Female questionnaire - Center for AIDS Prevention Studies
Female questionnaire - Center for AIDS Prevention Studies
I-Þ_ PLACE ID LABEL I{ERE / ÞAY- t :IE\K Date:SQtr$l roday's month daY Year rnitiak'l['hJf'68 WR rnterviewer SUDISSITE: (checkbelow) ¿--+- ll-t tr site(specifysite number) | -Field Other(sPecifY) 2Universþ of California,SanFrancisco 3 Time interview started: TrMl Time interviewstoPPed: IAM/PM _ tAMÆMl Reviewed bY CleanedbY Transcribed by - .ìUDISWOMEN'S QIIESTIONNAIRJ Introduction: askaboutarevery personal.I wantto makesureyou Thankyou for beinga partof this study someof thethingsI will they areprivateandwill not be sharedwith that all of your answerswill be keptconfidential,meaningthat understand materialwill bekept pro-t""tionoîpriväcy. All research others.your namewill not be written on this surveyto add,no." in a lockedfile anddestroyedafterthe researchhasended' in the answersyou give' your answerswill be usedto help designprogramsfor otherpeoplewith Hrv. Try to be honest usecondomsor nevershareoutfits' But for this For example,somepeoplefeel it might be beãerto saythattúeyãlways in your feelings,thoughtsandexperiences' study,thereareno righi or wronganswers.I ammosiinteresteã but pleaseanswerall of feel freeto askthemat anytime. somequestionssoundthe same, If you haveanyquestions, duringthe interview,pleaselet me theyareall importantfor this research.If you needtå takea break them,because \ve cando that. know,because call Kelly Knight,M'Ed' at or thingsthat vor¡'.dlike to talk aboutafterthis interview,you can If you havequestions, in this packetmightbe included Guide Referral (41s) 5gi-46st.elså,itr" ugãn"i",ándindividualsin thecommunity services' ù"pn t in answeringyour quistionsor connectingyou with other FemaleVersion,SectionA, PageI your health, and what rn this first sectionI,d like to know more about your health, especiallyhow HfV has affected health care servicesyou receive. date' When did you first test positive for HfV, or learn that you had HW? If you are unsur€ of the specific give your best estimate. please ^ (If reslondent can not specifu month, but can only provide the season,0l:winter, 14:spring, 07:summer, Al. I|--fau) nronthliErlMOye*llff TESTEÞ Wasnot tested;wastold by a healthcareproviders/hehadHIV à GO TO ^A'3 -l Whenyou first got a positiveHfV-test result,wherewere you tested? ÉSTW LIR F l)Health departmentor otherpublictestsite 2)Publichospitalor communityclinicor STDclinic clinic or prenatalvisit or whenpregnant(ADDED) :jfamity pla-nning 4)Privatedoctor,clinic, hospital,or HMO 5)Jail(city, countY) 6)Prison(state,Federal) 7)AnotherstudY(sPeciff) 8)Field-testedby outreachworker; mobile van 9)Drug treatment center 1O)NeedleexchangeProgram \., -g f\bf ÍÉsíeÞ ,STOTHR 11)Other: 43. What kind of healthinsurancedo you havenow? 5 1) None or SSI MediCaid/Care 2) -_ 3) Private ÑSU R I f ÑisuRclt'H 4) other: you go (a clinic or a doctor)regularlyfor your HfV care? eAßE A4. Do you havesomewhere 0)No )GOTOA4b l) Yes _ 8) Don't knowornot sureà GO TO A5 9) Declines) GO TO A5 a. If YES: Where do you go mostoftento getmedicalcarefor IIfv? (Chooseonly one.) uoFEV cA*Ê 1) Publichealthclinicor hospital inqrwirÊ,,r :,0 3ux/ssfttN e^ 2) Privatedoctoror privateclinic 3) Familyplanningclinic(ADDED) (Iß4O) organization 4) Healthmaintenance 5) VA hosPitalor clinic room 6) Emergencydepartment/Emergency or 7) Jail Prison progam fl _ 8) Needleexchange - e)other: 4122199 SUDISQuestionnaire uARECtrI\R FemaleVersion, SectionA,PageZ If NO: Why aren't you receiving regular medical care for your HfV? (INTERVIEWER: DO NOT read aloud or suggestany answers Check-all^that.apply-) 1) Don't know where to go for medical care - CARENOl _ - benefits) CNiNpI Couldn'taffordcare(i.e.,nomoneyor insurance HIV withHIV with assomeone as someone beidentified identified Couldbe Could CARE N05 4) Could be identified as a drug user \AREN04 CAQENÖ! 5i Couldhaveeffectson family(e.g.,losecustodyof kids) concerns: shelter,drughabit,etc.) CAQ,ENÕb^ 6) Toobusy(i.e.,competing clinichours,etc.) @ARENOI (i.e.,no transportation, needfor chìldcare, 7) Inconvenient C.AÊ.8ÑOð S) Not interested gi Don't trusthealthcargqy;fem(i.e.,badpriorexperience) (,AP,ENoq CAß'e CAReruolo WHYL tól 0) othert: [4Qst,l{yt cAReñÔ11 11) Other2: -_ _ A5. 2i 3) 3i -g REcÉLvÈ¡{rvcAeL - I Þi</Ns/Ì,it=t^", Are you currently receiving any gÉhertvpg of llfV-related servicesother than medical care? -o)No ) GoroAsb SVCSOTHR l) Yes Don't know or not sure ) GO TO A6 -8) - 9) Declines) GO TO A6 'What kinds of servicesare you receiving? If YES: (INTERVIEWER:READanswers'Checkall that apply') -ìr ,^¿1^ 1) Housingor shelterfor peoplewith HIV/AIDS >VLJI' _ 2) FoodsÃvices(OpenFiund,FoodBank,etc') SVCSlr' 3) Casemanagement SVCS q S_Vç,S]-_ 4) Early InterventionProgtam SVCS (e treatment drug or elcõnol 5i 3V¿S7 - 6i Needleexchangeprogram - -;;i '- ? {?€IH.Ev - &Þx/r.¡s/Þ¿Lr.r 'erti Élv ;; ij;;;;;p'í.r'oroËi.alcounpge-, suctø"rrr, Éy.gåtp ;j üp".e'";pi-tîËiry' .qwnerr ts\rc,Ss 9) Legalassistance SVcalLl ról Fiãancialassistance . .rt, taol, cleaning)Sv(-Þl{ with 11) Practical support(bills, buddy program, help ;;*f treatmentä"rpp¡", HrV medical äancial assistancewith 9VcaJ5 r rì+l,arTrr\/ nr nnn-lrTV-rcl¡rerìservices 7s.r".ifu:38ßVl0ÉI-SÊRVÏLí? lSoeci -'t;;13) "\ Other HIV or non-HfV-related """1""* öi;;;;;h studies tsp."iry'RSÈiH l,ffil ) SVCSIO Svcs11 RËCV O-ÍH HIV ÉÊEVICES If NO: Why aren't you receivingHfV-relatedservicesotherthan medicalcare?-? -A Þx/ris/ ÞeLÑ óTH \'{1v that apply.) all (INTERIIIEWER:DO NOT readaloudor suggestaly^rysy:f ;^check l) Didn'tknowthatservicesexisted ÑOSVCS11, ÑOSVCS I Didn't knowwhereto go for services 2) no insurancÐ ÑOqyq5.? it afford 3) Couldn't çinctiding i-2. \ilorried user as a drug ÀJ_OSVC.S identified aboutbeing 4) SVOS!3 NO with HIV 5) Worriedaboutbein! identifiedut to*"ãn" 5 ÑOSVCS 6i Notconvenient q 7) No transportation ñOSVCS (a Not interested 8) ñosvcs -T No Svcs 9) Servicesdidn't fit mYneeds in my area 10)No HfV-relatedservices ÑOSVCS I asa womenbecauseclientsaremostlymen Ñosvcs 1L{ 11)Feeluncomfortable SVC'/OT\{ß iií-oit'"'lspecifu: 4122199 SUDISQuestionnaire ) Nosvcs10 FemaleVersion,SectionA, page3 46. Have you ever had a CD4 or T-cell count? This is a blood test used to check the health of people with HfV, to seeif they may be at risk for getting sick. - CÞL{ o) No ) co ro A7 1) Yes ) GO TO A6a S) Don't Know or not sure ) GO TO A7 9) Declines) GO TO A7 A6a. Whenwasthe last time you had a CD4 or T-cellcount? If you are unsureof the specificdate' pleasegiveYour bestguess. - cl LIo/Dk/r.6lDcLN cÞL{ coL¡NT Month:CÞtll,lô year:QDLIYß I 0=fall) (0l:winter, O4=spring, O7=summer, A6b. A1. What was your last CD4 or T-cell count? If you don't know the exact number, pleasegive your -9xo/ux,lNs/xLlJ cÞq coub.rr best suess. I Þr¡ Ns oF cDtl côuNT Don't know, not sure CD4lT-celI count:ôbL\ CouNif Have you ever had your y¡ral loâd measured? This is a blood test that measuresthe amount of HfV virus in your blood. Like T-cells, it is also usedto check the health of peoplewith HfV. 0) No ) co ro A8 VLOAD 1) Yes à GO TO A7a 8) Don't K¡rowor not sure ) GO TO A8 9) Declinesà GO TO A8 Aia. Whenwasthe last time you had your viral load measured? (01:winter, O4:spring,07:summer,l0=fall) -9 ÑOiOI4/NS/DCLÑ VTR LÞ Month:v!QAþ!!$ Year:! LrQ {þ[ f;, A7b. What was your viral load at that time? (INTERVIEWER: If respondenthtows the value of viral load test record it on line one, if doesn't lcnow exact value ask them if their provider indicated the result was undetectable, low or high; CHECK ONLY oNE) -9 t'r¡rbxlss/æt-xw1Ç,uQ "ülonU _ r)VLoAÞNuB-8É.C#¿ffi; - 2) 3) 4) 8) 9) Undetectable Low or good High or bad Don't know Declines with AIDS? .A'8. Haveyou everbeendiagnosed -0)No)GOTOÁ.9 AIbS 1) Yes) Go To A8a S) Not sure à GO TO A9 Declines à GO TO A9 9) - 4/22199 SLIDISQuestionnaire ESf, -e xo/>xlrrs/ucux vLRLÞ FemaleVersion, SectionA, Page4 '/ ' ' A8a. with AIDS? When wereyou first diagnosed - I ñolr.JS/UCuu AñS AIDS 10=fall) O7:summer, (0l:winter, O4=spring, Month:AfÞ5ULYeanALDÞYR A9. Now I'm going to ask you about STDs or VD, that is, diseasesone can get through sex. (0 :No; 1 : Vei 8 :Don'tfno* otNot Sut.;9 :D"tlh ,ii ,t.lu,l:.,t, 0 0 Gonorrheaor clap (If YES,probefor site) GÕ¡l ln y"rr *g"r" (genital) GOU GEFtrÍ** 0 0 -in youranus(rectal) GqNANIS*| 0 0 chiamydt" CHúH haemophilus)$ gardnerella, l 0 nu"toøt nuginosis(BV, site) (If probefor YES, Herpes UEp,p l 0 SYPv\ Syphltt-- @ eo_Nuad1 1 r 1 1 1 1 8 8 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 9 1 8 e 1 8 e VPtiB} i9SYPHYK+I ]YPHMCry ^ ,-s¡L ^.1Ér+ sONÌ1LI7'I9BONYK ^.1 bñßÉñHd/lsGoNcE-ñY?1 in.m^u,ufiy'ronrrrln*rt,Väl r.^rlMfut|! 4fri:gp,.fd iIl4t1t10 / tx¿htlllllK #jffffi ueapud7re HÊRPY*I I ryllo*/reb¿ff.1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 8 8 8 8 8 9 HEßPff g 9 iIEßPA6 *** 9 ,VMiÞü 9 **t* "ääina 9 / legER'qyÄ 0 1 8 9 :Rvx6 'ttt"rtr$j¡'@fr o 1 8 e r{E8PA!! ì0/ I ..on ornearYouranus I1QRPjXUC r 0 r 8 e *rt 101 8 e V\¿AFflSl Wuttsor condyloma(If YES,probeÍo!::te)N¡\KÉ l o r )l**, .invou.uæinuor onyourlabiaI.|ERPGEUI r . . .in your vaginaor on your labiawAKce NIJ F ...on or nearyour anus WÍ\RI-AñUS*' f o Any sore,ulceror blisterin your genitalor rectal l o area SORE- I Cervicitis (inflammation or irritation of the tYPe cervix):unknown Yeastinfection CervicalCancer PID (infection in Your tubes) other rectalinfection RECT AnyotherSTD,specif,:U$TÞ * -e r.rev/uxþcuu(si>) 4/22199 SUDISQuestionnaire CER\llX l o l o PrÞ ] o RECTÑAHEi 0 UãrÞÑAHÊl o Yfnsf C(ANC vW o l 8 eWARTE l 8 e WAßIANI{ö, - + 1g\,VA$i. i 8 e !o_KE!!o/leu¿lEvK &{Ëu ,Wffi t(' l0 1 8 e l *** 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 8 9 8 e Bqtrd rsVasrv{'tÍ#,{;ffi!íll¡!W.,ñ,y leeeañclÄ I e l l 1 I s 1 8 e 1 I e 19PIDYË rsREeTVd =rutldrt s ñ un>(sru) ** * ::iËYi5,#"Íi?r"l +* -e ruevan tÉ *F FemaleVersion,SectionA, page5 à,10. Now I'm going to ask you about health problems that injection drug users mây experience. =Declines) =Yes;8:Don'tKnoworNotSure;9 (Ol:winter,O4:spring,O7:summer, (0:No: I =Yes;8: l0=fall) Declines) (0:No; Don'tKnoworNotSure;9= Skinabscess 4est¡c'/ leAÞggESYR ñev/u<lq¡r:rs.N ,ABSCÉS 0 ABõCÉS Endocarditis (an infection on your heart valves) ÉNÞO 0 8 / IgENÞOYR, 9 EJ.IDOHÔ HepatitisA 0 8 9 HÉPA --eNrvÞK/Ef*-s;;s HEPAI{O/ I9HEPAYR o*råort ' * 9x¿v/ux/ueLñ HEPA eNÉviDK/BÉþå HepatitisB I{EPB 0 8 / 19HËPBYR 0 9 I{EPtsHÔ HepatitisC t-tER 0 8 / l9liEPcvR 9 i-{EPcmo Hepatitis,unknowntype 9 ruev/ux/pcLN t{Epc- 0 HEP (TB) Positiveskintest(PPD)for tuberculosis 0 TB or tuberculosisin your lungs Tb (you wereaskedto takeat least3 medicines) 0 Drugoverdose All. -q *{vþxl>cux i¡ePs 8 8 9 9 1 8 9 HEçßBFI{ Nev/Þr</DcLN ¡{ÊPB 0 PPÞMO/ l9PPÞYR qtiËv/ÞK/DcLhr ÞPÞ tsì40 / teTtsyR g NÊv/Þi</DcLñTb 8 9 sev/uirfrþf |ÈPEA_/ leHEÞvP. 0 -C ñEV/DI(/DeW UNK r+ r - llePc.BFl-{ 1 8 9 Pki'u¡.{Kl{€ ocut¡ 0 1 8 9 PPÞtsFÉ qNev/ùk/ËrJ¡ e Tebr*'{ 9ñev¡or<þu-N ÕDìlo_/ leÐvR OÞ -q ¡JEvl>kfñLN oÞ Are you currentlytaking any medicationsprescribedby a doctorfor HW/AIDS? (This doesnot include vitaminsor alternativetherapiessuchas medicalmarijuana) 0) Noà Go ro ,{16 _ l) Yes ) GO TO Alla 8) Donltknowà GOTOA16 9) Declinesà GO TO 416 - MÉÞ8 researchstu_dy that givesyou medicationsfor the treatmentof HIV/AIDS? 411a. Are you currentlyin a-9 - No/DK/Dcu¡'¡Àrv >eue:i 0) Ño Fta>eip l'4ÊÞS'i'UD5 (Name of study: MÊD5'UÞ9 1) Yes 4122199 SUDISQuestionnaire ) FemaleVersion,SectionA, page6 Llz. , Now I'm going to read you a list of different medicinesthat are used to fight HIV. I'm going to ask if you are taking this medicine. Becausemanaging to take all of one's medicines every day can be difficult, I will also ask how many days in the LAST MONTH you \ilere not able to take (or forgot to take) one or more dosesof each medication. INTERVIEWER: Showpicture card of dffirent pills. May use 30-doy calendar to anchor significant dates and to assistrespondentrecall. Ask theparticipant f they missedany dosesyesterday. Then askfor the last week,and work up to 30 days. Pleasename any other prescription HW medicationsthat you are currently using or taking : }48b1, MEÞâ. ME.D3, MEÞLI MEDS 4122199 SUDISQuestionnaire FemaleVersion, SectionA, page7 ,13. D SHOW SCALE: In general, how easyor difficult is it for you to ALWAYS take all your HfV medicationsas prescribed? For example,remembering to take all your drugs, taking them at the right time, taking them with/without food, etc.?- _ _ l) vãrydifricult _ _ _ 2) 3) 4) 5) 8) 9) _ Difficult Neitherdifñcultnor easy Easy Very easy Don't know Declinesto state MEDTAKE -9 Nol>x/DcLN t{rv ÞPues 414. D SHO\il SCALE: IIow oftendoesyour medicalprovider askyou aboutwhetheryou are taking, or havingany problemstaking,your HfV medications? 1) Never _ MEDASK 2) Rarely -g Nôi Þk/ÞcLñ l{fv Þ?r^Gs 3) Occasionally 4) Often 5) Very often 6) Not Applicable _ 8) Don't know 9) Declines - ,r15. D SHOW SCALE: Have the HfV medicationsthat you've been taking had an effect on your sex life? 416. - 0) No effect _ - 1) 2) 8) 9) MED- SEX Yes,mostlya positive(good)effect -9 r.to/ur</ÞcLNHrv ÞQUGS Yes,mostlya negative(bad)effect Don't know Declines Are you currently using any alternative or complementary or holistic therapies againstHM (Theseinclude herbs, non-Western medicine,spiritual approaches,therapeutic/medicalmarijuana, etc.) - o) No MEbALI1) Yes(specif:MrÞAft' vtEunn9i VlEu¡.t:r3 - 8) Don't know 9) Declines SUDISQuestionnaire 4/22/99 ) FemaleSurvey SectionB, page I The next several sectionsof this interview are about sex. Different people have different definitions of sex. Here we would like to you to think of "sex" as something that can include: vaginal sex(penis, fingers, or sex toys in vagina); anal sex (penis, fingers, or sextoys in anus or butt); oral sex (mouth in contact with a penis or vagina or mouth in contact with an anus); or any other activity that can result in you or your partner having an orgasm. This definition of sex DOES NOT include, however, activities where you and your partner did not have physical contact (like phone sex), or sexual activities,such as kissing. D SHOW SCALE: Displaychert shoìiling'î/ENUS definition of sex" 81. These are some general questionsabout sexual partners you mây have had in last year. you A main or primarysexpartner,that is someone call your spouseor significantother,boyfriendor girlfriend? q ì.lo MAfl{ lâMos Þ43Í VRPRHPI'R Sex partners,who have given you money, drugs, food clothing, or a place to stayin exchangefor sex? h¡o REcv blohtÉY so( tâ Þros vRcor FRM Sex partners,who you have given money, drugs, food clothing, or a place to stay in exchangefor sex? -gNo PAVFoRSFi lâ Mos Vp..GAvrro Casual or recreational sex partners? ña cAsqAL sEJ( ¡â Î"lcs -q Ño cABr¡AL lX $'los Anyotherr"* 0"9"ä¿+,iËä"t havementioned? Sexpartnerswho weretransgender? (INTERWEIIIER: Categorize FTM or MTF accordingto HIV risk, i.e.,partnerwaswith or withoutbioloeical INTERVIEWER: Now remove the sectionsof the suryey you will not be using from the binder. (i.e. Discard the sectionsfor which you have entered a "0" above.Keep the sectionswhere the participant has reported at least one partner ofthat type.) 4/22199 SLIDISQuestionnaire, FemaleSurveySectionB,page2 Throughout this next section,I will talk about protected and unprotected sex. For this purpose,I will call the tllowing items protection: a male latex condom,a female polyurethanecondom,a latex dental dam, a condom cut a finger cot. "o be used as a dental dam or B;2. In the last 12 months, have you engagedin any of the following sexual activities with a man who told you he was HfV positive? (Read list, including the prompt statementsonly when necessary) : Yes: 8 = Don't Know or Not Sure;9 = Declines Gavehim a blowjob withouta condom. PO1ÒRPNF (Youput your mouthon his peniswhenhewasn'twearinga condom.) - 9 uo MALE PRTNR r1.HcË b. Get oral sex from him \tvithoutsomeform of protection. (He put his mouth on your vagina without using a latex barrier or a dental dam.)þlORVNf c. Havevaginalsexwith him withouta condom. 0 POI-VANF d. Haveanalsexwithhimwithoutacondom. POl-ANNtr (Heput his penisin youranusor buttwithoutusinga condom.) 83. 1 8 g NO HALE PRÍNR tâ. MoS (He put his penis in your vaginawithout using a male or femalecondom.) - I xþ HALE PFINR iâ HoS In the last 12 months, have you engagedin any of the following sexualactivities with a man who did not tell you his fIfV status or told you he was HfV negative? (Read list, includìng the prompt statementsonly when necessary) a. Gavehim a blowjob withoutwearinga condom. NOIöRPñF' (You put your mouthon his peniswhenhe wasn't wearinga condom.) b. Get oral sex from him rilithout someform of protection. (He put his mouth on your vagina without using a latex barrier or a dental dam.)ÑCIORVNlF 0 1 8 9 INO $'{ALEPRTNR. 0 1 8 qNOMALE PRÎNR 9 ¡â Hos c. Have vasinal sex with him without a condom. (He put his penis in your vaginawithout using a male or femalecondom.) 0 1 8 -9NO HALE PRTNR d. Have anal sex with him without a condom. 0 1 8 9 -g NO HALEPRTNR (Heput his penisin youranusor buttwithoutusinga condom.) iA HOS II MOS Now, I'd like you to think about your experiencesonly in the last 3 months. Before answering thesequestions,it may be helpful to look at this calendar and think about the major eventsin your life during this time. INTERVIEIIER: Use 3-month calendar to anchor significant døtesandto assistrespondent recall. -9 No MALÊPRTNRiâ MOS Threemonthsago,thedatewas: l'103MÒ/ DÀV3MA / \ß,3 ì4O B,4. In the last THREE MONTHS' have you had sex with a man? _ SEKÒP3MF 1) Yes iâMos 0) No ) coroBl0 -gñfô MAÉ Pm'NR e, 4/22/99 SUDISQuestionnair Female Survey SectionB, page3 5. In the last TIIREE MONTHS, how many men have you had sexwith? o . . . If If If If you have had about one new partner a day, that would be about 90 partners. you havehad two or three new partners a week, that would be about30 partners. you have had aboutone new partner a week, that would be about 12 partners. you have had one neyvpartner a m-onth,.!hal ¡1out{ bç 3 pgrtners. ' :affiggi'trlixrJ%iT, SEXoPÑMF (Use this number in the questionsbelow.) Number of men: _* 86. D SHOW SCALE: of the men* you had sexwith in the last 3 months, how many would identifv as: -gN,OMALE PRTNRIâgOä -E ñosex 'utMALE 3MoÊ, AlaskanNativeSEx36gp AmericanlndianSF¡3AI F Asianor PacificIslanderSÉ:(3APfl ,F Black or African AmericanSEJâA, 5EX3H3PF Latin or Hispanic 3 CAUÉ White or CaucasianSEx :XF Multi-ethnicor mixedraceSEÁ3H Other SEx3o*tç tt. 88. 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 J 4 4 4 + a J + 4 5 J a J 4 4 5 4 J 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 of the sameracialor ethnicbackgroundasyou? Do you preferyour MALE sexpartnersto be-9xo MALEPRTNRlDMos 1) Y"., prèf"rsum. SExoßA.Cf -8r¡osex w/vRle 3Mos 2) No,ireferdifferent (racial/ethnic backgrounddoesn'tmatter) 3) No preference _ know 8) Don't _ 9) Declines _ men* you had sexwith in the last 3 months,how manywould you say D SHOW SCALE: Of the were alsodrug injectors? - 1 ) N o n e S E x o r x s F - : l . j o M A L-E E PuoR sÊx INR'lpl.,lÔ S WMALÉ 3 Mos 2) Very few 3) Abouthalf _ 4) More thanhalf _ 5) All or almostall _ 8) Don't know _ 9) Declines _ MALE sex partners are drug injectors or not? 89. Do you have a preferencewith regard to whether yo_ur SÉXOPRFF :q No HALe PRTNR, tâ Hog l) Prefersmale sexpartnerJtobe IDUs _ _ _ _ 2) 3) 8) 9) PrefersmalesexpartnerNOT to be IDUs No, injectiondrugusedoesn'tmatter Don't know Declines e, 4/22199 SUDISQuestionnafu -ô ¡.losex w/unlE 3HcÈ FemaleSurveySectionB, page4 I Recall the definition of 'rsex" I described earlier. (Repeatdefinitionfrom introduction, or show chart again tf ecessary.) In the last 12 months, have you engagedin any of the following sexual activities with a woman who told you 810. shewasIIIV positive? ïÍ9r+T lI¡'ì -9I\þFEM PRÏNR, lf'w l+ffi 'rir"rfitf;i-Ë ¡i ïlffit$#,|$åxiÐ 0 1 8 9 :ì you fist or sex toy without a glove or condom. with a finger, a. Shefucked (Sheput her finser. f,rstor sex toy in your vagina without using a glove or condom.) b. You fuckedherwith a finger,fist or sextoy withouta gloveor condom. íYou put vour finser.fist or sextoy in hervaginawithoutusinga gloveor condom.) c. Shegaveyou oral sexduringyour periodwithouta barrier.(Sheput hermouthon vourvasinawhenvou werebleedingwithoutusinga latexbarrieror a dentaldam.) d. You gaveher oral sex during her period without a barrier. (You put her mouth on her vagina when shewas bleedingwithout using a latex barrier or a dental dam.) e. Shefuckedyou in the asswithouta gloveor condom. (Sheput her finger,fist or sextoy in your anusor buttwithoutusinga maleor female condom,or glove.) f. You fuckedher in the asswithout a gloveor condom. (You putyour finger,fist or sextoy in her anusor buttwithoutusinga maleor female condom.or slove.) i9 McÊ ?sl- ru-r.t 0 1 8 9 0 1 8 9 0 I Psr- uF- ñ psl_ÒR-ñ I 9 Psl-or-nl 0 I 8 9 PS1-AR-N 0 I I 9 Ps1-N-ñ In the last 12 months, have you engagedin any of the following sexual activities with a ìvoman who did not tell you her HfV status or told you she was HfV negative? -g ÑOFEH PRÍNR t, Mcß 811. g. Shefucked you with a finger, fist or sex toy without a glove or condom. (Sheout her finser. f,rstor sex tov in your vaginawithout usine a slove or condom.) h. You fucked her with a finger, fist or sex toy without a glove or condom. lYou out vour finser. fist or sex tov in her vaeina without usins a slove or condom.) l. Shegaveyou oral sexduringyour periodwithouta barrier. (Sheput hermouthon your vaginawhenyou werebleedingwithoutusinga latex barrieror a dentaldam.) J . You gaveher oral sex during her period without a barrier. (You put your mouth on her vagina when shewas bleeding without using a latex barrier or a dental dam.) k. Shefuckedyou in the asswithouta gloveor condom. (Sheput herfinger,fist or sextoy in your anusor butt withoutusinga maleor female condom,or glove.) l. You fuckedherin the asswithouta gloveor condom. (You putyour finger,fist or sextoy in her anusor butt withoutusinga maleor female condom.or slove.) 4122199 SUDISQuestionnaire, 0 I 8 9 NS1- Fu-ñ I 0 t 0 1 9 N31 u F N I 9 NSl'-OR.Ñ 0 1 8 9 ñsl-ôr- N 0 I I 9 Nsl-- AR-s¡ 0 1 8 ì{ ST- AT_N 9 I FemaleSurveySectionB, page5 ì12. ' Now I'd like you to think about your experiencesonly in the last 3 months. Before answering these questions,it may be helpful to look at this calendar and think about the major eventsin your life during this time. INTERVIEWER: Møy use 3-month cølendar to anchor signiJícant dates and to assßtrespondent recall Three months ago, the date was: 813. In the last TIIREE MONTHS, have you had sgxwith a woman? - l ) Y e s S E X S A 3 H F - g N o F E H P R Í N R . i 0 M o S 0) No ) GOTO SECTIONC 814. In the last THREE MONTHS, how many women have you had sex with? . ¡ . r If If If If you have had about one new partner a day, that would be about 90 partners. you have had two or three new partners a weeþ that would be about 30 partners. you have had about one new partner a week, that would be about 12 partners. you have had one new partner a m¡lnth-that wo_uldbç 3.p¿rtners. sANMÉ :3ffiESTËEù'Jir* sEX Number of women: _** (Use this number in the questionsbelow.) 815. Do you prefer your FEMALE sex partners to be of the same racial or ethnic bacþround as you? 'ì - -9 1) Yes,prefersame SEX9RACF -8 Ño rEMPKrNR¡â Mos tvosÈxW/FEM3 Mos 2) No,pìeferdifferent _ 3) No preference(racial/ethnic backgrounddoesn't matter) 8) Don't know 9) Declines 816. D SHOWSCALE: Of the ìvomen** you had sex with in the last 3 months, how many would you sây ÌYeredrug injectors? _ _ _ _ _ Bl7. 1) None 2) very few 3) 4) 5) 8) 9) SEXSÍNtr'É eÞ' \ --r - v ' -g N(} rEM PRTNRle Hos -8 slo sEx wiFÈH 3 Hos Abouthalf More thanhalf All or AlmostAll Don't know Declines Do you preferyour FEMALE sexpartnersto be drug injectors? to beIDUs 1) Prefersfemalesexpartners SEXSPRFF partner female NOT to be IDUs 2) Prefers sex _ _ 3) No, injectiondrugusedoesn'tmatter 8) Don't know _ _ 9) Declines SUDISQuestionnaire, 4/221 99 -9 NO FEM PRTNR.I3 MOÊ -Er.Jo SEX hr/FEH 3 MOS Female Survey Section C, page I fhis nextsetof questionsis aboutyour relationshipwith your main or primary sexpartner. Beingableto rememberthis partner by usingher/hisinitialsmay be helpfulin answeringthe questions.Couldyou pleasegive me her/hisinitials? If you feelmore comfortable,you can makeup the initials. (x) t. MAf ÑTNT C1. What racial or ethnic bacþround is X? MATN R¡,Cg _ 1) White/Caucasian African American/Black _2) _ 3) Hispanic/Latino/a _ 4) AsianÆacific Islander _ 5) American Indian/Alaskan Native _ 6) Other or mixed ethnic background _ 8) Don't know _ 9) Declines to answer C2. -qNo HA1NÊR1NR râMos How old (or abouthow old) is X? -HÆÑAê € = 88 Don't know (INIErRWEWER:first probefor estimate) 99 : Declinesto answer C3. ": How long haveyou and X beentogether? (INTERVIEWER: If togetherfor lessthana year,write "00" for thenumberof yearsbelow.) -g -g hJo MAlñ pRrñrRtâ !4os I.,O MAiÑ PRTNR Iâ MC'S Years:HAINYß Months:M&'Ng0 C4. IIow would you describe your relationship? -9 ño MATNPRTNRtâ Hos _ 1) Married,livingtogether MA]ñDESC Married, living apart _2) _ 3) Committed (but not manied) living together Committed (but not manied) living apart _4) _ 5) Other SpecifyMAf,NÞÉSa C5. Do you haveany childrenliving with you that you're raising? *9 No MAINPRINRlamos _ l) Yes l'.lA,fhlKrÞs No -0) c6' rf yes'low *"oüo*yKtDs 4/22199 SLIDISQuestionnaire -! Ì't5MA='N rt Hos PRII'NR -8 NO CIIILDREN FemaleSurveySectionC,page2 fhe rest of the questions in this sectionare about your sexual relationship with X (Initials of main sex partner). Pleasebe reassured that all your answersare confidential. C7. In the last THREE MONTIIS, have you had sex with X? MAINOSXF -9xoMAlN DRTNR. rluos l) Yes _ - I ÉexRueMAaÑ psa¡¡ç¿ Section D GO TO ) 0) No - C8. In the last THREE MONTIIS, how many times did you do each of the following activities with X? For each activity I will ask you how many times with a condom and how many times without a condom. (Readout loud andwrite in the numberof times). . . . . If If If If you have had sex aboutonce a day, that would be about 90 times. you have had sex abouttwo or three times a weeþ that would be about 30 times. you have had sex aboutonce a weeþ that would be about 12 times' you have had sex aboutonce a month, that would be 3 times. ^. You gavehim a blow job and he camein your mouth You gavehim a blow job, but he did NOT cum rn your mouth He went down on you (oral sex on your vagina) d. You had vaginal sex and he cameinsideyou 9N6¡aft 8 FÉHALÉ F,IAÍI¡ PgiI¡R ? Nc sEx w/l'rNru 3 i¡cg Mo3=_Q.BNF - g ñé î',lArN PPTr.¡C lt MoS - Ê FcHALE HA¡N PErl¡R. - 7 Nc sex wlH¡üN 3 14cs Ho3-ORvF f. You had anal sex and he cameinsideyou N0 ¡{Ar.$¡ PPTNe te iúéS FEHALE HAIN PSTNÍ¿ NoSËt( I^¡/HAIñ S}{cS Mo3-VACF -g Nc fimlPRÎrc,-ra Hcs FÊNALÉ HAIN PEINR, NósËx u¡/NAIN 3 îæs -ì1o3:V4l'lflâ Mês No l'tALr.¡ PFINR ts FEÛ|AL|' HAltl PSll¡c. 7 Ì.¡c aÉx w/i.14¡N 3 s,rd> FÊr'rALr-HArñ PmHR. -i¡.¡osÊr wrt{Alr 3flcã -(¡ N/ 11CI3:êlsE_ -g h¡o trArN PErl'¡R tâ r{os -g FE$4ALE HAI|.¡ PRÌNR 7 Nosex wlnn¡x atqcs g. You had anal sex,but he did NOT cum insideyou l-,roSORVNF g No Hãr-¡l?ßt-HP, isTiõçË FE¡'IALË MAIN PSTNE '7 ¡{o s€l úr.rArN 3 }{cg -6 -? e. You had vaginal sex, but he did NOT cum inside you -ilpr¿rFã-ltu:¡õ-- -q N,l} HA]jñ¡ PRrñC rf mcß 6 FEMA|I HAtrÑ PRTNR' 7 hJosËx wNÀrN 3¡'.lÔ.s g FÉHALG MAIT¡ PÊTl.¡È 7ñosÉf WHA¡i{ 3t.|cÊ v l.¡o ¡.IALNPRINL if r.ro> F€MALE HAAN PRTNÍ¿ 6 't 3MÕ9 Nc5¿r( w/t{At$ For the next setof questions,I will askyou aboutspecificsexualpracticeswith X over the last 30 davs. You may havedonethesebehaviorsoftenor only tried them onceor twice,or they may not apply to you at all. Again,pleaserememberthat all your answersare kept confidential. INTERVIEIITER: SHOIY30-DAy CALENDAR (Jsethe 30-døycalendarto anchorsignificantdatesand to assistrespondent recall. Thesemaybe birthday,holidays, -.heckdates,and otherpersonalevents.SPENDSOMETIMEON THIS CALENDARBECAUSEIT WILL BE USED THROUGHOWTHESURVEY re 4/22199 SUDISQuestionnai FemaleSurvey SectionC, page3 INTERVIEÚI¡ER: questions whereindicated. (*'./t<*) whenaskingthe subsequent frequencies Inserttheasterisked (Jsecodes:000= None skipped 777: Not askedor question 888: Don'tknow 999: Declinesto answer C9. How many times did you have vaqinal sexwith X? = ) GOTO C10 MOt-VA If 000,888,999 -g ño MATñ PRINR1â Hos -EFE¡IRuE HAlÑ PRTNR -7uo sex WMAIñ SMoS times* you had vaginal sex, a. Of the how many times did you and X use a male or femalecondom? ï 000,) Go To d. everytimqprobe: ff usedcondoms So, therewasn'tevenonetime when you didn't use a condom? -i uo unrx PRTNR tCf\'tcs -_g FEHALE ¡145¡ ffir{R -7 ñosÊx w/È,tAIN 3MoS -àuclui</ocrJ.tvAG w/l times** you and X used a condom for vaginal sex, Of the on how many occasions(i.e., completed sex acts) did X put his penis insideyour vagina before X put on a male condomor Lefore you had a female condom inside? MOl -VÔÞi. ^ -9 tâ Mcs No MAaNPnÌÑR -8FÉMALÊ HATNPRTNP -7ñosÊxW/MA¡N 3¡,rcO - 6 ìtoiÞk læLN v'SGWHAII'¡ 1 HO - 5r.{o cot¡DôM VACWts{AIN c. Did a male condom ever break or slip off during vaginal sex . T\1OI _vAtsR with X? 0=No 1:Yes 8: Don't know 9 : Declinesto answer d. Of the -9 r.lo MASh¡ PRÍNR lâ Mcß - B FEHALE HATI..IPgfNR' - 7 No so( w/HArN3 Mcs - d-r.io/>xþruJ vAfr'\ÀI/MAIN 1 HO - 5 No corJDoHVAG vMÂ[h¡ 0 I I 9 times* you had vaginal sex with X' howmanytimeswereyouhighor drunk ",qåT_r#ru.", -gNO MAIN PRTNRI9 MOS .8¡'EMALÊ HAIN PETNR -;,i"isiyitråËffi** lMO 4122/99 SUDISQuestionnaire FemaleSurvey SectionC, page4 i INTERVIEII/ER: whereindicated. questions whenaskingthesubsequent Inserttheasterisked i+7**¡frequencies : Usecodes:000 None 777: Not askedor questionskiPPed 888: Don'tknow 999: Declinesto answer '',rMSF-i l' i.,.::,.,,,i l'.....''. C10. How many times did you perform oral sexon X (give him a blow job)? n\I ' IrIE;PA.STi3äÐA,Y'S;-'"i.-;": . MO1- OR. ï 0 0 0 ,8 8 8 ,9 9)9 :GOTO Cll -9ño HAlñ PRrñR lâ Hos .8çEVRI-E HAANPKrNR -7NOSÊ'Xv¡{ArÑ 3MoS a. How many times did you and X usea condomwhen you performed oral sex on him? *t< oralsex,) GO TO Cl1. INTERI/IEWER: ffAlways usedcondomsfor MOl - ORj/ 9 NO MAIN PKTNÍ<11 MOS -8FÉ},IALÊ HA1N PRTÑR - 7 No sÊXw/unru 3 Hos -ât\b/Èi</Þct.ì.l oRAL oN HArÑ LMo INTERYIEWER: Subtract *times - **times.for this question. times you DID NOT use a condom for oral sex b. Of the with X, how many times did he ejaculate or cum in your mouth? MOr -ÒRNC -9 NOMAIN PFTÑR Iâ HOS -EFEMA|-E MA1NPRTNP - 7 t ¡o sex u//MAIN 3 MoS -6 r.¡o/Dk/DCLÑ OPAL oÑ HAIN -s n"r¡rsrüRrÞoM.EAL'w/rrnrrr re 4122199 SLJDIS Questionnai FemaleSurvey SectionC, page5 r' INTERVIEIVER: whenaskingthe subsequent questions whereindicated. (*/**) frequencies r Inseltthe asterisked lJsecodes:000= None 777: Not askedor questionskiPPed 888: Don'tknow 999= Declinesto answer j n riTffi- .p-¡ST.$.0ÐA^.Y.S;.iji C11. How many times did you have anal sexwith X? 999: ) cO TOC12I40I- ANr rf 000,888, * -9t.r5 r4ÉN PRÍÑR ie McS - 8 FEi{ALE HAIÑ PRINI-¿ -? ño sEr wMAlFt3Mcs times* you had anal sex, Of the how many times did you and X usea male or female condom? + Go ro d. rf ooo, +* / used condoms every time, probe:.So, there\ryasn'tevenone iime when you didn'tusea condom?M01- ANYF^ -9 rr(cl4ArN PcrNR lâ MoS .ETEUNUEMAÍN PRTÑR -7Nos-sx wlvars 3 P4oS -t- r¡o/ur/rjcLN ANAL w/r-narN 1MO times** you and X useda condom for anal sex, b. Of the on how many occasions(i.e.,completedsex acts) did his penis enter your assbefore X put on a male condom or before you had MOIAÑDf.F a female condom inside? -gNOHAI,N PRTNRIâMOS -8 FÉI,IALÈ I'{AIN PRÍNR -7ñOSËX vMArN 3MoS. -(Þ NO/ÞI</DCLNAÑAL WHA]-N LMO - 5 ño ccñDoï4ANAL'wiumN Did a male condom ever break or slip off during anal sex with X? 0 : No 1=Yes g : Don't know 9 : Declinesto answer -9hrc MOIANBRF MI{LNPRIñR, ¡3 l'4os -BFÉMALEMATNPRrNR 0 r*o --¿SSr3',ðJßi[írTff"*N 'w/wRf 5 No CoúÞoM Auau s 8 9 times*you had analsexwith X' how many timeswereyou high Uiüüf"Äúüåsubstance? "t d . Of the .qÑO MAINPRTNR iT HOS -8 FEMALEHAI,NPRINR -? xo sÊx W/MAÍN3 MoS , . ._. ¡ - L F¡o/DK rÈcuU ANAL w/MAaN x |40 4122199 SUDISQuestionnaire I C,page6 Female SurveySection Clz. The LAST TIME you had unprotectedsexwith X, was it vaginal sex,analsexor both? INTERVIEI4/ER:Unprotectedsexmeansvaginalor analpenetrationwithouta maleor femalecondom. "9r.lo MAlñ Pç¿TNRt9 Mos Vaginal 1_ " g FÉMALÈ MAf N Pç{ÍNR 2 Anal -7ñosEx W/MAÎ'N 3Mos MffiñLAUñ I and anal Both 3 to usea condomfor vaginalor anal sex C13. D SHOW SCALE: Somepeoplefind it difficult or unnecessary with their main partner. I will readyou a list of reasonspeopleoftengive. TeIl me how stronglyyou agree or disagreewith thesepossiblereasonswhy a condomwasn't usedthat lasttime you just mentioned? Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree Nor Disasree a. You wanted to set preÊnant Ägree Strongly Agree MNOCoÑ1F I)on't know I 2 J b. Condomsmakeit difficult for vour partnerto keepan erectionMNOC.ON&FI c. You d dn'tthink condomswouldprotectyourpartnerfrom IIIVMNOCôñ3F I 2 a J 2 J d. You didn't think it was likely that you would infect your partner through ¿ a ) 2 2 a J a J z a J 2 a J 2 2 )a ¿ â ) L J 2 a J 2 a J 2 2 a J sex unorotected I MNôCohl5 I f. You didn'tthink aboutusinga condomor didn'twantto useoneMNOC0Nb 1 s. Condomsinterfere with your pleasure trlNôCol,¡-1 1 h. You had too much to drink Ì4ñOcON8 I i. You werehish Mñocoñq I i. You didn'twantto intemrptthepassionof the moment l4NOeOñ1O your partner 1 didn'twantto usea condom MNOe,ñil,F k. You wereafraid L Your partnerrefusedto use/puta condomon MÑOCNIÍIF I I m. Your partner already has HfV MÑOCNßF I n. You wereafraidyour partnerwouldyell at you or hurtyou if you sussested usinsa condom MñOCN1¿IF o. A condomwasused,butthecondomslippedoffor broke MñOCÕtr116 I I p. You were offered something(money, a gift, drugs,etc) not to use a 4 5 5 5 5 I I 8 8 9 9 9 9 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 I I I I I I 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 J 4 4 5 5 I 8 9 9 J 4 5 I 9 J a $4hlocoñ1-7 MNocNlStr I I 2 9 Nc HASN PKrñR, ¡eMcÊ -8F€HALE HAIN PßI-NR -7 No 3s1c,S VtlAfN "SEx - è N/ArDK, DcLñ uñPr4cir sÉx 4/22199 SUDISQuestionnaire 4 4 4 l,{NocoNt{F e. You didn't have a condom with you at that time condom o. You wanted to feel close to him I)eclines to answer FemaleSurvey SectionC,pageT ClA. D SHOW SCALE: Now, try to imagine how you would feel in the following circumstanceswith your main sex partner. Your responsescan be: very uncomfortable, somewhatuncomfortable, somewhatcomfortable or very comfortable. -9 rtol.¿RrrJ pR-Iñpta Mos ..8 rennueHAIN pRrñR - 7 ruosex w/uacN3 llos Talkingto your partnerabout sex? COMFKTTF b. Talkingto your partnerabout condoms? côHFRtetr Beingnakedin front ofyour partner? COMFRT3F Puttinga condomon your partner? C.OMFRTIItr Havingsexwith the lietìtson? Copr-roero Masturbatingin front ofyour partner? COMFKT6F Touchingyour partner's eenitals? êouçRrzr your Discussing sexualdesires andfantasies with your partner? COMFRTgF Teachingyour partnerwhat feelspleasurable to you during sex? CÔMF SUDISQuestionnaire 4/22/99 FemaleSurvey SectionC, page8 BIRTH CONTROL METHODS The next two questions are about birth control methods you may have usedwith X. These are things you used not lo get pregnant. C15. ftz SHOW SCALE: During the past THREE MONTHS, when you had VAGINAL sex with X' which type(s) of birth control did you use? Of these,about how often did you use them? Pleaseuse the scaleto ans\ryerthis part of the question. INTERVIEWER: Ask theparticipant to think about what would be 50% or about half of the tíme and whether she using any of thefollowing birth control methodslessthan, more than, about half, never,or always. Codedfrequencies 0 : Never I : Lessthanhalf of thetime 2 : About half of thetime 3 = More thanhalf thetime 4 : Always(100%of the time) 8 : Don't know 9 = Declinesto answer -9 ño MAIN PRrl{RllHcf - g FEMALÊ MAXNPCÍNR --? ñosexw/ønru ano: a. Withdrawal (he pulls out before he cums) BClF BClA b. Femalecondoms BCåF BCâA SpermicideONLY (foam, cream,gel, film, suppository or sponge) Bc3tr BC3A d. Diaphragm or cervical cap with spermicide tsci{F tsCLI A e. Diaphragm or cervical cap without spermicide Male condoms BCSF BgbF BCSA f. g. Injections(Depo-Provera) R¿-7tr BC(oA. BL'74 h. Birth controlpills BCAF BCBA i. Abortion j. ruD k. Vasectomy wqF Rcstr e/-ItF B¿114 l. Tuballigation(tubestied) BCl'F BC1}A m. Norplant tsc13tr tsclqtr rc-15tr tsc-l34 n. Other:speciff þ()j,L{ õrco. None p. Declines to answer BCqA tseloA B¿$A H-ti. C16. Have you and X made an agreementabout the birth control mgthodg¡ou will use together? - o j N o - 8 r , É l r ' p r t'lv'-rv r ç - 9 'x' o' ' H A I -8 NpRrNR'leHoS HAINPßT|¡R' FÉ|-4ALE t) Yes - 7 ÑosEXVslArN 3${oS 7) Not applicable;(e.g. I can't get pregnant¡ _ 8) Don't know _ 9) Declines to answer re 4122199 SUDIS Questionnai FemaleSurveySectionC,page9 Now that we've finished talking about birth control and specific types of sex you may have had with X, I want to move on to some different questions. Thesenext questionshave to do with your thouehts about having vaginal sex and using condomswith X. -9NoHArñRÍNR t9r,,lcs -EFeunue MÆiNpRrNR -7NOSËX qMAlN3trcrs Cl7. D SHO\il SCALE: How strongly do you agreeor disagreewith the following statements? z. I plan on using condomsevery time with X when we have t 2 b. Most peoplewho a¡eimportantto methink that a condom shouldbe usedwith X whenwe havevaeinal sex MSN-VAF 1 2 3 4 5 I 9 t 2 3 4 5 I 9 d. X thinks a condom should be usedwhen we have vaginal t 2 3 4 5 I 9 e. When it comesto safer sex with X, I want to do what he 1 2 3 4 5 8 9 When it comesto safer sex with X, I want to do what most people who are important to me think I should do. 3 4 5 8 thinksI shoulddo. C18. D SHOW SCALE: In your opinion,how manyother positivewomenyou know who shootdrugs have vaginalsexwithout a condomwith their main malesexpartners? None NOCNMAIF _ l) -gNo HAI,ñmñR, tr Hos Few _2) .8 FEMALË AboutHalf MAIN PÊI-NR _ 3) - 7 No SËX \^/MAIñ 3 HoS Most _4) All or AlmostAll _ 5) 8) Don'tknow _ Declinesto answer _ 9) 4/22/99 SUDISQuestionnaire Female SurveySectionC,pagel0 C19. ftz SIIOW SCALE: Many peopleresponddifferentlywhenit comesto usingcondomsin various situations.For the followingsituations,how sureare you that you can usea condomfor vaginalsexwith X, , if YOU WA¡IT TO HAVE SEX? (Ifyou do not have vaginal sex or do not plan on havingsex,pleasetry to answer thesequestionsin the way ::iåtr'#üil you think you would respond.) 3MoS can use a condom When vou want to have sex with AbsolutelySure CA¡{NOT Pretty Sure CA¡[ 1 2 NOT ST]RE Pretty Sure CA¡INOT a. evenif he does not want to Ì.45E.-VA1F b. absolutelyevery time you have sex with him MSE.-VAEç c. even if you both really want to feel close d. even if you are making up after a fight r 2 Absolutely Sure cAtt 3 4 5 3 4 5 MsE-VA3F 1 2 3 4 5 MSE-VALItr 1 2 3 4 5 e. even if he wants you to get Pregnant MSE-VA5F 1 2 3 4 5 even if he might lose his erection MSE-VA6F 1 2 3 4 5 g. evenif vouhave not used them before M3Ê-vA-rF 1 2 3 4 s f. J20. ffz SHO\ry SCALE: The following items askabout specificsituationsin which you might be TEMPTED to _g NoHAlñ PRrñB, have vaginal sex with X without a condom or barrier. -sJ3"iLËHATNPÊtN -7t¡osËx wlHAlN 3MaË a. You havebeendrinking(alcohol) MTEMPIF MTEMP'F b. You havebeenusing(drugs) c. You think he will getangryif you insistusinga MTE¡1P3F condom $^TEMFLIF d. You aresexuallyaroused MTE}4PSF e. You areusingbirth control f. You wanthim to knowyou arecommittedto your MTEMP6F relationship is low MTEMPTF g. You thinktherisk of disease h. You areangry MTÉMfÐf you to takea chancethis time' Î'4TEHPtr i. He pressurcs j. You aredepressed. 4/22199 SUDIS Questionnaire MTÉMPlOF I 2 J 4 5 3 4 5 a t 4 5 J 4 5 a J 4 5 a J A 5 a J 4 5 a J 4 5 I 2 2 2 a 4 5 I 2 a J 4 5 I ,) I 2 1 2 2 2 I I I I FemaleSurveySectionC, pageI I Czl. ', Have you made an agreementwith X about the safer sex methods you would use together? SÞSAGRï4F--8)-Don'tknow --ojNo to answer:åi.""ity""^iHå"äi* s) Declines 1)Yes -7|t|osËxw/FlAlN 3î4aE C22. Whenyou havevaginalsexwith X, who is usuallyRESPONSIBLEfor decidingwhetheror not to usea condom?(Readlist,if necessøry)MOSSRSPF 1) Me 2) He 3) Both Neither _4) know 8) Don't to answer 9) Declines - _ -gNo MA1.NPRTNRtâ F4os -8 re¡lelu MArñ PRrNR -7 NcsÈx v'lw\rtl 3 Hês These next questionsdeal with very sensitiveissues. I would like to ask you about the possibletimes in the last 12 months when X might have hurt you, threatened to hurt you or verbally abused you when you were having a disagreement. Pleaseremember that all this information is confidential and won't be shared with your partner. C23. ftz SHOW SCALE: No matter how well couplesget along, there are times when they disagreewith each other or have fights about having sex. -9ÑO T4AlN?RÍNR IA HôS -EFEHALE HAIN PRTNÍ -7ñôsEx wfr.lnrusuo: Of the times you had sexwith X in the past 12 months,how often.. . a. Did X insiston havingsexwhenyou CN FLSTIF weren'tinterested? b. Did you insiston havingsexwhenX c NFLC.I9 F wasnot interested? Werevou afraidthat X miehtYell at CNFLCÏ3F vou? d. e. Wereyou - afraidthatX mighthit You? CNFLCTL{F Wereyou afraidthatX mightharmyou in someotherway?CNtrLCTbF Did he initially resistbutthenchanged cñrLcT6F hismind? g. Did youtell him a lie to convincehim to hãvesexwith you? CI{FLCTTF 4122/99 SUDISQuestionnaire Never Lessthan half the time Half the time More than half the time Always D/A FemaleSurveySectionC,page12 c24. In the last 12 months, how many times did your partner ever force you to have sex? -9 No MAf.ñ ?R1ñR l2 i'los CTINU},T . StrEHALE f.tAINPR:TNR, 888: Don'tknow Usecodes: - 7 Ño SeX h'ryMAl.N 3 f'los : 999 Declines to answer C25. In the last 12 months, how many times has your partner emotionally or verbally abusedyou, such as insulted you, yelled at you, humiliated or cursed you? c ï 5 ñ u lUse 4codes: i ,^,.-'-:åË:ff.J,mJiJ:,,.i- 888 : Don't know --? No sex wllArru 3 MoS ggg= Declinesto answer C26. In the last 12 months, how manY times has your partner used a weapon or threatened you with a weapon' such as a gun or knife? -9 Ño MA1N PRTÑR I' I',IoS ET3NUMF Usecodes: -8 çevnuÉ.ô.rA1r.¡ pRrNR 888: Don't know -TNosex wluAru3Mcs : 999 Declinesto answer C27. In the last 12 months, how many times has your partner threatened to physically mistreat you? CTIINUMF (Jsecodes: ggg : Don't know -9 No MAlÑ ?RTNR l1 rvlos =Declines :9531ti=ql,H H:5 toanswe' eee C28. In the last 12 months,how manytimeshasyour partner shoved,hit, slapped,kickedor otherwisephysically hurt you? -9ñoMArñ PE.'NRre Mos - re mRuuHA¡NPRÎÑR ÛTSNUHF . I 888= Don'tknow [ß, codes: -TNosEx h/MAlN3 Èîos I 999: Declinesto answer INTERVIEWER:If ZEROtimesis reportedfor#C24to #C28,GO TO #C30 did you receiveany help or counseling? c29. When this / thesehappened, 0_ No -9 Ño MALN PPff hlR le MoS Yes -E FEMALE HIIIN PRTNR 1_ crcouñs 8_ 9 Don'tknow Declinesto answer -7 Nó so< w/vlrx -6 No ABUsE 3 uos INTERVIEúI/ER: refer pørticipant to crisis numbers, and counseling, ìn the participant packet. 4/26199 SUDISQuestionnaire FemaleSurvey SectionC, page13 '30. DoesX know that you inject (or shootdrugs)? MßÚ'ÑKNWF -g No MA1F¡ PRÍNR lâ MÖs - 8) Don't know _ 0) No .êFEMNUE }441N PTTTNR. _ l) Yes _ 9) Declinesto answer C31. DoesX injectdrugs? 0) No i) Ves - - MATN5h¡-SF -gNô fqArÑ PPTNR 13Mos 8) Don't know -eFÊHAL€ MAth¡ Pc¡Nc gi Declinesto answer C32. Did you know you ìryereHrV positive when you first met X? _ - -_ S)Don'tknow Mrs Hrl/aF toanswer: 3 fro^.1[11ru*ffi$Ëå?,ji* s) Declines l) Yes 0) No C33. DoesX know that you areHfV positive?ylKñl{rVåF "g ñc HAI.N m'NR l, Mos _0)No IFNO)GOTOC36 .EFEHALÉ HA1NPRTNR _ l) Yes _ 8) Don't know _ 9) Declinesto answer C34. Did X know your HfV statusbefore or after you had sextogether for the first time? 14Kñ t{1v3F 1) Before _ -9 ÑO HATN PT¿TÑR I' HOS After _2) .gFEMALÊ HAIN PRÌNR - 7 MAIN Not i<uaw HrV* _ 8) Don't know _ 9) Declines to answer i35. ÊZ SHOW SCALE: Whendid you tell X that you areIIrv positive? 1) He or sheknewmy HfV statusbeforewe met Thefirsttimewe met 2) þ4TEL'HIVF _ "g t9'Mos Ño MAINPRi'NR week one less than In - 3) - month :9 liljtiL'|T$,i!]ii one than 4) Inless 5) ln lessthan3 months 6) In lessthan6 months 1) More than6 monthsafterwe met C36. What is X's HfV status? -!Ì4ALNt{fVF 1) HfV negative |9-TAah¡PsrNRle Hos I FeMALEMAaNPÊTNR' 2) uIv pJsitive 3) Don't know;hasnot beentested 8) Don't know;hasnottoldme 9) Declinesto answer _ 4/22199 SUDISQuestionnaire FemaleSurveySectionC,page14 The remaining questionsin this section are about having sexwith Y. Pleasebe reassured that all your anstyersare confidential. C37. In the last THREE MONTIIS, haveyou had sexwith Y? - 1) Yes - 0) No ) MAfÑSSXtr GO TO Section D -9ño MAIIJPsrNR lÐMos -8xRue HA1NPARF^IËR. C38. In the last THREE MONTHS, how many times did you do each of the following activities with Y? For each activity I will ask you the total number of times, then how many times with a latex barrier and how many times without a latex barrier. (Readout loud andwrite in the numberof times). . . . . If If If If you have had sex about once a day, that would be about 90 times. you havehad sex abouttwo or three times a weeþ that would be about 30 times. you have had sex about once a week, that would be about 12 times. you have had sex about once a month, that would be 3 times. * a. You gaveher oral sex when she was on her period 11g3_:OIPJ MS3-OIPYf b. You gaveher oral sex when she was not on her period l1Þè=_eJl{: M33-Of NV'r* c. You fuckedherin thevagina with your fingers,fist or a sex toy d. You fuckedher in theasswith your fingers,fist or a sextoy e. Shegaveyou oral sex when you \ /ereon your period f. Shegaveyou oral sex when you were not on your period MS3.VFF{ * l$3-VtM" MS3-OIPNXjt HS3- OINN'ã ljI3:VErls** t"t:i-å=.¿!-Fu M33-AFHN" 1133=AF__H-Y'" !1s3_=l)EPr 1133:QBPV:* MS3-ORH\f us5_-qBN. l-433-ORN\n l1Þ3:oB_N_N', g. Shefuckedyou in your vagina with her fingers, fist or sex toy _t1x3,=\¡sEI M33=VSFr* MS3-\^>ljg: h. Shefuckedyou in your asswith herfingers,fist or sextoy M53-AÐFÈ _t1¿ó=À3rNI lY>s= lLÞl- Y'" C39. Have you made an agreementwith Y about the safer sex methods you would use together? _ o¡ No _ 1)Yes - 8) bon't know SSOACRMF \l HcÊ PRTNR to answer -9 t'¡cURfu 9) Declines - 8 URUEMßN PA?TNEÊ - 7 ño sEx wluûrñ 3ilos Jt 4/22199 SUDISQuestionnaire -9NoH6N PRÍIR l3 ltcß .8}1ALÉ HAIhJ PAßÍIJER -7 NôsEX w/haArN 5T{aS ** -9ñ0HAI,N PRTNß19r"1€ß . HAtÉ É HAIN PAEí¡JÉB * 7 ño SEX W/MAII¡ 3Has " r- N/A FemaleSurveySectionC, Page15 a C40. When you have vaginal sexwith Y, who is usually RESPONSIBLE for deciding whether or not to use 'i barrie r2 (Reød list, if necessary) ì4SSSßSPF -g ¡a419 PRÍNR t9 $,los ¡jc _1)Me - 8 HALE MÆN PAÊTNÉR. She _2) - -TNo sex w/xnr¡ 3 uos _ 3) Both _4) Neither don't havevaginalsex Not applicable; -]) _ 8) Don't know _9) Declinesto answer MAf NSKNF C41. DoesY knowthat you inject(or shootdrugs)? -g NolqArNPntNR1l slcs know - dl Doft - 0) No - E l'lALl:MAIÑp¡sagsg gi Declinesto answer 1) Yes C42. DoesY inject drugs? - 0)No 1) Yes - - sl Don'tknow MNSf,NJF :å ffi.ËäT*ofll$.f"* 9) Declinesto answer C43. Did you know you were IIfV positivewhen you first met Y? S) Don'tknow MKNI'{IV¿{F --ö¡ No 1)Yes - to answer:;f^IÉ'X[iü-lii*' e) Declines C44. DoesY know that you are HIV positive?MKNt{1V5F -ghlo MArr.¡ Pt¿Tr.lP¡9 Mc:j IFNOàGOTOC47 -0)No -bMALÉ HArh¡ PAÊlÈ¡Ê¡_ 1) Yes _ 8) Don't know - 9) Declinesto answer C4S. Did Y know your HfV status before or after you had sex together for the first time? _ 1) _2) _ 8) _ 9) Before MK¡JHIV6F -gño MAI.NPr¿ÎNP.11Hos After - 8 MALÉ HAIN hEruEø Don't know -7 ilt\lrJ NCtrkh¡ov/ HIV+ Declinesto answer c46. Þ sHow SCALE: When did you tell Y that you are IIIV positive? i) He or sheknewmy HfV statusbeforewe met 2) Thefirst time we met - - _ 3irnr.,,ttun;; *""i, lt?IhilJ-I,NR râMos 4) In lessthanonemonth -S¡ntr_i - 5) In less than 3 months - rrnrrie¡ersee -7 HAIN h¡<lrKt'¡ovJÉ1vt 6) In lessthan6 months 7) More than6 monthsafterwe met C47. What is Y's HfV status? MNSHIVF PRrrlRì9 Èlos 1) HIV negative -gù4ALE J S YryN HAIN PAeIN€ß 2) - HIV pãsitive 3) Don't know;hasnotbeentested 8) Don't know;hasnottold me 9) Declinesto answer 4 126199 SUDISQuestionnaire FemaleSurvey SectionD, page1 t 1 Introduction: The next set of questionsis about your sexual experiencesonly with partners who paid you or gave you somethingspecifically in exchangefor you giving them sex. This could be money, food, drugs, or a place io stay. This doesnot include your main sexpartner, people you have sex with for fun or someoneyou âre considering for a serious relationship. From this point on, f will refer to thesepartners as "paying partners.f' INTERVIEWER: Møy use 3-month culendar to anchor signiJicant døtes ønd to assistrespondent recall. Dl. Theseare some general questionsabout sexual partners you may have had in the last three months. Sexpartners,who have given you Money, drugs, food or clothing, or a place to stay in exchangefor sex? - -9 hþ Þ/pvNtq GoTFRI'131"1 -9ruom/RvuePRTNR. PsÏ VR. Sex partners,whom you have given Money, drugs, food or clothing, or a place to stay in exchangefor sex? GAVETÔ3H - 9 i.to @Pvue pelNR P$Í YR b¡ve Pr¿run I ño PAvrNG PF{TNR3 S1ôS -g,.ioÞ/PyNG Pm'NÈ PsivÊ. g NO PAYTÑG PRTNR,31'1OS -9¡iopVPvr.¡e pÊrNr¿ Psí yR 8 No PA¡.ÞPÈTNR 3Hog If NO à GO TO SectionE SUDISQuestionnaire, 4/22/99 9 No PÞ/PVÑg PRÍNÍ¿ÞSTYR ¡lo P4tù PffNe 3MoS FemaleSurveySectionD,page2 * men who have paid or given you something for sex in the past three months-- in Think about the _ other words, your paying partners. Think about whether or not they told you their HfV status before you had sex. In the next series of questions,I will ask you about paying partners who told you they were IIIV positive, paying partners who told you they were HfV negativeand paying partners whoseHfV status you did not know. D2. In the last three months, have you had sexwith a paying male partner who told you he was HfV PeyOpOSf ÏtilTå -s h¡oPù/PVN. p5¡vç PRrNrè I N0 hyrUe mNR. 3Hos -0)No+GOTOQuestionD4--7NoPA)ENGHALÉ?s'rÔs D2a. IIow many HMOSITIVE months? men have paid vou or eiven you somethins for sex in the last three Numberof HIV positivepayingmalesexpartners: PAùOpt t!1E_ D2b. partners I{ow many of these HMOSITIVE first time? -9tvc mTevugPsrNp,psíyß -gff 3î*Xå liJifr.,ff,S -6uo.ãy¡r¡e RrV+ HALËAr{os knew your status before you had sex together for the PßÎ'¡eest 9tlod)Þ/Þ'/6tc - 8å?.4:e/I.ñfs PÊ.ÎuR. Numberof HIV positivepayingmalesexpartnerswhomknewmy HIV status:EYÞP!!\tEgüåE¡*s HAL: _Hi,-E^f,*o* D3. In the last three months, how many times did you do each of the activities below with a male paying partner whoseIIIV STATUSWAS POSITM? ^. You gave him a blow job and he came in vour mouth þÐ3tÐRCl- " I l.¡oPõ7FFG?-6tr8ffiYê.arbfìAyf!ê Pl¿rrJR 3þßs ,tÀbÞìì,¡Nc ¡{aLg3}þ3 -(ölJo È{V¡r¡€ i{SI+ F4ALE 3ïßs lioóÌ,{cKNlb. You gavehim a blow job, but -9xopu7F9!ñ-ifr Fõ-rçr=_ .Ér.ro PÊ)tuê PÊflì¡C.3i.rcs hedid NOT cum in vour - 7 l.¡oÈvtr¡G ¡.taLl93Èr6s .ø ¡o Plv¡r,¡Ê x¡vt ì'{ALg 3 iqcs mouth c. He went down on you (oral sexon your vagina) d. You had vaginal sex and he cameinsidevou e. You had vaginal sex, but he did NOT cum inside vou tlDSt/oKvt.gxopo/-py¡epF-rppærF .F.No HtfNS pRrr¡R 3 ilóa 'ir¡o P¡Y¡l¡g HALE 3 |4ca '6 Nc, PAyr|.¡c, tl¡v+lrALË 3ilcs lðsPVACl- -qNoPs/-pyarcprzræ-Þst]¡_W_ .t5r¡ô flt¡|lc ?ÊfHc a Hô'? tJo ñy¡LtG l.lÀtg 3 i',rÉs 'ë hb PAtaHG i{lvf Hßl.e 3}1cs T4CSPVANF .9à,cPDFidE--ßPf rTETsl-.ßr,þ ÈÍÍING ?¿rÈe 3 î{oE .TNC NV¡Íg HALG-3þTcs -G rrô mtralG l{lv+ }lAt-É3¡{cs f. You had anal sex and he cameinside vou g. You hadanalsex,but he did NOT cuminsideyou t{)SPANCF -9 xô PÞÆÍë-þEi¡Îãtr-r-E- :Tffi Ílfls,x'Ë" tåHo' -ølrc ?^walGi¡!V+ FiAI€3 ¡4õs IìCSPANNF ËXBH{ffi-#m-ffil'-? l¡é ñv¡uc HAL€ 3 vtóS .6rþ mv¡Ne ilw+r',rJ\LÉ3t{ô,3 SUDISQuestionnaire, 4122199 POPORCYF - ç rjo pD/pÆG-ffi l.|?-T5rye-ävô PÀ)âNc ?erNR aMcE -7lJoÞ1yJNG¡.At€3Hcs - -.,t^ "é No'múrt¡Gi{sv+HAL€ 3i.rè5 Þry'l Ið}ðKNYF - ., ¡¡c eo/p-vúe?ßiñ-e ps;ì-tÉ-- t{o}ÐR(-Nt_ -9r.¡oeufñ¡ewr@FE- -a|¡o PAY!߀PÈlNa'3rcS -7 r.¡ôãY¡I¡g LrAL€3 r4cs 5t ¡/A -(¿ r¡oÞtvarJc f¡ñt+ ttÀLF1t{ês - , tlQtP_|RNNh -qr¡6PD/ÞfiE -S{a æñ¡AEE-5N/A ..gr{olAyrr¡c.?çrliß strcs :å,f9âåX"',niËå',#' '?r¡OmYrLreHrL€ 3lraa 'c hbRAyÍN¡q¡$vf HALe3 H6s - _ tatÐKvJL_ -giþ?Þ/PyNE:EtFa-Fttr-8Xo?Á'ì'¡ñ¡G'?¡¿n¡PA¡{OS -5NlA -7 No PAy¡r.¡C ¡.tAU; 3 ¡'rcs -(ø NoPAvr\¡GfIV+ ÈrALË3ilas POPVACYþ -cil¡ôpyF/¡E-psç|¡-R,psryì---t|Nc SìÆl¡c ?Clr¡F .3 ¡,tcs - B H/A .7 ñd?Aìa¡¡G ¡.rALE3Fros '(c ño ilYft¡o tllv+ btALE3irós l.tc! /AN YF -9r¡op>/evr¡¡-ppräê-FvT-- -¿r,¡c HVtNe itlvl - cli¡o HALEsì,rês T()KOKVNF PDrñ;¡õ-tr¿lTrEÉ-TE'- -6N/h :Ii,3ËIüS'nT,e3.Y"": '(9Àla FåVING $aV+ HALE3¡tS IJOPYAS:NF '9 '.J6PD/P/ñG PCrF¡Cesr YÊ -ft t¡o PAy¡NG PefÑe 3 Fró9 -7No FìqYtNe llAlE, 3¡{É -5 }¡/A - ø .tft myf f\IÊ i{IV+ MAtli 3btcs rcPVANNF -cxoPÞ/Py-rJe'FPrgê-É'r-F- -sr.¡tn '9S#FiïÊ'mËåã,ff'-ss/n .f,ü¡åJfSÉ,äIg3ûF 'gr€ PAVJhßt{S/t HAIE 3rtcs '"*"/o#*#S,"Jt- '64þ ñ)Ar¡G PEri.¡c3i..ê5 - 5h¡fA ,T }¿O?ÍIYIÀ¡GF,IALE.3HOS -6 r.Þ ?AyJNGÉrv+ ÈrALÉ3 Mos TOPANNYF -91¡oPr/Py-uFffir¡-ßP5¡Yß.a r,¡oP¡t¿r{GPßrt¡P3 ¡ro3 - ñ¿'tt' |la '7Ñfny¡t¡ê ilALÈ3s{É'" ,i¿N¡o ?ñYJllg ilrl,f ilálÆ 3$¡\o1 -6 i.¡o mYING l{lv* HÂLE.3¡rcs FCPANSNT'q r¡cPryffiTËñiFãYE- '8¡¡0 ?Av¡l¡€?Êil¡Ê3Êtct -5 N/A .7Nc P¡trrNg |tAL€ 3.{ÊS {Þ ß myri¡C it$,+ taAt-E3 î.{,ûi .IICPANN NF .9r,¡oPò/PFé--flûrTE-?S-,TE- -ãh/A :ln#*Ëgr"g',,Ë' .6 r¡onYJ¡¡êi*1$l-HÀUtí3ças* FemaleSurvey SectionD, page3 D4. In the tast three months, have you had sexwith a paying male partner who told you he was HfV .lNoPD/Py$¡e,pgí|.lRPsîYR NEGATIVE? PAYONËGF - _ - 1) Yes 0) No ) GO TO QuestionD6 D4a. How many HMEGATM months? "ANC ÞAYINGPRÍNR3¡tCS .7 NO PA/ÍÑG HALE 3 MCS men have paid you or siven vou something for sex in the last three :1iï'J#lJ"-rHHfil" paying mate sexparrners: ofHrVnegative Number IAyAIJIIW Ï i: ltriJ,f ffi)i,ïffiå r *., -. before you had sex tqgetþf f-o¡JÞe.^-..^ D4b. How many of theseHfV NEGATIVE- partners r --- status r--- knew your -ËI3By'fi^T--i#,ìi¡'i - firsrtime? ? r.lo PAV¡HG ¡46¡9 3 tloB payingmalesexpartners whoknewmyHIV status: Numberof HIV negative ?n'fO¡xUf D5. In the last three months, how many times did you do each of the activities below with a male paying partner whoseHMTATUS WAS NEGATIVE? :P,., ,ñ a. You gave him a blow job and he camein your mouth You gavehim a blow job, but he did NOT cum in your mouth c. He went down on you (oral sex on your vagina) d. You had vaginal sex and he cameinside you e. You had vaginal sex, but he did NOT cum insideyou f. -"m¡åtttintfu- You had anal sex and he cameinsideyou g. You had anal sex,but he did NOT cum insideyou e, 4/22/99 SUDISQuestionnair Ì¿OSNORCF -g A¡oP-Þ/PY¡¡E-PRIÉRF-YR. -girc fl{YrÉG ?ÊrNe3î4c3 ..? ¡.lc PAY¡!Je HqLE 3.'1oS - 6 l¡c ?Ay¡Nè f¡f'r- HALÊ 316 - 9 uoPO3NORNF Þ>7F¡rGF¡¡FF*-vr¿ "8l¡ó PAy¡r¡G?Í¿TNR3î{ès -7ñc P/CYINê HALE3l{ê5 .øNc ?ìy¡xG i{I\r- ÈIALE3 s1c6 POSNORVF PcNQESE_ - gÈ0 PÞ/ÞyÉc PerHR P5ïYR ' I Nc ?Ay¡h¡G ?f¿tNÊ å Hô5 17 rþ Ptvr..¡G tlALË 3 i40s 'ÉfV- itlALE 3t'rès -br.¡c PAYTNG - ã 'ñ/A 'reNAKNTE- tpNWrt_ .9NCíÞ'PYNG ?ATNR PfiYR '8 ì,¡oPAV¡|JS PEÍNP, 3 MoS 'NO PAYTIJG MALE 3 i.TCS .bñè PÀf¡Nc, illv- ¡4AL€3r{cs -S hl/A rc3NVACF IðNVACYF 'q NoPulpvr¡E psn{ß PsTYË 9ú lðóñvANt- PilPvre-ffi[r[-Ps-' Ye .8hþ PAÈrlG ?gtl¡R, S}rcE ,?NoPAyrle HALË3t'rca .(Þr.ieìÂYJ{g ittv- HALE3 ¡'1ê5 ìæ5NANCtr -5 N/A .gI.¡C PDIñ/ÚG ?RTIJR P5ì YR -gNc PA)1¡hJG ?ErHÊ 3 ttcß -?Ho ?AYINGltÂLE 3¡{c5 -t9 ìlc ?AV¡ñGHtv- ''IALE 3Ë,os -q ñ/ 'gNoPÐFme-?EfñtrF-YR '8 [b PAf¡]'rc ?ÊtÉR å ilas -7¡¡o çhvrNc I{ALE 3 $,los -øNo Q4ì¡rl.JG HIV- HAI-G,3HoS .qxc"ÞTi,¡G-?-RTUR-E1R -Ê tJôPAìttNSfærl,lR3 T,lós -7No P/rvrtJeÌtnu:3Hos .5 ¡¡e illV- MALË3 tb's "AYrt'lG PQNARC-NT- - g Nô PÞ/PY).¡G ;RTNR Psl Ye -t5I¡O PAV¡Ne PÊfhr8 3l+s -?NO PAY1Ñ¿HALE 3 i-1A5 - ¿' NO PAY¡TG I{i\,- ilALE3Hq .SNOPA9I$G?gÌHß 3 H6S _ThJcRAVINçHÁtE 3$4c6 .(âNO P^VrrlG ilW- HALE 3 tlcs -5 ¡¡/R rcNVANYF '9xoÐ-Pyr¡G-Per6¡e-Ps-Je .a r¡ÈtPAV¡¡¡G PÊrr.lÊ 3 l,lcs ,7ñó PêYrrg HALE ãltL 'è h¡oÈAY¡NG iirv- ltl{LE åt'tcÈ -6ñ/A rcNANCYF i-lcNoR\iN r- 'glElÞ/Pys-e?F-r.¡E-F-Ye. '8 r€ îdyr¡¡c ?Êfl.¡R, 3slcr¡ -TLb PAI¡slGHALE3il.Ê <o}õ äYING ¡ûv- HALe 3 Ê{ês -S i.¡/¡ l-4fNvAcN I- 'gNo-Pù/PYi¡G-ñ-1t¡EEî-Ye '6NÔPÄYTN€?EÍNC 3I{S ,7I{OPAìtrT¡GHAL€ 3¡'E' ,G|þPAIENG FIV -HALE 3 i{cs -5x/¡ rcNVANNF -9x,iÞl/-pyriõ--tJ-crurve '8$o PA\6i¡e ?Þf}JÊ 314c3 -'r re PÀY¡NG i,rALË à'FrÈÊ -t¡¡ mv¡r¡e iltv- HALE3Hd3 -5 ñ/A R)NANCNF -gxotñii]ê.ffiA¡-Ê PSTF- g r.io /åv¡|{' PÊlh¡Ê ål{c5 itNo ?Áì4INê Þ,lALÉ3 ¡{cs -6Ñ0 tv¡NG l¡IV- i{At€ 3¡4ôs '9xapü7-pvxe-ffi -xC-FTe .A NôPAV¡NG ?grl{c 3 lJlcs {úamv¡¡J6 þiALESi.rcÉ i4ALE5'r{c-> itrvPAY¡NG ¿ño TìC3NAN NF '9tlop-pleyve-Fstui¿ET5E iðNANNYF -grbPtyÉTGEiFiÈErçA FCNANNN 'glûEmeTçiÑ-È-ÈrìÉ '5u/n .|l¡om\ßr{G WI¡JC a¿+r'S '7l.ËP^y¡f¡GHALE3trc5 '¡aNóPêitsrrGhrv- ilAUí 3H( .5NÍ\ '8.{cDÀ\¡$¡G PF$¡ß 3 ¡.rcE '.INOPAY¡TJGHALE 3HCS 'sr¡Õ FrWgG ¡¡IV- HALE 3$ls5 -5 ñ/A -6 ¡j0 trvrtJc Ppr¡¡e3ilæ' ^? NCPAVTNG HALÉ 3I.iôÞ - {âNê PñYrNG$IV-}lAlE 3 ã46 -iþ-ffixTfi¡ã-FYe i,iJåi,f"1' :rtr"JläiÊ *; ñã pÀv¡r¡e ür\r- I.IALE5 ìta3 -5 f,|'A F FemaleSurvey SectionD, page4 D6. -srArus? PAYourqKF :e$¡Ìlt^IdgJEËy,Hvê -r In the last three months, have you had sex with a male paying partner and you did not discussHIS HfV _ _ l) Yes 0) No ) so?A\ÆñG untÈ5t*s GO TO Question D8 D6a, In the last three months, how many men paid vou or save you something for sex and whose IIIV -gF¡ÞÞÞFVNGÞerñR PSTvR STA.TUS YOU DIDN'T KNOW? I Nc PA''¿INêFz$JR 3Ftos malesexpartners withunknown of paying Hrv status:SþUNMF-¿i#ÏIË Number D6b. lîb! åff*o'.= How many of these partners knew your HfV status before you had sex with them for the first time? paying status ofHrvunknown male sexpartners whoknew myHrvJåY9ry;:ffi.ffi;i Number *iíånä,qHrv-uNk D7. In the last three months, how many times did you do each of the activities below with a male paying partner whoseHIV STATUSYOU DIDN'T KNO\il? ^. You gave him a blow job and he came in your mouth - You gave him a blow job, but he did NOT cum in your mouth æ3UA,f-<q_ POUORCNF -9¡rcEeyrlE Peruc psiYe - g{.rÕPvPtÀtC FEr}Jc ?5î Yß -8tJO PA\IING Pø1r¡R 3fïos .7,JÖ FMYT'JGHôLE 3I.OS -61{0 PA'rtr,lG HaV-i¡rü( HAL€t HcE tðSuoRNF 'qþPÞ/¡-ñ/t¡G,?ÊrHÞÞñ9ã '8 ñc Ð{f¡NG æTNeã i*lcs € lt3 ñy1Ne ?øÍÀ¡e 3 f'rc,s '7 i.¡ópAvrA¡eMAÉ3 iros :?ä#f'- tÕuoRNvF -9rcÞ7F¡c=ÞEiFcEîle d. You had vaginal sex and he came inside you e. You had vaginal sex, but he did NOT cum inside you f. You had anal sex and he cameinside vou g. You had anal sex, but he did NOT cum insideyou SUDISQuestioruraire, 4/22/99 IÐUOKNNF '9Naffide-PÊraREYE, -8iNo Prl'yfNG PÈTI¡R.å ÈtcÊ - g No PÊ¡\r¡^16PÈrÉÊ 3 i.las - 7 h¡oPAìö{G Hil-E 3 S{o9 .7ÀJOPAìtr¡¡GHAI€3HCS .'7NO PÂYINS HALE 3 i{CS '6 -615 l{Aj llttþUr¡¡( uw- trlrk¡'lAl-b ?lrruc 3r{0s 't¿ ¡lê ?AY¡NÊt{rV-UNk },lALË3l{d ryry*e -5,¡ln c. He went down on you (oral sex on your vagina) nil-ur{kHnLE POóUOKVF '9Noaõ7rygP7gs-l€çTa -8 ñê PAyTNGPfëfN¿ -?i'ros -? No PAvr^'GllALÉ 3 i\tas -(Þh¡ô?AVrNc lilv- uNk HALE 3?þa '9r.¡o tðsuvAcF d-Pv¡eT¡1-¡c=oe ,6 h¡o P^YING PSfr.lR 3 r.6 '? ñÕ FAYINg HALÉ 3 i-tcç .b No FltYJl.lG¡+sr'- UNK Þ,|ÂL€ 3 ¡{c6 }.¡O3UVANF .gtlopu/-]ñê-pprxeFî-vR -€ìNo PAY!å¡GPÊrf ß 3 tloS -7 ño PÁvrNeilA¿E åF,lcs ,tê h¡oPAIIEI.¡C illv- ur.¡k HALE 3 ${ô3 PO3UANCF -9No?Ìt-FFp-ÉlFE-e.-¡rt-lê' S N O P A Y ¡ N G? Ê r N ß 3 i l o s ..T NOAAY'.NqHALÉ 3T4CS -(p IJOPAYIT¡G ilrV- ur¡x Uat€ 3t{6 -YNo t4cáuANNr rtmtõ-'P-ñNFElYe .8Ñc PAYING PffiNR 3MoS "7ñ6 PA\/f,NG trAL€ 3t{cs -(aÑc ?A\Æ-NG ilI.v- UÑk F{ALE 3 MôS tðuoR/YF -5r.¡/C -gxcEiFy¡'¡ê-PñNïEyß ÞI)UORVNF -:¡¡ô6imëÞme-es¡ve -5u/e ::lfêt-n 'Þr.¡ó PAV¡IJG,PÉTHß. .€ f{c PAfTXG Per$R. 3 Hcs 3 i{cs .7¡Jo PAytNGl.loLE 3b,\cs ?NO PßYTNEHALE 3I{O5 -øNo mv¡NG ¡{IV-U¡{xù{At-E 3¡{cE É ¡<HAL ¡{v- ur'¡ t-{)uvAcvF -9tod@n=tFZ-asrT POUVAC-NF .8 i{o PAy¡r¡G PÊÎ|tÊ 3 Nó3 .8No Prlv¡l¡G Pcr||f¿ 3 í{cg 'T 16 ?*y¡r¡G HALE å TtcS "7ro ÈAY¡I¡GMALÉ3Mos {" r.¡óPÁrtrNG¡{IV- tirik HALE 3 i'tos ' b¡.JoPillrNG HrV- U|¡k HáLe SHcg '5 U/A t{.)uvANYF -.rl¡cÞt-pyñeFgfi ft-Fye ,8 i¡a PAy¡r.¡G PFrNR 5 ${oS ..I N6 PÁY ô¡G}IALE 3 MO3 -r¿ña P4Ytr.tg HiV-t¡ñk IiALE - 53i,fc6 É/A tðuANcyt- -s ñlå, IðUVANNtr -9uo-tuFpe ePnÈ-ls-vP -èþP^f¡f¡g ?erxø 3t{êS . -T}.IÔRAYTNEHÂLE 3iTCS ' 6_Ëo.So *e HrV- ü rlk l{ALb -å b¡/A ä[fF^mmrH.J. '? ¡,¡c PAyTNGHALE 3 i,tc5 .(?r{c PAYTHeiln/- a¡NKSrAl€ 3StcS '5r{A [,tcuANNYr'src FD-FIe-ffie-FYe 'BNC PAV1Nê PÊÍNR3H6S '1 NC PAYI|¡G fiAL€ 3¡65 ' càHåAv!ñG i{1V- u ñt<${ALE '5t¡/R I.OUANCNF '9¡þÞÚ-PYNc-?Èr¡R.-FY¿ .€rsPAVrNc øô¡e3ilcs, '7tb pAViNeHALEStlc'g -6ì¡0lA\tr|¡G iltV- ìlNic MAùE -5l,yA IðUANNNF -qN6El-PYl¡TffiFa.--FfYê -8 ¡Jo PÀirNG ?t1!¡Ê ã r"bs - 7lS ?ÂYrxGl¡AL€ 3 H6s -6 r{c PAyr}¡ci{1v- f¡ Ét< }tALÉ 3l-{og "s ¡¡/A FemaleSurvey SectionD, page5 J8. \ilhen you have vaginal sexwith a male paying partner, who is usually RESPONSIBLE for deciding whether or not to use a condom? (Read list if necessary) _l)Me FCVSRSPF .q Ñ,13PD/PYÑE PRTNPP'I VR _ 2) Him - g No pAyJNg.ppÎNp Bi.rcs _ 3) Both " 7 Ñ o P A y ¡ N GH A L E S H ó s _ 4) Neither _7) Neverhadvaginalsex _ 8) Don't know _ 9) Declinesto answer D9. Whenyou haveanal sexwith a male paying partner, who is usuallyRESPONSIBLEfor decidingwhether or not to usea condom?(Reødlist if necessary) _1)Me POASRSPF -gNo _ 2) Him PÞ/pvñe PÊTNR?5i YR .S No PAyTÚGFÌEfÑR,3 TTS _3) Both - 7 Nó PAYJNEHALE 3MC6 _ 4) Neither Never had anal sex _7) Don't know 8) _ _ 9) Declinesto answer D10. Do you tell your IIIV status to men who pay you or give you something for sex? _ l) Yes, all the time -9r.lo wlryue ppTNRpsi yR Yes, someof the time _2) FCrruurvr -3) Never 4/26/99 SUDISQuestionnaire, :9"f J*i^1Ënrmyr:r* FemaleSurveySectionD, page6 * women who have paid or given you something for sex in the past three months-Think about the _ in other words, your paying partners. Think about whether or not they told you their IIIV status before you had sex. In the next seriesof questions,I will ask you about paying paÉners who told you they were HfV positive' paying partners who told you they were HfV negative and paying partners whose HfV status you did not know. Dl1. In the last three months, have you had sexwith a female paying partner who told you she was HfV POSITIVE? l) Yes 0) No à GO TO QuestionD13 - PRlepesr Dlla. How many IIMOSITIVE months? womenhavepaidyou or savevou somethingfor sexin the last three PAWP tl vf Numberof Hrv positivepayingfemalesexpartners' Dllb. How many of theseHrV POSITIVEsexpaÉnersknewyour statusbeforeyou had sextogetherfor the first time? Numberof HIV positivepayingfemalesexpartnerswho knewmy HIV status:ÞASPKNF DlZ. In the last threemonths,how manytimesdid you do eachof the activitiesbelowwith a female paying 'r partner whose HIV STATUS \ilAS POSITM? ù. You gaveher oral sex when shewas on her period b. You gave her oral sex when shewas not on her period c. You fucked her in the vagina with your fingers, fist or a sextoy d. You fuckedher in the asswith your fingers,fist or a sextov e. Shegaveyou oral sex when you were on your period f. Shegave you oral sex when you \ilere not on your oeriod g. Shefucked you in your vagina with her fingers, fist or sex tov h. Shefuckedyou in your asswith her fingers,fist or sextoy * 4126/99 SUDISQuestionnaire, -g -E -7 .è WWPJ- re'WY** Ps3PorNt P53pof{)/*j NMPß:: P53@ru¡V' --P]ø.HL ËåryEHri PSEPVfHN- trÉ'PÆ]J:_ 'tô3PAF.tUï Í-ãþyaFHN:'* wswp* lö3t-ÐßPY',* t¿53PoRP_^,r* pD3&Bñlf* tô-ßNyF': fögÔzuNtr*' resyvÞt_a ÆPVÞEN: ¿/s_311/sEr.r ø.3!24ôF" -ÆIEASFY'^ P33PASF^/"r No"D/P/NG ?arNR ?sÍ YR No mlai.¡c ærNß 3¡{ês ñc ?AY1N6 FÉH .3HcS NO ?AYIIJê |JIV+ FÉH 3HCS * * -C No"D/P,/ñe ?PÍNR P5TYE - 8 hþ PAYINg PÊTNß 3 HCS - 7 NO ?AvfNG F'ÉM 3 ì'ìcS -(r l.¡o PAvfr{c ijlvf F€M 3Mcs - 5 ^¡/R Female SurveySection D, page7 Df3. i In the last three months,havey_ouhad sexwith.a femalepaying partner who told you shewas II[V NÕ?D/Þy*¡êPRIÑRPsi-YR NEcATTvE? PA\6NÉGF :? ö NO pAytNG ?ÈrNR 3 ¡.ios -7ÑO PAYJNGFËM 3MOS - I\ I) \./^^ I Eù _ 0) No ) GO TO QuestionD15 D13a. IIow many HIV FI-EGATM months? women have naid you or siven vou somethins for sex in the last three ïîårÌ.f,TËIEfJäå,H'- paying female Number of Hrv negative sexpartners'B\ßNt'tMF- Ji: m{i|S,iiilt#it no, D13b. How many of theseHIV YEGATfVE partners knew your IIIV statusbeforeyou had sexwith them forthefirsttime? PAvSNt<NF_3m¡ÌJI^iä,iH{jÉmß -7hfo PAWNG F€M 3 3-tos Number of HIV negative paying female sex partners who knew my HIV status: __:r"gopfgrñG Dl4. In the last three months, how many times did you do each of the activities below with a female payrng partner whoseHMTATUS a. You gave her oral sex when she was on her period ,You gave her oral sex when she was . noton herperiod c. You fuckedher in thevaginawith your fingers,fist or a sextoy d. You fuckedher in theasswith your fingers,fist or a sextoy e. WAS NEGATM? PS3No:IP -pruoe¡7-øvxE-eerr.r-E-þyq -ËNo PA\â.I¡G?ÊrNR3t405 -7Nc PA)r¡ñGFEM 3lr¡S -6rJoPAYr$rg¡{iV- FÊM gilos PS3NOIN -9NcpÞ7Þvñ6-erHEF-, yE -ðNOpA'i/rh¡eperNE Bti4s -7 No?ÁvrNGFEM3f'los -G ì{)PAYir/GlW- FEM gHc6 tärSNVFH 'e læ PqÉT;iëEiF É-Ëil-E'8 Né PA-}tr¡JÊ Pglr|ßsMêS .? Né RËÉXEFEM3H$g .ò h¡o PAy¡NG¡$v- FeH 3ilc.s FÐÓNAh H -q ¡n p-o/pyl¡e-TÞñR:-r YR -E |Jo PAvtNC PRI'JR 5 f.tog '? t¡a PAVJñGFEH 3i4cs -êñô PAvIr¡€itlv- FÊô{ 3ñicA She gave you oral sex when you were -9 }ã5NORP NoPõ7mf€ÞFmiEFYÊ, - 8Ä¡o PAf4tNGPSÎNß 3 McS on your period ..TNô PAY¡NGFGH3HOS -6r.¡o ø¡Y¡r¿Ai$V- FeN3+'tcs f. ÉIv- FeH Shegaveyou oral sexwhenyou were not on your period g. Shefuckedyou in yourvaginawith her fingers,fist or sextoy h. Shefuckedyou in your asswith her fingers,fist or sextoy SIJDISQuestionnaire, 4/22199 IÕÓNOKNþ 'gño PFFI¡G ffiÊ-E:r7R, -gr¡o PAV¡r'lGPgTr,lCSHcs .?NoPAY¡NGFÊH 3iT.'s '6iló pAV¡NeIEV-FËH 3i1c5 P53NO].PN :gff"m* " -8il0 P -?r.roP¿ -{aXo I - 6 xlr/ '6,.¡0 l'.AYrh¡GËtV- !; l.i/ I-õSNOINY PS3NOANN Fe:rzrx-a.-Ê9ø l$xoeo-fr -ìt ts{oPAYJ¡JG 3 ¡-tca .1Ño PAYÍ,UG?Pr;¡ß F€H 3 HoS -øilO PAYrr¡G ì¡rv-FÉM 3t4o3 .5 bUA ;ffiFdffi-rffi-äief* -¿ No PAyTNG ¡{1V- FÉH ?i.tcs -s ñ/A Ps3NVFl{y - I l JcPÞIFr,¡e pef ps--]ñTFFc -ÞâJô P-AVII¡C PS¡NR àì{.Ê :¿ï.";âY'tIË fif,i1?åll'.no' -:'hl/A -,*ooH#WH*. -tsNc Påy¡.NG ?f¿rñR 3t{c€ -?ñc PAV¡|.¡GFeH 3 ¡rog -t*)rio***-FEH -qNo -8Nc -7NO -brJo 3'r{ßs 3 -5x PS3NORNYF -9¡/aF¡/FñG-tr¡F€-påïT-s Ho ÞlY¡NGÞørÉÈ.3ì,ca .7 Nô ?AYING FÉH 3ilúA <ÞUo ?AYINC i{îr- FeH 3 ilc,S .5 N/A tà5N\fðF PS3Ì{ORPN 'q¡affP/T€FE¡-e.ffiF-E No Pitvf NG P¿ÎtJÊ 3 i.fôS '7UO PAv¡^rG çÉH 3i{o3 -lêt€ ?AIENG $I.U- FEH 3 Hcs .5 N'A I,õ3NORNNF 'cr¡oñ7m-6.-crulf-F3rr-YR 'gNc PA nG ?f¿T!¡C 3 å{c¡s -.J ÑO PAY¡T¡G FEñ,I 3 MCs .i¿No PAYINe illu- FÉH 3i{cs -8N'A lõ3!l/sE_N "ql¡ô?Þ7plæffiFst '8ñ0PAytNêPgfNÊ3fl0s E -9No?Þ/PYrJe ?CTNK PSi YE -8|¡ó PAY¡Ng Þi¿THß3 Ì1os - 7ñ0 Ptlv¡ñG FeH 3 i{ô5 -rÐh¡oçHY¡I¡Gi{rv- F€H 3í'{c'> .TN6PAYTNG FEH3S4CS -6Nc PAYÍ}{G ¡$V- FEM 3f.los - R (./d. }õó NASI'cvoPÞIPFcm?.-F17a fè,NAõTY - 9 l.rópù7ÞVæ '9f¡o oo :¿ügâ#ff;åï-=äio. *n J HímliüË[f,]^-u''éÊis -5¡¡/e '5 x¿q ' I ño ?AYrNe PsrNÊ3-t'rc5' FÉ ¡.,t3'f{c.r t{ËñR Eì-yR 'B xo pÁv¡Ng Pgrt¡ß 3t'lc's '8Nc -'¡ Na FemaleSurvey SectionD, page8 with a female paying partner and did not discussIIER HIV .]Df 5. In the last three months, have you had sex *]^J"TIry-:I:'NR'P5îVR STATUS? PAVSUUXP ' _ 1) Yes - 0) No ) GO TO QuestionDl6 -"î$nåi".ËJtiå* D15a. In the last three months,how manywomenDaidyou or gaveyou somethinqfor sexand whoseHfV -9 ñc ÞlPvr¡g ÞÈTt'¡Ê. P'sÏ Ye STATUS YOU DIDN'T KNOW? -6 i{ì5 UT PAÊNG PÍ¿TNR3 withunknown HrV status: ?Á\6uñMF :;$ Numberof payingfemalesexpartners näfttf#-=,I^ñ trttH3øcs D15b. How many of thesepartners knew your IIfV status before you had sexwith them for the first time? o' un PA\Þu K NF-] SJ"ofl*- NumberofHIVunknownstatuspayingfemalesexpartnerswhoknewmyHIVstatus: -(¿ñc mV¡ì¡G il¡V- D16. In the last three months,how manytimesdid you do eachof the activitiesbelowwith a female puJiffg-t"t"tt partner whose HIV STATUS YOU DIDN'T KNOW? PS3UOIP a. You gaveher oral sex when she \ryason her period "q¡s P>/wiê-perue-psve - h- You gaveher oral sex when she ' was not on her period .gr.rpüi@p-erse e$ve ê ts PAviHe PsrF¡ß 3 ltÕ! ' 7 No ÞlrIñG FeH 3 ¡{cS -(â ¡.rE?AyrNe i¡fv - uhlk FËß{3 ¡J{É IJS3UOI.N '8 }JCPAV¡NGPGTNÍ¿3 h,tog '? Na P/qvruGFÉM 3$kr> -6ñô P4vrNCifiV- UÑk treH3hrcó PS3UVFH c. You fuckedher in the vaginawith -qNcP-ulw,vsTFNa-ET-Ve your fingers,fist or a sextoY - b¡{0 PAv¡Ñe ?ßßR3 i6s -7rJc Pn!4Né FEM 3 l4cs -rÔtJo tìAyJñSiiIV-uÑK FÉfq 3î'la5 d. You fuckedher in the asswith your fingers,fist or a sextoy tåóuorPy ' grrc ç¡/py¡e psrpa psr-tR 'I ilc mVINGPelNr¿3 i'la5 S3UC)INY t .g¡ICPÞ7FÑG ÞEÍFE FTE-et€ PAiruGPtrr$eãslc¡ - tNo ÞAVTNGF€N 3 i1Ê6 "ir¡" áav¡ue 'ov- u*l4 çcF{3iJês -5N/A PS3UVFtJY -q r¡cpu,7Þ?ftEifeFYÈ - Ê ,,tc pÀ{-.r,¡GPøf HCå ¡.lcs :¿ü Sfiå,i!ülu?ffi,*¿tto' -5 ñ/A Ë3UAFI_ tò5uAh HY qrcPÞ/P-Yâjê-FtÍ-FEEÍTE-g NopÞ/PyilG PefNR Prf YÉ, .6r.¡0?A'yJNG PgrÉÊ3 btôs - f4 Ñc PAvfl.¡G PÈÍNR 3 Hos -i ¡c PnYrxe FÉ¡'t 3 t'los ù<FÉM : 3i'roe ¿*?;ilJßcFii,1Ti -(2 Nô PÂYINGÈrv- uili( FÉ.H3 Ttog f. She gaveyou oral sex when you were not on your period g. Shefuckedyou in yourvagina with herfingers,fist or sextoY h. Shefuckedyou in your asswith her fingers,fist or sextoy 4122199 SUDISQuestionnaire, tÕ5u()RP -qm po7ÞfrEaERñE Ntr P53uOR 3 il(5 höót¡oHvy N P63UO1N 'g TJCPÞ7ÞFEFEItr R,ñY-ß -Ë t{c PAìõHC3 PetNP 3{vlcs -7 ñC mv1ñGF€.H3 $rcs--. . -å r¡ã Þiü¡-ucilrv- UNKFEM3iacs - 5 rI/A PS3UVTHN - q l¡o Ìb/Þi r.¡GPsls r¿ Psr YR -g NoÊAVt¡¡c, ?rèlr¡r¿ 3 $c'- 1 Nc PAY¡l¡e FËl{ 3 HoS, ' (ohjo çår¡¡'{Grlrv - ut'¡k F€ Þ{ 3 Hc-Þ - 5Ñ/A PS3UAFHN 'qNo ?ìF9ñê-ffiuEFE -t r.¡cPAWñG. rûfuß 3 Hos .-TNroalysñGFéH 3è'las .1"ñc plør.lc lrv -'qr.¡t¿í€H 3 i-rês -5ñ/A Þáu(JÞìPN -qr+o/rÞ-r¡rs-FEîFR.Eí vñ. -q ¡c po/FñêffiEes--T - 6 $7tl .5r.¡/A - g ¡s p¡v!.tG ?ÊrltÊ 3 f!|os -8 Nc PAvrNePl¿fHfL 31{e5 - 7 Na PAwilG FEH 3 ¡'tcs .7IJë 5¡'ICs -¡io PÀYÍÑGFÉH -r'lcs pÂä¡¡-drrv - u tJK çËH 3 ila') -ø -t¿ño PArâl¡e ilw- qñk F€H 3 '9¡¡oPüFIEffiFÈE-' ve .gNo PAy¡NePÈ.rÑÊ3ecs -?ñc PAVU{êFÉ}1-3 HûS -{ÞñoPAvrNê¡UV- UñKçeM 3}lú1 ,8ìb Aqìt¡ltê pgr{Ê i?i-'.1ü1 .¿ il3HgfÊlt$.Ill?"'" s'.* :¿[ËAäiE - ãi.¡rA " "''n"n .5ñ/A -5ñ/A e. Shegaveyou oral sexwhenYou wereon your period FrsóuolPN 'qhþnr-ffiFFrTE"r¡-E- t suoRNvF -1r¡cï?Þ7F/rJG--PPrt¡ÊEîYß 'T IJo PAYI}¡G?Í¿TNT¿ à È,IGÊ Y1il,t'ru :ZNE * . "o Fi€fec'Irt -5ñ'A -6$ê ?AvtNG PøÍNR 3¡.tC-¡ -Tñû PAvtN6 FÊ¡î 3l"lcs --_ .óiiõ p¡vrr.¡e $lv - uúi< FEH 3 Hgs PSUORNNtr -c NcPùlãTE'ææE -8ñc ?AYiNG?FrÑe 3 ?445 '?¡Jô PAyr,ñê FeH 3 Mcf. -¿ils p¡tViñè$t\r- r¡,.r1(F€H :}ôrcs PS3UVSF 'gxcPÞ/-Fft-ffiû-¡frTE'Br,¡opAiÌNGhrò¡Q.3'ltss '7ñé ?f,rtrr¡eFEH3s1ôS '¿2}¡cFAV¡r'rG llIV- r,¡ÀlkFÊ${3 Hos irsSilAõF -Cr,,êPDIffic ffiñ¿-ffi-TE-8iro SAVÍNG P&ÎNÊ 3 i{cs - 7r,¡cPAyING FE${3 F',los -6 l¡s ?Ay-¿Ne ÉlV - tltJKFÉM3 ì4os t-õóuAÞI-Y -q ¡rs :IffiBIETä'uffi.TEtr_ r.* .,n* :¿iË?^I,'ri,%'-t i-',T,iL -5rSA -6 t{o -5N/A ASF N .esTrñ ùtcg F€M 3'$ca--..rlflr_t{ñl. f Elvl FemaleSurvey SectionD, page9 )17. \ilhen you have sex with a female paying partner, who is usually RESPONSIBLE for deciding whether or not to use a latex barrier? _1)Me _2) Her - 3) Both _4) Neither _ 8) Don't know _ PSLARÉSP -9r.ro PÞ/PVNG PRTF¡RPrl YR - E No PAY1ÑGPtzTNR3l'4cË -? ñc pA\trñG FÉM 3hlôS 9) Declinesto answer D18. Do you tell your IIIV statusto womenwho pay you or giveyou somethingfor sex? _ 1) Yes,all thetime PSTUHTVF _2) Yes,someof thetime -q ño ÞÞ/PvNê PE-fNR?SiVÊ. -8rJô envîwe PRlÑR SMos _ 3) No, never t4os - i ñô invrue FÉ.H3 4122199 SUDISQuestionnaire, FemaleSurveySectionE, pageI Introduction: The next set of questions is about your experienceswith casual sex partners. This might include someonewho was a one-time partner, an occasionalpartner, or someoneyou are consideringfor a serious relationship. They do not include your main sex partner or your paying partners (i.e. peoplewho pay you or trade something specifically for sex.) From this point onr l will refer to these partners as "casual sex partners" INTERVIEIIER: May use 3-month calendar to anchor signiJicanl datesand to assistrespondent recall. El. These are some general questionsabout casual sexual partners you may have had in the last three months. MA3MCAS Casual,one-time,or recreationalsexpartners? cA3rrR.3l.4 '9 r.tocas/orHPP-rñRPsrYR Any other sex partnersI may not have mentioned? OT HER3M -eËt$å/orHFRÍNR' Speciff:OTH3MSPI,' ÕIH3MSPâ N0cAS/cìli pefNe f¡sí yR -E ñÒcAS Pf¿r 3MOS -q l.JécASþïH ?T¿TNR ÞsTYR -8 No CAs?RlNf¿ 3 l4a3 3MC'THR, MA3Ì1CrfH NccAs/Gît{ ?81$R?sî yR, -8NócnS PffNe 3 MOS uo eRsJor$ PRIhJU Psi vR -8 Ne CASPÊrñr¿ 3MOS If NO ) GO TO SectionF 4126/00 SUDISQuestionnaire, FemaleSurveySectionE,page2 Þl ** casualwomen sex partners you have had in the past three months, and about Think about the _ whether or not they totd you their HfV status before you had sex. In the next seriesof questions,I will ask you about casualpartners who told you they were HfV positive,casualpartners who told you they were HfV negative and casual partners whose HfV status you did not know. 82. In the last three months, have you had sexwith a casualfemale partner who told you she was HfV CÁ.SSPCSF POSITIVE? l) Yes _ 0) No à GO TO QuestionE4 _ casual female sexpartners did you have in the last three months? CASSpÑMFNumber of HIV positive casualfemale sex partners' EZa. How many HMOSITfVE casual sex partners knew your status before you had sex Ezb. How many of these HMOSITIVE together for the first time? CASSPTST who knewmy HIV status: Numberof HIV positivecasualfemalesexparûrers 83. In the last THREE MONTHS, how many times did you do each of the activities below with a female casual sex partnerwho was HMOSITM? L. You gave her oral sex when shewas on her period b. You gave her oral sex when shewas not on her period c. You fuckedher in thevaginawith your fingers,f,tst or a sextov d. You fuckedher in the asswith your fingers,fist or a 6þporpL c&?orcyy CS3POTNÉ gSgPqrNY** cs3PoIl{ñ" QíþWEHÍ_ cô3PÆllff Cg3PVFHN* css?ÁJIH:_ caþl\[HI!À CS3PAFHN'" Ø3PoßÊ* q3c8g c33Poßlya, CS3'JOKPN*' %tr @Rr{N_EÍ' gsSPySF r _cs3illsrrt çs_lPysFV** SåðlNE: c5ólJAsF:Yr6¡ CSSPASENJ* sextov e. Shegaveyou oral sexwhenyou wereon your period f. Shegaveyou oral sex when you were not on your period g. Shefuckedyou in your vaginawith herfingers,fist or sextov h. Shefuckedyou in your asswith her fingers,fist or sextov t 'q uc ces/ota PRit'lR P5î YÈ - I ¡¡o cas¡ciH PRÍNR:ål"las -7 nJo cA.e/oTH FéH Sb,tos - è Nc c¡s iriVi FeH 3 ì.lcs 4126199 SUDISQuestionnaire, * * -c -8 - 7 ''è -. 5 uS3PorPN** ñ¡Þ c^sloft{ pßfNR P5-í vR Nù CA3y'oÌHPRTñR.3Hs" ñc cAÊiorH FÉì4 3 ç{cs ¡.Jo cAs ¡i-rv+ FÉtl 3i'1cs N/A FemaleSurveySectionE, page3 84. In the last three months, have you h4ve sexwith a casualfemale partner who told you she was HfV NEGATTVE? - 1) Yes _ 0) No ) CASSNEGF :;ffiåî_./å,iJff.",Ì-:I" --? No cas/o-rnFEM sMcs GO TO Question E6 E4a. How many HMEGATIVE casualfemale sex partners did you have in the last three months? CASSNñIYF :-Ei3Hl.:fi1Ë!qf-{.""t" casual femalesexpartners: Numberof Hrv negative 3 i-lae ? NC c¡s7o¡t+ FÉM -("No cAS i{lv- FÉM 3uas E4b. How many of these HfV NEGATM together fôr the first time? casual female sex partners knew your status before you had sex pß1.¡¿ÈÎV¿ I r.¡ocnls/brr c AesNk r.¡F:-("ç.T3'åïiËå'gü'"?*': ¡'¡G cASi+Iv- FÉM3 ¡{as Number of HIV negativecasualfemale sex partnerswho knew my HIV slatus: 85. In the last TIIREE MONTHS, how many times did you do each of the activities below with a female casual sex partner who was HfV I\¡-EGATM? You gave her oral sex when shewas on her period You gave her oral sex when shewas not on her period c. You fuckedher in the vaginawith your fingers, fist or a sextoy d. You fuckedher in the ass with your fingers,fist or a sextoy Shegaveyou oral sex when you were on your period f. Shegaveyou oral sexwhen you werenot on your period g. Shefuckedyouin your vaginawith herfingers,fist or sextoy Shefuckedyou in your ass with her fingers,fist or sex toy SUDISQuestionnaire, 4/22/99 hlc cAÊ/cÍ{ p¡¿1¡g Prï YR lCCASlcill PÊrH&3ìlcg FËH3ivtcg irCcãslô* a¿NccASitlv- FgB{ 3ì1,las 'qrþ cÆF'¡rffr¿i7_rEiFß-lTÊ-6 ,.la cÀsrcrH P¡?fNß 3l'fcs -7ña cÆ/ê¡-li ÍeM 3ì'115 -tÞ Ùo C,ls ilJV- FÉt'{ 3 ilos ].iûcñs/en{ Pr,ile 3i{ca l'/c gìs/crrl FÈM 3 l-4è', ,u;¿;g,¡t¡¡:ç6i¡4juos ¿' No crls irlv- 5u/r gr--TÊ- gr.¡êcAsTî[-E?ñEF-yß -gr.rocasic'frffi Na cAs r+lv- FEM3M03 pgr-F Noc.ß:7-cru 'gtffi i{Iv- FEH3ïYcs ¡i-R.p5í ñc clts/ôTr{ PeT}Jß 3 i€€ 7ño cAs/oTl¡ FÊM SHcs año cÂs'ttlv- FeM 3 s'los l.icqs ¡{lv- P{¿TdÊ3 FeH 3i.ta9 -grJcCAS/oltl Pç¿tÉîè p'-r Yß ilceAsiérH Psrt¡R 3i{gç i.iÁc¡ejorti FÉl",t3i{c: NôcAs HaV- FÉF{ 3 ¡{()S -9 t¡o cas/s.-fFElñEF '9No cA9-o-,i¡ p-Rrpß Fle'6i.Je c'1sr'6r14Pf¿fl¡ß 3 h{cg -l ¡þeÀ:i/-Õûl FÉl.,t 3 Hc5 .rañÕc¿Siilv-FÉH 3î.1c5 hIv - FÊM3fr,toE h¡c clts ifiv- 'rË- FÊm ãi.ta$ ,.lccÞrçrli_PßfNÈ 3Hô ¡6 cè5føftr FËll 3t1ê9 I hJccAslôrriPørrJR3 ï1æ; ?,ôcAs/on+ FEH 3 ¡.o5 b ñG crrsilrv- ÉEM 3 Hos (, ñó cÁ$ÉlV- FÉHsbros gNÕc¡gõiÍ-pÊ1-1}¡ß.P''ì]lìlEÊ tJot¡siõíH f?Tt¡f- ) i{€ 7 hlc c''lFþTñ FeH 3 i4os €,i¡o eesio;Íi #arie irc:i itc cÂStiIV - FËM3 i.tos g¡oc¡sior* -qNcc"AslolTTErN-EEY¡-B r{c c¡s¡6a¡1Pf¿tñR 3 i.r()5 -1 Noc.AslotHFÉH 3 fúto6 -{oJ\¡frcis Pgf NR 3ìæ5 ,{ó eA$/crfit FEM 3¡'rèS sGrcf{ Pgflig PsìvÈ ¡¡cCáS/Cr¡r PefñE 3 ióð5 3Mos Mos c,Lslaf H FEH 3 h¡oc,LslafHFÉH 7 h¡o No cr$rëlH FEM 3 i'lc3 Nc crqs HIV - FEH 3fac5 +$såË/i+itrË,*lo" lÉ¡Nc Crts i+IV- FÉH 3 HcÉ Ê NO cAE/óTl¡ -gt,( -8 No -"NÛ -øtú N/ |ic cÂslo¡Ï-F¿-¡r¡E-57 ilôc¿lsroÍllPør¡ß.3 l,{cs FÈl,| 3'¡,|a6 xccæ@-ffiñe -SN/A -g NocAs/oiA Pf.lñR 3l{cs 7 NOc*s,loì.A FÊÊ1'9 Mcs ('No CâÊdr\r- FEH 3fiè3 c.ÀEicrn{pÊrúe g r{cs 'tB ).¡o Noc'[sro¡-llFÉH3j{c6 (Þ¡¡o CÄsí{3V- FE043 î"les .6 NCCAS,.OTHPETN€.3 -z Nc c¡q,sj o'?!i FEH 3 1 I NCC/ìs/oÍt{ PÈfr,¡R Ps-t yÊ ËJ.' 9'Ìå".Hdl,i¡'i!t äióõns'uu-reu3 ùrcs,- Þ ñlA 5u/e h¡0os/õfiEtrE-Eii c,astorl{ FÉH 3Hð3 c^s lirv- FÊM Sttcs È Nr)cistclr{ PqÞ!e,LHli ¿Ë:å3iiv:"#il*åIo' FemaleSuwey SectionE,page 4 86. In the last three months, have you had sex with a casual female partner whose HfV STATUS YOU DID NOT KNOW? - E6a. 1) Yes 0i No ) CASSUNI<F Go ro Question E8 -9 t¡ocasforr-t Psrva ?Èrhrp. - ^'e c"as/oin?Rrt-lÊ'3ì"lcÊ - 79 NogA5JcîliFÉM3 HcÊ In the last three months, how many casual female sex partners did you have whose HfV status you -gñocASioTHçRÍNÈPsrvR, didnrt know? :;T$såå.iffi?JtiElä casual female sexparrners,Q\i$uttJMF of HIVunknown Number .- rÞ Nc cAS iliv- uh¡!< FÉM 3 ï4e3 E6b. How many of thesepartnersknewyour statusbeforeyou had sextogetherfor the first time? k,NF:se'ls.ßìf,#"mä Ë,H'o CASSU Numberof HIV unknowncasualfemalesexpartnerswho knewmy HIV status: F,7. 3Hcs In the last THREE MONTHS, how many times did you do each of the activities below with a female casual YOU DID NOT KNOW? sex partner WHOSE HMTATUS ^. You gaveher oral sexwhen shewason herperiod b. You gave her oral sex when . shewas not on her period c. You fuckedher in the vaginawith your fingers, fist or a sextoy d. You fucked her in the ass with your fingers, fist or a sex toy e. Shegave you oral sex when you were on your period f. :¿,Tf."Ëff$jt#,¿?:, She gave you oral sex when you were not on your period g. Shefuckedyou in your vaginawith her fingers,fist or sextov h. Shefuckedyou in your ass with her fingers,fist or sex toy cÞ5u(JIP 9ilccÆ-lcrr¡pETIiE6;-yË B¡¡ocÃÉ/ôTH ?FrñR 3 i-ta^9 7ñcqôsloTH FEt{ 3'i{as (orJêcrls ÉIV- uNt< FEH 5il,1c5 LÞÓUOIN . q Nc cd6iõm-pEiFË-?81-¡E.Ê'¡o cÀsicfd HrrNÊ 3 i.tcs 'i to c¡slc'rx FEIY 3itc's 'i¿¡úc crls *1v-uNK FÉM 3l.lcS CÞ3UVFH 'q¡loc¡€þ-n¡per-¡¡eær:srE '6 No c,ls/ôfl+ PÊrlJR.3 ilas 'TNocß/G,tHFE$'{3Mag .G'ñ0 c s i+fv- ur¡k FEM 3 i,rc,s (:5ÓUAþ H -gNèc4e'im-P:Ê-rT¡-E-ÈîTÊ' Þ hrc eAsl'oìH PRÍHß .3 i,lc6 '7No cÂs/('lli FÉt4 3'1445 .ê úo eþ ÉI.V - utJk FEtl 3ita5 (->ÓUORP -grto cAÞtolH ÞE-ÍNR,-FSÍ YR, -E itc cÂs¡s¡'t{PRrr¡R.3 ¡'lcÈ - ?r.¡ccAsJolH çEH 3'FrcÈ -G Nocrls i{tv - uñt< FÉ$,1B Hcs g:>Su(]KNF -9¡iocllf ¡l-oupFxE-F-Vã -g ¡i) cAs/crrH P¿rNÊ 3 i'lcs '7No CáslorHFEH 3 ù,bS .6ñ0câs l{IV- UñK FtrH 3ï4as (-Þ5uv>þ - g uo cÆjõñFTrzïriE-pfr TE'g ¡-tôci6rc1Á PPflJe 3 tæ5 .7¡JC cAS¡cÍ¡t{Fgr4 3i'tstr 'øNo cAÊ ilIV- Uñl< FÊÊtStlcs cÞSuorHy '9hrcÆ¡tiffi -pgrfpestYf .fi !s cAsicrH Prrhrr¿3 i.tcs FÉH 3ilcs t xilcÆ¡cjÎll ,r¿ ¡JC(.AS i¡IV. U'JK FEM åHAS . ti N/A (-ÞSUOINY -qñcc.4s/ô?*-æ-rñE-ÊstYE- I ñc e¡aslo-¿fípør!¡ß. Þ HoS -1ñcc,ls/Gff FÉT{3ì{os 'þ No Ê¿1S i{IV- U},¡K FEH 3i'to9 -E rl/A cÞá \lvl- HY -g¡asÁe¡o-1HPP;Ñå-F-9Ê-À Hc eAS¡:r$ PgiNR 3'r,¡cs -l ñc.c,lsiatH çeH 3tþe ',å i.¡cC¡s l{IV - LiNK FEH 3Hcs - 5 ^¡/¡r å r,tês ?NO -(or,¡cc 3 ¡,tag -ss/n -q (-Þ5uoKyY cAs/õT-pãrTEErtÉ- -B Nc Iþ CASTOIHPÈfNß 3 r{os r¿ ltË', . *o' ït 8f./ÊiW'ji -ÉN/A .(J>UOKNYI. '"g¡64rs/6¡-¡l '8 t¡c cr¡siCfH Pøf Nl¿ 3 i.tcg .?NocÁs¡ó1tl FÉ$r3 M6. -iãilaeAg HIl/- Ul¡K F€È{ 3i4cs -5ñ/A _ :ãfri'Hiriffif;äi*"n -5 r¡A (j)áUOINN -g¡ICcÂ-ro-.Édfi G-psr-R.g i¡c cÂSlott¡ Pøft'tL ;^'rlct ..*" -ëf.ffgt"'U-'Sgåffi csSUVFllN .grrcces@E-vplFrr--6ï3(-8 ña d¡qÊlaîltgerl.¡E 3í"lcs :¿üåfJil$5tråË91,n", -E'¡le, C:53UAFHN H -ctú .ENC cSSu(]rPN -qr¡ôc¡ÊJæ-H?-rNßFsr-E- ç,s?utÉFv '1l¿ccavafr-æ-rñE-ffiyE -8 l& C¿Sfm¡?r¿rsÉ3'¡4çS ¿il3triilLl'#^A??'o'o= "5¡¡/A .9 NC C,TS'ÒìH PRÍNR PS"íYÊ -gNó eÅsrclH PtrlHP, 3 i,lcs -"rJo eÁsiorH FeHèHcã -øro cns iJlv- i,ÀÑKÉEHlHoS - 5NIA (55UOt4PN -9loc*s¡o¡¡P6¡-o61OU-g NocAstoirt PurNe3 McS -Z-!'.9${TlvE".f,ln€ua*"' C,SUOHNNF -gHO C^S/oÍti PørlJê F5< VR. "8NCCÁsÞrll Pf¿rts¡ø.3 ï,!c9 if'qä#;* =.o' ¿i,."æ,Ë1d: " si.¡/A c5óuASF .9NocAsfórE-ffi îTE'Þ i{oc¡Srof|¡ Pf¿tñe, 3i{cg -Jrtcc{S/OrÉ FEH 3q69 'G Àþ CÆ ¡+!V- UNÌ( FeF{ 3 t-las :rift rerì 3 ]qcs ¡rav- urJK çeM 3í{ag INTERVIEIIIER: IF NO CASUALMALE PARTNERS GO TO SECTION F 4/22/99 SUDISQuestionnaire, c53U\,ÞFN -qNccáE-crgpßr-rl¡ÊpgñE- ôt& c,lsrôr,t Pg¡t¡g à r¡cs --fNocAstoil{ FeU 3t*5 -r.Ñoüi lrv -'r¡ui¿-çe¡¡ ¡i'tc: - K. ñ/ ¡¡¡¡K FemaleSurveySectionE, page5 * casual men sex partners you have had in the past three months, and about Think about the _ whether or not they totd you their HfV status before you had sex. In the next series of questions, I will ask you about casual partners who told you they were HfV positive, casual partners who told you they were HfV negative and casual partners whose IIIV status you did not know. f,$. In the last three months, have you had sex with a casual male partner who told you he was HrV POSITM2 _ r) yes E$a. t CASOPoSF' :3illtf=',,.Fl-omË%fJ,* " z t¡o ca4¡oruMALE3 Ttos 0) No à GO TO 810 IIow many HMOSITM casual male sex partners did you have in the last threg months? male casual sexpu.tno*CNolrukf:8ffi äi,ffi"#ü.äd$ ofHrvpositive Number -(êNôCAS i+rv+ HauÉ 3ilcs E8b. How many of theseHMOSITTVE first time? partners knew your statusbefore you had sextoggtle_qfqfLEq cr4slorH HALE.tsj{rì CASPKN tr - I hb ùóená-JivÏ.n¡uei ¡'ros partners who knew-y Filìiìã;; Numberof Hrv positivecasualmalesex :-t E9. In the last TIIREE MONTHS, how many times did you do each of the activities below with a male casual sex partner who was HMOSITIVE? ^. You gavehim a blowjob andhe camein vour mouth b. You gavehim a blow job, but he did NOT cum in your mouth (þórcRCF 'qlþcAEiõ-rn?Er-ilß.f6Te'g Nc cÆ;/oÎHPPrh¡Ê3 itcg J? Fb CAS'Of H MALE 3I.ICS è NÔCAS ì{1V+ MALE 3ï!ìA3 \_05y(.)KN r- -q NocÃsJ¡-oir{E[R-Psr YP -8 tô enstoruPEÍNß.3l.tôs '?tþC/Þ/oni MALE3itos - tñocÂs lilv+ ¡1¡¡33,not coSlðRVF c. He went down on you (oral -qmcÁs7õFtrErr.fÊ-EÎTE -8 your vagina) sex on 3 ì,{cs r,¡oc¡É/drüPsrh{f¿ ? ño cAEloî{ HÁLË 3 i.lós - ë NocÁi i{IV+ $,tAugA Hag NYF .COPOI{ -Þ-r¿rft-esrTÉ'9¡rtacÆ/cfi ${ALE3 r"ta3 ñO -¿, Noc,ls iltv+ ¡4¿¡U , tn* t-olpKYYl' ps-'TÞ. 'g r¡oc¿slcE-ÞÉt¡e TNseA-/crHpffi iE-es--T- -5ñlA .5$/h :9ff3ß'rË.+ PK¡Eå,trå '¿iño c¡s i+.w+ HÊLE3Hcs $ffiffiffiË,,.n :qi:'.fJili liIF'*1i 'ú"¡lo .bà¡o cÂsÉIv 4122199 SIJDISQuestionnaire, COPVANNF -perTFf ?îf Efl E-- No ¡i1V+ MALÉ3rlos ç.oYAN(-¡Lt :9s3Êâ:',ffi iffJÉg'.i.i- 5'r/h -þño¿rîs '<lHoc¡ls/or-fr Eltrrrml,E:-- .9NocÂSl-otx@r[E-rFr-iiÈ- Ë lß c.AstaÍH ? lþ cAs,lfrli COPVA(-NI. -9Ncc,Asi6FEFcfTrC-P5í-TE'ËNÞ eAs/oJHPnrF¡E.3 ¡4as .- 5 N/A 7.{.ocÁtto,$. iinç-ariot -(3ilccãs ltfVf !¡4¡93 ¡165 PfÃLf :- 9ì'"ËÆffiii E#å " ru/r rÞ Câs (:OÓPANCF '9 r|o .i,Uffi/8i''ifi frIts;,.i8' '(? t¡ocÁsi{lv+ MALE3 ¡{oç -9Noc¡ffi - 5 rr/A cAs HfV t t4áLÊ3McS g. You had analsex,but he didNOT cuminsideyou LO},IORNNF '9 ¡æcnffiE-pfrEfpsr]ffi t$Ffiü#,:#.: åSff4#ffii€Ê'# (-()K)RVNF 9Nrc¡s/cfr T-í¿fl?-psilß-8r¡oCâSíO?H Pt¿fl¡ß 3 i{og - hlA 7 rtóeêÍoni HALE ê ¡iocÁS¡+:tvf HALE 3'r,105 5 "-t,r,' e. You hadvaginalsex,but he -1rn (-:CIót/vANh 9FI6Rl¡m-qÈssrTø -8h¡C C¡{sFÍr did NOT cum insidevou --7 cas/ó'fH PgfNR 3 i,tos You had anal sex and he came inside you '5 ñ/A COPVA(:YF d. You had vaginal sex and he came inside you f. (:orroRcYt- -gNocÁsræ-t+pÈr-Ei-psi:îE_ - 8¡¡c c¡sior* PøINE;3 t {aS 'I ñc cAsrorHI{ALE3 Mas .iâ No cAs ¡{1V+I'IALE3Í!rCS ( OPANNYF -g¡¡ccnslo'rF-przn¡?-Fv-e-6 Nc cåsrolH PßírJl¿ 3 ùtcs .7NC CrlsiC¡HHALE 3tlct .(e¡io CÂs tilv+ M¡\LÉ 3i'lo! -Ê rt/A l$v+ HALGSHas COPANNNF :4il3.'Âffi"Tl,i-ffi.R-* -7Ñ6 C.ASro7HHALÊ 3 i,tos -(ÊF¿)c/qsiilv+ H,lLÊ 3HcS . Eü/A FemaleSurveySectionE, page6 810. In the last three months, have you had sexwith a casual male partner who told you he was HfV CASONEGF NEGATIVE? Yes 1) _ 0) No)GOTOE12 _ -9u<¡ casioiHÞr¿rhrÊ. psryR -b No cAsioTr.l RefÁJfL3 $4ae -7 No eAS/õrHHALÉ3 F.tcs E10a. How many IIfV NEGATIVE casual male sex partners did you have in the last three months? -g ño cAS/o-rH PtzítJß Psr YR. -8Ncc"As,oTH PPTHRsilas Number of HIV negativecasualmale sexpartners:CASONNHF -lr.J,ocnsloruHALE3Mcs -6 so cAs iliv- MAL€ 3h4as partners knew your status before you had sextogetherfor the _ 810b. How many of theseI{TV NEGATM :å,i"%*/.ï,19$SË m:l: rirsrtime? cAsoNk NF: im æ':l+-lÎ;i;iå?. Number of HIV negativecasualmale sex partnerswho knew my HIV status: Elf. In the last THREE MONTHS, how many times did you do eachof the activities below with a casual male sex partner who was HMOSITM? a. You gave him a blow job and he camein your mouth (jOj'NOl<cL - qrNc cA+E ffi-e-FÏiz -8 t¡o CAs¿cr*Pørì.|ÊåHês -7 ñÞ cAslo-rHHALË 3 itcs *(rñê CAs ¡{IV- $,IALEBîss L(,)'NOKNF h. You gavehim a blowjob, but -gñacAEõrñæ.FYR. -8Nc ces/bru Pi¿rNß3 ù{as he didNOT cumin vour - i n¡ocns/b;u MALË 3 Mcs mouth - 6 ÑO CAS ;{I'V. c. He went down on you (oral sex on your vagina) d. You had vaginal sex and he cameinsideyou e. You had vaginal sex, but he did NOT cum insideyou f. You had anal sex and he cameinside you g. You had anal sex, but he did NOT cum insideyou MALL=3HOS CIlSNoKvl- j6iTffi Ñi¡<-Þr.n "g¡.rocÁE - 8 hþ cAs/orH PRrh¡R.3tbs - r xc c,rslcnu HALE 3i.raS -6ño c"f,Êi{Îv- ¡'¡¡i¿ 3 tnot c(JáNvAgÞ 'gÑOCASFE-PPïjffii¡R-FYÊ -È NC cñSroil{ Pf¡r}JR. 3È14! -'t ñc cAs/êTH HAL¡: 3 ¡ros -¿ê No ols i{TV- HALE 3 ${aS SOáNVANF -qHô cAçEirH Þ-erxp,-ps-, yß -g,Jo cÁ,SroTHPÍ¿INR 3f{os -.? NOCASþTHHALE 3HÕS -('ÑÓCAS i{IV- HI\LS 3 HOS CO3NANCF -s rccnslrx Pçrxces--ve -Ê!.to cAsro-,lrpñNe 3i.þS -? ñc cr1ÊicrH HALÈ 3 hles -.oh¡c cASlìIv- HALE 3il,þS NF COSNAN 'gNocf,særF-PEf Ftr-Fs"rlTTF- soNoRcyt'. ' q xo e¡SFïH ?È=iFc¿-FT-e 8r.JocAslbrr{ ?PTÉÊ--Bi{as 'ì Nc cAs/étrrt HALE 3 s4è3 (ê h¡o cAg ifJv - HALGSMoS .5 N/A ({)N()RNYI. -qrc c.G7õilr-PcruBffivÈ -R r.¡êC6þfH ?ørr¡ê 3 i¿cÊ :- ¿iå?;{:ìi"tÎif'Ê äìÌ". 5,¡ln CONOR.VYF .gNoCJÉFFPEFPS-¡T, -6NöcAÊ,orti PRrNRãllos -1rJÖ crlslÕTllHALÉ^ 3HoÉ -e,ño¿AS i{IV- HALG 3t,1cs - 5 ñ/7\ cONVAcYI-9NOcn{-crx_ffi-ruçç5-,-yp -gNocrþ¡oiå Pr¿TNl¿3 tE*Þ -iluc c¡qsTcrl HALÊ 3 ¡"|ôs HALË 3 ù'los ño CÁS iilV -"ro 5N/A çaN)41Àry_L_ -BNc cnbicÍl{ PErHf¿ SHCS -i¡vo casio¡lt HAL€ 3 i-los -('rJo cAS hI\l - HAui '3 Ì{cr> -5 N/A CONORNN} r:säE[--*sE-r,LT '' 1-¡e s4s,jcrrr H A L É 3 i'1cr" ¡-ror - t'äãtìä *rv -5 ñ/A CONORVNF --7 ÈrlcAsio'Í H MALÈ 3 HOS - ¿2No cAS illv- HALE 3HcS - s r¡iA CONVACNF 'g¡¡o6r-om-ffi -sra-Ei1g, -b NocASTcrH PßrNR.3 $a-\ :¿i,""Hå-Ii.Ëìffi fe1"üo* -5h¡/À CONVANN -iñocÁstdru -6N,A - 5 hlrÄ :9*ffiá,T*'trfi:'3åË' -èñocAs i{rv-HALe 3Hcs coNArycYr-_ -ctxccAs;ort+--ffi ñÉ-Þl-t-R -8ño cÆiorH PRINÊ 3 ïtc3 -1ñê cAsro?ri HALÊ 3 i.ios -rbNccÁ6 drv- HÂLÉ SHcS - 5 ñ/'\ COÑANNYF -gucc¡sJffi F-rxr¿-pr,yf¿ -sxo oqsiorH PEÍNR 3¡-{as -1wc ces/ottl MALÉ 3Ha'¡ - þ ñc c.Agiirv'- MALÊ 3 $'lof> çffi'triËi-'filiÊå'ffi '(c ño c+sKtV- HALE3f10'þ t-rnr'sz -qxocnsE-ffiffiÉ--' YE '8 Nacnsio-,nFøIIJP3 le6 -qNc cASiGT ?çrirR Fsl YÈ - s¡ Vn e, 4127I00 SUDISQuestionnair CONORCNF -grJo(4sæffitrÊ-Fr-V¿ þ ?EthrR Prr YR :9¡8#j3{,T ruB.ãg* -€rrc CAg iiIV- HALE 3 i'tos CONANCNþ .9I¡OCAffifP?TÑ¡EFTÊ :9,UrÈË{,fffiis;'H -räñocnÉurv- HALG3¡'lce -5ñ/A CONAN Ñ N F 'qNôc¡ffi?RæFT-Ê. .g¡¡sg¡s¡Þîlf Psfr.tß 3 ilos tffiffiTiiflfiË3'*'å -ãNiA FemaleSurveySectionE,page7 Elz. \' In the last three months, have you had sex with a casualmale partner whose HMTATUS KNow? _ 1) Yes - 0) No ) YOU DID NOT cAScuuxr :3$ffiis;,i8å_iffiH"I. -T No cA5/orr{ F{ALe3s.1cß GO TO Question E14 El?a. In the last three months, how many casualmale sex partners did you have whose HfV status you didn'tknow? F' så H.lu il8"'å=/#å - ï Numberof HIV unknowncasualmalesexpartners:OASOUNMF-iNêUÀlÞï*.r'rnue Cnci -¿rño cAS i{lv- UNKMALÊ3t1C5 El2b. How many of these partners knew your statusbefore you had sex together for the first tirn"? ðÄåoü;ÑË=Sif""ffi åftt""HËgm Numberof HIV unknownstatuscasualmalesexpartners whoknewmyHIV status: :;f.c#iIiYITJ*.t 813. In thelastTHREEMONTHS,howmanytimesdidyoudoeachof the activitiesbelowwith a Jittrtf *itsexpartnerWHOSEHfV STATUSYOU DID NOTKNOW? You gavehim a blow job and he came in your mouth 7Nc c¡ls/orH MAL€3ircs ø úo cÁs i{Iv- uNk MALÉ3 ¡G You gavehim a blow job, but he did NOT cum in vour mouth couoRcNtr -pdr:6F8ffi gNacgsr7õîf yß 8r.¡c cÆ'i611{ Pf¿frJR'3 94ê5 i.¡a cÁ5i6f kl I''IALE 3 È4os þl¡c cAS i¡Iv-uNK ilALE3ilaS g¡¡ocFJ-o:Rçer-uRF Ê CnsreîHÞEfl.rR3 f16 8Nc -?rJô - g ¡¡s sAsF ¡1ffi1 ¡¡-Ç-ffi yg B hlccÂs/crrH PßïNR 3 t{cs I tloc-/lßíÕ-rHHALe 3Mo'¡ -lo iJO4As iilv- You had vaginal sex, but he did NOT cum insideyou Ul.¡t<l{AL€ 3¡"rcs NO C/[3/OîH PUf Nr¿ PS-i vR No cAs/orH PRÍHP 3 ¡.loã r No C4sioîH MALE .3ilos þ ño Cr+BHIV- Ut¡k MALE 3 Mats f. You had anal sex and he came insideyou -9*cFs/o.:-uPetl€-Psîv{¿ "8NC CÀSlOfi{ PETNR. 3 Þ4cl¡ 5u/¡ q ¡¡6 sas¡õ-r\ pgrxr Fr vÊ cÀs'rofH PatNR 3?4cs êNc, '? ¡.¡o c.lsloTl{ HÊLE 3i{4, G t'¡o cAs'i{!v - rÀF¡k $1ALE3 ¡lcg 5 N/A ql.tocns/ori¡PerUe-PsìVB I ¡¡6 cAsioÍl+ PEÍIB S lYoS -q ¡vo c¡slcrl-t eerNEf-ivc '3 -ì -i B ñc cÂsloÌH Pr¿fNÈ i{cs uc c¡ts/brtr HÀLE 3-iles Ñó ens füv- uÑk l'l'lLf COUVANNF -gNccnsl-cr,H-PcrxETFYn -er¡rr Fa(r'ôlu PPINR 3¡'lo3 LFtuoll"" :9,Ë'.*ìås,,i'ff 7ñê cAS/('îr{HALË ãÌ4cS 3 6 M; cns Hrv - uñi< MAL€ 31165 -å'ruoce>'¡'irv-uxr< PIALÈ 5 ¡¡la I No cAs/o-í¡{ PÈÎNR 3i'loÈ 7 NÕ cÂsiorl+ MALÈ 3 ì44ß I rrieeslõT¡i FtrP-E-"r B-¡¡o C/+g/elli PETNÊ 3 Hc6 re î¡¡o cAsrbrt¡ HALa 3 ï4oS ¿"Ño cns i+rv- ilNk ilALE 3 Ho'J NO CAS,C'ÎR PRTNR PsT YR r|c cnsiqtn PÈrtJl¿3 i4c9 r¡ó cnsioiit HALE 3 F'lcs uo cas i+ÎV- u r¡ K HALb-3rt6 CÐUANNÑ tr PÈTNR3Iæ.S å NO CNSiOTH 7ñe cAs/oÎH $rAuË 3w, - uNk }'lrl|.E 3 }403 (2 t-{o i{lv cAs N0cÆ iltv - uñKSlALÉ3 ì{oS '5 I h¡oc¿ASiof H PaÍNR.3 i'lct¡ MALE 3T4ê5 ì r.¡o cli/cÏH $riA SUDISQuestionnaire, 4122/99 5ñlA COUANCYF ño c"ASi"äV - Uñi<HALE You had anal sex,but he did NOT cum insideyou Y XoCAsrøTt{PßfH&.Psr\f¿ I hrce¿s'løru Pgf tjt¡.3r4ús 7 rJocAsro-rti }^ALE 3 StCt 6 No cÀ9 ÉIV- Liñi¿, $-lALt 3 i'lcE .? hJEC.AS,OIHMALE3SIOS c,1sioÌH HALE 3i"loE ø No cÂs ilrv- uNl< F.tALÊe$4êç br.¡o cAS HIV- Uô¡K l.{AL€ 5 ñ/A d. You had vaginal sex and he cameinsideyou 3 HoS NcCåSlorHçÊ11.¡E tic cAsiorH HALE 3-rrê3 Xo Cns ilf V U l.¡k s4ÂLÉ3'.lcs 5 ñiA g r¡o cÆFrnEllejsï-ra crqs-tc,ruPCæîFEFìte -Ê No cÁsia.rtr PPfiln 3 Hcs Br.¡c cÂsr6?H Pr¿ÌNP,3ì-1a! -? NÞc4sia'iÌ¡HALÊ3f{cs I No eAs iêrH MALE 3 i"És -6 ilO cis i{IV- Uñk T{ALE3HcS ib Ncc s ì{lV - UhikHALË 3 $4aS 5illA c. He went down on vou (oral sex on your vagina) hJa(ÆislHEΡE EiV-Ê 8r'¡C cAsrorH PßrilR 3 |los 7 Nc CÂsié¡H HALe 3 ¡'1ÕS (" ¡i6 ÈAs'rllv - UiJk $lÀL€ 3ílCS NôiÂs/-êrl-PsrNFffi-vß I Nc cAst'61h'PRl'-l-q ?i'{:cs ii¡o cÀs¡cruHALË3l"lcç (9h¡ecAsr13V-uAk llÁ|.E3l'{c6 FemaleSurveySectionE, Page8 The next set of questions is about your most recent sexualexperiencewith a man who has been your casual sex partner. Being able to remember him by the initials of his name may be helpful in answering the questions. -Could you give me his initials? If you feel more comfortable, you can make up theseinitials. Ef 4. How would you describeyour relationshipwith Z? (Reu! li:t¿ño cAslorrrpE.*R ps.,yE buos CASþESCF - e'ù"cõFÊjõt¡ips(hrB _ 1) A onetime partner - 7 N0 cAs/of l{ HALE 3'È{oS sex - 2) A partnerfor recreational - 3) A candidatefor a seriousrelationship 815. What racial or ethnicbacþround is Z? 1) White/Caucasian CASUETI{N -q African American/Black No cRs/aiHqqL! -_2) 3) Hispanic/Latino. _ 4) AsianÆacificIslander _ 5) American Indian/Alaskan Native _ 6) Other or mixed ethnic background _ 9) Don't know _ l0) Declinesto answer Ps.-l-vta P5íYR C ASUASE F -: || :i:{:li lÈrNR E16. Howold(or abouthowold)is Z? - t*S*==*nH' VIEÍYER:firstprobefor estimaie):9X3 åR',S:å 88: Don'tknow(,rN?'EA to answer 99: Declines ßr7. Ù SHOW SCALE: In the pastsix months,how often did you seeZ? orrwice 1) onlyonce F :gË:ËHr ERiËffis cAsusÊË 3gos 2) Once a month or less(but more than once or twice) 3) 2-3 times a month 4) Once a week or more (1 - 4 times per week) 5) Every day or almost every day (5 - 7 times per week) 8) Don't know/ not sure 9) Declines to answer i ¡rê cnércrg HALÉ 818. The LAST TIME you had unprotectedsexwith Zrwas it vaginalsex,analsexor both? withouta maleor femalecondom. lyfn-nWnWnn Unprotectedsexmeansvaginalor analpenetration r_ vaginar 2 Anal 4/22199 SUDISQuestionnaire, CASr-ÁuNtr :4ffiff"=/"?,if$,:T.?_È. - T ño cAgisrlt HALË 3 ì4ca FemaleSurveySectionE, page9 ,'-. nlg. D SHOW SCALE: Somepeoplefind it difficult or unnecessary to usea condomfor vaginalor anal sexwith their casualpartner. I will read you a list of reasonspeopleoften give. Do any of thesehaveto do with why a condomwâsn'tusedthat last time you just mentioned? -9 r',o cAs/oÍr-{ PgrNR PsTyR -g ¡¡c cesTbru?cruP3 tlos - 7 ño cAs/Õrt{HALÊ HoS 3 .- ø .ñ/A,iÞk/ bcutJ i¡¡.¡*P¡¿o-¡ Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither AgreeNor Agree Strongly Agree I)on't know I)eclines to answer I)isapree a. You wanted to get pregnant I 2 5 4 5 I 9 I 2 a J 4 5 I 9 c. You didnt think condomswouldprotectyourparher from HIV"uôcôht3F I J J 4 5 I 9 d. You didn'tthink it was likely thatyou wouldinfectyour partnerthrough I unprotectedsex cNoc,oNqF 2 a J 4 5 I I e. You didnt have a condom with you at that time 2 2 a J 4 5 I I a J 4 5 I 9 3 4 5 I 9 ) 4 ) 8 9 a J 4 5 I 9 a J 4 5 I 9 4 5 8 9 CñlocoNlf b. Condomsmake it difficult for your parbrerto keep an erectior¿rb.o*gF f. I cNor_ôrt'F You didnt think about using a condom or didnt want to use onÊ.r¡o"on,¿r I g. Condomsinterferewith your pleasure ciþcoN'IF I h. You had too much to drink ("uarauqF t i. You werehigh j You didn't want to intemrpt the passionof the moment k. You wereafraidyour partnerdidn'twantto usea condom L Your partner refusedto use/put a condom on m. Your partneralreadyhasHIV I 2 2 I 1 a J I 2 J 4 5 I 9 I 2 2 J 4 5 8 9 J 4 5 I 9 2 a J 4 ) I 9 I 2 a J 4 5 8 9 cNÖcor.lllr I 2 a J 4 5 I 9 aNô¡r)|.lqtr cñ^.ô.1^F cñôcôr.¡1.F cNôeôñ19F c,ñôeôil1qÉ I n. You wereafraidyour partnerwouldyell at you or hurt you if you I suggested usinga condom Ch¡ocoñlqF o. A condom was used,but the condom slþed offor broke I ertôcôrrl'tr p. You wereofferedsomething(money,a gift, drugs,etc)not to usea condom euoeaillLf q. You wanted to feel close to him SIJDISQuestionnaire, 4122/99 2 2 FemaleSurveySectionE, page10 820. When you have vaginal sexwith Z,who is usually RESPONSIBLE for deciding whether or not to use a condom or barrier? C6SRSpF - q No cAsforFi PRINR ixr VR - b ¡¡c cÁs/oiH pÊih¡R.3 Hcs -? - No cAsi ôrH I.4ALE3 Hcs _l)Me _2) He _ 3) Both _4) Neither Never had vaginal sex _7) 8) Don't know _ 9) Declinesto answer Ezl. DoesZ know that you inject(or shootup) drugs?CASUKNWI - 9 No cÂs/oTr{ PRTñRPsî vR _ 8) Don't know _ 0) No -ENô CAAioï{ Pf¿rÀrF, 3tros _ 1) Yes _ 9) Declinesto answer -7Na cAÊ/orH HALË 3s4os F;22. Does Z inject drugs? cASu3-NJ F know - 0)N; - slDon't _ 1) Yes _ 9) Declinesto answer -g hlocAS/orHPRTNRPsl VR, :9,iåä=liolltfi,il? 3ili; n23. Did you know you were HfV positivewhen you first met Z? ^ -ir¡ No _ l) Yes _ 8)Don'tknow CX¡ll-.llV1F luoffiffi'l$iffi,ËilJf -7 Frl cås/orþtHALÊ3MoS 9) Declinesto answer F;24. DoesZ know that you are HfV positive? CKrugfVf f -qh¡o cnslotll PPrNRPsrve à GO TOE?I 0) No _ -BNc cRsiorl{ PPTÑR 3l-1cs - _ t\ v^. ) GO TOE27 ôj oãn', *o* answer I GO TOE27 9) Declinesto - ? Nc cnslotH HALÉ3 Mcs f,25. Did Z know your HfV status before or after you had sex together for the first time? l) Before _ -_ _9) 826. D _ -_ _ ckNt{1v3r 2) After know 8i Don't -g No cAsloÍH PBINR Psl YR :}$.".n',f;;i -K5ËåJ* Declinestoans\¡/er*ø No¡ôx/utLN cAs r¡rw'r¡rv* SHOW SCALE: When did you tell Z that you are HfV positive? 1) He or sheknew myHfV statusbeforewe met CTÊLI-|IVF -9No cAs/orH PRTNI¿ Ffi vp 2) The first time we met - I ¡¡o c4sioTl{ PRrh¡ 3 i'los R week than one 3i In less - 7 No cnsiorg HALE3 Mcs 4) In lessthan one month -¿" l'¡olDK/ÞcLN cAs kNw ¡+rv+ 5) In lessthan 3 months 6) In lessthan 6 months 7) More than 6 months after we met f,27. What is Z's HfV status? 1) HIV negative 2) HIV positive - CASUH1VF -ghb 3) Don't know; hasnot beentested 8) Don't know; hasnot told me 9) Declinesto answer 4122/99 SUDISQuestionnaire, Psrve c¡slors PÊTñR -EtJo c.As/orH FPrrup3Þ,ros - 7 h J o cAS/orH l4ALË Syros FemaleSurveySectionE, page11 '82S. Doesyour main partner know you had sexwith Z? l"lKNwcasr _0)No .-Q Ño cesloru PRlt.lRPsr VÈ -8 No C.ASiOrri _ l) Yes PsrNR3 hog No main partner - 7 Nô cASloilJ Maue 3 uos _2) 8) Don't know _ _ 9) Declines to answer Now that we've finished talking about specific types of sex you may have had with 2.,I want to move on to some different questions. Thesenext questionshave to do with your ûr.gughtsabout having vaginal sex and using condomswith a casual or recreational sex partner' -täg:il-ti PP'NP Ezg. - õNo cAslctfHPsfN e D SHOW SCALE: How strongly do you agreeor disagreewith the following statements?- rio c¡{orr HALÊ3${l Neither Agree Nor a. I planon usingcondomseverytime with my casualpartnerswhenwe havevaginalsex CA.I.IT-VAtr b. Most people who are important to me think that a condom should be whenwe havevaginalsexCSN-VA usedwith mY casual c. When it comesto safer sex with my casualpartners,I want to do what most people who are important to me think I should do. My casual sex partnersthink a condom should be used when we have CPII-VAF vaeinalsex. e. Whenitcomestosafersexwithmycasualpartners,Iwanttodowhat | he thinksI shoulddo. 2 3 4 5 8 9 c 830. D SHOW SCALE: In your opinion,how many other positivewomenyou know who shootdrugshave vaginalsexwithout a condomwith their casualmalesexpartners? 1 None 2 3 VeryFew AboutHalf 4 5 I 9 NOCÑCASF -g No c/rslorlf Pørh¡r¿PSt-YR -8 ño cAs/orH PPïÑB å ï'tos - 7 ñô cRsiorHHALE3 s.los More ThanHalf All or AlmostAll Don't know Declinesto answer 4122199 SUDISQuestionnaire, FemaleSwvey SectionE, page 12 t -831. D SHOW SCALE: Peopleresponddifferentlywhenit comesto usingcondomsin varioussituations. For the followingsituations,how sureare you that you canusea condomfor vaginalsexif YOU WANT TO HAVE SEX with a casualsexpartner who is eitherHMEGATIVE or YOU DON'T KNOW IIIS HIV STATUS? who is HfV negativeor whosestatusyou do not Qf you don't plan on havingvaginalsexwith someone know, pleasetry to answerthesequestionsin the way you think you would respond.) When you want to have sexwith a casual male partner who is HfV negative or whose status you do not know, how sure are vou that vou can . . . AbsolutelySure CANNOT Pretty Sure CANNOT NOT STIRE Pretty Sure CAI\ a. usea condomor barrie¡evenif he doesnot want meto useone.O'Sí-VAIF'i' I 2 a J b. usea condomevenif I havenot told him I am HfV positive. 2 4 5 a ì 4 5 2 3 4 5 I 2 5 4 5 CSE-VA5F X- 1 2 a J 4 5 1 2 a J 4 1 2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5 OSE-VA3F* I refuseto havesexwithouta condomor barrierevenif I'm verv turnedoÞ_VOar/ d . even if he might lose his erection cÊÉ-vAqF* e . usea condomor barrierabsolutelyeverytime we havesex. AbsolutelySure CAN startusingcondomsor barrierswith a partnerevenwhen\rye've åêde.jünaf X beforewithoutone. g. usea condomor barrierevenif I've beendrinkingalcohol. CSE-VAltr t f. h. usea condomor barrierevenif I'm high (on anydrugor substancel.CsÉ-Va¿f, F,32. D SHOW SCALE: The followingitemsask aboutsituationsin which you might be temptedto have vasinal sexWITHOUT A CONDOM with casualmalesexpartnerswho are HMEGATIVE or WHO YOU BELIEVE TO BE IIIV hIEGATIVE. a. you havebeendrinkingalcohol. CTÊMPIF* io b. you havebeenusingdrugs. CTgmPlf I c. you think hewill getangryif you insiston safe ., CTEMPSF r sex. d. you aresexuallyaroused. CtgMPqf f, I I I e. youthinktherisk of disease is low. CTEMPSFT I f. you areangry. 1 CirE] PbF* g. he pressures you to takea chancethistime. CTÉMflFl CTÊMf€F*t h. you aredepressed. -9r¡c .:F -8No - SUDISQuestionnair e,4l2l | 99 2 2 2 3 4 5 a J 4 5 3 4 5 2 2 2 2 2 a J + 5 J 4 5 ) 5 J 4 4 a J 4 5 ¿Asloîr{ PRTNRP5Í vR, c.AÊiofll PßfNß 3ì.{cs¡ 7 Ñ o c A ã ^ ¡ o r t 1M A L € 3 H c s 5 FemaleSectionF, page I In this sectionwe'd like to learn more about how you think about sex,your own sexuality, and HfV. Other questionsalso deal with some of your past sexual experiences,such as unwanted sex or coercion. Fl. When it comesto a main sex partner do you have a preferenceabout their HfV status? (Read tist) doesn'tT{t"t ' HfV status No-Mypartner's _0) ' prefer who is HfV positive MPREF someone 1) Yes--I _ whois HIV negative _2) Yes-I prefersomeone F2. When it comesto sex partners who pay or give you something for sex, do you have a preferenceabout their IIIV status?(Readlist) a'pRf ' _ 0) No--My partner'sHfV statusdoesn'tmatter who is HIV positive _ 1) Yes--I prefersomeone prefer who is HIV negative someone _2) Yes--I f F3. Whenit comesto casualsexpartnersdo you have a preferenceabouttheir HfV status?(Readlist) _ 0) No--My partner'sHIV statusdoesn'tmatter OpREF who is HIV positive _ 1) Yes-I prefersomeone prefer who is HfV negative Yes--I someone _2) F4. D SHOW SCALE: Peopleoffer differentreasonswhy sexwithout a condomor barrier might be risþ betweenpartners who are BOTH HfV POSITTYE.How strongly do you agreeor disagreewith these reasons: It can increaseyour viral load. _Yl b . You canbecomeinfectedwith strainsof HIV that areresistantto currentHfV,treafnents. a. Youcangetothersexually ' "Åffih"¡Ll ?RISK-Y3 diseases. d. You can get other viruses that leadto opportunisticlnfections. PRfSX-Y¿{ SUDISQuestionnaire, 4122199 F,page2 FemaleSection would like to learn about what you feel about the spread of HfV infection through various practices. -Now,I '' am not interested in knowing what doctors or health care workers have told you, but what you reallv believe about transmission. F5. D SHOW SCALE: How likely doyou thinka WOMAN INT'ECTED WITHIIIVwiII her male sex Dartner if they have... INTERVIEWER: If participant soysshe doesn't know, ask her to pick a bestguess VAGINAL SEX a. Vaginal sex to ejaculation withoqt a co4dom FM RÏSKI wheretheman b. Vaginalsexwithouta condom, withdraws (pulls out) before ejaculatingor coming FMRISK9' -Ëînçgåry vaginalsexto ejaculation ANAL SEX d. Anal sex to ejaculation withoutil c-qn{pm trMÊISKLI e. Anal sex without a condom,where a man withdraws (pulls out) before ejaculatingor FFIRTSk5 coming with a condom ejaculation f. Anal sex to ORAL SEX FMRISKb OraVvaginalsex withoutusinga latexbarrieror dentaldam(themangoesdownon thewoman; he putshis mouthon hervagina)FMRSKT h. OraVvaginalsexusinga latexbarrieror dental dam(themangoesdownon thewoman;he puts his mouthon hervasinausinsa dam)FMRlSK8 4/22199 SUDISQuestionnaire, give thevirus to FemaleSectionF, page3 ftz SHOW SCALE: How likely do you think a MAN INFECTED WITH IIfV will givethe virus to his femalesexDartnerif theYhave... 6. INTERVIEIIER: If participant saJ)sshe doesn't know, ask her to pick a bestguess VAGINAL SEX a. cpndom Vaginalsexto ejaculation WitbqUle MFRJSK1. b . Vaginal sex without a condom,where the man withdraws (pulls out) before ejaculatingor ng h4FRISKl c. Vaginal sex to ejaculationwith a-condom ANAL SEX MFRTS[<3 d. Anal sexto ejaculationwilhp1rþ-condom e. Analsexwithoutu "on¿o,S[ffiSî* or beforeejaculating withdraws(pullsout) coming MFRISkS f. Anal sex to ejaculationwith a condom ORAL SEX Mfnrsviø (' OraVpenilesexwithoutusinga condom(the Þ' womangoesdownon the manandhe ejaculates or comesin her mouthwithqulu¡ing a condom) h. where sexwithout oraVpenile "Sf*ffi"mm goes down on the man withdraws (the woman themanandhedoesn't*TiÈþ¡gËå*? OraVpenilesexto ejaculationusinga condom e, 4122199 SUDISQuestionnair FemaleSectionF, page4 ,'1 D SHOW SCALE: How likely do you think it is for HTV to be spreadTO AN IININFECTED PERSON in the followingsituations... INTERVIEIIIER: she doesn't ask her to An infectedpersonis takingthe drugcocktail (i.e. proteaseinhibitors,"thetriple combination vaginalsex therapy")andis havingunprotected with anuninfectedpersonRISKMEÞS b. An HfV-positivepersonhasa very low viral load,that is whenthe HIV virus cannotbe foundin the blood,andis havingunprotected vasinalsexwith an HlV-negativeperson p"rFn?u["\H *- *-n" ru,i.,o" orother HIV medicationsafter having had unprotected vaginal sex with an HlV-positive person KTSKPOST 4127 /99 SUDISQuestionnaire, her best FemaleSectionF, page5 D [.Q which describesomepossiblereasons SHOW SCALE: Now I am goingto readyou a few statements that you think may haveplayeda part in howyou wereinfectedwith HfV. Pleaseusethis scaleto indicate how much you agreeor disagreewith eachof the possiblereasonslisted. Disagree Strongly Disagree Neither Agree Nor Strongly Agree Agree a. Nobodyreally knewaboutHIV/AIDS whenyou \4/ereinfected.LTKELyI 2 a J 4 b. You didn't know muchabouthow to protectyourselffrom inf""rlllkElyr. 2 a J + You didn't have your own rig or works. LIKELYll 2 J 4 Lrt<Err/3 2 a J 4 e. You didn't takeHIV seriouslybeforeyou wereinfected.Lf KÉLYq 2 J 4 else'sfaultthatyou got infected.LIKELY5 1. It wassomeone 2 J 4 ç It wasjust a matterof time beforeyou got infected.LIKELyþ Þ' 2 a I 4 andgotinfected.LIKELYS h. You tookyour chances 2 a 4 4 A condom broke. i. You werehigh. LIKELYl3 2 a a j. You weredopesick. LÍKÉLYlLl 2 3 + 2 a J 4 2 a J 4 who lied to you abouttheirHIV sexwith someone m. You hadunprotected 2 J 4 LIKELYq 'LfkELYll you to havesexwithouta condom. forcedor pressured n. Someone 2 a J 4 k. You didn'tprotectyourselfandgot infectedwith HIV. LIKÉLYtÒ l. who didn't know theirHIV status.lJKÊLY-? You hadsexwith someone StAtUS. 4/22199 SUDISQuestionnaire, FemaleSectionF, page6 INTRO: Thesenext questionsare about how comfortable you feel talking to different people in your life about rhingslike sex,using drugs, and your IIIV status. F9. n SHOW SCALE: How comfortable are you talking to the following people about your HfV status? very Uncomfofiable Uncomfortable Neither Comfortable Nor Uncomfortable a. Mother very Comfortable TLK1qOM_ 1{ 2 3 b' Father c. d. e. f. g. TL*ÞA\>- l{ Sister(s) TLKSÍS_* Brother(s) TLKBRO_ H Your mainsexualpartner(spouse,boy/girlfriend)TLKI4SP-t{ -f Casualor one-timesexpartners LKôS?-*{ Peopleyou usuallyuse(drugs)with TlxuR\Ä-H staffTLkouTh. Outreachworkers(CHOWs)or needleexchange ¿ l-{ l. Health care providers: doctors and nurses TLKMÉb-I{ j. Socialserviceoroviders: socialworkers TLKSoe-U Ff 0. D Not Applicable Comfortable J 4 5 9 + 5 9 4 5 9 4 5 9 5 5 5 5 5 5 e e e e e e ", 7, 4 Z J 4 2 3 4 2 3 4 4 ¿ J + SHOW SCALE: How comfortableare you talkingto the followingpeopleaboutyour DRUG USE? Very Uncomfortable Uncomfortable Neither Comfortable Nor Uncomfortable Comfortable Not Applicable Very Comfortable TLKMOM. Þ TLKÞAÞ-Þ 2 3 4 5 9 2 3 4 5 9 c. Sister(s) TLKSJS. b 2 3 4 5 9 d. Brother(s) TLKtsRO-D 2 3 4 5 9 2 3 4 5 9 TLKOSÞ. Þ 2 3 4 5 e TLKÞR.U-Þ 2 3 4 5 9 Outreachworkers(CHOWs)or needleexchangestaff TLkouT-D -T.LKMÉÞ-Þ Healthcareproviders:doctorsandnurses 2 3 4 5 9 2 3 4 5 9 TLKSÕC,_Þ 2 3 4 5 9 a. Mother b. Father e. Your mainsexualpartner(spouse,boy/girlfriend)TLI<S^SP-D f. Casualor one-timesexpartners Peopleyou usuallyuse(drugs)with Socialserviceproviders:socialworkers 4l22l99 SUDISQuestionnaire, FemaleSectionF,pageT \11. D SHOW SCALE: Usingthis scale,pleaseshowhow muchyou agreeor disagreewith eachof the followingstatements. i,, i' '..''r1 Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Disagree nor Strongly Agree Declines to Answer a for meto tell peopleI am.HIVpositiveif I onlyhave It is notnecessary ÞSCLBEI safersex. 2 a J 4 5 9 b I have a responsibility to let the people who I am going to have sex with DSCLBÉ9 know that I;m HfV positive. 2 a J 4 5 9 c. Most HIV negative people would not want to have sex with someonethey DS('LB'E¿{ knew was fUÚ po.iiiue. 2 a J 4 5 9 d . It would not bother me if someonedidn't want to have sex with me 2 J 4 5 9 2 a J 4 5 9 2 a 4 5 9 4 5 9 ÞSgLBEß of my HIV status. because e. If potentialsexpartnersdo not askaboutmy HIV status,it's not my DSCLtsET responsibilityto tell them. assume f. I think that sexpartnerswho do not know my - HIV status-probably DSCLBÉ9I'm positive. for me to tell peopleI amHIV positiveif I nevershare g. It is not necessary my syringes/needles DSCLBEI} h. I havea responsibilityto tell peopleI sharedrugswith thatI'm HfV positive. DS0LBÉ13 i. MostHfV negativeuserswould not \ /antto sharetheir workswith theyknewwasHfV positive. someone DSCLtsEILI j It wouldnot botherme if someonedidn't wantto usewith mebecauseof DS0LBÉ15 myHIV status. it's not my k. If potentialshootingpartnersdo not askaboutmy HfV_status, ÈAgLtsElt, resnonsihilirv to tell them. 4122/99 SUDISQuestionnaire, 2 J 2 J 4 5 9 2 a J 4 5 9 2 a J 4 5 9 2 a J 4 5 9 õ FemaleSectionF, page8 'n. SHOW SCALE: How stronglydo you agreeor disagreewith the followingstatements: n Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither I)isagreenor Strongly Agree a. Thelastthing I wantto think aboutduringsexis HfV. OE1 ¿ 3 4 5 b. Usingcondomsdoesn'tbotherme. o €3 Z J 4 ) is oneof themostimportantthingsto me. c. Beingsexuallydesirable OEï ¿ J 4 5 4 5 4 5 therearegoodreasonsfor not usingcondomsduringanalor OEB d. Sometimes 2 3 vaginal sex. Using condoms can be a constantreminder of HIV/AIDS. oEq oe7Ò ç It's very important to me to protect my sex partnersfrom HIV. Þ' oE12 e. SometimesI resenthaving to use condomsfor other people. f. to keepothersfrom becomineno¿fge. h. Peoplewith HIV havea responsibility i. WhenI havesexwithouta condom,I regretit or feel guilty the nextday.OËltl j. HIV is difficult to transmit. ¿ J 4 5 ¿ J I A 5 2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5 4 5 4 5 4 5 t OElB k. Usingcondomsmakessexlessenjoyable. OETq 2 Condomscanmakea manlosehis hard-on oEzÕ Z l. 3 J to tell me if theywantto usea condom.OE91 m . It's my partners'responsibility Z J + 5 oE23 z 5 4 5 4 5 /1 5 n. Condomsaren't worth using becausethey break too often. of someone who is HfV negative-notsomeone o. It shouldbe the responsibility OE25 who is positive-to-makesurethat sexis safe. p . Peoplewith HIV havea specialobligationto havesafesexwith thosewho are OEJ6 n"gàtin"or do not knowtheir status. q. If peoplewho areHIV negativewantto haverisþ sex,it is their choiceto do oE30 so. meto havesexwithouta condom,Ö832 r. If anHfV-negativepartnerpressures I give in. sometimes themorelikely we'll havesex**ou&r' s. ThelongerI'm in a relationship, condom. 4/27/99 SUDISQuestionnaire, I FemaleSectionF, page9 F13. I want to end this sectionwith some questionsthat deal with topics that are often difficult to talk or think about. They are questionsabout physical and sexual abusethat you may have experiencedin your life. Unlike the previous ones,thesequestionspertain to anyone,not just your sex partner. Also, when I say "childr" I mean someoneage 16 or younger, and an "adult" is someoneage l7 or older. .Atbúspsvr a. As a child, were you ever beaten,physically attacked,or physically abused? 0 I 9 b. As a child, were you ever sexualþ attacked,raped,or sexually abused? 0 8 9 c. As an adult,haveyou everbeenbeaten,physicallyattacked,or physically 0 8 9 ABuosExr abused? A6USPI{Y1 raped,or sexSfl6$usef d. As an adult,haveyou everbeensexuallyattacked, 0 INTERWEWER: If participant answers "No" , Don't lçtow or "Declinesto answer" t GO TO Section G \ F13a. When this / these happened,did you receiveany help or counseling? 0_ No A6usÉcou Yes 1Don't know 8_ g Declinesto answer INTERVIEWER: IF participant answersNO, pleaserefer her to list of phone numbers for counseling resourcesin the referral packet. 4127 /99 SUDISQuestionnaire, FemaleSectionG, page1 In this section,I will ask you questionsabout alcohol you may drinþ drugs thaf you inject, and drugs that you may usewithout injecting. ALCOHOL Have you had any alcoholic beverages(beer, wine, hard liquor, or other drinks) in the past 30 days? Gl. _ ÞRÎNK3Ò 1) Yes 0) No (If no, go to Gla.) Gla. Have you had any alcoholic beveragesin the last three months? _ _ l) Yes ÞRTNK 0) No à GO TO G6 -q ALcoHoL Ps.r3ounvs D SHOW SCALE: During the past3 months,how oftendid you usuallydrink alcohol?(suchas beer, wine,hard liquor, or otherdrinks/ ÞRiNKNuâ oNeverà Goro G3 - 9 ÑJoALcot{èLLsr 3 È^og 1Lessthanoncea month 2_lto3timesamonth Oncea week 3_ 4_ 2 to 6 timesa week: lessthanoncea day 5_ Everyday 8_ Dontknow ) GO TO G3 Declinesto answer) GO TO G3 9_ G2. G2a.ù SHOW SCALE: On a typicalday whenyou drink alcohol,abouthow many total drinks do you of wine,how many mixeddrinks,etc) have?For example,how manycansof beer,how many glasses I I drink -9 uo ALcc¡lcL Lsf 3'Fros 2-3drinks 2 - I NEv/Dk/RÊF â At-CPsï 3¡4or) J 4 or moredrinks ÞRlrR>ny Don't know Declinesto answer 8_ 9_ G3. How many drinks doesit usually take for you to get drunk? ÞRUÑKHOVJ -9 tJo ALcoi{cL Lsi 3llos G4. D SHOW SCALE: During the past3 months,how oftenhaveyou had any beer,wine, or liquor to drink before or during sex? Never à GO TO G6 l) _ 2) Almost never _ 3) Sometimes 4) Most of the time 5) Always _ G5. ÞRTNKSEX -gNO ALCaHÔL LSf 3t{os During the past three months, how many drinks did you usually have before or during sex? ÞRNK+SEX -9 ÑO ALCoHéL Lr)T 3Mêf -8No ALc wisEx Psr3ì-10 05/ 04/99 SUDISQuestionnaire, FemaleSectionG,page2 INJECTED DRUGS with injecteddrugs. Now I'm goingto askaboutyour experience G6. Haveyou injectedany drug in the last30 days?This couldbeskin-popping,intramuscular(or muscling),in a vein (mainlining)? l) Yes) Go To TABLE BELow fÑ53O _ 0) No (Go to G6a.) G6a.Haveyou injectedor skinpoppeda drug in the lastthreemonths? I) YCS) GO TO TABLE BELOW 1Ñ53MOS *g3ñJÉCTEÞ L5ï 3() ÞAYs O)No ) GO TO G15 _ Pleasego through columnsA through Efor each drug listed. Follow theseguidelines to help you: INTERVIEWER: 1. For a given drug, if the answer to B is "No," skip C and go directly to D for that drug. If lhe answer to B is "Yes," then continue with C and Dfor that drug 2. For a given drug, if the answer to D is "No," go on to part Efor that drug. If the answer to D is "Yes," then go directly to the next drug and skip E. 3. For columns C and E, wrile number of injections on blank line, then circle appropriate interval. For øeømple,for an ', week". wrtte I¿2 on the blank, then circle "W". 2 times answer I Í NfAiÉ Cocaine I Crack a NiBtÉ I Heroin rNSbx Methadone(streetor prescribed) 1 fNJE,b (like speed, Amphetamines or crank,crystal, ice) ft/5F* I I Steroids f /,./JG* Crushedor meltedprescription drugs(like codeine,Percodan, Dilaudid,morphine,Demerol) 1 Other#3 fñf ai.lf KorHR zRÅY/rl[*n'tÍEþwfir 1 aNJ-aùtÉ 8 0 I D/Wll\4 8 , zrV¡L3_Uo* iNJUTYPX 0 1 D/W/l\4 5:\'¿QSP¡6+. 8 tñ5ETyP* =ÈLYJN*0 fl.útrHewl,Ê 1 D/W^4 rNÃtr-3t'tù 8 r,?r"l,Jff* fÑsFryP* 0 1 8 D /W lt\4 f^/JcStloiÈ TÄJJGTYP* D / W / I 4 rRJü{lXxr. 0 1 8 J/vÍilåi-lo* I fñ51*x ffi fi.fÍDllot¡,f* 0 fñJcryP* ¡R/JtlM*-TNSHTV# 0 1 8 I Other#2 I rNflt!-(pwLk. f f{fr** T ÀJ]TOÍ¡{R 8 , 1-rMJÆr{or I f ñ5ll * Other#l ÍNÍJlbtÐt'Jr PuJ,ElMu.or 0 tP/¡ll¿Mx** -q F¡cÍr¡T LST 3Mas *'I Nc o-rHÉR.ÞÈl4G RricoÊÈEÞ D/W/ì4 f ñsrrYP,tÍtürÆo*,* Di rw/lvf l^/eTlþc,;l*x Í{lg.i{owi*É ilxr -qNC 05/ 04199 SUDISQuestionnaire, rH&,|il*x rvf3!¡oi¡i* I l D/w/rvf, I =PJX'+ll}xr 0 1 8 . Írv¿ç;¡46* Í.NSBIiôNL{( f ,vJBTVPI D / W / À 4 ANJCH.Àlj.¡\f (cocaine& heroin)or Speedball goofball(heroin& meth) 0 f NSlrrvP4 iñ.æflO'\^å* D/W/M, fñfgr *ir fN#Ulôh/1r 1 8 fMJTTPX) 0 1 8 .ur{JJsV¿lit* D/W/\4 ÍNEKõ!O* 9F D/v//\4 fÀJJKTYP, '.P-LKLMx¡tx -g h/c1ñs LSÍ 3 Hos H, t -qNc iNf, tST 3i,|os ; -q ñôlNS Ls - g Nc (ÞPr{6) LÊi 3 t1c3 -Ê Nc (ùRtig) ?si *.*-9 N0 lNS LSì 3¡æ5 . _ -g 3c u^'' 'v bAvs - ?? ilc F¡o aNS LSi 3flæ No .f;r¡ÉR Þl'¿l,lG *Ê cîHËR ix¿r,¿ -gr.JOo.rHÉø Ls'i ãH6 RecceÞEÞ ,t* -9 ñ(>1ñ3 Lgf 3 r4cs -6 No ciHE? P5ì þo ÞAys --?NÔ ÓÎHÈRÞ?MG ÈEccÊ.DEÞ - 7 ÑO OTHÊR,DÈt^G RECCTD€D FemaleSectionG, page3 G7. D SHOU| SCALE: Think aboutthe total numberof timesyou haveinjecteddrugsin the last3 months. Now I want to ask aboutyour typicalinjectionpracticesduring thoselast threemonths. NOlÑ3 LSÍ 3McS 3 a) take a used syringeto load a new one (piggybacking,backloading, b) c) d) e) INJPRACT splitting,frontloading) usea cookerat the sametime or beforesomeoneelseJNJ PßþLfu else frrJfPRACb usecottonat the sametime or beforesomeone userinse water before someoneelse JNJPRAS{ cleana needleor syringebeforere-usingit Ð cleanyour skin with alcoholbeforeinjecting ANJPRA¡;5 f NJPRAC(c s) II'IJPRACT f:t'tTPRA(ñ inject someoneelsefor them h) havesomeoneelsehit (inject)you *FrequencyScale O:none of the time, never l= lessthan half the time 2=half the time 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 l 1 1 4 4 4 2 2 3 3 4 ¿ 3 2 2 3 3 4 4 4 4 3=morethan half the time 4: all the time G8. During the past3 months,how manytimesdid yo_ugiveor loansomeoneyour syringeafter or behindyou -9 Ñc aNi LsT 3h4os (without bleachingit betweenuses) GAVESyR rJsecodes:777:don't lçtow; &89:declinesto answer;)}]:none/not applicable G9. During the past 3 months, where did you usually get your needlesor syringes from? What were your three most common sources? INTERWEWER: DO NOT read lßt of answers; check up to three; PROBE íf necessaryto classify response. .9 NoANS LST 3HoS i 1) A pharmacy ñEEbLGEI 2) A sheet ouheachworker ÑEEÞLGE2 I 3) A needleexchangeprogram NEE>LGE3 4) A friend 5) A relative 6) Main sexualparfner 7) Other sexualpartner 8) The black market or a streetdealer 9) Rent at shooting gallery I 10) other (speciff) ÍJEEÞLGO]77)Don'tknow to answer 88)Declines 05I 04/99 SUDISQuestionnaire, FemaleSectionG, page4 G10. During the past 3 months, what did you usually do with your used syringes?What were your three most corlmon methods of dealing with used syringes? r INTERWEIYER: DoNOTreadlistofanswers; checkuptothree; PROBEifnecessarytoclassifuresponse. 1) Exchangedat an NEP -9rrlo aNJ 2) A friend exchangedthem for me 3) A outreachworker exchangedthem for me NEEDLÉSl 4) Threw them away N EEÞLËS O 5) Gave them to a friend NEEDLES3 6) Cleanedand gave to friend 7) Gave them to a relative 8) Cleanedand gaveto relative 9) Gave them to my main sexualpartner l0) Cleanedand gaveto main sexualparhrer 11) Gavethem to anothersexualpartner 12) Cleanedand gaveto anothersexualpartner 13) Re-usedfor myself l4) Cleanedand re-used 15) Sold 16) Cleanedand sold LsT 3Mos 17)other (speci$)ÑEÉÞLEOT 77) Don't know 88) Declinesto answer '111. With whom do you most often inject? (Checkup to three social situations) _ 1) alone(If this is the only option checked, t GO TO G12 _2) with a mainsexpartner _ 3) with casualsexpartner _4) with tradesexpartners _ 5) with relatives _ 6) with a groupof friends _7) with strangers _ 8) other1 f.NJwi{oT}l 9) other2 Glla. f.Nf,wt{ol -<ìñe LNf, LST 3Hos r.NswHo e - åf,.Ë'H'til't=*5"Åro*, f.N3 WHo3 , Do you prefer to inject/shootup with peopleof your own ethnicitylrace? -rNJ ETH N _ 8) Don't care;no preference _ 0) No -9IVO lNJ LST 3 HOS 1) Yes _ -gMo6T OFTENa¡5 frLoNË Do you preferto inject/shootup with peoplewho are alsoHfV positive? _ 0) No _ 8) Don'tcare;no preferenceTñJ t{1VP -9¡Jo 1ñJ l) Yes Lsr b Mos _ -8uosI oFTENIN¡ ALÔNÉ Glz. How old wereyou whenyou first beganinjectingdrugs? I.NJAG í -q ñô r.NJ LSTg çte Usecodes:77=Don'tKnow: 99:Declinesto Answer Gllb. 05i0l/00 SUDISQuestionnaire, FemaleSectionG, page5 G13. Did you ever inject at leastonce a week? - 0)No à Go To G14 _ _ _ 1)Yes 8) Don't Know 9) Declinesto answer f ñ5WEEK -9 ño rNJ LsT 3t tas G13a. How old were you when you first began injecting drugs at least once a week? (JseCodes:77:Don't Know; &9:Dgcli!e! to4nswer; 99:Not applicable/Never Ix awk f'h'¡3 ÑJÔ LST 3t46 a.ÑsAeÉw :q tousebteach to Gr4. rz sHow SCALE:whenr"",;P"lttu,-'î"å!lif iå"/XYlfht.r, ir canbedirricutt clean the needle. What kind of situationswould be more difficult for you. Pleaselisten carefully to each question. The answersto thesequestionscan be: definitely not, probably not, maybe, probably yes' or definitely yes. -9 Ño 1Ñ3LsT 3 HCIS V/ouldyou be ableto cleanyour needleafteryou usedit, evenif your sharingpartneralsois HIVpositive? IN5SEI If you arefxing with peopleyou dont know,wouldyou be willing to lendouttheneedleyoujust used? -f,VJSE a Wouldyou lendyour needleout afteryou usedit, eventherewas nobleachavailable? ÍNJSE3 lf you arefixing with peopleyou don'tknow,wouldyou optto drawup out ofthe cooker/cotton last? fNiSEq by someone Ifyou arepressured whois dopesick,wouldyou lendoutvour usedneedle?fNJS 5 If you arerushedto lendyour else, usedneedleto someone wouldyou be ableto takethe timeto bleachit firstENSEb Wouldyou be ableto insistthat a personbonowingyour used needlebleachit beforetheyused it? fi\tTst7 If you hadbleachwith you, wouldyou be ableto offer it to a personborrowingyow used needle? .7t /J$EB e, 05/ 04/99 SUDISQuestionnair 6 9 5 6 9 4 5 6 9 a J 4 5 6 9 2 a J 4 5 6 9 I 2 J 4 5 6 9 I 2 J + 5 6 9 I 2 a J 4 5 6 9 1 2 I 2 J 4 I 2 J I 2 1 a 4 FemaleSectionG, page6 NON-INJECTED DRUGS ,Now I want to ask you about drugs that you use, but DO NOT INJECT. G15. Haveyou usedany drugsin the last30 daysthat you did not shootor inject?Do not includedrugsthat you took for detoxto relievewithdrawal. ÞRUC3Ò 0) No ) GO TO G15a _ l)Yes à GO TO TABLE BELOW. _ G15a. Have you usedany drugs in the last three months that you did not shoot or inject? Do not include drugs that you took for detox to relieve withdrawal. _ ÞRuG O)Noà GO TO G17 ) TO TABLE BELOW. I)YES GO INTERVIEWER: Pleasego through columnsA through Efor each drug listed. Follow theseguidelines to help you: 4. For a given drug, if the arurwerto B is "No," skip C and go directly to Dfor that drug. If the answer to B is "Yes," tlten continuewith C ond Dfor that drug 5. For a given drug, if the etswer to D is "No," go on to part Efor that drug. If the answer to D is "Yes," then go directly to the next drug and skip E. 6. For columns C and E, write number of injections on blank line, then circle appropriate interval. For acample,for an answer of " 12 timesper week", write I 2 on the blanh then circle "W\ Marijuana (weed,blunts, etc.) Crack Cocaine(sniffed or smoked) Heroin (sniffed or smoked) Amphetamines(like speed, crank, crystal, or ice) oo*,rLr* meluorx:k ËduerttolP/W/M ÞPßeHôlx)f ãqte¡*.rD/IV/M o oe.lut* o un ius* o >orluu* 0 Methadone(streetor prescribed) 0 Amyl nitrate or poppers 0 Hallucinogens(LSD/acid, mushrooms,peyote/mescaline) Angel dust or PCP 8 0 l 8, - D/rw/I4 ÞRuG)rrca D/W/I4 -Þe¡¡G3¡<o3 ùRuc3ÎY 0 DRG¿IHOIX' DilWlI4 1 ÞRr,rG¿1Ty D/W/I4 -Þeußqr-{o3: ooo*Jr'"å* - D/W/I4 0 D/W/M D/W/M 1 ÞRr.¡cro* D/W/M 1 Þeuel* D/W/M 0 1 8 -Þeue'7tYa3 D/W/t\4 ÞRe-l¡.torx* ÞÊ!{ê7ryp* oo*1,,g* 8 D/W/M oo*n1"-Jr - D/W/M 0 1 0 1 1 ÞRG5ilo1x# o other#2pAGÞúfH o t h e r # 3y(.Gß Þ T H 0 8 8 uo,inurtf 1 1 8 - ÞRt C{êTYP* Þcuolcf other#lÞ4-cllÚf+l DRG1lHlX . 8 g 0 *^ .L_-- D/W/M ÞRG11Hl'x -? SUDISQuestionnaire, 05| 04199 r bø^érrvË*-ÞR,uGlMo3 1 ÞRqe5)r uc'^tq* Downers or tranquilizers(like barbituates,chloral hydrate, Valium, Klonopin, Ativan, etc.) 0 ñè oTHR ¡JcN -ah¡3 RÊCARDEÞ ÞÊr¡G5Ha3 ÞR.ueø¡r D/W/l\4 ÞeÀÁeÈÈ{o3 oooråo*åt _ÞpugD / Wq/ l v f r,{O3 0 1 8 ÞRucáoil)ts D/W/l\4 _ÞÊeior4og D/W/I4 'bq,G11Ho3 ÞR.LtGl1 8 D/W/l\4 FemaleSectionG, page7 -,,.G16. With whom do you most often use non-injected drugs, i.e. in what social situations? (Check up to three) _ _ _ _ _ - l)alone 2)with a main sex Parfner 3)with casualsex Partner 4)with trade sex Partners S)with relatives 6)with a group of friends -9 r'tc NoN-1.NJLsí 3 Mos ^/f ñ5wf,J1 l./f ñf\^rrH2 t\Æñf WTÍ{J} I I I 7)with stransers siotherI /'/JNJWoT'{ 9)other2 GlZ. ftz SHOW SCALE: During the past3 months,how oftendid you useany alcoholor otherdrugs BEFORE OR DURING sex? l) Neverà GO TO SECTIONH 2) Almostnever _ ÁLCDRSEX 3) Sometimes _ 4) Most of thetime 5) Everytime _ 05/ 04/99 SUDISQuestionnaire, FemaleSectionH, pageI Everybody dealswith HfV in different \ilays. In this sectionI would like to learn more about how you deal emotionally with your HIV and where you're getting social support. Hl. D SHOW SCALE: Below is a list of problems and complaints that people sometimeshave. For each one, pleaseindicate how much that problem has bothered you during the PÄST WEEK,INCLIJDING TODAY. Nervousnessor shakiness inside tsõIA1 b. Feeling easily annoyedor initated Eõf H1 c. Thoughts of endingyo_r{life I 2 4 #?ãP.lrn" scared d. Suddenty BSfAL I 2 4 I 2 4 e. Temperoutburststhatyou coulãnot control BS-IHâf. Feelinglonely BSI'Þ2 2 3 4 g. FeelingblueBSTUE 2 a J I h. Feeling " no interesfinlhjnes 2 a J 4 i. Feelingfearful BSÍ'A.S 2 a J 4 i. Yourfeelingsbeingeasily 2 a J 4 k. Feelinehopelessaboutthe 2 a 4 B3fÞq hurr BSr> U /l tuture Ésf>tl. Feelingtenseor keyedup tsStAt{ m. Havineursesto beat.iniure, o. p. q. r. o.harä roï"on" BdIt{3 Havingurgesto breakor things ts51H¿{ smash Spellsof terroror panicßSÍÄ,5 Gettinginto frequent argumãnts ff1t{5 Feelinssorestless vou could not sit-still BS1,A,(2 Feelingworthless BSlbT 05I04/99 SUDISQuestionnaire, 2 J 4 5 2 3 4 5 2 a 2 J 4 5 2 3 4 5 J 4 4 FemaleSectionH,page2 -\H2. D SHOW SCATE: The following statementsdescribehow people sometimesfeel. For each statement, pleaseindicate how often you feel the ways described by answering Never, Rarely, Sometimes,or Always. a. How often do you feel that you lack companionship? LONELYS b. How often do you feel that you have a lot in contmon with the you? people around LONELVb c. How often do you feel close to people? LONELV'I d. How often do you feel isolated from others? LONE LV8 e. How oftendo you feel thattherearepeoplewho really LgNELYS you? understand How oftendo you feelthat peoplearearoundyou but not with LoNELVIÔ you? ø How oftendo you feelthattherearepeopleyou cantalk to? LONELYI1 h . How oftendo you feel thattherearepeopleyou canturn to? LONELY|L H3. D SHOWSCALE:Howoften do you talk with other HIV positive drug users about personal issues relatedto DRUGS? _ 1) Never _2) Almostnever _ 3) Sometimes _ 4) Often _ 5) Very Often H4. TALI<ÞR,UG D SHOW SCALE: How oftendo you talk with otherHW positivedrug usersaboutpersonalissues related to SEX? TALySEXå _ l) Never _2) Almostnever _ 3) Sometimes - 4) Often _ 5) Very Often 05/04/99 SUDISQuestionnaire, FemaleSectionH, page3 15. D SHOW SCALE: How oftendo you talkwith other userswith IIIV aboutpersonalissuesrelatedto HW? -lALt<HfV _ 1) Never _2) Almostnever _ 3) Sometimes _ 4) Often _ 5) Very Often H6. D SHOlil SCALE: How manypeoplecouldyou go to for supportif you neededit? _ 1) None -t Al-kS\¿PP _2) One _ 3) Two or three - 4) Four or five _ 5) Six or more II7. D SHOW SCALE: For the followingquestions,pleaseanswerusingthe categoriesdefinitelyno, probablyno, maybe,probablyyes,and definitelyyes. ,#F¡ äËË-Hj6,e1'{l¡å.çi"_-@$fffi.i,#T j! ',il,l:.', ii'.;.{!':'-j':,1'.,i!4!.:!-;irr,-;1i#::1 a. Is thereanybodyyou could dependon to loan you $10 ifyou needed I 2 a J 4 5 8 9 b. Is thereanybodyyou coulddependon to take careof you if you were sick andhadto stayin bed?bEPSTl t( I 2 J 4 5 8 9 a. Are there people in you life you could talk to if you \üere sad,nervous, or depressed?ÞÉPõAb I 2 J 4 5 8 9 d. A¡e therepeoplein your life you couldtalk to if vou neededadviceabout I 2 a J 4 5 I 9 it? Dr--PMnñr-V ,'l a Dersonaproblem ÞEPA 05/ 04199 SUDISQuestionnaire, FemaleSectionH, page4 SHOW SCALE: For each of the following statements,pleasetell me how much you agree or disagree. Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Disagreenor a. I do not think thattherewill everbe a curefor AIDS. for HfV. b. Peoplearetoo excitedaboutthe new medicaltreatments c. I think I will have a long life. OPTl OPT} OPí3 d. Better medicineswill be found in the nearfuturethat will help peoplewith HIV to live OPíL{ longer. e.I think I will beatHIV. 05I04/99 SUDISQuestionnaire, ()FfT 1 2 3 4 5 t 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 r 2 3 4 s FemaleSectionH, page5 t -'[9. Now I am going to read you a list of statements.Pleaseans\ileryes if the statement is true for you, or answer no if the statement it is not. INTERWEII/ER: Circle Yesor No each statement. SocÞr-ra.I like kinþ sex. SocÞFg b.I,ve neversolddrugs. 1 t 0 SocÞF3 c. I havemasturbated. Soc>çq d. SinceI first hadsex,I haveforgottenbirttrcontrolseveraltimes. lccpç5 e. I havean orgasmeverytime I havesex. I 0 1 0 I 0 1 0 1 1 0 I 0 I 0 I 0 I 1 0 0 SccÞçlti n.My currentpartneralwayspleases mein sex. jocÞtr!5 o. I talk to my partneraboutwhatI like. SocÞgçr p. I've useddrugsin my lifetime. SccÞç-l-7 q.I enjoyhavingmy partnerseemenaked. Soc'>s13 r. I've beenvery sexuallycompatiblewith everyparbrerI've beenwith. I '| 0 SocÞçø f. I've only hadsexwith peopleI loved. Socaç7 g.I've tradedsexfor drugs. my sexdrive. €oco6¡r.I've usedillegaldrugsto enhance SccÞtrq i. Sometimes I've sharedneedles. SccSç16 j. I've neverhadsexwhile high. €ÔcÞtr1l k.My partneralwaysdoeswhatI askhim to whenwe havesex. SÔcÞtrl1 l. I've neverhadsexanywherebut on a bedin a bedroom' SocùtrL3 m. I've only beenwith onesexualpartnerin my life. 0 0 I 0 I 0 I 0 1 0 SocÞF1q s. I've takenpills to givemeenergy. gOcDFgO t. All of my sexualpartnershavebeenwonderfullovers. 1 I 0 0 SccÞtr9l u.I havefakedan orgasm. Socusgg v. I like my sexualpartnersto be experienced by thetime I meetthem. SOCÞç93 w.I considermyselfto be a wonderfullover. Soc-ÞFA4 x. Sexis betterfor mewhenI'm high I 0 1 0 I 0 1 0 SOCÞF95y. I've onlytakenmedicinewhenI'm sickor whenmy doctorrecommends. 0 SccÞF9(' z.I've lied aboutmy healthor my periodto getoutof sex. 0 SocÞF97 aa. I haveneverhadsexin a publicplace. 0 SOcÞFt3 bb. I've neverinfluencedanyoneto usedrugsnot evenalcohol,weed,or tobacco. 0 e, 05I04I99 SUDISQuestionnair FemaleSectionH, page6 Hlg. Next, I will give you a stack of cards with words written on them. I can read them out loud to you if you like. pleasearrange thesein order of what you feel is most important to you right now, with the most important card on the top and the least important card on the bottom. HI1s. 7NTERVIEúI¡ER: Once the pørticipønt has arranged the cards, give her the card that says "HIV") Now show me where IIfV fits into that arrangement. Now record the order of cards, using 7:most important and 8=least important) (INTERWEIIER: SAFETYFROMVIoLENCE SoKl'iÆou - SoRtHous HOUSING _TRANSPORTATION SORTTRAN _ BErNGABLE TO WORK SORIWORK _HAVING MONEY SoRIMONE SoRTFooÞ -FOOD CHILDCARE SoRtcHcR, - soRTl-üv _Hrv Thesenext questionsare the questionsabout treatment for alcohol, drugs, and mental health that we ask of everyone. : H11. Have you ever had treatment for problems with alcohol use? 0 No à co ro rr14 189 Yes Don't know ) GO TO Hf 4 Declinesto ans\üer) GO TO II14 Augrx Hllz. Are you currentlyin treatmentfor problemswith alcoholuse? ALCtxt tow No ) cO TO H13 0 -g NÊVER/ÞK/REFALc Tx Yes à GO TO H12a 1 Don'tknow ) GO TO H13 I Declinesto answer) GO TO H13 9 q ñÊvÊR,lÞKieErnufx Ê - Ñ0cuRRÉÑfrrr^ IrrLà. ñz SHOW SCALE: What kind of treatmentis it? (Interviewer:checkall that apply) ALC.TX ALCTxt aUCTXIAl-CTx3 ÀfCfiq ALCTXS -nr¡rXìã AucfÉ7 IIl3. 1) AA for example) detox(Phenobarbital, 2) Chemical monitored 3) Physician . speciSALCTX'I.A Ð Relidential, 5) Ouþatient,speciff. ALCIXSA 6) other,sPeciff ALCIXbA 7) NotAPPlicable How many times altogether have you receivedtreatment for problems with alcohol use? [Jsecodes: 77:Don't Know;8$: Declines to answer; 99 = Not Applicable Al4TxNul,t -g NEVER/ÞK/RÊF ALCrx 05I04/99 SUDISQuestionnaire, FemaleSectionH, page7 _ Hl4. Have you ever been in treatment for problems with drug use? No àGOTOH17 ÞRGTX Yes Don'tknow ) GO TO H17 Declinesto answer) GO TO H17 0 l_ 89 H15. Are you currently in treatment for problems with drug use? 0 No )GOTOH16 1I Yes ) GO TO H15a Don'tknow ) GO TO H16 1 ÞRGTXNOW - I ñÉvEVÞK/Rrf uauO'-X Declinesto answer) GO TO H16 ì NEVËR/D</9 RÉFD¿USTX ) ÑoeuR'P'EJ'lr.Ë"iñow scALE3 what kind of rrearmenris it? (rnterviewer:checkall rhat apply) 1) NA' 12steP DRêTx't -tRßiiãpill detox - 2) Chemical, (14,21,28day) ÞRGrx3- 3) Methadone, short-term ÞReTxt{_ 4) 5) Þf,er¡s- program Methadonemaintenance specif, ÞRGTXSA Residential, ÞRc'D(bÞReTx7_ Non-methadoneOutpatient,speciS ÞRGTxbA Other, speciff ÞR6IX7A 6) 7) H16. How many times altogether have you receivedtreatment for problems with drug use? - q ruÉvre/ur</cer uuro-x Þ RG-rxr.{u1.4 IJsecodes: 77:Don't Know; &8'=Declinesto Answer; 00=Never p1l7. Haveyou ever beentreatedfor any psychological or emotionalproblems,not includingalcoholor drug treatment? MHT( No à GO TO H19 0Yes I Dont know ) GO TO H19 8_ Declinesto answerà GO TO Hl9 9 H18. Are you currently receiving treatment for any psychologicalor emotional problems, not including alcohol or drug treatment? No 0_ Yes 1_ Don't know 8 9 Mt-lTxNOW -gNeven/Þk/REFPsvcTx Declines to answer Hf9. Do you receivea pension(money)for a psychiatricdisability? No 0 MHÞISAS Yes 1_ Don't know 8 Declinesto answer 05I 04I99 SUDISQuestionnaire, FemaleSectionH, page8 seriousdepression? MHÞÉPR a. Experienced 0 I 9 b . Experiencedhallucinations? Y\HHAUI-UC 0 8 9 c. Had seriousthoughtsaboutsuicide?M t{SufTt-t 0 8 9 d. Attemptedsuicide? 0 8 9 0 8 9 MHSufåT medications? psychiatric MHMEÞS Beenprescribed Different people participate in, and enjoy, different things. These questionsask about your involvement and experiencesin various community and llfV-related activities, eventsand programs. |fzl. In the LAST have a. Attended a safer sex workshop. PARTL{ Where? PART4A; PARTqts b. Wentto an HIV/AIDS supportgroup. PART5 Where? PARTEA; PART56 c. Participatedin individual,couples,or groupcounselingor therapyPARî-7 0 organization.PAR-II d. Volunteeredat a community-based 0 Where? PARTBA,'PARTBB program. PARTIq e. Volunteeredat a needleexchange Where? PABì'tgA/' PARTlqb f. Workedwith a druguser'sorganization'PART2O lilhere? PARfåon; PARTJoÉ g. Attendeda workshopor communityforumaboutHfV-relatedissues.PARTq Where? PART9A; PAKTqB h. Workedat a communityhealthfair. PARTg1 or injectingequipment.?AKfll i. Taughtsomeonehow to cleantheir syringes/needles l 1 0 j Told someonewhereto getnewneedles.PAFfe3 k. Taughtsomeonehow to cleanan injectionsite.PART9q needlesor syringesfor others.PARTÐ5 l. Exchanged 1 0 1 0 1 0 m. Gotteninvolvedin drugtreatmentor recovery.Plgfgø n. Taushtsomeoneaboutsafersex. PARfg-t 1 0 1 0 0 H22. Haveyou everbeenin anotherresearchstudythat dealtwith HfV-relatedissueslike sex,drug use,or being HfV positive?(Do not includeclinical triøls or otherstudiesthat lookedat the effectsof newHIV drugsor treatments.) HIVRSC\-\ N o _0) l) l-{IVRscHt; l{lVnscrrg. Yes,speciff: - 05/ 04/99 SUDISQuestionnaire, FemaleSurveySectionI, pageI This final section is a short set of general questionsabout you and your lifestyle. It also gives you an opportunity to give me feedbackabout this interview or important issuesthat I may have overlooked. I1. What month and yearlvereyou born? t2. Which raciaVethnicgroupdo you belongto? l) Africanameiican,glaðk of African Descent RACÉ9 -_ 2) AlaskanNative Specifi: RACÉSPC2 3) AmericanIndian Specifu: Islander 4) AsianÆacific Specifu: s) Hispanic,Latino 6) White,Caucasian Speciff: 7) Mixed heritage/race Specifu: 8) Other e) Unknown 13. D SHOW SCALE: How much schoolhaveyou completed? EÞttCA I gradeschoolor less _ 1) Completed school high Some _2) _ 3) High schooldiplomaor GED SomeCollege _4) Month:tsORN¡,tC Year:þQ(N!R 5) CollegeAssociatesdegree 6) Bachelorsdegree(BA or BS) _7) _ 8) _ 9) _10) t4. Technicalor tradeschool(alsoLPN) Somegraduateor professionaleducationaftercollege(alsoRN) Masters,degree degree(e.g.,Ph.D.,M.D.,J.D.) Doctoral,or otherprofessional Are you currently employed? WORKS _ 1)Yes _O)No )GOTOI4b l4a. How manyhoursper weekdo you work? 1) 1-10hoursperweek WoRKì1uCt{ -9 ¡¡o cup,r¿ËñT EMP¡6yHÈNT _2) 11-20hoursperweek per week 2l-30 hours 3) _ _4) 31-40hoursperweek _ 5) Over40 hoursperweek I4b. If UI{EMPLOYED: Are you on disability? l) Yes ÞrsAgrl _ - g guR.RE¡lruYÊmPLùYED No _0) |99 05104 SUDISQuestionnaire, FemaleSurveySection1, page2 I4c. D SHOW SCALE: How long have you currently been on disability or unemployed? 1) Lessthan6 months UNEM¡orrtG -q Cuep.ËNÍLYÊHPLOYEÞ year to under one 6 months _2) _ 3) I year to under 3 years 3 yearsto under 5 years _4) 5) 5 years or more _ Now I'm goingto read a list of thingsthat peopledo to get by, and askwhich onesyou have donefor MOFIEY in the last 3 months.So,in the last3 months,haveyou evergottenany MONEY from: (readlist and checkall that apply) 1) An officialtull-timejob MoSEyl_ job MoNÉyJ_ 2) An officialpart-time Mo NEy3_ 3) A job whereyou didn'thaveto reportyour income(underthetable/underground) MoNeYq _ Ð Welfare(GA, ADFC, TANF) MoNEVS_ 5) SSIbenefit MoruEya- 6) Otherdisabilitybenefits \,{oXeyZ _ 7) Unemploymentbenefits 8) Sellingfood stamps MoNE)B _ Panhandling 9) l.,toUeVQ_ l0) Hooking/tricking/prostitution MoñËylg _ 11) Othersexwork (stripping,exoticdancing,pornography) HoñÈVil _ 12) Drug sales(includingrunning) Ho*¡Eylt _ illegal(includes l3) Anythingelsethafsconsidered boosting/shoplifting/etc.) HONEyJS_ 14) Anythingelse(specifuMoNEYSPI' ) Houeyt { _ I4d. I4e. 15. your total yearly personalincomeBEFOREyou D SHOW SCALE: \ilhich bestdescribes were unemployedor on disability? 1) LessthanS5,000 _ INCO¡1666 2) $5,000to $10,000-g CuReEñTLV _ ÈHft-oyEÞ to 79,999 _ 3) $10,000 _ 4) $20,000to29,999 _ 5) $30,000to 39,999 _ 6) $40,000to 49,999 _ 7) $50,000to 74,999 _ 8) $75,000or more your total personalincomeduring the lastyear? ù SHOW SCALE: Which bestdescribes l) Lessthan$5,000^ IUCOì4Et 2) $5,000to $10,000 to 19,999 3) $10,000 4) $20,000to29,999 to39,999 5) $30,000 6) $40,000to 49,999 to 74,999 7) $50,000 8) $75,000or more 05/ 04/99 SUDISQuestionnaire, FemaleSurveySectionI, page3 16. How would you describewhereyou live or your living circumstances? or house)LiVtN g _ 1) Household(apartment Shelter System _2) _ 3) Street Squal Homeless Encampment _4) _ 5) SingleRoomOccupancy _ 6) other: LIVfNeoT 17. What do you consideryour religionto be? _ 1) Baptist of Christ _2) Churches _ 3) Disciplesof Christ _4) Episcopal _ 5) Lutheran _ 6) Methodist _7) Presbyterian _ 8) United Churchof Christ _ 9) Unitarian _10) RomanCatholic - ,/. _11) EasternOrthodox iff )----L _lz)Other Catholi c (spec _13)Jewish R.gUÍ&9 LatterDay Saints _14) _ 15) Muslim/lvloslem _ 16) Buddhist Seventh Day Adventist _17) 18) Pentecostal _ Witness _ 19) Jehovah's Charismatic _20) ChristianScientist _21) Hindu _22) _25) No religion/atheisVagnostic I8. How important is spiritualityor religionin your life? 1) Not at all important _ RÉLIGIM' 2) Somewhatunimportant _ 3) Neitherimportantnor unimportant _ 4) Somewhatimportant _ 5) Very important _ 19. Do you consideryourself: @eadlist) 3ËLFID91) Straight,heterosexual _ 2) Gay,queer,homosexual _ Bisexual 3) _ _ 4) None of the above,unsure I10. Do you know other peopleor have friends who are or have been a part of this study? _0)No _ 1) Yes I11. uY FRÞSTt¡ Do you have any commentsthat could help us improve this questionnaire? Are there any questions that didn't make senseor were hard to answer? Continue on the back of this page if necessary. 05/04199 SUDISQuestionnaire, FemaleSurveySection7, page4 Il2. Are there other importantissuesor thingsrelatedto beingHIV positivethat you think we've missed? Continueon backof thispage if necessøry. I13. Is there anything elsethat you'd like for us to know or that you want to share with us? Continueon back. 05I 041 99 SUDISQuestionnaire, FemaleSurveySectionI, page5 I14. How confidentdo you feelaboutthevalidity of this participant'sanswers? confidenr CôñFf ÞNT _ l) Completely Some doubts _2) _ 3) No confidence,GfVE COMMENTSBELOW I15. Were you ableto completethe questionnaire?CoMPUETÉ _ 0) No, GIVE COMMENTSBELOW _ l) Yes 116. What was the participant's ethnic affiliation based on visual examination? 1) African American, Black of African Descent _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ll7. 2) 2\ 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) AlaskanNative ^*^-:^^- r-r:^Americanlndian AsianÆacifrc Islander Hispanic,Latino White,Caucasian Mixed heritage/race Other Unknown VJEWR.ACE Y'tLwtlt{uE what was the participant's born gender basedon visual examination? _ _ _ _ 1) Male 2) Female 3) TransgenderFTM 4) Transgender MTF \,4EWGEND INTERVIEWER'S COMMENTS (e.g.any specialcircumstances that would assistus interpretingthis questionnaire) SUDISQuestionnair e, 05/04I99 I