August and September Newsletter
Waterford Board of Education Heather Halls John Himmelspach Robert Petrusha, Jr. Bob Piggott Robert Seeterlin Joan Sutherland John Paul Torres 3621 PONTIAC LAKE RO AD, W ATERFORD 48328 PHONE: 248.682.9450 FAX: 248.738.4710 W W W .W A T E R F O R D . K 1 2 . M I . U S / S E N I O R C E N T E R MONDAY-FRIDAY 8:30 A.M.—4:00 P.M. Keith Wunderlich, Superintendent Waterford Township Board of Trustees Anthony Bartoloota Trustee Margaret Birch Treasurer Julie Brown Trustee Sue Camilleri Clerk Karen Joliat Trustee Donna F. Kelley Trustee Gary Wall Supervisor Senior Center ADDRESSING THE NEEDS OF ALL SENIORS W ITHIN THE COMMUNITY August/September 2016 Free Shredding Event By Shred Max Friday, August 12 9:00-10:00 Help Protect Your Identity This shredding event is to help securely dispose of papers containing your personal information. -Paper Only Please -No Newspapers, Magazines, Cardboard, Plastic, Junk Mail Fliers, Page Protectors VOLUNTEERS ARE SUPERHERO’S! Volunteer Celebration Thursday, August 11 12:30 p.m. If you have volunteered with us in the last year, you are invited to celebrate the superpowers of volunteers! Buffet Lunch, Fun Raffles, Musical Show by Terry Stevenson Reserve your seat - 248-682-9450 25th Annual Walk and Roll For Meals on Wheels Saturday, September 24 10:00 a.m. Join us as we celebrate 25 years of Walking and Rolling for Meals on Wheels! Meet the Candidates Wednesday, September 7 10:30 a.m. -1:00 p.m. By attending this event, you will have the opportunity to speak directly with candidates about what is important to you. -Meet With Local and State Candidates -Free Lunch Will be Served at 12:00 Please RSVP for Lunch 248-682-9450 Pledge Sheets Now Available! 1 Enjoy the benefits of membership at the Waterford Senior Center! Enjoy the benefits of membership: * Bi-monthly newsletter * Discounts on selected events and travel * Show your support for the Center WATERFORD RESIDENT NON-RESIDENT ANNUAL HOUSEHOLD MEMBERSHIP* $ 20.00 $ 25.00 LIFE MEMBERSHIP $200.00 $250.00 10-YEAR MEMBERSHIP $125.00 $175.00 5-YEAR MEMBERSHIP $ 85.00 $ 110.00 *Annual Household Membership - One fee per household address-valid for one (1) year from date of sign up or renewal. Note: Life Members also receive recognition with a nameplate displayed at the Center. Please return this portion with your check to: Waterford Senior Center, 3621 Pontiac Lake Rd., Waterford, MI 48328 Please Circle (one): NEW RENEWAL Name(s) __________________________________/_____________________________________ Address _______________________________________________________________________ Phone _____________________ Birthdate(s) _____________________/ __________________ Emergency Contact Name _____________________________ Phone _____________________ 2 Special Interest Tuesday, August 23 Meet in The Bistro 12:00-1:00 $2.00 Per Person Join us in our air conditioned gym for an afternoon matinee on our big screen! We will be watching the beloved classic “Mary Poppins” Luau Party In the Bistro Friday, August 5 12:00 Noon Wear Your Hawaiian Shirts and Hula Skirts and Join us in the Bistro! Live Music! Non-Alcoholic Tropical Drinks will be available at our Tiki Bar for $1.00! Hawaiian Ham Lunch Over 60-$3.00 Under 60-$3.75 RSVP– 248-682-9450 Wednesday, August 31 1:00 p.m. Free Popcorn and Beverages .50 each “Volunteers are Superhero’s” Have you volunteered with the Waterford Senior Center this year? YOU are invited: Have you visited the Gift Shop lately? Stop in and see our Summer selection of gifts. Jewelry, Baby Items, Clothing and Accessories, Blankets, Paintings, Wood Crafts, Toys, and more! Open: Monday–Friday from 10:00-3:00 Volunteer Celebration! Thursday, August 11, 12:30pm Please RSVP 248-682-9450 Thank you Volunteer’s for all you do! Coming This Fall! Mark Your Calendar Gift Shop White Elephant Sale Thursday, September 8 9:00 a.m.– 3:00 p.m. Meet the Candidates Wednesday, September 7 Halloween Party Thursday, October 27 The Senior Center will be closed Monday, September 5 for Labor day. Veteran’s Day Lunch Thursday, November 10 Senior Expo Tuesday, November 15 Greens Market & Holiday Bazaar December 1 & 2 3 Special Interest Thank you to everyone who participated in this year’s Flea Market & Bake Sale! We raised over $3,000! 4 Special Interest Attention All Readers... Dinner and Bunco Hot Summer Nights The Waterford Senior Center Book Club will meet at 1:00 p.m. Please call the Center to find out what book we are currently reading. Facilitator Barbara Lively. August 18, 4:00pm $8.00 per person Enjoy dinner and a fun night out with friends. Bunco is a fun, social dice game involving mostly luck and little skill. It’s easy to learn and play. Pizza, salad, dessert, and cash prizes are included. Please sign up 1 week prior to reserve your spot. 248-682-9450 Monday, August 8 & September 12 $1 Drop in Fee Transportation Did you know that we offer: Wheelchair transportation. Van service available from 8:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Monday – Friday. Curb-to-curb service (passengers must be mobile) to destinations anywhere within Waterford Twp. or Waterford School District. We request at least a 5-day notice for van service. (The more notice the better!) Weekly trips to Meijer & Wal-Mart: (please choose one store per week as demands have increased for this service.) Service to NOMC, POH, St. Joseph Mercy Hospital on Thursdays by appointment. Courteous, friendly & qualified drivers. Clean, reliable vehicles. Waterford Garden Club Attention all “Green Thumbs”! Join us the first Thursday of each month at 10:00 a.m. Our next meetings are Thursday, August 4 Thursday, September 1 The cost is $3.00 each way. Call Mary Donnelly at 248.682.9450. Adult Bible Fellowship Class The study is held in Room 2 at 12:30PM every Wednesday. Linda Bellehumeur is the facilitator of this study. $1 Drop in fee. 12:30-1:30 pm Room 2 Ask the Attorney Attorney Gary L Berg is available on Tuesday, August 2 & 30 and September 6 & 27 to answer legal questions or give advice. Call for an appointment at 248.682.9450. 5 Special Interest S.A.Y. Seniors And You! Video Group Media Network of Waterford/ WTV10 is forming this new group We are looking for those interested in learning how to: Host a Show Produce a Program Learning to Direct Running Cameras and Lights Learning Graphics Running an Audio Board Sign up by calling 248-682-0401 Ask for Denise Classes and Tapings will be held at the Senior Center two Mondays a month Sign Up Now! What’s new for Waterford’s Seniors? Media Network of Waterford Presents: Waterford Senior Focus Wednesday’s @3:30 p.m. Sunday’s @8:00 p.m. Watch on: Waterford Comcast TV 10 or ATT Uverse Channel 99 Watch live on website: Medianetworkof Or visit the website and watch “On Demand” District Representative Visits Nick Kennedy, our District Representative from U.S Congressman Dave Trott’s office will visit the Senior Center the first Monday of each month. This is your chance to ask questions, and get informed. Monday, August 1 1:00-2:00pm 6 Arts & Crafts Art Exploration Wood Shop with Ed Haley Are you interested in learning how to craft wood items? Now is the time to give it a try! Wood shop program meets Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, 9:00 a.m.—noon. Wood Shop fees are $20 bi-annual. Call 248.682.9450 for more information. $1 Drop in fee. Come learn about lines, form, shading, value, tints, and breaking things down to their basic form. Drawing is the key to everything else in art. All levels invited. Ed Haley, Masters in Fine Arts, with 35 years experience teaching in Waterford School District will be the instructor. Classes will be held on Mondays 10am-noon. There is a $5 donation for class supplies. $1 Drop in Fee Wood Carvers Apprentice Our Wood Carvers are looking for a few new people to meet on Wednesday mornings at 9:00 a.m. in activity room #2. If you are interested in learning something new, or you are a carver already, come in and join the group! Wood carvers meet Wednesdays at 9:00 a.m. Fees are $1 per day Quilting Anyone? These clever crafters make beautiful quilts for our raffles. Beginners, novices, or experienced seamstresses are welcome to join the group. They also finish quilt tops for a fee. Quilters meet Mondays at Noon and Fridays at 9:00 a.m. $1 Drop in fee If You’ve Got It We Want It! Please consider donating gently used or unwanted gifts. We use these “treasures” for raffles, prizes & many other things. Project Linus Thank you to everyone that has participated in Project Linus. Since 2012 we have donated 82 home-made fleece blankets to local charities. Thank you Janie McGee for facilitating the program for us! Donations of fleece are now being received at the Center. Fridays 9-11am 7 Recreation Play Euchre, Pinochle, & Poker We invite all who are interested to join in on the fun. $1 Drop in Fee Pinochle: Thursdays at 9:00 a.m. Euchre: Wednesdays & Fridays at 9:00 a.m. Poker: Mondays & Thursdays at 9:00 a.m. Jam Session — Join Us! The Senior Jam Session invites all seniors who play , or have played some kind of instrument… even if you might be a bit rusty or out of practice. The group has a range from beginners to advanced, but everyone has a purpose, and that is to have fun making music together. The group currently consists of musicians playing guitars, harmonica, mandolin, piano, sax, ukulele , and a fiddle but are always looking for new people to join in on the fun! The group sometimes performs at nearby nursing and daycare centers to bring smiles and happiness to others. So look around in the attic, under the bed, or in the basement for that old instrument that you would like to bring back to life. Thursday’s at 1:00 p.m. $1.00 Drop in Fee Meet in the Bistro Have you ever wanted to learn to play the guitar? We are looking to see who is interested in basic beginning guitar lessons. This is not a class for the experienced player. Please call Donielle @ 248-682-9450 if you are interested in learning more about this fun new class. Hand and Foot Card Game Try something new! Hand and Foot is similar to Canasta and easy to learn. Wednesday’s at 12:30. $1.00 Drop in Fee Calling all FUN loving ladies Join the Red Hat Divas! We have card parties, craft parties, potlucks, special event gatherings and fun outings. Come and make new friends while creating lasting memories. August 9 & September 13 at Noon Call Queen Mum Peggy Thornton for details 248-674-1467 8 Recreation Room & Billiards Come in and have some fun in our recreation room which features two billiard tables, two dartboards and lots of other great activities. The room is open every day but we have designated times set aside for people to play and compete. The times are as follows: Billiards Tuesday, 12:30 — 4:00 p.m. Friday, 12:30 — 4:00 p.m. $1 Drop in Fee Reminiscing Club Enjoy an afternoon of conversation between friends on the 4th Wednesday of each month. Take a walk down memory lane recalling life’s special moments and silly adventures. When sharing stories in a group setting, you often realize that people have more in common than you could ever imagine! Enjoy tea and coffee while reminiscing. All are invited and welcome to participate in this good time! Join us next on June August 24 & September 28 at 1:00. p.m. Board Games Join us for some good old fashioned fun and games each Wednesday, 1:00 p.m. We meet in the Recreation Room. Bring your friends! Come early for lunch. Ladies & Gentlemen welcome. $1.00 Drop in Fee Recreation Tai Chi Wii Bowling Great Fun! Do you want to improve your movement and balance? Do you want to do something healthy for your body and mind? Drop in and practice your Tai Chi moves. Summer Tai Chi Informal meet up, not an instructor led group. Wednesday’s –11:00-12:00 $1.00 Drop In Fee Join our Wii Bowling Team! Wii is an interactive video game, that with the help of our projector and large screen, will make you feel like you are in a bowling alley! Tuesday’s at 1:00 pm: Practice $1 Drop in Fee Friday’s at 1:00 pm: Competition with prizes! Tai Chi Class Instructor led class. All levels from beginner’s to continuing are welcome. Wednesday’s-11:00-12:00 September 7– October 19 (7 weeks) Members- $21 / Non-Members- $35 Anyone Can Paint If you have ever considered painting we have the class for you! Mr. Steve Wood’s unique ability to blend humor and encouragement results in a very enjoyable and relaxing experience! At the end of each two hour session you will have a complete painting! Please sign up one week prior to class. Facilitators– Gary Truhn, Jerry Cleland, Carrie Cempura Friday, August 26 & September 23 1:00-3:00 p.m. Members $25 / Non-members $30 Line Dancing Lets kick up our heels and have a little fun! Facilitator Candy Turner. Friday’s-1-4 $4.00 per person Facilitator– Candy Turner 1:00-2:00– Beginner’s and review of basic steps 2:00-4:00– Progression to more advanced and complex dances Sales Service Residential Commercial Heating & Cooling Comfortmaker LICENSED & INSURED Will Folsom - 248-310-7768 9 Health Body Management Exercise Senior Fit Movement is a must for all and allows the body to revive. Nonmovement hastens disintegration. Join us in recalling or maintaining your flexibility, mobility, range of motion, strength, muscle tone, balance, and circulation. Experience for yourself this life supporting program. It has been recognized by AARP as “an exemplary contribution to healthy aging”. Monday and Friday 9:20-10:10 a.m. Facilitator- Anne Swanson This FREE class is provided by St. Joseph Mercy Oakland and will help seniors build strength and flexibility as well as improve cardiovascular fitness. Classes run Monday, Wednesday, & Friday, 1:002:00 p.m. ALL participants must register (or re-register) for the session. Open enrollment begins 8am Monday, July 18 and runs through Friday, August 5. Call (800) 372.6094 to registers. Classes will be filled on a first call, first served basis. Classes will resume after September 7. Water Aerobics Classes Visit the Waterford Pool & Fitness Centers! Try a new fitness class today. For those who like the water, exercise at the indoor pools. Exercise with friends with our Senior Special morning rate Mon. – Thurs or try a water aerobics class. Register for a class, use a water aerobic punch pass or a daily class drop-in fee. We offer Deep Water Aerobics, Water Aerobics, Aqua Zumba, Arthritis Water Exercise classes and Aqua Tone & Balance class. Schedules and times vary; contact the pool and fitness center for the class schedules at: Mott 248.674.6360 or Kettering 248.673.9969. Drop in rates for classes are: Members Residents Non Residents $5.50 $6.50 $7.50 $4.00 $5.00 $6.00 (Arthritis classes) Punch passes: (Punch includes 11 classes) Members Residents Non Residents $55 $65 $75 $40 $50 $60 (Arthritis classes) First Visit Free! Your first visit is free for drop-in use at the pool & fitness centers wsc Limit one per customer only 10 Take Off Pounds Sensibly—TOPS “TOPS” is a weight loss support program that understands the challenges of losing weight. Receive encouragement from new friends while using the diet that works for you. No special foods to purchase and reasonable rates; $32 annual membership and $1 a week at meeting. Tuesdays, 9 a.m. weigh-in, meeting at 9:45 a.m. $1 Drop in fee Health Deaf & Hearing Impaired Hearing Screenings Deaf and Hearing Impaired Services, Inc. (DHIS) uses American Sign Language to communicate. Educational, social, and recreational programs are offered every Monday from 10:00 a.m.—4:00 p.m. and are open to all hearing impaired older adults. If you would like to learn more call the DHIS at 248.473.1888. Also, every third Monday the group has a great potluck. Join us! $1 Drop in fee Free Hearing Screenings are available 2nd & 4th Tuesday Oakland Audiology will provide screenings on: Tuesday, August 9 & 23 and September 13 & 27 10:00am-Noon You must call to make an appointment. Low Income Hearing Aid Program Information on the Hearing Aid Program for those who have a limited income can call Betty Bucsek, Executive Secretary of Lions Club, at 586.336.4949 or [email protected]. Applications are reviewed weekly by the Board of Directors of the Lions District Hearing Aid Program. If approved, you will be notified of an appointment date for testing. Health Screenings Offered “Ask the Nurse” Health Screening are held the first Tuesday of the month. You can have your blood pressure, weight and pulse, and blood glucose level checked. The nurse will answer questions. Please do not wear sweatshirts or sweaters –it’s too difficult to get an accurate reading. August 2 & September 6 10:00am–Noon Equipment Loan Closet Are you a Waterford resident or a member of the Senior Center and need temporary use of a wheelchair, walker, cane, crutches, tub bench, or commode? The Loan Closet will allow you to use the item for up to three months. There is a fee of $10 for each item borrowed. Donations are always welcome when items are returned. Call the Center for more information at 248.682.9450. 11 Health Help with Medicare Coverage Used Glasses & Hearing Aids Extra Help is a federal program administered by the Social Security Administration. This program is meant for those on a limited income. To qualify, you must meet income and asset guidelines that are determined by the federal government each year. If you are single your monthly income must be below $1,471 ($1,991 for couples), and your assets must be $13,640 or less ($27,250 for couples) in order to qualify The Lions Club is collecting used eyeglasses and hearing aids. You can drop them off at the Waterford Senior Center. These items are used for low-income people who cannot afford to get eyeglasses or hearing aids. Help one another by dropping off your old eyeglasses and hearing aids. Foot and Ankle Care Being Kneaded Massage Dr. Bruce Tabak, Physician and Surgeon of the foot and ankle. Dr. Tabak will be coming to the Waterford Senior Center for appointments on August 2. Services offered will include diabetic foot care, nail trimming, wart treatment and callous trimming. Appointments will begin at 10:00am and can be made by calling the Senior Center at 248-682-9450. Insurances accepted are Medicare and Blue Cross Blue Shield PPO plans. HMO plans are NOT accepted. If you have any questions on insurance you may call his office @ 248-628-1880. What is it? A focus on health and well being How long does it take? 15 minutes for hands or neck & shoulders. 30 minute appointments are available for a more extensive massage. How does it help? Your body will calm & relax What do I have to do? Just sit in a chair & enjoy What does the therapist do? Gently knead and soothe muscles How do I sign up? Call 248-682-9450 to make an appointment.**All Clients Remain Fully Clothed** Tuesdays 10am-1pm 15 Minute Massages: $10 Members/$12 NonMembers 12 Technology Computer Lab Use Computers Hours are Monday—Friday, 8:30 a.m.— 4:00 p.m. Lab is maintained and operated by the Waterford School District. Please bring your own paper if you want to use the printer. $1 Drop in fee Learn to Love Your Wireless Device We will have instructors on hand to help you learn the basics of Smart Phones, IPads, laptops, and other wireless devices. You will learn how to use your device using the free Wi-Fi in our snack bar. Tuesday, August 16 Tuesday, August 30 1:00-2:00 W.S.C. Computer Club This friendly group of computer users meet in a relaxed setting to share information, offer support, and also find solutions for a variety of computer related issues. Everyone welcome. Meetings are the second Tuesday of each month 10:00 a.m.-noon. $1.00 Drop in fee Tuesday, August 9 & September 13 $20.00 for each 2 week session (Non-members $25.00) Please pre-register @ 248-682-9450 You Asked For It, We Got It! Our Bistro is now a Wi Fi Spot! Bring in your wireless gadgets (Smart Phones, Lap-Tops, Net Books, I -Pods, etc…) and use our Wi Fi while enjoying a cup of coffee, or having lunch with your friends! Get Connected! Stay Connected! If you would like updates sent to your email or phone about happenings going on at the Senior Center please stop in the office and sign up for Blackboard Connect! Check out the Senior Center Website and Blog! WWW.WATERFORD.K12.MI.US/SENIORCENTER Like Us on Facebook Waterford Senior Center 13 Travel Huron Clinton Metroparks Summer Fun 2016 Cornwell’s Presents: The Church Basement Ladies: A Mighty Fortress is our Basement Join us as we travel to Kensington Metropark for a fun filled day. Your $5.00 includes WSC escort, Motor Coach Transportation, recreational & educational activities, and food. Seating is limited. Please sign up by August 1st Monday, August 8th, 2016 9:00 am—3:30 pm Includes deluxe motor coach transportation. Those lovable Church Basement Ladies are back in this all-new musical. Join the fun as they run a food booth, teach one of their own how to drive and help their very nervous Pastor make it to the altar on time for his own wedding. Includes Turkeyville’s famous turkey lunch, and time for shopping. Friday, September 30, 2016 9:15 a.m.-6:30p.m. $82.00 members / $87.00 non-members Limited Seating, sign up by September 6 Remember When… Featuring Diamond Jack River Cruise Tour Includes motor coach transportation, lunch at the Smokies Restaurant & Bar, a 2 hour Diamond Jack River Cruise, and time for shopping in Downtown Wyandotte. Wednesday, August 17, 2016 9:45 a.m.-6:15 p.m. $77.00 members / $82.00 non-members Limited Seating– Sign up by August 3, 2016 Sandhill Cranes Color Tour Your Bianco Tour includes: Round trip transportation via deluxe motorcoach, a tour of the Waterloo Recreation Area, included Lunch & wine tasting at the Sandhill Crane Vineyards, a guided tour of St. Demetrius Orthodox Church, and shopping at Zingerman’s Delicatessen. Thursday, October 13 7:30 am—6:30 pm $84.00 Members/ $89.00 Non-Member Sign up by September 30, 2016 Non-handicapped Soaring Eagle Casino Plus Free Beatles Tribute Show Roundtrip deluxe motor coach transportation, $10.00 in Premium Play, and $5.00 Food Coupon. “1964”...The Tribute takes their audience on a musical journey to an era in rock history that will live in all of our hearts forever. They are hailed by critics and fans alike as the most authentic and endearing Beatles tribute in the world. $45 members / $50 non-members Monday, August 22 9:00 a.m.-7:00 p.m. An All American Christmas Featured at the Flint Whiting Auditorium. It is a Broadway, a festival, a gala, and an extravaganza all rolled up into one. WORLD CLASS Entertainment. Lunch and Tip on your own at Cracker Barrel. Tickets are $60.00 Members/$65.00 NonMembers (First 20 people to sign up will receive $5.00 off your trip price.) November 29, 2016 11:00 am—6:30 pm Sign up by September 15, 2016 Non-handicapped Singin’ in the Rain Join us as we travel to the Grosse Pointe Theatre for one of the classic MGM musicals about Hollywood in the 20’s.This musical includes some of the best-loved comedy, routines, dance numbers, and love ballads ever written. Before the performance we will be stopping at Pat O’Briens in St. Clair Shores for lunch on your own. (TIP NOT INCLUDED) Sunday, September 25, 2016 10:30am—6:00 pm $50.00 Members/$55.00 non-members Sign up by September 9, 2016 Non-handicapped 14 Extended Travel Coast of Maine Branson Ozark Mountain Christmas Premium Show Package Tour includes modern motorcoach transportation, 6 nights lodging (including 4 nights @ Boothbay Harbor Inn), 6 breakfasts, 3 dinners, Museum of Old York, Kennebunkport Trolley tour, sightseeing tour of Portland, day trip to Camden, Maine State Prison Craft Shop, Camden Hills State Park, Captain Fish Scenic Harbor Cruise, leisure time in Boothbay Harbor, Boothbay Railway Village, luggage handling, tax and tips on included meals. September 17-23, 2016 $1485.00 p/p (based on double occupancy) Non-members add $10 Featuring 5 Top Shows: Presleys Country Jubilee-Daniel O’Donnell-The Brett Family-”Moses ”@Sight & Sound- Andy Williams Starring the Osmonds & Lennon Sisters Tour includes modern motor coach transportation, 5 nights lodging, 5 breakfasts, 3 dinners, 5 Branson shows, sightseeing tour of the Ozarks, leisure time in Branson, National Tiger Sanctuary, luggage handling, tax and tips on included meals. November 16-21, 2016 $1220.00 p/p (based on double occupancy) Non-members add $10 New York City Tour includes modern motorcoach transportation, 5 nights lodging at the Novotel-Times Square, 5 breakfasts, 1 dinner, 9/11 Museum & Memorial, all day sightseeing tour, Apollo Theatre, Statue of Liberty Pedestal Pass, Ellis Island, Saturday Night Live Museum/Exhibition, luggage handling, tax and tip on included meals. October 9-14, 2016 $1659.00 p/p (based on double occupancy) Niagara Falls Festival of Lights Tour includes modern motorcoach transportation, 1 night @Fallsview Hilton, 1 breakfast, 1 dinner, tour of Niagara Falls, Festival of Lights, luggage handling, tax and tips on included meals. Highlight Dinner At 775 feet above the Falls, the Skylon Tower’s Revolving Dining Room offers a magnificent view of Niagara Falls and the spectacular Festival of Lights. December 5-6, 2016 $229.00 p/p (based on double occupancy) Non-member add $10.00 Nashville, Tennessee Tour includes modern motor coach transportation, 3 nights lodging-Hampton Inn, 3 breakfasts, 2 dinners, sightseeing tour of Nashville, Country Music Hall of Fame, Nashville Nightlife Dinner Theatre, Historic RCA Studio B with Recording, Tour of Ryman Auditorium, Leisure time Downtown Nashville, Grand Ole Opry, luggage handling, tax and tips on included meals. October 30-November 2, 2016 $999.00 p/p (based on double occupancy) Non-members add $10 Ask Vicki about our upcoming trips to: Fort Myers, Florida, January 11-21, 2017, and Southwest Explorer, Featuring The Incredible Grand Canyon Skywalk, Death Valley National Park & Las Vegas. February 22-28, 2017. Visit the “Travel Board” at the Center to get detailed flyers about each of the trips. Itineraries for all extended trips are also available. 15 Extended Travel Great Canadian West Vancouver, Victoria & Whistler Ark Encounter The Life-Sized Reconstruction of Noah’s Ark Tour includes roundtrip air, 1st class touring motorcoach, 3 nights in Vancouver, 2 nights in Victoria, 1 night in Whistler, 6 breakfasts, 4 dinners, sightseeing tours of Victoria and Vancouver, Butchart Gardens roundtrip ferry crossings, horse carriage through Stanley park, Capilano Canyon and Suspension Bridge, leisure time in Whistler mountain Village, Sea to Sky Gondola, Vancouver Harbor Dinner Cruise, luggage handling, all airline baggage fees. August 14-20, 2016 $3118.00 Members p/p (based on double occupancy) Non-member add $10.00 Modern motor coach transportation.1 night lodging at the Hampton Inn located in Williamstown, Kentucky. 1 breakfast, 1 dinner, Creation Museum & the Ark Encounter. Be among the first to experience the full-sized replica of Noah’s Ark. The Ark showcases 3 levels of world-class exhibits. Be prepared to be blow away! Tax and tips on included meals. October 23-24, 2016 $349.00 p/p (based on double occupancy) Non-members add $10 Trip Parking Information! Trips leave from the Central United Methodist Church, 3882 Highland Road (M59). Please park on the west end of the parking lot near the home. You should arrive 15 minutes prior to your departure time. Thanks to Central United Methodist Church for supporting us by allowing our travelers to use their convenient parking lot. Nothing kills a good program or trip faster than everyone waiting until the last minute to register. Registration deadlines are very important for planning purposes, for the Senior Center staff, and for travel companies. If there aren’t enough registered participants by the deadline, we have to cancel trips and programs. So please…Register Early! Re-elect Sue Camilleri Your Waterford Township Clerk Margaret Birch, Waterford Township Treasurer, Supports the Waterford Senior Center 16 Support Encore/ Affordable Adult Day Services Who are adult day services designed for? Older adults with memory impairments and/or physical disabilities who are unable to initiate their own activities People with Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s disease, dementia patients or stroke victims Families and caregivers Benefits of adult day care: Reduces social isolation Restores & maintains the highest level of individual function Enriches quality of life Helps prevent nursing home placements Gives family & caregiver peace of mind Services & Activities: Professional care & supervision Comfortable & safe environment Nutritious meals & snacks Structured recreational activities Transportation within Waterford Township Support Groups Encore Activities July National Smile Week Celebration We Love Lucy Party Cream Cruise Fun Hawaiian Luau State Fair Memories August Labor Day Memories Good Old School Days Bless the USA Celebration Tiger Pep Rally Welcome Autumn Caregiver Support Are you caring for a loved one who is frail, dependent or suffering from memory loss or Alzheimer’s disease? Many caregivers find it helpful to share their concerns with other caregivers. August 9 & September 13 | Noon-1:00 pm August 16* & September 19 | 7:00—8:00 pm *Moved to Tuesday just this month 17 New Tomorrow’s Grief Support Program by McLaren Hospice We will meet on Wednesday from 1:00pm - 2:30pm on the following dates: August 3 & 17 and September 7 & 21 at the Senior Center. Discussion topics will include the grief process, emotional pain, guilt, anger, depression, stress, worry, holidays & support. The goal of a grief support group is to provide a safe and supportive environment for participants to express their feelings and better understand their grief experience. Many people find relief in talking with others who have also experienced the death of someone close to them. Everyone is welcome to attend. This group is offered at no charge to any member of the community mourning the loss of a loved one. The group will be facilitated by Mary Hyde, licensed social worker at the Waterford Senior Center. Mary has both professional and personal experience with hospice and bereavement. Nutrition Daily Lunch & Homebound Menu Lunch is served at the Center Monday - Friday at Noon. Requested : $3.00 for persons 60 & over. $3.75 for persons under 60. Menus are subject to “Lunch is better when we dine together” Join us! August Entrees September Entrees 1 2 3 4 5 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Southwest Lasagna Chicken Nacho Cod Double Hamburger Ham 1 2 Thursday Friday Polish Sausage Chicken Chunks in Gravy 8 9 10 11 12 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Beef Stuffed Cabbage Turkey Tettrazzini Chicken Nuggets BBQ Riblet Mostaccioli 5 6 7 8 9 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday CLOSED– LABOR DAY Turkey Burger Grilled Cheese Double Cheeseburger Grilled Chicken Fettuccine 15 16 17 18 19 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Meatballs Fish Sandwich Turkey & Gravy Chili w/Cheese Chicken Leg 12 13 14 15 16 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday All Beef Hot Dog Baked Chicken Breast Sliced Ham Pizza Breaded Cod 22 23 24 25 26 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Beef Stuffed Pepper Pork Chop Chicken Fajita Sloppy Joe Creamed Vegetarian Lasagna 19 20 21 22 23 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Cheese Omelet Turkey Chop Suey Ravioli Double Hamburger Chicken Burrito 26 27 28 29 30 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday BBQ Riblet Almond Crusted Cod Turkey & Gravy Pot Pie Beef Stuffed Cabbage Macaroni & Cheese 29 Monday 30 Tuesday 31 Wednesday Salisbury Steak w/Gravy Macaroni & Cheese Breaded Cod Meals on Wheels Can Help you! Monthly Birthday Celebration NO WAITING LIST! Hot, Nutritious noon meal! Delivered daily, Monday though Friday! Friendly, caring drivers! Requested $3 per day. Help us help you! Cake & ice cream will be served with lunch to celebrate our monthly birthdays. You are invited to join the celebration, regardless of your birth date. Members will receive a FREE lunch on their actual BIRTHDAY! Contact Donielle at 248.682.9450 August 25 & September 29 18 Nutrition Bistro Snack Bar Open 11:00 am—12:30 pm Tired of plain H2O? Learn to make your own fruit infused water! A La Carte` Soup…………………$1.50 Sandwich w/chips……$2.50 Join us in the Bistro as we use fresh fruits and herbs to turn ordinary water into something delicious and healthy Salad……………….$2.50 Chips………..$.50 Wednesday, August 17 1:00 $1.00 drop in fee Fruit……….$.50 Milk, Juice, Ice Tea, Lemonade..$.25 New Members as of Dietburt Gregg Diana & Richard Duhaime Shirley Hancocki JoAnn Klos Mariann Livingston Kathy & Paul Loase Mary Markovski Barbara & James McClure Norma Mowery Diana & Edgar Pearce Cynthia Salinis Diane Schnell James Smith Rita Thomas Cynthia & Glenn Thompson 6/14/16 In Memory of... Our thoughts and sympathies for the families and friends of Frances Gregory Grace Larrison Alexander Maxim Wayne Morgan Katherine Nestrock Earline Smith Leo Voelkle Jane Vogel James Zink 19 Focus Hope Food Seniors Program Thursday, August 18 & September 15 The Focus Hope Food for Seniors program provides free monthly food to individuals 60 years of age and older who reside in Wayne, Oakland & Macomb Counties. Eligibility is determined by income. The income of single persons should not exceed $1,287 per month; that of married couples should not exceed $1,736 per month. Call 248.682.9450. For new individuals please call Carylsue at 248.682.9450 to set up an appointment to register for the program. August Birthdays 1- Cathy Barry-Orth Judith Campbell Phyllis Carrigan Virginia Cloutier Charles George Ronald Hinman Susan Holland Karen Pierce Sharon Zuziak 2- Melvin Barrow Duane Brown Sherry Kaars John Clements Sharon Duff Ruth Karwas Nadra Queen Samuel Ritchie Janice Shedlowsky 3- Carolyn Clark Mike Easton Ray Hardesty Mary Kozlowski Ken Wilson 4- Dorothy Clayton Loretta Hamilton William Jenkinson Sydney Owen Richard Rutz Larry Stack 5- Bea Armbruster Virginia McGrath Barbara Netke Roger Reuter Karen Styles 6- Janice Allen Betty Civitello Robert Davis Karen Levi 7- Karen Cusumano Jane Evans Judith Frische Martha Harmon Tammy Hoffman Mary McGlashen 8- Virginia Abney Lillian Condron Annette Shulters Grace Trapp 9- Alan Cardona Diana Hardenburgh Nancy Moffat James Seeterlin 10- Olga Meyer Samuel Peters Larry Sluiter Cheryl Spencer 11- Mary Jo Ahern Mildred Cprek Roger Mouthaan John Schober Marilyn Weber William Williams 12- Nancy Caswell 13- Janet Davies Frank Harmon Terrie Hopkins Casiano Mangulin Robert Irwin Carole Thompson Pete Towell 14- Brenda Boston Helen Diachenko Suzanne Rice Jan Riley Nora Lee Rogers Helen Saunders 15- Jeanette Koerner Kenneth Malley Mary Seeterlin 16- Wanda Berg Wilma Dortch Linda Pietrzak Frances Rososky Shannon Williams 17- Felicitas Coniconde Sharon Healy Eilzabeth Prestel Bob Spring 18- Sally Gillies Jean Miller Laurinda Miller 19- Charmaine Morden Linda Sands Joan Sawyer 20- Etsuko Fowler Robert Giroux Barbara Plants Barbara Ragatz Lee Sullivan Beverly Thompson 21- Larry Benscoter James Hundley Pauline Klingler Patricia Leach Marti MacIntosh Grace Martin Christina Ottmar 22- Gregg Dietburt Patricia Gabriel Joann Perzyk 23- Barbara Barrett Michael Dauenlauer 23- Wendy Hartman Dorothy Johanson Michael Miller 24- Phyllis Folsom 25- Lyman Beach Betty Courtney Ruth Finneran Constanc Kiefiuk Lee Muller Barbara Nesbitt Mae Piper Louis Rodriguez 26- Alice Carlton Barbara Michals Lois Szabo Lowell VanAntwerp Richard White 27- Don Bailey George Biltz Barbara Chambers Linda Comis Leonard Graunstadt Bill Merrell Anthony Padilla Ivan Pease Karen Vihonsky 28- Marsha Ayer 29- Jerry Cleland Mildred Hudson Catherine Myers Margaret Vanhull 30- Jill Cappell Donna Linseman Sandra Waterbury Cynthia Williams 31- James Watts Smith’s Disposal, Inc. Supports the Waterford Senior Center’s continuing efforts on behalf of the seniors in the community. P.O. Box 125 Clarkston, MI 48347 (248-625-5470 20 September Birthdays 1- Delyle Hibler Robert Leonard Donald Maxwell Florence Page 2- Barbara Buechler Linda Macy Grace McSkullin Karen Parkhurst Shirley Perrett James Thienel Kamma Woodley Angela Young 3- Suzanne Foster Julie Olson Martin Stoops 4- Jim Ball Rita Murphy 5- Judy Christakis Betty Hellwege 6- Mary Bologna Sue Camilleri Julia Crick Glenda Haggarty Phyllis Herrick Jacqueline Lauinger Paul Loase Virginia Moffat Jay Steward Hazel Stileski Harold Whitcomb 7- Mary Stuk Patricia Tate 8- Dorothy Branden Judith Cocking Joanne Green Doreen Pagel Cynthia Reinke Mark Theis 9- Zane Johnson Karen Kelly Jacqueline Lauinger Char Stoops Victor Sultana Marilyn Sweet 10- Ford Andrews John Eldred Lee Haslinger Phyllis Hunt Lois Ann Zurbrick 11- Helen Clark Arturo Sanchez 12- Helen Clark Helen McAllister Rosemarie Owen Patty Pemberton Kenneth Reger 12- Helene Watts Sharon Wood 13- Robert Coleman Sandra DeRemer Diana Duhaime David Faust Jo Geer Karen Melhaus Robbie Rodery Richard Scott Willa Ward 14- Myrtil Dobson Leo Klopcic Gerald Miller Janice Root 15- Marguerite Day Steve Ernst Louis Roger 16- Bill Gard Kristi Holt Robert Moehlman Cecile Topolowski 17- Merley Brown Norm Nesbitt Sally Yenglin 18- Ginger Boring Bonnie Drennen Mary Lidell Betty McDonald Marion Shepard Carolyn Spring Jack Wood 19- Craig DeRousse Jeanette Doud Georgia Hicks Alice Hutchinson Lynda Trevino 20- Bill Fitzgerald Jerry Mccarthy Paul Pinner Cindy Trosin 21- Joann Klos Jim Williams 22- Stella Antos Charlotte Bates Kathy DuBois Cheryl Gaizmer Lynn Gilmour Donald Reid Fran Richardson Virginia Sommers 23- Butch Hohm Robert Holan Nancy Merrell 24- Monica Kirts Lawrence Lyons 25- Ron Beyer Ingrid Bowman Zona Wood 26- Shirley Broegman Roger Crick Doris Smith 27- Linda Cobb Sharon Fairbrother Sandra Kristen Keith Rosewall Yulabella Sheck 28- Jane Dixson Patricia Hoffman Pat Krause Don Nisbett 21 29- Sherry Badger Dave Myre 30- June Carlson Larry Gavette Pirkko Haab Verla Howell Glenn Jensenius Virginia Pease Shirley Robertson Volunteers Senior Center Advisory Friendly Visitor Program The Advisory Board is a group of senior volunteers who are dedicated to assisting in the future direction of the Center. The group’s input and ideas are valued by staff when considering changes, additions or deletions of programs that are offered at the Center. All Senior Center members are welcome & encouraged to participate! The Committee Chair is Dennis Griffin. New members and visitors are always welcome! The next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, October 12, 10:00 a.m. The Friendly Visitor Program needs a few good volunteers to socialize with homebound seniors in their home. Isolated seniors love to spend time with a friendly visitor reading, helping write letters, playing games or just talking. The pay is fantastic – smiles and hugs! Call Mary Hyde at 248.682.9450. Cleaning Services Needed The Outreach Department is looking for people who can provide free or low cost cleaning services to seniors in our community. Please call Mary Hyde at 248-682-9450. Newsletter Volunteers The next mailing date will be Wednesday, September 21. Please join us at 8:30 a.m. Donuts & coffee provided. 22 Educate yourself before you vote... Wednesday, September 7th 10:30am —1:00pm Your chance to meet the candidates! 23 Waterford Senior Center 3621 Pontiac Lake Road Waterford, MI 48328 PRESORTED STANDARD U.S. POSTAGE PAID Permit # 2 Waterford, MI Waterford Senior Center Staff William Holbrook Business Services Executive Director Erin Asdell Coordinator Adult Day Services Supervisor Mary Hyde Social Services & Outreach Supervisor Sara Eisenhart, Janet Proctor, Mary Flynn, Michelle Mueller, & Amber Hoskins Encore Aides Mike Fitzgerald, Kathy Katchka, Denny Miller, & Laura Wisniewski Van Drivers Donielle Fidler Nutrition & Auxiliary Services Director Mary Donnelly Transportation & Customer Service Supervisor Vicki Jonescue Financial Service & Travel Supervisor Donna Shoemaker Auxiliary Services Program Assistant Cindy Collias Cook The Senior Center will be closed when the Waterford School District closes due to inclement weather. 24 Time to Renew Your Membership? Check the date on your address label to see if your membership is up to date. Thank you for your support! Meet & Greet for New Members Take a tour, ask questions, and meet other new members on Monday, September 26, 1:302:30 p.m. Refreshments served. RSVP at 248.682.9450. The Waterford Senior Center Newsletter is published bi-monthly.
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