FEB follower 2016_web - Faith United Church of Christ
FEB follower 2016_web - Faith United Church of Christ
FAITHFUL follower 1 FAITH UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST O P E N Fe b r u a ry & A F F IR M I N G 20 16 The Faithful Follower is published monthly by Faith United Church of Christ. Editor: Faith Quici From Your Moderator IN THIS ISSUE o From Your Moderator pg 1 o Pastor’s Desk pg 2 o Financial Snapshot pg3 o Choir Season pg4 o Preschool Carnival pg 5 o Council Mtg. Minutes pg 6 o Church Contacts pg 8 o February Calendar pg 9 Thank You From Rev. Brian and Judy Bagley Bonner Dear People of Faith; Our heartfelt thanks go out to you for our generous Christmas bonus. It was a lovely gift, and very timely. You are truly a warm and generous community, and we appreciate you very much. It looks like 2016 is off to a good start. We had 19 at the Dinner and Dessert last Friday. This was one of our larger groups. We were pleased to have some of our members who have returned from the north there to join us. Please watch your Bulletins for activities that will be coming up. Sign up on one of the sheets on the Narthex Bulletin Board. There usually is a sheet for attending and one for those who would like to host. Ash Wednesday will be on February 10. We will have the service at 5:30 or 7:00 P.M. The Adult study classes will resume on Sunday, February 14 at 9:00 A.M. and Tuesday February 16 at 6:30 P.M. Please sign up on the Bulletin Board List. There is also information about the new books. The February Church Women United meeting will be on the 5th at Community of Christ Church, 5753 33rd St. East, Bradenton, FL. 34203. The Annual Crop Walk for Manatee County will be on February 28 at 2:00 P.M. We would love to have you join us. If you don't feel that you can make the complete walk, there is a shorter one that you can do. If you would like to sponsor someone who is walking, please see me, and I will tell you who is walking. I would like to thank everyone who volunteers to help with the activities and those who serve on the various boards and the Church Council. Last but by no means least, I would like to thank our Pastors Brian and Judy BagleyBonner for everything you do for all of us. It is such a pleasure having you work together. The Sunday morning services are very special. You both present sermons that teach us things we didn't always realize and complement each other. We are very blessed to have you. Here is to another good year for Faith Church. Please remember that, if you have any questions or suggestions, you can contact the church office, the Pastors, the Church Council Members, or any other board members. Peace be with you! Marge Hooie, Moderator Faith Women On Saturday, February 20, Faith Women will travel to the Church of the Nativity in Sarasota for a flower festival. This year’s theme is “The Whole World in His Hands.” After viewing all the beautiful floral arrangements, we’ll listen to the Grand Musicale: Martha Lopez, soprano; Joseph Shields, classical guitarist and the Festival singers will present a glorious program. We will leave Faith at 10 a.m., and proceed to the festival. A sign-up sheet is on the bulletin board. For more information, contact Sheryl Overheidt-Smith at 941-776-5589 T H E P A S T O R ’ S D E S K WORSHIP WITH US Rev . B rian and Rev . "It takes courage to grow up and turn out to be who you really are." - e.e. cummings A good friend of ours gave me an artistically rendered copy of this phrase when I graduated from Seminary. It is a great reminder that God has made us to be wonderful and amazing people, but sometimes life and the world try to make us forget that. We are often tempted to avoid who we really are, to hide our light under a bushel, or to just go the safe or routine route. As we enter into Lent in February, we have the opportunity to use this season of self-reflection to think about the ways we need to grow up (no matter what our age!) into our truest and best selves. It is Judy Bagley - 22 Bonn er in this effort to grow that we can reflect the likeness of Christ to those around us. We may have to face some past hurt or acknowledge a past failing. It may involve taking some risks and trying something new. Whatever Lent might offer you as you reflect, God will uphold, guide and support you. Since scripture talks about faith as a race, I wanted to share with you this bit of encouragement from NASCAR Driver Danica Patrick: Take those chances and you can achieve greatness, whereas if you go conservative, you'll never know. I truly believe what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. Even if you fail, learning and moving on is sometimes the best thing. Blessings, CHURCH HAPPENINGS Pancakes at IHOP! (Fat Tuesday!) On Tuesday, February 9, we will gather for our traditional Shrove Tuesday pancake supper at the IHOP East of the church on S.R. 64. They have a special room for such gatherings and last year we had a great time. Please sign up or call the office to make your reservation. Ash Wednesday On Wednesday, February 10, we will gather for a service of reflection and the imposition of ashes. This day marks the beginning of the season of Lent. We will decide at the Annual Meeting if we will gather at 5:30 pm or 7:00 pm. Please consider coming to this quiet service of SelfReflection FEBRUARY 7, 2016 Flowers: Greeters: Scripture: Ushers: Communion: Nursery: Sheryl Overheidt-Smith Council Marge Hooie Council Council Marge Hooie FEBRUARY 14, 2016 Flowers: Greeters: Scripture: Ushers: Nursery: Available Available Jean Cox Available Babs Brownell FEBRUARY 21, 2016 Flowers: Greeters: Scripture: Ushers: Nursery: Available Available Joan Sheehan Available Linda Anderson FEBRUARY 28, 2016 Flowers: Greeters: Scripture: Ushers: Nursery: Available Available Steve Richmond Available Marge Hooie SUNDAY VOLUNTEERS If you are serving for the first time and have questions regarding your duties, please look on the bulletin board. Detailed duties for each assignment are printed for you. Please take a copy if you wish. Thank you for volunteering. FINANCIAL SNAPSHOT NOVEMBER DECEMBER 28 INCOME $13,994.66 29 INCOME $12,570.37 EXPENSE $12,867.89 EXPENSE - DIFFERENCE $1,126.77 DIFFERENCE - Besides offering, the totals above include insurance receipts and expenses related to the building flood. PER CAPITA 2016 The decision for individuals to pay their own Per Capita was made years ago. Per Capita is an obligation we owe yearly to the conference to pay for staff, help with pastor searches, programs, etc. The cost is $14.50 per person. Thanks for your prompt attention to this conference obligation. Your statement will show if you have paid for this year. Financial Secretary Judy O NE CO FLO RI S T /// 941.756.1556 If you want to purchase flowers, Oneco Florist is offering Church members $5 off their first arrangement. Just mention this article. If you order flowers through the church for a Sunday morning please, sign up on the bulletin board. The flowers are $25 this year. You are encouraged to take your flowers home with you after service, but if you leave them they will be taken to a shut in. SOCIAL ACTION & MISSIONS FEBRUARY food collection is: Peanut Butter THE CROP WALK Sunday, February 28 at 2pm. We are meeting at the Palmetto First United Methodist Church. If you are interested in walking with us, please sign up with Marge Hooie so you can get started on your sponsorship. 3 Mark Your Calendars MEN’S BREAKFAST SAT. February 6 We are meeting at Norma Rae’s in Palmetto at 9am. FAITH WOMEN Will be taking a field trip this month. Please see the article on the front page. POTLUCK We need volunteers to sign up to host the potluck. The Potluck is the 2nd Sunday of the month after service. This month it will be Sunday, February 14, Valentine’s Day. DINNER & DESSERT We are looking for someone to host February’s Dinner and Dessert. It would be Friday, February, 19. Please see the sing up on the bulletin board in the Narthex. Children’s Ministry Team God has a purpose for you, and if you have a heart for children, then it could be to join the Children’s Ministry Team. It’s so easy to sign up for only a few Sundays out of the year. Contact Babs Brownell if you would like more information about this purposeful and rewarding ministry. Call: 941.747.9643 4 Choir Season Join us! We meet for practice every Thursday at 7pm. Please see Bob Cox if you are interested. WINTER BOOK STUDY A Contemplative Guide to Growing Older and Wiser AGING AS A SPIRITUAL PRACTICE New Book Study: Aging as a Spiritual Practice It’s time to sign up and tell your friends about our winter book study! Again, there will be two groups, one on Sunday mornings at 9:00 and one on Tuesday evenings at 6:30. These will begin on February 14 and 16. Again, we will advertise these groups in the wider community, and encourage all Faith UCC members to spread the word, especially with your unchurched friends. The next book is entitled Aging as a Spiritual Practice by Lewis Richmond. The first thing that needs to be said about this book is that it is NOT just for senior citizens! In fact, we are all aging from the moment we are born, and the earlier we begin to process it consciously and spiritually, the better. So you are invited to attend this study no matter how young or old you may be. The second thing to be said about the book is that the author is a Buddhist meditation teacher. If that makes you nervous, relax. He is a user-friendly, American Buddhist and his ideas blend seamlessly into our own Christian tradition of contemplative spirituality. He has intentionally written the book for people of all faiths. More about the book from the back cover: “The first truth about aging is also the first truth of Buddhist teaching: everything changes. In Aging as a Spiritual Practice, Buddhist meditation teacher Lewis Richmond helps us understand how the transformation can bring new possibilities, fresh beginnings, a wealth of appreciation, and a depth of gratitude that profoundly affects how our lives proceed. Regardless of whether you are enjoying growing old, hating it, or in denial, each chapter is filled with relatable anecdotes. Incorporating illuminating facts from scientific researchers, doctors, and psychologists on aging’s various challenges and rewards, Richmond explores the tandem of maintaining a healthy body and healthy relationships, infused with an active spiritual life.” Please do sign up in advance for this six week study. There will be a sign up sheet on the bulletin board at church. If you want to get in on the church book order, you must sign up by Jan. 31. Cost is $15.00. Pay when book is received. I believe you will benefit greatly from this contemplative guide to growing older and wiser. Judy Bagley-Bonner A Preschool Note Wendi Steinbach, Director Faith Preschool has started planning its 17th Annual Kid’s Carnival! Join us on Saturday, March 12 from 10:00 AM 1:00 PM for a fun-filled day. We will have games for the children, hayrides, a bounce house, a yard sale, food and a Silent Auction. Proceeds will benefit Faith Preschool. Registration for the 2016/2017 will begin in February. If you know of anyone looking for a quality, part-time preschool, please have them call me at 746-7895 or email me at [email protected] to schedule a tour. Thank you! 55 6 CHURCH COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES Faith United Church of Christ /// Present: Judy and Denny Wetter, Barbara Brownell, Pastors Jude and Brian, Marge Hooie, M.R. Lembright, Richard Dilts, Faith Quici, and Debra D’Angelo. The meeting was called to order at 7:09 by Marge Hooie and opened with a prayer from Pastor Brian. A motion to accept the minutes from the December meeting was made by Judy Wetter and 2nd by M.R. Lembright. The motion was carried with a unanimous vote. Financial Secretary’s Report: Judy Wetter submitted her report with a total deposit to the operating fund of $12,570.37, Building for the future fund deposit of $345.00 and the pass through account deposit of $1646.00 for a total deposit of $14561.37. She also submitted a chart looking at monthly totals for the year with a total deposit of $148,702.00. Treasurer’s Report: Pastor Brian submitted the treasurer’s report in Marge C.’s absence with a look at 2015 actual, budgeted and 2016 budget. Current pledges are at $78,104.00 for 2016 whereas 2015 pledges were at $91,648.25. Secretary’s Report: Faith reported that the Nar-anon group would like to have a second meeting every week on Thursday starting February 4th. Since this would not take up any extra space or impact our church or the apostolic church, the council agreed to let this happen. January 11, 2015 Pastor’s Report: Pastor Brian said that in 2014 we had 58 visitors to the church and in 2015 we had 75 visitors. Pastor Jude is gearing up for the next book study. They are focusing on advertising at this time. Pastors Brian and Jude are talking about bringing the book studies to neighborhood and new developments and to Carlton Arms Apartments. Old Business: Council nominations; we are still in need of a treasurer, Christian ed., church events and fellowship, and faith care team. Crop walk; Marge Hooie has approached the manager at Thorntons to be our sponsor. Budget; the proposed 2016 budget was reviewed and a motion to accept was made by Barbara Brownell and 2nd by Deb D’Angelo. The motion was carried unanimously. New Business: Dinner and dessert will be at Beef’s O’Bradys with dessert hosted by Peg O’Sullivan. Flowers; the cost of flowers has gone up to $25.00. Judy motioned to allow people to bring their own flowers but they have to let Faith know. Deb D’Angelo 2nd the motion which was carried unanimously. Departments and Committees: Building and Grounds; Denny Wetter reported of the accomplishments of the committee which includes all repairs to the flood damaged areas have been completed except for some paint touch up and base board adjustment. Pastoral Relations Committee; the next meeting will be determined after the annual meeting. Community Outreach; Deb D’Angelo has been working hard at advertising of the book studies. Faith Care Team; M.R. Lembright reported that the committee has served 38 people this past year. Worship Committee; February will be by intinction with the help of Judy Wetter and Richard Dilts. The meeting was adjourned at 9:06 with a prayer from Pastor Jude. K-Cups Wanted Thank you, Marge Critelli, for donating a Keurig Coffee Maker to the church. If you have some K-cups you don’t plan to use (especially TEA or other non-coffee drinks), we would love to offer them on Sunday mornings. You may drop them off at the church kitchen. 7 Your Staff Prayer Team If you or someone you know is in need of prayer, call one of the following: Pastors Rev. Brian and Rev. Judy Bagley-Bonner Cell: 941-718-3132 Janis Groth Marge Hooie 941.779.6988 941. 747.2734 (with Janie) 10 am - 1 pm 9am - noon 8:30 am - *noon 8:30 am - 9:30 am Office Hours MONDAY-FRIDAY 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM 746-8890 Fax 746-0670 If you, a member of your family, or someone you know is ill or hospitalized, please let the office know as soon as possible. A member of Faith Church would like to make a visit to bring God’s word of comfort. The church office telephone number is 746-8890 or email at [email protected] Faith Quici 2016 Church Council Faith UCC Email: [email protected] We are looking forward to having a great council in 2016. If you are interested in joining the church council, please see Babs Brownell or Pastor Brian. Faith Website: faithchurchucc.com Just search for: W Joan Sheehan 941.748.2498 SUBMIT A PRAYER REQUEST Other times by appointment *3rd Thursday at UCC meetings Secretary Sheryl Donna Rusch Overheidt301.825.9611 Smith 941.776.5589 Members of the Prayer Team want to keep the prayer list current. Please advise us when you would like a name removed from the list. PASTORS’ OFFICE HOURS Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Helen Nutting 941. 747.2734 “Faith United Church of Christ, Bradenton ,FL” www.faithchurchucc.com 8 February 2016 SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY 1 2 2 3 7:00pm BAC 7 10:30am Service Communion Installing 2016 Council 1:30 BAC NA 7:15pm 8 7pm Church Council Mtg. 9 Building and 10 Ash Wednesday Grounds Service Work Day 4pm 7:00pm BAC 6pm Pancake Dinner at IHop Preschool Dad’s Dessert 6:30pm 14 9am Adult Study Starts 10:30am Service Potluck 1:30 BAC NA 7:15pm 8 THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 4 7pm Choir 7:15pm NA 7:15pm NarAnon 5 7:15pm NA 6 9am Men’s Breakfast Church 10am NA & NarWomen United Anon 11 7pm Choir 7:15pm NA 7:15pm NarAnon 12 7:15pm NA 7:30pm BAC No Preschool today for VPK 13 10am NA & NarAnon 15 7pm BR HOA 16 11:30am 17 7:00pm BAC Prayer Mtg Follower Deadline 6:30pm Adult Study Starts No Preschool today 18 7pm Choir 7:15pm NA 7:15pm NarAnon 19 6pm Dinner and Dessert 7:15pm NA 7:30pm BAC 20 10am Faith Women Outing to Flower Festival 21 9am Adult Study 10:30am Service 1:30 BAC NA 7:15pm 22 7pm INT HOA 23 6:30pm Adult 24 7pm BAC Study No Preschool today 25 7pm Choir 7:15pm NA 7:15pm NarAnon 28 9am Adult Study 10:30am Service Crop Walk 2pm 1:30 BAC NA 7:15pm 29 7pm Faith Care Team Meeting 10am NA & NarAnon 2/5 2/8 2/8 2/9 26 7:30pm BAC 27 10am NA & NarAnon 7:15pm NA No Preschool today for VPK M.R. Lembright Richard Nutting Gayle Covey Ina Bingham 2/10 2/14 2/17 2/20 Ray Crowell Judy-Bagley-Bonner Gerda Marcus Janis Groth o BAC: Bradenton Apostolic Church – We church share with Pastor Ramon and his congregation. o Monthly Prayer Meetings are held every 3rd Tuesday at Freedom Village at 11:30am. o Our Monthly Potluck is every 2nd Sunday after service when someone has agreed to host. Subject to change on special occasions. o Dinner and Dessert is every 3rd Friday at 6pm when someone signs up to host. The host picks a local restaurant to meet and dessert is followed at their home or another gathering spot. o There are Narcotics Anonymous (NA) meetings here each week, and Nar- Anon, which is a group of family members affected by those with drug addictions, also meets. If interested in these meetings, please call the NA hotline at 941.257.5055. o We have several local neighborhood Home Owner Associations (HOA’s) who meet here monthly.
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