top gun 1 champion - Model Airplane News
top gun 1 champion - Model Airplane News
The 13th annual Top Gun Scale Invitational, held April 25 to April 29, 2001, was attended by 67 of the best scale modelers from the U.S. and around the world. This year, as always, Model Airplane News teamed up with Pacer Technology (the Zap Gang) as the primary sponsors of the famous West Palm Beach, FL, event. As in the past, the Palm Beach Aero Club did a bang-up job of hosting. For many modelers, this annual extravaganza is the pinnacle of scale competition, and I have to agree with that thought. Every year, I'm amazed to see the thousands of spectators who fill the bleachers, and this year was no exception. School kids and their parents, modelers from all over the world and many local residents packed the stands to cheer for their favorite models and competitors. You simply have to see it to really appreciate how well regarded this event is by those who come to witness the show. And it is a show! The greatest scale show on earth! f i s t PLACE EXPERT Terry Nitsch earned the firstplace Expert award for an unprecedented sixth time. Flying his twin turbine-powered BVM Rafale B-01, Terry also captured the coveted "Mr. Top Gun" title by besting Jeff Foley (first place in Designer) by only % point. This was both Terry's and Jeff's 12th year of competition at Top Gun. TOP GUN 1 CHAMPION 1st PLACE DESIGN 32 MODEL AIRPLANE NEWS Bill Stevik prepares his beautiful FiberClassics P-51 for another round. Flown by Dean DiGiorgio, the Mustang earned the pair a firstplace win in Team. Winning both the Best Civilian and the Engineering Excellence awards, this twinturbine-powered Airbus A-330 was entered in Team by Peter Michel and was flown by full-size airliner pilot Stephan Durrstein. After making several impressive flights, the huge Airbus fell victim to the infamous Polo Grounds crosswind. First place in Designer Scale was won by Jeff Foley with his Me 109E. Powered by a Moki 1.8, the Messerschmitt also won the Best 2-Stroke Performance award. Sponsored by ZAP and Model Airplane News TOP 2001GUN Scale helicopters at Top Gun? I had heard earlier that scale helicopters were going to be there. When I arrived, I found that this was true, as the heli static judging had already begun. Seeking out the contest director for the helicopters, I found David Sweatt hard at work rounding up the contestants. How did scale helicopters get invited to Top Gun? For one thing, through David's hard work and perseverance. He had joined an Internet chat room discussion about scale helis, and Top Gun came up. David asked, "Has Frank Tiano ever been asked to include scale helis at the Top Gun event?" The answer was no, so David emailed a note about it to Frank. To David's surprise, Frank said, "Bring them on!" After that, David went to work lining up sponsors, contestants and a host of other behind-the-scenes activities to bring the special event together. To test the waters, this year's heli participation was for static competition only. Frank felt that such a test was needed to see how helicopters would be received at Top Gun, and from what I saw, they were very well received indeed! From the fixed-wing pilots and spectators to Frank himself, all were amazed at the quality, level of Helicopter make the scene at » Top Gurij i t Completely detailed inside an,dx> jflrMptmrfrff-fr gorgeous • Aerospatiale Lama built by Peter Wales has the distinct H6ii6rHt'"••' being the. very first Top Gun Helicopter winner. Powered by a Zenoah G-3ff gasoline engine, Peter's Lama looked as though he had sprinkled magic dvst onto a full-size Lama to miniaturize it for Top Gun. Peter also earned the Beat Civiliaii and Critics' Choice awards with his impressive helicopter. 34 MODEL AIRPLANE NEWS detail and sheer size of these spectacular machines. Curious modelers and spectators continuously eyeballed the helis and asked the builders questions. ASK, AND THEY SHALL COME So, who were the first heli contestants at Top Gun, and how did they get invited? David used the same criteria as for fixed-wing craft and invited the top scale heli modelers from around the U.S. and across the Atlantic. The UK's premier scale modeler, Len Mount, accepted the Top Gun challenge and brought with him a very large, scale, Eurocopter EC-155B Dauphin that he manufactures and sells worldwide. Other modelers in attendance were Dale Wilkins with his Aerospatiale HELICOPTER AWARDS Place Name Model Static score Peter Wales Len Mount Jerry Hicks Russell Matteini Mike Robbins Lama Dauphin Bell 412 Long Ranger III Apache 96.833 96.667 93.917 93.917 91.250 Top to bottom: the fifth-place Heli award went to Mike Robbins for his impressive McDonnell Douglas AH-64 Apache. Excel mechanical parts and an O.S. .61 engine are buried deep within this good-looking Army attack helicopter. • Doug Bruns's Bell 47 was equipped with cropdusting sprayers and hopper tanks. Doug took home a seventh-place award. An O.S. engine and Vario mechanicals control this popular whirlybird. • Missing the first-place slot by less than % point was this Eurocopter EC-155B Dauphin built by Len Mount. The beautiful EC-1S5B also earned the Best Cockpit award. Tiger and Doug Bruns with his Bell 47. Renowned scale heli modeler Jerry Hicks was also there with his beautiful Bell 412, which he manufactures and sells. Rounding out the field was this year's WRAM show firstplace heli winner Mike Robbins with his McDonnell Douglas AH-64 Apache, Russell Matteini with his Long Ranger III and Peter Wales and his scale Aerospatiale Lama. The level of precision shown on Peter's Lama was nothing short of amazing; not even the smallest detail was overlooked. It left me wondering how he shrank a full-size Lama! Just like the fixed-wing contest, the helicopter competition was very close, as Peter Wales earned the first-place Top Gun Helicopter award, followed closely by Len Mount, who finished second by less than half a point. So what does the future hold for helicopters and Top Gun? Much, I hope. There is talk of helis returning next year, and if everything works out, a flying competition will be held for them, as well. I can hardly wait! Top to bottom: Russell Matteini earned fourth place with this "News 6" Long Ranger III. A Rossi .60 heli engine is used for power, and Vario mechanicals are used throughout. • Also from a Vario kit, Dale Wilkins' Aerospatiale Tiger Attack helicopter placed sixth. • Placing third was this colorful Bell 412 entered by Jerry Hicks. Jerry uses his own ScaleHouse fuselage kit and Excel mechanicals for this gas-powered model. SPECIAL AWARDS Best Cockpit Best Civilian Best Military Critics' Choice Len Mount, Dauphin Peter Wales, Lama Mike Robbins, Apache Peter Wales, Lama HELI STATIC JUDGES Bill DeVerna Sean Curry Steve Harris Michael Bacon Len Bechtold AUGUST 2001 35 WINNERS DESIGNER CLASS Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Pilot Aircraft Foley Ziroli Jr. Violett Vaillancourt Parenti Roane Benjamin Underwood Torres Patton Polapink Ziroli Sr. Hayes Feroldi Platt Nelson Fogarty Wilkinson 1 /4 5Bf-109E /6 Avenger A7F-100D % Typhoon %.s Fireball 37% Shoestring 1 /4 Aeronca K 1 /6.7 Stormovik !6 Cessna O2A 1 1 1 /4 T-34C 1 /4 Pfalz D lla VA Stearman N2S 1 /7 Ayres Thrush 1 /6 Dh-2 Airco VA Magister VA Waco YK-57 VA Ercoupe 415D 1 /fe Stuka Ju-87A Span (in.) 86 108 70 97 72 85 108 83 91 111 94 87 83 113 102 93 90 90 Weight (Ib.) 24 45 32 35 20 16 15 19 23 53 23 32 15 35 25 32 22 21 Power Prop Radio Plans/kit Gear mfr. Fuel Moki 1.8 Eagle 4.2 AMT Q-75 YS 1.20 Saito180 AstroFlight 60G K&B100 O.S. 70 4c x2 3W 4.9 Twin Moki 1.8 Robart 7 Cyl. RCV120 Sachs 4.2 Moki 2.10 Seidel 7 Cyl. Moki 1.8 G-38 18x10 Zinger 24x10 Turbine Zinger 24x12 16x8 APC 16x8 18x12 APC 15x8 Zinger 14x6 24x10 Zinger 18x8 24x12 15.5x12.5 4b 24x10 APC 20x10 Moki 22x10 APC 18x8 18x6-10 JR PCM Airtronics JR JR Airtronics Futaba Airtronics Airtronics Futaba Futaba Airtronics Airtronics JRPCM Futaba Futaba Airtronics Futaba 9z Airtronics Self Self Self Self Self Platt Robart BVM Likes Self Omega 61 114 80 110 105 68 86 58 110 120 89 92 84 70 109 80 88 82 102 72 85 100 89 82 68 76 80 118 80 35 45 22 17 14 40 19 28 45 39 19 35 14 20 52 22 24 18 36 50 28 35 24 32 23 22 22 39 22 AMT Turbine JR G-38x2 20x10 JR PCM 10x O.S. 160 Twin Zinger 16x6-1 OAirtronics Laser 150 Zinger 18x6 Futaba 8 Master 16x6 Airtronics O.S. Ft 160 RAM 750 x2 Turbine Graupner O.S. 1.08 APC 15x8 Airtronics Turbine Futaba RAM 1000 Futaba 3W120CC 32x10 ZDZ 60 RV Futaba 8 Clark 24x8 O.S. 160 18x6 Airtronics Sachs 5.8 Moki 26x10 Airtronics O.S. 40 4 Cyl. x2 11x6 Futaba RAM 750 Turbine JR Z-445 Bolly JR10x G-38 JRPCM 20x6 G-38 20x6 Futaba Moki 2.1 APC 20x10 JR10x Cheetah 42 x2 16x10 Airtronics RAM 750 x2 Turbine Futaba JR RAM 750P Turbine 22x12 Futaba 9 3W-60 G-62 22x10 JR RAM 1000 Turbine JR AMT Turbine JR JR PCM 10 RAM 750 Turbine Moki 1.8 APC 18x8 Futaba Laser 150 x2 JR 16x8 Moki 1.8 16x8 3-blade Futaba 9z BVM kit Ziroli plan Scratch J. Bates plan Nosen kit BVM kit Smith plan Av. Design kit Proctor kit Scratch Clements plan Ziroli plan MAN plan BVM kit Aero Mag. D. Bryant plan Barkley kit Bates plan Johnson plan Yellow kit JMP kit Ziroli plan Yellow kit JMP kit BVM kit Rhom Holman/Bryant Smith R. Torres Platt Air Magic — Effinger CJM Annco — BVM Robart — Self Robart JMP Yellow JMP Likes Yellow JMP BVM FiberClassics Self Century Jet Robart Jet-A Shell C. Power Wildcat Wildcat Jet-A Wildcat Jet-A Gas Gas Morgan Gas Omega JP4 Gas Gas Gas Omega Gas Jet-A Jet-A Gas Wildcat Jet-A Jet-A Jet-A Wildcat Wildcat Sig-Fai Weight (in.) 36 27 26 35 24 Power (Ib.) 3W80 MaxCim x4 RAM 1000 RAM 1000x2 3W-70 Brison 4.2 Eagle 3.2 G-45 B&D 5.1 RAM 1000 Moki 3.6 G-62 3W 70cc G-62 3W48 3W 120B1 Jet Cat P80 AMT 280 RAM 750 Aveox Sefl m B Self Self • • — — " * " Self Self Self Self Self Self Self Self Self Self — Self Robart — — — — — — Self Self Gas Jet-A Gas Byron Red Max Sanyo K&B 500 Sig Gas Cool Power Home Omega Exxon Wildcat Red Max Wildcat Gas EXPERT CLASS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Nitsch Hahn Miller Foster Tacie Diaz Rice Campana Barbee Chevalier Sousa Steffes Kretz Mirandes Hendrickson Gross Winter Johnson Czikk Matthews McCaulley Denicola Snyder Rafalowski Weiss Alvarez Bartkus Voglund Benson % Rafale B-01 Vr P-61 Blk. Widow 1 A Globe Swift 1 /4 de Havilland 9H !4 Aeronca L-16A % RAFALE B-01 1 /6.5 Ki-61 Tony 1 /6F-16 Vz WACO YMF-5 V3 Tri-Pacer VA Culver Cadet % P-47D 1 /i2 Dornier Do-23G !6 P-80A 1 /4 T-34A VA SE5a VA Tiger Moth % P-36 Curtis % F-82B 1 //F-18 Hornet % T-33A % Skyraider % Spitfire Mk.9 % T-33A !«MiG-15 % F-86F % Focke Wulf 190 teMe-110 Vo Beech T-34C BVM Robart — — — BVM TEAM CLASS Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Builder/pilot Aircraft Span Stevik/DiGiorgio Maiorana/Pinegar Leonard/Malchione Grice/Shulman Schmidt/Zoun Siewert/Sandquist Salles/Esteves Cassidy/Stokes Donofrio/Greco Araujo/Gonzalez Mears/Patrick Berastain/Swift Berton/McCallie Mangudo/Testa Selby/Lim Tiano/Christensen Michel/Durrstein Hogan/Patton Frankel/Stemer Elias/Shaw 1 102 115 52 64 106 82 104 80 156 64 144 /4.5 P-51 D /t5 TU-4 1 Vs F-4 Phantom % Rafale Vi Zlin-526 fe P-47 Vi Spacewalker % P-47 VA Sikorsky S-39B Vi Rafale B Vi Super Cub V4PT-19 Vs Zero M3 Hamp Vs SNJ-5 % F7F Tigercat % F8F Bearcat Vi6 Airbus A-330 % Panther F9F Vr Skyray F4D-1 % FW-44 36 MODEL AIRPLANE NEWS 114 91.5 101 122 101 150 85 59 71 31 22 30 45 38 42 36 31 25 48 46 49 38 25 17 Prop Radio Plans/kit Gear mfr. Fuel 24x12 13x10 Turbine Turbine 22x10 Zinger 22x10 Moki 22x10 18x10 Syntec Turbine 24x10 Moki 22x10 22x12 Moki 22x10 21x12 Menz Turbine Turbine Turbine Moki 16x10 JR Futaba JR JR Futaba Futaba JR Futaba Futaba Airtronics Futaba Futaba JR Airtronics Graupner JR MC-24 JR Futaba Futaba FiberClassics — BVM BVM German Aerotech Sig Yellow Self BVM — Ziroli plan Platt plan Ziroli plan FFC 3W Michel CAI Self FiberClassics — BVM BVM — Robart Gas Electric Jet-A Jet-A — Gas Gas Gas Jet-A Special Gas Gas Gas Exxon K&W Robart — BVM — — Century Jet Robart Robart Century Jet Hawe Robart Platt Gas Gas Gas Jet-A Jet-A Jet-A Electric Finish Static score Flight score Total Polyester resin & K&B Auto paint PPG Automotive Acrylic lacquer Glass and Hobby Poxy Super Coverite/dope Stitts System Cloth, Coverite, paint K&B Epoxy PPG Automotive Sig dope and fabric Stits Glass and K&B paint Sig Coverall/dope Hobby Poxy Stits Cloth and Du Pont paint Acrylic enamel 97.083 97.583 96.5 94.833 91.417 93.167 96.500 91.667 94.417 94.458 90.75 95.917 90.583 83.5 86.083 83.292 71.583 191.541 191.375 191.333 185.291 183.584 182.75 182.667 182.209 181.917 181.333 179.417 177.833 177.042 166.166 166.084 133.209 95.333 93.833 PPG Automotive Zpoxy w/auto acrylic Polyurethane Auto Acrylic Sig dope PPG Concept PPG PPG Stits w/auto acrylic Coverite butyrate dope Stits System PPG Chevron paint PPG PPG Automotive Dope, lacquer Stits Hobby Poxy Auto lacquer PPG Concept Series PPG Automotive System Fiberglass & Hobby Poxy PPG Auto PPG PPG Capt'n Butch Aluminum PPG Hobby Poxy Lacquer/clearcoat 96.25 94.833 94.417 93.917 93.25 94.333 91.667 93.917 94.667 95.5 93.917 91.083 92.25 88.333 91.083 96.583 90.167 85.083 87.25 91.25 92.083 88.333 77.417 92.417 88.667 88 87.417 86.417 86.25 Finish Static score Nitrate dope Aluminum foil tape PPG Concept paint PPG PPG PPG auto paint Auto enamel Aluminum sheets Randolf dope PPG auto paint Endura Automotive finish Hobby Poxy PPG PPG Hobby Poxy Original Airbus paint PPG System PPG Solartex/enamel 96.25 96.917 97.333 97.75 95.083 97.25 97 94 97 94.333 97.833 92.25 96.583 89.667 91.833 90.583 95.667 91.75 92.75 90.417 91.75 93.75 94.583 90.667 95.917 95.333 89.833 93.792 94.833 90.458 92.167 89.583 86.167 90.542 87.5 75.417 37.292 0 4 95.542 96.417 93.458 92.375 92.75 90.208 91.5 88 86.417 85.083 86.167 88.958 87.625 91 87.875 81.833 86.375 89.458 86.875 81.083 191.792 191.25 187.875 186.292 186 184.541 183.167 181.917 181.084 180.583 180.084 180.041 179.875 179.333 178.958 178.416 176.542 174.541 174.125 172.333 76.625 168.708 17.042 135.708 94.459 47.375 Top: a heckuva lot of people behind the scenes make Top Gun the great event that it is. Here, all the judges take a break from their appointed rounds to smile for our camera. A better, more experienced group of hard workers could not be found anywhere. Above left: that's Bob Curry on the right with his friend, Lee Henderson, taking a break from the rigors of static judging. Bob has been a judge for all 13 years of Top Gun. Now, that's dedication! Above right: regular Model Airplane News contributor and past Top Gun contestant Rich Uravitch donned the Craftsmanship Judge cap at the 2001 event. Here, he closely inspects Bob Violett's F-100D. 92.417 88.667 88 87.417 0 0 86.417 Flight score Total 95.125 94.167 92.708 90.875 93.333 91.125 89.417 91.708 88 89.708 85.167 90.125 85.125 90 86.958 79.25 15.833 ,6,958., 86.25 191.375 191.084 190.041 188.625 188.416 188.375 186.417 185.708 185 184.041 183 182.375 181.708 179.667 178.791 169.833 111.5 98.708 92.75 90.417 Top to bottom: Dave Plait again competed in Designer Scale with his %-scale Miles M. 14 Magister. Dave's British trainer, which placed 15th, spans 102 inches and is powered by a Moki 2.10. • Flown by Kalvin Lim, this twin 3W-48-powered Tigercat comes in for a landing. Mike Selby's colorful F7F won the Critics' Choice award and placed 15th in Team Scale. • Awarded both the Best Military and the Charlie Chambers Craftsmanship awards, this Russian TU-4 is the team entry of George Maiorana and David Pinegar. Powered by four MaxCim electric motors, the Soviet B-29 copy placed second. SPONSORS PRIMARY SPONSORS Frank Tiano Enterprises Model Airplane News Pacer Technology (ZAP) SUPPORTING SPONSORS Lanier RC Pan American Intl. Van Dell Jewelers Wildcat Fuels ASSOCIATE SPONSORS Airtronics Futaba/O.S. Engines Irrigation Services RA Microjets (RAM) Robart Mfg. Scale Aircraft Intl. Super Chips "Very Generous Friend" AUGUST 2001 37 TOP2001 GUN TURBINES RULE THE JET WAYS It's no surprise that at an event where the hobby's very best is represented, every model is a showstopper. That goes for the WW I fighters, the civilian cabin planes and the WW II bombers. The jets, however, get most of the oohs and aahs at Top Gun! And for the second year in a row, all the jet pilots competing at the Polo Grounds used turbines to power their "wow" machines. Why? Beside the obvious sound and distinct smell emitted by these kerosene-burning powerplants, the main reasons for the switch to turbine power are reliability and power. Several very good flying models that were once powered by ducted-fan units are now great flying models that enjoy an abundance of turbine push. Practically every day, the prices of these impressive engines decrease a little more, and their complexity is now at a level where most, if not all, serious scale competitors can easily and safely operate them with a minimum of effort. Will turbine models someday replace well-established ducted-fanpowered jets? Probably not; but at Top Gun, turbines rule the jet ways! Coming in for a "down and dirty" pass, Bob Violett's North American F-100D shows its impressive slow-speed characteristics. Powered by an AMT turbine, the Super Sabre has a 70-inch wingspan. Bob won the Best Jet award and placed third in Designer Scale. Above, left to right: powered by a RAM 750, this beautifully finished F-86F Sabre jet built by Rene Alvarez has an impressive 76-inch span. The 22-pound model is from a FiberClassics kit and is covered with Capt'n Butch aluminum. * Finishing eighth in Expert, this colorful F-16 Fighting Falcon was built by Gustav Campana from an Air Magic kit. Powered by a RAM 1000 turbine, the model has a 58-inch span and a PPG finish. • Entered in Team Scale by Mark Frankel and Kerry Sterner, this beautiful F4D-1 Skyray, Mark's own design, was powered by a RAM 750. The 1/r-scale jet has a 59-inch span. Second row, left to right: powered by twin Jet Cat P80 turbines, this striking Airbus A-330 was the Team entry of Peter Michel and Stephan Durrstein. The scratch-built 150-inch-span airliner was 1/i6-scale and weighed 49 pounds. • Built from a Yellow Aircraft kit, this F-18 placed 20th in Expert. Built by Davie Mathews, the Hornet is powered by two RAM 750 turbines and has a 72-inch span. Flown by Dave Malchione Jr. in Team Scale with Sam Leonard, this F-4 Phantom is powered by a RAM 1000. It came in third. 38 MODEL AIRPLANE NEWS Left: Lewis Patton (kneeling, center) talks about his Crow Aviation F9F Panther. Entered in Team Scale with Hogan Selby, the Panther is powered by an AMT 280 turbine and has an 85-inch span. Below left: placing 14th in Expert, this P-80 is the work of Frankie Mirandes. Built from a BVM kit, the P-80 is powered by a RAM 750 and has a 70-inch span. For the contestants and their crews, having the opportunity to compete at this remarkable scale event is rewarding in itself. When I arrived on Thursday, most of the competitors had already set up camp, and many were preparing to have their models static-judged. Others were putting in a few test flights. Though the weathHigh Static Expert winner Mike Gross prepares for another flight with his SE5a biplane. The G-38-powered, %-scale British fighter was built using a Dennis Bryant plan and has an 80-inch wingspan. Mike came in 16th. STATIC AWARDS Pilot Aircraft Sponsor High Static—Designer Ziroli Jr. Avenger Aerotech High Static—Expert Gross SE5a RA Microjets High Static—Team Mears Super Cub Ray & Robin's Hobby Best Civilian Aircraft Michel Airbus Dave Platt Models Best Jet Aircraft Viptett MOOD Super: Sabre Irrigation Services Best Military Aircraft Maiorana TU-4 Futaba Best Biplane Nelson Red WACO RC Report Charlie Chambers Craftsmanship Maiorana TU-4 The ZAP Gang Best Pre-WW II Aircraft Feroldi DH-2 Glenn Torrance Engineering Excellence Michel Airbus A-330 Robart Mfg. Best Cockpit Interior Hahn P-61 Scale Intl. Critics' Choice Selby F7F Tigercat Airtronics/Van Dell Jewelers Grej Eagle lifetime Achievement Parenti Model Airplane News Top Buns Barastain Top Gun Hussies FLIGHT AWARDS Best 2-stroke Performance Foley BF-109E Moki Engines Best 4-stroke Performance Tacie Aeronca Saito Engines Best Gas Performance Hahn P-61 Aircraft Intl. Best Multi Performance Hahn P-61 Ron Norris er was warm and sunny at the start of the weekend, the infamous "Polo Grounds crosswind" persisted and really gave the pilots a workout. Many who were flying lightly loaded WW I and high-wing aircraft wisely chose to use alternate runways to help compensate for the wind direction. Top Gun has three categories of competition: Expert, Team and Designer Scale. Before the flying begins, everyone's model is static-judged. Over the years, Frank Tiano has put together one of the most experienced teams of judges seen anywhere. Chief judge Bill Holland, assisted by Bill Deverna, guided the many static and flight judges during the event, and it was amazing how quickly and thoroughly all the models were judged. (Of particular note was Bob Curry, who has been a Top Gun static judge since the competition's inception in 1988—quite a testament to the level of experience found among the event's judges.) Because of a threatening storm on Sunday, however, only four flight rounds were flown this year. Twenty-nine aircraft were entered in Expert, 18 in Designer and 20 in Team scale. As it was last year, all of the jets at Top Gun were turbine-powered; no ducted-fan aircraft were present. This was the first year that scale helicopters were a part of the event, and the helis that showed up for the static judging were amazing (see the sidebar, "Helicopters make the scene at Top Gun"). Left, top: Nick Ziroli Jr.'s 108-inch-span TBM Avenger/Tarpon came in second in Designer and earned the highest static score in Designer Scale. Left, bottom: the highest static score in Team Scale went to Graeme Mears and his '/6-sca/e PA-18. Powered by a Moki 3.6, the Super Cub has a 144-inch span. TOP2001 GUN The Pilots of Top Gun Electric-powered aircraft continue to participate and show the excellent performance these quieter models possess. In my opinion, the most spectacular electric was the Russian TU-4 (B-29 copy) built by George Maiorana and flown in Team by David I'inegar. Its performance was solid, and its flight realism was outstanding. Of course, there were many outstanding models; each modeler at Top Gun represented Second place in Expert went to this P-61 Black Widow built and piloted by Greg Hahn. Powered by two G-38 gas engines and built from a plan by Nick Ziroli, the impressive model also earned the Best Cockpit Interior, Best Gasoline Engine Performance and Best Twin Engine Performance awards. 42 MODEL AIRPLANE NEWS the very best that our hobby has to offer. Top Gun is all about flying the best scale models, and this year's crop of aircraft was the best I've ever seen. Though this year's scale competition was very close, it was not without its casualties. The most heartbreaking loss, I believe, was the crash of Peter Michel's beautiful, twin-turbine-powered Airbus A-330. Piloted smoothly for several flights by team partner Stephan Durrstein, by Roy Vaillcmcourt Who really flies these marvelous miniature aircraft we see at Top Gun? Most people think it is the guys on the ground holding the transmitters. But the competitors know that the really brave ones are the little guys sitting in the models' cockpits. Most scale modelers spend countless hours applying fine details such as rivets, screw heads and panel lines to the surfaces of their models, but the scale illusion isn't complete without the human element. The person who lives and works in the cockpit must also be represented. The pilot figure is a very important part of any truly scale model aircraft. At all major scale meets like Top Gun, you'll see scale pilot figures that show as much detail as the airplanes themselves. Some are so realistic that you expect them to talk to you. Most of these little fellows start as kits available from any number of manufacturers, and with a little paint, time and patience, they can be made to look very lifelike. Little extras like goggles or an oxygen mask and hose can really make a difference. Adding many other little items can really make a pilot figure stand out. When spectators view a scale model up close, their eyes are naturally drawn to the space where the pilot sits: the cockpit. If the front office is vacant or has a funny-looking doll sitting in the pilot's seat, the scale illusion is incomplete, and the overall effect of an otherwise accurately built and detailed model is somehow diminished. Real planes are flown by real pilots, and scale planes should always be "flown" by scale pilots. the impressive 150-inch-span passenger jet airliner got caught up in a stiff crosswind and went in. Peter has promised to have a new Airbus for next year's event. A SHOW WITHIN A SHOW! Just like the scale competition at Top Gun, the event's halftime show is a joint effort by the show's best pilots and is an extravaganza beloved by the many spectators and con- TOP 2001 GUN testants. Orchestrated by Lanier RC's own Bubba Spivey, the halftime production holds many surprises that repeatedly bring the crowd to its feet. It began with a demonstration of multiple RC parachute drops and was quickly followed by the hot-dog hijinks of Bubba and his wingman, Wayne Voyles, both of whom flew giant Stingers. These Zenoah G-62-powered, smoke-belching models performed aerobatics in formation, often very close to each other—and to the ground. A rather noisy highlight of the show was the mock breaking of the scale sound barrier by a turbinepowered jet piloted by Terry Nitsch (also known as the M- Top Gun Tech Talk ENGINES Zenoah 3W Moki O.S. Eagle Sachs B&P Brison Cheetah K&B Quadra Robart Saito Seldel YS ZDZ RADIOS Futaba jp-----Airtronics Graupner AIRCRAFT TYPES Monoplanes Military WWII Jets Civilian Biplanes wwi 59 52 27 16 9 5 RETRACTS Robart BVM Scratch-built Century Jet Models Jet Mode Products Likes Line Yellow A/C Air Maqic FjberClassics Hawe TURBINES RAM AMT ELECTRICS AstroFlight MaxCim Aveox 44 MODEL AIRPLANE NEW$ Lee Rice, this Ki-61 Tony placed seventh in Expert Scale. The 86-inch-span Japanese fighter is powered by an O.S. 1.08 and was built from a Don Smith plan. scale "Captain Salami"). In constant contact with the crowd via radio, Terry flew his BVM jet to a great height and then did a speed run down the centerline of the Polo Grounds. When the model was at center stage, a small pyrotechnic charge was fired to good effect. Another show favorite was Don Muddiman and his model, the Flying Machine. Don performed some of the wildest hot-dog aviation ever seen from such a small, unassuming plane. Gary Wright wowed the crowd with his 3D aerobatic helicopter demonstration. What he did with a heli was truly magical—would you believe sustained knife-edge flight that almost seemed to defy gravity? To close the show, flying prodigy Jason Schulman did his usual unbelievable job flying a 3D, aerobatic sequence using a Lanier 42-percent-scale Sukhoi powered by a Desert Aircraft DA-150cc gas engine. These pilots and many others made the halftime show itself worth the price of admission. Left, top: Nick Ziroli Sr. piloted his beautiful Stearman N2S to 12th place in Designer Scale. The 87-inch-span biplane is powered by a Robart 7-cylinder radial 4-stroke engine. Left, center: Bob Benjamin competed with his electricpowered Aeronca K cabin plane and placed seventh in Designer. The beautiful 1/k-scale model is powered by an AstroFlight motor. Below left: third-place winner in Expert was Corvin Miller with his Globe Swift. The scratch-built civilian airplane has an 80-inch span and uses an O.S. 1.60 twin-cylinder engine for power. Below right: placing 16th in Designer, Charlie Nelson flew his %-scale WACO YK-57 cabin biplane. Powered by a Seidel 7-cylinder engine, the big bipe had a wingspan of 93 inches. Bottom: the team entry of Frank Tiano and John Christensen was this big (101-inch-span) %-scale F8F Bearcat built from the 3W kit. Powered by a 3W 120B1 twin-cylinder gasoline engine, the big Bearcat weighed 46 pounds. The team placed 16th. ACCOLADES Of course, Top Gun couldn't happen without the generosity of the many sponsors who donate cash, prizes and awards. To all of them, to the Palm Beach Aero Club members and to tireless event promoter Frank Tiano goes the biggest thank you. If you love seeing beautiful scale models flying and competing head to head, put Top Gun on the top of your must-see list. In 2002, Top Gun will not be held at the West Palm Beach Polo Grounds. It's time for a new venue, and Frank is currently talking with representatives of several promising new locations. One thing is definite: wherever the next Top Gun is held, it will be bigger and better than ever. Frank wouldn't have it any other way. 4-
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