photographer - Indianhead Professional Photographers Association


photographer - Indianhead Professional Photographers Association
The Indianhead
In the Spirit of Cooperation, Not Competition
Published by the Indianhead Photographers, Inc.
Editor: Tiffany Schmitt
October 2008
Photographers, Inc..
Officers &
Board of Directors
Katie Scott
866 115th Street
Amery WI 54001
[email protected]
Vice President
Jane Bores
1528 22 1/8 Street
Cameron WI 54822
[email protected]
What's inside....
Pres. message Page 2
Classifieds Page 4
Oct. meeting speaker Page 5
Oct. meeting info Page 7
Tiffany Schmitt
June print results Page 9
[email protected]
In Focus article Page 12
320 Ross Ave #13
Schofield, WI 54476
Past President
Program Chair
Ginny Otto
1217 Water Street
Stevens Point WI 54481
[email protected]
Directors: Dave Ambers Phil Ziesmer Tom Blomlie Bill Nieman
The President’s
Katie Scott
Busy Busy Busy.......
I'm sure you are crazy busy as are we. With the busyness
comes stress and questions. Why do we do this to
ourselves!?!? Is it for the $$$$? Of course it is! However,
with that, PASSION. It's easy to unintentionally rearrange
our priorities when we eat, sleep and live our work allowing
job to consume us. Attempting to keep up and get the orders
finished with late nights and early mornings (finding with only
hours of sleep the days all run together!). Myself included,
we need to remember the important thing in our lives and
realize that the orders needing to get out
and the work needing to get done will still be there for us
Remembering to take time to maintain our sanity, do our
laundry, and even enjoy the fabulous weather we've been having will help us to relax and even
function more successfully. For some of us, this time to ourselves may be only moments, but
that's all that's needed to analyze where we are and where we will
be going.
Photographers, Inc.
Appointed Chairs
Print Chairman
Joy Cahill
866 115th Street
Amery WI 54001
[email protected]
Tiffany Schmitt
320 Ross Ave. #13
Schofield, Wi 54476
Remember to enjoy life, love and all that's in between!
I look forward to seeing all of you at our October meeting!!!!
Please note: November meeting will be Nov. 17th
Remember to register for WPPA Fall Convention before Oct. 11th to
Thank You!!!!!
Katie Scott
[email protected]
Tom Giles
1412 S. Hastings Way
Eau Claire WI 54701
Next Newsletter Deadline
October 25, 2008
[email protected]
Historian: Pat Clifton, Service Award: Paul Hafermann, Fellowship: Tom Blomlie
From the Editor
Fall is here! The kids are back in school, the
nights are getting cool....not that they were very
warm this year to begin with...and it's time for
our IPPA meetings to resume!
I for one am looking forward to seeing everyone
in Oct. Either at the IPPA meeting in Stevens
Point at Ginny Otto's or at the Fall convention
in Elkhart Lake, or both! Check out the details
in this newsletter for both.
Tiffany Schmitt
I would like to introduce the newest addition
to our family. Meet Brik. He was adopted from
the Marathon County Humane society on Aug.
17. It has been a challenge having two big dogs
in the boat while we are trying to fish, but it's
all good.
Since it has been as while since we have had a
newsletter, I really feel out of practice getting
this together, so I sincerely apologize for any
mistakes or omissions made .
Classifieds and stufff
I have a 35mm kodak slide projector for
sale with a 102mm lens. I will take $60 for it. call Bob Shirtz (920) 231-5350.
Sale: October 12 & 13 Otto Photography Studio -
1217 Water St. Stevens Point, WI 54481. Sunday 10-6.
Monday 8-9:30
1 Nikon D100 with battery grip, 2 rechargeable batteries, SB-80, 1 Nikon D200 with battery grip, lenses,
miscellaneous camera brackets, Photogenic AKC320
Light (new), misc. light boxes, background stands,
background system, backgrounds, various brackets,
tripods, tripod heads, props, costumes, Art Leather
album supplies, Lg. black and black/gold mats, custom
frames, image boxes, gift baskets, senior order envelopes, folios, proof books, easils, window decor, misc.
[email protected]
For Sale: Day with Carl Caylor. Purchased
at Spring convention at auction. Due to circumstances am unable to use. If interested,
please call Candy at 715-495-0369
I have several gallons of Laquer-Mat Satina
Medium gloss spray to sell.
A traveling sales man gave me a good deal,
but i don't need that many cans.
$25.00 per gallon about half price.
[email protected]
Wanted: Someone to share room for Imaging USA.
Call Cindy VanProoyen at 715-573-3236
System is available with an 8' heavy
duty mono-stand with wheels. System
comes complete with Scene Machine,
slides, and reflective backdrop. Almost
any film or digital camera can be fitted onto this system. If you have any
questions or would like to purchase
this system - please call Adam at Mueller Photography. A new system and
backdrop retails for over $6,000 (asking
$2,500). For more information on Virtual Backgrounds, please visit Adam J. Mueller, CPP
Mueller Photography, LLC
Studio - 608.784.2219
Toll Free - 866.3.PHOTO.2
444 Main Street, Studio #206,
La Crosse WI 54601
For Sale:
•77mmExpodisc - $25.00
•(2) StroboFrame Brackets $15.00 each
•Larson/Doug Box 22"x22" softbox - $150.00
•SB-24 Nikon flash - $40.00
•Canon BG-E2 Battery grip (20D) $100.00
Rolls of film
120/220 and 35 mm. Color and B/W too much
to list
Call Tiffany at 715-432-5428
e-mail [email protected]
Fuzzy and Shirley Duenkel
"Over the Edge"
We are honored to have Fuzzy and Shirley Duenkel come to share their experiences with us. At our request, he will be speaking on "Over the Edge". Most of you know Fuzzy and are familiar with his incredible, award winning images. He has agreed to share some of his secrets with us so that we may begin to
recognize the little things that make those competition prints fly. With the addition of digital technology,
and the amazing imaginations of our photographers today, it is especially difficult to stand out amongst
the other competitors. Let us come with a willingness to learn how to improve, or just begin our journey in
the photographical competition field. It can provide growth for you as well as introducing a new realm of
creativity, while providing your clients that extra artistic flair that shows our real talents as photographers.
Fuzzy started entering prints in Wisconsin PPA competition in 1993. In that and subsequent
competitions, Fuzzy has had numerous prints selected for National Traveling Loan Collection, Epcot Center, exhibitions in Germany, Korea, and the International Hall of Fame and
Museum in Oklahoma. Fuzzy has been Wisconsin PPA Photographer of the Year twice,
Photographer of the Year for the Southeastern Wisconsin Professional Photographers of
America twice, and is a four-time Senior Photographers International "Photographer of the
Year." Fuzzy has had articles published in national magazines, and the Duenkels have been
featured speakers at conventions and seminars in over 40 states
19, 20, 21
The OsThOff ResORT
elkhaRT lake
fall state convention
2 0 0 8
FUzzy dUenkel
TAd MeddAUGh
nick wheeleR
JOe SchUlTz
Gene hiGA
GeT ReAl wiTh SeniORS
nick wheeleR
JOe SchUlTz
dARe TO Be diFFeRenT
Gene hiGA
MAkinG childRen’S PhOTOGRAPhy An AddicTiOn
JOhn & cheRyl
Plus: SAleS
wiTh STyle
Carl Caylor
betty & marty Collins
rebeCCa KottKe
todd Kunstman
Childrens Portraits
Web Based Marketing
Luv N’ Layers
Senior Posing & Lighting
dawn lemerond
Paul owen
Jim buivid
kRiS FehRenBAch-AlT
Outdoor Senior Portraits
Wisdom On Weddings
Motion Presentations
Perfect Pet Portraits
wPPa President: mary Gueller
Fall state Convention ChairPerson: Jim buivid
IPPA Meeting Oct. 13th, 2008
The sky club
2202 Post Road (Business 51) in Plover
Print category: Humor
Speaker: Fuzzy and Shirley Duenkel
The meeting charge is $25 for members and $35 for non-members and
will include your meal cost and gratuity. Please call Ginny Otto at 715-341-9001 or her
cell phone at 715-252-3195, or e-mail her at [email protected]
with your reservations by October 8.
The cost is $35 for members and $45 for non-members without reservations.
Please make your reservations promptly and note any special needs.
8:00 Continental Breakfast, open house and sale at Otto Photography,
1217 Water St. Downtown Stevens Point. Check web maps for location.
9:15 Board Meeting
10:00 Speaker
12:30 Lunch and general meeting
Competition to follow
Directions from the east- Take Hwy 10 West into Stevens Point. (The Hwy 10 entrance/exit is
closed and under construction.) Go over the Hwy. At the next stop light by LaQuinta Inn turn left.
***Continue on Hoover Road until you reach Roosevelt. Turn right. At the end of
Roosevelt Rd. is a set of stop lights at Bus. 51 (also called Post Road). The Sky Club building sits
on the right corner. Turn into the driveway just prior to the lights.
Directions from the west- Take Hwy. 10 East towards Stevens Point. Just prior to St. Pt., watch
for a right turn onto Hwy. HH. Follow this to Bus. 51 (also called Church St. or Post Road). You will
have just passed a park and crossed over water. Turn right on Bus. 51 at the lights. The Sky Club
is on the left.
Directions from the north- Hwy. 39 to the Whiting Exit south of Hwy 10 exit. (Hwy 10 interchange is
closed.) Turn left from Whiting exit. Go to next stop light at Hoover Road. (***See remaining directions from above-East.)
Directions from the south- Hwy. 39 to the Plover exit. Turn west at exit. Go to stop light by McDonalds. Turn right on Business 51 (also called Post Road). Sky Club will be on right.
May 5 – 8 & May 10 –13, 2009
Barry Rankin – Bay City, Michigan
“Imagine...Create...Capture...Timeless Memories”
Fay Sirkis – Brooklyn, New York
Impressions of Art: A Photo Painting Workshop
Lisa Crayford – Kimball, Minnesota
Marketing Madne$$ with the Dough Girl
Bruce Evensen – St. Petersburg, Florida
Intermediate Portrait Class
Lou Szoke – Riverton, Illinois
“Hollywood Style Lighting” ...The Lost Art
John Woodward – Dix Hills, New York
Mastering the Light
Hanson Fong – San Francisco, California
The Magic of Posing & Lighting
Choose From Any of Our Great Instructors
$750.00 Includes
Instruction, Lodging and Meals
Register online at:
IPPA Print Competition
June 9, 2008
Spooner, Wisconsin
Faithful Friend......................Kirk Kolpitcke...................78/78
Kandy...............................Pat Clifton.................................78/79
Country Girl.......................... Ken Noesen.............................77
What's That, Food?....................Rick McNitt.....................79/77
Shaylinn ......................................Pat Clifton.......................... 78
Cave of Secrets.......................Kirk Kolpitcke.............................78
Evening Harmony............................Ken Noesen..............................76
So That's a Crash Point...................Rick McNitt..........................79/78
Judges: Pat Clifton, Katie Scott, Jane Bores, Kristen Hoelscher, Ginny Otto
Alternate: Phil Ziesemer
Jury Foreman: Tom Giles
Score Keeper: Rick McNitt
Print Chair: Joy Cahill
Print Crew: Alisha Peterson
Indianhead Website
Indianhead Print Competition Categories 2008-09
Print Chair: Joy Cahill
[email protected] or [email protected]
May: Sports/Children
November: Architecture or Scenic
Pre-State Competition – Out of Area Judges
This is our traditional “OPEN” competition with 4 entries allowed. Illustrative, Wedding or Commercial categories
Pre-State Competition – Local IPPA Judges
This is our second and final Pre-State Competition before State Convention. This is our
traditional “OPEN” competition with 4 entries allowed. Portrait, Illustrative, Wedding or
Commercial categories
Fine Art/Illustrative
These general categories are set for interpretation by the maker. Each maker may enter 2 prints at
each competition with the exception of Pre-State competitions where 4 prints may be entered.
Let’s have fun and be creative this year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Meeting Dates and Locations for 2008
November Stevens Point
Ginny Otto
Laurie Wysocki
A Step above
and Beyond
the Ordinary...
PPA Certification
For application package Contact:
Patricia Brunner 920-803-8880
By Cindy VanProoyen
VanProoyen Photography is located 20 miles east of Wausau in the small town of Birnamwood, WI
It's one of those towns that you''ll miss if you blink when passing
I moved to Birnamwood in April of 1997 & met my husband Scott
4 months later playing in the dirt at a local race track. Love at first
sight! We were married just 6 months later. Wasting no time, one
month before our first anniversary, we where expecting our 1st
daughter Alainna, and then came Kayla. Poor Scott, in a house full
of girls. Four years later we completed our family with a son, Chopper, our chocolate lab.
During my free time outside of work and family, you'll find me tending my gardens and landscaping, and if that's not enough to relax
me you'll find me on the open road, the wind in my hair, enjoying my first love, my Harley.
As long as I can remember I've always had a passion for photography. I
was 6 when I got my first camera. A Kodak Hawkeye. I had gotten it by
saving 50 coupons from the Lays potato chip boxes. I still remember how
excited I was the day my camera arrived. I was so proud. Finally I could
follow my dreams to become a photographer.
Deciding what you want to be when your 6 doesn't always work out as
planned. Although my profession was not a photographer, I never put the
camera down. When my daughters where born that passion was still alive
and strong, but photography for me was still just a hobby.
Five years ago I was diagnosed with cancer. Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma. We were all devastated with the
news. Scott and I had only been married 5 years and our girls were only 2 and 4 at the time. We were all
so happy and now I had cancer. With no time to waste, chemotherapy was started immediately.
Cancer sure has a way of giving you a whole new perspective on life. Having a positive attitude and faith in
God was going to get me through this and when I was finished with treatment & well again.... I was going
to open a studio. I spent a lot of time in the hospital, so I got my hands on as many
photography books a I could and started studying. My husband Scott,
along with our close friends, helped to finish our basement and build a
small camera room & office. Six months to the day I ended treatment,
VanProoyen Photography was open for business.
Well, it's been four years now, I'm still cancer free, and the studio has
grown in leaps and bounds. Within two years I outgrew my basement
camera room and had to remodel our attached t24x30 garage, which
is now my new camera room. Poor Scott he's still not too thrilled about
that one. This spring more renovation was completed. The loft above
my camera room is now my presentation and sales area.
I have learned so much in such a very short time. Thanks to a local
photographer with a very similar story. Even though our studios are
less than 20 miles apart, she took me under her wing, not passing judgment on what I didn't know, or how
stupid most of my questions were...and still are! She has encouraged me, challenged me, and has helped
me to get involved with the PPA,WPPA, and IPPA. She is truly an inspiration. Thank You Tiffany, for all
your help and guidance. I would not be where I am today without your wisdom.
My future plans are to continue my education and achieve my masters.
All things in life happen for a reason. Having cancer was Gods way of
getting me to follow my passion. He has given me the opportunity to
create memories that will last a lifetime, and for that I am truly grateful.
Please contact Tiffany @ 715-432-5428 or tschmitt@ if you would be willing to do an In Focus article for
future issues
Indianhead Board 2007-2008
Katie Scott
Vice Pres/Treas
Jane Bores
Tiffany Schmitt
Past President
Ginny Otto
2 year Director
Phil Ziesemer
2 year Director
Tom Blomlie
1 year Director
Ken Noesen
1 year Director
Bill Nieman
Appointed Positions
Newsletter Editor
Tiffany Schmitt
Membership Chair
Tom Giles
Print Chair
Joy Cahill
Pat Clifton
Service Award
Paul Hafermann
Fellowship Chair
Tom Blomlie
Use these labels for your print entry
ippa print competition
( 2 prints total)
Circle one
ippa print competition
( 2 prints total)
Circle one
Indianhead Schedule of Events
print categories 2008
Any Questions contact Joy Cahill Print Chairman
Pre-State 1 (4 open)
Pre-State 2 (4 open)
Illustrative/Fine Art
June October
Architecture or
The Indianhead
In the Spirit of Cooperation, Not Competition
Tiffany Schmitt, 320 Ross Ave. #13, Schofield, WI 54476
Uniting Photographers
from the Mississippi
to the Wisconsin River... and Beyond!