Volume 1 Issue 7.pub - Tiferes Bais Yaakov
y a d o T s e r e f i T MARCH 19, 2010 VOLUME 1 ISSUE 7 “CAUGHT--IN THE WEB” A talk given by Mr. Phil Rosenthal regarding “Protecting Your Children and Yourselves on the Internet & Cell Phone” provided important and timely information for parents, students and all who were in attendance. His captivating message offered practical tips for both students and parents for safeguarding our privacy while accessing the digital world. In a beautiful display of achdus, Tiferes joined staff and students from Bnos Bais Yaakov and Bais Yaakov High School to hear words of Torah and Bracha from the SKVER REBBETZIN. The Rebbetzin spoke about the zchus we have to be children of Hashem and she explained that we need to take pride in our Yiddishkeit by dressing, speaking and acting as Bnos Melech. After the talk, girls had the chance to say hello and receive divrei bracha from this special woman. Phil Rosenthal is an internationally known and sought after expert in the area of Internet safety and protecting our homes, schools, kids, and ourselves from the dangers of Cyberspace. He has spoken to parents and students around the The school trip to globe and is one of the main New Jersey to resources the Gedolim and Poskim commemorate the turn to regarding these difficult 75TH YAHRTZEIT of technical issues. SARAH SCHENIRER, has been The talk was organized in ע״ה conjunction with Eitz Chaim, postponed until May 4th. Yeshivas Darchei Torah & Tiferes. ד׳ ניסן תש״ע In a PRE-PESACH YOM IYUN, organized by Mrs. Shira Lipner, we were honoured to hear from four amazing speakers. Mrs. Chana Goldstein discussed different forms of enslavement, physical, emotional and spiritual, and taught us about the dangers of being enslaved to the physical attributes of this world. Rabbi Aaron Greenberg addressed the question of the חכם and how the answer given to him teaches that the essence of Torah is a combination of the הלכותrelating to what we do and the meaning behind them. Mrs. Devorah Kaplan examined the concept of slavery and how, in order to be truly free, בני ישראלneeded to regain their personal feeling of pride in themselves. Mrs. Racheli Rudner relayed that were זוכהto be redeemed בזכות נשים צדקניות- specifically because we did not change our Jewish names, or our language, we did not reveal secrets ( )מגלה סודand we were not – פורצי ערוהwe did not intermarry. we Comments? Ideas? Calendar Corner Tell Us What You Think Have some Nachas News? E-mail [email protected] March 22 April 16 May 28 June 16 Pesach Break Begins Friday 1:10 Dismissal Begins Retreat Last Day of School TBY 10th Anniversary Expansion Dinner April 8 April 27 June 8 August 31 Grade 10 Literacy Test Grade 11 Safa Literacy Test Exams First Day of School Monday, May 10, 2010 PAGE 2 TIFERES TODAY As usual, the SCHOOL PURIM PARTY was a fun-filled and creative endeavour organized by our Purim Party Heads, Fraidy, Rebecca Goldreich, Leah Hytman and Nechama Perl. The Candylandthemed party included Teacher and Class skits, hilarious and inventive costumes, Rabbi Feigenbaum’s annual poem and of course, loads of candy. Our Mishmeres representatives, Atara Reiter, Chana Ohayon, Elisheva Starr, Shira Spitzer, & Zahava Cohen, continue to add programs to our day to help protect our speech. Their newest initiative is the monthly LUNCH & LEARN. A completely optional program which has already attracted more than 50 students, the meeting consists of a video and follow-up discussion of ideas to help improve our Shmiras Halashon. The ongoing daily MACHSOM L’FI can be dedicated to the memory of a loved one or for a רפואה שלמה. Postcards will be mailed over the Pesach break as a reminder. Thank you to Mr. & Mrs. Joe Elmaleh, parents of Mimi in grade 11 and Adina in grade 9, who generously sponsored the ROSH CHODESH NISSAN TREATS which the girls enjoyed after davening. The Elmalehs wish a chag kasher v’sameach to all. The TBY CLOTHING SWAP , organized by Adina Shahin and Sarah Encaoua, with help from Mrs. Sussman, was a huge success. Girls had a great time shopping in each others’ closets and are looking forward to wearing their “new” clothes for Yom Tov. Arranged by our Activites Head, Sarah Dyman, the BIG AND LITTLE SISTER ONEG was a huge success. Over a hundred girls gathered to enjoy singing, eating, and socializing. Joined later by girls from Bais Chomesh, the oneg continued with a dvar Torah written by STEFANIE GLOWINSKY and more singing. Mrs. Sonya Budd and Miss Rinat Stern visited our grade 9 Class to introduce the ZAREINU MOVEATHON DESIGN-A-TOY PROJECT. The project’s objective is to educate students about children with special needs and increase their sensitivity. Toys created will be presented to judges from a recognized toy manufacturer at the Moveathon and the winning toy will be tested and used by Zareinu staff. Did you hear about the newest Tiferes trend: THE POTATO KUGEL CLUB. Every Tuesday at lunch, members gather to learn a halacha from the Chofetz Chaim’s Lesson a Day and of course, eat kugel! Thanks to Miriam Stoll, Leora Walfish, Leah Deverett and Rachel Bressler for this new initiative. Thank you to the Stoll family for sponsoring the first meeting of the club. SUMMER PLANS? Mrs. Dvora Sussman is working to find appropriate and exciting summer programs for our girls. Please contact her for more information. (647) 458-2643 or [email protected]. ATTENTION ARTISTS We’re looking for contributions of original art. Your work may be included as part of the silent auction at Tiferes Bais Yaakov's fundraising dinner on May 10th. For more information, please call Mrs. Train ( 4 1 6 ) 4 8 4 - 9 1 6 7 o r [email protected]. SPONSOR A DAY OF LEARNING A day of learning can be sponsored in honour or in memory of a loved one, or as a refuah shleima. Please contact our Executive Director, Mr. Lawrence Weinberg at (416) 785-4044 ext. 226, for sponsorship opportunities. PAGE 3 TIFERES TODAY Our YEARBOOK EDIITORS have submitted the yearbook for print! A huge יישר כחto Mindy Marder and Shira Morris for the creativity, dedication and hours it took to accomplish this impressive task. Thank you to everyone who helped to ensure a timely submission. Stay tuned for the yearbook sale in early June. SAVE THE DATE DATE: An EVENING FOR WOMEN is being arranged by our seniors for May 23rd, 2010. Women of the community are invited to attend a dessert reception and enjoy words of Torah, yummy desserts and our beautiful choir. Our Purim Carnival was filled with fun games, yummy treats and great prizes. Thank you to all our Tiferes volunteers for helping to make this day such a great success. The WEEKLY ALUMNI SHIUR , held every Thursday at 8:30, continues to bring together alumni from all graduating years for an inspirational pre-Shabbos talk. Rebbetzin Rifky Karfunkel spoke about how lucky we are to have had the opportunity to serve Hashem and understand our תפקידin this world. Rabbi Dovid Appelrouth gave an inspiring talk about the cyclical structure of the Jewish calendar and explained how our ימים טוביםare not just commemorations of a historical date but rather a chance to re-experience the כוחותof these days. Rabbi Feigenbaum spoke about the what בני ישראלreally meant when they said it was better for them in מצריםand how the name “”פסחconnects to this explanation. We’ve welcomed many ALUMNI VISITORS over the last few weeks—it was nice to see Leora Berenblut (‘08), Melanie Deverett (‘07), Chagit Feldman (‘08), Gitty Greenwood (‘08), Yardena Keslassy (‘08), Adina Klein (‘05), Sara Kurtz (‘09), Shira Kurtz (‘09), Shayna Lauterpacht (‘09), Chaya Roth (‘09), Dori Rothman (‘09) Shira Sheilds (‘08), Shevy Spiegel (‘09), Atara Suchall (‘09), Elisheva Vale (’09) and Leeba Weiss (’09). It’s not clear if every single girl from Tiferes’ 10 years attended graduate and former staff member Ita Spitzer’s wedding but it was close. Mazel tov to our much missed former Student Activities Co-ordinater and dedicated alumni shiur attendee. Our Chessed Committee is starting a UNIFORM GEMACH. If you still have any parts of your uniform, we would be happy to take them off your hands and have them available for current students. All sweaters (most recent version), blouses and skirts are needed. For information or pick-up, please contact Daniella Philips or Avigayil Rosenberg (416) 939-6421. ב״הour alumni list is ever-growing and expanding. In an effort to maintain contact with our graduates, we are still busy updating our ALUMNI CONTACT LIST. Please call Mrs. Kleinman at (416) 785-4044 ext. 233, or send an e-mail to [email protected] to submit your contact information. Looking forward to hearing from you. PAGE 4 TIFERES TODAY This Sunday, March 21st 1:00-3:00 PM 85 Stormont Ave. For ages 3-6 $10/child or $30/group of 4 to RSVP Contact Dina, Hindy or Kayla 416 785 4044 [email protected] PAGE 5 TIFERES TODAY מזל טוב יישר כח * To our very own Student Activities Co-ordinator Chaviva Posner (’07) and Yumi Javasky on their recent enagagement. * To Miriam Herman (‘09) and Leeba Weiss (‘09) upon their acceptance to Stern College.. * To our former Student Activities Co-ordinator Ita (Spitzer‘07) and Aaron Abramson upon their recent marriage. We apologize if your nachas news was inadvertently left out. * To Ruby weinberg (’08) and Miki Goldstein on their recent engagemen. Please be in touch. We would be happy to include you in our upcoming issue.
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