Spring - Holy Trinity Anglican Church, Thornhill


Spring - Holy Trinity Anglican Church, Thornhill
Spring 2016 - Trinity News
A Seasonal Publication of Holy Trinity Church, Thornhill (Established in 1830)
Trinity News
140 Brooke Street  Thornhill, ON  L4J 1Y9
Tel: 905 889 5931  Fax: 905 889 5632
www.holytrinity-thornhill.ca  [email protected]
“Something good is happening here!!”
A.C.T.I.O.N. Time @ HTC
Worship, in the month of January at Holy Trinity, signaled
the dawning of a new experience for our parish family. It
came in the form of new “ACTION” service.
In response to the long stated need for something new
and different in worship, a non-eucharistic service was
Toronto area and two
of our members David
Cubitt and Abraham
acronym summarizes
the flow of the service
Adoration- A Prayer of adoration and praise followed by a
medley of Praise
Confession- (the sins of the world) as a member reflects
on a recent piece of “bad news” in the media and offer
a prayer for a broken world
Thanksgiving – as another member reflects on a recent
piece of a piece of "good news" to be followed by a
Prayer of Thanksgiving and medley
Intercession-a prayer hymn precedes our prayers for
other concerns and conditions
Offering: Giving for Mission and giving of Self – a song is
followed as we present the offering of our labour and
offer a prayer of self-dedication
News: GOOD News! – We hear the good news of the
gospel and how it can transform life.
Support for the new service was overwhelming. Some of
the words and phrases used to describe the experience
were “awesome music”, “current events reflected in
prayers”, “truth of the Gospel preached” “Inspiring &
Inclusive”, “overwhelmingly positive response”, “need to
do more often!” The next service will be held on Sunday
April 24.
January began with Church School presentation of
Christmas pageant. As always, our children remind us of
the beauty of life and hold up before us the possibility of
a bright future for our parish. We will continue to support
and encourage them.
celebrated the life and
work of Dr. Martin
Luther King Jr. and The
Sammone was joined
by two friends and
together, they lifted our worship to another level. Guest
speaker on this occasion was Dr. Rosemary Sadlier.
The month ended when
we welcomed The Rev.
Riscylla Shaw as our guest
preacher at the ACW’s
Ingathering service. She
reminded us of the work
to be done in our
What’s Inside
Vestry at a Glance
Music News
Summer Camp
The Canon’s Column
Order of the Diocese of Toronto
Ministry Brief
Healing and Wellness
ACW News
Looking Forward
Trinity News - Spring 2016
Vestry at a Glance
Members of the parish assembled after a joint service
(9:00 a.m.) for a successful Vestry meeting on February
28. We made some important decisions for our shared
Vestry approved
A balanced Operating Budget of $444,000 for 2016
 Audio Visual System. The 2016 capital budget
planned expenditures of $5,000 for the Church audio
system and $10,000 for the auditorium audio-visual
system; to investigate improving the systems to
better support musical events and presentations and
to acquire equipment necessary to improve the
systems. It is noted that funds are to be provided
from the Technology portion of the parish share of
Our Faith Our Hope funds for these projects.
 Ladies Washrooms. The 2016 capital budget planned
expenditure for the renovation of ladies washroom
currently estimated at $20,000. It is noted that
$20,000 is being requested from the Eva Rea
Millennium fund, with any remaining balance funded
from capital reserves.
The Eva Rea Fund Committee was authorized be to
provide the sum of $20,000 to assist with the renovation
of the ladies’ washrooms (as provided for in the by-laws
of the Eva Rea Fund)
The Wardens were authorized to continue further
investigation into climate change initiatives including a
green energy audit at cost not to exceed $5,000;
(expenditures above this level are subject to Special
Vestry approval; this initiative will be included as an
additional project under the parish share of Our Faith
Our Hope activities).
Vestry passed the following motion
We, the Vestry of Holy Trinity, Thornhill, support our
diocese’s efforts to implement the Calls to Action of the
Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada. As part
of this effort, we call on the Governments of Canada and
Ontario to address the recommendations which the
Commission’s final report directs toward them. In
particular, we call on the Government of Canada to
immediately establish a public inquiry into the issue of
missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls. We
also call on the Government of Ontario, in consultation
with Aboriginal peoples, residential school survivors, and
the churches, to develop an age-appropriate, mandatory
curriculum on residential schools and the contributions of
Aboriginal peoples to Canada for all grade levels
The logo used during our
anniversary celebration was
approved as our official parish
logo and be used on our letter
head and all other official
publications of the parish
Wardens: Iverson Grimes & Robin Parravano
Deputy Wardens: Dianne Rimmer & Jewell Coy
Lay Members of Synod: Susan Hogeboom & Nancy
Advisory Board Members
Ingrid Carter, Bobbie Creber, Ian Downer, Dirk Drieberg,
Andrea Holder-Bent, Alex Kuriyan, Wendy Locke, Marilyn
Olivares, Danielle Terbenche, Anne Thomson.
Anglican Church Women Co-Presidents Vivienne
Hansford & Dianne Rimmer (Interim)
Advisory Board Secretary: Rebecca Jones (volunteer)
Non Board Positions
Alternate Lay Members of Synod: Maurice Corbett
Envelope Secretary: Pat Nielsen
Parochial Tribunal: Ron & Marlee Tolhurst
Archivist: This position remains to be filled
Eva Rea Fund Committee: John Carrington and Kim
Gordon appointed to serve with Diane Maines
(previously elected) and two wardens.
Signing Officers : The Wardens, Deputy Wardens, Dave
Bezant, Jean Glionna, Pat Johnson and Diane Maines.
Auditor: The accounting firm of Gary Booth, CA
Professional Corporation was appointed as the auditors
of Holy Trinity Church, Thornhill and the Endowment
Fund for the year 2016.
Spring 2016 - Trinity News
March 20
8:00 a.m.
PALM Sunday 10:00 a.m.
Said Eucharist
Sung Eucharist
March 24
7:30 p.m.
MAUNDY Thursday
Maundy Thursday
Liturgy & Tenebrae
March 25
GOOD Friday
12:00 noon
Good Friday Liturgy
March 27
8:00 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
Said Eucharist
Sung Eucharist
April 3
Easter 2
8:00 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
Said Eucharist
Music News
FREE Summer Day Camp
Holy Trinity Anglican Church
140 Brooke St., Thornhill
July 25 - 29, 2016.
9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Children 4 to 11 years
[email protected] to register
Join us for a non-denominational Fellowship
Camp, developing polite values in a friendly
Bring a friend, make a friend. There will be lots of
fun and interesting indoor/outdoor creative &
scientific activities. Enjoy Bible stories, arts,
crafts, games, videos, drama, music, and fellowship.
The children will be in a safe environment,
directed by Judith Sinclair, a retired qualified
teacher/artist. She will be assisted by Hazel
Ogilvie (retired teacher/musician) and some
Judith Sinclair
Church School Coordinator
[email protected]
Holy Trinity Choir will present an
Easter Cantata
Sunday, April 3, 2016 at 10:00 a.m.
Accompanied by
organ, flute,
trombone & piano.
This will be my final
'extra' concert at Holy
Trinity. We always
look forward to an
'audience' on cantata mornings. It is always
a great pleasure to present these special
Sunday, June 12th, will be my last day at
Holy Trinity parish. Until then, the choir will
continue singing some of my most favourite
anthems that we have done together - a
special treat for me!
Thank you for all your support during my
nearly 34 years as Director of Music here.
Elaine M. Pudwell
Director of Music
Trinity News - Spring 2016
The Canon’s Column
After reflecting on the Gospel
readings for The Third and Fourth
Sundays after The Epiphany (Luke
4:14-30), I composed a Eucharistic
Prayer and asked my teacher and
mentor Dr. Korthright Davis
(Professor of Theology, Howard
University School of Divinity,
Washington, DC), to edit for me. It
was shared with the Archbishop
Colin Johnson (and College of
Bishops) who approved it for me to
use occasionally, with permission by our Area Bishop.
I am pleased to share it here.
Canon Stephen
Celebrant: God is here.
People: God will never forsake us.
Celebrant: We lift our hearts.
People: With soul and strength we lift them to the Lord.
Celebrant: God’s goodness never ends.
People: And thanksgiving will never cease.
Celebrant: We give thanks to you, O God, because
through your goodness you have made all creation good.
Time and again we have disfigured the beauty of your
creation; and we have brought pain and hurt into our
world, and towards one another.
You lead your people out of bondage, you sent your
prophets to the widow in Zarephath and her son, and to
the leper, Naaman the Syrian. In our time, with faithful
servants, saints and martyrs, you have delivered your
people from the tyrannies of slavery, holocaust,
apartheid, and degradation. Your empowering and
liberating presence will continue to enrich and sustain us
who wrestle and struggle against the evils of oppression,
exploitation, discrimination and exclusion.
Therefore, with all your servants, saints, and martyrs, and
all the heavenly host of witnesses, we acclaim your
glorious and matchless Name, as we sing:
All: Holy, holy, holy Lord, God of power and might,
heaven and earth are full of your glory. Hosanna in the
highest. Blessed is the One who comes in the name of
the Lord. Hosanna in the highest.
Celebrant: Sovereign Lord God, you revealed your eternal
love for all your creatures in the gift of Your Son, Jesus,
whom you sent to reconcile creation and make it new.
With acts of love and compassion, he gave hope to those
who were filled with despair. The enemies of justice and
mercy pursued him to death.
On the night before his death, after eating the Passover
with his friends, Jesus did something new. He took bread,
gave thanks to you, broke it, and gave it to them, saying,
“Take and eat: this is my body which is given for you. Do
this always in remembrance of me.”
After supper, he took the cup of wine, gave you thanks,
and said “Drink this all of you, this is my blood of the New
Covenant which is poured out for you and for all, for the
forgiveness of sins. Whenever you drink it, do this for the
re-living of my life.”
And so, Loving God, as we gather around this table,
joyfully responding to his commandment, and as we
share the bread and cup of Christ’s liberating love, we
renew our faith as we proclaim:
All: The enemies of evil, sin and death will be defeated,
and we will share in the victory of our redemption in
God’s reign in all the world.
We therefore pray you to breathe your Holy Spirit upon
us, and upon these gifts that we lift up to you: this bread,
this cup. Make them, with us, visible signs and symbols of
your abiding love and presence among all your people, as
we strive to respond to your mission in the world.
Through Christ, with Christ, and in Christ, in the unity of
the Holy Spirit, all glory, praise and power is yours,
Creator of all, from generation to generation.
ALL: Amen, Amen, Amen.
Dear Canon Fields,
On behalf of Archbishop Colin Johnson and College of
Bishops I am happy to tell you that the Eucharistic
Prayer written by The Rev. Dr. Kortright Davis and you
have been approved for occasional use as permitted by
me as area bishop on request. The use of any liturgies,
occasional services or alternative creeds, Eucharistic
prayers etc. other than those authorised by the Anglican
Church of Canada must have the permission of the area
Kindly extend to Kortright, as I also say to you, my
thanks for this contribution to the variety of Eucharistic
Prayers of the Church.
Blessings for the continuation of a blessed and holy
Spring 2016 - Trinity News
Order of The Diocese of Toronto
In 2013, the Archbishop of Toronto and the College of
Bishops, with the approval of the Diocesan Council,
created an award called the Order of the Diocese of
Toronto. The purpose of the Order is to recognize and
honour those members of the laity in the Diocese who
have given outstanding service over a significant period
of time in their volunteer ministry. At that time he said
the award will be given to a wide range of people, “from
faithful volunteers who have done a multitude of things
to a person who just did a single thing well for a long
The Area Bishops will approve one nomination from each
parish in the designated deaneries for that year.
This year, it is the turn of our deanery (York Central) to
nominate persons for the “Order of The Diocese of
Toronto. Each parish may nominate one member. There
are several members in our parish who are eligible for
nomination. We would like this process to be as
transparent as possible. Therefore, please follow the
process for submitting a nominee to the wardens.
1. Each parishioner has the opportunity to nominate by
APRIL 30, one person whom s/he thinks is eligible to
receive the Order of the Diocese of Toronto, setting
out reasons as per the criterion: “the volunteer must
have done a multitude of things or have done a single
thing well for a long time.”
4. A committee, comprising the Churchwardens, Chair
of the Advisory Board, The President of The Anglican
Church Women and The Incumbent, or a designate if
one of the committee members is proposed for and
accepts a nomination, will, from the nominations
submitted, determine the name to be submitted to
the Area Bishop by November 22.
Nominations may be made via email or on a form
prepared for that purpose. The forms can be downloaded
from the diocese website.
Proposers may make only ONE NOMINATION.
Please complete and return the Nomination Form no
later than April 30, 2016.
Please deliver this form to one of the Churchwardens
or The Incumbent or email a copy of the form to The
Churchwardens, at
[email protected] .
Nominees should ensure that they SIGN the
Nomination Form
Peter Paterson & Archbishop
Johnson with his award on
New Year’s Day 2015.
2. Proposers must show that they have the consent of
the nominees to submit their names.
3. Each nomination must include a short biography of
the nominee and a brief summary of the reason that
the nominee has been proposed.
Easter Vigil
A parishioner was in front of me coming out of
church one day, and the preacher was standing at
the door as he always is to shake hands. He
grabbed the parishioner by the hand and pulled
him aside. The Pastor said to him, "You need to
join the Army of the Lord!"
The parishioner replied, "I'm already in the Army
of the Lord, Pastor."
Pastor questioned, "How come I don't see you except at Christmas and Easter?"
He whispered back, "I'm in the secret service."
We all went to see Grandma … and she was
pleased to see us all again.
Trinity News - Spring 2016
Ministry Brief
The Cemetery committee will carry out spring clean up
on Saturday April 16 starting at 9:00 a.m. If you would
like to have a little outdoor activity, we welcome your
participation. For info call Enid Corbett.
We will observe Jerusalem Sunday on May 8, The Sunday
after the Ascension. In 2013 General Synod passed a
resolution to “observe the Seventh Sunday of Easter,
commonly known as the Sunday after Ascension Day, as
Jerusalem Sunday. This Sunday is an opportunity for Anglicans in Canada to learn more about and support God’s
mission in the Diocese of Jerusalem. This has become an
important date on our liturgical calendar at Holy Trinity.
As reported at Vestry, a decision has been taken to plant
a new church community in Maple at the former St. Stephen’s Church, Maple site. The parish of St. Stephen's,
closed in 2008, but the physical plant was reserved for
future ministry because of its strategic geographical position.
Jeff Potter has been identified. His work will begin in February and he will be ordained in the spring. His curacy
will begin subsequent to his ordination to the diaconate
(sometime around May 1). It was felt that he would benefit by serving his curacy in our parish as he engages his
work in Maple. He will be engaged with Holy Trinity for
six to seven units of ministry per week. This will involve
him in the Sunday cycle, some mid-week opportunities to
exercise the full range of priestly and pastoral ministry.
There will be minimum cost to us since the initiative is
being funded by the diocese.
We have designated the First Sunday in
May our parish for an annual Day of
Observance of The Prison Ministry. The
focus of the service is on the ministry
to prisoners, chaplains, staff, and all
who are engaged in this work. This
year, Imam Michael AbdurRashid Taylor will be our guest speaker on May 1
at 10:00 am. He was appointed Regional Chaplain for Ontario with the Correctional Service Canada (CSC) in December 2013. He has responsibility to ensure the delivery
of Chaplaincy services in the Ontario Region of CSC and
to ensure that offenders of all faiths receive services.
At the end of a useful series "“Encountering Islam: A
Lenten Study for Christians" (February 17, 24 & March 2,
2016), AbdurRashid Taylor and I exchanged copies of the
Bible and the Qur'an to remind us of our common ancestor in faith, Abraham. We will continue to walk together
in peace and solidarity as we worship The One True God.
We will explore further opportunities to discover more
about Islam and to engage in future conversations.
Bishop Peter Fenty will make his Pastoral Visitation to
our parish on Pentecost Sunday, May 15 at 9:00 a.m.
(Joint Service). He will also administer the Sacrament of
Holy Conformation to Abraham Millington.
SEARCH COMMITTEE (Organist/Director of Music)
We will interview candidates begin in April. In addition to
an interview, the candidates will conduct a rehearsal
with the choir and lead the music on the Sunday following that rehearsal.
On Sunday June 12 we will say “au revoir” to Elaine who
has served Holy Trinity as Organist/Director of Music for
the past 34 years. Hers has been a long and illustrious
career and we are deeply grateful for her service and devotion to our church.
We invite the entire parish to save this date and join our
farewell celebration on June 12 at the 10:00 am service
and to share in Elaine’s final act of ministry with us..
Thank you! to all Welcome Teams, Sidespeople and
Greeters for your assistance with, and contributions to,
our HTC 8:00 and 10:00 Sunday services from January to
June 2016. Your interest, time and effort are appreciated.
For information about our HTC Welcome Teams, please
speak to Peter Paterson.
We continue collecting stamps for the Christian Salvage
Mission. Sincere thank you to those who have been sending in the used postage stamps.
There will be NO Wednesday services between July 27
and August 31. Service will resume on September 7.
Spring 2016 - Trinity News
Ministry Brief cont’d
Church/Altar Flowers
Flower Guild
Do you like arranging flowers?
The Altar Guild relies on donations from the
congregation to beautify our church with
Are you curious in “how to arrange” flowers?
If your answer is yes to any of the above, the
Flower Guild would like to welcome you to join
our team.
The flowers are placed on the Altar and
Memorial Table. Donations in any amount are
most welcome. You may dedicate flowers -
We usually prepare the floral arrangements for
the Altar and/or Memorial Table on Saturdays at
9:00 a.m. or on Friday if necessary. We also
decorate the church at festival times, i.e. Easter,
Harvest Thanksgiving, etc.
In celebration of events in your family’s
In memory of loved ones.
To donate, or for more information, please call
For more information, see or call
Lois Symons. Thank you.
Hazel Denning
One of the 4 Best Health And Life Tips For The Insanely Busy Huffington Post on line 03/11/2016
"I LOVE BEING BUSY, but busy doesn't often translate to productive. Being busy is great, but not if it lacks direction, passion, and makes your health suffer.
While it's always important to focus on "the major players" of your health, including diet, exercise, sleep and
stress management, these are broad categories and are easier said than done, especially when trying to fit
them into your busy schedule. Finding easy, productive health solutions that fit your life can be the difference
between living and living well and there are easy things that you can incorporate into your routine without
having you spinning your wheels."
One of the ways to reduce stress for busy minds, the article goes on to say, includes
engaging in hobbies and creative tasks such as
, drawing or music. Each
can have a positive effect on your physical as well as mental well-being, building a
resilience to overcome future stressors.
That said, stress is often a bit easier to accept during spring and summer - when there is
more opportunity to escape into the outdoors to enjoy the healing of the sunshine and
warm breezes... knitters, try to resist the temptation to put your needles away for a time,
because the need for prayer shawls, sadly, doesn't take a hiatus during cottage season.
Thanks to all who contribute to this worthwhile Ministry in one way or another!
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Cathy Pearson *
*Head Knit Wit
Trinity News - Spring 2016
February 1996 - February 2016
Out of the Cold Dinner and Shelter Program
During the past 20 years, there have been 572 deliveries
of canned/packaged food, personal use items, and adult
apparel to the following:
 St. Peter’s Food Bank (Carlton Street)
February 1996 - October 2008;
 All Saints Community Kitchen (Dundas/Sherbourne)
November 2008 - present;
 All Saints Closing Closet
April 1996 - present
 Richmond Hill Community Food Bank
October 1999 - present; and
 Eva’s Place Youth Shelter (North York)
April 2009 - present
THANK YOU! for your generous support and interest in
this important part of Holy Trinity Outreach program.
Much appreciated!
The Out of the Cold Dinner and Shelter Program, carried
out at Thornhill United Church is a joint effort of several
local churches including Holy Trinity. OOTC offers shelter, meals and fellowship to guests who are hungry,
homeless, lonely, have mental or physical health problems and who live in poverty.
Christmas Assistance Program
In the 10-week duration of the shelter program from
January to March, approximately 100 unique individuals
are served. Unique individuals means the actual number
of clients who used the program. Each person may have
used the program multiple times, but is counted once.
About 50% are dinner-only guests, highlighting the difficulty some clients have in affording both shelter and
food. The gender breakdown is approximately 73% male
and 27% female. The average number of overnight
guests is 18 individuals.
The Thornhill Ministerial Christmas Assistance Program
provides hampers of non-perishable food, toys and some
personal use items along with grocery vouchers to
purchase perishable foods for needy families in the
Thornhill area. There were over 300 food hampers and
bags of toys delivered to 103 families on Saturday
December 19, 2015.
Thanks to all the Holy Trinity parishioners who contributed food, toys or money to fill the hampers. Thanks as
well to all those who donated their time to help pick up
the contributions, sort the food, pack the hampers and
deliver the hampers. Your interest and support are appreciated.
2015-16 marked the seventeenth year of this program.
Holy Trinity parishioners are active volunteers, assuming
various responsibilities, e.g. guest registration, meal
planning & preparation, entertainment & hosting, provision of medical services & foot care, and managing the
clothing centre.
Typically guests arrive on late Friday afternoon/evening.
They are served warm meal and can seek medical help;
and they receive a brown bag lunch when they leave
shelter the next day.
A cat dies and goes to Heaven. God meets him at the gate and says, ‘You’ve been a good cat all of these years. Anything you desire is yours, all you have to do is ask.’ The cat says, ‘Well, I lived all my life with a poor family and had to
sleep on cold floors.’ God says, ‘Say no more’ and instantly, a fluffy pillow appears.
A few days later, 6 mice are killed in an accident and they go to Heaven. God meets them at the gate with
the same offer that He made the cat. The mice said, ‘All our lives we’ve had to run. We’ve been chased by
cats, dogs and people with brooms. If we could only have a pair of roller skates, we wouldn’t have to run
anymore.’ God says, ‘Say no more.’ and instantly, each mouse is fitted with a pair of tiny roller skates.
About a week later, God decides to check and see how the cat is doing. The cat is sound asleep on his
fluffy pillow. God gently wakes him and asks, ‘How are you doing? Are you happy here?’ The cat yawns and stretches
and says, “Oh, I’ve never been happier in my life. And those Meals on Wheels you’ve been sending over are the best!”
Why do we paint Easter eggs? Because it's easier than trying to wallpaper them!
Why did the Easter egg hide? He was a little chicken!
Why are people always tired in April? Because they just finished a march
Easter dinner was great.... I'm Egg-zosted!
Spring 2016 - Trinity News
Healing & Wellness Ministry
With such a mild winter over Christmas and into March,
this is ideal for staying active and fulfilling any activity
New Year’s resolutions.
The frequent variations in the weather seems to aid the
flu and colds, so do your best to stay healthy. With the
predictions about the expected rises in dementia in
years to come, regular physical activity is our best
defense, so lace up your walking shoes, put on your
pedometer and keep going.
On recent March 9, Cathy Pearson, Registered Dietitian,
gave an excellent presentation on “Promoting Better
Digestive Health” at our spring Lunch and Learn session.
With all the news these days of the importance of our
‘microbiome’ in our overall health, the abundance of
better/healthier choices in the stores, we learned a great
deal from our resident expert. If you missed the talk but
would like to receive the print materials please call me.
It has been three years since we had CPR/AED training.
With a defibrillator in our premise, it is good for as many
people as possible to know how to use it, in the event of
someone having a heart attack. On Saturday May 7, we
will hold trainings on
 CPR/AED 8:30 a.m.—12:30 p.m.
 First Aid
1:00—5:00 p.m.
There will be coffee breaks (provided) and a 30-minute
lunch break. Please bring lunch and wear comfortable
clothing. Fee: $45.00 (CPR/AED only) and $70.00 (both
sessions). Please register on the sign-up sheet or by calling Susan no later than 12:00 noon on Monday May 2, .
We need a minimum of 10 persons to run the session.
I recently read ‘The Time of Your Life’ by Margaret
Trudeau. In this book she explores aging from a woman’s
perspective and the issues we face. It is a light-hearted
read, but thought provoking. She interviewed many
other women about their experiences. She promotes a
holistic, healthy view which most of us aspire to.
There’s been articles recently on the dangers of
receiving too many tests and overly aggressive
treatments in older people. In older diabetics, doctors
now recommend a little higher blood pressure up to 150,
and blood sugar closer to 7, so falls from low blood
pressure and low blood sugar can be avoided. Researchers are saying colonoscopies and mammograms can be
done too
frequently in our older years, but vaccines
for the flu and pneumonia are still valuable.
Anyone who has been on a number of medications for
years, should have occasional reviews by their doctors.
Our kidneys and liver do not work as briskly as we age
and often what is positive for patients when they are at
their 50’s and 60’s may cause side effects when their age
reach 80’s, especially when they develop additional
heath issues.
Please pay attention to any changes in how you feel and
do not hesitant to let your doctor know so 2016 can be a
healthy year for you.
I am in my office most Mondays and Wednesdays from
8:30-3:30, though please call and book an appointment
if you would like to see me as I also do visits. Holiday
Mondays I’m not in and if there are any variations in my
time for vacation or illness, I leave a message on my
voicemail and let the office know. Voicemail and email
are confidential and I will response to you as soon as
At present there are no pastoral visitors. A course and
screening is required for this ministry. This is a ministry
where there is a need and we are trying to fill. If you are
interested Markham Stouffville Hospital is offering a
course Tuesdays May 3rd, 10th, 24th and 31st from 9:30
to 12:00. Courses are not offered that often, so if you are
considering this ministry, this is a good opportunity.
Please contact me and I will help you get prepared and
started in this rewarding ministry.
Susan Rodgers, RN 905 889 5931 ext. 29
Parish Nurse [email protected]
God loves everyone, but probably prefers 'fruits of the spirit' over 'religious nuts!’
It is easier to preach ten sermons than it is to live one.
The good Lord didn't create anything without a purpose, but mosquitoes come close.
Good News: Church attendance rose dramatically the last three weeks. Bad News: You were on vacation.
What do they call preachers in Germany? German Shepherds.
Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.
Trinity News - Spring 2016
ACW News
2015 was a very busy year. The Anglican Church Women
of Holy Trinity, that is you - all ladies - have been fully
and partially active participants in the year-long varied
The Spring and Fall Rummage Sales take an enormous
amount of labour, both in accepting and sorting all the
items, then categorizing, and selling on the actual
Rummage Saturday, and similarly with the Festival of
Christmas. Considerable pre-preparation takes place for
this Festival, some throughout the year when it comes to
crafts/jewellery, etc., and also much baking nearer the
time!! Although this takes our love, labour and many
hours, we also have a wonderful sense of friendship,
teamwork and kindness as we all work together to
achieve our aim; helping others.
We had the pleasure of being able to distribute funds to
Food Charities, Shelters, Children and Youth programs,
an orphanage, aboriginal women and children, as well as
to our own Diocese and church needs. These outreach
disbursements (total $21,340 in 2015) reach local,
national and international charities.
Thank you again to all our wonderful participating
groups and individual ladies. We should also mention
that the “Brooke Street Irregulars” also help form the
backbone for these events in their wonderful assistance
in setting up and taking down tables, chairs, cupboards,
and generally helping!! We could not manage without
their help .
Congratulations! to Bari-Lynne Butters who received
“Certificate of Merit—Anglican Church Women, Diocese
of Toronto”. This award, presented at the ACW Annual
General Meeting (January 12), was given in recognition
of Bari-Lynne’s dedicated service to Holy Trinity.
Spring Rummage Sale
Saturday April 23, 2016,
9:00 - 12:00
We are grateful for your contributions of gently used
clothing, shoes, linens, toys, books, CDs/DVDs, household, garden & kitchen items including (working) small
appliances. Here are the schedule:
 Monday - Friday, April 18-22, receiving donations
 Thursday & Friday, April 21-22, sorting, displaying
and pricing
 April 23: selling and packing unsold items
Helpers are needed, no experience required. Any hour
you can spare is greatly appreciated.
Join us for an inspiring morning
By Robin Pacific (parishioner)
& Mou Modhubontee
April 2, 2016
8:30 - 10:00 a.m.
Artist Robin Pacific and poet Mou Modhubontee will
present a 20-minute performance about globalization,
art, poetry and garment workers in Bangladesh, followed
by a discussion
All (men & women) are welcome. Please sign up (for
logistic purposes) by calling 905 889 5931 ext. 28.
A weekend for all Women ...
AWARE Peterborough is happening April 29 to May 1
(4:00 pm Friday to after lunch Sunday) at Elim Lodge,
A – Anglican – By denomination
W – Women - By God’s design
A – Alive
- in Jesus Christ
R – Renewed – in the Holy Spirit
E – Enriched – For Service
Come and get enriched in the music, workshops, fellowship, in the Speaker, in Prayer and in the Eucharist on the
last day. The fee is $260 including accommodation &
meals. Our Chaplain this year is a Priest of the Diocese –
the Rev. Anne Moore, former Chaplain of the Diocesan
The website http://www.awarepeterborough.com/
aware_registration.htm is still under construction. However, if you are interested, Jean Glionna [email protected]
will email you the Registration Form. The deadline for
registration & fee is Friday April 1.
Vivienne Hansford
President ACW
Spring 2016 - Trinity News
Looking Forward
Wednesday Mar. 30
11:00 a.m. Eucharist
12:00 noon Luncheon
Seniors’ Easter Luncheon
Saturday Apr. 2
8:30 - 10:00 a.m.
“at a distance /& very close”
Breakfast Seminar for everyone; men
& women are welcome
Friday Apr. 8
7:00 p.m.
Spring Time Melodies and More
Saturday Apr. 23
9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Rummage Sale
Friday - Sunday
Apr. 29 - May 1
Studio Artists of Thornhill
Art Show & Sale
We welcome all mature adults to this
fellowship. Please let us know that
you’re coming to ensure adequate
Jean Challoner 905 889 1413
Church Office 905 889 5931 ext. 21
If you like to paint please contact Gail
Thompson at 905 889 4643.
Saturday May 7
8:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
1:00 - 5:00 p.m.
CPR/AED & First Aid Course
CPR/AED session
First Aid session
Studio Artists of Thornhill
Saturday May 28
8:15 a.m. Eucharist
MEN’s Breakfast
31st Annual Show and Sale
Wednesday June 1
11:00 a.m. Eucharist
12:00 noon Luncheon
Seniors’ Picnic Luncheon
Sunday June 12
10:00 a.m.
Elaine Pudwell’s last Sunday
service at HTC & Reception
Topic & Speaker TBD
We gave thanks for the lives of
Gwendoline Victoria Skillen
Frances Lye
Duncan Rae MacLeod
Godfrey Peter Mallion
John (Jack) Stuart Rivett
Auditorium Holy Trinity
Fri. Apr 29
Sat. Apr 30
Sun. May 1
4:00 – 9:00 p.m.
9:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
We paint every Monday afternoon in
the auditorium from September to May.
Each week, each painter donates to the
church as well as a percentage of our
sales at this show and an artist’s fee.
We, in turn, appreciate the support of
the church in providing a space to paint.
Several painters are Holy Trinity parishioners.
Please Come & Enjoy Our Show
Trinity News - Spring 2016
We are a vibrant, welcoming
Christian community
flourishing in God’s love through
fellowship, outreach, worship and
spiritual growth, in an atmosphere of
compassion and mutual respect.
Trinity News
is published three times a year to inform parishioners about upcoming events and ongoing
activities at Holy Trinity Church. Please submit
your items to the church office.
140 Brooke Street, Thornhill, Ontario L4J 1Y9
[email protected]
Office/Wardens Tel: 905 889 5931 Fax: 905 889 5632
Canon Stephen Fields [email protected] (ext. 23)
Elaine Pudwell
[email protected]
Susan Rodgers
[email protected]
(ext. 29)
Swan Li
[email protected] (ext. 21)
Judith Sinclair
[email protected] (ext. 30)
Jesús Cruz Arángo
[email protected] (ext. 24)
[email protected]
Altar Guild
Jean Glionna
Anglican Church Women (ACW) Co-Presidents
Vivienne Hansford & (co-President) Position Vacant
Church Archivist
Items of broader interest or opinion pieces are
generally not published in Trinity News, but can
be forwarded to the Advisory Board for their
information and consideration for inclusion in
future editions. Submissions may not exceed
200 words in length, must be signed and
include a clear statement indicating that these
are personal opinions. Submissions will be
consistent with the Mission Statement of Holy
Trinity Church.
Design & Layout:
Swan Li
Please submit articles
layouts, indents, tabulations, etc.)
 By e-mail to
[email protected]
Thank You.
Position Vacant
Church School Coordinator
Judith Sinclair
Cemetery Committee
Enid Corbett
Coordinator of Counters
Miriam Irving
Footlights Club
Malcolm Shiner
Garden Committee & Church Treasurer
Darryl Thompson
Healing & Wellness Ministry
Position vacant
Outreach Committee
Susan Hogeboom
Prayer Chain Coordinator
Elaine Stecyk
Next Issue of Trinity News
will cover AUTUMN Events (Sep - Nov)
Property Committee
Ron Tolhurst
Sidesperson Teams
Deadline is
Sunday JULY 15, 2016
Peter Paterson
Warden Team
Iverson Grimes, Robin Parravano, Dianne Rimmer, Jewell Coy
Spring 2016 - Trinity News
Trinity News - Spring 2016
Spring 2016 - Trinity News
Trinity News - Spring 2016