kataloguf 2011 21x15 - albania art institute
kataloguf 2011 21x15 - albania art institute
5 - 10 Dhjetor / December - 2011 Greetings | Përshendetje Festival Directors Films in competition | Filmat në konkurim Selection Committee Festival Jury Feature Fiction Animation Documentary Experimental Albanian Special Programme | Programi special Special Screening | Shfaqje speciale Awards | Çmimet contents | përmbajtja ALBANIA ART INSTITUTE Federica Sposa ORGANIZATOR ALBANIA ART INSTITUTE SKA-NDAL FILM PRODUCTION NTV (Neser TV) FESTIVAL PARTNER ISTITUTO ITALIANO DI CULTURA APULIA FILM COMMISSION AMBASADA SPANJOLLE SHOQATA PERTEJ BARRIERAVE SPONSOR IMPERIAL CINEMAS SHTEPIA BOTUESE TOENA HOTEL RESTAURANT BUJTINA E GJELIT HOTEL NIRVANA FREDERIKA DHE ARTI MARTESOR Festival Director Ilir Butka Executive Director Agron Domi Festival Programmer Agron Domi Genc Permeti Film Selection Genc Permeti Agron Domi Secretary Edit Llazani Brilanda Bruci Majlinda Gusho Denisa Rusta Event Coordinator Albjon Bogdani Ajet Rira Rudina Buxheli Graphic Design Ergys Temali Media Cordinator Elian Tanini Brunilda Zekthi NTV Coordinator Aksel Golemi NTV Live event Daniela Sula Fiber network dhe internet IT Tirana Mirënjohje / Acknowledgment Naim Jashari, Altin Prifti, Fatmir Toçi, Irena Toçi, Fulvia Veneziani, Vilma Llagami, Maddalena Pessina, Luigi Deluca, Agim Buxheli, Ana Mullanji, Ermil Mullanji, Bujar Leskaj, Gjergj Gjoshe, Rafaela Rica, Artur Nura, Ngajllim Mehmeti, Rezart Shehu, Anila Çuli, Gerland Kamberaj, Artan Malaj, Roland Sejko, Edmon Topi, Robert Aliaj Dragot, Fani Zguro, Tan Mesareja, Ejona Abasi, Rudi Prifti, Julian Canameti, Ervin Çoba, Aldi Karaj. Një falenderim të sinqertë për të gjithë ata që kanë mbështetur TIFFin në vite, kineastet e vendit dhe të huaj që nuk reshtin së sjelluri filmat e tyre, fansat e përhershëm dhe fansat e rinj që i bashkangjiten çdo vit festivalit. Falenderim për kontributin vullnetar të mjaft miqve të njohur dhe më pak të njohur, të gjithë atyre që janë motivi i vetëm që e mban akoma në jetë këtë aktivitet. facts | fakte Nearly sixty features and five hundred short films from over thirty different countries submitted their work to this year's seventh edition of the Tirana International Film Festival. Many of these entries were multiple award-winners in international festivals worldwide. This resulted in the necessity of forming a selection committee of artists and industry professionals. These individuals could then choose with impartiality and professionalism the very best fiction, documentary, experimental and animation to compete in our programmes. After months of discussion and reflection, we present to you these achievements in the art and craft of cinema. international competition jury (FEATURE) / juria e konkursit ndërkombëtar (FEATURE) Ettore Sequi Born in Ghilarza ,Oristano Sardinia - Italy, on 13 February 1956. Degree in Political Science - University of Cagliari. Specialised in Islamology multilateral negotiations. He joined the Italian Foreign Service on 1 February 1985. After completing the professional training activity at the Italian Diplomatic Institute, he worked until 1989 in the Department for Economic Affairs of the Italian Foreign Ministry. In charge of issues related to International technological Cooperation as: ESA (European Space Agency); IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency); ITU (International Telecommunication Union), etc… Deputy Chief of the Secretariat of Department General of Economic Affairs. From August 1989 to February 1994 he has been assigned as Consul to Tehran. From February 1994 to February 1998 he has worked as Counsellor in the Italian Permanent Mission to the United Nations in New York. In charge of issues related to Multilateral Cooperation and to the Reform of the UN. Assistant to the President of the UN Security Council. Assistant to the President of ECOSOC (UN Economic and Social Council) in New York. From February 1998 to July 2000 he has worked as Counselor in the Foreign Minister's Cabinet as Personal Assistant to the Minister and successfully completed the Higher Diplomatic Course at the Italian Diplomatic Institute. From July 2000 to 2004 he was Deputy Chief of Mission at the Embassy of Italy Tirana. December 2004: Appointed Ambassador to Kabul. January 2007: Promoted Minister Plenipotentiary. September 2008: European Union Special Representative for Afghanistan. July 2009: European Union Special Representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan. January 2011: Appointed Head of European Union Delegation to Albania. Awarded by the President of the Republic of Italy with the Medal of Officer of the Order of Merit of the Italian Republic; Awarded by H.R.H. King Juan Carlos of Spain with the Encomienda de Numero in the Order of Isabel the Catholic. Awarded by the President of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan with the Medal of Ghazi Mir Bacha Khan for his highest contribution to peace and security of Afghanistan. Elvira Diamanti She was born on 30.11.1963 Tirana I have been graduated in Art Institute in 1985 and at the same year I start working in the National Theatre In 2002 until 2007 I have been the director of the Junior National Theatre From December 2009 I am the director of the Film National Center Archive Movies, Radiostacioni 1978 - Liri a vdekje 1979 Shoqja nga fshati 1979 - Ne prag te lirise 1981 Shoket 1982 - Dasma e shtyre 1984 Perralle nga e kaluara 1987 - Muri i gjalle 1989 Dasma e Sakos 1997 - Ne dhe Lenini 2007. I was honored with the second award in the Film Festival on 198, playing the role of Marigo. Several times I took part as a member of the jury and the last time dates on 2008 in a very important festival TV movie that takes place in Biarritz of France I have worked for five years as a university lecturer in the Academy of Arts and for another year in Marubi Academy. DHIMITER ANAGNOSTI Director, Writer, Cinematographer Born in 23 January 1936. 2006 - “ Father and Godfather (2006) / Gjoleka djali i Abazit “ - fiction, script writer and director. 1989 - “ The Return of the Dead Army / Kthimi i ushtrise se vdekur “ - fiction, - script writer and director. * First Prize for the best Direction and Scenario in the IX National Film Festival. 1987 - “ A Tale from the Past / Perralle nga e kaluara “ - fiction, - script writer and director. * Winner of the second prize in the VII National Film Festival. * Winner of the first prize (ex aequo) International Film Festival, Bondy, France.1985 - “ Guret e shtepise time “ - fiction, - script writer and director. * Censored 1983 - “ Kujtime nga Gjirokastra “ - documentary, -script writer and director. * Winner of the best documentary movie in the V National Documentary Festival. *Winner of the Prize of the Republic, I class.1982 - “ Besa e Kuqe “ - fiction, - co-script writer.1982 - “ Fraktura “ - fiction, - script writer.1981 - “ Te dielat ne Tirane “ - (short film - documentary) - Dir. of Photography, script writer and director.1981 - “Perjetesi “ - (short film - documentary) - Dir. of Photography, script writer and director. * Censored and never screened.1980 - “ Vellezer dhe shoke “ - fiction, - script writer and director. * At the end of the movie the communist censorship decided to re-make the movie deforming the idea of the author.1979 - “ Ne shtepine tone “ - fiction, - director. * Winner of the first prize for the best director in the IV National Film Festival. * Winner of the special prize in the Giffoni International Film Festival, Italy.1977 - “ Monumenti “ - fiction, - script writer and director. * The communist censorship impedes the shooting and the scenario was re-written and new episodes were shooted. 1976 - “ Red Poppies on the Wall / Lulekuqe mbi mure “ - fiction, - script writer and director. * Winner of the best film in the Second National Film Festival. * Winner of the GRANG PRIX in the International Festival of Belgrade, Yugoslavia, FEST 1980. * Golden Medal in the Giffoni International Film Festival, Italy. * Winner of the Prize of the Republic, I class.1975 - “ Kur Hiqen Maskat “ - fiction, - script writer and director. 1974 - “ Cuca e Maleve “ ekranizim i baletit, - script writer and director. 1971 - “ Malet me Blerim Mbuluar “ - fiction, - script writer and director. 1969 - “ Plage te Vjetra “ - fiction, - script writer and director. * Winner of the first prize in a national competition for the best script. * Winner of the Prize of the Republic, II grade.1967 - “ Silent Duel / Duel i Heshtur “ - fiction, - Director.1966 - “ Komisari i Drites “- fiction - co-DOP, co-Director. * Winner of the Order Naim Frasheri, I class. 1964 - “ Toka Jone “- fiction, - Director of Photography. 1961 - “ Debatik “ - fiction, - co-DOP. 1960 - “ Njeriu kurre nuk vdes “ - fiction (based on a novel of Ernest Hemingway) co-DOP, co-Director. * Winner of the first prize for the director of photography in the international film festival for the cinematography schools, Netherlands , 1961.1979 - Awarded “Artist i Merituar “ 1987 Awarded “Artist i Popullit “ 1979 - In the X National Film Festival he was awarded with the "Grand Prix for the Career“, as the best Albanian director. (This Prize was awarded for the very first time ). Awarded by the President of the Republic of Albania, "Honor of the Nation" Massimiliano Nardulli Was born in Rome in 1976. After a degree in Humanities and Arts he specialized in cinema. Starting from the University he has been a free-lance contributor for the organization of cultural activities in Italy, Spain and France and film-critic. Since 2007 he works as short film programmer and advisor for several festivals as Festival Européen du Film Court de Brest(France), Arcipelago, Festival Internazionale di cinema e nuove immagini(Rome, Italy), Piemonte Movie(Torino, Italy) Lakino - Latin American Short Film Festival Berlin(Germany). He's member of the selection comitee for the Cesar of Short Movies and Les Lutins du Court Métrage. Artistic Director of Brest European Short Film Festival, he lives actually here, there and everywhere. international competition jury (SHORT) / juria e konkursit ndërkombëtar (SHORT) Lorenzo Vignolo Nato a Chiavari (Ge) il 16 Giugno 1973, ma residente da sempre nella vicina Lavagna (Ge), ha iniziato a girare i primi cortometraggi nel 1995 con "Insert coin" e "Dove", vincendo numerosi premi. Il primo corto in 35mm è del 1996: "Senza Piombo Unleaded". Dal 1997, gira con successo più di un centinaio di videoclip diventando uno dei registi più conosciuti in quel campo in Italia e vincendo numerosi riconoscimenti.Tra il 2001 e 2002, frequenta il Mediterranean Film Institute e con l'ausilio dei professori della Columbia University di New York sviluppa alcune sceneggiature provenienti da varie parti d'Europa.In ambito cinematografico ha girato tre film, nel 1998, gira il lungometraggio "500!", opera codiretta con Giovanni Robbiano e Matteo Zingirian, uscito nelle sale nel 2002. Dirige su commissione il film "Tutti all'attacco" con protagonista Massimo Ceccherini, subentrando pochi giorni prima dell'inizio delle riprese. Quest'anno ha girato la commedia “Workers”, prodotta da Raicinema, che uscirà in Italia nei primi mesi del 2012. Kujtim Çashku Was born in Tirana on August 5, 1950. He graduated from Tirana's Higher Institute of Arts in 1972 as well as from the Institute of Theater and Film Art in Bucharest, Romania in 1975 and post graduated from Columbia University NY (USA) in 1993. Kujtim Çashku is a film director, screenwriter and producer who has won numerous awards at national and international film festivals, including the Critics Prize at the 1996 Bastia Mediterranean Film Festival, the UNESCO Award at the 1998 Venice International Film Festival for his political drama Colonel Bunker (1996) Selected as Albanian entry of 1998 Best Foreign Language Film in Oscars 1996 , the Best Screenplay Award, the FIRESCI Prize and the Silver Pyramid at the 2005 Cairo International Film Festival as well as the Bronze Palm at the Valencia Festival of Mediterranean Cinema for his film Magic Eye (2005), the CEI Award at the Trieste Film Festival for his "brave commitment to the development of Albanian cinema". He is the founder of OraFilm, Albania's first film production company in 1995. Founder of the Albanian Cineastes Association “Lumiere” in 2001, Albania's International Human Rights Film Festival (IHRFFA) in 2006 and the founder of the first Albanian Film School, the Academy of Film & Multimedia Marubi in 2004. Kujtim Cashku is Chevalier de l'Ordre des Arts et Lettres of the French Republic, Commander of the Order of Civilian Merit of the Spanish Kingdom, and a member of the European Film Academy. Francesco Acone Was born in Salerno, Italy, in the 22th june 1969. Lives and works in Albania and Italy. Artist, photographer, correspondent from Albania for web news. Selected solo exhibitions : Apollo is Dead, 23-30/11/2011, Tirana Ekspres, Cultural Italian Institute of Tirana, curator G. Caroppo Selected group exhibitions : Onufri prize 14, 20.12.2007 - 30.01.2008, National Gallery of Fine Arts, Tirana, curators R. Shima&E. Hatibi Ortus Artis Fresco Bosco, 05.09.2008, Certosa di Padula, Salerno, Italy, curator Achile Bonito Oliva albanian competition jury / juria e konkursit të filmit shqiptar Andi Deliana Iris Elezi Zamir Kokonozi Left Albania for France in the early 1990s and late 90-s immigrated to Canada. He enrolled at the Université de Montréal earning a degree in cinema. He worked on several short films in Montreal, as cameraman and director, including a a short experimental work entitled La Reception. He returned to the US and worked on independent films and big budget commercials. His arrival in New York gave him the chance to work in major commercial productions and films such as Feliz Navidad, Dough Boys, Sound Gun as well as in off-Broadway projects. Now he lives between USA and Albania developing several projects for film and television. Albanian born Iris Elezi studied film theory and criticism, anthropology and women's studies in UNL, before completing her film production studies at the Tisch School of the Arts -NYU in 2001. Collective memory and the preoccupations of time are some of the essential inquiries underlying her work. Her editing and directing skills on the award-winning sixpart documentary series UNDER CONSTRUCTION (2007) resulted in Amnesty International “Films That Matter” selection for the episode DISPOSABLE HEROES. Iris Elezi continues to live and work in the Albanian capital of Tirana where she teaches film analysis at the Academy of Film and Multimedia Marubi. She's currently in preparation of her first feature length film, BOTA. After his undergraduate film studies in Bucharest, Romania, Zamir completed his education with a Master’s degree in film production at Chapman University, California USA. Since then, he has been working continuously on short movies, features, documentaries and commercials as a cinematographer and director. Some of these projects such as : Plain Us, Knock Knock, Pe Aripile Vinului, The Moment have been selected in several film festivals in USA and Europe. Also, Zamir teaches cinematography and photography at the University of Arts for 3 years. media jury / juria e medias Alfred Lela has a bachelor degree on 1996 2000 in the University of Tirana From 2001 -2002 he frequented the University of Massachusetts-Boston for Political Science In-1998-2000. He works as political reporter and has an assignment editor for the district reporters in the Albanian daily “Shekulli. In 2002 -2004 works for Herb Chambers Auto Group as a Sales and Leasing Consultant. In 2004 -2006 he became the Internet Sales Director of Herb Chambers Auto Group. From 2008 till 2009 works as screenwriter at TV 'Vizion Plus' at the programme 'Bypass Show”. In 2010-2011 he was the deputy editor in chief of MAPO daily newspaper . In 2011 he became the editor in chief of MAPO Magazine. He was the founder of the emagazine “Fletore Shqiptare”. From 2000 till present he Op-Ed for the following Albanian newspapers: “Shekulli”, Illyria”, “Korrieri”. In 2006 he was the co-founder and Advisory Board member of Maas-Besa a not-for-profit Albanian-American Foundation. He translates various books from English to Albanian. Mira Tuci. Born 18 February in Rreshen, Albania. From the early age she was interested in writing and she frequented different courses of fine arts but she was more into literature. After studying Journalism at the Tirana University she is known to be one of the most qualified journalist of art and culture in Albania. She started to write for the daily newspaper “KohaJone” and then for known televisions like TVA and Alsat (Albanian Satellite Television) always as a journalist of culture. She became a senior journalist producing for more than 4 years the TV Program “Almanak” as an interviewer and moderator with many famous artists from Albania (the famous writer Ismail Kadare) and abroad, actors like Michele Placido and James Beluscior directors like Giuseppe Tornatore, Kean Loach, Paolo Sorrentino. With a strong experience in television programs dedicated to culture and great personalities of artists she graduated in master studies in European Studies at IRERIE France. Different experience in training course of Journalism in Italy like PR at the( PresidenzaRegionaled' Umbria ) in Perugia. 10 years producing stories, reportage and interviews from theater to literature and from music to cinema for Albanian culture now she works for Digitalb- TOP Media as Editor in Chief of “ArTi” a TV program that hosts prominent personalities of arts and not only Albanian ones but even stars such Duff McKagan or Italian writters. Mirjeta Baraliu eshte gazetare dhe kritike filmi me pervoje 10 vjecare ne media dhe TV produksion. Eshte autore dhe prezentuese e emisionit per kinematografine TELEKINO ne RTK- Radio Televizionin e Kosoves, emision ky qe percielle ngjarjet me prestigjioze te filmit ne vend dhe ne bote si: Festivalin e Filmit te Cannes-France, Festivalin e Filmit te Berlinit-Berlinale, Festivalin e Filmit te Sarajeves , Festivalin e Filmit te Florides etj. Mbulon dhe komenton drejteperdrejte the Academy Awards, the Golden Globe, Emmy Awards dhe British Academy Awards (BAFTA) .Mirjeta ka realizuar intervista ekskluzive me personalitet te botes kinematografike, aktore, regjisore e producent te listes A te Hollywoodit nder to edhe : John Malcovich, Michael Moore, Javier Bardem, Coolio, Anthony Minghela, Vim Wenders, Jean Pierre dhe Luc Dardenne , Gedeon Burckhard, Claudia Cardinale, Rade Serbetzia, Fatih Akin, Terry George, Jeremy Irons, Elijah Wood, James Biberi, Stan Dragoti, Miki Manojlovic, Vannesa Redgrave, Kenan Imirzalioglu, Alyssia Milano, Franco Nero , Elijah Wood, Alexander Payne, Fran Dreschner, Robert De Niro, Jackie Chan etc. Ka mbaruar studimet e magjistratures per media dhe komunikim ne KIJAC ( Kosovo School of Journalism and Communication) gjithashtu ka te perfunduar fakultetin Ekonomik dega Banka, Financa e Kontabilitet. International official selection C feature ompetition smlif films feature Nejc Gazvoda Competition BioFilmography Born in 1985 in Slovenia. Writer and film director. He is also the author of three novels and a theatre play. He is often referred to as the leading writer of his generation. He completed the film and TV directing course at the Academy of Theatre, Radio, Film and Television in Ljubljana, making his graduate movie 'Caretaker' in 2008. 'A Trip' is his feature film debut. www.tiranafilmfest.com www.tiranafilmfest.com 2011 / Slovenia / HDV / 85’ / Feature / Colour English title A trip Original title Izlet Three best friends go on a trip to the seaside, just like they did in high school, but they are not kids anymore. Gregor is a soldier who is being sent on a mission to Afghanistan. Živa is going to study abroad. Andrej is their gay friend who hates everything, himself included. When they arrive, they get drunk. One by one, secrets are revealed. Their friendship is put to the test. Script: Nejc Gazvoda; Photography: Marko Brdar; Editing: Nejc Gazvoda, Janez Lapajne; Music: New Wave Syria; Sound: Julij Zornik; Leading actors: Nina Rokovec, Jure Henghan, Luka Cimpric; Producer: Aleś Pavlin TIRANA INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL TIRANA INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL Beryl Koltz Competition BioFilmography My name is Beryl Koltz-Chedid. I was born in Paris in 1974. Have the French-Luxembourgish nationality. With English and Egyptian-Lebanese roots. Mostly I do films. Often about individuals on the edge of the so-called “norm”. Sometimes my centre of gravity moves down from my brain to my belly and I do music. Had a rock band called Abigail Shark. Sang with another band called Traumkapitän, composed the music of my last documentary, Strangers in the Night. www.tiranafilmfest.com www.tiranafilmfest.com 2010 / Luxembourg / 93’ / Fiction / Colour English title Hot Hot Hot Original title Hot Hot Hot HOT HOT HOT is the belated journey of initiation of an inhibited little man, who slowly but surely learns to open up to the pleasures of life. It paints a colourful yet sensitive picture of a world caught between artificiality and authenticity, between norm and peculiarity. It is a film on the body, on nudity and love, and on accepting one's difference. Script: Beryl Koltz; Photography: Jako Raybaut; Editing: Amine Jaber; Music: André Dziezuk; Sound: Taher Pishvaei; Leading actors: Rob Stanley, Joanna Scanlan, Gary Cady, Amber Doyle, Angela Bain, Wendy Kweh, Jane Goddard, Bentley Kalu, Leila Anaïs Schaus; Producer: Claude Waringo TIRANA INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL TIRANA INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL Gemma Atwal Competition BioFilmography Marathon Boy is Gemma's first feature length documentary film. Prior to documentary work, Gemma spent four years working as a journalist in Africa, SouthEast Asia and Europe for the NOA Media Group of Companies in Madrid. She also gained experience in radio broadcasting, initially training through the BBC and later working for Nigerian State Radio as an onair reporter. Gemma has an MSc (Distinction) in International Human Rights Law and a Double First Class Honours degree in Literature & Politics. Gemma is co-partner in One Horse Town Productions. Award: MARATHON BOY” FESTIVAL SCHEDULE Sheffield Int’l Documentary Festival (3rd – 7th Nov 2010) – WINNER Special Mention; IDFA, Amsterdam (17th – 28th Nov 2010) – WINNER Top 3 Films at IDFA; Goteborg Int’l Film Festival, Sweden (28th Jan – 7th Feb 2011) – No Competition; Zagrebdox Film Festival, Croatia (28th Feb – 7th Mar 2011) Best Screenplay- HBO Romania Nominated Best Photography Milan International film Festival. www.tiranafilmfest.com www.tiranafilmfest.com 2010 / India / HD / 98’ / Documentary / Colour English title Marathon Boy Original title Marathon Boy A coach and a slum boy united by a dream. Divided by the world. MARATHON BOY is the story of a four-year-old boy who is plucked from the slums of India by his coach and trained to become India's greatest runner, but what starts as a real Slumdog Millionaire turns into the stuff of film noir: a tale of greed, envy and broken dreams. Script: Gemma Atwal; Photography: Matt Norman; Editing: Peter Haddon; Animation: Ben Foley; Music: Garry Hughes; Leading actors: Budhia Singh & Biranchi Das; Producer: Matt Norman TIRANA INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL TIRANA INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL Fabrizio Cattani Competition BioFilmography Professional experience includes: Author and director of the 35 mm B/W short film entitled: “L’ABITO” finalist in the GOLDEN GLOBE AWARDS Author and director of the short film “MATTINA”, Critics Prize at the Viareggio Europa Cinema Festival Author and director of the feature film “Il Rabdomante” (THE DOWSER) 20 Awards winner. Award: 2011 Mostra Internazionale d'Arte Cinematografica di Venezia (festival): Menzione Speciale Lina Mangiacapre (Fabrizio Cattani) www.tiranafilmfest.com www.tiranafilmfest.com 2011 / Italy / Red / 93’ / Fiction / Colour English title Maternity Blues Original title Maternity Blues Four different women, but bound by a common guilt: the infanticide. Inside a judicial psychiatric hospital, they spend their time expiating a sentence which is mainly inner: the sense of guilt for a gesture what has made useless their existence. From the confessions, born a comfort that doesn’t completely succeed to alleviate the suffering, but that makes appear these women, like innocent guilty. Script: Fabrizio Cattani, Grazia Verasani; Photography: Francesco Carini; Editing: Paola Freddi; Music: Paolo Vivaldi; Sound: Francesco Liotard; Leading Actors: Andrea Osvart, Monica Birladeanu, Chiara Martegiani, Marina Pennafina, Daniele Pecci; Producer: Elisabetta Olmi TIRANA INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL TIRANA INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL Tom Waller Competition BioFilmography Tom Waller was born in Bangkok on 4th April 1974 to a Thai Buddhist mother and Irish Catholic father. He spent his formative years at a Benedictine monastery school in Yorkshire, England, before pursuing a career in film and TV. He has been working as a film producer for almost 10 years in Thailand, with notable credits BUTTERFLY MAN (2002), GHOST OF MAE NAK (2005) and THE ELEPHANT KING (2006) amongst the acclaimed titles produced through his production company De Warrenne Pictures. In 2008, he produced Thomas Clay's SOI COWBOY (2008) which was selected for the Cannes Film Festival in Un Certain Regard, before returning to his passion for directing with MINDFULNESS AND MURDER (2010). Award: Best Director, Best Actor, Best Cinematography - ThrillSpy 2010 www.tiranafilmfest.com www.tiranafilmfest.com 2010 / Thailand / HD / Fiction / 90’ / Colour English title Mindfulness And Murder Original title Sop-Mai-Ngiab When a boy is murdered in the grounds of a Buddhist monastery in Bangkok, the police do little to solve the crime, leaving Father Ananda - a former homicide detective - to investigate the murder. With the help of his temple boy Jak, Ananda travels the canals of the city to unravel the clues and catch the killer. Script: Nick Wilgus; Photography: Wade Muller; Editing: Sawit Prasertphan; Music: Olivier Lliboutry ; Sound: Richard Hocks; Leading actors: Vithaya Pansringarm, Way Prinya, Charina Sirisinha; Producer: Michael Pritchett TIRANA INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL TIRANA INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL Vladimir Blazevski Competition BioFilmography Born in Skopje, Macedonia, 1955. Graduated film director (Academy for film, theater, radio & television in Belgrade). Feature films: HiFi, 1987 (also scriptwriter) The Revolution Boulevard, 1992 (also scriptwriter) Punk is not Dead, 2011 (also scriptwriter) Feature Documentaries: The Chinese Market, 2001 Dozen Tales About Wine, 2002 Bake-house Fable, 2003 The Mystery of Wagner's Tuba, 2009 Screenplays for feature films: Gipsy Magic, 1997 Big Water, 2003 Awards to mention: First prize for Best Documentary ("The Chinese Market") at the "Duisburger Filmwoche" 2001 “Golden Arena” for Best Director (“Hi-Fi”) at Pula Film Festival 1987 Award: IFF Karlovy Vary - EAST OF THE WEST Award; Montenegro Film Festival - BEST MALE ROLE www.tiranafilmfest.com www.tiranafilmfest.com 2011 / Macedonia / 16mm super / 104’ / Fiction / Colour English title Punk's Not Dead Original title Pankot ne e mrtov Protagonists of this black-comedy are punks who deliberately remained at the margins in muddy times of Macedonian transition. The routine of their outsider’s survival is disturbed by an offer to make a reunion of their one-time cult punk band and play at some bizarre “multi-cultural-happening”, which is to prove the false image of Macedonia as a land with relaxed ethnic tensions. This is the first Macedonian film treating the problem of increasing serious nationalism in the country. Script: Vladimir Blazevski; Photography: Dimo Popov; Editing: Blago ja Nedelkovski; Music: Aleksandar Pejovski; Sound: Atanas Georgiev; Leading actors: Jordan Simonov, Kamka Tocinovski, Toni Mihajlovski, Xhevdet Jashari, Kiril Pop Hristov, Ratka Radmanovic, Vladimir Tuliev; Producer: Darko Popov TIRANA INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL TIRANA INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL Jose Enrique March Competition BioFilmography Degree in Information Sciences, specializing in Image and Sound, his first years of their professional activities were devoted to journalism, both written and television and radio, covering as film critic highly cultured scholar and the most important Spanish film festivals. Jose Enrique March (Valencia, 1974) made his directorial debut in the feature film with the romantic drama LISTENING TO GABRIEL (2007). The dazzling visual talent, elegance and a fascinating narrative use of the soundtrack, hit the critics and the juries of national and international festivals, where he received numerous awards. Released in late 2007. Award: Malaga Film Festival Mostra De Valencia Toulouse Film Festival www.tiranafilmfest.com www.tiranafilmfest.com 2011 / Spain / HD / 88’ / Feature / Colour English title The Artifice Original title El Artificio What if a filmmaker's mind begins to lose? What if he does not distinguish between reality and fiction? All mirrors always have two sides. Script: Pablo Peris; Photography: Paco Belda; Editing: Manuel Calvo; Music: Various Artist; Sound: Jose Serrador; Leading actors: Enrique Belloch, Maria Jose Peris, Paco Martinez Novell, Iñaki Miramon, Jose Galotto, Cesar Tormo; Producer: Jose Enrique March TIRANA INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL TIRANA INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL Adam Uryniak Competition BioFilmography Born in 1983, in Rzeszów, Poland. 2009 - Podglądacz (The Peeping Tom) (short) 2011 - Zniknięcie (The Vanishing) 2011 / Poland / HD / 71’ / Fiction / Colour English title The Vanishing Original title Zniknięcie Calm and safe world of Michal Kunicki collapsed with disappearance of his wife and son. Solving the mystery of their vanishing becomes obsession that completely ruins his life. www.tiranafilmfest.com www.tiranafilmfest.com Script: Paweł Labe; Photography: Adam Uryniak; Music: Piotr Skorupski; Sound: Krzysztof Nowak; Leading actors: Michał Chołka, Katarzyna Zawiślak-Dolny, Przemysław Chojęta, Kornelia Trawkowska; Producer: Adam Uryniak TIRANA INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL TIRANA INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL Taha Karimi Competition BioFilmography Taha Karimi was born in 1976 in Banah city – situated in East of Kurdistan. I have finished primary, intermediate and secondary education in Banah city. Banah is a city in Kurdistan full of stories and accidents. In 1980 there were 16 offices of political parties of different points of view opened in this city. First of all I started arts working with story writing such as "the Dance of truth angle" the first short story published in Kurdish magazine "Serwa" printed in 1996. I participated in the "council of Iranian youth cinema" course in Kermashan city. After this stage I have participated in many festivals of short films. Award: Ourense Film Festival (Spain) www.tiranafilmfest.com www.tiranafilmfest.com 2010 / Iraq / HD / 86’ / Fiction / Colour English title The Qandil Mountains Original title Kwystani Qandil The borders of Iran, Turkey, and Iraq meet at a region called the Qandil Mountains. It’s been years that the soldiers of these three countries have been fighting the Kurdish peshmergas (Kurdish life-staker combatants) in the Qandil Mountains. The soldiers all say they must be aggressive. The Kurdish peshmergas say they have no way other than to be aggressive. So far, over ten thousand people have been killed and about a thousand more have gone missing in these mountains. Script: Taha Karimi; Photography: Kaywan Yousefi; Editing: Mohammad Reza Vatandoost; Music: Fardin Khalatbari; Sound: Taher Pishvaei; Leading actors: Dr. Ghotbedin Sadeghi Jomerd Qareman Awnadin Mariwani; Producer: Kurdistan Rogional Government (Krg) TIRANA INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL TIRANA INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL C ompetition noitcif f f fiction Short films official selection Nenad Mikalacki Daniel Mulloy 2011 / Germany / 35mm / 19’ / Fiction / Colour At Home Zu hause English title Original title 2010 / UK / 35mm / 25’ / Fiction / Colour Baby Baby English title Original title An elderly lady goes from Germany to Eastern Europe to find and visit the house of her childhood. Parallely, two deported boys, now back in Serbia, are trying to survive in totally different living conditions. They say that they can help her find this house A young woman intervenes when she witnesses men mugging a girl. Now one of them won't leave her alone. Script: Felix Wernitz and Nenad Mikalacki; Photography: Tudor Mircea; Editing: Andreas Schultz; Music: Sebastian Fisher; Sound: Phillip Sellier; Leading actors: Angelika Bender, Burak Yigit, Darko Ninic; Producer: Nenad Mikalacki Script: Daniel Mulloy; Photography: Lol Crawley; Editing: Dan Robinson; Music: Alexander Balanescu, Benny Di Massa; Sound: Sam Auguste, Victoria Franzan; Leading actors: Arta Dobroshi, Daniel Kaluuya; Producer: Ohna Falby www.tiranafilmfest.com www.tiranafilmfest.com TIRANA INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL TIRANA INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL Bartlomiej Zmuda Arian Mustafa 2011 / Poland / 35mm / 21’ / Fiction / Colour Barbakan Barbakan English title Original title Based on a true story. Emil B.(21) is coming back home from work In Germany. In Poland, there is Anna (18) waiting for him. Emil’s arrival is supposed to solve their economic problems. Unfortunately, something wrong happens during Emil’s trip. Emil continues his journey anyway - on a train called “Barbakan”. There is still a lot that can happen during the next couple of hours… Script: Lukasz Ludkowski; Photography: Ernest Wilczynski; Editing: Weronika Blawut; Music: Kamil Kopczynski, Marta Kacprzyk; Sound: Ewa Bogusz ; Leading actors: Marek Kossakowski,Anna Próchniak,Andrzej Mastalerz,Wojciech Bartoszek; Producer: Mariola Gawinek www.tiranafilmfest.com 2011 / Kosovo / HD / 23 / Fiction / Colour Basement Bodrumi English title Original title The story takes place during the time of the last war in Kosovo, within the basement of a house, which turns out to be the home of a Serbian policeman. He holds isolated an Albanian doctor called Agron. Agron`s only goal is escaping from the basement and joining his family. But he will be faced with staggering psychological challenges from the Serbian policeman who keeps Agron within the basement through violence, for a very special reason, the birth of the baby from his woman, who discovered the very end with the truth about the bitter fate of Agron. Script: Arian Mustafa; Editing: Latif Hasolli; Leading actors: Hazir Sh. Haziri, Lulzim Guhelli, Albulena Bardhi; Producer: H&H- Arian Mustafa TIRANA INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL Mishel Koçiu Maya Zack 2011 / Canada-USA / AVCHD / 29‘ / Fiction / Colour, B&W Bird Poop Glasa English title Original title Harry a reputed financial adviser, comes back home unexpectedly and catches his wife and her lover in his bed. Nick a real estate developer and pathological gambler, with many suicide attempts behind him, wants to kill himself once again, after a new loss of $2 millions on a horse race bet. They are both in the crossroads of their lives when they meet in the streets of New York just minutes before Harry being involved in a tragic accident. Nick regains control of his life and helps Harry back to life. He offer a job to Harry as a doorman in his building. Harry faces his new life, full of irrational fears and paranoia. And the blame is on the BIRD POOP! Script: Herion Mustafaraj & Mishel Koçiu; Photography: Mishel Koçiu; Editing: Sibora Kokonozi; Original Music and Performer: Elton Deda; Sound Department: Ing. Erjon Zaloshonja, Ivi Abazi; Set Decoration: Altin Matheo Rizi; Leading actors: Herion Mustafaraj, Nikolin Gjoklaj; Cast: Kristen Lucas, Evis Kurti, Flint Beverage, Praq Rado, Dea Spiro and Tina; Producer: Mishel Koçiu, Herion Mustafaraj; Special Thanks: Ministry of Communication, Bujar Kokonozi, Driton Sahiti, Elvis Themeli, Andis Gjoni, FDNY & NYPD. www.tiranafilmfest.com www.tiranafilmfest.com 2011 / Israel / HD / 17’ / Fiction / Colour Black And White Rule Black And White Rule English title Original title Black & White Rule video deals with the human attempt to impose order and form onto reality through training and discipline procedures. On an over-sized chess-board two poodle dogs submit to the orders of their trainer while through the use of a Camera-Obscura their actions are being monitored and registered by a clerk in her office located along side the chess-board. At a certain moment the orderly routine is disrupted... a unique visual experience and a homage to the art of drawing. Script: Maya Zack; Photography: Stanislav Levor; Editing: Pim Zwier; Music: Ophir Leibovitch ; Sound: Gilad Leshem; Leading actors: Lana Ettinger, Dmitry Paley; Producer: Dana Kolton TIRANA INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL TIRANA INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL Anna Gigante Laura Bispuri 2010 / Italy / 35mm / 15 ’/ Fiction / Colour Black Line English title Linea Nigra Original title 2010 / Italy / 16mm Super / 10’ / Fiction / Colour Blondie Biondina English title Original title A house immersed in nature. A five-year-old boy’s clothing draped on a clothes line. A tiny table where the child draws; his blue bike. A woman so pregnant she is days away from giving birth. In a powerfully evocative landscape the conflict between Blondie, a constantly escaping girl, and her mum, who asks her to be a bit tidier, takes place. Blondie fights with her and with school, proposing her own world once more. She helps people in need and destroys those rules that don't fit her, till her mother gets close to her in a sort of ballet which makes them similar and partners at last. Script: Anna Gigante; Photography: Pasquale Mari; Editing: Jacopo Quadri; Sound: Fabio Felici; Leading actors: Anna Gigante, Ivan Franek, Patrice Bricaire; Producer: Mario Mazzarotto Script: Laura Bispuri, Filippo Bologna; Photography: Vladan Radovic; Editing: Andrea Maguolo; Music: Nando di Cosimo; Sound: Gianluca Scarlata, Ignazio Vellucci; Leading actors: Anita Caprioli, Anna Celeste Cuppone; Producer: Andrea De Micheli www.tiranafilmfest.com TIRANA INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL Andrew Mcvicar Ludwig Löckinger 2011 / UK / HDV / 14’ / Fiction / Colour Compulsion Compulsion English title Original title 2010 / UK / 35mm / 25’ / Fiction / Colour Daschka Daschka English title Original title The first cut is the deepest. During a walk, a man witnesses a car crash which remains unexplained. In the car, he does not find any driver but an inanimate child. Insprired by Sigmund Freud’s 'The Interpretation of Dreams. Script: Andrew McVicar; Photography: Damien Pawle; Editing: Ben Wilson; Sound: Andy Ludbrook; Producer: Samm Haillay Script: Florian Brüggler; Photography: Oliver Schneider; Editing: Alarich Lenz; Sound: Claus Benischke ; Leading actors: Maria Fliri, Andreas Puehringer, Gottfried Neuner; Producer: Danja Katzer www.tiranafilmfest.com TIRANA INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL TIRANA INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL Julio Soto Dahci Ma 2010 / Spain / Red / 18’ / Fiction / Colour Dissection of a storm Diseccion de una tormenta English title Original title 2011/ South Korea/ HD/ 10’/ Fiction/ Colour Ghost Ghost English title Original title A woman called D, seeks shelter from a tormenting past in a sanatorium in the middle of the mountains. The obsession she runs away from is death. But death has taken for her an unusual shape: her own hair. In the sanatorium she will get to know the Director and the other patients who all share the same obsession for hair. The arrival of a powerful storm will begin to surface the fear of past memories and the inmates prepare for the storm's final assault. Will this storm be the cure that everyone is seeking or will it, on the other hand, bring the destruction that D anticipated? It is a film about a man hiding out in an empty house. The man, who is chased by police, is caught up in a fantasy with extreme hunger and anxiety. However, what he faces at the end is the darkest side of himself. Script: Julio Soto& Alfonso De La Puente; Photography: Alvaro Martin Blanco; Editing: Julio Soto; Music: Rafael Arnau; Sound: Jinglebox; Leading actors: Cristina Piaget; Producer: Adriana Malfatti Script: Dahci Ma; Photography: Sunhyuk Kim; Editing: Limpyo Go; Music: Youngkyu Jang; Sound: Myunghoon Jung; Leading actors: Taeyoung Kang; Producer: Jay Jeong www.tiranafilmfest.com TIRANA INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL Piotr Subbotko Petrit Domi 2010 / Poland / HD / 30’ / Fiction / Colour Glasgow Glasgow English title Original title „Glasgow” is the story of a 12-year-old boy Damian, who is convinced that his father is a well-known football player in the club Celtic Glasgow. During the holidays, the boy tries to earn enough money to afford a trip to Scotland, so he helps a retired man Miecio in household repairs. He falls in love with a 15-year-old pregnant girl Monika, wants to take care of her child and take both of them to a better world. Script: Piotr Subbotko; Photography: Wojciech Staroń; Editing: Agnieszka Glińska; Animation: Zbyszek Ugielski; Music: Krzysztof Ścierański; Sound: Małgorzata Staroń; Leading actors: Rafał Garnecki, Sandra Korzeniak, Zygmunt Malanowicz, Aneta Thuong Majchrzak, Adam Graczyk, Filip Garbacz, Jowita Budnik, Marcin Tyrol; Producer: Katarzyna Ślesicka www.tiranafilmfest.com 2011 / Kosovo / HD / 9’ / Fiction / Colour Greetings From Prishtina Përshendetje nga Prishtina English title Original title By understanding the new reality in a postwar Kosovo, a young serbian, disappointed of his former political leaders decides to retaliate against those he loved the most ... In a depressed, drunk and chaotic situation……. he finds the unique way to revenge. Script: Rrahman Fetahu & Petrit Domi; Photography: Petrit Domi; Editing: Patrik Domi; Music: Visar Kuqi; Sound: Patrik Domi; Leading actors: Rrahman Fetahu; Producer: Petrit Domi & Rrahman Fetahu TIRANA INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL Raphael Wallner & Stefan Elsenbruch Kast Hasa 2010 / Germany&Bosnia / DVCPRO / 23’30’ ’/ Fiction / Colour Here, Now And Tomorrow Ab Morgen English title Original title The story of a man, who buys another man’s life, to save his own. Christoph is critically ill and travels abroad to buy the kidney of a living donor. Lost in a foreign city and totally unknown situation, he finally undergoes the surgery, where the donor is killed by accident. Full of doubts, Christoph is plagued by his bad conscience and the thought of having destroyed another man’s family. A film about conscience, morality and humanity. Script: Raphael Wallner & Stefan Elsenbruch; Photography: Fabian Spang; Editing: Daniel Falk; Music: Philipp F. Koelmel; Sound: Clemens Becker; Leading actors: Anno Koehler, Helmfried von Luettichau, Adem Smailhodzic, Sabina Sidro, Andreas Wimberger, Gordana Heyden-Gueli, Florian Puscher, Cosima Lucia Muck, Natalya Nepomnyashcha; Producer: Raphael Wallner & Stefan Elsenbruch www.tiranafilmfest.com 2011 / USA / DVCAM / 13’07’’ / Fiction Home Home English title Original title An Albanian family prepares for the homecoming of their son who had gone overseas in search of a better life. His arrival unexpectedly marks the beginning of a new and difficult chapter in their lives. Script: Kast Hasa; Photography: Royald Elezaj; Editing: Kast Hasa; Music: Kast Hasa; Sound: Elvis Ikonomi; Leading actors: Nikolla Lena, Klevis Bega; Producer: Kast Hasa; TIRANA INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL Pedro Pires Babak Amini 2011 / Canada / HD / 11’ / Fiction / Colour Hope English title Hope Original title The fragmented violence of war seen through the eyes of a General on his deathbed. A mind accustomed to a life on the battlefield surrenders to a stream of consciousness, mixing death, brutality, and finally, one last gesture of hope. The film is based on the award winning play Jimmy, créature de rêve by Marie Brassard. Script: Pedro Pires; Photography: Pedro Pires; Editing: Pedro Pires; Music: Robert M. Lepage; Sound: Bernard Gariepy Strobl; Leading actors: Bill Croft, Lucas Silveira, Vincent D'abrouzze; Producer: Phoebe Greenberg www.tiranafilmfest.com 2011 / Iran / HD / 30’ / Fiction / Colour I Wish Someone Were Waiting For Me Somewhere Dost dashtam kasi jai montazeram bashad English title Original title Maryam, a 26 years old girl, working in an old woman house as a nurse in Tehran, she is living with her cotenant Bahar,. She got the temporary marriage with a son of the old woman but it`s secret and also the man has an official wife and a small daughter. Maryam is pregnant around 3 months but did talk about it to her temporary husband but he knows after 3 months and asks Maryam to abort it but Maryam wants to keep it and their challenge is goes on. Script: Babak Amini; Photography: Ashkan Ashkani; Editing: Atefeh Khademolreza; Sound: Mehrdad; Leading actors: Bita Saharkhiz, Sima Khezrabadi; Producer: Sadegh Hosseini TIRANA INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL Simon Ellis Güclü Yaman 2011 / UK / Red / 14’35’’ / Fiction / Colour Jam today Jam today English title Original title Impatient to grow and become a man, eleven year-old Robert is stuck on a boating holiday with only his parents and his curiosity for company. Script: Simon Ellis; Photography: David Procter; Editing: Simon Ellis; Sound: James Ian Gray; Leading actors: Oliver Woollford, Jonny Phillips, Helen Barford; Producer: Jonas Blanchard www.tiranafilmfest.com 2010 / Germany / HDTV / 25’ / Fiction / Colour Journey Of No Return - Last Stop Frankfurt Airport Reise ohne Rückkehr - Endstation Frankfurter Flughafen English title Original title This film is based on the true story of a Sudanese refugee, Aamir Ageeb. He wanted to report the theft of his jacket to the police. But at the police station everything goes completely different to what he imagined. He was labeled as a illegal person. His journey has already begun. Script: Güclü Yaman; Photography: Susanne Dzeik, Ben Mergelsberg; Editing: Güclü Yaman; Sound: Güclü Yaman; Leading actors: Aljoscha Zinflou, Christian Wewerka, Ali Bulgan, Marcel Miller, Michel Keller, Yüksel Yolcu, Jean- Theo Jost, Christian Kahrmann, Claudia Daseking, Sonja Kerskes, Ivan Anderson, Carsten Lepper, Florian Klein,Belinde Ruth Stieve, Meriem Sahra Userli, Andrea Rea Kurmann, Mehmet Kilic; Producer: Güclü Yaman TIRANA INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL Giampietro Balia Piers Thompson 2011 / Estonia / HD / 29’/ Fiction / Colour Just The Three Of Us Ainult Meie Kolm English title Original title 2010 / UK / HD / 25’/ Fiction / Colour Lin Lin English title Original title Following the death of their father, Liisu and Andres find out they’ve been abandoned in early age by their biological mother. After meeting her for the first time since they can remember, they try to get to know her. A woman arrives at a port town in an unknown country at dawn. Her recounted stories begin to contradict themselves as she travels across the landscape. She is searching for something, a shape or a structure, which we are not even sure exists. Along the road she is eventually forced into initiating the process of self-reckoning. As her artifice begins to fall away she finds herself continuing her journey but now with a sense of Script: Alise Zarina; Photography: Karlis Jaunzems; Editing: Giampietro Balia; Music: Ivan Cancialosi; Sound: Indrek Soe; Leading actors: Jaune Kimmel, Kersti Heinloo, Epp Eespäev, Märten Metsaviir; Producer: Reinis Kalvins Script: Piers Thompson; Photography: Alexander Krumov; Editing: David Wigram; Sound: Doug Haywood; Leading actors: Lin Clifton, Vesela Kazakova, Alexandar Lubenov Iliev, Valeri Kyrorlinski; Producer: Piers Thompson www.tiranafilmfest.com www.tiranafilmfest.com TIRANA INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL TIRANA INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL Enrico Maria Artale Maya Vitkova 2011/ Italy / 35mm / 10’ / Fiction / Colour My Bow Breathing Il respiro dell'arco English title Original title 2011 / Bulgaria / HD / 14’/ Fiction / Colour My Tired Father My Tired Father English title Original title A girl tries to attune her breathing to the movements of her bow, arrow after arrow. But her sporting talent hides her need to retrieve a primitive, violent instinct, an archetype. 8-year-old Daria thinks she hears a mouse in the middle of the night. But when she wakes up her father for help, bigger family problems come to light. Script: Enrico Maria Artale; Photography: Luca Frondoni; Editing: Paolo Landolfi; Music: Gherardo Chelazzi; Sound: Paolo Testa; Leading actors: Giulia bertinelli, Roberto Antonelli, Michele Botrugno, Germano Gentile, Nicola Canal, Gianluca Vicari; Producer: Csc Production Script: Radu Jude, Maya Vitkova; Photography: Krum Rodriguez; Editing: Kevork Aslanyan; Sound: Ivan Andreev; Leading actors: Daria Vitkova, Anna Vitkova, Emil Vitkov; Producer: Emil Vitkov, Maya Vitkova www.tiranafilmfest.com www.tiranafilmfest.com TIRANA INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL TIRANA INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL Erik Rosenlund Dan Sachar 2011 / Sweden / HD / 15’/ Fiction / B&W Out of erasers Sudd English title Original title 2011 / Israel / HD / 30’/ Fiction / Colour Overture Overture English title Original title As the world transforms, you´re the last one to find out. The abstract story about a lone survivor lost in a dying world. A man struggles to connect pieces from his daily scavenging routine and bits from his repressed memory. When a woman appears in his desolate forest world, she's intent on making him face his past and consequent fate. Script: Erik Rosenlund; Photography: Jonas Rudström; Editing: Erik Rosenlund; Music: Martin Willert; Sound: Seamus Deivert; Leading actors: Frida Jansdotter, Björn Söderbäck; Producer: Daniel Wirtberg Script: Kai Mark, Dan Sachar; Photography: Hagai BenKuzari; Editing: Alon Hershkowitc; Music: Dror Shiman; Sound: Dror Shiman; Leading actors: Miko Ben Porat, Nili Sachar; Producer: Guy Lahav www.tiranafilmfest.com www.tiranafilmfest.com TIRANA INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL TIRANA INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL Fernando Franco Aimee Powell 2011 / Spain / 35mm / 18’/ Fiction / Colour Room Room English title Original title 2010 / UK / 35mm / 16’/ Fiction / Colour Shades of Beige Shades of Beige English title Original title Ana is in the room. Jodie (Michelle Dockery) and her brother Brian (Edward Hogg) have shared an unusually close bond since their infancy but when he is convicted of child abuse it begins to unravel. The fragmented narrative jumps between the comforting world of their past and their struggle to salvage their lost idyll. Script: Fernando Franco; Photography: Daniel Sosa; Editing: Fernando Franco; Sound: Nacho R. Arenas; Leading actors: Nuria López; Producer: Ferdydurke Script: Aimee Powell; Photography: Luke Bryant; Editing: Matthew McKinnon; Music: Paul Lambert; Sound: David Pringle; Leading actors: Michelle Dockery, Edward Hogg; Producer: Aimee Powell and Ian Beaumont www.tiranafilmfest.com www.tiranafilmfest.com TIRANA INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL TIRANA INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL Alexis Fortier-Gauthier Etienne Desrosiers 2011 / Spain / 35mm / 18’/ Fiction / Colour Snowbound English title Dans la neige Original title 2011 / Canada / 35mm / 11’/ Fiction / B&W Steam is steam Steam is steam English title Original title Vicky, 13, her figure stuck between childhood and adolescence, secretly bears a heavy burden. When her mother discovers the nature of her troubles, Vicky takes an unsettling decision, in a desperate attempt to reclaim the childhood she has already lost… Montreal 1952, teenager Samuel brings his friend Julien to the neighbourhood steam bath for his weekly routine with Dad. Julien’s first time will be a day to remember. Script: Geneviève Simard; Photography: Philippe Roy; Editing: Nicolas Roy; Music: Sébastien Tremblay; Sound: Martyne Morin, Patrice Leblanc; Leading actors: Ariane Legault, Amélie Dallaire, Christopher Parent; Producer: Mathieu Denis Script: Etienne Desrosiers, Thomas Waugh; Photography: Stefan Ivanov; Editing: Christof Flambard; Music: Michel Drapeau; Sound: Luc Mandeville; Leading actors: Jake McLeod, Shayne Devouges, John Dunn-Hill, Jason Blicker; Producer: Etienne Desrosiers www.tiranafilmfest.com www.tiranafilmfest.com TIRANA INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL TIRANA INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL Jane Gull Damian John Harper 2011 / UK / HD / 11’14’’/ Fiction / Colour Sunny boy Sunny boy English title Original title 2011 / Germany / 16mm / 15’/ Fiction / Colour Teardrop Teardrop English title Original title Danny and his overprotective father live in a world of darkness. The boy has a rare skin condition that prevents him from being a regular teenager. One afternoon Dan is brutally jumped by a gang in his neighborhood. The leader of Dans crew demands that he murder his punisher and earn his official "membership" into the crew: a teardrop tattoo under his eye. Dan stands at the most important crossroads in his life. Will he go through with the killing? Script: Jane Gull; Photography: Justin Brown; Editing: Benjamin Gerstein; Music: Audio Network; Sound: Bennet Maples; Leading actors: Darren Kent, Lewis Nicolas, Tara Hodge, Vanessa Goodliffe, Michael Arbin, Anton Stevens, Jo Wickham, Amber Streamer; Producer: Emma Curtis Script: Damian John Harper; Photography: Friede Clausz; Editing: Lena Hatebur; Animation: René Doner; Music: Tina Rupp; Sound: Gregor Bonse; Leading actors: Neal Kodinsky Damion Omar Lee Connor J Smith Julio Cesar Pérez Neev Bar-David Ron "Necro" Braunstein Glenn Fleary Justin Harris De-Anne Dawkins Vito Baltrusaitis; Producer: The University of Film and TV "Konrad Wolf” www.tiranafilmfest.com www.tiranafilmfest.com TIRANA INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL TIRANA INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL César Esteban Alenda, José Esteban Alenda Burbuqe Berisha 2011 / Spain / 35mm / 18’/ Fiction / Colour The child will die Matar a un niño English title Original title 2010 / Kosova / 27’/ Fiction / Colour The elevator Ashensori English title Original title It is Sunday. A beautiful dawn on a doomed day. At ten o´clock, a happy child is going to die. The story takes place in an apartment building, where the main character - a writer - encounters different kinds of odd and noisy characters that interfere with his ability to create. Frustrated, the writer resorts to cutting power in the whole building, disabling the elevator. However, the residents now resort to other ways of making their incessant noise. Finally, the writer decides to close the building, so nobody can move. Script: José Esteban Alenda, César Esteban Alenda, Victoria Ruiz; Photography: Tom Connole; Editing: César Esteban Alenda; Music: Sergio de la Puente; Sound: Javier Cepeda ; Leading actors: Roger Princep, Roger Álvarez, Cristina Marcos, Manolo Solo; Producer: Solita Films Script: Burbuqe Berisha; Photography: Saimir Karahoda; Editing: Agron Vula; Music: IlirOs; Leading actors: Donat Qosja, Xhevdet Jashari, Fatmir Spahiu, Rabije Kryeziu, Kumrie Hoxha, Albulena Kryeziu, Vedat Haxhiislami, Annamorea Tjara Nixha, Bek Llolluni; Producer: Burbuqe Berisha, Shkumbin Istrefi www.tiranafilmfest.com www.tiranafilmfest.com TIRANA INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL TIRANA INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL David Easteal Renzo Carbonera 2011 /Australia / 16mm Super / 16’/ Fiction / Colour The father The father English title Original title 2010 / Kosova / 27’/ Fiction / Colour The Hemingway 's Pen La penna di Hemingway English title Original title Haunted by his past, a man searches for forgiveness. Getting it however, may come at a cost. Life can make you dependent on things and fragile - something Claudia found out when she went back to Lignano following the death of her father - whom she hadn't seen for years - and got caught up in the mystery of a pen that had once belonged to Hemingway. Script: David Easteal; Photography: Ari Wegner; Editing: Peter Sciberras; Sound: Nick Batterham; Leading actors: John Brumpton, Richard Davies, Finn Woodlock; Producer: David Easteal; Script: Renzo Carbonera, Pietro Spirito; Photography: Luca Coassin; Editing: Luca Immesi, Giulia Brazzale; Music: Adriano del Sal, Mauro Zanatto; Sound: Francesco Morosini; Leading actors: Christiane Filangieri, Sergio Rubini, Cosimo Cinieri, Francesco Barilli; Producer: Chiara Valenti Omero www.tiranafilmfest.com www.tiranafilmfest.com TIRANA INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL TIRANA INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL Jalal Saedpanah Jonada Jashari 2011 / Iran / Dvcam / 26’/ Fiction / Colour The sound of rain Sedaye Baran English title Original title 2011 / USA / 35mm / 22’/ Fiction / Colour The stone on the Shore The stone on the Shore English title Original title Yadi Is Cage maker & he live alone in up of the Roof in his cabin. He train some birds. Young Mongolia boy loves yadi's birds but yadi keep him away from the birds. finally one day he presonid in his cabin, During the challenge with the boy... The Stone on the Shore dramatizes the triumph of the soul over the pain of grief. It is the story of a twelve- year- old boy whose harmonious life is silenced by the death of his mother. While living with his aunt, the boy is unable to experience emotional release until he finally faces his suffering. Script: Jalal Saedpanah; Photography: Amir Alivaisi; Editing: Loghman Sokhanvar; Sound: Farid Sedaghat ; Leading actors: Farshid Gavili Musa Faizi; Producer: Documentary & Experimental Film Center Script: Jonada Jashari; Photography: Yousef Linjawi; Editing: Ericka Concha; Music: Andres de la Torre; Sound: Ericka Concha; Leading actors: Andy Scott Harris, Anna Lodej, Katie Johann; Producer: Amir Zoveini www.tiranafilmfest.com www.tiranafilmfest.com TIRANA INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL TIRANA INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL Azad Mohammadi Bartosz Kruhlik 2011 / Iran / Dvcam / 18’/ Fiction / Colour The Sunset Of Snail Ghorobe Halazon English title Original title 2011 / Poland / HD / 20’/ Fiction / Colour Vanishing Znikniecie English title Original title The janitor of useless automobile garage gets to know a woman... Housing estate. 35-year-old Iwona takes care of the house during her husband’s absence. She tries to make up with her son Michal and at night spends her time all alone. One day, Michal doesn’t come back home for the night. None of his friends now where he is. The husband doesn’t answer the phone. Script: Azad Mohammadi; Photography: Mohammad Rasouli ; Editing: Emad Khodabakhsh; Sound: Farid Sedaghat; Leading actors: Pourya Amini Raya Nasiri; Producer: Azad Mohammadi Script: Bartosz Kruhlik; Photography: Daniel Wawrzyniak; Editing: Grzegorz Szczepaniak; Music: Andrzej Strzemzalski; Sound: Marcin Bulus-Trando; Leading actors: Sylwia Juszczak, Adam Sobinski, Kuba Lisiak; Producer: PWSFTViT www.tiranafilmfest.com www.tiranafilmfest.com TIRANA INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL TIRANA INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL Daniel Vogelmann George Buzoianu 2011 / Germany / HD / 21’/ Fiction / Colour Wilt English title Welk Original title 2010 / Romania / HDTV / 22’/ Fiction / Colour You Are Divorced Va declar divortati English title Original title They live in a house near the woods. Year after year. He roams the forest, collecting plants. She stays home, smoking pot. Day after day. But they are not alone: something is living in the woods. Something that suddenly enters their lives, appealing and appalling at the same time, dangerous and beautiful. Everything changes. The short-feature is picturing (in a comic way) the relationships between women and men as well as the emotional conflicts that inerent show up in a couple. The main characters Nina and Vlad choose to divorce after 25 years of marriage but the financial situation requires them to continue living under the same roof. The hole picture of the family is complet by their daughter, Dana, who is expecting a baby, and their son, Radu, who is Script: Lukas Becker, Mathias Brod, Daniel Vogelmann; Photography: Kaspar Kaven; Editing: Mario Hirasaka; Music: Jakob Klotz ; Sound: David Wasielewski; Leading actors: Rudolf Waldemar Brem, Léonie Thelen, Maria Pletz; Producer: Mathias Brod Script: George Buzoianu & Alexandra Morariu; Photography: Alexandru Durac; Editing: Maxi Pop; Music: Jerry Lee Lewis; Sound: Liviu Lupsa; Leading actors: Radu Gabriel, Marius Florea Vizante, Gianina Corondan, Eduard Haris, Magda Catone; Producer: Alexandra Morariu www.tiranafilmfest.com www.tiranafilmfest.com TIRANA INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL TIRANA INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL animation Competition noi tamina a a Simone Massi Frèdèrique Ortega 2011 / Italy / Digital Beta / 6’/ Animation / Colour-B&W About Killing The Pig English title Dell'ammazzare il maiale Original title 2011 / France / HD / 11’15’’/ Animation / Colour Corridor Corridor English title Original title At the beginning of January the men enter the pig's sty and tie his muzzle. While he is being dragged out to be killed the animal has the chance to see the sky and the things of the World. A young boy and his parents walk around in a carnival. The mother encourages her son to have a go on a ghost train, alone. Apprehensively, the child accepts. Across the tunnel, he will find himself in a real train where he will be confronted to himself and grow up. Script: Simone Massi; Photography: Simone Massi; Editing: Simone Massi; Animation: Simone Massi; Music: Stefano Sasso; Sound: Stefano Sasso; Producer: Simone Massi Script: Frèdèrique Ortega; Editing: Romain Strabol; Animation: Wang Jing, Marielle Guyot; Music: Matthieu Levain; Sound: Matthieu Levain; Producer: Serge Elissalde, Olivier Catherin www.tiranafilmfest.com www.tiranafilmfest.com TIRANA INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL TIRANA INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL Marcel Barelli Anja Struck 2011 / Swiss / HD / 7’/ Animation / Colour Gypaetus Helveticus Gypaetus Helveticus English title Original title 2011 / Germany& Denmark / 35mm / 8’48’’/ Animation / B&W How to raise the moon How to raise the moon English title Original title Because of some false reputation, the greatest bird of prey in Europe was completely anihilated in Switzerland. This short movie though, tells us another story… In a place of condensed time, the stagnant things become alive and Sleep (Fox) and Death (Bunny) are fighting over a sleeping woman´s life. An experimental animation shortfilm about stalemate, surreal cycles in a poetic world and the secret of how to raise the moon. Script: Marcel Barelli; Editing: Zoltán Horváth; Animation: Marcel Barelli; Music: Louis Crelier; Sound: Laurent Jespersen; Producer: Nicolas Burlet Script: Anja Struck; Photography: Angela Poschet, bvk; Editing: Anja Struck; Animation: Dan Ramsey, Anja Perl; Music: Marcio Doctor; Sound: Marcio Doctor; Leading actors: Tora Balslev; Producer: Anja Struck www.tiranafilmfest.com www.tiranafilmfest.com TIRANA INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL TIRANA INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL Zoltan Horvath Joana Imaginário 2010 / Schweiz / HD / 9’/ Animation / Colour On Fire Feu Sacré English title Original title 2011 / Portugal / Betacam / 8’/ Animation / Colour Shadow Woman Mulher Sombra English title Original title On Fire’ is a tribute to one of the greatest actors of stage and screen, Marlon Brando; a rebel, a genius, a man who never knew the meaning of the word ‘compromise’ and Influenced profoundly everything actors' generation after him. SHADOW WOMAN is the story of a woman haunted by the wind - "from now on everything will delight (...) and the constant movement you will be imprisoned." From walking, the woman began to disappear and it was only the shadow. Script: Zoltan Horvath; Photography: Robert Nortik; Editing: Zoltan Horvath; Animation: Lynn Gerlach, Shinta Juilland, Julien Melt , Zoltan Horvath; Music: Léon Rousseau; Sound: Leon Rousseau; Producer: Nicolas Burlet Script: Joana Imaginário; Editing: Francisco Lança; Animation: Joana Imaginário; Music: J.S. Bach; Sound: Paulo Muiños; Producer: António C. Valente www.tiranafilmfest.com www.tiranafilmfest.com TIRANA INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL TIRANA INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL Cláudio Jordão Javier Mrad 2010 / Portugal / Betacam / 12’/ Animation / Colour Tale Of The Wind Conto do Vento English title Original title 2009 / Argentina / DVD/ 12’/ Animation / Colour Teclopolis Teclopolis English title Original title Salva had the gift of feeling the life of nature through her body. She lived in the forest across the river with Ábia his mother and she was happy until the day her life changed. Men and women of the village forced her to watch the burning of her mother accused of witchcraft. Years later the fear that the villagers had to her mother is the same that move them against her. Once upon a time... Old magazines gently dance in the wind. A super-8 camera crawls over a wooden table while an old carpet flows in and out. Suddenly, a mouse and then, a whole civilization running towards its inevitable destiny. Plastic waste has reached the point where not even the most distant beaches are safe. Script: Nelson Martins; Editing: Claudio Jordão; Animation: Cláudio Jordão, Nelson Martins; Music: João Paulo Nunes; Sound: João Paulo Nunes; Producer: António C. Valente Script: Javier Mrad, Javier Salazar, Javier Swedsky; Photography: Juan Maglione; Editing: Hugo Primero, Diego Primero; Animation: Becho Lo Bianco, Mariano Bergara; Music: Cesar Lerner; Sound: Pablo Locane; Producer: Diego Primero, Javier Mrad www.tiranafilmfest.com www.tiranafilmfest.com TIRANA INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL TIRANA INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL Matos Barbosa Patrick Junghans 2010 / Portugal / Betacam / 5’/ Animation / B&W The Lagoon, The Water, The Men… A Ria, a Água, o Homem… English title Original title 2011 / Belgium / HD / 8’/ Animation / Colour Waiting for yesterday Waiting for yesterday English title Original title The black and white draw the three elements, animating ordinary things in a poetic sense of the image. A depressed man struggles to move on and escape haunting memories of his wife, who was killed several years ago in a tragic accident. Script: Matos Barbosa; Editing: António Fonseca; Animation: Matos Barbosa, Vítor Lopes; Music: Claude Debussy; Producer: António C. Valente Script: Patrick Junghans; Sound: Yves De Mey; Producer: Anthony Rey www.tiranafilmfest.com www.tiranafilmfest.com TIRANA INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL TIRANA INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL Lili Sheikhat 2011 / Israel / HD/ 5’/ Animation / Colour-B&W Way Out Way Out English title Original title The hero goes down into the underground, sits down on a train and falls asleep. He is sleeping and waking up and dreaming.Through drowsiness in front of him the subway stations are coming and going..Dream and reality are mixing,intertwining together.In his dreams he sees some significant events of his life in which he missed something great,and now he regrets.They appear in front of him as the lanterns inside the underground tunnels. Perhaps,it is not too late now to change The Reality- his life. Script: Lili Sheikhat; Photography: Lili Sheikhat; Editing: Lili Sheikhat; Animation: Lili Sheikhat; Music: Ofer Yair; Sound: Ofer Yair; Producer: Bezalel academy of arts and design www.tiranafilmfest.com www.tiranafilmfest.com Competition y ratnemucod documentary d d Jani Peltonen Spyros Amiropoulos 2010 / Finland / Digital Beta / 19’ / Documentary / Colour-B&W A Tall Man Pitkä mies English title Original title 2011 / Greece / HD / 17’/ Documentary / Colour Ethos Process Part II Ethos Process Part II English title Original title Väinö Myllyrinne was one of the first internationally known Finnish celebrities, thanks to his height of nearly 2,5 meters. After his death, Väinö, or rather his figure, became immortal. His journey continues in our collective memory, best reprised by a life-size puppet, which tours the World much like Väinö did when he was still alive. “A Tall Man” pictures Väinö’s endless journey from the glittering European metropolises of the 1930’s to the local supermarkets and museums of today. An actress, a performance and a psychotherapy session. The vanishing point between a theatrical part and real life. Script: Jani Peltonen; Photography: Heikki Färm F.S.C; Editing: Okku Nuutilainen; Music: Pietu Korhonen; Sound: Pietu Korhonen, Kimmo Vänttinen; Producer: Sami Jahnukainen Script: Sotiris Zikos; Photography: Enzo Karanasios; Editing: Giorgos Angeludis; Music: Haris Capetanakis; Sound: Enzo Karanasios; Leading actors: Emmy Kontogianidou, Sotiris Zikos; Producer: Spyros Amiropoulos www.tiranafilmfest.com www.tiranafilmfest.com TIRANA INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL TIRANA INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL Benet Roman David Munoz 2010 / Romania& Spain / HD / 12’/ Documentary / Colour Femei Femei English title Original title 2011 / Spain / HD / 18’/ Documentary / Colour The Infinite Jest La broma infinita English title Original title Femei is a short documentary that responds, through the testimonies of women representing different ages and social classes, how these new European look at the world, what is their daily struggle and what they expect of the future. A look at the current Romanian women and their main challenges. The economy conditions our lives. Scarcity is a restriction imposed by nature itself. It is not a human invention. It is an unresolved dilemma. An endless fight for survival. Script: Alejandra Musi, Benet Roman; Photography: Benet Román; Editing: Benet Roman; Music: Frank Rudow; Sound: Roman Benet; Producer: Penélope Cristóbal Casado, María del Puy Alvarado Script: David Munoz; Photography: David Munoz; Editing: David Munoz; Music: Ry Cooder, Fran Simon; Sound: Beltran Rengifo; Leading actors: Haroon Sheikh, Lucas Galan, Masayuki Fujita, Ertugrul Bozkurtz, Jason Murrison, Omarou Idrissa; Producer: David Munoz www.tiranafilmfest.com www.tiranafilmfest.com TIRANA INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL TIRANA INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL Rainer Ludwings Lucas Bonolo 2011 / Germany& Ukraine / HD / 18’/ Documentary / Colour Leonids Story English title Istoriya Leonida Original title 2011 / Cuba/ HD / 13’/ Documentary / Colour Puerta De Golpe Puerta De Golpe English title Original title A Soviet family searching for a modest paradise is swept into an immense disaster. This magically animated film combines drawing, photography and documentary video to capture the surreal emotions of the too-real tragedy: Chernobyl 1986. Leonid grew up in the village next to the reactor. The catastrophe broke his life, ruined his health, and threatened his unborn child. Yet his work takes him right into the contaminated zone. This animated film tells his story. In a Cuban village called Puerta de Golpe, the documental camera assumes the eye of a stranger, finding a humble community devastated by the last hurricane which passed through two years ago. Among faces, houses and landscapes, another side of the island of Cuba is revealed, filled with silence and solitude. A narrator describes this reality and suggests new meanings for what he sees, while a strange cold wind blows through the town, bringing perhaps another hurricane. Script: Rainer Ludwings; Photography: Rainer Ludwigs, Ruediger Lubricht; Editing: Rainer Ludwings; Animation: Rainer Ludwings; Music: Andre Feldhaus; Sound: Sven Bien; Leading actors: Leonid Korzh, Lyudmilla Korzh; Producer: Tetyana Chernyavska Script: Lucas Bonolo; Photography: Camilio Soratti; Editing: Tiago Therien; Sound: Sergio F. Borros; Producer: Camelia Farfán www.tiranafilmfest.com www.tiranafilmfest.com TIRANA INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL TIRANA INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL Zohar Elefant Piotr Sułkowski 2010 / Israel / HD / 13’/ Documentary / Colour Sivan Sivan English title Original title 2011 / Poland / MiniDv / 16’/ Documentary / Colour The Conversation Rozmowa English title Original title Sivan is a documentary which diverge the gaze away from the players' movements on a soccer field, focusing instead on the facial expressions of a single viewer. Zohar Elefant turns the camera away from the football match and fixing it on an individual character amidst the crowd serves to lure the viewer into the real drama of the event, which takes place discretely inside the mind of every fan in the gallery. He is serving life imprisonment. She was sentenced to 25 years in prison.Agnieszka and Janusz had met eight years ago writing letters. Until this film they have never seen each other before. Photography: Zohar Elelfant; Producer: Zohar Elelfant; Script: Piotr Sułkowski; Photography: Michał Gruszczyński; Editing: Piotr Sułkowski, Joanna Więckowska; Sound: Ewa Bogusz; Producer: Andrzej Bednarek, Piotr Sułkowski www.tiranafilmfest.com www.tiranafilmfest.com TIRANA INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL TIRANA INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL Lendita Zeqiraj 2011 / France / HD / 30’/ Documentary / Colour We're Not In Paradise On est pas au paradis English title Original title Blurred and forgotten identity as the pervasive French culture absorbs their North African heritage, growing up in the concrete wastelands of France’s low-income in the suburbs (banlieues), wounded by rejection, the only way left of expressing their rage and pain is rap. Script: Lendita Zeqiraj; Photography: Remi Mazet; Editing: Amir Hamdani, Nidham Farah, Lendita Zeqiraj; Sound: Pellumb Ballata; Leading actors: Fouad Chengui, Retbi, Krucial; Producer: Lendita Zeqiraj; www.tiranafilmfest.com www.tiranafilmfest.com C n o i t i t e p om e latnemirepxe ental m i r e ex p e Ching Yi Tseng Chus Dominguez & Elena Cordoba 2010 / Taiwan / super 8mm / 10’/ Experimental / Colour 724 14th St 724 14th St English title Original title 2011 / Spain / DVcpro / 7’/ Experimental / Colour The dance of the quail. First movement La danza de la codorniz. Primer movimiento English title Original title This film is about a specific location and a specific kind of light and life. In the film by Jean Luc Godard’s “Vivre sa vie” Elena Córdoba, choreographer and dancer, heard a small dialog that talked about the nature of chickens and soul. From that text arose the idea of reviving the body of a quail ready to be cooked, and, following Godard, finding in it the soul of the dancer posthumously. Photography: Ching Yi Tseng; Editing: Ching Yi Tseng; Producer: Ching Yi Tseng Script: Chus Dominguez, Elena Cordoba; Photography: Chus Dominguez; Editing: Chus Dominguez; Sound: Chus Dominguez; Leading actors: Elena Cordoba; Producer: Jesus M. Dominguez www.tiranafilmfest.com www.tiranafilmfest.com TIRANA INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL TIRANA INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL Carlo Cagnasso Theo Putzu 2011 / Italy / MiniDv / 5’/ Experimental / B&W Fratres Fratres English title Original title 2010 / Spain / HD / 7’25’’/ Experimental / Colour Paper Memories Paper Memories English title Original title Two twins fight against the chaos of the images. An Old man search for happiness in old photos…. two worlds divided by the inability to dream... Script: Carlo Cagnasso; Photography: Carlo Cagnasso; Editing: Carlo Cagnasso; Music: Arvo Part; Leading actors: Gianluca De Serio, Massimiliano De Serio; Producer: Carlo Cagnasso Script: Theo Putzu; Photography: Theo Putzu; Editing: Theo Putzu; Animation: Theo Putzu; Music: Miguel Marin; Sound: Martin Ortega Granella; Leading actors: Josep Vilavert Manya, Elena España; Producer: Theo Putzu; www.tiranafilmfest.com www.tiranafilmfest.com TIRANA INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL TIRANA INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL Simeon Frohm Tuomas A. Laitinen 2011 / Sweden&Croatia / HD / 14’23’’/ Experimental / Colour Rafael, Remember Your Life Rafael, Remember Your Life English title Original title 2010 / Finland / HD / 16’53’’/ Experimental / Colour Rising Rising English title Original title RAFAEL,memento vitae depicts some aspects of life’s phases through Rafael’s eyes. Hence the title. The story is enacted in the borderlands between fiction and documentary. The contrast between hard and meaningless, and attractive and warming scenes may awake personal memories. Is it wellreasoned decisions or those low-key conversations that cause us to pause and consider? What forms our choices in life? Is it the chance meeting,events or everyday life itself? Nothing is self-evident. Like life. Rising is a dreamlike work about the future, remembering and energy production. The story is centered around a power station built in the early 20th century. Script: Filippe Gilló; Photography: Simeon Frohm; Editing: Simeon Frohm; Animation: Simeon Frohm; Music: Helios, Andreas Runeson, Kristoffer Byström; Sound: Simeon Frohm, Johan Eckeborn; Leading actors: Antoni Zabok, Gabriel Löfgren Lobo, Neo Slater, Arne Nordh, Emina Rostaan, Lisa Läckgren, Sixten Stensjö, Dominik Trakjovich, Ivo Mihajlovic, Dina Peckinpah; Producer: Michel Östlund Editing: Tuomas Laitinen; Music: Jimi Tenor, Tuomas Laitinen; Sound: A. Laitinen; Leading actors: Mikko Salonen, Kea Nuorivaara, Lauri Paivanen; Producer: Johanna Wartio- McEvoy www.tiranafilmfest.com www.tiranafilmfest.com TIRANA INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL TIRANA INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL Joonas Makkonen Gerard Freixes Ribera 2011 / Finland / HD / 3’/ Experimental / Colour The Chair The Chair English title Original title 2010 / Spain / MiniDv / 4’/ Experimental / B&W The Homogenics The Homogenics English title Original title An old chair is sharing his experiences in a studio interview. This short film is made within 48 hours, for a competition called "PlayOFF 2011". The film got 2nd prize in the competition. The same people living in the same houses. Uniformisation turns everything into stereotypes. The Homogenics family sitcom is an extreme example of that. Script: Joonas Makkonen; Photography: Tero Saikkonen; Editing: Joonas Makkonen; Music: Jussi Huhtala; Sound: Ismo Mustonen; Leading actors: Raimo Hytti, Olli Saarenpää, Janne Anttila; Producer: Joonas Makkonen, Toni Vuomajoki Animation: Gerard Freixes Ribera; Music: Earle Hagen; Leading actors: Dick Van Dyke; Producer: Gerard Freixes Ribera www.tiranafilmfest.com www.tiranafilmfest.com TIRANA INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL TIRANA INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL Petra Lindholm Nina Kurtela 2010 / Finland / HD / 10’50’’/ Experimental / Colour To Anne Marie To Anne Marie English title Original title 2010 / Croatia / HD / 10’/ Experimental / Colour Transformance Transformance English title Original title Anne Marie, the aunt of Lindholm’s grandfather, was engaged to a Russian man called Mr. Obolenski. Due to a civil war in Finland, Mr. Obolenski had to escape from the country. Left behind, Anne Marie never heard back from him again. Anne Marie’s life story is told with atmospheric images, displaying subtle nuances of colours, and music made by the author. Transformance is a video-event-work that activates and documents a five-month durational performance. Over this period of time, Nina Kurtela establishes a daily practice of visiting and witnessing the changes at the building site of the Uferstudios, Wedding, Berlin - the warehouse for the repair of public trams and buses becomes a dance institution. She is spectator to the making of an institution, an art institution, the making of the theatre stage. Script: Petra Lindholm; Music: Petra Lindholm; Producer: Petra Lindholm Script: Nina Kurtela; Photography: Nina Kurtela; Editing: Nina Kurtela; Animation: Nina Kurtela; Leading actors: Nina Kurtela; Producer: Nina Kurtela www.tiranafilmfest.com www.tiranafilmfest.com TIRANA INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL TIRANA INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL Lee Hyung-suk Maja Kirovska 2010 / South Korea / 35mm / 9’/ Experimental / Colour-B&W Western Movie Seo-bu-yeong-hwa English title Original title 2011 / Macedonia / DV / 3’/ Experimental / Colour Where Is The Exit? Probably Sisyphus Knows Where Is The Exit? Probably Sisyphus Knows English title Original title A sheriff crosses a desolate field on horseback and enters a village devastated by Native Americans. There are some eyes fixed on the sheriff in the town. It is a metaphor for us, modern Sisyphuses, preoccupied with our everyday repeatable actions, that by repeating, almost get unconscious character. It represents the “blessing” of unawareness and the unbearable heaviness of the moment of getting conscious of our position in the global movement of the things. The video shows a big number of ants that repeatedly are trying to climb up to the top, and at every attempt they slide to the bottom, not changing the starting position. Script: Lee Hyung-suk; Photography: Lee Sang-gil; Editing: Lee Hyung-suk; Animation: Shin Hyun-suk; Music: Lee Eun-suk, Sung Hwan; Sound: Park Heechan; Leading actors: Sheriff : Ko Kwan-jae; Producer: Kim Tai-yong Script: Maja Kirovska; Photography: Maja Kirovska; Editing: Maja Kirovska; Music: Maja Kirovska; Sound: Maja Kirovska; Producer: Maja Kirovska www.tiranafilmfest.com www.tiranafilmfest.com TIRANA INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL TIRANA INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL COMPETITION Love in morgue Father For you Dashuri ne morg Baba Për ju 2011 / Albania / 18’23’’/ Fiction / Colour 2011 /Kosova / 16/9 HDV / 21’/ Fiction / Colour Eros Dibra Gledis Bica 2011 / Albania / DVD / 7’/ Documentary / Colour Eduart Fisheku Gelqere Kruje God’s Gift I'm happy that albanians likes sculpture Gelqere Kruje Dhurata e Zotit Gezohem qe shqiptaret e pelqejne skulpturen 2011 / Albania / 10’40’’/ Documentary / Colour Arjan Taga www.tiranafilmfest.com 2011 / Kosova / 7’/ Fiction / Colour Çlirim Uksana COMPETITION 2011 / Albania / HD / 30'/ Documentary / Colour Stefan Capaliku& Florian Haxhihyseni COMPETITION TIRANA INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL Lena and me Revenge Rustem the Caretaker Lena dhe unë Revansh Administratori 2010 / USA / 16mm / 15’/ Fiction / Colour 2008 / Albania / 14’25’’/ Documentary / Colour- B&W Blerta Basholli Gentian Koçi 2010 / Albania / MiniDv / 7’/ Fiction / Colour Faton Bajraktari Stones Water The hole ahead The last journey Gurë ujë Vrima përballë Udhëtimi i fundit 2010 / Albania / 16/9 HDV / 18’/ Fiction / Colour 2011 / Albania / 16/9 DV-PAL / 14’18’’/ Fiction / Colour Ervin Kotori www.tiranafilmfest.com Emiljo Leka COMPETITION 2011 / Albania / HD / 7’13’’/ Fiction / colour Elis Gjoni COMPETITION TIRANA INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL The Promise of Constantine The shoemaker Time for a choice Besa e Kostandinit Këpucëtari Kohë zgjedhjesh 2011 / Albania / HD / 6’/ Animation / Colour 2011 /Kosova / HD / 25’/ Fiction / Colour Marvina Çela 2010 / Albania / 16/9 HDV / 17’/ Fiction / Colour Artan Korenica Soena Lame War Home The elevator Lufta Home Ashensori 2011 / Kosova / HD / 27’/ Fiction / Colour 2011 / USA / DVCAM / 13’07’’/ Fiction Faton Bajraktari www.tiranafilmfest.com Kast Hasa COMPETITION 2010 / Kosova / 27’/ Fiction / Colour Burbuqe Berisha COMPETITION TIRANA INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL A special friend Amateur Children's Barracks Një mike e veçantë Amateur Kazerma e femijve 2011/ Albania/ HD/ 8'41''/ Fiction/ Colour 2011/ Albania/ AVCHD/ 8'44''/ Experimental/ B&W Aldi Karaj 2011/Albania/ HD/ 9'/ Fiction/ Colour Rudi Prifti Spiros Lena Dulja For my mother The news Dulja Për nënën time Lajmi 2010/ Albania/ HDV/ 04'19''/ Documentary/ Colour Julian Canameti www.tiranafilmfest.com 2011/ Albania/ MiniDv/ 19'15''/ Experimental- Fiction/ Colour Dritan Mesareja COMPETITION 2011/ Albania/ 16:09/ 14'40''/ Fiction/ Colour Fatjon Xhika COMPETITION TIRANA INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL The red joker Toward the game The last Coffee Xholi i kuq Drejt lojës Kafeja e fundit 2011/ Albania/ MiniDv/ 10'/ Fiction/ Colour 2011/Albania/ HDV/ 4'11''/ Fiction/ Colour Gentian Kurti Ejona Abasi 2011/ Albania/ HD/ 11'36''/ Fiction/ colour Vasjan Lami WWW.TIRANAFILMFEST.COM www.tiranafilmfest.com COMPETITION COMPETITION TIRANA INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL Carmelo Bene was born in Campi Salentina (Lecce), Italy in 1937. He began his career as a stage actor, and soon formed his own theater company; his adaptation of Camus's Caligula put him in the avant-garde limelight as early as 1959. Bene directed and took on leading roles in his own performance pieces, from which he developed a theory of theater inspired by Antonin Artaud. Bene's work opposes classical text-based theater, and his theories generally revolve around the necessity of recreating texts in performance with the actoras-subject or actorial machine. He considered his work to be about a “constant becoming” in a perpetual state of incompletion. Bene believed that to merely repeat the written lines of famous playwrights was to murder theater. His art, therefore, is an art of repetition through extreme variation. By experimenting with classical dramatic texts, Bene became known as a notorious destroyer of texts. Outside the theater, he was a prolific writer, critic, radio performer, television actor, and filmmaker. In 1968, his controversial Nostra Signora dei Turchi (Our Lady of the Turks), which he adapted from his own 1965 novel of the same title, brought him acclaim as an avantgarde filmmaker. Bene interacted and collaborated with some of the most perceptive minds of the latter half of the twentieth century, such as Gilles Deleuze and Pier Paolo Pasolini, and found inspiration in contemporary thinkers such as Jacques Derrida, Roland Barthes, and Jacques Lacan, who largely influenced his critical and creative work. Many of his works, including his complete theatrical works, have been translated into French by Jean-Paul Manganaro. Bene died in Rome in 2002. Carmelo Bene Carmelo Bene SPECIAL GUEST Piergiorgio Giacchè Hermitage Nella stanza 805 dell'Hotel Hermitage, il corpo debordante di Carmelo Bene si trasforma in corpo cinematico con una serie di performance (dormire, vestirsi, scrivere, specchiarsi) che non hanno più alcun connotato reale, come se il mondo fuori fosse stato cancellato e non rimanessero che quel corpo e quella voce. Nostra Signora dei Turchi « Un giovanotto magro, nervoso, spiritato, venuto dalle Puglie per inventare a Roma un suo personalissimo teatro. Si chiama Carmelo Bene. Non ha ancora trent'anni. Ha già scritto un romanzo Nostra Signora dei Turchi. Ha diretto come attore, autore, regista, una decina di spettacoli. Dieci spettacoli, dieci polemiche clamorose. È un istrione? Oppure: è un genio? È un mistificatore? Su questi giudizi il pubblico e la critica si danno battaglia.... » (Perugia, 1946) professore associato presso il Dipartimento Uomo & Territorio dell'Università degli studi di Perugia, insegna Antropologia del teatro e dello spettacolo e Fondamenti di Antropologia alla Facoltà di Lettere e filosofia della stessa università e Antropologia culturale alla Facoltà di Scienze della formazione alla L.U.M.S.A. di Roma. Ha condotto ricerche sulla devianza e sulla solitudine, sulla condizione giovanile e la partecipazione politica, prima di approdare al tema del rapporto tra Antropologia culturale e Cultura teatrale che è da tempo al centro dei suoi interessi scientifici. E' stato membro del comitato scientifico dell'International School of Theatre Anthropology (1981-1991) diretta da Eugenio Barba, si è occupato del fenomeno del “Teatro di gruppo” e della “Identità dello spettatore”. E' stato il primo Presidente della Fondazione “L'Immemoriale di Carmelo Bene” (2002-2005). Membro del Comité de Rédaction de “L'Ethnographie”, collaboratore de “Lo Straniero” e di numerose altre riviste nazionali e internazionali, ha pubblicato, fra l'altro: Una nuova solitudine. Vivere soli fra integrazione e liberazione (Savelli, Roma, 1981),Lo spettatore partecipante. Contributi per un'antropologia del teatro (Guerini e ass., Milano, 1991), Carmelo Bene. Antropologia di una macchina attoriale (Bompiani, Milano, 1997), L'altra visione dell'altro. Una equazione tra antropologia e teatro (L'ancora del mediterraneo, Napoli, 2004). Salome "Borghese" di questa Salomè si legge: « Dinanzi a personaggi come Carmelo Bene e come Franco Citti nulla può la critica teatrale. Debbono intervenire i carabinieri. E non bisogna aspettare che vilipendano la Religione o prendano a calci i lavoratori, per procedere al loro arresto; bisogna soltanto accertarsi della loro identità e metterli in galera, perché oltraggiano il buon gusto, nuocciono all'igiene pubblica, deturpano il paesaggio» Alberto Arbasino si sente in dovere di scrivere: « Questa geniale Salomè [... spacca] ...il pubblico in due, ma con la precisione di quelle reazioni chimiche tipo tornasole capaci di separare con una botta sola le mezze calzette da quelli che cercano di capire. » Carmelo Bene He was born in Palermo, Sicily, to a wealthy family, and studied architecture in Rome, before deciding to become a director. De Seta made ten short documentaries between 1954 and 1959, before directing his first feature-length film, Banditi a Orgosolo (Bandits of Orgosolo). His early documentaries focus on the everyday life of many of Sicily's poorest workers, and are notable for their lack of voice-over narration, quiet mood, and striking color. In 2005 the rediscovery of Vittorio De Seta's work was a highlight of Tribeca Film Festival and Full Frame Documentary Film Festival, where was presented Détour De Seta, a documentary on the Italian director. Banditi a Orgosolo (1961); Un uomo a metà (1966); L'invitata (1969); Diario di un maestro (1972, TV); In Calabria (1993); Lettere dal Sahara (2005); Documentaries; Vinni lu tempu de li pisci spata, 11', 1955; Isole di fuoco, 11', 1955; Sulfarara, 10', 1955; Pasqua in Sicilia, 11', 1955; Contadini del mare, 10', 1955; Parabola d'oro, 10', 1955; Pescherecci, 11', 1958; Pastori di Orgosolo, 11', 1958; Un giorno in Barbagia, 14', 1958; I dimenticati, 20', 1959 Awards 1957. David di Donatello: Targa d'argento; 1961. Best First Work in the Venice Film Festival with Banditi a Orgosolo; 1962. Silver Ribbon of the Best Cinematography B/W at the Sindacato Nazionale Giornalisti Cinematografici Italiani (Italian National Syndicate of Film Journalists) with Banditi a Orgosolo. Vittorio de Seta Vittorio de Seta Pasqua in Sicilia FilmCELEBRATION captures the tremendous religiosity of human emotions during Holy Week. During the year's most important holiday, people perform scenes from the Bible, priests and soldiers sound their drums, Jesus carries his cross, and the onlookers' dark red masks symbolize the evil forces that led to the death of the Lord. Pescherecci Each De Seta film examines how the natural environment determines the behaviour of the people living in it. PESCHERECCI sheds light on the fisheries between Sicily and Africa. De Seta shows how the fishermen put out to sea in all weathers to scrape a living. If a storm breaks, the fishing boats seek refuge on the island of Lampedusa. The sober but effective use of the surrounding sounds drowns the fishermen's voices and gives the film an extra dramatic dimension. Un giorno in Barbagia FilmWOMEN was made in Barbagia, a rocky region in the middle of Sardinia, where most men from local villages spend most of their time with their herds far from their families. The houses are left to the women, who take care of children, work in the fields, gather wood and bake bread, the herdsmen's meal. Filmed in villages at the ends of steep, unpaved roads, the film reminds of the women's lot, their patience and quiet devotion. Lu tempu di li pisci spata Film HUNT shows the director's sense for detail and visual beauty, which turn a day of swordfish hunting into a dramatic poem. A realistic depiction of the dull waiting in the Strait of Messina, and of the sudden struggle to reel in the fish. A portrait of man versus animal ordinary and majestic at once. Vittorio de Seta screeni ng Andi Deliana Sinopsis Fighting corruption becomes the new goal after a government changeover in Albania. Two men, a former ministry chief and his business partner, have less than 48 hours to save their jobs and reputations. An absurd chain of events follows, as the chaos threatens to destroy everyone in this fast paced crime thriller. - Masterclass per Dokumentarin ne Akademine e Arteve: "WHAT THEY DON'T TEACH YOU IN FILM SCHOOL". Lektor ne shkolla filmi ne Europe, Kine, USA dhe Lindjen e Mesme. - Prezanton projektin e tij te ri filmik 5-vjecar NOTHING. Andi Deliana Andi Deliana left Albania for France in the early 1990s and late 90-s immigrated to Canada. He enrolled at the Université de Montréal earning a degree in cinema. He worked on several short films in Montreal, as cameraman and director, including a a short experimental work entitled La Reception. He returned to the US and worked on independent films and big budget commercials. His arrival in New York gave him the chance to work in major commercial productions and films such as Feliz Navidad, Dough Boys, Sound Gun as well as in off-Broadway projects. Now he lives between USA and Albania developing several projects for film and television. The Twins Tirana 48 Hour Film Project Binjakët 2011/ Albania/ 07'44''/ Mockumentary Elis Gjoni I wish you Urime 2011 / Albania / 04'21'' / Romance Regis Canameri The "Tirana 48 Hour Film Project" is the world's and largest timed film competition in the world. The "Tirana 48 Hour Film Project" mission is to advance filmmaking and promote albanian filmmakers. The tight 48-hour deadline, puts the focus squarely on the filmmakers, emphasizing creativity and teamwork and “doing” instead of “talking.” The emphasis is also on building communities of local creative people - facilitating new connections, showcasing skills, and celebrating what creativity and teamwork can accomplish in just one weekend. Filmmakers from all over the country of Albania, will compete to see who can make the best short film in only 48 hours. The winning film will go up against films from around the world for the title "Best 48 Hour Film" where from 100 selected winners films, 20 of them will travel to Cannes Festival, also the winner goes at to Sundance International Film Festival The "Tirana 48 Hour Film Project" is an annual event, held in October of each year, and it came to Tirana for the first time by its producer, Robert Aliaj DRAGOT in 2010. The non-existence Inegzistanca screeni n 2011/ Albania/ 08'08''/ Fantasy Gentian Kurti To buy memories Të blesh kujtimet 2011/ Albania/ 6'/ Family Film Agli Pançi g Tirana Art Center presents “Don't Tell Anybody”, a series of videos by Jakup Ferri, in collaboration with Tirana International Film Festival. From December 5 until 10, 2011 for the TIFFs special program will be presented three videos by Jakup Ferri. In “An Artist Who Cannot Speak English is No Artist” Jakup Ferri ironically questions these definitions of his practice at home and within the international art circuit. Acting as a protagonist in many of his videos, Ferri is concerned with history and memory, when like in a recent video he continues Croatian artist Mladen Stilinoviç´s thoughts expressed in the famous 1992 embroidery: An artist who speaks no English is no artist with his own broken English. In “Three Virgins”, the artist first listens to a performance by Yoko Ono and John Lennon calling each other by their names, and then starts calling his own name "Jakup! Jakup!" He might be resurrecting the old saying "Nomen est omen"? Or, better yet, he might be searching for the place where the"delayed" stand among the stars? In “Don't Tell Anybody”, Ferri counts the number of grains in one kilo of rice. In medieval times, scholars engaged in heated arguments over the number of angels balancing on the point of a needle. For no purpose. Scholars of modern day materialism count the number of grains in rice. For no purpose. Jakup Ferri was born in 1981 in Prishtina. Lives and works in Amsterdam and Prishtina. After studying at School of Arts in Prishtina he was part of numerous art residences like Kultur Kontakt Austria, Rijksakademie Van Beeldende Kunsten Amsterdam, International Studio and Curatorial Program New York etc. In 2003 he wins M.Mulliqi Prize Prishtina and Artists of Tomorrow, also Prishtina. He has exhibited at 28th Graphic Biennale Ljubljana, Quadrennial for Contemporary Art Copenhagen, Prague Biennale 3, Zacheta National Gallery Warsaw, National Museum of Contemporary Art Bucharest, 9th İstanbul Biennial, KW Institute for Contemporary Art Berlin, Portikus Frankfurt, Cetinje Biennale V, Kunsthalle Fridericianum and De Appel Amsterdam. Dont tell anybody English & Artist DON'T TELL ANYBODY - Curator Fani Zguro Jakup Ferri screeni n g Three Virgins Middle length Fabian Kati screeni ng Director: Fabian Kati Title in English: Unheard Voices: Encounters with Albanians in Great Britain Original title: Takime me te ikurit: Me shqiptaret e Britanise se Madhe 2011 / UK/Albania / HD / 56' / Documentary / Colour Petrit Ruka Director: Petrit Ruka Inida Gjata Zhaku Director: Inida Gjata ZHAKU Title in English: Homers of Balkanic movie Original title: Homerët e filmit Ballkanik 2011/ Albania/ 28'54''/ Documentary/ colour Title in English: Hiçi Original title: Nothing 2011/ Albania/ 53'27''/ Documentary/ colour Middle length screeni ng Bela Sarina 24 ore Dyer, dyer, dyer Leksioni Kur vdekja kthen rruge Urgjenca Mjekësore: Farmaci nate / Night Drugstore: (Ambulanca e urgjencës) / Emergency Services 222 22 41 127 / 25 33 64 / 22 22 35 / 25 33 65 Zjarrfikëse / Fire Department: 128 / 22 22 22 Servis në rrugë / Road Service: 23 48 72 / 0682152808 Policia / Police: Ndërhyrja e shpejtë: 129 Informacioni Telekomit / Telecom Info Centre 124 Makina me qera / Rent-a-car: LUMANI ENTERPRISE: Blvd. Dëshmorët e Kombit, Rogner Hotel tel: 223 50 21 / 0684095875 / 0686011888 / www.lumani-enterprise.com EUROPACAR: Rruga e Durrësit, L. 61 Aeroporti Nënë Tereza Rinas / Mother Teresa Airport: 236 21 37 / 237 12 01 / 223 48 54 Radio Taxi / Radio Taxi: 35 55 55 / 24 44 44 / 25 55 55 37 77 77 / 25 88 88 126 44 45 / 32 – 44 Rajoni Pol. 2: 22 33 22 / 34 – 44 Rajoni Pol. 3: 22 45 29 / 32 – 10 Rajoni Pol. 4: 36 68 26 / 33 – 14 tel: 224 61 92 / 222 78 88 / 222 63 70 / www.europacar.com ALBRENTCAR: Rr. Sami Frashëri, Pallatet Agimi tel/fax: 222 81 66 / 0692091272 AVIS: Blvd. Dëshmorët e Kombit, Rogner Hotel tel: 223 50 11 fax: 223 50 24 Policia Rrugore: Rajoni Pol. 1: 22 HERTZ:Tirana International Hotel, Sheshi Skënderbej tel: 225 50 28 / tel/fax: 223 51 09 Booking info For all informations please call: venues: Tel: +355 4 2256588 Cristal Center Komuna e Parisit fax: +355 4 2256588 address: Rr. Frang Bardhi [email protected] Ndryshimi i orareve / Changes to timetable: Ndryshimet në programin e festivalit do të pasqyrohen në kinema ose website-in e festivalit / Notice of changes will be posted at the Venues, in the box offce and on the festival website, www.tiranafilmfest.com Prizes BEST FILM OF TIFF BEST DIRECTOR BEST ACTOR BEST ACTRESS MEDIA AWARD PUBLIC AWARD BEST FICTION SHORT FILM BEST ANIMATED SHORT FILM BEST DOCUMENTARY SHORT FILM BEST EXPERIMENTAL SHORT FILM BEST ALBANIAN SHORT FILM