April 2013


April 2013
April 2013
AMA Charter #553
50 years
Sharing and Enjoying
Model Aviation
www. Keystoneclippers.com
P.O. Box 261 Rillton, PA 15678
Meeting Notice:
The Next Meeting will be Monday April 29, 2013 at 7:00 P.M. at the
Circleville United Methodist Church.
A monthly publication of The Keystone Clippers R/C MAC
Prez Sez
We need to accomplish several things at the next meeting. The Agenda is:
Gas Well Update
Field Work Parties
Toledo Recap
50th Birthday Efforts
Purchase Priorities
There will a lot to discuss and all ideas, additions and debate will be welcome. See you there.
April 28, 2013
April 29,2013
June 3, 2013
June 9, 2013
June 24,2013
July 14, 2013
July 29, 2013
********KCRC EVENTS********
Swap Meet J & C Hobbies Penn Hills
Regular Meeting 7:00
(May) Regular Meeting 7:00 (due to Holiday)
Club Picnic Noon Til ?
Regular Meeting 7:00 at the Field
Club Picnic Noon til ?
Regular Meeting 7:00 at the Field
Minutes from Meeting # 579 March 25, 2012
The meeting was called to order at 7:03 P.M. by the president Bill Pilesi and the pledge to the flag was given.
There were 14 members in attendance.
The minutes from the previous meeting were approved as printed in the newsletter.
The Treasurer's Report was given and approved. A motion was made and seconded to pay all bills.
Readings: No readings this month, but Justin Mash voted in as member of KCRC
Communications: .Discussion on e-mails from Dale and Blake on dues and turbines. Vote was made on turbines last
year banning them at the field. Dues structure can be discussed at meeting closer to the end of the year.
Field Report: Field is in good shape after winter. Work parties will be announced with plenty of work for everyone.
Come early and stay as long as you wish. Estimate on rolling the field will be forthcoming. Mowing schedule is out
and started last weekend. List of work to be done at the field is being made and if you can’t make a work party you can
work when available.
Old Business: E-file for taxes has been submitted and accepted. There was discussion on 50th anniversary of the club
with no firm commitments.
New Business: Advisors for 2013 will be Eric Haberman, Ron Steban, and Tom Stratton. We can purchase a port-ojohn for $250.00 from the same people who we now rent from. We will have to make a visit to their offices to pick one
out and will still have to pay for clean out per month. This should show us a savings for next year.
Meeting adjourned at: 7:53 P.M.
Show and Tell: Bob Cubranic brought an Midwest Aero Electric That he has made some modifications toand Andy
Levino has some batteries for free contact Andy
Agenda items can be e-mailed to any officer at any time to be added. DON’T wait, send your items, questions, concerns now for the next meeting or better still bring them to the meeting as new business!
Bill Pilesi
Jim Arnold
Ray Hurley
Jerry Thomas 724-864-1881
Newsletter Ray Hurley ([email protected])
Field Coordinator- Eric Haberman 412-751-7715
Field Safety Officer- Rich Kucera 412-823-7976
Eric Haberman 01/14
Ron Steban
Tom Stratton
The next regular meeting of the Keystone Clippers will be Monday April 29,
2013 at Circleville Methodist Church.
Bring a “show and tell”!!!
See you all there!!!
From the Baron
Nothing from the Baron this month. Watch your “Six”!!!
Vill be returning soon!!
Wanted, For Sale, Classifieds!!!!
Send info to Ray Hurley by the 15th of the month to be sure it makes the
next issue. Plenty of space available!!
Sr. Telemaster-Complete
Super Tiger61, HITEC Flash 5 radio system, with servos
$250.00 Contact: Ed Kaylor 412-664-7459
K&B 61 with a Perry carb for sale $75.00 Contact Ed Kaylor
/////////// Mention you saw it in the Windicator
Don’t forget your ideas for our Fiftieth Anniversary. If you can write them
down and bring to the meeting or e-mail them to one of the officers or
Ray Hurley it would be appreciated. It is your club and we would like to
have your ideas!!
For Sale
Hangar 9 Funtana S 40 3D—New ARF in Box with spare wing and
2 _ Futaba servos $229.99 List
Contact: Jim Arnold
Hangar 9 Pulse XT BNF 61” span-O.S. AX 46, Spektrum AR 7000
Receiver with remote, 4—Futaba FP-S148 Servos 1—Futaba S3004 servo
Contact Jim Arnold
Seagull Models Space Walker II BNF 63” span—Saito FA-56 Black
& Gold 4 Stroke, Spektrum AR 7000 Receiver with remote, 4 –
Spektrum DS-821 Digital servos, 1– Hitec HS-80 servo $350.00
Contact Jim Arnold
F4U Corsair RTF 43” span –O.S. FX-25, HitecFM/HFD-08-RD Receiver (CH13), 4-Hitec HS-81 Servos, 1 Hitec HS-80 Servo, Futaba
FP-T4 NBF Conquest Transmitter
Contact: Jim Arnold
Kaos RTF 56” span, OS SF-46, Hitec FM/HFD-08-RD Receiver,
(CH46), 4– Tower TS-67 Servos, Futaba FP-T6NFK Transmitter
Contact: Jim Arnold
Fun Scale 3D P-51 RTF 53” span OS FX-25, Futaba FP-R1270-F
Receiver (CH48), 4-Futaba S-3004 Servos, Futaba FP-T7NFK
Conquest Transmitter
Contact: Jim Arnold
******Mention you saw it in the Windicator*******
April 28, 2013 8:00A.M. til ?
J & C Hobbies Penn Hills Location parking area 12250 Frankstown,
Penn Hills.
Great Deals********** Great Food ***I******Great Place to BE****
Don’t Miss IT!!
Advertizing space available. Contact: Ray Hurley

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