Take the Challenge


Take the Challenge
Just Horses
April, 2014
22nd Year • Issue 12 • April, 2014
Idaho Horse Council’s 2014
Take the Challenge
Official Program, Schedules, Maps
Section B, Pages 1 - 8
Backing Fundamentals by Clinton Anderson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pg A-4
A Horse of Course by Don Blazer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pg A-6
Become a Great Puzzle Solver by Pat Parelli . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pg A-10
The Morgan Quarter Horse Connection by Gail Perler. . . . . . . Pgs B-20 & B-20
Pneumonia in Foals by Heather Smith Thomas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pg B-23
The Northwest’s Finest All-Breed Horse Publication. Visit us at www.justhorses.net.
Around the Region
APRIL 3 - 6
The Montana State Spring
Rodeo will be held at the Brick
Breeden Field house, in Bozeman. Tickets $17 Adult, $15
Student. Call (406) 994-2403
for more informaation.
The 2014 DeWalt Guaranteed/Built Ford Tough PBR will
come to the Ford Idaho Center
in Nampa, ID.
Doors open at 6:30 pm,
show starts at 8:00 pm. To buy
tickets or for more information,
go to: www.idahocenter.com.
Montana’s longest running
rodeo series will be held at the
Majestic Valley Arena, 3630
Hwy 93 N., Kalispell, MT. Call
(406) 250-5110 for more information.
Just Horses
April, 2014
APRIL 12 - 13
2014 ISHSA Spring Double Point Show will be held
at the Ford Idaho Horse Park,
in Nampa, ID. (ISHSA, PAC,
AHA-OEIP Approved Show)
$12.00 per class, plus $2.00 per By Ed McNelis
judge/per horse promotion fee.
My passion and horses are
Go to www.ishsa.info for
by the best Horse
more information.
Council in the country. The
Idaho Horse Council represents
each of us on horse matters –
ARABIAN HORSE SHOW both large and small. LegislaWill be held at the Oregon tion, trails, open spaces, disease
Horse Center, 90751 Prairie Rd, control, youth programs, water
Eugene, Oregon. Go to www. and everything that impacts
oregonhorseceter.com or call equine and their owners is the
(541) 689-9700 for more infor- work of the Horse Council.
The Idaho Horse Expo
to us by the Horse
APRIL 24 - 27
SPRING TRAIL CLINIC Council. This year’s Horse Expo
The Oregon Horse Center’s will be held at the Ford Idaho
Spring Trail clinic will be held Horse Park, Friday, April 18that the center at 90751 Prairie beginning at 10:00 am, through
Road, Eugene. Cancellations Sunday, April 20th, ending 6:00
before April 10th, 2014 will be pm. It is worth everyone’s time
given full refund. After that date to attend the Expo. The enterNO REFUNDS will be given tainment, education, clinicians
Go to www.oregonhorseceter. and trade show has something
com or call (541) 689-9700 for
more information.
exciting and highly competitive
MAY 8 - 11
Pre-entries close April 25th.
For additional information, go
The Des Arab Horse Club
MAY 15TH - 18TH
will hold their annual Region IV
Qualifier show at the Ford IdaHORSE SALE
ho Horse Park Sports Arena, in
Mothers’ Day Horse Races,
Nampa, ID. This year the show Diamond Rio concert, rodeo,
has combined with the Region wild horse race, street dance. For
4 Sport Horse Offsite Champi- information or ticketing quesonship! Hours will be 8:00 am tions, email bucking@midrivers.
- 6:00 pm, daily. Don’t miss this com or call (406) 234-2890.
At Its Best
April, 2014
Just Horses
for everyone.
We all love to see horses
perform and do challenging tasks. This year’s Clinician,
Mark Bolender, is one of the
foremost trainers and teachers
for both horses and people on
trail, obstacles and events. You
will see horses, never before
trained, walk balance beams and
navigate obstacles that most of
us believe are impossible. It is
not magic, and we can train our
horses to do it.
There is no better place to
meet great horsemen, visit with
friends and meet others who
share your love and passion for
horses. It is wholesome for the
entire family. There is great
food, entertainment and free
clinics for all of us. You can get
your questions answered and
expose you kids and grandkids
to horses and wonderful people.
You might even find out that all
those stories that Grandpa and
Grandma told you are true.
See you at the Expo!
MAY 17TH - 18TH
To be held at the Ford Idaho
Horse Park, in Nampa, ID. For
more information, go to: www.
MAY 23RD - 25TH
8:00 am - 7:00 pm at the
Ford Idaho Horse Park, In
Nampa, ID. For more information, go to: www.idahoreinedcowhorse.com.
Backing Fundamentals
By Clinton Anderson
To have the horse soften his
head and neck laterally, yield his
hindquarters 360-degrees, and
then back up. The horse should
move backwards energetically
with no resistance in your hands.
This exercise is the foundation to teaching the horse how
to back up. Instead of trying to
pull the horse backwards from
a standstill, which usually ends
up in a tug-of-war, you’ll yield
the hindquarters first and then
redirect that energy backwards.
Teaching Stage:
1) Yield the horse’s hindquarters
from a standstill. Get both hands
up short on the reins, holding
them out in front of your body.
Pull one rein up to your hip to
flex the horse’s head to the side.
Then presas with your inside leg
back by his flank.
It’s important that your outside
rein is up short as you’re yielding
the hindquarters, as opposed to
having a lot of slack in it. That
way, when you’re ready to ask
the horse to back up, you won’t
have to adjust your reins, which
will make the transition a lot
smoother. Since your outside
rein is up short you have to be
conscious of keeping it pushed
out in front of you so you aren’t
actually pulling on it.
2) Yield the hindquarters 360-de-
grees, and then redirect the horse’s
energy backwards. Before his
feet stop moving, straighten his
head out by picking up on the
outside rein. As soon as his head
is straight, lean your body backwards and start bumping with
your legs, one and then the other,
up near the horse’s elbows, keeping light contact on both reins.
Don’t think about pulling
the horse backwards; think about
picking up light contact on the
reins and driving him backwards
with your legs. Your legs will
create energy in the horse’s feet.
If you just pull on his mouth to
make him go backwards, he’ll
want to pull and lean against you.
Your reins prevent the horse from
going forward, and your legs give
him a reason to move his feet.
Keep both hands wide and low as
you maintain light steady pressure
on the reins. The wider and lower
you keep your hands, the more
leverage you’ll have.
3) As soon as the horse takes one
step backwards, immediately release all pressure from your reins
and legs and let him stop and
Find a starting point by only
looking for one or two steps in
the beginning. You’ll be surprised
how quickly two steps turn into
10 steps when you find a starting
point and gradually build the
horse’s confidence.
Just Horses
4) Once the horse can take one
or two correct steps consistently,
ask for three or four steps. Continue to build on the number of
steps each time you practice the
Don’t go from asking for two
steps to asking for 20 steps.
Gradually build on the number
of steps and the amount of energy
every day.
5) Once the horse is backing
up well without pulling on your
hands, you don’t have to yield his
hindquarters before asking him
to back up.
Once the horse understands
what you’re asking and is able
to back up with energy while
staying soft in your hands, try
backing him up from a standstill.
Lean your body back, push your
legs slightly forward and pick up
light contact on the reins. Use
alternating legs to get energy in
his feet. If you try backing up
from a standstill and get a lot of
resistance, the horse is telling you
he’s not ready. Go back to yielding
his hindquarters first to get his
feet moving.
6) When the horse is able to
consistently back up 10 steps in
a row with very little resistance,
start getting pickier about his
softness. Ask him to back up,
but don’t release the reins until
he feels soft in your hands at the
same time.
April, 2014
April, 2014
Just Horses
Photo courtesy of Clinton Anderson.
Whenever you change the
rules, you have to go back and find
a new starting point. Release the
reins as soon as he takes just one
step with softness. When he gets
good at that, wait for him to take
two steps with softness, and so on.
Gradually build on the number of
steps he takes every day.
Just Horses
April, 2014
April, 2014
Just Horses
A Horse, Of Course
By Don Blazer
“The best way to assure
your success is to do what you
do best,” Walter said as he
munched on his hay.
“And the next best way
is to set your goals low,” he
said as he took a sip of the
fresh water I’d just finished
“How’s that for thinking
outside the box” he asked? I
could see he was waiting for
me to be impressed. Walter is
a horse, of course and thinks
he has a good deal of horse
“That isn’t out of the box
thinking,” I replied. “Those are
old ideas.”
“Horse feathers”!
Walter looked me in the
eye and said, “You are constantly being told to work
on your short comings, to
improve yourself, to practice,
practice, and practice until you
master a thing.
“Have your dreams, set
your sights on the moon, and
think big, Walter.
“Well, I say, horse feathers!”
He turned his considerable Quarter Horse rump
toward me and went to the
window at the back of his stall
while I just stood there waiting
for what I knew was coming.
A perfect pivot to the right
on his hindquarters and he
was facing me. “If you want
a horse to be successful, then
you put him to work at what
he does best, right? And then
you set the goals low so you’re
sure he’ll succeed, right?
“I’m sure even you’ll agree
it’s smart to put a horse to
work at a job he’s good at…
a job he’s built to do.” Walter
went on to explain. If you are
going to race a horse, then
find one with the bloodlines
and conformation to be fast.
Don’t hitch that kind of horse
to a milk wagon or you’ll soon
have a milk shake.”
Very funny, I said without
acknowledging the analogy
was pretty good.
And what about setting
the goals low, I asked? Surely
you don’t want to tell people
they can’t dream big?
“It’s perfectly all right to
dream big,” Walter admitted.
“But, dream it; don’t set it as
a goal. Make your goal to be
a little bit better each day at
what you do best.” Walter
went back to his hay.
So, I said to Walter, if I
was training a horse I shouldn’t
work on the things he has
trouble with, but I should
concentrate on the things he
does best; is that what you are
Okay, then how do I get
him to improve at his pivots?
“You work on the part
he does best,” Walter replied
smugly. “He side passes pretty
good… so work on side passes
and when he isn’t thinking
about anything but side passing, slip in the request for a 90
degree pivot.”
“Pretty sneaky,” I replied.
“I’m working on what he does
well, and without him thinking about it, I practice something he doesn’t do so well.”
Then Walter quic kl y
jumped in with the admonishment, “don’t even think
about trying it again until after
you’ve worked on his side passing some more…remember
work on what he does well.”
“And set the goal low,”
he said. “Ask for 90 degree
pivots, not 180, or 270 or 360.
No, no no… just work on the
90 degree pivot. You can ask
for a 180 when he does a 90
degree pivot really, really well
every time you ask.”
And there you are, I admitted, working on something
he does well and not working
on something he doesn’t do
Walter wrinkled his upper
lip: “focus on the positive,” he
said, “never the negative. And
always set your goals low; you
don’t need to make a lot of
progress in training today
when a little progress will do
the trick.”
Great advice, I admitted
to Walter.
“So,” he said, “from now
on let’s just work on what I
do well.”
“You’re eating, and that’s
what you do well… and soon
you’ll want to nap, and that’s
what you also do well, so I
think I’ll slip in a little loping
while you are still thinking
about napping.”
Walter just yawned…
Visit HorseCoursesOnline.
com for a course on Equine
Behavior Modification
Don Blazer teaches the
course the Business of Making
Money With Horses for www.
horsecoursesonline.com worldwide leader in equine study
Just Horses
2014 Diabetes Ride Raises Money
for Idaho Kids
Annual D
Come ride or walk with us
in the Eagle Foothills for the
19th Annual Diabetes Ride on
Sunday, May 18, 2014. This
year you can come walk with
us on the walking trails. The
foothills are beautiful in the
spring and you get to ride or
walk on trails not normally
available to the public. All ages
are welcome.
Money raised from this
event will benefit the Idaho
Diabetes Youth Programs, who
provide camps and programs
for local children and adolescents, regardless of their family’s ability to pay. The IDYP
has five Idaho camps, and
provides other services to help
people with diabetes.
Funds are raised through
The Ninet
by Julie Anderson
pledges the participating riders and walkers raise, personal
donations, and company or corporate donations. Donors may
choose to donate lump sums,
or make monthly payments,
whichever is more convenient.
Along with the ride/walk,
organizers have arranged a silent auction, raffle, and a lot of
fun. Come enjoy a savory BBQ
meal provided by H&M Meats.
April, 2014
April, 2014
Just Horses
It will be a great day for a
ride or walk, made even better
by knowing the money raised
will help educate, serve and
care for the individuals in our
state who live every day managing a chronic disease. The
money raised from the ride/
walk makes a big difference.
Mark your calendars for
The Diabetes Ride/Walk on
Sunday, May 18, 2014, or
check out the link to sign up or
donate early. We would love to
see you out there! Your support
means you are not just helping
the youth in our community,
but you’re also investing in the
long-term health of our entire
For more information, or
to pre-register, check our webpage: http://www.active.com/
Just Horses
April, 2014
Become a Great Puzzle Solver
By Pat Parelli
like horsemanship. It’s not only
something that’s infinite for each
of us as individuals; it’s also infinite in the global sense, in that
we’re learning from what Tom
Dorrance shared with us, and he
learned from what others shared
with him, and so on. It’s a series
of wisdoms, a series of decisions
The goal of the Parelli Pro- about which philosophy to folgram, at its very core, is empow- low. Once you’ve made those
ering people to have horse savvy. decisions, then it’s up to you to
Now, “savvy” means knowing become a great puzzle-solver.
when to be, where to be, why
In this sense, becoming
to be, what to do when you get “savvy” means becoming a great
there, and when to quit doing puzzle-solver.
what you’re doing. Eventually
Now, once we understand
it becomes second nature; it’s a that, we move on to learning the
logic you use to solve horseman- inner workings, the components,
ship puzzles.
of becoming a great puzzleA lot of times, I’m asked solver. The first component to
“What do you do?” questions.
this is understanding that there
“What do you do to trailer are seven elemental games in
load a horse?” “What do you do each of the Savvys. It’s important
with a horse that bucks?” “What to understand that, no matter
do you do with a horse that runs what level you are, no matter
off ?” All of these questions are which Savvy you’re focusing on,
tests of the rider’s savvy. Once the Seven Games always apply.
you become truly savvy, you
The second component is
understand how to turn these learning how to make a game
questions into games.
out of everything. For example:
There are two types of games if your horse doesn’t like to be
in the world – finite games and caught or haltered, how do you
infinite games. Finite games are cause your idea to become his
those with a beginning, mid- idea? How do you get him to
dle and end. You always know want to do those things with
what the score is, where you you? In a sense, there are not only
stand, when it ends, and that’s the seven elemental games, there
that. Infinite games are things are many, many other, more spe-
cific games. There’s the Catching
Game, the Lead Change Game,
the Follow the Rail Game, the
Trailer Loading Game. You can’t
limit yourself; be creative. All
these games use love, language
and leadership in equal doses; in
the end, you win his respect, and
he wins a leader.
The next major component is
understanding Horsenalities™.
If we understand that we’ve
got the seven elemental games,
as well as the ability to make a
game out of any objective we
have, we then need to understand
that we have to keep the horse’s
Horsenality™ in mind. Your approach to playing the Follow the
Rail Game with a Right-Brain
Extrovert needs to be very different than your approach with
a Left-Brain Introvert.
Next is the Game of Contact. Now, a lot of people are
under the assumption that the
Game of Contact only applies
to one Savvy: Finesse. But that’s
not the case. When you look at
what the Game of Contact is
really about, it’s all about getting
your horse’s attention. No matter
if it’s the first time you walk into
your corral or the 1000th time,
you’re trying to get your horse’s
attention. It’s a game – a game
of mental contact. Every time
you pick up the reins, you’re getting his attention, you’re making
When you think about it,
something as commonplace
as shaking hands is a game of
contact. Some people know how
to play the game, how to adjust
their handshakes based on who
they’re meeting, the situation and
the circumstances. Other people
don’t know how to play the game
well, and they’re pretty easy to
pick out: they’re the people who
will either crush your hand or
give you a soft, weak handshake.
They don’t have a sense of subtlety or situation.
When you begin to recognize these things, you’ll realize
that there’s always a game of
contact. Even social media is
a game of contact – that’s why
Parelli Connect is so popular;
it offers a place to connect and
make contact with fellow horsemen around the world.
So we’ve got 1) the seven
elemental games, 2) turning
objectives into games, 3) recognizing Horsenalities™, and 4)
the Game of Contact. Once you
understand and can utilize those
four components, I believe you
can become an effective puzzlesolver. You become empowered
with this thing we call “savvy.”
Now, savvy just happens
to be the hardest thing in the
world to teach people. This is
because there’s nothing dogmatic
about it; there are no pat answers
(pun fully intended). But once
you truly have a grasp on these
components, you’ll become horse
savvy, and you’ll know when to
be, where to be, why to be, what
to do when you get there, and
when to quit doing what you’re
This is why Parelli Level 4
has become the most empowering thing I’ve ever seen. When
people get to Level 4 in all Four
Savvys, that’s when their savvy
really starts to kick in. Oftentimes, everything before Level
4 is frustrating, but everything
after Level 4 is fascinating –
especially if you buy into the
concept of the Infinite Game:
Pat Parelli, coiner of the term
“natural horsemanship”, founded
his program based on a foundation
of love, language and leadership.
Parelli Natural Horsemanship
allows horse owners at all levels of
experience to achieve success with
their at-home educational program.
Together with his wife Linda, Pat
has spread PNH across the globe
with campuses in the United States,
United Kingdom and Australia.
Launched in 2011, parelliconnect.
com provides an online social forum
packed with training tools, step-bystep to do lists, videos and more. Log
on today for your FREE 30-day
trial at www.parelliconnect.com.
Just Horses
April, 2014
Trailer Loading:
Woes and Wisdom
by Julie Goodnight
I just received an email from
a horse owner who had some
tough trailering luck. Here’s
what she asked: “I am an intermediate rider and have had my
very first horse for the last year
now. She is 18 years young and
a great trail horse. I don’t know
much about her past, but from
her highly adverse reaction to
seeing a whip when I first got
her and her constant need to
anticipate what more I am going
to ask, I can only imagine what
it was like.
“I have a trainer that is helping me with trailer training and
I have some concerns on the
method being used. My horse
starts to shake when coming up
to the trailer, and lifts her leg to
beg for release. We got her in
half way through patience and
asking calmly, but when my mare
wouldn’t go further my trainer
ran the long line through the
stall (the trailer is a straight load)
out the escape door and tied it to
the outside trailer hook. Then
she got behind her with the whip
(didn’t even have to touch her
with it) to get her to go in.
Now the problem I have
with this is that before she went
in, she thrashed violently to get
away from the whip (not the
trailer) and ripped her halter off
her head. Yes, it broke! She even
got a bloody lip. Even though
my trainer didn’t even use the
whip, other than to hold it, this
was the outcome. The horse did
load, but in a panic. Then when it
was time to come out, she backed
out in a rush.
My question is—isn’t there
a better way, or is this normal?
If it’s best to use another trainer
for professional help, what do I
need to look for, and what questions should I ask? Please help,
thank you!”
Yes, I believe that there is a
better way. I want to train the
horse to walk willingly forward
into the trailer with a calm focus - forcefulness and fear are
counter-productive to the outcome desired.
I have heard of the loading
technique you describe more
than once, though. You are lucky
nothing more than a broken
halter and bloody nose resulted.
Sometimes when you are by
yourself and must get the horse
in the trailer, it is easy to get to
a place of despair and “try anything.” I wouldn’t go so far as to
Photo courtesy of Julie Goodnight.
say you need to fire your trainer,
but I do know there are better
techniques to use—focusing on
teaching skills of obedience and
encouraging willingness.
I want a horse that calmly
and fearlessly walks into any
trailer when I present him to
it - without hesitation or drama.
I also want a horse to stay in
the trailer unless and until he
is asked to back out - then proceeding slowly and cautiously,
one step at a time is the best
way. I like to train my horses
with these intended outcomes
in mind. If you force a horse or
pull him in, are you teaching him
to stay?
With horses in general, and
with trailer loading specifically,
I do not use any techniques that
involve forcefulness with ropes
or contributing to the panic and
claustrophobia that the horse is
already feeling. When attempts
are made to “winch” the horse
by pulling his head forward with
some leverage, usually bad things
result and an explosion occurs.
Anything touching the horse
from behind when trailer loading
discourages his forward interest
and makes him worry about his
hind end. Anything touching
his hindquarters or hind legs,
is a distraction to him walking
willingly forward into the trailer.
on page A-20.
goes without
saying that this
Just Horses
April, 2014
April, 2014
Just Horses
Just Horses
April, 2014
One Woman + Two Horses + 1,000 Miles = Two Books
Saddle up for an unforgettable story!
“Horses are perhaps unique
in our animal-doting world. We
love them, we try to bond with
them, and then we sell them on.
A talented horse will have several owners during its 30-year
lifetime, and goodness knows
how many riders. Each time
it changes hands it is expected
to make the adjustment and
respond with generosity. Most
horses do. That is an extraordinary and deeply touching fact.”
- from the epilogue of
Dingle Peggy.
In 1984 Hilary Bradt was
in a major transition in life.
Her marriage had recently
ended and she wanted to prove
to herself that she could travel
on her own again. Combining
an ongoing love of adventure
with a passion for horses since
childhood, she decided to take
a journey through rural Ireland
on horseback. Connemara Mollie and Dingle Peggy recount
that trip, which was shattered
midway by tragedy, and formed
the story of an epic ride of over
1,000 miles.
At once a tender examination of love between human and
horse, and an intimate look at
the people, countryside and history of Ireland, the narratives are
laced with captivating glimpses
of a calmer pace of life that no
longer exists.
Along the way, Bradt communicates with family and
friends by post and operatorassisted phone. One particular
call to her parents broke up the
weekend malaise of a grateful
telephone switchboard operator
whose “…Sunday was clearly
transformed by this break from
the routine business of listening
in to local calls. At first there was
no (answer), but (the operator)
said, “Sure, but I’ll try again to
show there’s no hard feelings.”
When my sleepy-sounding
mother finally answered, he let
me chat for at least ten minutes
- I’d only paid for three - so the
conversation must have been
absorbing. Telecom operators in
those days wielded considerable
She also garnered, along the
way, several on-the-spot marriage proposals from lonely and
isolated Irish farmers. On many
of the back roads she traveled,
cars were not a menace and even
in larger cities and villages, town
centers were no problem if you
were on a horse and not in a car
or truck.
But Bradt ’s deep affection for both her charges is at
the heart of her account. Two
horses meant two distinctive
personalities. Mollie is solid
and dependable while Peggy
proved to be an extrovert and
an exceptional communicator,
though Bradt wasn’t always sure
what she was saying!
Written with a sly wit and
plenty of self-deprecation,
Bradt’s sojourns with Mollie and Peggy are the sort of
April, 2014
Just Horses
delightful yet tremendously
moving stories one curls up with
and reads cover to cover in one
sitting. Traveling vicariously
through a surprisingly sunny
summer in Ireland with her,
readers, like Bradt herself, will
be sorry to have the journey end.
Both books are illustrated
with color photos taken along
the way.
For more information on
the Hilary Bradt’s books, or to
purchase, go to: www.bradtguides.com.
Just Horses
Credibility a Key Factor in
Taxpayer’s Testimony
by John Alan Cohan, Attorney at Law
In Timothy Kuberski v.
Commissioner of the IRS (T.C.
Memo 2002-2003) the Tax
Court ruled that a Phoenix, Arizona physician’s horse breeding and racing activity was
not engaged in for profit even
though the taxpayer developed a
business plan and kept business
records. The case appeared to
hinge in part upon the judge’s
evaluation of the taxpayer’s
own testimony, which he found
unpersuasive. The judge said
that the taxpayer, while he apparently had business plans, did
not use these plans to improve
the profitability of his activity.
The taxpayer testified that he
made economic forecasts and
otherwise conducted the activity in a businesslike manner,
but the operation’s 28-year loss
history allowed the taxpayer to
offset substantial income from
his medical practice. Also, the
taxpayer did not show that he
had relied upon experts in conducting the activity.
The taxpayer believed that
he could breed a better-thanaverage thoroughbred horse because of his medical background
and his understanding of physi-
ology and statistical analysis.
He is a licensed trainer as well
as a certified horse appraiser.
He had taken annual classes on
taxes, business, shoeing horses,
veterinary problems, animal
husbandry, and sales preparation. He had written several
articles for the thoroughbred
horse industry, including one
explaining the dosage system, a
horse breeding theory, and others on various equine medical
The taxpayer c laimed
that he kept detailed and well
thought out business plans,
maintained business account
records with yearly profit and
loss statements, filed stallion
reports and reports of all broodmares and registered all foals
with the Jockey Club, used a
bookkeeping service, used business stationery and a business
checking account, made a yearly
assessment of the market, culled
nonproductive mares or poorly
marketable horses, made an economic forecast of each horse’s
productivity, and tracked the
annual cost of getting each mare
and foal to the Thoroughbred
sales. However, the judge said
that the taxpayer’s arguments
“appear to have been copied
from the tax guides for horse
owners that [were] presented
at trial and have little support
from the evidence.”
Also, the judge said the taxpayer’s testimony “was generally
vague and focused on the nature
of the Arizona thoroughbred
industry, rather than on the
manner in which he conducted
the breeding and racing operations. Petitioner alluded to one
instance in which he consulted
a nutritionist to eliminate a
condition called epiphycytis.
Petitioner’s testimony was uncorroborated by witnesses or
The judge said that even
though there were adequate
business records the taxpayer
did not include analyses on
why large losses recurred over
April, 2014
April, 2014
Just Horses
a long period and whether any
possibility of recouping them
existed. The cumulative loss of
the taxpayer over the years was
about $888,000. In this case the
years at issue were well beyond
the startup period.
The taxpayer claimed that
his farmland appreciated in
value over the years and must
be considered when analyzing
whether the requisite profit motive exists. However, he failed
to provide a formal appraisal of
the value of the land.
Finally, the judge said that
the taxpayer’s level of income
permitted him to continue the
horse activity without a profit.
If he had regarded the activity
as a business, he would have
focused more on the financial
aspects and ways to cut losses.
The court said, “The magnitude
of the activity’s losses in comparison with its revenues is an
indication that the taxpayer did
not have a profit motive.”
The trend is that a continued series of losses beyond the
startup phase will require substantial documentary and expert
evidence in order to convince
the IRS that the activity should
be treated as a business rather
than a hobby.
John Alan Cohan is a lawyer
who has served the horse, farming, and ranching industries since
l98l. He can be reached at: (3l0)
278-0203, by e-mail at [email protected], or you can
see more at his website: www.
Just Horses
April, 2014
Foal Training Success Tips
April, 2014
Just Horses
By Clinton Anderson
Taking on a young horse this
spring? Follow these tips to get
your relationship off to the right
Be consistent.
The earlier you start working
with your foal, the quicker he’ll
learn the right behavior and never
get the chance to develop bad
habits. Don’t leave him turned
out in a field and wait until he’s
1,000 pounds to realize he’s
pushy, disrespectful, spooky and
downright dangerous. The golden
rule when you’re working with
horses, but especially young ones,
is to be consistent. Consistency is
your greatest alley. Inconsistency
is your greatest enemy. Spend 15
to 20 minutes a day, or even twice
a day, working with your foal,
moving his feet and desensitizing him. The more consistent you
are, the faster he’ll learn the right
Avoid chasing the foal.
Don’t let the foal get into the
habit of thinking he can avoid you
whenever he wants. When you
first go to work with him, be sure
you’re in a small, enclosed space,
such as a stall or roundpen, so
that he can’t run away from you.
I always have someone help me
catch the foal for the first couple
of weeks so that he never develops
a habit of running away. If you let
the foal run away from you, darting around his mother, ducking
under her belly, etc., he’ll soon
turn catching him into a game of
“You can’t touch me!” And once
he learns that game, undoing his
bad habits will take a lot of work.
Set yourself up for success by
starting to work with your foal
as soon as you can, working in a
small, enclosed area initially, and
having someone help you in the
Don’t let the foal get pushy.
Once a horse is no longer
scared of human beings, he’ll see
if he can dominate you. That’s
when the foal will try to bite
you, kick you and see if he can
push you around. Remember,
horses live by the rule – whoever
moves first loses. That’s how they
establish their pecking order. The
lead horse in a herd is the horse
that can make everyone else’s
feet move. Once the foal is over
his fear of you, he’ll quickly see if
he can dominate you and make
you move your feet. You have to
prove to him that not only can he
not make you move your feet, but
you will make him move his. How
do you earn a horse’s respect? By
moving his feet forwards, backwards, left and right and always
rewarding the slightest try.
Letting foals get pushy and
dominant is the biggest mistake
I see people make with young
horses. Someone will raise a foal
in their backyard and treat him
like a big dog. That’s all well
and good when the foal is little.
When he rears up, nibbles your
clothes, kicks out or squeals and
runs away, it’s all kind of cute.
That behavior soon turns dangerous when he’s 500 pounds and
eventually 1,000 pounds. That’s
when the owner shows up at a
tour and says, “My horse bites
me and attacks me. What should
I do?” The answer is the same
thing you do with a foal – move
his feet forwards, backwards, left
and right, but now that the horse
is an adult, you have your work
cut out for you.
If you gain the foal’s respect
when he’s young, he’ll never have
a chance to develop those bad behaviors. He’ll never learn that it’s
OK to bite, kick or run away from
you. I like that people get their
foals quiet, I just don’t like when
they try to turn them into lap
dogs with no respect for human
beings. Because in that situation,
it’s not if you’re going to get hurt,
it’s just a matter of when and how
bad. Just like adult horses, foals
will quickly learn to dominate
you if you let them. Be a leader
that your foal respects by moving
his feet forwards, backwards, left
and right and always rewarding
the slightest try.
Build the foal’s curiosity.
The more you can just hang
out with your foal in the beginning, the better connection you’ll
have with him. Go in the stall
with him and the mare and read
a book, talk on your cell phone,
groom the mare, clean the stall,
etc. The more you ignore the foal,
the more curious he’ll become.
However, if every time you go
into the stall you approach the
foal like a predator and quickly
try to get your hands on him,
he’ll soon start to get defensive
and run away. When you go into
the stall, act casual, have passive
body language and pretend that
you couldn’t care less about the
foal. If you do that, it won’t be
long before he’ll be coming up
Photo courtesy of Clinton Anderson.
to you, sniffing you and wanting
your attention. Use a little reverse
psychology to increase his draw
to you.
Moderation is key.
It’s important that when
you’re working with foals you
don’t underwork them or overwork them. Be careful of falling
to one extreme or the other. I recommend working with foals 15 to
20 minutes a day and giving them
short, frequent breaks throughout
the session. You’re not going to
be working the foal as hard as
you would work an adult horse
because he doesn’t have the same
stamina as a grown horse. With
foals, you have to be conscious
that you don’t run them out of air.
When you first start working with
the foal, three or four laps around
the stall will tire him out. That’s
why I recommend giving the foal
frequent breaks to catch his air.
The more you work with him he’ll
gradually build his stamina up so
that your training sessions can
last longer. Once a horse gets out
of air, however, he stops thinking
and quits looking for the right
answer. Instead, he’s focusing on
survival and finding air.
At the same time, I don’t
want you to think foals are so
delicate and fragile that you can’t
make them move their feet or correct them when they misbehave.
They’re a lot stronger than what
people give them credit for, and if
you don’t move their feet and correct disrespectful behavior, they’ll
quickly turn into problem horses.
Your foal can handle exercise; he
just can’t do it to the level of a
grown horse.
Working with your foal isn’t
going to harm him as long as you
don’t go to either extreme. You
have to stay in the middle – not
excessively working him and not
treating him like he’s made of
porcelain either. Moderation is
Just Horses
April, 2014
April, 2014
Just Horses
Continued from page A-11.
Trailer Loading...
includes whipping. Causing pain an option; turning left is not
and fear does not give the horse an option; and backing up is
a happy feeling about the trailer. definitely not recommended. The
horse learns to make the choice
I also do not employ trailer to move forward in the direction
loading techniques that allow the you ask, where he finds a lovely
horse to back out of the trailer reward.
whenever he wants. This is a carHorses are such clever anidinal sin to me and can become mals. Once they decide right left
highly dangerous. Ever had a and back are not options, their
horse launch backwards out of focus immediately goes forward.
the trailer right as you were try- And this, of course, is rewarded
ing to latch the door? I know with a release of pressure. Soon,
many successful trainers that he walks willingly forward into
have luck with this technique, the trailer and is thrilled to find
but prefer techniques that teach a food-based reward when he
the horse to stay in the trailer gets there. How long it takes the
until asked to unload.
horse to come to this decision
My favorite trailer loading depends on the timing of the
technique requires two people - handlers and how promptly the
both must be equally competent release of pressure comes (be it
at their jobs and concentrate physical or mental or sensory).
100% on the horse and his reacAs for finding a trainer that
tions. One handles the horse’s you can work with, that is the
head, preventing him from go- most difficult question for me
ing right or left (but not pull- to answer. Word of mouth is
ing the horse into the trailer); probably the best way to find a
while the other person is back horse trainer. Remember, nothbehind the horse, fading into the ing qualifies or regulates a person
background, to discourage any to be a horse trainer; you are
backward movement. Through a one if you say you are. It is your
progression of approaching then responsibility as a horse owner
stopping, approaching then stop- to find the right trainer for your
ping, the leader controls the nose horse. Reputations count for a
of the horse and the background lot, but there are very successful
person disallows backing, with trainers that use techniques that
the use of a training flag, to say, may cross a line for you, even
“No, backing is not an option.” though they produce results.
The flag is not there to touch
Watching a trainer work
the horse, but to discourage the with other horses before you
horse’s thought of backing up decide to hire him/her may help
with an unpleasant stimulus. you decide if his techniques
Through this process, the horse mesh with your ideals. Keep in
learns that turning right is not mind that your ideals must be
realistic. You cannot train horses
to do difficult things without
putting some kind of pressure
on them. A trainer must use the
amount of pressure necessary to
motivate change.
When you visit the trainer
to observe him working with
other horses, take a look at all
the horses in the barn. Are they
healthy, happy and vibrant? Or
are they dull, listless and wary.
Keep in mind that you want your
horse to get a lot of work when
he is with a trainer, so I am not
bothered to see horses worked
up into a sweat or lean of muscle
or very mellow because they’ve
worked hard every day (a good
horse is a tired horse). But when
horses are over-stressed mentally,
it shows in their eyes, their coats
and their demeanors.
Trailer loading is one of the
most challenging things we can
train a horse to do. After all, what
horse would willingly walk into
a mobile bear den (which is the
way he naturally thinks of it)?
But by using the techniques to
offer choice instead of force techniques that encourage the
correct response and reduce
resistance - a horse can let go of
his fear and even enjoy loading in
the trailer (that’s one reason why
we feed our young and inexperienced horses in the trailer - to
teach them it’s a good place).
Find out more about solving
trailer-loading woes on my new
DVD, Stress-Free Trailering.
I have a section all about how
to load, how to teach a horse to
back out, how to make sure you
are safe before you head down
the road and some more tips
(including driving and backing
a trailer) collected over a lifetime
of trailering horses.
Hope you’ll check it out
Enjoy the ride, Julie
Julie Goodnight takes on topics
you want to know more about in
her blog. Here she talks about the
different types of trailer loading
techniques and why she likes to
teach horses in a way that makes
them want to enter and stay. For
more thoughts from Julie, watch
her Horse Master TV show each
Monday and Saturday night on
FamilyNet and RFD-TV (now
with an added time at 2:30 pm ET
on RFD-TV!) and read more from
her blog at http://juliegoodnight.
Just Horses
4-H Clubs of Idaho
State Office: (208) 885-6321
Ada County Sheriff’s Mounted Possettes
Asst. Drill Team Master: Maria Kilgo,
(208) 869-0340
April, 2014
Idaho Horse Board
(208) 788-7111
NW Professional Rodeo Assoc.
Secretary: Lori Newman (503) 829-8868
Idaho Horse Council
President: Myron Amsden (208) 465-5477
NW Spectacular O-Mok-See Assoc.
Contact: Kandi Hogsett, (208) 283-8133
Idaho Hunter Jumper Assoc (IHJA)
Contact: Nancy Glick
[email protected]
Appaloosa Horse Club
ID State Office: (208) 882-5578
Idaho Junior Rodeo Assoc.
President: Emily Clemens, (208) 604-0131
Arabian Nights Drill Team
Contact: Frank Kerbs, (208) 495-2162
Back Country Horsemen of Idaho
Idaho Miniature Horse Club
President: Lois Cant, (208) 585-2211
Professional Western Rodeo Assoc.
Office: (509) 884-1800
Black Canyon Riding Club
President: Evelyn Arreguy, (208) 365-6462
Idaho Mounted Orienteering
Secty: Evelyn Peterson, (208) 585-3948
Rawhiders: New Plymouth
Contact: Myrn Gosse, (208) 278-5592
Idaho Mustang Club
Contact: Becky McPheters, (208) 463-0656
Ride For Joy
Therapeutic Riding Program
for Special Needs Children
(208) 861-0879 www.rideforjoy.org
Boise Pony Club
Contact: Linda Ferri, (208) 939-7106
[email protected]
Boise Saddle & Jump Club
President: Jim Desmond, (208) 938-1270
Boise Valley Cutting Horse Assoc.
Contact: Cathy Carpenter, (208) 861-9512
Canyon County Cowgirls Drill Team, Inc.
Contacts: Fawn Pierce, (208) 412-1571
Canyon County Mounted Sheriff’s Posse
Chief: Debra Cline, (208) 454-1795
Cowboy Mounted Shooting Assoc.
Contact: Bev Nicholson, (208) 869-3167
Des Arab Arabian Horse Assoc.
Contact: Lyn Kinney, (208) 365-7715
Draft Riders
Contact: Angela Pugh, (208) 284-2157
Eagle Valley Riders
Contact: Linda Burnette, (208) 459-2608
Eastern Idaho Paint Horse Club
Contact: Allan Watkins 5 (208) 24-6650
EhCapa Bareback Riders
Contact: Brandi Horsley, (208) 440-6648
Farriers of Idaho Guild
Contact: Charlie Zamagni, (208) 283-8586
Friends of the Mustang
Contact: Sabrina Amiedon,(208) 362-4345
Gem State Rodeo Assoc.
Secretary: Laree Jones, (208) 462-3096
Gem State Stock Horse Assoc.
Contact: Nola Krahn, (208) 935-0709
Idaho Arabian Breeders Assoc.
Contact: Sheila Harmon, (208) 322-8474
Idaho Buckskin Breeders Assoc.
President: Norman Groehler, 454-6484
Idaho Cowboy Action Shooting
Contact: John Nelson, (208) 288-4251
Idaho Cowboys Assoc.
President: Aaron Marts, (208) 337-3064
Idaho Cutting Horse Assoc.
Contact: Darcy Skaar, 709-3544
[email protected] www.idahocha.com
Idaho Deaf Riding Club
Contact: Taylor De Croo, (208) 703-3228
[email protected]
Idaho Dressage & Eventing Assoc.
Contact: Kathleen Thomason, (208) 324-5129
Idaho Drill Team Assoc.
President: Paula Vanhoozer, (208) 288-1852
Idaho Gem State Vaulters
Idaho Over the Hill Gang
Contact: Steve Hurley, (208) 221-4626
[email protected]
Idaho Paint Horse Club
Secretary: Nola Krahn, (208) 935-0909
Idaho Palomino Horse Breeders Assoc.
Contact: Sandy Durland, (208) 939-8824
Idaho Quarter Horse Assoc.
President: Claudia Halden, (208) 890.3811
Race Office: (208) 365-3874
Idaho Quarter Horse Youth Assoc.
Contact: Tiffany Allen (208) 887-1997
Idaho Reined Cow Horse Assoc.
Secretary: Paula Cook, (208)454-8407
Idaho Reining Horse Assoc.
Secretary: Joy Sinner, (208) 523-3891
Idaho State Horse Show Assoc.
Magic Valley: Donna Tegelman, (208) 944-9415
Treas. Valley: Andrea Mowdy (208) 859-5748
Idaho State POA Club
President: Bonnie Witt, (208) 365-2052
Idaho Thoroughbred Assoc.
Contact: Cheryl Keshian 375-5930
Office: (208) 375-5930
Idaho Youth Horse Council
Diane Tolley: (208) 378-8906
Intermountain Appaloosa Horse Club
Secretary: Becky Cook, (208) 313-4271
Intermountain Professional Rodeo
Secretary: Sherise Timothy (208) 220-4666
ION Appaloosa Horse Club
President:Kim Johnson, [email protected]
Kuna Kave Riding Club
Dave Limesand (208) 922-3541
[email protected]
Les Bois Dressage Club & Cmb Training
President: Nancy Roche, (208) 286-9724
Magic Valley Arabian Horse Assoc.
Secretary: Jan Peters, (208) 733-3731
Magic Valley Team Sorting Assoc.
President: Rick Haines, (208) 308-2290
[email protected]
Meridian Lions Rodeo
Contact: Doug Beehler, (208) 939-5747
Miss Rodeo Idaho
President: Sheri Arkoosh, (208) 965-5141
[email protected]
National Barrel Horse Assoc.,Dist. 3
Contact: Bev Williams, (208) 922-5611
North Idaho Draft Horse Assoc.
Tracy Holbrook (208) 596-5857
Just Horses
Owyhee Nite Dazzlers
Contact: Debbie Kriegh (541) 372-5557
American Blazer Horse Association
(208) 461-1055
Boise Back Country Horsemen
Contact: Bill Murphy, (208) 861-4734
April, 2014
Payette Valley Riders
President: Dave Woolverton
[email protected]
Rough Riders Drill Club
Drill Captain: Heather Ray , (208) 869-2155
Sawtooth Ranger Riding Club
President: Scott Wagner (208) 484-7263
Silver Spurs 4-H Club
Connie Evans, (208) 936-1014
Snake River Barrel Racing Assoc.
Contact: Holly Hoff, 365-5893
Snake River Fox Hounds / Pony Club Idaho Falls
Contact: Tresa Mason, (208) 589-5659
Snake River Reining Alliance
President: Scott Wagner (208) 484-7263
(SWIT) S.W. Idaho Trail & Distance Riders
President: Beth Bivens, (208) 989-1069
Southern Comfort Gaited Horse Club
President: Sandy Young (208) 867-4084
[email protected]
Southern Idaho Pinto Horse Assoc.
Area Director: Dixie Christensen (208) 455-5272
Squaw Butte Back Country Horsemen
President: Marybeth Conger, (208) 369-0769
T.E.A.M. 4-H (Potlatch, ID)
Contact: Gary Johnson
[email protected]
Ten Mile Riding Club
Contact: Becky McPheters, (208) 463-0656
Tennessee Walking Horse Club
Contact: Sue Evangelho, (208) 861-6247
Treasure Valley Back Country Horsemen
President: Terry Burgess, (208) 585-6726
Treasure Valley Paint Horse Club
President: Anne Gahley, (208) 286-7050
Treasure Valley Gunslingers
[email protected]
Treasure Valley Leather Slappers Drill Team
Contact: Janice Dykema, (208) 454-8045
Treasure Valley Model Horse Club
Contact: Bob Aiken, [email protected]
Treasure Valley Whips Driving Club
Contact: Jan McEnroe, (208) 466-0133
Trot-On Carriage Driving Association
Contact: (208) 887-6838
[email protected]
Welsh Pony & Cob Club of Idaho
Contact: Becky Smith, (208) 585-3384
Western Idaho Morgan Horse
Contact: (208) 286-7333
Western Riding Club
Contact: Myron Amsden, (208) 571-1878
NW Barrel Racing Assoc.
ID Pres: Rhonda Livingstone (208) 263-8852
[email protected]
NW Paso Fino Horse Assoc.
Membership: Cindy Oswald (208) 683-6062
[email protected]
Contact us to update your club info, or if you don’t see your club on this list or on our website: www.justhorses.net.
(208) 336-6707, (800) 657-6470, email: [email protected].
Idaho Girls Rodeo Assoc.
President: Robin Ward, (208) 362-9050
Just Horses
April, 2014
Just Horses, The Northwest’s Finest All-breed Horse Publication
Just Horses
April, 2014
“Take the Challenge”
at the 2014
Welcome to the 2014
Idaho Horse Expo
Take the Challenge... the
theme for the 28th annual Idaho
Horse Expo, presented by the
Idaho Horse Council, invites one
and all to come out and enjoy
Mark Bolender’s Extreme Trail
Clinics, all three days of the Expo.
Bring your horse to participate,
or come to watch, just don’t miss
it or any of the entertaining and
educational events slated for this
year’s Expo.
Whether you plan to buy a
horse in the Private Treaty Horse
Sale, watch the Clinicians from
the bleashers, sign-up for the
Seminars, cheer on your favorites in the Breed Challenge and
Dance of the Disciplines, or stroll
through Vendors Row to shop for
bling, tack, or equine health and
hardware supplies, you will find
fun, friendly people, and displays
of excellence in horsemanship.
The Idaho Horse Expo has
become the largest Horse Expo
in Idaho, a state that has over
206,000 horses and more that
$1.6 billion dollars in assets related to horses. (Idaho has the
largest per capita horse ownership in the US. )
The 2014 Horse Expo, a
three-day event, April 18th, 19th,
20th, will host clinicians from
around the Northwest, and features Mark Bolender of Unique
This year’s Expo will be offering a wide range of premium
events, including: Barrel Racing, Stallions on Parade, Private
Treaty Horse Sale, Kids Camp,
Breed Challenge, Queening,
Dressage, Reining, Dance of the
Disciplines, Clinicians, Seminars
and Vendors.
Outdside events will include the Ranch Horse Pleasure
class, sponsored by Indian Creek
Steakhouse, CRH Property
Management, Givens Quarter
2014 Breed Challenge
Jose Valdez will be participating in the Breed Challenge again this year. Photo
courtesy of Idaho Horse Council.
This year’s Idaho Horse
Expo’s Breed Challenge is sponsored by Three Rivers Ranch.
The Friday night show will feature at least 10 different equine
athletes to include Warmblood,
Hotblood, Gaited, Mustang and
Performance horses. Each year
the level of horse quality and
horsemanship rises to another
April, 2014
FRIDAY, APRIL 18, 2014
10:00 - 10:30
10:30 - 11:15
11:15 - 12:00
12: 00 - 1:00
2:30 - 3:00
level. Participants will be asked
to execute basic maneuvers to
demonstrate fluidity and ease
of movement. In addition, each
will be given time to freestyle
their breed characteristics that
best demonstrate and represent
the breed.
The top four horses and riders will return on Sunday afternoon to compete for the $1000,
winner-take-all prize. We invite
all of you to come, enjoy, get involved, and hoot and holler for
your favorite breed. Experience
the marvelous versatility of the
horses and expertise of the riders.
This year the breeds repreesented and riders will be:
3:00 - 3:45
3:45 - 4:30
4:30 - 6:00
6:00 - 6:45
6:45 - 8:00
Hal Coburn - the best announcer in the Northwest, will be announcing events
at this year’s Expo - with Debbie Amsden (lft) and Charlene Cooper (rt), Idaho
Horse Expo organizers and IHC Board Members. Photo courtesy of Idaho Horse
Bill Zink) in the Round Pen area,
and later in the day, an Easter
Egg scramble for all the “Kids”
The Idaho Horse Expo will
be held at the Ford Idaho Horse
Park at 16200 Idaho Center
Blvd., in Nampa, Idaho.
Discounted pre-sale tickets
will be available at the following
locations: Hap Tallman Stock-
8:00 to Close
9:00 - 9:30
9:30 - 10:30
10:30 - 11:15
11:15 -12:00
12:00 - 1:30
1:30 - 2:00
2:00 - 2:30
2:30 - 3:15
3:15 - 4:00
4:00 - 4:45
4:45 - 5:15
5:15 - 6:45
6:45 to Close
Southern Comfort Gaited Horse
Blue Ribbon Private Treaty Horse Sale
Watch Horse, Ride Horse, Buy Horse, Bring Horse Home
Lorin Price
Riding Cues from the Ground and
Transferring Them to the Saddle
Lawrance Valdez
The 7 Ground Games in Natural Horsemanship
Mark Bolender
Extreme Trail Clinic
Ms Rodeo Idaho
Katie Davis
Barrel Racing
Megan Pugh
Dressage throughout the Levels
Shannon Allison
Softening With Hip Control
Alice Trindle
Use of the Garrocha to Achieve Lateral Movements
Dee Craig
Mark Bolender
Extreme Trail Clinic
Evening Entertainment
Queens and Clubs Show Their Colors
Stallions on Parade - Fabulous Stallions Perform to Music
Ada County Sheriff’s Mounted Possettes
Boise Pony Club
Rough Riders
Shadow Dance - with Megan Pugh & Teresa Valenti
Estampas Mexicanas - Charros of the Mexican Federation
of Charreria in Idaho. Maintaining Charreria as a Sport
Dance of the Disciplines - Megan Pugh & Jeremy Meador
SUNDAY, APRIL 20, 2014
9:00 - 10:00
10:00 - 10:45
10:45 - 11:15
11:15 - 12:45
12:45 - 1:15
1:15 - 2:15
2:15 - 2:45
2:45 - 4:00
4:00 - 4:30
4:30 to Close
Blue Ribbon Private Treaty Horse Sale
Watch Horse, Ride Horse, Buy Horse, Bring Horse Home
Alice Trindle
Use of the Garrocha to Achieve Balanced Center
Shannon Allison
Softening With Lateral Work
Mark Bolender
Extreme Trail Clinic
Lawrance Valdez
The 7 Ground Games in Natural Horsemanship
4-H & BLM Kids
BLM and 4-H Youth Mustangs In-Hand Trail Competition
Dee Craig
Mark Bolender
Extreme Trail Clinic
Stallions On Parade
Fabulous Stallions Perform to Music
Breed Challenge
4 Top Breed Challenge Finishers Going Head to Head
for $1,000.00
FRIDAY, APRIL 18, 2014
11:00 -12:00
12:00 -1:00
1:00 - 2:00
2:00 - 3:00
degree turn, lead changes and a
walk across poles. Each pattern
is different and is chosen by the
participating judge. They are
looking for horses that move
straight and move out when
asked. This class does not require
reining horses, but will need to
show the horse’s handling ability and demonstrate a horse you
would ride on the ranch doing
For the 2014 Idaho Horse
Expo the class will be open to all
breeds with a limited number of
entries. There will be 3 divisions:
4-H Youth, 17 and Under, and 18
and Over. Awards will be given
to three placing’s in each division.
This should be a fun class,
encouraging young and old,
alike. For further information,
or entery forms, please contact
Claudia Halden, (208) 890.3811.
Southern Comfort Gaited Horse
Lorin Price
Riding Cues from the Ground and
Transferring Them to the Saddle
Shannon Allison
Lightening And Softening Your Horse
Blue Ribbon Private Treaty Horse Sale
Watch Horse, Ride Horse, Buy Horse, Bring Horse Home
Mark Bolender
Extreme Trail Clinic
Blue Ribbon Private Treaty Horse Sale
Watch Horse, Ride Horse, Buy Horse, Bring Horse Home
Lawrance Valdez
The 7 Ground Games in Natural Horsemanship
Megan Pugh
Dressage Throughout the Levels
Mark Bolender
Extreme Trail Clinic
Alice Trindle
Traditions of Doma Vaquera – Introduction to the Garrocha
Evening Entertainment
Queens and Clubs Show Their Colors
Stallions On Parade
Fabulous Stallions Perform to Music
Rough Riders
Breed Challenge
Experience the Fluid Difference Between 10 Various Breeds
The Top Four will be Competing Sunday for $1,000.00
men’s Supply - Boise; Idaho’s
Cowboy Supply - Caldwell;
Legacy Feed and Fuel - Meridian; RC Bean Saddlery - Star;
Flynns Saddle Shop - Boise; and
the Idaho Horse Council office
- Nampa. Additional Expo information may be found at www.
idahohorsecouncil.com. See ya at
the Expo!
Ranch Horse Pleasure
This is a fresh new class developed by the American Quarter Horse Association, Ranch
Pleasure. A Ranch Horse Pleasure class is being offered at the
Idano Horse Expo, on Saturday,
April 19th.
The ideal ranch horse should
reflect the versatility, attitude and
movement of a working horse.
The performance should simulate a horse riding outside the
confines of an arena, and that of
a working ranch horse. This class
should show the horse’s ability to
work at a forward, working speed
while under the rider’s control.
The horses are judged on
• Blazer: Lorin Price
movement in the required
• Andalusion: Jose Valdez
gates along with optional ma• German Riding Pony:
neuvers. Hoof polish and tail
Megan Pugh
extensions are not allowed, and
• Hanovarian: Teresa Valenti
silver on saddles and bridles
• Mustang: Matt Zimmerman
are discouraged. The walk, jog,
• Paint: Shannon Allison
extended jog, lope and extended
• Quarter Horse: Dee Craig
lope are the required gaits.
• Paso Fino: Lawrence Valdez
In a Ranch Horse Pleasure
• Dun: Kelsey Tacket
class, horses and riders enter the
• Appaloosa: Arin McBride
arena one at a time to perform a
prescribed pattern. The patterns
• Andalusian: Jose Campos
call for various maneuvers: walk,
and jog, a change of leads, a 360
• Blazer: Mike Kruse
1:00 - 2:30
Horses, and Gina Lujack, Realtor will be held at 10:00 am on
Saturday; The Supreme Cowboy
Race, sponsored by RC Bean
Saddlery, will be held at 10:00
am on Sunday; and the Private
Treaty Horse Sale, which will be
held all three days of the Expo in
the Coverall Barn.
The Expo will also have
silent auctions to help fund
scholarships awarded to youths
who have graduated from Idaho
schools, and who have been
involved in the equine industry.
To make sure every youngster interested has a chance to
attend the Idaho Horse Expo,
free admission for youths - 12 yrs,
is being generously provided by
Boot Barn on Friday and Saturday, and by the Appaloosa Horse
Club on Sunday.
On Easter Sunday there will
be a non-denominational Easter
Service (courtesy of Reverend
Just Horses
3:00 - 4:00
4:00 - 5:00
Alice Trindle
Lawrance Valdez
Round Pen Basics
Butch Mowdy
Ground Work
Sharon Katzke
Light Therapy
Lorin Price
Building Up Respect & Responsibility of a Horse
Shannon Allison
Head-shy Issues
9:00 - 10:00
10:00 - 11:00
11:00 - 12:00
12:00 - 1:00
1:00 - 2:00
2:00 - 3:00
3:00 - 4:00
4:00 - 5:00
Butch Mowdy
How Ground Work is Related to the Saddle
Shannon Allison
Building Confidence With Head-Shy Horses
Alice Trindle
Haunches-in - It is Not About Force
Lorin Price
Building Up Respect & Responsibility of a Horse
BLM Kids
BLM and 4-H Youth Mustangs In-Hand Trail Competition
Myron Amsden
Fine Tune Your Horse in a Small Space
Lawrance Valdez
Giving Your Horse the Chance to Yield
Gem State Stock Horse
Rowdy Campbell and Justin Cherry
Cow Horse Class & Understanding Correct Bit
SUNDAY, APRIL 20, 2014
9:00 - 10:00
10:00 - 11:00
11:00 - 12:00
12:00 - 1:00
1:00 - 2:00
2:00 - 3:00
Rev. Bill Zink
Easter Service
Lawrance Valdez
Teaching the Nine-step Stop, with
Other Fundamentals
BLM Kids
BLM and 4-H Youth Mustangs In-Hand Trail Competition
Lorin Price
Building Up Respect & Responsibility of a Horse
Alice Trindle
Half Pass - Why Do We Need It?
Shannon Allison
Haltering & Bridling Confidence With Your Horse
FRIDAY, APRIL 18, 2014
All Day
Blue Ribbon Private Treaty Horse Sale
All Day
Blue Ribbon Private Treaty Horse Sale
10:30 - 3:00
Farriers Forging Demonstration
Farriers of Idaho Guild will have a Forging demonstration
by the best Blacksmiths in the area. Come watch, visit and
get to know your local Farrier. Get questions answered
concerning Horseshoeing and Trimming
SUNDAY, APRIL 20, 2014
All Day
Blue Ribbon Private Treaty Horse Sale
Just Horses
April, 2014
FRIDAY, APRIL 18, 2014
10:00 - 11:00
11:00 -12:00
12:00 -1:00
1:00 - 2:00
2:00 - 3:00
3:00 - 4:00
Parelli Natural Horsemanship Team
Parelli Relationship Principles
Sharon Katzke
Light Therapy
Nya Bates
The Gaited Horse
Alice Trindle
Seat, Legs, Hands ~ Use of Your Aids! It’s not for Wimps.
Dr. Marilyn Simunich
Director, Idaho Animal Health Lab
Equine Hospital -Pete Knox, DVM
Colic Surgery
11:00 - 12:00
12:00 - 1:00
1:00 - 2:00
2:00 - 3:00
3:00 - 4:00
Parelli Natural Horsemanship Team
Parelli Relationship Principles
Nya Bates
The Gaited Horse
Alice Trindle
Of ~ For ~ With Your Horse
Idaho State Horse Association
Show Scribes and Assistants
Dr. Marilyn Simunich
Director, Idaho Animal Health Lab
NEW in 2014: BLM and 4-H Youth Mustangs
Little Wrangler In-Hand Trail Competition
Petting Ranch! Since 2009, the Bureau of in the main arena Sunday April
A new venue at the 2014
Horse Expo will be the Little
Wrangler Petting Ranch.
Ehcapa 4-H, Ranches and
Riders 4-H, and Clover Quest
4-H clubs from around the valley will be providing the animals and work at the “Ranch”.
It will be a working “Ranch”
with kids and their animals for
all to see, pet and feed. The
Ranch will be in the Youth
Area on the North East corner
of the Main Arena.
Land Management (BLM)
and the University of Idaho
4-H Youth Development have
partnered to offer an educational opportunity and fundraiser
for Idaho 4-H Horse Clubs.
4-H members gentle and train
weanlings (ages 4 months to 8
This year, eight 4-H horse
clubs picked out weanling mustangs in February, to gentle
and train. 4-H youth and their
weanlings will compete at the
Expo in an In-Hand Trail competition class on Saturday, April
19th and put on a demonstration
SUNDAY, APRIL 20, 2014
11:00 - 12:00
12:00 - 1:00
1:00 - 2:00
Kids + Equines + Camping = Fun!
highlight will be attending the
presentations by regional clinicians.
4-H leaders will share their
time and talents to ensure a great
learning opportunity for the
campers, and keep things safe
for everyone involved. Camp
etiquette, horsemanship skills,
and animal care are three areas
which will be heavily emphasized
during the 3-day camp. The goal
of Kids Camp is to have the
youngsters prepared and excited
to take their horses camping.
Stop by the Kids Camp during your Expo visit, say “howdy”
and see one of the ways the Idaho
Horse Council encourages and
supports youth.
Meet Your 2014 Idaho Horse Expo Clinicians
Mark Bolender
Myron Amsden
Dee Craig
Katie Davis
Mark Bolender’s name
has become synonymous with
the new and exciting equine
discipline known as Mountain Trail / Trail Challenge, a
competitive sport in which he
earned national titles in 2008,
2009, 2010, and which he has
been promoting for the past
8 years.
Prior to his involvement
in Mountain Trail, Mark developed a solid foundation
of experience in breeding
Quarter Horses and showing
in open, Quarter Horse, and
reining competitions. He also
placed 2nd overall in the 100
day TB off the race track challenge in 2013 on a 3 year old.
Mark writes for a number of horse magazines, is the
author of Bolender Guide to
Mastering Mountain Trail,
and has produced 5 DVD’s.
He has been featured in the
American Quarter Horse
magazine America’s Horse. He
has also conducted clinics for
the AQHA and judged Trail
Challenges for the association.
Mark’s expertise has made
him a sought-after judge. He
is kept active by his judging
school, and with certifying
judges in the USA, Canada
and Europe, for Mountain
Trail and Trail Challenge.
He and Lee (his better half ) are the founders of
International Mountain Trail
Challenge Association (www.
imtca.org) which was formed
to promote the new sport of
Mountain Trail. Mark has the
first and premier Mountain
Trail Course in the world at
Bolender Horse Park in Washington State. He has designed
and built premier Mountain
Trail courses, used by beginners to the most advanced
riders, in the USA, Canada and
Europe and has many more
in the works. They have been
designed and built for clinics,
shows, and training.
Mark promotes a training
philosophy where the natural
instincts of the horse can be
used to the benefit of man in
the training process. “By triggering certain instincts with
good horsemanship you will
see the magic begin” Mark says.
Shannon Allison
Shannon Allison is from
Grand View, Idaho, where
there is vast desert and mountain ranges to ride.
Shannon not only trains
horses for the arena, but part
of his training is on the desert
and mountain areas. He is a
very experienced horseman
and working cowboy, and
when riding in these types of
terrains, Shannon has a way
of building complete trust and
an incredible bond with the
horses he works with. He can
make a difficult maneuver look
Shannon’s expertise has
led him to serve as a judge
in Mountain Trail Courses,
as well. He is quick to offer
advice to all contestants about
how they can improve their
horsemanship and showmanship, even when competing
in the same show or class.
Shannon’s credo is “Trust your
horse, trust your training.”
Myron Amsden is a local
trainer and farrier from Star,
and is the Arena Director for
the Idaho Horse Expo and
President of the Idaho Horse
Myron grew up in Montana on the back of a horse.
He uses a patient, progressive
training style to correct problems. Myron will be presenting demonstrations in the
Round Pen Arena, Saturday,
April 19th, 2:00-3:00 pm, on
how to get your horse soft
and supple, and maintain their
softness. He will show how to
do that within a small space
and with “no frills” equipment.
You will walk away with a new
perspective of how to become
a new and different partner
with your horse.
No matter your discipline, you will find something
useful to apply. He looks
forward to seeing you all at
the Expo!
Dee Craig is a loca l
trainer with over 26 years of
training experience. He specializes in Cutting, Reining
and Working Cattle Horses
and won the IRCHA Futurity
and Derby Ltd Open Derby
Championship as well as many
other competitions.
Dee started his training ca reer w ith reining,
then moved on to working cattle horses and now
st ra ight c ut t i ng hor se s.
Dee likes teaching and
showing, and mentors a group
of non-pros that show with
him. His clinics are extremely
popular and his students rate
him as an excellent teacher.
Dee has a passion for
building a horse day in and
day out, molding the horse,
teaching it how to learn. Dee
believes if you are fair to a
horse, it will be fair to you.
Don’t miss Dee’s reining
demonstration on Saturday.
Katie Davis has been
training horses for roughly 19
years. She started in college for
extra money, then slowly grew
her business into a full time
occupation. She trains barrel
racing horses, gives lessons and
conducts camps and clinics.
Katie began her rodeo
career in high school, qualifing for the finals three years
in row. The highlight of her
high school rodeo career was
winning 8th in the nation in
1991. In college, with help
and encouragement from her
future husband and his parents,
Katie continued her training
and horsemanship education.
During her extremely
successful college rodeo career, Katie won several Barrel
Racing championships and
Horse of the Year awards and
was named all four years to
the College National Finals
for Barrell Racing and three
times for Goat Tying.
Jeremy Meador
Lorin Price
Megan Pugh
Alice Trindle
Lawrance Valdez
Teresa Valenti
Jeremy Meador began his
career starting young horses,
fixing older ones, and riding
a few reiners. From the beginning, training and showing cow horses were his goal.
Jeremy and his horses have
numerous regional, national
and world titles, including
Reserve World Champion
in the Open Bridle Division
with the NRCHA in 2011.
At Meador Performance
Horses they strive to create
a happy, healthy, and sound
horse that will perform for
years to come.
A cow horse is a combination of control, patience
and athletic ability. From the
herd work to the fence work
they are gritty and graceful
and control a cow at all costs.
Fast circles, sliding stops and
high speed spins make them
one of the most versatile and
controlled horses in the performance horse industry.
Lorin started working
with horses in 2002. He was
consumed with the desire
to understand how horses
interacted with people, and
how to make the most of that
Over the past twelve years
Lorin has trained countless
horses. His technique has
come from a mix of many
horsemanship ideolog ies
which he has made a hybrid
all his own.
Lorin places emphasis on
teaching the horses to take on
their own role and their own
responsibility in the working
relationship which, in turn,
helps the owner to fix and
prevent “over managing”.
For Lorin’s business,
Priceless Horse Training, it’s
all about the three fundamental aspects which Lorin finds
key: Rules-Responsibility-Respect, from both sides of the
Human/Equine relationship!
Megan Pugh, who has
been riding consistently since
she was 5 years old, started
jumping lessons at 11, then
added dressage lessons at age
12. Since that time, she has
been devoted to getting training and education.
Megan started teaching
“beginner” lessons at 15 - at
the same time she became a
working student for Carrie
Megan is currently training and coaching a variety of
horses and clients, from pretraining level to Grand Prix.
She trains locally in Eagle,
Idaho, but has taught clinics in
Sun Valley and McCall, Idaho,
as well as Woodside, California. She regularly presents
clinics in the Portland, OR
area. She has received many
regional awards.
Megan Pugh is the owner
and head trainer for Turning
Point Equestrian..
Alice Trindle’s primary
focus is on the principles
that aid people in developing
a willing partnership with
their horse, in an atmosphere
that is educational and fun!
In her own pursuit to understand horses and develop her
relationships, she has developed a variety of ways of explaining how, when, why, and
where to develop a “feel” for
and with the horse. Working on the basics of positive
attitude, balanced movement,
combined with feeling for the
horse, Alice leads aspiring
horseman to a true partnership opportunity.
Alice believes that the
development of true horsemanship requires dedication
of time and understanding;
that horsemanship is an art
form, and should be about
the development of a willing partnership between the
horse and human.
Lawrance Valdez has
been a working horse trainer
for more than thirty years. He
first started training horses
professionally at the age of
He g raduated from
Ricks College with a degree
in Horsemanship and Stable
Management. As the top student in his graduating class,
Lawrance was chosen to serve
his internship at the King
Ranch, in Kingsville, Texas,
where he learned cutting from
some of the best trainers in the
horse industry.
After the King Ranch,
Lawrance returned to his
home town of Rupert, Idaho,
where he pursues his career as
a professional horse trainer,
showman, roper, instructor
and clinician. He has also
gained the respect from the
gaited horse community by
specializing in training various gaited horse breeds.
Teresa Valenti was born
and raised in Boise. She began
riding english at the age of
8, and starting competing in
3-day eventing at the age of
10. By 13, she was focusing on
dressage, competing throughout the Northwest.
When she returned to
Boise after college, Teresa
met and began working with
Megan Pugh as a working student, becoming her assistant
after 2 years.
Teresa purchased her
horse, Wenrylken, from their
trainer in California who
trained her through all the
levels of dressage. At the
beginning of April they will
be competing at the highest
level of Dressage (Olympics
levels) at an international show
in Sacramento, California.
We will continue to compete
through out the northwest and
California during this show
Alice Trindle
Use of the Outside Rein
Nya Bates
The Gaited Horse
Parelli Natural Horsemanship Team
Natural Principles to Performances
Horse Project members from
4-H will be experiencing the 2014
Idaho Horse Expo as campers.
20th at 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon.
The 2014 Expo will be hostThese weanlings will be up for ing a “Kids Camp” for a third
adoption, by silent auction, on year, which will offer young
Sunday, April 20th, from 11:30 horsemen the opportunity to
a.m. to 3:00 p.m. All proceeds learn the skills necessary to camp
from the adoption over $25 will with their equine partners. Pargo back to the individual 4-H ticipants will be educated about
clubs to help cover the cost of the proper methods of caring for
the training program, and other horses away from home, tying
events. Through this hugely techniques, equipment necessary,
successful partnership, BLM has and watering, as well as what tack
adopted over 100 wild mustangs and supplies are needed for a safe
to loving families and homes and enjoyable time at camp.
from across Idaho. The program
The youths range in age from
has raised approximately $10,000 9-16 years, and are active 4-H
for the 4-H youth and their clubs members. The focus will be on
riding during the camp, but the
Just Horses
April, 2014
Photos this page courtesy of Idaho Horse Council.
Just Horses
April, 2014
3 K Ranch & Event Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137
Idaho Roadcase, LLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39-42
AAH Light-Photonic Healing,LLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
Idaho State Horse Show Assn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124
American Blazer Horse Assn. . . . . . . . . . .93,94,95 stall 96 stall
It Works Ultimate Body Application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
Angela’s Custom Treasures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
Just Spoonin’ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17-18
Appaloosa Horse Club . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 stall-104
Legacy Feed & Fuel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145,146
Back Country Horsemen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
Lucky Acres Fencing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148,149
BBH Retail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-16 & 138
Mark Bolender . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143-144
Black Enterprises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120
Melba Total Equine, LLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64-65
Boise National Forest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
Mountain Supply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167
Boot Barn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119-131
North-West Livestock Supplements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
Bureau of Land Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96 stall-97
Oregon Horse Country. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84-85
Bybee Enterprises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
Orphan Acres . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150
Cleary Building Corp.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133
Parelli Natural Horsemanship Team . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
CM Creative LLC.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35-36
Personal Ponies Ltd. Idaho. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152
Colt Run Ranch. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134
Porta-Grazer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112,113
Cornucopia Lodge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
R.C. Bean Saddlery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sponsor
Cowgirl Heaven . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .80,81,82
RC Wood Stuff. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7,8,9,10
Crossfire Fencing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141-142
Rodenator. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
D&B Supply. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140
Rodeo Queens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . O
Des Arab Arabian Assn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99 stall-100
Roto Harrow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
Diamond H Trailer Sales . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . North on Concrete
Ruben’s Rope Halters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33-34
D-P Roping Arena . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
Rustic Frames “N” Things . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .75,76,77
Equine Fluid Motion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31-32
Scentsy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
Eye Lashes for You . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Staacks SW Tack &Trinkets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43-50
Financial Insurance Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
T & T Horsemanship. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A
Flynns Saddle Shop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19-26
Tandy Leather Factory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128-129
Garden Valley Trail Rides, LLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101 stall-102
Ten Mile Riding Club, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q
Gem State Stock Horse Association. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136
The Diabetes Ride . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
Gemstone Jewelry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
Thistle Creek Ranch, LLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
Happy Grazers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126
Three Barrels Up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11,12,13,14
Hidden Valley Ranch LLC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .W stall-X
Three Rivers Ranch, LLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sponsor
HiQual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .89,90,91
Thrive Life. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .E-83
Horses with Wings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
TLA Treasures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
Howell Physical Therapy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130
Trails West Trailers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Trailer Area
Idaho City Cowboy Campground . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
Tuff Shed. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115-118
Idaho Horse Council. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Y
Welsh Pony & Cob Society. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97-98
Idaho Hunter Jumper Assn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
Western Riding Club . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
Idaho Nut Hut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S3 Entrance
Western Specialities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73,74
Idaho Quarter Horse Assn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147
Western Stockmens. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
Idaho Rangeland Resource Comm. . . . . . . . . . . . . Banners only
Wild Horses of Nevada Photography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37-38
Just Horses
April, 2014
The Idaho Horse Park is located north of Interstate 84 off of Exit 38, at 16200 Can-Ada Road, Nampa, Idaho. For more information, go to www.idahohorsepark.com.
For more information on the Idaho Horse Expo, go to www.idahohorsecouncil.com.
Just Horses
Idaho Horse Expo’s Private Treaty Horse Sale
April, 2014
April, 2014
Just Horses
April 18 - 20, 2014 Where You Make Your Own Deal
“private treaty”. They would pay
a small fee for use of a corral and
spend a few days “showing their
horses” and making deals. Prospective buyers would come, try out and
leisurely observe the horses and
make offers for purchase or trade.
In most instances, both parties went
away with the satisfaction that the
best deal was made for the most
suitable horse - nowadays, called a
win-win situation.
This concept has re-emerged
on a limited basis here in the West
and in our area. The Idaho Horse
Council has, for the last several
years, offered both sellers and buyers this opportunity through the
Blue Ribbon Private Treaty Horse
Sale held annually at the Idaho
Horse Expo. We limit the number
of horses we can take to 60, operating on a first-come first-serve basis.
The Idaho Horse Expo’s Private Treaty Sale makes an easy process of buying or selling your horse. Photo courtesy of Debbie
This limited number of horses of
all ages, breeds, training levels and
“The solution to the frustrat- manner, only to get the horse home “equine department store” or a “car prices offers prospective buyers a
ing procedure of buying or selling and find it is not suitable for our lot for horses” where you could go virtual smorgasbord of animals to
a horse.”
intended purpose.
and try out prospects and talk to choose from! The sellers pay a one
Consider the idea of buying a
Although the logical alterna- the owners! The Blue Ribbon Pri- time fee of $100.00 with absolutely
car, home or any major appliance, tive to finding horses is to buy vate Treaty Horse Sale offers this no commission no matter what the
only through an auction. You have directly from the owner by going sensible solution to both sellers and horse sells for. They may sell their
little idea of the history of the item through publications, scheduling purchasers alike.
horse during the Expo, or at a later
and you have only 2 to 3 minutes appointments (and finding that the
Years ago farmers, ranchers and date, or they may make a trade.
to make up your mind Certainly horse is not what was represented.) cowboys brought horses to town Sellers have the opportunity to
not an ideal situation, but many This can be time consuming and once a year (usually at the county ride, show and offer their horses
of us purchase horses in that very frustrating. If only there was an fair) to offer them for sale through to thousands of potential custom-
Stallions on Parade
The Idaho Horse Expo offers
a venue for some of the areas
finest stallions to be presented to
the public. Since it’s conception,
Stallions on Parade has allowed
owners to bring their stallion to
the Expo where, for the three
days of the Expo, these fabulous
horses are displayed in stalls for
the general public to see up close
and personal, giving the people
interested in breeding an opportunity to choose a handsome
stud for their mare.
The Expo tries to get as
many different breeds a possible
to present a varied program. This
gives everyone an opportunity
to see many possibilities in the
breeding program. Many of
these stallions have returned year
after year, plus you get to witness
some of the offspring as well.
Each of the three days the
stallions are brought out of the
stalls for an hour long stallion
parade. During this time the
owners are given an opportunity
to display their horse in whatever
discipline they desire, whether it
be halter, reining, jumping, dressage, or the various maneuvers of
the walking horses.
The riders take the stallions
through a choreographed routin,
accompanied by scripts and music timed with the individual performances. Stallions on Parade,
makes for an exciting hour of
entertainment, displaying some
of the finest stallions Idaho and
the Northwest has to offer.
A series of Silent Auctions
will be held during the Idaho
Horse Expo, with proceeds going to help fund three annual
scholarships, to be awarded to
youth involved in the Idaho
horse industry, and to support
future Expos, and the Idaho
Horse Industry.
Merchandise and art provided by the IHC and generous
donations will be offered for bid.
Daily Silent Auction: Bidders must be present to pay for
and pick-up their merchandise
at auction close each day.
3-day Silent Auction: Ends
on Sunday, April 20th. You must
be present to pay for and pickup your merchandise at the closing of the auction on Sunday.
ers during the three days. Buyers
find this appealing as they have the
opportunity to look over, try out
and, most importantly, visit with
the sellers of the horses, and being
able to take a little time to make
this important decision.
It is true that not all horses sell
during the three days of the Expo.
However, many sellers report that
not only did they sell the horse later
as a result of the exposure, they
also made important and lasting
contacts with potential buyers on
an ongoing basis.
So, if you have a horse that you
would like to expose to thousands
of potential buyers, and don’t want
to take the chance of what you
might receive at an auction, don’t
want to pay high commission fees
and want to “make your own deal”...
Consider the wave of the future in
horse sales and consign at the 2014
Idaho Horse Council’s Blue Ribbon
Private Treaty Horse Sale.
If you are in the market for a
horse, would like to take your time,
look at many horses in one place,
try out a potentially new horse
for you, and meet and talk to the
owners at your leisure…this is the
place for you!
Call Donna Kelleher at 208989-0882 or the Idaho Horse
Council at (208) 465-5477.
Megan Pugh Clinic
Megan Pugh, a master
teacher at the art of Dressage
will be conducting a clinic at the
2014 Idaho Horse Expo.
In the two day clinic, Megan will be taking the audience
through the levels of dressage,
from the basic levels of Training and First level, to the higher
levels in which horse and rider
are able to show the more technical or “fancy” movements that
are fun to see.
Megan will explain building the correct foundation of
rhythm, balance, and relaxation,
and will show why it is so important to have the foundation
very solid before you move on,
because if the previous level is
not refined, mastering the pro-
Megan Pugh. Photo courtesy of the
Idaho Horse Council.
ceeding levels will be impossible.
Megan hopes that you will
join her for this fun and educational time.
Dance of the Disciplines
The Idaho Horse Expo will
have a Saturday evening special
entertainment feature entitled
Dance of the Disciplines.
Two of the top riders in their
respective fields of Dressage
and Western will combine their
amazing talents to demonstrate
not only the differences between
the disciplines but also the similarities.
Megan Pugh will represent
the Dressage discipline. Megan
trains out of Eagle, Idaho and
conducts clinics throughout the
Northwest. She will conduct
Dressage clinics two days of the
Jeremy Meador will be rep-
resenting the Western part of the
program. Jeremy, a trainer from
Star Idaho specializes in training
performance horses. Jeremy was
the Reserve World Champion in
the Open Bridle Division with
the NRCHA.
Once you have witnessed
these two athletes, we think you
will agree that they are indeed
outstanding and confirm that
horses too are talented and versatile. The Saturday evening performance of Dance of the Disciplines
will be one of the highlights of
the 2013 Expo… make sure you
take time to see this wonderful
experience of English versus Jeremy Meador (left) and Megan Pugh (right) will represent Western and English Dressage at the 2014 Idaho Horse Expo’s Dance
Western riding.
of the Disciplines. Photos courtesy of the Idaho Horse Council.
Just Horses
Building Foals For My Bucket List
back and things must be OK.
The loss of sleep and cold
damp nights were far from my
mind as I selected the stallions
and bred the mares last spring.
I was consumed with the process of selecting the right sires to
match our mares. The anticipaBy Ed McNelis
tion of the arrival of each baby
is worth the discomforts of foal
The much needed rain start- watch and helping the mares
ed in mist form and gradually give birth to their babies.
Horses have always been
increased in volume and intensity. I walked into the darkened a part of my life. On a recent
house and was greeted by the trip coming back from Texas I
all out alert of the twelve pound stopped at the Sherm Hadley
guard dog from the far end of ranch in Utah to seecheck. We
the house. I had removed my had them broke early in the fall
muck boots and walked toward and sent them to Susan the first
the guard dog in my stocking of November. They had grown
feet. I spoke to him twice so he and matured where I almost did
not recognize them. They were
would recognize me and quiet.
I was chilled from being out- the products of my mare watch
doors in the late February night. three years ago. My bucket list
It was 1:00 in the morning. I got contains an item calling for wincleaned up and ready for bed. I ning the Bitterroot Futurity at
could see the orange glow of my Les Bois Park. It is not just winelectric blanket control. The bed ning this race but doing it with
would be warm on my chilled a baby I have raised. This is not
body. My winter pajamas were just a casual item but one that is
thick and warm. They had been all consuming. Selecting mares,
worn with coveralls and muck matching and breeding with
proper pedigrees, foaling, weanboots many times in the past.
I turned off the electric blan- ing, prenatal nutrition and care
ket and climbed into bed. It was of mare and the care and nutriwonderfully warm and I nestled tion of the foals for two years is a
down and started to drift off to big order. It becomes a focused
sleep. A warm hand touched passion.
We have six babies coming
my hand and squeezed it. This
was a way of saying welcome this spring. I will have plenty of
sleep deprivation and greetings
from the dog.
A foal must have proper nutrition while the mare is carrying
it. These same nutrients prepare
the mare for giving proper birth
and recovering while caring for
the new born. Retention of the
placenta and other problems often come from poor nutrition.
Babies must have the colostrum
shortly after birth to survive. A
thin mare or one who receives
poor nutrition may be unable to
provide the proper quantity and
quality of nutrients to the foal.
Hay quality is very impor-
tant as well as having plenty of
water available at all times. The
proper vitamins and minerals for
the mare and the foal are critical. There are quality vitamins
and minerals available at a reasonable price that can fortify the
grain and hay provided.
Feeding quality should always be the goal. Quantity always detracts from quality and
proper care. Horses are like rabbits, but are larger and seem to
multiply faster. Most of us have
experienced a point in our lives
where we end up with more
horses than we can afford. Good
April, 2014
April, 2014
Just Horses
planning and budgeting can
help. Learning and growing is
an essential but important part
of the equine experience.
To most of us it is a way of
life and a passion. The bumper
sticker on my daughter in law’s
vehicle says it best. “My kids
and my money go to the Barn”.
That program has certainly been
successful in raising two beautiful daughters who are balanced
and focused. They will pass it to
the next generation. What could
be better?
Just Horses
Congressional Horse Caucus Meets
Members of Congress meet
to discuss importance of the horse
On March 5, 2014, Congressmen Andy Barr (R-KY )
and Paul Tonko (D-NY ), cochairs of the Congressional
Horse Caucus, hosted the first
Caucus meeting of 2014.
The Congressional Horse
Caucus is a bipartisan group of
Members of the House of Representatives formed to educate
Congress and their staffs about
the importance of the horse
industry in the economic, agricultural, sporting, gaming and
recreational life of the nation.
“I was honored to host the
first meeting of the Congressional Horse Caucus of the
113th Congress with my CoChair, Congressman Paul Tonko
of New York,” said Congressman Barr. “It was a great opportunity to raise awareness
about the enormous impact the
American equine industry has on
our economy and provide more
information about the industry
directly to Members of Congress
and their staff. I look forward to
future Horse Caucus activities
promoting the American horse
industry and the hundreds of
thousands of jobs directly associated with it, as well as the $102
billion it contributes to the U.S.
“Congressman Barr and I
laid the foundation for an active
year for the Congressional Horse
Caucus,” said Congressman
Tonko. “The equine industry
is an important component of
robust economic growth in the
Capital Region of New York
and across the nation, and I look
forward to partnering with those
looking to advance this sector
of our economy. In places like
Saratoga Springs, the equine
industry supports countless
small businesses and provides an
economic ripple effect that is felt
across the entire region.”
Stuart Janney III, vice chairman the Jockey Club and the
owner of last year’s Kentucky
Derby Winner, Orb, was the special guest of the Horse Caucus.
Mr. Janney shared his experiences from a lifetime involved
in horseracing and answered
Members’ questions about how
Congress could best address
some of the challenges facing
the industry.
During the meeting, several
issues important to the industry
were discussed, including immigration reform and the Race
Horse Cost Recovery Act, which
would renew a provision that
expired at the end of 2013 and
place all racehorses on a threeyear depreciation schedule as
well as other issues.
Barr continued, “I am confident this meeting has created positive momentum for the
equine industry on Capitol Hill
and greatly appreciate all of the
support and leadership provided
by the American Horse Council
in advancing equine-friendly
policies on Capitol Hill.”
“We thought this was a pro-
ductive Horse Caucus meeting
and we appreciate Congressmen
Barr’s and Tonko’s leadership
of the Caucus,” said American
Horse Council President Jay
Hickey. “There was a very good
turn out and we thank all the
Members and staff who took
time out of their busy schedules
to attend the meeting.”
The AHC hopes all members of the horse community
will contact their Representatives and urge them to join the
Congressional Horse Caucus.
About the American Horse
Council: As the national association representing all segments of
the horse industry in Washington,
D.C., the American Horse Council
works daily to represent equine interests and opportunities. The AHC
promotes and protects the industry
by communicating with Congress,
federal agencies, the media and
the industry on behalf of all horse
related interests each and every day.
The AHC is member supported
by individuals and organizations
representing virtually every facet
of the horse world from owners,
breeders, veterinarians, farriers,
breed registries and horsemen’s
associations to horse shows, race
tracks, rodeos, commercial suppliers
and state horse councils.
Join the AHC
Join the AHC and support
our work to ensure all segments
of the horse community are
represented in Washington. The
AHC is the only organization
that works exclusively on national issues that impact any part
of the horse industry.
Why Support the AHC?
Decisions made by Congress
and the federal agencies have
an impact, direct and indirect,
on the entire horse community.
Everyday the AHC is making
sure the horse industry has a
seat at the table when important
decisions are made concerning a
wide range of issues including:
Equine health and contagious
disease outbreaks
Disaster assistance programs
Guest worker programs
Tr a i l s , p u b l i c l a n d s , a n d
Check some of our accomplishments over the years at:
April, 2014
April, 2014
Just Horses
Because it is important for
all members of the horse community to know when federal
bills or regulations are proposed
that could impact them, we keep
members informed with:
•Washington Updates on new
bills, regulations, and actions
on them
• Action Alerts, so you know
when and how to contact your
Member of Congress or federal
Because we couldn’t do our
job without your support, the
AHC depends on you, equine
organizations, and businesses
to “Put More Horse Power in
Join the AHC online at
american-horse-council-membership or call (202) 296-4031 to
join or receive more information.
Doma Vaquera:
Just Horses
April, 2014
April, 2014
Just Horses
Use of the Garrocha for Every Discipline
By Alice Trindle, T&T Horsemanship
Over the course of the last
10 years, I have been studying
the customs of the Spanish and
Portuguese horsemen and their
horse, and realize daily that I have
only scratched the surface of the
knowledge to be gained. I am,
by no means, an expert regarding these traditions, nor their
applications. However, I have
enjoyed the positive effects of
their influence on my horsemanship skills, and frankly the fun of
trying new things with all of my
horses and clients! While my
cohorts and I have yet to show up
at a branding with a garrocha, we
have been caught in clinics with a
bunch of folks on Quarter horses,
all flowing around a circle with a
13-foot long pole in their hand!
It is quite a site and one that we
will be sharing again at the 2014
Idaho Horse Expo.
I call the garrocha (gaaroach-a) an ‘instrument’ because
it is so much more than just a
horsemanship tool. It would be
similar to me calling my violin
a ‘tool’, when over 40 years ago
I began to study the use of the
violin to make music, affect
my emotions and self-esteem,
and provide joy and comfort. I
suspect a ‘garrochista’ would see
his garrocha similarly, but in the
learning process, we all may need
to ‘fiddle’ just a bit! No disrespect
is intended towards the culture of
the Pure Raza Espanol, the art
form of using the garrocha, or
this amazing source of Spanish
horsemanship pride, in suggest-
ing we could use the garroacha to
assist all riders in our horsemanship skills.
So it is in this spirit that I
present some of the activities
that we have been pursuing out in
Eastern Oregon with our horses
and the use of a garrocha-like
instrument. The working Spanish cowboy, or Doma Vaquera
would have used the pole to
fend off cattle, or as a method
of testing the temperament of
the bulls by pushing on the hip
to eventually trip the bull. If he
came up fighting mad, then he
might make a great bull! These
traditions were then applied in
a beautiful performance, using
Spanish guitar music, where the
horse and rider gracefully dance
and canter around and under the
garrocha. The pole we have been
practicing with is a 1.75 inch
hand rail approximately 13 feet
long. You are seeking a pole that
is not too flexible and around
which you can easily place your
hand. A little linseed oil makes
for an easy slide without slivers.
Why Use the Garrocha? This
is a great question, particularly
when most of the cattle we work
are pretty docile and not destine
for the bull fighting arena, therefore we don’t need this defensive
tool. So what other benefits come
from acquainting myself and my
horse with this Spanish instrument?
Posture & Focus: Since the
pole is always held in your right
hand, it requires that you sit
up straight in the saddle with
shoulders, hips, and legs correctly
positioned to influence the horse.
It seems remarkable that a simple
13-foot long pole, placed in your
right hand or resting on your
right shoulder could so easily effect how you sit in the saddle…
But it does! In addition, the use
of the garrocha directly influences
your ability to focus, which of
course influences your posture.
Looking where you want to go,
around or under the pole and then
visualizing the maneuver will
become second-nature when you
add the element of the garrocha
to your routine.
Rhythm & Timing: The
master horseman of old and current will concur on the importance of ‘rhythm’ as we develop
our horses. The ability to ride
a perfect circle, with consistent
rhythm, is perhaps one of the
most difficult exercises to achieve.
By placing the point of the garrocha on the ground and riding
forward around it in a circle, you
quickly recognize if your horse’s
shoulders are falling in or if hips
are casting out. Then when you
add the elements such as a turn on
center or canter pirouette under
the garracho, you definitely begin
to recognize the need for timing,
multi-tasking your aids, rhythm
and focus.
Balance & Use of Aids: Intimately related to good posture,
the garracho requires you to develop an understanding of your
balance and pressure aids, so that
you can stay out of the way of the
horse and yet influence his positive balance. Again, it is amazing
that a simple little pole could
assist us in easily understanding
the balance and aids needed to
accomplish maneuvers such as
half-pass or leg-yield, but it will!
With the pole in your hand, you
will quickly see and feel common
mistakes, such as using your seat
to ‘push’ the horse sideways. In
this case, as your upper body leans
away from the pole and you try to
‘push’ the horse into it, the horse
will see the decreased angle and
recognize that there is no room
for his body. By straightening-up,
sitting or balancing the direction
you want the horse to move sideways, you maintain an open angle
with the pole, inviting the horse
to move closer.
Confidence & Fun! This may
be the biggest benefit. It takes
confidence in both horse and
rider to work with a 13-foot long
pole! Riding around, under, away
from, and carrying the pole is not
easy and more than a little intimidating at first. However, it is
amazing how quickly both horse
and rider take to the maneuvers.
Add a little Spanish guitar music,
and even a simple circle at the
walk with the garrocha becomes
a dance. (Note: In traditional
performance, the art form of using the garrocha is accomplished
only at the walk and canter, with
reins attached to the belt, and
always only the right hand.
See more articles and videos on the garrocha and Doma
Vaquera at: wwwtnthorsemanship.com. Here is a favorite:
Jesus Morales http://youtu.be/
Stop by and say hello at
the Idaho Horse Expo!
Spring Grass
Just Horses
April, 2014
April, 2014
Just Horses
by Eleanor Blazer
“He was only in the pasture
for three hours yesterday afternoon,” Concerned Horse Owner
told her vet. “I thought he would
enjoy some fresh green grass.”
The big bay gelding had
Laminitis is an inflammation
of the connective tissue (the laminae) between the hoof wall and
the coffin bone. It is intensely
painful. If left unchecked, the
laminae will die. This leads to
complete separation of the coffin
bone from the hoof wall, allowing
it to rotate. In extreme cases, the
coffin bone can puncture through
the bottom of the hoof - leading to infection and death. The
common term for the rotation is
Laminitis can be caused by
many situations: adverse reactions to vaccinations or drugs,
metabolic or hormonal imbalances, high fever due to illness,
foaling complications (retained
placenta), obesity, overeating
grain, sudden changes in feed
and lush grass.
The gelding was lame in both
front feet. The intense pain was
causing him to assume the stance
of a laminitic horse - both front
feet were pushed out in front,
while his hind feet were up under
his barrel. He was rocked back
- trying to get the weight off his
excruciatingly painful front feet.
The vet explained to the
owner, “The high levels of sugar
in the new spring grass triggered
the laminitis.”
Research is on-going as to
how sugar causes equine laminitis, but there is no question that
is does. And in the spring,
when grass is rapidly growing,
the sugar content is high. Cold
temperatures at night and warm
temperatures during the day accelerate the production of the
sugar within the plant.
In addition to the time of
year, the time of day is also critical.
The rising sun draws sugar
out of the roots and into the
leaves. By late afternoon, leaves
are saturated with dangerous sugars. The gelding had been turned
out in the afternoon - when sugar
content in grass is at it’s highest.
On top of this, the gelding
was also obese. It didn’t take
much to push him over the edge.
How could this terrible situation been avoided?
First by prevention - the
gelding should have been kept
at a healthy weight. He was
prone to laminitis because of his
obesity - it was only a matter of
time. A healthy horse should
have a very light layer of flesh
over his ribs; ribs should be felt
with slight pressure of the hand.
There should be no spongy fat
deposits around the tail head. The
withers should be well-defined
and there should be no fat along
the neck. There should not be a
crease down the spine.
Next the fat gelding should
not have been allowed to graze
at all. An obese, laminitic prone
horse must avoid any feed that is
high in sugar.
Even if the gelding had not
been obese, the time he was allowed to graze should have been
kept at a minimum. Hand grazing him for a few minutes (not
hours) each day (in the morning)
would have been safer.
The gradual introduction
to grass would have allowed the
microbes in the large intestine
time to adjust to the “new” feed.
All changes made in a horse’s
diet, whether it is grain, hay, a
supplement or grass, must be
done gradually.
The safest grass is mature,
having started to form a seed
head. But even then sugar content could be high if the plants
have experienced a burst of
growth after a drought - mimicking the same rapid growth that
occurs in the spring.
Luckily the gelding recovered from his laminitis episode.
The vet had the owner use cold
water on the feet to shrink the
swollen and inflammed sensitive
laminae . He also put the horse
on a regimen of painkillers and
anti-inflammatory drugs. The
gelding was kept in a deeply
bedded stall and a farrier applied
therapeutic shoes to help support
the hooves.
The recovering horse was
also put on a sugar restricted diet.
His calories were adjusted so he
would lose weight.
Prevention is worth many
times the cost of treatment and
For information about caring
for and feeding horses take the online courses “Stable Management”
and “Nutrition for Performance
Horses” taught by Eleanor Blazer.
Earn certification or work toward a
Bachelor of Science degree in equine
studies. Go to www.horsecoursesonline.com for more information.
Visit Eleanor’s web site at www.
Just Horses
The American Blazer Horse
The American Blazer Horse
is the reality of a life long dream
of one man, Neil Hinck, who
grew up in the mountains of
Wyoming. It took Neil years
of selective cross-breeding of
horses with unique characteristics to finally produce this
ideal horse. Neil came from a
family of horsemen who always
took pride in their horses, as
well as their ability to break and
train them for optimum service.
When he was growing up on this
Wyoming horse and cattle ranch
in the 30’s and 40’s, all ranch
work and most transportation
came from horses. Neil, along
with his brothers, father, and uncles, not only trained their own
horses but also trained horses for
neighboring ranches. During his
boyhood and early adulthood,
none of the horses he worked
with had all of the qualities that
Neil wanted in “his horse”. His
biggest dream was to develop his
own breed of horses. He crossbred various breeds with desirable characteristics and finally
produced what he considered
to be the “perfect horse”. The
horse that we are talking about
was Little Blaze who was born
in 1959. Little Blaze was the
kind of horse that could go out
and work cows, run flat track
races, compete in arena speed
events, trail ride, be hunted off
of and even baby sit Neil’s small
children. Neil always said that if
he could show Little Blaze a job
to be done, that the horse practically figured the “how” of the
job all on his own! Neil knew
American Blazer Horse. Photo courtesy of the American Blazer Horse Association.
that he had something special
in this stallion and by 1967 he
founded the Blazer Horse Association. At this time, when
Little Blaze was eight years
old, Neil had enough colts by
him to realize that this stallion
strongly reproduced himself in
his get. The qualities that Neil
had been looking for were apparent in Little Blaze’s foals. Neil
crossbred this amazing stallion
with numerous mares of various
breeds and the result was always
consistent. Neil took the next
ten years to find about fifteen
mares, that when crossed with
Little Blaze, are the foundation
to the Blazer Horse breed. These
fifteen mares were not of any
specific breed, but they all had
disposition, athleticism, soundness, and trainability in common.
Little Blaze himself lived to be
39, still breeding mares at 36 and
was even out winning at teampenning at the age of 34!
The American Blazer Horse
Association was formed in 2006
as a member-owned, non-profit
association to help promote the
Blazer horse and to keep the records
of registration. Now in the eighth
year the ABHA has a strong and
growing membership with close to
2000 registered Blazers. For more
information please find us on Facebook or www.blazerhorse.com.
Cutting Loose
April, 2014
April, 2014
Just Horses
By David W. Glazer, Boise Valley Cutting Horse Association
The Boise Valley Cutting
Horse Association is up and running for 2014. They have 7 Club
shows and 6 NCHA shows in
the works. The first club show is
March 15th at Thurman’s Arena,
Sand Hollow, off Hwy 30; show
starts at 8 am. The first NCHA
show is April 12th & 13th at the
Canyon County Fair Grounds.
More information can be found
on the Web site; www.bvcha.com
or by contacting Cathy Carpenter
at (208) 861-9512.
All of you cow cutters an
stock horse people that been hunkered down all winter now have
seen a wee bit of sunshine. You’ve
got that itch you desperately want
to scratch; a chance to work your
horse on a cow!!!! Now’s your
chance; the hair is flying off your
ol pony; but in March “Fuzzy” is
fine so put a few miles on him an
enter up.
Anyone heard of a mare
named Dual Smart Kitty? A
whole lot of folks had no idea
who she was until the NCHA
Futurity in Ft Worth Texas. At
the finals on December 14th,
ridden by Clay Johnson, this
great mare marked a 224.5 to
win the 2013 Open Futurity and
$200,000 dollars. Clay and Kitty
on January 7th marked a 225 to
win the Open Derby at Abilene,
Texas; to date this pair has won in
excess of $234,000. And as Paul
Harvey would say; this is the Rest
of the Story!
Todd Nelson of Los Altos,
Calif. started a 2-year old colt
program with a young trainer
from Parma, Idaho; Richard
Jordan; who by the way is the
BVCHA President. Todd seeing the talent Richard has with
two year olds started this very
successful program. At the 2011
NCHA Super Stakes sale they
purchased Dual Smart Kitty, for
$8,000. With Richard’s training
and skilled guidance the ugly
duckling, (so to speak) became
the elegant swan. Consigned to
the 2012 NCHA Futurity Sale,
she sold for $70,000; in 2013
won the Futurity; and that folks
is “The rest of the Story!”
Looks like March is coming
in like a Lion, means it is going
out like a Lamb; which reminds
me of the time when my Dad
would go to all the lambing sheds
and pick up their “Bummers”.
A Bummer is a little lamb
that nobody wants… including
me! It was my sister & I who
were assigned the gnarly job of
bottle feeding 15 or 20 of the
little critters. It happened to be
at a time in our young lives when
our mother decided we needed
religion, so she signed us up for
lessons from the Catholic Sisters.
Every Tuesday, they’d putt down
the road in their little brown car
bout 5:30; just in time to join in
the lamb feeding. My sister being the brighter one of the duo
handed Sister Mary her bucket of
bottles and let her in the gate with
smelly, hungry lambs. Sensing an
escape route, I gave Sister Angeline mine. As I think back I do
feel a wee bit guilty, as the lambs
swarmed them, slobbering all over
them, sucking on their habit; an
me an Lorey just stayed out side
the pen an giggled. Mother however did not think it was as funny
as we did, and assured the Sisters
that it would never happen again.
It’s all in a Days Ride!
David W Glaser
Just Horses
April, 2014
A Personal Quest: The Morgan-Quarter Horse Connection
Just Horses
April, 2014
By Gail Perler. Reprinted with permission of The Western Horseman.
Growing up horse crazy in Vermont, I couldn’t help knowing about
the Morgan horse and its history. I
had always heard that the Morgan
was the oldest American breed, and
that it was a factor in the formation
of other breeds, including the Standardbred, American Saddlebred, Tennessee Walker and Quarter Horse.
As an adult, I began to explore the
fascinating history of the Morgan
and its connection to the other
breeds in more detail. Its role was
well documented and acknowledged
by the other breed associations, with
one exception - the Quarter Horse.
After moving to Arizona in 1968, I
decided to look into the Morgan/
QH connection and either prove
it a myth or document its history.
Little did I know that my search
would continue for 28 years, and
would still be in progress today. The
following is a brief summary of my
findings so far.
For starters, I read books about
the QH breed, particularly those
by breed historian Bob Denhardt.
Imagine my disappointment when
I found not one word about Morgans. The books seemed to say that
not only did the Morgan have no
part in the formation of QH, but
that the QH was an earlier breed,
dating from the importation of the
English race horse, Janus, in 1752.
This would mean that the QH
rather than the Morgan was the first
American breed. How could this be?
I began to research American
horse books published before the
QH Registry was started (1941)
looking for breed information.
Many of the 30+ books I examined
included descriptions of the various
breeds, including after the 1840s, the
Morgan. Nowhere did I find mention of Quarter Horses or any similar breed. In contrast, an entire book
on Morgans had been published in
1857, Morgan Horses: A Premium
Essay of the Origin, History and
Characteristics of the Remarkable
American Breed of Horses by D.
C. Linsley, and the first I volume
of the Morgan Horse Register was
published in 1894.
Everything I read, except for
books published a 1941, led to the
conclusion that the QH is a 20th
century breed. Of course, there have
been horse races ever sine man first
tamed the horse, and during early
Colonial times, when there were no
proper roads or race tracks, short
races of 80 rods or so were popular
wherever men, horses and a cleared
path came together. Justin Morgan,
himself, was famous for winning
such races, but that doesn’t make
him a QH or a member of any breed.
Undoubtedly, a certain amount of
sprint horse breeding took place
by crossing Thoroughbred sires
with local mares, but the advent of
roads and tracks soon shifted racing
interest to harness horses, which
remained the rage in America until
almost the turn of the 20th Century.
Today’s QHs can trace their ancestry
back to Colonial time only through
200 years of Thoroughbred blood.
Having established to my own
satisfaction that the Morgan breed
predates the QH by almost 100
years, I started to look for evidence
of Morgan blood in the American
cow pony and the modern QH. One
of the first pieces of the puzzle came
from the book The California Stock
Horse (1949) by Luis B Ortega. He
says many people throughout the
country have conceived the idea that
from the time during the 1870s to
the early 1900’s the horses used in
the cow business were all California
mustangs. This is a long way from
the truth.
As a matter of fact, the saddle
stocks of many of the big ranchos
were of good breeds with Morgan
and Thoroughbred predominant.
The remudas had fine, big, strong,
well-reined horses that could really
run. Cattle of that time were spooky
and it required strong, tough horses
that were well broke to handle them.
As I looked through books and
articles by ranchers and old cowboys,
I found more and more references
to Morgans as cow horses. For instance, in the December 1976 issue
of Western Horseman magazine, C.
O. Peterson, who lived and worked
in California’s San Bernardino
mountain ranching country for over
40 years, recalled the magnificent
feral horses that roamed the area
in the 1920s as “mostly big, rangy
animals of organ and Hambletonian
ancestry and of solid colors-bay
sorrel and a few blacks. There were
some real beauties among them”. A
1927 photo of one of these bands
shows horses of distinctly Morgan
character. He went on to explain
that they were either strays from
local ranches or their descendants. He named the Charlie Weiss
WWI remount operation and the
Hitchcock, Shay’, Heart Bar and
Talmadge Bros. Ranches as possi-
Photo courtesy of Dave and Andy.
ble sources of the wild ones, which
thrived in small bands until 1934
when the Taylor Grazing Act took
effect and the wholesale removal of
feral livestock from the public lands
was begun.
In his book, Back Trail of an Old
Cowboy (1982), Paul Young, a 90
year old Montana cow puncher tells
of going into the Ute Mountain area
as a young man and capturing a band
of feral Morgans that had been left
there by a rancher who went bust. A
son of the rancher told Young that a
two year old Morgan stud and three
mares had been turned loose with
the other horses when his family
cleared out five years before. Young
didn’t find the stud, but he did get a
band of “pretty, well-bred Morgan
mares” that he took back to Utah and
sold to ranchers for breeding stock.
Writing in the November 1961
issue of Western Horseman, T. W.
Daniels states most of the miles
“I have ridden (as a cowboy and
with the US Forest Service) in the
past 45 years have been put behind
me on Morgan or Morgan-bred
horses. The old Circle Ranch (in
Wyoming’s Wind River country)
back in the early 1900s still had a
few of these standard-bred Morgans
for handling stock on their ranch”.
Daniels goes on to tell some stories
showing the endurance and cow
sense of these horses which he used
when he rode for the CircleRanch
from 1918 until the early 20s.
Texas, the cradle of the Quarter
Horse, was no stranger to Morgan
blood. In 1881, the 40,000 acre Sellman Ranch in McCullock and San
Saba counties in West Texas was begun. By 1886, Richard Sellman was
importing Morgan stallions to cross
on his range mares. First was MAJOR GORDON. His daughters
were crossed with the 3/4 brothers
MEDAL. Their daughters were
mated with THE ADMIRAL, who
arrived in 1908, and his daughters
which the ranch purchased in 1914
at the age of 21. The old horse sired
112 foals for Sellman before his
death. The last major
Morgan stud acquired by Sellman was the Remount horse RED
OAK, which he got from the US
Government Farm in Vermont in
From 1905, when he started
registering his horses, through 1925
when he died and the ranch was broken up, Richard Sellman registered
689 Morgans from 273 mares. Peak
production year was 1921, when 54
foals were born.
For 45 years the Sellman ranch
produced Angus cattle, ran thousands of sheep and bred Morgan
cow horses for their own use and
to sell as cow horses and breeding
stock. Some were sold to other
ranches which preserved their heritage, such as Roland Hill’s Horseshoe
Cattle Company in California, and a
few went to the US Range Experiment Station in Miles City, Montana. Most simply vanished into the
immense ranch lands of
West Texas, or were sold to
other Western ranches to improve
their remudas. For instance, Jack
C Kinney of Tucson, Arizona, an
honorary Vice-President of AQHA
in 1941, purchased 12 Morgans, 10
colts and 3 fillies, from the Sellman
estate in 1925.
It is possible to estimate the
influence of the Morgan on the QH
by looking at the registrations of
stock from some of the big ranches
that were know to run Morgans.
For instance, in Volume I of the
QH Register 270 JA Ranch horses,
mostly mares, were registered. An
additional 24 were out of JA mares
and at least 3 by JA stallions. Thirtynine Matador horses were registered,
and another 34 were out of Matador mares. Tom Burnett (Triangle
Ranch) stock accounts for another
118 registrations, with 34 more out
of Burnett mares. If you add up
all the Vol, I foundation QHs of
known Morgan blood (188) and
all those bred by the Matador, JA
and Triangle ranches (427), plus
those by or out of stock bred by
these ranches (95), you come up
with a total of 710 early QHs with
probable Morgan blood. When you
factor in the thousands of Morgan
and part Morgan cow horses bred
on Western ranches from the 1880s
on, you begin to get some idea of the
contribution of the Morgan to the
development of the American cow
pony, and ultimately, to the foundation of the Quarter Horse.
You may ask, if the QH has so
much Morgan blood, why are the
two breeds so different in appearance and way of going?
One reason is that the QH
breed was quickly closed to all outside blood except Thoroughbred,
and it is still open to Thoroughbred
blood today. The other reason is the
different directions taken by the two
associations after WWII. While
Photo courtesy of Dave and Andy.
the Morgan folks concentrated on
producing English style horses suitable to be shown in the Saddlebred
manner, the Quarter Horse people
tried to produce a Western type
horse suitable for the trail, arena
and quarter mile racing. This trend
toward specialization went on until
the sport horse movement of the
1980s caused both breeds to consid-
er returning to their more versatile
roots. Forty years of specialization
has changed both breeds, and not
all the changes were positive.
As the American horse buying
population changes from pleasure/
show to sport uses, both breed associations are encouraging their
members to produce good all around
athletes that can be successful in
several types of competition. Already, we are seeing more QHs as
hunters and in eventing. Morgans
are beginning to excel in combined
driving, dressage and even reining
and cutting. Perhaps in the future,
the shared past of the Morgan and
the Quarter Horse will again be
obvious in the descendants of both
Just Horses
April, 2014
Pneumonia in Foals
By Heather Smith Thomas
Respiratory disease is quite
common in foals, according to
Dr. Michelle Coleman, Texas
A & M (Lecturer of Equine
Internal Medicine). “This is the
second leading cause of death
in foals 1 to 6 months of age in
the U.S. and the most common
cause of foal death in Texas.
Thus pneumonia in foals is a
significant concern, both from
an animal welfare standpoint,
and economically for horse owners. Pneumonia in foals has a
tremendous impact on our horse
industry,” she says.
Foals in the early stages of
pneumonia may not show any
obvious signs of illness. “As
the disease progresses, common
signs may include increased respiratory rate and effort, coughing, nasal discharge, fever, and
decreased appetite. Unfortunately, these signs may not be
apparent until the disease is
severe,” says Coleman.
“Development of pneumonia in foals may be complex.
The immune system is important
in preventing diseases such as
pneumonia. A foal’s immune
status is largely acquired from
the dam’s colostrum. Without
adequate colostrum at birth,
the foal is very susceptible to
infections early in life. There
are several different causes of
pneumonia in foals including
bacterial, viral, and fungal organisms,” she explains.
RHODOCOCCUS PNEUMONIA - “One of the most common
types of pneumonia in foals less
than 6 months of age is caused by
Rhodococcus equi, a bacterium
that is generally present in the
environment. It’s a complicated
disease because treatment is
expensive and often prolonged,
and not uniformly successful,”
she explains. This disease has a
high mortality rate.
“We think that the foals
with this disease become infected early in life, and we speculate
that it’s because their immune
systems at that point are immature. We often see the disease
on large breeding farms, and we
still don’t know why some farms
are affected and others are not.
We also don’t know why certain
foals on some farms are affected
and other foals are not,” she says.
“The bacteria can be cultured
from the environment of essentially all horse farms, but the
clinical disease is only seen on
some farms. In foals with this
form of pneumonia, inhalation
of the bacteria is the major route
of infection,” says Coleman.
These bacteria can be found in
the soil, in feces of the mares, etc.
and may be present in dust that
might be inhaled by foals.
“The foals are affected early
in life and may not be able to
fight off the pathogens; we don’t
see this disease in older horses
unless they have some sort of
immune compromise,” says
The treatment of choice is
a combination of antibiotics.
“We generally use a macrolide,
combined with rifampin. Treatment is often prolonged; it may
take several weeks or months to
eradicate the infection in a foal.
This is currently considered the
treatment of choice for Rhodococcus, but we are now starting to
see some resistance to macrolide
antibiotics,” she says.
Rhodococcus pneumonia
is often not recognized until it
is well advanced, and then it is
more difficult to treat. Many
farms are screening foals for
this disease. “They are doing
ultrasound examination of the
lungs of foals every 2 weeks, to
see if any lesions are developing.
If lesions are detected, they may
consider starting treatment early.
This screening practice has been
implemented on a growing number of breeding farms in the past
10 years, to try to identify and
catch the disease early. Other
farms may monitor bloodwork
(checking blood counts) or check
a foal’s temperature daily for
fever to try to detect this disease
early,” she says.
OTHER CAUSES OF PNEUMONIA IN FOALS – “Streptococcus zooepidemicus is another
common cause of pneumonia in
foals. One treatment that is effective against this pathogen is
the macrolide/rifampin combination. It is common for a farm
to use these treatments whenever
pneumonia is detected, because
these antibiotics are effective
against both Rhodococcus and
Streptococcus,” she says.
Another form of respiratory disease in foals in the 1
to 6 month age range is called
interstitial pneumonia. “Affected
foals typically have a sudden
onset of respiratory distress
which is rapidly progressive;
the foals become very sick, very
quickly and their condition declines rapidly. These cases occur
sporadically, usually affecting
just one foal within a herd,” says
“There is no known causative organism. We don’t know
why they get this disease, but
there is speculation that a fungal
April, 2014
Just Horses
organism or an environmental
toxin might be involved,” she
Viral respiratory disease is
relatively rare in nursing foals.
“Equine adenoviruses and equine
herpes virus 2 are present in the
general equine population but
have little importance in healthy
foals. We don’t associate them
with foal pneumonia, unless
there is an underlying immune
compromise. If an Arabian foal
has SCID (severe combined immunodeficiency), for instance,
we might see these viruses associated with pneumonia, but
otherwise this is fairly uncommon,” says Coleman.
“Viral pneumonia is not responsive to antibiotic treatment,
and the main aim in treatment
is just good supportive care, such
as fluids and oxygen therapy.
Antibiotics are generally given
preventatively, however, since
there is a high risk for secondary
bacterial infection,” she says.
Occasionally fungi might be
involved in respiratory disease
in immune-compromised foals.
“Pneumocystis carinii is an
opportunistic fungal organism
most commonly seen in humans
and animals that suffer from a
concurrent immunodeficiency.
The prognosis with this disease is
regarded as very poor; we usually
diagnosis it at necropsy,” she says.
Just Horses
April, 2014