Untitled - Seksyen Keselamatan Sinaran
Untitled - Seksyen Keselamatan Sinaran
KEMENTERIAN KESIHATAN MALAYSIA MANUAL PELAKSANAAN PROGRAM JAMINAN MUTU (QAP) DALAM PERKHIDMATAN RADIOTERAPI Disediakan oleh: Kumpulan Kerja Pelaksanaan Program Jaminan Mutu Dalam Perkhidmatan Radioterapi Di Bawah Akta Perlesenan Tenaga Atom 1984 (Akta 304) Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia Julai 2012 KEMENTERIAN KESIHATAN MALAYSIA 1. PENGENALAN Program Jaminan Mutu (Quality Assurance Programme-QAP) di Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia telah dilancarkan pada tahun 1985. Objektif pelaksanaan QAP adalah untuk memastikan pelanggan mendapat faedah daripada perkhidmatan yang disediakan pada tahap yang optima dengan sumber yang sedia ada. Indikator-indikator diwujudkan untuk memantau kualiti pelbagai perkhidmatan dari aspek penjagaan, pengurusan pelanggan, resources utilization dan kepuasan pelanggan. Dalam konteks pelaksanaan QAP yang menggunakan sinaran mengion bagi tujuan terapi, kualiti rawatan ke atas pesakit perlu diutamakan. Manual ini dijadikan sebagai satu rujukan untuk membantu pelaksanaan QAP dalam perkhidmatan radioterapi. Objektif program ini adalah untuk memastikan kualiti perkhidmatan yang diberikan oleh institusi-institusi perubatan kerajaan dan swasta mampu meningkatkan tahap keselamatan pesakit, pekerja dan orang awam daripada risiko yang mungkin timbul akibat penggunaan radas penyinaran dan bahan radioaktif. Fokus utama manual ini disediakan adalah untuk menjadi panduan kepada program peningkatan kualiti secara berterusan. Keperluan pelaksanaan QAP ini adalah memenuhi kehendak Peraturan 53(1) dalam Peraturan-Peraturan Perlesenan Tenaga Atom (Perlindungan Sinaran Keselamatan Asas) 2010 yang mengkehendaki pemegang lesen mewujudkan suatu program jaminan mutu yang komprehensif bagi dedahan perubatan dengan penglibatan pakar berkelayakan yang sesuai dalam bidang yang berkaitan sebagaimana yang dinyatakan oleh pihak berkuasa yang berkenaan. Selain itu, Peraturan 41(e) dalam Peraturan berkenaan juga mengkehendaki tiap-tiap pemegang lesen atau majikan memastikan bahawa bagi penggunaan sinaran secara terapeutik termasuk teleterapi atau brakiterapi, penentukuran, dosimetri dan program jaminan mutu yang dinyatakan oleh pihak berkuasa yang berkenaan dijalankan oleh atau di bawah penyeliaan seorang pakar yang berkelayakan dalam fizik perubatan. Mesyuarat Jawatankuasa Penasihat Radiologi (RAC) ke-37 yang diadakan pada 15hb. Julai 2010 telah memutuskan supaya pelaksanaan QAP dalam perkhidmatan radioterapi di sektor kerajaan dan swasta diperkukuhkan. Melalui pelaksanaan QAP tersebut, pusat-pusat radioterapi akan dapat menerap dan mengamalkan budaya kualiti dan selamat dalam penggunaan sinaran mengion untuk tujuan perubatan kepada pesakit, pekerja dan orang awam. Untuk memastikan QAP dilaksanakan dengan berkesan, jabatan berkaitan perlu mewujudkan Jawatankuasa QAP yang terdiri daripada pakar onkologi, ahli fizik perubatan, juru x-ray terapi dan lain-lain profesion yang terlibat. 1 KEMENTERIAN KESIHATAN MALAYSIA 2. OBJEKTIF Objektif pelaksanaan QAP dalam perkhidmatan radioterapi adalah : 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 3. Meningkatkan kualiti perkhidmatan radioterapi Memastikan ketepatan dan kejituan dalam rawatan pesakit Memastikan penggunaan sumber yang sedia ada secara efektif dan selamat Memenuhi dan mematuhi keperluan peraturan-peraturan di bawah Akta Perlesenan Tenaga Atom 1984 (Akta 304) PELAKSANAAN QAP SEBAGAI KEPERLUAN REGULATORI QAP hendaklah dilaksanakan di setiap pusat radioterapi dengan merangkumi elemenelemen seperti di bawah:3.1 Indikator - “The rate of discrepancies of treatment verification images” Indikator “The rate of discrepancies of treatment verification images” hendaklah dipantau dan dianalisa di setiap pusat radioterapi. Laporan analisa tersebut termasuk tindakan pembaikan yang telah diambil perlu dikaji setiap tahun. Perbandingan imej yang diambil semasa rawatan dan proses simulasi adalah bertujuan untuk mengesahkan ketepatan rawatan yang diberi, terutamanya melibatkan organ kritikal yang berdekatan dengan kawasan rawatan. Ia hendaklah dilakukan terhadap sekurang-kurangnya 50% pesakit yang menjalani rawatan radikal dalam masa 3 hari pertama di permulaan rawatan. Maklumat lanjut mengenai kaedah pelaksanaan indikator di Lampiran A. 3.2 Kawalan kualiti (QC) bagi radas penyinaran radioterapi dan kemudahan berkaitan termasuk prosidur khas Semua radas penyinaran radioterapi dan kemudahan berkaitan termasuk prosidur khas hendaklah diselenggara dan dikalibrasi secara berkala. Prosidur khas adalah seperti Stereotactic Radiosurgery/Radiotherapy (SRS/SRT), Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT) dan Interstitial Brachytherapy. Kawalan mutu (QC) bagi setiap radas penyinaran radioterapi hendaklah memenuhi standard prestasi dan keselamatan yang ditetapkan seperti di Lampiran B. Laporan berkenaan hendaklah disahkan oleh Juruperunding Fizik Perubatan atau Ahli Fizik Perubatan Hospital yang diiktiraf oleh KKM. 2 KEMENTERIAN KESIHATAN MALAYSIA 3.3 Pendidikan Profesional Berterusan (CPE) Semua personel hendaklah menghadiri program CPE yang diiktiraf oleh pihak berkuasa di bawah Akta 304 untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan kompetensi. Tempoh latihan hendaklah sekurang-kurangnya 12 jam terkumpul setahun dengan sekurang-kurangnya merangkumi salah satu daripada topik-topik seperti berikut: Clinical Aspects of Radiobiology Radiation Safety and Protection External Beam Radiation Dosimetry External Beam Radiation Therapy External Beam Treatment Planning Brachytherapy Quality Assurance Programme in Radiotherapy Legislation and Regulatory Requirement Bukti seperti salinan sijil penyertaan atau senarai kehadiran hendaklah disahkan oleh Ketua Jabatan atau agensi penganjur bagi setiap personel terlibat. 4. PENGURUSAN REKOD Kesemua elemen QAP yang dinyatakan seperti di Perkara 3 hendaklah dikemukakan kepada KKM setiap tahun sebagai keperluan regulatori, iaitu Annual Analysis Report for the Rate of Discrepancies of Treatment Verification Images (Form B), sijil/laporan QC dan salinan sijil/bukti kehadiran CPE. Rekod-rekod berkenaan dan rekod-rekod yang berkaitan hendaklah diurus dan disimpan dalam tempoh yang ditetapkan oleh KKM. 3 KEMENTERIAN KESIHATAN MALAYSIA DEFINISI Central axis The imaginary axis or line which passes through both the x-ray source and the isocentre of the machine. Gating Gating or respiratory gating is a treatment delivery technique which allows the treatment of tumours at certain defined points in the respiratory cycle. Image acquisition The process of acquiring image data. In the context of geometric verification, it may be a 2D (planar) or a 3D (volume) set of data, and may be obtained with either ionizing or nonionising radiation. Image registration Methods of aligning two 3D image sets; for example, CT, MRI, PET etc. Image sets may be overlaid or structures may be mapped between the sets. Intact Describes something that is complete and that has not been damaged in any way. Integrity The absence of unintended changes or errors. Isocentre A single point within the treatment room (in space) towards which the radiation beam always points. The central beam axis passes through this point and, on a LINAC, the three principle rotational movements of gantry, collimator and floor are all around axes which intersect at this point. For a tomotherapy machine, it is a point of intersection between the centre of the scan plane and the axis of rotation of the scan cycle. Set-up errors (field placement errors) Any geometric displacement in patient set-up (localisation) with respect to the desired reference defined by the treatment plan, which is present at the time of patient set-up during delivery. Systematic errors Geometric displacements in patient set-up (localisation) with respect to the desired reference defined by the treatment plan, which are similar in both magnitude and direction for each treatment fraction. These are primarily due to systematic differences in equipment or protocol throughout the radiotherapy process (that is, from pre-treatment imaging to treatment planning to pre-treatment verification etc.). Tolerances The permitted observed variation measurement from its desired value. 4 in a parameter or KEMENTERIAN KESIHATAN MALAYSIA SINGKATAN AAPM American Association of Physicists in Medicine AEC Automatic Exposure Control AQA Automatic Quality Assurance CT Computed Tomography CTDI Computed Tomography Dose Index deg Degree EPID Electronic Portal Imaging Device FWHM Full width at half maximum HU Hounsfield Unit HVL Half Value Layer IEC International Electro-technical Commission kV kilo voltage mMLC mini Multileaf Collimator MU Monitor Unit MV Megavoltage MVCT Megavoltage Computed Tomography PDD Percentage Depth Dose PDD10 Percentage depth dose at water depth of 10 g/cm 2 QA Quality Assurance QC Quality Control RMS Root Mean Square SAD Source to axis distance SDD Source to Diaphragm Distance TAR Tissue Air Ratio TMR Tissue Maximum Ratio TMR20 Tissue Maximum Ratio in water at depths of 20 g/cm2 and 10 g/cm2 WF Wedge Factor 10 5 KEMENTERIAN KESIHATAN MALAYSIA RUJUKAN i. Akta Perlesenan Tenaga Atom 1984 (Akta 304). ii. Peraturan-Peraturan Perlesenan Tenaga Atom (Perlindungan Sinaran Keselamatan Asas) 2010. iii. Peraturan-Peraturan Perlindungan Sinaran (Perlesenan) 1986. iv. Ministry of Health Malaysia. Quality Assurance-A Problem Solving Approach. Kuala Lumpur: MOH. v. International Atomic Energy Agency. 2005. Radiation oncology physics: A handbook for teachers and students. Austria, Vienna: IAEA. vi. Kutcher GJ, Cola L, Gillin M, Hanson WF, Leibel S, Morton RJ and et al. Comprehensive QA for Radiation Oncology: Report of AAPM Radiation Therapy Committee Task Group 40. Medical Physics. 1994: 21(4). vii. Mutic S, Palta JR, Butker EK, Das IJ, Huq MS and et al. Quality assurance for computed-tomography simulators and the computed tomography-simulation process: Report of the AAPM Radiation Therapy Committee Task Group No. 66. Medical Physics. 2003: 30(10). viii. Klein EE, Hanley J, Bayouth J, Yin FF and et al. Quality assurance of medical accelerators: Task Group 142 report: Quality assurance of medical accelerators. Medical Physics. 2009: 36(9). ix. Dieterich S, Cavedon C, Chuang CF, Cohen AB and et al. Quality assurance for robotic radiosurgery: Report of AAPM TG 135. Medical Physics. 2011: 38(6). x. Langen KM, Papanikolaou N, Balog J, Crilly R, Followill D, Goddu AM and et al. QA for Helical Tomotherapy: Report of the AAPM Task Group 148. Medical Physics. 2010: 37(9). xi. Khan FM. The Physics of Radiation Therapy. USA: Williams and Wilkins. 2003. 6 LAMPIRAN A KEMENTERIAN KESIHATAN MALAYSIA STRUCTURE OF A PERFORMANCE INDICATOR FOR RADIOTHERAPY PROGRAMME : Radiotherapy Services AREA OF CONCERN : Performance Quality and Radiation Safety of Radiotherapy Services INDICATOR : The Rate Of Discrepancies of Treatment Verification Images DEFINITION OF TERM Treatment verification images are defined as the images taken on the treatment machine to confirm the accuracy of the intended treatment fields. It must be done within the first 3 days of starting treatment. RATIONALE The process of delivery of radiation is laborious, particularly for radical treatment. This is especially true for cases where important vital structures and organs are situated in the vicinity of the radiation portals. Simulating the treatment field portals is a process done to ensure that the radiation fields are where it is intended to be. However due to many technical factors such as setup difficulties, machine accuracy, transfer of data etc, this may not be reproducible at the time of treatment. Verification images done during the actual treatment can be compared to the simulation images and any discrepancies can be corrected before treatment is allowed to progress. This will help to maximize accuracy of treatment and will address systematic errors. TYPE OF INDICATOR : This is a rate-based indicator. It is a measure of clinical, physics and maintenance services. NUMERATOR : Total number of rejected verification images DENOMINATOR : Total number of verification images taken CALCULATION OF RATE : (Numerator/Denominator) x 100 % ACCEPTABLE DEVIATION : Head and neck – less than or equal to 3mm Extremities/abdomen/pelvis/thorax – less than or equal to 5mm STANDARD : Discrepancy rate should be less than 25% 7 KEMENTERIAN KESIHATAN MALAYSIA METHODOLOGY 1. Data Collection i. Select patients for radical radiotherapy; ii. Acquire first uncorrected verification image within the first 3 days of radiotherapy; iii. Record in Form A. 2. Data Analysis This involves transferring data from Form A to Form B. The tabulated data can then be analyzed to determine the types of errors. Data analysis can be carried out monthly, 3-6 monthly or annually depending on the respective centre. 3. Results The final presentation by using Form B shall be sent to the appropriate authority annually. 4. Investigation protocol for abnormal discrepancies from intended treatment field i. Identify cause of discrepancies - from the table (Form A). The reason for the discrepancies will most likely be obvious from the analysis and presentation table. ii. Remedial action is carried out based on the cause ascertained. 8 Form A KEMENTERIAN KESIHATAN MALAYSIA MONTH: ................... PORTAL VERIFICATION FORM No. Patient IC No. Date Start treatment Acquisition Method of image acquisition Treatment site Set up errors (mm) Accepted (/)/ Rejected (X) *Type of verification errors Remarks 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 * Type of verification errors: A: Isocentre Shift B: Incorrect Field Orientation (X,Y) C: Incorrect Field Size D: Shielding E: Others (Please specify) Prepared by : ............................... (Signature & Cop) Date 9 : ............................. Form B KEMENTERIAN KESIHATAN MALAYSIA ANNUAL ANALYSIS REPORT FOR THE RATE OF DISCREPANCIES OF TREATMENT VERIFICATION IMAGES Name of Hospital Year : .................................................................. : .................................................................. Month Total number of verification images taken Total number of rejected verification images *Rate of discrepancies (%) Jan Feb Mac Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Total * The rate of discrepancies (%) Total number of rejected images 100% Total number of verificati on images being taken Total number of patients per year undergoing radical treatment : ........................................... Total number of the above patients per year having verification done : ........................................... Percentage (%) of the above patients having verification done : .......................................... SHORTFALLS IN QUALITY Causes : ……………………………………………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………………………………………………. Corrective actions taken : ……………………………………………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………………………………………………. Verified by : ……………………………………………………………………………………………. (Signature & Chop) 10 LAMPIRAN B KEMENTERIAN KESIHATAN MALAYSIA STANDARD DAN KRITERIA PRESTASI DAN KESELAMATAN BAGI RADAS PENYINARAN RADIOTERAPI DAN KEMUDAHAN BERKAITAN Jadual 1 : Simulator Jadual 2 : CT Simulator Jadual 3 : Irradiating Apparatus below 1 MV Jadual 4 : Linear Accelerator (LINAC) Jadual 4.a : Additional QC Parameters for LINAC-Based Stereotactic Radiosurgery/Radiotherapy (SRS/SRT) Jadual 4.b : Additional QC Parameters for LINAC-Based Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT) Jadual 4.b.i : Additional QC Parameters for Multi-leaf Collimation (with differentiation of IMRT vs. non-IMRT machines) Jadual 4.b.ii : Additional QC Parameters for Dynamic/Universal/Virtual Wedges Jadual 5 : Helical Tomotherapy Jadual 6 : Cyberknife Jadual 7 : Brachytherapy Jadual 7.a : Remote Afterloading Brachytherapy Unit Jadual 7.b : Special Procedures for Permanent Interstitial Brachytherapy Jadual 8 : Treatment Planning System for Teletherapy Jadual 9 : Imaging Systems (Portal Imaging and Image Guided Radiation Therapy) Jadual 10 : Intraoperative Radiation Therapy (Low kV Photon) 11 KEMENTERIAN KESIHATAN MALAYSIA Jadual 1: Simulator No. 1. Parameters Mechanical Checks i. Localising lasers ii. Optical Distance Indicator (ODI) iii. Field size indicator Radiation Safety Checks i. Radiation on/off warning light ii. Emergency button 2. 3. Mechanical Checks i. Gantry/collimator angle indicators ii. Cross-hair centring iii. Focal spot-axis indicator iv. Emergency/collision avoidance v. Light/radiation field coincidence vi. Collimator rotation isocentre vii. Gantry rotation isocentre viii. Couch rotation isocentre ix. Coincidence of collimator, gantry, couch axes and isocentre x. Table top sag xi. Vertical travel of couch Frequency 2 mm 2 mm 2 mm Daily Functional Functional Daily Quarterly 1º 2 mm diameter 2 mm Functional 2 mm or 1% 2 mm diameter 2 mm diameter 2 mm diameter 2 mm diameter Monthly 2 mm 2 mm Radiographic and Fluoroscopic Checks i. Exposure reproducibility ii. Exposure linearity iii. kVp accuracy iv. High and low contrast resolution v. Image Receptor Input Dose Rate vi. Entrance Surface Dose Rate Limit a. Equipment with AEC b. Equipment without AEC vii. Leakage radiation 4. Tolerance 10% 10% 5% or 5kV whichever is greater Baseline Manufacturer’s Specification <100mGy per minute <50mGy per minute Shall not exceed 1mGy in an hour and should not exceed 0.1mGy in an hour at 1m from the source (for every rating specified by manufacturer) <0.1mGy (10mR) in a week Scattered radiation 12 Annually or after maintenance services* Annually KEMENTERIAN KESIHATAN MALAYSIA * Notes: i. The tolerances for simulator are stricter than for linear accelerators because errors at treatment planning stages on the simulator carry through to each treatment on the linear accelerator. ii. The maintenance services refer to those services that involved the changing of major parts of the machine, which might affect the dose given to the patient and the quality of the images produced. iii. The Quality Assurance (QA) program should be based on a thorough investigation for baseline standards at the time of the acceptance and commissioning of the equipment for clinical use. The procedures for acceptance tests should be followed to verify the manufacturer’s specifications and to establish baseline performance values for new or refurbished equipment, or for equipment following major repair. Once a baseline standard has been established, a protocol for periodic QA tests should be developed for the purpose of monitoring the reference performance values. 13 KEMENTERIAN KESIHATAN MALAYSIA Jadual 2: CT Simulator No. 1. Parameters Mechanical Checks Localising lasers Radiation Safety Checks i. Radiation on/off warning light ii. Emergency button 2. 3. 4. X-Ray Generator i. Accuracy of kVp ii. Accuracy of exposure time iii. Exposure linearity (mR/mAs) iv. Radiation output reproducibility Radiation Dosimetry i. Patient dosimetry (CTDI) ii. Scout localisation image Scan Localisation i. Axial scan localisation light accuracy ii. Isocentre alignment, sagittal and coronal localisation light accuracy iii. iv. v. vi. Gantry tilt accuracy Table index Table position Image scan width (sensitivity profile) a. Single slice Frequency 2mm Daily Functional Functional Daily Quarterly ± 5% or 5kV (whichever is greater) ± 10% Coefficient of linearity ≤ 0.1 Coefficient of variation ≤ 0.1 Annually Manufacturer specifications ±20% of nominal value Annually ±2 mm Annually ±5 mm ±3º ±0.5 mm ±2.0 mm ±0.5 mm (<5 mm prescribed scan width) ±1 mm (≥5 mm prescribed scan width) b. Multi slice 5. Tolerance Image Display i. Visual display Luminance and contrast not significantly different from hard copy; Geometric distortion not exceed ±1 mm. 14 Daily Monthly KEMENTERIAN KESIHATAN MALAYSIA No. 6. Parameters ii. Hard copy display Tolerance 5% and 95% patches must be visible, no noticeable artefacts; Geometric distortion not exceed ±1 mm; Optical density values must be within specified range. Image Quality i. CT number uniformity ±5 HU ii. Image artefacts (transaxial and scan localisation images iii. Noise Quantitative Accuracy i. CT number constancy ii. CT number calibration iii. Accuracy of distance measurements (transaxial and scan localisation images) iv. CT number dependence on scan thickness v. CT number dependence on phantom size 8. Monthly No significant artefacts iv. Low contrast resolution v. High contrast resolution 7. Frequency Annually Standard deviation of CT numbers varies as reciprocal square root of mAs SemiAnnually 5 mm 1 mm holes (5lp/cm) Annually Annually Value and standard deviation for water remains relatively constant Water : 0 ± 5HU ±1 mm Daily Monthly Annually ± 3HU ± 20HU vi. CT number dependence on phantom position ± 5HU vii. CT number dependence on reconstruction algorithm ± 3HU Scattered and Leakage Radiation i. Scattered radiation <0.1mGy (10mR) per week ii. Leakage radiation Shall not exceed 1mGy in an hour and should not exceed 0.1mGy in an hour at 1m from the source (for every rating specified by manufacturer) 15 Annually KEMENTERIAN KESIHATAN MALAYSIA No. 9. Parameters External Localisation Laser Orientation of gantry lasers with respect to the imaging plane Tolerance Frequency ±2 mm over the length of laser projection Monthly Spacing of lateral wall lasers with respect to lateral gantry lasers and scan plane ±2 mm Orientation of wall lasers with respect to the imaging plane ±2 mm over the length of laser projection Orientation of the ceiling laser with respect to the imaging plane ±2 mm over the length of laser projection Orientation of the CT-scanner tabletop with respect to the imaging plane ±2 mm over the length and width of the tabletop Table vertical and longitudinal motion ±1 mm over the range of table 16 KEMENTERIAN KESIHATAN MALAYSIA Jadual 3: Irradiating Apparatus below 1 MV No. 1. 2. 3. Parameters Mechanical Checks i. Mechanical integrity of the unit ii. Firmness of the locking devices Radiation Safety Checks i. Door interlock ii. Radiation on/off warning light iii. Emergency button iv. Locking devices Dosimetry i. Absolute dose ii. HVL test iii. Beam homogeneity film test iv. Cut out lead transmission factors Frequency Functional Functional Quarterly Functional Functional Functional Functional Daily Daily Quarterly Quarterly Standard recognised by the appropriate authority v. Light/radiation field coincidence 4. Tolerance ±2 mm or 2% i. Tube head leakage a) Contact therapy 1 mGy per hour at 5 cm from the tube housing Semi-Annually Semi-Annually Semi-Annually Every new batch of lead Semi-Annually Tube head change or service 10 mGy per hour at 1 m from the source b) < 500 kVp 0.1 percent of useful beam or 10 mGy per hour, whichever is greater at 1 m from the source c) 500 kVp - 999 kVp ii. Applicator geometrical accuracy and beam axis indication on rotation iii. Dose monitor reproducibility iv. Dose monitor linearity v. Output consistency 17 < 2 mm Quarterly < 0.5% 2% 3% Quarterly Quarterly Quarterly KEMENTERIAN KESIHATAN MALAYSIA Jadual 4: Linear Accelerator No. 1. Parameters Mechanical Checks i. Localising lasers ii. Optical Distance Indicator (ODI) iii. Field light Safety Checks i. Door Interlock ii. Audiovisual monitor 2. 3. Mechanical Checks i. Light/radiation field coincidence ii. Gantry/collimator angle indicators iii. Wedge position Tray position Applicator position Field size indicators Cross-hair centring Treatment couch position indicators Latching of wedges, blocking tray Jaw symmetry Safety Checks i. Emergency off switches ii. Wedge, electron cone interlocks 4. Frequency 2 mm 2 mm Functional Daily Functional Functional Dosimetry i. X-ray output constancy ii. Electron output constancy iii. X-ray beam flatness constancy iv. Electron beam flatness constancy v. X-ray and electron symmetry vi. Backup monitor constancy iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. Tolerance 2% 2% 2% 3% 3% 2% 2 mm for field up to 20 cm or ± 1% for field over 20 cm 1 deg 2 mm (or 2% change in transmission factor) 2 mm 2 mm 2 mm 2 mm diameter 2mm/1 deg Functional 2 mm Weekly Quarterly Monthly Functional Functional Dosimetry i. X-ray/electron output calibration constancy 2% ii. Photon central axis parameter constancy (PDD, TAR) 2% 18 Annually KEMENTERIAN KESIHATAN MALAYSIA No. Parameters iii. Electron central axis dosimetry parameter constancy (PDD) Tolerance 2 mm at therapeutic depth iv. Field size dependence of x-ray output constancy 2% v. Output factor constancy for electron applicators 2% vi. X-ray output constancy vs. gantry angle vii. Electron output constancy vs. gantry angle 2% 2% viii. Wedge transmission factor constancy ix. Monitor chamber linearity x. Transmission factor constancy for all treatment accessories xi. Arc mode 2% 1% 2% Safety Interlocks Follow manufacturers test procedures Frequency Manufacturers’ specification Functional Mechanical Checks i. Collimator rotation isocentre ii. Gantry rotation isocentre iii. Couch rotation isocentre iv. Coincidence of collimator, gantry, couch axes with isocentre v. Coincidence of radiation and mechanical isocentre vi. Table top sag vii. Vertical travel of table Scattered radiation 2 mm diameter 2 mm diameter 2 mm diameter 2 mm diameter 2 mm diameter 2 mm 2 mm < 0.1mGy (10mR) per week Note: Absolute dose calibration needs to be performed after each maintenance service that involved the change of major parts which affect the dosimetry. 19 KEMENTERIAN KESIHATAN MALAYSIA Jadual 4.a: Additional QC Parameters for LINAC-Based Stereotactic Radiosurgery/Radiotherapy (SRS/SRT) No. 1. Parameters Laser localisation check 2. Winston Lutz test 3. Patient-specific plan verification i. Plan parameters check ii. Collision check in each field SRS/SRT field iii. MLC/mMLC/Cone accuracy with light field in each SRS/SRT field 4. 5. 6. 7. Patient-specific treatment verification (Image Guided) i. For SRS treatment ii. For SRT treatment Tolerance 1 mm Frequency Daily 1.5 mm Weekly (SRT)/ Before treatment (SRS) Pass/fail Before first treatment for each patient Before each fraction 1 mm 2 mm Safety Check Stereotactic interlocks Before treatment Functional Daily Dosimetry Typical dose rate output constancy 2% Monthly Mechanical Treatment couch position indicators 1 mm/0.5° Dosimetry i. SRS arc rotation mode (range: 0.5-10MU/deg) ii. X-ray monitor unit linearity (output constancy) Monitor units set vs. delivered: 1 MU or 2% (whichever is greater) Gantry arc set vs. delivered: 1° or 2% (whichever is greater) ±5% for 2 - 4 MU ±2% for ≥ 5 MU Mechanical Checks i. Coincidence of radiation and mechanical isocentre ii. Stereotactic accessories, lockouts, etc. ±1 mm from baseline Functional 20 Annually KEMENTERIAN KESIHATAN MALAYSIA Jadual 4.b: Additional QC Parameters for LINAC-Based Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT) No. 1. Parameters Individual patient plan verification 2. Mechanical Check Laser localisation 3. Dosimetry i. Typical dose rate output constancy ii. Photon beam profile constancy Mechanical Checks i. Distance check device for lasers compared with front pointer ii. Accessory trays (i.e., port film graticule tray) iii. Cross-hair centring (walkout) iv. Localising lasers 4. Tolerance ±5% (point dose), other per clinical significance Frequency Before first treatment 1.5 mm Daily 2% (@ IMRT dose rate) 1% Monthly 1 mm 2 mm 1 mm (diameter) ±1 mm *Safety Check Laser guard-interlock test Functional *Respiratory Gating Beam output constancy i. Phase, amplitude beam control ii. In room respiratory monitoring system iii. Gating Interlock 2% Functional Functional Functional Dosimetry i. X-ray flatness change from baseline ii. X-ray symmetry change from baseline iii. X-ray output calibration iv. Spot check of field size dependent output factors for x ray(two or more FSs) v. 20 X-ray beam quality (PDD10 or TMR 10 ) vi. X-ray monitor unit linearity (output constancy) vii. X-ray output constancy vs. dose rate viii. X-ray output constancy vs. gantry angle ix. Arc mode (expected MU, deg) 21 1% ±1% ±1% (absolute) 2% for field size <4x4 cm2, 1% for field size ≥4x4 cm2 ±1% from baseline ±5% (2–4 MU) ±2% ≥5 MU ±2% from baseline ±1% from baseline ±1% from baseline Annually KEMENTERIAN KESIHATAN MALAYSIA No. Parameters Tolerance Mechanical Checks Table travel maximum range movement in all directions ±2 mm Safety Checks Follow manufacturer’s test procedures Functional *Respiratory gating Beam energy constancy 2% Temporal accuracy of phase/amplitude gate on 100ms of expected Calibration of surrogate for respiratory phase/amplitude 100ms of expected Interlock testing Functional 22 Frequency KEMENTERIAN KESIHATAN MALAYSIA Jadual 4.b.i: Additional QC Parameters for Multi-leaf Collimation (With differentiation of IMRT vs. non-IMRT machines) No. 1. Parameters Qualitative test (i.e., matched segments, also known as ―picket fence‖) 2. i. Setting vs. radiation field for two patterns (non-IMRT) ii. Travel speed (IMRT for sliding window technique) iii. Leaf position accuracy (IMRT) 3. Tolerance Visual inspection for discernable deviations from expected leaf position Frequency Monthly (IMRT machines) 2 mm Monthly Loss of leaf speed > 0.5cm/s 1 mm for leaf positions of an IMRT field for four cardinal gantry angles* i. MLC transmission (average of leaf and interleaf transmission), all energies ii. Leaf position repeatability iii. MLC spoke shot iv. Coincidence of light field and x-ray field (all energies) ±0.5% from baseline Annually ±1.0 mm ≤1.0 mm radius ±2.0 mm v. Segmental IMRT (step and shoot) test vi. Moving window IMRT (four cardinal gantry angles) <0.35 cm max. error RMS, 95% of error counts <0.35 cm <0.35 cm max. error RMS, 95% of error counts <0.35 cm *Note: i. The tolerance for leaf position accuracy is 2mm for those LINAC installed before the year of 2011. ii. Picket fence test may be used. Test depends on clinical planning-segment size. 23 KEMENTERIAN KESIHATAN MALAYSIA Jadual 4.b.ii: Additional QC Parameters for Dynamic/universal/virtual wedges No. Parameters Dynamic N/A* Tolerance Universal Functional Frequency Virtual N/A* Central axis 45º or 60º WF (within 2%) 5% from unity, otherwise 2% 1. Morning check-out run for one angle 2. Wedge factor for all energies Central axis 45º or 60º WF (within 2%) 3. Check of wedge angle for 60º, full field spot check for intermediate angle Check of off-centre ratios @ 80% field width @ 10 cm to be within 2% *N/A – Not applicable 24 Daily Monthly Annually KEMENTERIAN KESIHATAN MALAYSIA Jadual 5: Helical Tomotherapy No. 1. Parameters i. Output – rotational or static ii. Image/laser coordinate coincidence iii. Image registration/alignment iv. Red laser initialization Tolerance 3% 2 mm for non-SRS/SBRT 1 mm for SRS/SBRT 1mm 1.5 mm for non-SRS/SBRT 1 mm for SRS/SBRT Frequency Daily Radiation Safety Checks Functional Functional i. Door Interlock ii. Audiovisual monitor 2. Beam parameters Output—Static Output—Rotational Monitor chamber constancy Rotation output variation Beam quality 2% 2% 2% 2% 20 1% PDD10 or TMR 10 Transverse profile Longitudinal profiles (each slice width) 1% average difference in field core 1% of slice width at FWHM Alignment and Miscellaneous Interrupted procedure (agreement with uninterrupted procedure) Red laser movement Treatment couch i. Digital readout vs. actual movement ii. Level iii. Longitudinal motion alignment iv. Sag MVCT Geometric distortions 3% 1 mm 1 mm 0.5° 1 mm 5 mm 2 mm for non-SRS/SBRT 1 mm for SRS/SBRT Consistency with baseline Consistency with baseline 1.6 mm object Consistency with baseline Noise Uniformity Spatial resolution Contrast 25 Monthly KEMENTERIAN KESIHATAN MALAYSIA No. 3. Parameters (if MVCT is used for dose calculation) Uniformity HU (water test plug) HU (lung/bone test plug) Tolerance 25HU within ±HU 30 of baseline within ±HU 30 of baseline Machine Alignment i. MLC Tongue & Groove ii. Jaw Shift iii. Central axis Y-Axis misalignment iv. MLC Centre-of-Rotation v. Field Centre vs. Jaw Setting vi. Jaw Detector Alignment 4. Frequency Laser Alignment i. Green Overhead Laser Level ii. Green Overhead Laser Alignment Out of focus percentage < 2% Calculated IEC Y source position=±0.3 mm Jaw offset =± 0.5 mm MLC COR Offset =±1.5mm MLC twist angle < 0.5 deg Maximum field centre difference < 0.5 mm Centre (IEC-Y) Offset =±2mm [left offset-right offset] < 2 mm Annually X-axis divergence < 2 mm over 550 mm vertical displacement Y-axis divergence < 2 mm over 550 mm vertical displacement Annually Vertical offset = ±1 mm Vertical distance <1 mm over 550 mm lateral displacement iii. Green Bore Laser Level X-axis divergence <1 mm over 550 mm lateral (IEC X) displacement Y-axis divergence <1 mm over 550 mm inferior/superior (IEC Y) displacement iv. Green Bore Laser Alignment TomoImage lateral offset (X-axis) <1 mm TomoImage vertical offset (Z-axis) <1 mm Overhead-bore laser overlap <1 mm Bore-overhead laser twist < 0.5 mm over 700 mm displacement 26 KEMENTERIAN KESIHATAN MALAYSIA No. Parameters v. Red Movable Lasers 5. Couch Alignment i. Couch Level Frequency Couch level ±0.2º in IEC-X and IECY directions Couch X-axis divergence <2 mm over the vertical motion range Annually ii. Couch Alignment Couch X-axis divergence <1 mm over 700 mm inferior-superior (IECY) couch displacement Overhead laser-couch lateral centre=±2 mm when the couch lateral absolute position is zeroed iii. Couch sag Un-weighted couch sag <5 mm over 700 mm inferior-superior (IEC Y) couch displacement iv. Couch Cobra Motion 6. Tolerance Red-green laser overlap ±1 mm Red-green laser twist <1 mm over 550 mm displacement Y-axis divergence ±2 mm over the vertical motion range Beam Output & Profiles i. Rotational Variation Output ratio=100±2% Energy gamma<1.0 ii. Beam Profiles Verification a. Transverse profile 25% field width at 15mm depth is <1% difference from beam model created at the factory. Gamma over a range of 400mm is less than 1 by using a 2% value parameter and 1mm distance parameter. b. Longitudinal profile 50% field width at 15mm depth is <1% difference from beam model created at the factory. Gamma over a range of 3 times the field width is less than 1 by using a 2% value parameter and 1mm distance parameter. 27 Annually KEMENTERIAN KESIHATAN MALAYSIA No. Parameters c. PDD curve Tolerance For all field widths commissioned, PDD (IEC Z) profiles are within 2% of beam model values created at the factory from 10mm to 200mm. iii. Static Output & Energy Frequency Static output: ± 2% of calibrated output during commissioning Energy: ± 2% of factory data iv. Monitor Unit Calibration: (Treatment Beam and TomoImage beam) Measured vs. Displayed (Dose Monitor 1 & 2) Rates: within 2% Dose monitor 1 vs. Dose monitor 2: within 2% Expected vs. Cumulative MU: within 2% of each other 7. 8. IMRT Verification Tomohelical Plan i. Plan 1:FW50mm;On-Axis Tumour ii. Plan 2:FW50mm;On-Axis Tumour iii. Plan 3:FW25mm;On-Axis Tumour iv. Plan 4:FW25mm;On-Axis Tumour v. Plan 5:FW10mm;On-Axis Tumour vi. Plan 6:FW10mm;On-Axis Tumour Measured doses are within 3% or 3 mm of values predicted by beam model Tomodirect Plan* i. Plan 1:FW50mm;On-Axis Tumour ii. Plan 2:FW50mm;On-Axis Tumour iii. Plan 3:FW25mm;On-Axis Tumour iv. Plan 4:FW25mm;On-Axis Tumour v. Plan 5:FW10mm;On-Axis Tumour vi. Plan 6:FW10mm;On-Axis Tumour TomoImage Verification i. Image Reconstruction Annually Measured doses are within 4% or 3 mm of values predicted by beam model Image is reconstructed and viewable on the Registration Panel ii. Image Resolution The largest three rows of holes on the resolution plugs are visible. Each hole in the largest three rows can be distinguished from its neighbours 28 Annually KEMENTERIAN KESIHATAN MALAYSIA No. Parameters iii. Image Artefacts Tolerance There are no significant ring, streak, and button artefacts in the image iv. Dose 9. Frequency Dose measured for a Fine TomoImage scan <4 cGy Machine Archive Machine on OS, example of patient archive + FAT, KERNEL and machine files from tomocl1 (Cluster) * where applicable. 29 Pass/Fail Annually KEMENTERIAN KESIHATAN MALAYSIA Jadual 6: Cyberknife No. 1. vii. Parameters System status Safety checks a) Door interlock (beam off) b) Audiovisual monitor Collimator assembly collision detector Detection of incorrect and missing collimator LINAC output constancy check Robot mastering (perch position laser) check AQA targeting reproducibility test i. Absolute dose ii. X-ray energy a. Depth of dmax i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. 2. Flatness v. < 2% < 1mm < 1mm from baseline ± 2mm from baseline (40mm collimator) ± 2% from baseline (40mm collimator) < 18% (40mm collimator) iv. Symmetry < 2% (40mm collimator) Penumbra < 4.5mm (40mm collimator) vi. LINAC/radiation field alignment < 1mm at 800mm SAD vii. Alignment of room lasers ≤ 2mm viii. Imaging system alignment ≤ 1mm of centre crosshairs or ± 2 pixels ix. Visual targeting test Laser on isocrystal for each node x. Treatment couch positioning check a. Head Up/Down at Home b. Roll Left/Right at Home c. Left/Right at Home 30 Frequency Daily Functional Functional Functional Functional 2% b. Percent depth dose at D10cm (PDD10) iii. Tolerance Passed/Failed 0 ± 0.30 0 ± 0.30 < 5mm from centre Monthly KEMENTERIAN KESIHATAN MALAYSIA No. xi. Parameters Imaging system bad pixel statistics xii. TLS tracking and couch movement correspondence a. Left/Right b. Anterior/Posterior c. Inferior/Superior d. Roll Left/Right e. Head Up/Down f. RMS error xiii. Treatment delivery targeting accuracy (End to End Test) (Total targeting error) Frequency Quarterly ± 2mm ± 2mm ± 2mm ± 0.3º ± 0.3º ≤ 2mm < 0.95mm or < 1.5mm for Motion Tracking System ≤ 1mm xiv. CT geometric accuracy 3. Tolerance Bad pixels less than maximum limit, number and position xv. Treatment delivery dose accuracy < 5% (Typically about ± 2%) xvi. Iris collimator aperture size check Yes/No i. Commissioning beam data spot checks (Water Phantom measurements) a. X-ray energy b. Absolute dose c. Dose rate d. Tissue Phantom Ratio (TPR) e. Off Centre Ratio (OCR) f. Output Factor (OF) g. Flatness h. Symmetry i. Penumbra ii. Collimator transmission iii. Dosimetry precision iv. Linearity a. Requested MU = 10 b. Requested MU = 20 c. Requested MU = 30 d. Requested MU = 40 e. Requested MU = 50 f. Requested MU = 100 to 1000 See 2 (ii) above 2% As per LINAC specification 2% from baseline 2% from baseline 2% from baseline See 2 (iii) above See 2 (iv) above See 2 (v) above 1% ± 2% ± 6% ± 4% ± 3% ± 2% ± 1.5% ± 1% 31 Annually KEMENTERIAN KESIHATAN MALAYSIA No. Parameters v. Linac output rotational stability test vi. TPS beam data spot checks Tolerance ± 2% ± 2% of measured beam data vii. Interlocks and safety system tests Functional viii. Data security and verification Functional 32 Frequency KEMENTERIAN KESIHATAN MALAYSIA Jadual 7: Brachytherapy Jadual 7.a: Remote Afterloading Brachytherapy Unit No. 1. Parameters i. Room safety door interlocks, lights, and alarms ii. Console functions, switches, batteries, printers iii. Visual inspection of source guides Frequency Each treatment day Functional Free of kinks and firmly attached Functional iv. System self test 2. Tolerance Functional i. Source positioning 1 mm ii. Timer function Each treatment day or Weekly 1% iii. Check accuracy of source guides and connectors 1 mm 3. Source strength calibration* 3% Each source change or Annually 4. Accuracy of source and dummy loading (dummies used for spacing and/or simulation/ verification) 1 mm Annually 5. Simulate emergency conditions Functional Annually 6. Verify source inventory Performed Annually * It is worthwhile at source change to calibrate both new and old sources to establish and document reproducibility of calibration method. 33 KEMENTERIAN KESIHATAN MALAYSIA Jadual 7.b: Special Procedures for Permanent Interstitial Brachytherapy No. 1. 2. Parameters Safety and Radiation Protection i. Emergency equipment (forceps, tweezers, emergency safe, survey meter) ii. Source preparation area survey Tolerance Frequency Available Before the start of implant iii. Survey monitor Functional iv. v. vi. vii. Hand held monitor Protective material, lead aprons Source inventory Radiation survey for stray seeds Functional Functional Available Performed viii. Monitor sources lost from the patient Performed Physical Parameters i. Source calibration, mean of batch ii. Source calibration, individual source iii. Source identification Maximum 3% Maximum 5% Verification Before the start of implant Performed Before the start of implant or Quarterly iv. Grid calibration in ultrasound system 34 Performed Before the start of implant or Annually Semi-Annually Upon completion of procedure Upon discharge KEMENTERIAN KESIHATAN MALAYSIA Jadual 8: Treatment Planning System for Teletherapy No. 1. Parameters Checksum of program files 2. Photon beam dosimetry i. Monitor unit calculation ii. Standard treatment plan outputs iii. Point dose calculations and factor (PDD,TMR etc for open and irregular fields) iv. Beam profiles (including open, wedged and asymmetric beams) v. Inverse square law correction vi. Wedge and transmission factors 3. 4. Tolerance no change Frequency Weekly 1% 1% 2% Monthly Quarterly Annually 2% Annually 2% 2% Annually Annually Electron beam dosimetry i. Monitor unit calculation ii. Standard treatment plan outputs iii. Point dose calculations and factors (PDD for open and irregular fields) iv. Beam profiles v. Inverse square law correction vi. Beam size 1% 1% 2% Monthly Quarterly Annually 2% 2% 2 mm Annually Annually Annually Peripheral devices i. Printing/Plotting device/ Film scanner/ Block cutting device/ Digitizer a. transfer of geometric figures b. transfer of geometric dimensions c. transfer of geometric orientations Intact 1 mm Intact Monthly Monthly Monthly ii. CT Interface a. transfer of geometric figures b. transfer of geometric dimensions c. transfer of geometric orientations d. electron density compared to known densities in water Intact 1 mm Intact 10% Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly iii. Archiving and retrieving of patient data iv. Network data transfer Intact Intact Semi-annually Semi-annually 35 KEMENTERIAN KESIHATAN MALAYSIA Jadual 9: Imaging Systems (Portal Imaging and Image Guided Radiation Therapy) No. 1. Parameters Tolerance Non-SRS/SBRT Tolerance SRS/SBRT Frequency Functional ≤2 mm ≤2 mm Functional ≤1 mm ≤1 mm Daily Daily Weekly Functional ≤1 mm ≤2 mm Functional ≤1 mm ≤1 mm Daily Daily Weekly ≤2 mm ≤1 mm SemiAnnually ≤2 mm Baseline* Baseline Baseline ≤2 mm Baseline Baseline Baseline ≤2 mm ≤1 mm ≤2 mm ≤1 mm Spatial resolution Contrast Baseline Baseline Baseline Baseline Uniformity and noise Baseline Baseline ≤2 mm Baseline ≤1 mm Baseline HU constancy Baseline Baseline Baseline Baseline Uniformity and noise Baseline Baseline Planar kV and MV (EPID) imaging i. Collision interlocks ii. Positioning/repositioning iii. Imaging and treatment coordinate coincidence (single gantry angle) Cone-beam CT (kV and MV) i. Collision interlocks ii. Positioning/repositioning iii. Imaging and treatment coordinate coincidence 2. Planar MV imaging (EPID) i. Imaging and treatment coordinate coincidence (four cardinal angles) ii. iii. iv. v. Scaling Spatial resolution Contrast Uniformity and noise Planar kV imaging i. Imaging and treatment coordinate coincidence (four cardinal angles) ii. iii. iv. v. Scaling Cone-beam CT (kV and MV) i. ii. iii. iv. v. Geometric distortion Spatial resolution Contrast 36 KEMENTERIAN KESIHATAN MALAYSIA No. 3. Parameters Tolerance Non-SRS/SBRT Tolerance SRS/SBRT Frequency Planar MV imaging (EPID) Full range of travel SDD Imaging dose ±5 mm Baseline ±5 mm Baseline Annually Planar kV imaging Beam quality/energy Imaging dose Baseline Baseline Baseline Baseline Cone-beam CT (kV and MV) Imaging dose Baseline Baseline *Baseline means that the measured data are consistent with acceptance testing data. 37 KEMENTERIAN KESIHATAN MALAYSIA Jadual 10: Intra-operative Radiation Therapy (Low kV Photon) No. 1. 2. 3. 4. Parameters Radiation Safety i. Radiation on/off warning light ii. Survey meter iii. Mobile Lead Shield iv. X-ray source calibration certificate v. Ionization chamber calibration certificate Infection Safety Sterilization* for Interstitial Treatment: i. Photodiode array ii. X-ray source iii. Probe adjuster/ion chamber holder iv. External Radiation Monitor (if used) v. X-ray source and probe adjuster/ion chamber holder cables vi. Verification block (V block) vii. X-ray source holding block (X block) viii. Sterilization tray Quality Assurance System i. Integrity of applicators (visual check) ii. X-ray probe straightness iii. Electron beam dynamic offset iv. Source isotropy v. Internal Radiation Monitor vi. Source dose rate (Gy/min) Radiation Safety Checks i. Ion chamber calibration ii. X-Ray Source Output Factor Calibration iii. Percent Depth Dose for all applicators iv. Radiation anisotropy at 10 mm from surface for all applicators v. Radiation leakage at 10 cm from properly shielded** source * Sterilization not mandatory for tumour bed treatment ** With PDA (photodiode array) in place 38 Tolerance Frequency Functional Available and Functional Available Valid Valid Before each treatment day Manufacturer’s specifications Before each case Satisfactory < 0.1 mm < 1 mm < 10 % +5 % (from initial value) < 5 % from certificate Before each case or Monthly Local authority Manufacturer specification Manufacturer specification <5% Annually < 0.5 %