Greetings! December 2014
Greetings! December 2014
Calendar at-a-glance December 2014 Greetings! from Pastor John & Min. Cheryl Ward Sun GPhiG Youth Service 10:30am Membership Class #4 7 14 Caroling Rehearsal 1:15pm Membership Class Class #5 28 21 Membership Class #6 Membership Class CANCELLED Welcome to the December issue of Word of Faith International Christian Centre’s bulletin! We are excited to share with you the many events and happenings taking place at WOF this month. Min. Cheryl and I encourage you to read our bulletin from cover to cover! It is filled with the latest announcements as well as special events and points of information that you, as a visitor or member of Word of Faith, should especially take note of. Pastor John & Min. Cheryl Ward 1 8 15 22 29 Mon Offices Closed Offices Closed Offices Closed Offices Closed Offices Closed In the Master’s Service! 2 9 16 23 Mid-Week Service 7pm–8:15pm Mid-Week Service 7pm–8:15pm Mid-Week Service 7pm–8:15pm 3 10 17 Christmas 24 Eve Christmas Eve Service 5pm 30 New Year’s Eve 31 MULTICULTURAL POTLUCK 5:30pm New Year’s Eve Service 9 pm Christmas Day New Year’s Day OFFICES CLOSED 4 11 18 25 Tues Wed Thurs Ministerial Staff Lisa Allison • Timothy Crandell • David Dalton Jude D’Souza • Daphne Elie • Paul Elie • Pauline Gow Arlene Keizer • Adrian Ulysses Worship Services Sundays: 10:30am Children’s Church (6 wks - 5th grade) Wednesday Night Service: 7pm-8:15pm Children’s Church (6 wks - 5th grade) GPhiG Friday Night Youth Service: 7:30pm-8:45pm Youth (6th - 12th grade) Saturday Prayer School: 8am-9am Fri 5 12 GPhiG Youth Service 7:30pm–8:45pm 26 19 GPhiG Youth Service 7:30pm–8:45pm GPhiG Youth FRIDAY NIGHT LIVE CANCELLED OFFICES CLOSED Sat Prayer School 8am-9am 6 13 CLOSET OUTREACH 11am 8am-9am Prayer School 11am 20 27 Women of Virtue Prayer School 8am-9am Prayer School CANCELLED WORD OF FAITH INTERNATIONAL CHRISTIAN CENTRE 65 Sunrise Avenue Toronto, Ontario M4A 1A9 416.449.5026 Office Hours: Monday Closed Tuesday: 9am-5pm Wednesday: 10am-5pm Thursday - Friday: 9am-5pm Connect with us statement of faitH Master plan • The Bible is the divinely inspired Word of God. • In the triune nature of God: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. • All have sinned and come short of the glory of God and are in need of salvation. Salvation has been provided through Jesus Christ for all men. • The infilling of the Holy Spirit is an experience subsequent to salvation, and that it is the will of God that all be filled. • Healing is provided in the redemptive work of Christ and is available to every believer. • The church consists of all those who have received Jesus Christ as their personal Savior. • There shall be a bodily resurrection for the just and unjust. • In the personal, visible, imminent return of Jesus Christ. • In Water Baptism and the observance of the Lord’s Supper. • To be a church home for all people, of every race, creed & national origin. • Effectively minister to the sheep/ lambs of WOF. • Develop saints to do the work of the ministry. • Open a 1,200 seat sanctuary, education, fellowship and administrative facility that will meet and exceed the need of the ministry. • Establish ride-provider services. • Expand into TV. • Send Ministers to every continent, especially Africa & the Caribbean. • Open a Catechism Program for laypersons. • Open an Operation Blessing Centre providing food and clothing services to the poor. • Establish Word of Faith churches throughout Canada and the world. • Financially support other ministries. • To be a resource of Word-based books and materials. • Open a Christian school in Toronto for Kindergarten - Grade 12. • Have a ministry training program to prepare full time ministers. We believe Please Note: WOFICC services are filmed and broadcast via TV and the Internet, and photographs of WOFICC attendees may be displayed in printed publications or in electronic format such as on the church’s websites or social media pages. Saturday Morning Prayer School 8am - 9am VIA SATELLITE! Cancelled December 27 Friday Services 7:30pm- 8:45pm FRIDAY NIGHT LIVE CANCELLED FOR DECEMBER Operation Blessing CLOSET OUTREACH Saturday, December 6 11am Come out and shop our FREE collection of new and gently used clothing and shoes. No Fees! Bring your shopping bags! Purchase mp3s for ONLy $4 of Word of Faith Services! Subscribe to our podcast at DVDs are $8 and may be purchased in the Faith Food Bookstore. A Mission for Missions “We are praying for and supporting KBM and the works in Poland, Brussels, Marseilles & Ottawa.” Share your Testimony with us at [email protected] Need Prayer ? Call 1-800-541-PRAY (7729) ALL DAY MEMBERSHIP CLASS CANCELLED FOR DECEMBER WATER BAPTISM Contact the church office for more information at 416-449-5026. Baby Dedication Baby Dedication is open for members and non-members. Contact the church office for more information at 416-449-5026. Operation Blessing Word of Faith Operation Blessing provides food and hygiene products to families in need. Access to Operation Blessing is by appointment only. To make an appointment, for more information or to volunteer with Operation Blessing, please contact the church office at 416-449-5026 or email [email protected]. Visit us online at
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