In this issue
In this issue
DXN LIFE Issue 6. January - February EUROPEAN EDITION In this issue: Interview with Mr. Fatemi Ghani DXN Turkey office opening Car Incentive Program in Italy The first DXN meeting in France And much more... Send your pictures entitled “Me or Us and DXN” to [email protected] and we will publish the most interesting ones! DXN LIFE Magazine Contents Welcome Letter From Dato’ Dr. Lim Siow Jin . . . . . . . Interview with Ms. Dagmar Holiková . . . . . . . . . . . . Interview with Mr. Fatemi Ghani . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Car Incentive Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DXN Turkey Office opening . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Interview with Ms. Zuzana Kormanová . . . . . . . . . . . Passport to success with DXN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DXN LIFE European Edition Issue 6. January - February 2016 The 1st DXN Event in France . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DXN and me . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300 PPV Club 2015 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DXN Life Editorial Staff: Editor-in-Chief: Susanna Pálma Krusinszki [email protected] Editors: László Kócsó, Balázs Péter Álmos, Giuseppe Piero Girlando Graphic Design: Róbert Tapodi Have you participated in a DXN event? Please send your report with pictures to: [email protected] Send your pictures entitled “Me or Us and DXN” to [email protected] and we will publish the most interesting ones! Qualified members from Europe . . . . . . . . . . . . . DXN Seminar in Sofia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DXN LIFE Magazine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 3 DXN LIFE Magazine Dato’ Dr. Lim Siow Jin Founder and CEO of DXN Holdings Bhd. WELCOME LETTER FROM DATO’ DR. LIM SIOW JIN Good morning DXN! 6,000,000! We have hit a new milestone of DXN members around the world. Since 1993, we have been focusing our efforts to achieve BIG targets in the MLM industry and to capture new opportunities that the globalization offers. Go global by working together with motivational groups to succeed worldwide through our “ONE WORLD ONE MARKET” philosophy. I believe that all DXNers have the optimism and drive to be the leaders of tomorrow. We have created new markets and more varieties of products to benefit all members, we have enhanced our system and marketing plan with the 300ppv-a-month plan for members to work with, we have organized grand events and webinars with the sharing of experiences and success stories to motivate members. We are the leading Ganoderma MLM company in the world, that is making a giant leap to the future; a company with bold dreams. Discover eWORLD 4 (, the gateway to realize your dreams in DXN. We have unique and fully equipped regional farms and hubs, branches and stockists anywhere around the world, and amazing, 6 million friendly members, working together in growing and attaining success as one DXN family. Be ambitious, set achievable targets and realize them. Nothing is impossible in DXN. Thank you and see you at the top! DXN LIFE Magazine Ms. Dagmar Holiková Triple Diamond Czech Republic INTERVIEW WITH MS. DAGMAR HOLIKOVÁ Meet Ms. Dagmar Holiková, a successful DXN business builder lady from the Czech Republic who reached the Triple Diamond qualification thanks to her self-determination and friendly approach in business building. TEXT WRITTEN BY Susanna Palma Krusinszki 1. Please tell us a few things about what you were doing before joining DXN. My first business project as an idependent enterpreneur was manufacturing and wholesale of upholstery and decorative fabrics and also turnkey of interior design at 1990. Later I built a prestigious nail studio, Czech celebrities were my regular clients, and I became repeatedly national champion in this field. However these activities I already passed on to younger followers. Up to now I am involved in a small business that makes happy people around me: it is the sale of a home-made ice cream. Whatever I did in the past, I always went into it with a clear goal, intention to win, and that’s why I believe I always succeeded in everything. 2. Why did you decide to join DXN? Definitely it was the key DXN product, the coffee with Ganoderma, which is a delightful and beneficial beverage of a repeated daily consumption; because coffee is known to everyone. Also it was an exciting idea that every time my customers drink coffee, brush their teeth or wash up, it gives me a chance to earn money. And that’s the charm of our business. If we have such products in our hands that prevent any disease then it is directly our moral obligation to offer them to everyone 3. How do you prefer building your business, online or offline? I prefer classic proved way of business building: a personal contact, to meet people. Any business and especially ours is all about people, about emotions and about relationships. Keep building positive, friendly relationships - it is a lifetime value, it brings stability and money. I understand that in today’s information age on-line internet 5 DXN LIFE Magazine tools are widely used and are becoming of more importance. Although I ‘m not doing much business online yet, I am very successful while employing my so called “box method”: I always offer a full package to prospects during our first personal meeting. That’s why I’m so thrilled with the DSP A, A1 packages. These fully meet my business philosophy, the approach that I always endeavour to implement in my DXN dowlines. And what is secret of building a successful MLM business? Let a lot of people do a little permanent work. 4. In your opinion, what is the secret of building a successful business? for people who has their own internal motivation, endless possibilities are open. If you add to this passion, enthusiasm, and fun you do not need to be forced to work anymore. Work should be fun, bringing you satisfaction, both emotional and material. I am happy in my life since I’ve joined DXN. DXN gave me a freedom: I have no obligations and at the same time I can do what I like doing. The feeling that you are doing what you want, when you want to do it is very liberating. 6. If a downline contacts you saying that the business is not working for him/her what do you say? My happiness is passing by the doctor’s office because I don’t have health problems, driving by the shops and malls, because I have everything I dreamt to purchase and going home, where my next of kin are waiting for me. Do not waste time to compare which recipe is better, which functions more efficiently. It’s all in you, and it is your decision to choose one. However, the important step is to implement any recipe in practice and stick to it. Only then things begin to change. It is necessary to communicate with people. That’s what we get paid for. Communication is a basic tool what you need to use both directions down and up. It is really simple, because everything that is ingenious is usually simple. It is every day work what people need to do, not better recipes. 6 5. What motivates you? The success of my business partners, the amazing people I work with. Also there are unique products of repeated daily consumption that ensure continuous income. Motivation is something one needs in his life. And When people fail, it’s usually because they themselves do not know where they are going and why. Even they do not have their own reasons for it. When things go wrong, it is a signal for change. In order to help them, I need to find out what their needs are, why they joined DXN, why they want to earn money, what is their own experience with the DXN products, and last but not least what is their dream, their goal. One who has a goal achieves more than 99 people without a goal. We create together a plan, a list of tasks with deadlines, we enter into an agreement and we go out then. Because success in business in measured by results only, nothing else matters. And the winners are those whose dreams come true, who are able to realize them. 7. This magazine is called DXN Life. What do you most love about your DXN life? 8. Can you give us a hint about your goals and projects for 2016? I consider year 2016 as a year of my great comeback after some period of a little recess. There are three key activities I am going to focus on: to get new members, to train and retain, to develop and expand. DXN LIFE Magazine Mr. Fatemi Ghani, Executive Double Crown Diamond The Gulf INTERVIEW WITH MR. FATEMI GHANI The joy of living a fulfilling and accomplished life comes by making a difference in the lives of others, and this difference mostly comes from the act of giving – this sentence introduces Mr. Fatemi Ghani on his website and is like the essence of his work. He has achieved total freedom in his life and is now helping others to make their dreams come true and to get their health back. TEXT WRITTEN BY Susanna Palma Krusinszki gave me time, travel and my personal freedom. 1. You are a very well known business builder and coach; however, I’d like to ask you to introduce yourself in a few words to the European readers. 3. How do you prefer building your business, online or offline? My name is Mohammad Fatemi Ghani, by profession I am an Aerospace engineer and had served in the Air Force for 28 years. I’ve been happily married for 33 years and have 4 wonderful sons and 3 amazing grandchildren. 2. Why did you decide to switch to network marketing and why did you choose DXN? I emigrated to Canada in 1996 and ventured into a few technology businesses, where I acquired entrepreneurship skills. In 2003 I discovered DXN as a health provider and at the same time I found the company provided entrepreneurship program through network marketing. Since I was seriously looking to start my own business, DXN came into my life at the right time. It gave me the freedom from disease and in addition I started my business offline but with the advent of social media, prospecting has become easier online. Nowadays I am using digital marketing to reach out to my prospects and members by using extensively Skype, webinars, website, blogging, Facebook and You Tube. Both online and offline are important as long as I get connected with my prospects and get engaged with them. 4. In your opinion, which is the most important skill or tool to build a successful business? In my opinion, the most important skill for a successful business is to find 7 DXN LIFE Magazine Prior to DXN, I had been training pilots for almost 20 years, so teaching is inside me. My future plan is to make a Map Your Freedom Academy and teach the networkers both online and offline through hands on workshops. I also plan to write another book on personal growth for networkers. 9. Please send a message to the European business builders! My message for all DXN members, including European business build- the need and problems of prospects and do a professional ice breaking, commonly known as prospecting. Our business revolves around getting the qualified people with hunger. If we can master the art of asking the right question and finding their needs and problems and letting them see the solution, our job is done. I have explained in depth this skill in my book, Map your Freedom and call it the “Natural Approach.” through DXN. I am grateful to Dr. Lim for manufacturing beneficial health products and a powerful system. My DXN life is a dream life, where it gave me my personal freedom. I work when I want to work and I travel where I like to. I have traveled to 42 countries around the globe and made friends and helped thousands of people globally. 5. Can you please tell the readers more about your book “Map Your Freedom”? Map Your Freedom book is a practical step by step guide for both new and struggling networkers. After going through two Network Marketing Universities in the USA and being coached by top MLM gurus and reading many books about network marketing, I decided to write about the systems which can help networkers achieve their financial freedom. Most important, the book has been written keeping in view the DXN system and plan. 6. Which is your favorite DXN product? Morinzyme is my favorite DXN product because it helped tremendously with my stomach ailment. I still drink it along with Reishi and Spirulina. 7. This magazine is called DXN Life. What is your DXN life like? First of all, I am thankful to Allah for the life He has bestowed to me 8 In 2012 my DXN Life gave me a new purpose. I got involved with night blindness children in Pakistan where our products helped 15 children get their vision back. Today more than 700 children have benefited from this social cause. I love every moment of my DXN life. 8. Can you give us a hint about your plans for the near future? ers is to become professional and invest time, money and effort in learning about network marketing. DXN is much more than money. If the business is done right, money keeps flowing. Our purpose is to reach out to many people with the intention of helping them. I will end up by quoting Zig Ziglar “You can get everything you want in life, if you will just help enough other people get what they want.” DXN LIFE Magazine Car Incentive Program Italy 2016 CAR INCENTIVE PROGRAM 2016 is a very important year for the Italian DXN members. Not only because the IV. European Leadership Camp will be held here, but also because they have a new and advantageous incentive to be excited about! Find out more from our interview with Mr. Giuseppe Girlando, DXN Italy’s Country Manager. TEXT WRITTEN BY Susanna Palma Krusinszki Please tell us, how the idea of the Car Incentive Program was born! For me it is very important to meet the leaders, consult them and exchange ideas with them so their views and pieces of advice can inspire me. DXN, being one of the biggest network marketing companies, is always trying to find new incentives to motivate its distributors. So, in our case we thought about completing the Marketing Plan with a simple to follow program that helps to reach an important extra income in a short period of time. We deci ded to address this program to all the distributors precisely in order to reward all of them, without making any difference, without exluding anyone. The name is just an indication, you don’t necessarily have to buy a car, you can use this bonus as you wish: to pay mortgage, university fees, holidays, medical expenses… Can you please explain to the European readers how this program works? Actually we represent the experimental country and we will do our best to prove the success of this incentive wishing to see it also in the other countries. It is very easy: you have to make only a few small steps in order to reach incredible advantages! You have to complete a cycle of 3 consecutive months to qualify for the incentive 9 DXN LIFE Magazine istrations. Thanks to the Car Incentive Program it is immediately possible to add an extra income to the bonus that is coming from the Marketing Plan. Have you already have some feedback since the program was launched? The program started at the beginning of January and we have already reached a high participation from the distributors who have done the first steps. Since we launched the Car Incentive Program I started to tour Italy in or- and after the third qualifying month you will immediately receive the amount for that month. Successively, you will be entitled to receive the incentive for the whole period in which you meet the requirements of maintenance. Basically, there are 3 points to comply with: • PPV=> 400 • At least one new registration => 100 PPV • PGPV=> 1.000 (1. month), => 2.000 (2. month), => 3.000 (3. month) DXN will pay the 5% of the monthly PGPV for 3 years up to the maximum amount of € 500 a month! All the DXN distributors who have downlines in Italy are welcome to ask for more information from our office. Which are the main advantages? 10 The soul of the program is to motivate the distributors to work with their group, making it grow. So the goal of this incentive is to encourage the teamwork and increase the number of reg- der to present it to as many people as possible and to give everyone the opportunity to participate in this fantastic incentive! DXN LIFE Magazine DXN Turkey Koşuyolu Mah. Mahmut Yesari Cad.No: 86/A KOŞUYOLU 34718 KADIKÖY ISTANBUL DXN TURKEY OFFICE OPENING March 1, 2016 is a very important day in DXN’s history: the first office in Turkey opened its doors and started its operations. This is a result of months and months of hard work and determination. TEXT WRITTEN BY Susanna Palma Krusinszki The opening of the office in Istanbul was a huge international event, we welcomed DXN distributors and leaders, as well as DXN staff members from more than 12 countries. For this very special event we had very special guests: Mr. Sean Higgins, Marketing Coordinator for Europe, Mr. Abdul Rahmat, International Marketing Director, Mr. Wong Zheng Hua, Senior Executive from the Marketing Section and Mr. László Kócsó, the first European and the fastest DXN Crown Ambassador. They motivated the guests with their words and cut the red ribbon together. The guests had the chance to taste the DXN products and to make the first purchases in the brand new office. Actually, three products are available in Turkey: the Black Coffee and the Ganozhi soap in their new formats and the Ganozhi toothpaste. You can visit the office at the following address: Koşuyolu Mah. Mahmut Yesari Cad. No: 86/A KOŞUYOLU 34718 KADIKÖY ISTANBUL If you wish to call, the number is: 0216 325 55 09 - 10 The opening hours are: Monday - Friday: 08:30-18:00 Saturday: 08:30-13:00 11 DXN LIFE Magazine The seminar hall is available for the DXN members to hold presentations and organize meetings every day, also on Sunday. It has a capacity of aprox. 100 persons. We are also happy to introduce you the DXN Turkey team: Kıvanç Akbıyık - Country Manager Betty Gün - Office Manager Sera Sen - Office Assistant Selda Soydemir - Office Assistant Müslüm Durukan - Depot Staff Also, you are all invited to the Official Market Opening Ceremony on May 22, 2016. In this occasion we will enjoy also the participation of Dato’ Dr. Lim Siow Jin, DXN’s CEO and founder. 12 DXN LIFE Magazine Special thanks to Ms. Betty Gün for the effort and hard work she put into making the dream of the office opening come true! 13 DXN LIFE Magazine Ms. Zuzana Kormanová Country Manager DXN Slovakia INTERVIEW WITH MS. ZUZANA KORMANOVÁ Ms. Zuzana Kormanová from Slovakia has always supported DXN’s development not only in her home country but also in many other European countries. 5 years have flown by but she is still as enthusiastic about her job as she was at the beginning and she also has a passion for the products. Let’s get to know her better! TEXT WRITTEN BY Susanna Palma Krusinszki 1. Do you remember how was the beginning with DXN? How I could forget that! Well, my life has been connected with nature from my childhood, I spent a lot of time walking in the mountains, also by skiing, downhill or crosscountry. Now, I’m a bit missing this beautiful sport, anyway I am connected with nature in another way. The herbs have been a part of my life since I was a teenager, I learned a lot from my father. We were collecting them, drying, mixing herbal blends… and now herbs and mushrooms came into my life again. So, when I heard about some mushroom with biological intelligency, it attracted me a lot and I wanted to know and understand more. And it hit my heart. Then, later, when Mr. Jijith approached me and gave me an offer to 14 work as DXN staff in Europe, I joined with the idea “OK, I will help with the company establishment and development in Europe for a few months”. Now, I have been a DXN staff member for almost 5 years. And still, DXN seems to be only at the beginning in Europe. I still can see here many tasks to be done. 2. Which is the most outstanding event for you in these 5 years? DXN LIFE Magazine Well, almost impossible to mention only one, there were so many great moments during so many events. I will mention a few events and occasions. SK/CZ seminar having Dr. Lim and Mr. Jijith NK as our guests in October 2013 in Slovakia, The Hight Tatras area by lake Štrbské Pleso was really exciting, Dr. Lim made us taste a leak soup as well. Some time earlier, in April 2012 I participated at the Leadership Camp in Al Ain (United Arab Emirates) where I had the occasion for the first time to enjoy the DXN family life, with members, leaders and guests from the Gulf and also from Africa, Europe, Asia. It was really great experience. Another amazing event was the 20th anniversary celebration in Malaysia in 2013, when I could visit also the DXN farm and see all those miracles. 3. What do you consider the biggest challenge and what do you most love about your job? The biggest challenge is to work with so many different types of people, to treat them with big patience and empathy, to help them, to be a reason and a part of their lives’ improvement in many ways and at the same time this is what I love most about my job: having the chance and being able to make people happy, improve their lives so they can help many other people. The MLM is a very special business, for sure it is not easy. I meet here all types of people. And we all depend on each other mutually, mainly as human beings; only then as business partners. It is beautiful how we can always find solutions to cooperate, to be better. This job is a challenge for me also because I can be a part of the company development, see the growth of the company, I can be a part of it and I do many things to help with it and succeed in the European market. 4. What is your typical working day like? Mostly very busy ... that is why I start each day with exercise, sometimes also with a walk in the forest and of course, always with DXN products, that is a MUST and cannot be forgot- ten. Only then a day can start and it’s full of e-mails, phone and skype communications, meetings and discussions with my colleagues, members, leaders, thinking, working, sometimes travelling, all this with one big purpose: to help people and have satisfied members. This is why also the organization and coordination of the processes and persons involved, mainly the processes of delivering the orders, also abroad are an essential part of my days. So this is a normal working day at the end of which I really need some rest. Very often, after coming home and a short rest I sit down to work again. I have to handle many important things, also because of the time difference and not only with Malaysia. Fortunately now I don’t have to work until late night like I used to do during the first 2-3 years when we were starting the branch in Slovakia with my colleagues. That time, we were delivering also to other countries (Spain, Italy) which didn’t have a branch that time. Especially so each morning herbal tea drinking is thanks home-made herbs. A bit strange, but for me, a very special way of relax is housekeeping and cooking. at the beginning, they needed a very big support. That was a beautiful and unforgettable time, I could work with so many excited people there. Sure, it was not easy. And also these days there are new challenges to be solved, connected with another countries where DXN still doesn’t have a branch. Spirulina and Lion’s Mane. I cannot imagine the end of the day without the Ganozhi Massage Oil used for face, neck and hands or for a whole body massage. Also, I would like to mention one more experience which could have happened only thanks to the affiliation to DXN. Last summer, I could enjoy a few days trip to India. Seeing and understanding this country and life there as I could enjoy it, including the hearty meetings with the members, leaders and staff at the branches in India was possible only thanks to the DXN leaders and colleagues who enabled me this wonderful experience. I would like to thank them. It was my pleasure to meet the DXN family also during my free time. 6. Do you have any favorite DXN products? All of them! Anyways, I start my days with a special juice mixed from Morinzhi, Cordypine and Reishi Mushroom Powder, which I drink while chewing 7. What do you expect from 2016? 5. How do you like spending your free time? Big improvements in sales, personal development, relations and cooperation in DXN both in Slovakia and in Europe. If there is any free time, which doesn’t happen very often I spend my time with my family. I often go for a walk in the forest, I work out, I like reading and studying books really a lot. Once spring comes I can finally enjoy gardening. We cultivate some herbs and dry them, Especially, I expect real sale increase in Slovakia, maybe some “flight” to the sky. I believe that the members and the leaders are step by step prepared for it. They cannot avoid the big success if they proceed like this in their efforts. The sky is the limit. 15 DXN LIFE Magazine Mr. Sean J. Higgins, Marketing Coordinator for Europe Region PASSPORT TO SUCCESS WITH DXN Our new Marketing Coordinator is always on the road to visit the European offices and to meet the DXN members. TEXT WRITTEN BY Sean J. Higgins It began with a flight to Paris and a first meeting in Rennes. Looking at the summer sun rising over France, exciting prospects for Karine Chapon. Then on to Greece, Athens & Thessaloniki with two public meetings and meeting the staff in our offices. On to Gdansk, Poland the home of the famous Solidarity movement in 1980 at the shipyard. Three meetings with great talks by Anna Binek and Ewa Greger-Bo16 jzan concluding in Warsaw. And so to Istanbul, Turkey’s vibrant city on the Western European and Eastern Asiatic side of the Bosphorous. Excitement doesn’t even cover it. Now... Budapest, then to Slovakia and finally Vienna, coffee and cakes. Next stop Birmingham, Radisson Blu hotel April 29th. DXN LIFE Magazine Dxn France Meeting Brit Hôtel Atalante Beaulieu February 13, 2016 THE 1ST DXN EVENT IN FRANCE One year and a half ago I met Ganoderma. It was a real crush ! Enthralled by its benefits, I felt like sharing this discovery. The moment had come to organize the 1st DXN event in France. However, before telling you about this awesome moment, I would like to give you some details about my progress with DXN. TEXT WRITTEN BY Karine Chapon Meeting with Ganoderma The meeting with Ganoderma was « staggering » because indeed after 4 days of consumption (at the rate of a drink a day) I made a big drop in blood pressure in spite of an allopathic treatment. I made at once the link between this mushroom and this reaction. Indeed, the French documents indicated 2 contraindications to Ganoderma : low blood pressure and haemophilia. I was upset because I had rejoiced to be able to enjoy the benefits of this mushroom. Besides promoting a product without consuming it is problematic. However I had a last hope, a drink which contained another mushroom with incredibl virtues too, Cordyceps. I consumed the latter without knowing that it also contained Ganoderma. And there was a new drop in my blood pressure. I recovered in 10 days, and this happened always in spite of an allopathic treatment. There I told myself “Wow. What’s that thing ?! What a power!“. I expected to be trained by the company. However no, nothing, I was informed only about the business. Then I started a long search on the Internet. I couldn’t find much, so I switched to English and ordered from the USA a book which spoke about a Ganoderma testimony of a doctor in the Philippines and there was a DXN logo in it. I also started to consume the drinks again, but by starting with very small quantities, because it seemed to me that there was an incoherence between the mechanism of Ganoderma and the contraindications explained on health websites. 17 DXN LIFE Magazine I was consuming the drinks and following my allopathic treatment when I contacted Eszter Rohaly who I would choose later as sponsor. She suggest- ed me to contact Jane Yau, the Ganotherapy Consultant of DXN with my questions who confirmed me that Ganoderma would regulate my blood pressure, but whatever health problem, a daily consumption of 3 months minimum was necessary. Watch in hand, at 3 months exactly, I stopped my treatment. It was in the middle of November 2014. Since this date, my blood pressure has never relapsed. What comes out of this history ? My faith in Ganoderma. And I received many of other positive testimonies since then. The will to share this discovery with the French because this super-food and its active ingredients are of a real interest for our health in danger nowadays. The statement that Ganoderma is very badly known from the French and health websites. Getting to know DXN and the leaders I had then to find a qualitative product and an ethical society. DXN appeared to me as THE society corresponding to this research. 2015 was the year when I got acquainted with DXN and the people who discovered and believed in DXN before me. So in March, I went to Hungary, the DXN cradle in Europe, for the 6th Anniversary. Then I met my sponsor Eszter Rohaly as well as my up-line : Szabolcs and Tünde Czérna, and László and Anikó Kócsó. To meet them physically, speak with them and especially listen to Mr. Kócsó who introduced DXN in Europe was essential for me. 18 DXN LIFE Magazine In July, the 3rd European Leadership Camp in Barcelona was for me the opportunity to share other great moments with my up-line, to discover the DXN family more broadly and to meet the people who opened the markets in Spain, Italy, Germany, Greece, Poland, Slovakia... First contact with Dr. Rajesh Savera. But above all I could meet and listen for the first time to Dato’ Dr. Lim Siow Jin, the Founder and CEO of DXN as well as Jane Yau and her son William. A great moment ! The moment to set up the 1st DXN event in France then appeared as an obvious fact. It took place on Saturday, February 13th in Rennes and will remain a key moment of the story of DXN France. wealth of the meetings which this activity with DXN brings us. Finally Eszter underlined the fact that the DXN company attracts beautiful people. Finally in September, my journey in Malaysia with about 150 Europeans allowed me to approach this tremendous mushroom, to visit the cultures of Ganoderma, to discover DXN company, to meet many European leaders once more and to see again Dr. Lim, Jane Yau and William. During this jourThe moment was very friendly and full of exchanges. This unknown mushroom overflowing with benefits aroused the curiosity. Everybody was interested and nobody felt like living. The interview with Dr. Lim subtitled in French arrived as a present for this occasion. Concluding, I would like to thank the company that allowed me to meet Ganoderma, the person who put the sitcker on that book, my sponsor for her investment and for her communication on social networks which ney, I also got acquainted with Mr. Sean Higgins, the Marketing Coordinator of the European region. All these meetings allowed me to understand DXN better and so to reinforce my choice, both with regard to the product and to the company. Among the essential criteria for me : the quality of products, the ethics of the company, its stability, the reliability of the concept and the training of the distributors. 2016: opening of the French market Convinced more than ever that I have found the good product and the good society, convinced that DXN can bring solutions to French in health and wealth, I decided to invest a lot into the opening of French market and work in particular on the translations and the elaboration of tools allowing the French people to know Ganoderma and to develop the DXN concept. The atmosphere was magic as much as this mushroom can be. Mr. Higgins explained very well that we were at the dawn of DXN’s birth in France with Ganoderma as it was in 2002 with Forever and Aloe Vera. Beyond the advantages for our health and finance, Szabolcs highlighted the allowed me to get in touch with her, Szabolcs for his listening, trust and support and finally Mr. Higgins who today supports the establishment of DXN in France! Thank you DXN team and thank you Dr. Lim ! 19 DXN LIFE Magazine 20 DXN LIFE Magazine DXN and me [email protected] The European DXN members are very active and they organize meetings and events, they even travel to Malaysia to visit the HQ and the farm. And they never miss an occasion to show their love for the DXN products! Star Ruby from Poland: Andrzej Kazimierczak and Alina Gronek Polish ESD leader Anna Binek shows the way to the Radisson Blu Hotel Birmingham 29th April where László Kócsó and Szabolcs Czérna will introduce DXN to the UK Do you have a picture that captures a DXN moment of your life? Don’t hesitate to send it to [email protected]! 21 DXN LIFE Magazine Mr. Valerio Chiarini SD from Italy. Today a Ganobaby, tomorrow a successful DXN business builder. Roland Hebenstreit from Austria and his family love DXN. Do you have a picture that captures a DXN moment of your life? Don’t hesitate to send it to [email protected]! 22 DXN LIFE Magazine PRODUCT FOCUS ZHI MOCHA DXN Zhi Mocha is a variety of Lingzhi coffee specially formulated for coffee lovers who love the taste of chocolate as well. This rich and aromatic Zhi Mocha is blended with instant coffee powder made from the selected coffee beans, Ganoderma extract and cocoa powder. Content of the box: 20 sachets x 21g Ingredients: cream of vegetable origin, sugar, milk powder, malt extract, instant coffee powder, cocoa powder and Ganoderma extract 23 DXN LIFE Magazine PRODUCT FOCUS CORDYCEPS CAPSULE DXN Cordyceps Capsule consists of 100% Cordyceps sinensis. It contains abundance of nutrients and bioactive compound such as cordycepic acid, cordycepin, amino acid, glutamic acid, polysaccharides, vitamin B12 and many more. DXN Cordyceps Capsule is a precious food supplement that helps to increase your endurance and body stamina. Content of the box: 60 capsulesx450 mg Consumption: Ingredients: 1-3 100% capsules Cordyceps Capsule material: hypromellose 24 per day sinensis. DXN LIFE Magazine PRODUCT FOCUS DXN GANOZHI BODY FOAM Enriched with Ganoderma extracts, DXN Ganozhi Body Foam gently cleanses your skin without removing the natural oil of the skin, leaving your skin soft and smooth. Content of the box: 205 ml Ingredients: water, betaine, sodium lauryl ether sulphate, DEA cocamide, lanolin, glycerin, Ganoderma Lucidum, hydoxy ethyl cellulose, tocopherol acetate, fragrance 25 DXN LIFE Magazine 300 PPV CLUB 2015 Congratulations to the 300 PPV Privilage Club members! Period December 2015 - January 2016 - February 2016. AUSTRIA BULGARIA CZECH REPUBLIC CYPRUS Member Name Eszter Nakowitsch Sabine Spangl Bojtos-Sváb Csilla Roland Hebenstreit Rita Putz DXN Code 011316804 310006390 310009640 380000193 380000547 Points 1304,00 4618,00 1665,60 1370,50 1958,60 Member Name Georgi Angelov Kamenov Keranka Grigorova Nikolova Ivo Jonkov Chobanov Radka Hikolova Konanova Salix Musa Uruch Adriana Dimitrova Ivanova DXN Code 630000061 818068711 818087183 818200813 818142692 818129016 Points 903,00 904,50 903,00 919,50 4491,50 1266,80 Member Name Kudžová Helena Hnilová Radka Adámková Alena Kolouchová Vladimíra Nosek Josef Miarka Lucie Jagošová Marie Škodová Hana Juřica Václav DXN Code 310001522 330000829 340000700 340001823 340002101 340004128 340004441 340004989 340005147 Points 1229,20 917,50 1252,00 1112,00 1325,00 1284,00 1106,00 1620,00 1908,00 Member Name Maria Palama Antri Lamprianou Georgia Potsou Andreas Lambrianou Petroula Lamprianou DXN Code 500000554 818025872 818031940 818048754 818173305 Points 1947,70 1348,20 961,80 1509,50 1292,60 Member Name DXN Code 330006293 Points 1335,10 Member Name Esther Zeiler Michael Wadephul Felix Zeiler Kerstin Budack Yavuz Acikel Frank Behrens Angelika Mroz Thomas Mroz DXN Code 330002827 330002924 330003092 330003142 460000420 460000498 460000564 460000597 Points 2609,50 1614,00 941,50 1231,10 1609,40 1731,60 1796,80 1001,90 Member Name Chaniotakis Adonis Amasalidis Georgios Savvato Paraskeva Amasalidou Anastasia Mpacharidis Christos Tsakoufi Aggeliki Kontzia Ioanna Georgios Kiriakou Katerina Klepkou Muratidi Lusanush Stefanakidou Stavroula Tsaliki Fotini Kiousis Ioannis DXN Code 500000210 500000220 500000225 500000237 500000454 500000564 818021351 818025819 818025895 818030520 818033799 818036431 818059879 Points 3664,90 956,50 1016,40 1759,10 1035,80 2295,80 2036,00 3710,50 1129,20 3503,90 1221,20 936,50 3663,00 Chantal Pedron FRANCE GERMANY GREECE 26 DXN LIFE Magazine GREECE HUNGARY Member Name Vournazis Konstantinos Banti Chrisanthi NEWPanagiota Platanoudi NEWIoakimidu Athina Michael Douranos Mouratidou Maria Margetis Dimitrios Gousidis Dimitrios NEWAnna Konovesi Gounari Biktoria Bezanidis Entoarnt NEWRaptis Grigorios Alexandros Gogos NEWRapti Athanasia DXN Code 818137290 818138179 818139641 818146916 818284332 818327741 818331836 818346507 818367371 818376186 818391763 818407969 818408018 818418710 Points 1062,00 1762,10 1889,20 1403,70 1785,50 1124,50 2651,80 1091,00 1510,70 1244,20 941,10 4913,30 1197,80 4832,10 Member Name Kócsó-Fodor Anikó és Kócsó László Böczkös István Böczkös Barbara Czérna Tündi És Czérna Szabolcs Börtsök Zoltán Pap Péter W NE Dr. Dergez Tímea és Börtsök András Zana Imre Barile Pasquale Horváthné Molnár Katalin Kovács Lajos Csipkay Miklós Romhányi Marianna és Gadányi György Kiss Andrea Neuberger Frigyesné Éles Vilmosné Csipkay Hajnalka és Bartha István Nagy László Tőrös László Bussy Sándor és Szövetes Éva Zakariás László Balázs Eliza Orsy László Törőcsik Viktória - Törőcsik Attila Döbreiné Deli Erzsébet Böczkös Bence Vecsernyésné Makó Ilona Faragóné Keserű Judit és Faragó István Polyák Zsoltné Romhányi Csabáné Dr. Tálas Mária Borsay Lászlóné NEWVargáné Homolya Mária Magdolna Hajdúné Dr. Korózs Erika Tamás László Karsa Andrea Demko Balázs György Nagy Józsefné NEWVincze Péter Kaufman Ilona Proszonyák Ida Éva Diviák Mihály Lukács Károlyné Ilyés Gabriella Fekiács Ilona Ambrózy Anikó Budai Gáborné Violáné Széber Anett Tóth Lajos Deák Viktor És Deákné Nagy Nikolett Csát Géza Diviák Zsuzsanna Proityné Kurali Edit Mihalikné Serényi Ágnes Rabatin Imre Horváth Istvánné Elek Ildikó Szilágyi Tamás És Horváth Éva Ceglédi Károly Ferentziné Schatzinger Erika Dávidné Toldi Ilona és Dávid János Glumacné Andó Mária Simon Attila Honvéd Lászlóné Tóthné Koics Judit Dr. Györgydeák Zoltánné Tomori Márton Kaposi Rita NEWCsőke Zoltán Dxn Code 011311109 011315019 011315020 011315079 011315080 011315084 011315107 011315228 011315245 310000069 310000133 310000245 310000300 310000536 310000995 310001006 310001218 310002356 310003422 310004121 310005828 310006243 310006459 310007020 310007086 310007372 310007500 310007879 310008261 310008294 310008852 310008888 310009350 310009723 310010118 310010891 310011274 310011331 310011353 310011423 310011718 310012318 310012426 310012545 310012612 310012999 310013023 310013424 310013469 310013915 310014760 310015050 310015300 310015724 310015812 310016200 310018169 310018195 310018252 310019863 310020358 310020433 310020823 310021458 310021528 310021881 310022130 310022318 Points 910,00 909,40 944,60 1191,90 1352,20 1372,10 966,10 2021,00 914,60 1499,10 1344,00 906,60 1072,00 1852,30 710,00 2179,00 1682,60 1018,00 947,00 1507,80 912,30 1840,50 913,80 1087,30 1862,60 906,40 967,00 1256,00 919,50 919,00 966,50 1228,50 1673,00 909,80 1622,70 1291,30 1517,50 913,50 978,60 945,30 1668,60 1022,50 1057,50 1141,00 1601,50 1108,50 913,10 1538,70 915,00 998,90 1218,80 932,40 1687,80 927,40 1139,50 957,10 1403,20 1272,50 918,60 1217,10 925,40 911,00 1152,50 1834,00 1154,00 908,00 919,20 1471,50 27 DXN LIFE Magazine Member Name Dxn Code 818405609 Points 1865,60 Member Name Ungureanu Daniela Rovelli Paola Lorenzo Gnesutta Tiziano Motta Giorgio Tarallo Pacurar Silvia Giuseppe Furchi Angelo Cermelli Maurizio Milan Antonio Tafuri NEWClaudio Cenerelli Lorenzo Ruotolo Daniele Borsari Cristina Fantoni W E N Guglielmo Carbone Francesco Geria Giulio Motta Erik Chentre Milena Ricci Petitoni Marco Villa Luigi Rolla NEWEleonora Matarazzo Eleonora Ferrari Giovanna Acquaroli NEWMatteo Apicella NEWRaffaella Mele Laura Ziviani Francesco Carraro Anna Maria Sestili Leonardo Melillo Milca Olivieri Tetyana Hudz Maurizio Zambon Sonia Zini Vitello Crocetta NEWManuela Cavazzan Annunciata Sperolini Jelena Trajkovic Sara Zinesi W E N Biserka Stokic Monica Politi Monica Lamoretti W NE Maria Toller Amedeo Iunco Dxn Code 310015474 310015556 310015668 310015990 310016143 310016625 310016703 310016861 310016872 310016931 650000177 650000222 650000790 650000955 650001797 650002216 650002337 650002461 650003096 650003188 650003262 650003547 650003631 650003825 650003979 650003991 650004327 650004696 650004996 650004998 650005184 650005212 650005448 650005552 650005672 650005843 650006002 650006015 650006142 650006165 650006207 650006299 650006434 818129338 Points 1013,00 1123,30 1326,00 1013,00 1344,00 1114,60 1995,90 902,40 1097,50 946,00 1218,60 1563,00 925,00 1069,50 1170,00 1010,50 915,50 918,80 917,80 1420,10 1190,00 1191,20 1015,30 984,80 996,30 1156,50 1 050,80 1566,10 1051,00 921,10 901,50 924,50 1 070,60 1976,60 2476,50 944,80 3958,50 1301,40 1832,20 997,70 1577,60 1394,60 1104,00 1613,40 Member Name Agata Cezari Alicja Piwowarczyk Gronek Alina W E N Jerzy Kosinski Magdalena Karoń Dxn Code 370000112 818087296 818281170 818324002 818402882 Points 1624,00 1913,60 1712,60 1175,00 3476,50 Member Name Halász Annamária Malearciuc Timea Dxn Code 350000608 350000656 Points 1606,00 1206,10 Member Name Maria Koncalova Robert Končal Zlata Záhumenská Jana Rubinová Peter Kralicek Margita Mokcayova Gergely Kaszonyi Július Ing, Mokcay Marian Jakubec Anna Balová Magdalena Krajčiová Helena Gregusova Ilona Mikóczy Zuzana Bartalová Rudolf Kaprál Angelika Vezérová Dxn Code 310000096 310000966 310001493 310002801 310003018 310007849 310010495 310011739 330000079 330000166 330000342 330000595 330000825 330000991 330001360 330002051 Points 989,50 1208,80 915,50 906,30 916,60 1198,00 921,00 1 131,50 906,50 918,10 970,10 1348,40 2562,00 1100,60 925,00 1136,40 James Murphy NEW IRELAND ITALY NEW POLAND ROMANIA SLOVAKIA 28 DXN LIFE Magazine SLOVAKIA SPAIN Member Name Ivona Hýlková Andrea Molnárová Edita Kalapošová Tomáš Biláz Alica Kasanická Ing, Pavol Machnič Darina Hanáková Mária Stanová Ľubica Hanáková Ronald Vezér Zoltán Vezér Peter Vezér Mudr, Libor Havel NEWMartina Kurkinová Karol Hrašna Jana Sukupová-Tomšejová NEWKatarína Valúchová NEWPeter Tomšej Zuzana Londinová Dxn Code 330002769 330003261 330003842 330003931 330005132 330005160 330005515 330005744 330006020 330006069 330006133 330006355 330006610 330006820 330006903 330006957 330007068 330007072 340001185 Points 938,60 1000,80 1506,50 907,00 4099,00 3 319,00 907,70 911,00 952,00 983,50 969,00 1460,00 1210,20 1761,80 1123,00 1562,50 1415,50 1889,40 918,00 Member Name Papp Andrea Bernabé Vidal Febrero Gloria Maria Quintero Posada Pedro García Rosell Francisco Javier Alvarez Rovira Gregorio Ruiz Torrecillas Jose Luis Guillen Moreno Juan Ochoa Grande Cristóbal Francisco Mota Morales Amanda Ramírez Gandolfo Esther - Ramírez Gandolfo Pedro María Basteguieta Bengoechea NEWDavid Barroso Jaime Fernandez Perez Eduardo Ramirez Dominguez Catalina Simarro Miras Lidia Mabel Silva Soares Enriqueta Polaino Ruiz Jose Luis Ramirez Dominguez Esteban Ochoa Balza De Vallejo Elisabeth Gijon Canovas Jose Alenda Garcia Jose Maria Sanchez Carrasco Óliver Sánchez Merino Jose Maria Herrera Barrero Rubén Gallego Rodríguez Cureraru Mihaiela Lacramiora Jose Antonio Ceballos Jimenez Dolores Pardillo Martin Lola Pejenaute Ochoa Natividad Capel Buendia Adolfo Fernández Aranda Ruta Barasnikoviene Joanna Gorriz Puche Josefa Hernandez Garcia Elisa Ruiz Caballero Carmen Urbano Fuentes Kim Escardó Bas Antonio Rodriguez Romera Antonio Avila Ramirez Moises Alvarez Garcia Gustavo Ortiz Achar W NE Mª Teresa Cobo Alonso Rebeca Muriel Gracia Francisca Galvan Rubio Consuelo Ortuño Campillo Joaquin Bernat Agut Pere Viñas Domingo Dolores Viejo Rueda Jean Pierre Ladet Ruiseñor Josefa Garcia Navarros Ruben Lopez Perez David Coll Tenorio Francisco Cotano Risco W NE Rosa Reyes Mendez Dxn Code 310012890 330003549 330003553 330003697 330003758 330003809 330003917 330004164 330004176 330004636 330004646 680000024 680000131 680000150 680000337 680000499 818108461 818112606 818113308 818121115 818126650 818126654 818128641 818131156 818131181 818131200 818131207 818133132 818136554 818137020 818137285 818140093 818145874 818147703 818147709 818149510 818150241 818150259 818150835 818151674 818154344 818154426 818161555 818170715 818176883 818182723 818183500 818196150 818203926 818232468 818241723 818279408 818298861 818315761 818422441 Points 2233,90 6015,30 931,00 977,80 1190,80 1000,00 930,50 1861,50 1349,50 958,50 965,50 4105,30 1391,50 1577,50 906,50 2977,00 1241,00 1235,80 1667,70 1757,50 1048,50 1131,00 1512,50 1012,00 1440,10 1089,40 908,60 1655,60 1510,20 1971,70 972,50 999,50 1687,90 1722,50 1447,60 1229,30 1374,00 968,80 1633,30 2314,00 2257,30 936,50 1156,40 2425,50 1469,50 1072,50 1321,50 1085,80 1007,50 1078,60 1048,00 1351,30 1222,50 2091,00 3143,00 Dxn Code 310012056 330005423 Points 1170,70 937,50 Member Name Vernyik Erzsébet Mária Müller SWEDEN 29 DXN LIFE Magazine Congratulations to our qualified members! January-February 2016 Triple Diamond Koutalas Giorgos Executive Star Diamond Maria Pitsari Senior Star Diamond Giacomo De Melgazzi Bernabé Vidal Febrero Itziar Irazusta Lecuona Valentina Konstantinova Xristos Thanasenas Star Diamond Loli Gasco Jimenez 30 DXN LIFE Magazine Star Ruby Lyudmila Ivanova Stamenkova Zdeňka Cabrnochová Alexandra Smolka Ioannis Tsopanidis Borsay Lászlóné Börtsök András Pajor Árpád Elek Ildikó Antonella Radaelli Carmelo Carrozzino Luca Lupo Massimo Martelli Dana Balsianková Kim Escardo Bas Pedro De Las Heras Martin Purificacion Ruiz Martinez Doszpoly Zsuzsanna Dr. Györgydeák Zoltánné Ébert Klára Farkas Mihály Franciskovics Lajos Istvánné Hegedűsné Németh Ildikó Erzsébet Horváth Győzőné Kertes Noémi Kiss Attila Kondás Bence Kulimáné Szabó Márta Lipták István Józsefné Mezey Tünde Nagyné Szarka Zsuzsanna Papp Sándorné Schmidt Bence Szabó Réka Szijjártó Anikó Sziver Hajnalka Tobak Gábor Tóth Attila Turay Orsolya Alex Cammarata Alfio Enrico Maria Paladino Andrea Sottocornola Anna Maria Paolini Annie Marcoz Antonino Nicolosi Barbara Chiodi Claudio Berardi Clemente Cioffi Cristina Micci Deborah Contesini Elvira Racca Gabriella Musco Marco Cristian Sandoval Contreras Maria Gonzati Maria Pia Nebuloso Matteo Apicella Michela Donati Michele Rindi Monica Politi Nelida Florentina Diaz Mosquera Olga Oliynyk Raffaella Mele Raniero Ruffini Roger Goetz Rosa Lo Greco Sara Zinesi Stefano Lacagnina Susanna Giannini Susanna Li Mandri Valentin Cirjau Veronica Vassallo Spagnoli Fahmi Ahmed Basefer Rigmor Eli Myklebust Bar Dorota Bojzan Robert Czapiewski Krzysztof Godula Anna Gracb Gronek Alina Krystyna Michniewska Krzystof Holdyk Kubat Zdziseaw Magdalena Karoe Bocz Réka Csifó Miklós Mezei Enikő Sándor Lajos Daniela Facunová Eva Rausová Hajnalka Szucsova Jana Sukupová-Tomšejová Katarína Dolincová Ladislav Mórocz Libor Havel Mária Krpelánová Martina Dávidová Ondrej Varga Peter Freudenfeld Viera Balázsová Vladimír Závodský Alba Albeiro Tabares Algimantas Andriusaitis Ariadna Conde Silvestre Carmen Diaz Muñoz Cristina Cañadas Donaire Emilia Sanchez Plaza Francisco Campos Aparicio Inma Troyano Trejo Jorge Garcia Muñoz Juan Barreña Gonzalez Juan Carlos Enriquez Perez Juan De Dios Garcia Ruiz Lola Pejenaute Ochoa Mª Josefa Escribano Molina Madrona Melenchon Riera Manuel Canovas Ramos Maria Teresa Cebrian Moncho Marleny Molleapaza Condori Miguel Zamora Vegas Star Agent Naransaikhan Batsaikhan Dr. Zoya Georgieva Stoilkova Galina Sabeva Stoimenova Ivan Kostadinov Manov Ivan Lazarov Minchev Katerina Grigorova Dacheva Raina Petrova Nikolova Vladimir Yordanov Sugarev Alena Němcová Andrea Škarbová Jan Zapletal Jana Murtingerová Josef Čáp Karel Vostruha Lenka Martinková Marie Dobiášová Marie Mrozková Markéta Lubasová Miroslava Hošková Mojmíra Heřmánková Richard Šimáně Stanislava Kolajtová Věra Mlčáková Leif Jurgensen Lene Jytte Hansen Marie-Josée Le Jalle Cesarina Prince de Armbruster Frank Behrens Iskra Minarsch Sandra Maier Tilo Häntzschel Ursula Buettner Alexandros Chontos Almpanaki Anna Argiri Anna Konovesi Delliou Phoebe Lela Smirni Margetis Dimitrios Maria Georgiadou Maria Papadopoulou Rapti Athanasia Safaridou Zogia Tsolaki Fani Zaxariadis Alexandros Arádi Antónia Aradi Erzsébet Balla Istvánné Bíró Lászlóné Bíró Tamás Csányi Zsolt és Csányiné Erika Dohány József 31 DXN LIFE Magazine Monica Cabot Gallifa Pilar Villar Bastida Rosa Maria Romero Diaz Silvia Cadenas Fernandez 32 Toñi Fernandez Marchante Valentina Tafur Fernandez Veronica Ocaña Diaz Yoana Alvarez Arias Ahlam Jalal Alfetaih Sagal Omar DXN LIFE Magazine DXN Seminar in Bulgaria Hotel Central, Sofia February 27, 2016. DXN SEMINAR IN SOFIA On 27th of February all Bulgarian leaders along with their teams gathered in a nice venue near DXN Bulgaria’s office. TEXT WRITTEN BY Dimitrina Kamenova The occasion was a fantastic DXN event with the special participation of Mr. László Kócsó (The first European and the fastest Crown Ambassador within DXN) and Mr. Sean Higgins (European Marketing Coordinator). The programme continued with a speech from Mr. Sean Higgins who shared a part of his professional experience and emphasized on the importance of the team work. According to his words there might be star players (the more the better) but only the teamwork makes everybody winners. He also asked “ do you see what I see?” showing that the DXN business is following the track of a previous company he worked with and they Mr. László Kócsó conducted an interesting training about the emphatic business building and provided the are now a £100million company in just the UK. members with useful and easy to put in practice tips on how to successfully build their business with DXN. The key sentence of his presentation was: “You cannot change anyone by force, but you can make them feel the need of a change.” The event was extremely motivational for the 300PPV Club members and their teams. It all ended with a special dinner and party, a lot of dancing and smiling faces. Thank you DXN for all the beautiful moments we share together! 33
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