celebrating 20 years of grant-making


celebrating 20 years of grant-making
then & now
celebrating 20 years of grant-making
Gratitude Report
2007 – 2008
Mount Vernon High School GSA
Mount Vernon High School GSA
Gay/Straight Alliances, or GSA’s, are sprouting up in high schools all
over our region. Most remain support groups, but one GSA that Pride
Foundation funded this year has gone beyond this. The Mount Vernon
High School GSA has a goal to change their entire community. To do
this the group has started conversations about LGBT people in their
rural town and produced a hugely successful Over the Rainbow festival
attended by people from all over the area.
K e ll i :
Ia n : I came out to my parents this year. My
needed anymore. Our goals have to do with changing
the climate of this school, making it safe and more nurturing for all students, fighting homophobia, and raising
awareness about LGBT issues in the bigger community as
well. I’ve seen us doing a bang-up job of that in our first
year and half. If we keep doing this, we won’t be needed.
I think that would be marvelous.
parents were already very supportive, but my
mom is making an effort to learn about things
she didn’t know previously. She went to the
Over the Rainbow festival. And I think I have
seen Katie and Cherie’s moms at events and
meetings, and it has helped get the conversation
going with our parents.
What have you learned from
the GSA that will help you later in life?
K e ll i :
Students Ian, Cherie,
and Katie — and their
advisor, Librarian Cathy
— were interviewed by
1988 Mount Vernon HS
graduate Kelli Robson,
who is now a Pride
Foundation donor
and volunteer.
K a t i e : What haven’t I learned? The club is really
my baby and all the members mean so much to
me and I think that just the love that everyone has
for one another and the passion they have for the
activism and supporting each other is something
that I will carry with me throughout my life.
Ia n : Once the GSA came, so many different
types of students and ages came together and
it really taught me not to judge others like I had
been judged.
C h e r i e : I’ve really learned how to be there for
people. I’ve learned that I am not the only person
going through these things and how to be with
people and how to love, I guess you could say,
really unconditionally.
Where do you see
yourselves going in the future?
K e ll i :
Ia n : I want to go into medicine, but I am taking
an alternative route with a sociology degree.
C h e r i e : I plan on being active in the LGBT
community and major in public relations. I also
want to do an anti-bullying project in the middle
H e ar m o r e !
Listen to this entire interview
at PrideFoundation.org.
Cathy, Where do you see the GSA in 5 years?
How has involvement
in the GSA helped you?
K e ll i :
K a t i e : I’d like to go into journalism and eventu-
ally politics. I will pursue activism in some form.
C a t h y : I am hoping it will disappear because it is not
C h e r i e : I think we should have one though.
C a t h y : Just for the fun part?
C h e r i e : Yeah, for the fun part.
energized by our collective progress and thrilled by
the foundation’s growth.
What began 20 years ago as an attempt to fund lesbian, gay,
bisexual and transgender organizations that had no other
options for funding has grown to become a clearinghouse of
information, funding and most importantly, relationships and
connections. The money that Pride Foundation grants is no doubt important, but what we hear
consistently is how much people value the way we bring our community together. That is why
we asked volunteers to interview our grantees, scholars and donors for this year’s report. These
conversations bring people together, to share their unique story and inspire others to build the
world they want to live in.
We have learned so much during our 20 years of grant-making, like the value of
risk and creativity. We have witnessed great courage, leadership and care. And we
have nurtured a community of people, growing each year, which is generous and
thoughtful as we have become a national model of effective philanthropy.
As we look to the next 20 years, we will undoubtedly see the fruits of our labor paying off in ways
we cannot even imagine. Whenever I talk to Pride Foundation’s early board members and founders
they are truly amazed at how far we’ve come in this relatively short time, far exceeding the goals
they established two decades ago. We cannot know how quickly things will change, but with our
A P RIL 2 0 07 – M A R C H 2 0 0 8
the depth and breadth of who we all are. I become
From the Executive Director
am so moved by the stories contained here that illustrate
twenty years
I cry each year as I write this letter, I just can’t help it.
They are happy, grateful, tears.
continued determination I will remain optimistic and hopeful, and I hope you will as well.
You make Pride Foundation successful. Whether you read this as a friend, a grantee or scholarship
recipient, a donor or a volunteer, what you see here reflects your contributions toward our pursuit
Thank you for all you do to make this simple idea so meaningful and so true.
With Pride,
Audrey Haberman
Executive Director
G r a t i t u d e R e p o r t 2 0 07–2 0 0 8
of equality. It all reminds me of our tagline that I love: Giving Together. Building Community.
H i s to ry:
Twenty Years of Funding Equality
In the spring of 1987 when Pride Foundation awarded our first grants
— it was a historic and bold moment. Having spent nearly two years
advocating for Pride Foundation and raising funds, the Board was
honored to have $2,500 to support eight community agencies.
hile the numbers have grown significantly over the years, Pride Foundation remains honored that every
year, thousands of donors share their dollars and
passion — knowing that united, we can answer
needs in the community and add volume to our
collective voice that states: “equality is possible.”
Over the last 20 years Pride Foundation has
invested over $5.1 million in more than 560
unique organizations. What began as primarily
serving the Seattle/King County area has
grown tremendously to assist organizations
throughout Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Oregon
and Washington.
We continue to utilize community volunteers
who make Pride Foundation’s granting decisions.
These volunteers have the arduous and
compelling task of reading and discussing every
grant application that is submitted to us, in order
to determine the best recipients for our dollars.
1997: Pride Foundation’s
board celebrated when
we reached the cumula-
The variety of ways we support our community’s
agencies have evolved over the years. Now in
addition to our grants we have donor advised
funds, workplace giving, the Advocacy Fund,
Racial Equity and Queer Youth initiatives, along
with estate gifts made through Pride Foundation.
All this coupled with our scholarships for students
is bringing about tremendous change and
building leaders now and into the future.
Where The Money Has Gone
AP RIL 1 98 7 – MAR CH 2 00 7
Youth and
Families: 29.4%
Arts and
Recreation: 8.8%
tive giving milestone of
Advocacy and
Outreach: 34.4%
$1,000,000. Now, just
11 years later, we have
given over $6.2 million in
grants and scholarships
HIV/AIDS: 20.4% Health and
Lesbian Health: 7.0%
$2,942,939 in Grant s
to help our community.
Second 10 Years of Grant Making
First 10 Years of Grant Making
Alaska: 3.5%
$1, 007, 953 in Grants
Idaho: 4.3%
Montana: 4.1%
Alaska: 1.1%
Idaho: 1.6%
Oregon: 11.7%
Montana: 0.6%
King County, WA: 38.4%
Oregon: 3.9%
Washington (outside King Co.): 37.9%
King County, WA: 84.1%
Washington (outside King Co.): 8.7%
Total = $269,292
In Support of Arts
and Recreation
Brother to Brother, Inc. (P o r t l an d,
Central District Forum For Arts & Ideas
(Seatt l e , WA ) www.cdforum.org $5,000 for the
OR )
www.brotobropdx.org $3,000 to serve African
American Gay/Bi males, their friends and families, and
broaden their services. (Columbia-Willamette RCG)
Columbia Basin College (Pas co,
WA )
2007-2008 American Heritage Series, an annual series
on African-American history which will this year focus
on the African-American LGBT community. (Northwest
www.columbiabasin.edu $2,000 for the Gay Pride
Festival, a week-long series of activities to raise
awareness of LGBT health, wellness and social issues.
(Columbia Basin RCG)
Giant Ass Drum Corps (Sp o k ane ,
Diversity Resource Center-University
of Washington Tacoma ( Taco ma , WA )
WA )
www.myspace.com/giantassdrumcorp $1,000 to bring
cheer to LGBT events and other performances including
First Night Spokane and Women’s Leadership Conference. (Inland Northwest RCG)
Tasveer (Seatt l e ,
WA ) www.tasveer.org
$5,000 will fund the South Asian Queer Film Focus, the
theme for this year’s annual South Asian Film Festival.
(Northwest Grants)
Whitman College ( Wa l l a
Wa l l a , WA )
www.whitman.edu $1,500 to perform In One Room, a
docudrama based on interviews conducted with GLB
youth, in several Eastern Washington and Northeastern
Oregon communities. (Columbia Basin RCG)
In Support of Education,
Advocacy and Outreach
Alaska Network On Domestic
Violence and Sexual Assault ( J u neau,
A P RIL 2 0 07 – M A R C H 2 0 0 8
Pride Foundation funds nonprofit organizations that strengthen the Northwest’s
lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community. We assist both
grassroots and established agencies making a difference and improving the
lives of LGBT people. All granting decisions are made by trained volunteers,
knowledgeable of their community’s needs. This fiscal year, Pride Foundation
received funding requests from 186 organizations, seeking over $840,000.
We present to you the 88 organizations that were selected to receive funding.
Pride Foundation Grants
April 20 07 – march 20 08
Pride Foundation Grants
www.tacoma.washington.edu/diversity $1,500
for safe zone training programs for staff and faculty.
(Pierce County RCG)
Entre Hermanos (Seatt l e ,
WA )
www.entrehermanos.org $5,000 to enhance the
Mujeres Diversas program, a space for the Latina
Lesbian community to gather and receive support and
access to information about health and well-being.
(Northwest Grants)
Equal Rights Washington (Seatt l e ,
WA )
www.equalrightswashington.org $5,000 to support
direct lobbying efforts during the 2008 Washington
legislative session. (Advocacy Fund)
Equal Rights Washington Education Fund
(Seatt l e , WA ) www.equalrightswashington.org
$2,000 for the implementation of a field project to
significantly expand the ERW Activist Network in
Pierce County. (Pierce County RCG)
www.andvsa.org $5,000 to enhance a model training
curriculum which assists LGBT members of rural and
remote Alaskan communities who are impacted by
domestic violence. (Northwest Grants)
Equal Rights Washington Education Fund
Basic Rights Oregon Education Fund
Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education Network
(GLSEN) (Seatt l e , WA )
(P o r t l an d, OR ) www.basicrights.org $1,000 to
Bellevue Community College Foundation
(B e l l ev u e , WA ) www.bellevuecollege.edu $2,000 to
bring the Love Makes a Family photo exhibit to campus
and to purchase a wide variety of LGBT-themed books,
plays, films, and music. (Northwest Grants)
$600 to grow the ERW Activist Network in Clark County.
(Clark County RCG)
www.glsenwa.org $5,000 for the first annual Washington State Gay-Straight Alliance (GSA) Network Team
Leadership Training. (Northwest Grants)
Gender Odyssey (Seatt l e ,
WA )
www.transconference.org $5,000 to develop the
programming for the 2008 Gender Odyssey Family
conference and to increase outreach to gender variant
children and their parents. (Northwest Grants)
Global Source Education (Ba i nb r i d ge
Isl an d,
WA ) $2,500 will be used to integrate LGBT issues into
their teacher trainings and buy LGBT educational
materials. (Washington Peninsula RCG)
G r a t i t u d e R e p o r t 2 0 07–2 0 0 8
support the effort to protect Oregon’s Domestic Partnership and Non-Discrimination laws from legal and
referendum challenges. (Advocacy Fund)
(Seatt l e , WA ) www.equalrightswashington.org
Human Dignity Coalition (B en d,
Key to Grants
Northwest Grants
Grants are funded and awarded
twice yearly through the Seattle
office for organizations in Alaska,
Southern Idaho, Southern/
Northwestern/Eastern Oregon
and the Washington State
counties of Clark/Cowlitz/
Island/King/Pierce/San Juan/
OR )
www.humandignitycoalition.org $5,000 to grow
the Central Oregon Pride Celebration into a more
dynamic, interactive and fulfilling experience for
Central and Eastern Oregon’s LGBT community.
(Northwest Grants)
Idaho Women’s Network (B o ise ,
www.idahowomensnetwork.org $5,000 to
change the employment policies of two major
cities, Pocatello and Moscow, to include sexual
orientation and gender identity protections for
city employees. (Northwest Grants)
Identity Inc. ( A n c h o r age ,
www.identityinc.org $5,000 to launch their
Identity Advocacy Team that will educate the
public about LGBT issues through presentations at
community events, conferences, ads, and public
service announcements. (Northwest Grants)
Jewish Education Council—Adult
Jewish Learning Program (Seatt l e ,
WA )
Community Grants (RCG)
www.jewishinseattle.org/JEC $5,000 to complete
an educational module entitled Teaching Under
the Rainbow: Judaism and LGBTQ Competency.
(Northwest Grants)
Pride Foundation’s regional
LGBTQ Community Center Fund
Pride Foundation Regional
communities award grants
annually to organizations in
(P o r t l an d, OR ) www.pdxqcenter.org $3,000 will
supplement the hiring of the Q Center’s first fulltime Executive Director. (Columbia-Willamette RCG)
their geographical area.
Metropolitan Community Church in Great
Falls (G r eat Fa l l s , M T ) www.mccmontana.org
Advocacy Fund
$500 to help purchase a stairwell lift from the main
floor to the basement social hall and kitchen for
their new space. (Montana RCG)
Pride Foundation started this fund
in 2006 to make rapid response
grants to organizations advancing
LGBT equality in the Northwest.
Queer Youth Initiative
A new funding and training
program for LGBT youth providers
throughout the Northwest.
Montana Human Rights Network (H el ena ,
M T ) www.mhrn.org $4,150 for their non-stop LGBT
legislative advocacy, in and out of session, ‘Safe
Schools’ work, and to continue exposing the rightwing’s campaign to marginalize sexual minorities.
(Montana RCG)
Montana State University’s Queer-Straight
Alliance (B oz eman , M T ) www.montana.edu
$2,000 to support the emergence of the organization’s focus beyond member support and social
activities to becoming more active in the community.
(Montana RCG)
National Coalition Building Institute (NCBI)
Missoula (M iss o u l a , M T ) www.ncbi.org $1,350 for
Outside In (P o r t l an d,
OR ) www.outsidein.org
$4,000 to hire an advocate for the Transgender/Identity
Resource Center. (Columbia-Willamette RCG)
OutSpokane (Sp o k ane ,
WA ) www.outspokane.com
$2,500 for the Heritage Pride Institute, which spotlights
a hero of the LGBT movement. (Inland Northwest RCG)
Pacific Northwest Lesbian Archives
(Seatt l e , WA ) www.pnwlesbianarchives.org
$500 for preserving lesbian primary source archival
materials highlighting the Lesbian community’s
accomplishments. (Northwest Grants)
PFLAG Bellingham/Whatcom County Chapter
(B el l i ngham , WA ) www.bellinghampflag.org
$2,000 to organize the Bellingham Pride Festival,
bringing the greater Whatcom county community
together. (Whatcom/Skagit RCG)
Planned Parenthood of Alaska
( A n c h o r age , A K ) www.ppak.org $5,000 to increase
outreach to LGBT youth. All 6 high schools in Anchorage with Gay-Straight Alliance clubs will have presentations about sexual health issues. (Northwest Grants)
Planned Parenthood of the Inland Northwest
(Sp o k ane , WA ) www.ppinw.org $5,000 to identify,
implement, and evaluate 10 core lessons from the
9th and 10th grade Family Life and Sexual Health
curriculum. (Inland Northwest RCG)
Rainbow Center ( Taco ma ,
WA )
www.rainbowcntr.org $5,000 for staffing focused on
volunteer training and supervision, advanced advocacy
and community outreach. (Pierce County RCG)
Seattle University Lavender Celebration
Committee (Seatt l e , WA ) www.seattleu.edu
$1,000 to recognize LGBT and straight-ally graduating
students at an event the Friday before graduation.
(Northwest Grants)
Skagit Valley College Rainbow Alliance
(M t. V er n o n , WA ) www.myspace.com/svcrainbow
$500 for campus education events as well as social
outings that promote LGBT visibility and community.
(Whatcom/Skagit RCG)
Tacoma Community College Foundation
( Taco ma , WA ) www.tacomacc.edu/foundation
$2,500 for increasing outreach to its LGBTQ students
and allies within the campus and the greater community. (Pierce County RCG)
Northwest Rainbow Alliance of the Deaf
Umatilla Morrow Alternatives (I r r i g o n ,
speaker and scholarship costs for the Deaf LGBTIQ
Leadership and Lifestyle Camp to be held in Port
Orchard, WA in June 2008. (Northwest Grants)
Northwest Women’s Law Center (Seatt l e ,
$5,000 to continue building the Oregon Gay-Straight
Alliance Network in Clatsop, Tillamook, Lincoln and
Deschutes counties. (Northwest Grants)
the Allies to GLBT Equality Workshop, for allies wanting
to be more effective in shifting homophobic and heterosexist attitudes. (Montana RCG)
(Seatt l e , WA ) www.nwrad.org $3,500 to help defray
Oregon Safe Schools and Communities Coalition (P o r t l an d, OR ) www.oregonsafeschools.org
WA )
www.nwwlc.org $4,000 to continue the Celebrating
Our Diverse Families initiative to advance marriage
equality for LGBT couples in Washington State.
(Northwest Grants)
Oregon Safe Schools and Communities Coalition (P o r t l an d, OR ) www.oregonsafeschools.org
$2,000 to strengthen the Oregon Gay-Straight Alliance
Network with a focus on youth in Morrow, Umatilla,
Union and Wallowa counties. (Columbia Basin RCG)
OR )
www.umalt.com $1,000 will support general
operations as they give a voice to LGBT people and
those dealing with HIV/AIDS in Northeastern Oregon.
(Columbia Basin RCG)
Washington State Multicultural Student
Services Directors Council (O lym pi a , WA ) $3,000
will support the inclusion of Dr. Andrew Jolivette,
speaking on LGBT community of color identity issues,
at the 18th annual Students of Color Conference.
(Northwest Grants)
YWCA Clark County ( Van co u ve r ,
WA )
www.ywcaclarkcounty.org $1,210 for LGBT focused
domestic violence services, including outreach to the
community. (Clark County RCG)
Entre Hermanos
What was the impetus
for starting the Mujeres Diversas?
Emma :
M ar t ha : My partner Laura and I moved to
stories with the other women and sharing a meal.
That night, the group decided to name ourselves:
Mujeres Diversas — Diverse Women.
Seattle in 2002 and as we were trying to get
to know the city and make new friends we got
involved with the LGBT Latino group Entre Hermanos. We started going to their Latino Night event
every Sunday, but we wanted more. We really
wanted activities outside of the bar scene and a
place were women felt comfortable having conversations and sharing information about our issues,
like being out of the closet, identity and health.
Emma :
How did you go about
naming the group?
L a u ra : We have big dreams and I see all the
Emma :
M ar t ha : The first meeting was attended by a
small group of women, but as we started to introduce ourselves we realized that the group was
very rich and diverse in terms of nationalities, age,
interest, and education, but we all had a common
language: Spanish.
L a u ra : The night went fast and everybody
Entre Hermanos
Entre Hermanos has received many grants from Pride Foundation
over the years, but this was the first one for the new women’s program,
Mujeres Diversas. Here the coordinators, Martha Zuniga and Laura
Pedroza talk with Emma Moreno about how they started the group
and their ambitious plans for the future.
Now that the group is going,
what are your plans for the future?
M ar t ha : There are many ideas for programs
and activities, and our future looks bright.
One of our challenges is creating capacity among
our members. There is a strong need to learn how
to run a group, create programs and raise funds to
sustain them.
members of the group working for a common
vision: Creating a Centro Cultural de Lesbianas in
five years. We know that we need to start small and
want to start with a class on English as a Second
Language for the Mujeres Diversas. We extend an
invitation to all the Latinas that identify as lesbian,
bisexual, or simply women in full expression of their
sexuality to participate in the group.
Emma Moreno is a
former Pride Foundation
board member, and is the
former Executive Director
of Entre Hermanos.
had a good time. I remember sharing coming out
Laura and Martha
(bottom left and center)
with Monica, Evelia
and Laura, some of the
Mujeres Diversas.
G r a t i t u d e R e p o r t 2 0 07–2 0 0 8
Strategic Grants
& Sponsorships
In Support of Health
and Community Services
In Support of HIV/AIDS Service
Delivery and Prevention
Each year Pride Foundation
supports many community
organizations through strategic grants and sponsorships.
Below are this year’s recipients:
Friendly House, Inc./Elder Resource Alliance
Blue Mountain Heart to Heart
will support LGBTQ senior center activities and services.
(Columbia-Willamette RCG)
$3,000 for Hepatitis C/ HIV/AIDS prevention
and support services targeting a primarily rural
LGBTQ community. (Columbia Basin RCG)
Abdill-Ellis Community Center
(B el l ev u e , WA ) www.seattlehumane.org $1,000
A pr i l 20 07 – M a r c h 20 0 8
Basic Rights Oregon
Black Heritage Foundation
Bread & Roses Annual Conference
Butte AIDS Support Services
Capitol City Pride
Domestic and Sexual Violence
Services of Carbon County
Equal Rights Washington
Hate Free Zone
Human Dignity Coalition
Idaho Women’s Network
Kitsap County AIDS Walk
Kitsap County HIV/AIDS Foundation
Kitsap Pride Network
Kitsap Q Youth
LGBT Forum on Aging
MCC of the Gentle Shepherd
Mt. Baker Planned Parenthood
Montana LGBTI Summit
Montana Pride Network
Montana Two Spirit Society
National Council of Jewish Women
National Gay and Lesbian Task Force
North Idaho AIDS Coalition
Northwest Immigrant Rights Project
Not in Our Town
Odyssey Youth Center
Portland Lesbian and Gay
Film Festival
Portland LGBTQ Health Conference
Positive Solutions
Potlatch Fund
Pride Day Equality Project
River of Life MCC
(P o r t l an d, OR ) www.friendlyhouseinc.org $4,000
Humane Society of Seattle/King County
for the Pet Project for low-income individuals with
HIV/AIDS struggling to maintain their pets at home
for as long as possible. (Northwest Grants)
Montana Two-Spirit Society (M iss o u l a ,
$1,000 to produce a calendar depicting the diversity of
Two-Spirit people, which will help educate the public
about Two-Spirit people, and raise funds for the 2008
Montana Two-Spirit Gathering. (Montana RCG)
Mt. Baker Planned Parenthood (B el l i ngham ,
WA ) www.mbpp.org $3,000 will sponsor a trainer from
Coalition of Responsible Disabled
(Sp o k ane , WA ) www.cordwa.info $4,000 for
emergency utility, rent and transportation assistance
for low-income people living with HIV/AIDS.
(Inland Northwest RCG)
Coastal Community Action Program
Pike Market Medical Clinic (Seatt l e ,
Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon, HIV Services
Program (P o r t l an d, OR ) www.emoregon.org
WA )
www.psnhc.org $5,000 for the Transgender Care
Program which serves nearly 300 patients annually,
many of whom are low-income and underinsured.
(Northwest Grants)
Planned Parenthood of Central
Washington ( Ya k i ma , WA )
$2,500 for the Improving Health Care for Everyone:
Disparities in the LGBT Community training program
to 100 medical providers in rural health care settings
throughout Central Washington. (Columbia Basin RCG)
The Pat Graney Company (Seatt l e ,
food voucher and nutrition education program for
people living with HIV/AIDS in Grays Harbor County.
(Black Hills RCG)
$500 will support the Daily Bread Express which
delivers meals to the homes of individuals in Clark
County who are living with HIV/AIDS. (Clark County RCG)
Evergreen AIDS Foundation (B el l i ngham ,
WA )
www.patgraney.org $5,000 to research and develop
a resource guide for LBT female ex-offenders that are
re-entering the community. (Northwest Grants)
WA )
www.evergreenaids.org $2,500 for the two-day
“Living Forward: A Whole Health HIV Experience”
conference. (Whatcom/Skagit RCG)
Jefferson AIDS Services (P o r t
To wnsen d, WA )
www. jeffersonaidsservices.org $5,000 for emergency
services to low income and disabled people living with
HIV/AIDS in Jefferson County. (Washington Peninsula
Kitsap County HIV/AIDS Foundation (Si lver-
da l e , WA ) www. kchaf.org $5,000 for the Red Ribbon
In Support of Lesbian Health
Supper Club, a monthly dinner for people living with
HIV/AIDS in Kitsap County. (Washington Peninsula RCG)
Family Planning of Clallam County
Martha’s Pantry ( Van co u ve r ,
(P o r t A ngel es , WA ) www.familyplanningofcc.org
$5,000 to serve sexual minority women with culturally
appropriate outreach education, breast and cervical
health screening and HIV/AIDS counseling and testing
in their Mobile Day Clinics. (Washington Peninsula RCG)
www.buttebass.org $1,500 for client services including
gas cards, medicine co-pays, emergency rent and utility
payments, food cards, and assistance with transportation expenses related to medical care. (Montana RCG)
( A ber d een , WA ) www.coastalcap.org $1,000 for a
Seattle University and UW “Outlaws”
Spokane GLBT Film Fest
Butte AIDS Support Services (B u tte ,
Verbena Health to provide competency training on
LGBT health for their own staff and other health care
providers throughout Whatcom and Skagit counties.
(Northwest Grants)
Rural Organizing Project
Skagit PFLAG
( Wa l l a Wa l l a , WA ) www.bluemountainheart.org
WA ) $3,000 Martha’s
Pantry serves between 40-50 client families each month
and is the sole non-government agency serving people
in Clark County living with HIV/AIDS. (Clark County RCG)
Mason County Children’s Dental Coalition
(Shelto n , WA ) $5,000 for dental care for persons living
Planned Parenthood of the Columbia/
Willamette (P o r t l an d, OR ) www.ppcw.org
with HIV/AIDS and their families. (Black Hills RCG)
Western Montana Gay & Lesbian
Community Center
$3,000 reduces the barriers low-income lesbian and
bisexual women and transgender people face to
accessing culturally appropriate health care.
(Columbia-Willamette RCG)
Yellowstone AIDS Project
Rainbow Regional Community Center
www.northidahoaidscoalition.org $5,000 for basic
operating expenses as they serve individuals in the
5 northernmost counties of Idaho, where 40% of the
known HIV positive individuals in the state live.
(Inland Northwest RCG)
The Center- Spokane
Three Dollar Bill Cinema
True Stories Project, LLC
Umatilla Morrow
Your Family, Friends & Neighbors
(Sp o k ane , WA ) www.spokanerainbowcenter.org
$2,500 to seed an AmeriCorps position to coordinate
the LGBTQ Wellness Project. (Inland Northwest RCG)
Verbena (Seatt l e ,
WA ) www.verbenahealth.org
$5,000 for the Rainbow Women’s Cancer Support Group
and an annual weekend retreat for LBT women cancer
survivors and their partners. (Northwest Grants)
North Idaho AIDS Coalition (Co eu r
Our House of Portland (P o r t l an d,
d ’A l ene , ID)
OR )
www.ourhouseofportland.org $3,000 for Esther’s
Pantry, providing food and personal care items to about
200 low-income people a month living with HIV/AIDS.
(Columbia-Willamette RCG)
Rise N’ Shine (Seatt l e ,
WA ) www.risenshine.org
$3,000 for the Teen Advocacy Program which helps
teens 14-18 years of age who are affected by HIV/AIDS.
(Northwest Grants)
Yellowstone AIDS Project (B i l l i ngs ,
Shalom Zone Nonprofit Association
(Seatt l e , WA ) www.rootsinfo.org $5,000 for
operating expenses of the ROOTS Young Adult
Shelter for homeless young adults 18-25.
(Northwest Grants)
Skagit Valley PFLAG (Sed r o
In Support of
Youth and Families
Camp Ten Trees (Seatt l e ,
$5,000 will be used for the Queers Kick Ash tobacco
cessation/prevention program targeting youth 14-19
years old. (Northwest Grants)
W o o l l ey, WA )
www.pflagskagit.org $2,500 for Fab-5, the only LGBT
youth program in Skagit County. (Whatcom/Skagit RCG)
Stonewall Youth (O lym pi a ,
WA )
www.camptentrees.org $5,000 for scholarships for
youth who would otherwise not be able to attend this a
two-week long summer camp for children of LGBT families and for LGBT teenagers. (Northwest Grants)
Children’s Home Society of Washington
( Van co u ver , WA ) www.childrenshomesociety.org
$2,982 for Triple Point, the only support group for LGBT,
WA youth in Clark County. (Clark County RCG)
GLSEN Washington State (Seatt l e ,
WA )
www.glsenwa.org $3,000 for supporting Pierce County
Gay-Straight Alliances, school districts and institutions of
higher learning. (Pierce County RCG)
Good Samaritan Behavioral Healthcare
WA )
www.stonewallyouth.org $3,000 to support weekly
support group, speaker’s bureau, educational programs
and a strategic planning process. (Black Hills RCG)
The Bend-It Extravaganza (Seatt l e ,
WA )
www.myspace.com/bend_it $5,000 for a three-day
LGBT youth led festival showcasing music, spoken
word, educational/skill sharing workshops and film.
(Northwest Grants)
The Q Center (Si lve r da l e ,
WA ) www.theqcenter.
org $1,000 for general operating support mainly
focused on purchasing furniture, entertainment and
recreation supplies. (Queer Youth Initiative)
Vista Youth Center (Kennew i c k ,
WA )
for the Sexual Minority Support Group helping LGBTQ
14 – 21 year-olds. (Pierce County RCG)
www.vistayouthcenter.org $3,000 to expand the
hours of operation of this LGBT youth center and
develop more in-house programs tailored to their
youth. (Columbia Basin RCG)
Missoula AIDS Council (M iss o u l a ,
Youth Eastside Services (B el l ev u e ,
(Pu ya l lu p, WA ) www.goodsamhealth.com $2,500
M T ) $2,000 to
grow this youth group focused on pre-teens, teens, and
young adults up to age 24 living in Western Montana.
(Montana RCG)
A P RIL 2 0 07 – M A R C H 2 0 0 8
www.yapmt.org $2,500 to continue the Hands Across
Montana program targeting people living with HIV/
AIDS throughout Montana with emergency services not
covered by federal Ryan White Funds. (Montana RCG)
Pierce County AIDS Foundation/Oasis Youth
Center ( Taco ma , WA ) www.piercecountyaids.org
Pride Foundation Grants
WA )
www.seattleblackpride.org $5,000 for general
operating expenses with a focus on building organizational capacity by strengthening leadership and Board
development. (Northwest Grants)
Seattle Black Pride (Seatt l e ,
WA )
www.youtheastsideservices.org $3,000 to expand the
outreach and leadership portion of their B-Glad, LGBT
youth program. (Northwest Grants)
Montana Queer Youth Action Coalition
(M iss o u l a , M T ) www.myspace.com/myqac
$1,000 will purchase a lap top computer for the
volunteer organizer and transportation support to
visit coalition members in other parts of Montana.
(Queer Youth Initiative)
Mount Vernon High School Gay-Straight
Alliance (M o u nt V er n o n , WA ) $2,000 to stage
a full-day Somewhere Over the Rainbow Festival.
(Northwest Grants)
Northwest Youth Services (B el l i ngham ,
Grant Committee
volunteer Bill Powell
(right) with partner
Eric Candell and
their daughters.
WA )
www.northwestyouthservices.org $2,500 for the
weekly LGBT youth group, Just Us, which provides
peer support, information and referral.
(Whatcom/Skagit RCG)
Not Straight Not Sure (M ed f o r d,
OR )
Passages Northwest (Seatt l e ,
WA )
www.passagesnw.org $2,000 for
a week-long rock climbing course
for lesbian, bisexual and questioning
girls in the 9th to 12th grades.
(Northwest Grants)
G r a t i t u d e R e p o r t 2 0 07–2 0 0 8
$1,000 to support travel by youth and
an adult volunteer to a Gay-Straight Alliance
Network training and a Safe Schools training.
(Queer Youth Initiative)
A P RIL 2 0 07 – M A R C H 2 0 0 8
Donor-Advised Grants
To find out more about
being a donor advisor
contact Jody Waits,
Director of Community
Giving at 1.800.735.7287.
Donor-Advised Grants
April 20 07 – march 20 08
Pride Foundation’s donor advisors make one gift to Pride Foundation and then
make recommendations on grants to organizations they care about. Listed below
are grants made through these donor advised funds this year. Giving through a
donor advised fund is easy and Pride Foundation makes sure the organizations
have a complete non-discrimination policy.
ACLU of Washington
Acumen Fund
Afghan Girls Fund
AIDS Housing of Washington
Allen Stevenson School
Alliance For Education
The Alzheimer’s Association
The American Friendship Foundation
Arts Fund
Baa Haus
Belladonna Sanctuary
Building Changes
The Bush School
Cair Project
Canterbury School
Central Branch Pre-School
City of Hope
Columbia Law School Association
Common Ground
Community Care Clinic
Dearborn Park Elementary School
Diverse and Resilient
Diverse Harmony
Doctors Without Borders
Duke University
Duke University – Sarah P. Duke Garden
Equal Rights Washington
Family Pride Coalition
Flying House Productions
Food Lifeline
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research
Ft Wayne Philharmonic
Gay City Health Project
Global Partnerships
GSBA Scholarship Fund
Habitat For Humanity
Heifer International
Human Rights Campaign
Ignatian Resource Center
Initiative for Global Development
International Gay Lesbian Human
Rights Commission
Intiman Theatre
Jesuit Volunteer Corps
Jewish Family Services
Jewish Federation of Greater Seattle
King County Sexual Assault
Resource Center
Lambda Legal Defense &
Education Fund
Lambert House
Lifelong AIDS Alliance
Mercy Corps
MLK Scholarship Fund
Mount Vernon High School
Gay-Straight Alliance
Museum of History and Industry
National Center For Lesbian Rights
National Council of Jewish Women
National Gay and Lesbian Task Force
Nature Conservancy
Nature Conservancy – National
New Beginnings
Noel House
Northeastern University School
Northfield Mt. Hermon
Northwest Harvest
Northwest Health Law Advocates
Northwest Network
The Northwest School
Northwest Women’s Law Center
Oberlin College
Odyssey Youth Center
Olympic Music Festival
Oprah’s Angel Network
Pacific Science Center
Parkview Services
Planned Parenthood Inland Northwest
Planned Parenthood of Alaska
Plymouth Housing Group
Power of Hope
Powerful Voices
Princeton University
Program For Appropriate Technology
in Health (PATH)
Rainbow Families of Puget Sound
Rainier Valley Unitarian
Relief International
Roots Young Adult Shelter
Seattle Art Museum
Seattle Arts & Lectures
Seattle Children’s Theatre
Seattle Counseling Services
for Sexual Minorities
Seattle Foundation
Seattle Girls’ School
Seattle LGBT Community Center
Seattle Library Foundation
Seattle Men’s/Women’s Chorus
Seattle Public Library Foundation
Seattle Repertory Theatre
Seattle Symphony
Seattle University
The Service Board
Sierra Club
Smile Train
Solid Ground
Spokane AIDS Network
St Mark’s Cathedral
St Olaf College
St Paul’s Episcopal Church
Stevens PTA
Swedish Medical Center Foundation
Technology Access Foundation
Town Hall
Trust For Public Lands
United Way of King County
University Congregational House
University Congregational Unitarian
University of North Carolina
University Street Ministry
University Unitarian Church
Vashon Food Bank
Vashon Island Pet Protectors
Vashon Island Youth Council
Vashon Maury Island Land Trust
Victory Fund
Vista Youth Center
Washington Middle School PTSA
Washington News Council
Washington Trails Association
Wesleyan University
Whidbey Institute
Wing Luke Asian Museum
Within Reach
Women’s Funding Alliance
Woodland Park Zoo Society
Yale University
Youth Tutoring Program
Yucatan Environmental Foundation
is a better place because of people like you and
your willingness to take on the tough challenges.
You are leading by example and you are willing
to be out there for the students and your peers. It
is just really exciting. So who knows maybe some
day you’ll have a student who wants a letter of recommendation for a Pride Foundation scholarship.
Dr. Tammy Majeski, who
Ta n i sha : That would be extremely cool!
received scholarships
It’s going to happen —
you know it is.
from Pride Foundation
Ta n i sha : I am just waiting for that day!
viewed Tanisha.
Tanisha Gipson
Tanisha Gipson, Pride Foundation scholar, has just finished her
B.A. and is starting her Masters in Education. The first person in
her family to go to college, she dreams of being a principal or school
superintendent someday.
I understand that you were
the first person in your family to attend
college. Is that right?
A P RIL 2 0 07 – M A R C H 2 0 0 8
Tamm y :
Ta n i sha : That is very correct. On both sides
of my family.
Was there someone
that inspired you?
Tamm y :
Ta n i sha : I was a horrible student in math
and I struggled so much with it. My middle
Pride Foundation
This was another terrific year for scholarships!
Pride Foundation awarded a record $203,134 to
94 students, with our average award amount
increasing from $2,034 to $2,161! This brings
Pride Foundation’s lifetime scholarship awards
to $1,155,022 to 655 Scholars!
More students than ever applied for scholarships this
year and there were 4 new scholarships to award.
The students showcase our community’s diversity,
both in their backgrounds and in their areas of study.
2007/08 New Scholarships
Longres Scholarship:
for students of color studying social work
Rosenberg-Ibarra Scholarship:
for Idaho high school graduates or those attending
college in Idaho
Political Leadership Scholarship:
for the study of law, political science or public policy
school math teacher and my high school math
teacher were married, and they were both an
inspiration to me. They would spend extra time
during lunch or after school with me and I got the
sense that they really cared and they wanted me
to get it. And after that I thought, “I don’t have to
stop here in high school. I am going to go on to
college and I am going to be the first one to go to
college and graduate.” So that was a little extra
TLC that I needed, just someone to put a little
extra time in their day to care about me and it
spiraled from there.
So you want to run your
own school someday?
Tamm y :
Ta n i sha : Yes, definitely. Maybe be superinten-
dant one day. I am reaching high there.
Tamm y :
in 2002 and 2003, inter-
G r a t i t u d e R e p o r t 2 0 07–2 0 0 8
Don Renschler Scholarship:
for graduate mental health studies
Pride Foundation Scholarships
Tamm y : Well I think that the education system
Gender Odyssey
Gender Odyssey
Aidan Key has produced Gender Odyssey, a national transgender
conference in Seattle, for the last 7 years. The scope of the conference
has changed dramatically, from a focus on FTM’s (female to male
transsexuals) to a larger examination of gender and recently to support
for families with kids who defy gender norms.
I know what it takes to build a
transgender organization. Can you tell me
about your early efforts, the ones that led
up to the conference?
M arsha :
A i da n : It started for me with examining my
Aidan talked about
his work with Marsha
Botzer, who founded
Seattle’s Ingersoll
Gender Center in 1977.
own gender and coming to a realization that I was
interested in going through a gender transition
from female to male. I didn’t want to lose my community and friends because of the internal journey
I was going through. So the way I started was by
having conversations with family and friends.
These conversations grew into larger, public ones,
specifically related to gender issues in the lesbian
community. That was when I began to learn about
group dynamics and how hard it is to create an
environment where people could open up
and share what is in their hearts and minds.
I started learning how to tease out those
conversations that I knew were at the core.
Because if we don’t have those conversations, where people put their real thoughts
out, we are going to get nowhere.
M arsha : What are some of the top
questions from folks when they come to
the conference?
A i da n : They want to talk
about their lives, relationships,
their bodies, and health
issues. Folks are showing up
to gain a sense of community because of a pretty
overwhelming sense of
isolation that most of us
feel, either often or at
least occasionally. That is
the common theme of
those that come to the
conference. Also a high
number of partners
and family members,
who want to learn more,
understand more or are
striving to create community for themselves,
attend the conference.
We have between 300 and 500 people attending
every year, and it keeps getting bigger.
The conference is on the cutting
edge now, dealing with families of young
children who don’t follow gender norms.
Tell me about this work.
M arsha :
A i da n : Meeting these children and seeing the
challenges that they are in the midst of, it added
an importance to my own work that I hadn’t
anticipated. The kids are wanting to wear the
clothes they want to wear, engage in play activities that they want to do, or go by the names that
they want to be referred to. And then they are
faced with a society that makes it very unsafe for
a child to express gender variance. Whether it is
playground bullying, or recent examples and how
what we view as childhood teasing can turn into
violence with a gun and death. So the fears that
these parents have for their children are very real.
Providing a place for these families to connect
with each other is a lifeline for them. I have talked
with most of the families that come to the conference individually before they show up. They
are coming from all over the country. I hear how
alone they feel, how much they want to support
their kids and their fears that they are not doing
the right thing. The criticism they have endured
from other family members, or from neighbors
for simply loving and supporting their child. They
show up to this conference and they meet families
like themselves and it catapults them out of their
fear into forward thinking and action. It gives them
hope for their kids, because they see transgender
adults and many of us have relationships and
people that love us and jobs.
M arsha :
This is truly exciting work!
A i da n : I have to say that you and Ingersoll
put Seattle on the map around gender identity.
Look at what incredible ground work Ingersoll
has done! We couldn’t do this work if that hadn’t
already been done 20-30 years ago. We have
fertile soil to work in because of what you
have done.
Pride Foundation honors these individuals for their courage to commit
today so others may benefit tomorrow. Visionaries are people who have
included Pride Foundation in their wills or planned gifts.
Christopher C. Jones
Jerry Jordheim
David Kerlick
David Kersey
Christopher Keyser &
Steven Casteele
Daryl J. King &
Todd G. Hagen
Ana Maria King
John King
Duane Kitna &
Bryon M. Stargel
Michael Kleer*
Jim Klemett+
Patty Knight*
Keiko Koizumi* &
Dot Hachey
Annette Laico*
Bill Lambert+
Gary Lanksbury
Martin Lantz
James Lasersohn
Danette K. Leonhardi*
Kelly Lerner
Larry Levitan
John Longres*
Ted Lord* & Chris Cooper
Don Lothian+ &
Harvey Muggy+
Lonnie Lusardo
Pat Mail & Peggy Kopf
Deborah McCandless
Dale McCurdy &
Mark den Hartog
Marshall McReal
Marla M. Meislin*
David C. Mendoza
Ed Miesen* & Glenn Yorita
Greg Scully &
Frank Migaiolo
Barbara Monda
Lynette Moore
Tami Moore* &
Cathy Green
Don Moreland
Marsha Morgan &
Claire Moore
Doug Morgenson
Jack Motteler+
Tom Musial
William & Ramona
George Nunes*
Reeva M. Ohms
Jennifer Olson
Silas O’Quinn &
Nathan Smith
William Orley & Max Silver
Mike Orlich
Sean Oslin
Tom Page
Marschel Paul* &
Margaret Sutro
Douglas Peckham
Travis Penn & John Wicher
Joseph E. Pentheroudakis
Richard Perrigo+
Rick Peterson
James K. Phelps &
Timothy Baldwin
Stephen Phillips
Gerald Phillips
Janice Pickard &
Anne Harvey
Donald R. Pickens
Tina Podlodowski*
W. David Poot*
Everett E. Reagan
Shad Reinstein &
Jody Laine*
Tim Rice
Robert A. Riopelle
Greg Robbins
Bob Roblee &
Ron Johnson
Clay Sales
Michael P. Schaefer
Robert E. Scheidler
Fred Schoen*
Lynn G. Schrader
Michael & David
Julie Shapiro &
Shelly Cohen
Michael Shiosaki* &
Ed Murray
Brian Silkworth &
William Colter
Howard Silverman &
Michael J. Lehman
John Skelton
Paul Slane+
Tom Smith
Aubrey Hart Sparks*
Cap J. Sparling
Arlis Stewart*
Lisa M. Stone
Gayle Stringer &
Nancy Nickelson
John Templeton
William R. Teska
H. William Thieleman
Donald H. Thorgrimson+
Justin Thumler &
Raymond Houle
Brian Thurston
Rene Tillman
Allan Tonning*+
Peggy Torner
John Trautman
Len Tritsch
Janice Van Cleve
Steven Wakefield
Ben Waldman
Jim Warford+
Walt Weaver+
Ric Weiland*+
Melanie Wilhoite*
Laurie B. Wolf*
David Woosley
Beverly Wozumi
Mary Kay Wright*
Rose Young
Ria Zazycki*
* past or current members
of Pride Foundation
Board of Directors or staff
G r a t i t u d e R e p o r t 2 0 07–2 0 0 8
Charlotte Escott
Akili Estrella*
William S. Etnyre
Bob Evans* & Steve Davis
Douglas Exworthy* &
Kent Poush
Jean Ferries
Elaine Field
Bill Fleming*
Ward Folsom &
Leigh Champlin
Bellelizabeth Foster &
Karen Jenner
Glenn Fox
Norm Frampton &
Ed Hunziker
Tim Franulovich
Marie Helene Gagnon*
Gerald Geisert+
Michel Girard*
Barbara Grant
Michael Grochau
Paul J. Grube, Jr.
Audrey Haberman* &
Marge McGinty
George M. Hampton, Jr.*
Darrell S. Harris
Michele & David Hasson
David Owen Hastings
Shelley Hayes
Jeff Hedgepeth* &
John Medlin
Nicholas Heer
John Herrin*
Elizabeth Hester &
Melinda Partin
Peter D. Hiatt &
Ron Huden
Rex Himes
Bill Hodge
Douglas Holley
John Holliday &
Glenn Lawler
C. David Hopkins*
Kimberly Langford+
Roy L. Hughes
Greg Hunicutt
Christine Hurley
Peter C. Jackson
Walter Jelonek
Dan Jester
Shehreen Johnson*
A P RIL 2 0 07 – M A R C H 2 0 0 8
Anonymous (13)
Bruce M. Abrams
Joyce M. Allen* &
Jessica Lynn
Raymond Araujo*
Barbara Bailey*
Thatcher Bailey*
Jolly Sue Baker* &
Clare Hannan
Melissa Barran &
JoAnn Hartline
Ted Bash
Becky* & Mary Jo Bauen
Paul Beaudet* &
David Wertheimer*
Allison Beezer*
Stephen R. Blair+
Peter Boeschenstein
Marsha Botzer*
Robert Bruneau
Gian Bruno &
Anthony Papini
Lee S. Burke+
William Burnett
Martin Casey
Donald P. Chamberlain
Leslie Christian &
Heather Andersen
Sam Ciapanna & Dean
Vernon Clark-Robbins
Grover Cleveland*
Bryan Cline*
Thomas Connell
Candy Cox
Steve Crandall &
Brian Hawksford
Gary Crevling
Michael Dameron &
Thomas Marocchini
James Darkow
Char Davies
Joel C. Davis
Russell W. Davis+
Brian M. Day+
Karl A. Derrick
Tom Diehm & Tom Davis
Bob Ding
Tom Dixon
Nancy A. Drigotas
Bob Eichler
Sara Elward*
Pride Foundation Visionaries
A P RIL 2 0 0 7 – M A R C H 2 0 0 8
A P RIL 2 0 07 – M A R C H 2 0 0 8
2007 – 2008 Donors
2007 – 2008 Donors
April 2007 – March 2008
Thanks to each of you who have joined with us to
strengthen our lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender
and allied community.
Jennifer Cast &
Liffy Franklin
Bob Evans* &
Steve Davis
Funders for Lesbian
and Gay Issues
Audrey Haberman* &
Marge McGinty
Estate of John Herrin
Paul M. Johns
Henry J. Kaiser Family
Martin Lantz &
Donald Coffman+
The Mental Wellness
Foundation, Inc
Microsoft Employee
Giving Campaign
Microsoft Corporation
Travis Penn &
John Wicher
Renschler Foundation
Schwab Fund for
Charitable Giving
State of Washington
Combined Fund
Kathryn Wehle &
Theresa Haynie
Estate of
Ric Weiland*+
$10,000 – $24,999
ADAM Giving Circle
Mika Albright
Aria Foundation
Paul Beaudet* &
David Wertheimer*
Lisa Brummel &
Celeste Keaton
Coalition for
Charitable Choice
Eric Ewing* &
Bruce Redman
Douglas Exworthy* &
Kent Poush
Ellen Ferguson &
Diana Sill
Bill Fleming* &
Steve Zeliadt
Pam Foster &
Liz Austin Fund
John Holliday &
Glenn Lawler
METRO/King County
Employee Charitable
Layne Mortensen &
Rick Griswold
Bob Roblee &
Ron Johnson
SAFECO Insurance Co.
Michael P. Schaefer
Seattle Foundation
Julie Shapiro &
Shelly Cohen
Charles Stephens &
Rebecca Liebman
Lawrence B. Stone &
Jan Jecha
Fund of Tides
Foundation, on the
of Rebecca Liebman
and Charles
United Way
of King County
$5,000 – $9,999
Associates In
Behavorial Health
Barbara &
Wayne Baker
Allison Beezer* &
Mary Kudla
Joe Curiel &
Tony Raugust
Betsy Dennis*
Bob Eichler
Community Fund
of the Boeing
William S. Etnyre
Fidelity Charitable
Gift Fund
The Bill & Melinda
Gates Foundation
Bill Hammer &
Jim Miersma
High Stakes
Rex Himes
Jewish Federation of
Greater Seattle
Michael Kleer*
Daniel Ling &
Lee Obrzut
John Longres*
Heather McFarlane &
Joan Christoffels
Judy Pigott
Shad Reinstein &
Jody Laine*
Robert A. Riopelle
Michele & Stan Rosen,
Mimi Rosen, & the
Rita & Herbert Rosen
Satterberg Foundation
Stephen Silha
The Starbucks
Judith & Charles Stern
David Thorpe*, CPA &
Geoff Greenlee,
Nicholas Utzinger &
John Rochford
Vanguard Charitable
Vulcan Inc.
Washington Mutual
Wells Fargo
Wilmington Trust
Charitable Gift Fund
Keeman Wong &
Ward Beattie
James & Colin Lee
Wozumi Charitable
$2,500 – $4,999
Joyce M. Allen* &
Jessica Lynn
Ameriprise Financial
Services, Inc.
Aschenbrenner &
Trayci Jones
Jabe Blumenthal &
Julie Edsforth
Nathaniel Brown
Reuben Chong
Anne Xuan Clark
Geraldine V. Cole*
Combined Federal
Campaign, Seattle
Robert Cundall &
Dan Bross
Decode, Inc.
Tom Dixon &
Larry deGroen
Bill Dubay &
John Reitberger
Friends of
Patricia Van Kirk
GiveGladly, Inc
George Grubb
Greg Hunicutt
Jason J. Hunke*
Inland Northwest
Business Alliance
Brady Jensen
Patty Knight*
Tracey Lake
Ernie Lou* &
Chris Tran
Maureen MacCarthy &
Barbara Grant
Doug Morgenson
New Belgium Brewing
Scot R. Partlow* &
Dean A. Kralios
PFLAG Bellevue
Marjorie Press*
Anthony Prud’homme
& Peter
Chet Robachinski &
Jerry Slipman
Helene Robertson
Clay Sales
Sarah Schuyler
Mike Scott*
Peter Shalit &
Bob Clark
Kris Sharp* &
Charlene Montierth
Jeffrey Stolz &
Tim O’Connor
United Way of
Snohomish County
James VanderMeer
Beverly Wozumi
$1,000 – $2,499
Anonymous (4)
Catherine Bachy* &
Margaret Giffels
Barbara Bailey*
Dr. Desiray Bailey &
Deborah Brandt
Thatcher Bailey*
Ben Bakkenta &
Eric Snow
Jay & Julie Bazuzi
Kate Beck
Christopher Beiter
Peter Bergler &
Brent Haynes
Pamela C. Bezona &
Shelley Siegfried
Laura Blankenship* &
Roxanne Etherton
Samantha Britney
Becky Brown
Clifford Bunch &
David Pritchard
Kim Burkes* &
Marcie Osborn
Calvert Foundation
Cameron Catering
Eric Candell &
William Powell
Sharon Carroll
Bryan Cline*
Scott Clyde
Celeste Cole
Susan Coskey &
Gwen Mathewson
John Dagres &
Jack Odell
Mark Demanes
Deborah DeWolfe &
Kate Stewart
Peggy Dolane*
Patrice Donohue*
Sara Elward*
Matthew Fairfax
Cheri Fleming
Norm Frampton &
Ed Hunziker
Kevan Gardner*
Michael S. Garlick
Michel Girard*
Steve Gunn
George M. Hampton,
Lyra Hardy
Thom Harrington &
Stewart Wong
Jeff Hedgepeth* &
John Medlin
Shawn Holman
Tripp Hunter &
Val Thomas
Imperial Sovereign
Court of Tacoma
Aaron Jacobs* &
John Edward Smith
David Jayo
Jewish Community
Endowment Fund
Carol Kerley &
Linda Dunham
Christopher D. Keyser
E.J. Kilgore &
J.R. Pierce
Daryl J. King &
Todd G. Hagan
Keiko Koizumi* &
Dot Hachey
Philip Kovacevich
Josef Krebs
Alan Kristal &
Jason Lamb
Johnine Larsen/J.L.
Heather Leach
Rae & Mark Lembersky
Mark Levine &
John Keppeler
Anne Levinson
Betsy Lieberman &
Richard Groomer
Ted Lord* &
Chris Cooper
Hannah Love
Larry Lowary
Dean Lynch &
Michael P. Flannery
Donny Malles
Don Martin &
John Konovsky
Patricia McIntyre
Kiki McMillan
Richard Meadows
Daniel Meyers
Frank Migaiolo &
Greg Scully
Marsha Morgan &
Claire Moore
$480 – $999
Anonymous (2)
Adobe Systems Inc.
Mark Alstead &
Dave Buchholz
Chris Anderson &
Timothy Burks
Alan &
Lisa Auerbach
Melissa Barran &
JoAnn Hartline
Timothy Bartley
Rodger Benson &
Scott Erickson
Judy Bierman &
Chris Byrne
Trish Blanchard
John Bodoia
Stephen &
Robin Boehler
Mark Bolender &
Polly Close
Kevin Bostrom
Marsha Botzer*
Jonathan L. Bowman
Neva Dail Bridges
Laura S. Brown, Ph.D.
Chanda Carlson* &
Janice Wall
Susan Carmel
Cat Carrel
Jennifer Cecil
Frank Chaffee &
John Gliessman
Donald P. Chamberlain
Anna Chavelle &
Chris Knutson
Louise Chernin* &
Mary Klein
Margo Christianson
Daniel Christopher
Combined Federal
Portland, OR
Combined Federal
Campaign of
Snohomish County
Mark Covington
Betsey Curran &
Jonathan King
Chris Curry
Char Davies
Tom Day &
Nadine Foster-Day
Ryan Dingman
Akili Estrella*
Charles Fleming &
Deborah Klein
George Freeman, Jr.
J. Patrick Gallagher
Gemperle Enterprises
Paul Gibson
Gill Foundation
Agnes Govern &
Mary Peterson
Kathleen Grauman
Farand Gunnels* &
David Victor
Matthew D. Haggerty,
Kevin Hamada &
Jack Wong, Jr
James Hammond
Roy Hamrick &
Stephen Carstens
Stacey Prince (left)
and Teri Mayo, donors
and volunteers.
Jamie & Eric Pedersen
Carol Pencke
David S. Peterson
Dirk Peterson
Robert Pope
Port of Seattle
Employee Charitable
Jay Porter &
David Smith
Catherine Potts, M.D.
Stacey Prince &
Teri Mayo
Dianne Quast
Kathy & Robert Reim
Jean Rietschel &
Lois Thetford
Rick Rocheleau &
Dale Melsness
Steve Rovig &
Brian Giddens
Karleen Sakumoto
Stephen L. Schenzel
Zan Scommodau
Michael & David
David Showalter
Dee Ann Smiley
Nathan Sobers &
Michael Kuntz
Ryan Spady
Derek Stanley &
Doug Hunt
Stan Suchan &
Dan Robinet
Jason Sutter
Miles Takahashi
Neal Taketa
Bill Tashima
William Teska
Deborah Thalasitis
Michael Theisen &
Ron Jones
H. William Thieleman
Greg Thomas
Joann Thompson &
Julie Wittrock
Judy Tobin &
Michael Baker
Timothy Tomlinson
Trinity Parish Episcopal
United Way of
Pierce County
United Way of
Skagit County
Verizon Foundation
Donald Vilen
Bryce Vradenburg
Steven Wakefield
Michael Weidemann
Kirsten Weiss
Wells Fargo
Michael Westrick
Dick Wheeler &
Dick Hulbert
Mary Whisner &
Mary Hotchkiss
Daniel Wilson &
Jacob Mans
Michael Workman
Jimmy Worm*
Yakima Kittitas
Combined Federal
Larry Yok &
Eric Olson
Thomas Zambito III
Jen Zamora* &
Alicia Lewis
Don Zwink &
Clark Thompson
$100 – $479
Anonymous (56)
Sue Ablao &
Jackie Judson
John Abplanalp
Donald Adair
Arvis Adams
Leo Adams
Carmelita Adkins
Susan Agid
Ann Agnew &
Cynthia Sanders
Katherine Ahl
Lauri Aicher
Takako Aikawa
Sally Akan
Jennifer Albright
Kathleen & Thor Albro
Marie Allpress
Michael Aly
Edward Amato III
Linda Amato
Michael Amend &
Jeff Ashley
Harriet Ammann
Garth Amundson &
Pierre Gour
Karen Andersen &
Miriam Handler
A. Alene Anderson
Jeannie Anderson
T. Murray Anderson
William Anderson
Anne Appleby
Kristen Archbold
Jane Arends &
Shelley Smith
Vernon Arendse
Laura Asbell, Ph.D.
Britt Ashley
John Attebery
Amy Aubin &
Janitzia Schurch
Dee Mann Aust
Ken & Judy Austin
Barbara Austin &
Judith Johnson
Avista Foundation
William Aycock &
Don Bojarski
Jefferey Babauta
Marty Babcock &
Kas Kinkead
Amy Backer &
Jenifer Hamlin
Craig Bailey
Katrina Baker
Sonia & Kendall Baker
Jasmin Baker-Kinney
Carol & Mike Balasa
Page Baldwin
Bank of America
Kelli Banks
Pamela Banks
Martha BannisterMingo
Andrea Barbier
Martin & Christine
Jennifer Barnes
G r a t i t u d e R e p o r t 2 0 07–2 0 0 8
Migee Han*
Mark Hanses
Jeanie Harman &
Vicki Smith
Jimmy Harrop* &
Christopher Smith
Lee Heck &
Bill McGee
Amy Henry
Victor Hernandez
Mary Jo Hershly
Peter D. Hiatt &
Ron Huden
Mike Higgins
Bill Hodge &
Chris Hoffer
Larry Holder
Douglas Holley
C. David Hopkins*
Denys Howard
Michael Hughes
Eric Hurt
Nancy Hutchison
Michael Jarvis &
Craig Larson
Jessica Johnson
Michaelene Johnson
Shehreen Johnson*
Jerry Jordheim
Lyle C. Kahle
Allison Kent &
Jessica Ross
Charlie Knox &
Todd McGee
Beth Kraig &
Suzanne Klinger
Robert Laek
Florence Largay
Theresa Lourde
Tom Loushe
Lisa Maynard
John McCluskey* &
Rudy Henry
Tara & Zan*
Kerry McGowne &
Chris Kurtz
Brian McIntosh
Nita McKinley
Larry Meyer
Bert &
Stacy Miller
Daniel Moore &
John McCoy
Dwight A. Mueller
Jerome Newman
Daniel A. Nye
Dan Oban &
Bill Tobias
Kimberly Oberg &
Claudia La Rosa
David J. Olliver
Jen Olson
Hans &
Jackie* Ostrom
Michael Owens
Hank &
Sherry Pangborn
Alex Pava* &
Clif Marr
A P RIL 2 0 07 – M A R C H 2 0 0 8
Phil Sullivan
Rachel B. Valdez*
Pat Vivian*
WA State Mr/Ms Leather
Jared Watson*
Sara Wiener &
Joanne Richter
Maxine Williams
Roger Winters*
Laurie B. Wolf*
John Wong* &
Greg Combs
Larry* & Jim
David A. Woosley
Steven Wright
Zachary Wright*
Wright Law PLLC
David Ethan Zoller &
Cheryl Trooskin
True North Land
Surveying, Inc.
2007 – 2008 Donors
Nancy S. Nordhoff
George Nunes*
Nyhus Communications
Deborah Oyer &
Tom Weeks
Laird Patterson
Marschel Paul* &
Margaret Sutro
Dan Phelan &
Chris Mulready
James K. Phelps &
Timothy Baldwin
Janice Pickard &
Anne Harvey
Laura Pierce* &
Lorie Hamel
Geoffrey T. Prentiss
The Purple Lady/
Barbara J. Meislin
Scott & Katie Renschler
Norman H. Roberts
Jeff Sakuma* &
Ron Pederson
Douglas Sauvage
Fred Schoen*
Michael L. Schramm
Linda Severin &
Annmarie Levins
Sharon Shoemaker
Jean Singer* &
Dyanne Sheldon
Deb Smucker &
Liz Wall
John Springer &
Jay Kallio
Lisa M. Stone
Brian Stoner
Stuart J. Stuple &
Cathy Sullivan
Anjela Ford
Anjela Ford
Anjela Ford made her first donation to Pride Foundation this year.
She is a student at Portland Community College where she is enrolled
in the Sign Language Interpretation Program. She lives in Vancouver,
WA with her partner, Jane and their two dogs.
Anjela, how did you first
hear about Pride Foundation?
S t e ph e n :
A n j e la : I might have seen it in Just Out (Port-
land’s LGBT paper), advertising about scholarships.
That is very cool. What do you
think are the biggest needs in the LGBT
community? How do you see the community
evolving over the next few years?
S t e ph e n :
A n j e la : It seems like we are start-
ing to have more visibility, especially in
the media, but it’s not always positive.
Sometimes it feels like the stereotypes
are getting perpetuated. We need to see
that gay people have families and relationships and jobs, and all this normal
stuff; that they are not this eccentric
special group. That is a big thing for me.
Because I think it is helpful not only for
people who aren’t gay, but for people
who are gay, to have more pride in
themselves and see themselves out
there. It’s important to see the success,
but also the struggles too. I want to
see myself more in the world.
I agree with that.
One thing that you may not know
is that Pride Foundation has given
a lot of grants to non-gay groups.
So there is this whole strategy of
community building with other
groups and showing that the gay
community is not just interested in ourselves
but we are interested in building bridges with
other communities.
S t e ph e n :
Stephen Silha, a donor
and volunteer since
1989, talked with Anjela
about giving to Pride
Foundation and her
aspirations for the
world we live in.
And I have a friend who
won a Pride Foundation scholarship for school.
Seeing how it helped her was really powerful.
I am curious about what
prompted you to make your first donation
to the Pride Foundation this year?
S t e ph e n :
A n j e la : Actually it was related to my experi-
ence as a student, because one of the important
things is paying for school. I applied for a Pride
Foundation scholarship last year and didn’t get
it. They contacted me and I thought that if it was
something that I wanted to benefit from, then it is
also a good thing to participate in and donate to.
It sounds like a really worthy cause and something
that I know is going to be a part of my life in the
future. So I wanted to start that relationship.
A n j e la : That is powerful because it shows
that we have our differences, but there is so much
similarity in our struggles. It is powerful to see us
working together. I didn’t know about that.
Have you given any thought
to getting more involved with the Pride
Foundation or the LGBT community?
S t e ph e n :
A n j e la : Yes. Right now my focus is school. In the
past I was involved with youth and I really enjoyed
mentoring. I like providing that support, especially
with gay and lesbian youth, because there’s just
not the same amount of role models for them. I
think about how my life could have been if I had
somebody to talk to and had that support and had
that example of a good life, as a gay person. That is
something that I want to do for others.
Vern Fahy
Nancy Fairman
Susan Fairo &
Christine Suter
Lorelle Farber &
Dee Todd
Ned Farley &
Michael Klim
David Fasel
Karen & Ken Faunce
Charles D. Fay
Cynthia Felice
Joe Felice &
Ann Gorman
Cynthia Ferguson &
Sandy McKenna
William D. Ferguson,
Linda Ferreira
Terry Fettig
Helen Finch &
Kathleen McCowan
John Fink &
Kathey Sweeney
First Horizon
Steven Fischer
Adelia M. Fisher
Family Fund
Shauna Fisher
Douglas &
Mary Fleming
Sarah Fletcher
Andrea Florissi &
Phil Brennan
Judy Foley
Karma Forbes
Anjela Maria Ford
Liz Ford &
Sally Clark
Mike Ford
Linda J. Fore
Sidney Forman
Kay Foss
Linda Foster &
Nancy Jerkovich
Kenneth Fowler
Erin Foy &
Dr. Jean Hernandez
Jim Francis &
John Sullivan
William &
Elizabeth Frank
Carol Frankel
Kim Frappier &
James Kinskey
Jim Frazzini &
Bernard Corday
Karen Fredriksen* &
Jayn Butt
Chris Freeman
Mark Friedman
Jo Ann Fritsche*
J.D. Fugate & Tony Earl
Guy Fussman
Starla Gable
Rev. Robert E. Gage
Seumas Gagne
Jeff Gaisford &
Brian Parker
Deborah Ganzkow
Alex Garcia
Torivio Garcia &
Stephen Huss
Adam Garibaldi
Zach Garland
Danielle Garnich
Robin Garrett
Janet Garrow
Rachel Garson &
J. Michael Storie
James M. Gaylord
Sharon Gearhart
C. Gerig
Bookda Gheisar
Mary Giannini
Robbie Gilchrist
Tim Gillean
Duane Gimbel
Joseph Givins
Becky Glaze &
Carrie Grant
Philip Goldenman
Ross Geondridge
Michael Goodnow
Ralph Gorin
Selina Gorst
Rick Goss &
Nanette Robinson
Paul & Clara Grace
Jeffery Graham
Judy Graham
Rob & Carol
Ramm Gramenz
Stacia Green
Deborah Greenberg
Tony Gregg &
James Doyle
Elaine Gregory
Ben Griffin
Cathy Griffin &
Jackie Ritmire
Melody Griggs
Allison Grosfield
Mark Grover
Teresa Guajardo &
Tina Roose
Robert Guard
Timothy Gubsch &
Michael H. Molohon
Jodi Guetzloe-Parker
Gary G. Guinn
Harnik Gulati
Kim Gunning
Robert Guptill
Karen W. Guzak
Kathy Hall
Sajva Halverson &
Molly Halsey
Laura & Robert
Marion & Mark Hammer
Barbara Hammond
Cheryl Hammond
Justin Hammond
Chase Hamodey
Natalie Hamrick &
Veronica Smith
Zev Handel
Susan Hannibal
Amy Hansen
Lorie Hansen &
Annette Bruer
Lyle Hansen
Jeff Harder
Jane Hardin &
Linda Gohlke
Edward Hardy
Katherine Hardy
Anne Harper &
Marc Chavez
Christina Harris
John Harrison
Geri Hartley
Jack Harvey
Jeffrey Hashimoto
G r a t i t u d e R e p o r t 2 0 07–2 0 0 8
Jennifer Davies
Charles F. Davis
Dianna Davis
Elaine Davis &
Rose McMahon
Jeffrey Davis
Kathleen Davis
Lora Davis &
Linda Henderson
Philip Day
LLyn De Danaan
Juan Carlos de la Ossa
Stephen Deal
Christina DeCaruset
Diane Miesen Dedrick
Anita K. deGive
Gary Delbow
Giovanni M.
James DeLong
Sirena Denbow
Mary Denzel
Janay & Rebecca
Kathryn Devine
Erin Devoto
Bill DeYoung
Stephanie Dickey &
Laurie Blakeslee
Mr. John Dickson
Andrew Dillman
John Doan
Barbara J. Dobson
Wayne T. Dodge, MD &
Larry Kreisman
Mary Dolan
Patrick Dolan
David Doody
Nancy Dorn
June Douglass
Sarah H. Draper
Jolene Draves
Laura Dressler
Peggy E. Drew
Miriam Driss
Penny Drost
Rhonda Duckworth
Lynn Dunlap
Marty Durand
Jim Dutkiewycz
Joni Earl
Marie Eaton
Karen Eckert
Michael Edwards &
Robert Connors
Michael Ehlert
Susan M. Eidenschink
George Einsetler
Adam Eisenberg
Duke Ellington
Elizabeth Elliott
Joanne Ellis
David Dotlich &
Doug Elwood
Matthew Endrizzi
Debra Enneking, D.D.S.
Shellie Jo Enscoe
Equity Foundation
Stephanie & Yvonne
Marlys Erickson &
Christine Hurley
Christopher C. Evans
Joan Evans &
Karena Burns
K. Eyth
A P RIL 2 0 07 – M A R C H 2 0 0 8
Katerine Chapman
Charitable Flex Fund
Jennifer Charlebois
Steven Charvat
Laura Chavey
Brian Chen &
Tim Pearson
Joanna Chen
Karin Chisamore
Laura Chrisman
Lance Christian
Robert Church
Karolynn Clark
Jennifer Clarke Wilkes
Pat Clay
Alec & Gabi Clayton
Margaret Clemons
Grover Cleveland*
Christine Clishe
Julia & Victoria Clow
Merilee Clunis &
Margaret Schoenfield
Richard Coast
Kathy Cochran
Harriett Cody &
Harvey Sadis
Rebecca Coffman
Gary Collins
Kathryn & John Collins
Marlaena Collins
Margaret & Roger
Combined Federal
Campaign of Kitsap &
Mason Counties
Combined Federal
Campaign of
Pierce County
Karl Compton &
John Abrams
Ken Comstock* &
Glen Tamura
Ruth Conn &
Jo Montgomery
Thomas Connell
Brenda Cooper
Donald Corliss &
David Farnsworth
Paul Corning &
Michael Ramar
Carol Coryell
Dorinda Costa
Nova Cotner
Ken Courtney
Michael A. Cousins
Carolyn & Connie
Kevin Crawford &
Richard March
Lillian Crawford
Thomas Crews
Charles Cromwell
Donita Crosby
Gregory Crouch
Michael Crouch &
Randy Lynne Joseph
Bud Cudmore
Jim Culp & Peter Manos
Roger Cummings
Carolyn Cummins
Pat D.
Michael Dailey
Brian Dale & Toshi Davis
James Dallen
Ann Dalton
Katherine Dalton
Diane &
Stuart Dautoff
2007 – 2008 Donors
Taylor & Theresa
Carol Bridges &
Rochelle Coffey
Maureen Brincklund
Andrew Brink &
Edward Gali
Roy Michael Brock
Stella Brodzak
Terrence Brooks
Al Brown & Jon Waite
Carol Brown
Collene & Carol Brown
JoAnn Seipp Brown
Kandy Lee Brown
Larry Brown
Pat Brown
Kathy Browning
Pat Brownwood
Brett Brundage
Chelci Bruno
Ben Brynildsen
Natalie E. Bryson
Diana E. Buchbinder
Marsha Buck
Tiina & Neal Buckaloo
Paul Buelhler
Dorrie Bulltail
Kristen Burge &
Del Laverdure
Dale Burke
Jeffrey Burkhardt
Chris Burns
Cynthia M. Burns
Nancy Burns
Janet & William Bush
Lisa Butterworth
The Byrd Family
Robin & Vickie
Natalie M. Cain
Julie Hutchins Cairn
Russ & Anita Calhoun
Christopher E. Caliz
Cammermeyer &
Diane Divelbess
Jennifer Campbell &
Peter Whitley
Tom Campbell &
Carey Wong
William R. Campbell IV
Michael Campsmith
Julia Cannon
Susan Canton
Carole Canzler
Emily Carlquist
Robert Carlson &
Mary Fontain
Victor Carlson
Stephanie Carnahan
Sally Carpenter
Patrick Carr
Hellen Y. Carreras
Linda Carrol
Jeanne & Bill Carroll
Brent Carson &
Jill Burday-Carson
Valerie J. Carter
Kim Caruso
Brian Cole &
Martin Casey
Celia Castle &
Brenda Bauer
Lois Chanslor
Cathy Chapin
Terry Barnett
Brian Barr
Claire Barr
Anthony B. Barrier
James Barthelmess
Adam Bartz &
Joan Christianson
Linda Bascom &
John Monk
Ted A. Bash
Judy Bass
Michelle Bauchman
Rebecca L. Baudino
Ronald Bayer
Amanda Beane &
Anne Bryson-Beane
Anne Beck &
Susan Beilke
Marieke Beck
Nancy Beck &
Mary Ellen de la Pena
Jerry Becker &
Marty Wade
Beckford Law
Mary Kathleen
Michael Beidler
Jeff N. Bell
Carolyn Benard
Angelina & Robert
Dr. Janet Bennett
Gerald Benton
Alex Berg
John Berg
Rebecca Berger
Teresa Bergeson
Yvonne Bergquist
Peter Berry &
Christopher Tolfree
Marlys Bertsch &
Anne Nethercut
Linda Besant &
Martha Goetsch
Michael Besch &
Mike Fleming
David Bird
Alene Bishop
Justin Bishop
Julia Blackburn
Jill Blair & Fay Twersky
Suzanne M. Blakeney
Blue Star Fund of the
Equity Foundation/
Mary Dzieweczynski
& Amy Williams
Doniella Boaz
Bruce Boesiger
Robert & Elizabeth
Peter Boley
Andrea Bolliger
Suzanne Bolwell
Jim Boneau &
Eric Mowery
Bob Boone
James Boone &
Joseph Bucuzzo
Paul & Eileen Borne
Randy Boshart
Dorothy Bosteder
Heather J. Bottorff
Kathy Boullin &
Don Hogeland
Joanne Bourgeois
James Braden
Robert G. Bragg
A P RIL 2 0 07 – M A R C H 2 0 0 8
2007 – 2008 Donors
David Owen Hastings
Stacey Haugland
Susan A. Hawkins,
Shelley Hayes &
Mary Horvath
Janine Hazebrouck
Jenny Heard &
Glenn Kadish
Nikole & Mike
George Heidorn &
Margaret Rothschild
Darrel & Betsy Held
Antje Helfrich &
Nancy Shawn
S. Keith Helmka, Jr.
Janet Henderson &
Ann Brown
Lynn Henderson
Berni Hendrickson
Shawn Henning
Elie Henry
Roger Henry
Hope Hensley &
David Miles
Margaret Herding
Lloyd E. Herman
Sherry Herman
Cynthia Hernandez
Amy Herndon
Anthony Hesseltine
Gerald Hestbeck
Robert Heuer
Greg Hewett
Thomas J. Heye
Joelyn Higgins
Alison Hilber
Fred Hillman
Emily Hine
Sir Robin R. Hixson
Jo Hofmann
Timothy Hogan
Sandy & Laura
Lisa & Jim Holley
Alice Holt
Linda Hooper
Beth Hooten
Suzanne Z. Hoover
Melanie Hopkins
Jay & Luanne Hormel
Gayle Hornell
Matthew J. Hornyak
James House
JoEllen Howard
Kathryn Howard
Cate Howell
Mike Hritzo
Robert Hubenthal
Steven L. Hubert
Martin G. Hudson
Roy L. Hughes
Susan Hulbert
Barrie & Theo Hull
Jerry Hunnicutt
Kara Hunnicutt &
Cheryll Simmons
Carol Hunter
Kathleen Hurst
Jeanette Huseman
John Huston
Eric Hutcheson
Robert Hutchinson, Jr.
Leann Hyatt
Dr. Karen & James Ilika
David Irwin &
John Bennett
Eric Ishino &
Ronald Shiley
Ken & Nancy Isserlis
Ruben & Nick Jackman
Alex & Audrey Jacks
Jill Jackson &
Lisa Reitzes
John Naugle &
Michael Jacobs
Beth & David Jacoby
Linda James & Kim Dye
Robert James
Susan James &
Michelle DeHaan
Linda Jamieson &
Kelly Buchanan
Sarah Jepson
Dan Jinguji*
Laurie Jinkins &
Laura Wulf
Denise Johnsen
Barbara Johnson
Carolynn Johnson
David W. Johnson
David W. Johnson &
Michael Hyer
Dianne Johnson
Eva & Kevin Johnson
Freedom Johnson
Jill & Deanna Johnson
Lincoln Johnson
Meg Johnson
Stephen Johnson
Tessa Johnson
Mary Ellen Johnson
Dr. Kent Johnson &
Cody Blomberg
Gregory Jones
Shawndelle Jones
Karli Kristine Jorgensen
Kristin Jorgensen
Pamela Jourdan &
Linette Payne
Diana & Jim Judson
Michael C. Jurich
Consuelo Justin &
Carol Wilcox
Judith Kaftan &
Kristin Marra
Kerry Kahl
Tracy Kahlo &
Suzy Stremel
Lin Kamer-Walker
Donald & Monique
Jean Kasota
Jennifer Kauffman
Kenneth Kaufmann &
Chuck Lennox
Patrick Kavanaugh &
Leilani St. Anna
Kimi Kawabori
Heather Keast
Virginia Keefe-Hardy
Karen Keegan
Mark Keller
Mimi Keller
Dereque Kelley
Noel S. Kelley
Korby Kencayd
Carol Kenion
Mary Kennerly
Ruth Kennon
Alan Kent
John Kephart
Agnes Kerschner
Larry & Barbara
David Kersey
Kit Ketcham
Christopher Keyser &
Steven Casteele
Ray Kincade
Astrid King
John King
Juliette King &
Lisa Caldwell
Quentin King &
Glen Kriekenbeck
Diana & John Kinsella
Craig Kirkpatrick
Todd Kiziah
Marieka Klawitter
Judith Klayman
Gloria Klein
Starr T. Klube
Gail Ann Kluepfel
Kristi Knodell &
Kristin Kinnamon
Matt & Becca Knox
Joan Knutsen
Steven Kodoma
Amy Koepnick
Richard Koon
Pete Korfiatis
Russell Kost
Craig D. Kowald
Alex & Fany Kralios
Kathy Krause &
Laura Sackerman
Hans Kreigsman
Jeff Krengel
Fay Krokower
Leigha Krueger &
Larry Barello
Bradi & Scott Kukes
Art Kuniyuki
H. Kurth
Marcy Kutok
Tom LaBagh
Sue Lafky
Annette Laico*
Barbara Lampert
Grace Landel
Paul & Pam Lander
Carol Landis
Todd LaMar Landis
Rosmond Langberg &
Mary Maxfield
Gary Langenbach
Kevin Langeslay
Sarah Langford
Robert Lantiegne
Leif & Barbara Lantz
Steven Lanzet &
Jerry Jerrems
Bernadette Laqueur &
Paul Herstein
Jennifer Larsen
Amy Lavare
Ann Lawrence
Patricia Leahy &
Sandra Hubert
Lauri Leaverton
Tammy Ledbetter &
Rachel Reim
Michael Lee &
Paul Richards
Sheila Lee
‘Mo Magazine
Marcia & John
Margaret Lemberg
Tori Lentfer
Michael Leon-Guerrero
Ken Leppert Jr.
Dr. Paul Edwin LeRoy
Brian Leverson
Dena Levine
Jess & Mary Levine
Larry Levitan
Julie & Mitch Levy
Dean Lewis
Linda L. Lewis
M. Carol Lewis &
Tom Byers
Mary Lewis
Paul & Linda Lewis
Corey Lindberg
Taryn Lindhorst &
Cynthia Riche
Noel Lindquist
Alice Lindsley &
Rachael Barry
Filomena Lipsker
Cady Lister &
Shelley Wozniak
Michael Little &
Monty Smith
Joseph Lock
Kelly Locklin
Stephen & Dianne Loeb
Mitch Lohr
Teresa Lombardi
Jann Longman
Candace Lee Lower
Lawrence Lowther
Steve Luark
Stephen Lush
J. Robert Lux
John Lyall &
Richard Grant
Corinne Lyle
Kate Lyons
Jonathan Macaranas
Stephen MacFarlane
Elizabeth Mack
Erik Macki
Gail Mackie
Michael MacKillop
Nicole Macri &
Deb Cayz
Christine Madsen &
Christine Fenno
Bruce Maeder
James Magee
Brian Mahoney
David Mahowald
Kim Manderbach
Richard Marchu
Deborah Maria
Melanie Markle
Bret Marquardt &
Gerald Nelms
Dennis Marsh
Stephen Martel
Darrell Martin
James Martin
Terry Martin &
Jane Gutting
Vi Martin
Tony Martinell
Rex Maruca
Lisa J. Mason
David Mason
Katy Mathias &
Roger Coulter
Jill Mathiasen
David Matthews
Anna McAllister
Nick McBride
Mary E. McCabe
Jeff McCashland
Whitney McCleary &
Joseph King
Mike McCloskey
Rebecca McColl &
Dean McClelland
Edward McCollum
Catherine &
Barry McConnell
Colleen O. McCrory &
Paul A. Washington
Paul McDevitt &
John Sabol
Kevin McDonald
Charlotte Mcelroy
Patrick McElroy
Eleanor McElvaine &
Sara Lopez
Robert McGinnis
Patrick McGownd
Stanley N. McInnis
Lorrie McKay
Michael McKee
Patricia R. McKenzie
Carol McKinley
Karen M. McKinney
Linda F. McKitrick
Jim McLaren
Marc McLeod &
Leticia Camacho
Nena McLin Dunn
Marilyn McMahon
Colleen McMonagle &
Paul Lawrence
Marta Medcalf
Margarita Medina &
Emma Le Du
Jerry Meharg
Kenneth &
Vera Meislin
Anna Melby &
David Raible
Ryan Mello
Alfredo Mendez
Peggy Merrill
Jane Meseck &
Cathy Schick
Susan Mesenbrink
Nancy Messenger &
Paul Symons
Harvey Meulbroek &
Paula Shockley MD
Henry Meuret III
Jean E. Meyn
Robert Michael
Chelle Mileur
Robert Millage
April R. Millar
Barbara Miller MSW
Jessica Miller
Norman &
Shirley Miller
Sequoia Miller
Shelley Miller
George & Stephen
Ed Mills &
Irene Pasternack
Margaret Milne &
Melissa Wilhelm
Judy Mims
Rachel A. Mioni
Elizabeth & Mark
Larry Mitchell
Margaret Mitchell
Chuck Mize
Timothy Mizrahi
James Mizuki
Christopher Mobley
Kelly Moe
Heather Moon
Kailin Mooney
Lauren & Jim Moore
Lynette Moore
Susan Moore
John Moran
Emma Moreno* &
Genevieve Aguilar
Kits Morgan
Susan Morgensztern
Hunter F. Morrigan
Chris Morris
Roger Morris
Ronald Morrison
Shannon Morrison
LeAnne Moss
M. Diane Moss
Luisa Motten &
Christie Brown
Danielle Mottley
Thomas Mount
Petrina R. Muhlauser
Shirley Munkberg
Jason Musgrave
Marci Myer
Jen Myers
John Myers
Sherro Myers
Mary Ellen Myrene*
Joelle Skaga Nausin &
Tim Nausin
Mary Nebel &
Marsha Stitt
Daryn Nelsen &
Suzan Soza
Angela Nelson &
Andrew van Leeuwen
David Nelson
Rep. Sharon Nelson
Sarah Nelson &
Tim Gresback
Sylvia Nelson
Karen & Robert
Richard D. Newcomb
Gloria Newvine
Gail Nichols
Peter Nickerson &
Holly Hill
Peter Nicolas
Kris Nicoll-Henry &
Gary Henry
Dale Nienow
Jill Nishi &
Howard Nakase
Derivative Duo
Ray Noble
The Nolan Shafer
Eileen M. Norton &
Patricia J. Bettasso
Mary Nowlin
Rev. Teresa L. Nunn &
M. Stephanie
El i za :
Tell me about a memorable moment
from a past film festival.
El i za :
F arah : At the first South Asian film festival,
F arah : We don’t [get pushback] because the
we screened the film, Summer in my Veins, and
members of Trikone [a South Asian LGBT support/
social group] spoke out on a panel after the film.
For many in the audience who were South Asians,
and many who weren’t, it was the first exposure to
South Asians that were queer.
N e e l u : I cried throughout the film. It is a film
of the director coming out to his mother and he is
videotaping the whole process. It was absolutely
touching, the mother was accepting of him.
F arah : There were a lot of tears that night. I
remember a lot of people hugging and feeling
joyous as well, all at the same time. Feeling like,
“we did it” we were able to do this because it is
such a big step to come out into the community
like that.
Tasveer, Hindi/Urdu for ‘picture’, produces the International South
Asian Film Festival in Seattle. Since its beginning in 2004 Tasveer
has been showing LGBT themed films at the festival, and they
received their first Pride Foundation grant for this year’s film festival
which will have an LGBT focus.
Have you gotten any pushback from
the audiences about having LGBT films?
way that we started and the way that we’ve always
been is that we have been pushing our audiences
on every level. Not only with sexuality, but we
showed this film that was banned in India and no
one else was showing it. So they kind of expect
this sort of thing for us.
[Having LGBT films] it’s not something necessarily
new to the festival, but to actually do a real focus
on it is what will be different.
How are queer people regarded
in S. Asian cultures?
El i za :
N e e l u : The attitudes towards queer people
in S. Asian communities are as wide as those in
any other community. You can see celebration,
oppression, there is acceptance and avoidance.
There is tolerance and absolutely brutal bigotry.
And there is respect.
The ISAFF will be held
September 24-28, 2008 in
Seattle, WA. Find out more
Tasveer volunteers Farah
at www.tasveer.org
Nousheen (far left) and
Neelu Bhuman (top) with
Sahar (center) and Alka
(right) were interviewed
by Portland-based filmmaker Eliza Greenwood.
G r a t i t u d e R e p o r t 2 0 07–2 0 0 8
H e ar m o r e !
Listen to this entire interview
at PrideFoundation.org.
A P RIL 2 0 07 – M A R C H 2 0 0 8
2007 – 2008 Donors
Christine Oakley &
Clarice Coyne
Ward Oakshott
T. O’Brien
Joseph O’Byrne &
Tim Nunamaker
Jeffrey Ochsner &
Sandra Perkins
Corinne O’Connell
Jeanne O’Connell
Sharon E. O’Dell
Jimmie O’Hara
Don Okazaki
John Paul Olafson &
Bill Burgua
Tom Oliva
Thomas Oliver &
Jeffrey Chandler
Dean Olmstead
Barry Olson
Ken Olson
Jody Olvera
Eric & Kathleen Orlin
Collin & Bonnie Orr
Frances W. Orth
Travis Osborne
Patrick Osby
Jacilyn B. Oseguera
Ayofemi Oseye
Stormi Oshun &
Deena Romaff
Robin K. Ota &
Rob Hulslander
Janet Ott
Tom Page
Peggy Pahl
William Painter
Cora E. Palmer
Kistyn Palmisano
Mary A. Paradise
Susan Parker
Heather Parks
Julie Parrish
Marjory Parry
Carolyn Parsons &
Jude Blanchard
Mary Parvin &
Nani Greenwood
Susan Patrick
Randy Paulino
John Pearce
Kirk Pederson
Bill & Patty Pelandini
Kenneth & Carol Pelo
Laura Pendergraft
Marvina Perry &
Michele Gaynor
Dorothy E. Petersen
Ilene Peterson &
Rebecca Kirkland
Jeanne-Marie Peterson
& John E. Polong
Kent Pflugrath
David W. Phillips
Jackie Phillips
Amanda Phily
Susan Pierini
Denise Pitts
Robert Pohl
Keri Roland &
Heather Tatum
Donna Polehn
Sally Polk
Angela Powell* &
Maria Bullon
Ken Powers
Laurie Powers &
Breean Beggs
Patrick & Cynthia
Leslie Pratt
Michael Pray
Robert Price
Sara & Chris
Llewelyn G. &
Joan Ashby Pritchard
Sally Pritchard &
Tom Tremaine
Andre Pruitt
Carl & Marian Pruzan
Michelle Pulsifer
Craig Purfeerst
Marshall Pursel
Janice Rabkin
Deb Radziewicz
Kellie Ragan
Barbara Rambow
Karen Ramsey &
Jane Shearer
Jessica Randklev
Kathleen Raney &
Janet Straus
Ronald D. Rasmussen,
Raegen Rasnic
Everett E. Reagan
Sue Redkey &
Dan Cushing
Mark Redmond
Janine Rees &
Anita Jones
Laura Rehrmann
Linda Reisser
Joan & Randall Renner
Eric Renz
Lauren Ressler
Louise Richards
Cynthia Richardson
Steve & Stephanie
Donald Riordan
April Ritscher
Bruce A. Ritzen
Jennifer L. Roberts
Mark Roberts
R. Tyrrell Rockafellar
Eric Rockey
Robert Rodgers
Tammarrian Rogers
Peter Rogerson
Ansel Rognlie &
David Steindl
Charles Rohrer
Joel Roney &
Kevin Ono
Gretchen Roosevelt &
Thomas Bates
Ingrid Rorem
Michael Rose
Patty Rose
Margot Claire
Rosenberg &
Elaine Mowery
Shannon Rubin
Joyce & Debbie
Penny Rulon &
D.M Grimsley
Kenneth Russell
Karl Rusterholtz
Deborah Rustin
Joel Ruzich
Kenneth Rybock
Linda Sabado
Connie Sagona
Janet Sailer &
Elizabeth Baty
Vicki Sandleen
Carol Sanders
Christine SandersMeena
Jayme Sanford
Lorrain Sanford
Amanda Sargent &
Toni Harris
Laura D. Westbrook
Gary A. Sawyer
Deb Schaack &
Jutta Schneider
Joy Schaad &
Teresa Holt
Roxie Schalliol
Julie Schickling
Adam Schiesl
Anna Schlecht* &
Sarah Vanucci
Rebecca Schlosstein
Adrian Schlueter
Catherine Schmider
Lynn G. Schrader, CFRE
& Greg Bushman
Ruth Schubert &
Bruce Wirth
Lisa Schuchman &
Marcee Hanan
Elizabeth Schuh
Ingrid Schultz
Fayla Schwartz
Miriam & Howard
Robert Schwartz &
Herluf Kanstrup
Jed Schwendiman &
Paea LePendu
Cheryl M. Scott
Andrea Seabert
Seattle Men’s Chorus/
Seattle Women’s
Paula Seikel
Sharon Seim
D. Seiser
James D. Shannon
Sue & Jim Shaw
Patrick Shaw
Jill Sheldon*
Erika Shepard
Greg Wallace &
Craig Sheppard
Mark Sherard
Michael &
Ellen Lairson
Michael Shiosaki* &
Ed Murray
Sarah Shreeve
Mary Lou Siebert*
Jodi Siemienczuk
Jeff & Linda Sievertson
Mike Silvers
Rand Simmons
Clover Simon
Nana Simone &
Stacie Hoiland
Lewis Simpkins
Evelyn E. Simpson
Rev. Patricia Simpson &
Barbara Cram
Tara & Carol Simsak
Sara Singer &
Marilyn Leverson
Martha Sinkler*
Rick Sipe &
Daniel Neish
Frances Sisson
Ted Sive & Ted Watson
Marilyn Sizer
David & Catherine
Sharon Slebodnick
Bobbie & Neil Smith
Cynthia Smith
Desmond Smith
Gregory Smith
Jim Smith
Kim & Larry Smith
Kirk Smith & Kam Lee
Lance Smith
Nicholas Smith
Ron Smith
Sharon Nevada Smith
Theresa Smith
Timothy Smith
Tom Smith & Al Marks
Daniel Snell &
Juanita Beach
Elizabeth Soliday
Roslyn Solomon
Jerry Sommerseth
Judith E. Sorensen
Mike Sorensen
Patrick Soricone* &
W. Todd Tressler
Joan & Michael Soronen
Margaret Sorrel
Michael Sousa &
Den Adair
Gary Spaeth
Jeffery St. De Lore*
Lisa St. George
Karen Stainton &
Sam Malinowski
Elliot Stern &
John Reagin
Katy Jo Steward &
Steve Paschall
John Stewart
Pamela Stewart
Terri & Robert Stewart
Sheila Stickel
Marsha Stickney
Julie Stiteler
Larry Stonesifer &
Ron Angress
Beth Stout &
Lisa Toomey
Dana M. Stout
Jim Strain
Gary Strand
Mike and Jani Strand
Robert & Cynthia
Brandy Stredder
Donna Strigle &
Leeann Wetzel
Gayle Stringer &
Nancy Nickelson
Terra Strouhal
Carol Stumpf
Vega Subramaniam* &
Mala Nagarajan
Margaret Sullivan &
Michael Hodgins
Linda & Cheryl
The Rev. Karen
Beth Sundquist
Maggie Sung
Robert Swanson
Tom Swanton*
Marlene Swarts
Suzanne Sylliaasen &
Carla Eyford
Anne Symonds
T&L Nursery, Inc.
Lisa T.
Jolie-Ann Tahara
Ruby Takushi &
Mark Chinen
Mark Talkington
Annie Tarpley
Joan Taylor
Jonetta A. Taylor &
Robert Papsdorf
Kenneth Taylor &
Cyril Hegel
Linda Taylor
Marshall Taylor
Thomas Taylor &
Alisa Chimenti
Kenneth Taylor
Terry Tazioli
Kevin Teeley &
Greg Stair
Sally Telzrow
Donn Terry
Bob & Mimi Terwilliger
Patty Teubner
Katherine Teufel
Matthew Tevenan
Dan Thane &
Christopher Chow
Chris Thatcher
Catherine M. Thoele
Diana Thomas &
Eileen Arnold
Joan Thomas
Suzanne Thomas
Cindy Thomas
Andrew Thompson
Ken Thompson
Cheryl L. Thorkelson
George Thornton &
Lee Miller
Richard Thorvilson &
Phill Mroz
Brian H. Thurston
Paul M. Tiesse
Mark L Tiknis
Rene Tillman &
Laura Thompson
John Timmons
D. Douglas Titus &
Michael Langelier
Mike Tobin
Robert Tobin
Sam Torrend
Dennis Torres
Lavinia H. Touchton
Chris Townsend
Len Tritsch
Bill & Ruth True
Jessica Trupin
Geoff Tucker
Edie Turnbull
Denise Turner
Tamara A. Turner
Kari Twogood
Steve Tyler
Cynthia Tyo
Frank Tysver
Karina Uldall
Thomas Underhill &
Larry Nicholas
United Way
Silicone Valley
United Way of Tri-State
United Way of
Whatcom County
Mary Kay & John Vadino
L. Ivette Valdes &
Karen Miller
Wesley Van Doren
Peggy Van Kirk
Zane T. Van Kirk &
William D. Darby
Sheila Van Nortwick
Alyson Vander Stoep
Barbara Vanoski
Marie Rose
Matthew Vela
Kathy Velasquez
Peter Vennewitz
Mirissa Vetaly
Diane Villanueva &
Nancy Angell
Rose Mary Volbrecht
Sydney Voorhees
Victoria Vreeland
Julie G. Wade &
Tom Phillips
Jody Waits*
Terri Waldron &
Laurie Fordham
Jennifer Walker
Libby Walker &
Sally Hasher
Teresa Walker
Cynthia Wallace &
Julie Fein
Sheri Wallace
Taylor Wallace
Steve Wallin
Michael & Nancy Walsh
Fred Ward
Kimberly Ward
Katie Warner
Sarah Warner &
Susan Erickson
Natalie Washington
Sonja Waters
Shane Watkins &
Alex Deesing
Carol & Jeff Waymack
Marcia Wazny
Marsha Weaver
Cheri J. Webb
Pam Weeks &
Pamm Hanson
Ben Weinberg
Chuck Weinstock
Michael Wernz
Jerry West
Kelly & Garrick West
Debra Westwood
Merrill Weyerhauser &
Pat Welly
Jerome Whalen
Roberta Whaley
Amy Wharton &
Melinda Moeur
George Q. Wheeler &
Steven Brna
Neola Wheeler
Liza White
Kathi White &
Marcie Headen
Sandra Whiting &
Susanne Newbold
Stacey Bliss &
Ed Higgins
Judith Bloch &
James Burke
Kathleen Block
Margaret Kay Blum
Claire Bush
Joanna Boatman
Louise Bode
Becky Boender
Judy Boersema
Joanne Boerth
Cinday Boesser
Cory Boggs
Denise Bohann
Elma Boitano
Michele Boland
Leah Bolotin &
Doreen Lyne
Michael Bonacci &
David Bricka
Alysoun &
Regan Bond
Sven Bonnichsen
Helen A. Bonser
Jack & Frankie Bookey
Rhonda Boothe &
Jessica Salmonson
Andrew Borges &
Sayre Coombs
Jeanne C. Borkman
Richard Borkowski
Kurt & Alicia Borm
Mary Jane Borman
David Born &
Wes Dubbs
Rondi Boskovich
Raina Boswell
Nicholas & Grace
Mary Bot
Elizabeth Boutin &
Deborah Diamond
Marie Bouvier &
Cameron Hunziker
Ann Bowden
Deborah Bowen
Thimilda Bowens
Keith Bowers
Kim Bowlby
Robert Bowlin
Matthew & Carolyn
Kato Bowman
Ann Boyce
Harlan Boyd
Joyce Boyd
Marcia Boyd
Linda Boyle
Kevin Boze &
Grace Reamer
Sharon Braaten
Kathleen Bracy
Rusty Bradford
Kelly Bradley &
Randy Thompson
Sharron E Bradley
Audrey Bradshaw
Burgess Bradshaw
Nancy I. Brakke
Ghaska Branch
Tami Brandt
Florence Brassier
Alison Braun
Liz Brazil
Amy Bresslour
Heartie Anne Brewer
Randy Brians &
Kelly Akemann
John Brindle
Robert & Adrienne
Eula & Charles
Karen Brocha
Gail Broder
Joanne Brodie &
Julie Bryan
Lisa Brodoff &
Lynn Grotsky
Michael Brokaw
Greg Bronson
Ray & Jan Brooks
Jane Brosius
Christopher Brown
Craig Brown
Dan C. Brown
Daniel Brown
Doolie Brown
Gregory Brown
Henry Brown
Jon Brown &
Patricia Hazard
A P RIL 2 0 07 – M A R C H 2 0 0 8
Anne Browning (left), with her girlfriend Nicole Sylvester,
volunteered as a grant reviewer for the first time this year.
G r a t i t u d e R e p o r t 2 0 07–2 0 0 8
Anonymous (84)
A parent
Rebecca & Kevin
Kimberly Jean Abbey
Joy Abbey-Adams
Cathy Abenen &
Maren Lindner
Joe Abolafia
Courtney Acitelli
David Michael Adams
Katherine Adams
Bob Aegerter
Beth Agnew
Catherine Ahl
Alyssa Aimette
Robert C. & Melode
Rachel Alber
James Albrecht &
Lisa Marcus
Vince & Keri Bailey
Jan Baker &
B. JoAnne Bailey
Scott & Cheryl Baker
Abbie Bakony
Bacqueline &
Bricio Balderas
Sara Ball
Paula Ballantyne
Kodey Park Bambino
David Barker
Myra Barker
Jim & Judy Barlup
Matan Barnell
Susan Barnes
Therese Barnette
Anna Barrigan
Janet & Jack Barry
Jackie Bartlett
Peggy Barton
Renee Barut
Cynthia Kyla Bates
Russell E. Batten III
Bruce Bauer
Kristina & Robert
John A. Baule
Andrea Bausback
Angela Baxter
Chris Beahler
Jim Bean
Jennifer Beardsley &
Scott Swenson
Mary C. Beck
Erin Bekendam
David Beland &
Paul McGrath
Dawna Bell
Nancy & Lester Bell
Ramon &
Linda Beluche
Marty Bennett
Robin Bennett
Ruth Bennett &
DeAnna Elliott
Christopher &
Teresa Bennion
Barbara Benson
Edwin Benson
Elizabeth Bentler
Adina Berg
Mary & John Bergeson
Miriam Berkman
Sarah Berrier &
Tamar Blau
Margaret Berroth
Ann Berry Smith
Holly Beste
Pamela Bettis
William Betz &
Gail Corey-Betz
Barbara Beuschlein
Jim & Susan Biava
Bitsy Bidwell
Nancy Bierfiend &
Joey Reiter
Rhonda Bierma
Kay Bills-Kazimi &
Zia Kazimi
Kendra Birnley
Denice Bischofberger
Del Blackburn
Nelly Blacker Hanson
Arlene Blair
Julie Bland
Larry Blankenship
2007 – 2008 Donors
Ground Breakers
$1 – $99
Jonathon Aldanese
Richard Aleshire
Angelia Alexander
Kristin Alexander
Sally & David Alger
Carolyn Allen
Carolyn Allen
Elizabeth Allen
Linda A. Allen
Sharon Allen
Greg Alt & Kristin King
Denise Altenburg &
Michelle Mckenzie
Ramon Alvarez &
Jim Jones
Phyllis Alverdes
Cornell & Karen Amaya
Sara Amber
Bruce Amstutz
Mariana Ancira
Soren Andersen &
Linda Rombough
Diane & Erik Anderson
Ian Anderson
Jan Anderson &
Karen Averitt
Janet Anderson
Jennifer L. Anderson
Lori Anderson &
Magdalena Nieves
Moira Anderson
Sheila Anderson
Evelyn Anderton
Robert Andolina
Kirsten Andrews
Michael H. Antee
Carole Antoncich &
Robert Haberman
Angie Anzalone
Marni Apio
The Hon. Marlin Jon
Sue Aran
Kate Araujo
Dennis Arbaugh &
Lauryn Shapter
Patricia Archer
Kristina Armenakis
Susan Armitage
Terri Arnold
John Arvan
Megan Asaka
Jenny Asarnow
Lisa Ashley
Kay Ashton
Bonnie Aspen
Kristan Aspen &
Janna MacAuslan
Barbara Augusta &
Pegg Gazette
David Ault
Darlene Austin
Dale & Nancy Avery
Steven Avery &
Christopher Ross
Bryan & Deirdre
Vera Backstrom
Michelle Bagshaw
Sherry Bahlman
Susan Bahr
Amy Bailey &
Richard Lintermans
L. Sue Bailey
Michael Bailey
Sean Bailey
Betty Wiberg
Ann Widditsch
Willis Wilcox
Adrienne Wiley-Thomas
& Sarah Thomas
Melanie Wilhoite*
Bradford Williams
David A. Williams
Reuben & Moishe*
Tad Williams
Barbara Williamson
Chuck & Geri Willis
Mary Willis
Carl Wilson
Lora Wilson
Steve Wilson
Leonard Winchester
Mary Lou Wing
Steven Wiseman
Nancy Wittman &
Sheryl Labrie
Wizard Enterprises, Inc.
Aron & Pat Wolf
Sally & Richard Wolf
Gary & Janet Wolfer
Will Wolff
Ilana Wolman &
Michelle Stewart
Craig Wolters
Suzanne Woodcock
Edward Woolbert
Gary Wright
Leslie A. Wright
Rise Wright & Ann Tyler
Kurt Wuellner
Nathan Yagi-Stanton
Cindi Yates
Jose Ybarra
Ruth Yeomans
Kathryn Young
Pauline Young
Sylvia Young
Timothy Young
Teri Yount
Your Man Friday
Chris Zanassi
Ria Zazycki*
Nico Zenger
Lynne Zirkle-Flores
Eric Zohn
George Grubb
George Grubb
George Grubb is many things — an avid traveler, businessman,
outdoorsman and even a film producer. He became a Pride
Foundation donor for the first time this year.
Do you give to other organizations, or
was giving to Pride Foundation a new thing?
M at t:
G e o rg e : I am involved in several nonprofits
and charities that I support, including the Humane
Society as well as gay and lesbian causes such as
Lambda Legal, The National Gay and Lesbian Task
Force, and the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against
Defamation (GLAAD). I also like to support poverty
reduction in the community.
George Grubb talked
about his giving and
what he gets from it
with Matt Hornyak,
who participated in
some of the earliest
conversations about
Pride Foundation and is
now a member of Pride
Foundation Black Hills
steering committee.
What I feel like I have gotten back from supporting
these organizations is a sense of identity, a sense
of autonomy and a sense of courage. These organizations have taught me that it is ok to be who I
am. I don’t need to apologize to exist.
Let me ask you a question. It seems like the
biggest news for Pride Foundation lately has
been Ric Weiland’s (estate gift to Pride
Foundation). As a long time donor, how do
you see that gift impacting the larger scope
and vision of the Pride Foundation?
M a t t h e w : I have given that quite
a bit of thought. Ric Weiland’s bequest will be
a “prime the pump” type of a gesture and not
only will it have a lasting effect because of its
own magnitude, but it will also have a ripple
effect in a positive way to make people think,
“I should be doing that. I should be doing some
estate planning myself” and thinking about
what organizations I give to and build that
into my planning.
G e o rg e : Ironically, last week I just finished
H e ar m o r e !
Listen to this entire interview
at PrideFoundation.org.
doing my estate for the first time and it certainly
played a role in my thinking as I was laying out
the scope of my estate and naming foundations
and types of works (to benefit from it). So on one
level it served as a role model. And where it would
be great to leave that type of donation for this
organization, I realize anything, no matter how
small, is helpful.
So, you made your first
gift to Pride Foundation this year.
What prompted you?
M at t h e w:
G e o rg e : I have to credit junk mail. I got a
mailing from Pride Foundation and I thought,
“I’ve never heard of this organization before.”
I just ripped through the envelope and started
reading about it and was about to throw it away.
And then the concept of a non profit organization that is designed to benefit smaller non
profits jumped off the page and it made sense
to me. And I thought, “I can so see the need for
something like this.”
Kathy Dorr
Nathan Dors
Edwina Dorsey
Steve Dotterrer
Linda Dougherty
Kevin & Elaine Dow
Vanessa Downer
Patt Doyle
Jen Drapkin
Chris Drilias &
Suzanne Goodell
Michael DuBois
Peggi Dubois
Nicolette Ducommun &
Brad Stone
Natalie Duffy
Karen S. Dumford
Liz & Mike Dunbar
Nancy & Bill Dunbar
Dakota & Casey Duncan
Mary Dundon
Patrick & Susan Dunn
Shirley Dunn
Greg & Doreen Dunton
Pat Durbin
CarolAnn Durbon
Keith Dussell
Jace Dyckman
Charles Easterberg
Kate Ebert
Mark Edgbert
Steven Edmonds
Roger Edmonson &
Kermit Johnson
Roger Edmonson &
Kermit Johnson
Jenny Edwards &
Paul Wagenblast
Jep Edwards &
Ann Cowley
Susan Edwards
Miriam Effron
Amy Eggler &
Erika B. Shaffer
Karen Ehnat
Eileen Eininger
Matt & Ann Eisenberg
Betty &
Carl Eisenbrey
David Eisenbud
Keith Ekness
Jeremy E. Eknoian
Dr. Peggy Elder
Dorothy Eley
Len & Linda Elliot
Joanna Ellis
Richard Ellison
Reid Ellsworth
Thomas Elston
Don Emerson
Alphonso Emery
Peter & Janine Emery
Wanda Emmert
Andrew Engelson &
Joan Robertson
Gordon & Tammie
Debbie Epstein
Heidi Erdmann &
Kathleen O’Connor
Judith Erickson
Peter & Sherry Ettel
Saul Ettlin &
John Nettleton
Ben Evans
C.S. Evans
Dennis Evans &
Nancy Mee
Vera Evans
Lynn Everson
Susan Fabrikant &
Michael Botnick
Darlene Fairley
Jean Burch Falls
Paul Farley
Jason Farmer
Doug Farr
Michael Farris
Ruth Fast
Scott Feest
Tana Feichtinger
Fern Feldman
Lissa Feldman
Charmaine Felix
Patricia & Victor Feltin
Patricia Ferris &
Julie Jirus
Ann Feurer &
Jami Bodonyi
Elaine Field &
Lisa Sokanoff
Aaron Fields
Vaughn & Robin Fiess
Robert Findlay
Logan Fink
Melvin &
Eleanor Finkbeiner
Louise Fiori &
Suzanne Turner
Lisa Fisch
Sue Fischer &
Amelia Loftus
Anne Fisher &
James Sergent
Bill & Robyn Fisher
Willa Fisher, M.D.
Jessica Fleenor
Constance Fleming
Wayne Flower
B.J. Floyd & B.A. Doat
John Fogarty
Larry Folkerts
Beverly & Kenneth
Karen Ford &
Susan Mars
Lynnie Ford &
Estelle Yellam
Nancy Ford
Kate Foreman &
JoAnn Kuykendall
Linda & Ronald Forest
Diane Forsman
Sandra L. Fosshage
Denis Foster &
Bob Nakamura
Gail Foster
Xtopher Allan Foster
Bob Fouhy
Mary & Ken Fox
Ralph Fragale
James & Kathleen
Doug Frank
Terry Frank
Rosa Franklin
Cliff & Eileen Freed
Jon Freeland
Kim Freeman
Veronica Freitas
Carol French &
April Lewis
G r a t i t u d e R e p o r t 2 0 07–2 0 0 8
John Dale &
Robert Hegwald
Mary Dalzell
Terry E. Danielle
Cheryl Daniels
Lisa Daniels
Roger Daniels
Michael Darcher
Jeanne L. Darneille
Mike Darr &
Brad Trenery
Beverly Daugherty
Barbara Davenport
Anne Davids
Daylin Davidson
Brenda Davis
Charles Davis
James & Nancy Davis
Joel C. Davis
John Davis &
Kathleen MacFerran
Julie Davis &
Daniel Malarkey
Lara Davis & Jenz Juarez
Rebecca Davis
Robby Davis
Virginia & Dexter Day
Glenn & Martha
Francoise Deeg-le Gal
Kavin Dehner
Krijn & Judy Dejonge
Kimberly Delaney
Lani Delong
Andrea DeMuro &
Carol Bestwick
Eve DeRooy
Pamela DeRusha
Design Display
Deanna Dessau
Ken Deveney
Roopali Dhingra
Ruth Dickey &
Tracy Wilking
Jim Dickinson &
Monte Johnson
Lisa Dill
Shelley & James Dillon
Linda Dimeff &
Margaret Hobart
Susan & George
Mark Dimond
Cecile Disenhouse &
Dave Jette
Kathy Dixon
Nancy Dodge
Sonja &
Jim Dodge
Lynne Dodson
Wendy Doely
Deborah Dole
Marie-Claire Dole
Nancy & Gerard
Vanessa Dominguez
Barbara & Mike
Michelle Donaldson
Cynthia Donion
Tom Donlea &
Julia Maywald
Doug & Jeri Donnelly
Joan Doonan
Erica Dorfman &
Carolyn Kavanagh
A P RIL 2 0 07 – M A R C H 2 0 0 8
Andrew Cohen &
James Packman
Barbara & Don Cohen
Judi Cohen
Jean & Donald Cohn
Gail Colburn
Cindy Ann Cole
Liz Collins
Liza Comtois
Marguerite Condon &
Ginger Jorgensen
Robin Congdon
Andrew Conger
Lisa Conger
Clifford & Holly Conley
Laurie & Pat Connelly
Beverly & Terry Conner
Colleen Connor
Margaret Connor
Rev. Dr. Roy E. Consiglio
Becky Convery
Aaron Cook
Malea Cook
Michele Cook
Sandra Cook
Margaret Cooper
Pamela Cooper
Cloantha Copass
Lucy & Michael Copass
Karen Copetas
John Geoffrey Corso
Charles Cortelyou &
Jessica Huntting
Donna Costi
Taya Countryman
Ms. Frances E. Courain
Matthew Courter
Maja E. Cox
Gene & Judy Craig
Gordon Crawford &
Rebecca Herzfeld
Tina Crawford
Marc & Deb Crichton
Rachael Crickman
Carolyn Criss
Michele Crist
Dianne Criswell
Anita Verna Crofts
Timothy Croll &
Stephanie Donich
Matthew Cronkhite
Karen Crosland
Megan Crouse
Diane Crow
Elayne Crow
Stan & Carol Crow
Rev. Linda Crowe
John Crowley
John & Sandy Cruise
Suzanne Cullers
Ginger Culver
Greg Cummins
Jane Cunningham &
Julian Powers
Keith Cunningham &
Joe Lacasse
Libby Cunningham
Dondi Cupp
Louise & Robert Curiel
Dr. Madelyn Curll
Susan Cutshall
Cynthia M. C-Wilson
Dorothy & David Cyra
John W. Daise
2007 – 2008 Donors
Tim Carney
Cynthia & Charles
Lisa Carscadden &
Degale Cooper
Heather Carter
Margarete Carter
Thea Carter
Sharon Case
Margie Cashman &
Barbara McCann
Marilyn Cass
Deborah Casso &
Sheryl Schwartz
John J. Cavanaugh
Georgina & Patrick
Lauralee Cederlund
Ken Cederstrand
Leroy Chadwick
Heidi Chambers
Samantha Chandler
Teresa Chaney
Fred Chang
Willa Chaple
Evelyn Chapman
Rosemary Chaput &
Patty Becker
Christine R.
Erin Chargualag
Shirley Chase &
Marianna Molenda
Jennifer Chasey
Andrea Chavez
Nancy Chester
Stella Cheung
Carol Chism
Frank Chopp &
Nancy Long
Donald Christensen
Sandra Christensen &
Robert Malinoff
Patricia Christenson
Lisa & Arthur Christian
Susan Christian &
Rick McKinnon
Joyce Christianson
Ellen M. Christilaw
DeeMana Christoff
Cori Christofferson
Richard Chuvala
Steve Clagett &
Jennifer Parker
Paul & Louise Clare
Denise Clark
Janice Clark
Laura E. Clark
Rebecca Clark &
Nell Wagenaar
Ree Clark
Ted Clark
Barbara &
Wayne Clark-Elliott
Marcia &
Dick Clary
Amy Clauseen
Pat Clayton
Nancy Cleminshaw
Jackie Cleveland
Brian H. Cleworth
Gregory Clinkingbeard
Audrey & Donald
Dale Clinton
Joan Coatsworth
Ryan Cochel
Marsha Brown
R.A. Brown
Robert E. Brown &
Jonathan Walling
Roz B. Brown
Tom Brown
Anne Browne
Brantley Browning
Tania Bruce
Laura Brudzinski
Christina Brugman
Gail E. Bruner
Jean Bruner
Amanda Brunisholz
Troy Bryant
Richard &
Kris Bulcroft
Marianne &
Timothy Bull
Robert Bullock
Walker & Jennifer
Craig Burdine
Dick Burdon
Philip Buri &
Darcie Donegan
Brian Burk
Connie Burk and Jake
Teresa & Lori Burke-Ellet
Gail Burkett
Don & Patricia Burnet
Jessica Burns
Lillian Burns
Robert & Elizabeth
Judith Burr-Chelin
Sage Burrows &
Stacy Trescartes
Barb Burzynski &
Vickey Kors
Kelli Butenko
Elizabeth Butler
John and Susan Butler
John Butler
Cara Byrnes
Tammy Byrnes &
Claudia Hume
Melissa Cabal
Colleen Caffrey
J. Reiko Callner
Jeanne Carmelio
Caren Cameron
Barbara Campbell
Carrie Campbell
Cathy Campbell
Julie & Scott Campbell
Jake Campion
Schylar Canfield
Bret & Cheryl Cannon
Anthony J. Canta
Jeanine Cardiff
Ann M. Carey &
Alison Warden
John Carlile &
Kevin Leinbach
Leslie Carlsen
Candace Carlson
Claude Carlson
Dustin Carlson &
Tyson Takaki
Gary D. Carlson
Lisa Carlson
Susan Carlson
Mary Ann Carmichael
Tylene Carnell
A P RIL 2 0 07 – M A R C H 2 0 0 8
2007 – 2008 Donors
Sandra Fried &
Adam Price
Wendy Friedman
Craig Friedson
Katherine O. Friedt
George Froehle &
Kirk Hanson
Richard Fruchter
Samuel Fry
Gail Fulton &
Craig Kanagy
Ginny & Jack Furshong
John Furze &
Lester Brown
Christopher Gabriel
Marie Helene Gagnon*
Kimberly Gaines
Deb Galassi
Diane Gallagher
Maureen Gallegos
Wendy Galliart &
Andela Yaworsky
Tish Galvan &
Amy Andersen
Angela Horton Gapay
Dina Garcia
Rosie & Sylvia Garcia
Diana Gard &
Sylvia Salget
Bryce Gardella
Barbara Gardner
Reed & Marvel Gardner
Renee Garney
Christine Garst
Francis Gary
Gary Manuel Salon
Marcus & Jo Anne
David Gately
Sandra & Robert Gates
Pam Gates &
Cliff Solomon
Mary Gattas &
Carolyn Abraham
Bill Gaughran
Deanna Gauthier
Agnes Gawne
Jim Geddings
Leonard George
Rosemary George
Meredith Getches
Deanna Getz
Karen Ghio
Barbara Gibson
Frank Gibson
Jacquie Gibson &
Sandy Shull
Joel Gibson &
John Martines
Wendy Giles
Lindsey Gillies
Clark & Marilyn Gilman
Shirley Gilmore
Thelma & Charles
Cheryl Gilson
Drew Gipson
Tanisha Gipson &
Josie Gabhardt
Jerry Girocco
Tonya Gisselberg
Joanne & Gordon
Carol & Robert Glasser
Barbara Glicksberg
Global Impact
Kevin Going
Irwin & Leona Goldberg
Alberta Golden
Edward & Terry
Jordan & Eliot
Brian Goller &
Jane Crosby
Allan Golston &
Stephen Bryant
Ann Gonzalez
Nicholas Goodman
Brittany & Engel
Brenda Gordon
J. Gossage
Ann Gottberg
William Gottlieb
Lois+ & Gene Graham
Lynne Graham
Vaughn Grahler &
Bobi Foster-Grahler
Nina Grandy &
Thomas Croley
Louise Granger &
Leas Schumann
Dr. Roland F. Gray
Maxine Grayson
Martha Grazier
Mary Ann Greco &
Susan Gans
John Green
Lauren Green
Bill & Linda Greene
Allen & Evelyn
Eliza Greenwood
Chris Grekoff &
Garriel Keeble
Peggy Grenier
Devon Greyerbiehl
John Grieco
Marjorie Griffen
Gordon W. Griggs &
Valerie L. Stevens
Birgit Grimlund &
Robin Reiels
Kathleen Groshong
Al & Carol Gross
Earl L. Grout
Becky Groves
Nancy Groves
Nan Gruber
Julie G. Guilbert &
Sandra Needham
Christine Guillen
Ann & Lewis Gustavel
Bruce Guthrie
Donald & Karen Gwilym
Diane Haas
Mikel R. Haase
Jennifer Haberman &
Christina Wiley
Lauren Hadley
Harold Hagen
Karen Hagen
Molly Haggerty
Bart & Lindell Haggin
Heather Halabisky
David Haldeman
Jan & Bill Hale
Marci Hales &
Dorothy Norris
Mary Ellen &
David Haley
Sharon Hall
Tiffany Hall
Amy Halligan
Christina Halvorson
Geoff Hamada
Rob Hamm
Eve Hammond
Dave G. Hancock
Ellen Hanly
Walter & Sue Hannah
Chuck Hanna-Myrick
Dennis Hannan &
Lynn Conner
Mark Hannay
Carol Hannum
Sally Hansberry
Marilee Hansen/
Marne Hansen &
Robin Bridgeman
Wayne & Barbara
Barbara T. Hanson
Shelly Hanson
Walter Hanson
Robert Hardie
Heather Hardin &
Eric Lawson
David & G.R. Hargreaves
Vivian Harlin
Elaine Harman
Carla Harmon
Elenor & David Harris
Aubrey Harrison
Becky Harrison
Betty Harrison
T. Harrison
Charles Hart, Jr.
Dinah Hartley
Patricia Hartman
Eileen Hartwings
William D. Harvey
Terri Hatch-Thurston
Marcia Hauer
Allen Haugen
Shannon Havins
Sabina Havkins
Geni Hawkins
Chris Hawley
Mackenzie Hawley
Bill Hayden
Ann & James Harris
Bethany Hays
Emily Hazen &
Marian DiPerna
Therese Healy &
Lunette Birrenkott
Pam Heath &
David Jensen
Margaret Hedgecock &
Betty Whitaker
Karen Hehn
Janet Hein &
Bruce Smith
Elsie Heinrick
Ellen & Homer
Judith M. Hennes
Mary Henry &
Margaret Purcell
Pat Henry &
Linda Sussman
Sr. Elizabeth Henry
Karin Henson
Benjamin Henwood
Claribel Heredia
Albert Hernandez
Julia & Michael
Robert Hettrick
Nicholas Heyer
Mike Hickey
Adrienne Hidy
Robert Hilaman
Chip Hilarides &
Lisa Tatum
Anne Melle Hilgermann
Robert & Sue Hill
Judith Hine
Orelia Hines
Rodney Hines
Richard & Ramona
David Hinshaw
Barbara Hirschmann &
Charles Dolan
Daniel Hirschste
Steven & Shannon
Patricia Hite
Angela Hizeman
Ron Ho
Jennifer & Brandon
Jacqueline Hoekstra
Marc Hoffman
Melissa Hoffman
Pat Hogan &
Jude Jackson
Barbara Hoggatt
Patricia Holden
Lesley Holland
M. Sue Holland
Gloria Holland Smith
Lonny L. &
Mary W. Holleman
Kerry Holliday
Richard C. Holmes
Karl Holzheimer
Barry Hoonan &
Jing Fong
Shawn Hoover
Claire Hopkins &
Robin Strong
Shannon Hopkins
Sue Horton &
Belinda Kent
Carolyn & John
Brenda Housen
Carol Houston
Dave Howell &
Eric Yarnell
Robert Howenstein
Charles Hoy-Ellis
Dick Hoyt &
Ridge Staley
Gary Hren
Judy Hricko
Tracy Huddleson &
Peter Hurme
Anna Hughes
Tom Hujar
Claire Hull
Todd Hull
Anne Hulse
Elizabeth & Tammy
James Hunter
Pat Hunter
Jeff Huntington
Chris Huntley
Michael &
Tracy Huntley
Lida Hurd &
Carolyn Klein
Jenni Hurner
Anna Hurwitz
Rae Hustvedt
Sarah Hyatt
Tadamasa Ichikawa
Paul Ikeda
Dwight Ingold
Rev. Dr. Beryl Ingram
Susan Inman
Jay Irwin
Tracy Isaacson
Khalil & Kayleen
Kathleen Iverson
Brenda Jackson &
Joel Clark
Fiona & James Jackson
Rev. Bob &
Edith Jackson
Leah Jacobs
Nancy Jacobs
Alice Jacobson
Paul & Anne Jacobson
Sara Jaenicke
Zoe James
Debra Janison
Irene Japha M.D.
Bonnie & Charles
Walter Jelonek
Cristi Jenkins
Jackson Jenkins
Pamela G. Jenkins
Robert Jenkins
Lisa Jenswold
Dale Jeschke
Kathy Jess
Grace Jewett &
Delva Van Roekel
Eli Jimenez
Patricia Jobe
Allan Johnson
Chris L. Johnson
David Johnson
Devon Johnson
Emmie Johnson
Greg & Leann Johnson
H. Pamela Johnson
Iva F. Johnson
Jeannie Johnson
Keith R. Johnson
Leslie Johnson
Richard Johnson
Susan Johnson &
Connie Wolfe
Michael J. Johnson &
Delbert Steele
Jennifer Johnston
Anne Johnston-Diaz
Andrew Jones
Machelle Jones
Mary Jones
Paulette Jones
Deborah Jordan
Gloria Jordan
Josie Juhasz &
Dorothy Forsyth
Dana & Claudia
Georgianna Jurich &
Carol Hile
Ben Jury
Varlerie Jusela
Pat Justis &
Terry Murphy
Sharon Ann Kahler &
Lisa Benash
Mary Jane Kaigler
Mariko Kakiuchi
Carol & Peter Kakoczky
Mary & David Kane
Dave Kaplan
David Kaplan
Laura Karlinsey
Karen Karres
Elizabeth Kaufman
Kathleen Kaynor
Joe Kear
Steven Kearney
R.M. Keefe &
R.L. Allen
G.E. Keesling
Dan & Maura Kegley
Connie Kelley
Jacqueline Kelly
Craig Kelso
Patricia Kemp &
Christine Kaufmann
Kathleen Kendall
Loretta Kennedy
Nancy Kennedy
Cindi Kenner
Patricia Kensel Hammes
Darren Keough
David Kerlick
Kris Kern
Ken Kerr
Key Foundation
Timothy M. Kibler
Al Kiefer
Dorothy A. Kiest
Mary Kikikis
Selena Kilmoyer
Virginia Kimball
Jerry F. King
Margaret King
Peggy King
Kelli Kinkea
Scott Kinney &
Brian Earl
Seth Kirby &
Anna Shelton
Marjorie Kittle
Julia Kittross &
Stuart Schnell
Beatrice Kiyohara
Chuck Kleeberg
Dayna* & Erez Klein
Diane Klein
Jessica Klein &
Katie Frevert
Melanie Kling &
Scott Wood
Naomi Knoble
Mr & Mrs Peter
James Knoll
Mary Knuth
Susan Koentopp
Gloria Rose Koepping
Stanley J. Kooi
John Koontz
Paula Koontz
Susan Korey
Jeanette Kors
James Kostelecky
Joe Kremsreiter
Lynn Krinsky
Cris Krisologo-Elliott
Mark Kucza
Chris Burns
Are you pursuing areas of study
in addition to vet medicine?
Give me a little background
information about you.
C hr i s : I use male pronouns in referring to
C hr i s : I am also studying humanities, poverty
myself and consider myself to be a “trans person.”
I’m a junior at Seattle University and my primary
area of study is veterinary medicine. I also volunteer at a local veterinary hospital and work in the
campus library. Recently, I came out at the hospital
and the library and requested that male pronouns
be used in referring to me, and both the hospital
and library staff have been supportive in recognizing my choice of pronouns.
Chris Burns
Chris Burns, received a Pride Foundation scholarship in
2007 to study veterinary medicine. Chris was chosen for a
scholarships because of his years of community service and
strong educational goals.
in America, policing in Seattle, and philosophy of
the human person. I am coming to understand the
connection between vet medicine and poverty,
for example, by recognizing the importance of
providing health care to animals even when an
owner does not have the ability to pay for the care.
What were your biggest challenges
in completing the Pride Foundation
scholarship application?
Chris talked with Beth
Jacoby, a volunteer with
the scholarhsip program,
C hr i s : The essay word limits!! On the other
about his studies and
hand, I found the questions fair and liked their
gender identity.
What do you want to tell people
about gender identity issues?
C hr i s : I want to help people learn how to
educate themselves about gender identity, including an understanding of the basics, such as the
difference between the concepts of transgender,
transsexual, gender neutral, and intersex. I myself
dedicated a year to researching intersex and
gender ambiguity issues.
What attitudes about gender
identity would you like to see change?
C hr i s : Gender is fluid, and dealing with
gender identity issues requires an intersection
of many of the traditional GLBT communities.
I’m still “in motion” on my gender identity journey,
and I advised those who are struggling with
their own gender identity to have fun with it and
if a particular gender role doesn’t seem right,
try something new.
G r a t i t u d e R e p o r t 2 0 07–2 0 0 8
A P RIL 2 0 07 – M A R C H 2 0 0 8
2007 – 2008 Donors
Nichole Kujala
Larry & Nancy Kukes
Annie & Paul Kundtz
David Kunselman &
James Pearson
Ann Kuntzweiler
Ariane Kurita
Pat Kurtz
Zarah Kushner
William & Pamela
Jerry Lachina
Laurel & Donald Lacy
Michelle LaFayette
Greg Laffoon
Kyle Steven Lall
Katie Beth Lama
Michaelanne Land
Julie & Noah Landau
Christine Landon
John W. Landon, M.D.
Dorothy L. Landry
Raymond & Kiraya
Dr. Stephen M. Langer
Frederick Langer &
Christine Morris
Bonnie Langton
Kimber Langton &
Lou Nims
Ann Lanning &
Marylouise Jones
Catherine LaPointe
Sig Larson
Claudia & Ronald
Thomas Latimer
Annie Lau
Lisa Laughter
Cathy Lauinger
Rom & Erin LaVerdiere
Mary Law
Zac Lawrence
Dan & Eleanor Laxdall
Allan Lazar
Marcie Lazzari &
Jean Jacobson
E. Houston LeBrun
Kim Lechtenberg
Ryan LeClaire &
Clint James
Barb Lee
Beckie Lee &
Tim Kniser
Jenne Lee
Jessica Lee
John Scott Lee
Marchelle Lee
Rich Lee
Kathy Lefferts
Zuzka Lehocka-Howell
Suzanne & Howard
Steven Leider
Dennis Leiphon
Elliot Leliaert
Larry & Donnette
Charles Leo
Sue Leon & Tami Fong
R. Leonard
Laurie Leonetti
Sandra Lepper
Mary Ann Leskie
Cherie Letts
Naomi Lev
Sara Levin & Jeff Davis
Adam Levine
Risa Morgan Lewellyn
Donna Lewen &
Sue Carlson
Anne & Richard Lewis
Judy Lewis &
Jim Bowersox
Lynn Lewis
Margaret Lewis &
Robert Huppe
Raymond Li
Roxanne & Wayne Lieb
Joseph Lilienthal
John Lincoln
Alice Lind &
Keith Dublanica
Joyce Lindberg
Marti Lindeman
Rich Lindsay &
Keith Berland
Maria Linger
Susan Linn
Kendyl Linn-Sanchez
Donna Linz
June & Robert Little
Mary Little &
Linda Coomas
Rebecca Lively &
Carol Adams
Mary Lockman &
Deb Hale
Loeb Family
Stacy Loebs
Chris Loesch
Stacey Loftin
David Lofton &
Cathryn Mechan
Marjorie Lohrer
Toni Loomis
Roger Lorenzen &
John Takami
Marc Lorrain
Elizabeth Loudermilk
Joseph Loutey
Breanna Love
James Lovendahl
Todd Lovering
Jeff Lovern
Betty Low
Dianne Lowe &
Jerri Pedersen
Susan Lowney
Elizabeth & Jeffrey
Mark & Jamie Luce
Jennifer Lucke
Grace Luedke
Tina Luerssen
Skip & Sally Lund
Leanne Lundquist
Catherine Lundy &
Alvah C. Bittner
Jennifer & Chloe Lussier
Gregory Lyle-Newton
Michael Lynch
Arland & Sharon Lyons
Shannon Lyons
William & Jo Ann Lysak
Michael Lythott
Bob MacGrady &
Michael Weinheimer
Grant and scholarship
recipients Sahar, Aidan,
Chris and Farah.
Ian Mackintosh
Bob MacLeod &
Patricia Kennedy
Meagan MacVie
Susan Macy
Dannah Madden
Sandra Maddox
Law Office of
Kevin Magorien
Jack Mahan
Kimberly Mahar
Mita Mahato
Jolie Maki
Michelle Malkin &
Tammy Kay Kaiser
Kathy & Chris Mallalieu
Paul Mallary
Diane Malmoe
Linda Malom
Jennifer Mamary
Robert Manalili
Michele Manber
Jennifer Mandt
Jeff Mann
The Manning Family
Harold & Kimberly
Beatriz Marino
Zoye Marinopoulou
Kara Markel
Elizabeth Markowitz
Mary V. Maronick, SCL
Cynthia Marquette
Langdon Marsh
Melissa March
Lori Marshall
Toni Marshall
Tiffani Marsing
Keith Martensen
Ann & Tony Martin
Gerald Martin
Judith Mason
Mark Mason
Laurie Masover
Julie & Stephen
Andreanna Maulupe
Ronald Maurer
Elizabeth Mauz
Susan Maxon
Sue & William Maxwell
DeAnn Mayberry
Brad Mayer &
Ed Reynolds
Daniel Y. Mayer
Kathy McAravy &
Gerry Hammond
Kirsten McArdle
Janice McAvoy &
Mary Rowe
Michael J. McBride &
Pamela C. Behring
Deborah McCandless
Fay & Bob McCann
Marty McCann &
Terri Harvath
Kimberley McCollim
Kay McCorkell
Nancy McCourt &
Gary Stein
Melonie McCoy
William Mccrea
Roger McCune
Elroy & Darrelyn
Rachel McDonald
Karen McDonell
Kim McElliot
Bobbi McEwen
Christopher Mcfarland
Joe & Paula McGee
Sylvie McGee
Sarah McGlothlen
Karen & Jeff McHegg
Karen McInerney
Elizabeth McKay &
Patrick McLaughlin
Malcolm McKay
Leigh McKiernan
Trish McKernan &
Pat Hughes
Bryce McKibben*
Chuck & Mary Ellen
Robin McKinney
Kelly McKnight
TJ McKnight
Bruce McLaughlin
Kim McLaughlin
John McLellan &
Rex Cooley
Kristen McLewin
Alfred McMillan
Jack & Sharon McMillan
Vicki McMullin
VJ McMurray &
Eric Chavez
Paul McPherson
Larry McReynolds
Cindy M. McRoberts
Janet Meadows
Shannon Meagher
Bret Meaker
Robin Medin
Andrew Meneeley
John & Gail Mensher
Lynn Merrick
Elizabeth Mestl
Judy L. Meuth
Gladys Michael
Galen & Reid Mickelsen
Barbara Mickey &
Beth Maley
S. Rebecca Middleton
Floris Mikkelsen &
Sally Buckley
Julie Milasich
Ward & Alice Miles
Nick Milhoan &
Matthew Swanson
Cheryl Miller
Kate Miller &
Jeanne Fondrie
Laurisa Miller &
Ann-Marie Wehrer
Marvin & Shifra Miller
Norma Miller &
Erik Christianson
Roger & Edith Miller
Dian Million
Dennis H. Mills
Jan Mills & Daniel Drais
Laura Mincks
Shauna Mindt &
Pamela Hamilton
LM & Denise
Minich King
Justin Mitzcaff
Michael Mociulski
Gerald & Myrna Moffat
Vivian Moise &
Ma’lena Walley
Michelle Molan
Ken Molsberry &
Chris Vincent
Theresa Molter
Mike Monaco
Sharon Monaghan &
Cathie Cannon
John & Viveca Monahan
Nancy Monahan
Rica Monroe
maggie montana &
Amy Schindler
Joyce Moody
Mardi Moore
Thomas Moore
Linda Moran
Mary Moran
Michael Moran
Don Moreland
Gary Moresky
Jackie Morgan
Jeff Morgan &
Hank Balson
Joff Morgan
Steve Morgan
Joyce Mork-O’Brien
Michelle Morrell
Jane Morris
Marge Morrison
Pam Morrison
Craig Morrow
David Morse
David Morse
Larry & Patricia
Jane Moudry
Jerry Muchmore
Tania Mueller
Eric Muhs & Gabriella
Gutierrez y Muhs
Cindy Mulliken &
Susan Brimhall
Susan Muncton
Meredith & Therese
German Octavio Munoz
Camilla Munson
Sondra Rose
Shira Rosen
June Rosenberg
Harriet L. Rosenblatt
Karen Rosenzweig
Jon Rosichelli
Samuel Ross
Eith Rothenberg
Elizabeth Rothman
Mary Rourke &
Ben Heizer
Kim Roy
Paul Roybal
David &
Marcia Royer
Sherri Rudai
Karla Rudy
Cinda Ruhle
Susan Ruiz
Kristen & Robert Rupert
Bryan Ruppert &
David Green
Kristen Russell
Marilyn Russell
Martha Rutherford
Mike Rutherford
Michael & Barbara Ryan
Ben Ryker
Pamala Sager
Tim Salcedo
Kristine Saldana
Francisco Salinas
Jill Salmi
Salter Construction
Kathy & Jennifer Dawn
Candace & Philip
Mary Sanford
Angela Santamaria
Mariam & Isabelle
Terrie Saterfield
April Sather
Smokey Satterlee
Monica Saunders
Gary Savage
Welling Savo-Justin
Sheri Sawyer
Cory M. Sbarbaro
Natalie Scalf
Lester Scamfer
Darl D Schaaff
Rev. Suzi Schadle
Daniel Schaffer &
Mary Lou Johnson
Barbara Scheffler
Adam Schiff
Tim Schipke
Jane & Norman
Donna Schmidt
Teresa Schmidt
John Schneeberger
Carel Schneider
Susan Schnur &
Sharon Danann
Elaine Schorsch
William Schrier
C. Wayne Schuler
Renate Schumaker
Kit Schumann
Roberta Schur
Ron Schwartz
Brenda Schye
Megan Scott
Steve Scott
Todd Scranton
Jean & Margie Scribner
Gary Scrivner
Susanne Seales
Sandra Seaman
Linda W. Sedgley
Anne Seethoff
Leslie Selle &
Margaret Tosdal
Rudy Senarighi
Tana Senn &
Kevin Flaherty
Elaine Senosk
Janet Senour
Judy Senteney
Ron Sepielli &
Francesco Marshall
Dale Anne Severance
Daniel J. Sevigny
Erin Sexton
Ed & June Shaffer
Valerie Shahan
Belle Shalom
George Shannon
Jim Sharpe &
Martha Bird
Vivien Sharples
Rev. Diana J. Shaw
Josephine Shea
Betsy Shedd
Carrie Sheehan
H.K. Sheftel
Pam Sheldon &
Tracy Goldrick
Shawn Sheller
Shelly & Dee
Lisa Shelton
Dr. Jerri Simms Shepard
Jon Shephard
Benjamin Sheppard
Jenny Sheridan
Ian Sherman
Jean Sherrard &
Karen Chartier
Anne Shevlin
Audrey Shiffman
Edna Shim
Shirley Shimada
Lily & Fred Shiosaki
Kelly Shirley &
Patti Bellotti
Ann Shoemaker &
Patricia Padden
Judith R. Shoshana
Dick & Julie Shyrock
Jim & Nancy Siburg
Jennifer Siegel
Mendy & Liz Silva
Mark Silver
Nancy Simmers
Blythe Simmons
Gay Simmons
Richard & Katrina
Judy Simon
Jane Simoneaux
Jane Sims &
Michele Rotunno
Alison W. &
Claudia B. Sing
Rabbis Jonathan &
Beth Singer
Michelle Sippel
Mollie Siri
G r a t i t u d e R e p o r t 2 0 07–2 0 0 8
Eileen Ranous
Uma Rao
Robert Rape
Louise E. Ratcliffe
Adrienne Rawlinson
Charlene Rawson
Doug Raymond &
Paul Donovan
Martha Raymond
Paul Raymond &
Ellen Taussig
Lee Rea
Lonnie Read
Miriam Reed
Terry & Rico Reed
Joanne Reeds
Cherie Reeves Sperr &
Steve Sperr
Debbie Regala
Donna Regan
Louise Regelin
Alan Regimbal &
Kate Kaskell
Cheryl & Stephanie
Richard Reinhardt
Erik Reker
Evelyn Renshaw
Andy Reynolds
Mary Reynolds
Melanie Reynolds &
John Wrobleski
Andrea Rhoades &
Johnola Hughes
Phyllis Rhodes &
Pam Richter
Scott Rice
Richard Bulman &
Jim Rich
Lisa Richesson &
Marcy Johnsen
Merle Richlen
Norm Rickard
Sabrina Rico
Penny Ridderbusch &
Kathleen Croston
Pamela Riess &
Lee Loyd
Beth Rietema
Marlene Riggs
Edward Riley
John & C.J. Ringler
Danielle Ringwald
Denise Ritthaler
Sunny Rivera
Ann Robbins
Tom Roberts
Elizabeth Roberts &
Brian Watson
Peter Robertson
Bruce & Diane Robinson
Frank & Donna Robson
Rebecca Rod &
Theresa Beaver
Gayle Rodgers
Evelyn Rodriguez
Maryann Rody
Neil Roed
Roberta Roepke
Diana & Ken Roger
Devon Rogers
Robbie Rohr &
Mary DeMange
Dove Kiara Ronai &
Jamie Danielle Ashe
Shelley Ronnfeldt
Peter & Marian Rose
A P RIL 2 0 07 – M A R C H 2 0 0 8
Larry Pike
Clinton & Patti Piper
Katherine Pittman
Plastics Northwest
John Plesenski
Elaine Ploegstra
Candace Plumlee
Mary D. Plummer
Travis Plunk
Alyssa & John Plut
Jane & Doug Poage
Jan Polek
Eileen Polhamus
Amy Pollock
Gerald & Margaret
Janet Pool
Jessica Porter &
Janine Widmann
Robert Porter &
Say Pathmanathan
Giovanni Portillo &
Jennings Keyes
Antonia Potter
Andrew Poultridge &
Noelle Nordstrom
Susan Povey Hutchison
Diana Powell
Meribeth Powers &
Timothy Brown
Judith Pressmar
D’Norgia Price
Keon Price &
Robert Faamausili
Sarah & John Primrose
David & Nadine Prince
Aileen & Glenn
Paul F. Pruitt
Kristen Pula &
Jennifer Goode
Helen Pulsifer
Margaret Purdy
William Purdy &
Robb Irigon
Theresa Purtell
Daniel & Linda Puryear
Mark Putnam &
Kelly Ryan
Bruce Pym
Linda Jo Pym
Donna Quesnell
Richard &
Pattie Quinn
Kattina Rabdau
Christopher Rabon
Nancy Racek &
Kevin Prange
Barbara Racine
Carol Radlo, M.C. &
Mark Lanfear
Donna & Bob Raforth
David Ragan
Elizabeth Rahn
Phoenix Raine &
Rachel Grossman
Crystal Ramirez &
Raquel Yvette Chavez
Vivian Ramlo
Luis Ramos
Mary Ramsey
Sue Ramsey
Alan Randall
Elizabeth Randall &
Thomas Elliot
Don Randolph
Janet Range
2007 – 2008 Donors
Jan Therese Oswold
Ellie Ottey
Ashley Ouver
Kathleen Overhauser
Bill Overholt
Martha Ovitt
Debra Fisher Owen
Fisher Owen
Douglas D. Owens
Jennifer Owens
Marianne Ozmun
John Pacheco
Russ Packard
Danna Pakulak
Anne Palm
Cynthia Parker &
Karen Hefner
Darren Parker
Suzan Parker
Rob Parkhurst
Dr. Donna Holmes
Tad & Susan Parrington
Anna Parsons
Christine Parsons
Linda Paschke
Kathryn Patrick
Pat Patterson
Ryan Patterson
Todd Paul
Patricia Peabody
Janet Peacey
Paul & Shirley Pearson
Amory Peck &
Linda Lambert
Lucy Peckham
Jennifer Peel
Peggy Sue’s Grooming
Donna Peha
Robin Peltier
Rand Perez
Kenneth Perkes &
Ray Huntington
Elizabeth Pernotto &
Robert Marshall
Pamela Perrell
Lydia Pete
Dale & Ronda Peterson
David & Bonny Peterson
Ellen & Harold Peterson
Jeanette & Janet
Larry Peterson
Lori Peterson
Lorrayne &
Larry Peterson
Jessica Petocz
Louise Petrasek &
Elizabeth Lang
Janet C Petrie
Ron Petrie
PFLAG Missoula /
5 Valleys
Beverly Pfouts
Eloise F. Phelps
Merland &
Joyce Lee Phelps
Cathy Phillips
Johanna Phillips
Mike Phillips
Stephen Phillips
Ellen Phillips-Angeles
Vicky Pickart
Ellen Pierce
Angeline L. Pihlman
M.C. Murray & J. Talcott
Victoria Murray
Catherine &
Phyllis Naiad
Dean Nakagawa
Kellie Nakano
Michael Narciso
Carol Naumann
Tim Neary
Rebecca Nebel
Arleen Nelson
Betty J. Nelson
Frances Nelson
Jennifer Ann Nelson
Allison Nenezich
George & Elizabeth
Keith & Carolyn
Marcie & Gary Neuman
Crystal & Margaret
Randy Newell
Rick & Janice Newell
Jean Newman
Cindy Newman &
Tina Rodriguez
David Newton &
Daniel Durant
Mai Nguyen
Jason Nichols
Marilyn Nicolai
Janice Niemi &
Dennis Braddock
Asa Nims
Linda Noble
Dan Nolte
Mark Nolting
Francina Noordhoek
Barbara Nordin
Jeanette Norris
Douglass & Lorraine
Sonya Loeb Norton
William Norton
Karla Novak
Suzanne Michele
Patricia Jo Oceana
Jerry Ockfen
Maribeth O’Connor
Cort Odekirk &
Rodney Antonson
Betty Odonnell
Vince O’Halloran
Dave Ohlson
Shannon Okada
Margaret Okamoto
Ileen O’Leary
Sue O’Leary
Christine Olsen
Colleen Olsen
Khris Olsen
Donna Olson
Jeff Olson
Mickey Olson
Franci Olson-Lamb
Candace O’Malley
Jade O’Neal
Mike O’Neil
Debbie Oresik &
Claudia Norton
Judy & George Orr
Sonny Ortiz
Marian Osterby
A P RIL 2 0 07 – M A R C H 2 0 0 8
2007 – 2008 Donors
Allen & Eva Gayle Six
Barbara Skinner
Judith Skorka
Azure Skye
Tom Slattery
Nancy E. Sleight &
Edward J. Woods
Syrenka L. Slettebak
Monique Slipher
Bradley Slocum
Penny Sluis
Andrew Smith
Carol & David Smith
Cecilia A. Smith
Drew Smith
Julie Smith &
Susan Pine
Kathleen Smith
Margo Smith
Marjorie L. Smith
Peggy Smith
Robert Smith
Roxilyn Smith
Sherry Smith
Steve Smith
Susan Smith
Tom Smith, M.D.
Rachel Smith-Mosel
Mike Smitten
Matt Sneddon
Bonnie & David
Cynthia Snelson
Gregory Snider
Rick Snow
Sidni Sobolik
Gonpo Sokpo
Jenny L. Sommers
Trisha & Michele
John Sothern
Dale Soules
Barbara Spaeth
Olive W. Spannaus
Kristina Sparks
Leslie & Katherine
Katrina Spear
Camille Speck
Jessica Speigel
Erick Spencer
Donna & Dennis Spier
Margaret Spikes
Lee Spingelt
Lorna St. John
Melinda Stafford
Janet I. Staiger
Heidi Stanton
Karen Starling
Nate Starling, LMP
Amy Starr
Linda States
Barbara Stauber
Natassia Stelmaszek
Maud Sterling
Rev. Liz Stevens
Bob Stevenson
Angela Stewart
Jay Stewart
Mary Stewart
Ralph R. Stewart
Sarah Stich
James Stickman
Thomas Stidham
Carol & Shirley Stipek
Edward Stokes
Anita Stolpe
Susan Stombaugh
Cathie Stone
Elizabeth & Ronald
Judy Stone
Linda Stone
Natalie Stone &
Randi Frederick
Seana Stong
Paula Strain
Larry Straka
Jessica Stretmatter
David Strong*
Jan Strout
Rhenda Strub
Jennifer Stucker
Travis Earl Sturm &
Brian Joel Henkel
Mark & Ginny Sugimoto
Elda Sulerud
Julie Sullivan
Kaden Sullivan &
Kimberly Averett
Kathryn Sullivan
Kevin Sullivan
Debbie Summers
David Sundine
Mary Ann Suter
Ann B. Sutphin &
Jill Wangsgard
Linda & Paul Suzman
Carolyn Swanson
Larry & Julia Ann
Pat Sweazey
Thom Sweeney
Susan Sweetwater &
Deb Lamb
Emiko Tajima
Kinki & May Takahashi
Jack & Patti Taksa
Lisa Talbott
Paul Tamura &
Dennis Tran
Patricia Tanagi
Carol Taresh
Jennifer Taub
Bonnie Taylor
Desta Taylor
Matthew & Dalia Taylor
Patrick Tefft
Samuel D. Teitzel
John Templeton
Inga Theisen
Pat Thibaudeau
Liz & Leslie Thiel
Carol Thomas
Celia Thomas
Robert Thomas &
Victoria Young
Toby J. Thomas
Carey Lou Thompson
Elaine Thompson &
Elizabeth Soll
Patri Thompson
David & Johna
Deborah &
Carl Thomson
Jenny Thomson &
Julie Lawton
Sarah & Audrey
Paul Throne &
David P. Carney
Orrin Tiberi
Francis Timlin
Cindy Tims
James Timson &
Diane Soucey
Tanya Tindle
Donald Tinker
Jamey Tisdale
Norm Tjaden
Ben Tjoa &
Henry Needham
Avry Todd
Ginny & Bruce Todd
Cynthia Todo
Ernie Tolentino
Melissa Tomecek
Phyllis Topham
Arturo Torrez
Pandora Touart
Sara Touchette
Joseph Tougas &
Karen Lohmann
Diane Tourville &
Ethan Roush
Rosalie Trapani
Mary Travers
Susan Trent &
Kenneth Musch
Allan Treuter
David Trioca
C. Trogdon-Oster
Matthew Troia
Lori Troyer
Sandy & Jerry Trujillo
Eric Trupin &
Elizabeth Speck
Kristin Tucker &
Anthony Ricardi
Linda Tucker
Marilyn Tucker
Lisa Tufts
Tim Tully
Julie Turner
Lewis Turner
Maryann Turner
Carol & William
Shareholder activism
and scholarship
committee volunteer
Tracey Lake (front)
with her partner
Vicky Mullen.
Robert Tuschhoff
Eric Tweit
Patricia Twomey
United Way California
Capital Region
United Way of Benton &
Franklin Counties
United Way
of Kitsap County
United Way
of Spokane County
Stacy Valentine
John Van Deinse
Amanda Vanderhoff
Mary Vanderwal
Rachel Vane
Carol VanGlubt
Jan VanPelt
Rich Vasquez
Xavier Vasquez
Sharon Vatne
Marta and Juan Vega
Janice Verdugo
Eric Vernon-Cole
Steve & Kathy
Scott Verrette
Ella Vesterback
Ginger Vetrano
Dee Viereck
Heather Villasenor
Danielle Villegas
Lisa & Stephen
Dave Vogel
Miriam & Sunny
Ellen Von Wandruszka
Kristine Vosk
Randal S. Wade
Mark Waggoner
Barbara Wagner
Ilyse & Greg Wagner
Walter Waisath &
Linda Shaffer
Elizabeth &
Stephen Wakeman
Joan C. Waldo
Barbara Walker
Diane Walker
In memory of
Ken Walker
Megan & Eric Walker
Michael Walker &
Laura Ellison
Dick Wall
Charlie Wallace, Jr.
Joy M. Wallace
Lewis Wallon
Mary Wallon
Janis Walworth &
Michele Kammerer
Allison Ward
Duane Ward
Jeremy Ward
Molly Ward Gardens
Rose Wardian
Mo Ware
George Waring
Emily Warn &
Daj Oberg
Kathleen Warner
Brieanne Warren
Chas & Tammy Warren
Stephanie Wright
Carole Washburn
Liz Washburn
Harriet Wasserman
Lisa Watanabe &
John Perron
Ellen & Tom Watkins
Sally Watkins
Doris Watson
Katherine Wax
Lisa Waxman
Jem Wear &
Sterling Smith
Maggie Webb
Joan Weber
Jennifer Weeks
Laura Weese
Tessa Weigand
Ken & Alberta Weinberg
Heather Weiner
Cheryl Welch &
Becky Lipp
Quinten Welch
Roger Welch
Robert Welden
Roy Wellman
Brusan Wells &
Jackie BrownFairbanks
Dave Wells
Kim Wells
William Wells
Donna West
Frances I.M. West
Phillip West
Dan Westerhold
Don Weston &
Peter Fontaine
Amber Joyce Whitcher
Dorothy White
James White &
Kenneth Fish
Elizabeth Whitford &
Cristina Acevedo
Diana & Paul Whitney
Luke Wickham
Randolf Wiger
Norma Wigutoff
Caroline K. Wildflower
Laura & Paul Wilkinson
Anna Williams
David Williams
Derrick Williams
Herb Williams
Jeanette Williams
Ken Williams
Marsha Williams &
Russell Haydon
Shelly Williams
Jennifer Williamson
Bruce & Marcia Willsie
Bernard Willynck
Apr i l 20 07 – M ar ch 20 0 8
Gifts were made to Pride Foundation in honor of
and in memory of the following:
In Honor of
Ernie Lou
Robert Lux
Melissa Marsh
Don Martin
Pat McIntyre
Marla Meislin
Ernesto Munoz
Dane Orrell
Alex Pava & Clif Marr
Pride Foundation Staff
Chris Rabon
Karen Raforth
Jerry Schutz
Nathaniel Shara
Jean Singer
Marcus & Dottie Smucker
Ryan Stults &
Sage Chaiyapechera
Phil Sullivan
Jason Sutter
Dan Sweer
William Teska
Bill Thieleman
Brian Thurston
Stephen White
Vicky Wilson
In Memory of
Bill Clayton
Sergio Fernandez
Kate Fleming
Jeffery Steven Franklund
David Greenlee
Jim Hanson
Barbara M. Hendricks
Kenneth Jaquish
Lee James McCormack
Kip Newquist
Kip O’Gorman
Michael Podhasky
Eric Richardson
Craig Riddle
David K. Ringstrom
Brenda Keller Rose
Paul Skret
Paul Thomas Slane
Rand Snyder
Edith Sorensen
Kathy Spadoni
Andy Stephenson
Ned Stokes
Patricia Van Kirk
Jackie Voiland
Ric Weiland
Ruth Werner
Charles Anthony Williams
A P RIL 2 0 07 – M A R C H 2 0 0 8
Carolyn Abraham
Gerry Betz
Darryl Bickel &
Lawrence Sol
Randy Brians
GW Bush
Molly & Tipp Carey
Brian Cook
Nikki Coyote
Roxy Eatherton
Equality for all
Doug Exworthy
Betty Grant
Ron Greenlee
Mike Greer
Farand Gunnels &
David Victor
Audrey Haberman &
George Hampton
Jessica & Allison
Chris Kurtz &
Kerry McGowne
Michael Latz
Mary Levine
2007 – 2008 Donors
In Honor/Memory of
Kevin Wilson
Marion Wilson &
Merrilee Robertson
Paul & Beth Wilson
Roberta L. Wilson
W. Gordon Wilson
Wanda Wilson
Marci Wing
Pierrette & Stephen Wing
Stephen Winkler
Jessica Winninghoff
Shirley J. Winsley
Jane Winslow &
Barb Stout
Leslie Winter
Paul R. Wittig
Mark Wittman &
Doug Durbin
Margo Wizeman
Tiffany Woelfel
Esther Wolf
Jessie Wolff
Jeanette Wolfrank
Ivana & Perry Wood
Linda Wood & Sharon Hinze
Lindi Wood & Mark Taylor
Rev. Canon Charles E. &
Ann R. Wood
Elaine & Art Woodland
Nancy Worden
Britt-Marie Wright
Janice Wright
Ramona Writt
Jennifer Wulff
Ruth Wylde
Tessa & Victoria
Carolyn Wyman
Ric Yamamoto & Alan Omuro
Veronica Yancey
Patty Yates
Patricia L. Yeager
Carolyn Yegen
Randy Young
Mitchell Zahn
Rachel Zahnd
Bill Zama
Gretchen Zatarain
Linda Zielinski
Reginald Zisette &
Beth Gendler
* past or current members
of Pride Foundation
Board of Directors or staff
Geoff Greenlee (right) with his partner David Thorpe,
made gifts this year in honor of his father, Ron and
G r a t i t u d e R e p o r t 2 0 07–2 0 0 8
If we’ve overlooked
your name on this
listing, please accept
our appologies and
call to let us know.
also in memory of his uncle, David.
A P RIL 2 0 07 – M A R C H 2 0 0 8
2007 – 2008 Financials
Financial Information
A P RIL 2 0 0 7 – M A R C H 2 0 0 8
Year Ending March 31, 2008
A S S E T S Cash & Cash Equivalents
Endowment Portfolio
Donor Designated Portfolio
Property & Equipment, Net
Promises To Give
Other Assets
Total Assets:
Contributions 13%
Contributions 1%
Foundation 4%
Bequests 74%
Other 2%
$ 70,060,003
Scholarships 10%
L I A B I L I T I E S & N E T A S S E T S Accounts Payable
Grants 27%
Grants & Scholarships Payable
Funds Held For Others
Other Liabilities
Regional Leadership
Development Program 40%
Fundraising 13%
& General 10%
Net Assets:
Temporarily Restricted
Permanently Restricted
Total Liabilities & Net Assets:
$ 70,060,003
Year Ending March 31, 2008
R E V E N U E Individual Contributions
Workplace Contributions
Investment Income
Total Revenue:
S ea t t l e O f f i ce
Grants 565,980
Regional Leadership Development
Management & General
Total Expenses:
Revenues In Excess of Expenses
Changes In Operating Cash
Net Operating Cash
This fiscal year, Pride Foundation’s endowment and assets grew more
significantly than ever before. The growth reflects the incredible gift
Ric Weiland made both to our endowment and in establishing the
Weiland Designated Fund, noted as the Donor Designated Portfolio,
which will be distributed over the next 8 years to ten national
organizations Ric selected. Because Ric’s gift was to Pride Foundation’s
endowment, we will not be able to begin spending any of its
earnings until FY 2008/09. Contributions from individuals continue
to overwhelmingly support our work, comprising 88% of all revenue
(including individual contributions, workplace contributions, and
bequests). Both grants and scholarships grew this year as did Regional
Leadership Development, which includes the new Racial Equity
and Queer Youth Initiatives, along with the mobilizing, training and
organizing of hundreds of volunteers across the Northwest.
1122 E. Pike Street, PMB 1001
Seattle, WA 98122
206-323-3318 phone
800-735-7287 toll free
[email protected]
S p o ka n e O f f i ce
PO Box 2194
Spokane, WA 99210
509-327-8377 phone
888-575-7717 toll free
[email protected]
The above numbers are unaudited. Please contact Pride Foundation for complete, audited financial information.
Cassie Redstone, RedstonePictures.com. Some photos were contributed by supporters of Pride Foundation.
Des i g n :
completed 10 years of service
to our Board of Directors.
His partner, Dean Kralios,
is also a volunteer with the
scholarships program.
Adam Garibaldi
Lynne Gaskill
Bookda Gheisar
Jacquie Gibson &
Sandy Shull
Dr. Will Gibson
Marcus Glasper
Diane Gochinski
Dianne Goddard
Carlos Gomez
Michael Goodnow
Geoff Greenlee
Eliza Greenwood
Jackie Grove
Teresa Guajardo &
Tina Roose
Steve Gunn & Tony Stasiek
LuPita Gutierrez-Parker
Brie Gyncild
Linda Hagerman
Marion Hammer
James Hammond
George M. Hampton, Jr.*
C. Doug Hannah
Marc Hannon
Robert Hardie
Jeanie Harman &
Vicki Smith
Diane Harney
Lee Harper
JoAnn Hartline
Rev. Gina Hartung
Michele Hasson
Joyce Hawkins
Shelley Hayes &
Mary Horvath
Janine Hazebrouck
Michael Heath
Seth Heiple
Karin Henson
Elizabeth Hester
Suzanne Hidde
Emily Hine
Michael H. Horner
Matthew J. Hornyak
Will Houston
Elizabeth Hovance
Charles Hoy-Ellis
Dick Hulbert
Jason Hunke*
Susan Inman
Khalil Islam
Alex Jacks
Beth Jacoby
Stan Jaskot
Brady Jensen
James Jimenez
Paul M. Johns
Roger N. Johnson
Michaelene Johnson
Anita Jones
Machelle Jones
Ron Jones
Rej Joo
Jerry Jordheim
Rhonda Juliano
Michele Kammerer
Kevin Kappes
Lynnea Karlic
Therese Kelliher
Shannon Kelly
David Kerlick
Ken Kerr
Erik Kilgore
David Kindle &
Spencer Daniels
Jeff Kingsbury
Seth Kirby
Chris Kirchoff
Michael Kleer*
Patty Knight*
Steven Kodama
Keiko Koizumi* &
Dot Hachey
Marcelle Kors
Beth Kraig &
Suzanne Klinger
Corey Krantz
Josef Krebs
Hans Kreigsman
David Kunselman
Ariane Kurita
Jere LaFollette
Donna Lajoie
Tracey Lake
Jason Lamb
Cris Land
Rosmond Langberg &
Mary Maxfield
Steven Lanzet
Alberto Lara
Lisa Laughter
Jenne Lee
Anne Levinson
Steven Lin
John Longres*
Ted Lord* & Chris Cooper
Ann Lovell
Elise Lufkin
Faith Lumsden
Corinne Lyle
Erik Macki
Aimee MacLeod
Cindy Madigan
Lee Mahoney
Michelle Malkin
Becky Mares
Melissa March
Don Martin
Richard Martin
Steve Martin
Vi Martin
Marcie Mathis
Debra Mathis
John McCluskey* &
Rudy Henry
Leah McCollough
Crystal McDaniel
Caroline McDowell
Heather McFarlane &
Joan Christoffels
Theron McGriff
Shawn McGuire
Patricia McIntyre
Bryce McKibben*
Robin McKinney
John Medlin
Timothy Menza
Dan Meyers
Norman Miller
Bert & Stacy Miller
Topher Mobley &
Tony Davis
Samuel Montenegro
Bill Moomau
Melissa Morales
Don Moreland
Scott Morgan
Doug Morgenson
Suzanne Morrissey
Layne Mortensen &
Rick Griswold
Gloria Munoz
Meg Murphy
Mary Ellen Myrene*
Gwen Nakamo
Daryn Nelsen &
Suzan Soza
Brad Neuman
Rev. Jane E. Newall
Melisande Noe
Annie Norberg
Eileen Norton
George Nunes*
Andrew Oatman
Lee Obrzut
Juan Carlos Ocana
Steven Oliver
Tom Oliva
Evan Olsen
Ken Olson
Kathy O’Neal
Shoshanah Oppenheim
Jackie Ostrom*
William Painter
Ellen Palmer
Hank & Sherry Pangborn
Melanie Parker
Sharon Parkman
Scot R. Partlow* &
Dean A. Kralios
Laird Patterson
Alex Pava*
Travis Penn
Dalya Perez
Peter Perkins
Christopher Peterson
Laverne Petrichko
James K. Phelps &
Timothy Baldwin
Jackie Phillips
Vicky Pickart
Jay Porter
Bridget T. Potter
Angela Powell*
Lindsay Pulsifer
Duane Quintana
Franci Rapier
Everett E. Reagan
Michael Reed
Kathy & Robert Reim
Shad Reinstein &
Jody Laine*
Katie Renschler
Greg D. Richards
Robert Riopelle
Ruben Rivera-Jackman
Sunny Rivera
Jewel Robinson
Kelli Robson &
Stacy Holmes
Diana Roger
Christopher Rogers
Robbie Rohr &
Mary DeMange
Mardee Ropella
Jeffrey G. Rudd
Joyce Ruff-Delgado
Howard Russell
Barrie Ryan
Vivian Ryan
Beverly Sagen
Pamala Sager
Jeff Sakuma*
Carmen Salazar
Clay Sales
Eric Sanders
Michael P. Schaefer
Anna Schlecht* &
Sarah Vanucci
Fred Schoen*
Julie Scholz
Jed Schwendiman
Mike Scott*
Steve Scott
Greg Scully
Gina Senarighi
Morgan Senkal
Kathy Sewell
KL Shannon
Kris Sharp* &
Charlene Montierth
Kevin Sheets
Michael Shiosaki*
Kelly Shirley &
Patti Bellotti
Jonathan Shuffield
Stephen Silha
Alisa Simmons
Nana Simone
Jean Singer*
Corky Smith
Dave Smith
Tara Smith
Tom Smith
Nathan Sobers
Aubrey Hart Sparks*
Jeffery St. De Lore*
Melinda ‘Cakes’ Stafford
Derek Stanley &
Doug Hunt
Edward Stanley
Joelle Steele
Lisa Stone
Brian Stoner
Sara Stout
Mary Stranahan
David Strong*
Evan Stults
Vega Subramaniam* &
Mala Nagarajan
Cathy Sullivan
Kaden Sullivan
David Sundine
Margaret Sutro
Tom Swanton*
Rob Sypnieski
Dr. Robert Taylor
William Teska
H. William Thieleman
Ken Thompson
David Thorpe*
Roey Thorpe
Brian Thurston
JET Tilley
Rene Tillman &
Laura Thompson
Jessica Trupin
Kari Twogood
Stephen Uy
Rachel B. Valdez*
Aly Vander Stoep
Tim Vialpando
Kelly Vicknair
David Victor
Monica Villarreal
Jenn Vincent
Pat Vivian*
Donna Wade
Paul Wagenblast
Keith Wagner
Jody M. Waits*
Steven Wakefield
Terri Waldron &
Laurie Fordham
Taylor Wallace
Jonathan Walling
Rose Wardian
Tammy Warren
Dustin Washington
William E. Wayburn
Erwin Weber &
Paul Landry
David Webster
Kathy Wehle
Elizabeth Whitford
Melanie Wilhoite*
David A. Williams
Tad Williams
Shauntae Willis
Marci Wing
Gary Wolfer
John Wong*
Beverly Wozumi
Mary Kay Wright*
Zachary Wright*
Craig Wunder
Thomas Zambito III
Jen Zamora* &
Alicia Lewis
Ria Zazycki*
Martha Zuniga
A P RIL 2 0 07 – M A R C H 2 0 0 8
Scot Partlow (front) just
Kim Burkes*
Barry Burns &
Timm Briggs
Carrie Campbell
Eric Candell &
William Powell
Tylene Carnell
Cat Carrel
Anna Chavelle &
Chris Knutson
Reuben Chong
Michael C. Clark
Anne Xuan Clark
Laura E. Clark
Harriett Cody
Tina Conover
Nikki Coyote
Toby Crittenden
Julia Crouch
Robert Cundall
Betsey Curran
Michael Dameron &
Tom Marocchini
Boots Davis
Sheri Day
T. Diane Day
LLyn De Danaan
Stephen Deal
Anita K. deGive
Sirena Denbow
Patrice Donohue*
Kiantha Duncan-Woods
Mark Edgbert
Adam Eisenberg
Sara Elward*
Boo Torres de Esguerra
Rene Essig
Akili Estrella*
Bob Evans*
Lynn H. Everson
Eric Ewing*
Douglas Exworthy*
Lorelle Farber
April Farley
Karen Faunce
Luna Federici
Sharon Ferguson
Del First
Bill Fleming*
Douglas K. Fleming, Jr. &
Tessa Fleming
Mark Fleming
Eileen Forrester
Linda Foster
Erin Foy & Jean Hernandez
Ginny Furshong
Starla Gable
Jeffrey Gaisford
Reed & Marvel Gardner
Pride Foundation Volunteers
Coleen Aberle
Lisa Adriance
Kristina Aitchison
Kelly Akemann
Joyce Allen*
Karen Andersen &
Miriam Handler
Diane Lewison Anderson
Sue Anderson
Jane Arends
Kristina Armenakis
Michelle Aschenbrenner
Cathie Bachy*
Barbara Bailey*
Bruce Bailey
Thatcher Bailey*
Shari Bankowski
Cathy Banks
Jennifer Barnes
Steven Barrios
Ted Bash
Morgan Bauer
Chris Beahler
Paul Beaudet* &
David Wertheimer*
Bruce Beck &
Ralph Johnson
Allison Beezer*
Matt Bennett
Scott Bertani
Barb Beyenhof
Debra Bidwell
David Bird
Juan Bocanegra
Peter Boeschenstein
Ronald “Otts” Bolisay*
Jeremy Bolton
Michael Bonacci
Jim Boneau
Rhonda Boothe &
Jessica Salmonson
Marsha Botzer*
Debra Boyer
Delilah Bragg
John Brindle
Matthew Brooks
Dan C. Brown
Nathaniel Brown
Kelvin J. Brown
Robert E. Brown &
Jonathan Walling
Anne Browning
Gail Bruner
Gian Bruno &
Anthony Papini
Sally Brunsman
Natalie E. Bryson
Bradi Buchanan
Thanks to our 2007 –2008 Volunteers!
Board of Directors
Joyce Allen
Cathie Bachy
M. Allison Beezer
Marsha Botzer
Akili Estrella
Bob Evans
Eric Ewing
Doug Exworthy
George Hampton
Mike Kleer
Patty Knight
Keiko Koizumi
George Nunes
Jackie Ostrom
Scot Partlow
N. Alex Pava
Angela Powell
Jeff Sakuma
Jef St. De Lore
David Strong
Vega Subramanian
Tom Swanton
Rachel Valdez
Pat Vivian
Zack Wright
Ria Zazycki
I n c o m i n g B o a r d M embe r s
Kim Burkes
Jason Hunke
Bryce McKibben
Kathy Reim
Mike Scott
John Wong
Staff 2007-2008
Kodey Park Bambino, Community Organizer
Randy Brians, Scholarship Program Director
Marie Gagnon, Database Manager
Kevan Gardner, Regional Program Director
Farand Gunnels, Regional Program Coordinator
Migee Han, Director of Donor Relations
Audrey Haberman, Executive Director
Jeff Hedgepeth, Grants Program Director
Dean Jackson, Community Organizer
Zan McColloch-Lussier, Director of Communications
Marschel Paul, Managing Director
Jody Waits, Director of Community Giving
Craig Williams, Development Associate
Jimmy Worm, Director of Finance and Operations
1122 E. Pike Street PMB 1001
Seattle WA 98122
Giving Together.
Building Community.
O r g a n i z at i o n
U. S . P o s tag e
S eat t l e , WA
P e r m i t N o. 4 0 41
C h a n g e S e r v i ce Re q u es t e d