraumsunbssboims el imiforme hounds efférenms It celub-ci;
c) in pertbcbpniian it Ia réeiisntion am In moticmnisaibon
ties stations ci ties buslellatbomis ci’épmratiou ties eenx usécs
pour b’emébiomnmion tie in qnelbté ties ressoumces en can;
ti) be réehisetbon ties Ireveux publics ti’bniCrêm iocah it
effet social special em pour iesqucbs ies eutonités locales
u’ami pas tie ressaurees fineucbères snffisammtes;
c) ha réelisemion ties Ireveux pmblbcs concemnamit be
defense çontre les iuonc/eibans, eenx ti’ectbon, tie
prevention et tie mite comtme ies calamimés nntumcbies tines
it l’excès on em meumqne tie been;
f) In tiomambom tIn systèune informa hound hytlmabogbque
ci apérnlionnel tiCcisbomineb claims be tlanmeiue tie in gesmiom
c/es eeux;
g) i’écari ties avarles on pour Ia misc eum sécurulé tics
constructions lmyclmotechmmbques cI’inlCret rmaibouial ou local,
teis les bermages. tiigucs. dc:
h) la rCnbiselion ties travaux tie iwotection ties bassins
imytirogrephiqnes conlre Ic colmetege;
b) I~ rèaiisaibomi ties Ctnties visani it conumaiire
i’Cvoiution ci be gesibon ties ressaurces en cam;
j) bes haul [ice lions pour cent pi I ant tics rCsnl I a Is
rcnmarquables tinuis in protect ion con Ire b’tpui semen I el lii
tiégratlalion ties ressources cii c-au;
k) l’ectivitC tim comilC tIe bassin
Lvi v° 107 dii 25
1 ‘196
Art. 85.
Lc fbnnncemuiemii ties bmmvestbssemenis tiaus ics
mrnvanx, ies constructions am bes installations tie gesmion
ties eemx est assure en tout on pertie, seioui ie cas, par:
a) le butigem tie l’Etai am bes budgets beaux, pour bes
irevenx tiéclerés ti’mtblitC pmbibqme, conformCmmemit it le lab;
b) les thuds ties mtbbbsnmeurs ti’eeu;
c) be fautis tie tiCveboppenieni tie be Régie Antoname
bEaux roumeimesm;
ti) les fontis obmemius par ties crCtibts on per i’émbssbou
ties abbbgemiouis garnu lies par be Gonvernenicnm am les
eutamiiés pnbliqmes locales, pour tics treveux ti’utilbté
pubbiquc an pour ties associations tie persounes qni
vembeut cxécm hem tie tebs trevaux;
c) be Ponds ties eeux.
Art. 86.
La viobation ties dispositions tie he présenie
bob enirelne be mespousnbilbié tibsciplimeire, maiémielic,
civblc, carrecibouneile am cmbmunebie, scion be cas.
Art. 87.
Comismilnemi ties contmevemtiaus c/aims be
tiamniume ties caux les febts subvants, s’bbs mmc 50mm pas
commis c/ens tie teibes conditions qm’ihs sobeut comsbtlCrés,
confarmémeni it lab péuiale, ties infractions:
1) b’exécnibon on in misc en exploitation ties iravamx
canstmnbms sum bes eemx am eyenl repport aux eenx, abusb
que Iemr modification am extension, sans be rcspcci tie
i’avis on tie b’emtarisntiaui tic gcstian ties eamx;
2) l’exploilatiomi am i’eumtretien ties mravanx camislrmiis sum
les eenx am aynnt rapport aux eemx, semis be respect ties
tlisposiiiauis tIe l’aumarbsaiion tie gestbaum ties cclix;
3) l’mlilisatban c/es ressaurces cm cam supemficiebbes on
souterraines en tiivers buts, semis respecter les tiisposbiioms
tic b’entarisntiomi tie geshban ties eamx, sauf cemx vbsenl it
salisfeime les besoius tin pro~~rc
4) l’Cvecmalbon on b’injeciion ties eatix msCes, ainsi tine
Ia tiécherge ties résbtius ci (IC touus anlres mntéricls clans
ies ressomrces cii cam, scums respecter les tlisposutuons tie
l’avis on tie b’eulorisation tie gestion tIes eaux;
5) I’exlraciion tics agrCgals nuinCraux ties bits on ties
hortis ties comms tI’ean, ties cannux, ties bacs, tic Ia plage on
Lvi tIes
tie be falaise tie be mer, sans i’evbs on l’entorbsatian tie
gesmbou ties eaux am sans respecter Iemrs dispositions;
6) l’exiraciian tics egrégets mirmCmemx ties reserves muon
imomabogmécs am en tiebuams ties pCrumètmes marques, en dépassent le limite tie be qmentité nuaximmm tie 5000 ui3/en;
7) Ic miami-respect tIe i’oblbgation tie sobliciter l’aumoriseiiami tie gesmion ties eemx, aux ternmes étnblis, pen bes
agents écananiiqmes;
8) be miami-respect, par les pratimclcmrs ti’iumfarumaliams
pouvent caustiluer be Pantis national tie daumnèes tie be
gesmban ties eamx, ties obligations tie conserver ces tiouuées
em tie ies mremmsmettre confarmemeumm anx tiispositbaums tie be
présente lab;
9) b’emplecement tinims les liEs umejenrs tic uanveamx
objectifs éconambqmes am sacbemx, 31 compris tie nanveemx
bogements, sans I’avis ti’empincenmemi, einsi qne sans levis
on b’emmorbsemion tie gestian ties eemx am semis respecter les
mesmres tie protection contre bes iuantietious;
10) b’entremben buetiCqmem ties bards am tics hits tians bes
zones émnblies, per cemx emxqnels on a recanum mu tinoit
c/’mtilisetioum tie l’eem on par ics tiétentemrs ties travenx;
11) be nan-respect tin régime impose tieus bes zones tie
protection per les pemsannes pbmysiqmes ci ies personues
12) be nou-respeci, per les niulbsamemrs tic l’cau, ties
obligations légebes qmi bemr reviennent coucenment be gcsmban
rebsaumnebbe tie i’een, I’entretien ci be méperation tie leurs
propi~es bmismalletioums on tie cebbes ties sysièmcs
ti’nbimemmtaiiomm en can ci tIe cnnalisaiion-épuratuau;
13) le faii tic mue Pes assumer i’eniretieu em i’expioitetboii
ties stations em ties instablatiomus pomi’ be treitenieumt tie be
qualité ties eanx it In capacbtC amtomisée, b’abscnce tie
surveillance, par ties~enalyses tie bnbomatobre, tie lemm
cffbcbencc em ti’interventboum opCretbomimmelie en cas tie nomi
iiitégratbomm tlans les uuorummes tie timabitC et clams les Iirnitcs
tlamis l’amtorbsahiomm tie gcstion ties eanx:
14) i’Cvacmahiomm ties enux tie mimic on connCes claims bes
cours ti’eam sans assurer ieur Cpurahion atiCqnale, tie soric
qne les humbles atinuissibbes ~
I’évacmeiion tlauis les
recepleurs mueturels tic smrface sobemut respcctCes;
Lvi ii’
107 dv 25
Scj)i(’uii bit
15) l’mlilbsnhion, be Iremusport, ba nuanipulation ci be ciépôl
ties résbtims am ties smbslamices chimiques, semis assurer les
comitiitiomms b)aumr éviier Ia pollmtiouu, tiimecte am iuutlirecte,
ties eeux snperficbelbes on sontcmmaines;
16) Ia preiiqme tie be piscicmbture en régime tie
fomrnie cmx pobssaus tiens les lees
ti’accnrnmiamiomu ulihisCs comnue samrce pour ties
ebinientations en cam potable;
17) be rombssage tim tihlcml, tim chanvre, tim bum on ti’entres
blenies mextbles sails l’avis am i’enlorisatbon tic gestiomu tics
eanx ci it Yextèriemr ties especes aménagés it ccl effet:
18) be tiépôi ties nmalémbels tie monte sane dens les bits on
sun les bortis ties comrs clean, ties cemaux, ties bees, ties
éiangs em smr be faleise tie ba mer, smm ties barrages em ties
tiigmcs am tans ienrs zones tic protection;
19) be bavege tens ics comms tVeem on tans les lees cm
smr beurs bards ties véluicnles, automobiles, ci’ammres
autilleges ci egrégems mCcaniqnes:
20) be bavage, tiamms ies caurs ti’eeu an dens Ies bees cm
sur leurs bortis, ties amimenx tiomestiqmes tiCsinfecmés avec
ties substances toxiqnes, ties objets It usage nmCnegcr en
nmbliseum ties lessives ci ties embelinges eynmt liii comiienu
tie pesticides am ti’amtres substances tiaugercnscs;
21) Ic rejet on Ic tléverscmncut tens bes bnstellalbons
saniteires on dams les réseenx tie canabisemian ties résitins
pétrolbers am ties subs Lances tlengeremses;
22) l’Cvecmembon ties eamx nsCes clans bes réseamx tie
cniualisetion ties loceiités on ties objecmifs intinstricis, semis
respecter les contibtiomus CieI)hes per ieurs tiétcmutemrs, ebuisi
qme l’ebsemice tie be b)réeI)Uraibalu locale tie ces eamx;
23) lumilisetbon tie caneux omverls iomu~hes évecmaibous
an les écouleniemuts des eamx fCcaioIties-nuCnegèmes am It
coni.enn toxiqme:
24) Ic miami-respect, ~ Ies persoumimes pbuysbqmes on morales,
ties régienuentaiiouus tie be lob cii vigmemr, clams les ens tie
pollmtbon tIes cain nationaies navigabbes I)C~ties imavires am
ties ins talla lions flaIl aiiies, sons n9mimi )orte tinel peiilbomm:
25) I’bnexistemmce, clucz bes uhibisateurs ti’eam, tie propres
plamis tie pnet’euu lion ci but I e cauutre les mioibntians
accitleiutelies on i’ebseuuce tie tcmr muse eu epb)Iicatbauu;
Lvi ties emix
26) Ic fail tie tie pas eumnoumcer ies unites tie gesiiamu ties
eamx tbn’uuc poilniban s’est prociumute tic rnauiiêi’e
accitiemhelbe, it cause ties ntilisatenrs;
27) be fail tie ne pes preuutire ties mcsurcs mmgentes, per
I’uiblbsaiemr ci’eem tbmb a pracimit in poilumuon accitienteble,
pour smpprimen ses causes em ses effets;
28) he miami-respect, pam ties persouines pluysbqnes ci ties
persammumes morales, ties resmrbclboius tieuis b’mtUisetbou ties
eanx et ti’ammmes mesmmes éteblies pour ies pCrioties tie
séchercsse, ties hmemies eenx am ties cebenuités;
29) l’iuexisience ties plans tie tiCfeumse contre lea
buiaimtieiians, ics pbieuiamêuics nmétCamalagbqmes tiangenemx
ct les accbtemmms aux cousmrmctbams hytiratechuiqnes, It
niveem ti’abjeclif, einsi qne be fabt tie ne PC5 bes respecter
em me pes respecmen les phans beaux tie tiéfeuse;
30) I’obtmrambon om Ic blocage, sons monte fam’nme, ainsi qme
Ia misc it arrêi, tie monte menbême, tim fouctionuemenl ties
cansmrnctbons em ties umismellelbaums tie tCcluerge ties hammes eeux;
31) in plenteibam, be coupe on be tiesmmnctban ties embres,
ties embnstes, ties bnbssaus, ties cultures pércnncs et ties
plants sitmés dens ics lims ties comrs ti’eam, dens bes
cnvettes ties lees tie reienme ci sur leurs bards, an sum ties
barrages, tibgnes et tens lemrs zones tic protection;
32) Ia plantation tie pilbems smr benreges em tibgncs, sans
l’evis tie gestbon ties eanx am sans respecter scs tiisposimbons;
33) be pittmmage tiaus les zones tic protection ties conrs
34) in tiestmuctbon am Ia tiétCnioratiou ties mumités ci ties
iimstailetious tim réscen natbounb ti’absemvatbous, ties repêmes.
ties umires Iuytirammmétniques an ti’eutmes sbgumes lecluumiqucs an
mopagmephiqnes. ties forages IuytInogéoIagit~mes,c/es stations
tie tCtemminetion emtomaliqme tie ia quebité ties cenx ci
t’entres senmblebbcs;
35) l’busmelietiauu ties cammtimbtes, ties cables, ties ligmes
eénieunes it tmevers, em-tiessus em am-tiessams les liEs ties
riviêres, tigmes, cannmx. contimites, barrages on ti’eutnes
trevaux buytirolechnbqmes am tiens leurs zouies tie pmotectiomi,
semis b’evis tie gcstion ties eanx am semis be respect tie ses
dispositions, on bien saums Ia notificaiboiu tie ces nctivités;
36) PexCcmtiomu ties beclueges suir bes harts ci claus les ibis
ties comrs ti’eam am tics ceuiamx pour b’exécmtion ties trevamx
Lvi n° 107 dii 25 sepitinbi C 1996
tie passage ou~ti’antnes tmavemx bmytiromechmmiqmes, sans l’evis
tic gcsmioui ties enmx on saris be nespect tie celub-ci;
37) la cincmbatiouu em vébuicnles, Ic pessege ties aniniamx
am lenm stntianncnmeuit sum bes barrages, tiigncs on canemx,
It l’exceptbaui ties especes spécialement tiesibués It cci effem
an pour ties in temveutbans opémembaumebles;
38) l’eutretien inetiéqmet ties trevemx tie captage,
ti’eccmnmmletbon ci tie tbsiributbomi tie b’eem, ties trevanx tie
pmotecibaum tea Ibis ci ties bards, tie defense ct immie coutre
l’ecibom testmmcmbvc ties eaux;
39) l’bmiexisteuce ties imistebbetbans devemmi assurer les
tébims sabmbres em ics tiébbts tie servitutie em aveb, ainsb que
be migration tie Fbchtyafamne, cmx tmevenx tie barrage sum
ies conns ti’eam;
40) Ic man-respeci ties dispositions ties progreniines
ti’expboiietbon ties lees tie reteume et ties prises ti’enn, abnsb
qne be faiL tie ne pas assurer les tiébits selubres em les
tiCbiis tie servimute;
41) b’buexbstence -on be noui-faumctbammnememt ties pubis
t’observemiam ci couirôie tiestbués It survebiler Ia pollution
ties eenx somtemraimcs, it cense ties eemx usécs résnitécs tie
se propre eciivité;
42) i’bumexismence ties tiispasblbfs am ties apperebls tie
mesmre em canmrôie c/es tiébits ti’enm ceptés ci évecués;
43) l’bnexistence ties tiisposiiifs am ties eppemebis
uéccssabres it b’observeLbon tin compomlemnent en memps ties
mrevemx Imytinoteclimuiques em t’evemtissenment-ebarme em ens
tic tienger;
44) I’emmtnetben umiatiCtbmat ties tlbspositifs am ties eppemeils
tie mnesmre et canirôle ties tiCbbts t’eam capmés an évecnés,
ebumsi qme ties eppeneibs tiestbmués It smrvebibcr le
coinporicumuent en temps ties constructions
hydrameciummbtimes et ti’evcrtbssemiieni-ebamune cmi ens tie tianger;
45) be refns ties persouunes pim3’siclues ci ties persoumnes
morales tie présentem bes avis ci bes amtorisatbouis tie
gesiboum ties enuix on tons entres tiocmmcuuts nécessabres
pour ie contrôie, y camprbs tie pamtbcipçn an contrObe
effecimC par ies nepréseuutants si~ucielisés
46) ic refus (IC l)enuuiettl’e, am persoiuneb chargé tIe be
gesibon ties eaux ci tin cantrôie. ti’evobr accCs amx cemx,
snr bes termains et les emuceiuites ties ntilisatemms tie I’eam on
Lvi des cotix
tics tiétemimemrs ties trnvemx, ebusi qme tieus tout nmlre lieu
aiim ib est nécessebre ti’effcctuer tlcs consietetions, tie
mortem ci ti’emiretemin bes appereibs tie rnesmre ci comirôle.
tie faire ties prélêvememiis clean ci ci’imitervenbr claims
l’epphcetiam ties dispositbomus tIe In bob;
47) l’bnexécnmban, cmx tcrmcs Ciabhis, ties mesnmes
tiécbtiées autémbenmemcut, einsb qme ties saiiiciintbaums
bégebes tim MbnistCre des Eamx, ties Farêts ei tie be
Proteemion tie l’enviramuemeuut em tie in Régie Autonome
tcEanx roumeiucs~
48) b’eumorbseiban ties travaux pmévus It i’ert. 48 sans qne
les conditions pour he préveuiiaui tie be pollution ties enux
soieuii accomplies comfarménient cmx dispositions iégeles
en vigmeur, am be metmebi imjustifbé tie l’nutomisatbon tie
gesmion ties eenx;
49) be refus ties tiétenteurs tie iermaius en aval, queue
qn’eu soil in forme, ti’eccepmer les ennx qub s’écanleut
natmrellemeni ties terrains sbimés en emomt:
50) l’cxécmtbam ties cousmrmctbomis am imsiebletious snrterrain dams Ies zones tie protection ties piates-formcs
51) Ia non peribcipnmbon cmx actions tie téfeuse comire
bes bnoutintbons, tie butte canine be sécheresse on ti’anires
cnbamilés metnreblcs;
52) l’buexistcnce ties bmistnllntbamus tic stockege ci
épmmelian, eimsb qne ties maccards c/’évacmeiian tans les
instelbambaims tie .borti am flatlemies ties ecux b)ablmees, ties
umevimes am ties imistalletioums flattauites, sans tout b)e\niblom;
53) le brauchemcnt
ties bagememis em mésean
ti’albmeutation en eam ceninebisé, sans l’existence on be
réalbsniioii ties rCseanx tie caumaibsaibon tie be stalbom
Art. 88.
(1) Les cantrevemtbans prCvmes It Ian. 87,
comnibses per bes persannes pbuysiqncs et bes pcrsoumnes
morales, serani puumuies conmume smit:
a) ti’mme amentie tie 2.000.000 leb It 5.000.000 leb, pour
les persouines marales,et dune anientle tie 1.000.000 lei It
2.000.000 bei, pouui~ Ics ~
plmysitiuies. les feits
prévns It b’amt. 87 points 5), 6). 9). 11) It 18), 21) It 25), 28),
30), 34), 35) et 52);
1(17 cia 25 sej~iemlire 1006
b) tune emeumtie tie 1.000.000ieb it 2.000.000Ieb, pour
ics persaiumues morales, em ti’nume enientie tie 500.1100 bet it
1.000.000 beb, p~~ries persouunes l)Iiysidlmes, les fails
Pmévus it I’amt. 87 paints 1) it 4), 7), 10), 24) It 27), 29), 31),
39) It 41), 45) It 51);
c) ti’mme aniemtie tie 500.000 Ici It 1.000.000 bei, pour Ics
persommcs marales, ci d’mume ementie tie 250 000 let It
500.000 leb, poum les persouumues pluysmqmes, les fails pmévms
It lent. 87 pobmms 8), 19), 20), 53), 36) It 38), 42) ci 53).
(2) Le nuommant ties ameuties scm ecinebis& pan ermCié
tim Gamvemnement.
Art. 89.
Les nmemtes appliqnées cmx persounes
physbqnes on persamies marches étrengêres seranm payées
cm leb, en cours tie change ties devises am moment tie
b’exécmlbom tin payememi.
Art. 90.
La coustatetian ties contmnvenmians em b’applicetbon
tics sauictioums prévncs it l’art. .88 sauL feites pen
e) bes imispecteurs tin Minismére tics Eamx, ties Porems ci
tie ha Pnaieciiou tie l’cnvironuernemt ci tie in Régie
Anmouamc tcEamx mammabuesi;
b) les tiirectenrs ties filbaics tie bcssbu tic be Régie
Auiauamme (cEnmx nommaines~em lemrs empbayés cumamisés;
c) enmres pcrsarmes amtorbsécs per la tibrectbou c/u
Miuislère ties Eamx, ties Paméts em tie ia Praiectbau tie
ti) les inspecteums ties egeuces tie pramectbau tie
Art. 91.
Les tibspasitbans tie be Lab imv 32/1968
caucennamt be tiétenmbmmalbon cm he sauctiomi ties
conlraveuiibams, snuf les cibspasbtiaiis tie Part. 26 ci. 1 ci 3
saui appiicehles anx cauutreveumtiaims I)révnes per le
préseuite lob.
- - -
Art. 92.
(1) L’évncmatiouu, be mejet on l’buujectiau taums
ies caux smpenficbelles on somlermabmes, dams les eamx
manitimes bntCrbemmes on dams les eanx tie Ia nmer
tenritoniale, ties eemx msées, tics tiécbiets, tics résitims am
ties protiutits tie iomte sonic couuiemami ties smbstemces cii
éial soibtie, liquide om gezenx. ties bactéries ci des
umiicnabes, cmi tbnauulutés out cauiceminctboums t1ub penvemui
clmnugen ics camaciérbstiqnes tie l’eam cm be reuiticut abmisi
umocive pour be sauté em I’bumtégnbtC physiqme ties pcnsonuues,
Lw ties eo cix
iamr in vie ties auiiuumemx et l’emuvbnomuierneuui, pour Ia
pnotimctuoiu agnicobe am~imutimsiniclle on potmr ies messamnces
Piscicoles. coumstbtneuu I ties bimfnacibous qni scram I pmimies
ti’emprbsamimeineut ci’nim aim It ciuq ens.
(2) Le fail conmnmis par sa propre fanle scm pmni
ti’emprbsaummemenm t’nn an It irobs aims aim ti’mume ameumtie
tie 3.000.000 beb It 10.000.000 leb.
Art. 93.
(1) L’exCcniiam, be iuuotibfbcnibom on i’extemisiom
ties inevemx, couismmuctions am installations sun les eaux an
eycuit rapport amx eamx, sans l’avis tIe gesibon ties eeux an
sans be umotbficcmbon tie iels tmavemx, ci be muse en expboiintioim
ties unites sans be muse en service em méme lemps ties
réseaux tie caiualiseiboum el ties stations ci imisiebietiomis
ti’épmrctbon ties eemx msées, canstitmeni, couufarmémeml cmx
tispasilbons tie gesibon ties eenx, ties imfrecmians et serout
pnmbes ti’empnbsonumememl tie six mais It trots ens am ti’une
emeutie tie 3.000.000 be! it 10.000.000 beb.
(2) Le fail camnibs par se pnopre feume sera pun!
t’emprbsounememi tie six mobs It mm em am ti’mue euuemtic
tie 2.000.000 beb it 5.000.000 ici.
Art. 94.
(1) L’mibibsetiam ties rcssamrces en eam em
tibvers bums sans i’amtambsetbon tie gestbam ties eemx, it
l’excepmbau ties ces u)révms It Pert. 9 ci. (2), on sans be
mmoibficamiou tie l’actbvimC, selouu be ens, comsibtue infraction
cm semn pumbe ti’emprbsomuememt tie six mobs it trois ens on
ti’ume amentic tie 3.000-000 ieb It 10.000.000 ici.
(2) Le febi comnibs per sa prapre famie scm pumi
ti’empnbsauuememi tie six mobs it mu aim am ti’mmc eumieumtie
tie 2.000.000 ieb it 5.000.000 beb.
Art. 95.
(1) L’expboitalbom on l’emimetiem ties trnvemx
coumsirnits sur Ies cnmx am eyemi rapport cmx eemx, be
téveiappemient tics ectivitCs tie rouissege- tim iiblemi, tim
chamvne, tim liii am d’amtmes plamimes texibies, tie iammmage ties
peenx et ti’cxtraction ties egnCgeis mibnénemx, sans
l’cmionbsalbamu tie gesibon ties eamx, con.siitneni ties iumfrzmciions
ci seraumt puns tI’emprbsannernemt tie six uuuobs it mobs ems
on ti’nne aunemtie tie 3.000.000 lei It 10.000.000 leb.
(2) Le fail comunubs par se propre fan te sera l)nuui
tI’emuupmbsommuiemicmui the six nuais It mm aim am ti’nme nnmemtie
tie 2.000.000 lei it 5.000.000 ieb.
Lvi if’ 107 dci 25
Art. 96.
(1) L’expioitetbon ties egrégems mbméramx tans
les zones tie protection sembinire ties sources ti’eem, tiemms hes
zones c/c pnoiecmbom tics ibis. te& harts, ties constructions
hytimomecbuumiqmes, ties constructions
em busmalietbomms
hytimamétrbqnes am des installations pour be tiéterumbnetbou
emmametbquc tie be qmeibié ties eeux, constbmme bmfmeciian em
scm pmmie tPempnsommemcuui tie six miabs it trois aims on
t’mne amcntie tie 3.000.000 ici It 10.000,000 Ic!.
(2) Le fabt coummbs pen sa propre fcnie sera pmni
ti’cmprisonmemenm tie six mobs it nn am am ti’mue emeutie
tie 2.000.000 he! It 5.000.OQO he!.
Art. 97.
(1) L’mtbibsaiiauu, semis I’emlanbset!oum tie gesibam
ties ennx, ties Ibis mbnemns, ebusi qme tie in pbcgc el tin
hart tie ha men dens ti’emmres bums qme ccnx tie babguetie
on tie promematie, couslimme infrnctiau ci scm i)mnie
t’empmisonuememi tie six mobs It trabs ens an ti’nne
ementie tie 3.000.000 be! it 10.000.000 be!.
(2) Le feit commbs par se pnapre femie scm pun! ti’nm
cmpmbsonuemeum tie six mobs it mm an am ti’nne ementie
tie 2.000.000 Ic! it 5.000.000 be!.
Art. 98.
(1) La cantinnaiian tie i’ectivité eprCs be perle
ties c/maims abtenns em ventm tie be présente lab consmimne
infraction em scra pmuie ti’empnisauuement tie six mobs it
trais ems am ti’nue emcmtie tie 3.000.000 lei it 10.000.000
(2) Le fail cammis pen sa prapre fcute sera pun!
ti’empnisannemeni tic six ummois it mu em am tune ementie
tic 2.000.000 ici it 5.000.000 be!.
Art. 99.
(1) La restriction tie b’mmblisatbon tie l’eauu
potable pour Ia popmlatiam am profit ties amires eciivités
am be tlépcssememt tie ha qneutiié teen abiomée, sib a mu
careclére sysmCmetiqme an ib pnotimit mue perturbation tie
i’acl!vité tics umbtés tie protection sociaie am ll~crée ties
incanvénients tiens l’alimcntatiom cmi ecu tic ha papuiemian,
comsiitme jmfractbon ci scm pun! cb’empnsonuucniemui tic
lrabs mobs it tienx ens on ti’nue anuentic tic 1.500.000 iei It
5.000.000 beb
(2) Le fail comumuis imir sa propre famte sere pmiii
ti’cmprbsamuuenicumi tie six mobs It um aim on tune ameumdc
tie 1.000.000 lei. It 3.000.000 bei.
Lvi des wax
Art. 100.
(1) Tomte pobimtioui ties ressannces en cam, si
elle a mum cenaciêre systémetiqute ei pratimii ties tiommages
amx uuiilisamemrs ti’eeui em avel, constbtme bumfmcctbomi ci sera
pmuiie ti’emprbsanmmemmemi tie six mimois it trais ails am ti’nuue
ementie tie 3.000.000 be! It 10.000.000 be!.
(2) Le febi cammbs par se propre fnmme scm pnni
ti’emprbsonnement tic six mobs It mobs aims am ti’mme
amentic tie 3.000.000 Ic! It 10.000.000 be!.
Art. 101.
(1) Le tiépôt ci l’ntiibsntian ties eugrebs
chimbqnes, tics pesticides am ti’amimes smbsiemces toxbqmes
tinugeremses tens les zones tie protection bustiimées
comformément cmx dispositions tie In pméseute boi,
cousiimaeimt infrectioums ci serouit pm~mis ti’emprisoummcment
tie six mobs it irois ems am ti’une eumeuitie tie 3.000.000 ici It
10.000.000 be!.
(2) Le faiL cammis per se pnapmc fnnme sema puni
ti’cnmpnisonmemneut tie sbx mobs it mum am am ti’mue amcmtie
tic 2.000.000 be! it 5.000.000 be!.
Art. 102.
(1) Le tiépôt dens be lit mejeur tin
combustible nmcléeime on c/es résbtips résmbmés tie bemm
ti’emprbsomuemeni ti’un an it ciumq ens.
(2) Le fn!i commis per sa prapre feute scm pun!
ti’emprisannement tie six mobs It mm an am ti’mme ementie
tie 3.000.000 bei it 10.000.000 Ic!.
Art. 103.
(1) La testrnetiam, Ia tiéiér!omatbon em
b’execmmiam ties mamo~mvres cmx écbmses, grilles, vammes,
barrières, It ti’emmmes constructions
em iuustcllntiams
bmytiramechmuiqmes par ties pemsaimmies pbiysbqnes miami
emmomisécs, coumstitnemt ties imfmeciiaus em semont pmum!cs
ti’empn!somnemeut tie inais mobs it tienx ens am ti’mme
nnicute tie 1.500.000 le! It 5.000.000 be!.
(2) Le fe!t comnnu!s per sa pnoprc femte scm pun!
ti’emprisaumnememut tie six mua!s it mum aim auu ti’mme amemtic
tie 1.000.000 be! it 3.000,000 Ic!.
Art. 104.
(1) L’exCcuutbouu ti’excavalioms, tie Irons am tie
fossés teums les barrages. tliguues on tauus bes zomics tie
i)roieciiOmi tie ces iravanx, aiiisi que i’extrnciiomm tie be
terre am ti’nnires unaléniamx ties tnavamx tie cléfeiusc, scums
i’avis tic gcstiouu tics eanx am scums Ic nespeci tie cehmb-c!,
cousiitneiut infractions et semamt pnmu!es th’eunpnsomnemneml
107 da 25 seplviiiliie I 99b
tie Irois nmo!s It tiemx ems out ti’nuuc emmeutie tie 1.500.000 be!
it 5.000.000 be!.
(2) Le fail canumuis per sa pnopme femle scm pmni
tb’emuprisonnememi tie mrais muobs it six niobs am tune
amente tie 1.000.000 bei It 3.000.000 bei.
Art. 105.
(1) Le fail cammuls coutre muc cabbcct!vbté,
p~’ empaisoiuuienmemi cmi masse. l)mou’ocatioui t’épitiérmies
on tI’emimcs comséqmemces pcrmicmlièremnemi graves It be
smime tic b’empoisaumnemcuui on tie ba contamination tbc
b’ecm sere pun! canfammémemt cm Cote penal.
(2) La ieuiicmive scm pnmmic.
Art. 106.
Les infractions pnCvues tinums be b)résemite bob
sout canstetées par ties argenes amtombsCs, aims! qne iem be
personnel pnévm it h’art. 90. qni pmCsemte I’ecte tie
causiamamiam it l’omgcme bacel ti’emqmêtc b)émaié.
Dispositions transiloires ci finales
Art. 107. —(1) Pour les ircvcmx exismcmts sum bcs ennx on
cycni rapport cmx ennx, mom emiorisCs, les mmbb!scicnrs
ti’eeu ou ics télcuiemms tics travcnx respectifs tinessenant
bes tiocnmeuts méccssa!res et sobbicbtenont i’cmtar!satbam tie
gestiomu ties eenx tiamis mu tiéiei tie six mobs smiveumi i’emitrée
en vbgnenr tic In prCsemte lob.
(2) Pour b’éqm!pemnent ties insteilatiamis exbsmemtes
coufanuémeuui cmx tlispasitbomms tie b’art. 59 ci. (l~), bes
mi!lbsaiemrs ti’eam élebaremamt ties pragncmnmes per étepcs.
en fomuctiam tie h’inupecl qnal!tatif ci tinamuiimetif sum bes
mcssanrccs em can. Le non-respect ties mermes prévus tans
ies pragmanmmcs pam étepes cantinit it i’nppiicntiom cm
système tie b)e!ciTtemi it forfeit tin mécembsme économbqmc
tans be tiomneinc ties eenx, It in capncitC ioiale ties
imisiabictiauis tie b)méiêVeniciut am ti’évacmatiam.
(3) Les msagems ti’eem qmb. It in date tuenmree en vbgucmr
tIe la lrCseiutc bob, mc saul pes thames tie sinuous om
ti’busmeblatiotus th’épnratiom au ticimt ics insteliatboms
cx!stammtes nCcessiieiui ties complements, ties exiensioms,
ties nemecluiuohogisaiboius on ties 01)1 iimisa tiouus foumetiomuncibes
samui menus tie rCaibscr et mueiire em service ties sletboms ci
ties installations tl’épnneiion It cepacité ci avec nuue
eff!c!emce adequate smr he base ti’nm pnogremmmme par
Lvi clc~-’(‘,iiiv
étapcs tiressé cii fomuetbon tie in tlinicnsion tie i’!mipact tie
l’évecmemiom smr ics mcssommccs en cam.
(4) Les programmes per Clepes pnévus anx ai. (2) et (3)
scum tiressCs, tiamus mu tiCbnb tb’mu em smivemt i’enmree em
v!gnemr tie be b)rescmme bob, pam ics mu!liseiemns ti’ecm,
necueblbemt levis tie la RCgie Ammamonme aEemx rammeiness
ci samt appnomvés r~r le M!misiCre ties Eemx, ties Forëts ci
tie be Protection tie i’emviromnememit.
(5) Les programmes pan éiapes ant force jmmbtiit~ne.
(6) Le miami-respect tics tlbspositiouus tIes ci. (2), (3) ci (4)
pent cantimire It Ia tiCcis!on tie cessation tie l’ncm!vité ties
ntiliscienrs ti’enm.
Art. 108.
(1) Lcs emiamisei!ons tie gesmbauu ties eaumx
teb!vmees event i’emtnée cm vignemr tie be préseute bob
gartient bcnr vcb!tbiC senbement s! ehlessout mccomfirmées
pan be Régbe Amionome mEaux ranmainesm, eprès
vér!ficctian tin neunplissememut tie monies les comuti!mious
uiécesseires pour l’auuorbsatbon.
(2) Dams mm tiébe! ti’mui cmi snivami l’cumree cm vigmemn tic
Ia présente lo!, bes m!tnlaires ti’entorbsai!ons tie gcstbom ties
eemx salliebleront be reconf!rmmetiau ties emtorisct!ous sum
in base tUmme toeumcnteLiau
comufommmmémcni cmx tlispas!Lious tic hart. 52.
(3) Dams be ens aim b’ammarisatbou tie gesibom ties enux me
pent êirc reconf!rmCe pour ties nebsons justifiées, be
timmleire tie i’amtaniscibamu tic gesmbou ties ecnx timcssema mu
progmemme pam éuapcs qni sera appromvé ci sm!v! per la
Régbe Anionome ~Eenx rommebuesu. L’bmahscrvntiom tics
tim programme appmomvC tiCienmbue be
cessation tic l’cctivité ties ntibisatcmrs ti’eam.
Art. 109.
Les empioyés tim Mbm!siCnc ties Eanx, ties
Forems ci tie ha Protecibom tIc l’emvimonneuneuui ci tie Ia
Régie Antomuomc sEanx ramma!nes~ omit Ic throit tie porter
nnifommme, tomi be motiêic sema appmoumvé pz~~’
amnCté tim
Art. 110.
Le MimistCme ties Eaux, ties FomGts cI tie ha
Pratectiomu tic I’envirommenmemi esi cm timobt tl’Cmieitne ties
monuuues, Iahleanx tie normues ci ortires It careciCre
obligetoire thauus ie t!omlaimmc tie h’cen. Les actes tie
regbeumueuiiation pmevms p~ Ia prCsenic bob scromt Cleborés
iar be M!muisuêre ties Eenx, ties Forets ci tie Ia Protection
107 dci 25 cep(vrnbir 1996
tie b’cnv!monmemmemt tans mm tiélai tie sohxeummc jamms
smivani i’emmrec em vbgnemr tie ia présenme lob.
Art. 111.
Le négimue ties caux mimémabes em géothcrmales sere rCgiemmentC par nme lob spCcieic.
Art. 112.
La pmCsente lab eutre cm viguenr saixante
jamrs smivaut be tiaie tie sa publication em Moniteur
Officiel tic in Rammiemie. A in mCme- c/etc soul nbragés in
La! u° 8/1974 sum bes cenx, les cml. 8, 24, 25 ci 34 tie be La!
u° 12/1974 smr Ia pCclue et In pbscbcmltnre, l’amt. 44 tie be
Lob nv ,,13/1974 smr bes cbiemius, Ic Lob u° 5/1989 sum in
gesmiau rebsonuiable em be pmomcctbou ties eemx, be Décret tim
Canse!h ti’Etet liv 155/1975 cancemuant I’orgemisatiami tie h~
defense cautre les effets ties pliénomèues mémComabog!qucs
tiamgeremx, pmblié am Bulletin Officiel u” 137 tim 29
tiéccmbre 1975, be Décrei tin Canseib t’Emct u’’ 414/1979
sum ha tietemm!uatbom ties valemrs-bimitcs ntiuu!ses ties
pr!umcipeles substances poilmemmes ties eeux msées- event
beur evacuation, be DCcret tim Comse!b ti’Etei m° 974/1968
sum les cauuc/uiiams ti’extnaciiom ties substances minérebes
nmiles pamr Ia cousimmctbomu ties cern!èmes em ties bailestiêres
qmi samit sams i’ctimbuibstmci!amu ciimecte ties comités exécumifs
ties couseibs popmlnbrcs, be Decrem tin Canseib ti’Eiet n°
230/1981 coméemuamt b’éuabl!~semeui ties zones tie
protection amtonr ties pletes-fammues ti’obscmvetbous
metearabag!qnes, l’Arrêié tim Canse!l ties Mbnistres u°
1.397/1975 coucemmeni le repartition ties bcssiims p!scbcoles
propniété tie b’Eiet emmre he Mbmistêre tie i’Agmbemltmme em tic
i’Imtmstric eiimemtabre eL be MimistCme tie b’Ecomiomlc
faresm!Cre ci tics metCnicmx tie coustnmciiom, b’Arreie tiu
Gonvermememt n’’ 138 tin i’” cyril 1994 camcermcnt In
tiétcrmimietbam ci la seuuctbauu ties eonlnaveummbous tens he
tlame!me tics eenx, abmsi qne toutes antres tibspos!tians
canmma!mes It In pnésemme lab.
Lvi (!CS e.ici.~
des termes techniques utilisés dans Ia présente Id
Am sens tie be pmCscnic lab, les temnucs eb-tiessams
sign! fieumi:
1. accuninlalion non permanente:
reclisee pen be barrage t’mu cours ti’eem, an enéèimte
enti!gnée betércbememt, taut be robe esi scmlemeni
ti’ammémmcr bcs cmues;
2. agrégets rninéraux: materiel imerte grauumleire (sable,
gmaviem, terrain pbemremx, etc.) tie maiurc uu!nérabe, utibisC
camme mememieb tie construction, qnb exisic tans ics I!ts ci
sum bes bards ties comms ti’ecmx, ties- lees, ems! que smr be
borti tie be men;
3. lit mineur be merrabu occupe en pemmamemce on
temporairememi ti’ean, qu! assume l’écomlement sans
enmrave, ti’mn borti it h’cutre, ties eeux nu.x nivenmx hab!tnebs,
y campris bes iles créées par I’écambemeui mamureb ties ecnx;
4. lit majeun Ia portion tic terrain tie le valhée mntmrellc
t’mn caurs ti’ecm sun laquelbe tébortiemi les imammes eanx It
Iemn sortie tin bit miuemr;
5. coax nationales navigables:
a) bes eanx meritimes cansitérées, coufarmérnemi it ha
bo!, eemx mcn!mimes bniériemres;
b) hes fbemves, les miyiêres, les ccmcmx cm les lees It
h’iuméniemr tim pays, sum Icurs sectcmms mavigebies;
c) les enmx uav!gabbes tie fromi!êne, tin bard rammmeim
jnsqm’It Ia ligne tie fraut!èmc;
6. Sax usées: eamx pmovenamt tIes aetbvites nuéuegèmcs,
soc!aics am écauomnbqucs, -commcnemt tics snbsLauiees palimeuuies
on tics resitims qmb cltCrcni les ccrecier!stiqnes phys!qmcs,
chinuiqnes em becmémiobogiqmcs !mbtiales tie b’ean, aimusi tine ties
eanuc tie plube qm! s’écamlemit snm Ics terrains pahlmés:
7. bassin luydrographiq tie: mmii té pIiysit~me et
gCograpluiqmc qmb emgiobe Ic réseam lmytimograpbuiqme
jmsqm’It ia ligne tie pertage ties eaux:
8. cathistre des coax: I’ectbvitC comccrmeuut b’bnvemiaire, Ia
classification, be misc It jour et ia syuuihesc tIes tioiumées
rehembves em mésean Iuytlrograph!qne. enx ressonnccs en
ii” 107 dii 25 sepic’in tar
ecu, cmx trcvemx tie gestiom ties eemx, aims! qm’cmx
PmélCveuuiemiis ci cmx restimmtbaus ti’eam;
9. (lCbi( solubrc: be debit m!uubmnal necessaine tiamus nue
section sun mu comrs deem, pour assurer les comitibmions
unmnrelles tie vie ties Ccasysmèmes eqmct!qmes existcums;
10. debit de servitude: be tébim nm!mimel uéccssa!me pour
êire Iebssé en permanence tiemus nme section sun mu comrs
ti’cem, en aveh tI’un travail tie bemnagc, farme per be debit
scimbre ci le tébim miuiuiab nCcessaire cmx mtiiisetemrs
ti’ecu em evni;
11. tlCcliet tonic substeuce It I’émet saute am h!qmbte,
resmltee ties praccssms tie pnotinctbau an ties acmbyités
nmémngemes em sac!ehcs, qui ne pent pins être mt!l!sée
comformémemt it se tiestbuctiam bmfitiale em qmi, cmi vne
ti’mmc éveutmelbe rémtih!setiau tens ti’entres bmts am pour
be l!mitetiou ties effets pailmants, mécessiie ties mesnres
spécbehes tic tiépOm ci tie canservetian;
12. droit d’utiiisotion des ecmx: le timo!m recaunu per be
lot it tomte personne ti’miiibser hes ressources en cam;
13. falaise de in men bard haul ci abrupt t’mne men;
14. geslion des coax: bes act!vimes qmi, per mu eusembbe
tic mayens meciuuiqnes ci tie mesmres bégisietives,
éconam!qmes em ctimiu!streu!ves,
comtmbseut It be
canueisseuce, l’mtiliset!omi, be vaiar!setion meisanuebbe, be
me!utiem am l’cuiélbaret!on ties ressaurces em can pamr
sam!sfa!re ties besabus saciamx ci écouambqmes, it in
protection coutre b’epu!senmeui et he pollution tie ces
ressaurces, aims! qn’it ha prévemitian ci it be lumie comuire bes
eci!omms tiesLnueiives ties cemx;
15. informatiaius
~ai’ Jo gestion des coax: bes
carnctCnbsu!t!ncs qmautbtatives ci qmeiitciivcs ties nessomrces
eu ecu, bes zomucs imuomuclebbes, les tiegretat!amus ties Ibis em
ties borths, les tnnvauix ti’amemicgememt ties bessimis
buytIrogrepbuit~nes ci ti’emtres irevaux nycnm rapport cmx
ceux, y comupnis bcs soumrces tie pollution cm les irevnmx
iuomr In u)rotect!oiu tie Ia qmel!me ties eanx et t’amtrcs
ChCmcals caraclénislitlnes nelurebs cm auutrophbques, aimsi
qmc les timobis ti’uitilisatiom ties eaux;
m 6. bard: ponibo ii Clmoiie tie terrain, tI’hebitutie cm
pemle, am bomug ti’mue eaui;
- -
Lvi (li’s caii.~
17. niveau nioyen tie l’ecu: in position tie be ccmrbe tie
be surface libre tie Penn, repporiée it mm plan tic reference,
comrespauticmut en transit P~’~
I!i tin debit muoycn dams mime
péniatie plus iaugme (tiebim-matimle):
18. plage de Jo men portion tie terrain It praxirnime tie
be men, comprise emime be come be plus basse tie l’eem em In
limite tim merraim man affecté pan ha tiynamubqne tin uu!i!cn
19. pollution: iamme ebmeration physbqme. cbmim!qme,
bbobogiqne am baciérioiog!qme tie l’ecm, em-tiessams ti’mne
limime atmbse étebl!e, y compnis Ic tiepassement tin u!venn
uamnreb tie ratibocemivité protinbte ti!recmemenm on
intiirectemeut pen tics nct!vbtés bmumn!nes qmb Ic reutient
!mpropre it mne mtii!sem!au marmebe c/ens bes bmts ponr
besqmehs cemme mtbh!satiom e mit possible evami b’!mumerveum!ou
tie l’almeratbon;
20. reëirculc lion: reutilisemion tie b’eam dams be entire
ti’nue mt!l!sei!ou, tans be bmt tie rétinire be volume ti’enm
freIche prelevee tie ha source;
21. ressources en ecu: lcs ecmx superficiefles, composées
par Ies cours ti’eem evec lenms tebtas, bes Ices, bes merécages,
les ecux mcr!i!mes immémbcmres et Ia mcr terr!marbale, a!nsb
que bes ecmx scmmerrc!mmes tim temnbtoire tin pays, c/ems lemr
22. ressources piscicoles: be taial!me c/es popmlctioms
piscicabes ci ties emtmes ressomrces mammrebies tie momrrbtnre
qu! constituent be famue eqnetbqme tics bessins pisc!caies:
23. schema cadre d’amenagement et de gestion des
enux: he tiocmuuenteiiom tie In gestiom ties enmx, qm!
présenme he motiCie tin systCme tie gestban des eemx,
cauieunut be réseem huytlnagmeplmqme, bes trevamx tic gesi!om
ties camx em les pmClèvenuenis et evacuations, afftirenls cmx
mtiliset!ous amalysCes tinius tic tivens scenarios ci Ctapes tie
écomanuiqne ci social tic l’espece
bmytircgrapluiqne respcctif, aimsi qme be mimetic the protectiomu,
nmc!ntbcm on emuuéh!oreiion tie Ia quelitC ties eemx;
24. stations et iimstallalions pour Jo correction tie Jo
qualitC ties eaur staiboms tie tramiement pour obleiuir tie
i’een i)omeb)le on bmmtinsmn!eIle; staibcms/imstalhaiboms tie
i)m~eéPmretbo1u/CPmreibomities eanx usCes:
n° 107 cIa
25 seplerntar 1000
25. unite tie gestion ties eaux:
icume forme
argemu!sair!ce tie ln structure tie be Regie Amiamonue ~Eemx
rommebues ~
26. utilisateur d’eau: tonic persamue physique am
persaume marebe qni, dams ses act!vités, mtib!se l’eam, he
pbem t’ecm am veborbse be protimit tie celic-ci;
27. zone de protection: In zone atijaccute cmx comrs
ti’ecm, cmx trcvemx tie gesmiam ties cenx, cmx constrmct!oms
em cmx imistejletbaus efférentes, cii soul bumratimbtes, be ccs
échéemui, ties imuterti!ci!ons on tics- mestmietiamus camucemunut be
régimme ties constructions am I’expba!tetbau ties ressomrce~
fouc!èrcs, pour assurer Ia stab!bbté ties harts on ties
camsirmctiaus, respect!vement pour be prevention tie be
polintiou ties messomrces en ecu;
28. zone humide: especes tie mcréceges, mera!s,
tamrbbères em ti’anmres smrfnccs occmpées en permanence on
tempoma!remeut per ties eemx smegmenmes am comms ti’ccm,
tionces, ~emmittres am sebécs;
29. zone inondable: La surface tie temme!m tim bit majemr
ti’nu cours ti’ecm, téhinm!tée per mu niveen tic be snrfece tie
b’een, correspontamt it cemtcius tiébits tans les sitmciians
ties hemmes ecmx.
a) Largeur cle Ia zone cle protection
au long des cours d’eau
• Largeur
plus cle 500
du cours d’eau (rn)
Largeur de la zone
de protection (m)
b) Largeur cle la zone de protection autour
des lacs naturels
10—100 101—1000 plus de 1000
du lac naturel (ha)
de la zone
de protection (m)
c) Largeur de la zone de protection autour
des lacs de retenue
Volume brut
du lac 3)
de retenue
pIus cle 50
Largeur de Ia zone
de protection (m)
d) Largeur de la zone cle protection au long
des digues
Hauteur rnoyeime
de la digue (m)
plus de 5
Largeur de la zone
cle l)lotectiOfl (m)
vers le cours dean
vers l’intérieur
cle l’enceintc
e) Largeur de la zone de Protection au long
des canaux de derivation (les debits
Profoudeur rnoyennc
du canal (m)
PIUS de 5
Largeur de Ia zone
de l)rotecLiofl (iii)
Canal au debit installC
jusqu’~ 10 ma/s
Lot n°
107 On 25 •ceptcin Iwo 1990
Canal au debit
de 10 m3/s
a 50 m3/s
Canal au debit
installé sul)éneur
ii 50 m3/s
1) Barrages -et travaux annexes aux barrages
Hauteur maximale du
barrage de la fortdation
an courpnnement (m) 5—15
plus de 50
Largeur de la zone
cle Protection (m)
Barrage en terre, en
enrochement, béton
on d’autres matériaux 10
Travaux annexes
aux barrages
de dCtérmination
automatique de la
qualité de lean,
les constructions
et installations
2 m autour de celle-ci
de microtriangulation,
forages de drainage,
appareils pour
le niésurage des debits
1 m autour de celle-ci
Los zones do protection sont niesurCes comme suit:
a) pour los cours (lean, partir (IC Ia limile dii lit mineui~
los Itics naturels. dii nivcau rnoyen;
c) 1)0111’ los Lies ai tificiels, (Ill nn’eau normal tie retention;
d) 1)0111 d’aulres tiavaiix hvtlrotecluiiques. tie Ia limite tic Ia zone
La zone do protectiol) sanitaire mix installations clestinees It
lalimentation en eau est Ctablie par tautontC cenirale chargec dc
Ia sante PUl)ti(tue.
Water LAW*
General Provisions
Art. 1
(1) Water represents c regenerabie bmm
vmbuerebbe auti limiteti metmrel resource, em intiispemuseble
life cut saciemy, e raw memerini for protimcmbve
ecmivimies, a source of energy anti e way of transport, a
tiemermimant factor far the preservamicu of the ecahagicnl
(2) Waters are an integrnb pert of [hue pmbbic pciriman3r.
Time prcmecmicn, revelnaiiam cut susmaimuebie tieveiapmemt
of mhe wamer resources are acmious of general immerest.
(3) TIme water use right, as well as time correspontiing
timmies resulting from mhe water nesomrccs protection cud
couservnmiau slucli be exercised in accortiamce with ilue
provisions of mhe present hew, except for mime geotbuermcl
waters for which specific regmbcmious shcbl be atiopieti.
(4) Time waters, miueir banks anti bets, regardless of the
natural or jmrlsiic person atimuimistering mhem, cre
snbjecmeti to ihe provisions of the present law, cs well as
mc mime provisions of the international
Romcuie is a party to.
(5) The provisions of mhe present hew shall also apply ma
mhe works which crc beimg bmilt on waters or which are
rehemeti to waters, anti which tibrecihy or indirectly camse
mempcrary or permanent modifications of the water
qmelimy or of the wemer flaw regimne.
Art. 2
Tbue provbsbcmus of tIme preseiut law have the
falhawimg objectives:
a) mhe cnmservcmiam, ticvelopment cut! i)rolectbclu of
waier resources, as uvebl as the eusmrimg of a free waler
b) mime l)romection egabmust any forum of pchhmiioiu amti
motiificetiomu of ihue cbuaractcristics of time water resources,
of thucir banks nmuti beths, or hasimus;
The Law No I 07/Seplcinhci 25, 1000
~VaLerLaw was Ptiblishcil
in [he “Monitvrul Oficial” (Official GazeLle vi Rvrnania). Pan
No. 244/OcLvbei 8, WOO
Lan’ No
107>Si’pt~’oiIx’i’ 25.
c) mlme resmorction of time surface anti gromnti waters
ti) the comuservctiom anti protection of time the aquatic
e) the ensuring of the drinking water supply ma the
popmlctbon nut pimbhic saimimnmian;
f) the conupiex valuation of waters as cm economic
resomrce, anti the rational anti balemceti tiismribmtiom of
smciu resource, eiong with time meimuteuciuce emut amehiaration of the quality anti mamural pratuctivimy of waiers;
g) the prevention emit ccutroh of floats ant of any oiher
tiengeraus hytirametearalogiccl phenomena;
h) the ensuring of wamer requirenuents far egricmbtmre,
industry, power generamiam, transport, aqua-culture,
mourism, recreemion, nut nautical sperms. cs well as any
other human activities.
Art. 3
(1) Time pubbic tiameiu shah awn the surface
waters anti their minor bets, with beugths bigger mhcu
5 knu, anti river basins larger them 10 square kiiometres,
the beuks anti basins of mhe bakes, cs well as the ground
wamers, the iuieuti marine waters, the see beech cud mhe
cliff, wimh their meimrch riches cut the energemic pomentiab
mbuct ecu be revaimcmeti, the merrimorici see cud ibue marine
wamers bets.
(2) The mimer river bets of lengths below 5 km, cut
river basins thai to not exceeti 10 square kiiometres, on
which waters tic not flow permanently, shell beiang to the
hualters of amy title af time lantis, wbuere mime waters are
formed or flow. The owners of such mniuor river beds
mmst use these waters in accordance with the general
water use eantimions in mime respective basin.
(3) Time ishautis which are not canuecteti to the icmutis,
having the banks ci [he cvercge water surface level, shall
belong to ihe owuer of the river bet.
(4) The grommti water cam be useti by the ianti owner
onhy to ihe extent it is mseti iii acccrclcmce withu Art. 9,
~aragraphm (2).
(5) Time fish poncts amnh fish lmaiciueries located aumsicie
the wetercomrses are exceptet from the provisions of
peregreph (1).
t 38
t4rak~l Law
Art. 4
(1) Time establishment of the water resaurce use
regime, regartiless of the kint of ownership, is an
exclusive right of time Gaverument, exeriet thrcmgiu time
Ministry of Waters, Forests cmut Environmental Protection,
with the excepmian of the geothermal wemers.
(2) The public tiouicln waters shall be given for
administration to the Regie AmtououuA “Apele Româue”
(Self-Managed Public Company “Ramaubam Wamers”) by the
Miimistmy of Waters, Forests emit Envirammeimtcl Pramectiam,
pursuant to the hew.
(3) The regmlciian of navigation ant navigationccnnecteti activities on uevlgcbhe ways shall be tone by
time Minismry of Transports, through specializeti mmims.
(4) The atmospheric phcse of mhe water cycle in nature
mcy be artificiaiiy matifieti only by the Mimismry of
Waters, Forests cut Enviraumeuteh Pratection, cut by
ihase authorized thereby, pursuant to the law.
Art. 5
(1) Mount the trinkiug water supply sources
anti iustcibetious,
the minerel water sources anti
therapeutic bckes anti muts, sauimary prctecmeti zones shell
be estabhisheti, wimh severe regime or restricted regime, as
well as hytirageaicgical protected perimeters. The
ownership right aver mhe triuking water supply sources
anti installations,
the mineral water sources end
therapeutic bakes anti mutis shell also he extemtieti over
the sanitary pratecteti zones with severe regime.
(2) The operating regime of the geothermal waters,
thmerapemtic hckes ciutb muts, tmri)cries ant wet lemutis,
sanitary pratecteti zones, as well as time navigeiion regime
on natural or artificial wctercamrses, on inbanti nuarine
waters cut the territorial sea, as well as the comneeteti
works, cqmusirmctiaus or immstcihcLions shall be subjected to the
provisions of timis law, as well as to time special regmbeticims.
(3) The operating regime of the piseicmltmrel funti, as
well as the exercise of fishing in uetmral wctercamrses or
criificicl piscicuiturci bcsins shall be smbjecteti to the
pravisiaus of this law, cs well as to time specific
(4) Time special mmormns regnrclimmg thue type ant [hue size of
the sanitary proteeteti zones shell be approveti by
gaverumenicl decision, aim mime proposal of time Ministry of
1-an’ No. 107/S’c’J)tt’rnlwr 25. 199(1
Wcters, Farests anti Environmental Protection, together
withm time Ministry of Health.
(5) Time smrveihbauee of mime triimkiimg water quality sluahi
be ensured by the Miuistmy of Hëchih.
Art. 6
(1) The muifieti, rational anti complex water
management activity shell be orgcimizet cut carried out
cm river basins, cs iutiivisibie gecgrcpbuicel entities of
water resources uuenagement.
The water management
must consider time smrfcce anti grouuti waters as en
entity, both from the qmclity cut the quantity point of
view, for the purpose -of eusmring
(2) The wcier management shall be beset cm the
principle of hmmcu sohitarity cut common interest
through the close, all-level collaboration anti cooperation
of the public ctimiiuistreiiau, water users, representatives
of the local communities ant populcticu, in ortier to
obtain the maxinumm social benefit.
Art. 7
(1) The elaboration of the national water
stramcgy anti policy in the water memagement fleiti, the
ensuring of the coortiucticu
anti ccntrch of the
appliccticmu of immtermmab emit imtermuctioual regulations in
this tiomeim simaih be carrieti cut by the Ministry of Waters,
Forests cut Euvircumeutcl Protection.
(2) The quautitctive anti qualitative wcter management,
the operation of ihe water management structures, as well
as the inmpbementeticn of the national water strategy ant
policy shall be earrieti cmi by the Self-Mcnegeti Public
Conupeuy “Romcumian Waters” anti its river bcsiu branches.
(3) Time fdllawing bodies shell function with the Minisiry
of Waters, Forests emit Environmental Prciection: ihe Central
Coummission far time Prevemmticn emut Conirci of Floods,
Hazcrticms Metecrclogicch Phencumeun anti Hytramlie
Structures Aceiteuts, the Namicimeh Commission for the Safety
of Dams emit Hydrcuhic Strmeimres, anti [he National
Ccmuumissioum for time Immternctioumnl Hytirolcgieah Programumme,
which are consmi[ing-type bodies only. Time l)erimmcnent
technical secretaricis of timese bodies shall be proviteti by the
Mimuistry of Waters, Forests and Enviroummuemu tal Protection
Art. 8
Time teehniccl ternms mset imereiim are tiefimmeti iim
Ammuex No. 1, that is an integral part of the present law.
Waters and River Beds Use Regime
Section 1
Waters Use Regime
Art. 9
(1) The right to use the surface or ground
waters, inelumtiummg the nriesiamm wells, is cstablisiuecl by time
water management licence anti is exercised acccrtiing to
the legal provisions. Smeim rigimt also iumclmcies mime tiseiucrge
into the wcmer resources of waste water, tirciunge water,
metecric water, mine or tiepasit water, after being useti.
(2) Time smrfcce cr grcmnt waters may be freely used, by
complying with the scuitcry anti water quality promeeticu
muorms, for tirimukimmg, wnteriug, washing, bathimig, cimti
other housebabti meets, if far such activities no
iustcllctiomms, or low capacity instahicticims cre used of less
than 0.2 litre/see., -for exclusively meeting the meets of
one’s own hamseholti.
(3) Any natural person, cm his/her owmm responsibility,
may freely use seaweters, cmtside the restriction areas, for
(4) The use of gromuti waters is nmatie cm the basis of
the certified reserves estimated iii compliance with the
provisions applicable to mineral resources.
Art. 10
(1) Meeting the population’s water
requirements shall take priority over the use of water for
other purposes. Also, priority aver other water uses is given
tc the animals’ needs, tc the resicralicu of intangible water
reserves’ after fires, as well as ta the flows required [a
mnimmiain the ecological equihibrimmim af the aquatic habiiat.
(2) It is farbittlemu to reduce time tirixmkimmg water use far
time i)cPmiaticmm to time beumefit of c[luer activities.
(3) Time drimulciug water distributed in cmi crgamuizeti
manner tc the popmlctet areas umey be mseti for other
pmrpcses icc, only if the water reqmireimmeuts of the
pcl)uiaiicmu, animals cud of other activities imeeting water
of such quality are fully nmet. ‘Flue drinhciumg water smppiy
for oilier purposes shah be restricted or ehimimmated, cimiy
wlmemm new tIrinkimmg water
of time
population occur.
Law No
107/Sc’plemhc’r 25. 1996
(4) Time qualitatively appropriate ground waters such be
given primarily for the population amid cuimnals water supply,
as well as for eusmrimmg mime semmitatian amid luealih of time
papuleticu. Tiuese waters may be mset far other purposes
only an the basis of time water umamagemeut licence.
(5) Far the designing cut accomplishment of certain
activities, smch as surface miuming, flaw diverting works,
etc., that can influence the gromuti water reserve or
mctiify the smrfcce hytrcgrcphuic network, water supply
rehabilitation cut float protection mecsmres shell be
compulsorily taken.
Art. 11
(1) In ihe reservoirs used as sources far
trinking water supplies, pisciemiture may be ccrrieti out
ouhy under natural cautiticus, withcmt fish fctteriug cut
without mime application of fungicides or of other
veterinary mediectian.
(2) In any zones other Jimeu those- provided in
paragraph (1), the fish fatitieriug may be carried cut only
if it toes mat affect the tcwmstrcam wcters, and in
accordance with the water management permit.
Art. 12
(1) The water users shell be obliged to comply
with the water consumption sieutcrtis per unit of pratiuct
or activity, anti to save water by rational use, recireubcticu
cut reuse. Also, they shell have the obligation to ensure
the maintenance anti repeir of their awn iustchicticus
anti ci those in the water supply end sewerage systems, as
(2) Time water ccusmmpticn standards per mmii of protuct
or activity simehi be periodically temerimmimmeth amid mptictecl.
Time water consumption smantiards shall be l)rcpcseti by flue
water users ci Lime level of time best perfcrmcmmces of the
mechummahagies useti, shall be cgreeti by time interested
nministries amid such be cpprovet by time Mimmis try of Waters,
Forests ant Environmental Protection. Ta salve amy possible
chisagreeuuents shall be time responsibiiity of time Gcvenumemmt.
Art. 13
Time Ministry of Waters, Forests amid Emmvironumuental Protection and the Seif-Mamuaged Pmbhic
Company “Rcmuuamuian Waters” such be entitled to take
measmres to temporarily restrict or suspemici time water use.
iii order to cape with a dammger or with Lime ccuseqmemmces
iValc-r Lan’
of accidents, drouglut, floods, cr with a water shortage
risk, resulted from the averuse of the waler resource.
Art. 14
(1) If, dime to trcmgbuts or oilier ueturai
calamities, the cmihcrizet water flaws cannot be eusmred
to cli cmiiuorizeti users, temporary restrictions shall be
applied to the use of water resources.
(2) The restrictions shah be established iimrcmgh water
restrictions emit use piemms dmrimmg periods of wcter
shortcges, tieveucpeti by the Sehf-Maueget Public Company
“Rcmenicu Weters” after comisultetian of the authorized
users, with time cgreememml of tbue Mimmistry of Weiers,
Forests cut Euvircumentai Protection cud the approval of
the Basin Committee.
The water restrictions ant use
plans in pericts of water shortages, hereinafter called time
restrictions plans, shell be brought to the public’s
humowletge in tue time.
(3) The metimotiolagy for time restrictions piens prepcrcticn
ant approval, and the public access to information procedure
shell be established by time Miimismry of Waters, Forests anti
Environmental Protection. Time methatciogy shell take inta
account the priorities set up in Art. 10, ant time scciel anti
economic inmpcrtcnce of the authorized users.
(4) The mecsmres estcbhishet by the Self-Managed
Public Company “Rcmcnicu Waters” for ihe implemeutaticn of time restrictions plcms shell be mandatory to all
water users. Time resiricticus mecsmres shell be assimilated
with the major force circumstance of the failure to fmhfii
the water supply contracts.
(5) Tbmrcmgimcmi time restrictions i)lcmms applicaticmu, time
water mamegemeut
shell be
subordinated mc them.
Art. 15
(1) Time water rescmree& pcliuiicn of any kind
sluaih be forbititlemm.
(2) Time quality nornms cf the water resources shell be
approved by stcmutlcrds, on mime ProiJosal of time Mimmisiry of
Wciers, Forests anti Emmvircmmmemmtai Prctecticn.
(3) Time mucrnms for time clrimmhdmmg water quality shah be
Limrcmgh stauudcrts,
Ministry cf Health.
the proiosai
of time
(4) Time humus of h)olhutalits ecnlemmts cf waste waters,
discharged in time waler rescmrces, shell be approved by
Law No. 107/St’ptc’xnI)ev 25. 1996
govenmmemutal decision, aim time proposal of time Mimmisiry of
Waters, Forests aimd Emmviranmmmentcl Prolectiamm amuti time
Ministry of Health.
(5) Time effluemi hinmits stetet in the wcter mcucgemneut
permit or licence shell represent time maximum chbawcble
limits, anti it shclh be forbidden to exceeti such limits.
Art. 16
(t) For the protection of water resources ii
shell be forbitidemu to:
c) set into operation mew economic units or to develop
time existing ones, -to set new lmumcmm settlements immta
place, to introduce modified production technologies in
the existing economic mmits, which increase the waste
waters pahiutiom camutemmt, witimomi simultaueously settimmg
into operation sewerage networks end waste water
irectmemt installations, or without carrying out otluer
works or measures to eusmre that the provisions imposed
by the water mcncgemeumt hicence for the waste water
being dischcrgeti are met;
b) buiit mmew trimmkimg or iutmstrial water supphy structures
or to extemti time existing ames, withuaui cdequateiy cut
concurrently making or extending mime necessary sewerage
network amd treatmemmt immsicblations;
c) throw or introduce in any way wcstes of any kind,
into the wctercamrses bets, the basins of lakes or pouts,
into the Black See cud the wet hcmtis, as webb as to deposit
timem an the banks cud shores thereof;
d) discharge waste waters into ground waters, natural
bakes or reservoirs, into swamps or ponds;
e) use any kind of open chaumneis in ortier to tiischcrge
domestic fecaicid waters or weters of dangerous content;
f) wash imm time watercourses, lakes or on their bammks
vehicles, motor vehicles, equipmn en t cud mecimcmmic devices,
as wehi as packages or objects that contained pesticities or
other dangerous substamces;
g) wash domestic animals, chisimfecied with toxic
substances, outside time places specially arraumged for this
ii) throw or discharge oil residues or dangerous
substammees immto time sammitary iimstclictiaus or time sewerage
1t~.ik’i Li,v
i) wash imausehaid objects In time watercamrses, lakes or
an timeir banks, aim embammkmen[s or dams, by using
chemical smbstamices of mummy kind.
(2) In the protected zones, established in accordance
witim time provisions of time presemmt hew, it is forhitlteuu to
deposit or to use chemical fertilizers or pesticides, or cumy
other dangerous substances.
Art. 17
For time rational use ant protection of water
resources quality, the water users have the fahhowing
a) to adopt production technologies with reduced wnter
requirements anti as low palimting as possible, to save
water hy recycling or reuse, to eliminate the waste end to
diminish time water basses, to redmce time pollutants
discharged together with the waste waters, and to recover
the useful valuable subsianees cautaimmed by time waste
waters ant the sludge;
b) to ensure the building, mainteumeuce cud operation
of the water quality treatment phcnts end iimstcilaiioms for
the authorized capacity, to survey their efficiency by
iebarctory analyses cud to operatively act for unaiuutaiiming
the effluents parameters within the allowable limits for
the discharge of waste waters, which hinmits are provitied
through the water management licence;
c) to strictly observe time tisciphiue amid time technological norms in the prodmetion activities thet use water
cud discharge waste waters, as well as in the wcter qmahity
trectimment plammis aumtl immstchlcticns;
ti) to survey, timramglm abservatioum end coimtrai drihhings,
time ground waters quality caimthition in time areas under
time iumfluemmee of waste deposits of aimy kindh.
Art. 18
Time water users located an tIme territory of time
localities or iim time iimdmstriei units may diseimarge time
waste waters into the pmbhic sewerage networks or into
timose of time intlustriel units, only witlm time agreemeumt amid
by coniplyiimg uvi tim time cammtii [ions es tablisimed by time
hmohcher of these metworks, end only if time fiimal waste water
treatment piammt of time respective localities or industrial
mmmits imave time mmecessary techmnoiogical profile amid! time
available capacities. In all eases, time specific local
Lan’ No. 107’Soptt’in lxi’ 25. 1996
pretreatment of time waste wcters discharged by time users
slmcll be mcmmtletory.
Art. 19
(1) TIme hoeci public ednmimmistrctiomm autimorities
hcve time obligation to emmsmre time efficiemmt mmmaimcgemeimt of
time wcier distribmted to icechities, as weih as the collectiom
of nueteorie water, the sewerage cut waste water trectment.
(2) Time aceoumpiisimmmmemt of time cemmtrciizeth water supply
for villages end eommmmmmmes lmaviimg street mmetworks,
without eomumeetioims to houses, simail be ecntitiommeci ommly
by emmsurimg street gutter tiisclmcrges.
(3) Time natural ammd jmristie persomms thct cpercie waste
wcter tree tmemmt plamuts cud immstcihatiomms simehl be obliged to
carry out, through lcborctary analyses, the continuous
mammitcring of their functioning, to keep books of records
with time emmchyses results, cmmcl to pmt sucim data at time
disposci of time cmthorlzed inspection cmmd control personimeh.
Mt. 20
(1) The nmiue or deposit waters can be
discharged into the smrfcee wctereaurses, only after their
proper treetmeut, so that the allowed limits for the
disehcrge into the surface nctmrai receivers are observed.
(2) Time industrici waste waters, as wehi as mime or
teposit waters far wimich there are no efficient treatment
technologies or procedures, may be imjecteti only im very
deep lcyers, an the basis of special studies, of the permit
issued by the National Ageucy for Mineral Resources cud
of the water mamagement permnit.
Art. 21
(1) Time socking of flax, hemnp, lime or other
textile plcum Ls into time wctercomrses, cimcmmmmels, crtificicl
lakes, natural hakes or ponds shell be farbitichem. The
socking operations nmcy be carried omt in specially arranged
l)hcces anti omm time bcsis of time water mncumagement hicemmee.
(2) Time skimi tcmmning is ciicwed ommly mmmcler time
comtiitions providledl for in time wcter management licence.
Art. 22
(1) The cdnmimmistratars of river or mcritinme
harbours have the obligation to build specialized
imstahlatioims for eoiheetiumg, cccmnmulctiimg and prcperhy
trecting time waste waters c’hiseimarged by ships and! floating
iimstailatiomis or from accidlental leakages.
(2) Ii is forbidden to dliseharge into lime surface or maritime
waters, time untreated waste wciers, discimarged by ships, anti
utaui~ I,ai,
floating or marime drilling iumstahictions, as well as time oil
protlmcts from time related tramsport umetworic
Art. 23
(1) The Seif-Mcumaged Public Company
“Romcmmiamm Waters” through its river basin bramiehes,
orgemmizes the activity of prevemmliumg time accidental pollution
alit elinmimmaiiimg its effects, based aim l)lclms tleveioped
aceortling to time specific conthiticmms of time respective river
basins end to time imctmre of time pciluthmg smbstammees that
can be accidentally released.
(2) The water users are obliged to prepare and apply, if
necessary, their awmm plans for time I)revelmtiOn and control
of cceideutel pollution, tlmct might occur as a resuit of
their cemivity.
(3) Time prepcratiomm of time plans far time prevemmtiomi end
control of accidental pollution is carried cut in cceardcmee
with a fremne-methodolagy established by time Ministry of
Waters, Forests cud Environmentah Protection.
(4) The water users having caused an accidental
pollution are obliged to take urgent measures to elimimcte
the causes cud effects thereof, aumd to immediately notify
the nearest water mcncgemient basin amtharity on such
(5) Time water mcnagemeut units have the obligation td
consider any immfarmatiou provided by natural or jmristie
i)ersamms, other thmaim the users, that b)rodmced the accidemmtcl
(6) Iimtemmtioumal Pollution shmall be l)uimmislmed.
(7) Jim ease of cceitieumtcl J)OhiUtiaim, time Self-Managed
Public Company “Romicniau Waters” river bcsium branches
shah immetiictely warn the water users amid! time Pmbhie
administratiomm authorities of time diownstrecnm localities to
take water l)rOteetiOm ammti dlcmage nminimmmization measures.
(8) Thme potentially polluting wcter users, time local pmbiie
cdmimuistrciiomm cmthorities, as well as time Self-Mcimaged
Pubbie Conmpamy “Rameumian Wcters” shchh be obliged to be
i)rOvidled with specific equipnien I for iimtervemmtiomm iim
aceideumial I)oilUtiOmi eases.
Art. 24
(1) Time diowumstreanl ~va ter users tlua t sufferetl
immaterial tlanmcges ccused by aim upstream accidlentai
pohiutioum, or by time destruction of aim upstream retemmtion
structure shall i)e emmtitledt to indeimmimificction fronm time
Lan- No. 1Q7/5c’p(tmIx~ 25. 1996
umetural or juristie persoum who is fount! guilty, pmursmemml to
the haw.
(2) Time expenditures imemrred by vcricms ncturci or
juristie persons, including the Self-Managed Public
Company “Ramamian Waters”, for time elimination of time
accidental paiimtiau effects shall be borne by the polluter.
Section 2
River Beds Use Regime
Art. 25
(1) On time river banks which belong to the
public domain, if restrictions cre mci imposed, any natural
person shall ‘have the right of free access, cm her/his owm
responsibility, for walking or recreation, without causing
damages to the waters, river beds, banks, cud riverside
(2) Tm the areas specicihy organized or arranged for
recreation purposes, am the river banks, the access is
allowed under time conditions established by the halters of
these crecs cud am complying with the provisions stcted
in the water maumcgememt licence, issued thereto.
(3) The circulation, by engimeless pleasure boats, aim
watereaurses, uctmral lakes or ci see, shah be free, by
complyiumg witlm lime riverside residents’ righmts cimd time
legal regulations.
(4) The rigiml to use the minor bets, time see beach and
shore, for pmrposes other than those stated in paragraph
(1), shah be acquired only after obtaining the water
management licence.
Art. 26
(1) The tlcwmmstrecmmm hand holders shah be
obliged to receive time waters that umctmraiiy [‘low from the
upstream located lañtis.
(2) Time works of l)iocking or crossing watercomrses that
can be obstacles in time ncturah water flow shall be dësigmmed,
built and operated, so as umot to cdversely effect the water
flow, in artier to eimsmre time stcbiiity of such works, of the
mniimor beds cmmdl bcumks, as well as to i)revent dies trmctive or
danmcgimg effects. Tlme works built without taking into
comsideration such requirements slmail imave to be modlified
or diemmohished by time owners or holders thereof, mntler time
CommdhiiiOmms cud by time teadhiumes eslabiishedi by time SelfMcmmaged Public Compaumy “Romaumiaum Waters”.
li’atei Lan’
Otherwise, the Miumistry of Waters, Forests amid
Emiviraummméntcl Protectioum shell be entitled to apply
sanctiom’ms, pursucumt to time law, cx officio or as a resmit of
a petitioum provided by the Self-Managed Public Company
“Ramaui’cm Waters”.
(3) Time obstruction or blochcing of amy kiumt, as webb as
the rebease framm operation, in any way, of ihe floods
discharge structures cud immstchiatiomms are forbiditeum.
Art. 27
Any activity cmi wcter surface, in the minor
beds or in the protected zammes, lucluding time mcvigaticn,
rafting;- floating, exploitation of nmimmercl aggregates end
reed bmcrvestimmg, as well as fishing shell be performed so
as not to produce adverse effects om the bcumks end beds of
wctercomrses, banks and bcsimms of lakes, nmommments of
mature, camsiruetioums, works, or immstchictiomms existing in
the river bets, aumd to influence as hiitle as possible the
use of waters by other users. The deterioration of time
water quality shaii not be allowed in any situation.
Section 3
Servitudes and Expropriation Regime
Art. 28
(1) The riversite residents are obliged to ahiow
the right of servimude, taking into consideration areas
especiaiby established, agreed together with the SeifMcmcget Public Compamy “Ramcnian Waters” ant
without levying taxes, for:
a) the crosslumg end circulation of the water mcncgemmeut
authority’s perscmmmmel far fuifihlimmg timeir duties;
b) the loeclioum in beds amid on time bcnhcs of hand nmcrks,
guide marks, nmecsuremment audi control equipmeumt or amy
other devices or imstallations umecessary for carrying out
studies related to time water regime, as well as time access
for time mcimmteumcmce of time instellalious required for thmese
c) time transport cud temporary storage of materials and
equipummemmt for operative floods preveumtiomm aumd coumtrol
ti) time transpoul antI temporary storage of materials,
equipment as well as time circuhation thereof aumd of time
personnel ium case of performing maintenance andh repcir
Law No. 107,StpU’niIw: 25. 1996
(2) In case timat, by cxertiumg time cctivities stated mmmder
paragraph (1). dianmages are iumemrredl. time riparicum leumd
holdiers shaib be entitled to receive iumtlentumificctions,
pursucmmt to time icw. Time fmmmtls for such incien’unificctions
shah be assured fraun bmdgelary cliowamces for lime eases
stated mntler pcragraph (1), c) amid! e), amid froi’u time owum
fmmmchs of time jmristic persoums timct gemmerated lime dlamages,
in mime cases stated uumder paragraph (1), b) cumct cI).
Art. 29
(1) For time cccampiislmmeuml of lmydramiic
structures imm the river bcsiums or of otimer public utility
lmydrculic works
such as: diams amid reservoirs witlm timeir
annexes, hmydropcwer stations, flow diverting works on
watercomrses, floods prevention and control works, water
supply aimd sewerage systemms, immchuding the trectmemmt
immstcllaticums with timeir cuumexes, river regulcrizetiom,
imydra-mm,eteorciogical stations ammth mumits, icmmti recicmatioum
systems, torremmts control
lends ammd bmiltiimmgs may be
expropriated, far public utility, witlm lime right
imdemmmmificatiomm, or teunporariby occupied, with pcynmeut,
pmrsmcmmt to time law.
(2) The following are excepted from permanent
servitmdes: buildiumgs, yards, gardens of the households,
public monuments, churches cud cemeteries, as well as
the parks nominated as natural monuments.
(3) Time right of servitude, once estebhishmet, represents a
repealable obiigcliom for everycume.
(4) In ease that, far the works provided for in paragraph
(t), for wimicl’u it was irovided the servitude, this was
abautlommed for ci least timree years or if ummciumtaiumiumg it is
110 ioumger required, servitude mmay he considered
(5) Tlme iumdenmmmificctioum for temporary or permcumeumt
servitmties caumsists of;
(a) time cireuletioum values of time products, plcntctiomms,
bmiittimmgs or niovables of aumy kiumtl, damageti or destroyed;
(b) time value of time dcnmage caused to time owumer for time
estcbhislmumueumt of time servitude on tue respective piece of
land, as against time beumefits lost us a result of time chaumge of
time temporary or peruncument use of time respective h)iece of
Art. 30
(1) Plaumtimig or cutting dowim trees or shrubs, oum
time land located in time ,lmmcjor watercourse beds and on the
sea shore, without time water xmmcnagemneuml b)eu~i1cud time
cgreenmemt of time specialized forestry bodies, is forbicldeum.
(2) Time water mcmiagemeumt permit stated im pcregrcph
(1) is also required for works cm waters, or wcter-reiated
works, ecrried out in the micjcr bed.
(3) In time mcritinme, river or other navigable wcys zone,
the cutting works may be carried out according to the hew,
with the agreement of the specialized forestry bodies anti
of time Seif-Mcncged Pmbiic Commpcny “Romamicm Waters”,
as required to eusmre the visibility of the sec marks cud
of time slgumailiuig dievices along time whmole lemgthm of time
banks amid water surf~ces, ium time paints tlmct shell be
esteblishmed by time Miumistry of Transports.
Art. 31
(1) The forests having special prolectiam
functions, from the reception basins of the reservoirs,
those In basins of high torremtich degree and prone to
eroslom, In major river beds, in the dam-bank areas, as
well cs the forest belts located doug mmtcmmed rivers
belaag to the group of forests with special water
protectiaum fmuctious cud are mcuaged as such, through
lmtemsive treatmeflts, the ciecr-cmttimgs or short-time
regenerating trectmeumts beiumg forbidden.
(2) Time wcter protection forests, the soil protection ones
iccated on cliffs, detritms areas, am eroded soil, am lands of
sjopes higher them 35 degrees, and other such forests are
managed under special l)rotectiou regime.
(3) Witimium time areas memmtiomeci in ~)aragraplms (1) cud
(2) works of soil ercsioum commtrol amid torrent anmmiimiietion
shall be performed, amid special rules of maintaining smclm
works slmcli be applied.
(4) Time forests in time mouumtain auth lmiil crees must be
mcmcged in such a way so cs mat to comtribmte to the
developmmeul of floods aumdl soil erosion.
Art. 32
(1) Time use, transport, hamudhing of wasies amid
toxic dangerous smbstaftees iii time areas around! waters ~r
in aumy other places frommm wlmere timey comIc! reachu time
surface, ground! or mmeriue waters may be done oumly in
such comdilioums so as not to cause water poliutiam.
Law No
2.5. 1906
(2) Time storage of wastes and dangerous substances in
time imeighmbomrimood of watercourses shmelh be dome ommiy imm
eompii ence wi tim time we ter nmanageunen t l)erunit.
(3) The storage in the major river beds of radioactive
materials aumd wastes is fcrbitideu.
(4) The transport of dlamgerous smbsicuces, hmelmdimg
radioactive materials, on the iumiend waters, on the fluviel
emmdi unaritime Daumube, amid cmi the territarial sea simeih be
ailowed emily cmm time basis of a joint egreemeut, issued far
each individual eese by the Mimmistry of Waters, Forests
and Emvirommentai Protection and the Ministry of
Transports. These prcvisiomms shell also eppiy to their
transit trammsport.
Art. 33
(t) Time Mimiistry of Waters, Forests cmmtl
Environmental Protection nmay grant or rent part of the
water public domain for surface and ground waters use,
wiih time exception of geothermal waters, of the materials
in the river beds and banks, as well as for ihe valuation of
the minor beds end bammks vegetation, for the operation of
water energy, the operation of water smrfaces for
piseiculture, fislmiumg, recreation or aquctic sports, as well as
for other activities, in compliance with the legal provisions.
(2) Time right to extract nmiuerai aggregates from time
beds or banks af watercourses. lakes, ponds ant from the
see shore, through argaumized operations, shaii be obtained
an. the basis of the water management licence. For
hiceimsing such activities on the national navigable wcters
is mammdctory to obtaium time al)pravci of time Mimmistry of
(3) TIme extraction of the mineral aggregates is allowed
only froun time evatuatedh reserves, uumdler time coumditiamms for
wcter flows amid river beds amid banks stability, and by
taking care umot to affect the structures ium time areas
direetiy or intbirectly iumflmeumcedh by tlmewcter flow regime.
In case the extraction of the mineral aggregates is
earriedi out in time wateu~eoursebeds, iueviumg lime purpose to
eoumtribute to time regumiarization works of time river beth, to
time stabihuty of the thalweg. or to briumg back time river l)etl
to time initial coumdhltion, time reserves valuation is umo houmger
requi re(h.
11’a(cr Iaii’
(4) The right to extract uninercl aggregates necessary to
the iumdividuai households or to time lccai public immterest
shall be approved by thme public iccal amtlmority, up to
maxiummm 5,000 cubic nmetres per year, aecordimg to the
water management licence. The water mmauegeummemt
licence shall be annually issued, at the request of the local
(5) Time extractions of nminerel aggregates mentioned in
paragraph (3) are also carried out in accordance with the
provisions of the nmiumerah resources legisialicum.
(6) The drainage works ccrrled out am time navigable
ways, in arder to meimmtcin the navigation depth, are
executed withaut having a water mmcmcgememt permnit. The
storage locations for the materials resulted from the
drainage works shell be annually estcblishmed by the SelfManaged Public Company “Romcniem Waters” together
with the Ministry of Trammsports.
(7) The extrcctiou of umimerci aggregates in the protected zones, set up in accordance with the present hew, is
(8) Time renting or graumtiumg of the sea share shahi be
dome with the agreement of the Ministry of Tomrism.
Art. 34
(1) In the areas where the river beds are
being protected by pratectioum end camsolitatiom works,
landfills eimt any other warks, the administrators or ihe
users of such warks have the obligation to maintain,
repair, or recanstruct tlmese works, as well as to umciumtain
the beds of time rivers ium time crraumged area, the basins end
the bcumks.
(2) Time iaumd bidders of any title, wimo beumefit from time
mnciumtenaumce amid memcgenmemt af a protectiomu tlanm, shall
pay to time ticnm’s udder a share cf time expeumses for the
daum mmmeiumteumammce cumtl mmcumagemeumt, coumsistemmt with time
beumefit. Time Ivlimmistmy of Waters, Forests aumdl Eumvirommumeumtel Protectioum simahl eslabhishm time mime thmodology for
determining time commtributicn share of time expeumses umeant
for the protectiomm dam mmuaimm tcumcuce ammd arrangeummeumt
(3) Time ummaiumteumaumceof a mmmiumor bethof at least 500 mmm,
dowmmstrecumm of a daunummiumg structure, represemmts the
responsibility of time lmohdler of aumy title of that structure.
Lan’ No 107/Sep(cinbc’r 25. 1996
(4) Time umainteumcumce of a mmmiumor bed ium zaumes without
auiy works represemmts the responsibility af time SelfMcumegedh Public Company “Roumaniam Waters”.
(5) Time provisicums of paragrapim (3) shell also apply to
the demmming warks performed before the preseumt law
comes into force. hum timis case, time mciuteucmce of the
mmmiumar bed dhcwumstreaumm of time danmumiumg work is
established by time tecimnical project eiaborcted ium artier ta
reconfirm the water umauagement licence or ta issue the
necessary iicences, accordiuug to the law.
(6) Time works described ium paragraphs (1) aumd (2) shell
be executed muter time guidance cud technical assistance
of the Self-Managed Pubiie Company “Romcmmicm Waters”,
at lime awmers’ request.
Water Management
Section 1
Knowledge of the Water Resources
Art. 35
(1) The water umemcgement activity is carried
cut end is based on time scientific, complex, quantitative
cud qmaiitclive kumowledge af the water resources of the
country, through a unified and perumaueut surveillance
activity, observations and measuremeuts
of hydrametearologicai phenomena and of water resources,
immclucliumg time forecastiumg of their natural evolution, cud of
their evcimtioum uumder time autrapie effects, as well as
thmromgim unulticiisciplinery research.
(2) Time hydrouneteorological, Imydrogeciogicci, cud water
mauagemem t-rela ted iumfornma tioum shall be ab tamed thmromgh
si)ecicuized units of the Sehf-Maumeged Public Company
“Romanian Waters”, other autimorized specialized units,
and directly froum time water msers. Ati timese shall coustilmte
the Waters Menagenmeut Database National Fund.
(3) Time orgammlzalion, storage and adm.iumistration activities
of time Waler Mancgenmemt Dctabase Nctionai F’mumd shah be
establislmedi in aum imtegratedl umanumer by the Miumistry af
Waters. Forests aumcl Envircmnmeumtai Protectiou. Time collecting
aumti updictimmg of iumforumctiomm simail represent Lime respoumsibihity
af the Self-Managed Public Caunpcuy “Romaniam Waters”.
ti.”a(c’i L.i~s
(4) Time autharized specialized uumits, as well as time water
users, prodmciumg imformatioum that can constitute lime Water
Mauageunent Database National Fund, stmail be obliged to
keep them available for 5 years, and to send them moumthiy
to the Self-Managed Public Compeumy “Romemmieu Waters”
according ta the pracedmre established by time Ministry of
Waters, Forests cuid Eumvircmmeutel Protection.
(5) Time Water Memmcgemeut Database National Fmumth as
weli as the reccrdiumg of time wciers beioumgiumg to time public
tomcimm are iumehmded ium time Water Cadcstre, witim time
exceptioum af the geothermal waters. The orgcumizimg
prccedmre of the Wcier Cadcstre is established by the
Ministry of Waters, Forests end Environnmeumtch Protection,
end lime mpthciiumg of the Cadastre represeumts lime responsibility
of the Seif-Mammaged Public Ccmpaumy “Roumcumicm Waters”.
(6) Time natural ammch jmristie persoums imave access to thme
information of time Water Management Dclcbase Nctioumah
Fluid, according to time procedure estabhisumed by time Miumistry
of Waters, Forests and Emvironmemtch Protection. The
camruercici use of lime luformatioum coming froum time Water
Management Dalcbcse National Fmumdl is allowed only on c
payment basis, pursmammi to the hew.
(7) The holders of time information forming the Water
Management Database National Fund uncy refuse, by
justification, to rebease informatiamm wheum sucim informctioum
cam affect:
c) national security;
b) mailers which are under judicial proceedings, or
under trial;
c) industrial cud eomunerciel confidentiality. This
exemnptiou is nmecnt for flue cases when comnuercial secrets
are disclosed mmd used in a manner that is contrary to tIme
fair commercial practices.
Art 36
(1) The amtommomoms units amid iumstehletioums
which provide hydrological,
meteorological imformmatiou that are specific for the water
mcumagemenl, as well as other imfornmctiom related to the
queumtitalive and qualitative characteristics of time waler
resources represeumt the natioumal mmetwork of obsenTatioums
for the water umauegemnent.
(2) hum archer to ensmre the contiumuily cumd imoummogeneity
of time series of iumformmatioum, the uumlts aumch iumstaliatioms of
Lint No. 107/SeJ)(eJflIx’r 25. 1996
ihe national network of observatioums may be suspeumded
from operation only in special cases of national interest.
Time suspeumsioum is thoue with time approval of time Miumistry
of Waters, Forests amd Enviroumneutah Proteetioum and by
obliging the applicant to cssmre tbme design, construction
amid stcrtiumg tlme operctioum of lime uumits or immstchleiioums in
the new location, before time suspemmdimg operctioims begin.
Art. 37
(1) hi order to emmsmre c proper qmchity of the
specific meteorohogicci observatioums cud measurements,
protected zommes witimimm time hiummit of 30 m slmaih be
estcbhishmed arommud the meteorological units. In these
protected zones, it shell be forbidden to realize any
overgromud structures or iustchhctiomms.
(2) Time location ct a distance of up to 500 m around
end outside the protected zone mentioned im paragraph
(1) of constructions higher timcu time sixthm pert of time
distance measured between the construction end the iiuiit
telecommunication networks, of objectives discharging
smoke or suspended particles into the atmosphere, of
irrigation sprinkler sets, as weib as the phcutimg of forest
belts are realized only with time location permit, issued by
the Ministry of Waters, Forests cud Environmental
(3) Time protected zoumes described ium parcgrcphs (1) cud
(2) are considered, in the towim and baud planning projects,
as zones subjected to speciai rules.
Art. 38
In order to ensure the rctioumch use of ground
water resources, of umiuerah cud geothermcl waters, of
tlmercpemtic bakes cmmcl nmmds, as well as for time miumeral
aggregates in the river beds, time research, valuation aimd
homahogctioum of time reserves such be established
according Ic the provisions cppiiecbhe to the usefui
mminerci resources.
Section 2
Protection of the Minor River Beds, Banks,
and Water Management Works
Art. 39
Dehiummitatioums of time umiuor river beds shall be
ctefimmeth by time Sehf-Maumcged Public Compaumy “Roumaumiamm
t 56
tl’afc’r Lati’
Waters” togetlmer witlm thme Lcmmd Cathcstre cuhlmority auth thme
holders of the riperian leumds.
Art. 40
(1) 1mm order to assure time protectioum of time
river beds, banks, hydraulic structures cumd to imnprove the
water flow regime, protected zoues shall be established for:
a) thme uminor bed of watercourses:
b) the surface of time mmcturci lakes end of the loumtls covered
by waler and aquatic vegetatioum, as well as time sea shore;
c) lime smrface of time reservoirs corresponding to the
bevel of the dam crest;
d) the smrfccés occupied by hydraulic strmclures or
protection works for time minor river beds, chaunels cud
flow diverting works, at their maximum transport
capacity, as well as other hydraulic structures reehized on
e) flood prevention cud coulroh works;
f) time imydrometric comstrmctioums aumth iumslchlatioums, as
well cs the automatic water quality measmriumg iumstailctiomms.
(2) Time size of time protected zoumes estabhishmecl ium
accordance with Aummex No. 2 which is an iumtegrci part of
the preseut law. Time deiinuitctiou of the protected zones
shall be carried out by the Self-Managed Public Company
“Romenicn Waters” together with the Laud Cadcstre
authority cud the holders of the riparien lands. Time right of
owumership for time works specified in percgrcphs (d), (e), cumd
(f) shall be extended elsa to time h)rotected zones thereof.
(3) The implemeulctiou, according to the specific local
couditions, of the laud mse restrictive regiume in the protected
zones, the dam-bank areas end the teummporary reservoirs,
shell be estcbhishmed by the Self-Managed Pmbhic Coumpauy
“Romaumiaum Waters” by coumsuiliumg the hmolcters of aumy title of
these hcuchs, auth ium certcium cases by time civil navigation mumits,
according to the metimodohogy developed by time Miumis try of
Waters, Forests amid Eumviroumuneumtel Protecti oum.
Art. 41
(1) Time umeasures cumci works for time h)roteciioum
of lime miumor beds of time watercourses, the beech and time
Black Sea simore, of the structures timat are beimig built oum
waters, or time water-related oumcs, simahl i)e estabhisimed
thromgim regmhahiou ~
lions. ammd teclmmmical s Laumdards
cud umorms, elaborated by time Miumistry of Waters, Forests
aumth Emmvirommnueum tel Protect iou.
Lou’ No. 107
75cJ)fezuI)eJ 25. 1996
(2) Time scmmitery amid serv’itmde flows, obligatory iii thme
river beds, hi correictioum witim time specific hocai coumditions of
the respective i)ortioums of time rivers, with time existimmg river
basimm structmres proportiomm, taking iumto cccomnt the wcler
resources deuncmmd emmd eusuu’iug lime coumphicmmce with the
contlitious imnposed for the protection of aquatic ecosystemns
shall be established, pursmcuit to time law, on stages, by time
Self-Managed Public Coumpcuy “Roumcumiaum Waters”.
Art. 42
(1) In case a wctercomrse forums a mew bech,
naturally leaving the old omme, time riverside residents or time
water users may request, within omme yecr, by waiver of time
provisions of Art. 496 of the Civil Code, the approvci of the
Self-Managed Public Compcny “Roumcuicu Waters” to briumg
the wcter back to its aid bed, on their own expenses. Any
disputes shall be setihed by the judicici courts.
(2) If withimm omme yecr, froum lime end of the year time
waler left its ohd bed, no request is made, according to
paragraph (1), tIme old bed shall remaimm wilhimm the
property of the riverside residents cud the new river bed
shall be considered as a umctmrci bed cmmd recorded in tlme
Water Cadastre, and it shell be administered by the SelfManaged Public Compcny “Roummcuieu Waters”.
(3) For public iumterests, the bringing of the water back in
its old river bed shall be dome cl the proposal of lime SelfManaged Public Counpcuy “Romcniau
Waters” im
coumsultctiou withm the riverside resideumts and with time
concurrence of the Basimm Comumittee, with the approval of
time Ministry of Waters, Forests amid Emivirommmeuitci
Protectiomm, time expeumses beiumg supported by the state budget.
Section 3
Structures of the River Basins
Art. 43
(1) hum artier to estabiislm time fuumdaumeutah
guitleliumes regcrcliimg time sustainable, ummified, baheumced cud
comnpiex mneuageineut of water resomrces, waler
uncnageument frame scimeu’mes shall be carried out under the
coordination of time Ministry of Wcters, Forests cuct
Emmviroumumeumicl Protcetioum, on river basins or groups of
river basins, imereincftc’r called water nianngemneiut frame
sclmenmes. In correla [ion wi tim time water umaumageuneum t frcume
scimemime ~
simort term devehopuneumt prograuummmes
%1’~otcz Lou’
shall be estabhisimeti for time works, tumstaiiatioums ammtl waler
mcumcgememmt structures, wimiclm ummust be cccompiishieth ium
artier to umeet [lie goals coumcerumiug time eumsuraumce of time
quantitative auti qualitative water denmcuch, [he defemice
against floods cud water tiestructive actious, as well as time
vclmetioum of time hmydramhic pctemmtich of water, imm terms of
the society’s smstcimmcble devehopnmeumt requireumments, cumd ium
agreeumeut with lime emmvirourneutcl strategy amid policies
(2) The water mncuegeumeut frcume schemes cud the
development programmes defined in paragraph (1) shell
be developed, updcled and approved according to the
procedure estabhishmech by the Ministry of Waters, Forests
and Enviroumeutci Protection, shell be approved by
goverumemmtcl decision cud shmali be lmmtegratech iui time laud
pheumuing projects.
(3) All social cud ecoumomicch activities, including the
slructmres of time river bcslus, the enviroumeutcl
protection amid haumd plcumuiumg shah be correbetecl withm time
provisions of time water mauagememmt frcnme schemes.
Art. 44
The iumformatiou necessary to establish time
water uicncgemeut frame schemes cud the devehopmneut
programmes, iuchmdiug time iuformctiomm required to
establish lime water needs, hmydramhic poteutich valuation
cud flood preveumtion and commtrol, aim time whole mmatioumcl
territory, omi differeumt thevelopmeut stages, shah be
mcudatorihy provided for the Ministry of Waters, Forests
and Euviroumeutci Protection and the Self-Managed
Pmbhic Compammy “Romanicum Waters” by time miumistries,
self-mcmmcged euiterprises, local amid coummty couumcils amid by
time maium water users, as well as by other uougoverumneumtcl orgaumizctioums Interested iii time river basiums
deveiopuneut. Smclm iumformmmctioum such be chso cvcihabhe for
the Basin Committees.
Art. 45
(1) For summcil river basiums, local water
structures end mauagemeu t frame scimeumes, hereinafter
cehlett local schemes, tlmat crc iumciucleti iii time frame
schemes, simall be devehopecL Time local scimeumes estabhishm
time geuerai objectives for time valuctioum munch time
quammtitative mmmd qualitative hwotection of water resources,
of cqmetic ecosysteumms cud wet laumcis. cs well as time
geumerci objectives regcrciiumg time sustaimmabie use amid the
Law No. 1Q7/SeJ)ternI)or 25
protection of all types of water resources in, the respective
(2) Time iccal scheme shall register the different wcter
users of thme existiug water resources, and shell establish the
stcte of time water resources and of the aquatic ecosystems.
Ii shell take imito consideration time strategies amid
programmes of the Goveruument, of the hocal commnmuities,
public imistitutious or of otimer natural or juristic persomms
hcvimmg aim impact cmi time quality, distributioum amid use of
the water resources. It shah also establish the priorities
for achieving the objectives mentioned in paragraph (1),
by taking into consideration the protectiou of time uaturch
aquatic environment, the umecessity of vahucting the water
resourcffs,- time predictable evohutioum of the rmrch cud urban
localities cud the beicuice that must be ensured among the
different water users.
Art. 46
(1) Time programmes cud the cdnministrctive
decisions regarding the waters must he correlated with the
approved water management frame schemes provisions.
(2) In preparing time technical documemmtction for the
works provided for in Art. 48 the frame schemes, cud the
hocal schemes, respectively, shall be taken into account.
Art. 47
(1) At ecch river basin branch of the SelfManaged Public Conmpany “Ramcnian Waters” a Basin
Conimittee shall be organized:
(2) The Basin Committee shall consist of 15 members,
as follows:
a) two representatives of the Ministry of Waters, Forests
and Environmental Protection of which one shchh be
selected froun wilhmium time emiviroummeutch protectioum
agencies of the respective river basin;
b) one represeumtctive of time Mimiistry of Health, selected
by such miumistmy from willmimm time commmty heahthm police cmmci
preveutive unedicine’ iumspectorctes of ihie respective river
c) two large city mimayors cud omme towum or comummmume
mayor, elected by the mayors of time localities iui time
respective river hasium;
tI) oume represemmtative electeth by time umcum-goverummemmtal
orgaimizetioums imeviumg time headquarters in time respective miver
e) one prefect frcun lime respective river basin uoumiuated
by the Local Public Administration Departmeut;
f) oume commmty comncii presiclemit elected by lime coummty
council presidents of the respective river bcsius;
g) three water users represeutctives of the respective
river basins;
h) Iwo representctives of the Self-Managed Public
Compcuy “Romanian Waters”;
i) one representative of the Users’ Protection Department.
(3) Time representctives of the local public administration
elected in time Basin Coummittee shah function therein only
throughout the mnaumdcte of the position they represent.
(4) The prefect, the county council president, cud time
mayors elected shell be provided froum different admimmistrctive-territorich ummits.
(5) The water users’ representatives shell be proposed
and elected by the Basin Committee, depending on the
water demand amid time impact of discharged waste water
on the water resources.
(6) The members of the Basin Comumittee can be
replaced by those who selected or elected th’mem.
(7) The Basin Coummittee shchl cohhcborcte with the SehfMcncged Pmbhic Compauy “Romcuicu Waters” in the
application of the national water management strategy
and policy, for which purpose it must:
a) agree on time frame schemes, as wehl as on the development progranmumes of wcter management works,
immstallctions and structures;
b) agree cmi time picmms of prevemmtimmg accldemmtal pohlmtiou
cud ehimiucting ihe commseqmeuces thereof, developed in
cousisteucy with the couditions of time respective river basin;
c) approve the local schemes cud integrate them into
time frame scimeumies, by deterumimmimmg the techmiicah amid
fiumauciah priorities;
d) approve the integrated qualitative cud quantitative
river bcsin water management pheum;
e) iroiose time revisiomm of time water umaumageuiemmt
mmormmms cumch sleumtlcrds, anti, if necessary, develop effluemmt
water quahity normns, specific to [hme river basimm; such
uormns may be stricter than those at umatiouci tevet;
f) estcbhish special norums for waste waters discimarges, if
necessary, for observing time established water quality normns;
Law No. 107/Scptvnll)e1
g) cpprove time identification of the quality classes of
the watercourses lum time respective river bcsiu;
ii) recoummunend priorities regarding time fimmemmciug amid
compiiauce, in order to carry out the development programmes
of the works, immstallctious eumd wcter meumegemeut structures;
i) ensure pubhic inforunation, cud time gucrcmmtee of a
period of time required to receive the public’s comments, to
arrcuge public hearings on au aspects proposed for approval,
cud to ensure the access of the public to its documents.
(8) TIme Bcsin Coumumittees mcy:
c) consider cud discuss any new cspects regarding the
water quantity, quality end use which may appear in the
respective river basin;
b) constitute cud autimorize sub-coummnittees with an
iuformatiomi amid consulting fummction;
c) request the performance of audits, if considered
d) propose bonuses to be given under the provisious of
Art. 82, pcrcgrcph (1);
e) recommend to the local cuthariiies, depending on
the priority and urgency of the uecesscry works, the way
of ensuring the financial sources.
(9) The Basin Committee shall have c permeueut technical secretariat consisting of 3—5 persons, provided for by
the river basin branches of the Self-Managed Public
Company “Roumcuicu Wcters”,
approved by and
subordinated to the Basin Committee.
(10) To ccrry out its mandate, the Basin Committee
shell hmcve access to the information end resources of ammy
public immstitutiou, pursuammt to time hew.
(11) The rule for orgauhzlug and fuuctiomming h)rocedures
of lime Basin Commmmittees simahl be proposed by time Mimiistmy
of Waters, Forests auid Emmvirommumemitah Protectioum, amid shah
be approved by goverm’mmnemitel checision.
Section 4
Regime of the Works That Are Built on Waters
or Are Related to Waters
Art. 48
(1) Time works [hat are built on waters or are
related to waters consist of:
a) works, commstructioums cmmd immstahhatioims which emisure
[lie complex water nmcuicgemeumt, incluchimmg floods routimmg,
t 62
ti’aU’r Lan’
by umodifyimmg the uaturci flow, such cs: dams, perumcueut
or temporary reservoirs, flow diverting works;
b) works for water use, with their reiated structures cud
iustallatious: drinking, immdustrich auth irrigctiamm water supply
works, fisheries, power plauts, hydromeciicuicch utilities,
mmcvigation channels, reftiug cud floating, floating bridges,
baimmecry, tourist or recreational worics, other such works;
c) works, structures amid iustahietiomms for the water
quality protecliomm or which can influemice the water
quclity: sewerage uetworks cud waste water dischcrgiug
works, water quality treatmneut plants cud iustehhctions,
underground water injections, other such works;
d) works for the I)reveutiou cud control of the
destructive actions of water: embanlcments, river bauks cud
beds consolidations, bed reshapings cud rectifications, water
directiouiug works, soil erosioui prevemmtiou, verseut runoff
reguharizetiou works, torrents rectificatiomm works, draining
cud reclaiming works aucu other such protection works;
e) crossings over watercourses cud the related works:
bridges, pipes, power lines, etc.;
f) constructions cud iustchlctious for extracting miuerah
aggregates out of the watercourses banks cud beds,
hckesides and sea shores: ballast-pits, quarries, etc.;
g) solid wastes deposits located in the major river beds
of the watercourses: tcihiug deposits, sconce and ashes,
sludge, mud, and others of the same sort;
h) afforestatiomi cud deforestation of the woodemi vegetatiou, filtering cud couuter-eroslouch forest belts located
in the protected zones or 1mm major river beds, whmich are
not part of the forestmy fuumd;
i) works, constructions ammci immstchietiomms built up an the
beach, on the bottoum of the immlammd mncriue waters amid of
time territorial sea, cmi time commtimiemmtai plateau, or shore
protectiomm coustructiomms;
j) terrestrial or maritime prospecting cud explonimmg/
exploiting clrihhimmg works, hychroumeiric immstclla[iomms, topoimydrogmephic unarks amid ammy othmers hi situ water-rehaleth studies;
k) works amid instahlaiiomms for time hydrological paraumeters
surveiihcumce or [lie autommietic water cpxahity surveilhaumce.
2) Time ctocumemitatious cueveloped for time works
described imi paragraph (1) mmmust h)rom~dethe requireth security,
Law No. 107/Septcmlwz 25. 1996
be consistemmt withi time techmmmiccl miormns amid prescriptions,
by takimmg immto coumsidercliomm [lie iumterests of ihme
emivinoumnemital pro tectiomm amid hocc[iomms.
Art. 49
(1) The location of new economic cud sociai
units, inchudiug new human dwellings, in the flooded
areas of major river beds shah be forbidden.
(2) The provisioums of paragraph (1) shmchi uiot apply to
the special cases for which the Self-Managed Public
Company “Romcniau Waters” may approve such hocetious.
Time hocatiomm pen’uit simchl be issued only with the approval
of time riverside resichemmts ammch only after time prior
performance of the works cud measures necessary to
ensure time flood prevention end flowiug regime.
(3) Tie location pem-muit described in paragnapim (2) and
obtained on the basis of the methodology established by
the Ministry of Waters, Forests amid Emmvirauumentch
Protection, shall not exciude the obhigctiou to obtain the
water management permit and other such approvals,
pursuant to the law.
Art. 50
(1) The works described in Art. 48 ccu be
carried out only on the basis of time wcier management
permit issued by the territorial branches of the Ministry of
Waters, Forests and Euvironmneutai Protection, for the
investment documentation. To sei into motion or to put
into operation such works shah be made only ou the basis
of the water maucgemeut hicence.
(2) In case the works are carried out in the national
uavigcbhe waters zone, the approval of the Ministry of
Transports shah also be required.
(3) Time works provided for in Art. 9 paragraph (2), as well
as those for which the present law provides notification,
shehh be exempted from the provisious of paragraph (1).
(4) Time taxes amid tariffs estabiished
pursucmmt to time
haw shah be levied for time services of hiceusing or
perumittimig the activities described umider Art. 48.
(5) Time taxes cntl tariffs for pernmittiug or iicemmsimmg
services, set up ummcler paragraph (4), such be owed to time
Water Fund.
Art. 51
Time ivater mnammagem’nemmt perum’uit ammci time
locatiomi l)eruni t are commformimiiy h)ermmmi [s.
Art. 52
The elaboraticu of time documentation
mmecesscry [a substamitiate time water mauageumeut pernmit
1i’atei Law
apphicctiou must be bcsed on meteorological, hydrological
or hmydrogeoiogical studies, as appropriate, on studies of
water unenagemeut auch of cssessmemit ci the impact of the
respective works on the water resources and ripcricu
areas. These studies can be prepared by public or private
units authorized by the Ministry of Wclers, Forests end
documeumictiomi must prove that time appliccmmt for [he
water uncuagenmeut permit can comply with the legal
ArL 53
(1) The water mcuagenmeut permit shell expire
two years after time date of its issue, if the execution of the
respective works did not start within this interval. The
udder of the water management permit shall be
responsible to send to the issuer, imm writimmg, a ten-days
prior uotificatiou on the work starling date.
(2) The water management permit shall also be necessary
for the development, moderuizetiou, or technological updating of certaiu technological processes or of existing
immstchhatiom’ms of the water users, if thme provisions of the
water management permit issued in advance are being
modified, as well as if such a modificatiou occurred before
the promotion of the respective works.
(3) Time documentation of the works of public interest that
are built on waters or are rehated to waters musi be approved
eveu if timeir realization would require the restriction or
cessation of some existing activities. Time affected natural cud
juristic persons may be iudemmmified according to the law, if
they prove that time water is efficiemmiiy used or that they do
not pollute the water resources.
(4) The damming works of the watercourses must be
provided with installations that can ensure the necessary
dowmmstreamn flow, as well as with structures necessary for
thme migretiomm of time iclmtlmyofcumie if. based cmi a study, it
proves to be required.
(5) Through the provisions of lime water management
permit, time investor may be obliged to carry out additional
works, wumicim are miot immcludech imm Lime techmmmical documemmtctiomm,
so thict time works, commstnmctiomms or instaihetioums I)roPoseth do
mmot gemmerate damages to the existimmg water users or to time
upstream or chowimstreaum m-iversithe residemits.
Art. 54
(1) For the folhowiug categories of activities
amid works, the investor shmehh send a twenty-days prior
Law No. 107/Scp(embc-r 25. 1996
uotificatiomm to the Seif-Mammaged Public Company “Romauian
Waters” cmi the begiuuimmg of [he following categories of
cctivities cud works:
a) the development, modernization or technological updating works for iechuologicch processes or existing
instahiations if time achievement thereof does not result iii
the modification of the final water use quantity and
quality parcumeters stated in the water management
licence, on the basis of which the respective user operated
before the beginning of such work performnauce;
b) time injections of extractiomi derrick deposit waters in
the structures they originate from, without generatimig the
pohiution of the crossed ground waters, according to the
mineral resources reguictious;
c) the temporary instchictious used over an investment
execution period, if the intake flow is less thau ten litres
per second and the effluents resulted after use do not
influence the water resources qucuity;
d) the sanitary protection of the drinking water supply
sources, mineral waters, of therapeutic hakes cud muds;
e) the crossing of wctercourses by operational communal
or comity roads, within river basins smaller than term square
f) the cfforestaiion and soil erosion protection works,
on total areas smaller than twenty square kihometres,
including yersaut runoff regularization works cud torrents
improvement works, on hands hess than ten kilometres
g) miew water iutake works, if time imiteke flow does miot
exceed ten litres per second and time effluents resulted
after use do miot influence the quality of the wcter
(2) For the worhs ste tech imm paragraph (1), time
begimmnimig of their executiamm shell be macic oum the basis of
time mmotificatiomm, without a water mnamicgemnemit permit
beiug required.
(3) Time puttimmg imito operatiomm of time works amid
immstahhations stated imi paragrephi (1), as well as of time
categories of warks regardimmg electrical networks. river
banks amid beds protectiomi amid comisolicietiou, river beds
rectifications ammch cievietiomms, versamit rummoff reguicrizaticu,
torremmLs iumprovememmt, emmcl soih erosiomm prevemitiomm shmehh
be chomme based omm time twemmty-clcy h~io~mmotificctiomm to the
Self-Managed Pubhic Comnpcny “Romanicn Waters”. The
water mncncgeumeut licence shell not be required.
Art. 55
(1) The water mnauegemnemmt licence shall be
issued on time basis of [he field technical identification in
the presence of the customers
not later than the date
when ihe investuients are accepted
if time legal provisions
on time water mauagemnemmt required for time putiimmg imito
operation of the works, end on the accuracy of [he data
provided in the licence application cud its eccompcuying
documentation are complied with.
(2) hf, durimmg time field verificatiomi, discrepancies are
noticed that, according to the present law, would impede
the putting imita operaiiomi of the immvestmemmt, the hicemice
issuer such estcbhisim c deadline for the performcuce of
the required rectifications or additions. If uecesscm-y, the
issuer of time water management licence may refuse, with
justification, to issue the water management licence.
(3) The water mnaucgemnent licence mncy also be issued
for a limited period, if the shiortconmiugs found during time
field verificatiomi permit the putting into operatiomi of the
investment without producing a severe danger from the
water management point of view.
(4) The instructions for time maiutemiance amid operation
of the works, constructions cud installations shall he
recorded in the operating code regulation, that represents
an integral part of the water management licence.
(5) Tmrough time provisions of time water mamiagemeut
licence, as well as through docuumeuts compheuieutary
thmereto, specific provisions must be imnposed far tue
supervision meemms, techimmical immspectiomm methods, amid
mecmis of intervemitiomi in case of iucichemmts, emergemmcies or
accidents amid others of the kind.
Art. 56
(1) The water manageumeui licence may be
modified or withdrawn by time issuer, without indemuificctiomm,
in the following cases:
a) for public sammilatiomi interests, especially wlmemm time
mochificeliomi or the smmspensioim of time water mnammagememit
hicemmce is miecessary for evoichiug a sigmiificant clcmmiage of
the welfare of time conmmmmummity;
b) for prevemitiug or ensuring the commtroh of flood
effects, or in case of danger for the public security;
Law No. 167/September 25. 1996
c) in case of demmger to equctic euviromiment, especially
if [he aquatic environments are subject to somne critical
comiditious, incompatible wi tim tlmeir protectiomi;
d) iu cases -of absolute necessity, due to natural changes
occun-iug withm the water resource, or in cases of natural
disasters occurred in the water users’ iusidllaiions;
e) when the works or [he installations are being
cbcmmdoned or not properly meimiteimmed, in wbmichm case time
holder thereof shall be obliged to destroy them at the
order of the Self-Managed Public Company “Romaniau
(2) Time water meuageumeumt licence can be nmodified or
withdrawn in cases when new water requirements occur
which nmust be met with prioriiy, according to the
of Art.9, paragraph
(1), by grcuting
indemuifications, pursuant to the law.
(3) Any refusch to issue, as well as any modification or
withdrawal of a licence must be justified, in writing, to
the licence applicant or holder, as appropriate, by that
who decided the respective measure.
Art. 57
The water management licence wlthdrawai
shail induce the obligation to cease the activity, as weil as
the loss of the rights obtained uumder the present hew.
Art. 58
(1) The water management licence can be
temporariiy suspended, without iudemuifications, In the
following cases:
a) if the immiticuly imposech couchitiomis are not fulfilled;
b) if the authorized
works, constructions
immstchhatiomms are miot operatiouchiy safe, botim imm terms of
the structures resistcuce and the efficiency of the adopted
c) for severe or repeated violatiomis of the conditions of
water use amid effhuemi[s himitatiomis h)ro\Tidieth imm the
hicemice, amid imi time situctiomi whemm time user does mmcl
comphy with time operctiommci safety conditions amid otimer
mneasures established by the Mimmistry of Waters, Forests
emmd Euviromimneutei Pro[ecliomi and the Self-Managed
Public Company “Romnaniami Waters”;
ci) imm case of significammt accidemmtal pohhutiomi of time
water resources [hmat threatens time popuhctiomm’s health or
produces major ecohogicah clcmages.
ti’ater Lan
(2) 1mm time case of the situatious described imi pcrcgrcpim (1)
d), time Ministry of Waters, Forests and Emiviromimnemmtch
Protectiomi miicy eisa dispose time cessctiomm of time polluter’s
activity or of time installation which produced time water
pohiutiomi, until time cause of time pollution is eliminated.
(3) The Miuistm-y of Waters, Forests cud Environmental
Protectiou may iusti[ute a special supervision regime in
case of miou-cbmphiammce withm time measures established for
emmsuriug the comichitiomis stipulated
imi time water
management hiceuce. Throughaui the duration of such
regime, the water use cud trectmeut shall be done under
the direct couiroi of time personnel specifically assigned by
the Ministry of Waters, Forests and Euvirouuieutcl
Protection. All the supplementary expenses incurred by
the imphememitctiomm of time special supem-visiomm regime shiaih
be bonme by the water management licence holder.
Art. 59
(1) Time works and installations subjected to
hicemmsimmg or mmolificatiomm, pursuant to time provislomis of the
present law, which are used for the surface and ground
water intakes or for discharging in natural receivers, must
be provided with devices for mnecsuriug the intake water
flows cud volumes cud for determining time quality of the
discharged waters, in couformmiity with the provisions of
the water management licence.
(2) The holders of the works cud installations subjected
to licensing or mmotificctlou, provided for imi paragraph (1),
shall have the obhigatiou to ensure time setup and
operation of the umecsuriug devices, to keep all the
obtciued data for 5 years cud to send them monthly to
the Self-Managed Public Company “Ronmcuiau Waters”.
(3) The Self-Managed Public Comnpcuy “Romauian
Waters” shchh keep tlme data stctech imm paragraph (2) at the
chisposal of time immterestech public, imm comiformiiity with the
provisious of Am-[. 35, paragraphs (6) end (7).
Art. 60
Time weter umcuegeument licemices amid permits
as well as [lie refusal to issue thmeum can be commtestecl imm
accordammce with time Law omm cclmmiimmistrative commiemitious,
No. 29/1990.
Art. 61
Time Mimmistry of Waters, Forests amid
Emivirommmmmemmlah Protec[iomm simahl establish:
a) time procedure amid the coumpe[emmcies for issuimig the
water mimamiagemimemil permui ts amid hicemices;
Law No. 167/Septenibei 25, 1996
b) the procedure for the modification or withdrawci of
the water mauageuieut permnits amid hiceuces;
c) the procedure for the temnporcry suspemmsiomm af time
water management hicences;
d) the notification procedure;
e) the procedure for the setting up of the special
supervision regime;
f) time mmorumative comiteuts of tue techmmmicah
documentation subjected to hicemmsing or perumittimig.
Art. 62
(1) Time reservoirs shall be designed as commaplex
water use warks in order to ensure the driukiug water
supply for population, industry and irrigation, power
generation, floads preventiomm amid control works, piscicuhture,
cud recreation.
(2) In the projects far dams amid eumbamihcmeuts shell be
obligatorily included river banks and beds protection and
consolidation works, river beds rectifications
devictious, soil erosion protection works.
(3) The dcmns cud the resemvoirs shah be designed and
realized by specialized units.
(4) The small-sized dams of locah interest can be
realized by other units, too, but only witim the techuicci
assistance and under time control of the speciaiized unit
that elaborated the project.
Art. 63
(1) Time umohders of dams cud reservoirs, as
well as of dammed or uou-dcmmed water supply intakes
have the obhigc[iou to prepare operating rules cud to
coumpiy with the provisions thereof. Such rules shall be
agreed by the Basin Committees, shall be cpproved by the
Self-Managed Public Company “Romauicu Waters” cud
shall be an integral part of time water management licence.
(2) The operatimmg rules stated imm parcgrcphm (1) simahi be
prepared based omm the Frame-Rule established by time
Mimiistry of Wclers, Forests amid Emmvirommmneutch Protection
amid they shmahh detail cud substamitiate time gemmerai
conditions for a coordbmatech operatiomm, thiroughmcut time river
basin, of time categories of works stated imm paragraph (6).
(3) Thme opera[imig mimics stated imm ~aragm-cphm (1) simahl be
cchaptecl, imm stages. withimi [lie himimits iumposed b)y time water
mammcgemmmemmt licemmce, chepemichimmg cmi time chymmamnics of tue
wcter requirememits cmmch on otimer commchitiomis.
%Valei Lat~
(4) The coordimmctiou of time reservoirs operatiomi by river
basins, regardless of holders, shmaii be ensured by time SeifMcuaged Pubuic Company “Romnanian Waters”.
(5) 1mm criticci circumstances
extended drought
periods, floods or other simnhicr circumstances
operation of c reservoir shah be subordiuated to the
requireuiemmts of the respective period, according to the
regimne set up by the Sehf-Mcucged Public Company
“Romcmmicu Waters”.
Art. 64
(1) The juristic persons having hydraulic
works under their administration or exploitetiomi are
obhiged to use the water intakes, dams cud reservoirs in
accordamice with time dispctchm graphs, on time basis of the
mouthiy operating programmes, to ensure the flows
necessary for the use of industry, agriculture end
popuiatiou, correlated with the power generation activity.
(2) The holders of dams, related reservoirs cud of
other hydraulic structures hcve the obligation to set up
the devices necessary for the monitorimig, in the long run,
of their performance, to organize the surveillance system
cud to realize the expertise of these works.
Art. 65
Time approval competeucies of the river basin
operctiug code regulation amid of tue operating programmes
shall be established by the Ministry of Waters, Forests and
Euviroumeutci Protection.
Art. 66
The discharge from the reservoirs of water
volumes different from those provided for in the
operating rules, as well as the performing, at time dam
mechammisms, of mnauoemivres that cre mmot specified thereimi
can be executed only with [he approval or to the order of
the Self-Managed Public Company “Roumcuicu Waters”.
Section 5
Prevention and Control of Floods, Hazardous Meteorological
Phenomena and Hydraulic Structures Accidents
Art. 67
(1) Time h)retTelmtiomm amid comitrol of floods,
hazardous mmmeteorohogicch plmemmomnemia cmmd hydraulic
structures accidents represcmi[ a l)ol)uiatiomi civil prn[ectiomm
activity of mmatioual imitercs[.
(2) For time immterpretetiomm of time presemmt iaw, tlme terums
time prevention
and control of floods, hazardous
Lais’ No 107/Seplemhei’ 25, 1996
meteorological phenomena amid hydra ulic structures
accidents shall beer time fohhowimmg meammimmgs:
a) u)revemmtiou amid prepcratiomi
umeasures for
b) urgent effective intervention measures taken after
the start of the hazardous phenomena having serious
c) subsequent intervention measures for recovemy cud
(3) The activities described iu paragraph (2) constitute
cmi obiigctiomi for all mmcturai and jurisiic persomis, the
disabled, the elderly cud other disadvantaged categories of
people being exempted.
(4) The devehopmeut of the strategy cud the conception
for the prevention and coutroi of floods, hazardous
meteorological phenomena cud hydraulic structures
accidents are incumbent on the Miuistry of Waters,
Forests cud Euviroumneutai Protection.
Art. 68
(1) The holders of any title of hydraulic
structures, the destruction or damage of which can
jeopardize humncu hives cud goods, or ccu bring about
damages to the euviroumeut shall be obliged to provide
such works with the necessary measuring and control
equipmneut for the mnouitoriug of their performance in the
long run, to set up aicrmiug-wcrniug systems in case of
emergeucy, cud to organize the surveillance activity.
(2) For the coordination, guidance and monitoring
activities of the dams, reservoirs cud oilier hydrcuiic
structures, in view of a safe operation thereof, the
National Commission for the Safety of Dams cud
Hydraulic Structures, cousisiiug of representatives of
ministries, sehf-mamicgeci pubhic comnpemmies amid iuterestech
public immstitutiomms, is operatimig withm time Mimmistry of
Waters, Forests amid Environmental Protectiomm.
(3) The structure, time specific respommsibihities. tue
competemicies ammch the provisionimmg of time Natiomial
Conmmmmissiomm for [hie Safety of Dcms cmmch Hydraulic
Structures are estaimlishech imi accordance wi tim time
prom’isiomms of the operating amid orgammizctiouai code
reguhatiomm, wimich is elaborated by time Mimmistm’y of Waters,
Forests cmmd Emivirommumental Pro[ectiomi amid is approved by
govermimemm tel checisiomi.
Lt’alt’r Lan
Art. 69
(1) Time national organization cud coordination
of the actions for the prevention and control of floods,
hazardous meteorological phenomena cud hydrcuhic
struc[ures accidents is realized, pursucmit to the law, by time
Ceutrch Commission for the Prevention and Control of
Floods, Hczardous Meteorologicch Phenomena end Hydrauhic
Structures Accidents, hereinafter ccihed the Central
C’onimission, which Operates wHim time Mimmistmy of Waters,
Forests cud Emmviroumentcl Protection. The commission
consists of represemitctives of ministries, self-managed public
companies cud interested public iustitutious.
(2) 1mm case of disaster, the Cemmtral Commission shall
permanently cohiaborcte with cud subordinate to the
governmental Disaster Control Commnittee, set up
pursuant to the law.
Art. 70
The structure, specific responsibilities,
competeucies cud provisioning of the Central Commission
are estabiished by the organizational and operating code
regulation, developed by the Ministry of Waters, Forests
cud Environmental
by the
goverunieuial Disaster Control Committee cud approved
by governmental decision.
Art. 71
(1) Time operative actions for the prevention
and control of floods, hazardous
phenomena cud hydrcuhic structures accidents are
orgcuized by the county commissions, and the Bucharest
municipauity commission respectively, for disaster control,
which cre functioning with the Prefectures, cud by the
local disaster control comumissious, of cities, towns cud
communes, which are heeded by mnayors.
(2) The county disaster coutrol
the Bucharest uiuuicipclity commission, are
constituted by order of [he prefect, who shell cisc act as
president of the coummissiou. Time permeueut secretariat of
timese commissions shall be provided by the Self-Managed
Public Compammy “Romcnicmi Waters”.
(3) Time local disaster comitrol commimissiomms of
conmmummes, towns amid cities are subordinated to time
coimmity comnmnissiomms, respectively
time Bucharest
mummicipeiity disaster commirol couimmmissiomm, amid shah
iuciude omie representative of the Self-Managed Public
Compcmmy “Roumammian Waters”.
Law No. 107/Seplembei’ 25. 1996
(4) For those uults that can be affected by floods,
or by the
cousequemices of time hiydrauhic structures cccidemmts,
of the forum of ownership,
Headquarters shall be orgauized, headed by the headers of
the respective units. Such headquarters shell be directiy
subordinated to time local commissions stated imi paragraph (1).
Art. 72
(1) Time ucturci or juristic persons, being the
owmiers or users of the units located in zommes that ccu be
affected by the destructive action of waters, hazardous
meteorological phenomena or hydraulic structures
accideuts, shall be obliged to ensure the proper
mainteucmice and operation of the existing prevention amid
control works.
(2) In case of destruction or damage of the works for
the prevention cud control of floods or of hydraulic
structures accidents due to floods, the holders of cuy tithe
of such works have the obligation to restore or to repair
the works in the shortest possible time.
Art. 73
(1) Time expenses incurred by the operative,
public interest activities for the prevention and control of
floods, hazardous meteorological phenomena or hydrcuhic
structures cccidemmts, as well as timose for constituting the
prevention cud control uiateriahs cud mecns inventory,
shall be provided far and financed from the state budget,
the locci budgets and fronm the natural and juristic
persons’ own sources, as appropriate.
(2) In time event time amoumits provided for in the local
budget of a county or of a iocchity, where fioods,
hczcrdous mneteorologiccl phenomena or adverse effects of
imydreuhic structures accidents occurred, are insufficient
far prevemitimig amid ehimnimmatimig time effects thmereof, such
cmnoimmmts shah be emmsured by time Immtervemmtiou Fumich,
h)ursucmmt to [lie law, amid proviched imi the state budget, omm
the proposcl of the prefect cud with the agreement of the
Mimmistry of Waters, Forests amid Enviromimimemi[ah Protectiomi.
Art. 74
(1) The rules for time preveu[iomm cmmdl commtroh of
floods, hazardous mimetecroiogical phemiomemia cmich
hmydlrauiic structum’es accidents, and time framne-mmoruis of
providing the materials cmidl mimeans for lime operative
prevemmtiau amid commtroh of fioochs amid frost shell be
elaborated by the Mimmistry of Waters, Forests end
li’atoi’ Law
Emmviromimnemmtch Protec[iomm imi comisul[etiomi withi time Ceutrcl
Comumissiomm cmmch time Bcsimm Commnittees, cgreech by the
governmneutah Disaster Camitroh Comumittee, amid approved
by governmental decisiami.
(2) The iumphemeutetiou of the operative prevention and
coutrol measures shall be doue in a unified mcnmier, based
on the picus for the Preveution end coutrol of floods,
hazardous mneteorohogicai pheuomnene cud hydraulic
structures accldeuts, which shell be worked out by river
basimms, coumities amid localities, as well as for those ummits
which ccu be affected by such pheuoumeuc or accidents.
(~)The working-out of the prevention cud control plans
stated in paragraph (2) shall be made by taking into
cousideratiomm the territorial piaminiug projects and time
building regime restrictiamms, and with Lime comisuhtctiou of
the iuterested natural cud juristic persons.
(4) The operative coordination of the activity for the
prevemitiou cud control of floods, hazardous meteorological
phenomena cud hydraulic structures accidents shall be ensured
by the Seif-Maucged Public Camnpafly “Rouicniaim Wcters”.
(5) The prefect of time county where the headquarters of
the Seif-Mcucged Public Company “Romanian Waters”
basimi branch is locctech slmcil have time respommsibility to
coordinate the activity for the prevention cud control of
floods, hazardous meteorohogiccl phenomena cud hydraulic
structures accidents, in the respective river basin.
Art. 75
(1) To avoid the occurrence of calamities
during flood periods or damn accidents, the operation of
the temporary reservoirs within the designed paramneters
shall be couipuisory, cud the Central Commission may
cpprove the coutrohied floodimig of the hands preestablished tumrommglm lime prevemmtiomm amid comitrol piemms, as
wehh as of time chemmnech areas, buiit omi lime bamik of a
(2) Time holders of ammy tithe of [lie lammds previously
estabhishmech through time river bcsimi prevemitiomi amid comitrol
picmms, as well as of [hose located imm embammkmemmt areas,
shah be obliged [a chhow time lemnporcmy uhoodimmg of such
hammchs, imi a commtroihedh mnan Imer.
(3) For time chammiages suffered from Ihie temporary
floochimmg of lime lamicls, the holders of suclm hamids shall be
immclemmiifiech from time imisurance fund, hnmrsuamit to time
Law Na 107/September 25. 1996
law. The indemnification auiouuts shall be proposed by
the prefects, shell be agreed by the Centrai Comumission,
cud shall be approved by goverumeutai decision.
Art. 76
(1) For time purpose of emisuriug the stability
and integrity of the eumbaukmeuts, dams cud other
cud control works against the water
chestructive cctious, time following such be forbidclemi:
c) the extrcctiou of earth or other materials fromn time
emnbaukmeuts, damns or other flood prevemitiou and coutroi
works, as well as froum the protection areas of such works;
b) time phammtimmg of ammy kimmd of trees aim the
embcukmeuts, dams or other prevention end control works;
c) the feeding of cuimals cu embaukments or damns, omi
river bcmiks, or imi mnimmor beds, imi time zommes imi which
hydraulic works cre executed cud in the protection areas
of such works;
d) the realization of ballast-pits or otumer excavation
works in the river beds, in the river water intakes area,
water intakes by river bank imifiltration, water crossing by
pipeiiues or other art works.
(2) With the approval of the Seif-Menaged Public Company
“Romauicu Waters”, the following shell be permitted:
c) the storage of mcteriahs and the execution of
structures on embaukmeuts, dams cud in time area of
other prevention and control works;
b) the veimiche traffic or the animal crossing on
embauicmeuts or dams, through pleces specichiy arranged
for these purposes;
c) the crossing over or through of embankmeuts, dams
or other prevention cud control works, with pipelines,
power or telecommunication lines or cables. witim other
structures or instahictiomis which camm weckemi the stremmgthm
of the works or himicher time prevemition anch commtroh actions.
(3) The accoumphishmmneut of time works stipulated imi
paragraph (2) c) shall be achieved under time supervision
of the Self-Managed Public Cam pammy “Romneuicn Waters”.
Section 6
Participation of the Public
Art. 77
(1) Except for special cases hike droughts,
floocis or others of time kimmcl, lime measures [lie Mimmistry of
Water Law
Waters, Forests cud Emivironnmeutah Protection has the
right to- take, for time impiemnemmtctiou of the u)rovisiomis of
thmis law, commcermiimig [lie protectiomi of time surface amid
ground waters, as well as for the eusurcuce of water
supply, and which affect the interests of the water users,
of the riverside residents, or of the public, shall be taken
omily after imcvimig comisuited timese persomis.
(2) In order to realize the consultation described in
paragraph (1), the Ministry of Waters, Forests and
Enviroumnentah Protectiomi and time Self-Managed Public
Company “Romcuian Waters” or its river basin branches,
as appropriate, shell publish c notice of [he proposed
measures in the locai newspaper. Time same notice shall be
semmt to time water users, time riverside resiciemmts, as well as
to any other person that might be affected.
(3) TIme text of the proposed measures, as well as cuy
supporting documentation, shall be made cvcihcbie for the
public ct the units described in paragraph (2).
(4) The written comnmeuts, observctiomis or suggestions
on the proposed measures shall be sent to the iuformcut
in no more than 45 days, from the date the notice was
(5) In case special, significant or controversial measures
were proposed, the iuformcut shall make arrangements for
a public debate, 60 days cf[er time uotice wcs published.
(6) The Ministry of Waters, Forests and Euviroumeutci
or the Self-Managed
Public Company
“Romanicu Wcters”, as appropriate, shall review all
observations and proposals before making a final decision.
A text of the final decisiomi amid its expiemmatiomm shiclh be
made available for the public.
(7) The procedure comicerulmig the participation of the
water users, riverside residents end the public iu the
commsultatiami activity shmaih be estcblisimecl by the Mimmis[my of
Waters, Forests audi Environmental Protection.
Inspection of the Water Management Activity
Art. 78
(1) The water mnaucgeumeut activity and time
comnplicmice with time provmsious of time h)resemmt hew such be
subjected to specialized immspectiamm.
c 12
Lair No. 107/September 25. 1906
(2) Withimm time Mimmistry of Waters, Forests amid
Eimvirommmemmtah Protectiomi is fumictiommimig tue Water State
Immspectorate, hiavimig time duties of immspec[iomm amid control
of time impleumemmtctiomi of time provisiomms of this law.
(3) For the purpose of fuifiuhing the duties related to
control, the water mncucgemeut personnel, as well as the
authorized represemi[atives of the Mimmistry of Waters,
Forests cmmd Euviroumneutal Protection, after they coufirmn
their identity amid coumpetemicies, shah have the right:
a) to access water, in the areas along watercourses, as
well as imm any other i)lace, ummit or immstclhatiomi, regardhess
of the owner or the holder thereof, for ascertaiuiimg the
compliance witii time regulations cud the impiementaticu
of the water management mimeasures;
b) to inspect time water-related works, coustructiomms,
installations or activities, cud to check up if cii these are
realized aud exploited according to the specific legal
provisious amid imi compliance with the provisions of the
water mcucgemeut permits cud hicences, as appropriate;
c) to check up the flow mecsurement installations, to
take water samples, and to examine, according to the law,
any dcta and dacumneuts uecesscry for the inspection;
d) to idemitify time actiomis timat comistitute imifrimigements
or infractions in the water maucgement field, and to
conclude the documents, pursuant to the law.
(4) The representatives of time Ministry of Waters,
Forests amid Emiviromimimemital Protection cutimorized to
h)erform immspectiomis imm special ummits shmcii be accredited,
also, by the mimmistries coorchiuatimig thme respective ummits.
(5) On navigable ways cud imi herbours, the research,
iciemmtificatiomm, imispectiomi cimch semictiomi chuties commceruimmg
time comnpliammce with time water u)rotectiomi reguletiomis
belommg to time authorized persomimmel of time Mimmistry of
Waters, Forests cmmd Euvirounmeutai Protectibu, together
with the Mimmistry of Trammsports.
Art. 79
The ceutrah amid local public authorities are
obiliged to provide assistamice to [he emnpioyees of the
Ministry of Waters. Forests amidl Emmvirommmncutal Protectiomm
amid time Self-Mammaged Public Comimpcmiy “Ronmauiamm Waters”
amid to time autlmorized represemmlatives thereof, as well cs to
~t’atez Law
ensure during high waters cud floods continuous survey,
measurememmts amid dcta trcmmsmissiomi.
Water Economic Mechanism
Art. 80
(1) Water represents a natural resource having
an eccuomnic value, iu all its forums of use. The
reuse cud saving of water shall be
encouraged through economic Incentives, inclusively for
those which demous[rete
a permcueut concern for
protecting the quantity end quaiity of water, as well as
tlmrough inmpiemnentiug i)emmalties to those who waste ammcu
pollute the water resources.
(2) The specific economic mechanism
for the
qucutitative cud qualitative water management shall
include the payment system, cilowauces cud penalties as
part of the financiug prcctice of the water management
system developumeut and of ensuring the fuuctiouiug of
the Self-Managed Public Company “Romanian Waters”
based ou ecououmic principles.
(3) The methodology of substantiating the payment
system in the water field, as well as the procedure far its
elaboration shall be established by the Ministry of Waters,
Forests cud Euvironnmeutch Protection, with the agreement
of the Miuistry of Finance.
(4) The paynmeut system stipulated in paragraph (2) is
based on the precept: Lime beneficiary pays, according to
the provided services and to those services related to the
rational use of water resources, which ensure:
a) economic stimulation of time sustainable water use
cud of the water quchity protection;
b) territorial differentiation of prices cmidh tariffs, cmi
cctegories of sources amid users, as c resuit of the different
water suppiyimig çommditiomis, as hommg as [lie system can
emmsure bchammced imicoumes amid expemmditures;
c) correctiomm of time level of prices amid tariffs depemmdimmg
omi the gemmerch ciymmaniics of lrices:
ci) trcmmsmmmittah to time users of ecommomuic immfhuemmces
resulted from time activities of providimig water sources,
froui time qucmmtitative cmmcl qualitative poimit of view;
Law Na 107/September 25. 1006
e) miuimizctiou of production costs, through economic
stiumulatiomi of time price, for time purpose of eusimrimmg time
maximum socici profit;
f) reflection of the water flow and volunie demand into
the water prices.
Art. 81
(1) The payment system, the allowances and
penalties specific to the water management activity shahi
be implemented to cli water users.
(2) The provisions of pcrcgrcph (1) shcuh uot be applied
to time water trausited for navigation, on time artificial
navigable wcys, as well as to the natural persons using the
water, pursuant to Art. 9, paragraph (2).
(3) The Self-Managed Public Company “Romcuiau
Waters” shall be the only supplier of water directly drawuoff from surface water sources, natural or artificial,
regardless of the holder of any tithe of lime structure, cud
from underground water sources, except for lime geothermal
waters, as well as of products and services specific to water
management, on the bcsis of cgreements comicluded far this
(4) Far the activities memmtioued in paragraph (3), the
Self-Managed Public Company “Romenicn Waters” shall be
the only one entitled to implement the pcymeut system,
specific to water mcucgemeut activity.
(5) For the treated supplied water, or for water
mcncgemeut services, other than the specific ones, the
supplier or performer shall be those juristic or uctural
persomms, timat, as appropriate, are imm charge with the
administration of hydraulic works or perform water
management services.
Art. 82
(1) Time allowances shall be grcuted to those
water users thet shall demonstrate a permanent concern for
the rational use cud for the protection of water quality,
dischcrgiug together with the trected waste waters
pohlutcuts of comicemmtrctiomis amid imm cuuammtities that cre
suichier then those stated imm time water mcmiagememmt licence.
(2) Time penalties shcih be applied to [Imose water users, for
which viohatiomis are foumid from time provisions of tIme
cgreeumemm[s stctech in Art. 81, paragraph (3), for exceeding
both the qucmitities of chrcwim-off water, the couceutratiomis cud
qucmmtities of chischcrged pohlutcmits.
(3) The Self-Managed Public Compcuy “Rouicuian
Waters” is time only authority emmtitiech to idemmtify time cases
for which allowances shall be granted or penelties shall be
applied. Time allowances shall be granted with the approval
of time Ministry of Waters, Forests cmmch Emmvirommmemitcl
Art. 83
The system of pcyumeuts, chlowauces and
penalties, as well as the cctegories of water mnanagement
products and services shall be established by governmental
Art. 84
(1) For the purpose of participetiug imm the
fincmmcimmg of investments for works cud umecsures with a
sigmmificant commtributiomm to time improvenmemi[ of time
eusurance of the water supply sources, to the water
quality protection, as well as to the expemiditures required
for studies cud cpplicative researches in the water field, a
special fund, not included in the state budget, called the
Water Fund, shall be constituted.
(2) Time Water Fund comprises the taxes cud tariffs for
the permitting cud licensing services, established
according to the law, as well as the penalties stipulated in
Art. 82, paragrcph (2).
(3) The Water Fund is mammcged by a separate budget,
developed by lime Self-Managed Public Company “Romanian
Waters”, cud approved by the Ministry of Waters, Forests
and Environmental Protection, which establishes also the
methodology for the forming of this budget, with the
agreement of the Ministry of Finance.
(4) The Water Fund, together with other sources, shall
be used for the financial support of:
a) the accompiishmnent of the National Sys[enm for
Quantitative cud Qualitative Water Resources Surveillance;
b) [he emmdowumemit of icbore[ories, trcmmsmnissiomms amid
immformimctionci mie[works relc[edh to the Nctiomich Systeum for
Quantitative cud Qualitative Water Resources Surveillance;
c) time larticiPetiou for time reciize[iomm cmmci mociermmizctiomi
of time waste water [rectmmmemmt
l)lamits cud immstcilatiomis imi
om’cier [o improve time quality of the wc[er resources;
ci) the accompiishniemit of pubhic works of iocai imm[erest
with a sigmmificcmit social effect cmmd for which time local
authorities do mmat have sufficiemmt fimmcnciai resources;
Law No. 107/September 25. 1996
e) the acconiphishment of public works regarding time
prevemitiomi cmmd control of floods, works of immtem’vemmtiomm,
prevention and coutrol of ucturci calamities caused by the
excess or hack of water;
f) the provisiomi of the hydrological iufarmctioncl operative
decision-making system in lime water mauagememit field;
g) time eliminatiomm of cles[mamctiomms or the safety of time
hydraulic structures of natiomicl or local imiterest, sucim as
dams, embcnluneuts, etc.;
h) the cccomphishnment of protection works of the river
basins against cioggiug;
i) the accomplishment of studies for the purpose of
identifying the evolution cud admninistrctiou of time water
j) the gramitimmg of ailowammces to thmose with siguificamit
results in the protection against the depletion and
degradation of the water resources;
k) Basin Committee activities.
Art, 85
Time financing of investments regarding wcter
management wprks, structures or installations shall be
ensured, totally or partially, as cppropriate, from:
a) the stcte budget or local budgets, for works declared
of public utility, pursuant to the law;
b) the water users’ funds;
c) the development fund of the Self-Managed Public
Company “Romcuicn Waters”;
d) funds obtained through credits or issue of bonds,
guaranteed by the Government or the local public
for [he works of public utility or for
partnership associctions wishing to ccrm’y out sucim works;
e) time Water Fummcl.
Art. 86
Time vioictiomm of the I)rovisiomms of the presemmt
law shell genera1~ [he disciplinary, materiel, civil,
commtrcvemitiommch or u)emich liability, cs appropriate.
Art. 87
Time fohiowimmg cctiomms shall represemit
immfrimmgeuiemmts imi [he water mncmmcgemmmemm[ field, if [imey are
not commmmittecb imi such circmmmstances as to be commsiciered
imifractiomms, hnmrsuammt to [lie i)emmcl icw:
tVatei Lan’
1) the execution or puttimig into operation of the works
built on waters or which are related [a waters, as well as
time modificctiomi or ex temisiomi thereof, my [iiout complyimmg
with time water umanagemnent i)erumit or hicemice;
2) time exploitation or mcimiteuammce of the structures
built an waters or related to waters, without comnpiyiug
with the water management licence provisions;
3) the use of surface or ground water resources, for
differemmt purposes, without complying with time weter
management hicemice provisions, except for mneeting the
own household needs;
4) the discharge or injection of waste waters, as well as
the discharge of wastes amid emmy other kimich of materials imm
the water resources, without complying with the water
mammagement permit or licence provisions;
5) the extraction of mninerai cggregctes from river beds
or banks of the wctercourses, channels, lakes, from the
sea shore or sec coast, without having time water
management perniit or licence, or without complying with
the provisiomms thereof;
6) the extraction of mineral aggregates from nonauthorized reserves or outside the marked crecs, above
the maximum quantity limit of 5,000 cubic metres per
7) the failure of econonmic agents to comply with their
obligation of applying for the water management licence
in due time;
8) time failure of time i)rOdiucers of imiforrna[iomm, thct ccmi
constitute the National Fund of Water Managenment Data,
to meet their obligation of keeping such data and
releasing them, inmrsuammt to time h)resemit hew;
9) time location imm major river beds of miew ecammomnic and
socici umiits, as well as of miew houses without hmcvimig time
iocctiomi I)ermiiit or time water mmicmiagemnent licence or l)emiit,
or without comnphyiug with the flood protectiomm mneasures;
10) time immcppropricte mncimitemmammce of river bamiks ammdl
river beds imm time established areas. by those for wimoni was
recogmiizecl time wcter use right or by time holdiers of time
11) time failure of [lie natural amid jmmristic persomms to
comply witim time regiine immmposecl in the protecteci zommes;
Law No. 107/September 25. 1996
12) time water users’ failure to comply with their legal
obhigctiomms regardhmg the ratiomicl water managememmt, time
mncimitencmmce and repair of [heir owmm installations or of
those used in the water supply and sewerage-treatment
13) the fciiure to ensure the maintenance and
exploitation of time water quality treatment plants and
immstchlctiomms, at time cuthmorizech capccity, time failure to
supervise, through haborctomy tests, their efficiency amid to
promptly act in case of non-compliance with the quality
norms amid time effiuemmts iimimits stated in time water
management licence;
14) the discharge of mine or deposit waters in the
wctercaurses without ensuring their adequate treatment,
so as to comply with time allowed limits for discharge immto
surfcce natural receivers;
15) the use, transportation, handling and storage of
wastes or chemical substances, without ensuring the
conditions for avoiding the direct or indirect pollution of
surface or ground waters;
16) time prcctising of pisciculture in fish foddering
regime, in the reservoirs used as drinking water supply
17) the socking of flax, hemp, lime or other textile
plants, without having the water management permnit or
licence and outside the locations intended end arranged
for such purposes;
18) the storage of materials of any kind in the beds or
omm the bammks of wctercourses, chamimiehs, lakes, ponds, sea
shore, on dcnms and eumbankuients or in the protected
zones thiereof;
19) lime weslmimmg of cars, vehmicies. of other equipmemmts
or mechanical devices into the watercourses, lakes or on
the banks [hereof;
20) the washing immto the watercourses. lakes or on time
bcmmks thereof of clommmestic cmiinmals, chisiufec[ed with toxic
substamices, of household objects. by usimmg cletergemmts, amid
of pcckmmmgs that have comitaimmeci pesticides or other toxic
ti/alec Law
21) time throwing or dischmcrgimmg of oil residues or toxic
substances immto time samiitary immstehictiomms or imito time
sewerage networks;
22) the waste waters discharge into the sewerage
imetworks of localities or of industrial units, without
comphyimig with time commciitions established by time holders
thereof, as well as the absence of a local pre-treatmeut of
such ‘waters;
23) the use of open channels in order to discharge
household-feccloid waste waters or waters with toxic
24) the failure of nctimrcl and juristic persons to comply
with the legal provisions in force, in ccses of pollution of
the national navigable waters by ships or flocting
immstaiictiomms of cmmy flag;
25) the failure of the waler users to have or to appiy
timeir owmm accidental pollution prevemition plans and
defence incus;
26) Ihe failure of the water users that produce an
accidental pollution to notify the water management units
on lime occurrence thereof;
27) the failure of time water user that generated the
accidental pollution to take operative measures to
eliminate the causes and effects thereof;
28) the faiiure of natural and juristic persons to comply
with the water use restrictions and with other measures
estcbhishmed for periods of drought, floods or calamities;
29) the absence, at the ievei of each unit, of the defence
phcns against floods, hczcrdous meteorological phenomena
and hydraulic structures accidents, as wehi as the failure to
compiy with such plans amid with time local ciefemmce plemis;
30) lime stopping or bhockimig, imi any way, as well as the
discommmmectiomm, emmy how, of the floods discharge structures
amid immstchhatiomis;
31) tIme phcmmtimig, cuttimmg or chestructiomm of time trees,
bushes, simrimbs, ~perennici
cultures cud scplimigs, in time
wctercourses becis, reservoirs bcsimms cmmcl bcmmks, or from
damns, emmmbammkmemmts amid frommm [lie protected zones
Lan’ No. 107/Septembei 25. 1996
32) time plamiting of pasts omi damns amid embcmmkmnemits,
without having the water umanagement permit or by noncomphyimmg with [lie provisiomms thereof;
33) the grazing in the protected zones of watercourses;
34) the destruction or deterioration of the nctionci
supervision network units or instahlatiomms, of landmarks,
hydrometric signs or other technicci or topographic
markings, imydrogeological drihhings, water quality
automatic determination instahiations, end of othmers of the
same kind;
35) time iustchhrmmemmt of pipes. cables, air limmes thiroughm,
above or under river beds, embcukments, clicnuehs, pipes,
damns or other hydraulic structures, or in the protected
zones thereof, without having the water management
permit or by non-conmplying with the provisions thereof,
or without mmotifyimmg such activities;
36) time digging on the banks and beds of watercourses
or channels for carrying out water-crossing works or other
hydraulic works, without having the water management
permit or by non-complying with the provisions thereof;
37) vehicle driving, animal crossing, or parking on
dcms, embankments or channels, except for places
specially arranged for such purposes or for operative
38) the inappropriate maintenance of water intakes
works, reservoirs and water distribution
works, of
river beds cud river banks protection works, of those
for the prevention and control of the destructive water
39) time faihimre to provide watercourse damming works
with immstcilatiomis able to emmsure time dowmis [ream scmiitary
amid servitude flows, as wehh cs time mmmigratiamm of
40) time failure to conipiy with the water intake end
reservoir operation plans, as well as time failure to ensure
time samiitcry amid servitmmche flows;
41) time absence or mmon-fumictiomiing of immspectiomi atmch
surveiilamice wehhs for ohservimig time groummcl water
poilutiomi due to [lie waste waters resulted frommi time
activity of the respective wells;
tt’atei Law
42) the cbsence of the devices or equipnieut for the
measurement and control of the water intakes and
43) the absence of the devices or equipment for
observing the performance, in the long run, of the
hydraulic structures and emergency warning works;
44) time inappropriate maintenance of time devices or
equipmemit for the nmeasurememmt and control of the water
imitakes and discharges, as well as of time devices or
equipment for observing the performncnce, in the long run,
of the hydraulic structures amid emergency wcrning works;
45) the refusal of natural and juristic persons to show
their water management permits and hicences or any
other documents required for the perforumcnce of the
inspection, immciudimmg the refusal to participate in time
inspection with specialized representatives;
46) the refusal to allow time personnel in charge with
the water management and the inspection personnel to
have access to waters, on the hands and on the areas of
the water users or hoiders of works, as well as in any
other locatiomm where identifications, installment end
maintenance of measurement and control equipment,
water sampling or actions for enforcing the legal
provisions have to be carried out;
47) the failure to fuifih, omi time established deadhimmes, the
nmeasures taken earlier, as well as the legal requirements of
the Ministry of Waters, Forests and Environmnentah
Protection end of the Self-Managed Public Company
“Romcnian Waters”;
48) the licensing of the works stated in Art. 48 without
imcvimmg conmphied with time water pohhimtion prevention
conditiomms, pursuamit to the iegcl i)rovisiomls imm force, or
the umijustifieci withdrawal of time water mcmmcgememmt
49) time dowmmstrecm hamid imoiclers’ failure, of ammy kimmd,
to receive time waters flowimig naturally fromn [lie upstream
50) the buiichimmg of overgroummch structures
imistchhctiomms in time protcctedl zones of mncteoroiogicai units;
51) the failure to participate imm the fiood control.
drought or othmem~natural cclcmnity prevemition cctiomms;
107Septernlwi 25. 1006
52) the lack of storage installations, treatment plants
and of connections for the discharge. into bank or floating
installations, of the untreated waters from ships or
floating installations, of any flag;
53) the connection of the households to the centralized
water supply network, without possession or realization of
a sewerage network for the waste water treatment plant.
Art. 88
(1) The contraventions stipulated by Art. 87,
and committed by juristic and natural persons. shall be
punished as follows:
a) with fine from 2,000,000 lei to 3,000,000 lei, for
juristic persons and with fine from 1,000,000 lel to
2,000,000 lei for natural persons, for the acts stipulated by
Art. 87, paragraphs 5), 6), 9), 11), 12), 13), 14). 15), 16), 17),
18), 2i)~22),23), 28), 30), 34), 35) and 52);
b) with fine from 1,000,000 lei to 2,000,000 lei for juristic
persons, and with fines from 500,000 lei to 1,000,000 lei for
natural l)ersons, for the acts stipulated by Art. 87,
paragraphs 1), 2), 3), 4), 7), 10), 24), 25), 26), 27), 29), 31),
32), 39), 40), 41), 43), 44), 45), 46), 47), 48), 49), 50) and 51);
c) with fine from 500,000 lei to 1,000,000 lei for juristic
persons and with fine from 250,000 lei to 500,000 lei for
natural persons, for the acts stipulated by Art. 87,
paragraphs 8), 19), 20), 33), 36), 37), 38), 42) and 53).
(2) The amount of fines shall be updated by governmental
Art. 89
The fines applied to natural and juristic
foreign persons shall be paid in lei, at the exchange rate,
valid at the date of the I)aYment.
Art. 90
The contraventions stipulated by Art. 88 shall
be ascertained and the fines shall be applied by:
a) the inspectors from the Ministry of Waters, Forests
and Environmental Protection and from the Self-Managed
Public Company “Romanian Waters”;
b) the managers of the basin branches belonging to the
Self-Managed Public Company “Rornanian Waters” and their
empowered employees:
c) other persons empowered by the Ministry of Waters,
Forests and Environmental Protection;
ci) the inspectors from the environmental protection
t1’a(cr Law
Art. 91
For the infringements stipulated by the present
law, the provisions of Law No. 32/1968 on the establishment
andl punishment of contraventions shall apply, except for
the provisions of Art. 26, paragraphs (1) and (3).
Art. 92
(1) The discharge, throwing or injection in the
surface or ground waters, in the inland marine waters or
in the territorial sea waters of waste waters, wastes,
residues or products of any kindl, containing solid, liquid
or gaseous substances, bacteria or microbes, in quantities
or concentrations that can modify the water characteristics,
thus making it harmful to the health and corporal
integrity of human beings. to animals’ life and to the
environment, to the agricultural or industrial production
or to the piscicultural
fund, shall constitute
infringement and shall be punished by one to five years
of imprisonment.
(2) The committing of the act by guilt shall be punished
by one to three years of imprisonment or by a fine of
3,000,000 to 10,000,000 lei.
Art. 93
(1) The execution, modification or extension
of the water or water-related works, structures or
installations, without having the water management
permit or without a notification of such works, and
starting the operation of units without concurrently
starting the operation of sewerage networks and waste
water treatment plants, pursuailt to the provisions of the
water management licence, shall represent infringement
and shall be punished by six months to three years of
imprisonment or by a fine of 3,000,000 to 10,000,000 lei.
(2) The committing of the act by guilt shall be l)u1~ishedl
by six months to one year of imprisonment or by a fine of
2,000,000 to 5,000,000 lei.
Art. 94
(1) The use of water resources for various
purposes without having the water management licence,
except for the cases stated in Art. 9, paragraph (2) or
without notification of the activity, as appropriate, shall
represent infringement and shall l)e punished by six
months to three years of imprisonment or by a fine of
3,000,000 to 10,000,000 lei.
Lan’ No. 107/September 25. 1996
(2) Time committing of time act by guilt shah be pumiished
by six mon this to one year of imnprisonment or by a fine of
2,000,000 to 5,000,000 iei.
Art. 95
(1) The operation or maintenance of the water
or water-related works, the performance of activities of
soaking of flax, hmenmp, lime or other textihe piemmts, the
skimm tammmmimmg amid. thme mimmerai aggregates extractiomm,
withmout having the water mammagemimemit licemmce, shell
represemmt immfringememmt amid shmahi be Pumiishmedi by six
mnonths [o three years of imprisonment or by a fine of
3,000,000 to 10,000,000 lei.
(2) The conmmittimig of time act by guilt shmalh be pummishmed
by six months to one year of inmprisonment or by a fine of
2,000,000 to 5,000,000 lei.
Art. 96
(1) The mninerah aggregates extraction in the
sanitary protected zones of the water resources, in the
protected areas of river banks, river beds, hydrauhic
structures, hydrometric structures and instalhations or
water quality automatic measurement installations, shall
represemmt imifringenment and shall be punished by six
months to three years of imprisonment or by a fine of
3,000,000 to 10,000,000 lei.
(2) The committing of the act by guilt shall be punished
by six months to one year of imprisonment or by a fine of
2,000,000 to 5,000,000 lei.
Art. 97
(1) TIme use, without having the water managemnent licence, of minor river beds, as well as of the sea
beach and shore, for other purposes then those of bathing
or walkimig, simahl represent immfringememmt amid shalh be
pummLsimed by six mmmommthis to three years of inmprisommmemit or
by a fine of 3,000,000 to 10,000,000 iei.
(2) The commnittimmg of thme act by guilt shahi be pummisimech
by six momm[hs to omme year of imprisommment or by e fimme of
2,000,000 to 5,000,000 lei.
Art. 98
(1) The comitimmuatiomi of the activity after
hiaviimg lost time rights obtained ummcier the present law shalh
represemit imifringemmiemit mmd shall be l)unisiiedl by six
nmontims to three years of immiprisonmnent or by a fimie of
3,000,000 to 10,000,000 iei.
%i’atc’r Lan
(2) The comnmittimmg of time act by guilt simahl be punished
by six months to one year of imprisonnmemmt or by a fine of
2,000,000 to 5,000,000 hei.
Art. 99
(1) Time restrictiomi of the population’s
drinking water use to the interest of other activities, or
the exceeding of the allocated water quantity, if it is
systematic or if it produced a disturbance in time activity
of some social assistamice units, or if it created siiortages
in time water supply of time popuhatiomi, shall represemit
infringement and shall be punished by three months to
two years of imprisonment or by a fine of 1,500,000 to
5,000,000 lei.
(2) Time committimig of thme act by guilt shall be pumiishmed
by six months to one year of imprisonment, or by a fine
of 1,000,000 to 3,000,000 lei.
Art. 100
(1) Time polhution in any way of the water
resources, if it is systematic and produces damages to the
downstream water users, shall represent infringement and
shall be punished by six months to three years of
imprisonment or by a fine of 3,000,000 to 10,000,000 lei.
(2) The committing of the act by guilt shall be punished
by six months to one year of inmprisonment or by a fine of
2,000,000 to 5,000,000 lei.
Art. 101
(1) The storage and use of chemical
fertilizers, pesticides or other dangerous toxic substances
in the protected zones, established in accordance with the
provisions of the present law, shah represemit imifringement
amid shah be pumiisimed by six momm this to three years of
imprisonment or by a fine of 3,000,000 to 10,000,000 lei.
(2) lime committing of the act by guilt shall be punished
by six nmommthms to omie year of imimprisommmnemmt or by a fimme of
2,000,000 to 5,000,000 lei.
Art. 102
(1) The storage imi the major river bed of
nuclear fuel or wastes resulted fronm time use thereof shall
represemmt immfrimmgenmemmt amid shail be punished by omme to
five years of immmprisommmemmt.
(2) Time commimnitting of time act by guilt shiahi be punished
by six niommthms to one year of mniprisonmnemit, or by a fimme
of 3,000,000 to 10,000,000 lei.
Art. 103
(1) The destruction, deterioratiomm amid
lmandhhimmg by umiauthorizedh natural persomms of danis,
Law No. 107/S’eptemher 25. 1996
screens, gates, barriers, of other hydraulic structures and
works shmehh represent immfringememmt ammdh shiell be pummisimed
by three nmonths to two years of inmprisonment or by a
fine of 1,500,000 to 5,000,000 hei.
(2) The committing of the act by guilt shall be punished
by six months to one year of imprisonment or by a fine of
1,000,000 to 3,000,000 hei.
Art. 104
(1) Time effectuation of diggings, pits or
ditches in danms, embankments or in their protected
zones, as well as the extraction of earthi or of other
materials from the prevention and commtrol works without
having the water managenment pernmit shall represent
immfrimmgememmt amid shah be pummishmed by three momitims to
two years of imprisonment or by a fine of 1,500,000 to
5,000,000 hei.
(2) The committing of the act by guilt shall be punished
by three months to six months of imprisonmnent or by a
fine of 1,000,000 to 3,000,000 lei.
Art. 105
(1) The act comniitted against a community
by mass poisoning, by bringing about epidemnics or other
extremely serious consequences, as a result of water
poisoning or contamination shahh be punished pursuant to
the Penal Code.
(2) The attempt shall be punished.
Art. 106
The infringemnents stipulated by the present
law shall be ascertained by the authorized bodies, as well
as by the personnel provided for in Art. 90, who shall
submit the recordings to the local authority for penal
Transltor3r and Filial Provisions
Art. 107
(1) For the existing unlicensed water or
water-related works, the water misers or the holders of the
documnemitatiomi and shalh apply for the water mimemiagememit
licence, within six mommthms from the date lime I)resemit law
comes into force.
(2) 1mm order to equip tue existimig immstahhatiomms, iii
accordance with the prowsions of Art. 59, paragraph (1),
the water users shall prepare phased programmnes,
ti’alei’ I,ats’
depemmding omm time quammtitative amid qualitative imnpact on
the water resources. The failure to conmply with the
deadlines provided for in such programnmes shall result in
the application on a standard basis of the water econonmic
mechanism, at the fuhi capacity of the intake and effluent
(3) Time water users which at the date the present law
comes into force are not provided with water -treatment
plammts or installations, or whose existimig imistahlatiomis
require additions, expansiomis, re-equipmemmt or fumictiommal
Improvemnents, shall be obliged to build and put into
operation water treatment plants and instahiations of
appropriate capacity and effectiveness, based on a phased
progranmnie, prepared as against the size of the impact of
discharges on the water resources.
(4) The phased programmes stated in paragraphs (2)
and (3) shalh be prepared by the water users, within one
year from the date the h)resent law comes into force, shall
be agreed by the Self-Managed
Public Comnpany
“Romanian Waters” and shah be approved by the Ministry
of Waters, Forests and Environmental Protection.
(5) The phased programmes have juridical power.
(5) The failure to comply with the provisions of
paragraphs (2), (3) and (4) may result in the cessation of
the water users’ activity.
Art. 108
(1) The water management hicences Issued
before the present law comes into force shall mnaintain
their validity, only if they are reconfirmed, based on the
verification by the Self-Managed Public Company
“Romenian Waters” of the compliance whth all the
commdhitiomms required for hicemmsimmg.
(2) Within omie year fronm time date lime present law comes
hmto force, the hiohders of water mnanegenment hicences shall
apphy for the licence reconfirmation, based on a technical
dlocumnentatmoml h)m~eh)aredhaccordhimig to time I)rovmsiOmis of Art. 52.
(3) 1mm case, for justified reasomis, Lime water nmamiagemiment
hicemice camimmot be recomifirnmech, time licence imoider simahh
prepare a Phiasedh progranimmme, which shahh be approvedl
and surveyed i)y the Self-Managed Public Company
“Romimamiian Waters”. The failure to mneet the provisions of
c. 13
Law No. 107/Scj,tenihc’r 25. 1996
the approved 1)rogranmnme mmiay result imi time cessation of
the water users’ activity.
Art. 109
Time employees of time Ministry of Waters,
Forests mmcl Erivironnmemmtai Protection ammch of the SelfManaged Public Company “Romanian Waters” have thme
right to wear a uniform time design of which shall be
approved by govermmmentai diecision.
Art. 110
Time Mimmistry of Waters, Forests amid
Enviroimmemital Protectioim is entitled to issue compulsory
water imorms, staimdards and orders. Time legal instrumeimts
provided for in time present hew shall be elaborated by the
Mimmistry of Waters, Forests and Eimvironmental Protectiomm
within sixty days from time date time l)resent law comes
into force.
Art. 111
Time mineral and geothermal water reginme
shah be regulated pursuant to a special law.
Art. 112
Time present law shall commie into force sixty
days after the pubhisiiimig imm the Official Gazette of
Romammia. Time some clay, the following nornmative acts, as
well as ammy other provisions opposite to time present law
shall be abrogated: Water Law No. 8/1974; articles 8, 24,
25 amid 34 of time Law No. 12/1974 on fishing and
pisciculture; article 44 of time Roads Law No. 13/1974; Law
No. 5/1989 on the rational water nmanagement and water
protection; Decree No. 155/1975 of the Coummcil of State on
time orgammization of time preventiomi and control of the
effects clue to hazardous nmeteorohogical phiemmomena,
publisimed imi the Official Bulletin No. 137/29 December,
1975; Decree No. 414/1979 of time Coummcil of State oii time
estabhishnment of time mmmaximunm permissible values of time
maimm polluting substances in time waste waters, before timey
are disclmargech; Decree No. 974/1t~68 of time COuncil of
Stale on time commciitions for tlme extraction of mimmerah
mimeterials fronm the quarries amid bahhast-pits, which are
ummder time direct aclmiiiistration
of time executive
committees and the executive bureaux of thie town
councils; Decree No. 230/1981 of time Coummcfl of State omi
aroumici time
miieteorologicah observatiomi units; Decisioim No. 1397/1975
of the Couimcii of Ministers on th~edistribution of (he stateowned piscicultural basimms between time Ministry of
UUItJ~ Lau
Agriculture and Food Industry and the Ministry of Forests
No. 138/01.04.1994 on the establishment and sanctioning
of contraventions in the water field.
The present law was adopted in the joint session of the
Chamber of Deputies and of the Senate, on 11 September
1996; in compliance with the provisions of Art. 74
paragraph (1), and of Art. 76 paragraph (2) of the
Constitution of Romania.
of the Technical Terms Used in the Law
For the interpretation of the present law, the terms
Listed below shall bear the following meanings:
1. temporary reservoir reservoir realized by damming a
watercourse, or as a side dammed area, having only the
role of floods routing;
2. mineral aggregates: inert and granulated materials
(sand, gravel, boulder) of mineral sort, used as building
materials, and which are found in the beds and banks of
rivers and lakes, as well as on the seashore;
3. minor bed: the land permanently or temporarily
occupied by water, which provides, at usual water levels,
from bank to bank, the free water flow, including the
islands created by the natural water flow;
4. major bed: a piece of land from the natural valley of
a watercourse, which is flooded by the floods, when overflowing the minor beds;
5. national navigable waters:
a) maritime waters considered, pursuant to the law, as
inland marine waters;
b) large rivers, rivers, channels and lakes, inside the
country, on their navigable sectoi’s;
c) frontier navigable~waters, from the Romanian bank
to the border line;
6 waste tt’alers: waters resulted from household, social or
economic activities, with pollutants or residues which alter the
Law No. 107/September 25. 1996
initial physical, chemical and bacteriological characteristics, as
well as rain waters flowing on polluted hands;
7. river basin: physical-geographic umiit commsistimig of time
hydrographic mietwork up to the watershed line;
8. water cadastre: the activity regarding the inventory,
ciassificatiomi amid symmthesis of the data omi time imydrographic network, water resources, water management
works, as well as on the water intakes amid effluents;
9. sanitary discharge: the minimum discharge required
in a section on a watercourse, to provide the natural life
conditions for the existing aquatic ecosystems;
10. sezvitucle dllscl]arge tIme mimmimurn flow required to be
permanently provided in a section ~n a watercourse,
downstream a dam, consisting of time sanitary discharge and time
minimum discharge miecessary for the downs Lreamn water users;
11. waste: any substance, in solid or liquid state,
resulted from production processes or fronm household
and social activities, which can no longer be used in
accordance with its initial destimmation, and which would
require special storage and maintenance measures, in
order to be possibly reused for other purposes, or for time
iimitatiomm of polluting effects;
12. the right of water use: the right acknowledged by
law, granted to any person, to use the water resources;
13. sea c1iff~high and steep shore of a sea;
14. piscicultural fund: all piscicultural populations and
the other natural food resources, representing the aquatic
fauna of piscicuhturai basins;
15. water management: the activities which, by means
of a unified set of technical devices amid hegishative,
ecommomic, amid admimiistrative nmeasures, leach to the
ichemitificatiomi, use, ratiommal valuatiomm, time miiaimmtemmence or
improvement of the water resources, for the purpose of
meetimig time social amid economic needs; such activities
simail also leach to time protectiomi of these resources against
pollution erich chepietion, as well as to time prevemmtiomi amid
control of time destructive actiomms of waters;
16. it’ater management information: time qmmaiititative
ammd qualitative characteristics of time water resources,
flooded areas, river banks and beds degradations. river
basimm hydraulic works and oilier water-related works,
H’alri Lair
inciuding the pollution sources and the water quality
protection works, and other natural or antropic characteristic eienments, as well as the rights of water use;
17. bank narrow part of land, usually sloping, along a
18. average water level: the position of the free water
surface curve against a reference plami, corresponding to
the average flow running through the river bed, for a long
period of time (module flow).
19. sea beach: the piece of hand in time proximity of the
sea comprised between the lowest water ieveh and the
limit of the land not affected by the dynamics of the
aquatic environment;
20. pollution: any physical, chemical, biological or
bacteriological water alteration, above the established
aihowable limits, lmmciudimig time exceechimmg of time level of
the natural radioactivity produced directly or indirectly by
human activities, which make the water immadequate to a
normal use, for the purposes in which such use was
possible before the alteration occurred;
21. reclrculation: the reuse of water in ~tuse process for
the purpose of reducing the volume of fresh water taken
from the source;
22. water resources au the surface waters consisting of
watercourses with their deltas, hakes, ponds, inland
marine waters and the territorieh sea, as well as the
ground waters throughout the country;
23. water arrangem en! and management frame-scheme:
the water managernemit documnemmtatiomi which presents time
model of the water nmanagememmt systenm, imichuching time river
network, time water mnanagement works, the intakes and
effluemmts related to time respective uses, analyzed in differemit
scenarios, and economnical and social development stages of
the specific river hasimm, as well as the manner of protectiomi,
maimitemiemmce or iniprovememit of the water quality;
24. water quality trca tmen t plan Is and inslalla tions:
Ireatmemit l)lamits ammcl installations for obtaimmimig drimikimmg
or industrial water; I)hammts amid instahiatiomis for pretreatment/treatnient of waste waters;
Law No.
25, 1996
25. water management unit any form of organization
within the structure of the Self-Managed Public Company
“Romanian Waters”.
26. water user any natural or juristic person using the
water, the water surface or reveluating the water fruit,
during its activities;
27. protected
zone: the zone adjacent to the
watercourses, water management works, associated
structures amid immstallations 1mm wimiclm, as appropriate,
restrictions and interdictions are introduced, regardimmg the
commstructions regime or the land resources exploitation, iii
order to ensure the stability of the banks and structures,
as well as to prevent the water resources pollution;
28. wet lands: stretches of ponds, nmarshes, turberies,
and other areas permanently or temporarihy occupied by
stagnammt or running waters, fresh or salt waters;
29. flooded areas~a piece of hand in the major bed of a
watercourse, dehimitated by a water surface level,
corresponding to certain flows in high waters circumstances.
ti’atei 1ait’
a) The width of the protected zone
along the watercourses
The width of the watercourse (m) 10—50 50—500 over 500
The width of the protected
zone (m)
b) The width of the protected zone
around the natural lakes
The surface of the natural
hake (ha)
The widtim of the protected
zone (m)
c) The width of the protected zone
around the reservoirs
The gross volumne
of the reservoir (mill. 0.1—1
over 50
The width of the protected
zone (m)
d) Thie width of the protected zone
along the embankments
The average height of the
embankment (m)
over 5
Time widhtim of time protected
zone (m)
towards the watercourse
towards time imiterior
of the area
e) The width of the protected zone
~alomig time how diverlimig chiamimmeis
Time average depth of
time channel (ni)
over 5
The widhth of time h)rolectedi zomie (mu)
Chiammneh with time dlesigmied
flow up to 10
Law No. 107/September 25. 1996
Chammmmeh withi the dhesigned
flow fronm 10
to 50 cu.nm./s.
Chanmmel with time desigmmed
flow over 50 cu.nm./s.
f) Dams and the anmmex structures
Maximum height of the dam,
measuredi from the base
to the crest (mn)
Time width of the
protected zone (m)
Earth dam, rocks, concrete
or other mnaterials
over 50
Annex structures to
Immstahhatiomms for time
automatic determnination
of the water quality,
structures and installations
Microtriangulation marks,
drainage wells,
flow meters
2 metres
around it
1 metre
around it
rrhe protected zones are nicasum’ed, as follows:
a) for the watercourses, starting from tim limil of the minor
river bed;
b) for the natural lakes, starting from [lie average level:
c) for [he artificial lakes, starting from the nornial hevel of
d) for other hydraulic structures, star[iimg from the limit of
[lie constnmction zone.
‘l’he sanitary protected zomie fur the water suppiy imistahlattons
shall be establislietl by the cemitral authormty in [lie field of public
LEGEA apelor
Dispoziii generahe
Reginmul de fohosire a apelor ~i a ahbiihor
Sechiunea 1
Regimul de folosire a apelor
Regimul de fobs ire a ahbiilor
Sechiunea a 3-a
Regimnul de servituli ~i de expropriere
Gospodürirea apelor
Secflunea I
Cunoa~terea resurselor de epa
Secliunea a 2-a
Protec(ia aibnior minome, a malurihor si a hucr5rilor dIe
gqs~)odl5rire a ~~l)eior.
Sectiunea a 3-a
Amenajarea bazinelor hudlrografmce
Secliunca a 4-a
Reginiul hucrârilor care se construiese pe ape seu care
au legàturà cu apeie
Sectiunea a 5-a
Apararea imnpotriva inundatiilor, fenomenelor meteorohogice pericuhoase ~i accidemitehor ha construclii hidrotehnice
S’ec(iunea a 6-a
Participarea publicului
Controhul activitálii de gospodürire a apebor
Mecanismuh economic in domneniul apelor
Dispozi~iitramizitorii ~i fimiabe
ANEXA nr. 1
Definitiile termenihor tehnici fobositi in
cuprinsul begii
ANEXA mu-. 2
Liiuimea zonelor de protectie In jum-uh
hacurilor naturabe, lacurilor de acumulare, In lungimi
cursurilor de apA, digurilor, cenehehor, barajehor ~i a
aitor hucràri iiidrotelmmmice
LO! des eau.x .
Dispositiomms gémmérahes
Le régimne d’utihisation des eaux et des lits
Le régimne d’utilisation des eau.x
Section 2
Le régime d’utihisation des hits
Section 3
Le régime de servitudes et d’expropriation
La gestion des eaux
Section V’
La connaissammce des ressources elm eau
Section 2
La protectiomi des hits mineurs, dies bonls et dies travaux dIe gestion des eaux
Section 3
L ‘aménagemen t des bassins hydrographiques
Le régime des travaux construits sur hes eaux ou
ayamit rapport aux eaux
Section 5
La defense contre les inondatiomms, hes phmémmomnèmmes
météoroiogiques damigereux et bes accidents eu.x construetiomms hydlrotechmmmid~ues
Section 6
La participation dhu public
Le contrôhe de h’activité de gestion des eaux
Le mécanisme edonornique dens he domaine des eaux.... 112
Dispositions tramisitoires et finales
ANNEXE mm° 1
Les definitions des ternmes techniques
utihisés dans ha présemmte loi
La largeur des zones de protection
autour des lacs natureis, des lees de retenue, au long
des cours d’eau, dies digues, des canaux, des barrages
et dh’autres travaux hmydlrotechmiiques
Water LAW
General Provisions
Waters and River Beds Use Regime
Section h
Waters Use Regime
Section 2
River Beds Use Regime
Section 3
Servitudes and Expropriation Regime
Water Management
Section m
Knowledge of the Water Resources
Section 2
Protection of the Mimior River Bedls, i3anks, amid Water
Management Works
Section 3
Structures of the River Basins
Section 4
Regime of the Works That Are Buiht on Waters or Are
Rehated to Waters
Section 5
Prevention and Control of Floods, Hazardous
Meteorological Phenomena and Hydraulic Strmmctures
Section 6
Participation of the Public
Inspection of the Water Menagenment Activity
Water Economic Mechanism
Transitory and Final Provisions
Definitions of the Technical Terms
Used in the Law
Time Width of the Protected Zones
Watercourses, Embankments, Channels, Danms and
Other Hydraulic Structures
EØItor~Regla Autonomä ,,Monitorul OfIclal”, Bucnre~t1
Coli tipo: I 5 : Fm maL 16/6 lx8G: IJthtie: bibliofil 70x 11)0
La. cat ton Kiiiistdiuck 70x 100/140
Bun de LIpar 24 ialluaiic 191)7 Apthiil- 11)97
linitrimel ia .MoniLoi ul Olicial”. BucLu e5ti, SLI. Jiului ni 163. scclorul I