2012 - University of Valley Forge
2012 - University of Valley Forge
ANNUAL REPORT PRESIDENT’S CABINET PRESIDENT DR. DON MEYER VICE PRESIDENT OF ACADEMIC AFFAIRS DR. KEVIN BEERY VICE PRESIDENT OF DEVELOPMENT DR. DANIEL MORTENSEN VICE PRESIDENT OF FINANCE JONATHAN CAPECI VICE PRESIDENT OF STUDENT LIFE REV. JENNIFER GALE BOARD OF TRUSTEES REV. ART ADAMS REV. MANUEL ALVAREZ MR. JONAS BEILER MRS. LILLIAN BERETTA MRS. NOREEN BERMUDEZ REV. VIRGINIA MALDONADO REV. DAVID MARACLE REV. DENNIS MARQUARDT REV. JOHN MAY DR. DON MEYER REV. DAVID BOUDWIN REV. TIMOTHY MOEN REV. KEN BURTRAM REV. PHILIP MORGAN REV. CARL COLLETTI REV. JOHN PAPROSKI REV. DOMINICK COTIGNOLA REV. STEVE DEFRAIN MR. THOMAS (BUCKY) DELEASA MR. COURT DURKALSKI DR. DUANE DURST DR. RUSSELL EGGERT REV. DAVID HERTWECK REV. FABIAN KALAPUCH REV. JOHN KENNEY DR. CHRISTINA POWELL REV. RAFAEL REYES DR. H. ROBERT RHODEN MR. MARC SAN GIOVANNI MR. RICHARD SAWCHAK REV. DOUG SAYERS REV. ED SHEARER MR. CHASE TACKER DR. STEPHEN TOURVILLE REV. NAM SOO KIM DR. BRENDA WARD REV. JOO NAM LEE REV. ROBERT WISE REV. MARK LEHMANN MR. SCOTT LIGHT REV. JOHN WOOTTON REV. TOM MICHAELS ZAHRADNIK VALLEY FORGE CHRISTIAN COLLEGE WELCOMES ARTICLES, ALUMNI ART OR PHOTOGRAPHS FOR INCLUSION IN THE ANNUAL REPORT. ALL ARE SUBJECT TO EDITING FOR CONTENT AND LENGTH. SEND THESE IN CARE OF THE EDITOR TO THE COLLEGE, OR EMAIL: VFCCMARKETING@ VFCC.EDU. THE ANNUAL REPORT IS A PUBLICATION OF VALLEY FORGE CHRISTIAN COLLEGE. WRITTEN PERMISSION IS REQUIRED TO REPRODUCE THE ANNUAL REPORT IN WHOLE OR IN PART. POSTMASTER: ADDRESS CORRECTIONS SHOULD BE SENT TO 1401 CHARLESTOWN RD, PHOENIXVILLE, PA 19460. COPYRIGHT © 2013 VALLEY FORGE CHRISTIAN COLLEGE. 1 4 EDITOR MICHELLE MALONEY CONTRIBUTING WRITERS ALICIA DESROSIERS JEANNE LOCKNER MICHELLE MALONEY NICK SEDERS STEVE THURSTON DESIGN & LAYOUT 6 President’s Report A PASSION FOR MISSIONS 7 • A Passion for Photography 10 • A Passion for Inspiring Change 11 • A Passion for Children 13 New Employees 15 FACULTY HIGHLIGHTS 16 Honor Roll Call DOUG SMITH ‘12 17 General Council PHOTOGRAPHY 17 Alumni and Friends Reception HOFFER PHOTOGRAPHY 17 Dr. George O. Wood on Campus 18 Bless With a Dress 18 Refresh CALEB WEIDMAN STEVE THURSTON AUTUMN GRANGER CALEB WEIDMAN DOUG SMITH ‘12 DERRICK HARVEY JEANNE LOCKNER ALUMNI & PARENT RELATIONS 19 ATHLETICS REPORT 21 Curtain Call 21 Homecoming 22 Third Annual Photography Contest 23 Christmas at Valley Forge 23 Patriot Classic 24 Commencement 25 Captiv8 Film Festival 26 Community Service Day 26 7:14 Prayer ALICIA DESROSIERS 28 MY VFCC STORY 29 The 35th Annual Creation Festival 30 Marking History 31 ALUMNI UPDATES 36 Campus Renovations and Improvements 37 Student Events 38 Financial Report 39 Donor Roll Call 2 3 PRESIDENT’S REPORT DR. DON MEYER “From the altars of the past, take the flame and leave the occasion to honor the thousands of persons who the ash.” - Anonymous have contributed to helping fulfill its mission. It all began one cold day in March when 46-year-old The College was chartered in 1939 as Eastern Bible Francis A. Johnson decided to do something about Institute (EBI), Green Lane, Pa., when several small the annoying bits of baler twine clogging his manure schools here in the northeast consolidated. The oldest spreader. He had always been a compulsive collector of those small schools was Beulah Heights Bible of old tools, farm machinery and just about anything Institute, North Bergen, N.J., which began in 1912. that might be valuable someday. By his own admission, With additional mergers and growth, EBI expanded he was so busy collecting things he never had time to to Northeast Bible Institute (NBI) and, when a fourth date. All his life he was single until he died in his mid- year was added, it became Northeast Bible College eighties. (NBC). On that day he began tying those bits of baler twine In 1976-1977 NBC moved to the site of the former together. He wrapped his lengthening string together Valley Forge General Hospital, Phoenixville, Pa., into a huge ball of twine. By the time he finished over and the name was changed to Valley Forge Christian 30 years later it was 13 feet tall, 44 feet in circumference College. In recent years the campus has experienced and weighed 21,140 pounds. It was long enough to go a metamorphosis with the removal and remodeling from his front yard in Darwin, Minnesota to the Gulf of old buildings and the construction of many new of Mexico. structures. He made it into the Guinness World Book of Records. But the legacy of VFCC will not be found in its Tourists still stop in to observe this odorous tribute to facilities. As Pericles said, “What you leave behind is his frugality and eccentricity. not what is engraved in stone monuments, but what From time to time, Mr. Johnson pulled up his lawn chair just to look at it and contemplate his accomplishment. Before he died he was quoted, “I still like to look at it. It’s the greatest thing I ever did.” He lived over 80 is woven into the lives of others.” The 48 flags in the Flower Chapel represent the 48 countries where VFCC alums are serving as living reminders of the VFCC legacy. years and the high water mark of his entire life was a You can find the DiTrolios in Argentina and the smelly ball of twine that could be gone in a moment Robertsons in India. Rachel is in the Democratic with one match. Republic of the Congo and Dociah is in Zambia. I thought of Mr. Johnson when I read these words by Elton Trueblood, “A college must, sooner or later, justify its existence.” That’s why Valley Forge Christian College (VFCC) has our mission statement. We all want to leave a mark. We all want to make a difference. During the 2013-2014 college year at VFCC we are celebrating our Dodranscentennial, the 75th year. This Diamond Jubilee, or what some would also call the Semisesquicentennial Year, will be marked by a series of year-long activities designed to highlight the College’s history, values and achievements, and will use From military chaplains to church leaders and from the courtroom attorneys to the boardroom business people, VFCC alumni are daily changing the world. They are also around the corner where David is an administrator and Manny is a teacher next door at Renaissance Academy. For 75 years it has been about the mission: To prepare individuals for a life of service and leadership in the church and in the world. With 57 undergraduate majors and six master’s degrees, VFCC’s brightest days are yet ahead. 4 Valley Forge Christian College (VFCC) began the celebration VFCC is also excited to announce the 75th Anniversary Plaza, of its 75th anniversary in August at General Council of the which will honor the individuals and institutions that have Assemblies of God in Orlando, Fla. Continuing throughout made the College what it is today. The Plaza will be an area of the year, special events will take place to observe this historic engraved stones and bricks representing the VFCC family and time. Alumni from the 1940s through the most recent its history and will include the cornerstone from the Green graduating class will share in chapel services during the fall Lane campus and a time capsule. and spring semesters. The final marking of this special year will culminate with a memorable Commencement ceremony on May 9, 2014 with guest speaker, Rev. Phillip Bongiorno ‘55. their experiences at any of the legacy institutions, which will be included in the College’s archives and used at select Each of VFCC’s legacy schools will be represented in the events. You may send photos electronically via email to celebrations, along with decades of alumni who have become [email protected] or by regular mail to 1401 Charlestown Rd, a family of individuals prepared for “a life of service and Phoenixville, Pa., 19460, attention: Office of Alumni. leadership in the church and in the world.” 75th Anniversary festivities include noted speakers at chapel services, Homecoming, Christmas at Valley Forge and Commencement. A 75th Anniversary Celebration will be held on April 9, 2014. While here for any of these events, remember to pick up a 75th Anniversary commemorative pin! 5 Alumni and friends are welcome to send photographs from VFCC looks forward to sharing in this momentous celebration with its family and friends! To see the updated list of anniversary events to be held throughout the year, go to: vfcc.edu/75anniversary A PASSION FOR MISSIONS Seven to ten days in a far-off country in these communities by local churches may sound like a dream vacation, but for and other ministries. Through these many VFCC students, it is an opportunity short-term missions trips, internships to share the good news of Jesus Christ. and service opportunities, students seek Each year, student teams minister during to bless the local community and, in turn, spring break and over the summer to receive a life-changing experience. advance God’s kingdom. Five students share stories of passion, In addition to sharing and living out the inspiration, love, cross-cultural impact, gospel, VFCC students give of their time, fruitfulness talent and treasures by supporting the experienced through local and global long-term work that is already being done missions. and blessings that they 6 A PASSION FOR PHOTOGRAPHY DOCUMENTING THE HURT AND PAIN OF SOCIAL INVISIBILITY AS WELL AS THE BEAUTY, OPTIMISM AND JOY THROUGH PHOTOGRAPHY. Autumn Granger jumped with excitement While in India, she was able to capture On this trip, Granger learned more than she when her photography professor, Kim Clark, images of poverty and injustice, as well as could ever imagine. Many people in India gave her the news that her summer India trip documenting communities. redundantly pray to unhearing gods, which had been approved for her senior digital media Whenever people ask her what her stance on reminds us of the huge gift of Jesus’ sacrifice. photography internship. This was exactly the photography is, she says, “Someone can tell She also saw undeniable miracles before her opportunity that Granger had been wanting you something and you have the choice to very own eyes. There was no room for doubt for a long time. believe it or not, but if someone shows you or excuses. At that moment, she realized something, you have to believe it.” that she could not keep these experiences to Three years ago, God instilled in Granger’s miracles in herself. “People have to know and I can help heart the passion for photographing and On this trip, Granger documented the hurt documenting humanitarian missions work. and pain of social invisibility. Despite the She wasn’t sure what that would entail, but odds, she also captured brief glimpses of she knew that her photography talents and beauty, optimism and joy as she traveled Granger came back to the United States a skills would benefit these ministries. In the throughout India. She also had the privilege better photographer and a better person. She past, Granger had tried several times to go of documenting the distribution of the Gospel learned that when you obey God, all things overseas but time and again her attempts were by OneHope, an international ministry that is will work out. She hopes that photography thwarted. changing lives by sharing scripture through will take her to other countries as she fulfills The Book of Hope with children and youth her passion to help change the world. She is around the world. finishing her journey as a college student at When Clark’s invitation for a trip to India became available, Granger immediately knew that this time was the right time. Even God is at work in India. In the face of such though the trip to India would be to fulfill an overwhelming physical and spiritual poverty, internship for college credit, she knew that the Gospel brings power and hope to see this is where God wanted her to go. India transformed by Christ. But this trip Granger has always wanted her career path to use her photography skills to serve in the humanitarian not-for-profit realm. Her passion is to use photography to inspire and help others in need. She is always trying to find innovative ways to use her camera to make an impact. “I desire my photography to move people, not just emotionally, but to move them to do something to change the share these current-day miracles through photography,” she said. Valley Forge Christian College this spring and will soon begin a new chapter in her life as a humanitarian photographer. To see the blog, go to: vfcc.edu/autumngranger wasn’t just about the transformational change for India. The trip deepened Granger’s walk with Christ. “I had never felt so synced with the Lord before this trip. I felt like I was walking with Him. His steps were my steps,” said Granger. “It is very easy to get caught up in life and get comfortable in your faith, but through this opportunity, my own life was being impacted.” world,” stated Granger. Autumn Granger takes a self portrait surrounded by children at the conclusion of a OneHope program in Chennai, India. 7 8 Tori Rodgers, Natalie Hagen and Jessica Lee. 9 A PASSION FOR INSPIRING CHANGE THREE STUDENTS, THREE DIFFERENT PASSIONS AND THREE UNIQUE FUTURES, ALL UNITED BY ONE GOD AND AN INCREDIBLE CAUSE. Jessica Lee, an early childhood education major, Natalie Hagen, a psychology-studying artist and Tori Rogers, a business administration major, never thought that they would work together for a world-wide cause. When the founders of Inspire India, Aubrey (Short) McClanahan ‘13 and Courtney (Mortensen) Kurtz ‘13, graduated last May, a need arose for others to take over the student-led ministry and the three friends found that they were the right people for the job. Inspire India originated out of the heartbreaking reality that sex trafficking is “the fastest-growing business of organized crime and the third-largest criminal enterprise in the world,” according to an FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin in March 2011. Inspire India, founded in 2010, was created to raise support for Project Rescue, a national Assemblies of God ministry led by David and Beth Grant that works to “rescue and restore victims of sexual slavery in the love and power of Jesus Christ” in six countries: India, Nepal, Bangladesh, Moldova, Tajikistan and Spain. Even if they couldn’t work directly with the victims, the students realized they could use their energy and talents to make a difference at the Valley Forge Christian College (VFCC) campus through creative arts. Through Inspire India, a international ministry that aids trafficked men, as well as students create paintings, women and children. photographs, 3D art, collages and drawings. As the artwork God has continued to bless Inspire India in unimaginable is created, the students pray over their creations, in the ways. “It’s amazing to see how God is using Inspire India hope that those moved by the art will support the cause of to do more than support an incredible cause; we’re also Inspire India, as well as pray for the rescue of victims they realizing that the ministry is touching the lives of the people are trying to help. The money raised from the sale of these who purchase the paintings,” Lee said. “It’s so much more items is donated to Project Rescue where it is used to rescue than just raising money and we’re increasingly amazed at victims and provide programs for physical, emotional and how God works.” spiritual counseling as well as safe refuge. Lee, Hagen and Rogers are dreaming big, knowing that the The ministry of Inspire India has now become a very vision of Inspire India is changing lives and restoring hope special facet of the VFCC culture. One of the trademarks for women and children around the world. of Inspire India is the unique “art parties” that provide campus-wide opportunities for students to get involved by using their artistic talents. With canvases and paints, provided through fundraising and donations, students are invited to a casual and fun atmosphere to create the artwork that will be sold to raise money for those who desperately need their support. The three co-leaders are discussing the possibility of Besides leading Inspire India, the students are working hard to train for the futures God has in store for them. Lee hopes to use her education degree on the mission field, Hagen wants to go to graduate school to become an art therapist and Rogers will spend the spring semester in Greece working with non-profits. To see the blog, go to: vfcc.edu/inspireindia broadening Inspire India to support The A21 Campaign, 10 A PASSION FOR CHILDREN BRINGING SMILES TO CHILDREN’S FACES THROUGH LOVE, JOY AND HAPPINESS WITH ETERNAL SIGNIFICANCE. During spring break 2013, a number of Valley Forge Christian College (VFCC) students and staff members participated in missions trips around the world. Teams were sent to multiple locations on three different continents, including trips to India, Albania and Macedonia, Greece, South Dakota, Trinidad and Nicaragua. Tyler White, along with twelve other students and two staff members, traveled to Nicaragua on a life-changing adventure. For ten days they partnered with Metanoia Missions, serving with missionaries Eric and Shana Ferguson. The participants ministered in local churches, communities, schools, a center in the middle of a remote village, a pastors’ retreat and a Bible school. One of the most memorable opportunities of the trip was the work that this team performed at an orphanage. “This was a wonderful opportunity to be with children who do not have a family, and a chance for our team to be family to them,” stated White. Their goal at the orphanage was to bring smiles to children’s faces, love them and enjoy fun activities with them. Through song, puppetry and one-on-one ministry, the children were reminded that God created each one of them for a purpose and has a plan for their lives. Many of these children know little of the untroubled joys of childhood. “We played a game Tyler White (left) delivers food to families in rural Matagalpa, Nicaragua. 11 of soccer on a small dirt field where I fell and cut myself. An 11-year-old boy came over, White also experienced amazing moments of personal growth and blessings. “I had a real- grabbed me by my hand and took me over to where the water spigot was and started to life opportunity to be used by God and it was an incredible honor,” he stated. “Working wash my wound,” said White. “It was one of the most surreal experiences. Here I was there with God and representing Him during this trip allowed me to partner with Him in to minister to them and they ended up ministering to me.” building His Kingdom.” As a children’s ministry major, White’s passion is to work with children. He was able to White and the team were able to show love, joy and happiness with eternal significance. put all of his talents and skills that he has learned in his academic studies into action at the This missions trip not only “brought glory to God,” according to White, it also “provided orphanage, schools and church activities in Nicaragua. our lives with meaning and purpose.” The VFCC team participated in a community outreach and feeding program where they To see the blog, go to: vfcc.edu/lovefornicaragua hiked into a dense forest mountain region to reach people in a remote village. White and the rest of the team delivered food and prayed with people in tremendous need. 12 NEW EMPLOYEES NEW CABINET MEMBERS DR. DAN MORTENSEN JONATHAN CAPECI Dr. Mortensen has rejoined the Valley Forge Christian College (VFCC) leadership team Jonathan Capeci assumed the role of Vice President of Finance on July 1, 2013. Capeci as the Vice President of Development, beginning in August 2013. Dr. Mortensen has an came to VFCC in 2001 as executive director of finance and has served in several important extensive history with VFCC, having served 10 years (2001 - 2011) in various leadership financial roles during his 12 years at the college. Prior to coming to VFCC, Capeci served roles at the College. Dr. Mortensen also has a distinguished ministry of over 25 years at Cardone Industries for 15 years where he was assistant vice president of human resources in Assemblies of God higher education. This includes 14 years at Vanguard University with specific responsibility for compensation, employee benefits and human resources with his last six years as vice president of student affairs; 10 years at VFCC with seven information systems. He also led an effort to develop a financial decision-making system years as vice president of student life, two years as vice president of finance and one year including the training and mentoring of several financial managers. Capeci has been actively as vice president of finance/development; and two years at Southeastern University as involved in two Assemblies of God church plants, serving as part of the leadership team vice president of finance and administration. As well as being an ordained Assemblies of with specific responsibilities for the development of their financial systems. He received his God minister, Dr. Mortensen earned his Ph.D. in Education from Claremont Graduate Master of Business Administration from West Chester University in 2007. VICE PRESIDENT OF DEVELOPMENT VICE PRESIDENT OF FINANCE University. President's Cabinet: Dr. D Mortensen, Jonathan Capeci, Dr. Don Meyer, Dr. Kevin Beery and Rev. Jennifer Gale. 13 NEW EMPLOYEES & PROMOTIONS BEN FRANCO ‘09 SPECIALIST Franco ’10 was the first graduate of VFCC to receive a Bachelor of Science in Digital Media Communications. After working as an adjunct faculty member from 2010 through Spring 2013 in the Digital Media Communications Department, he is now a faculty member teaching full-time and is currently pursuing a Master of Business Administration degree at Regent University. Franco participated in a VFCC trip to Unsión Television in Ecuador in 2010 and his humanitarian aid work included earthquake relief and recovery efforts through outreach, construction and medical clinics in Haiti in 2013. EMILY (JERZAK) GOINS ‘04 DIRECTOR OF ACADEMIC ADVISING Goins graduated from VFCC with a Bachelor of Arts in World Missions in 2004. Upon graduation, Goins served as a director at Kinder-Kids and a director of after school programs at the Phoenixville YMCA. She returned to VFCC to work in the Office of the Registrar in 2007 and is now under the Office of Academic Affairs. Emily married Jim Goins ‘06 in May of 2009 and welcomed her first baby, Josiah, in January 2013. MARK HOFFMAN MISSIONARY-IN-RESIDENCE Hoffman received his Master of Arts from Liberty University in Intercultural Studies in 2012. In 1993, Hoffman and and his wife, Sue, went to the Washington, D.C. area and started a Chi Alpha chapter to minister to the 38,000 students at the University of Maryland - College Park. In 2008, Mark and Sue led a missions team of university students to Tajikistan as part of a call for students by the first World Missions Summit to give one year to missions after graduation. Hoffman was also a captain in the U.S. Army, which included combat experience during Operation Desert Storm. KARIN McCADAM ASSISTANT PROFESSOR McCadam returns to VFCC as Director of Field Placement in the Social Work program and faculty member in the Behavioral Sciences Department. Prior to McCadam’s initial start at VFCC from 2003 - 2005, she was an adjunct faculty member at State University at Cortland, N.Y., had a private practice and was a mental health consultant/therapist for the Head Start Program in Cortland. McCadam received her Master of Social Work from State University at Buffalo, N.Y. and has specialized training in Trauma Systems Therapy, Therapeutic Crisis Intervention and in TEACCH (Treatment and Education of Autistic and Related Communication Handicapped Children). STUART ROSS ASSOCIATE DEAN In August 2013, VFCC welcomed Ross as the new Associate Dean. His previous educational experience includes serving as academic dean of Bethel College in Hampton, Va. His missionary service with Assemblies of God World Missions in the nation of Bulgaria included serving as chairman of the board of Sofia Pentecostal Bible College. Ross received his Master of Divinity degree from Regent University and is an ordained minister with the Assemblies of God since 2000. His ministry in the U.S. has included serving as discipleship pastor for Calvary Church in Naperville, Ill. and Bethel Temple in Hampton, Va., two of the largest congregations in the U.S. Assemblies of God. 14 FACULTY HIGHLIGHTS RECENT ACCOMPLISHMENTS The College recognizes the following employees for their years of dedicated service as staff and faculty at Valley Forge Christian College (VFCC). Their leadership, ministry and dedication to the mission of the College is an inspiration to the many students they have blessed. Laura Brookins (1978, 35 years) - Associate Professor, Arts and Sciences Dr. Billy DeSanto (left); Kathleen Terragnoli (front, center); Laura Brookins (in passenger seat). 1991. Dr. Billy DeSanto (1987, 26 years) - Professor, Music, Chair Kathleen Terragnoli (1978, 35 years) - Assistant Professor, Arts and Sciences Dr. Malcolm Brubaker (1983, 30 years) - Professor, Church Ministries DR. MALCOLM BRUBAKER REV. JENNIFER GALE PROFESSOR, BIBLE & THEOLOGY VICE PRESIDENT, STUDENT LIFE Dr. Brubaker led a team at the Assemblies of God World Rev. Gale became an honorary member of the Sigma Chi Pi Mission Diligent Christian Leader Honor Society for The Alliance (AGWM) headquarters archives office in Springfield, Mo. to scan and label 2200 documents from the for Assemblies of God Higher Education. records of the North India District Council (NIDC). When complete, these digital resources will make North India the most complete missions historical record in the Assemblies of God going back to 1918 when the NIDC was established. MARIANNE MODICA DR. C. FLOYD RICHMOND ASSISTANT PROFESSOR, EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION PROFESSOR, MUSIC Modica has written a book entitled “The R Word” available now online. The book explores a young woman’s thoughts about contemporary racism and what it means to be white. “The R Word” was recently adopted for classroom use at St. Joseph’s University in Philadelphia, Pa. Modica also presented “‘Acting White’ and the Language of Snowflakes” at the University of Pennsylvania’s 34th Annual Ethnography in Education Research Forum and “Beyond the Façade of Uncritical Multiculturalism: Talking about Race with Preservice Teachers” at the Alliance AG Faculty Conference in Springfield, Mo. Dr. Richmond has received a book contract from Alfred Publishing for “GarageBand and Music Production on the iPad.” In addition, he has updated two TI:ME coursebooks on digital audio. Dr. Richmond spent his summer at various schools and universities around the country teaching courses on creating digitally produced music. Dr. Richmond also serves as TI:ME President Elect and will serve a two-year term as president next year. STEPHEN W. STOEFFLER ASSISTANT PROFESSOR, BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES DIRECTOR, SOCIAL WORK PROGRAM Stoeffler has completed coursework and the comprehensive paper for his Ph.D. in social work. He is now an official Ph.D. candidate at Widener University at the Center on Social Work Education. 15 HONOR ROLL CALL CONGRATULATIONS TO THE FOLLOWING STUDENTS WHO GRADUATED WITH HONORS: Caleb J. Anderson ‘12 Magna Cum Laude Christian L. Garlitz ‘13 Summa Cum Laude Andrew W. Pierson ‘13 Magna Cum Laude Kaitlyn A. Bell ‘13 Magna Cum Laude Glenda L. Gonzalez ‘13 Magna Cum Laude Amanda M. Reich ‘13 Magna Cum Laude Kathleen M. Bird ‘13 Summa Cum Laude, Honors Program Daniel J. Goodman ‘13 Cum Laude Emily J. Rollison ‘13 Cum Laude Phillip D. Bishop ‘13 Cum Laude Breanne L. Harris ‘13 Magna Cum Laude Matthew A. Roloson ‘13 Summa Cum Laude Chris M. Bristow ‘13 Cum Laude Audrei Heath ‘13 Summa Cum Laude Jonathan M. Serbin ‘13 Magna Cum Laude David E. Brock ‘13 Cum Laude Joyce C. Cates ‘13 Cum Laude Jennifer A. Cauley ‘13 Magna Cum Laude Thomas R. Cauley ‘13 Summa Cum Laude Elizabeth A. Chereb ‘12 Magna Cum Laude Brandi L. Colon ‘12 Magna Cum Laude Stephen R. Jayne ‘13 Cum Laude Brittany A. Shrom ‘13 Magna Cum Laude Vanity E. Jones ‘13 Magna Cum Laude Joseph P. Steinbach ‘13 Summa Cum Laude Courtney M. Kurtz ‘13 Magna Cum Laude Sharon R. Stiles ‘13 Magna Cum Laude Thomas J. Kurtz ‘13 Cum Laude Marie E. Martin ‘13 Magna Cum Laude Benjamin C. May ‘13 Cum Laude, Honors Program Katelin S. Strohm ‘13 Magna Cum Laude Hanna L. Taylor ‘13 Magna Cum Laude Lauren N. Warnecke ‘13 Innovative Leadership Experience Ricardo R. Echeona ‘13 Summa Cum Laude Sarah M. McAdams ‘13 Cum Laude Daniel L. Wilt ‘13 Cum Laude Katherine E. Fisher ‘13 Cum Laude Amber L. McCrerey ‘13 Summa Cum Laude Adam S. Yaros ‘13 Summa Cum Laude Sara L. Frasnelli ‘13 Cum Laude Jacob W. Moritz ‘13 Magna Cum Laude John A. Yunghans ‘12 Summa Cum Laude Nicholas A. Johnson Kathryn E. Naylor Renee A. Seler Jordan K. Kadow Gabriel D. Nye Brooke S. Sheesley Students in this program must complete 18 credits of honors course work and must Lisa M. Kunzweiler Dorathia S. Phillips Amber R. Shick complete an honors thesis during their senior year that concludes with a public oral defense. Joshua T. Leake Timothy M. Pollick Rebecca L. Skillo Ethan P. Ludwick Brittany L. Rebstock Daniel R. Smith CURRENT HONORS PROGRAM PARTICIPANTS: Kaylee L. Applegarth Dane J. Duncan Nico L. Giampietro Elicia MacTarnaghan Jesse C. Recinos Joshua C. Smith Jacob T. Baldwin Vanessa J. Duncan Michaela Ginder Josephine Mariello Molly S. Rupert Emily A. Stefanec Emily K. Benco Jean Y. Dushime Rachel E. Gomez Darrick E. Martin Alexandra E. Rutkowski James M. Tarpey Brandon L. Berrios Jerilyn J. Ellis Julia D. Grant Joshua J. Miller Rebecca Sareen Matthew O. Thornton Elise N. Brunelle Kaitlyn Faraghan Natalie J. Hagen Kristen Morrison Elizabeth Schwindler Janna D. Weiler Sorina A. Corkey Richard E. Feuerstein Robert A. Howell Lindsey Morgan Nicholas C. Seders Joshua B. Whitelock Sara F. Donnamaria Jessica L. Fox Aaron M. Hulbert Kelsey L. Moses Kyler S. Sederwall Delena G. Willman 16 GENERAL COUNCIL This year was a special year for Valley Forge Christian College (VFCC) at the General Council of the Assemblies of God and National Fine Arts Festival held in Orlando, Fla. during the first week of August. VFCC had a large and impressive booth space near the main entrance to the convention hall. This highly visible location allowed the large contingent of VFCC representatives, including faculty, administration and staff, to meet and interact with thousands of potential students and their parents. In this way, VFCC had the opportunity to share the mission of our College with countless old and new friends. As in year’s past, the 48-foot mobile Media Command Center (mMCC) allowed school-aged AG students interested in music and digital media to enter and record their music in a soundproof studio and leave with a free CD. To see photos, go to: vfcc.edu/GCFAFphotos ALUMNI AND FRIENDS RECEPTION At the 2013 General Council of the Assemblies of God meeting in Orlando VFCC alumni and friends from all over the world spent a special evening together on Wednesday, August 7, at the Alumni and Friends Reception. Several hundred members of the extended VFCC family enjoyed food, fellowship and the chance to mingle with alumni from the 1940s spanning to 2013, and members of the faculty and administration. VFCC announced the kick-off of its 75th Anniversary at General Council and gave reception attendees a commemorative pin to mark this milestone year. The room was full of legacy-makers and some of the most dynamic leaders and visionaries within the Assemblies of God, all joining together to reminisce and celebrate what God is doing through their alma mater. The College appreciates all who were part of creating a truly memorable evening. To see photos, go to: vfcc.edu/receptionphotos DR. GEORGE O. WOOD ON CAMPUS VFCC was greatly honored to host Dr. George O. Wood, Assemblies of God General Superintendent, as our special guest speaker in chapel in March 2013. By illustrating stories from his own life, Dr. Wood drew parallels between John’s Gospel of the loaves and fishes and how we, through faith and love in God, can endure tasks that may seem too large or lack the proper resources. Dr. Wood returned to Chapel during the 75th Anniversary Homecoming celebrations in October 2013 to inspire and encourage the VFCC community. 17 BLESS WITH A DRESS HUMAN TRAFFICKING AWARENESS In February 2013, VFCC paused to focus on the global donated dresses, jackets, blouses and accessories, and every pandemic of human trafficking. In order to raise awareness woman was given a brown bag, which could be filled with and funds for the battle against this crisis, students and staff articles of clothing to take home. The event also included participated in Bless with a Dress – a night filled with fun, art, music, dance and drama, with the central theme of fashion and faith. human trafficking. According to the International Labour Organization, As VFCC continues to focus on the global mission of an estimated 2.5 million people worldwide are forced evangelization, students will seek creative ways, such as into labor, including sexual exploitation, through human Bless with a Dress, to raise awareness of such international trafficking. The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime crises and reach out in love. has reported that this modern form of slavery affects 82% of the world’s nations. Fashion was the main attraction and the primary channel for fundraising at the event, with all proceeds from the evening donated to Project Rescue. The VFCC community leaders and inspire new dreams for youth ministry. Baker stated, “At the end of the day, I want all of you to say, ‘I’m refreshed!’” The conference mostly involved worship and seminars, including times of fellowship and food. David Hertweck VFCC hosted an exciting youth ministry conference known as Refresh – a full day event developed by Phil Baker, Associate Professor of Church Ministries. The basic mission is to encourage, train and inspire youth leaders in the Northeast and greater Philadelphia region. During the month of February, VFCC also sponsored multiple Refresh events in the Philadelphia area. On February 9, 2013, regional ministry leaders assembled on the VFCC campus for Refresh Youth Leaders (New York District Youth Director), John Davidson (Oaks School of Leadership Director) and Dr. Earl Creps (Lead Pastor of 360 Church in Berkeley, and author of “Reverse Mentoring” and “Off-Road Disciplines”) were all featured speakers. Participants were lead in praise by Dan Sarna. A few weeks later, at Refresh Philly – an expansion of the initial Refresh conference – youths from all over the Delaware Valley gathered to hear the Gospel and worship the Lord. Over 500 teenagers watched in awe as VFCC students lit up the stage with worship, step dance, rap and human video performances. Refresh Philly was implemented in a two-part rally; a morning session was hosted to train and revitalize leaders at Germantown Church of the Brethren, followed by an evening youth rally held at New Covenant Church of Philadelphia featuring renowned youth evangelist and Conference, an annual event that focuses solely on motivational speaker Reggie Dabbs. recharging those who minister to youth. For one invaluable A trans-denominational group of nearly 15 churches day, youth leaders were encouraged through worship, fellowship and lectures. The event was not meant to give leaders long to-do lists, cause reorganization in their ministries, or discourage any current activities; rather, the purpose was to recharge gathered for Refresh Philly; about 100 youth leaders attended the morning session, while the evening rally reached over 500 youth. The impact of this event was so impressive that two separate radio stations reached out to VFCC for follow-up interviews. 18 UPDATE ON SECOND YEAR AS NCAA II PROVISIONAL MEMBERS Compton was named to the NCCAA II East “We are extremely excited to advance to year two American Honorable Mention. Region First Team and was given NCCAA II All- of our provisional membership. Year one proved to be a rigorous but rewarding process. We continue to embrace the provisional membership process and the growth our department is experiencing, as we develop our student athletes for the journey of discipleship through athletics.” - Jon Mack, Athletic Director OBIE L. HARRUP WINNERS one female and one male athlete who displays excellence in athletics, academics, ministry, service and leadership. This year’s Obie L. Harrup Award winners were Sarah Stark and Philip Bishop. Stark was a four-year letter winner in women’s soccer who also served as the Student-Athlete Advisory (SAAC) president and excelled academically. Bishop was a three-year letter winner in men’s golf and was among the team’s top players. Region Second-Team honors and was also named the NCCAA II East Region Defensive Player of the Year. Juan Delcid - Juan Delcid ‘12, a decorated men’s a semi-professional soccer team. Delcid competed in a 13-game spring season with the Capital City Football Club in Washington, D.C. Courtney Farabee - Senior women’s volleyball player, Courtney Farabee, earned the NCCAA II East Region Libero of the Year award for the second straight year. She is the only athlete in the program’s history to receive this honor for the position of libero. Bishop also served on SAAC and was a student Morgan Godwin - Women’s basketball player, resident assistant leader. Morgan Godwin ‘13, surpassed the 1,000th point INDIVIDUAL ACHIEVEMENTS Latrell Alford - Former VFCC Patriot basketball player, Latrell Alford, was signed to a semiprofessional basketball team, the Bloomington Flex in Illinois. Amanda Compton - Midway through the 20122013 season, women’s basketball player Amanda Compton ‘13 recorded her 1,000th career point in a victory over Notre Dame of Maryland University. In the final moments of the NCCAA II East Region Championship against Lancaster Bible College, Compton grabbed her 1,000th rebound, becoming the first VFCC women’s basketball player to record 1,000 points and 1,000 rebounds. 19 Donnell Davis, received NCCAA II All-East soccer player, completed his first year playing for Every year the Athletics Department recognizes Committee Donnell Davis - Senior men’s basketball player, milestone and ended her career with 1,134 points. Godwin was named to the NCCAA II East Region Second Team. Lance Harris - Junior Lance Harris was named to the men’s basketball NCCAA II East Region First Team and received NCCAA II All-American Honorable Mention. Bethany Kresge - First-year runner Bethany Kresge ‘13 placed first at the Charger Invitational 5K race. The race was hosted by Lancaster Bible College and featured teams from Penn State University Abington, Penn State University - Harrisburg and Thaddeus Stevens College of Technology. It was the first time that an individual VFCC cross-country runner placed first in a race since the program was re-launched in 2010. John Luchon - Men’s golfer John Luchon ‘13 posted a four over par score of 76 to place third among the 73 individuals in the Moravian Spring Invitational - a personal best for Luchon and the best score in VFCC golf program history. Kevin Mack - Junior Kevin Mack completed an impressive season on the men’s basketball team. Mack was named to the NCCAA II East Region First Team and received the honor of East Region MVP. Mack went on to be named to the NCCAA II All-American First Team. Kelli Noecker - Sophomore Kelli Noecker, women’s soccer player, was named NCCAA II AllAmerican and NCCAA II All East Region. Amanda Reich - Amanda Reich ‘13 rewrote VFCC’s women’s basketball history books in more ways than one in the 2012-2013 season. In the second game of the season, Reich became VFCC’s all-time leading scorer in women’s basketball, recording her 1,576th point, a record previously held by Sandy Paradis Frey ‘84. Reich was named to The cross-country team, women’s volleyball team and athletic administrators volunteered at the Cradles to Crayons Giving Factory in Conshohocken, Pa., which distributes clothing, toys and other necessities to children within greater Philadelphia. The women’s softball team gave their time assisting at the Good Samaritan Shelter, located in Phoenixville, Pa. This organization exists to improve the condition of houses that shelter the homeless in Chester County. The women’s basketball team spent an afternoon at the Phoenixville Area Senior Center bringing a fun competitive spirit to the seniors while participating in a Wii bowling tournament. Men’s basketball players spent a day volunteering to serve homeless men and women in Philadelphia with the Bethesda Project, an organization that assists the more than 2,000 homeless people throughout Philadelphia. The team provided lunch for 100 people, cleaned living spaces and bonded in fellowship with residents during their visit. the NCCAA II All-American First Team for the During Homecoming 2012, the men’s soccer team fourth straight year, a program first. Reich was also held a free soccer clinic for children in the local named to the NCCAA II East Region First Team community, helping to sharpen their skills and offer and was Co-MVP. She finished her four-year career tips on sportsmanship and becoming a better player. with 2,021 points, 571 rebounds and 185 steals. Reich was also honored as a 2013 Scholar-Athlete. TEAM ACCOMPLISHMENTS The VFCC men’s basketball team captured the 2013 NCCAA II East Region Championship on February 22, 2013, defending its 2012 title. The Patriots secured their fifth NCCAA II East Region Championship in seven years by defeating the Lancaster Bible College Chargers. BEYOND PLAY VFCC athletic teams and members completed the following service projects that benefited local community organizations and national charities:. The Student-Athlete Advisory Committee (SAAC), which serves to enhance the athletic experience for both athletes and the VFCC community, held two large events this past year. Students took part in the 5th Annual Eastern Pennsylvania Polar Bear Plunge, raising money to help sponsor Special Olympics athletes by diving into an icy cold river. Members of SAAC also raised awareness and funds for the American Cancer Society by selling t-shirts, decorating their hallways pink and dedicating the final two basketball games of the regular season to those affected by cancer. We are thankful to the students and personnel of the Athletic Department who carry on the mission of VFCC, serving God by serving the community and remembering those less fortunate. 20 CURTAIN CALL FALL/SPRING PLAYS displayed emotional depth and sincerity, capturing the attention of Over the course of the 2012-2013 academic year, two plays were performed by Curtain the audience. Call, the student drama organization at Valley Forge Christian College (VFCC). Lois Lowry’s award-winning book “The Giver” was staged in Krempels Theater last Admirers of “12 Angry Men” would November, followed by an impressive variation of “12 Angry Men” (entitled “12 Angry have been pleased with Curtain Jurors” by Curtain Call) in April. Call’s adaptation of the original teleplay. Directors Lindsay Merkel For fans of “The Giver,” this theatrical (Assistant Director of Financial Aid) reworking brought to light the and Loren Metallo (sophomore) did imagery and mood conveyed in the an exceptional job leading the cast pages of the book. Newcomers to in a successful closing production “The Giver” were hooked with an for the year. intriguing and inspiring reinvention of the original story. Student directors Sophomore Kathleen Maranatha performed a gripping performance Purring did an excellent job leading as Juror Number 8. He did a the cast to a successful debut for the wonderful job conveying the tension of a divided courtroom. As McNaney played out the year. character’s view of discrimination, each audience member was challenged to rethink his or Bird and Chris McNaney her opinions of class division and socioeconomic status. Leading the way with exceptional acting skills was freshman Joshua In addition to these two major productions, a number of hilarious performances were Brugere hosted by Activate Improv Ministry (also led by Curtain Call) - a comedy team that ( Jonas) and sophomore Myke Smith (Giver). Both actors included actors from the main performances. At the end of the week, the campus honored over 250 veterans and former military hospital staff who attended 2012 the Historical Marker Day Celebration. A Pennsylvania historical marker was placed and dedicated at the front of campus in memory of the Valley Forge General Hospital. returned to campus. Alumni athletes faced off against Patriot varsity teams, children enjoyed the outdoor kid’s play zone, the Homecoming king and queen were Last October, VFCC graduates from a span of over 60 years of VFCC alumni returned to campus to reconnect and reminisce. Homecoming 2012 provided generations of alumni with a memorable visit to their alma mater and a week full of celebration. In keeping with tradition, alumni speakers and an alumni worship team graced the chapel platform throughout the week, and a local a cappella trio, The Original Couriers, 21 announced, and the All-Alumni Luncheon and Coffee Connections events gave opportunity for fellowship with former classmates and friends. A prayer walk on campus was led by participants of the 7:14 Prayer Initiative. Alumni award recipients who received the Distinguished Alumni Service Award included Roland Coon ’72 and Timothy Schmidt ’82. The Young Alumni Service Award went to Christine Rogers ’02. Also, happening the same evening was a CD release show by Pompton Lakes, a band which consists of VFCC faculty, alumni and current students. Homecoming is a great opportunity to bring VFCC family and friends together again for an unforgettable week. Visit our website for updated Homecoming information and photos. THIRD ANNUAL PHOTOGRAPHY CONTEST VFCC held its third annual photo contest in the spring. Students were asked to submit some of my skills, and since I was a freshman who had not yet taken a photo class, it was images that captured VFCC’s six core values: We Believe in God; We Prepare for the also a way for me to showcase my work to a larger audience. Photography has given me Future; We Care for Others; We Embrace Community; We Affirm the Dignity of All an opportunity not only to express myself, but to gain from as well. It is a way for me to People; and We Serve with Creativity and Excellence. provide for myself while I attend this school and even after I graduate,” stated Kalapuch. This year’s grand prize winner was sophomore Matthew Kalapuch for his submission in the We Believe in God category. “As a Digital Media major, it was a way for me to hone Matt’s caption for his winning photo describes the essence of his visual interpretation through metaphor and symbolism. Matthew Kalapuch - We Believe in God God’s creation is so vast and beautiful that a lot of the time we are unable to take it all in. The open arms of the individual represent that God is uncontainable and also shows the finite capabilities of humanity compared to the infinite nature of God. Terrah Coon - We Serve with Creativity & Excellence There is no greater way to serve the world like Christ than to merely love our neighbors. In a world so dark, the love of Christ will shine bright through us. Inspired by 1 Cor. 13:13. This photo was captured with glow sticks and a long exposure. Aaron Hulbert - We Embrace Community “One walk, One Place, One Community.” No matter where your walk in life takes you, God places people in your life to help you move forward. Matthew Kalapuch - We Affirm the Dignity of All People This photo was taken of a blind musician in the subway system of New York City. Playing a homemade instrument made of nothing more than a broomstick, aluminum can and a string, this man sits here hoping to make enough to eat for the day. Aaron Hulbert - We Prepare for the Future “The Journey.” As we move forward we choose to follow and accept the path God has laid before us. Mark Bender - We Care for Others “Boys will be boys.” With a team from VFCC, we traveled to Thessaloníki, Greece and brought a day of fun to kids from the impoverished and rejected community of the Roma-people. 22 The music department at Valley Forge Christian College (VFCC) once again wowed the audience at the beloved annual Christmas at Valley Forge concert on November 30 and December 1, 2012. For the eighth year, VFCC family and friends enjoyed superb performances from the Wind Ensemble, Jazz Ensemble, Patriot Bells and College Choir. Christmas “snow” fell during “Sleigh Ride”, attendees were awed by a choreographed laser light show and a heartwarming carol sing enveloped guests in the Christmas spirit. In keeping with tradition, excerpts from Handel’s “Messiah” were performed by the College Choir, and the concert ended with the audience standing in appreciation of the “Hallelujah Chorus.” The VFCC leadership team thanks the students, faculty, staff and friends whose excellent musicianship created a special and memorable experience for all those in attendance. To see photos, go to: vfcc.edu/christmas12photos great food provided by Sodexo Dining Services at the kick-off lunch and the awards dinner. Exciting prize giveaways capped a memorable event for all golfers. This year’s winning foursome was John Neiswender, Greg Hubbard ‘81, Brian Peiffer and Jim Kreisher. Along with providing a way for alumni and friends of the College to stay in touch each year, all proceeds from the event support deserving VFCC students by adding over $11,000 to the Scholarship Fund. VFCC is thankful to the golfers, sponsors and volunteers The VFCC 11th Annual Patriot Classic Golf Tournament was once again a success as 108 golfers on 29 teams enjoyed a wonderful day on the beautiful Kimberton Golf Club course on June 6, 2013. This year, for the first time, 19 Legacy Club golfers were recognized for participating in at least 10 of the tournaments in the past 11 years. Everyone enjoyed the 23 who made the 11th Annual Patriot Classic Golf Tournament such a success. Save the date for the 12th Annual Tournament on Friday, June 6, 2014. To see photos, go to: vfcc.edu/classic13photos Jeff Martin and Garrett O’Neill ‘98 COMMENCEMENT MAY 3, 2013 The Green Lane Commons was lined with graduation caps and smiling faces during the 74th Annual Commencement Ceremony on May 3 when VFCC presented the graduating class of 2013. The class was addressed by President Don Meyer and Dr. Mark Batterson, Pastor of National Community Church and The New York Times best-selling author of “The Circle Maker.” For the members of the class of 2013, graduation day started with a wonderful Baccalaureate service in the Flower Chapel. Dr. Bill Clarkson (Business Department Chair and Senior Class Advisor) and seniors Jenny Duncan and Adam Yaros delivered speeches of encouragement and enrichment to graduates. Before receiving their degrees, the class of 2013 had the privilege of hearing Dr. Batterson deliver an inspiring commencement address. Dr. Batterson reminded the graduates that commencement was not the end of an era but the start of a whole new journey; he encouraged listeners to step out in faith, trust the Lord and pursue God’s will in the days and years ahead. Hundreds of spectators, including friends, family and student peers, sat under the shade of the tall Green Lane Commons trees as Dr. Kevin Beery, Vice President of Academic Affairs, and President Don Meyer congratulated each graduate as they crossed the stage and were presented with their degree. Student Government Association (SGA) senior class president, Emily Flynn, presented a beautiful young pink dogwood tree to the College. The dogwood will be planted on campus next to a plaque, commemorating the class of 2013. This gift continues a special tradition of planting a tree for each graduating class. Soaring graduation caps, loud cheers and applause concluded the commencement as graduates headed out for well-deserved festivities with their families and friends. 24 “I’VE HEARD IT SAID THAT THOSE WHO TELL THE STORY CONTROL THE CULTURE.” This is what Dan Desrosiers, Assistant Professor of Digital Media, said when reflecting upon the importance of the first national film competition for Assemblies of God colleges and universities. Captiv8 Film Festival, which was hosted in the Valley Forge Christian College (VFCC) Flower Chapel on March 23, featured eight short films written, performed and produced by students all over the country. Each team was given 48 hours to produce a short film with redeeming value. To make the task even more difficult, the participants had to incorporate three randomly selected components – a sandwich, a soldier and the following line: “Freedom always comes with a cost.” A panel of independent judges from across the United (Minnesota) team. “Here Waiting,” by Four Sixty-Two States Jess of North Central University, took the prize for Most Stainbrook) viewed the films without knowledge of each Captivating Screenplay. “Shattered Lives,” by the VFCC group’s school affiliation. Each film was evaluated on the team known as 2:30 Productions (directed by Nico merits of its cinematography, directing, editing and writing. Giampietro), won the awards for Most Captivating Editing Just hours after the competition came to a close, the films and Most Captivating Cinematography. “Cost”, produced were presented to a live audience at VFCC and streamed by Follow Focus Films from VFCC (directed by Nicholas over the Internet. Meo) took center stage, winning Most Captivating (including Emmy-winning producer The mission of Captiv8 Film Festival is “to create a platform that encourages creativity, growth and excellence in film in Production Design, Most Captivating Director and Most Captivating Short Film. a way that honors Jesus.” As Desrosiers put it, “We don’t The Christian community is often criticized for the necessarily need more typical Christian films, we need quality of its digital media content, but these eight teams excellent films that portray Christian values.” In addition, demonstrated that excellence in craft is not opposite of he noted that Captiv8 leadership hoped to create awareness Christian character. for media as a ministry – not in the typical way of a worship In future years, Desrosiers – along with his dedicated group service but in a way that artists can be as creative as possible while bringing glory to God. The line-up included films produced by three VFCC teams, three teams from Latin American Bible Institute of student volunteers, who helped make this event a reality – hopes to see Captiv8 Film Festival become a highly anticipated event among all AG colleges and universities and see more schools participate each year. (California), one team from Southwestern Assemblies of In addition to an increase in entries from a variety of God University (Texas) and one North Central University schools, they also hope to see entire schools get behind the program. Desrosiers and his team would like to offer more award categories in the upcoming festivals, including recognition for acting and audio mixing. See the entire award ceremony on YouTube at “Captiv8 Film Festival Awards Show 2013.” Captiv8 Film Festival Planning Team Ethan Ballantyne ’13, Michael McGary ‘13, Prof. Daniel Desrosiers ’05, Breanne Harris ‘13, Jonathan Harris (student), and Katie Strohm ‘13 SHOW YOUR VFCC PRIDE! BEAU L. MILLER 2012 winner, senior Beau Miller, in St. John, U.S.V.I., while at Coral Bay on his way to hike to Salomon Beach. Send us a photo of yourself wearing VFCC apparel and be entered to win a $50 gift card and the opportunity to have your photo featured in the next annual report. Photos can be taken locally or around the world but should have a sense of place. Tasteful creativity is always encouraged. Please submit photo to [email protected] by December 31, 2013. For more contest details and to view submissions, visit vfcc.edu/patriotgear. 25 COMMUNITY SERVICE DAY APRIL 17, 2013 On Wednesday, April 17, 2013, the classrooms on the campus of VFCC were uncharacteristically void of students. Faculty and staff members exchanged professional attire for jeans and sneakers as the mission of VFCC was expressed through the 11th Annual Community Service Day. Each spring, the College serves the local Phoenixville area through Community Service Day. This is an opportunity for VFCC to give back and serve the needs of the community. The College demonstrated its enduring commitment to service as students, faculty and staff first gathered in the Flower Chapel to kick-off the day’s events with an address by State Senator Andrew Dinniman, a close friend of the College. Following that, the hard work began with cleaning local roads and parks of debris and trash, light manual labor projects that included painting fire hydrants and spreading mulch, and landscaping senior citizens’ lawns. Rev. Jennifer Gale, Vice President of Student Life and the Community Service Day organizer stated, “We look forward to this day all year long and we are blessed to provide these services to the people of our community. We get as much, or more, from providing these services as the persons who receive them.” 7:14 PRAYER DAILY MORNING PRAYER Prayer has always been a priority at VFCC. For over 15 years a 7 am Tuesday morning prayer meeting has been held in the Jack A. Mason Chapel. Extended times of prayer have also been included as part of many daily chapel services as students huddle around the altar during the 30 minutes after chapel and before the next classes begin. Special Sunday evening prayer meetings were also added several times each semester. Dr. Don Meyer’s chapel messages during 2012 - 2013 were based on 2 Chronicles 7:14, “If my people who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sins and will heal their land.” In view of the 7:14 Prayer initiative in the Assemblies of God, these prayer times were renamed “7:14 Prayer.” During the spring of 2013, Dr. Mark Batterson spoke at VFCC and his book “Draw the Circle” became the launching point for a 40 day campus-wide prayer focus during Lent. Jennifer Gale, Vice President of Student Life, summed up the meetings: “7:14 Prayer gives an intentional focus for the entire community, a heightened sense of awareness of God responding to prayer. Some of the partnerships that VFCC is working on have been birthed out of these prayer meetings and we realize that God has done some amazing things this year.” 26 27 MY VFCC STORY: PETER REEVES Peter Reeves had just transferred to Valley Forge Christian disease, whereas, in those from ages 80-84, 120.4 people per degree non-negotiable. He prayed, “Lord, take whatever College (VFCC) in August 2012, in order to facilitate 100,000 are affected. you want from me but … let me finish school.” As a result, Day & Night Ministries – an evangelistic organization he established just a few years ago. Moving to VFCC would place him closer to his hometown of Horsham, Pa., and allow him to more easily attend school while traveling about the country to preach and teach. The decision proved to be fruitful; Day & Night was expanding, school seemed to be going well and everything was looking up. Then the pain started. In early September of 2012, Reeves began to experience a persistent pain in his knee. In an attempt to be tough, he disregarded the pain and attributed it to an ACL injury from his years of high school football. Later the pain grew unbearable, to the point that he could no longer ignore it. On September 15, 2012, his mother and girlfriend (now fiancée) rushed him to the hospital. Surprisingly, doctors initially concluded that nothing was wrong with Reeves’ knee and sent him home without any diagnosis or direction. On his own accord, Reeves visited an orthopedic surgeon later that month who recognized the need for X-rays when he noticed major swelling in the knee. The X-rays showed a deformity in the leg which led to a biopsy and the subsequent discovery of a large tumor classified as Stage 2 Large B-Cell Lymphoma. Reeves was immediately put on medication and confined to a wheelchair. As a preacher, he was forced to put ministry on hold and temporarily decline all speaking opportunities. claimed, “At that point, I felt like God had left me.” the situation. Now, as Day & Night Ministries is picking But then, God proved his presence in the midst of Reeves’ storm. Just two weeks after doctors told him he would be in a wheelchair for several months, he began walking again, proving that God had not abandoned him. Reeves reflected on this period of his life by saying, “There was a point where I didn’t think God could heal – that was the day before I walked again.” has taken my ministry to the next level!” he exclaimed. Since the diagnosis, Reeves has been invited to speak for cancer victim support organizations (including Livestrong, Hope for Cancer Patients, and Angie’s Foundation) in addition to churches and other ministries. In Reeves’ words, “Tribulation is possibly the best thing that can happen in start of November came the beginning of chemotherapy intimacy with God that you could never get to if you were treatments. After having a port inserted into his chest not in that situation. … You begin to pray like you’ve never (resulting in many complications), he began receiving prayed before. You begin to seek God like you’ve never treatments and explained that, “It’s the worst feeling in the sought God before.” world. When I went through the first chemo treatment I never wanted to step foot in a hospital again.” Reeves likened the treatments to being poisoned and all activity was halted for days on end. From November to February, he received chemotherapy every 21 days for nine hours shocked. This disease, which invades the blood and immune Pennsylvania for radiation treatment. only 1.8 out of every 100,000 are diagnosed with the rare changed his life in a positive way. “Having this cancer the life of a Christian. … It will drive you to a place of train every single day, for 25 days, to the University of ages 15-19 (the range in which 19-year-old Reeves fell), up again, Peter has found that this battle with cancer However, the trouble was not over for Reeves. With the patients, so Reeves and his doctors were understandably Lymphoma, typically affects elderly individuals. In people GPA and continued classes in the spring. Despite the hardships of his illness, Reeves thanks God for at a time. Following chemotherapy, Reeve’s traveled by B-Cell Lymphoma, an aggressive form of non-Hodgkin’s fact, Reeves finished out the fall 2012 semester with a 4.0 Though he was seeking the Lord’s will in his life, Reeves This particular form of cancer is extremely rare in teenage system, almost never appears in young adults. Large he believes that God strengthened him and enabled him; in After successfully completing the spring semester and his rigorous radiation treatment, Reeves assumed a summerlong interim youth pastor position at Christian Life Center in Bensalem, Pa.; in addition, since becoming cancer free, he has now resumed regular preaching engagements through Day & Night. Reeves plans to continue his studies at VFCC in order to graduate with a degree in Pastoral Ministry, in the pursuit of a career in full-time ministry. However, he refused to let cancer keep him out of school. Even though, “It’s been almost impossible,” he decided to push through it and continue his studies. Education is of utmost importance to Reeves and he considers a college 28 THE 35TH ANNUAL CREATION FESTIVAL JUNE 26-29, 2013 Creation Festival, the largest Christian music festival in the It turns out that spectators were not the only people testimony of how incredible our students truly are.” country, is hosted yearly at Agape Farm in Mount Union, impressed by the Digital Media Communications Hundreds of vendors participate in the festival; three large Pa. – three hours west of Valley Forge Christian College Department. The production team did such a fantastic job pavilions are filled with booths hosted by colleges, apparel (VFCC). From June 26-29, a crowd, larger than what would that band representatives, such as Switchfoot’s Technical companies and ministries, and countless teenagers explore be found in most NFL stadiums, filled the farm grounds to Director, expressed veneration to Desrosiers, saying, “What these areas for hours (especially when rain floods the festival hear popular musicians and inspirational preachers and to you did is exactly what I would have wanted, had I been and patrons wish to stay dry, as was the case this year). worship with fellow believers. This year, at the 35th annual able to produce it myself.” Creation Festival, VFCC played a vital role, and tens of Furthermore, a combination of excellent work and with Creation attendees. Over the course of the four-day Christ-like attitude in service led the leaders of Creation festival, thousands of high school students visited the For the first time ever, the VFCC Department of Digital to repeatedly compliment the VFCC production team. booth, which was manned by VFCC staff, students and Media was in charge of the main stage video production, “The leadership of Creation was very impressed with the alumni, who together represented ten different majors. which featured musicians such as Lecrae, Chris Tomlin, quality of work that our students were able to produce,” said Building 429, Newsboys, Audio Adrenaline and Skillet. For Desrosiers. “This was the hardest thing we’ve ever done … four consecutive days, about 70,000 spectators witnessed a and [the students] did it all with smiles on their faces.” thousands of spectators were introduced to the College. production managed by VFCC staff, students and alumni – while the VFCC mobile Media Command Center was parked adjacent to the stage for all to see. According to Dan Desrosiers, Assistant Professor of Digital Media, “When people would go to the booth in the pavilion, we could point to that giant blue branded truck directly next to the main stage and say, ‘See that? That’s what we do.’” 29 The VFCC Office of Admissions hosted a booth to connect “We took a lot of time to talk to each student or family that came over,” said Admissions Counselor Carrie Maurio. “We care about the students and about making sure [they] go to To say that VFCC’s first production involvement with a Christian college that will help them keep a relationship Creation was successful would be an understatement. with Jesus and do what they are passionate about. If that Festival administrators, musicians, speakers, attendees and means Valley Forge – awesome! We want them here!” students all benefited from VFCC’s participation. Interested students completed an inquiry card before having “This positions Valley Forge in a really unique way,” added their photo taken at the VFCC photo booth. By the end Desrosiers, “with the size of the audience that we had at of the week over 1,300 cards were collected from students. Creation. That’s a big deal – to say that you’ve done this Maurio put it best when she said, “We are connecting with huge regional event with which many people are familiar. students who we may not otherwise ever meet. Creation This is a feather in the cap for Valley Forge, and another provides the venue and God provides the calling.” MARKING HISTORY OCTOBER 27, 2012 VFCC and the Historical Society of the Phoenixville Area (HSPA) partnered together Among its other distinctions, the VFGH Department of Psychiatry and Neurology was a to create a Historical Marker Celebration Day on October 27, 2012, an event that was world leader in psychiatric treatments. Many new medications were first introduced there promoted throughout the community. The Pennsylvania Historical and Museum and many treatment techniques, including the glass eye, were developed on the premises. Commission administers a program of historical roadside markers intended to capture VFGH was also one of seven U.S. military hospitals that offered a “Clinical Specialist” the memory of significant people, places and events that have affected the lives of training program for military personnel, now considered equivalent to a civilian licensed Pennsylvanians over the centuries since William Penn founded this Commonwealth. A practical nurse (LPN), and included many military medicine-oriented training objectives. marker erected on October 27, 2012 recognizes the site of the former Valley Forge General Hospital (VFGH), which once stood on the grounds of what is now the VFCC campus. The Historical Marker Celebration Day included the showcase of vintage military vehicles, military re-enactors, artifact displays, oral histories and walking tours of campus that The marker was unveiled to more than 250 people during a program highlighting the showcased historic photographs of what each building looked like during that era. A film significance of this site, which operated from 1943-1973 and served war casualties during shot at the former VFGH campus, “Bright Victory”, was offered for large screen viewing, World War II, the Korean War and the Vietnam War. Those in attendance included as well as a video presentation that documented the hospital and how the College came to hospital personnel and former patients of the hospital. VFGH, at one time, became the acquire the property entitled, “You’d Have to be Blind Not to See It.” Numerous veterans, largest military hospital in the United States and could accommodate over 3,000 patients who at one time had connections to the hospital, distinguished the event with their in more than 100 buildings. presence, sharing their memories and colorful stories of this truly historic place. 30 MARRIAGES | ALUMNI UPDATES TRINIDAD ANDINO ‘12 RENALDO TRANCOSO HEIDI HEATH ‘02 DANIEL PRIEGO JULY 13, 2013 FEBRUARY 10, 2012 ALUMNI IN BRIDAL PARTY: Alicia King ‘11 (Maid of Honor) ALUMNI IN BRIDAL PARTY: Audrei Heath ‘13 Elizabeth Priego ’13 COURTNEY BODEN ‘12 JONATHAN HARRIS ‘12 KAYLA KENNEDY JOE KIVALA ‘13 AUGUST 4, 2012 MAY 18, 2013 ALUMNI IN BRIDAL PARTY: Brittainy Harris ‘10 Kristen Jankin ‘12 Sarah Stark ‘13 Kate Strohm ‘13 Michael Davis (student) Patrick Frownfelter ‘11 Paul (Stephen) Roche ‘11 John Scritchfield ‘11 ALUMNI IN BRIDAL PARTY: Amber McCrerey ‘13 Ethan Ballantyne ‘13 (Best Man) Andrew Moore ‘12 Allison (Wengerd) Roche ‘12 JENNIFER DUNCAN ‘13 THOMAS CAULEY ‘13 DANIELLE LILLER ‘11 RYAN STILES MAY 19, 2013 FEBRUARY 9, 2013 ALUMNI IN BRIDAL PARTY: ALUMNI IN BRIDAL PARTY: Vanity Jones ‘13 Courtney (Mortensen) Kurtz ‘13 Courtney Baldwin ‘11 Trinidad (Andino) Trancoso ‘12 Peter Armstrong ‘13 RACHEL ESHLEMAN NATHANIEL KNOLL ‘13 THOMAS KURTZ ‘13 APRIL 4, 2013 JUNE 15, 2013 ALUMNI IN BRIDAL PARTY: ALUMNI IN BRIDAL PARTY: Zachary Knoll ‘13 Joshua Rowand ‘10 COURTNEY MORTENSEN ‘13 Jennifer (Duncan) Cauley ’13 Amber (Mortensen) Didden ’10 Aubrey (Short) McClanahan ‘13 MEAGHAN HANDZLIK ‘07 MICHAEL HEIGHWAY ‘07 JESSICA RALSTON ‘06 JOHN BRADLEY III APRIL 2, 2011 AUGUST 5, 2012 ALUMNI IN BRIDAL PARTY: Cassandra Hays ‘11 Regina Stein ‘11 31 BRANDI RIOS ‘13 ANDREW COLÓN ‘11 LEAH SETLIFF ‘12 MAY 25, 2013 AUGUST 10, 2013 ALUMNI IN BRIDAL PARTY: ALUMNI IN BRIDAL PARTY: Kaitlyn Bell ‘13 Brandi Piljar (student) Brittany (Rios) Figueroa ‘08 Jason Figueroa ‘07 ETHAN WHITE (STUDENT) Sarah Davies ‘13 (Maid of Honor) Amber Shick (Maid of Honor – student) Ashton (Collins) Curry ‘13 Nolan Schmidt ‘13 Matthew Roloson ‘13 (Best Man) ALUMNI OFFICIATING PASTOR: Daniel Graham ‘11 Rev. Rob Kirk ‘05 Rev. Lukas White ‘12 NICOLE ROSKOWINSKI ‘12 AUBREY SHORT ‘13 MARCH 16, 2013 AUGUST 3, 2013 ALUMNI IN BRIDAL PARTY: ALUMNI IN BRIDAL PARTY: Amber Davis ‘11 Brice Karper (Best Man) JAVIER ROBLES ‘11 Courtney Baldwin ‘12 SHANE McCLANAHAN ‘13 Courtney (Mortensen) Kurtz ’13 (Matron of Honor) Allen Lewis ‘11 Oliver Urrego ‘11 Josh Zuilkowski ‘11 JULIE RUDOLPH ‘10 ANDREW GODWIN ‘11 ALLISON SMITH ‘11 DANIEL HOFFMAN MAY 27, 2012 AUGUST 23, 2013 ALUMNI IN BRIDAL PARTY: Blake Philippi ‘11 MARISSA SCHADE ‘12 WILLIAM GWYNN ‘11 ESTHER SNYDER ‘07 MATT FRIES AUGUST 3, 2013 MAY 4, 2013 ALUMNI IN BRIDAL PARTY: Alyssa Clark ’12 Rachel (Munn) Boll ’11 Jason Boll ’11 Joel Dortch ‘10 Brannon (Dayton) Billstone ’11 ALUMNI OFFICIATING PASTOR: Gavin Brown ‘04 VICTORIA SCOTT ‘10 NATHAN REISINGER KELLY TIERNEY (STUDENT) MAY 18, 2013 JUNE 29, 2013 ALUMNI IN BRIDAL PARTY: ALUMNI IN BRIDAL PARTY: Ashley (Olenowski) D’Orazio ‘10 CALEB ANDERSON ‘13 Samuel DiTrolio (student) 32 ENGAGEMENTS | ALUMNI UPDATES as of August 2013 ANDRAYA CARMILIA-SMITH & BRIGHAM LEE ‘06 MARCH 7, 2014 ROBYN ELLIOT & PETER ENGLERT ‘09 OCTOBER 20, 2013 MELANIE GARCIA ‘13 & JOSEPH MALDONADO OCTOBER 20, 2013 ASHLEY HOOPS ‘09 & ADRIAN MUNTEANU SEPTEMBER 14, 2013 JESSICA MOLINA & ERAK CHRISTOFIS ‘11 DECEMBER 28, 2013 LAUREN QUACKENBUSH & RYAN SELER ‘11 OCTOBER 25, 2013 NICOLE RAMELLA ‘11 & STEPHEN WECKER ‘11 SEPTEMBER 21, 2013 KELLY ROOS ‘12 & DUSTIN BAIR OCTOBER 19, 2013 AMANDA SCHMIDT ‘10 & JAMES MONSON ‘10 SEPTEMBER 21, 2013 BLAST FROM THE PAST 2013 CONTEST Do you recognize anyone in this photo or can you guess the year? If so, submit your entry and a special memory evoked by this image to [email protected] and you will be entered to win a $25 gift card. The winner will be selected randomly and notified by email, as well as posted on fb.com/vfccedu and announced in next year’s annual report. Deadline for submittals is December 31, 2013. 2012 BLAST FROM THE PAST WINNER Congratulations to Melissa Falk ‘96 - our winner of the 2012 Blast from the Past Photo Contest. Seeing this photo of friend Gary Carter ‘98 (pictured, second from the left) brought back funny memories of a very special speech that Gary had to deliver while in a preaching class. 33 PARENTS | ALUMNI UPDATES JUDAH MOSES ALEMAN JAMIE (McKENZIE) ’08 & MOSES ‘03 July 14, 2013 BENNETT MATTHEW LEHMANN MICAH JAYCE DELA CRUZ BRANDI (WHITTINGTON) ’08 & MATTHEW ’09 January 22, 2013 JANINE (EBERLY) ’06 & JUSTIN ‘05 February 25, 2013 OLIVIA JANE MODICA MOLLY (WIINIKAINEN) ’06 & BEN ‘03 August 10, 2013 RACHEL NICOLE DALESSANDRO JUDITH (DEIK) ’98 & ANGELO June 18, 2012 HEATH DANIEL PRIEGO HEIDI (HEATH) ’02 & DANIEL November 14, 2012 JOSIAH SHEA GOINS EMILY (JERZAK) ’05 & JIM ‘06 January 14, 2013 ISAAC JOEL RICHENDRFER HEATHER (WINEHOLT) ’06 & TRAVIS ‘07 March 11, 2013 MICAH JAMES GOREL AMANDA (FERRARA) ’11 & CODY ‘11 May 12, 2013 BENJAMIN ANDREW STEINBACH AMY (LANPHIER) & ANDREW ‘11 June 5, 2013 ADALYN PRIM GRUBER BRITTANY (PLUNKETT) ‘08 & TIM ‘11 November 2, 2012 JONATHAN WESLEY VALLE MARIE (ROLON) ‘10 & ANGELO ‘10 March 29, 2013 AIDEN JAMES & ZACHARY WADE GRUBER KELLY (KOHLER) ’09 & JUSTIN ‘11 September 27, 2012 LAUREL BRYNNE & LINDYN BROOKE WEBER CAMDEN JACOB HILDRETH MEGHAN (BOOTH) ’04 & JOSH March 9, 2013 ALAYNA (NAULT) ’11 & JACOB ‘12 March 16, 2013 34 CAREER NEWS | ALUMNI UPDATES ETHAN BALLANTYNE ‘13 MEDIA PRODUCER Worship Center, Lancaster, Pa. July 2013 AUBREY (HIRNEISEN) FOURNIER ‘10 BEHAVIORAL THERAPIST May Institute Master of Education (M Ed.) Certification in Applied Behavior Analysis, Arcadia University, Pa. May 2013 REV. STEPHEN DESANTIS ‘91 REV. DEANN DIRKX ‘12 PASTOR Celebrated his 20th anniversary at Warwick Assembly of God, R.I. ASSISTANT PASTOR Maranatha Deaf Church, Milwaukee, Wis. ALLEN-MICHAEL LEWIS ‘11 ANDREW STEINBACH ‘11 FAMILY THERAPIST Center for Families and Relationships, Pyramid Healthcare, Inc. Master of Science in Counseling Psychology – Marriage and Family Therapy, Chestnut Hill College, Pa. WORSHIP ARTS PASTOR Emmanuel Fellowship, Omaha, Neb. February 2013 April 2013 Resides in Jeffersonville, Pa. Resides in Granby, Mass. MICHAEL STETSON ‘13 ANGELO VALLE ‘10 A/V/L TECHNICIAN Grand Rapids First Assembly of God, Grand Rapids, Mich. PASTOR Christ Reformed Church, Alexandria, Pa. Graduate of Westminster Theological Seminary May 2013 May 2013 August 2013 REMEMBRANCES & DECEASED ALUMNI & FRIENDS DON LIPPMANN RUTH STORMS The homecoming of Don Lippmann on February 14, 2013, one of Valley Forge Christian Ruth Storms ’55 entered heaven on September 22, 2012 but will never be forgotten. Along College’s most genuinely kind, generous and caring friends, came as heartbreaking news with her husband, Don Storms, she loved the people and the mission of Valley Forge to those who had the privilege of serving with him over the past ten years. Don did more Christian College. That devotion showed in the couple’s generous commitment to build a for the College than could ever be repaid. The Lippmann’s generosity made it possible to new library on campus that opened as the Storms Research Center in 2000, as well as many complete some incredible improvements on campus. Along with countless hours spent other campus improvements. working on essential electrical projects in the dorms and Music Department, Don was instrumental in outfitting the mobile Media Command Center with electricity, spending his last summer on campus to prepare it for its debut at General Council 2011. 35 Ruth and her husband stayed connected with the College for many years. Their most recent visit was in May 2011 when Don was invited to be the Commencement Speaker. Their investment in the College has become an incredible testimony, and Ruth’s legacy will “Don Lippmann was a choice man of God whose life was his pulpit,” Dr. Meyer shared. “Through continue to live on in the hearts and futures of Valley Forge Christian College students for his skills and generosity, along with his dear wife, Olive, VFCC is a much better place today.” generations to come. Charmaine Acker (4.19.13) Ralph A. Day ‘45 (6.3.13) Joan L. (Diehl) Hamilton ‘52 (5.2.13) Hugh B. Mason (8.18.13) Grace Clark ‘50 (6.29.13) Samuel R. DiTrolio, Sr. ‘57 (12.21.12) C. Clark Hodgson Jr. (4.15.13) Don Wilson (1.22.13) Elizabeth (Tomko) Dawson ‘43 (5.24.13) Dale Frazier ‘60 (3.19.12) Penny Sue Long ‘07 (6.28.13) CAMPUS RENOVATIONS AND IMPROVEMENTS Over the past year, the Facilities staff, Retired Volunteers (RVers) and other members of the College community were hard at work upgrading areas of the campus. We are pleased to report the following enhancements: • The HVAC in Bongiorno Hall was upgraded, improving air handling and energy efficiency. • Solomon’s Porch was freshly painted, received new flooring and campus photographs were hung on the walls. • DiTrolio Hall received various renovations and a student lounge was created. • Musical instrument lockers were custom built for the music classroom. • An electrical upgrade near the Student Life building removed above-ground wires VFCC would like to thank the following RVers who volunteered their time this past year: and transformers, reducing the risk of power failure and wind damage. Dave Dussault Dan & Dianne Earnest Ed & Milly Evans In addition to physical renovations made to the buildings throughout the campus, the Charles Holland following improvements were made: • Keith & Linda Holt A new college website was launched (vfcc.edu), allowing prospective students, parents, alumni and friends to effectively navigate the site and enjoy streamlined features, updated tools, an online course catalog, easy to access news and events, Dave & Linda Maracle Barbara & Bob Rosen Charlie & Deanna Scheonoberger Kathy & Larry Swartz Dee Wilson We are so very grateful to those who gave their time and energy for these projects, and for their example of true servant leadership. videos, pictures, an alumni update form and other informative content. • Berkey Hall, Building 32 and Building 33 (family and independent student housing halls) had an entry card access system installed. • A campus-wide network upgrade was installed, increasing speed, security and wireless access. • A new campus-wide phone system upgrade occurred, featuring new phones for each employee with a computer-integrated system utilizing the fiber optic data network. DiTrolio Lounge Solomon’s Porch GET CONNECTED. STAY CONNECTED. VFCC shares alumni stories and updates on its website, The Forge Report monthly email newsletter and through the annual report. We want to stay connected with you and recognize and share your important milestones. We would love to hear Send us your updates at: vfcc.edu/alumniupdates If you would like to receive an electronic copy of The Forge Report monthly, visit vfcc.edu/alumniupdate and check the box at the bottom of the form. updates about your life as often as they occur so View the archive list of The Forge Report at: that we may share them with our community. Tell vfcc.edu/forgereport us about your new marriage, the birth of your child, a promotion, additional degrees, ministry changes, retirement, and/or personal accomplishments. 36 STUDENT EVENTS SGA 2012-2013 EVENTS END OF SUMMER PARTY BLACK & WHITE GALA New and returning students gather to enjoy food, sports, games, music and prizes. Fall semester back-to-school mixer. AUGUST SEPTEMBER SKYHOOK CONCERT MR. VFCC Spring semester back-to-school concert. Candidates nominated by popular vote. A fundraiser to benefit Teen Challenge. JANUARY MARCH TALENT SHOW SPRING BANQUET Annual event featuring instrumentalists, dancers and singers. Formal/semi-formal banquet to honor graduating seniors, hosted by the junior class. LAST MAN STANDING END OF YEAR PARTY A week long campus wide game of tag. Funds raised help maintain the Back Porch. Held before finals week. Activities include inflatables, carnival-style games and food. MARCH APRIL 37 TO SEE PHOTOS OF THESE EVENTS AND MORE, GO TO VFCC.EDU/STUDENTPHOTOS APRIL MAY FINANCIAL REPORT $21 OPERATIONAL REVENUE $19 $17 $15 $13 $11 11.11 13.07 14.19 15.46 16.59 16.78 17.63 19.07 19.56 20.05 19.46 $7 9.18 $9 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 $5 OPERATIONAL EXPENSES OPERATIONAL REVENUE 3 4 4 5 2 3 5 6 7 2 25% 1 15% 2 OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCE 17% 3 INSTITUTIONAL FINANCIAL AID 19% 4 DEBT 19% 5 EDUCATION & GENERAL 3% 12% INSTITUTIONAL SUPPORT 1 75% AUXILIARY ENTERPRISES 2 17% GOVERNMENT APPROPRIATIONS 3 <1% TUITION & FEES 6 ACADEMIC SUPPORT OTHER SOURCES 4 3% GIFTS & OFFERINGS 5 5% 1 7 STUDENT SUPPORT 1 4 3 5 6 25% 1 15% 2 OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCE INSTITUTIONAL SUPPORT INSTITUTIONAL FINANCIAL Transform lives, reach your financial 17% goals 3and make a lasting impactAID on VFCC. 19% 4 DEBT 19% 5 EDUCATION & GENERAL Planned giving can make it happen. A variety of charitable options allow you to make 2 7 a significant gift to VFCC and reach 3% future6 financial goals for you and your family. ACADEMIC SUPPORT 12% endowment, 7 STUDENT SUPPORT Options include: charitable remainder trust, charitable gift annuity and donor advised fund. VFCC is partnering with Assemblies of God Financial Services to provide 1 professional planned giving services. For information on how your gift can benefit VFCC, contact Dr. Dan Mortensen Vice President of Development | 610.917.1412 | [email protected] 38 DONOR ROLL CALL ORGANIZATIONS $10,000 or more Assemblies of God Foundation - Springfield, Mo. Calvary Christian Church - Lynnfield, Mass. Higher Ground Development Center Arlington, Va. Lakeside Assembly of God - Shelby Township, Mich. Lighthouse Christian Fellowship - East Overbrook Assembly of God - Philadelphia, Pa. Faith Assembly of God - Roaring Spring, Pa. Pine Grove Camp, Inc. - Malaga, N.J. Faith Assembly of God - Uniontown, Pa. Pleasant Valley Assembly of God - Faith Discovery Church - Washington, N.J. Brunswick, N.J. Faith Assembly of God - Yonkers, N.Y. Peninsular Florida District - Lakeland, FL First Assembly of God - Alexandria, Va. Shrewsbury Assembly of God - Shrewsbury, Pa. First Assembly of God - Brookfield, Conn. Mechanicsburg, Pa. Spanish Eastern District - Old Tappan, N.J. First Assembly of God - Carneys Point, N.J. New Jersey District - Burlington, N.J. Spring Valley Community Church - Royersford, Pa. First Assembly of God - Freehold, N.J. Northern New England District - Portland, Maine Today for Tomorrow, Inc. - Harrisburg, Pa. First Assembly of God - Harrisburg, Pa. Pennsylvania/Delaware District - Mechanicsburg, Pa. Trinity Assembly of God - West Chester, Pa. First Assembly of God - Harrisonburg, Va. E.E. Wine, Inc. - Manassas, Va. First Assembly of God - Shrewsbury, N.J. Heritage Investment Services Fund - First Assembly of God - Hermitage, Pa. Potomac District - Gainesville, Va. $1,000 - $2,499 First Assembly of God - New Castle, Pa. A Kids Family - Glen Allen, Va. First Assembly of God - Pennington, N.J. $5,000 - $9,999 New Stanton Assembly of God - New Stanton, Pa. First Assembly of God - York, Pa. Calvary Assembly of God - Dover, Del. Assembly of God - Batavia, N.Y. First Christian Assembly - Burlington, N.J. Calvary Assembly of God - Frederick, Md. Assembly of God - South Attleboro, Mass. Freedom Valley Church - Gettysburg, Pa. Christian Life Center Assembly of God - Berean Assembly of God - Pleasant Hill, IA Full Gospel Assembly - Brooklyn, N.Y. Bethany Assembly of God - Stamford, Conn. General Council of the Assemblies of God - Truline Industries, Inc. - Chesterland, Ohio Bensalem, Pa. Fountain of Life Center - Burlington, N.J. Glad Tidings Assembly of God - Reading, Pa. Marlton Assembly of God - Marlton, N.J. Monmouth Worship Center - Marlboro, N.J. Morning Star Fellowship - Bechtelsville, Pa. New York District - Liverpool, N.Y. Phoenixville Federal Bank and Trust Phoenixville, Pa. $2,500 - $4,999 AG Financial Solutions - Springfield, Mo. Allison Park Church - Allison Park, Pa. Bellerose Assembly of God - Bellerose, N.Y. Bethany Assembly of God - Agawam, Mass. Bethany Church - Wyckoff, N.J. Bethel Church - Modesto, Calif. Brockton Assembly of God - Brockton, Mass. Christian Life Assembly of God - Camp Hill, Pa. Cornerstone Assembly of God - Bowie, Md. Evangel Assembly of God - Buffalo, N.Y. Faith Assembly of God - Poughkeepsie, N.Y. First Assembly of God - Binghamton, N.Y. Grace Assembly of God - Spring City, Pa. 39 Evangel Heights Assembly of God - Sarver, Pa. Bethel Christian Center - Blackwood, N.J. Bethel Assembly of God - Martinsburg, W.Va. Bethel Assembly of God - Savage, Md. Bridge Community Church - Lansdale, Pa. Brighton Assembly of God - Brighton, Mich. C. Raymond Davis & Sons, Inc. - Kimberton, Pa. Calvary Assembly of God - Pennsauken, N.J. Calvary Assembly of God - Wyncote, Pa. Calvary Church - Delran, N.J. Calvary Temple - Philadelphia, Pa. Springfield, Mo. Glad Tidings Church - Norfolk, Va. Greater Houlton Christian Academy - Houlton, Maine Insight Investments - Costa Mesa, Calif. International Christian Center - Staten Island, N.Y. Josan Corporation - Cranford, N.J. Liberty Mutual - Dover, N.H. Life Chapel Assembly of God - Point Pleasant, N.J. Lighthouse Assembly of God - New Holland, Pa. Long Island Section Assemblies of God - Brodheadsville, Pa. River of God - Enola, Pa. Rohler’s Assembly of God - Dover, Pa. Sovereign Insurance Group - Devon, Pa. State College Assembly of God - State College, Pa. The Bridge Church - Hamburg, Pa. The Des Plaines Publishing Charitable Trust Bethesda, Md. River of Life Church - Doylestown, Pa. Trinity Assembly of God - Lanham, Md. Trinity Assembly of God - Lutherville, Md. Trinity Assembly of God - Montoursville, Pa. Trinity Full Gospel Chapel - Elizabethtown, Pa. New Covenant Church - Trappe, Pa. Vailsburg Assembly of God Valley Church Allentown, Pa. Victory Church - Lancaster, Pa. Warren First Assembly of God - Warren, Ohio Warwick Assembly of God - Hampton, Va. $500 - $999 Assembly of God Christian Center - Vergennes, Vt. Alpha Benefits Group, Inc. - Plymouth Meeting, Pa. Appalachian District - Ghent, W.Va. Assembly of God - Pasadena, Md. Assembly of God - Webster, N.Y. Back Bay Christian Assembly - Virginia Beach, Va. Bellmore, N.Y. Berwick Assembly of God - Berwick, Pa. Catonsville Assembly of God - Baltimore, Md. Michigan District - Farmington Hills, Mich. Bethel Assembly of God - Lake Hiawatha, N.J. Central Assembly of God - Houston, Pa. Monroeville Assembly of God - Monroeville, Pa. Bethel Christian Assembly of God Chapel Springs Assembly of God - Bristow, Va. Morning Star Fellowship - Quakertown, Pa. Churchland Assembly of God - Portsmouth, Va. Mount Morris Gospel Tabernacle - Mount Calvary Temple - Wayne, N.J. Commonwealth Chapel - Richmond, Va. Community Bible Church - South Burlington, Vt. Cornerstone Assembly of God - Boynton, Pa. Detweiler Hershey & Associates - Souderton, Pa. Emmanuel Assembly of God - Allentown, Pa. Evangel Assembly of God - Ephrata, Pa. Evangel Chapel - Bridgewater, N.J. Evangel Church - Scotch Plains, N.J. - Dayton, Ohio Bethel Christian Church - Bristol, Conn. Morris, Pa. Bethel Temple Assembly of God - Parma, Ohio National Church Purchasing Group, Inc. - Bethlehem Assembly of God - Valley Stream, N.Y. Mechanicsville, Va. Bolivar Pentecostal Church of Christ - Harpers National Community Church - Washington, D.C. Ferry, W.Va. New Day Church - West Springfield, Mass. Budd Lake Chapel - Budd Lake, N.J. New Life Assembly of God - Trumbull, Conn. Byerland Mennonite Church - Willow Street, Pa. New Life Church - Leominster, Mass. Calvary Assembly of God - Connellsville, Pa. Newville Assembly of God - Newville, Pa. Calvary Assembly of God - Monroe, N.Y. Ocean City Worship Center - Berlin, Md. Calvary Assembly of God - Waynesboro, Pa. Calvary Deaf Church - Grand Terrace, Calif. Greene Assembly of God - Greene, N.Y. Trinity Assembly of God - White Hall, W.Va. Capstone Legacy Foundation - Wayne, Pa. Calvary Full Gospel Church - Fairless Hills, Pa. First Assembly of God - Hammonton, N.J. Trinity Community Church - Hockessin, Del. Cedarville Assembly of God - Brandywine, Md. Calvary Grace Assembly of God - LaPlata, Md. Harvest Ridge Assembly of God - North Trinity United Methodist Church - Celebration Community Church - Dillsburg, Pa. Harvest Time Assembly of God - Greenwich, Conn. Van Nest Assembly of God - Bronx, N.Y. Hellertown Assembly of God - Hellertown, Pa. Victory Church - Troy, Pa. Heritage Christian Church - East Falmouth, Mass. Victory Tabernacle - Cattaraugus, N.Y. Christ the Rock Metro Church - Dorchester, Mass. Hilliard Chapel - Stanley, Va. Wells Fargo Foundation - Princeton, N.J. Christian Life Church - Kensington, Conn. Jeannette Assembly of God - Jeannette, Pa. Western Section Assemblies of God - Niagara Clarks Green Assembly of God - Clarks Green, Pa. Calvary Lighthouse - Lakewood, N.J. Calvary Temple - Waterville, Maine Carbondale Assembly of God - Tulsa, Okla. Caribou Assembly of God - Caribou, Maine Central Assembly of God - Bethlehem, Pa. Central Assembly of God - Cumberland, Md. Central Assembly of God - Wauregan, Conn. Central Worship Center - Laurel, Del. Christian Life Church - Trafford, Pa. Church of The Rock - Saint Albans, Vt. Colonie Christian Life Center - Albany, N.Y. Community Evangel Temple - Lincoln, Maine Cornerstone Assembly of God - Oxford, Conn. Cornerstone Church Assembly of God Winchendon, Mass. Cornerstone Family Worship Center Watertown, N.Y. Eastern Assembly of God - Baltimore, Md. Ellicott City Assembly of God - Ellicott City, Md. Emmanuel Assembly of God Ridgeville, Ohio King’s Assembly of God - Wilmington, Del. Kingsway Assembly of God - Cherry Hill, N.J. Life Christian Fellowship - Springfield, Pa. First Assembly of God - Laurel, Md. Lighthouse Assembly of God - Ridgewood, N.Y. Lowell Assembly of God - Tewksburg, Mass. Malaga Assembly of God - Malaga, N.J. Hackettstown, N.J. Falls, N.Y. Windham Assembly of God Ministries Windham, Maine Word of Life Assembly of God - Baldwinsville, N.Y. Word of Life Assembly of God - Emporia, Va. Yonkers Christian Academy - Yonkers, N.Y. Yorktown Heights Assembly of God - Yorktown Heights, N.Y. Maranatha Christian Fellowship - Moorestown, N.J. Mosaic Ministries of Central New York Cortland, N.Y. New Covenant Church of Philadelphia Philadelphia, Pa. Lyons Assembly of God - Lyons, N.Y. New Life Assembly of God - Ogdensburg, N.Y. Gifts Under $500 Alpha Assembly of God - Clarion, Pa. American Baptist Home Mission Society - New Life Worship Center - Altoona, Pa. Assembly of God - Dalton, N.Y. Philadelphia Christian Center - Bensalem, Pa. Assembly of God - Geneseo, N.Y. Potomac Valley Assembly Church - Assembly of God - Honesdale, Pa. Faith Christian Assembly of God - Middletown, Conn. First Assembly of God - Greencastle, Pa. First Assembly of God - Ithaca, N.Y. First Assembly of God - Marcy, N.Y. First Assembly of God - Meriden, Conn. First Assembly of God - Niagara Falls, N.Y. First Assembly of God - Plattsburgh, N.Y. Praise Assembly of God - Garfield, N.J. Redeeming Love Fellowship - Stittville, N.Y. Riverside Assembly of God - Methuen, Mass. Riverside Community Church - Oakmont, Pa. Roadside Chapel Assembly of God - Rutland, Vt. Assembly of God - Rockville, Md. Shepherd of the Valley Assembly of God Milford, N.J. First Assembly of God - Port Jervis, N.Y. Sonshine Children’s Center - Hamburg, Pa. First Assembly of God - Silver Spring, Md. Harvest Assembly of God - Butler, Pa. First Assembly of God - Toms River, N.J. Springfield Assembly of God - Springfield, W.Va. First Assembly of God - Tyrone, Pa. St. Matthew Assembly of God - West Chester, Pa. First Ukrainian Assembly of God - New York, N.Y. Stream Companies, Inc. - Malvern, Pa. Full Gospel Church Assembly of God - Sunshine Full Gospel Assembly of God - Grace Chapel Assembly of God - Sayville, N.Y. The Sanctuary AG - Voorhees, N.J. Grace Mennonite Church - Berlin, Ohio The Worship Center Assembly of God - Livingston, N.J. Green Mountain Christian Center - Bennington, Vt. Green Ridge Assembly of God - Scranton, Pa. Shickshinny, Pa. Philadelphia, Pa. Tri-County Worship Center - Bethel, Pa. Cornerstone Church Assembly of God Carstadt, N.J. Crossroads Worship Center - Weymouth, Mass. Deliverance Evangelistic Temple - Norristown, Pa. Eastern Auto Motor Corporation - Larksville, Pa. Eastford Baptist Church - Eastford, Conn. Englewood Assembly of God - Englewood, N.J. Evangel Assembly of God - Wilbraham, Mass. Expressway Assembly of God - Buffalo, N.Y. Faith Assembly of God - Bethel, Vt. Faith Assembly of God - New Cumberland, Pa. Lansing, N.Y. Emmanuel Christian Center Assembly of God - Germantown, Md. Clover Hill Assembly of God - Midlothian, Va. Asbury Church of the Assemblies of God Assembly of God - Clifton Park, N.Y. Faith Assembly of God - West Hazelton, Pa. Chowchilla, Calif. Faith Assembly of God - Brooklyn, N.Y. New Life Assembly of God - Tamaqua, Pa. Everett Assembly of God - Everett, Pa. Chowchilla First Assembly of God - Valley Forge, Pa. - Livermore Falls, Maine Phillipsburg, N.J. Chapel On The Hill - Emlenton, Pa. Assembly of God - Towanda, Pa. Assembly of God - Tribune, Kan. Bay Shore Assembly of God - Bay Shore, N.Y. Bethel Assembly of God - Bath, N.Y. Bethel Assembly of God - Chambersburg, Pa. Bethel Assembly of God - Franklin Square, N.Y. Bethel Tabernacle - Ridgeley, W.Va. Broadfording Bible Brethren Church Hagerstown, Md. Calvary Assembly of God - Glens Falls, N.Y. Calvary Assembly of God - Southington, Conn. Calvary Assembly of God - Union, N.J. Calvary Assembly of God - Wickliffe, Ohio Calvary Assembly of God Calvary Christian Faith Church - Tamarac, FL Faith Community Assembly of God - Easton, Pa. Fellowship Evangelical Free Church - Dallas, Pa. First Assembly of God - Albany, N.Y. First Assembly of God - Cape May, N.J. First Assembly of God - Clifton Forge, Va. First Assembly of God - Findlay, Ohio First Assembly of God - Fort Kent, Maine First Assembly of God - Lancaster, Pa. First Assembly of God - Lima, Ohio First Assembly of God - New Milford, Conn. First Assembly of God - Waynesburg, Pa. First Assembly of God Church - Auburn, N.H. Five Rivers Church - Elkton, Md. Fryeburg Assembly of God - Fryeburg, Maine Glad Tidings Assembly of God - Bloomsburg, Pa. Glad Tidings Assembly of God - Middletown, Pa. Glad Tidings Church - Rochester, N.Y. Center - Pottstown, Pa. Ossining Gospel Assembly - Ossining, N.Y. Calvary Church - South Windsor, Conn. Greece Assembly of God - Rochester, N.Y. Calvary Tabernacle Assembly of God - Medina, N.Y. Groton Assembly of God - Groton, N.Y. Campbell-Ennis-Klotzbach Funeral Home - Hagerstown Church of the Nazarene - Phoenixville, Pa. Hagerstown, Md. Capital Assembly of God - Hamilton, N.J. Haitian Assembly of God - Brockton, Mass. 40 Highway Tabernacle Assembly - Mechanicville, N.Y. Norwich Assembly of God - Norwich, Conn. Edward King II Hollentown Assembly of God - Fallentimber, Pa. Peckville Assembly of God - Peckville, Pa. Mark-Anthony Licea ‘10 and Erica Hope Fellowship Assembly of God - Slippery Peekskill Assembly of God - Peekskill, N.Y. Rock, Pa. Hope Nation Assembly of God - Jaffrey, N.H. Huntington Assembly of God - Huntington Station, N.Y. Integrated Promotions - Kimberton, Pa. Jamesburg Assembly of God - Jamesburg, N.J. Kenco Paper LLC - Pennsauken, N.J. Kensington “Old Brick” United Methodist Church - Philadelphia, Pa. Kentucky District - Crestwood, KY Kezar Falls Assembly of God - Personfield, Maine Faith Assembly of God - Lexington, Va. LifePoint Church - Lynn, Mass. LifeSpring Fellowship - Lititz, Pa. Lighthouse Christian Fellowship - Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio Lighthouse Christian Fellowship - Pennsburg, Pa. Living Waters Chapel Assembly of God Lebanon, Pa. Living Word Community Church Mechanicsville, Md. Main Line Assembly of God - Belmont Hills, Pa. Manada Gap Full Gospel Mission Harrisburg, Pa. Meaney’s Carpets - Phoenixville, Pa. Prudential Foundation Matching Beau L. and Kim Miller Matthew D. Miller Gift - Princeton, N.J. Kelsey L. Moses Red Robin - Exton, Pa. Brandie M. Piljar Restore Church - Havre de Grace, Md. Elizabeth Schwindler Rockaway Assembly of God - Rockaway, N.J. Nicholas C. Seders Rogers Assembly of God - Rogers, Ohio Randy S. Stegner, Jr. Romney Assembly of God - Romney, W.Va. Eveline L. Taylor ‘11 Ron Shue Imports - Cornelius, NC Jenessa R. Tomassacci Saint Croix Valley Assembly of God - Trinidad (Andino) Trancoso ‘12 Calais, Maine Seacoast Chapel Assembly of God - Saco, Maine Shoreline Community Church - Branford, Conn. Sodexo Campus Services / Facilities Bear Creek Twp, Pa. South Hills Assembly of God - Bethel Park, Pa. Southern New England Ministry Network - Richard L. Vence Kevin L. Wyche 2000s David M. Amendola, Jr. ‘08 Dennis S. and Chrysta M. (Ebie) ‘09 Archer Sturbridge, Mass. Norman E., Jr. and Ruth A. (Reed) ‘06 Burlew Stony Brook Christian Assembly - William J. ‘05 and Megan Clemens East Setauket, N.Y. Daniel J. ‘05 and Alicia Desrosiers Towne Square Dental Associates - Mark ‘05 and Nicole Domsic Londonderry, N.H. Transformation Church - Middletown, N.Y. Trinity Bible Fellowship - Washington, Pa. Vineyard Assembly of God - Esther L. (Snyder) Fries ‘07 Scott A. ‘02 and Danielle Gray Jason ‘00 and Jennifer ‘00 Karampatsos Vineyard Haven, Mass. James ‘56 and Alice Occhipinti Millersburg Assembly of God - Millersburg, Pa. Ware Community Church - Ware, Mass. Jeffrey Pasquale ‘04 Mount Eaton Church - Saylorsburg, Pa. Way of Faith Assembly of God - Fairfax, Va. Lisa A. Serbin ‘09 National Penn Bancshares, Inc. - Boyertown, Pa. Westchester Christian Worship Center - Steve ‘05 and Linda Stein Medallion Insurance Services - Charlotte, NC White Plains, N.Y. Melissa A. Tucker ‘07 Paulsboro, N.J. Whiting Assembly of God - Whiting, N.J. Robert ‘95 and Sarah (Monroe) ‘97 Bellofatto New Covenant Assembly of God - Windsor Assembly of God - Windsor, Pa. Dennis Brittingham ‘93 Word of Life - King of Prussia, Pa. R. David, Jr. ‘95 and Stephanie (Hafner) ‘92 Burton Yonkers Christian Assembly - Yonkers, N.Y. Brian A. ‘95 and Nancy Coscia New Beginning Assembly of God - Montgomery, Pa. New Franklin Assembly of God Chambersburg, Pa. New Hope Assembly of God - Saugus, Mass. New Hope Community Church - 41 PPL Electric Utilities - Allentown, Pa. Alcover-Licea ‘06 ALUMNI Angelo, Jr. and Judith A. (Deik) ‘98 Dalessandro Billy and Jennifer (Ringer) ‘95 DeSanto Marlborough, Mass. 2010s New Life Assembly of God - Athens, Ala. Faith E. Ambrose Joel ‘96 and Kristal (Wright) ‘95 Flower New Life Assembly of God - Chalfont, Pa. Joel Aponte ‘12 Dawn Looney ‘93 New Life Assembly of God - Lancaster, Pa. Emmanuel K. Asiedu Nury Marroquin ‘91 New Life Assembly of God - Landisburg, Pa. Nicole A. Berkebile Rodney ‘92 and Stephanie (Yost) ‘90 Murphy New Life Assembly of God - Windsor Locks, Conn. Kelly M. Bryant David ‘90 and Emily Petrillo New Life Christian Center - Westfield, Mass. Margaret-Anne P. Cale ‘13 Pamela Rickenbach ‘93 New Song Assembly of God - Pawcatuck, Conn. Lydia I. DeLeon Charles Russello ‘94 New Testament Assembly of God - Millville, Pa. Elisabeth R. Harbison Dale and Diane L. (Stauffer) ‘92 Smeltz Court ‘91 and Amy (Needham) ‘91 Durkalski 1980s Kenneth W. Bridge ‘88 and Angela M. Baker-Bridge Gayle Brostowski ‘85 John B., Jr. ‘83 and Carol Calsin Michael ‘81 and Linda Cook Julius R. J. Costanza ‘80 Ruth B. (Burger) Dietrich ‘80 Rocco S. ‘82 and Ellen (Coakley) ‘82 DiTrolio Randy ‘82 and Lori (Coppola) ‘00 DonGiovanni Timothy ‘86 and Dorothy E. Dukes David E. ‘86 and Kimberley A. Frain J. Thomas and Cecelia (Kibble) ‘87 Fuoco Daniel ‘82 and Cheryl (VanDorpe) ‘82 Gebhart Timothy A. Geiger ‘84 Charles L. ‘82 and Sarah ‘82 Guerin Gregory ‘81 and Robyn (Blake) ‘82 Hubbard John R. ‘82 and Cheryl Kenney Jeffrey ‘81 and Robin (Sweetman) ‘81 Kettering Wesley L. and Esther J. (Dietrich) ‘86 Lindquist James R. ‘85 and Holly Pentz Carol D. (Anderson) Preslar ‘71 Thomas E. ‘84 and Sherry Rees Richard D. ‘86 and Diane Rounsaville Michael ‘87 and Carrie Jo Santoro Timothy ‘82 and Jacquelyn (Larrimore) ‘82 Schmidt David M. ‘80 and Pamela Scolforo Michael R. and Annette L. (Forbes) ‘85 Strite Kathleen Terragnoli ‘83 Ralph R. ‘80 and Debra Volpe James A. ‘92 and Sarai (Cintron) ‘89 Williams 1970s Arnold L. ‘74 and Ellen (Schrock) ‘76 Probst Arthur ‘72 and Pam (Harrison) ‘72 Bailey David V. ‘77 and Martha (Zaplishny) ‘52 Jackson Delores (Acker) Trumbauer ‘77 Douglas ‘79 and Lois (Edwards) ‘83 Olena Earl R. ‘77 and Amy Baker Floyd D. ‘72 and Karen J. Smerdon Frank ‘77 and Sandra (Trusley) ‘77 Lanza Giuseppe ‘73 and Esther Giunta James A. ‘75 and Una Burton Donald and Jeanne E. (Snyder) ‘70 Shipp John B. ‘70 and Lottie L. Sprague John ‘73 and Janet Tedesco Donald W. ‘60 and Cindy Wilkerson J. Clayton ‘56 and Doris Sheridan James J. and Jill M. Beatrice Larry ‘75 and Deborah Estepp V. Elaine Williams ‘69 Alton ‘52 and Norma (Youngs, McGee) ‘50 Smith William G. and Gwendolyn Beatty Larry ‘75 and Nena (Schweitz) ‘73 O’Brien William C. ‘62 and Alma Williams Edwin C. ‘57 and Barbara Stigile Kevin and Wendy Beery Jesse and Lorraine (Farrell) ‘79 Crump Robert ‘65 and Jane Wise Reginald ‘55 and Rose (Pierce) ‘85 Stone Jonas and Anne Beiler Michael J. ‘70 and Debi (Barkhymer)* ‘76 Baird Barbara E. (Sutphin) Witwer ‘65 Donald L. Storms ‘55 Patricia P. Belcourt Norma Jean (Fitzwater) Nelson ‘78 Ann E. (Krouse) Wood ‘69 Joseph ‘52 and Dorothy (DePasquale) ‘53 Sutera Michael Belletieri Stephen E. and Barbara R. Terry ‘56 Alfred T. and April M. Bender Patricia Eckman ‘70 Robert A. McDonald ‘72 1950s James and Mary ‘58 Terry Raymond F. and Rebecca Benson Robert and Barbara ( Johnson) ‘71 Tourville Larry ‘58 and Cheryl Albanese Leo J. ‘50 and Naomi Tomko Leone and Lisa Bilotta Robert Thomas “Tom” ‘77 and Carolene Mary (Folino) Albanese ‘52 Joseph ‘53 and Barbara (Gifford) ‘53 Vitello C. David and Lisa K. Bird Harold D. ‘59 and Isabel Altemus Charlene Walker ‘57 Brian D. and Esther J. Boone Carol Barth ‘57 Millie E. (Domeika) Wesner ‘54 Mark G. Briley, Jr. Richard ‘53 and Maribelle Barth Kenneth ‘54 and Betty ‘54 Wireman John F. and Laura J. Brookins Eleanor and Fred Benner ‘54 Lawrence ‘59 and Kathleen (Hazen) ‘60 Woods Malcolm and Cathy Brubaker (Smith) ‘77 Wagers Roy K., Sr. ‘65 and Joan Luckenbill Samuel E. ‘77 and Ellen Calhoun Stephen R. ‘73 and Marjorie (Trotta) ‘72 Tourville William C. ‘76 and Judy Hackett William D. ‘71 and Cinda D. Kauffman Vincent E. ‘69 and Ellen C. Beemer William J. ‘61 and Hilda (Groves) ‘61 Bradney D. Donald ‘61 and Mary Jane Brasco Grace Chiricolla ‘68 G. Douglas ‘61 and Wilda Clough Betty Cram ‘61 Joanne Entz ‘61 William K. ‘60 and Mary Ferguson Richard ‘65 and Waltraud (Flemming) ‘64 Fogel Gene Frustino ‘71 1960s Michael D. ‘69 and Bernadine Garland Thomas E. ‘60 and Gretchen Grazioso Ted E. Heitzman ‘60 John R. ‘66 and Faith Higgins Sandra Hrabina ‘68 James and Esther (Bruno) ‘61 Kautz James S. ‘61 and Becky Leake Sylvia Lee ‘61 William E. ‘66 and Joan Lindsey A. Glenn ‘60 and Mae (Cressman) ‘61 McClure J. William ‘64 and JoAnn (Newkam) ‘61 Mickle Phyllis F. (Shilling) Migliore ‘68 William ‘64 and Earlean (Mills) ‘62 Nilsen William P. ‘67 and Cleone Reigel William E. ‘62 and Betty Robbins Donna L. Snyder ‘69 Anthony E. and Angeline (Hafner) ‘62 Sorbo William ‘69 and Barbara (Hockenberry) ‘66 Walker Philip Bongiorno ‘55 John H. and Dawn M. Bryant Guy ‘52 and Esther Bongiovanni 1940s J. Kenneth and Johnese Burtram Paul E. ‘50 and Gemima Boyce Edward ‘47 and Gladys (Clayton) ‘49 Berkey William Button John ‘59 and Esther (Alubowicz) ‘59 Castellani Florence L. (Larrimore) Bogdan ‘48 Joshua P. and Laura R. Buzzard Juanita J. (Chamberlain) Chute ‘55 Nancy E. (Vespa) Briner ‘49 Kenneth R. Campbell Samuel R. ‘57 and Rachel DiTrolio Rudolph ‘47 and Carol Cerullo Jo Marie Cano Esther (Watkins) Fray ‘58 Robert E. Cousart ‘48 Jonathan and Debbie Capeci Thomas A. ‘54 and Pauline Geiger Elizabeth (Tomko) Dawson ‘43 Jose L., Jr. and Debora Carrera Bruno A. ‘56 and Aline ( Janasky) ‘56 Glodkowski Helen Kopp ‘47 Charles and Eleanor Cenname Paul J. Graban ‘50 Robert A. ‘44 and Virginia Krempels Sally V. Chakola Edward J. Granholm ‘50 A. Dorothy Lewis ‘48 Dennis and Kim Cheek Carmen Gunder ‘54 Harry E. and Eleanor A. (Rice) ‘45 Magnuson Joann S. Childers Lyle and Helen (Haymond) ‘50 Hadler Andrew M. ‘44 and Maria McDearmid Melissa A. Clark Lillian (Danowicz) Halvorsen ‘53 Jeanne (Creswell) Mowrer ‘47 William M. and Janice A. Clarkson Violet R. (Fields) Haun ‘57 Anthony D. ‘47 and Betty Palma Doug and Gail Clay Gordon ‘55 and Ruth (Harper) ‘55 Hensley Cora (DiPaolo) ‘46 Rider Patricia M. Cochrane Claude E. ‘57 and Shirley A. Holmes Arthur and Glena Coffing Harold ‘58 and Frances (Ellett) ‘53 Imes FRIENDS Betty Johnson ‘57 Arthur L. and Celeste Adams Rudolph J., Jr. and Cherene S. Comick Walter ‘52 and Martha Keesey Danny and Amy Alexander David W. and Barbara A. Corbin Marlyn C. ‘58 and Parmilee Krob Bruce P. Peters, Sr. and Margaret M. Apostolos Clifford J. Creswell Carl J. and Mary Ann Colletti Donald ‘56 and Jean Lacey Peters Doris E. Creswell Thomas Lazar ‘51 Joan C. Arnold Robert N. and Diane Creznic Peter ‘55 and Bettie Miller Beverly Ashforth William R. Culp, Jr. George and Mary (Goumas) ‘54 Mitchell Dominick and Katherine Attanasi Paul and Brenda Curry Joseph ‘59 and Ruth (Giannatti) ‘60 Muni Joseph E. and Cindy R. Attanasi Clarke P. and Joan A. Davis Norman ‘53 and Dorothy (Tomko) ‘51 Nethers John N. Bachman Diane P. Dawson-Kozicki Olive E. (Terry) Ray ‘53 Lois I. Bachman Joyce E. Deardorff F. Eber ‘56 and Nettie (Shambach) ‘56 Reitzel Bart and Barbara Baines Jack, II and Patsy DeBartolo Charles ‘54 and Jean (Saltzman) ‘53 Scrimale David R. and Catherine J. Barrett Yvonne M. DeDaniels Henry L. Shaffer ‘53 Almon M. and Joyce Bartholomew Thomas A. “Bucky” and Angela M. Deleasa 42 43 William and Patricia Demetrician Jeffrey C. Horvath James R. and Ruth Oppedisano Donald L. and Karen Tucker Russell and Cynthia DePietropaolo William and Lucie Huckabay Barbara H. Ott Catherine B. Tuminaro Jeanne M. De Tellis Margaret A. Hummel John and Kristie Overly Janet Carter Tyson Michael and Janet Di Giacomo Winston D. and Sarajean Hunt John G. and Aileen Pandapas Lisa M. Valerio Leon and Patricia Dick Natalie J. Jackson John E. and Mary T. Paproski James A. and Caroline M. Walter David and Lisa Dillon Ethel Jefferis John J. and Florence Paproski Rita M. Wanner Aaron A. and Janette R. Dom Herbert Jones Randy P. and Catherine A. Patrick Brenda Ward Norman and Jane O. Dubrow Carol Y. Kang Patricia A. Payne Paul and Melanie Weaver Dennis and Jennifer Duncan Nancy R. Keiser Kathleen A. Pettengill Joseph B., Jr. and Betty K. Weber Richard A. and Judy K. Dunham Richard and Cynthia Kinsey Dominick and Nancy Piscitelli William and Corinne Werkheiser Jason A. and Meghan D. Dunn Randy and Tracey Kleinwaks Robert W. and Launa R. Price Carl R., Sr. and Rhonda L. Williams Duane and Beverly Durst Scott and Kathleen Kramer David and Sharon Pullman Dana L. and Brenda Williams Charles and Rumiko Edwards Stephen P. Kunz Thomas A. and Elizabeth F. Quayle Floyd R. and Linda A. Wilson Russell W. and Carol Eggert Yacoob and Kathy Latiff Stanley G. and Sondra S. Remer Judy M. Wine A. Glen and Barbara Everhart Leslie L. and Charlotte L. Lawer Rafael and Juanita Reyes William W. and Linda Wolfe David J. and Raissa S. Federline Stuart Levine H. Robert and Joan Rhoden George O. and Jewel L. Wood David W. Flower David G. and Beverly M. Lewis Tami Richards Patricia M. Worle Roswell T. and Sandra Flower Scott and Sheryl Light C. Floyd Richmond Lillian M. Wozniak Sarah E. Ford Terrell W. Light Michael J. and Pam Robinson R. Charlton and Laurie Wright David L. and Sherri L. Forman Troxel W. and Lynne Light Kathryn Rodenbaugh Grace Yake Dominic and Luanne Foti Wesley Lindquist Lawrence and Jane Rogowski Stephen and Christine Yaros Alan A. Fretto Don and Olive Lippmann Robert and Elizabeth Ryan Tom M. and Cathleen Zahradnik Vincent P., Jr. and Cynthia Furnari Jeanne B. Locke Lorraine F. Rylak Leroy S. Zimmerman William K., Sr. and Mary Ann H. Gabel Samuel J. and Rebeca Lufi Joseph A. and Melissa E. Sanderson Arthur W. and Frances J. Gable Don and Marguerite Malloy Michael R. and Debra L. Savageau Greg A. and Jennifer D. Gale Mark and Michelle Maloney Emmanuel and Rose M. Savignano Kent H. and Dolores J. Garson David E. and Linda E. Maracle Richard and Jennifer Sawchak Antoinette Giordano Bruce R. Marino Ethleen D. Sawyerr Kenneth and Marsha Giordano Dennis W. and Bevie Jo Marquardt Douglas E. and Susan Sayers Anita Gonzalez Linda L. Martin Dorothy Schink Susanne T. Grennell Rita J. Maurio Stephen M. and Karen Schlichter Jayne Grove John W. and Denise S. May Leslie S. Schultz Dick and Darlene Gruber Bernice E. Mazzella Paul T. and Maria M. Schwab Dolores A. Gruber Ronald and Sandra McCaully Leo J. Scoda Peter W. and Linda Hall James K. McCloskey II Edwin and Darlene Shearer Ronald S. and Linda Hall Louis D. and Julie E. Memmolo Wendy K. Sigourney Al Hamilton Don and Evie Meyer Jack and Gail Smith John and Eva Hartman Karen Hollingsworth Miller JoAnn Smith A. Reuben and Thelma M. Hartwick Richard and Mary Lou Miller Harold Stefan Donald H. and Patricia M. Headlee Robert M. and Nancy L. Mlynek Phyllis C. Stone Donna Headlee Timothy and Christina Moen Stephen E. and Joy F. Strang Abraham and Bibi Hernandez Evelyn M. Morgan Lois E. Streett David and Erin Hertweck Carl E. and Jenell Mueller Jessica D. Teague Cliff and Deborah G. Hirneisen Ronald W. and Mary K. Munsie Lois E. Thomsen Robert B. Hoffman and Sherrie B. Feldman John J. Myers Ray L. and Karen J. Tripp MISSIONS TRIP DONORS Gregg C. Adams Terry R. and Deborah E. Adelwerth Victor and Debora Aguiar Randel and Pat Alpago Kevin S. and Charlene R. Amacker Mark R. and Jeannette G. Anderson George A. Ansah Donald Applegarth John G., Jr. and April M. Arquette Bob and Nancy Arsenovic Barbara A. Auris Scott and Lydia Austin Sami and Cheryl Avital Lucy Baidoo-Ansong Kelly Bailey Arpart and Patti Bainsky Stephen and Rebecca Baldwin Richard and Augustina Banson Kevin E. Barger Marion Barger Malcolm and Cathy Brubaker Carlos and Phyllis Cruz Steven R. and Theresa L. Fogel Wendell L. and Martha R. Barger William and Dorreen Bukowski Joey Cullen Kent and Sue Ford Jerry W. and Sandra J. Barker David E. and Linda J. Bustard E. Wade and Virginia Culver Cindy Foster Jerry W. Barker Helen Buwalda Jeffrey A. and Andrea M. Curley Jason and Victoria Foster Steve and Jean Barrett Robert W. Cademartori Benjamin and Julia (Myrick) ‘09 Cutler Stephanie Fox Carol Barth ‘57 Brittany J. Cali Susan Cyphers Dennis and Nancy Francis Murathaty Donald Beard Calvary Assembly of God - Wilmington, Del. D & H Insulation - Fallentimber, Pa. Andrew and Roseann Frasson Kathryn Becht Calvary Christian Church - Lynnfield, Mass. Alayna M. Davis Ramiro and Lupe Fuentes Barrett F. and Barbara Behnke Richard and Gladys Campbell Paul E. and Ethel M. Day Faith L. Gaines Natalie R. Beijer Kenneth L. and Jane G. Carlson Marion De Vries Suk Hui Gaines Timothy R. and Melody L. Beitzel Timothy ‘89 and Lorraine (Ryan) ‘90 Carlucci Arthur and Susan DeBruycker Richard and Wanda Gallimore David S. Bender Carole’s Creations - Deposit, N.Y. Patrick and Lorraine Delaney Gary and Grace Michele Gallina Kelly Bender Alberta R. Carpenter David A. and Regina DeLang Michele Gallo Mark S. Bender George and Donna Carr Raffia Joan Delciello Linn P. and Susan S. Garman Steven and Jeanne Bender Catonsville Assembly of God - Baltimore, Md. Mark E. and Teresa A. Detwiler Elizabeth Garner Tyler Bender Thomas R. ‘13 and Jennifer A. (Duncan) ‘13 Robert and Susan Dewland Cynthia J. Garrow Jesus M. Diaz Charles ‘67 and Joyce Gay Marnie M. Dicristi Carmen N. George David S. and Debra A. DiJohn Victoria Giamberdino Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Dimento William R. and Hang Cha Gibbons Ruth DiSanto James W. and Kathy W. Gilbert Andrea L. Ditzler Shirley M. Gilbert Dennis L. and Barbara E. Ditzler Brenda Goldstein Margie J. Dixon Alyssa J. Goodling Doreen M. Drescher Grace Assembly of God - Spring City, Pa. Linda Drukker Grace Community Church - Arlington, Va. John, Jr. and Marcia Edwards Patrick and Laura Grach Robert and Marialena Elmiger Brian M. and Rachel M. Graf Elvin G. Enad William and Debra Lynn Grandizio Fritz and Windeslina Eugene Autumn S. Granger Richard J. and Linda L. Evans Thomas C. Granger Jeffrey C. and Janet L. Fair Georganna M. Greanias Faith Christian Center - Newport, Pa. Rose A. Greer Faith Discovery Church - Washington, N.J. Adam and Christine Greto Michael R. and Mary E. Farien Adrienne M. Greto Samuel E., Jr. and Jo Ellen Farner Dan and Rachael Greto Benjamin and Billie Ferguson Gabrielle Greto Roy E. and Shirley J. Fink Nick and Diane Greto Thomas Finken Greto Contracting, Inc. - White Plains, N.Y. First Assembly of God - Binghamton, N.Y. Bill and Trudy Grewe Stanton R. and Robin K. Fitzgerald Jayne Grove Bob and Sandy Fletcher Mark R. and Sharon L. Gruber Patrick J. and E. Joy Flinn Charles L. ‘82 and Sarah ‘82 Guerin Joseph and Melaney Fodera Edward J. and Susan M. Gurak Richard ‘65 and Waltraud (Flemming) ‘64 Fogel Yodi Hailemariam Dean M. and Jennifer M. Benner Jerry L. and Mary Ann Bennett James Michael Besaw Gary and Brenda Bessette Bethany Assembly of God - Agawam, Mass. Bethel Assembly of God - Chambersburg, Pa. Debra K. Billman Kathleen M. Bird Caleb S. Birkhimer Debra J. Birkhimer Gordon L. Birkhimer Olivia J. Birkhimer Stephanie Bisagni Loveallee Blake Charles L. and Patti A. Bockus Gregg W. and Ruth M. Boehne David J. and Jennifer L. Bogdan Bolivar Int’l Pentecostal Church of Christ Harpers Ferry, W.Va. David and Samara Bowne William J. ‘61 and Hilda (Groves) ‘61 Bradney Galen and Jill Bricker Bridge Community Church - Lansdale, Pa. Melanie J. Bridgens David E. Brock David E., Sr. and Theresa Brock Gina Brown Larry E. and Brenda L. Brown Scott A. and Debra Joy Brown Cauley Celebration Community Church - Dillsburg, Pa. Norma Cerce Mark S. ‘07 and Leanne M. (Soto) ‘05 Cernero Charles G. Harris Insurance Agency, Inc. - Tulsa, Okla. Shelly Ciafre Melissa A. Cicerchia John C. and Nancy E. Cissel Deane and Sandra Clark Jamie E. ‘98 and Jaime Clark Kimberly A. Clark Michele C. Clark Sylvia D. Cobbs Michael L. and Laurie F. Cocco Philip J., Sr. and Edith M. Cochrane Louis Codella Torey Colella ‘05 Daniel Collison Deborah Comeau Connecting Deaf Church - Glenmore, Pa. Michael L. and Jean E. Cooper Kevin and Sally Cope Sorina A. Corkey Taylor Crabtree Rodney H. and Rhoda M. Crider Fred O. and G. Levon Crouse Kerry O. and Katherine A. Crouse Philip S. and Patricia J. Crozier Thomas and Hope Crozier 44 Jimmy D. and Cassandra E. Hall David A., Sr. and Dori M. Jenkins Geoffrey S. and Renee (Bova) ‘97 Hallam William L. and Deborah B. Jenkins Lawrence R. and Thais C. Haller Deborah E. Jerrell Jack S. and Carol J. Hampson Mayra Y. Jimenez Hanover First Church of God - Hanover, Pa. Wilma Jogunoori Andrew J. and Lynn E. Harbison Jonathan C. and Nicole S. Johansson Elisabeth R. Harbison Vanitha J. John Thilagar Calvin W., Jr. and Cheryl L. Harding Brian R. and Susan G. Johnson Jacqueline Hargat Brittany D. Johnson Donald R. and Barbara J. Harmon David and Jennifer Johnson Eric and Karen Harmon Pamela J. Johnson Joseph Gavin Harper Stephen E. and Leslie A. Jones Robert Harper Geraldine Jordan Shelisha L. Harper Robert Joyce Brian J. and Lisa E. Hartensveld James and Mildred Kaden Donald and Joanne Hartensveld Brice K. Karper Jeffrey ‘87 and Elizabeth (Barger) ‘00 Hartensveld Neil H. and Catherine A. Kates Leah N. Hartensveld Faith Keller Rhoda T. Hartsough J. Joseph and Anne D. Kenny John M. and Janet E. Hartzell Daniel E., Sr. and Inez W. Kent Mark G. and Elsie L. Hasting Vernon J. Kephart Donna Headlee Ronald and Carol Kessler Manfred K. and Virginia L. Heger Ted H. and Laura M. Kim Steven D. and Kay Ellen Heinz Jerry and Cheryl Kindig Kevin and Donna Heller Joseph G. Kivala III Ethan M. and Elizabeth M. Helm W. Roy and Lori E. Klauber Lena I. Hendrickson Mykel D. Klix Julie Hennon John and Ruth Kozic Theodore L., Jr. and Michelle Henson Donald C. and Linda L. Kramer Randall R. and Mary E. Hershey Scott and Kathleen Kramer David and Erin Hertweck Gabrielle R. Kurtis Steven P. and Joyce E. Hile Thomas J., Jr. ‘13 and Courtney M. (Mortensen) Jimmy and Gale Hill Adam G. Hochendoner Nancy D. Holzerland Joseph D. Houser Michael A. and Deobrah J. Houser Gregory ‘81 and Robyn (Blake) ‘82 Hubbard Kenny and Adrienne Huffman Anthony and Judith Iannone Vernon and Patricia Ingram Sherry C. Isom Jeffrey A. Jackson Natalie J. Jackson Robert and Lauren Jefferson 45 ‘13 Kurtz David A. and Julia M. Kyllonen John J. Laberge Ryan and Sara Lankford Velma A. Leaman Wayne and Gwendolyn A. (Baldwin) ‘80 Living Waters Chapel Assembly of God Lebanon, Pa. Patricia L. Lohr Angela Long William A. Longcore Philip and Lynn LoPue Teresa Lowery Jorge I. Machado Tom and Anna Marie Maclowski Elicia MacTarnaghan Paula Maggio Timothy J. and Jeanne N. Mahoney Richard and Michelle Malara Robert L. “Jake” and Pearl Marshall Travis L. and Jean L. Martin David G. Marx Anthony Mascaro Brian A. and Loryn J. (Piscitelli) ‘06 Mascaro Brittany Mascaro Blair E. and Sherri L. Mason James M. and Michele A. Masterson Thomas M. and Joan A. Mattaliano Joyce E. Mayernik David S. and Laurie M. Mazzola James and Vicki McAdams Sarah M. McAdams Stephen J. and Rosemary V. McCarthy Shane M. ‘13 and Aubrey N. (Short) ‘13 McClanahan Angela McClenton Larry W. and Rose M. McDonald Robert D. and Stephanie J. McDonald Ashlee McQuown Aubrie R. McQuown Phillip M. ‘79 and Carol Menditto Christopher M. Metallo Joseph and Ruth Metallo Loren E. Metallo Leatherman Teresa Metallo Jessica N. Lee Ronald and Mary Michel Lewis D. and Beverly A. LeMaster Jeffrey B. and Tambra S. Miller Life Christian Fellowship - Springfield, Pa. John E. and Marcia A. Miller Florence Lindale Matthew D. Miller Sharon Lindbridge Sherry Miller Robert W. and Jayne E. Lingenfelder Stephanie A. Miller Jennifer L. Lintz Timothy B. and Sally L. Miller Shaatir M. Monroe Harold W. and Betty Lou Morgan Don P. Moser Paul and Joni Mosley Ruth Mulhollen Alice E. Mullinary Doris J. Myers Katherine Myrick ‘69 Victoria Myrick Paul V. Nagy, Jr. New Life Assembly of God - Lancaster, Pa. Nittany Bible Church - Pennsylvania Furnace, Pa. John C. and Elizabeth A. Noble R. Lee and Deborah L. Noble Keith and Lori Noecker Kelli A. Noecker Rodney W. and Claudette L. Noecker Samuel D. and Stacey L. Norman Jonathan R. Norris Betty J. Norton Thomas M., Sr. and Arla Jane Oakley John S., Jr. and Kathryn F. O’Bryan John J. O’Connor Thomas G. and Mary E. O’Connor David P. and Lynn M. Odenwalt Paul Y. Oh Gary L. and Kathleen E. Oliphant Matthew D. Oliphant Cesar and Joy Ortega James W. and M. Ruth Painter James ‘93 and Wendy (Powell) ‘93 Paisley Chris M. Palermo and Mary E. Hyskell-Palermo Thomas A. and Mary Lynn Palma Phyllis Parisi Richard and Joanne Parisi Jong Soo and Chang Ok Park Ronald E. Park Yung Won S. Park David G. and Tracy D. Parry Patricia A. Payne Lou and Louisa Perez David and Joanne Perrello Philadelphia Christian Center - Bensalem, Pa. Hope A. Phipps Pilot Corporation - Knoxville, Tenn. Tamika L. Piper Roger J. and Deborah J. Schmittle David Steinour Kenneth and Susan Welch Brian K. and Janel C. Poore Carolyn J. Schramm Katie Steinour Simon D. Wellman III D. Mark and Janet Poore John D. and Linda J. Schreck Rodney W. and Jean M. Steinour Simon D., Sr. and Roberta L. Wellman Macy E. Poore Philip J. Schreck Sidney B. Steinour Mark J. Wende Sylvia V. Poore Carl W. and Marsha H. Schreiber Deborah J. Stever ‘79 Jordan Ashley Westerman Eric D. Popjes Stephen W. and Kathy A. Schultz William and Virginia Stever Arthur E. and Harriet N. Wheaton Henry J. and Janet E. Popjes Timothy and Lori Schultz Alice H. Stiles Margaret Whigham Chuck Portale Curtis I., Sr. and Donna L. Seaburg Blake E. Stone Ethan Joseph and Leah C. (Setliff ) ‘12 White Richard and Madeline Portugal Kiersten Seaburg Charles R. and Rose M. Stone Tyler J. White Mattis A. Pottiger III Frank J. ‘82 and Debbie Seminerio Vincent M. and Trudy E. Stone White Oak Worship Center - Blairs, Va. Angela Prejean William R. and Susan J. Senft Gener Strassner Jon Whiteway ‘04 Cheryl L. Price Michael D. and Betty J. Shaffer Mark J., Jr. and Ellen S. Strohm Elizabeth R. Whitman John T. and June D. Procak Renee M. Sheaffer Timothy M. Strok and Anita M. Hurtado Strok John C. and Michelle F. Whyland Brian K. and Nicole B. Puckett Mildred Shoemaker Christopher L. Stutzman Mark R. and Natalie A. Wickard Thomas E. and Sharon L. Pulkkinen Eloise Simmons Sunshine Full Gospel Assembly of God - Robert B. Wickard Richard and Evelyn Rackett Kristin P. Simmons Amos and Kristin Raiti Russell and Evelyn Simms Lizette M. Ramos Jonathan and Jennifer Simpson Jeffrey L. and Pamela J. Rayburn Michael J. Sirak William P., Jr. and Elaine R. Reed Frederick M., II and Beth Olga Skroban Donna Reffner Skypointe Church - Wilmington, Del. Clifford and Dorris Reid James M. Slick Dimitrios N. and Gayle E. Rerras Emilee Slingerland Betty L. Richards Eric Slingerland Cheryl Richardson Florence Slingerland Donald and Connie Richardson Roland D., Jr. and Patricia J. Slingerland Lois I. Richardson Kirk D. and Alicia A. Smith Jack D. and Bonnie D. Roberts Ronald and Kathryn Smith Tori A. Rogers David Snee Angeline Romano Margy Snider Maria Rosati Richard Snider Roseland Christian Fellowship - Glasgow, Pa. Blaine M. and Sarah M. K. Snyder Beverly C. Rossetti L. Curtiss and Sara G. Snyder Michael R. and Shannon N. Rubin N. William ‘74 and Deborah Snyder Deborah M. Russell Richard W, II and Lori J. Snyder James and Marta Russell Zachary T. Snyder Michael T. and Tina M. Russo Eugene D., Jr. and Ida L. Soto David K. and Peggy L. Rutt Anne E. Sousa Saint Thomas Assembly of God - Saint Thomas, Pa. Robert K. and Linda W. Southard Kirk P. and Valerie W. Salvary Bruce and Donna Sparber Diana Santarelli Natalie Spoonhour Rebecca Sareen Rebecca A. Spotts ‘13 Ethleen D. Sawyerr Peter J. and Darlene M. Squillo Edward and Lanece Schaefer Carla M. Stangl George R. Schaefer Michael J. and Linda L. Stanley Shickshinny, Pa. Comfort M. Swen W. Steven and L. Lavon Swingle Take Heart Apparel - Wall, N.J. Paul L. and Lynn L. Tarnowski Philip and Linda Thayres The Deposit Courier - Deposit, N.Y. The Life Financial Group, Inc. - Douglassville, Pa. The Power Place - Kennett Square, Pa. Robert L. and Carol L. Thomas Donald C. and Janet A. Thornhill Steve E. and Amy C. Thurston Carol Trentino Trinity Assembly of God - Clay, N.Y. Gerald E. and Thelma J. Wiland Anthony and Nancy Willett Catherine Wilson Mark S. Wilson Jesse W. Wiseman Adam S. Yaros Diana S. Young David Zawrotny Jean M. Zawrotny Frank R., Sr. and Mary Ann Zgrablich Carol S. Zimmerman Carole L. Zinsmaster Leland K. and Sherrie E. Zlomke Ruben and Megan Troyer Charles J. and Sheila D. Tyner David H. and K. Eryn Utz Concepción Valderrama Kaycie D. Vanden Top Robert and Arlene Vanden Top Steve and Kris Vanden Top Edwin J. Vargas, Jr. Joseph A. and Kathleen M. Vermillion Mary Wademan Deborah C. Walthall Ronald W. and Claudia P. Wanner Henry and Annette Ward Warwick Assembly of God - Hampton, Va. James D. and Glenda K. Watson Paul M. and Betty J. 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Ministries (non-Deaf students). 57 undergraduate majors in the following academic To view a full listing of bachelor’s degrees and learn more, areas: Business, Digital Media Communications, Church visit: vfcc.edu/undergrad To learn more about graduate degrees, visit: vfcc.edu/grad Go to vfcc.edu/campusvisit to schedule your VFCC visit today!