MES Report 2003 All - Guillevin Industrial Automation Group
MES Report 2003 All - Guillevin Industrial Automation Group
MES Product Survey 2003 Jan Snoeij & Reinoud Visser Principal Consultants March 2003 MES Product Survey 2003 CMG MES Competence Centre J. Snoeij and R.J. Visser March 2003 Copyright 2003, LogicaCMG 2 CONTENT PREFACE................................................................................................................................... 4 Acknowledgement ...................................................................................................................4 1 INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................................. 5 2 MES PRODUCT SURVEY .................................................................................................. 6 2.1 2.2 3 ABOUT MES........................................................................................................................ 8 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 4 MES products more mature .......................................................................................... 33 Mergers & Acquisitions................................................................................................. 33 Functional Shift ............................................................................................................ 33 MES: a necessity for Supply Chain Management ........................................................... 34 Marking out with other systems..................................................................................... 35 Best of breed versus integrated solutions ...................................................................... 35 Better integration by up-to-date technology .................................................................... 36 DETAILS PER PRODUCT ................................................................................................ 37 7.1 7.2 7.3 8 Introduction ................................................................................................................. 16 Production Typology .................................................................................................... 16 Focus of Vendors on Market Segments......................................................................... 19 Projects per Industry Segment ...................................................................................... 20 Platforms..................................................................................................................... 21 Databases ................................................................................................................... 22 Technology ................................................................................................................. 24 Architecture ................................................................................................................. 25 Helpdesk Support ........................................................................................................ 27 Languages .................................................................................................................. 28 Internal Quality Systems .............................................................................................. 29 Validation and Regulatory Compliance.......................................................................... 30 MESA-11 Compliance.................................................................................................. 31 S95 Compliance .......................................................................................................... 32 OBSERVATIONS AND TRENDS..................................................................................... 33 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 7 Introduction ................................................................................................................. 12 Functional Data Flow Model ......................................................................................... 12 Expected Benefits........................................................................................................ 13 Impact on MES Users .................................................................................................. 14 Questions about S95 Compliancy ................................................................................. 15 RESULTS OF THE QUEST IONNAIRE ............................................................................ 16 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 5.9 5.10 5.11 5.12 5.13 5.14 6 MES Systems................................................................................................................8 MESA ...........................................................................................................................9 Other Initiatives .............................................................................................................9 MESA Functions .......................................................................................................... 10 ANSI/ISA S95 STANDAR D............................................................................................... 12 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 5 Objectives .....................................................................................................................6 Participants ...................................................................................................................6 Report on All Products ................................................................................................. 37 S95 Compliance Details ............................................................................................... 38 Compliance Scores ...................................................................................................... 38 ANNEXES.......................................................................................................................... 39 Copyright 2003, LogicaCMG 3 PREFACE For the third consecutive year CMG's MES Competence Centre has made an inventory of vendors and products for MES. Based upon the surveys of previous years1, the members list of the Manufacturing Execution Systems Association2 (MESA) and a search on the internet about 40 vendors were asked to fill in a questionnaire with a large number of questions. For various reasons not all vendors returned a filled in questionnaire. The questions were covering the following areas: - Vendor Information General Product Information Interfaces and Communication Industry Experience MESA-11 Compliance S95 Compliance3. Technical Aspects This report contains an overview of the most important results as acquired from the answers of the vendors of in total 30 MES products (see table in Figure 1 on page 7). The vendors themselves did provide the answers to the list of questions. These answers, as far as they are used in this report, are copied unchanged from the vendors' reactions. The vendors indicated also to which extend their products support certain functionalities. For this the 11 functions defined by MESA were used. Also functions and information as defined in the S95 ANSI/ISA standard were part of the questionnaire. In chapter 4 this part is described in more detail. Acknowledgement The authors like to thank all vendors participating in this MES Product Survey. A special word of gratitude is for Julie Fraser, principal of Industry Directions Inc., who contributed to this report by writing the introductory chapter and some very valuable sections about trends in the MES market in the past few years that have changed the face of buying decisions. 1 2 3 Report "Overzicht MES-pakketten 2000/2001", CMG - MES Congres 2000, October 24, 2000 (in Dutch) Report "MES Vendor Survey 2001/2002", CMG, November 19, 2002 (in English) ANSI/ISA-95.00.01-2000 Copyright 2003, LogicaCMG 4 1 INTRODUCTION By Julie Fraser, Principal Industry Directions Inc. This CMG research study on the MES market is an important contribution to the industry and its potential for success. It provides comparative data on MES vendors and the products they offer, as well as information on project size and cost. Given that industries’ needs for MES vary greatly, and that each manufacturing plant may have different requirements for functionality, scalability, and vendor services, this study provides the most objective path to a short list for system selection. One of the toughest challenges companies have in MES selection lies in identifying the bestfit products. Some of the vendors included here do not call their products MES, even though they fit the definition. They may use a different category or concept name based on industry terminology and marketing positioning. Some of these companies also do not have a significant marketing presence outside their home countries, limiting their recognition by some plants. Relationships may also limit companies’ ease in identifying all of the appropriate MES products. In many cases, the manufacturer works with a controls vendor that offers MES software. In some cases, they may also work with a system consultant or enterprise software provider trained in just one MES. While the single-source is attractive, this research report provides a deep understanding of other products worthy of evaluation and comparison. Another challenge for those planning a project is scoping and setting a budget. This report also highlights some average costs for projects. Given that the number of employees using an MES system varies greatly from one plant to the next, the view of per-user costs is extremely valuable. It also helps readers understand that projects vary widely by industry. This assists not only in setting expectations, but also in drawing accurate conclusions about possible implementations based on vendor case studies. In addition to serving manufacturing companies and plant floor systems integrators and consultants, it also serves solution providers. As some research services have all but abandoned plant floor systems, this report shows that across Europe and North America, the MES market is healthy and provides significant choice. Further, it illustrates functional and technical differences between systems that help each MES player position themselves. It also lays a foundation for partnerships, mergers and acquisitions by providing an efficient mechanism for evaluating complementary technology and functionality. One criticism I have heard leveled at this research is that the vendor responses are not validated. While validated data might add some value, whether any given piece of functionality will work depends on the final use application. And it’s not feasible to validate functions for all possible uses. This research provides a starting point that can quickly narrow the field. Once the short list of providers is in hand, every company has the responsibility to carefully evaluate vendor claims and software fit as they pertain to the specific plant environment. In the nearly 20 years I have been involved in the MES and plant floor solutions marketplace, I have never seen a more comprehensive research study on this topic. The report supports all aspects of MES software selection, and covers more solution vendors than most. It also serves global manufacturing needs by covering solution vendors headquartered in many countries. Copyright 2003, LogicaCMG 5 2 2.1 MES PRODUCT SURVEY Objectives This MES Product Survey report may be of value to several groups of readers: End Users This report contains information for getting a first impression of the available products and their possible use. It will help potential consumers of MES to boil down the extensive offer of global MES Vendors down to a list of 5-10 Vendors worth a closer look. Criteria to be used could be Vendor Focus & Experience, or supported MESA functions, or the S95 score of the MES products. It reduces the cost for composing a shortlist and provides a framework for asking the right (local) Vendors for a first evaluation of their product. So, this information about the product and their functionality is not extensive at all. This survey is meant to hand over a long-list to future users as an orientation on the broad world of MES or as an aid on the first steps towards a selection of a suitable MES product. Vendors For the vendors this report provides a feed-back to their strategy and focus. Since the content of the questionnaire is based upon end users reactions also, it gives an impression of the trends in the market. CMG For CMG this survey delivers valuable information for giving better advises to our customers. During the past years we used this information in many consultancy projects. All We hope that the survey and the results thereof in this report will contribute to many successful implementations of MES. If you have any suggestions for next years' survey, please let us know ([email protected]) 2.2 Participants In the table on the next page all products and vendors involved in this survey are listed. Some participating vendors did not answer all questions, because certain information, e.g. financial data, markets shares and projects realized, were considered by them as confidential. The topics in this report are reflecting (nearly) all vendors or products unless otherwise indicated. Copyright 2003, LogicaCMG 6 No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Products Vendor 4C Suite Advantage Biceps Bizibit Suite Campaign Studio CMS ProCX-SpeCX DrinkSoft BPMS Easy Works Factelligence FACTORY works Failsafe HMS Suite InSite Live / Virtual Factory Manufacturing Pulse MWare OPTAL-mes PAS-X PI System Pinata Plant2Business PMX MES Proficy for Manufacturing PROMIS QIS RSBizWare Simatic IT Solumina SynQuest Solutions Teradyne-SCE Xfactory XFP nMetric Datasweep, Inc. Logica CP GmbH Bizibit NV Emerson Process Management Siemens Compex NV Prodac Systems Ltd. iTac Software GmbH CIMNET, Inc. Brooks Automation Mestec Ltd HMS Software, Inc. Camstar Systems Inc. Motorola PEC info OPTAL Ltd. Werum GmbH OSI Software, Inc. Hewlett Packard Citect Ply Ltd Propack Data GmbH Mountain Systems, Inc. Brooks-PRI QiSoft Ltd Rockwell Global Manufacturing Solutions Siemens IBASEt Synquest b.v. Teradyne, Inc. USDATA, Inc. Elan Software Systems Figure 1 Products and their Vendors Copyright 2003, LogicaCMG 7 3 ABOUT MES 3.1 MES Systems Decision efficiency Decision efficiency A Manufacturing Execution System or MES is according to the definition of APICS 4 an information and communication system for the production environment of a company. MES takes care of the translation between process information on the shop floor and the financial - logistical information in the office. However, MES is not only a translation layer. Its main purpose is to control and to improve all aspects that are influencing the production processes in order to achieve higher flexibility, lower production costs and thus more profit. Important functionality are production registration (data acquisition), production reporting and detailed planning/scheduling. Data Information Knowledge/Expertise sec. min. hour day month year Figure 2 MES: Use of Information and Communication Speed. In principle production and logistical processes in a company never are completely automated and they are changed quite often too. People are always in charge and will have to make decisions what to do next, how to act, etc. The quality of these decisions is determining the overall performance of the company. A MES is just an information provider. Data have no value in themselves. When they are structured and relations between the various items are clearly presented, then they become information and the meaning increases. As depicted in the left-hand side of Figure 2 the "decision efficiency" will increase dramatically when people are using this information in combination with their knowledge and experience. Than profit will be created! The value of the information also depends heavily on its timely availability. Although a company may have been very profitable, this does not automatically mean that the production efficiency was optimal. In production, the timely availability of information is essential to be able to react effectively to events, trends and problems. So the speed of communication is also important to the decision efficiency (right hand side of Figure 2 ). 4 APICS dictionary, Eighth Edition, p.47 Copyright 2003, LogicaCMG 8 3.2 MESA The MESA International 5 orgaization was formed in 1992 by leading Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES) vendors and system integrators. MESA is a not for profit tradeassociation whose mission was up to last year to serve the manufacturing operations and management community and to provide educational leadership on the application of Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES). This year MESA’s definition of MES and its mission have been changed. Now MES stands for Manufacturing Enterprise Systems including systems like ERP, Supply Chain Management and Customer Relationship Management as far as its functionality is relevant to the plant production. Important reason for this change is the increasing interfacing (and overlap) between these systems with Manufacturing Execution Systems. The association is now also open to Manufacturing Businesses, companies that process and/or supply materials to other manufacturers. MESA has defined the world wide known 11 functions of MES (see 3.4) and also promotes the spread and use of standards like S95. In this standard terms and models are clearly described, thus enabling a better understanding between vendors, system integrators and end users and a quicker achievement of better results for all involved. June 2002, MESA organized its annual international Conference in Boston. There were over 300 attendees from 12 different countries. The programme comprised about 45 different presentations. Besides the keynote and general sessions mainly covering the conference theme: “Creating competitive advantage through collaborative manufacturing” or trends, the parallel sessions were divided in the themes: - ROI/Case studies Enabling Collaborative Manufacturing Emerging trends in Collaborative Manufacturing Case studies for Process industries Case studies for Discrete industries Applying Collaborative Manufacturing Educational sessions Slideshows and video’s from most presentations are available on the MESA website. In 2001 the European Chapter of MESA was founded in order to support those, who are interested in MES or are using it already in that part of the world. On November 19-20, 2001 MESA Europe organized her first conference and exposition in Amsterdam with the title "MES - What to do when your ERP Fails: Practical Solutions using Manufacturing Execution Systems". For 2003 several event are planned. 3.3 Other Initiatives Within other organisations MES is also in the picture. Organisations like the ISA, are still working on their S95 standard on MES. Recently they announced to develop a new standard for security issues with regard to MES and shop floor systems. 5 Copyright 2003, LogicaCMG 9 Within Europe there’s the NAMUR, who is also still working on standardization issues like interfacing between several workfloor and business systems. In Europe there are also some initiatives for certain kinds of industries, an example for the Pharmaceutical industries is the GACH (Germany, Austria Switzerland) network. 3.4 MESA Functions In MESA the following “Honey-Comb” is used for positioning the 11 MES functions: Operations/ Detailed Sequencing Resource Allocation & Status Dispatching Production Document Control Units Product Tracking & Genealogy Labour Management Performance Analysis Maintenance Management Quality Management Process Management Data Collection & Acquisition Figure 3 The MESA-11 Honey-Comb. Function 1. Resource Allocation and Status 2. Operations / Detail Scheduling 3. Dispatching Production Units Description Manages resources including machines, tools labor skills, materials, other equipment, and other entities such as documents that must be available in order for work to start at the operation. It provides detailed history of resources and insures that equipment is properly set up for processing and provides status real time. The management of these resources includes reservation and dispatching to meet operation scheduling objectives. Provides sequencing based on priorities, attributes, characteristics, and/or recipes associated with specific production units at an operation such as shape of color sequencing or other characteristics which, when scheduled in sequence properly, minimize setup. It is finite and it recognizes alternative and overlapping/parallel operations in order to calculate in detail exact time or equipment loading and adjust to shift patterns. Manages flow of production units in the form of jobs, orders, batches, lots, and work orders. Dispatch information is presented in sequence in which the work needs to be done and changes in real time as events occur on the factory floor. It has the ability to alter prescribed schedule on the factory floor. Rework and salvage processes are available, as well as the ability to control the amount of work in process at any point with buffer management. Copyright 2003, LogicaCMG 10 Function 4. Document Control Description Controls records/forms that must be maintained with the production unit, including work instructions, recipes, drawings, standard operation procedures, part programs, batch records, engineering change notices, shift-to-shift communication, as well as the ability to edit “as planned” and “as built” information. It sends instructions down to the operations, including providing data to operators or recipes to device controls. It would also include the control and integrity of environmental, health and safety regulations, and ISO information such as Corrective Action procedures. Storage of historical data. 5. Data This function provides an interface link to obtain the intra-operational production and Collection/Acq parametric data which populate the forms and records which were attached to the uisition production unit. The data may be collected from the factory floor either manually or automatically from equipment in an up-to-the-minute time frame. 6. Labor Provides status of personnel in and up-to-the-minute time frame. Includes time and Management attendance reporting, certification tracking, as well as the ability to track indirect activities such as material preparation or tool room work as a basis for activity based costing. It may interact with resource allocation to determine optimal assignments. 7. Quality Provides real time analysis of measurements collected from manufacturing to assure Management proper product quality control and to identify problems requiring attention. It may recommend action to correct the problem, including correlating the symptom, actions and results to determine the cause. May include SPC/SQC tracking and management of off-line inspection operations and analysis in laboratory information management system (LIMS) could also be included. 8. Process Monitors production and either automatically corrects or provides decision support to Management operators for correcting and improving in-process activities. These activities may be intra-operational and focus specifically on machines or equipment being monitored and controlled as well as inter-operational, which is tracking the process from one operation to the next. It may include alarm management to make sure factory person(s) are aware of process changes which are outside acceptable tolerances. It provides interfaces between intelligent equipment and MES possible through Data Collection/Acquisition. 9. Maintenance Tracks and directs the activities to maintain the equipment and tools to insure their Management availability for manufacturing and insure scheduling for periodic or preventive maintenance as well as the response (alarms) to immediate problems. It maintains a history of past events or problems to aide in diagnosing problems. 10. Product Provides the visibility to where work is at all times and its disposition. Status Tracking and information may include who is working on it; components materials by supplier, lot, Genealogy serial number, current production conditions, and any alarms, rework, or other exceptions related to the product. The on-line tracking function creates a historical record, as well. This record allows traceability of components and usage of each end product. 11. Performance Provides up-to-the-minute reporting of actual manufacturing operations results along Analysis with the comparison to past history and expected business result. Performance results include such measurements as resource utilization, resource availability, product unit cycle time, conformance to schedule and performance to standards. May include SPC/SQL. Draws on information gathered from different functions that measure operating parameters. These results may be prepared as a report or presented online as current evaluation of performance. Figure 4 The Original Description of the MESA-11 (See a.o. White Paper 2). Copyright 2003, LogicaCMG 11 ANSI/ISA S95 6STANDARD 4 4.1 Introduction The integration of manufacturing systems with business systems is a challenging problem. The ISA SP95 committee developed the S95 Enterprise-Control System Integration Standard to solve this problem. The SP95 committee members originate from all parties involved in the realisation of MES in practice: vendors, end users and system integrators. In fact this standard consist out of three parts: - Part 1: Models and Terminology (Approved 15 July 2000) Part 2: Object Model Attributes (Approved 17 October 2001) Part 3: Models of Manufacturing Operations (Draft) Part 1 has recently become an IEC/ISO international standard as well (IEC/ISO 62264-1). The subject of the standard is commonly known as MES. It contains a description of: - The boundaries of the Enterprise-Control System General functions within the boundaries Interfaces to the boundaries Internal elements and their interrelations S95 uses a functional hierarchy as depicted in Figure 5 defining the various levels at which decisions are made. The levels 0, 1 and 2 define the cell or line supervision functions, operation functions and process control functions. These levels are not included in the standard. The S95 standard comprises the functions in level 3 and the interface between level 3 and 4. Level 4 Plant Production Scheduling, Operational Management, etc Level 3 Manufacturing Operations & Control Dispatching Production, Detailed Production Scheduling, Reliability Assurance, ... Levels 2,1,0 Figure 5 4.2 Business Planning & Logistics Batch Control Continuous Control Discrete Control Functional Hierarchy (S95). Functional Data Flow Model An important part of the standard is the functional data flow model (Clause 6 of Part 1). It describes the functions of an enterprise, that are involved with the manufacturing. Next to that it presents the information flows between those functions, that cross the enterprisecontrol interface. For this the Purdue Reference Model is used as basis. 6 ANSI/ISA-95.00.01-2000 Copyright 2003, LogicaCMG 12 Order Processing (1.0) Product Cost Accounting (8.0) Product Inventory Control(7.0) Production Scheduling (2.0) Material and Energy Control (4.0) Procurement (5.0) Figure 6 Product Shipping Admin (9.0) Production Control (3.0) Maintenance Management (10.0) Quality Assurance (6.0) Research Development & Engineering Marketing & Sales Purdue Reference Model (S95). On the highest level the functional model comprises 12 areas of activity. Between those areas information is exchanged depicted in Figure 6 with the arrows. The grey area is representing the Enterprise-Control area (MES area). By splitting up the functions into subfunctions with the corresponding information flows, dividing them into sub-sub-functions etc. all activities within the enterprise can be described in the model. Dependent on the objectives more aggregated models or very detailed ones are used. Of course for selecting MES products for a short list a more general model will be sufficient. But for the final decision and the delivery of the proof that a specific software product does fit to the production organisation detailed industry specific models are necessary. 4.3 Expected Benefits S95 provides a standard terminology and a consistent set of concepts and models. According to the S95 Committee the improved communications between all parties involved will produce the following benefits: - Enabling users to identify their needs better Reduction of the time needed by users to reach full production levels for new products Reduction of cost of automating manufacturing processes Optimise supply chains Reduction of life-cycle engineering efforts Enabling vendors to supply appropriate integration tools Copyright 2003, LogicaCMG 13 4.4 Impact on MES Users At the MESA Conference in June 2002 in Boston CMG presented a paper on "S95 and Its Impact on MES Users" (see also: Three groups of users can be distinguished: industrial users, vendors and system integrators. Industrial Users In the table below a comparison is made between the S95 Standard and the equivalent in real life as seen by the industrial users. S95 Hierarchy Model: - scheduling & control - equipment Functional Data Flow Model - functions and information flows Object Model General terminology, applicable to all Figure 7 Industrial Users Departments: - in many cases no hierarchy - sometimes S88 for equipment Organisational Stuctures ??? (there is no equivalent) Own language and specific terminology Comparison S95 Standard and real life of the user It is clear that there are at least some translation difficulties and that a bridge between the two worlds is required in order to let the end user really benefit of this standard. Vendors For the vendors the S95 standard brings great benefits. It provides a better understanding what to deliver. The availability of the Hierarchy Models, Functional Data Flow Model and Object Models enables a better scoping and content. Insight in the grey elements in the area between ERP and MES results in better interfaces. There will also be a better fit with "best of breed" solutions that can be used as additional modules. System Integrators The experience of the consultants and System Integrators indicates that the S95 really works. They use it as a basis for development of Reference Models for specific Branches. These reference models are useful because of the required bridging between S95 and the daily world of the end users. Conclusion It can be concluded that the S95 Standard is an important step forward. It provides an opportunity and a challenge for vendors and system integrators to introduce better tools for the end users with which the expected benefits (see 4.3) can be achieved. Figure 8 Bridging the Gap between S95 and the End Users. Copyright 2003, LogicaCMG 14 4.5 Questions about S95 Compliancy For getting an impression of the compliancy of the products with the ANSI/ISA S95 standard questions were asked about: - Major functions Information they generate or modify as they are described in the Purdue Reference Model (see Figure 6 ) of the EnterpriseControl system or MES area: - - Production Scheduling (2.0) Production Control (3.0) - Process Support Engineering (3.1) - Operations Control (3.2) - Operations Planning (3.3) Material and Energy Control (4.0) Quality Assurance (6.0) Product Inventory Control (7.0) Product Cost Accounting (8.0) Maintenance Management (10.0) Because of its central role for Production Control the functions and information of 1 level deeper in the hierarchy are used for the questionnaire. By this a list is composed of 52 functions and 41 information flows generated or modified by these functions. The vendors were asked to indicate: - Support of the listed functions in their product (on a scale of 1 - 6) Support of the generation/change of the listed information flows Availability of interfaces for the listed information flow The answers provided to all these questions are listed in Annex B. Copyright 2003, LogicaCMG 15 5 RESULTS OF THE QUESTIONNAIRE 5.1 Introduction The answers given by the vendors are providing relevant information with respect to aspects that might be important for reducing the number of suitable solutions in a MES selection process, as: - Production Typology Vendors’ Focus on Market Segments Experience with the Product (projects) Platforms (Operating Systems) Database Management Systems Technology Architectural Aspects Availability of Helpdesk Support Languages Incident Management Internal Quality Assurance Systems CFR 21 part 11 Compliancy MESA-11 Compliance S95 Compliance In some graphs a comparison is being made with results of surveys in previous years. These comparisons are just a global indication. The current CMG's survey differs on several aspects from the previous surveys with respect to the content as well as to the products involved. 5.2 Production Typology The production processes can be divided into a number of typologies. In this survey the following production typologies were used: - Continuous Process Batch / Semi Process Make to Stock (standard products in mass) Make to Order Engineer to Order In Figure 9 on the next page it seems that there are since 2001 less products for the batch and semi process industry than in 2000. However, compared to the years before in 2001 the number of North American vendors (and products) has become larger. In that part of the world MES is applied relatively more in the discrete production than in the batch / semi process environment. This has influenced the policy of the vendors. All this results in, relatively (!) less products dedicated to the batch / semi process industry. The results for 2002 are more or less the same as in last year, except for a significant growth in the number of supporting products for Engineer to Order and a somewhat smaller growth for support of continuous processing. Copyright 2003, LogicaCMG 16 100 2000 90 81 80 81 2001 71 2002 70 55 60 50 35 40 30 20 10 0 Continuous Process Figure 9 Batch / Semi Process Make to Stock Make to Order Engineer to Order Relative Product Support per Production Typology (in %). Supported: score >= 5 4C Suite Xfactory XFP Teradyne-SCE SynQuest 5 4 Advantage Biceps Bizibit Suite Campaign Studio 3 Solumina Simatic IT RSBizWare CMS ProCX-SpeCX 2 DrinkSoft BPMS 1 Easy Works 0 QIS Factelligence PROMIS FACTORYworks Proficy Failsafe PMX MES HMS Suite Plant2Business Pinata PI System PAS-X InSite Live Mnfg Pulse MWare OPTAL-mes Figure 10 Number of supported Production Typologies per Product. It seems that in comparison with last years' survey more products are focussing their support to a limited number of production typologies. Many products are offering functionalities for more than one production typology. In Figure 10 it is shown that 74.2% of the products are supporting at least 3 different typologies. Last year this was higher: 81%. Supporting does mean in this case that the vendor indicated the suitability of the product with a score of 5 or higher on a scale from 1 to 6. Details about the way these scores should be interpreted can be found in section 7.3. Copyright 2003, LogicaCMG 17 Product Cont. Process 4C Suite X Advantage X Biceps X Bizibit Suite Campaign Studio CMS ProCX-SpeCX DrinkSoft BPMS X Easy Works Factelligence X FACTORY works Failsafe HMS Suite InSite Live Manufacturing Pulse MWare OPTAL-mes PAS-X X PI System X Pinata Plant2Business X PMX MES Proficy for Manufacturing X PROMIS QIS X RSBizWare Simatic IT X Solumina SynQuest Solutions Teradyne-SCE Xfactory XFP Figure 11 Supported Typologies per Product. Copyright 2003, LogicaCMG Batch / Semi Process X X X Standard Product in Mass Make to Order Engineer to Order X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 18 5.3 Focus of Vendors on Market Segments In the questionnaire 18 market segments were defined. In the table below the answers of the vendors are depicted to the question: "Is your product developed for use in specific branches or are you focussing at specific branches to sell licenses of your product?". X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Figure 12 Market Focus per Product. Copyright 2003, LogicaCMG X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Semiconductors Pharmaceutical Petrochemical Paper & Pulp X X X X X X X Press & Printing X X Plastics & Rubber X X X X Mining Machinery & Tool Home & Pers.Care Heavy Metals X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Food & Beverage X X Fine Chemicals X X X X X X X Electronics Bulk Chemicals X X Building & Infra X X Cons.Packed Goods 4C Suite Advantage Biceps Bizibit Suite Campaign Stud. CMS ProCX-Sp. DrinkSoft BPMS Easy Works Factelligence FACTORYworks Failsafe HMS Suite InSite Live Mnfg Pulse Mware OPTAL-mes PAS-X PI System Pinata Plant2Business PMX MES Proficy PROMIS QIS RSBizWare Simatic IT Solumina SynQuest Sol. Teradyne-SCE Xfactory XFP Automotive Products Aerosp. & Defense It is clear that some vendors are really focussing on a limited number of market segments while others seem to have a broader interest. In the table below and in Figure 13 on the next page the focus per branche is depicted. From that it appears that electronics, pharmaceutical industry, food and beverage, automotive, aerospace and defense and Consumer Packed Goods have got the highest priority of the vendors. X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 19 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 Figure 13 5.4 Mining Petrochemical Press & Printing Home & Pers.Care Building & Infra Plastics & Rubber Paper & Pulp Fine Chemicals Bulk Chemicals Heavy Metals Semiconductors Machinery & Tool Cons.Pack.Goods Aerosp. & Defense Pharmaceutical Food & Beverage Electronics Automotive 0 Focus of the Vendors per Market Segment (number of vendors/products). Projects per Industry Segment In the questionnaire the vendors where asked how many projects are realised with their products until now and their expectations for next year. No distinction is made to the size of the projects! Based on the answers of 25 vendors (out of 31) the graph below gives an impression how these projects are divided over the various markets. Others Home & Pers.Care Semiconductors Press & Printing Plastics & Rubber Mining Building & Infrastructure Machinery & Tooling Automotive Aerospace & Defense Heavy Metal Industries Electronics Cons.Pack.Goods Food and Beverage Paper & Pulp Bulk Chemicals Pharmaceutical Fine Chemicals Petrochemical 0 Figure 14 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 Number of Projects per Industry Segment until Now (2002 is estimated). Copyright 2003, LogicaCMG 20 5.5 Platforms Nearly all products are supporting (still) Windows NT on Intel. The number of applications on Windows 2000, doubled last year, is now even better supported than Windows NT (see Figure 16 ). Windows XP is a possibility for about 52% of all products. If Windows XP is supported then application of Windows 2000 and NT (Intel) is always possible. That may lead to the assumption, that the use of the new specific Windows XP functionality might be rather limited. Product Win NT 4.0 (Intel) Win NT 4.0 (Alpha) 4C Suite X Advantage X X Biceps X Bizibit Suite X Campaign Studio X CMS ProCX-SpeCX X X DrinkSoft BPMS X X Easy Works X X Factelligence X FACTORY works Failsafe X HMS Suite X X InSite Live X Manufacturing Pulse MWare X OPTAL-mes X PAS-X X X PI System X X Pinata X Plant2Business PMX MES X Proficy for Mnfg X PROMIS QIS X X RSBizWare X Simatic IT X Solumina X SynQuest Solutions X Teradyne-SCE X X Xfactory X XFP X X Figure 15 Supported Platforms per Product. Copyright 2003, LogicaCMG Win 2000 Win XP X X X X X X X X X X Unix Linux AS400 Open VMS X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 21 The support of Unix remains more or less stable at about 45% of the products. Although some vendors were stating last year that their product would be operating on Linux in the future, this is not noticeable in the responses. The support for this platform is still limited to about 10%. The support for the AS/400 and the Open VMS are also rather low. 100 2000 90 2001 80 2002 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 NT-4 Intel NT-4 Alpha Win 2000 Win XP Unix Linux AS/400 Open VMS Figure 16 Supported Platforms (%). 5.6 Databases In Figure 17 is shown that Oracle and SQL Server are dominant at the supported database systems. DB2 may be used for just over 10% of the products, the other databases only in a few percent. 100 2000 90 2001 80 2002 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Oracle SQL-server Progress Informix Ingress Sybase DB/2 Figure 17 Supported Databases (%). Copyright 2003, LogicaCMG 22 In the table in the figure below the support of the various database systems is listed. Product Oracle 4C Suite X Advantage X Biceps X Bizibit Suite X Campaign Studio CMS ProCX-SpeCX X DrinkSoft BPMS X Easy Works X Factelligence X FACTORY works X Failsafe X HMS Suite X InSite Live X Manufacturing Pulse X Mware X OPTAL-mes PAS-X X PI System X Pinata X Plant2Business X PMX MES X Proficy for Manufacturing PROMIS X QIS RSBizWare X Simatic IT Solumina X SynQuest Solutions X Teradyne-SCE X Xfactory X XFP X Figure 18 Supported Databases per Product. Copyright 2003, LogicaCMG SQL server Progress Informix Ingres Sybase X X X X DB/2 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 23 5.7 Technology The applied (communication) technologies for each product are given in the table below. Product Active X Com+ Dcom 4C Suite X Advantage X X X Biceps Bizibit Suite X X X Campaign Studio X X X CMS ProCX-SpeCX X X DrinkSoft BPMS Easy Works X Factelligence X X X FACTORY works Failsafe X HMS Suite InSite Live X X X Manufacturing Pulse X MWare X X X OPTAL-mes X PAS-X X PI System X X X Pinata X Plant2Business PMX MES X X X Proficy for Mnfg. X X X PROMIS QIS X RSBizWare X X X Simatic IT X X X Solumina X X SynQuest Solutions X X X Teradyne-SCE Xfactory X X X XFP X X Figure 19 Applied Technologies per Product. DNA dotNet ODBC X X X X X X X OLE OPC X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X XML X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Out of the graph on the next page it becomes clear that many vendors of MES products have chosen to apply the modern techniques (dominated by Microsoft). This enables the exchange of data and interaction of functionality between different MES applications and Front Office packages. No numbers are given in Figure 20 for OLE, ODBC and XML for the year 2000, because they were not in that years' questionnaire. DotNet was added this year. Copyright 2003, LogicaCMG 24 100 2000 90 2001 80 2002 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 ActiveX Com+ Dcom DNA dotNet ODBC OLE OPC XML Figure 20 Applied Technologies (%). 5.8 Architecture The answers on the questions about architectural aspects indicated that nearly all products are based on client/server technology. The performance related aspects as distributed architecture and load balancing scored significantly less than last year. Getting access to the application is considered important. Over 77% of the products are web-enabled and provide support for thin clients. 100 2000 90 2001 80 2002 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Client/Server Distributed Architecture Load Balancing Thin Client Web Enabled Figure 21 Architectural Aspects (%). Copyright 2003, LogicaCMG 25 Client / server Product 4C Suite X Advantage Biceps X Bizibit Suite X Campaign Studio X CMS ProCX-SpeCX X DrinkSoft BPMS X Easy Works X Factelligence FACTORY works X Failsafe X HMS Suite X InSite Live X Manufacturing Pulse X Mware X OPTAL-mes X PAS-X X PI System X Pinata X Plant2Business X PMX MES X Proficy for Manufacturing X PROMIS X QIS X RSBizWare X Simatic IT X Solumina X SynQuest Solutions X Teradyne-SCE Xfactory X XFP X Figure 22 Architecture Aspects per Product. Copyright 2003, LogicaCMG Distributed architecture Load balancing X X X X X X X X X X Thin client Web-enabling X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 26 5.9 Helpdesk Support Quite important is the availability of support by the vendors or their partners. In the table below the availability of helpdesk support in the major parts of the world is listed. Also indicated is whether this support can be provided 24 hours per day and 7 days per week. It is clearly shown that almost all vendors have organised helpdesk support in North America and Europe. In most cases this support is available day and night. Product North America South America 4C Suite X* Advantage X* * Biceps Bizibit Suite Campaign Studio X* CMS ProCX-SpeCX X* DrinkSoft BPMS X* X Easy Works X* Factelligence X* FACTORY works X Failsafe HMS Suite X* InSite Live X* Manufacturing Pulse X Mware X OPTAL-mes X PAS-X X* X* PI System X* X* Plant2Business X X Pinata X* X* PMX MES X* X* Proficy for Manufacturing X* PROMIS X* QIS X* * RSBizWare X* X* Simatic IT X Solumina X* * SynQuest Solutions X Teradyne-SCE X* Xfactory X X XFP X Figure 23 Helpdesk (X) and 24/7 Support (*) per Product. Copyright 2003, LogicaCMG Europe X* X X* X X* X* X* X X X* X* X X X X* X* X X* X* X* X* X* X * X X* X X* Middle East & Africa Asia & Pacific * X* X X* X* X X* X X* X* X X* X* * X* X * X X X* X* X* X* X* * X* * X* X X 27 5.10 Languages X X X X X X X X X X X X X Factelligence X FACTORY works Failsafe HMS Suite X X X InSite Live X X X X X X X X X X X Manufacturing Pulse Mware OPTAL-mes PAS-X PI System Pinata X User own Language DBCS X X X X X X X X Full NLS Product 4C Suite Advantage Biceps Bizibit Suite Campaign Studio CMS ProCX-SpeCX DrinkSoft BPMS Easy Works Multi Language The table in Figure 24 contains information about the support of the product of more than one language. The column “Multi Language” is self explaining. “Full NLS” stands for full National Language Support. It means that the product identifies the language in which the user works, retrieves strings, representing times, dates, etc. formatted correctly for the specified language and location. It also provides support for keyboard layouts and languagespecific fonts. “DBCS” indicates if the product supports the use of so called Double-Byte Characters. This is necessary for using languages like Chinese and Japanese. X X X X X X Spanish, English, Chinese. Toolkit to support all languages. no restrictions English, German, Polish, Portuguese Dutch, French, English, German English, German, French to be supported English, Dutch, French, German, Spanish, Italian English, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Swedish, Hebrew Languages are being added as we go and often by the user. We have done French, English, Hungarian and Spanish. Users can manage their own language resource tables. English, Japanese, Chinese English, French currently English, Japanese, Spanish (Castillian and Latin American), >>German, Dutch, French English, Dutch, German, French, Korean, Japanese… English, French English, German, French X X Plant2Business List of Languages English, German, French, Russian, Spanish, Japanese Palo/Arbitro quality systems have customizable languages that support any language. Pinata MES is largely icon-based, but some aspects are english-based. X PMX MES X X Proficy for Mnfg. X X X PROMIS X X X Due to external message-catalogues each language is supported: German, English, French, Italian, Dutch, Spanish, Japanese, Chinese. All others upon request. English, French, German, Dutch, Danish, Spanish, Portuguese, Swedish English, German, Hebrew, Japanese, Simplified Chinese,Big 5 Standard Chinese, QIS RSBizWare Simatic IT Solumina SynQuest Solutions Teradyne-SCE X X X X English, Spanish, French, Dutch X X X X X Xfactory X X X X English, Spanish, German English, French, Spanish, German, Italian English. Other languages available upon request. X X XFP X X X Figure 24 Supported Languages per Product. Copyright 2003, LogicaCMG English, French, German, Italian All Unicode character sets supported English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Japanese Configurable for any Microsoft supported language. English, German, French, Spanish, Hungarian, Italian, Finnish 28 5.11 Internal Quality Systems Although not obliged some of the vendors are using internal quality systems in order to improve the control of their own production processes and services. Most well known examples of such systems are ISO9000 and SEI/CMM of which recently a new version was released. Especially in Europe more and more potential end users prefer to work together with vendors that have such an internal quality system preferably a certified one. The answers of the vendors concerning the application of an internal quality system are listed in the table below. About 80% is using such a quality system. Just over the half of them is assessed or certified (45.2% of the products). But only 8 vendors (25.8%) do have a valid certificate for their internal quality system. Internal Quality System Product 4C Suite Advantage Biceps Bizibit Suite Campaign Studio CMS ProCX-SpeCX DrinkSoft BPMS Easy Works Factelligence FACTORY works Failsafe HMS Suite InSite Live Manufacturing Pulse Mware OPTAL-mes PAS-X PI System Pinata Plant2Business PMX MES Proficy for Manufacturing PROMIS QIS RSBizWare Simatic IT Solumina SynQuest Solutions Teradyne-SCE Xfactory XFP Figure 25 Internal Quality Systems. Copyright 2003, LogicaCMG ISO / CMM Own Assessed/Certified Valid Certificate X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 29 5.12 Validation and Regulatory Compliance One of the most well known regulations is opposed by the American Food and Drugs Association (FDA). Already since august 20th 1997 working under FDA regulations means you are obligated to comply with "21 CFR part 11". In 1999 FDA announces that this code will have their special attention during audits. They expect companies to have a statement containing their current compliance state and a roadmap of how the company will implement complete compliance. Deployed in Regulated Environment (FDA) Developed according GAMP 21 CFR part 11 Compliant Validation Dossier Available X X X X X X X X X X X X Product 4C Suite Advantage X Biceps X Bizibit Suite Campaign Studio X CMS ProCX-SpeCX X DrinkSoft BPMS Easy Works Factelligence X FACTORY works X Failsafe HMS Suite InSite Live Manufacturing Pulse Mware X OPTAL-mes PAS-X X PI System X Pinata Plant2Business PMX MES X Proficy for Manufacturing X PROMIS X QIS X RSBizWare X Simatic IT X Solumina X SynQuest Solutions Teradyne-SCE X Xfactory X XFP X Figure 26 Validation and Regulatory Compliance. Copyright 2003, LogicaCMG X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 30 "21 CFR part 11" is also about electronic records and electronic signatures! Any combination of text, graphics, data, audio, pictorial, or other information representation in digital form that is created, modified, maintained, archived, retrieved or distributed under any records requirements set forth in FDA regulations is submitted to this code. The purpose of this code is to create the opportunity for the FDA and the pharmaceutical industry to improve operational efficiencies and to reduce paperwork. It will also force companies to improve the integrity of data in existing systems. GAMP is a widely used, internationally accepted, guideline for validation of computer systems. It helps organisations to develop: validated and compliant automated systems using the concept of prospective validation following a life cycle model procedures to ensure the automated system remains in a validated state once it is validated and in operation - Nearly 55% of the products is compliant to "21 CFR part 11" according to their vendors, while over 61% of the products are already deployed in a regulated production environment. These figures are corresponding with the focus of 15 vendors on the pharmaceutical market (see also Figure 13 on page 20). 5.13 MESA-11 Compliance As in the previous reports the vendors have validated their products against the 11 MESA functions for each of the 5 industry typologies (see 5.2). The average scores of all vendors over all industry typologies that the product is supporting are presented in Figure 27 . On the right hand side the relative average support of the functions is indicated, based upon the definitions in section 7.3. 6 80-100% 5 60-80% 4 40-60% 3 20-40% 2 0-20% Performance Analysis Product Tracking & Genealogy Maintenance Management Process Management Quality Management Labor Management Data Collection / Acquisition Document Control Dispatching Production Units Operations / Detail Scheduling Resource Allocation & Status 1 Figure 27 Average scores MESA 11 compliance per product over all supported areas. Copyright 2003, LogicaCMG 31 5.14 S95 Compliance The average scores of 27 vendors per functional areas and the corresponding information are depicted in Figure 28 . Except for four (4), all vendors did provide answers to the questions related to the S95 Compliance. Summarising it can be concluded, as in last years’ survey, that: - Best supported are: - Operations Control (3.2) - Operations Planning (3.3) - Quality Assurance (6.0) - Less supported are: - Product Cost Accounting (9.0) - Maintenance Management (10.0) - Production Scheduling Informations are also well available. - The scores for a functional area and its related information are not always the same, e.g. Production Scheduling. - None of the products is fully S95 compliant yet. - Better, because more detailed, tool for MES product comparisons than the MESA-11 only. - S95 is a good basis for Reference Models for specific Branches. Functions Informations 6 80-100% 40-60% 3 20-40% 2 0-20% Quality Assurance (6.0) Material & Energy (4.0) Operations Planning (3.3) Operations Control (3.2) Process Suppurt Eng. (3.1) Production Scheduling (2.0) 1 Maintenance Mngt (10.0) 4 Product Cost Accounting (8.0) 60-80% Product Inventory (7.0) 5 Figure 28 Average scores S95 Compliance per area. On the righthand side of the graph the relative support of the functions and informations according to the definitions in section 7.3 are indicated. The detailed information on the scores of the products for compliance to the S95 Functions and Informations are listed in Annex B. Copyright 2003, LogicaCMG 32 6 6.1 OBSERVATIONS AND TRENDS MES products more mature The term MES is introduced in the early nineties in the US. The principles of MES are much older. They were already present in the term Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM) that was in focus around 1985. Especially in recent years the MES products became more mature with respect to functionality, to the implemented techniques and the use in real practice. So, they are becoming more and more applicable. The MES market is becoming more mature also. At the MESA Conference in Boston Bill Swanton (AMR ) stated: "MES is almost a teenager". Although growth rates are decreasing from about 25% in 1998 to approximately 5% in 2001, AMR foresees a growth the years to come. The mergers and acquisitions during the last few years are also an indication of a more mature market, consolidating its products. 6.2 Mergers & Acquisitions 7 Perhaps the most interesting trend, particularly for global manufacturers, is the acquisition of MES companies and products by major industrial controls suppliers8. Being part of a Global 500 company certainly reduces the risk of a long-term relationship for mission-critical software. These global companies often already have personnel knowledgeable about and local to most of the plants. Local distributor networks will have varying understanding of plantwide issues and the MES product lines. Even direct employee offices of these major control companies will provide varying levels of capability. Most are hardware companies at their core, and learning to sell and support plantwide software effectively is a major departure. However, as they assimilate these businesses, they are working to build out their worldwide MES knowledge. In some cases, two plant floor software companies have merged. This can broaden either the functionality, the industry breadth, or both. In some cases, the functionality expands deeper toward controls, in others toward the supply chain through plant scheduling. Another facet of mergers & acquisitions has appeared in the form of product companies acquiring service firms to provide single point of contact projects. All of these serve buyers by increasing company size as well as providing one source for more of the plant solution set. 6.3 Functional Shift 9 A number of factors have come together to shift the focus of MES functionality, also. The increasing emphasis on supply chain effectiveness and customer responsiveness is one of these factors. The increasing use of outsourced manufacturing and increased reliance on suppliers plus globalization are further business realities that affect what companies want from MES. Another factor is the Internet, which has set new expectations for data accessibility and distribution. Yet another is the current difficult economy, in which companies 7 By Julie Fraser, Principal Industry Directions Inc. Invensys bought Foxboro; Wonderware and Baan; Rockwell, already had its own suite but also bought Propack Data; Siemens, already had its own suite but also bought Orsi and Compex; ABB , already had its own suite, but also bought Base10; Honeywell bought POMS; Teradyne bought Genrad; GE Fanuc bought Intellution from Emerson 9 By Julie Fraser, Principal Industry Directions Inc. 8 Copyright 2003, LogicaCMG 33 are focused on cost saving opportunities, yet investing only in small projects with a rapid projected time to benefit. Manufacturers have realized that they compete as supply chains, and that production is a key element for keeping customer service levels high. In a supply chain, each plant is just one element, acting as customer for certain materials and subassemblies and supplying others. As a result, the MES systems are being asked to provide real-time insight into plant operations for buyers in procurement, customer service and sales representatives, and distribution and logistics managers as well as their traditional users inside the plant. Outsourcing and increased reliance on suppliers of all sorts makes sense, but reduces control and visibility into operations. As OEMs strive to promise customer orders more accurately and as contract manufacturers and suppliers compete to become extensions of these companies, MES systems are being asked to deliver information outside the company firewall. In many cases, the MES is also being asked to feed into supplier scorecard applications. This requires that data be transformed into information about plant performance on quality, delivery, cost, and other product and process parameters. Plant Intelligence functions are increasingly common for MES. The Internet has enabled MES suppliers to provide plant information to other systems and users more easily. The mechanism to distribute information to non-plant users and to outsourcing customers is usually a web-based interface into the MES. Internet visibility into MES also allows global operations and supply chains to stay synchronized more easily. The data is easily accessible at any time, in real-time. Reducing the need for people to reach another human being in a different time zone who speaks a different native language can greatly increase efficiency and reduce misunderstandings and delays. 6.4 MES: a necessity for Supply Chain Management Especially right now MES is in the spotlights, because it enables a better control of the own production processes. That is one of the most important issues to be able to play an adequate role in the supply chain. An enterprise is not alone, but its objective is to satisfy their customers in co-operation with suppliers and direct consumers and at the same time make a proper profit. If a company does not control its own production processes with respect to flexibility and costs the partners in de supply chain will look for somebody else. Especially these two aspects, flexibility and production costs, are most important for using MES. Once all involved in the supply chain are really in control of their own and collaborating processes, the competition will shift to a battle between different supply chains processing the same kind of goods. In Europe these competing supply chains exist already for many years in agricultural businesses. Large co-operations are controlling complete chains from raising chickens to distribution of egg products to retail, from cattle improvement via dairy to production of pharmaceutical ingredients from what the dairy companies have left over from their cheese production. Copyright 2003, LogicaCMG 34 6.5 Marking out with other systems As depicted in Figure 29 MES is not the only information system involved. Several other systems might be installed with which information has to be exchanged. This figure also shows, that there is no sharp border between the various systems. They are overlapping. SSM SCM ERP MES P/PE Controls MES SSM SCM ERP P/PE Controls Source: MESA International Manufacturing Execution Systems Sales & Service Management Supply Chain Management Enterprise Resource Planning Product and Process Engineering PLC, DCS, Line and Machine Control Figure 29 Context Information Systems. Based upon the specific situation of the end user a choice has to be made which products (systems) can be installed best and where the borders have to be drawn. A standard connection between MES products and ERP systems is in most cases available. There are many successful implementations of these interfaces already. 6.6 Best of breed versus integrated solutions MES can be realised with one integrated product, but also by using a number of packages precisely tuned to each other. In Annex A of this report it is shown that some MES products are not supporting some specific functionalities at all. In particular this concerns: - Operations / Detailed Scheduling Document Control Labour Management Quality Management Maintenance Management Especially for these functions there are "best of breed" solutions available, which are based on state-of-the-art (communication) technologies. Because of that these products easily fit in a complete MES solution. There are also MES vendors, who are buying producers of best-of-breed products and integrate that solution and/or knowledge and experience into their own product. Copyright 2003, LogicaCMG 35 6.7 Better integration by up-to-date technology In order to make optimal use of the fast progressing technological developments the market is asking for standardisation of information systems. This is also valid for MES products. Although much has to be done on this aspect, vendors are already anticipating to this demand by implementing up-to-date technology in their products. For example, more often information from the MES products is available via the Intranet and or Internet. Also a tendency can be observed towards a limited number of platforms and database systems. This enables a better integration between systems and products. Copyright 2003, LogicaCMG 36 7 7.1 DETAILS PER PRODUCT Report on All Products Annex A of this report contains detailed information for each of the 31 products. It consists out of the sections: • Header - Name and version of the product - Name of the vendor • MESA-11 Compliance In this section 5 spider web graphs are drawn. These are providing at a glance per production typology to which extent the product meets the MESA-11 functionality. Depending on the requirements of the end user related to a specific function, it is easy to detect which product might be interesting for the own situation. The graphs are meant to give a global impression quickly about the products' suitability for a certain industry typology. The vendors were asked to give a score on a scale from 1 to 6 according to the criteria listed in section 7.3. • Product Details The first table on the second page per product/vendor contains information about: - Release date of the product (as used for this report) - Homepage of the Vendor - Supported platforms - Supported database systems - Applied technologies - Architectural aspects - Out-of-the-Box versus Toolkit on a scale from 1 to 10 - Is the software a software suite (Y/N) - Is the software modular (Y/N) • S95 Compliance In 2 spider web graphs the average scores per area for the S95 Functions and for the S95 Informations are depicted. The vendors have given scores for every S95 Function and Information on a scale from 1 to 6 as described in section 7.3. The detailed information of all products for all 98 aspects are listed in Annex B. • Interfaces In this part the available interfaces of the products with other systems are listed. The vendors were asked to provide maximum 10 interfaces in each of the following categories: - Enterprise Resource Planning systems (ERP) - Laboratory Information Management Systems (LIMS) - Systems for Scheduling and Sequencing - Maintenance Management Systems - Other interfaces via Middleware or Standards Copyright 2003, LogicaCMG 37 • Major Functions The vendors were also asked to present the major functions of their product (up to 20) with the indication whether that function is an Integrated part of the software package, or that it is covered by a Module or by separate software that is part of the Suite. • Branche Solutions The vendors had the opportunity to mention, again up to 20, functionalities or modules of their product that are capable to configure to meet the requirements of industry specific processes. • Supported and Unsupported Aspects Related to the 11 MESA functions the vendors were asked to indicate what aspects their product does and does not support. A number of vendors did provide an answer to this question. If a product is not mentioned in this Annex A, the vendor gave no answer. 7.2 S95 Compliance Details Annex B comprises all scores of all vendors to the compliance of their products to the S95 Functions and Informations. Also is indicated if an interface is available for some informations which might not be supported by the product itself. 7.3 Compliance Scores For the compliance to the 11 MESA functions and for the S95 Functions and Informations the vendors were asked to provide a score on a scale from 1 to 6. The validation of these scores is defined as: 1. The product does not support any part of the functionality as intended within the MESA/S95 definition. 2. The product meets some of the functionality as intended by the MESA/S95, but less than 20%. The product can perform some tasks but not extensively. 3. The product meets approximately 20-40% of the functionality, but the product is not explicitly designed to perform heavy tasks in that area.. 4. The product meets approximately 40-60% of the functionality and is suitable for most average companies. 5. The product meets 60-80% of the functionality and the product is specifically designed to perform these tasks, also in heavy-duty environments. 6. The product meets 80-100% of the functionality and the product can meet itself with the best in class (stand-alone) products designed for this functionality. Remark: If the vendor did not provide any information about the MESA-11 or S95 compliance a score of 1 is assumed. Copyright 2003, LogicaCMG 38 8 ANNEXES A. Report on all Products B. Details S95 Compliance Copyright 2003, LogicaCMG 39 Name / version 4C@Site; 4C@Enterprise; 4C@Market / 2.3.3 Vendor nMetric MESA-11 Compliance RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM PM MM PTG PA PA PTG MM PM QM LM RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM PM MM PTG PA PA PTG MM PM QM LM RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM PM MM PTG PA PA PTG MM PM QM Continuous5Processing RAS 5 6 6 PA ODS 5 4 4 6 3 3 PTG DPU 2 3 1 5 0 3 MM DC 6 3 6 PM DCA 6 3 QM LM 6 6 6 6 Standard Products in Mass 6 RAS 6 6 4 PA ODS 5 6 4 3 3 PTG DPU 3 2 5 1 3 0 6 MM DC 3 6 6 PM DCA 3 6 QM LM 6 6 Engineer6to Order 6 RAS 6 6 PA ODS 5 4 4 6 3 3 PTG DPU 2 3 1 5 0 3 6 MM DC 3 3 3 PM DCA 3 3 LM QM 3 © Copyright 2003, CMG RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM MM MM PTG PA PA PTG MM PM QM LM RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM PM MM PTG PA PA PTG MM PM QM LM 5 Batch/Semi Process RAS 5 66 PA 54 46 33 PTG 23 15 03 MM 6 3 6 MM 6 3 QM LM 6 6 6 6 Make to Order 6 RAS 6 6 PA 54 46 33 PTG 23 15 03 6 MM 3 6 6 PM 3 4 QM LM 4 4 ODS DPU DC DCA ODS DPU DC DCA Legend RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM PM MM PTG PA Resource Allocation and Status Operations/Detail Scheduling Dispatching Production Units Document Control Data Collection/Acquisition Labor Management Quality Management Process Management Maintenance Management Product Tracking and Genealogy Performance Analysis A-1 Name / version 4C@Site; 4C@Enterprise; 4C@Market / 2.3.3 nMetric Vendor Product Details Aspect Release Date Homepage Platforms Databases Technology Architecture Out-of-the-Box vs. Toolbox Software Suite Modular Description 2002 NT4 Intel, Win2000, WinXP, Linux Oracle, SQL Server ActiveX, ODBC, XML Client/Server, Load Balancing, Distr. Architect., Thin Client, Web Enabled 10 N Y S95 Compliance PS PSE OC OP MM MEC QA PIC PCA PCA MM PTG PA PA PIC PTG MM PM QM 5,75 S95 Functions 1 PS 4 6 6 5 PSE 2,8 4 2,13 3 5 2 5,5 OC 1 1,17 0 6 5 3 OP 3 3 QA MEC 3 3 Legend PS PSE OC OP MEC PS PSE OC OP MM MEC QA PIC PCA PCA MM PTG PA PA PIC PTG MM PM QM S95 Informations6 2,25 PS 3,7 6 5,5 5 PSE 3 4 2 3 4,33 2 5,33 OC 1 1,33 0 6 5 3 OP 3 3 QA MEC 3 3 Legend (cont.) Production Scheduling (2.0) Process Support Engineering (3.1) Operations Control (3.2) Operations Planning (3.3) Material and Energy Control (4.0) QA PIC PCA MM Quality Assurance (6.0) Product Inventory Control (7.0) Product Cost Accounting (8.0) Maintenance Management (10.0) Interfaces Interface Type Product Name ERP systems Interface through standard XML documents ERP systems JDEdwards ERP systems Oracle ERP systems Peoplesoft ERP systems BAAN ERP systems Made2Manage ERP systems ROI - Manage 2000 ERP systems InfoPower © Copyright 2003, CMG A-2 Name / version 4C@Site; 4C@Enterprise; 4C@Market / 2.3.3 nMetric Vendor ERP systems SAP LIMS Interface through standard XML documents Other Standards & Middleware nMetric developed mapping tools Other Standards & Middleware Interface through standard XML documents Scheduling & Sequencing iProcess.sct / Fygir (SCT) Scheduling & Sequencing Manugistics (Manugistics) Scheduling & Sequencing BSCS (BAAN) Scheduling & Sequencing Numetrix (Numetrix) Scheduling & Sequencing SynQuest (SynQuest) Scheduling & Sequencing Interface through standard XML documents Scheduling & Sequencing Rythm SCP (i2 Technologies) Major Functions Type Function Integrated "What if" analytical capabilities Module Ability to collaborate with vendors and customers Module Ability to coordinate activities between facilities Integrated Ability to define multiple priorities consistent with business goals and objectives Integrated Constraint-based "live" scheduling Integrated Constraint-based dynamic finite and infinite loading Integrated Easily configurable to the user's business rules and processes Integrated Event driven scheduling, monitoring, tracking and messaging Integrated Integrated alerting system Integrated Integrated MES capabilities Integrated Real time "always on" scheduling engine Integrated Shop floor monitoring and tracking Integrated Threshold based rescheduling Integrated True "capable to build" analysis Integrated XML/OAG based architecture Supported Aspects Nr. 1 MESA Description RAS 4C fully supports Resource Allocation and Status Tracking. Resources in 4C are such things as people, tools, materials,documents, etc. In essesnse, any resources that are required in the production of an item that could be constraining are considered. Not only does 4C@Site provide for the ability to monitor a wide variety of resources, it also provides for the ability to optimize the use of alternate resources and alternate parts in optimizing the use of the factory floor and the resources available. © Copyright 2003, CMG A-3 Name / version 4C@Site; 4C@Enterprise; 4C@Market / 2.3.3 nMetric Vendor 2 ODS 3 DPU 4 DOC 5 DCA 6 LM 7 QM 8 PM 9 MM 10 PTG 11 PA In it's production of a schedule, 4C@Site actually produces both a Fantasy and a Reality Schedule and Capacity Load. The reason this is "unique" and dynamic" is that is it "alway on" and always responding to change, always responding to events occurring. 4C@Site recognizes all constraints, including relavent material, capacity, people, tools, etc in producing a feasible schedule that can be acted upon. Additionally, 4C@Site supports multiple methodologies of prioritizing the schedule thereby producing not only a feasible, optimized schedule, but one that meets the company"s business goals. That schedule may adhere to goals surrounding the concept of grouping, or sequencing, to ensure production of jobs to minimize costly changeover, for example. Or the schedule may be prioritized to maximize delivery for particular customers or particular orders, etc. 4C@Site also provides powerful "What if" capability to allow you to perform simulations to determine whether or not to take a particular action, or make a commitment, etc. Changes occur in 4C in real-time based on real-time events. Each installation sets the tolerances that defines what constitutes a reschedule. Unlike other applications, 4C attempts to re-schedule adhering to the company goals and yet with the minimum amount of impact on the schedule. In this way 4C avoids the situation of a volitile shop floor resulting from constant rescheduling. 4C@Site allows the attachment of documents (electronically) to any data element within 4C. Therefore, documents created outside of 4C, such as safety regulation documents, government regulations, FDA documents, etc. can be viewed and executed from within 4C@Site using our External Application capability. Additionally, certain documents are supported within 4C, such as Travelers and several standard reports. Customers may also produce their own reports through the use of Crystal Reports, which is embedded into the 4C product. 4C@Site supports functionality traditionally found in multiple, distinct applications. In this particular instance, we not only support the scheduling capabilities, described above, but also support the data collection and execution capabilities traditionally relagated to Manufacturing Execution applications. Therefore, not only does 4C provide event-based scheduling capability, the "always on" engine tracks transactions, providing continuous information concerning the performance and integrity of the shop floor actitivites. Therefore, as events happen on the shop floor, 4C@Site is constantly monitoring and responding and rescheduling in real-time to ensure optimal performance. 4C@Site currently allows, through our MES capabilities, the ability to track labor to the finest degree including, the start and stop of jobs by employee, the pause of activities, etc. Therefore, the data is currently being collected to determine how much time an employee worked on a particular job,etc. We will be extending this capability in the future to include full blown Labor Management capabilities. Once again much of the base data is being tracked in the base design of 4C - Quality is a future module that will be supported. Process Authoring and Process Improvement mechanisms provide for such capabilities as: (1) Authoring Control - Provides for the ability to tie a routing or group of routings t0 a set of documents (ECO, ECN), provides for variation and revision control for the Bill of Operation and Bill of Material, and authorizes document flow control and approval. Additionally, it manages the creation of the BOM, the effectivity of routings, operations, and BOMs, defines buyoffs, defines data collection points, maintains a repository for processing specifications, drawings, graphics, etc. Alerting activities and alarming conditions are fully supported in the product today. The alerts can be based on particular tolerances or changes in conditions. Additionally, they can be escallated based on severity. Today, 4C@Site maintains data on the amount of usage relative to a particular tool. Additionally a calendar can be associated with a tool. Therefore, maintenance in terms of tool availability can be monitored by 4C@Site. 4C provides for full product traceability and maintains a true "as built" geneology, with the ability to provide full serial number and lot traceability. Additionally incidents, such as rework and scrap by production order by operation will be maintained throughout the required time. At the summary level, a Production Manager, for example can review the entire operation at the detail level or can receive a quick snapshot of the plants "problems only." Once again much of the base data is being tracked in the base design of 4C. For example, resource utlization and availability is tracked and readily available to the user. However, other areas can be retained but are not being displayed or measured at this time. Unsupported Aspects Nr. MESA Description 4 DOC 6 LM Although the software allows multiple forms to be attached to multiple data elements within the 4C applications. Most of the forms, such as ECNs, safety regulation, drawings, are produced outside of 4C. nMetric will further extend this capability in the future. Although the necessary data is in the database today, we do not have the User Interface, nor the reporting capabilities to claim to be a Time and Attendance System. These capabilities are future capabilities © Copyright 2003, CMG A-4 Name / version 4C@Site; 4C@Enterprise; 4C@Market / 2.3.3 nMetric Vendor 7 QM 8 PM 9 MM 11 PA Although the core data is currently being stored with the 4C@Site application and could readily be extracted, the QA module is a future capability of 4C in terms of true statistical QA analysis and tracking, modeling and analysis, support for ISO certication, etc. nMetric will further be adding the definition of Operation Groups for accounting purpoes (back flushing, grouping for shifts, etc). Additionally, enhancements will be made to our ability to define complex precedence for operations. Because the raw data and the product structure is currently in 4C@site, we will be adding 4C-Tool as a future module. It will look at real-time usage data in determining tooling maintainance and procurement. Areas such as cycle time, conformance to schedule, performance to standards, etc are not currently being measured or monitored at this time. © Copyright 2003, CMG A-5 Name / version Advantage / 5,1 Vendor Datasweep, Inc. MESA-11 Compliance RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM PM MM PTG PA PA PTG MM PM QM LM RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM PM MM PTG PA PA PTG MM PM QM LM RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM PM MM PTG PA PA PTG MM PM QM Continuous4Processing RAS 4 6 3 PA ODS 5 6 4 5 3 6 PTG DPU 2 3 1 4 0 6 MM DC 3 6 6 PM DCA 6 3 QM LM 6 6 6 6 Standard Products in Mass 6 RAS 6 6 6 PA ODS 5 6 4 6 3 PTG DPU 6 2 6 1 6 0 6 MM DC 6 6 6 PM DCA 3 6 QM LM 6 6 Engineer6to Order 6 RAS 6 6 PA ODS 5 6 4 6 3 6 PTG DPU 2 6 1 6 0 6 6 MM DC 6 3 3 PM DCA 3 3 LM QM 3 © Copyright 2003, CMG RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM MM MM PTG PA PA PTG MM PM QM LM RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM PM MM PTG PA PA PTG MM PM QM LM 5 Batch/Semi Process RAS 5 65 PA 56 45 36 PTG 24 15 06 MM 4 6 6 MM 6 3 QM LM 6 6 6 6 Make to Order 6 RAS 6 6 6 PA 5 6 4 6 3 PTG 6 2 6 1 6 0 6 MM 6 6 6 PM 3 4 QM LM 4 4 ODS DPU DC DCA ODS DPU DC DCA Legend RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM PM MM PTG PA Resource Allocation and Status Operations/Detail Scheduling Dispatching Production Units Document Control Data Collection/Acquisition Labor Management Quality Management Process Management Maintenance Management Product Tracking and Genealogy Performance Analysis A-6 Name / version Advantage / 5,1 Datasweep, Inc. Vendor Product Details Aspect Release Date Homepage Platforms Databases Technology Architecture Out-of-the-Box vs. Toolbox Software Suite Modular Description August 2002 NT4 Intel, NT4 Alpha, Win2000, Unix Oracle, SQL Server, DB/2 Dcom, Com+, ActiveX, OLE, OPC, DNA, ODBC, XML Load Balancing, Distr. Architect., Thin Client, Web Enabled 3 Y Y S95 Compliance PS PSE OC OP MM MEC QA PIC PCA PCA MM PTG PA PA PIC PTG MM PM QM S95 Functions3,5 5 PS 6 6 5,8 5 PSE 4,6 4 5,25 3 5,5 2 1,67 OC 1 4,67 0 6 5 3 OP 3 3 QA MEC 3 3 Legend PS PSE OC OP MEC PS PSE OC OP MM MEC QA PIC PCA PCA MM PTG PA PA PIC PTG MM PM QM 4,5 S95 Informations 4,88 PS 5,9 6 6 5 PSE 4,75 4 6 3 5,67 2 1,67 OC 1 4,33 0 6 5 3 OP 3 3 QA MEC 3 3 Legend (cont.) Production Scheduling (2.0) Process Support Engineering (3.1) Operations Control (3.2) Operations Planning (3.3) Material and Energy Control (4.0) QA PIC PCA MM Quality Assurance (6.0) Product Inventory Control (7.0) Product Cost Accounting (8.0) Maintenance Management (10.0) Interfaces Interface Type Product Name ERP systems JDEdwards ERP systems Oracle ERP systems Peoplesoft ERP systems BAAN ERP systems MAPICS ERP systems SAP LIMS StarLIMS (LIMS, Inc.) LIMS LabManager iLIMS (Beckmann) © Copyright 2003, CMG A-7 Name / version Advantage / 5,1 Vendor Datasweep, Inc. LIMS Unilab (Siemens/Compex) LIMS SQL*LIMS (Applied BioSystems) LIMS Sample Manager (Thermo LabSystems) Maintenance Management Maximo Maintenance Management Datastream Other Standards & Middleware Webmethods Other Standards & Middleware OPC (OLE for Process Control) Other Standards & Middleware MS Biztalk Other Standards & Middleware TIBCO Scheduling & Sequencing Manugistics (Manugistics) Scheduling & Sequencing BSCS (BAAN) Scheduling & Sequencing Numetrix (Numetrix) Scheduling & Sequencing TigrSoft Scheduling & Sequencing Rythm SCP (i2 Technologies) Major Functions Type Function Module Approved Vendor Lists Module Audits Module Business Intelligence Module Capacity Planning Module Corrective and Preventative Action Module Defect Tracking Module ECO Execution Integrated Genealogy Module Incoming Delivery Module Incoming Quality Module Kanban Management Module Maintenance Management Module Manufacturing Dashboard Module Product Testing Module RMA Manager Module Sampling Plans Module SPC Integrated Traceability Module WIP Tracking Branche Solutions Solution Branche CAPA Pharmaceutical Wafer Map Semiconductors © Copyright 2003, CMG A-8 Name / version Advantage / 5,1 Vendor © Copyright 2003, CMG Datasweep, Inc. A-9 Name / version Biceps / 6i Vendor Logica CP GmbH MESA-11 Compliance RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM PM MM PTG PA PA PTG MM PM QM LM RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM PM MM PTG PA PA PTG MM PM QM LM RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM PM MM PTG PA PA PTG MM PM QM Continuous4Processing RAS 2 6 5 PA ODS 5 3 4 4 3 1 PTG DPU 2 3 1 6 0 4 MM DC 5 3 6 PM DCA 6 3 QM LM 6 6 6 5 Standard Products in Mass 2 RAS 5 6 4 PA ODS 5 3 4 1 3 PTG DPU 3 2 5 1 4 0 6 MM DC 4 6 6 PM DCA 3 6 QM LM 6 6 Engineer2to Order 2 RAS 2 6 PA ODS 5 2 4 2 3 1 PTG DPU 2 2 1 2 0 2 2 MM DC 2 3 3 PM DCA 3 3 LM QM 3 © Copyright 2003, CMG RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM MM MM PTG PA PA PTG MM PM QM LM RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM PM MM PTG PA PA PTG MM PM QM LM 5 Batch/Semi Process RAS 2 65 PA 54 45 31 PTG 23 15 04 MM 6 4 6 MM 6 3 QM LM 6 6 6 5 Make to Order 2 RAS 5 6 4 PA 5 3 4 1 3 PTG 3 2 5 1 4 0 6 MM 4 6 6 PM 3 4 QM LM 4 4 ODS DPU DC DCA ODS DPU DC DCA Legend RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM PM MM PTG PA Resource Allocation and Status Operations/Detail Scheduling Dispatching Production Units Document Control Data Collection/Acquisition Labor Management Quality Management Process Management Maintenance Management Product Tracking and Genealogy Performance Analysis A-10 Name / version Biceps / 6i Logica CP GmbH Vendor Product Details Aspect Release Date Homepage Platforms Databases Technology Architecture Out-of-the-Box vs. Toolbox Software Suite Modular Description November 2002 NT4 Intel, Win2000, Unix, Open VMS Oracle OLE, ODBC, XML Client/Server, Load Balancing, Distr. Architect., Thin Client, Web Enabled 7 Y Y S95 Compliance PS PSE OC OP MM MEC QA PIC PCA PCA MM PTG PA PA PIC PTG MM PM QM 4,25 S95 Functions 1 PS 4,43 6 3 5 PSE 1 4 4 3 4,33 2 2 OC 1 1 0 6 5 3 OP 3 3 QA MEC 3 3 Legend PS PSE OC OP MEC PS PSE OC OP MM MEC QA PIC PCA PCA MM PTG PA PA PIC PTG MM PM QM 5,25 S95 Informations 1,63 PS 3,8 6 2,5 5 PSE 1 4 5 3 4 2 2,33 OC 1 1 0 6 5 3 OP 3 3 QA MEC 3 3 Legend (cont.) Production Scheduling (2.0) Process Support Engineering (3.1) Operations Control (3.2) Operations Planning (3.3) Material and Energy Control (4.0) © Copyright 2003, CMG QA PIC PCA MM Quality Assurance (6.0) Product Inventory Control (7.0) Product Cost Accounting (8.0) Maintenance Management (10.0) A-11 Name / version Biceps / 6i Vendor © Copyright 2003, CMG Logica CP GmbH A-12 Name / version Bizibit Suite / V3.1 Vendor Bizibit NV MESA-11 Compliance RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM PM MM PTG PA PA PTG MM PM QM LM RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM PM MM PTG PA PA PTG MM PM QM LM RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM PM MM PTG PA PA PTG MM PM QM Continuous1Processing RAS 1 6 2 PA ODS 5 1 4 3 3 6 PTG DPU 2 4 1 3 0 1 MM DC 2 2 6 PM DCA 6 3 QM LM 6 6 6 3 Standard Products in Mass 1 RAS 4 6 1 PA ODS 5 6 4 6 3 PTG DPU 4 2 3 1 1 0 4 MM DC 5 6 6 PM DCA 3 6 QM LM 6 6 Engineer3to Order 1 RAS 4 6 PA ODS 5 1 4 6 3 6 PTG DPU 2 4 1 3 0 1 4 MM DC 5 3 3 PM DCA 3 3 LM QM 3 © Copyright 2003, CMG RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM MM MM PTG PA PA PTG MM PM QM LM RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM PM MM PTG PA PA PTG MM PM QM LM 3 Batch/Semi Process RAS 1 64 PA 51 46 36 PTG 24 13 01 MM 4 2 6 MM 6 3 QM LM 6 6 6 3 Make to Order 1 RAS 4 6 1 PA 5 6 4 6 3 PTG 4 2 3 1 1 0 4 MM 5 6 6 PM 3 4 QM LM 4 4 ODS DPU DC DCA ODS DPU DC DCA Legend RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM PM MM PTG PA Resource Allocation and Status Operations/Detail Scheduling Dispatching Production Units Document Control Data Collection/Acquisition Labor Management Quality Management Process Management Maintenance Management Product Tracking and Genealogy Performance Analysis A-13 Name / version Bizibit Suite / V3.1 Bizibit NV Vendor Product Details Aspect Release Date Homepage Platforms Databases Technology Architecture Out-of-the-Box vs. Toolbox Software Suite Modular Description 1999 NT4 Intel, Win2000, WinXP, AS400 Oracle, SQL Server, Progress, DB/2 Dcom, Com+, ActiveX, OPC, ODBC, XML Client/Server, Thin Client, Web Enabled 5 Y Y S95 Compliance PS PSE OC OP MM MEC QA PIC PCA PCA MM PTG PA PA PIC PTG MM PM QM S95 Functions 1 1 PS 3,29 6 3,8 5 PSE 1 4 3,63 3 1 2 4 OC 1 1 0 6 5 3 OP 3 3 QA MEC 3 3 Legend PS PSE OC OP MEC PS PSE OC OP MEC QA PIC PCA PCA S95 Informations1 1 PS 4 6 1,75 5 PSE 1 4 4 3 1 2 1 1 OC 0 PTG PA PA PIC PTG MM PM QM QA 6 5 3 3 3 MEC 3 3 OP Legend (cont.) Production Scheduling (2.0) Process Support Engineering (3.1) Operations Control (3.2) Operations Planning (3.3) Material and Energy Control (4.0) QA PIC PCA MM Quality Assurance (6.0) Product Inventory Control (7.0) Product Cost Accounting (8.0) Maintenance Management (10.0) Interfaces Interface Type Product Name ERP systems GreatPlains ERP systems JDEdwards ERP systems Oracle ERP systems Peoplesoft ERP systems BAAN ERP systems BPCS ERP systems MAPICS ERP systems SAP © Copyright 2003, CMG A-14 Name / version Bizibit Suite / V3.1 Vendor Bizibit NV ERP systems Navision ERP systems JPROD LIMS Unilab (Siemens/Compex) LIMS SQL*LIMS (Applied BioSystems) Maintenance Management Ciris - Exel GMAO Other Standards & Middleware MQSeries Other Standards & Middleware OPC (OLE for Process Control) Other Standards & Middleware MS Biztalk Scheduling & Sequencing BSCS (BAAN) Scheduling & Sequencing OMP SCP (OM Partners) Major Functions Type Function Integrated Accesscontrol Integrated Capacity planning Integrated Datacollection /Acquisition Integrated Labor management Module Performance analysis Module Quality management Module Resource allocation and status Integrated Time and attendance Module Traceability - product tracking © Copyright 2003, CMG A-15 Name / version Campaign Studio / Verson 3.6 Vendor Emerson Process Management MESA-11 Compliance RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM PM MM PTG PA PA PTG MM PM QM LM RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM PM MM PTG PA PA PTG MM PM QM LM RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM PM MM PTG PA PA PTG MM PM QM Continuous5Processing RAS 6 6 3 PA ODS 5 2 4 4 3 1 PTG DPU 2 1 1 2 0 1 MM DC 4 4 6 PM DCA 6 3 QM LM 6 6 6 5 Standard Products in Mass 6 RAS 3 6 2 PA ODS 5 4 4 1 3 PTG DPU 1 2 2 1 1 0 4 MM DC 5 6 6 PM DCA 3 6 QM LM 6 6 Engineer1to Order 1 RAS 1 6 PA ODS 5 2 4 2 3 1 PTG DPU 2 1 1 2 0 1 1 MM DC 2 3 3 PM DCA 3 3 LM QM 3 © Copyright 2003, CMG RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM MM MM PTG PA PA PTG MM PM QM LM RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM PM MM PTG PA PA PTG MM PM QM LM 6 Batch/Semi Process RAS 6 64 PA 53 46 31 PTG 21 14 01 MM 6 5 6 MM 6 3 QM LM 6 6 6 1 Make to Order 1 RAS 1 6 2 PA 5 2 4 1 3 PTG 1 2 2 1 1 0 1 MM 2 6 6 PM 3 4 QM LM 4 4 ODS DPU DC DCA ODS DPU DC DCA Legend RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM PM MM PTG PA Resource Allocation and Status Operations/Detail Scheduling Dispatching Production Units Document Control Data Collection/Acquisition Labor Management Quality Management Process Management Maintenance Management Product Tracking and Genealogy Performance Analysis A-16 Name / version Campaign Studio / Verson 3.6 Emerson Process Management Vendor Product Details Aspect Release Date Homepage Platforms Databases Technology Architecture Out-of-the-Box vs. Toolbox Software Suite Modular Description September 2002 NT4 Intel SQL Server Dcom, Com+, ActiveX, OPC, ODBC Client/Server, Distr. Architect., Web Enabled 6 N Y S95 Compliance PS PSE OC OP MM MEC QA PIC PCA PCA MM PTG PA PA PIC PTG MM PM QM 2,75 S95 Functions 2,83 PS 3,43 6 3,4 5 PSE 2,4 4 1,25 3 1 2 1 OC 1 3 0 6 5 3 OP 3 3 QA MEC 3 3 Legend PS PSE OC OP MEC PS PSE OC OP MM MEC QA PIC PCA PCA MM PTG PA PA PIC PTG MM PM QM 2,5 S95 Informations 2,13 PS 4,3 6 2,5 5 PSE 3 4 1 3 1 2 1 OC 1 4,67 0 6 5 3 OP 3 3 QA MEC 3 3 Legend (cont.) Production Scheduling (2.0) Process Support Engineering (3.1) Operations Control (3.2) Operations Planning (3.3) Material and Energy Control (4.0) QA PIC PCA MM Quality Assurance (6.0) Product Inventory Control (7.0) Product Cost Accounting (8.0) Maintenance Management (10.0) Interfaces Interface Type Product Name ERP systems SAP Maintenance Management Maximo Other Standards & Middleware IBM MQ Series Other Standards & Middleware MS Biztalk Other Standards & Middleware OPC (OLE for Process Control) Scheduling & Sequencing ProPack APS (Scheduling) © Copyright 2003, CMG A-17 Name / version Campaign Studio / Verson 3.6 Vendor Emerson Process Management Major Functions Type Function Module Automation of Manufal Procedures via RF technology Module Batch Parameter Management Integrated Campaign / Batch Management Module Container / Equipment Tracking Module Equipment Management Module Manifold Connection Management Module Material Management & Tracking Module Recipe Approval Module Reporting and Analysis Branche Solutions Solution Branche Campaign Studio Fine Chemicals Campaign Studio Food and Beverage Campaign Studio Pharmaceutical © Copyright 2003, CMG A-18 Name / version Collaborative Manufacturing Suite (Unilab 4i, speC Vendor Siemens Compex NV MESA-11 Compliance RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM PM MM PTG PA PA PTG MM PM QM LM RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM PM MM PTG PA PA PTG MM PM QM LM RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM PM MM PTG PA PA PTG MM PM QM Continuous1Processing RAS 1 6 1 PA ODS 5 1 4 1 3 1 PTG DPU 2 1 1 1 0 1 MM DC 1 1 6 PM DCA 6 3 QM LM 6 6 6 1 Standard Products in Mass 1 RAS 1 6 1 PA ODS 5 1 4 1 3 PTG DPU 1 2 1 1 1 0 1 MM DC 1 6 6 PM DCA 3 6 QM LM 6 6 Engineer1to Order 1 RAS 1 6 PA ODS 5 1 4 1 3 1 PTG DPU 2 1 1 1 0 1 1 MM DC 1 3 3 PM DCA 3 3 LM QM 3 © Copyright 2003, CMG RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM MM MM PTG PA PA PTG MM PM QM LM RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM PM MM PTG PA PA PTG MM PM QM LM 6 Batch/Semi Process RAS 6 66 PA 56 46 36 PTG 26 16 06 MM 6 6 6 MM 6 3 QM LM 6 6 6 1 Make to Order 1 RAS 1 6 1 PA 5 1 4 1 3 PTG 1 2 1 1 1 0 1 MM 1 6 6 PM 3 4 QM LM 4 4 ODS DPU DC DCA ODS DPU DC DCA Legend RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM PM MM PTG PA Resource Allocation and Status Operations/Detail Scheduling Dispatching Production Units Document Control Data Collection/Acquisition Labor Management Quality Management Process Management Maintenance Management Product Tracking and Genealogy Performance Analysis A-19 Name / version Collaborative Manufacturing Suite (Unilab 4i, speC Siemens Compex NV Vendor Product Details Aspect Release Date Homepage Platforms Databases Technology Architecture Out-of-the-Box vs. Toolbox Software Suite Modular Description NT4 Intel, NT4 Alpha, Win2000, WinXP, Unix Oracle Dcom, ActiveX, OLE, OPC, XML, dotNet Client/Server, Distr. Architect., Thin Client, Web Enabled 6 Y Y S95 Compliance PS PSE OC OP MM MEC QA PIC PCA PCA MM PTG PA PA PIC PTG MM PM QM S95 Functions4,5 4,5 PS 5,43 6 5,2 5 PSE 5,2 4 6 3 5,17 2 2,67 OC 1 1,33 0 6 5 3 OP 3 3 QA MEC 3 3 Legend PS PSE OC OP MEC PS PSE OC OP MM MEC QA PIC PCA PCA MM PTG PA PA PIC PTG MM PM QM 4,75 S95 Informations 3,75 PS 5,6 6 5,5 5 PSE 6 4 5,67 3 6 2 3 OC 1 1 0 6 5 3 OP 3 3 QA MEC 3 3 Legend (cont.) Production Scheduling (2.0) Process Support Engineering (3.1) Operations Control (3.2) Operations Planning (3.3) Material and Energy Control (4.0) QA PIC PCA MM Quality Assurance (6.0) Product Inventory Control (7.0) Product Cost Accounting (8.0) Maintenance Management (10.0) Interfaces Interface Type Product Name ERP systems SSA ERP systems Intentia (MOVEX) ERP systems QAD (MFG PRO) ERP systems BAAN ERP systems Peoplesoft ERP systems Oracle ERP systems JDEdwards ERP systems SAP © Copyright 2003, CMG A-20 Name / version Collaborative Manufacturing Suite (Unilab 4i, speC Siemens Compex NV Vendor LIMS Unilab (Siemens/Compex) Other Standards & Middleware OPC (OLE for Process Control) Scheduling & Sequencing Simple++ Scheduling & Sequencing Schedulex (JD Edwards) Scheduling & Sequencing GMP (OM Partners) Scheduling & Sequencing FAS (SCT) Major Functions Type Function Module Batch & Manufacturing Operations Executable Management Module Electronic Signature Support Module ERP Connectivity Pack Module Execution Client Module Glossary Pack Module HMI Integration Pack Module Inventory and Tracking Module OCS Integration Pack Module Phase Logic Interface Module Process Data Module Process Data Handling Module Process Modelling Suite proCX Module Products Module Recipe & Manufacturing Operations Management Module Reporting Module Reporting Module Scheduling Profiles Suite speCX Branche Solutions Solution Branche proCX Pharmaceutical proCX Food and Beverage proCX Fine Chemicals speCX Food and Beverage speCX Consumer Packed Goods (non food) Supported Aspects Nr. MESA Description 1 RAS 2 ODS 3 DPU This functionality is fully covered by proCX. ProCX allows to allocate the necessary materials and equipment using the process model and recipe (batch) management. Additionally the tracking and tracing module offers the possibility to determine the status of the required resources. This functionality is fully covered by proCX. The batch management functionality allows the user to create and update production schedules, ensuring that available facilities and resources can be deployed in an efficient way. Advanced optimization is possible through an interface between proCX and an advanced production scheduling system (APS). This functionality is fully covered by proCX. After a batch is started the necessary resources and materials will be allocated to start the production. The actual control of physical resources is executed by a primary control layer (OCS), proCX offers different possibilities to interface with OCS's. © Copyright 2003, CMG A-21 Name / version Collaborative Manufacturing Suite (Unilab 4i, speC Siemens Compex NV Vendor 4 DOC 5 DCA 6 LM 7 QM 8 PM 9 MM 10 PTG 11 PA This functionality is fully covered by proCX. proCX allows to report on status, progress etc.. Additionally the proCX inventory module is able to link the used resources to the batches. This is an intrinsic function of the system. In addition to the standard reporting functionality offered by the system, external reporting systems can be used. Compex prefers BusinessObjects (BO) for these purposes, other systems can be used though. This functionality is fully covered by proCX. For collecting and archiving of process and production information an Oracle database is used. Not only data generated by proCX can be stored, but also data coming from other systems such as an ERP or an automation system. This functionality is covered by proCX. ProCX allows to register and record activities of shifts/personnel and workflow procedures. This functionality is covered by proCX. By means of the Tracking & Tracing functionality and material flow control the production data can be used for QA purposes. Full QA functionality is covered by a combination of the Compex product Unilab 4 (LIMS) and proCX, fully integrated. This functionality is fully covered by proCX. proCX allows to report on status, progress etc.. Additionally the proCX inventory module is able to link the used resources to the batches. This is an intrinsic function of the system. Information concerning progress is also linked back to the scheduler. ProCX offers standard integration possibilities with SCADA systems. A SCADA complements proCX offering the possibility of real-time process images. ProCX has the possibility of close cooperation with maintenance management systems. The 2 examples below illustrate this:: (1) proCX executes maintenance operations on the production floor. The order for maintenance is incorporated in the production planning just like other operations and batches. The information that is made available after the execution of this operation can be redirected to the maintenance management system. (2) proCX can register data for use by the maintenance system. Information such as the number of times an operation was executed (counter) can be valuable input for preventive maintenance. This functionality is fully covered by proCX. The Tracking & Tracing and material flow control functionalities within proCX offer a full traceability of the production process and the used materials. This is an intrinsic function of proCX. From any moment in the production process or any moment in time, it is possible to trace what has taken place before that moment and after. That covers full traceability of materials and resources. This functionality is fully covered by proCX. The production data is stored in a relational database, which can be used for performance analyses of the production (facilities). Unsupported Aspects Nr. 6 MESA Description LM However, within proCX it is not possible to plan human resources based on the production planning. For this purpose an interface could be installed with a third party system that covers this functionality. © Copyright 2003, CMG A-22 Name / version DrinkSoft Beverage Production Management Softw Vendor Prodac Systems Ltd. MESA-11 Compliance RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM PM MM PTG PA PA PTG MM PM QM LM RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM PM MM PTG PA PA PTG MM PM QM LM RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM PM MM PTG PA PA PTG MM PM QM Continuous1Processing RAS 1 6 1 PA ODS 5 1 4 1 3 1 PTG DPU 2 1 1 1 0 1 MM DC 1 1 6 PM DCA 6 3 QM LM 6 6 6 1 Standard Products in Mass 1 RAS 1 6 1 PA ODS 5 1 4 1 3 PTG DPU 1 2 1 1 1 0 1 MM DC 1 6 6 PM DCA 3 6 QM LM 6 6 Engineer1to Order 1 RAS 1 6 PA ODS 5 1 4 1 3 1 PTG DPU 2 1 1 1 0 1 1 MM DC 1 3 3 PM DCA 3 3 LM QM 3 © Copyright 2003, CMG RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM MM MM PTG PA PA PTG MM PM QM LM RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM PM MM PTG PA PA PTG MM PM QM LM 5 Batch/Semi Process RAS 6 66 PA 55 46 34 PTG 26 16 03 MM 6 6 6 MM 6 3 QM LM 6 6 6 1 Make to Order 1 RAS 1 6 1 PA 5 1 4 1 3 PTG 1 2 1 1 1 0 1 MM 1 6 6 PM 3 4 QM LM 4 4 ODS DPU DC DCA ODS DPU DC DCA Legend RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM PM MM PTG PA Resource Allocation and Status Operations/Detail Scheduling Dispatching Production Units Document Control Data Collection/Acquisition Labor Management Quality Management Process Management Maintenance Management Product Tracking and Genealogy Performance Analysis A-23 Name / version DrinkSoft Beverage Production Management Softw Prodac Systems Ltd. Vendor Product Details Aspect Release Date Homepage Platforms Databases Technology Architecture Out-of-the-Box vs. Toolbox Software Suite Modular Description April 2002 NT4 Intel, NT4 Alpha, Win2000 Oracle, SQL Server OPC, ODBC Client/Server, Distr. Architect., Thin Client, Web Enabled 3 Y Y S95 Compliance PS PSE OC OP MM MEC QA PIC PCA PCA MM PTG PA PA PIC PTG MM PM QM S95 Functions 6 5,33 PS 5,29 6 6 5 PSE 3,8 4 6 3 2,67 2 5 OC 1 3,83 0 6 5 3 OP 3 3 QA MEC 3 3 Legend PS PSE OC OP MEC PS PSE OC OP MM MEC QA PIC PCA PCA MM PTG PA PA PIC PTG MM PM QM S95 Informations6 4,5 PS 5,8 6 4,5 5 PSE 3,75 4 6 3 2 2 4,67 OC 1 2,67 0 6 5 3 OP 3 3 QA MEC 3 3 Legend (cont.) Production Scheduling (2.0) Process Support Engineering (3.1) Operations Control (3.2) Operations Planning (3.3) Material and Energy Control (4.0) QA PIC PCA MM Quality Assurance (6.0) Product Inventory Control (7.0) Product Cost Accounting (8.0) Maintenance Management (10.0) Interfaces Interface Type Product Name ERP systems JDEdwards ERP systems Oracle ERP systems Peoplesoft ERP systems SAP ERP systems Mapics ERP systems BAAN Maintenance Management Maximo Maintenance Management Datastream © Copyright 2003, CMG A-24 Name / version DrinkSoft Beverage Production Management Softw Prodac Systems Ltd. Vendor Other Standards & Middleware MS Biztalk Other Standards & Middleware OPC (OLE for Process Control) Other Standards & Middleware TIBCO Scheduling & Sequencing Manugistics (Manugistics) Scheduling & Sequencing iProcess.sct / Fygir (SCT) Scheduling & Sequencing BSCS (BAAN) Scheduling & Sequencing PlanWise (Othec) Scheduling & Sequencing Rythm SCP (i2 Technologies) Major Functions Type Function Module Alarms Module ERP Interface Module Facilities/Utilities Module Labour/Personnel Module Planning and Scheduling Suite Predictive Maintenance Integrated Production and Downtime Management Suite Quality Control Module Raw Materials Management Module Real-time Monitor Integrated Report Generator Module Tanks Branche Solutions Solution Branche DrinkSoft Food and Beverage PackSoft Plastics and Rubber PackSoft Pharmaceutical PackSoft Consumer Packed Goods (non food) Supported Aspects Nr. MESA Description 1 RAS equipment, labor and materials status and usage 2 ODS 3 DPU shift and product run allocation (open + templates) for preconfigured set sequence production operations Set and update lot, run and order status 4 DOC 5 DCA Automated and menu-entry production and downtime log, documents set-ups, breaks, changovers and special shift or run instructions. Real-time and history. comprehensive data acquisition 6 LM track labor allocation to production runs and shifts 7 QM on-line quality sampling, Quality records management, SPC, interface to LIMS 8 PM equipment, process monitoring and decision support, alarms 9 MM 10 PTG 11 PA on-line diagnosis and predictive maintenance module, schedule and track maintenance duration, store faults log and history traceability, full history of production (equipment, labor and materials per product run), trace/track raw material lots and consumption, product Ids and status, quality inspections Comprehensive reporting and analysis, performance indicators including resource and equipment utilization, comparison to planned and to standards, Trends, SPC, real-time and historical analysis © Copyright 2003, CMG A-25 Name / version DrinkSoft Beverage Production Management Softw Prodac Systems Ltd. Vendor Unsupported Aspects Nr. MESA Description 1 RAS 6 LM dispatching Time and attendance, activities off factory floor 9 MM not handle maintenance personnel, parts, orders, etc. © Copyright 2003, CMG A-26 Name / version easy works / Vendor iTac Software GmbH MESA-11 Compliance RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM PM MM PTG PA PA PTG MM PM QM LM RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM PM MM PTG PA PA PTG MM PM QM LM RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM PM MM PTG PA PA PTG MM PM QM Continuous1Processing RAS 1 6 1 PA ODS 5 1 4 1 3 1 PTG DPU 2 1 1 1 0 1 MM DC 1 1 6 PM DCA 6 3 QM LM 6 6 6 5 Standard Products in Mass 3 RAS 6 6 6 PA ODS 5 6 4 6 3 PTG DPU 6 2 6 1 6 0 6 MM DC 6 6 PM DCA 3 6 QM LM 6 6 Engineer1to Order 1 RAS 1 6 PA ODS 5 1 4 1 3 1 PTG DPU 2 1 1 1 0 1 1 MM DC 1 3 3 PM DCA 3 3 LM QM 3 © Copyright 2003, CMG RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM MM MM PTG PA PA PTG MM PM QM LM RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM PM MM PTG PA PA PTG MM PM QM LM 5 Batch/Semi Process RAS 3 66 PA ODS 56 46 36 PTG DPU 26 16 06 MM DC 6 6 6 MM DCA 6 3 QM LM 6 6 6 1 Make to Order 1 RAS 1 6 1 PA ODS 5 1 4 1 3 PTG DPU 1 2 1 1 1 0 1 MM DC 1 6 6 PM DCA 3 4 QM LM 4 4 Legend RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM PM MM PTG PA Resource Allocation and Status Operations/Detail Scheduling Dispatching Production Units Document Control Data Collection/Acquisition Labor Management Quality Management Process Management Maintenance Management Product Tracking and Genealogy Performance Analysis A-27 Name / version easy works / iTac Software GmbH Vendor Product Details Aspect Release Date Homepage Platforms Databases Technology Architecture Out-of-the-Box vs. Toolbox Software Suite Modular Description NT4 Intel, NT4 Alpha, Win2000, Unix, Linux Oracle ActiveX, XML Client/Server, Load Balancing, Thin Client, Web Enabled 6 N Y S95 Compliance PS PSE OC OP MM MEC QA PIC PCA PCA MM PTG PA PA PIC PTG MM PM QM S95 Functions 1 1 PS 1 6 1 5 PSE 1 4 1 3 1 2 1 OC 1 1 0 6 5 3 OP 3 3 QA MEC 3 3 Legend PS PSE OC OP MEC PS PSE OC OP MM MEC QA PIC PCA PCA MM PTG PA PA PIC PTG MM PM QM S95 Informations1 1 PS 1 6 1 5 PSE 1 4 1 3 1 2 1 OC 1 1 0 6 5 3 OP 3 3 QA MEC 3 3 Legend (cont.) Production Scheduling (2.0) Process Support Engineering (3.1) Operations Control (3.2) Operations Planning (3.3) Material and Energy Control (4.0) QA PIC PCA MM Quality Assurance (6.0) Product Inventory Control (7.0) Product Cost Accounting (8.0) Maintenance Management (10.0) Interfaces Interface Type Product Name ERP systems Oracle ERP systems SAP Other Standards & Middleware CORBA Major Functions Type Function Integrated ADM (Administration) Administration environment for all ew modules Module APS (Advanced Planning & Scheduling) Plans the production progress © Copyright 2003, CMG A-28 Name / version easy works / Vendor iTac Software GmbH Module CM (Complaint Management) Enables easy handling of complaints Module ML (Material & Logistics) Mapping of material flow and logistics for production lines along with order-based compilation and data entry of material batches to be processed and containerrelated work process traceability and control OPM (Online Process Monitoring) Automatic process data entry; with Exception Management (KPIs); integrated WAP and SMS functionalities, PDA linking PM (Preventive Maintenance) Optimises maintenance activities, minimises the idling time Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module PR (Paperless Repair) Paperless transaction of all diagnosing and repair activities with a n:m relationship between fault characteristics and repair instructions QM (Quality Management) ISO compliant quality management with individual product, order or process based analysis of all process and measurement data SPC-V and SPC-A RC (Recipe Management) XML-based document management system for product-related compilation of all required data across all stages of production RM (Resource Management) Data entry system for operations and machine data TR-CS (Traceability – Component Supplier) Work-process related data entry and plausibility checks for component lots of a products – 100% traceability of all components/ parts – incl. semifinished products and external procurement parts of a product TR-DU (Traceability – Discrete Unit) Work-process, unit–related traceability of products with hierarchical structure with online data entry of all process and production data for each work process Branche Solutions Solution Branche Automotive Automotive Electronic Manufacturing Service Electronics Telecommunication Electronics © Copyright 2003, CMG A-29 Name / version Factelligence / V1.4 CIMNET, Inc. Vendor MESA-11 Compliance RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM PM MM PTG PA PA PTG MM PM QM LM RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM PM MM PTG PA PA PTG MM PM QM LM RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM PM MM PTG PA PA PTG MM PM QM Continuous5Processing RAS 3 6 6 PA ODS 5 6 4 6 3 6 PTG DPU 2 3 1 3 0 2 MM DC 6 6 6 PM DCA 6 3 QM LM 6 6 6 6 Standard Products in Mass 3 RAS 6 6 6 PA ODS 5 6 4 6 3 PTG DPU 3 2 3 1 2 0 6 MM DC 6 6 6 PM DCA 3 6 QM LM 6 6 Engineer5to Order 3 RAS 6 6 PA ODS 5 6 4 6 3 6 PTG DPU 2 3 1 3 0 2 6 MM DC PM QM © Copyright 2003, CMG 3 3 3 3 3 DCA RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM MM MM PTG PA PA PTG MM PM QM LM RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM PM MM PTG PA PA PTG MM PM QM LM 5 Batch/Semi Process RAS 3 66 PA ODS 56 46 36 PTG DPU 23 13 02 MM DC 6 6 6 MM DCA 6 3 QM LM 6 6 6 6 Make to Order 3 RAS 6 6 6 PA ODS 5 6 4 6 3 PTG DPU 3 2 3 1 2 0 6 MM DC 6 6 6 PM DCA 3 4 QM LM 4 4 Legend RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM PM MM PTG PA Resource Allocation and Status Operations/Detail Scheduling Dispatching Production Units Document Control Data Collection/Acquisition Labor Management Quality Management Process Management Maintenance Management Product Tracking and Genealogy Performance Analysis LM A-30 Name / version Factelligence / V1.4 CIMNET, Inc. Vendor Product Details Aspect Release Date Homepage Platforms Databases Technology Architecture Out-of-the-Box vs. Toolbox Software Suite Modular Description March 2001 NT4 Intel, Win2000, WinXP Oracle, SQL Server Dcom, Com+, ActiveX, OLE, OPC, DNA, ODBC, XML Distr. Architect., Thin Client, Web Enabled 2 Y Y S95 Compliance PS PSE OC OP MM MEC QA PIC PCA PCA MM PTG PA PA PIC PTG MM PM QM 5,25 S95 Functions 3,17 PS 2,86 6 5 5 PSE 4,2 4 5,38 3 3,5 2 3,83 OC 1 1,83 0 6 5 3 OP 3 3 QA MEC 3 3 Legend PS PSE OC OP MEC PS PSE OC OP MM MEC QA PIC PCA PCA MM PTG PA PA PIC PTG MM PM QM S95 Informations6 4,88 PS 3,6 6 3,75 5 PSE 4 4 5,67 3 2,83 2 4,33 OC 1 1 0 6 5 3 OP 3 3 QA MEC 3 3 Legend (cont.) Production Scheduling (2.0) Process Support Engineering (3.1) Operations Control (3.2) Operations Planning (3.3) Material and Energy Control (4.0) QA PIC PCA MM Quality Assurance (6.0) Product Inventory Control (7.0) Product Cost Accounting (8.0) Maintenance Management (10.0) Interfaces Interface Type Product Name ERP systems QAD ERP systems BAAN ERP systems Oracle ERP systems JDEdwards ERP systems SAP Other Standards & Middleware MS Biztalk Other Standards & Middleware OPC (OLE for Process Control) © Copyright 2003, CMG A-31 Name / version Factelligence / V1.4 CIMNET, Inc. Vendor Major Functions Type Function Module Certification Manager - Defines which people have the authority to make important products, operate complex processes and sign off on quality results. Datalog Manager - The Datalog Manager defines data archiving schemes to record key process and quality data. Information is archived against the specific Job, Line and other production domains. DNC Manager - The management of valuable machine tools by the DNC Manager will provide a reliable method to upload and download programs to your machines. DNC Manager includes a powerful g-gode editor to centrally create and edit your machining desig Factory Connector - The Factory Connector integrates Factelligence into the plant control system. Interfaces to popular HMI systems and OPC servers provide full read-write capabilities to download setpoints and acquire live process and quality data. Folders Manager - This module provides for the definition of electronic folders for presentation of important CAD drawings, tooling instructions and multimedia to your operators. Labor Manager - You can record labor times and location of operators for every job and shift and plan complex shift schedules including planned downtime for each machine. Procedure Step Manager - Design complex Standard Operating Procedures to step your operators through their assembly or validated process with the Procedure Step Manager. Include instruction, data entry, electronic signature and process control steps. Product Definition Manager - The Product Definition Manager defines your detailed BOM, recipes, product specifications and documentation with full revision control and security. The complete product definition is then available to the shop floor in a Production Manager - The Production Manager is used to record production of goods. This includes scrapping of products and recording of serial numbers. System security also forms part of this core module. Using Production Manager, supervisors can adj Supply Chain Connector - The Supply Chain Connector integrates all Factelligence configuration and historical data with common ERP, document management, maintenance and Supply Chain Management systems. Tracking Manager - Records material consumption, lot genealogy, shop floor inventory and Work In Progress (WIP). Detailed status screens and reports enable instant and complete visibility to track all aspects of your shop floor operations. Utilization Manager - Using the Machine Utilization Manager you can capture full equipment history and see instant machine status to improve utilization performance. Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Integrated Module Module Module Unsupported Aspects Nr. 2 MESA Description ODS Scheduling is finite but does not have unlimited contraint definition © Copyright 2003, CMG A-32 Name / version FACTORYworks / 2,5 Vendor Brooks Automation MESA-11 Compliance RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM PM MM PTG PA PA PTG MM PM QM LM RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM PM MM PTG PA PA PTG MM PM QM LM RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM PM MM PTG PA PA PTG MM PM QM Continuous3Processing RAS 2 6 2 PA ODS 5 2 4 2 3 2 PTG DPU 2 2 1 2 0 6 MM DC 2 2 6 PM DCA 6 3 QM LM 6 6 6 5 Standard Products in Mass 5 RAS 5 6 4 PA ODS 5 6 4 3 3 PTG DPU 6 2 6 1 6 0 6 MM DC 5 6 6 PM DCA 3 6 QM LM 6 6 Engineer6to Order 6 RAS 6 6 PA ODS 5 4 4 6 3 3 PTG DPU 2 6 1 6 0 6 6 MM DC 4 3 3 PM DCA 3 3 LM QM 3 © Copyright 2003, CMG RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM MM MM PTG PA PA PTG MM PM QM LM RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM PM MM PTG PA PA PTG MM PM QM LM 6 Batch/Semi Process RAS 6 66 PA ODS 54 46 33 PTG DPU 26 16 06 MM DC 6 5 6 MM DCA 6 3 QM LM 6 6 6 6 Make to Order 6 RAS 6 6 4 PA ODS 5 6 4 3 3 PTG DPU 6 2 6 1 6 0 6 MM DC 5 6 6 PM DCA 3 4 QM LM 4 4 Legend RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM PM MM PTG PA Resource Allocation and Status Operations/Detail Scheduling Dispatching Production Units Document Control Data Collection/Acquisition Labor Management Quality Management Process Management Maintenance Management Product Tracking and Genealogy Performance Analysis A-33 Name / version FACTORYworks / 2,5 Brooks Automation Vendor Product Details Aspect Release Date Homepage Platforms Databases Technology Architecture Out-of-the-Box vs. Toolbox Software Suite Modular Description November 2001 Unix Oracle XML Client/Server, Distr. Architect., Web Enabled 7 Y Y S95 Compliance PS PSE OC OP MM MEC QA PIC PCA PCA MM PTG PA PA PIC PTG MM PM QM S95 Functions2,5 5,5 PS 5,71 6 5,2 5 PSE 4,2 4 6 3 4 2 3 OC 1 5 0 6 5 3 OP 3 3 QA MEC 3 3 Legend PS PSE OC OP MEC PS PSE OC OP MM MEC QA PIC PCA PCA MM PTG PA PA PIC PTG MM PM QM S95 Informations5 4,5 PS 5,7 6 4,75 5 PSE 4,75 4 6 3 5 2 2 OC 1 5,33 0 6 5 3 OP 3 3 QA MEC 3 3 Legend (cont.) Production Scheduling (2.0) Process Support Engineering (3.1) Operations Control (3.2) Operations Planning (3.3) Material and Energy Control (4.0) QA PIC PCA MM Quality Assurance (6.0) Product Inventory Control (7.0) Product Cost Accounting (8.0) Maintenance Management (10.0) Interfaces Interface Type Product Name ERP systems Oracle ERP systems SAP Maintenance Management Xsite Scheduling & Sequencing APF Suite Major Functions Type Function Module Alarm Monitoring © Copyright 2003, CMG A-34 Name / version FACTORYworks / 2,5 Brooks Automation Vendor Integrated Engineering Data Collection Integrated Equipment & Site Modeling Suite Equipment Integration & automation Module Equipment Maintenance Integrated Operator Tracking & authorization Integrated Process Planning Suite Real-time dispatching & scheduling Module Statistical Process Control Integrated WIP Tracking & Dispatching Branche Solutions Solution Branche 300works Semiconductors LCDworks Electronics Supported Aspects Nr. MESA Description 1 RAS 2 ODS 3 DPU 4 DOC 5 DCA 6 LM 7 QM 8 PM 9 MM 10 PTG 11 PA FACTORYworks provides detailed history and real-time management and of all resources required by the material FACTORYworks provides basic scheduling/prioritization capabilities. For more advanced functionality, FACTORYworks is already integrated with the Brooks product APF to provide this capability. FACTORYworks provides detailed history and real-time management and of all product that flows through the facility. This includes any non-standard cycles such as rework, scrap, etc. FACTORYworks process specifications and flows are under full version control. All material is tracked and recorded according to specific versions of the process model. FACTORYworks includes the capability to record and store both production and parametric data in realtime. FACTORYworks records the operator with all transactions FACTORYworks includes the capability to analyze, graph and store both production and parametric data in real-time. It is also integrated with the Brooks' SPC product (Cornerstone) to provide non-realtime data analysis capabilities FACTORYworks process planning tools allows the engineer to define a very flexible and complex flow that can react to changes in the lot's attributes or data. It can react to information that was collected in either a manual or automatic mode. FACTORYworks provides basic equipment management capabilities. In addition, FACTORYworks is already integrated with the Brooks Xsite product to provide complete equipment & maintenance management capabilities including state modeling and spare parts inventory control. FACTORYworks provides detailed history and real-time management and of all product that flows through the facility. This includes any non-standard cycles such as rework, scrap, etc. In addition to the production database, FACTORYworks has a reporting database to ease the development and generation of reports. The reporting database is updated with real-time information from the production database every few minutes (User-defined). Both databases are fully relational and can be accessed by any commercial reporting tools that supports Oracle. FACTORYworks provides some example production reports. Finally, FACTORYworks is integrated with the Brooks' SPC product (Cornerstone) to provide data/SPC analysis capabilities Unsupported Aspects Nr. MESA Description 1 RAS 2 ODS 3 DPU 6 LM FACTORYworks is designed with the idea that an entity can be identified and tracked as it progresses through the factory. Thus, it is not a strong fit for continuous process environments. FACTORYworks is designed with the idea that an entity can be identified and tracked as it progresses through the factory. Thus, it is not a strong fit for continuous process environments. FACTORYworks is designed with the idea that an entity can be identified and tracked as it progresses through the factory. Thus, it is not a strong fit for continuous process environments. FACTORYworks does not do time & attendance tracking © Copyright 2003, CMG A-35 Name / version FACTORYworks / 2,5 Brooks Automation Vendor 10 PTG FACTORYworks is designed with the idea that an entity can be identified and tracked as it progresses through the factory. Thus, it is not a strong fit for continuous process environments. © Copyright 2003, CMG A-36 Name / version Failsafe / 2.3.0 Vendor Mestec Ltd MESA-11 Compliance RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM PM MM PTG PA PA PTG MM PM QM LM RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM PM MM PTG PA PA PTG MM PM QM LM RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM PM MM PTG PA PA PTG MM PM QM Continuous1Processing RAS 1 6 1 PA ODS 5 1 4 1 3 1 PTG DPU 2 1 1 1 0 1 MM DC 1 1 6 PM DCA 6 3 QM LM 6 6 6 5 Standard Products in Mass 1 RAS 6 6 6 PA ODS 5 6 4 5 3 PTG DPU 5 2 3 1 2 0 6 MM DC 5 6 6 PM DCA 3 6 QM LM 6 6 Engineer5to Order 1 RAS 6 6 PA ODS 5 6 4 6 3 5 PTG DPU 2 5 1 3 0 2 6 MM DC 5 3 3 PM DCA 3 3 LM QM 3 © Copyright 2003, CMG RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM MM MM PTG PA PA PTG MM PM QM LM RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM PM MM PTG PA PA PTG MM PM QM LM 2 Batch/Semi Process RAS 1 64 PA ODS 54 46 34 PTG DPU 23 12 02 MM DC 3 2 6 MM DCA 6 3 QM LM 6 6 6 5 Make to Order 1 RAS 6 6 6 PA ODS 5 6 4 5 3 PTG DPU 5 2 3 1 2 0 6 MM DC 5 6 6 PM DCA 3 4 QM LM 4 4 Legend RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM PM MM PTG PA Resource Allocation and Status Operations/Detail Scheduling Dispatching Production Units Document Control Data Collection/Acquisition Labor Management Quality Management Process Management Maintenance Management Product Tracking and Genealogy Performance Analysis A-37 Name / version Failsafe / 2.3.0 Mestec Ltd Vendor Product Details Aspect Release Date Homepage Platforms Databases Technology Architecture Out-of-the-Box vs. Toolbox Software Suite Modular Description August 2002 NT4 Intel, Win2000, WinXP Oracle, SQL Server ActiveX, OLE, ODBC, XML Client/Server, Thin Client 7 N Y S95 Compliance PS PSE OC OP MM MEC QA PIC PCA PCA MM PTG PA PA PIC PTG MM PM QM S95 Functions 2 3,17 PS 4,29 6 2 5 PSE 5,2 4 5,25 3 4,67 2 4 OC 1 2,83 0 6 5 3 OP 3 3 QA MEC 3 3 Legend PS PSE OC OP MEC PS PSE OC OP MM MEC QA PIC PCA PCA MM PTG PA PA PIC PTG MM PM QM 2,25 S95 Informations 3,25 PS 3,3 6 2,75 5 PSE 4 4 4,67 3 3,67 2 3,67 1 OC 0 QA 6 5 3 3 3 MEC 3 3 OP Legend (cont.) Production Scheduling (2.0) Process Support Engineering (3.1) Operations Control (3.2) Operations Planning (3.3) Material and Energy Control (4.0) QA PIC PCA MM Quality Assurance (6.0) Product Inventory Control (7.0) Product Cost Accounting (8.0) Maintenance Management (10.0) Interfaces Interface Type Product Name ERP systems BAAN ERP systems Peoplesoft ERP systems Oracle ERP systems JDEdwards ERP systems SAP Other Standards & Middleware ASCII file Other Standards & Middleware ODBC Other Standards & Middleware XML © Copyright 2003, CMG A-38 Name / version Failsafe / 2.3.0 Vendor Mestec Ltd Other Standards & Middleware MS Biztalk Major Functions Type Function Integrated Complex workflow management Integrated Conditional and dymanic routing Integrated Configurable operator dialog Integrated Configurable touch-screen plant-floor interface Integrated Configuration management Integrated Dynamic scheduling Module Event management Integrated Integration to plant devices Integrated Label and forms printing Integrated Labour tracking and management Integrated Lean pull-style manufacturing mode Integrated Materials management and replenishment Integrated Multi-level complex Bills-Of-Materials Integrated Operator work instructions, drawings, product configuration requirements Integrated Paperless plant-floor Module Process and collaborative level integration Integrated Product traceability and genealogy Integrated SQL and Oracle database support Integrated Supply-chain coordination Integrated Visualisation, reporting and data analysis © Copyright 2003, CMG A-39 Name / version HMS-CAPP,HMS-SFM,HMS-NCM / 4,1 Vendor HMS Software, Inc. MESA-11 Compliance RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM PM MM PTG PA PA PTG MM PM QM LM RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM PM MM PTG PA PA PTG MM PM QM LM RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM PM MM PTG PA PA PTG MM PM QM Continuous1Processing RAS 1 6 1 PA ODS 5 1 4 1 3 1 PTG DPU 2 1 1 1 0 1 MM DC 1 1 6 PM DCA 6 3 QM LM 6 6 6 2 Standard Products in Mass 2 RAS 4 6 6 PA ODS 5 5 4 5 3 PTG DPU 6 2 1 1 4 0 5 MM DC 3 6 6 PM DCA 3 6 QM LM 6 6 Engineer4to Order 4 RAS 6 6 PA ODS 5 6 4 6 3 5 PTG DPU 2 6 1 2 0 4 6 MM DC 4 3 3 PM DCA 3 3 LM QM 3 © Copyright 2003, CMG RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM MM MM PTG PA PA PTG MM PM QM LM RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM PM MM PTG PA PA PTG MM PM QM LM 1 Batch/Semi Process RAS 1 61 PA ODS 51 41 31 PTG DPU 21 11 01 MM DC 1 1 6 MM DCA 6 3 QM LM 6 6 6 4 Make to Order 4 RAS 6 6 6 PA ODS 5 6 4 5 3 PTG DPU 6 2 2 1 4 0 6 MM DC 4 6 6 PM DCA 3 4 QM LM 4 4 Legend RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM PM MM PTG PA Resource Allocation and Status Operations/Detail Scheduling Dispatching Production Units Document Control Data Collection/Acquisition Labor Management Quality Management Process Management Maintenance Management Product Tracking and Genealogy Performance Analysis A-40 Name / version HMS-CAPP,HMS-SFM,HMS-NCM / 4,1 HMS Software, Inc. Vendor Product Details Aspect Release Date Homepage Platforms Databases Technology Architecture Out-of-the-Box vs. Toolbox Software Suite Modular Description June 2002 NT4 Intel, NT4 Alpha, Win2000, WinXP, Unix, AS400 Oracle ODBC, XML Client/Server, Load Balancing, Thin Client, Web Enabled 3 Y N S95 Compliance PS PSE OC OP MM MEC QA PIC PCA PCA MM PTG PA PA PIC PTG MM PM QM S95 Functions 1 1 PS 1 6 1 5 PSE 1 4 1 3 1 2 1 OC 1 1 0 6 5 3 OP 3 3 QA MEC 3 3 Legend PS PSE OC OP MEC PS PSE OC OP MM MEC QA PIC PCA PCA MM PTG PA PA PIC PTG MM PM QM S95 Informations1 1 PS 1 6 1 5 PSE 1 4 1 3 1 2 1 1 OC 0 QA 6 5 3 3 3 MEC 3 3 OP Legend (cont.) Production Scheduling (2.0) Process Support Engineering (3.1) Operations Control (3.2) Operations Planning (3.3) Material and Energy Control (4.0) QA PIC PCA MM Quality Assurance (6.0) Product Inventory Control (7.0) Product Cost Accounting (8.0) Maintenance Management (10.0) Interfaces Interface Type Product Name ERP systems MANCON ERP systems COPICS ERP systems MACPAC ERP systems CINCOM ERP systems BAAN ERP systems Peoplesoft ERP systems Oracle ERP systems SAP © Copyright 2003, CMG A-41 Name / version HMS-CAPP,HMS-SFM,HMS-NCM / 4,1 HMS Software, Inc. Vendor Major Functions Type Function Suite Bill of Material Management Suite Central Callboard Suite Corrective Action Suite Manufacturing Change Management Suite Nonconformance Management Suite Process Planning Suite Shop Floor Management Suite Shop Order Maintenance Suite Tool Planning and Management Branche Solutions Solution Branche HMS-CAPP,HMS-SFM,HMS-NCM Aerospace and Defense Supported Aspects Nr. MESA Description 1 RAS 8 PM Identifies all resources required to perform a job and validations certification of resources prior to start of work Detailed work queues provide visability of status and health of orders. Includes customer defineable process statuses, priorities and updates to scheduled dates. HMS provides a project management interface that is used to initally laod and update scheduling packages as needed. Strength of system. Allows tracking and management of unitized and non unitized orders throught the life cycle of the order. Buyoffs and certifications checked throughout order as defined in the CAPP system. Includes work queue with real time critical ratio, scheduled due dates, promise dates and priorities. Status codes can be updated throughout process. Supports bathing and order splits. Strength of system. Provides the shop with the proper documentation from one central point. Work instructions, drawings, 3D models, specs and other data is readily available. Full order maintenance with approval workflow provides electronic updates to released started orders. Shift notes and planning feedback enhance communication. All data is stored in a configurable format for achived history record. Data collection is an integral part of the production order. The data can be manually entered or transferred from equipement with an interface. Data is archived as part of the as-built record. Transaction and labor history provides complete searchable information of labor activity. Operations starts can require certifications and skill levels. Provides feeds to scheduling tools. A completely integrated nonconformance management and corrective/preventative action module are available. Rejects can be initiated from the shop floor system and routed automatically for review and dispositions. Rework orders can be launched and worked through the common shop user interface. Corrective Actions can be initiated from within a discrepancy or seperately as needed. Interfaces to equipement can be developed and alarms set, but not part of the COTS product 2 ODS 3 DPU 4 DOC 5 DCA 6 LM 7 QM 9 MM Tool planning and management includes tracking of tooling, calibration schedules, reserves and issues. 10 PTG 11 PA Strength of system. Collection of serial numbers, lot/date codes, time on part and other attributes included. The system establishes a product genealogy tree based on the parent and child serial numbers collected. Validations of serial numbers performed. Product genealogy is included in the asbuilt record. Production history can be analysed with an integrated third party reporting tool. On-line critical ratio displayed as part of the work queue. Unsupported Aspects Nr. 1 MESA Description RAS Reservation and dispatching only included for tools, fixtures, gages and other serialized resources managed in HMS. © Copyright 2003, CMG A-42 Name / version HMS-CAPP,HMS-SFM,HMS-NCM / 4,1 HMS Software, Inc. Vendor 2 ODS 5 DCA 6 LM Finite scheduler is not included in the product, but standard interafaces available to scheduling packages. Out of the box machine interfaces are not available, but the HMS toolset allows for interface development. Typically interfaced to a payroll time and attendance system. 7 QM Interfaces to SPC system available. 9 MM Preventative maintenance scheduling not part of the COTS product © Copyright 2003, CMG A-43 Name / version Manufacturing Pulse / 2003 Vendor Motorola MESA-11 Compliance RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM PM MM PTG PA PA PTG MM PM QM LM RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM PM MM PTG PA PA PTG MM PM QM LM RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM PM MM PTG PA PA PTG MM PM QM Continuous1Processing RAS 1 6 1 PA ODS 5 1 4 1 3 1 PTG DPU 2 1 1 1 0 1 MM DC 1 1 6 PM DCA 6 3 QM LM 6 6 6 5 Standard Products in Mass 6 RAS 4 6 4 PA ODS 5 6 4 1 3 PTG DPU 6 2 6 1 4 0 6 MM DC 6 6 6 PM DCA 3 6 QM LM 6 6 Engineer1to Order 1 RAS 1 6 PA ODS 5 1 4 1 3 1 PTG DPU 2 1 1 1 0 1 1 MM DC 1 3 3 PM DCA 3 3 LM QM 3 © Copyright 2003, CMG RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM MM MM PTG PA PA PTG MM PM QM LM RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM PM MM PTG PA PA PTG MM PM QM LM 5 Batch/Semi Process RAS 6 64 PA ODS 54 46 31 PTG DPU 26 16 04 MM DC 6 6 6 MM DCA 6 3 QM LM 6 6 6 5 Make to Order 6 RAS 4 6 4 PA ODS 5 6 4 1 3 PTG DPU 6 2 6 1 4 0 6 MM DC 6 6 6 PM DCA 3 4 QM LM 4 4 Legend RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM PM MM PTG PA Resource Allocation and Status Operations/Detail Scheduling Dispatching Production Units Document Control Data Collection/Acquisition Labor Management Quality Management Process Management Maintenance Management Product Tracking and Genealogy Performance Analysis A-44 Name / version Manufacturing Pulse / 2003 Motorola Vendor Product Details Aspect Release Date Homepage Platforms Databases Technology Architecture Out-of-the-Box vs. Toolbox Software Suite Modular Description Win2000 Oracle ActiveX, OLE, ODBC, dotNet Client/Server 3 Y Y S95 Compliance PS PSE OC OP MM MEC QA PIC PCA PCA MM PTG PA PA PIC PTG MM PM QM 1,75 S95 Functions 3,67 PS 5,14 6 5,4 5 PSE 3,6 4 4,5 3 2,67 2 2 OC 1 3,5 0 6 5 3 OP 3 3 QA MEC 3 3 Legend PS PSE OC OP MEC PS PSE OC OP MM MEC QA PIC PCA PCA MM PTG PA PA PIC PTG MM PM QM 3,5 S95 Informations 3,5 PS 4 6 5 5 PSE 4 4 3,67 3 1,5 2 2,67 OC 1 3,33 0 6 5 3 OP 3 3 QA MEC 3 3 Legend (cont.) Production Scheduling (2.0) Process Support Engineering (3.1) Operations Control (3.2) Operations Planning (3.3) Material and Energy Control (4.0) QA PIC PCA MM Quality Assurance (6.0) Product Inventory Control (7.0) Product Cost Accounting (8.0) Maintenance Management (10.0) Interfaces Interface Type Product Name ERP systems Oracle Other Standards & Middleware IPC XML standards Other Standards & Middleware SECS/GEM Scheduling & Sequencing Rythm SCP (i2 Technologies) Major Functions Type Function Integrated Alerts © Copyright 2003, CMG A-45 Name / version Manufacturing Pulse / 2003 Motorola Vendor Module Analysis and Repair Suite Balance Suite Document Control Suite Equipment Monitoring Integrated Genealogy Module Material Monitor Suite Part Verification System Integrated Reports Module Schedule Monitor Module Test Monitor Module WIP Tracking Branche Solutions Solution Branche Manufacturing Pulse Electronics Supported Aspects Nr. MESA Description 1 RAS Displays in RT actual state of management equipment 2 ODS Integrates with I2 for scheduling features 3 DPU Factory and line optimization tools are part of the product suite 4 DOC ECNs/ECOs asre handled by PDM module 5 DCA RT data acquisition from many equipment vendors and equipment types 6 LM OS system authenticates users 7 QM 8 PM 9 MM Provides detailed process and product test measures and analysis tools, including SPC charting and alarming Provide detailed SPC based alarming and reporting functionality, and is easily configured to provide customized reports Interfaces to maintenance management systems 10 PTG product tracking and genealogy down to compeontent/lot code level 11 PA Real-time performance monitoring and reporting Unsupported Aspects Nr. MESA Description 1 RAS Reserving assets not a current feature 3 DPU altering prescribed schedules requires re-optimization 4 DOC Work instructions for operators are not provided © Copyright 2003, CMG A-46 Name / version MWare / 2.3 Vendor PEC info MESA-11 Compliance RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM PM MM PTG PA PA PTG MM PM QM LM RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM PM MM PTG PA PA PTG MM PM QM LM RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM PM MM PTG PA PA PTG MM PM QM Continuous2Processing RAS 2 6 2 PA ODS 5 2 4 3 3 5 PTG DPU 2 3 1 3 0 3 MM DC 4 4 6 PM DCA 6 3 QM LM 6 6 6 6 Standard Products in Mass 6 RAS 6 6 6 PA ODS 5 6 4 6 3 PTG DPU 6 2 6 1 6 0 6 MM DC 6 6 6 PM DCA 3 6 QM LM 6 6 Engineer6to Order 6 RAS 6 6 PA ODS 5 6 4 6 3 6 PTG DPU 2 6 1 6 0 6 6 MM DC 6 3 3 PM DCA 3 3 LM QM 3 © Copyright 2003, CMG RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM MM MM PTG PA PA PTG MM PM QM LM RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM PM MM PTG PA PA PTG MM PM QM LM 4 Batch/Semi Process RAS 4 65 PA ODS 55 46 36 PTG DPU 24 14 05 MM DC 6 6 6 MM DCA 6 3 QM LM 6 6 6 6 Make to Order 6 RAS 6 6 6 PA ODS 5 6 4 6 3 PTG DPU 6 2 6 1 6 0 6 MM DC 6 6 6 PM DCA 3 4 QM LM 4 4 Legend RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM PM MM PTG PA Resource Allocation and Status Operations/Detail Scheduling Dispatching Production Units Document Control Data Collection/Acquisition Labor Management Quality Management Process Management Maintenance Management Product Tracking and Genealogy Performance Analysis A-47 Name / version MWare / 2.3 PEC info Vendor Product Details Aspect Release Date Homepage Platforms Databases Technology Architecture Out-of-the-Box vs. Toolbox Software Suite Modular Description July 2002 NT4 Intel, Win2000 Oracle, SQL Server Dcom, Com+, ActiveX, OLE, OPC, DNA, ODBC, XML, dotNet Client/Server, Load Balancing, Distr. Architect., Thin Client, Web Enabled 3 N Y S95 Compliance PS PSE OC OP MM MEC QA PIC PCA PCA MM PTG PA PA PIC PTG MM PM QM S95 Functions 6 5,17 PS 6 6 6 5 PSE 6 4 5,63 3 5 2 1,17 OC 1 3 0 6 5 3 OP 3 3 QA MEC 3 3 Legend PS PSE OC OP MEC PS PSE OC OP MM MEC QA PIC PCA PCA MM PTG PA PA PIC PTG MM PM QM S95 Informations6 6 PS 5,7 6 6 5 PSE 6 4 6 3 5,5 2 1 OC 1 4 0 6 5 3 OP 3 3 QA MEC 3 3 Legend (cont.) Production Scheduling (2.0) Process Support Engineering (3.1) Operations Control (3.2) Operations Planning (3.3) Material and Energy Control (4.0) QA PIC PCA MM Quality Assurance (6.0) Product Inventory Control (7.0) Product Cost Accounting (8.0) Maintenance Management (10.0) Interfaces Interface Type Product Name ERP systems MFG Pro ERP systems Mapics ERP systems BAAN ERP systems SAP Other Standards & Middleware MQ Series Other Standards & Middleware MS Biztalk Other Standards & Middleware OPC (OLE for Process Control) © Copyright 2003, CMG A-48 Name / version MWare / 2.3 PEC info Vendor Major Functions Type Function Module APS Manager (Planning and Scheduling) Module Communication Server (XML Communication Interface Integrated Electronic Document Manager Module IO Server (OPC compliant Device Interface) Integrated Material Manager (Tracking and Tracing) Integrated Productivity Manager Integrated Quality Manger Module Relocation Manager (Logistics Flow Control) Integrated Shop Order Management Integrated WIP Manager (Warehouse Management) Branche Solutions Solution Branche Battery Manufacturing Consumer Packed Goods (non food) Lighting Industry Consumer Packed Goods (non food) Supported Aspects Nr. MESA Description 1 RAS 2 ODS MWare supports a flexible configuration of tools, machines, equipment.... Mware also allows to set user rights and actions. The APS module is a best in class scheduling system for all discrete processes 3 DPU Dynamic User Interface, depending on User Rights...., Multi Language 5 DCA 6 LM Mware provides a time axis on which all relevant production parameters can be tracked, with relation to orders, labour.... Mware supports full time and attendance functionality for all direct and indirect labour 7 QM Easy integration of existing SPC or Quality Systems 10 PTG Full tracking, for all kind of production environments, for diverting or converting processess 11 PA provides both historical and online productivity data via a browser interface © Copyright 2003, CMG A-49 Name / version OPTAL-mes / 1,1 Vendor OPTAL Ltd. MESA-11 Compliance RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM PM MM PTG PA PA PTG MM PM QM LM RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM PM MM PTG PA PA PTG MM PM QM LM RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM PM MM PTG PA PA PTG MM PM QM Continuous1Processing RAS 1 6 2 PA ODS 5 6 4 2 3 6 PTG DPU 2 2 1 2 0 1 MM DC 2 2 6 PM DCA 6 3 QM LM 6 6 6 4 Standard Products in Mass 4 RAS 6 6 6 PA ODS 5 6 4 6 3 PTG DPU 6 2 6 1 1 0 4 MM DC 6 6 6 PM DCA 3 6 QM LM 6 6 Engineer6to Order 6 RAS 6 6 PA ODS 5 6 4 6 3 6 PTG DPU 2 6 1 6 0 1 4 MM DC 6 3 3 PM DCA 3 3 LM QM 3 © Copyright 2003, CMG RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM MM MM PTG PA PA PTG MM PM QM LM RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM PM MM PTG PA PA PTG MM PM QM LM 6 Batch/Semi Process RAS 6 66 PA ODS 56 46 36 PTG DPU 25 15 01 MM DC 4 6 6 MM DCA 6 3 QM LM 6 6 6 6 Make to Order 6 RAS 6 6 6 PA ODS 5 6 4 6 3 PTG DPU 6 2 6 1 1 0 4 MM DC 6 6 6 PM DCA 3 4 QM LM 4 4 Legend RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM PM MM PTG PA Resource Allocation and Status Operations/Detail Scheduling Dispatching Production Units Document Control Data Collection/Acquisition Labor Management Quality Management Process Management Maintenance Management Product Tracking and Genealogy Performance Analysis A-50 Name / version OPTAL-mes / 1,1 OPTAL Ltd. Vendor Product Details Aspect Release Date Homepage Platforms Databases Technology Architecture Out-of-the-Box vs. Toolbox Software Suite Modular Description June 2002 NT4 Intel, Win2000, WinXP SQL Server ActiveX, OLE, ODBC, XML, dotNet Client/Server 2 Y N S95 Compliance PS PSE OC OP MM MEC QA PIC PCA PCA MM PTG PA PA PIC PTG MM PM QM S95 Functions 2 2 PS 3 6 4 5 PSE 1 4 2,75 3 1 2 2,33 OC 1 1 0 6 5 3 OP 3 3 QA MEC 3 3 Legend PS PSE OC OP MEC PS PSE OC OP MM MEC QA PIC PCA PCA MM PTG PA PA PIC PTG MM PM QM 4,75 S95 Informations 5,38 PS 4 6 2,25 5 PSE 1 4 2 3 1 2 2,67 OC 1 1 0 6 5 3 OP 3 3 QA MEC 3 3 Legend (cont.) Production Scheduling (2.0) Process Support Engineering (3.1) Operations Control (3.2) Operations Planning (3.3) Material and Energy Control (4.0) QA PIC PCA MM Quality Assurance (6.0) Product Inventory Control (7.0) Product Cost Accounting (8.0) Maintenance Management (10.0) Interfaces Interface Type Product Name ERP systems Profitkey ERP systems BAAN ERP systems SAP Other Standards & Middleware OPC (OLE for Process Control) Major Functions Type Function Integrated Document Control © Copyright 2003, CMG A-51 Name / version OPTAL-mes / 1,1 Vendor OPTAL Ltd. Integrated Down time tracking Integrated Inspection Integrated Job tracking Integrated Process data collection Integrated Production Labour Time reporting Integrated Scrap Analyis Integrated Time & Attendance © Copyright 2003, CMG A-52 Name / version PAS-X / V2.1 Vendor Werum GmbH MESA-11 Compliance RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM PM MM PTG PA PA PTG MM PM QM LM RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM PM MM PTG PA PA PTG MM PM QM LM RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM PM MM PTG PA PA PTG MM PM QM Continuous1Processing RAS 1 6 1 PA ODS 5 1 4 1 3 1 PTG DPU 2 1 1 1 0 1 MM DC 1 1 6 PM DCA 6 3 QM LM 6 6 6 5 Standard Products in Mass 5 RAS 5 6 5 PA ODS 5 6 4 3 3 PTG DPU 5 2 6 1 3 0 6 MM DC 6 6 6 PM DCA 3 6 QM LM 6 6 Engineer1to Order 1 RAS 1 6 PA ODS 5 1 4 1 3 1 PTG DPU 2 1 1 1 0 1 1 MM DC 1 3 3 PM DCA 3 3 LM QM 3 © Copyright 2003, CMG RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM MM MM PTG PA PA PTG MM PM QM LM RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM PM MM PTG PA PA PTG MM PM QM LM 5 Batch/Semi Process RAS 5 65 PA ODS 55 46 33 PTG DPU 25 16 03 MM DC 6 6 6 MM DCA 6 3 QM LM 6 6 6 4 Make to Order 4 RAS 4 6 4 PA ODS 5 5 4 2 3 PTG DPU 5 2 6 1 3 0 6 MM DC 6 6 6 PM DCA 3 4 QM LM 4 4 Legend RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM PM MM PTG PA Resource Allocation and Status Operations/Detail Scheduling Dispatching Production Units Document Control Data Collection/Acquisition Labor Management Quality Management Process Management Maintenance Management Product Tracking and Genealogy Performance Analysis A-53 Name / version PAS-X / V2.1 Werum GmbH Vendor Product Details Aspect Release Date Homepage Platforms Databases Technology Architecture Out-of-the-Box vs. Toolbox Software Suite Modular Description November 2001 NT4 Intel, NT4 Alpha, Win2000, WinXP, Unix, Linux Oracle ActiveX, OPC, ODBC Client/Server 3 Y Y S95 Compliance PS PSE OC OP MM MEC QA PIC PCA PCA MM PTG PA PA PIC PTG MM PM QM S95 Functions 1 1 PS 1 6 1 5 PSE 1 4 1 3 1 2 1 OC 1 1 0 6 5 3 OP 3 3 QA MEC 3 3 Legend PS PSE OC OP MEC PS PSE OC OP MM MEC QA PIC PCA PCA MM PTG PA PA PIC PTG MM PM QM S95 Informations1 1 PS 1 6 1 5 PSE 1 4 1 3 1 2 1 OC 1 1 0 6 5 3 OP 3 3 QA MEC 3 3 Legend (cont.) Production Scheduling (2.0) Process Support Engineering (3.1) Operations Control (3.2) Operations Planning (3.3) Material and Energy Control (4.0) QA PIC PCA MM Quality Assurance (6.0) Product Inventory Control (7.0) Product Cost Accounting (8.0) Maintenance Management (10.0) Interfaces Interface Type Product Name ERP systems Oracle ERP systems JDEdwards ERP systems SAP Major Functions Type Function Module Electronic Records/Electronic Signatures ER/ES Module LIMS © Copyright 2003, CMG A-54 Name / version PAS-X / V2.1 Vendor Werum GmbH Module PAS-DM - Deviation and Event Management Module PAS-EBR - Electronic Batch Recording Module PAS-KPI - Key Performance Indicators Module PAS-LINE - Line Control and Optimization Module PAS-MBR - Master Batch Records Module PAS-MT - Material Tracking Module PAS-PLAN - Planning Module PAS-WD - Weighing and Dispensing Module PAS-WMS - Warehouse Management Integrated PAS-X BIOTECH - for API and bio-pharmaceutical production Integrated PAS-X PHARMA - Manufacturing Execution System (MES) Integrated PAS-X PROCESS Fine Chemicals Module Supply Chain Integration in Production Branche Solutions Solution Branche DSC Integration Pharmaceutical Electronic Records/Electronic Signatures ER/ES Pharmaceutical KPI Calculations Pharmaceutical LIMS Pharmaceutical Line Monitoring in Packaging and Production Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Execution System Pharmaceutical Material Flow Control Pharmaceutical Production Planning Pharmaceutical Supply Chain Integration in Production Pharmaceutical Weighing and Dispensing Pharmaceutical © Copyright 2003, CMG A-55 Name / version PI System / 3.3 SR1 Vendor OSI Software, Inc. MESA-11 Compliance RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM PM MM PTG PA PA PTG MM PM QM LM RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM PM MM PTG PA PA PTG MM PM QM LM RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM PM MM PTG PA PA PTG MM PM QM Continuous3Processing RAS 1 6 4 PA ODS 5 2 4 6 3 3 PTG DPU 2 5 1 6 0 5 MM DC 5 6 6 PM DCA 6 3 QM LM 6 6 6 3 Standard Products in Mass 1 RAS 4 6 2 PA ODS 5 6 4 3 3 PTG DPU 5 2 6 1 5 0 5 MM DC 6 6 6 PM DCA 3 6 QM LM 6 6 Engineer1to Order 1 RAS 1 6 PA ODS 5 1 4 6 3 1 PTG DPU 2 1 1 6 0 5 5 MM DC 6 3 3 PM DCA 3 3 LM QM 3 © Copyright 2003, CMG RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM MM MM PTG PA PA PTG MM PM QM LM RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM PM MM PTG PA PA PTG MM PM QM LM 3 Batch/Semi Process RAS 1 64 PA ODS 52 46 33 PTG DPU 25 16 05 MM DC 5 6 6 MM DCA 6 3 QM LM 6 6 6 1 Make to Order 1 RAS 1 6 1 PA ODS 5 6 4 1 3 PTG DPU 1 2 6 1 5 0 5 MM DC 6 6 6 PM DCA 3 4 QM LM 4 4 Legend RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM PM MM PTG PA Resource Allocation and Status Operations/Detail Scheduling Dispatching Production Units Document Control Data Collection/Acquisition Labor Management Quality Management Process Management Maintenance Management Product Tracking and Genealogy Performance Analysis A-56 Name / version PI System / 3.3 SR1 OSI Software, Inc. Vendor Product Details Aspect Release Date Homepage Platforms Databases Technology Architecture Out-of-the-Box vs. Toolbox Software Suite Modular Description April 2002 ; NT4 Intel, NT4 Alpha, Win2000, WinXP, Unix, Open VMS Oracle, SQL Server, Progress, Informix, Ingres, Sybase, DB/2 Dcom, Com+, ActiveX, OLE, OPC, DNA, ODBC, XML, dotNet Client/Server, Distr. Architect., Thin Client, Web Enabled 1 Y Y S95 Compliance PS PSE OC OP MM MEC QA PIC PCA PCA MM PTG PA PA PIC PTG MM PM QM S95 Functions 1 2,83 PS 4,57 6 3 5 PSE 4,8 4 5 3 4 2 5,17 OC 1 4,67 0 6 5 3 OP 3 3 QA MEC 3 3 Legend PS PSE OC OP MEC PS PSE OC OP MM MEC QA PIC PCA PCA MM PTG PA PA PIC PTG MM PM QM S95 Informations3 4,13 PS 4,8 6 3,75 5 PSE 3,25 4 4,33 3 4 2 5,33 OC 1 3 0 6 5 3 OP 3 3 QA MEC 3 3 Legend (cont.) Production Scheduling (2.0) Process Support Engineering (3.1) Operations Control (3.2) Operations Planning (3.3) Material and Energy Control (4.0) QA PIC PCA MM Quality Assurance (6.0) Product Inventory Control (7.0) Product Cost Accounting (8.0) Maintenance Management (10.0) Interfaces Interface Type Product Name ERP systems JDEdwards ERP systems Oracle ERP systems BPCS ERP systems SAP LIMS StarLIMS (LIMS, Inc.) LIMS LabManager iLIMS (Beckmann) LIMS Unilab (Siemens/Compex) LIMS Sample Manager (Thermo LabSystems) © Copyright 2003, CMG A-57 Name / version PI System / 3.3 SR1 OSI Software, Inc. Vendor LIMS SAP QM LIMS SQL*LIMS (Applied BioSystems) Maintenance Management SAP PM Maintenance Management Maximo Other Standards & Middleware IBM MQSeries Other Standards & Middleware OPC (OLE for Process Control) Other Standards & Middleware MS Biztalk Other Standards & Middleware TIBCO Major Functions Type Function Module Alarming Integrated Base historian (continuous, batch and discrete data) Module Batch tracking and Visualisation (BatchView) Module Configurable Batch Reporting (VBJ) Module Configurable Web Integration (ICE) Suite Data collection interfaces (>300 standard products) Module Data Reconciliation (Sigmafine) Module Enterprise-wide busines rules (ACE) Module Integration with SAP (PP-PI, PM, QM, MM, RM, PP) Module Process Analysis and visualisation (ProcessBook, ActiveView) Module Process Templates for repetitive industries Integrated Product Life Cycle Management (PLM) Module Profile Displays for Paper and Metal industries Module Real time SQC Suite Third-party database integration via COM Connectors Supported Aspects Nr. MESA Description 1 RAS status and history 3 DPU status reporting 6 LM tracking of statuses Unsupported Aspects Nr. MESA Description 1 RAS documents 3 DPU altering schedule, rework © Copyright 2003, CMG A-58 Name / version Pinata / 6 Vendor Hewlett Packard MESA-11 Compliance RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM PM MM PTG PA PA PTG MM PM QM LM RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM PM MM PTG PA PA PTG MM PM QM LM RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM PM MM PTG PA PA PTG MM PM QM Continuous1Processing RAS 1 6 1 PA ODS 5 1 4 4 3 1 PTG DPU 2 1 1 1 0 1 MM DC 1 1 6 PM DCA 6 3 QM LM 6 6 6 2 Standard Products in Mass 2 RAS 6 6 5 PA ODS 5 6 4 2 3 PTG DPU 5 2 3 1 1 0 6 MM DC 3 6 6 PM DCA 3 6 QM LM 6 6 Engineer1to Order 1 RAS 4 6 PA ODS 5 4 4 6 3 2 PTG DPU 2 5 1 3 0 1 6 MM DC 2 3 3 PM DCA 3 3 LM QM 3 © Copyright 2003, CMG RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM MM MM PTG PA PA PTG MM PM QM LM RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM PM MM PTG PA PA PTG MM PM QM LM 2 Batch/Semi Process RAS 2 63 PA ODS 54 46 31 PTG DPU 25 12 01 MM DC 6 3 6 MM DCA 6 3 QM LM 6 6 6 1 Make to Order 1 RAS 6 6 5 PA ODS 5 6 4 2 3 PTG DPU 5 2 3 1 1 0 6 MM DC 2 6 6 PM DCA 3 4 QM LM 4 4 Legend RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM PM MM PTG PA Resource Allocation and Status Operations/Detail Scheduling Dispatching Production Units Document Control Data Collection/Acquisition Labor Management Quality Management Process Management Maintenance Management Product Tracking and Genealogy Performance Analysis A-59 Name / version Pinata / 6 Hewlett Packard Vendor Product Details Aspect Release Date Homepage Platforms Databases Technology Architecture Out-of-the-Box vs. Toolbox Software Suite Modular Description September 2003 NT4 Intel, Win2000, WinXP, Unix Oracle, SQL Server Com+, OPC, ODBC Client/Server, Load Balancing, Distr. Architect. 2 Y N S95 Compliance PS PSE OC OP MM MEC QA PIC PCA PCA MM PTG PA PA PIC PTG MM PM QM S95 Functions2,5 2,83 PS 2,71 6 2 5 PSE 2 4 5,13 3 1,5 2 1 OC 1 1,17 0 6 5 3 OP 3 3 QA MEC 3 3 Legend PS PSE OC OP MEC PS PSE OC OP MEC QA PIC PCA PCA 4,25 S95 Informations 2,75 PS 2,8 6 2,25 5 PSE 2,75 4 4 3 1,83 2 1 1 OC 0 PTG PA PA PIC PTG MM PM QM QA 6 5 3 3 3 MEC 3 3 OP Legend (cont.) Production Scheduling (2.0) Process Support Engineering (3.1) Operations Control (3.2) Operations Planning (3.3) Material and Energy Control (4.0) QA PIC PCA MM Quality Assurance (6.0) Product Inventory Control (7.0) Product Cost Accounting (8.0) Maintenance Management (10.0) Interfaces Interface Type Product Name ERP systems Computer Associates ERP systems BAAN ERP systems SAP LIMS Generic Test Interface LIMS HP's Falcon LIMS HP's CIMation Other Standards & Middleware OPC (OLE for Process Control) Scheduling & Sequencing BSCS (BAAN) © Copyright 2003, CMG A-60 Name / version Pinata / 6 Hewlett Packard Vendor Branche Solutions Solution Branche Pinata Electronics Supported Aspects Nr. MESA Description 1 RAS 2 ODS 3 DPU 4 DOC 5 DCA 6 LM 7 QM 8 PM 9 MM 10 PTG 11 PA Can notify/verify tool changes, provides or delivers work order documents, material delivery notifications, etc. Provides an interface shown product criteria and due date, allows planner create a production queue and define the priority sequence. Control can be optionslly provided to the line systems to override a centralized planner, or to support deceision making at the line or area level. Planning decisions can be changed later with order parking, multiple orders may be activated simultaneously for any line / area . and/or site. Loading of subassembly or kitting orders into an FGI order is based upon predefined characteristics for %completion of the kitted or subassembly workorder. Provides complete dispatch functionality and manages fulfillment of workorders. Includes managing reworks, scrap or repaired units. The process can change dynamically at any point according to flexible rules. Every unit record contains its entire history, including engineering specifications, manufacturing criteria, BOM, test results, etc. Links are defined toward label files or other binary inputs and versions are recorded once the links are exercised. Unit travellers, corrective action requests, and defective unit travellers are created on paper and also retained electronically. Pinata's centralized index to all of this information is called a product file. Pinata's capability is very open, as its WIP database is a text file for each unit and order. This format is an open interface for other system to write data or for links to binary information to be recorded. Functionality exists currently for Pinata to interface with many different types of data collection / acquisition sources. Pinata can be customized to either acquire data, or collect and evaluate the data prior to proceeding with the manufacturing process. Tracks cycle times by station, operation, or operator, provides reports Provides bi-directional interfaces to various quality measurement systems. Also includes weigh check / kickoff capabilities. Palo defect tracking provides conext-sensitive help with analyzing and tracking quality-sensitive data, such as process and product defect discovery, analysis, repair or removal from WIP. Arbitro auditing provides in-line and off-line auditing and laboratory testing. Palo and Arbitro results are retained in history to provide SPC analysis and reporting. Near-Realtime pareto of most common quality failures are show for workorder, shift, and process operation. Pinata manages the build process and provides data for analysis of the process characteristics, optimization, and throughput. Little or no maintenance management support Enforces serialization rules as they are configured for each product or workorder. Also thoroughly enforces / validates material inputs. Genealogy includes historical geneaology of consumed assemblies or kits. Product is tracked thoroughout the confiurable route, and acceptable results from each step are validated each time the unit is touched. Historical record includes station, operator names, cycle times, serialized or scannable parts added, route step results, custom operator inputs, label or test code versions, and many other configureable options. Data is provided to customer for very thorough reporting. Reporting is usually defined by owners engineer or systems integrator using third party reporting products (crystal, Brio, or Business Objects, etc). Custom can choose their database preference and alter the database schema to fitt their needs without risking support problems or future compatibility issues. Unsupported Aspects Nr. MESA Description 1 RAS 2 ODS 3 DPU Robust tool verification and a structured feedback loop to the resource owners. Also not presently set up to provide certification by operation. Pinata requires that product fulfillment requirements are defined in terms of workorders. Optimization is dependent upon a knowledgeable decision, but the basic information for which to make the decision is provided Discrete units only. © Copyright 2003, CMG A-61 Name / version Pinata / 6 Hewlett Packard Vendor 4 DOC 6 LM Shift-to-Shift Communication not provided. everything else. 7 QM Custom SPC reporting is provided by customer, though data is collected and provided by Pinata. 8 PM 9 MM Custom Process Management reporting is limited as the Pinata product ships, custom process management reports are provided by (or for) each customer. Little or no maintenance management support 11 PA Fully prepared performance analysis reporting templates. © Copyright 2003, CMG A-62 Name / version Plant2Business / 3.0 Vendor Citect Pty Ltd MESA-11 Compliance RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM PM MM PTG PA PA PTG MM PM QM LM RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM PM MM PTG PA PA PTG MM PM QM LM RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM PM MM PTG PA PA PTG MM PM QM Continuous4Processing RAS 1 6 1 PA ODS 5 4 4 5 3 1 PTG DPU 2 1 1 5 0 1 MM DC 4 4 6 PM DCA 6 3 QM LM 6 6 6 5 Standard Products in Mass 1 RAS 1 6 5 PA ODS 5 5 4 1 3 PTG DPU 1 2 5 1 1 0 5 MM DC 4 6 6 PM DCA 3 6 QM LM 6 6 Engineer1to Order 1 RAS 1 6 PA ODS 5 1 4 1 3 1 PTG DPU 2 1 1 1 0 1 1 MM DC 1 3 3 PM DCA 3 3 LM QM 3 © Copyright 2003, CMG RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM MM MM PTG PA PA PTG MM PM QM LM RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM PM MM PTG PA PA PTG MM PM QM LM 5 Batch/Semi Process RAS 3 61 PA ODS 55 45 31 PTG DPU 21 15 01 MM DC 5 5 6 MM DCA 6 3 QM LM 6 6 6 1 Make to Order 1 RAS 1 6 1 PA ODS 5 1 4 1 3 PTG DPU 1 2 1 1 1 0 1 MM DC 1 6 6 PM DCA 3 4 QM LM 4 4 Legend RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM PM MM PTG PA Resource Allocation and Status Operations/Detail Scheduling Dispatching Production Units Document Control Data Collection/Acquisition Labor Management Quality Management Process Management Maintenance Management Product Tracking and Genealogy Performance Analysis A-63 Name / version Plant2Business / 3.0 Citect Pty Ltd Vendor Product Details Aspect Release Date Homepage Platforms Databases Technology Architecture Out-of-the-Box vs. Toolbox Software Suite Modular Description September 2002 Win2000 Oracle, SQL Server Dcom, Com+, ActiveX, OLE, OPC Client/Server, Distr. Architect., Thin Client, Web Enabled 8 Y Y S95 Compliance PS PSE OC OP MM MEC QA PIC PCA PCA MM PTG PA PA PIC PTG MM PM QM S95 Functions 2 3 PS 2,71 6 3,4 5 PSE 1 4 2,5 3 2,33 2 2,83 OC 1 2,17 0 6 5 3 OP 3 3 QA MEC 3 3 Legend PS PSE OC OP MEC PS PSE OC OP MM MEC QA PIC PCA PCA MM PTG PA PA PIC PTG MM PM QM S95 Informations2 2,88 PS 2,9 6 3,25 5 PSE 1 4 2,67 3 2,5 2 2,33 OC 1 2,33 0 6 5 3 OP 3 3 QA MEC 3 3 Legend (cont.) Production Scheduling (2.0) Process Support Engineering (3.1) Operations Control (3.2) Operations Planning (3.3) Material and Energy Control (4.0) QA PIC PCA MM Quality Assurance (6.0) Product Inventory Control (7.0) Product Cost Accounting (8.0) Maintenance Management (10.0) Interfaces Interface Type Product Name ERP systems Oracle LIMS Any MS SQL or Oracle based system Maintenance Management Any MS SQL or Oracle based system Other Standards & Middleware Any MS SQL or Oracle based system Other Standards & Middleware CitectHMI/CitectSCADA/CitectFacilities Other Standards & Middleware Intellution iFix HMI/SCADA Other Standards & Middleware Intellution Fix32 HMI/SCADA Other Standards & Middleware Wonderware InTouch HMI/SCADA © Copyright 2003, CMG A-64 Name / version Plant2Business / 3.0 Vendor Citect Pty Ltd Scheduling & Sequencing Any MS SQL or Oracle based system Major Functions Type Function Integrated Connectivity & data transfer between multiple disparate SCADA and Business databases Integrated Integrated Direct publication of Production (SCADA) and Business information to a variety of clients including web, Excel & Crystal Integrated security model across all client interfaces and modules Module Real-time Metrics Dashboard to summarize production performance statistics across the facility Module Real-time Production Analysis to identify the most common causes/durations of production restrictions Real-time Production Reporting to provide drill-down visibility throughout the enterprise and across multiple production facilities Real-time Quality Reporting to highlight out-of-spec activities for real-time correction/post batch analysis Module Module Branche Solutions Solution Branche Downtime Monitoring Others © Copyright 2003, CMG A-65 Name / version PMX MES / Version 3.3.0 Vendor Propack Data GmbH MESA-11 Compliance RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM PM MM PTG PA PA PTG MM PM QM LM RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM PM MM PTG PA PA PTG MM PM QM LM RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM PM MM PTG PA PA PTG MM PM QM Continuous1Processing RAS 1 6 1 PA ODS 5 6 4 6 3 1 PTG DPU 2 1 1 1 0 1 MM DC 6 6 6 PM DCA 6 3 QM LM 6 6 6 6 Standard Products in Mass 6 RAS 6 6 6 PA ODS 5 6 4 6 3 PTG DPU 6 2 6 1 6 0 6 MM DC 6 6 6 PM DCA 3 6 QM LM 6 6 Engineer1to Order 1 RAS 1 6 PA ODS 5 1 4 1 3 1 PTG DPU 2 1 1 1 0 1 1 MM DC 1 3 3 PM DCA 3 3 LM QM 3 © Copyright 2003, CMG RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM MM MM PTG PA PA PTG MM PM QM LM RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM PM MM PTG PA PA PTG MM PM QM LM 6 Batch/Semi Process RAS 6 66 PA ODS 56 46 36 PTG DPU 26 16 06 MM DC 6 6 6 MM DCA 6 3 QM LM 6 6 6 6 Make to Order 6 RAS 6 6 6 PA ODS 5 6 4 6 3 PTG DPU 6 2 6 1 6 0 6 MM DC 6 6 6 PM DCA 3 4 QM LM 4 4 Legend RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM PM MM PTG PA Resource Allocation and Status Operations/Detail Scheduling Dispatching Production Units Document Control Data Collection/Acquisition Labor Management Quality Management Process Management Maintenance Management Product Tracking and Genealogy Performance Analysis A-66 Name / version PMX MES / Version 3.3.0 Propack Data GmbH Vendor Product Details Aspect Release Date Homepage Platforms Databases Technology Architecture Out-of-the-Box vs. Toolbox Software Suite Modular Description June 2002 NT4 Intel, Win2000, WinXP Oracle Dcom, Com+, ActiveX, OLE, OPC, ODBC, XML Client/Server, Thin Client, Web Enabled 7 Y Y S95 Compliance PS PSE OC OP MM MEC QA PIC PCA PCA MM PTG PA PA PIC PTG MM PM QM S95 Functions3,5 4,83 PS 4,86 6 4,6 5 PSE 5,4 4 4,5 3 4,83 2 3,17 OC 1 3,83 0 6 5 3 OP 3 3 QA MEC 3 3 Legend PS PSE OC OP MEC PS PSE OC OP MM MEC QA PIC PCA PCA MM PTG PA PA PIC PTG MM PM QM S95 Informations5 5,25 PS 4,4 6 4,75 5 PSE 5 4 3,67 3 5,17 2 3,67 OC 1 4 0 6 5 3 OP 3 3 QA MEC 3 3 Legend (cont.) Production Scheduling (2.0) Process Support Engineering (3.1) Operations Control (3.2) Operations Planning (3.3) Material and Energy Control (4.0) QA PIC PCA MM Quality Assurance (6.0) Product Inventory Control (7.0) Product Cost Accounting (8.0) Maintenance Management (10.0) Interfaces Interface Type Product Name ERP systems BPCS ERP systems JDEdwards ERP systems SAP LIMS SAP-QM Maintenance Management TEDIS (own module) Other Standards & Middleware FILE - transfer Other Standards & Middleware RFC Other Standards & Middleware OPC (OLE for Process Control) © Copyright 2003, CMG A-67 Name / version PMX MES / Version 3.3.0 Propack Data GmbH Vendor Scheduling & Sequencing SAP-APO Major Functions Type Function Integrated 21 CFR Part 11 Compliance Module Business Informer / Kpi Module Data Archiving Suite Data Historian Module Electronic Batch Recording Integrated Event Management / In-process control Integrated Exception Handling Module Finite Scheduling Module Line Monitoring Integrated Master Data Management Integrated Material Flow Control / Tracking Module Material Handling & Warehouse Control Module Packaging Information Management Module Personnel Qualification Management Module Quality Management Module Recipe / Master Batch Record Management Module SCADA Module Shop Floor Monitoring Integrated Version Control Module Weighing & Dispensing Branche Solutions Solution Branche Weigh Pac Pharmaceutical Supported Aspects Nr. MESA Description 6 LM User qualification 7 QM Material (Batch, Trading Unit), Container 9 MM add on module © Copyright 2003, CMG A-68 Name / version Proficy for Manufacturing / 3.0 Vendor Mountain Systems, Inc. MESA-11 Compliance RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM PM MM PTG PA PA PTG MM PM QM LM RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM PM MM PTG PA PA PTG MM PM QM LM RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM PM MM PTG PA PA PTG MM PM QM Continuous6Processing RAS 5 6 6 PA ODS 5 6 4 6 3 3 PTG DPU 2 6 1 6 0 4 MM DC 6 6 6 PM DCA 6 3 QM LM 6 6 6 6 Standard Products in Mass 5 RAS 6 6 6 PA ODS 5 6 4 3 3 PTG DPU 6 2 6 1 4 0 6 MM DC 6 6 6 PM DCA 3 6 QM LM 6 6 Engineer5to Order 4 RAS 6 6 PA ODS 5 6 4 6 3 3 PTG DPU 2 5 1 6 0 4 6 MM DC 6 3 3 PM DCA 3 3 LM QM 3 © Copyright 2003, CMG RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM MM MM PTG PA PA PTG MM PM QM LM RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM PM MM PTG PA PA PTG MM PM QM LM 6 Batch/Semi Process RAS 5 66 PA ODS 56 46 33 PTG DPU 26 16 04 MM DC 6 6 6 MM DCA 6 3 QM LM 6 6 6 5 Make to Order 4 RAS 6 6 6 PA ODS 5 6 4 3 3 PTG DPU 6 2 6 1 4 0 6 MM DC 6 6 6 PM DCA 3 4 QM LM 4 4 Legend RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM PM MM PTG PA Resource Allocation and Status Operations/Detail Scheduling Dispatching Production Units Document Control Data Collection/Acquisition Labor Management Quality Management Process Management Maintenance Management Product Tracking and Genealogy Performance Analysis A-69 Name / version Proficy for Manufacturing / 3.0 Mountain Systems, Inc. Vendor Product Details Aspect Release Date Homepage Platforms Databases Technology Architecture Out-of-the-Box vs. Toolbox Software Suite Modular Description January 2001 NT4 Intel, Win2000, WinXP SQL Server Dcom, Com+, ActiveX, OLE, OPC, DNA, ODBC, XML, dotNet Client/Server, Load Balancing, Distr. Architect., Thin Client, Web Enabled 2 Y Y S95 Compliance PS PSE OC OP MM MEC QA PIC PCA PCA MM PTG PA PA PIC PTG MM PM QM 2,75 S95 Functions 4,33 PS 4,86 6 5,4 5 PSE 5,6 4 6 3 5,17 2 6 OC 1 2,5 0 6 5 3 OP 3 3 QA MEC 3 3 Legend PS PSE OC OP MEC PS PSE OC OP MM MEC QA PIC PCA PCA MM PTG PA PA PIC PTG MM PM QM S95 Informations6 4,38 PS 5 6 6 5 PSE 6 4 6 3 6 2 6 OC 1 2,67 0 6 5 3 OP 3 3 QA MEC 3 3 Legend (cont.) Production Scheduling (2.0) Process Support Engineering (3.1) Operations Control (3.2) Operations Planning (3.3) Material and Energy Control (4.0) QA PIC PCA MM Quality Assurance (6.0) Product Inventory Control (7.0) Product Cost Accounting (8.0) Maintenance Management (10.0) Interfaces Interface Type Product Name ERP systems BPCS ERP systems JDEdwards ERP systems SAP LIMS TestStream (Acquidata) Maintenance Management Marcam Maintenance Management Maximo Other Standards & Middleware EnterpriseLink Other Standards & Middleware MS Biztalk © Copyright 2003, CMG A-70 Name / version Proficy for Manufacturing / 3.0 Vendor Mountain Systems, Inc. Other Standards & Middleware OPC (OLE for Process Control) Scheduling & Sequencing iProcess.sct / Fygir (SCT) Major Functions Type Function Integrated Analysis Tools Integrated Efficiency Management Integrated Plantwide Reporting Integrated Product Management Integrated Production Management Integrated Quality Management © Copyright 2003, CMG A-71 Name / version PROMIS / 5.6.1 Vendor Brooks-PRI MESA-11 Compliance RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM PM MM PTG PA PA PTG MM PM QM LM RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM PM MM PTG PA PA PTG MM PM QM LM RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM PM MM PTG PA PA PTG MM PM QM Continuous1Processing RAS 1 6 1 PA ODS 5 1 4 1 3 1 PTG DPU 2 1 1 1 0 1 MM DC 1 1 6 PM DCA 6 3 QM LM 6 6 6 6 Standard Products in Mass 6 RAS 6 6 4 PA ODS 5 6 4 3 3 PTG DPU 6 2 6 1 6 0 6 MM DC 4 6 6 PM DCA 3 6 QM LM 6 6 Engineer6to Order 6 RAS 6 6 PA ODS 5 4 4 6 3 3 PTG DPU 2 6 1 6 0 6 6 MM DC 4 3 3 PM DCA 3 3 LM QM 3 © Copyright 2003, CMG RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM MM MM PTG PA PA PTG MM PM QM LM RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM PM MM PTG PA PA PTG MM PM QM LM 6 Batch/Semi Process RAS 6 66 PA 54 46 33 PTG 26 16 06 MM 6 4 6 MM 6 3 QM LM 6 6 6 6 Make to Order 6 RAS 6 6 4 PA 5 6 4 3 3 PTG 6 2 6 1 6 0 6 MM 4 6 6 PM 3 4 QM LM 4 4 ODS DPU DC DCA ODS DPU DC DCA Legend RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM PM MM PTG PA Resource Allocation and Status Operations/Detail Scheduling Dispatching Production Units Document Control Data Collection/Acquisition Labor Management Quality Management Process Management Maintenance Management Product Tracking and Genealogy Performance Analysis A-72 Name / version PROMIS / 5.6.1 Brooks-PRI Vendor Product Details Aspect Release Date Homepage Platforms Databases Technology Architecture Out-of-the-Box vs. Toolbox Software Suite Modular Description March 2002 Unix, Open VMS Oracle ODBC Client/Server, Distr. Architect., Thin Client 5 N Y S95 Compliance PS PSE OC OP MM MEC QA PIC PCA PCA MM PTG PA PA PIC PTG MM PM QM S95 Functions 5 5,83 PS 5,71 6 5,8 5 PSE 4,2 4 5,88 3 4,67 2 5,33 OC 1 5,17 0 6 5 3 OP 3 3 QA MEC 3 3 Legend PS PSE OC OP MEC PS PSE OC OP MM MEC QA PIC PCA PCA MM PTG PA PA PIC PTG MM PM QM S95 Informations6 4,63 PS 5,7 6 4,75 5 PSE 4,75 4 6 3 5 2 5,33 OC 1 5,33 0 6 5 3 OP 3 3 QA MEC 3 3 Legend (cont.) Production Scheduling (2.0) Process Support Engineering (3.1) Operations Control (3.2) Operations Planning (3.3) Material and Energy Control (4.0) QA PIC PCA MM Quality Assurance (6.0) Product Inventory Control (7.0) Product Cost Accounting (8.0) Maintenance Management (10.0) Interfaces Interface Type Product Name ERP systems SAP Other Standards & Middleware BEA BMQ Other Standards & Middleware TIBCO Major Functions Type Function Suite Advanced Scheduling and Dispatching Suite Automated Equipment Interfaces © Copyright 2003, CMG A-73 Name / version PROMIS / 5.6.1 Vendor Brooks-PRI Module Costing Suite Engineering Data Analysis Integrated Engineering Data Collection Integrated Equipment and Resource Management Module ERP interfaces Integrated Product Build Specification and Work Instruction Mgmt Integrated Reporting Module Statistical Process Control Integrated WIP Tracking © Copyright 2003, CMG A-74 Name / version QIS / 5 Vendor QiSoft Ltd MESA-11 Compliance RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM PM MM PTG PA PA PTG MM PM QM LM RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM PM MM PTG PA PA PTG MM PM QM LM RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM PM MM PTG PA PA PTG MM PM QM Continuous5Processing RAS 3 6 3 PA ODS 5 6 4 6 3 4 PTG DPU 2 6 1 6 0 3 MM DC 5 6 6 PM DCA 6 3 QM LM 6 6 6 5 Standard Products in Mass 3 RAS 3 6 6 PA ODS 5 6 4 4 3 PTG DPU 6 2 6 1 3 0 5 MM DC 6 6 6 PM DCA 3 6 QM LM 6 6 Engineer2to Order 2 RAS 2 6 PA ODS 5 6 4 6 3 4 PTG DPU 2 6 1 6 0 3 5 MM DC 6 3 3 PM DCA 3 3 LM QM 3 © Copyright 2003, CMG RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM MM MM PTG PA PA PTG MM PM QM LM RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM PM MM PTG PA PA PTG MM PM QM LM 5 Batch/Semi Process RAS 3 63 PA 56 46 34 PTG 26 16 03 MM 5 6 6 MM 6 3 QM LM 6 6 6 3 Make to Order 3 RAS 2 6 6 PA 5 6 4 4 3 PTG 6 2 6 1 3 0 5 MM 6 6 6 PM 3 4 QM LM 4 4 ODS DPU DC DCA ODS DPU DC DCA Legend RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM PM MM PTG PA Resource Allocation and Status Operations/Detail Scheduling Dispatching Production Units Document Control Data Collection/Acquisition Labor Management Quality Management Process Management Maintenance Management Product Tracking and Genealogy Performance Analysis A-75 Name / version QIS / 5 QiSoft Ltd Vendor Product Details Aspect Release Date Homepage Platforms Databases Technology Architecture Out-of-the-Box vs. Toolbox Software Suite Modular Description December 2000 NT4 Intel, NT4 Alpha, Win2000, WinXP SQL Server ActiveX, OLE, OPC, ODBC Client/Server, Load Balancing, Thin Client 2 Y N S95 Compliance PS PSE OC OP MM MEC QA PIC PCA PCA MM PTG PA PA PIC PTG MM PM QM S95 Functions1,5 3,83 PS 4,14 6 2,2 5 PSE 4 4 6 3 4 2 4,33 OC 1 2 0 6 5 3 OP 3 3 QA MEC 3 3 Legend PS PSE OC OP MEC PS PSE OC OP MM MEC QA PIC PCA PCA MM PTG PA PA PIC PTG MM PM QM S95 Informations4 5,75 PS 4,1 6 3,5 5 PSE 4,25 4 6 3 4,83 2 4,67 OC 1 1 0 6 5 3 OP 3 3 QA MEC 3 3 Legend (cont.) Production Scheduling (2.0) Process Support Engineering (3.1) Operations Control (3.2) Operations Planning (3.3) Material and Energy Control (4.0) QA PIC PCA MM Quality Assurance (6.0) Product Inventory Control (7.0) Product Cost Accounting (8.0) Maintenance Management (10.0) Interfaces Interface Type Product Name ERP systems MFG-Pro ERP systems Oracle ERP systems JDEdwards Maintenance Management Maximo Maintenance Management Impact-XP Other Standards & Middleware ODBC Other Standards & Middleware OPC (OLE for Process Control) Scheduling & Sequencing Majiq © Copyright 2003, CMG A-76 Name / version QIS / 5 QiSoft Ltd Vendor Scheduling & Sequencing Greycon Scheduling & Sequencing OMP SCP (OM Partners) Major Functions Type Function Integrated Automatic certificate generation Integrated Automatic data collection from PLCs, ERPs, Laboratory Instrumentation Integrated Barcode generation Integrated Comment, Text and attribute recording Integrated Data export Integrated Data search tools including wildcards Integrated Document Management - specification, BOMs, ISO, SOPs, version control Integrated Full audit trail of actions/decisions Integrated Global specification change Integrated Graphical display of performance Integrated Open database available for enquiries from 3rd party software Integrated Process variation analysis Integrated Product tracking Suite Raw material manangement Integrated Remote access Integrated Report generation Integrated Site-wide data collection Integrated SPC alarms warnings Integrated Statistical Investigation Tools Integrated What-if scenarios Branche Solutions Solution Branche QIS Implementation Paper and Pulp Supported Aspects Nr. MESA Description 1 RAS documents, materials, interface to 3rd party 2 ODS recipes, attributes, links to 3rd party sytems 3 DPU orders, batches, quantities, planned v actual 4 DOC All 5 DCA All 6 LM operator, time required for task, links to T&A systems 7 QM all 8 PM all 9 MM monitors use, documents/procedures, links to maintenance 10 PTG supplier, delivery, quality assessment, tracking/tracing 11 PA detailed "drill-down" performance information for all levels © Copyright 2003, CMG A-77 Name / version QIS / 5 Vendor © Copyright 2003, CMG QiSoft Ltd A-78 Name / version RSBizWare / 5 Vendor Rockwell Global Manufacturing Solutions MESA-11 Compliance RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM PM MM PTG PA PA PTG MM PM QM LM RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM PM MM PTG PA PA PTG MM PM QM LM RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM PM MM PTG PA PA PTG MM PM QM Continuous6Processing RAS 6 6 6 PA ODS 5 6 4 6 3 5 PTG DPU 2 5 1 6 0 5 MM DC 6 6 6 PM DCA 6 3 QM LM 6 6 6 6 Standard Products in Mass 6 RAS 6 6 6 PA ODS 5 6 4 5 3 DPU PTG 5 2 6 1 0 5 5 MM DC 6 6 6 PM DCA 3 6 QM LM 6 6 Engineer5to Order 6 RAS 6 6 PA ODS 5 5 4 5 3 4 PTG DPU 2 5 1 6 0 5 5 MM DC 6 3 3 PM DCA 3 3 LM QM 3 © Copyright 2003, CMG RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM MM MM PTG PA PA PTG MM PM QM LM RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM PM MM PTG PA PA PTG MM PM QM LM 6 Batch/Semi Process RAS 6 66 PA 56 46 35 PTG 25 16 05 MM 6 6 6 MM 6 3 QM LM 6 6 6 6 Make to Order 6 RAS 6 6 6 PA 5 6 4 5 3 PTG 5 2 6 1 5 0 5 MM 6 6 6 PM 3 4 QM LM 4 4 ODS DPU DC DCA ODS DPU DC DCA Legend RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM PM MM PTG PA Resource Allocation and Status Operations/Detail Scheduling Dispatching Production Units Document Control Data Collection/Acquisition Labor Management Quality Management Process Management Maintenance Management Product Tracking and Genealogy Performance Analysis A-79 Name / version RSBizWare / 5 Rockwell Global Manufacturing Solutions Vendor Product Details Aspect Release Date Homepage Platforms Databases Technology Architecture Out-of-the-Box vs. Toolbox Software Suite Modular Description September 2002 NT4 Intel, Win2000, WinXP Oracle, SQL Server Dcom, Com+, ActiveX, OLE, OPC, DNA, ODBC, XML, dotNet Client/Server, Distr. Architect., Thin Client, Web Enabled 5 Y N S95 Compliance PS PSE OC OP MM MEC QA PIC PCA PCA MM PTG PA PA PIC PTG MM PM QM S95 Functions5,5 4,5 PS 5,14 6 6 5 PSE 3 4 4,25 3 2,67 2 3 OC 1 1,83 0 6 5 3 OP 3 3 QA MEC 3 3 Legend PS PSE OC OP MEC PS PSE OC OP MM MEC QA PIC PCA PCA MM PTG PA PA PIC PTG MM PM QM S95 Informations6 4,88 PS 5,3 6 5,5 5 PSE 3 4 4,67 3 1,83 2 3,33 OC 1 1 0 6 5 3 OP 3 3 QA MEC 3 3 Legend (cont.) Production Scheduling (2.0) Process Support Engineering (3.1) Operations Control (3.2) Operations Planning (3.3) Material and Energy Control (4.0) QA PIC PCA MM Quality Assurance (6.0) Product Inventory Control (7.0) Product Cost Accounting (8.0) Maintenance Management (10.0) Interfaces Interface Type Product Name ERP systems Oracle ERP systems JDEdwards ERP systems SAP Maintenance Management Maximo Other Standards & Middleware MS Biztalk Other Standards & Middleware OPC (OLE for Process Control) © Copyright 2003, CMG A-80 Name / version RSBizWare / 5 Vendor Rockwell Global Manufacturing Solutions Major Functions Type Function Integrated Data acquisition Suite Order Flow Management Suite Performance Analysis Suite Process life cycle management Suite Uptime optimization © Copyright 2003, CMG A-81 Name / version SCE / v2.2 Vendor Teradyne Inc. MESA-11 Compliance RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM PM MM PTG PA PA PTG MM PM QM LM RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM PM MM PTG PA PA PTG MM PM QM LM RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM PM MM PTG PA PA PTG MM PM QM Continuous1Processing RAS 1 6 1 PA ODS 5 1 4 1 3 1 PTG DPU 2 1 1 1 0 1 MM DC 1 1 6 PM DCA 6 3 QM LM 6 6 6 5 Standard Products in Mass 4 RAS 6 6 4 PA ODS 5 6 4 4 3 DPU PTG 6 2 6 1 0 3 6 MM DC 6 6 6 PM DCA 3 6 QM LM 6 6 Engineer5to Order 4 RAS 6 6 PA ODS 5 4 4 6 3 4 PTG DPU 2 6 1 6 0 3 6 MM DC 6 3 3 PM DCA 3 3 LM QM 3 © Copyright 2003, CMG RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM MM MM PTG PA PA PTG MM PM QM LM RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM PM MM PTG PA PA PTG MM PM QM LM 1 Batch/Semi Process RAS 1 61 PA 51 41 31 PTG 21 11 01 MM 1 1 6 MM 6 3 QM LM 6 6 6 5 Make to Order 4 RAS 6 6 4 PA 5 6 4 4 3 PTG 6 2 6 1 3 0 6 MM 6 6 6 PM 3 4 QM LM 4 4 ODS DPU DC DCA ODS DPU DC DCA Legend RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM PM MM PTG PA Resource Allocation and Status Operations/Detail Scheduling Dispatching Production Units Document Control Data Collection/Acquisition Labor Management Quality Management Process Management Maintenance Management Product Tracking and Genealogy Performance Analysis A-82 Name / version SCE / v2.2 Teradyne Inc. Vendor Product Details Aspect Release Date Homepage Platforms Databases Technology Architecture Out-of-the-Box vs. Toolbox Software Suite Modular Description June 2002 NT4 Intel, NT4 Alpha, Win2000, WinXP, Unix, AS400 Oracle, SQL Server ODBC, XML Load Balancing, Distr. Architect., Thin Client, Web Enabled 3 Y Y S95 Compliance PS PSE OC OP MM MEC QA PIC PCA PCA MM PTG PA PA PIC PTG MM PM QM 2,25 S95 Functions 2 PS 3,57 6 4 5 PSE 3,8 4 4,13 3 3,17 2 1 OC 1 1 0 6 5 3 OP 3 3 QA MEC 3 3 Legend PS PSE OC OP MEC PS PSE OC OP MM MEC QA PIC PCA PCA MM PTG PA PA PIC PTG MM PM QM 3,5 S95 Informations 3,13 PS 3,8 6 4 5 PSE 4 4 6 3 3,33 2 1 OC 1 1 0 6 5 3 OP 3 3 QA MEC 3 3 Legend (cont.) Production Scheduling (2.0) Process Support Engineering (3.1) Operations Control (3.2) Operations Planning (3.3) Material and Energy Control (4.0) QA PIC PCA MM Quality Assurance (6.0) Product Inventory Control (7.0) Product Cost Accounting (8.0) Maintenance Management (10.0) Interfaces Interface Type Product Name ERP systems BAAN ERP systems Peoplesoft ERP systems Oracle ERP systems JDEdwards ERP systems SAP Other Standards & Middleware Rockwell RS-Linx Other Standards & Middleware GEM Other Standards & Middleware SCADA © Copyright 2003, CMG A-83 Name / version SCE / v2.2 Teradyne Inc. Vendor Other Standards & Middleware IPC CAMX Other Standards & Middleware RS-232 Other Standards & Middleware TIBCO Other Standards & Middleware OPC (OLE for Process Control) Scheduling & Sequencing BSCS (BAAN) Scheduling & Sequencing Rythm SCP (i2 Technologies) Major Functions Type Function Integrated Alarming Integrated DPMO Integrated Genealogy Module Integration Module Labor Tracking Integrated Non-Conformance Module ODS - Operational Data Store Integrated Packing Module PCA Cartridge Module Reporting Integrated Reporting Module RMA Module Site to Site data transfer Module Supplier Quality (CAPA, Supplier Audits) Integrated WIP Branche Solutions Solution Branche PCA Cartridge Electronics Supported Aspects Nr. MESA Description 1 RAS Detailed machine level as well as by process operation 2 ODS Operations is met fully, Basic Whiteboard scheduling 3 DPU Automatic or manual 4 DOC Maintain historical records, work instructions 5 DCA Supports Assembly, Inspection, and Test 6 LM Supports Shifts, Cost Centers, and Labor Codes 7 QM Includes CAPA and Supplier Audits 8 PM Integrated SPC Alarms with Western Electric Rules 9 MM Certifications and Equipment Calibrations 10 PTG Supports Targeted Recall and Warranty Repaire 11 PA Fully Web Based © Copyright 2003, CMG A-84 Name / version SIMATIC IT Framework & Components / 4.2 Vendor Siemens Nederland NV MESA-11 Compliance RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM PM MM PTG PA PA PTG MM PM QM LM RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM PM MM PTG PA PA PTG MM PM QM LM RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM PM MM PTG PA PA PTG MM PM QM Continuous5Processing RAS 6 6 5 PA ODS 5 5 4 6 3 5 PTG DPU 2 6 1 6 0 6 MM DC 5 5 6 PM DCA 6 3 QM LM 6 6 6 5 Standard Products in Mass 6 RAS 5 6 5 PA ODS 5 6 4 5 3 DPU PTG 6 2 6 1 0 6 5 MM DC 5 6 6 PM DCA 3 6 QM LM 6 6 Engineer5to Order 6 RAS 5 6 PA ODS 5 5 4 6 3 5 PTG DPU 2 6 1 6 0 6 5 MM DC 5 3 3 PM DCA 3 3 LM QM 3 © Copyright 2003, CMG RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM MM MM PTG PA PA PTG MM PM QM LM RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM PM MM PTG PA PA PTG MM PM QM LM 5 Batch/Semi Process RAS 6 65 PA 55 46 35 PTG 26 16 06 MM 5 5 6 MM 6 3 QM LM 6 6 6 5 Make to Order 6 RAS 5 6 5 PA 5 6 4 5 3 PTG 6 2 6 1 6 0 5 MM 5 6 6 PM 3 4 QM LM 4 4 ODS DPU DC DCA ODS DPU DC DCA Legend RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM PM MM PTG PA Resource Allocation and Status Operations/Detail Scheduling Dispatching Production Units Document Control Data Collection/Acquisition Labor Management Quality Management Process Management Maintenance Management Product Tracking and Genealogy Performance Analysis A-85 Name / version SIMATIC IT Framework & Components / 4.2 Siemens Nederland NV Vendor Product Details Aspect Release Date Homepage Platforms Databases Technology Architecture Out-of-the-Box vs. Toolbox Software Suite Modular Description April 2002 NT4 Intel, Win2000 SQL Server Dcom, Com+, ActiveX, OLE, OPC, DNA, ODBC, XML Client/Server, Load Balancing, Distr. Architect., Thin Client, Web Enabled 2 Y Y S95 Compliance PS PSE OC OP MM MEC QA PIC PCA PCA MM PTG PA PA PIC PTG MM PM QM S95 Functions5,5 5,83 PS 6 6 6 5 PSE 6 4 6 3 5,33 2 3 OC 1 6 0 6 5 3 OP 3 3 QA MEC 3 3 Legend PS PSE OC OP MEC PS PSE OC OP MM MEC QA PIC PCA PCA MM PTG PA PA PIC PTG MM PM QM 5,75 S95 Informations 5,88 PS 6 6 6 5 PSE 6 4 6 3 5,17 2 3 OC 1 6 0 6 5 3 OP 3 3 QA MEC 3 3 Legend (cont.) Production Scheduling (2.0) Process Support Engineering (3.1) Operations Control (3.2) Operations Planning (3.3) Material and Energy Control (4.0) QA PIC PCA MM Quality Assurance (6.0) Product Inventory Control (7.0) Product Cost Accounting (8.0) Maintenance Management (10.0) Interfaces Interface Type Product Name ERP systems BAAN ERP systems Oracle ERP systems JDEdwards ERP systems SAP LIMS Unilab (Siemens/Compex) LIMS LabManager iLIMS (Beckmann) Maintenance Management Simatic IT Maintegrity Other Standards & Middleware OPC (OLE for Process Control) © Copyright 2003, CMG A-86 Name / version SIMATIC IT Framework & Components / 4.2 Vendor Siemens Nederland NV Scheduling & Sequencing Ortems Scheduling & Sequencing Taylor Major Functions Type Function Module Alarm Management Module Batch Management Module Compliancy Management Module Historian Module Laboratorium Information Management Module Machine Data Management Module Maintenance Management Module Material Management Module Messaging Management Module Production Operation Management Module Production Operations Module Production Scheduling Module Scanning Management Module Specification Management Branche Solutions Solution Branche Automotive Industry Suite Automotive F&B Industry Suite Food and Beverage Steel Industry Suite Heavy Metals Industries © Copyright 2003, CMG A-87 Name / version Solumina / G4 Vendor iBASEt MESA-11 Compliance RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM PM MM PTG PA PA PTG MM PM QM LM RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM PM MM PTG PA PA PTG MM PM QM LM RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM PM MM PTG PA PA PTG MM PM QM Continuous1Processing RAS 1 6 1 PA ODS 5 1 4 1 3 1 PTG DPU 2 1 1 1 0 1 MM DC 1 1 6 PM DCA 6 3 QM LM 6 6 6 4 Standard Products in Mass 2 RAS 6 6 6 PA ODS 5 5 4 3 3 DPU PTG 6 2 4 1 0 2 6 MM DC 5 6 6 PM DCA 3 6 QM LM 6 6 Engineer4to Order 2 RAS 6 6 PA ODS 5 6 4 5 3 3 PTG DPU 2 6 1 4 0 2 6 MM DC 5 3 3 PM DCA 3 3 LM QM 3 © Copyright 2003, CMG RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM MM MM PTG PA PA PTG MM PM QM LM RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM PM MM PTG PA PA PTG MM PM QM LM 4 Batch/Semi Process RAS 2 66 PA 56 45 33 PTG 26 14 02 MM 6 5 6 MM 6 3 QM LM 6 6 6 4 Make to Order 2 RAS 6 6 6 PA 5 5 4 3 3 PTG 6 2 4 1 2 0 6 MM 5 6 6 PM 3 4 QM LM 4 4 ODS DPU DC DCA ODS DPU DC DCA Legend RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM PM MM PTG PA Resource Allocation and Status Operations/Detail Scheduling Dispatching Production Units Document Control Data Collection/Acquisition Labor Management Quality Management Process Management Maintenance Management Product Tracking and Genealogy Performance Analysis A-88 Name / version Solumina / G4 iBASEt Vendor Product Details Aspect Release Date Homepage Platforms Databases Technology Architecture Out-of-the-Box vs. Toolbox Software Suite Modular Description August 2002 NT4 Intel, Win2000, Unix Oracle Com+, ActiveX, OLE, XML Client/Server, Load Balancing, Distr. Architect., Web Enabled 2 Y Y S95 Compliance PS PSE OC OP MM MEC QA PIC PCA PCA MM PTG PA PA PIC PTG MM PM QM 1,25 S95 Functions 4,5 PS 3,71 6 3,6 5 PSE 1 4 4,5 3 1 2 2 OC 1 2 0 6 5 3 OP 3 3 QA MEC 3 3 Legend PS PSE OC OP MEC PS PSE OC OP MM MEC QA PIC PCA PCA MM PTG PA PA PIC PTG MM PM QM 3,75 S95 Informations 5,38 PS 3,2 6 2,5 5 PSE 1 4 6 3 1 2 3 OC 1 3 0 6 5 3 OP 3 3 QA MEC 3 3 Legend (cont.) Production Scheduling (2.0) Process Support Engineering (3.1) Operations Control (3.2) Operations Planning (3.3) Material and Energy Control (4.0) QA PIC PCA MM Quality Assurance (6.0) Product Inventory Control (7.0) Product Cost Accounting (8.0) Maintenance Management (10.0) Interfaces Interface Type Product Name ERP systems WDS ERP systems Oracle ERP systems SAP Other Standards & Middleware XML Scheduling & Sequencing AutoSim Scheduling & Sequencing Manugistics (Manugistics) © Copyright 2003, CMG A-89 Name / version Solumina / G4 iBASEt Vendor Major Functions Type Function Integrated Automatic Product Genealogy to Serial and/or Lot Numbers Integrated Configuration Management, Release and Change Control Integrated Configuration Tools Integrated Data Collection, Buyoff/Signature Requirements Integrated Discrepancies, Non-Routine, Disposition, Rework Instructions, Corrective Action Integrated Dispatch, Assign Crew, Employee Sign On/Off Jobs Integrated Effectivities, Supercede and Alteration of Work Orders Integrated Gantt/Histogram, Reports, Graphs Integrated Hypertext, Illustrations, 3D Models, Video, Animations, Slideshows Integrated Integration Interfaces for ERP, Labor, PDM, HR, APS (Direct and XML Interfaces) Integrated Online Data Collection and Signatures Integrated Online Work Instructions linked to bookmarked Drawings, Specs, Video, Illustrations Integrated Operations Process Management Integrated Parts, Tools, Drawings, Specs, Skill/Certification Requirements Integrated Process Engineering and Planning Integrated Process Execution Integrated Process Quality Integrated Revision Authoring and Approval Workflow Integrated Rich Work Instruction Package with Illustrations, 3D Animations and Videos Branche Solutions Solution Branche Solumina for MRO Aerospace and Defense Supported Aspects Nr. MESA Description 1 RAS 2 ODS 3 DPU 4 DOC 5 DCA 6 LM People and Machines can be assigned to work. Histograms are used to view utilization of resources before assigning the resource. Easy drag and drop assignment of resources. Operation flow can be specified with parallel and alternate branches. Sequence of operations is enforced in execution. Master schedule is expected from an ERP or APS system. Solumina display the schedule and resource hsitograms and allows the shop to modify their day to day schedule with the master schedule in view. Only jobs ready to be worked are presented in the dispatch list. Supervisors can assign work and adjust the daily schedule with simple drag and drop on the gantt and histogram views. Rework and Salvage processes are available. E-mail notifications linked to Solumina can be used in conjunction with the dispatch for groups that are not intense users of the application like vendors and customers. Work instructions include bill of materials, tooling, standard operating instructions, drawings, data collection and buyoffs. All execution information is stored as part of the as-built including discrepancy disposition, rework instructions and corrective action. All documentation changes have configurable approval process. Data collection and buyoff requirements are authored into the work instructions and executed on-line. The user can not complete the work unless all data collection requirements are fulfilled. User is warned of data outside of control limits. Personnel assignment to jobs is performed with visibility of workload already assigned in histogram format and with visibility of skills and certification for each person compared with requirements for the job. Personnel signs on and off jobs as work is performed. © Copyright 2003, CMG A-90 Name / version Solumina / G4 iBASEt Vendor 7 QM 8 PM 9 MM 10 PTG 11 PA QA buyoff points are authored in the work instructions and are required to complete work operations. Rejected buyoffs trigger discrepancy documentation. Disposition of discrepancies can include rework instructions authored into some work order or supplemental work order. Cause, defect and symptom types can be specified for analysis. Defect normalization to opportunity and/or process type is supported. Corrective Action can also be requested from the discrepancy or independently. Corrective Action provides for branching of root cause analysis through multiple organizations, authoring and execution of verification plan including verification of implementation and effectiveness. Reports and graphs are available to visually assess discrepancy/defect trends and areas for improvement. Data collection is performed online. User is warned if out of control limits. Alarm LEDs for holds/constraints for parts, tools, engineering or quality disposition. Changes to work instructions are also noted. Product could be used for maintenance work plans and work orders to service equipment/tools. All work instructions, status, data collection and discrepancy disposition information is recorded in the database and available as the work is performed. Solumina maintains records of serial and lot identified parts as they are built and as they are installed/removed to/from higher level assemblies providing a complete as-built history that includes all data collected during the manufacturing proces including discrepancy disposition and rework instructions from the top level assembly and down the installed component tree. Solumina's graphical dispatch provides real time information on actual and revised dates versus master schedule dates in gantt format and also resource utilization in histogram format. Trends in unit span time can also be viewed in the gantt display. Solumina provides built-in report and graph writers. Reports and graphs are available from the work order, discrepancy, dispatch or administrative screens. Unsupported Aspects Nr. MESA Description 1 RAS There are no calendars of availability for each resource. 4 DOC 5 DCA Shift-to-shift communications have been done custom for some customers and are a planned enhancement for an upcoming release. Direct acquisition of data from machines is performed on a custom basis. Solumina API provides hooks. 6 LM 7 QM 8 PM 9 MM 10 PTG 11 PA Time and Attendance and distribution of labor time to direct and indirect activities requires an interface to a Labor Reporting system like Autotime or Cetec. Integration with APS system can provide optimized schedule dates and priorities. Next release of Solumina's integration interfaces will provide additional support of XML and OAG standards. Real time data acquisition and analysis is supported through 3rd party or custom. No automated triggers based on machine or equipment monitor; could be done custom for a customer utilizing the Solumina API to communicate to application. No trouble call system. No preventive maintenance scheduling. Solumina is planning collaboration intiatives to exchange this information among manufacturers of subassemblies and among maintenance organizations. Solumina is planning to provide data-mart like capabilities as part of its future solution set. More out-ofthe-box performance reports and graphs are also planned. © Copyright 2003, CMG A-91 Name / version SynQuest Solutions / 7.0 Vendor Synquest b.v. MESA-11 Compliance RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM PM MM PTG PA PA PTG MM PM QM LM RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM PM MM PTG PA PA PTG MM PM QM LM RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM PM MM PTG PA PA PTG MM PM QM Continuous1Processing RAS 1 6 1 PA ODS 5 1 4 1 3 1 PTG DPU 2 1 1 1 0 1 MM DC 1 1 6 PM DCA 6 3 QM LM 6 6 6 6 Standard Products in Mass 6 RAS 6 6 6 PA ODS 5 6 4 6 3 DPU PTG 4 2 4 1 0 1 6 MM DC 6 6 6 PM DCA 3 6 QM LM 6 6 Engineer6to Order 6 RAS 6 6 PA ODS 5 6 4 6 3 6 PTG DPU 2 4 1 4 0 1 6 MM DC 6 3 3 PM DCA 3 3 LM QM 3 © Copyright 2003, CMG RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM MM MM PTG PA PA PTG MM PM QM LM RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM PM MM PTG PA PA PTG MM PM QM LM 1 Batch/Semi Process RAS 1 61 PA 51 41 31 PTG 21 11 01 MM 1 1 6 MM 6 3 QM LM 6 6 6 6 Make to Order 6 RAS 6 6 6 PA 5 6 4 6 3 PTG 4 2 4 1 1 0 6 MM 6 6 6 PM 3 4 QM LM 4 4 ODS DPU DC DCA ODS DPU DC DCA Legend RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM PM MM PTG PA Resource Allocation and Status Operations/Detail Scheduling Dispatching Production Units Document Control Data Collection/Acquisition Labor Management Quality Management Process Management Maintenance Management Product Tracking and Genealogy Performance Analysis A-92 Name / version SynQuest Solutions / 7.0 Synquest b.v. Vendor Product Details Aspect Release Date Homepage Platforms Databases Technology Architecture Out-of-the-Box vs. Toolbox Software Suite Modular Description January 2002 NT4 Intel, Win2000, Unix Oracle Dcom, Com+, ActiveX, OLE, ODBC, XML Client/Server, Load Balancing, Distr. Architect., Thin Client, Web Enabled 9 N Y S95 Compliance PS PSE OC OP MM MEC QA PIC PCA PCA MM PTG PA PA PIC PTG MM PM QM S95 Functions 6 2,5 PS 5,29 6 6 5 PSE 3,6 4 1 3 5,17 2 3,5 OC 1 1 0 6 5 3 OP 3 3 QA MEC 3 3 Legend PS PSE OC OP MEC PS PSE OC OP MM MEC QA PIC PCA PCA MM PTG PA PA PIC PTG MM PM QM S95 Informations6 3,5 PS 4,9 6 6 5 PSE 6 4 1 3 5,17 2 4,33 OC 1 1 0 6 5 3 OP 3 3 QA MEC 3 3 Legend (cont.) Production Scheduling (2.0) Process Support Engineering (3.1) Operations Control (3.2) Operations Planning (3.3) Material and Energy Control (4.0) QA PIC PCA MM Quality Assurance (6.0) Product Inventory Control (7.0) Product Cost Accounting (8.0) Maintenance Management (10.0) Interfaces Interface Type Product Name ERP systems JDEdwards ERP systems SAP Scheduling & Sequencing SynQuest (SynQuest) Major Functions Type Function Integrated Advance Planning and Scheduling Integrated Shopfloor Dispatching and Coordination © Copyright 2003, CMG A-93 Name / version SynQuest Solutions / 7.0 Synquest b.v. Vendor Integrated Shopfloor Reporting Tracking and Tracing Module Trim Optimisation Supported Aspects Nr. MESA Description 1 RAS 2 ODS 3 DPU 4 DOC 5 DCA 6 LM 7 QM 8 PM 10 PTG • Dynamic manufacturing allocation and synchronization keeps orders on track - zero in on order status and provide real-time feedback for critical mid-course correction and much more. Features include bill of process modeling, dynamic finite scheduling, manufacturing execution and full integration with ERP/MRP systems. Translate an optimized plan into the details you need to execute orders and generate online dispatch lists. • Bill of process - enable direct delivery of materials to the right operation, in the right quantity, at the right time. Using graphical process modeling, you can create a bill of process that lets you define and depict all resources, activities and policies needed to fulfill customer orders. It includes materials, capacity constrained resources (such as m a chines, tools and labor) as well as drawings, tool delivery, approvals and other support resources. Dynamic finite scheduling - translate optimized plans into the detail needed to execute orders and generate on-line dispatch lists with up-to-the- minute requirements for parts, labor, m a chines, document a t i on and support activities. The scheduler incorporates user-defined dispatching rules by operation, continuously evaluating actual status versus projected status. It identifies variances to plan and their impact as they occur so that you’ll immediately know if you’ll be able to fulfill the customer’s demand on time. Manufacturing execution – have real-time, decision making power based on current w rk orders, activities and resou rces. The system monitors shop floor activity, analyzes job status and communicates it throughout the organization. Production operators receive dispatched orders and, in turn, can update the system with status reports and any p roblems enc ou ntered. SynQuest also provides operators with the detail they require, from on-line documents to destinations for completed work. It supports two-way communication between operators and support centers instructing them with specification items to support the production schedule and allowing them to respond All required documents (e.g. forms, drawings, pictures etc.) can be linked to either items, operations or orders. All info can ge used by operators at the shopfloor at the moment of order execution. The reporting and monitoring of Shop floor activities using an operator view are an integrated functionality in the Virtual Production Engine and provide accurate work order and production reporting. The system can also include an automation integration database and tools plus an enhanced operator view, reducing the need for operator reporting by enabling direct transactions from machines, hand held devices, etc. Labor will be allocated to orders based on avialability and status of labor resourcesare availablr in and up - to - the - minute time frame. Includes time and attendance reporting. The ability to track indirect activities such as material preparation or tool room work as a basis for event based costing. It's allocation will interact with resource allocation to determine optimal assignments. Provides real time analysis of measurements collected from manufacturing to assure proper product quality control and to identify problems requiring attention. It may recommend action to correct the problem, including correlation the symptom, actions and results to determine the cause. The Virtual Production Engine Monitors production and either automatically corrects or provides decision support to operators for correcting and improving in - process activities. These activities may be intra - operational and focus specifically on machines or equipment being monitored and controlled as well as inter - operational, which is tracking the process from on operation to the next. I may include alarm management to make sure factory person(s) are aware of problems which arise during the ececution of the job. It provides interfaces between intelligent equipment and MES possible through Data Collection / Acquisition. The Virtual Production Engine provides the visibility to where work is at all times and its disposition. Status information may include who is working on it; components materials by supplier, lot, serial number, current production conditions, and any alarms, rework, or other exceptions related to the product. The on - line tracking function creates a historical record, as well. This record allows traceability of components and usage of each end product. © Copyright 2003, CMG A-94 Name / version SynQuest Solutions / 7.0 Synquest b.v. Vendor 11 PA The Virtual Production Engine provides not only up - to - the - minute planning and reporting of actual manufacturing operations results along with the comparison to past history and planned / expected business result. Performance results include such measurements as resource utilization, resource availability, product unit cycle time, conformance to schedule and performance to standards. © Copyright 2003, CMG A-95 Name / version Virtual Factory w/ MES Component-InSiteLive / V3. Vendor Camstar Systems Inc. MESA-11 Compliance RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM PM MM PTG PA PA PTG MM PM QM LM RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM PM MM PTG PA PA PTG MM PM QM LM RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM PM MM PTG PA PA PTG MM PM QM Continuous1Processing RAS 1 6 1 PA ODS 5 1 4 1 3 1 PTG DPU 2 1 1 1 0 1 MM DC 1 1 6 PM DCA 6 3 QM LM 6 6 6 6 Standard Products in Mass 5 RAS 6 6 5 PA ODS 5 6 4 5 3 DPU PTG 6 2 6 1 0 5 6 MM DC 6 6 6 PM DCA 3 6 QM LM 6 6 Engineer5to Order 5 RAS 6 6 PA ODS 5 4 4 6 3 5 PTG DPU 2 6 1 6 0 5 5 MM DC 5 3 3 PM DCA 3 3 LM QM 3 © Copyright 2003, CMG RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM MM MM PTG PA PA PTG MM PM QM LM RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM PM MM PTG PA PA PTG MM PM QM LM 6 Batch/Semi Process RAS 5 66 PA 54 46 35 PTG 26 16 05 MM 6 6 6 MM 6 3 QM LM 6 6 6 6 Make to Order 5 RAS 6 6 5 PA 5 6 4 6 3 PTG 6 2 6 1 5 0 6 MM 5 6 6 PM 3 4 QM LM 4 4 ODS DPU DC DCA ODS DPU DC DCA Legend RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM PM MM PTG PA Resource Allocation and Status Operations/Detail Scheduling Dispatching Production Units Document Control Data Collection/Acquisition Labor Management Quality Management Process Management Maintenance Management Product Tracking and Genealogy Performance Analysis A-96 Name / version Virtual Factory w/ MES Component-InSiteLive / V3. Camstar Systems Inc. Vendor Product Details Aspect Release Date Homepage Platforms Databases Technology Architecture Out-of-the-Box vs. Toolbox Software Suite Modular Description June 2002 NT4 Intel, Win2000 Oracle, SQL Server, DB/2 Dcom, Com+, ActiveX, OPC, DNA, ODBC, XML, dotNet Client/Server, Load Balancing, Distr. Architect., Thin Client, Web Enabled 2 Y Y S95 Compliance PS PSE OC OP MM MEC QA PIC PCA PCA MM PTG PA PA PIC PTG MM PM QM S95 Functions 3 5,67 PS 5,57 6 3,6 5 PSE 4,8 4 5,5 3 4,17 2 3,33 OC 1 4 0 6 5 3 OP 3 3 QA MEC 3 3 Legend PS PSE OC OP MEC PS PSE OC OP MM MEC QA PIC PCA PCA MM PTG PA PA PIC PTG MM PM QM 4,5 S95 Informations 5,5 PS 6 6 5,25 5 PSE 4,75 4 6 3 4,5 2 4,67 OC 1 4,67 0 6 5 3 OP 3 3 QA MEC 3 3 Legend (cont.) Production Scheduling (2.0) Process Support Engineering (3.1) Operations Control (3.2) Operations Planning (3.3) Material and Energy Control (4.0) QA PIC PCA MM Quality Assurance (6.0) Product Inventory Control (7.0) Product Cost Accounting (8.0) Maintenance Management (10.0) Interfaces Interface Type Product Name ERP systems BAAN ERP systems Peoplesoft ERP systems Oracle ERP systems JDEdwards ERP systems SAP LIMS LabView (LabView) Other Standards & Middleware OAG / XML Other Standards & Middleware Vitria © Copyright 2003, CMG A-97 Name / version Virtual Factory w/ MES Component-InSiteLive / V3. Camstar Systems Inc. Vendor Other Standards & Middleware CrossWorld Other Standards & Middleware Extricity Other Standards & Middleware MS Biztalk Scheduling & Sequencing Adexa (Adexa) Major Functions Type Function Integrated Data collection and analysis Integrated Detailed history of all processing activity and genealogy Module Exception alerts Integrated Extendable data model Integrated Factory and Process Modeling Module Integration with business applications Module Integration with equipement and controllers Integrated Internationalization - GMT time stamps, user-based language support Module Interplant shipping and receiving, with traceability Integrated Multi-level Work-in-Process tracking and genealogy Module Multi-plant, real-time reporting and analysis Integrated Operation instructions and control Module Operational data store for reporting and data retention Integrated Quality control and analysis Integrated Revision management Integrated Statistical Process Control Module Syncronization of processing specifications among multiple plants Branche Solutions Solution Branche Corrective and Preventive Action Unknown Electronic Signature Unknown Returns Management Unknown © Copyright 2003, CMG A-98 Name / version Xfactory / 2 Vendor USDATA, Inc. MESA-11 Compliance RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM PM MM PTG PA PA PTG MM PM QM LM RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM PM MM PTG PA PA PTG MM PM QM LM RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM PM MM PTG PA PA PTG MM PM QM Continuous4Processing RAS 2 6 3 PA ODS 5 4 4 6 3 3 PTG DPU 2 3 1 4 0 4 MM DC 5 4 6 PM DCA 6 3 QM LM 6 6 6 6 Standard Products in Mass 3 RAS 4 6 4 PA ODS 5 6 4 4 3 DPU PTG 4 2 6 1 0 5 6 MM DC 5 6 6 PM DCA 3 6 QM LM 6 6 Engineer5to Order 3 RAS 4 6 PA ODS 5 4 4 5 3 4 PTG DPU 2 4 1 5 0 4 5 MM DC 4 3 3 PM DCA 3 3 LM QM 3 © Copyright 2003, CMG RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM MM MM PTG PA PA PTG MM PM QM LM RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM PM MM PTG PA PA PTG MM PM QM LM 5 Batch/Semi Process RAS 3 64 PA 54 45 34 PTG 24 15 04 MM 5 4 6 MM 6 3 QM LM 6 6 6 6 Make to Order 3 RAS 4 6 4 PA 5 6 4 4 3 PTG 4 2 6 1 5 0 6 MM 5 6 6 PM 3 4 QM LM 4 4 ODS DPU DC DCA ODS DPU DC DCA Legend RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM PM MM PTG PA Resource Allocation and Status Operations/Detail Scheduling Dispatching Production Units Document Control Data Collection/Acquisition Labor Management Quality Management Process Management Maintenance Management Product Tracking and Genealogy Performance Analysis A-99 Name / version Xfactory / 2 USDATA, Inc. Vendor Product Details Aspect Release Date Homepage Platforms Databases Technology Architecture Out-of-the-Box vs. Toolbox Software Suite Modular Description October 2002 NT4 Intel, Win2000 Oracle, SQL Server Dcom, Com+, ActiveX, OLE, OPC, DNA, ODBC, XML Client/Server, Distr. Architect., Thin Client, Web Enabled 7 Y Y S95 Compliance PS PSE OC OP MM MEC QA PIC PCA PCA MM PTG PA PA PIC PTG MM PM QM S95 Functions 1 1 PS 1 6 1 5 PSE 1 4 1 3 1 2 1 OC 1 1 0 6 5 3 OP 3 3 QA MEC 3 3 Legend PS PSE OC OP MEC PS PSE OC OP MM MEC QA PIC PCA PCA MM PTG PA PA PIC PTG MM PM QM S95 Informations1 1 PS 1 6 1 5 PSE 1 4 1 3 1 2 1 OC 1 1 0 6 5 3 OP 3 3 QA MEC 3 3 Legend (cont.) Production Scheduling (2.0) Process Support Engineering (3.1) Operations Control (3.2) Operations Planning (3.3) Material and Energy Control (4.0) QA PIC PCA MM Quality Assurance (6.0) Product Inventory Control (7.0) Product Cost Accounting (8.0) Maintenance Management (10.0) Interfaces Interface Type Product Name ERP systems JDEdwards ERP systems Oracle ERP systems Peoplesoft ERP systems BAAN ERP systems SAP ERP systems Any ERP with Open API LIMS Any LIMS with Open API Maintenance Management Any PM package with Open API © Copyright 2003, CMG A-100 Name / version Xfactory / 2 Vendor USDATA, Inc. Other Standards & Middleware MS Biztalk Other Standards & Middleware OPC (OLE for Process Control) Other Standards & Middleware XML Scheduling & Sequencing Hitachi Tohoku SynPLA Scheduling & Sequencing ORTEMS Scheduling & Sequencing Preactor Scheduling & Sequencing Any Scheduling package with Open API Scheduling & Sequencing OMP SCP (OM Partners) Major Functions Type Function Module Configuration Integrated Equipment Tracking Module Genealogy Integrated Inventory Tracking Module Performance Analysis KPIs Module Process Control Module Production Management Integrated Route Modeling Module Software Developer's Kit Integrated Web Reports Integrated WIP Tracking Branche Solutions Solution Branche Genealogy Explorer Automotive Performance Monitor Electronics © Copyright 2003, CMG A-101 Name / version XFP / V 4.5 Vendor Elan Software Systems MESA-11 Compliance RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM PM MM PTG PA PA PTG MM PM QM LM RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM PM MM PTG PA PA PTG MM PM QM LM RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM PM MM PTG PA PA PTG MM PM QM Continuous1Processing RAS 1 6 1 PA ODS 5 1 4 1 3 1 PTG DPU 2 1 1 1 0 1 MM DC 1 1 6 PM DCA 6 3 QM LM 6 6 6 1 Standard Products in Mass 1 RAS 1 6 1 PA ODS 5 1 4 1 3 DPU PTG 1 2 1 1 0 1 1 MM DC 1 6 6 PM DCA 3 6 QM LM 6 6 Engineer6to Order 5 RAS 6 6 PA ODS 5 1 4 6 3 5 PTG DPU 2 6 1 6 0 4 6 MM DC 4 3 3 PM DCA 3 3 LM QM 3 © Copyright 2003, CMG RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM MM MM PTG PA PA PTG MM PM QM LM RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM PM MM PTG PA PA PTG MM PM QM LM 6 Batch/Semi Process RAS 5 66 PA 51 46 35 PTG 26 16 04 MM 6 4 6 MM 6 3 QM LM 6 6 6 1 Make to Order 1 RAS 1 6 1 PA 5 1 4 1 3 PTG 1 2 1 1 1 0 1 MM 1 6 6 PM 3 4 QM LM 4 4 ODS DPU DC DCA ODS DPU DC DCA Legend RAS ODS DPU DC DCA LM QM PM MM PTG PA Resource Allocation and Status Operations/Detail Scheduling Dispatching Production Units Document Control Data Collection/Acquisition Labor Management Quality Management Process Management Maintenance Management Product Tracking and Genealogy Performance Analysis A-102 Name / version XFP / V 4.5 Elan Software Systems Vendor Product Details Aspect Release Date Homepage Platforms Databases Technology Architecture Out-of-the-Box vs. Toolbox Software Suite Modular Description September 2002 NT4 Intel, NT4 Alpha, Win2000, WinXP, Unix Oracle Dcom, ActiveX, OLE, OPC, ODBC, XML Client/Server, Load Balancing, Distr. Architect., Thin Client, Web Enabled 3 Y Y S95 Compliance PS PSE OC OP MM MEC QA PIC PCA PCA MM PTG PA PA PIC PTG MM PM QM S95 Functions4,5 4,83 PS 5,43 6 3,2 5 PSE 5,4 4 5,75 3 6 2 4 OC 1 3 0 6 5 3 OP 3 3 QA MEC 3 3 Legend PS PSE OC OP MEC PS PSE OC OP MM MEC QA PIC PCA PCA MM PTG PA PA PIC PTG MM PM QM S95 Informations5 4,75 PS 5,1 6 4 5 PSE 6 4 6 3 5,83 2 4 OC 1 3 0 6 5 3 OP 3 3 QA MEC 3 3 Legend (cont.) Production Scheduling (2.0) Process Support Engineering (3.1) Operations Control (3.2) Operations Planning (3.3) Material and Energy Control (4.0) QA PIC PCA MM Quality Assurance (6.0) Product Inventory Control (7.0) Product Cost Accounting (8.0) Maintenance Management (10.0) Interfaces Interface Type Product Name ERP systems PRODSTAR ERP systems PRIZEM / MOVEX / MAPICS / CA-PRMS ERP systems BPCS ERP systems BAAN ERP systems Oracle ERP systems JDEdwards ERP systems SAP LIMS SAP QM © Copyright 2003, CMG A-103 Name / version XFP / V 4.5 Vendor Elan Software Systems Other Standards & Middleware OPC (OLE for Process Control) Scheduling & Sequencing ORTEMS Major Functions Type Function Module XFP - COMUTERISED WEIGHING Module XFP - DOT - DIRECT OUTPUTS Module XFP - DYNAMIC WAREHOUSE MANAGEMENT Module XFP - EBR - ELECTRONIC BATCH RECORD Module XFP - EQUIPMENT MANAGEMENT Module XFP - EQUIPMENT SUPERVISION AND MONITORING Module XFP - MATERIAL FLOW Module XFP - PACKAGING Integrated XFP - PROJECT MANAGEMENT Integrated XFP - QM - QUALITY MANAGEMENT Module XFP - RECONCILIATION Module XFP - REQUISITION DELIVERIES / XFP RESERVATION Module XFP - SHIPPING Integrated XFP - TRAINING Integrated XFP - VALIDATION QUALIFICATION Module XFP - WO MANAGER Module XFP GATEWAY - COMMUNICATION AUTOMATION Module XFP R&D - BILL OF MATERIALS Branche Solutions Solution Branche XFP Fine Chemicals XFP Pharmaceutical © Copyright 2003, CMG A-104 B. DETAILS S95 COMPLIANCE Products and Vendors included in this Appendix: No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Products Vendor 4C Suite Advantage Biceps Bizibit Suite Campaign Studio CMS ProCX-SpeCX DrinkSoft BPMS Easy Works Factelligence FACTORY works Failsafe HMS Suite InSite Live Manufacturing Pulse MWare OPTAL-mes PAS-X PI System Pinata Plant2Business PMX MES Proficy for Manufacturing PROMIS QIS RSBizWare Siematic IT Solumina SynQuest Solutions Teradyne-SCE Xfactory XFP nMetric Datasweep, Inc. Logica CP GmbH Bizibit NV Emerson Process Management Siemens Compex NV Prodac Systems Ltd. ITac Software GmbH CIMNET, Inc. Brooks Automation Mestec Ltd HMS Software, Inc. Camstar Systems Inc. Motorola PEC info OPTAL Ltd. Werum GmbH OSI Software, Inc. Hewlett Packard Citect Ply Ltd. Propack Data GmbH Mountain Systems, Inc. Brooks-PRI QiSoft Ltd Rockwell Global Manufacturing Solutions Siemens iBASEt Synquest b.v. Teradyne Inc. USDATA, Inc. Elan Software Systems Remarks When a vendor indicated that an interface is available for an information an asterix (*) is added to the score in the table. When a vendor did not fill in any score for a function or information the value 1 is entered. Copyright 2003, LogicaCMG B-1 4C Suite Advantage Biceps Bizibit Suite Campaign Studio CMS ProCX-SpeCX DrinkSoft BPMS Easy Works Factelligence Factory works Failsafe HMS Suite InSite Live Manufacturing Pulse Mware OPTAL-mes 6 4 5 1 4 3 6 1 6 2 1 1 3 4 6 1 5 6 6 2 2 6 6 2 4 1 1 1 4 2 1 6 3 6 6 6 6 1 1 1 5 6 4 2 3 3 2 1 4 1 1 1 3 3 3 1 1 1 6 6 6 5 1 1 6* 4 6* 1 4* 3 6* 1 6* 6* 1 1 4* 4* 6 1* 6* 4 3 1 3* 6 6* 1 6* 3 3* 1 4* 4* 6 6 6* 6* 4 6* 6* 6* 1 1 2 1 4 6 6* 6* 1 1 6* 6* 5 6 1 4* 1 1 4* 6* 2* 4* 6 6 6 6 Products (1 - 16) Production Scheduling (2.0) Functions: Determine optimal production schedule based on finite capacities of the resources Identify long-term raw material requirements Determine pack-out schedule for end products Determine available product for sales Informations: The production schedule The actual production versus the planned production The production capacity and resource availability Current order status Production Control - Process Support Engineering (3.1) Functions: Issuing requests for modification or maintenance. Coordinating maintenance and engineering functions. Providing technical standards and methods to operations and maintenance functions. Following up on equipment and process performance. Providing technical support to operators. Following up on technological developments. Informations: Minor equipment and process modifications, this may include new design drawings. Instructions on how to handle equipment, this may include standard operating procedures. Instructions on how to make products, this includes production rules and the standard materials, equipment, and other resources used. Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS). Instructions on how to install equipment, this may include vendor equipment. Environmental and safety operating limits and constraints. Engineering standards for process equipment design techniques and process operational methods, and on-line operating instructions. Instructions for plant trials or plant tests. 1 6 1 1 4 2 6 1 2 6 4 1 6 4 6 1 1 3 1 1 1 3 3 1 2 6 3 1 5 2 4 1 1 5 1 1 3 6 6 1 5 6 5 1 6 2 5 1 1 5 1 1 4 4 6 1 1 6 1 1 5 6 6 1 1 1 6 5 1 1 1 1 4 1 6 6 5 6 1 1 6 3 6 3 5 1 1 1 6 6 3 5 6 4 4 4 3 1 1 1 1 4 5* 1 5 6* 5* 1 6* 3 6 1 2 6* 1 1 4* 5 5* 1 6* 6* 5* 1 6* 5 6 6 2 6* 2 1 1 6 6* 1 6* 6* 6* 1 6* 5 6 6 2 6* 5* 1 3 4 1* 1 5 4 1 1 6* 5 6 6 2 5* 1 1 3* 1 5* 1 5 2 6* 1 6* 2 6 6 3 5* 1 1 1 3 4* 1 5 6 1 1 5* 2 6 6 2 5* 1 1 1 3 5* 1 6* 2 1 1 3 5 6 6 2 5* 1 1 3 4 5* 1 1 4 1 1 6* 1 6 6 Production Control – Operations Control (3.2) Functions: Producing the product according to schedule and specifications. Reporting production, process, and resource information. Copyright 2003, LogicaCMG 5 6 6 4 5 6 6 1 6 6 6 1 6 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 4 6 6 1 6 6 6 1 6 6 6 6 B-2 4C Suite Advantage Biceps Bizibit Suite Campaign Studio CMS ProCX-SpeCX DrinkSoft BPMS Easy Works Factelligence Factory works Failsafe HMS Suite InSite Live Manufacturing Pulse Mware OPTAL-mes 3 6 6 6 4 6 6 1 2 6 6 1 6 6 6 2 3 6 6 1 3 6 1 1 1 6 1 1 6 5 6 1 2 6 2 1 4 5 6 1 1 5 1 1 6 4 6 1 6 6 4 1 3 6 6 1 1 6 6 1 5 6 6 1 3 6 1 4 1 3 6 1 3 5 4 1 4 4 6 4 6* 6* 5* 6 4 6 6* 1 6* 6 6* 1 6 5 6 6 5* 6* 6* 5 4 6 6* 1 5* 6 6* 1 6 5 6 6 2 6* 5* 5 5 6 6* 1 6* 6 4* 1 6 6 6 6 6* 2 2 2 5* 6* 5* 6* 1 6* 2 6* 1 6* 6* 6 5 3 3 3 2 4* 4* 4 6 6 6 6 5 6 5* 5* 6* 6* 6* 1 1 1 1 1 6* 3 1 1 5* 6 1 6* 1 6* 2* 4 1 6 5* 1 1 1 1 1 6 6 6 6 6 5 1 3 2 5 6 5 6 6 6 6 6 1 1 6 1 1 6 3 6* 1 2 6 1 1 6 3 4 1 5* 6* 3 4 6 6* 1 1 5 6* 1 6 5 6 1 Products (1 - 16) Monitoring equipment, validating operational measurements, and determining the need for maintenance. Preparing equipment for maintenance and return it to service after maintenance. Performing diagnostics and self-check of production and control equipment. Balancing and optimizing production within the site or area. May include local site or area labor management and document management. Informations: Status of production requests Selected production data, such as data to calculate production cost, and production performance Selected process data, such as equipment performance feedback Status of resources Status of maintenance work order requests Requests for maintenance Diagnostic and self test results Process history Requests for process support engineering support Request for analysis of material 5* 6* 2 Production Control - Operations Planning (3.3) Functions: Setting up a short term production plan based on the production schedule Checking the schedule against raw material availability and product storage capacity. Checking the schedule against equipment and personnel availability. Determining the percent of capacity status. Modifying the production plan hourly to account for equipment outage, manpower and raw materials availability. Informations: Material and energy inventory report Material and energy requirements required to meet the production plan Site or area production plan for operations control Available capability of the production resources 6 6 4 3 4 6 6 1 6 6 5 1 4 5 6 6 6 6 5 1 4 5 6 1 5 6 1 1 3 5 6 2 6 5 1 6 3 5 6 1 5 6 1 1 3 6 6 2 6 6 4 5 4 5 6 1 4 4 2 1 4 6 6 4 6 6 1 4 2 5 6 1 5 4 1 1 4 5 6 6 5* 6* 3 1 3 6 6* 1 4 4 1 1 5* 5 6 1 5* 6* 4* 1 3 6 3* 1 2 4 5* 1 5* 5 6 1 6* 6* 6* 6* 2 1 2 3 3 1 5 5 3* 6* 1 1 5* 4 5 6 4* 1 1 1 5* 6* 5 5 6 6 1 6 5 4 1 1 4 6 4 1 6 5 5 1 5 5 6 1 2 4 1 1 1 3 4 1 2 3 6 1 4 3 6 1 Material and Energy Control (4.0) Functions: Managing inventory, transfers, and quality of material and energy. Generating requests for purchasing of materials and energy based on short and long term requirements. Copyright 2003, LogicaCMG B-3 4C Suite Advantage Biceps Bizibit Suite Campaign Studio CMS ProCX-SpeCX DrinkSoft BPMS Easy Works Factelligence Factory works Failsafe HMS Suite InSite Live Manufacturing Pulse Mware OPTAL-mes 3 3 1 1 3 6 6 1 6 5 5 1 6 6 6 1 2 6 1 1 3 6 4 1 5 4 5 1 6 2 6 1 2 6 1 1 1 5 1 1 2 4 5 1 3 2 6 1 2 4 1 1 2 6 3* 1 3 4 2 1 4* 2 6 1 3 6* 1 1 3 6 3* 1 3 5 4* 1 4* 3 6 1 5 5 1 1 3 6 6* 1 5* 5 5* 1 5* 6 6 1 2 4* 1 1 4 6 3* 1 5* 5 5* 1 6* 5 6 1 1 1 6 5 5 5 4 4 1 1 6 6 6 6 1 1 6 6 6 6 6 6 1 1 6 3 4 4 6 6 1 1 1 3 1 3 1 6 6 1 5 6 4 1 5 4 3 1 3 6 5 6 3 6 6 1 6 6 6 1 6 5 6 6 1 4 5 3 1 6 6 1 6 6 3 1 6 5 6 1 5 6 5 1 1 6 6 1 5 6 6 1 6 6 6 6 2 6 4 6 1 6 6 1 5 6 6 1 6 6 6 4 3 6 2 2 1 6 6 1 4 6 5 1 6 2 6 2 2 6* 5* 6 1 6 6* 1 6* 6 4* 1 6 5 6 4 2 6* 5* 3 1 5 6* 1 6* 6 5* 1 6* 4 6 1 2 6* 5* 3 1 6 6* 1 5* 6 5* 1 6* 2 6 1 6 6 5 1 1 6 1 1 6 6 6 1 5 2 6 1 3 4 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 4 1 3 1 4 1 5 6 4 1 1 6 1 1 1 4 6 1 3 1 4 1 6 6 5 1 1 6 6 1 6 5 6 1 5 6 6 1 5 6 4 1 1 6 6 1 6 4 5 1 6 5 6 1 5 5 3 1 1 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 4 1 Products (1 - 16) Calculate and report inventory balance and losses of raw material and energy utilization. Receive incoming material and energy supplies and request quality assurance tests. Notifying purchasing of accepted material and energy supplies. Informations: Material and energy order requests Incoming confirmation of received materials and energy Material and energy inventory report Manual and automated transfer instructions for operations control Quality Assurance (6.0) Functions: Testing and classification of materials. Setting standard for material quality Issuing standards to manufacturing and testing laboratories in accordance with requirements from technology, marketing and customer services. Collecting and maintaining material quality data. Releasing material for further use (delivery or further processing). Certifying that product was produced according to standard process conditions. Checking of product data versus customer's requirements and statistical quality control routines to assure adequate quality before shipment. Relaying material deviations to process engineering for reevaluation to upgrade processes. Informations: Quality assurance test results Approval to release materials, or waivers on compliance Applicable standards and customer requirements for material quality Product Inventory Control (7.0) Functions: Managing inventory of finished products Making reservation for specific product in accordance with product selling directives Generating the pack-out end product in accordance with delivery schedule Reporting on inventory to production scheduling Reporting on balance and losses to product cost accounting Arranging physical loading/shipment of goods in coordination with product shipping administration Copyright 2003, LogicaCMG B-4 Advantage Bizibit Suite Campaign Studio CMS ProCX-SpeCX DrinkSoft BPMS Easy Works Factelligence Factory works Failsafe HMS Suite InSite Live Manufacturing Pulse Mware OPTAL-mes Informations: Finished goods inventory Inventory balances Pack Out Schedule Release to ship Confirm to ship Requirements 5* 5* 6* 6* 6* 6* 5* 4* 4* 3 3 5* 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 6 6 6 6 6 3* 3* 1 3* 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 6* 5* 2 1 1 2 6 6 4 4 4 6 6* 6* 6* 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5* 6* 5* 5* 3* 3* 1 1 2 3 1 1 6 6 6 6 4 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 2 2 4 1 3 5 1 5 3 5 1 3 2 1 6 6 2 2 4 1 3 5 1 5 2 5 1 3 1 1 1 5 1 2 4 1 1 5 1 3 2 4 1 2 1 1 1 5 3 2 6 1 5 5 1 6 6 5 1 6 4 2 3 6 1 2 4 1 3 5 1 3 3 4 1 5 3 1 2 5 1 2 2 1 1 5 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 5* 1 6* 2* 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 4 5* 5* 1 1 1 6* 2 2 1 5* 1 1 3 6* 1 6 1* 1* 1 6 5* 2 2 1 1 4 4 1 6* 2 5* 1 5* 1 1* 1 1 1 5 5 1 1 1 1 5 5 1 1 3 6 1 1 1 1 5 5 2 2 1 1 4 6 4 4 2 2 1 1 2 5 1 1 3 3 6 1 1 6 1 1 2 6 6 1 1 4 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 5 5 1 2 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 2 1 4 1 1 1 1 6 1 1 2 1 6 1 6 5 5 1 6 5 6 1 2 5* 1 1 5* 1 1* 1 1 5* 1 1 5* 4 4* 1 1 4* 1 1 5* 1 1* 1 1 6* 1 1 6 2 4* 1 1 4 1 1 4* 1 6* 1 1 5 1 1 3 4 4* 1 Biceps 4C Suite 6* 6* 5* 3 3 3 Products (1 - 16) Product Cost Accounting (8.0) Functions: Calculating and reporting on total product cost Reporting cost results to production for adjustment Setting cost objectives for production Collecting raw material, labor, energy and other costs for transmission to accounting. Calculating and reporting on total production cost, report cost results to production for adjustment Setting cost objectives for materials and energy supply and distribution Informations: Cost objectives to production Performance and costs from production Parts and energy incoming to accounting from material and energy control Maintenance Management (10.0) Functions: Providing maintenance for existing installations. Providing preventive maintenance program. Providing equipment monitoring to anticipate failure including self-check and diagnostic programs. Placing purchase order request for materials and spare parts. Developing maintenance cost reports, and coordinating outside contract work effort. Providing status and technical feedback on performance and reliability to process support engineering. Informations: Maintenance schedules that specify the plan for future work orders . Maintenance work orders that specify specific equipment to be taken out of service and available for maintenance functions. Diagnostic and self test requests to be performed on the equipment. Copyright 2003, LogicaCMG B-5 PAS-X PI System Pinata Plant2Business PMX MES Proficy PROMIS QIS RSBizWare Siematic IT Solumina SynQuest Solutions Teradyne-SCE Xfactory XFP 1 1 2 2 5 1 6 1 6 6 2 6 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 4 2 2 3 1 3 3 3 3 3 4 5 3 6 3 1 1 5 6 5 5 5 6 1 1 1 6 6 6 1 1 6 1 1 1 4 6 6 1 1 1 1 3* 3* 3* 3* 4* 2* 5* 4* 3* 1 5* 1 6 5 4 5 6* 6* 2* 6* 6* 6* 6 6* 6 6* 4* 6* 6 6 4* 6* 5* 3* 6* 1 6* 4* 6* 6* 6* 2 6* 1 6* 6 6* 6* 1* 1* 1* 1* 6 4 4 6 Products (17 - 31) Production Scheduling (2.0) Functions: Determine optimal production schedule based on finite capacities of the resources Identify long-term raw material requirements Determine pack-out schedule for end products Determine available product for sales Informations: The production schedule The actual production versus the planned production The production capacity and resource availability Current order status Production Control - Process Support Engineering (3.1) Functions: Issuing requests for modification or maintenance. Coordinating maintenance and engineering functions. Providing technical standards and methods to operations and maintenance functions. Following up on equipment and process performance. Providing technical support to operators. Following up on technological developments. Informations: Minor equipment and process modifications, this may include new design drawings. Instructions on how to handle equipment, this may include standard operating procedures. Instructions on how to make products, this includes production rules and the standard materials, equipment, and other resources used. Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS). Instructions on how to install equipment, this may include vendor equipment. Environmental and safety operating limits and constraints. Engineering standards for process equipment design techniques and process operational methods, and online operating instructions. Instructions for plant trials or plant tests. 1 1 1 1 3 2 3 2 5 4 1 1 6 6 2 1 5 5 6 6 3 6 1 3 4 1 1 1 3 3 1 3 1 3 6 6 6 5 5 6 6 3 1 1 5 1 1 1 5 6 1 2 6 3 3 4 3 6 5 3 6 6 6 6 6 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 6 6 5 3 6 3 3 4 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 6 6 6 1 2 2* 2 5 1 6* 4* 5* 6* 5* 1 1 1* 6* 1 4 3* 2* 5 6* 6* 6* 5* 6* 6 6* 6* 1* 6* 1 5 6* 1 6 6* 6* 6* 6* 6* 6 6* 6* 1* 6* 1 4 3* 4* 6 4 1 4 2* 2 6 1* 2* 6* 4 6* 1 6 2* 4* 6 6 6* 6* 4 6* 1 5 2* 4* 5 5 2* 6* 1 3 2* 4* 3 6 1 5 6 3 6 1 6 3 3 1 6 2 3 5* 6* 6* 5* 5* 1 2 1* 3 6 1 1 1* 1 6 1 4* 1* 4 4 6* 6* 6* 4* 1* 6 4* 6* 5 6* 3 6* 1 1* 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 1 6 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 1 6 5 6 6 4 6 6 4 6 6 1 6 Production Control – Operations Control (3.2) Functions: Producing the product according to schedule and specifications. Reporting production, process, and resource information. Monitoring equipment, validating operational measurements, and determining the need for maintenance. Copyright 2003, LogicaCMG B-6 PAS-X PI System Pinata Plant2Business PMX MES Proficy PROMIS QIS RSBizWare Siematic IT Solumina SynQuest Solutions Teradyne-SCE Xfactory XFP 1 2 2 1 5 4 6 1 5 6 1 6 1 1 6 1 3 2 2 3 6 5 5 3 6 1 1 1 1 6 1 6 3 3 5 4 6 3 6 6 3 6 1 1 6 1 4 1 4 5 2 5 4 4 6 5 6 4 1 2 1 5 5* 3 5 6 6* 5* 6* 6* 6 6* 6* 1* 6* 1 6 5* 3* 5 6 6* 6 6* 6* 5 6* 5* 1* 5* 1 6 4* 3* 5 6 6* 5 6* 6* 3 6* 6* 1* 4* 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 4 5 4 6 3 3 3* 1 4* 2 1* 2* 2* 2 2* 6* 1* 5* 1* 2 5 5 5 3 4 3 4 6 1 1* 6 6 6 6 6* 5* 6* 5* 6* 6* 5* 4* 6* 6* 1* 6* 6* 2* 5* 6* 4* 4 6* 6 6 6* 4 4 6* 4 4 6* 5 1 1 1 6 3 1 6* 6* 1* 6 6* 2 1* 6 3* 4* 1* 6 1 1 1* 4* 6* 5* 1* 6 6* 2 1* 4* 3* 1 1* 4* 1 4 4 4 6 6 6 1 6 6 3 6 6 1 2 1 3 2 2 4 5 6 2 6 6 1 6 2 1 6 1 3 1 6 3 5 6 2 6 6 5 6 2 1 2 1 3 1 2 5 6 5 5 6 6 3 6 4 1 4 1 2 2 3 5 5 6 1 6 6 6 6 6 1 2 1 6 1* 4* 6 6 4* 6 5* 6* 1 6* 4* 1* 4* 1 3 2* 1 5 6 4* 6 5* 6* 4 6* 4* 1* 4* 1 1 3 3 4* 6* 2* 2 5 3 6 6 5* 1* 6* 6* 6* 1* 6* 6* 1 4 6* 4* 1* 4* 6* 4* 1* 4* 1 4 3 1 6 6 5 5 3 6 1 4 6 1 5 1 5 2 1 5 5 3 2 3 6 1 6 1 1 5 1 6 1 1 6 6 5 3 3 6 1 6 6 1 5 1 5 1 1 5 6 4 5 3 6 1 1 4 1 6 1 4 3 1 5 5 4 5 3 6 1 1 2 1 6 Products (17 - 31) Preparing equipment for maintenance and return it to service after maintenance. Performing diagnostics and self-check of production and control equipment. Balancing and optimizing production within the site or area. May include local site or area labor management and document management. Informations: Status of production requests Selected production data, such as data to calculate production cost, and production performance Selected process data, such as equipment performance feedback Status of resources Status of maintenance work order requests Requests for maintenance Diagnostic and self test results Process history Requests for process support engineering support Request for analysis of material Production Control - Operations Planning (3.3) Functions: Setting up a short term production plan based on the production schedule Checking the schedule against raw material availability and product storage capacity. Checking the schedule against equipment and personnel availability. Determining the percent of capacity status. Modifying the production plan hourly to account for equipment outage, manpower and raw materials availability. Informations: Material and energy inventory report Material and energy requirements required to meet the production plan Site or area production plan for operations control Available capability of the production resources Material and Energy Control (4.0) Functions: Managing inventory, transfers, and quality of material and energy. Generating requests for purchasing of materials and energy based on short and long term requirements. Calculate and report inventory balance and losses of raw material and energy utilization. Receive incoming material and energy supplies and request quality assurance tests. Notifying purchasing of accepted material and energy supplies. Copyright 2003, LogicaCMG B-7 Proficy QIS RSBizWare Siematic IT Solumina 1 1 1 5 5 5 6 6 6 4* 2* 5* 4* 5* 6 3 3 3 6* 6* 6* 1 1 1 6* 4* 1* 6* 6* 4* 1* 6* 6* 4* 1* 6* 1 2 3* 1 5 6 5* 5* 3 6* 1 6* 4* 1* 6* 1 1 4 5 6 6 4 2 5 4 6 6 6 6 6 6 3 3 6 6 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 6 1 6 4 2 3 6 6 6 3 6 6 1 1 1 6 1 6 6 5 4 6 6 6 6 6 6 1 6 1 4 1 4 5 1 5 6 6 6 3 6 1 1 6 1 6 1 5 6 2 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 1 6 1 6 1 5 4 2 5 6 5 6 4 6 5 1 6 1 6 1 5 4 2 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 1 6 1 6 1 1 4 4 6* 4* 3* 2 3 5 6 6 6* 6* 6 6 4 6 6* 6* 6 6 1 1 6* 1* 6* 6* 1* 6* 1 5 3* 2 3 6 6* 6 4 6* 6 1 6* 1* 6* 1 4 1 2 6 6 6 3 1 5 1 6 6 1 6 1 3 1 2 4 6 5 3 1 5 1 6 2 1 6 1 3 2 2 4 6 4 3 6 5 1 6 3 1 6 1 5 2 4 6 6 6 4 6 6 1 6 3 1 6 1 6 2 2 5 6 6 5 1 5 1 6 3 1 6 1 3 1 2 4 1 1 6 1 6 1 1 2 1 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 6 3 3 3 3 1* 3 2* 2 2* 2 2* 4* 2* 2 2* 2 6 6 4 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6* 6* 4 4 4 6 5* 5* 4* 5* 5* 5* 1 1 6 1 1 1 5* 5* 5* 6* 5* 5* 1 1 1 1 1 1 6* 6* 1* 6* 6* 1* 6* 2* 1* 6* 2 1* 6* 2 1* 1 2 1* 6 6 6 6 6 5 1 6 1 3 6 6 5 3 3 3 1 4 XFP PMX MES 3* 3* 2* Xfactory Plant2Business 2 3 6 Teradyne-SCE Pinata SynQuest Solutions PI System Informations: Material and energy order requests Incoming confirmation of received materials and energy Material and energy inventory report Manual and automated transfer instructions for operations control PROMIS PAS-X 1 1 1 Products (17 - 31) Quality Assurance (6.0) Functions: Testing and classification of materials. Setting standard for material quality Issuing standards to manufacturing and testing laboratories in accordance with requirements from technology, marketing and customer services. Collecting and maintaining material quality data. Releasing material for further use (delivery or further processing). Certifying that product was produced according to standard process conditions. Checking of product data versus customer's requirements and statistical quality control routines to assure adequate quality before shipment. Relaying material deviations to process engineering for reevaluation to upgrade processes. Informations: Quality assurance test results Approval to release materials, or waivers on compliance Applicable standards and customer requirements for material quality Product Inventory Control (7.0) Functions: Managing inventory of finished products Making reservation for specific product in accordance with product selling directives Generating the pack-out end product in accordance with delivery schedule Reporting on inventory to production scheduling Reporting on balance and losses to product cost accounting Arranging physical loading/shipment of goods in coordination with product shipping administration Informations: Finished goods inventory Inventory balances Pack Out Schedule Release to ship Confirm to ship Requirements Product Cost Accounting (8.0) Functions: Calculating and reporting on total product cost Copyright 2003, LogicaCMG 4 1 1 B-8 PAS-X PI System Pinata Plant2Business PMX MES Proficy PROMIS QIS RSBizWare Siematic IT Solumina SynQuest Solutions Teradyne-SCE Xfactory XFP 1 1 5 4 1 1 3 3 3 3 6 6 5 5 5 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 6 1 1 1 1 4 4 1 6 1 2 4 6 6 5 3 3 3 1 1 1 4 1 6 1 4 3 6 6 5 3 3 3 6 1 1 4 1 4 1 1 3 6 4 3 3 3 1 6 1 1 4 1 1 4 6 1 1 2 3* 3 4 6 6 5 4* 6* 5* 3 6 3* 3* 3 3 6* 6* 1 1 1* 1* 4 4 1 6 1 2 4 6 5 5* 1 3* 3 1 1 1* 4 1 1 4 4 1 2 4 1 5 5 1 1 5 5 1 1 1 1 6 6 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 1 6 1 2 4 5 6 5 6 6 1 1 1 1 3 1 4 1 2 3 1 5 1 1 6 1 1 1 1 3 1 5 1 2 3 1 4 1 1 6 1 1 1 1 3 1 5 1 2 3 6 6 3 1 6 5 1 1 1 3 1 3 1 2 4 1 5* 1* 1 6* 1 1 1 1* 3 1 3 1 2 4 1 6* 1* 1 6* 5 1 1 1* 3 1 3 1 3* 4 6 5* 1* 1 6* 3 1 1 1* 3 Products (17 - 31) Reporting cost results to production for adjustment Setting cost objectives for production Collecting raw material, labor, energy and other costs for transmission to accounting. Calculating and reporting on total production cost, report cost results to production for adjustment Setting cost objectives for materials and energy supply and distribution Informations: Cost objectives to production Performance and costs from production Parts and energy incoming to accounting from material and energy control Maintenance Management (10.0) Functions: Providing maintenance for existing installations. Providing preventive maintenance program. Providing equipment monitoring to anticipate failure including self-check and diagnostic programs. Placing purchase order request for materials and spare parts. Developing maintenance cost reports, and coordinating outside contract work effort. Providing status and technical feedback on performance and reliability to process support engineering. Informations: Maintenance schedules that specify the plan for future work orders. Maintenance work orders that specify specific equipment to be taken out of service and available for maintenance functions. Diagnostic and self test requests to be performed on the equipment. Copyright 2003, LogicaCMG B-9 Colophon Authors : Jan Snoeij and Reinoud Visser, Principal Consultants LogicaCMG Special Contribution : Julie Fraser Principal Industry Directions Inc. Contact : LogicaCMG MES Competence Centre (ARES1) PO Box 7015 6801 HA Arnhem The Netherlands Phone: +31 26 376 5000 Fax: +31 26 376 5510 E-mail: [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Web: Order Info 1 Send, fax or e-mail with your (company) name and shipping address (not PO box) or e-mail address to the address above. Indicate paper copy or PDF file. 2 Transfer 250 Euro to our account at the ING Bank: Account info: Name Account: LogcaCMG, inz. ARES1 Address: Meander 901 Zip/City: 6825 MH Arnhem Title: MES Survey 2003, and your Name / address Bank Info: IBAN Number: IBAN NL08 INGB Swift Code: INGBNL 2A Bank Name: ING Bank Address: Amstelplein 1 Zip/City: 1096 HA Amsterdam The Netherlands After receipt of your payment the report will be shipped / e-mailed within 3 working days. Disclaimer LogicaCMG has executed this survey with the outmost care and precision. LogicaCMG does not accept any responsibility for errors and completeness of information and material concerning the products mentioned in this report. All information in this report is sensitive to becoming dated due to on-going innovations. We therefore advice the readers of this report, when using the information for e.g. the creation of a short-list, to get in touch with the vendors to be informed about the latest developments. All data in this report has been obtained in the second half of 2002. Please, notify the authors about any omissions or errors in this report. (c) Copyright 2003, LogicaCMG