November 2007 - Ohio Valley Quilters` Guild
November 2007 - Ohio Valley Quilters` Guild
The Ohio Valley Star Newsletter of the Ohio Valley Quilters’ Guild Chapter #130 of the National Quilting Association, Inc. NOVEMBER 2007 NEXT MEETING November Program Preview November 5, 2007 Are you ready to shop? 7:00 p.m. Hundreds of quilting, sewing and needle arts related items including quilting books, patterns, sewing and quilting notions, fabric YES, FABRIC! Over 25 Guild members will be selling quilting related bargains and treasures. The OVQG Library will have a table offering magazines and some of our duplicate books. Friends are welcome to come and shop. Sycamore Senior Center 4455 Carver Woods Drive Blue Ash, OH INSIDE THIS ISSUE October Meeting Minutes 2 Treasurer’s Report 3 2007 Fat Quarter Themes 3 October Program Review 4 Show & Tell 5 Quilting Tips 6 Kids Komfort 7 Neighborhood Quilt Groups 8 Welcome Members 8 February 2008 Workshop/ Program Preview 9 Book Reviews 10 Volunteers Needed 10 Membership Renewal 10 Upcoming Quilting Events 11 Christmas Ornament Project 11 March 2008 Workshop/ Program Preview 12 Sew to Win 13 Quilt Calendar Contest 14 President’s Block Hello Quilters!!! As I begin a year serving as your president, I felt compelled to think about why we join together each month as a group and why I felt it was important enough to join in leadership in this group. If you are like me, you haven’t read the purposes of our guild lately, but I found inspiration in them and want to repeat them for you here. #1 – to share interest in quilts and quilt making; #2 – to encourage and maintain high standards of design, technique and creativity; #3 – to instruct members in methods of techniques of quilt making; #4 – to promote the study of historical sources of quilts and quilt making; #5 – to preserve the art of quilt making and #6 – to stimulate interest in quilt making. Our guild meetings and show and tell are a great way to share this interest as well as to encourage high standards in quilt design and construction. The workshops, retreat and small groups allow us to provide instruction in a variety of techniques. Our monthly lectures sometimes provide techniques, but also the history of quilts. Our activities in the community help stimulate interest in quilt making and encourage new quilters to help preserve this wonderful art! I am excited to help this guild fulfill these purposes and continue the 26 year tradition of excellence! nen THE OHIO VALLEY STAR - NOVEMBER 2007 Sincerely, Susan Schechter page 1 October Meeting Minutes The October 1, 2007 meeting of the Ohio Valley Quilters’ Guild was called to order by President Nancy Armstrong at 7:00 pm at the Sycamore Senior Center. She welcomed members and guests. and answer questions about quilting. The ladies asked the audience for ideas of projects to go with the event. Ideas offered included; make a “community quilt” of fabric visitors to the museum supply; hold a quilt preservation education day; do a demonstration of quilt labeling for the purpose of preserving a quilts history; hold a second display of quilts “then and now”; have a display of “contemporary” quilts; have “white glove” ladies so that backs of quilts could be shown; OVQG members be available to do presentations on quilt making; hold a quilt appraisal day; have a quilt challenge to interpret an art piece in the museum; hold a tea/ luncheon event to accompany the Shelburne Quilt program. Nancy asked for any “Sunshine and Shadows” announcements. There were none. She then asked for approval of the minutes as printed in the October newsletter. Judy Rich moved to approve the minutes as printed. Marion Peek seconded the motion. Motion passed. Nancy asked for the Treasurer’s report. Jerri Steigerwald reported a beginning balance on 8/6/07 of $2,589.17. The balance on 9/30/07 is $3,974.23. The current value of the guilds Certificate of Deposit is $8,000. Susan announced that Carrie Payne will be chair person for the “community quilting project” at the museum. Nancy installed the officers for the 2007-2008 year: President Susan Schechter; First VP - Carrie Payne; Second VP - Sylvia Bozicevich; Secretary - Hannah Kratzer; Treasurer - Jerri Steigerwald. Annual memberships need to be renewed in October. Susan reminded members that they can do that at the membership table or by mail. All renewals should be completed by December so that the directory can be ready in January. Susan Schechter then introduced Cynthia Amneus and Katie Johnson from the Cincinnati Art Museum. The museum has invited OVQG to participate in an on-going demonstration of quilting at the museum during the upcoming event “Masterpiece Quilts from the Shelburne” (Museum). They hope to have volunteers enough to have quilting in process every day of the event (February 16, 2008 to June 1, 2008). The museum staff would like to have a quilt available for members of public to try stitching upon and volunteers from our guild to demonstrate quilting and encourage people to try quilting THE OHIO VALLEY STAR - NOVEMBER 2007 Barb Lienhart reported on the Fall Quilt Retreat (Nov. 9, 10 & 11) at Blue Licks State Park (KY). She said that all rooms/beds are reserved, as is the ‘wait’ list. Susan asked for volunteers for Guild projects. An editor for the upcoming events column in the Newsletter is needed and someone is needed to work with the Cincinnati Art Museum and chair a committee for the quilting exhibit partnership. Susan shared that Board members have heard of some interest in preparing a group quilt in 2008. Interested members should contact page 2 Susan. 2008 is also a quilt show year. Please contact Susan or a Board member if you are willing to participate in either project. Treasurer’s Report Mary Ann Mullen reported on the 4” quilted Christmas ornaments made by members for the Pageant for peace and the National Christmas Tree Lighting Project. Ornaments need to be to Mary Ann by the end of October. Mary Ann will pick up finished ornaments if needed. Call her to set date and time. Barb Grothaus reports that Karen Moore received the “Quilting Tips Fat Quarter” for this month. Jerri Steigerwald was called to present the 2007-2008 Budget approved by the Board. Juanita Canfield made a motion to accept the Budget as presented, Barb Lienhart seconded the motion. Motion passed. Susan introduced Kimberly Eimno, our most recent “Patchwork Star”. Kimberly shared briefly her background in quilting and presented four of her recent quilts including “Greek Isles”, “Fruits of Tuscany”, and “Ooh-la-la”, which is now featured in McCall’s Quilting Magazine. Kimberly is the author of Quilt A Travel Souvenir published by AQS. Vickie Otten held the ‘fat quarter’ and Sew toWin drawings. Fat quarters were won by Pat Giffin, Jane Urlage, and Mary Ann Mullen. Jody Ramer won the “Jars” squares made for Sew to Win. Show ‘N Tell items were shared by a several members, and a short break was taken. Carole Douglas shared her trip to Mali thru slides and fabric examples. She brought home numerous samples of batiks and mud cloth fabrics produced in Mali. The highlight of her trip surely was the opportunity she had to make her own mud cloth. 06 Aug 2007 - 30 Sep 2007 BEGINNING BALANCE: $ 2,589.17 Advertising Income Membership 2007-2008 Forrest Gump Challenge Certificate of Deposit Principal Certificate of Deposit Interest Sewing Room Sale Interest Income TOTAL INFLOWS: $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 125.00 1,875.00 24.00 2,000.00 387.93 5.00 0.42 4,417.35 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 571.10 56.62 123.00 86.26 12.50 20.00 16.40 1,806.51 190.00 150.00 3,032.29 ENDING BALANCE: $ 3,974.23 Certificate of Deposit $ 8,000.00 Deposit for 2009 Program $ 300.00 INFLOWS: OUTFLOWS: Newsletter Expense Administrative Expense Kids’ Komfort Expense Membership Expense Miscellaneous Expense NQA/AQSG/QOH Postage Expense Program/Workshop Expense Website Fee (2 years) Site Rental Expense TOTAL OUTFLOWS: Submitted by Hannah Kratzer, Secretary ;;;;;;;;; 2007 FAT QUARTER THEMES November December Plaids Holidays THE OHIO VALLEY STAR - NOVEMBER 2007 page 3 October Program Review Guild member, Carole Douglas presented photos and fabric from her trip to Mali. In her three weeks traveling, Carole saw no ‘wild’ animals but she did meet some amazing people including weavers and mud cloth artists. She traversed narrow rock passages, climbed steep stairs to her sleeping accommodations on the roof, and was awakened by brilliant sunrises. And the best part, she had the opportunity to make her own mud cloth. It was inspiring to learn about her adventures and we all look forward to seeing what she will do with the scraps she collected along her journey. THE OHIO VALLEY STAR - NOVEMBER 2007 page 4 Show & Tell Carrie Payne ................. 2 Fabric Books .......... .............. .............. Self Portrait from Kate Gorman’s class Darlene Basone ............ 2 lap quilts in batik Mary Ann Mullen ......... Blue & White Sampler .......... .............. .............. Home in Barn Door .......... .............. .............. Province Quilt Barbara Harrison .......... Aurora .......... .............. .............. Alaskan Wildlife Nola Ball ....................... Serengeti Sunset Janine Keeton ............... Charm Quilt Pauline Dickerson ........ Spring Flowers Nancy Williams ............ Beagle Eyes .......... .............. .............. Swirling Circles .......... .............. .............. Leaf Rubbing Lynn M. Ticotsky ......... A Carpet of Leaves CNC raffle quilt Judy Kamphaus ............ Green Irish Chain .......... .............. .............. Lily & Vincent’s Picnic Adventure Jane Gill ........................ Variable Star Sue Paas .......... .............. Discharge Leaves Nancy Lowe .................. Galaxies .......... .............. .............. Twisted Log Cabin Quilt Jaunita Canfield ............ 2 Kids Komfort Diane Glos .................... Down Below Where the Poppies Grow Ginny Ingle .... .............. Baltimore Country Cousins Sue Winstel .... .............. Sampler Joyce Fisher .... .............. Paducah 9 Patch Cass Plott ....... .............. Rise in Freedom Vicki Otten ................... Baby Quilt Yo-Yos! THE OHIO VALLEY STAR - NOVEMBER 2007 page 5 Quilting Tips by Barb Grothaus This month’s tips are from our new secretary, Hannah Kratzer. She was hand basting a quilt one day and grew frustrated with constantly rethreading the needle. She found one of those large insulated mugs with a lid-you know the kind, for taking coffee to work with you. She put a small rock in it to add weight and make it stable, then put a cone of thread in it. She drew the thread through the hole in the lid, threaded her needle and was ready to baste. This way the thread was continuous; she didn’t have to stop to rethread or change needles. She set the cup on the floor and could just nudge it along with her foot as she moved around the quilt. She figures it took her about half the amount of time it used to take to get the quilt basted. Hannah is still unpacking (she moved less than 3 years ago). She was unpacking a box of bobbins and remembered a tip she learned from a guild in Texas. She used those white sticky paper reinforcements on some of the bobbins to hold the end of the thread in place. I know that even when I put bobbins neatly in a box, somehow those thread ends really get tangled. I found a old box of reinforcements in a drawer and immediately stuck them on all my bobbins, with the thread ends neatly stuck beneath. You know what reinforcements are-you used them in school on your notebook paper to repair torn holes. And they do still sell them! Thanks, Hannah, for the great ideas. You will receive a quilters’ quarter of hand dyed fabric at the next meeting. And Karen, you will receive yours from October too. Keep those tips coming to [email protected] or call me at 931-4179. THE OHIO VALLEY STAR - NOVEMBER 2007 page 6 Kids Komforts by Sue Dvorak Inspiration If you were at the October meeting, we hope you were inspired by Juanita Canfield’s 90+ year old friend. She has made more than 40 quilts for us, sewing by hand! Many of us have high tech sewing machines and every “time saving” gadget ever created, and we still have trouble finishing just one quilt! No more excuses! Ruth has created some super simple kits with cheater panels and backs. All you need to do is tie or quilt (they are great practice pieces). They are perfect for the busy quilter, or for the beginner who isn’t ready to commit to finishing one of our quilt kits just yet. We will have these kits available at the November meeting. Thank you’s Thank you to the following members who agreed to deliver quilts for us: Teresa Jennings, Cass Plott, Sally Francis, Sharon Francis, Sharon Hutton, and Juanita Canfield. We had 112 quilts ready for delivery. We will have more ready to go at the November meeting, so if you can help us, stop by our table. We arrived at the meeting with a car full of quilts, and we left with a car full of quilts! Thank you to the following members who turned in quilts or fabric: Carole Henderson (fabric) Patti Danner 2 Mary Koehler Judy Rich 3 Nedra Whittington (fabric) Della Leytze Donna Evans Trice Lehmann Juanita Canfield 9 June Lu (fabric) Donna Schroeder Joyce Fisher Melissa Pulsfort Ruth Stoyak Beverly Bright 5 Some great teamwork has improved Kids’ Komforts productivity! Cass Plott and Juanita Canfield have done a great job machine quilting for us—they’ve done so many, we’re losing track. Donna Schroeder has practiced using her new long arm machine on some of our tops. Judy Rich and Jeannette Wilson are binding quilts for us. Our last cutathon crew (Juanita Canfield, MaryAnn Mullen, Jeannette Wilson) created over 30 kits. Thank you all! One more request We have learned that Mountain Mist will provide us with a roll of batting if we collect 100 UPC labels from any of their products: batting, pillow forms, stuffing. You can drop off labels at our table, or drop them in the mail to us. On a lighter note…. Those of you who use our kits have probably noticed that frogs are represented more often than any other creature in the animal kingdom (though cats run a close second). Ruth takes the credit (or blame, depending on your perspective) for this. So we have officially and appropriately christened her “lower level studio” as “The Quilted Frog Studio”, complete with a quilted banner. Happy Quilting! THE OHIO VALLEY STAR - NOVEMBER 2007 page 7 Neighborhood Quilt Groups Welcome Members New Members A number of small groups have formed over the years where quilters get together to exchange ideas and support each other’s efforts. Most welcome new members. We recommend calling before your first visit to get details. First Tuesday - 6:30-8:45 pm - Accepting New Members The Milford/Miami Township group meets at the Clermont County Library, 1099 State Route 131, Milford. Contact: Donna Schroeder 513-576-9201 or Nancy Lowe 513-248-9565 Second Wednesday - 10:00 am-2:00 pm The UFO’s (Unfinished Objects) meet at Swaim Field Lodge on the corner of Zig Zag and Cooper Roads in Montgomer5y. Contact: Fran Kiehfuss 513-891-2180 or Lillian Burns 513-793-3116 Patricia Coyle #11574 1837 Stockton Dr Loveland, OH 45140 (513) 677-3582 [email protected] Sally Richardson #11571 9169 Symmes Landing Dr Loveland, OH 45140 (513) 774-0616 [email protected] Laura Crawford #11569 3181 Springview Dr Hamilton, OH 45011 (513) 737-6621 [email protected] Jane Root #11575 4013 Walter Ave Cheviot, OH 45211 (513) 662-8858 (859) 261-5400 [email protected] Janet Grayson #11570 3481 Epworth Ave Cincinnati, OH 45211 (513) 389-0062 (513) 574-3333 [email protected] Second Wednesday - 6:30-9:00 pm - Accepting New Members The Venetian Quilters meet at the Venice Presbyterian Church, 4244 Layhigh Road, Ross. Contact: Kathy Mienheartt 513-738-5463 or Mary Nelson 513-738-0872 Barbara Smith #11571 7893 Princeton Rd Middletown, OH 45044 (513) 779-2600 Norma Thornton #11572 7657 Oceola Lane West Chester, OH 45069 (513) 777-2929 Julia McIntosh #11576 11894 Algiers Dr Cincinnati, OH 45246 (513) 671-2439 Second Thursday - 10:00 am-2:00 pm - Accepting New Members The Eastside Quilters meet at the Anderson Hills Methodist Church on Beechmont Avenue at Forest Road. Open to new members. Contact: Carol Schlegel 513-232-68674 Third Tuesday - 7:00 pm - Accepting New Members The Westside Queen City Quilters meet at Shiloh United Methodist Church in the parlor at the corner of Anderson Ferry and Foley Roads in Delhi. Contact: Barbara Lienhart 513-244-6128 Third Wednesday - 7:00 pm - Accepting New Members The UFO’S II meet at the Northminster Presbyterian Church at 703 Compton Road in Finneytown. Contact: Nell Pasley 513-931-9236 Third Thursday - 7:00-9:00 pm - Accepting New Members The Piecemakers are now meeting at Parrillo Performance, 6200 Union Centre Blvd, Fairfield, OH. This is 1.3 miles west of 747 on Union Centre Blvd. Contact: Jerri Steigerwald 513-777-1287. Third Friday - 7:00-10:00 pm The Clifton Sew’n Sews meet at the College Hill Recreational Center at 5525 Belmont Avenue in College Hill, Cincinnati. Everyone is welcome. Contact: Juanita Canfield 513-541-8506 Fourth Monday – 7:00-9:00 pm - Accepting New Members Quilted Chaos meets in Fairfield. Contact: Angela Stie1old 513-8211519 or Patrice Lehmann 513-939-2122 Last Tuesday – 10:00 am-2:00 pm - Accepting New Members The Westside Quilters meet at the Monfort Heights Methodist Church in the auditorium. 3682 West Fork Road in Monfort Heights. Contact: Brenda Dornbusch 513-385-1370 One Saturday a month – 10:00 am-2:00 pm - Accepting New Members The Loveland/Mason/Maineville group, the “Purple Ladies Red Hat Quilters” meets at 7981 Ravenwood Lane, Maineville. Contact: Peggy Moore 513-583-5776 for information. THE OHIO VALLEY STAR - NOVEMBER 2007 page 8 February 2008 Workshop & Program Preview Ellen Anne Eddy, author of Thread Magic, The Do or Dye Workbook, Ties that Bind and recently two CD books, Daring Dragonflies: A Bobbin Work Primer and Enchanted Forest will be visiting our guild in February 2008. Not only does Ellen create wonderfully detailed and elaborate tapestries using a variety of fabrics and thread, she creates hand-dyed cottons and threads. On Saturday February 2nd, you will have the opportunity to build fantastic landscapes in Ellen’s Sheer Magic class. Reverse appliqué and fusing techniques create the illusions of smoke, mist, water, and fire, using hand-dyed cotton create wonderful vines, trees and greenery. Over it all, you’ll add a layer of incredible machine embroidery and embellishment. On Sunday, February 3rd, create a 18” x 22” wall hanging as Ellen takes you beyond machine quilting and embroidery to Thread Magic. You’ll explore working with all kinds of threads from rayons, metallics and iridescent to thick perle cottons and novelty yarns, opening all kinds of new horizons to your fiber art. You’ll utilize a mixture machine quilting, embroidery, thread sketching, embellishing and machine beading. And during our February program, Ellen will present a slide show and discussion of her own passage as a quilter and artist. From her beginnings as a traditional quilter, she’ll show how she has developed her own techniques in machine quilting and embroidery, embroidered appliqué, reverse appliqué with solids and sheers, three-dimensional appliqué, naked needle, specialty threads, and machine beading. Sign-ups for Ellen’s workshops begin at the December meeting. Artist/Crafter Studio Rooms for Rent 778 Old State Route 74, Across from Eastgate Mall Various sized rooms priced from $250 to $500 - 1st and 2nd floor locations Ideal for artists/crafters working with fiber Call 513 522 8000 THE OHIO VALLEY STAR - NOVEMBER 2007 page 9 Membership Renewals Book Reviews by Barb Grothaus Be sure to renew your membership at or before the December meeting to be included in the 2008 Directory which will go out in January. I was looking for some fast and easy ideas for things to make for Christmas gifts and found the book Sculpted Threads by Janet Shipley Hawks (That Patchwork Place). She uses water soluble stabilizer and freeform machine embroidery with lots of interesting threads to create 3 dimensional pieces, like earrings, pins, and even bowls. I am very intrigued by the jewelry pieces. The technique seems fairly simple. You mark an outline on the stabilizer, place it in a hoop, thread your machine, put on the darning foot and lower the feed dogs and stitch away. The instructions are very detailed and the book is well illustrated. I don’t think I want to make a large piece, such as a bowl-can’t imagine how much thread that would take. But I could easily and quickly make lots of really fun earrings. If you want some gift ideas, or something new to sell at holiday bazaars, this book is worth looking at. Volunteers Needed We need volunteers to fill the following positions. If you are interested in any of these positions, please contact Susan Schechter at [email protected] or 513-777-3949. • Writing Patchwork Star articles interview members and write a short article about what brought them to the guild, how they got involved in quilting/sewing • Upcoming events - compile a list of upcoming events for the newsletter • Being the Patchwork Star - talk a little about what brought you to the guild and show a few of your quilts or other creations at a meeting • Chair for Public Quilting at the Cincinnati Art Museum during the Masterpiece Quilts from the Shelburne exhibit - organize volunteers to demonstrate quilting at the museum and ensure that a quilt is available and set up for the public to stitch • Quilting Demonstrators at the Cincinnati Art Museum during the Masterpiece Quilts from the Shelburne exhibit - sit at the museum and demonstrate quilting to people visit the exhibit, invite them to try stitching the quilt (encourage several members to go at once, much like a quilting bee) • Guild Quilt Committee members - assist in planning and organizing a guild quilt for 2008 If you are interested in antique quilts, look for Quilts of Provence by Kathryn Berenson(Potter Craft, Crown Publishing). The author is a world renowned textile authority and her knowledge really shines in this beautifully produced book. She chronicles the centuries-old tradition of corded and stuffed quilted work done in southern France, and shows how this work had a huge influence on quilting all over the world. The book is lavishly illustrated with color photographs of bed covers and clothing dating back to the 17th century. And if you have fallen in love with this type of work, there are directions and patterns for a few projects in the back. The author’s personal collection has been acquired by the International Quilt Study Center at the University of Nebraska, Lincoln. I hope someday to see these pieces in person. Until then, this book will continue to awe and inspire me. THE OHIO VALLEY STAR - NOVEMBER 2007 page 10 Upcoming Quilting Events OCTOBER 3-31 Narrative Quilt Exhibit: works by Kate Sturman Gorman and class participants, Bond Hill Branch Library, 1740Langdon Farm Road at Jordan Crossing, OCTOBER 26-28 Contemporary Quilt and Fiber Artists Annual Show, Cincinnati Nature Center, Rowe Woods, 4949 Tealtown Rd, Milford, OH. Fri 9-8, Sat 9-5, Sun 1-5 November 17-18 The River City Do#makers Tenth Annual Contemporary Art Do# Show and Sale, Newport on the Levee, Newport KY, Sat 11-7, Sun 12-5 DECEMBER 1 Central Ohio Quilt Auction & Craft Fair, Grace Baptist Academy, 960 Children’s Home Rd, Urbana OH, 937-652-1133, JANUARY 26- FEBRUARY 2 2008 AQS Caribbean Quilting Cruise with Rita Fishel and Fran Morgan & Helen Squire, FEBRUARY 5-15, 2008 Mexican Riviera Quilt Seminar at Sea with Kimberly Einmo, Sue Nickels, Nancy Pearson, Mary Sorensen and Cindy Walter, FEBRUARY 16, 2008 Quilt Outreach Quiltathon, St. Paul’s Methodist Church, 8221 Miami Rd, Cincinnati OH, 9-5:30, MARCH 31-APRIL 8 2008 Quilting in the Emerald Isle with Pat Sloan, Christmas Ornament Project If you are participating in this Christmas Ornament Project, ensure your finished ornament is sent to Mary Ann Mullen at the end of October. She must get them shipped to Washington D.C. by the middle of November. Any questions, contact Mary Ann Mullen , 19719 Alpine Drive, Lawrenceburg IN 47025 - (513) 646-9291 email: [email protected] APRIL 10-18, 2008 Flower and Lace Quilting Tour of Netherlands with Kimberley Einmo, AUGUST 2008 Quilt Adventure in Alaska with Eleanor Burns, ONGOING Community Quilting, Community Quilts Connection at Cincinnati Mills. 513-238-2308 THE OHIO VALLEY STAR - NOVEMBER 2007 page 11 March 2008 Workshop & Program Preview Pat Speth began quilting in 1988 when she purchased a wool quilt batting from her Grandmother’s auction. “I checked out a stack of quilt books from the library and fell in love with the patterns and designs, I knew I could not stop with just one quilt.” Pat started working with 5 inch squares as a basis for her quiltmaking in 1993 after attending her first retreat. She was asked to do a program for her guild in 1997 using the 5” squares, which gave her the push to explore new uses and techniques for working with the squares. Pat, while working a full time job, started on the book, Nickel Quilts in 1998 and was able to have it ready for the publishers in June 2001. Later she published More Nickel Quilts and has several quilt kits and patterns available. On Saturday, March 1st, Pat will teach Half Square Triangles and Four Patches. These units could be considered the cornerstones of quilting. Simple sewing and cutting techniques will turn your 5” squares into many great quilts. You can choose from 11 different quilts to make. Once you play with these units on a design wall you may come up with a new block of your own! A handout will be given and discussed on how to make your pieced border fit your quilt top. During our March program, Pat will present a truck show of 25-30 quilts describing how Nickel Quilts are created. Sign-ups for Ellen’s workshops begin at the December meeting. THE OHIO VALLEY STAR - NOVEMBER 2007 page 12 SEW TO WIN November 2007 Let’s celebrate the autumn with squares in homespun! Please use homespun fabrics in two or three strongly contrasting colors. If you don’t have homespuns on hand – use two or three strongly contrasting solids in rich colors that harmonize with homespuns. You may start with either a light square OR a dark square, just alternate light and dark. From fabric #1, cut a 3 ½ “ square. (Piece A) C B C B C A From fabric #2, cut a 4 ¼ “ square, then crosscut diagonally twice into quarter-square triangles. (Piece B) From fabric #1 or fabric #3, cut two 3 7/8 “ squares, then cut each in half diagonally once into half-square triangles. (Piece C) B B Sew Piece B to opposite sides of Piece A. Press seams toward Piece B, and trim ears. Sew remaining triangles (Piece B ) to opposite sides of center square (Piece A). Press seams toward Piece B and trim ears. Add Piece C in similar manner to the A/B unit. The square should measure 6 ½” when you are done. C THE OHIO VALLEY STAR - NOVEMBER 2007 page 13 QUILT CALENDAR CONTEST “Two of Us”, Judy Whelley and Kate Burch, want to produce a calendar for 2009, to be sold as a fundraiser by Ohio quilt guilds. They plan to use art created by Ohio quilters to illustrate the calendar. The theme of the calendar is “Life Changes,” inspired by a quilt, “Empty Nest,” made by Kate. Quilts should represent important life events or stages, such as marriage, childbirth, career, grand-parenting, loss, menopause, etc.--be creative! 13 winners will be selected, one for each month and a cover. Your reward, if your quilt is selected, is publication of your work for an audience as large as the efforts of Ohio guilds to sell the calendars can reach. Size: Quilts should be approximately 12” x 12”. There is “wiggle room” regarding size, but keep in mind that photos of larger quilts will lose detail when reduced for the calendar, and so might not be suitable for publication. Construction: Quilts must meet the definition of a quilt, in that they consist, at least in part, of fabric/fiber, and are constructed in layers, with stitching. Other than that, all quilting styles are welcomed for consideration. Copyrighted images and/or text may not be used. Quilts must be backed and edges bound. Submissions: Deadline for entries is February 1, 2008. Submit photographs of your quilt: 8” x 10”, one of the whole quilt and one detail photo. Please label your photos with title of the quilt; your name, address, phone, and e-mail address if applicable. Include a narrative explaining how your quilt interprets the “Life Changes” theme that you have chosen. Send your photos, narrative and entry form to: Two of Us c/o Kate Burch P.O. Box 723 Dayton, OH 45409 Submission of your photos indicates that you give permission for your quilt to be used in illustrating the calendar. No photos will be returned. Photos of quilts not selected will neither be reproduced nor used for any other purpose. THE OHIO VALLEY STAR - NOVEMBER 2007 page 14 Life Changes Quilt Calendar Contest Entry Form Name Address Phone E-mail Title of Quilt Size Materials Used Narrative explaining your quilt’s illustration of a “Life Changes” theme If my work is selected, I grant “Two of Us” permission to use my quilt to illustrate a 2009 calendar to be marketed as a fund-raising project by Ohio quilt guilds. Signed Date THE OHIO VALLEY STAR - NOVEMBER 2007 page 15 Ohio Valley Quilters Guild PO Box 42078 Cincinnati OH 45242-0078 Non-Profit U.S. Postage PAID Cincinnati, OH Permit No. 7132 November 2007 Ohio Valley Quilters’ Guild is a non-profit organization dedicated to the knowledgeable creation and preservation of quilts, and to the art of quilting. Meetings are held the first Monday of the month at 7:00 p.m., subject to change if in conflict with holidays. There is NO meeting in September. MEETING PLACE: (meeting location subject to change) Sycamore Senior Center 4455 Carver Woods Drive Blue Ash, OH Dues are $25 annually (due in October). Membership includes admission to regular meetings, monthly subscription to The Ohio Valley Star newsletter, a directory, and use of the guild library. Membership is open to all. Visitors are welcome to attend as guests for two meetings, after which we encourage them to become members. Send all correspondence to: OHIO VALLEY QUILTERS GUILD PO Box 42078 Cincinnati, OH 45242-0078 The Ohio Valley Star is published monthly as the newsletter of the Ohio Valley Quilters’ Guild. Newsletter deadline is the Friday following the meeting. Please mail newsletter contributions, letters, reports, black & white photos (with caption information), advertising, etc., to: Ohio Valley Star Staff Editor: Carrie Payne (513-259-1694) [email protected] Calendar of Events: Advertising Coordinator: Roberta Clark (513-481-7457) THE OHIO VALLEY STAR - NOVEMBER 2007 OVQG OFFICERS & COMMITTEES 2007-2008 President 1st Vice President 2nd Vice President Secretary Treasurer Past President Membership Public Relations Museum Coordinator Volunteer Coordinator Library Kids’ Komforts Parliamentarian Historian Sunshine & Shadows Guardian of Owned Quilts Newsletter Sew-To-Win Blocks Fat Quarter Drawing Nametags & Guild Pins Web Site Susan Schechter Carrie Payne Sylvia Bozicevich Hannah Kratzer Jerri Steigerwald Nancy Armstrong Jeanette Wilson Jo Aann Sexton Lori Krull Rebecca Lamb Barb Grothaus Su Bowling Mary Abbott Sue Dvorak Toni Kamp Ruth Barry Carol Funicelli Joyce Foley Carole Henderson Jackie Vidourek Mary Ann Mullen Carrie Payne Sharon Bailey Vicki Otten Jenny Walsh Karen Wright 513-777-3949 513-259-1694 513-231-7444 513-348-9492 513-777-1287 513-941-6037 513-829-1227 513-245-1233 859-342-0012 513-948-8148 513-931-4179 513-858-1919 513-731-1159 513-931-9033 513-522-2734 513-541-2579 513-755-9048 859-525-2451 513-792-0822 513-853-2968 513-851-2474 513-259-1694 513-829-1823 513-598-1228 513-451-1851 513-874-0664 page 16