May 27, 2011
May 27, 2011
2010 - 2011 Scan this QR code with your smartphone THE YEARBOOK TEAM Editor Saja Takache Graphic Designer Mohammad Mortada Photographer Dr. Ahmad Ahdab Mohammad Kansoun Maya Salame Maher Melhem Mohammad Kleit Abdul Raouf Farhat Mohamad Haymour David Zoaiter Cover Photography Asma Al-Ashhab Editorial Team Fatima Hanan El Reda Malak Jaaphar Mohammad Kleit Special thanks to: Farah Takeiddine Abir Hochaimi Shaymaa Samad Laila Manasfi Maya Salame Wadiaa Ferzli Faten Hamadeh Samah Abdallah Zeina Mrad Our Mission The mission of the Lebanese International University is to provide the highest possible quality of higher education, training and research, in order to meet the needs of individuals and the communities and enterprises both in Lebanon and in the whole Arab world. ognizing that it›s primary role is to serve the student, LIU, through educational functions and its broad range of modern and skills-oriented undergraduate and graduate programs, qualifies its students to assume leadership roles where they will serve their country. Besides, the mission of the LIU is to contribute to the development of highly educated and qualified graduates who will enhance the educational, economic and cultural foundation of the nation. In its effort to offer a superior university education for its students, LIU retains a highly qualified faculty. It aims to provide faculty members who are not only academically competent in their professional fields but are also life-long learners with a breadth of vision, a sense of civic and moral responsibility, and a devotion to the fundamental values of human life. Its teaching, research and service mission is characterized by equal access and equal opportunity to all who are committed to the success and contributing to the progression of their country and the advancement of culture and knowledge in general. The Lebanese International University, as an institution for higher learning, is a career-oriented institution. While rec- The University espouses and encourages freedom of thought and expression. It expects, however, that such freedom will be enjoyed in a spirit of integrity and with a full sense of responsibility. ر�سالة الرئي�س التعلي��م الع��ايل للجميع منذ البداية عقدنا العزم ان تتميز اجلامعة اللبنانية الدولية ب�أدائها االكادميي ،وان تلتزم بتقدمي �أعلى م�ستوى من التعليم� ،إمتداد ًا مل�سريتنا الرتبوية يف التعليم العام التي انطلقت عام ،1978وحر�صنا منذ البداية �أال يكون هذا النوع من التعليم حكر ًا على طبقة معينة ،وال على منطقة معينة. وخالل هذه ال�سنوات املا�ضية قطعنا �شوط ًا كبري ًا باننا و�صلنا للم�ستوى العلمي املميز يف كافة الكليات، و�أو�صلنا هذا التعليم املميز �إىل كافة الطبقات وب�شكل خا�ص الطبقات املتو�سطة وذوي الدخل املحدود، وحققنا الهدف الوطني وهو االمناء املتوازن يف كافة املناطق ،فذهبنا �إىل الطالبات و�إىل الطالب حيث وجدوا ،لكي نوفر عليهم عناء الكلفة وهجرة قراهم ،ومراعني االو�ضاع االجتماعية لطلبات املناطق النائية. �إن الرثوة احلقيقة لأي وطن هي موارده الب�شرية ،وان العلم هو ال�سالح الوحيد الذي يجعل من هذه املوارد �أمر ًا ذا �ش�أن حيث ت�ستطيع �أن توظف طاقاتها يف وطنها ،وحني يكون الوطن قادر ًا على �إ�ستيعابها ،وعلى �إن�صاف �أ�صحابها يف جمال التنمية والإمناء .ويف جمال الإعمار والبناء ،ويف كل ميدان من ميادين احلياة يكون للعلم فيه ن�صيب ،زراعة و�صناعة وجتارة و�سياحة و�إدارة و �صحة وتربية وثقافة و مرافق عامة وغريها من ال�ش�ؤون التي يجب ان تكون مواكبة للع�صر ،وقادرة على اال�ستفادة من كل جديد ،وخ�صو�ص ًا يف جمال تكنولوجيا املعرفة واملعلوماتية ،حيث �أ�صبح العامل قرية كونية �صغرية ،حممولة على جهاز بحجم راحة اليد، و�أ�صبح لزام ًا علينا �أن ميتلك �شبابنا �أ�سرار هذه التكنولوجيا ،وان ال يظل الغرب حمتكر ًا لها ،وان يكون دورنا مقت�صر ًا فقط على �إ�ستهالكها. و�إن مراكز الأبحاث اجلامعية ،كجزء من منظومة العليم العايل ،وكمجال رحب لإنتاج املعرفة .يجب �أن ت�أخذ دورها يف تنمية املوارد الب�شرية ،ويف �إ�ستقطاب الأدمغة العلمية ،ويف حتديد الأولويات وت�أمني م�ستلزمات حتقيقها ،وفاء لهذا اجليل الواعد ،الذي ال يجب �أن يظل مهموم ًا بالبحث عن لقمة العي�ش ،بل يجب ان يتمتع بالأمان على كل ال�صعد .كي ينفتح عقله اخلالق على الإبداع ،الذي ي�ستطيع بدوره �أن يجعل الوطن نف�سه ب�أمان. لقد تخطت اجلامعة اللبنانية الدولية عمرها الزمني ،ووقفت يف ال�صف الأول مع �أعرق اجلامعات ،وحقق خريجوها الريادة يف جمال العلم والعمل ،بف�ضل روح اجلماعة التي يتمتع بها �أ�ساتذتها ،والكفاءات االكادميية التي ت�ستقطبها ،وبف�ضل التعاون العلمي مع جامعات �أخرى لها تاريخ ومكانتها ،وب�سبب تلك الإدارة وراء وجودها ،فكان لها هذا االنت�شار واالت�ساع حملي ًا وعربي ًا و�إقليمي ًا ،وكان هذا النجاح الذي ير�سم م�سريتها ،والذي هو ير�سم اال�ستمرار �إن �شاء اهلل ،دون ان نحيد عن املبد�أ الأول :علم بال �إحتكار، علم بال طبقية ،علم للجميع. President’s Message Accessibility and Affordability - Higher Education for Everyone Since the very beginning we vowed that the Lebanese International University would excel in its academic performance and give the best level of education, as a continuation of our general education journey that started in 1978. We made sure from the beginning that quality education would not be limited to a specific class nor to a specific region. And through these past years we have achieved great success, in that we’ve reached an excellent level of education in all our schools, and brought this excellent education to all social classes; especially the middle classes and those of limited wages. We’ve also reached a national goal: balanced development in all regions. We went to students in their regions to relieve them from expenses and from leaving their hometowns, keeping in mind the social conditions of those living in distant places. In words, we made higher education accessible for them. The true wealth of any nation is in its human resources, and education is the only weapon that makes use of these important resources. It allows for their use within the nation; when the nation is able to adopt all of it, to be righteous in balancing it in the fields of development and enhancement, in the fields of building and construction, and in every field where knowledge plays a part; agriculture, industry, trading, tourism, business, health, education, culture, and all other areas that should be kept up to date and that benefit from modernity. This especially includes the fields of technology and informatics, which has allowed the world to become a small universal village placed in a small hand-held device. It has become a duty for us that our youth attain the wonders of this technology, and not leave them exploited by the West, whence our role was always merely to consume. Our university research centers, as parts of the higher educational system and as good areas for the proliferation of knowledge, should take their role in developing human resources, recruiting exceptional scientific minds, and setting priorities and attaining the tools to accomplish them. This should be done as an obligation to this promising generation, which shouldn’t be always in anxiety in search of its daily bread, but should instead enjoy security in all aspects. In this state our generation can open its creative mind for innovation that would, in turn, bring security to the nation. The Lebanese International University has surpassed the limits of its age and stood prominently alongside the most prestigious universities. Its students have become pioneers in the field of science and in the workforce, thanks to the spirit of teamwork that characterizes its instructors, and to the academic qualifications it recruits. This is also thanks to the collaboration with other prominent universities and to the management behind it. It has undergone widespread expansion locally, in the Arab world, and internationally. This success that paves its road and its continuation, God willing, will take place without our shifting away from our main principle: knowledge without exploitation, knowledge without discrimination, and knowledge for everyone. Academic Board President Vice President For Administration Vice president for Academic Affairs Director of the Board of Trustees Human Resources Director Administrative Director of Saida Campus Academic Director of Saida Campus Administrative Director of Nabtieh Campus Academic Director of Nabatieh Campus Administrative Director of Bekaa Campus Academic Director of Bekaa Campus Administrative Director of Tripoli Campus Academic Director of Tripoli campus Academic Director of Jdeideh Campus Academic Director of Sour Campus H.E. Mr. Abdulraheem Mourad Dr. Samir Abou Nassif Dr. Ali Tarabay Dr. Magdy Hammad Mrs. Zeinab Abou Nassif Mr. Khaled Mourad Dr. Talal Assaad Mr. Samer Hazimeh Dr. Hassan Khashfeh Mr. Bassem Hazimeh Dr. Ahmad Faraj Mr. Ahmad Al-Ahdab Dr. George Matta Dr. Gaby Khoury Dr. Salh Abd Aal Deans Dean of Engineering Dean of Arts & Sciences Dean of Business Dean of Pharmacy Dean of Education Dr. Hicham El Hajj Dr. Tarek Harb Dr. Wajdi Na’man Dr. Mohammad Rahal Dr. Anwar Kawtharani Our Team Beirut Abbas SweidanHandyman Abdo Haidar IT/Network Administrator Abir MahdiRegistrar Ahmad NouriSSNF Awad Merhi Registrar’s Assistant Aya ShoghariReceptionist Ayman Dahrouj PR Officer Ayman Dayekh IT/Chief Technology Officer Bassel Rihan Head Accountant Diaa HarbPhotocopy Eman Karameh A&S School Assistant Fadia Salloum Filing Officer Farah Takieddine Student Affairs Fatima Zeitoun Graphic Designer Ghada Kalakish Business Dean Assistant Haidar Mousalem IT/Solution Developer Haidar Shaker Assitant Accountant Hala Hamzeh Engineering Dean Assistant Hala Masri Assitant Accountant Hassan BakhdoudDriver Hassan DakikSecurity Hassan Ezzedine Office Boy Hassan Hamoudeh IT/Computer Technician Housam Boukhdod Office Boy Leila Manasfi Alumni & Career Development Lubna Orra Assistant Provost Manal Mokdad Assitant Accountant Mariam Khodari Education Dean Assistant Mohamad Mortada Graphic Designer Nadine Makouk Student Affairs Assistant Nemr Majed Office Boy Noura Bou Karroum Admission Officer Rafaa KerbajLibrarian Rimah Salah Studio Officer Rami Smaili Registrar’s Assistant Rana Sabra Head of Marketing Rania Baltagi Executive Secretary Refaat Sweidan Office Boy Rima Ouidat Assistant Provost Saja Takash Copy Editor Siba Matar Pharmacy Dean Assistant Sima Habbal Arts & Sciences Dean Assistant Soha Awada Help Center Soraya Mourad Assitant Accountant Tamara Al Hajjar Admission Assistant Walid Saifi Head of Registration & Admission Zeina Haidar Executive Secretary Zoulfikar Nasser Office Boy Saida Abdo el HajCafeteria Abir KaisseRegistrar Ahmad Mobader IT/Network Administrator Amal HabliLibrarian Assem Naderi Student Affairs Maya SalamehReceptionist Nabil KobroslySecurity Soraya Fakih Assitant Accountant Fatima Zaher khaled Mourad Administrative Director Tyre Manal Al-Ashkar Mohamad Al Ghoul Samah Abdallah Manal Tarraf Haifa Khater Jdeideh Secretary Student Affairs Accountant Registrar Librarian Nabatieh Abbas Hmadeh Ahmad Karaki Faten Hmadeh Ghina Srour Mahmoud Khdor Samer Hazeimeh Sara Raed Zeinab Shouman Nadine Mansour Secretary Library Receptionist Registrar Administrative Director Bekaa Security Security Registrar Reception Security Administrative Director Office Boy Reception Reception Tripoli Abir Karhani Ahmad Kerdi Dalia Majzoub Hilal Haydar Ibtsam Al Ahmad Ihab Agha Mohamad Raad Safia Samad Toufic Sarouni Ahmad Ahdab Elham Ghoson Noura Mohsen Lydia Saed Wadiaa Firzly Gaby Khoury Accountant Sports Coordinator Registrar’s Assistant Office Boy Receptionist IT/Network Administrator Office Boy Receptionist Office Boy Administrative Director Abir Karhani Ahmad Kerdi Dalia Majzoub Hilal Haydar Ibtsam Al Ahmad Ihab Agha Mohamad Raad Safia Samad Toufic Sarouni Ahmad Ahdab Accountant Sports Coordinator Registrar’s Assistant Office Boy Receptionist IT/Network Administrator Office Boy Receptionist Office Boy Administrative Director Schools Arts & Sciences Business Education Engineering Pharmacy School of Arts & Sciences With a great sense of pleasure I am honored to write about your graduation event. This is a day where you have realized one of your many dreams and we hope that it is just the beginning of the many accomplishments that are yet to come. When you first started your studies at LIU, your minds were roughly chiseled by your high school teachers into a plastic entity eager to learn. In our classes, rest areas, libraries and our various interactions, we hope that we have helped to refine your mental and social skills to become more agile and dynamic. As you progressed from sophomore, junior and senior class years, LIU was growing with the growth of your potential. The harder you worked, the easier our job became as your educators; a testament to the symbiotic interaction between you and your university. Our aim was never to just give you information, instead, we intended to give you the knowledge and skills that you can apply in the real world at the personal, social and global levels. The effort you have put into achieving your university degree was the result of hard work, dedication and consistency. This will not have been possible without your family’s support, and the lifelong friends that you made at LIU with students, staff, and faculty members. I do hope that all the different experiences and the education you gained at LIU will enable you to be a successful, professional, and an active member of the society. I do believe that you could make a positive change in this world to make it a better place, and remember that it is in your hands to work even harder to rise up in the world to statues that you only dreamt about. I wish you all the luck in your future endeavors. Best regards Dr. Tarek Harb Dean of Arts & Sciences Faculty of Arts & Sciences Dr. Abaas Makki Dr. Abbas Tarhini Dr. Abdelhalim Mouneimne Mr. Abdulrida Saleh Miss Abir Mawlawi Mr. Ahmad Natafgi Dr. Ahmad Abdallah Dr. Ahmad El-Osman Dr. Ali Samaha Dr. Ali Khatib Dr. Ali Choukair Mr. Ali El-Sahili Dr. Ali Sabbah Dr. Ali Karout Dr. Ali Chaito Mrs. Alida Nehme Dr. Aline Hamade Miss Amal Salloum Mrs. Amal Bohsali Mr. Amer Salame Mr. Amer Bakkach Mr. Atam Tazian Mr. Ayman Dayekh Dr. Ayman Kashmar Dr. Bassam Mrad Dr. Bassam Hamam Mr. Bassam Sherkawi Mr. Bassam Moussa Mrs. Batoul Haidar Mrs. Carole Chaaraoui Mrs. Celine Khairallah Dr. Cendrella Kassem Dr. Charbel Mouawad Mrs. Chaza Hamoud Mrs. Corinna Windisch Mrs. Dalouli Orra Mrs. Darine Wehbi Mr. Diaa Obeidah Mrs. Diana Araji Miss Diane Akil Mrs. Dima Kobrossi Dr. Ehssan Sharif Askari Dr. Elham El-Sahili Mrs. Eliane Jabbour Mr. Elie Kabchi Dr. Fadaa Nicolas Dr. Fadel Chamssedine Mr. Fadi Ghazal Dr. Fadi Yamout Miss Farah Matar Dr. Farah Kassem Mr. Firas Naamani Dr. Firas Dabbousi Mr. Fouad Khcheich Mr. Georges Daher Dr. Georges Ibrahim Dr. Ghalia Nasserddine Dr. Ghassan Ibrahim Mr. Ghassan Safi Dr. Ghassan Ghazal Mrs. Grace Khawam Mr. Hadi Saad Mrs. Haifa Hasabalah Mr. Haissam Chehade Dr. Haissam Al-Aawar Dr. Haitham Zaraket Dr. Hamad Hasan Dr. Hana Itani Mrs. Hanaa Mohammad Dr. Hanane Akhdar Mr. Hassan Choubassi Mr. Hassan Ibrahim Dr. Hassan Rammal Dr. Hassan Ghamlouche Mr. Hassan Haidar Mr. Haydar Moussalem Dr. Hiam Matta Dr. Hiba El-Hajj Mr. Hicham Itani Dr. Hosni Yazbeck Mr. Houssam Ramadan Dr. Houssam Obeid Dr. Hussam Rabah Dr. Hussein Hamad Mrs. Hwaida Jaber Dr. Ibrahim Kiwan Mrs. Iman AbouAli Dr. Issam Kaddoura Dr. Jamal Wakim Dr. Jamila Natour Mrs. Jeanette Ghanem Dr. Jinane Chaaban Mr. Joe Elias Mrs. Joumana Zeaiter Dr. Kassem Hamze Mrs. Katrin Jomaa Dr. Khalil Sherri Dr. Khalil Tawbeh Miss Laila Manasfi Mrs. Lama El-Jizi Mrs. Lara Rabah Miss Layal Abou ezzie Miss Liliane Abi Chakra Dr. Lubna Bassam Mrs. Lydia Issa Dr. Maha Zakhour Dr. Maher Arabi Mr. Maher Dernaika Dr. Mahmoud Faraj Mr. Mahmoud Chreih Dr. Mahmoud Hammoud Mr. Majed Sanan Dr. Majid El-Mestrah Mrs. Malak Reda Mrs. Maral Boghossian Mrs. Marwa Kebbe Dr. Marwan Kobeissi Miss May Darwish Mrs. Maya Hallak Mrs. Maya Farhat Mrs. Maya Bassam Mrs. Maya Iskandarani Miss Maya Faour Mrs. Mayada Hamed Dr. Mazen El-Tamer Mr. Michel Dani Mr. Michell Nassar Miss Mirana Naim Miss Mireille Mattar Dr. Mirvat Hijazi Dr. Mohamad Jomha Dr. Mohamad Abouali Mr. Mohamad AbedulRahim Dr. Mohamad Muhieddine Dr. Mohammad Rached Mr. Mohammad Chamseddine Mr. Mohammad Al-Hajj Mrs. Mokarram Bitar Mrs. Mona Mansour Mrs. Monda AbouZour Dr. Mostapha Ahmad Dr. Muhamad Kubaissi Dr. Nabil Assaf Mrs. Nabila Ghosn Mrs. Nada Abdalla Miss Nada Kassem Mrs. Nada Youssef Mrs. Nadine Baltagi Mrs. Nadine Nasrallah Mrs. Nahed Mansour Miss Najwa Ahdab Dr. Nancy Nehme Dr. Nasser Ballani Mrs. Nathalia Choueiry Mrs. Nedal Taha Mr. Nehme Rmeity Dr. Noha Kassem Miss Nora Terzian Miss Ogaritte Yazbek Dr. Ousamma Hatoum Miss Rabia Amro Mr. Rabih Semaan Dr. Rami Elhajj Dr. Rami Tawil Dr. Rana Kerbaj Mrs. Rana Samaha Miss Rana Saad Mrs. Rana Dahi Mrs. Rania Kassem Miss Rasha El-Amine Mrs. Raya Mazigi Dr. Rayan Yahfoufi Mr. Rayan El-Amine Mrs. Rim Saad Miss Rima Saab Mrs. Rita Barotta Dr. Rodaina Sayed Hassan Mr. Roger Harb Mrs. Rona Halabi Dr. Ronald Nassif Dr. Rouba Alamine Dr. Rouba Cheaib Dr. Rouba HageSleiman Dr. Roudaina Nasser Mrs. Rudaina Rayess Mrs. Sabreen Fostok Dr. Saeed Raheel Miss Sahar Sharara Miss Sahar Dermaika Mrs. Salam Harb Miss Salwa Mansour Mr. Samer Gharios Mr. Samer Halabi Dr. Sami Khatib Mrs. Samira Klaylat Miss Sandra El-Haj Miss Sara Saad Mrs. Sarah Hamdar Mrs. Sarah Nassereddin Mrs. Sarah Youssef Mr. Sarah Aridi Dr. Suzan Hashem Miss Suzane Haidar Mr. Taher Fardoun Dr. Tarek Harb Dr. Tarek Khalil Dr. Touma Khoury Mr. Vicken Demirdjian Mrs. Viviane Salloum Dr. Wael Youssef Mrs. Wafaa Haidar Mrs. Wafica Itani Dr. Walid Raad Dr. Wassim Habib Dr. Wissam Yassine Dr. Yaman Hamade Miss Yasmin Rahhal Dr. Yasser Karaki Dr. Youssef Smaili Mr. Youssef Bakkar Dr. Youssef Ayyad Dr. Zahi Khalil Mrs. Zaynab El-Ahmar Dr. Zeina Mourtada Miss Zeina Safa Mrs. Zeina Younes Miss Zeinab Jaber Mrs. Zeinab El-Khansa Miss Zoya Awky Dr. Adib Charafeddine Dr. Ahmad Hashem Dr. Ahmad Faraj Mr. Ahmad Baydoun Miss Alexandra Malkoun Faculty of Arts & Sciences Mr. Ali Assi Dr. Ali Nasser Dr. Ali Awad Mr. Assaad Sadaka Mr. Ayman Dahrouj Mr. Balig Salame Dr. Bashar Nasrallah Mr. Bilal Owaidat Mr. Chadi Haikal Mr. Dani Hamzeh Miss Dina Jordi Dr. Elias Saab Dr. Fayez Araji Dr. George Barbour Miss Ghada Karam Miss Gracia Abou Chebel Dr. Hassan HajjHussein Mr. Imad AbdelBaki Mr. Jad Abbas Mr. Jamil Mourad Miss Jessy Rizk Mr. Jihad Hajj chahine Dr. Layla Bader Mrs. Lea Telyani Miss Lina Karam Mr. Mahmoud Farhat Mr. Majed Kamar Miss Maydoun Mortada Mr. Mohammad Sallah Mr. Mohammad Jazieh Dr. Mohammad Rahal Mr. Mohammad Khatib Dr. Muriel Tahtouh Mrs. Nahid Chehade Mrs. Nawal Farhat Miss Nelly Hajjar Dr. Ouloum Audi Mr. Oussama Abou Mourad Miss Rania Araji Miss Reine Saab Mr. Riad Younes Mr. Rida Sayed Miss Rindala Jabbour Miss Rola Zantout Dr. Safaa Baydoun Mr. Sami Hammoud Miss Sanaa Khaled Mr. Therrar El kadri Dr. Yahia Awad Dr. ZeinElAbidine Tlais Mrs. Antoinette Nammour Miss Caroll Mounzer Dr. Elie Shbeir Mrs. Farah Zein Dr. Joumana AbouChacra Mrs. Joyce Mouawad Dr. Maha Abdallah Mrs. Mayada Slayman Mrs. Nadine Nahas Mr. Nicolas Ashkar Mrs. Nidaa Rizk Dr. Noha Ibrahim Mrs. Ramia Mukammal Dr. Rana Assaf Dr. Rina Hage Dr. Roland BouRaad Dr. Abdallah Illaik Mr. Ali Tarhini Mr. Ali Ayoub Dr. Ali Choumane Mrs. Amal Fakih Mrs. Diana Kaeen Dr. Elena Serhan Dr. Hassan Fahs Dr. Houssam Salami Mr. Hussein Fahs Mr. Kamal Lezzaik Dr. Khaled Karaki Dr. Khalil Baydoun Dr. Layal Lizaik Mr. Mahmoud Youness Dr. Mariam Akil Dr. Mohamad Abbas Mr. Mohammad Saleh Mr. Mohammad Bdeir Miss Nour Irany Miss Nure Abdallah Dr. Rami Salameh Mrs. Rola Souheil Mrs. Wafaa Hotait Mr. Yehya Bachir Dr. Zaher Khraibani Dr. Adnan Miski Dr. Ahmad Joudi Dr. Akram Cheib Mr. Ali Ezzeldine Dr. Ali Ghaddar Dr. Ali Mehanna Mrs. Amina Maarouf Mr. Ayman Halawi Mrs. Azza Arab Mr. Bassam Fneich Dr. Chadi El-Dada Dr. Dalia Khraibani Miss Dima Tajrine Miss Dima Zbib Mr. Elmoutasam Aziz Dr. Fadi Zarazir Miss Farah Rabah Dr. Firas Abdallah Mr. Hassan Mahdi Dr. Hassan Atwi Mr. Hussein Zeidan Dr. Ihab Sbeity Mr. Ihab Hedroj Mr. Imad El-Zein Dr. Jamal Nwairi Dr. Kamel Ibrahim Dr. Kassem Shmaissany Dr. Khadige Hassoun Mr. Khaldoun Chaya Miss Layal Rachid Dr. Lynn Jaafar Mr. Madrar Habbal Dr. Maher Balkis Mr. Makram HajjHassan Miss Maya Haidar Mrs. Mirna Gharib Mr. Mohammad Al-Assi Mr. Mohammad Mouazen Dr. Mohammad Hamid Miss Mona Safadi Dr. Mostafa Baba Mrs. Nabiha El-Masri Miss Nabiha Ramadan Mrs. Nancy Hallal Miss Nejme Lakiss Dr. Nibal El-Hajj Dr. Oussama Dimassi Mr. Richard Daye Miss Ritta Ibrahim Mrs. Ruba Atieh Dr. Saleh Abdulal Mrs. Saria Majzoub Mr. Shadi Daher Miss Shorouk Alissa Mrs. Sindos Zeidan Dr. Wassef Khatib Dr. Wiam Ramadan Mr. Ybirays Hernandez Mrs. Zeina Hammoud Mr. Ziad AbouAbsi Dr. Kassem Al-Bardan Mr. Yousef Al-Fahel Dr. Ahmad El-Douhaibi Dr. Ali Ali Dr. Amer Ghannoum Mrs. Anita Nader Dr. Bilal Barakeh Mrs. Damia Frangieh Mr. Dani Abi Karam Dr. Daniel Katrib Dr. Esther Ghanem Miss Fadwa Hijazi Mrs. Grace Farhat Miss Hala Abi Haidar Miss Hiba E-lCheikh Mr. Hussein Shuman Dr. Hussein Hussein Mr. Ihab Dannawi Dr. Joseph Haddad Mrs. Lama Frangieh Dr. Lina Sawan Dr. Mahmoud El-Samad Dr. Matta Matta Mr. Mohamad El-Soueissi Mr. Mohammad Ali Negro Mr. Morched El-Samad Dr. Mourtada Srour Miss Nisrine Ahdab Miss Noha Ahmad Dr. Noha Ghanem Mr. Omar Khaldi Mrs. Rana Al-Makari Miss Rita Sfeir Mr. Roger Al-Makari Miss Rola Ayoub Dr. Rym Melki Dr. Sagih Jbeily Miss Sahar Merhie Dr. Saja Borghol Mrs. Salma Abbas Mr. Talal El-Hassan Dr. Tony Khoury Miss Vicky Rizk Miss Wafa Saoud Dr. Zeina Mehyou Dr. Yousef Nasrallah Mr. Karim Amin Mrs. Amal Abdallah Dr. Ali Maouche Dr. Chafic Salameh Mrs. Rasha Dandachli Mr. Antoine Awad Dr. Mohammad Jahjah Miss Mounira Kaafarani Miss Rana Hindi Dr. Ahmad Sidawi Mr. Mohammad Hamza Mr. Hassan Jouni Advertising Arts & Science Sahar Audi Rana Deeb Khalil Ghadban Mohammad Jeldayeh Samar Makki Hassan Malli Nadine Mansour Mohammad Medaka Farah Nayef Anwar Samman Mohammad Smaysme Bilal Sultani Sawsan Abou Mansour Ziad Ajineh Sarah Al Abed Samer Al Bazzal Hadi Al Haj Hassan Maria Al Khowaier Tohama Al Qutt Layal Al Salem Ayman Alameh Assem Al Choum Mouniba Faraj Nadine Farhat Mira Fayad Ali Haidora Samah Hammoud Ahmad Hodroj Zahraa Ibrahim Aya Jaber Sarah Abou Shoushe Biochemistry Malak Zungi Sara Jibai Hussein Kaiss Rima Karaawi Elias Kello Riad Kraidieh Ryham Mansour Haytham Mostapha Lour Salloum Basma Srour Moussa Srour Hagop Terjanian Hiba Wehbi Jamal Akouch Houssam Fayoumi Samara Haddarah Amal Khalifeh Fawzia Mashmoushi Jana Medaka Kholoud Nassar Khaled Nassereddine Hussein Wehbi Biology Mohammad Wehbi Sahar Wehbi Samah Abou Jmeih Hanadi al Dahouk Suzan al Masri Ahmad Al Wodayhi Zainab Abou Ghnaim Hiba Asaad Ahmad Awada Abdel al Raheem Bark Farah Bourji Ghada Dagher Rana Darwish Hiba Edeis Aya Eid Iman Fakahani Iman Fares Fatima Hashem Fatima Ismael Soumaya Lakkis Degrees: Honor Distinguished High Distinction Arts & Science Sara Moukalled Noura Nasser Ali Rahhal Rasha Seif el Din Haneen Shaa’ban Katia Sleiman Majed Abdallah Bothayna Abou Dehn Salman Abou Ghanem Najwa Abou Ibrahim Zeinab al Atrache Layal al Bazzal Maya al Ghoussainy Haifa al Harfany Maher al Masri Fatima al Moukahal Fatima Alawieh Maya Banjak Zeinab Bazzi Mariam Berro Zeinab Bilal Mira Bourji Saeda Dadoua Hanan Etawi Marwa Ezzedine Sabrine Farhat Mayda Finianos Marwa Ftouni Rola Ghaddar Haifa Hamdan Biomedical Science Manar Zaher el Din Hanan Zeidan Fatima Hammoud Maha Hareb Mariam Hawi Fatima Hazimeh Fatima Hazimeh Mohammad Helfawi Naem Jeha Dina Kareem Mariam Katrib Malak Kharouby Rachelle Khoury Ali Mahdi Hussein Malli Chirine Mansour Sara Mayassi Sara Nasser el Din Fatima Nasser Sara Reda Chirine Saeed Wadad Salhab Kholoud Sbeity Fatima Sharaf el Din Farah Yazbeck Hamzeh Zayyoun Chemistry Abeer Zhour Maysaa Chreif Majid Darwish Ahmad Essa Lama Hachouche Fatima Mkahal Ali Nasrallah Dalia Shouman Hasan al Sousi Hazar Aman el Din Malek Jaaphar Ali Mansour Tarek Moussa Nesrine Sulleiman Degrees: Honor Distinguished High Distinction Computer Science Arts & Science Ali Srour Hassan Assaf Rami Ayach Zeinab Daher Mohammad al Kadri Lama Fakher el Din Saoud Haidar Mohammad Hamdar Rana Harb Manal Hoteit Fadlallah Kanso Ahmad Khalil Ibrahim Maarabouni Marwan Madi Ali Moukahal Fadi Namoura Alaa Raad Abeer Saed el Din Oussama Sabra Rasha Shahrour Mohammad Sharanik Mayssa Sibaii Ibrahim Tarhini Ibrahim Tarhini Anas Hajjar Nahed Saadi Louay Abou al Ezz Mohammad al Zareef Bilal al Abed Hussein Baalbaki Ola Taresh Food Science and Technology Mohammad Tarhini Mohammad Wehbi Nour al Hoda Yahfoufi Ahmad Yassine Graphic Design Hiba Abbani Mathilda Abou Haidar Mohammad Akram Ibo Mohammad al Alty Zeinab al Assaad Wassim al Habbash Mariam al Hawli Sara al Houjairy Hassan al Housseini Fida al Jead Samah al Keddeh Jack al Khoury Farah al Mouzain Ali al Souheil Wissam al Tabbah Reem Ali Reema Amer Rouba Aoun Joseph Attal Mahdi Awada Sanaa Ayoub Adham Bader Ali Barakat Mohammad Barakat Farah Boutary Rodine Dalal Ahmad Dannan Ghazal Deeb Khodor Ellaik Batoul Fawaz Zahraa Fneish Abdallah Ghoul Thatiana Gomes Silva Hachem Samir Haddad Wael Hajj Ibrahim Degrees: Honor Distinguished High Distinction Arts & Science Rola Halabi Rasha Hijazy Rami Hoballah Charlene Issa Soulaima Kaawi Nawda Kaddoura Mohammad Kamar al Din Dima Kassar Jana Khaldieh Rami Khraizat Kevork Kojayan Rami Krayem Nada Loubani Majd Ammar Rawan Makki Mariam Masri Nawal Masri Zeinab Masri Ali Mawla Nayrouz Meslem Farah Mourad Malak Moussa Farima Mtayrik Khuzma Nour el Din Jean Marc Rahme Reem Saeed Hoda Safie el Din Reem Sami Saeed Mohammad Shehadi Salaheddine Sidani Rita Souied Abir Taleb Mariam Ziyade Mohammad al Hajj Sajida al Moussa Roukaya Ismail Houssam Saleh Kassem Sbeity Information Technology Louay Abo el Ezz Hadil Badran Hassan Jahjah Ahmad Khalil Mohammad Khobeiz Walid Omar Mostapha al Bouz Zeinab Daher Khodour Jabali Abdallah Kahil Rasha Rajeh Interior Design Mohammad Siblani Youssef Tarraf Fatima Wehbi Aya al Abdallah Lama al Banna Wael al Bizri Zeina al Hassan Sleiman Ali Dina Ani Assaad Assaad Nour Atieh Rana Atieh Shant Aynilian Omar Ayoub Chirine Ayoub Mostapha Azzam Dina Baghdadi Hussein Ballout Samer Baydoun Farah Chaaban Lara Chahine Chirine Arajii Malak Daher Malak Daher Hussein Darbasani Hanine Dasouki Sara Farhat Degrees: Honor Distinguished High Distinction Arts & Science Bouthaina Ghandour Faten Ghandour Shadia Hajj Ralph Hajji Rabih Hamad Shaymaa Hammoud Chahnaz Hammoudi Ali Harbi Naseem Hijazi Hassan Hissi Ahmad Iskandarani Nabila Jaaphar Yasmine Karnib Inaam Khalifeh Ola Khazzal Fatima Kiblawi Iman Kolkas Souhair Mallah Riham Mansour Nadine Mokbel Arwa Mozan Mahmoud Nasale Riham Nehme Hassan Nour el Din Hind Obeid Alaa Osman Reem Reslan Suad Rifai Mohammad Saleh Ahmad Selek Arman Sherbetjian Najwa Shour Ahmad Sleem Areej Wehbe Marwa Yassine Fatima Zeitoun Journalism Ali Akil Suzan Chmeis Zeinab Koeik Rami Krayem Ali Arwi Abeer Charara Batoul Doulani Mohamad Hareb Soha Hashem Mohammad Hoinaini Dalia Karaky Chadia Kobeissi Abeer Naser el Din Sana Sbeity Mathematics May Hashem Walaa Rachid Zahraa Abdallah Rola Abdul aal Marwa Abu Abdo Rola al Ameen Sally al Moussa Farah al Sayegh Ahmad Berro Hana Dada Amani Darwish Mona Fakhro Amani Jbara Firas Kaedibi Fatima Kassem Batoul Kourany Sabrine Majdalani Enaya Mhaidly Zeina Olaby Rasha Saeed Degrees: Honor Distinguished High Distinction Arts & Science Lina Saleh Lobna Sawan Soha Tahan Abdul Baset Yassine Rima Youness Sahar Zabad Israa Abdel Rida Sahar Abou Abbass Hiba Abou Fakher Iman Akkash Amal al Ammari Aiesha al Choum Nasab al Eter Souad al Ghezzawi Katia al Haddad Dina al Hajj Manal al Hajj Zeinab al Hajj Zeinab al Hajj Hanan al Housseini Diana al Jawhary Maya al Karsifi Rita al Malt Rafah Mekkawi Sally al Nazar Joanna al Otari Christina al Rahbanny Rofaida al Saudi Fatima al Sayed Saja al Shamy Sekna Attiah Nasser Hammad Ayat Mortada Nutrition & Dietetics Maya Zeidan Zouheir Baayoun Nahed al Shareef Fatima Alameh Mariam Alwan Rana Amer Salam Amer Malak Annan Nesrine Antar Lara Assi Rasha Atwi Zeinab Atwi Sara Awada Soumaya Ayashe Rola Ayoub Inass Azizeh Fatima Berjawi Reem Berro Hala Chahine Taghreed Daibes Maya Dakik Zeinab Dakroub Nermine Danab Silvana Delbani Riham Doughaish Maya Ezz el Din Rouwaida Ezz el Din Hiba Faour Salwa Farghal Ghaidaa Fawaz Marwa Ghandour Youwanna Ghossayn Salma Ghosson Sophia Hachem Farah Hachem Dania Hamade Haifaa Hammoud Fatima Hattab Degrees: Honor Distinguished High Distinction Arts & Science Ghida Hodroj Alaa Ismail Alaa Issa Maha Issa Sara Itani Nadine Jaaphar Sally Joumaa Nagham Jouni Nour Kaadan Farah Kalakech Fatima Kamal el Din Fadia Kaouk Diana Karrit Batoul Kassar Batoul Kassir Khadija Kassir Ola Kdouh Sara Kdouh Saria Kerdi Amani Khalifeh Fatima Kiblawi Fatima Kobeissi Asmaa Majzoub Razan Makki Christina Mansour Alaa Mekkawi Nadine Mokbel Hiba Mouzzanar Hawraa Nasser el Din Douaa Nour el Din Nadine Omeis Hassan Osseili Farah Bazzoun Fatima Rezeq Taghreed Sabbah Ghadeer Saeed Mariyana Samhar Samah Sawli Sara Shahrour Iman Sharanik Jana Skafi Rasha Sleiman Jana Slika Sanaa Srour Sara Taj el Din Hiyam Taresh Islam Waked Zeina Yehya Zeinab Zaher Malak Zeidan Hiba Zein el Din Gheid Zreik Rihab Zreik Nour Zreim Taymour Assaf Marwa Solh Sondos Yassine Physics Mirna Zunjit Rola Kombarji Nada Shaaban Ghoffrane Tarhini Samar Zeitoun Public Relations Diala al Hajj Nour Rabah Hassan Abou Okdeh Mohammad al Hajj Rayan al Rozz Yamen Arbid Mona Bazzi Maysoun Hussein Degrees: Honor Distinguished High Distinction Arts & Science Hiba Ismail Ali Jaber Samar Kamal el Din Ghina Majed Luna Sinno Tamara Tahtah Rose Rezeq Radio and TV Farah Zahwi Diana al Bazzal Abdallah al Khatib Zeinab Berjawi Nagham Bou Ghanem Fatima Debek Adeeb Farhat Yehya Fidewe Mohammad Ghadban Rola Hamdan Hussein Harb Dalia Jaber Joud Khaldieh Hiba Khalil Raghed Majed Sylvana Mawla Mona Monzer Rola Reslan Rayan Kammoun Translation and Interpretation Fatima Abbass Aya al Bitar Rania al Haddad Camilia al Marou Fatima al Mawed Batoul al Taweel Zeinab Alayan Sara Anani Hanan Assaf Leila Atwe Aseel Baher Rania Basma Fadi Dabbas Ali Daher Zahraa Deeb Douaa Fahos Eliyane Falah Ahmad Ghazleh Hanine Habli Nour Kassem Mona Kawtharani Reem Koteich Ghina Mansour Ali Menhem Zeinab Moughabat Mariam Nour el Din Khalida Omais Zahraa Sabra Mohammad Wehbi Fatima Mowed Degrees: Honor Distinguished High Distinction School of Business In the spirit of continuous growth and improvement, and to better focus on actions to move forward, the School of Business remains highly influenced by LIU Strategic Plan and its guiding principles. It is important to confirm that the School of Business Plans support the University’s Plans, aspirations and goals. It is equally important to bear in mind that the accomplishment of the School of Business plans is directly linked to the magnitude these plans are supported by top management priorities and convictions. The achievements of the School of Business during the scholastic year 2010/2011 were highly affected by the opportunities and challenges the School has faced, and virtually LIU at large. The following list reflects these accomplishments: • Qualified faculty members were employed to meet the academic growth and development of the School; the total number now stands at around 180 faculty members • A new concentration at the MBA level was introduced, namely Islamic Finance, to meet the emerging opportunities in the banking sector in Lebanon. • School of Business Catalogue was restructured to become consistent with other schools’ catalogues. • School of Business curricula were updated to meet the developments in the field of Business Administration. This included the introduction of a course on International cuisine in the Hospitality and Tourism domain with kitchen facilities • A list of hospitality students with their CVs was built for recruiting purposes. In fact, personal contacts were resorted to and many students were employed. • The Hospitality and Tourism club was formed at LIU. It is anticipated that its activities will enhance enrolment in the Hospitality and Tourism domain. These steps will serve to ameliorate the standing and unremitting progression of the School of Business. They will set the basis for the School’s continuing plans, which include but are not limited to expanded research, establishing exchange programs and partnerships, further development of curricula, and establishing a Business Training Center that will fund participating faculty and support conferences and research projects. Dr. Wajdi Naaman Dean of Business Faculty of Business Mr. AbdelMajid Rafihi Mr. Abdul Nasser Sharafeddine Dr. Abdulhassan Haidar Mr. Abed Houssami Mr. Adeeb Eit Mr. Ahmad Farroukh Mr. Alain Renno Dr. Ali Tarabay Dr. Ali Audi Mr. Ali Zbeeb Mr. Antoine Accaoui Dr. Antoine Naggear Miss Assala Ollaik Dr. Assem Hammoud Mr. Bassam Tarhini Mr. Bassel Rihan Mr. Bilal Jibai Mrs. Carol Fayed Dr. Chukri Akhras Dr. Darwish Baisiri Miss Diala Yassine Mrs. Farah Oueini Miss Fatima Tfaili Mr. Fouad Ghazzaoui Mr. Georges Abkar Miss Ghina Tabash Mr. Haissam Lakiss Miss Haneen Najem Mrs. Hanin Al-Fakih Mr. Hasan Badreddine Mr. Hassan Zaatari Mr. Hassan Kabalan Mr. Hassan Nasereddine Mr. Hayan Assi Miss Hiba Naccache Mrs. Hiba Hajj Mr. Houssam Soubra Mr. Ibrahim Baghdadi Mr. Izzat Ramadan Dr. Johnny Farah Mr. Kamal Nassar Mr. Kamal Diab Miss Khulud Khatib Miss Layal Iskandarani Mrs. Maha HajjOmar Mrs. Maisa Al-Mardini Mr. Malek Nayfeh Dr. Manal Khalil Mr. Maroun Aouad Dr. May Hammoud Mr. Mohamad El-Labban Mr. Mohammad El-Hajj Mrs. Nadine El-Haddad Mr. Naji Ayoub Mr. Nicola Mansour Mr. Nour Rachkidi Mrs. Pauline Lakkis Mr. Raafat Ouwayda Mr. Rabih El-Jammal Mr. Rajab Ghandour Mr. Rami Marhaba Dr. Ramzi Fanous Miss Rania Karam Dr. Rashid El-Takash Mr. Raymond Akiki Mr. Refaat Abdalla Dr. Rima Abouchedid Dr. Rola Assaf Dr. Sahar Alam Mr. Salim Haidar Mr. Salim Timani Miss Samah Haidar Ahmad Mrs. Samar Noaman Dr. Samer Tout Mrs. Samia Eid Miss Sandra Ghosn Mrs. Sarah Firikh Mrs. Sarah Itani Dr. Tarek Hachem Miss Therese Haddad Dr. Tony Karam Dr. Tony Rahi Miss Wafica Al-Ghoul Dr. Wajdi Naaman Mr. Wajih Mikati Dr. Waleed Akar Miss Wissame Hassoun Miss Abir Abouhamdan Miss Abir Houchaimi Mr. Ahmed Bakri Mr. Ali El-Sabbahi Mr. Chafic Saidi Dr. Elie Maalouf Mr. Fadi Ghosn Dr. Georges Karouni Miss Ghaithaa Mokdad Mr. Hanna Maalouf Mr. Hassan Saraya Mr. Hicham Jundi Mr. Housam Ghadban Mrs. Krestel Khalaf Mr. Madi Jarouch Dr. Maher Abou hamad Mr. Mustafa Mourad Mrs. Naji Rifai Miss Ola Saleh Miss Raghida Araji Mrs. Rola Estephane Dr. Samir Khayyat Mr. Wissam Sawaya Mr. Antoine Mazraany Dr. Graziella Hobeika Mr. Joseph Saba Mr. Abbas Issa Mr. Ali Salami Mrs. Dalia Yassine Mrs. Fatima Mzannar Miss Hanan Jaffal Mr. Hassan Houmani Dr. Iyad Bardan Mr. Mohammad Makki Mr. Nizar El-Laz Mr. Abdo Zoughaib Mr. Ahmad El-Hajjar Mr. Ali Serhan Miss Dina Darwish Mrs. Fatina Siblani Mr. Gaby Saliba Mr. Habib Awada Mr. Hasan Youness Mr. Hassan Jabak Mr. Hussein Rammal Mrs. Kifah Charaf Miss Lina Bassam Mr. Mazen Fawaz Dr. Mohamad Sabbah Dr. Mohamad Issa Mr. Mohamad Kassem Dr. Mohammad El-hajj Mr. Wafic El-Baba Mr. Walid Barakat Mrs. Zeina Majzoub Mr. Ali Aoun Mr. Antoine Kheir Mrs. Claudia Ayoubi Mrs. Diala El-Khoury Mr. Hamza Obeid Dr. Khalil Ghazzaoui Mr. Mohammad Tout Dr. Randa Sharafeddine Miss Rania Jabbour Miss Reem Kabbara Miss Sara Chahine Mrs. Souad Abboud Mrs. Teresa Yamine Accoutning Informatio Systems Business Rola Abou Salem Ajwad Al Banna Fatima Al Sayed Fatima Assaf Abdullatif Bakri Hassan Barakat Ahmad Berjawi Hassan Chahla Hana Dada Paul Dergani Hiba Fadllallah Nancy Fakih Mohammad Farhat Norma Ghanem Amal Hajj Omar Esraa› Hammoud Ahmad Houjeij Alaa› Houssein Baraa Jarrah Rola Kaddoura Khaled Kassak Hussein Khamis Ahmad Kharroubi Haitham Khodeir Aous Lakkis Fatima Menhem Lamise Morsel Hussein Msheik Raouf Nour el Din Ahmad Raychouni Marwa Salami Georges Samarany Nour Wehbe Mohammad al Hafi Rami Awwad Ali Daamoushl Ragheb Dbaissy Banking and Finance Ali Abboud Ahmad Abdallah Mariam Abdallah Maya Abdeen Firas Abed el Ghafour Nesrine Abed el Hadi Nada Abed el Kareem Helwi Abou Hammine Aisha Abou Saleh Lyliane Abou Khalil Rania Ajineh Ali Akhdar Jocelyne Akroush Rasha al Ali Hanan al Ashmar Issam al Baba Lama al Fares Amani al Farou Amin al Ghareeb Nancy al Hajj Siham al Halabi Rebecca al Hosry Malak al Khansa Zeinab al Kharsa Rabih al Khatib Walid al Khatib Marwa al Khayat Sara al Masri Sahar al Sayed Walaa al Sayed Fakhry al Siblani Sary al Souky Mohammad al Zein Nader al Zoer Radi al Zouhby Ashraf Ali Degrees: Honor Distinguished High Distinction Business Fatima Amhaz Dania Antar Dania Aoudi Mohammad Araji Wedian Araji Soltan Asadi Fatima Assaad Albert Assoghlian Tony Atallah Rasha Atwi Aya Awada Jad Awada Mohammad Ayash Ali Ayoub Farah Ayoub Maya Ayyad Joe Badawi Wissam Baflani Maisaa Baker Ali Bazzi Hanin Beiz Soukina Bitar Inaam Bizri Vera Bou Diab Firas Bourji Hussein Chehab Wissam Chourayki Reina Dabbousi Ebtisam Dakwar Reema Dally Petra Dham Hanin Diab Lama Estephane Marwan Fadel Samah Fadel Zeina Fahes Maya Fakih Dana Faour Ali Farhat Farah Fathallah Mohammad Fawal Ahmad Fayad Nour Fayad Walid Friwat Abeer Ghamrawi Dalia Gharib Mariam Ghazzal Gary Gizirian Lama Haddar Abdallah Haitham Rola Halawi Ahmad Hamadani Jana Hamdache Maysoun Hamdar Saeed Hamieh Mohsen Hammoud Sara Hammoudy Reem Hamzeh Romy Hanna Amena Hareb Nadine Hatoum Sara Hijazi Sinar Hmdedeh Amira Homayssi Hanadi Hoteit Christine Houry Mohammad Houry Hanaa Husseiny Nathalie Ishak Abbass Jaber Jamal Jarbouh Hiba Jradi Degrees: Honor Distinguished High Distinction Business Diana Kaadan Asmahan Kamar el Din Farah Kanso Chadi Karbala Hussein Kashmar Rasha Kassab Laurine Kassamanian Hiba Kawar Rami Kazak Mohammad Kdouh Margritte Keshishian Amani Khalil Kawthar Khalil Dounia Khraibany Nayri Krouzian Mahdi Mahdi Mohammad Mahdi Samah Majed Intisar Malaeb Nohma Malaeb Reema Manana Maher Masri Dania Massoud Riham Matar Joe Matta Merhi Merhi Fadi Mikhael Mohammad Mohsen Mahdi Mohsen Akil Sara Moukalled Kholoud Mokdad Lama Mokdad Tarab Monzer Mirna Morsel Mohammad Mourad Riham Nader Maha Najem Malak Naser el Din Hiba Nour el Din Hussein Ossairan Malak Pejman Aya Rifaei Mohammad Saad Asmaa Saad Mahdi Saleh Marwa Samad Sara Samad Walid Samaili Manal Sattout Bilal Shouman Alaa el Din Sidawi Hiba Sifawi Sandy Sleiman Mouetaz Soubjaki Ghazwa Tarazi Ahmad Tarraf Mariam Wayzani Hussein Yassine Saria Yassine Jihan Yassin Dit al Sayed Nadine al Akhras Sally al Chahrouk Marwa al Khayat Dit Sabbouri Jaaphar Atayah Ibrahim Bitar Laurine Chaalan Sahar Youness Esraa Zakaria Adham Zein el Din Abeer Dagher Mona Ezz el Din Sara Fneish Hassan Ghamloush Rateb Joumaa Dounya Khraibani Rida Khreis Mohammad Mouana Degrees: Honor Distinguished High Distinction Amani Abbass Layal Abbass Ali Abdel Nabi Maen Abou Assi Monther Abou Daib Assil Abou Khaled Leila Abou Mrad Mohammad Abou Zeinab Bassel al Aryan Rabih al Ashkar Zeina al Ayoubi Ghithana al Ghareeb Lama al Jurdi Souha al Kara Leila al Kumaim Mohammad al Majzoub Feryal al Noun Houssam al Sabeh Kassem al Sheikh Mohammad al Tawil Abdel Kareem Allo Bahaa Aridi Dana Ashour Sadek Awada Mohammad Baalbacki Farah Badran Aseel Baher Israa Ballouk Mohammad Ballout Pascale Bannout Ghina Basma Ibrahim Bitar Majida Bohson Jinan Chalhoub Patricia Chammai Ahmad Chmeiseh Business Management Business Ali Darwish Diana Debes Amani Diab Aseel Dimachk Mounifa Eidi Rana Eidi Salem Fakher el Din Amro Fakih Alaa Farhat Maysaa Farhat Lamis Farran Ahmad Gharamti Mohammad Ghoson Fatima Hareb Flavia Harrouz Ibrahim Hawila Mazen Hijazi Fatima Hochaimi Mohammad Ibrahim Mohammad Ibrahim Ali Issa Ziad Jaber Aya Jahjah Hadi Jamal Ihab Jawhari Mohammad Jbayli Kholoud Kaddoura Layal Kaddoura Sara Kadiri Hussein Kamar Mohammad Kassab Mohammad Kataish Rana Khalil Ruba Khalil Ahmad Khatib Rasha Maarabouni Degrees: Honor Distinguished High Distinction Business Farah Mahdi Samer Mahmoud Anis Makki Sawsan Matar Inas Merhi Israa Moghnieh Douaa Mohammad Reem Mohsen Mostapha Mostapha Mohammad Mourad Amal Mshawrab Aya Muslemani Ezz el Din Nahouli Nour Nasser el Din Fouadi Nassar Mohammad Ossaily Marlene Reslan Ahmad Saaed Rami Sabayoun Maya Safadieh Emma Salha Nahed Shaaban Ahmad Shalha Kassem Shmeis Zoheir Sibaii Ahmad Sultani Saleem Taan Ahmad Taha Yolanda Tamer Mohammad Tawil Hassan Traboulsi Sara Wahab Leila Wehbi Alissar Yassine Remie Zbeeb Rasha Zeitoun Economics Eliane Zwain Hospitality and Tourism Massoud al Shaer Salma Alinein Nader al Shareef Fadel Arab Assaad Assaad Mohammad Atallah Ibrahim Ayoub Ola Badran Rami Darazi Ahmad Ghaleb Ali Hamdan Hassan Hamdani Hazzar Hawshar Nesrine Jawhar Samah Khalifeh Hiba Mahfouz Sarine Manissalian Hassan Melhem Mohammad Mouazzen Ali Naser el Din Ali Abou al Hassan Lynne Akoum Mohammad Assaf Adham Dagher Marie Fakhoury Mohammad Harb Majeeda Saed Saed Sahadi Malak Shehab Hassib Shmaisany Degrees: Honor Distinguished High Distinction Business Mariam Abbass Zeinab Abbass Ahmad Akawi Saeed al Hajj Ali Hiba Arzouni Hussein Arzouni Antoinette Ayoub Mohammad Bekaee Sulaiman Fawaz Milad Ghandour Abdul Lateef Ghareeb Bahaa Ghobar Safaa Hanjoul Rana Harb Nemer Jaber Hassan Kaddouh Fatima Kesserwan Mohammad Khazaal Mohammad Lawand Aisha Merheb Farah Mouawia Mohammad Muti Ali Nakar Ali Rafei Rafah Rammal Mohammad Saleh Hassan Sbeity Hanan Shahrour Dalia Sleiman Mohammad Zinati International Business Management Amer Hmaidany Mariam Kobrosli Hadeel Mroueh Saed Safadi Management Information Systems Khaled al Ezzi Farah Badran Majida Bahsoun Mohammad Loutfi Sader Abboud Shadi Abdallah Mohammad Abou Merhi Mostapha al Hussein Nouh al Khatib Elias al Khawand Hadaya al Rida Salwa al Souki Abbass al Zein Ibrahim al Zein Bassam Alam el Din Mohammad Alloul Fadel Badr el Din Ghinwa Bou Shakra Ali Daher Ragheb Dbaissi Jamal Fadl Allah Hassan Fahes Wadeih Farhat Ali Haidar Houssam Haidar Ahmad Hamdan Hiba Hammoud Abbass Harb Ghadir Ibrahim Abd el Rahman Ismail Mohammad Jabakhanji Ahmad Jammoul Amena Kohonli Hassan Makki Degrees: Honor Distinguished High Distinction Business Sary Malaeb Hilal Merabi Fatima Merhie Ali Meslmani Saaed Mostapha Mohammad Moubarak Hanine Moukalled Ali Olleik Ali Rida Ali Sabra Hassan Saida Alaa Saleem Ziad Abou Taha Mahdi Akil Ahmad al Allaf Israa Hammoud Nour Hashisho Ali Hijazi Maamoun Salhab Hussein Shahshoush Amal Wayzani Omar Abdallah Taghreed Abed el Sater Houssam Abou Hamdan Bassam Abou Saeed Ola Abou el Hoson Houssam Adwan Lynne Akoum Tamara al Fayoumi Hala al Meer Sawsan al Rifai Inas al Sayed Mirna al Sayed Marketing Ahmad Karaki Kamel Karami Alaa al Sayegh Rola Andary Farah Andary Imad Bou Khazem Zaher Braidy Rawan Chwey Loubna Ezz el Din Zeinab Farhat Alfred Flayhan Ahmad Ghandour Ayat Habib Ali Harkous Mohammad Ibrahim Jaaphar Issa Farah Kahil Mostapha Khaled Fatima Khalife Mohammad Majzoub Nermine Iskandarani Mashoud Mariam Osman Diana Sharanek Ihab Taha Amal Youness Sally Zaher MBA in Business Management Sameh al Jamal Hassan Awada Aya Hamwi Sahar Khaled Samar Tarhini Nadine Abd el Khalek Lama al Ghazzawi Khaled al Majzoub Fatima Barada Roudy Daoud Nesrine Haraka Degrees: Honor Distinguished High Distinction Business Fatima al Ghadban Rania Baltagi Zeina Chames el Din MBA in Finance Ghada Kalakesh Ribal Nouwayhed Mohammad Abdouni Toufic al Kamand Maude al Masri Rabih Bekaaii Alaa Itani Ali Kabalan Zeinab Mansour Najat Mourad Mohammad Saleh Jamil Touma Mohammad Wehbi Ihsan Zaher el Din Mohammad Diab Miriana Hamadi Ali Wehbe Rami Awwad Faisal Darwish Hanan Faraj Dania Tani Issa Mohammad Khalil Sahar Najem Mohammad Amhaz Zeina Haidar Hiba Itani MBA in MBA in HR Marketing Management Hamad Akil Ibrahim Barakat Batoul Haidar Zeinab Ibrahim Rabih Naamani Saeed Touma Adham Zein el Din Hala Hallak Hadi Kassamani MBA in Management Information Systems Ahmad Nassar Tanya Shahine Ayman Edelbi Hala Hallak Hussein Mahdi Degrees: Honor Distinguished High Distinction School of Education My dear colleagues and students, Spring semester at LIU always brings with it a renewed sense of purpose; Sophomore students have just completed their first year. Junior students have just completed their transition year. Senior students have just completed their career plans. Congratulations and good luck in life. What does LIU’s School of Education service support? LIU’s School of Education has set its sight on developing leaders in education by promoting academic excellence as it prepares professional educators to possess attitudes and dispositions that reflect a devotion to teaching and learning and to have the leadership skills to promote continuous improvement of the educational systems in which they work. Partnerships with local private schools and institutions in Lebanon provide our students a boon in their teaching careers as they get an on hand experience of classroom teaching and classroom management within a context of a real school setting with all the challenges and opportunities associated with it. Our short period of preparing teachers and community educators in 2010 was well underway with around 23 out of 55 student-teachers presently working in leading schools across Lebanon after graduating from the School in 2010. In the past 10 months between October 2010 and June 2011, the School of Education set a broad array of initiatives to better support faculty and student success and satisfaction. These include a series of in-house workshops that tackled the latest state of the art teaching means such as the Strategies of Teaching to Information Communication Technology (ICT) administered by international recognized trainers from the Middle East and the United States. A major goal of the School of Education was the enhancement and improvements of its curriculums across the undergraduate and MA programs to meet the demands and needs of the education sector through intensive meetings among qualified faculty. I am extremely proud of the Faculty’s continued dedication to the mission of the School by striving to model lifelong learning and generating knowledge to improve student opportunity, achievement, and success. By renewing our commitment to our mission, the School of Education at LIU will demonstrate excellence in the educational practice and management. Warm regards, Dr. Anwar Kawtharani Dean of Education Faculty of Education Mrs. Abeer Aboushakra Mrs. Abir Suleiman Mr. Afif Hijazi Miss Amal Osseili Dr. Anwar Kawtharani Mrs. Asma Tellawi Ghandour Dr. Atef Awwad Dr. Bassima Ibrahim Mrs. Diana El-Rida Mrs. Dina Shouman Dr. Elias Shoufani Dr. Fatima Ossaily Dr. Fayez Kaiss Dr. Georget Haddad Miss Ghada Awada Dr. Hamad Kawash Miss Hana Ibrahim Mrs. Hanadi Mirza Dr. Hoda Bibi Dr. Ibrahim Baltagi Mrs. Ikbal Noureddine Miss Intisar Jaber Mr. Issam Hatoum Dr. Kerstin Eisert Mrs. Laila Hamwi Miss Leila Khalil Mrs. Leila Ibrahim Dr. Lina Zeitoun Mrs. Loubna Orra Dr. M Abou Ali Dr. Magdy Hammad Mrs. Maha Tarabay Dr. Manal Tahhan Miss Marcella Awad Mrs. Mariam Faraj Miss May Dalle Dr. May Shamseddine Mr. Mazen AbdelKhalek Dr. Mohamad Awad Mr. Mohammed Al-Amine Mrs. Myrna Abdallah Mrs. Nabila Osseiran Miss Nadine Joudi Mrs. Nadine Jaafarawi Dr. Najla Rafeh Mrs. Nisreen Jabr Miss Norma Kreidi Dr. Oussama Shaaban Mrs. Raneem Al-Khatib Miss Rasha Halat Mrs. Reem Antably Mrs. Reem Rafeh Dr. Sadek Maki Mr. Salam Atwi Mrs. Samar Sabeh Aion Dr. Samir Kabrit Dr. Sanaa Nehme Dr. Sanaa Rafeh Mrs. Sawsan Sidani Dr. Siham Hassan Miss Soumaya Blaik Dr. Stephanie Accaoui Mrs. Tamara Khishen Mr. Wassim Abou Yassine Dr. Yousra Mazeh Mrs. Zahida Rahal Miss Zeina Beaini Miss Alessandra Chammas Miss Amal Farhat Miss Arpa Snabian Mrs. Diala Khatib Miss Diana Dassouki Miss Doaa Ibrahim Mrs. Fatima Kassem Miss Ghada Ahmad Mrs. Hala Hashem Mrs. Inaam Darwish Miss Katia Etre Miss Khulud Ghneim Miss Lara Kassem Miss Nabiha Khatib Miss Nariman Araji Miss Rana Hamieh Dr. Saad Kammouni Dr. Sami Abou shahine Dr. Samy Abdunnur Miss Waad Slieman Miss Zeinab Jarrouch Mrs. Diana Hariri Mrs. Leila Rahbani Mr. Maroun Rahi Miss Carmen Hammady Mrs. Fawziah Tarhini Mrs. Hanadi Diab Mrs. Khadija Ghosein Mr. Khaled Sabbagh Mrs. Lina Fahs Mrs. Ola Sbeity Mr. Sameh Kobeissi Miss Sohair Koubar Mrs. Zeinab Hachem Mrs. Abeer Chaaban Dr. Adel Sakakini Mr. Ahmad Zahabi Dr. Akram Hamadeh Dr. Asaad Naderi Dr. Claudia Hassan Dr. Eman Bikai Mrs. Fahima Murad Dr. Halime El_Kaakour Dr. Hassana Ballouly Mrs. Ibtisam Zaatari Dr. Jamal Quadoura Miss Joumana Bassyouni Mr. Kassem Al-Kadri Miss Lana Nassab Dr. Loubna Aboumelhem Miss Loubna Nehme Mr. Lutfi Hamedeh Mr. Maan Al-Mohamad Miss Manal El-Saeed Miss Mardia Taan Mrs. Mariam Hankir Mr. Mohamad Suleiman Dr. Natalia Nekrasova Miss Natalie Manneh Mrs. Nawal Ayoub Miss Nermeen Naderi Miss Rajaa Atieh Miss Rasha Hammoud Miss Roudaina Doukmak Dr. Sahar Alameh Miss Soukaina Kassir Dr. Tharwat Dabaja Miss Zahia Sayad Dr. Zeina Dbouk Mrs. Angelique Fallah Mrs. Angie Murad Miss Carla Matta Dr. Hasna Finianos Mrs. Lina Amanatallah Mrs. Lina Ghazal Mrs. Maya Antoun Dr. Nadia El-Tal Miss Rose Saba Miss Roudayna Osman Mrs. Yolla Khoury Batoul Ezz el Din Maha Hijazi Alia Mekdad Fudda Mohsen Tamar Keusseyan Woroud al Ajami Lamise al Haje Reem al Halabi Shadia al Halabi Israa al Zoughbi Sara Ghanem Sasha Ghoson Kawthar Hachem Farah Hallab Manal Islambouli Jian Jaafil Najlaa Jaafil Zahraa Jaafil Rana Khatib Nemaat Khreis Nesrine Moussa Sara Nsouly Marlene Olabi English Teaching Diploma Language in Education & Literature Nancy Accaoui Diana al Sen Chirine al Sousi Julia Assaad Maisa Ayash Tamam Chebli Early Childhood Education Education Rawaa Abdallah Amal al Dah Rola Iskandarani Mona Oueini Teaching English as a Foreign Language Saria Renco Rola Shamy Fawzieh Tarhini Lina Abdallah Lina Abdallah Zeinab Akhdar Aya Akkawi Lama al Darwish Ghenwa al Deeb Zeinab Al Hariri Nagham Al Kanawti May Assaf Samah Atieh Iman Awad Julia Bibi Armig Boyadijian Rami Elia Sahar Farhat Fatima Haidar Zeinab Hariri Hiba Jawad Dina Ma›asarani Marwa Mahmoud Watfa Moussa Nohad Obeid Zeinab Smaily Sara Tabikh Layal Zeidan Maya Awada Rawan Ghoson Degrees: Honor Distinguished High Distinction Hind Abou Chahine Mariam Ajram Maya Hallak Abeer Mahdi Leila Manasfi Souha Rajeb Nada Bitar Farah Hammoud Nadia Kandil Maters in Education Management Education Degrees: Honor Distinguished High Distinction School of Engineering The goals of undergraduate and graduate education in engineering are first to prepare graduates to contribute to engineering practice by learning from professional obligations; and second, to provide a base for lifelong learning and professional development in support of growing career objectives. These goals identify that engineers, who move into diverse job assignments either in engineering or in management, need permanent education. In general, an undergraduate engineering curriculum is not intended to prepare the student for a meticulous job in a particular industry, as gaining explicit skills in the engineering practices of a given company requires on-the-job experience best gained through a specialized apprenticeship. Hence the undergraduate curricula along with the graduate curricula should primarily provide a base for lifelong learning. The School of Engineering has made strides in setting the stage for lifelong learning, as seen in these developments: • With profound support from the president, the School has hired forty nine full-time faculty members since the 2005-2006 academic year • The School of Engineering supports faculty members through paidabsence during the summer to perform research abroad, either through a memorandum of understanding with international institutions, or through personal relationships with international institutions • The School of Engineering supports PhD students supervised by LIU faculty members, by offering the students teaching opportunities with flexible and minimum hours of work • There is full support from the university regarding international scientific tasks, including airline tickets habitation and early conference fees. This has motivated faculty to publish articles in certified journals and conferences under the name of the university; with 20 publications bearing the university’s name during the 2010-2011 academic year • Senior projects and masters theses have received a special attention from the School and the administration alike. This year, the university supported and funded several projects such as the design and construction of hydropower plant model, and the design and construction of solar thermal power plant • In order to prepare engineers for experimentation with the aid of new technologies, the School of Engineering will have established , by fall 20112012, labs across most LIU campuses; namely Mechanical Engineering labs for the Tripoli and Saida campuses Dr. Hisham El Hage Dean of Engineering Faculty of Engineering Mr. Abedelhaleem Zarzour Dr. Adel Daaboul Dr. Alaa Ghaith Dr. Ali Abdallah Dr. Ali Shaer Dr. Ali Hafiz Dr. Ali Al-Ghouwayel Dr. Ali Shaito Dr. Ali Fawaz Dr. Ali Thabet Dr. Ali Jibawy Dr. Ali Osheiba Dr. Amin Haj Ali Dr. Ayman Khalil Dr. Ehab El-Attar Dr. Farid Khalil Dr. Farouk Hachem Mrs. Faten Ghazzawi Dr. Hadi Jaafar Dr. Hasan Bazzi Dr. Hayssam El-Hajj Dr. Hisham El-Hajj Dr. Hussein Kain Dr. Hussein Kassem Mr. Hussein Rammal Dr. Hussein Hijazi Dr. Hussein Sharafeddin Dr. Jaafar Sleiman Dr. Jamal Charara Dr. Jamal Mustapha Dr. Jihad Sidawi Dr. Karam Sharafeddine Mrs. Lara Hamawy Dr. Mahmoud Khaled Dr. Marwan Fahs Dr. Mohamad Aoude Dr. Mohamad Malli Dr. Mohamad HajjHassan Dr. Mohammad Abboud Dr. Mohammad Krisht Mrs. Nahida Abdullah Dr. Najib Fadlallah Mr. Oussama Mustapha Dr. Rani Makke Mr. Riad Sawan Dr. Rodrigue Elias Dr. Rola Sammoura Dr. Samih Abdulnabi Mr. Samir Mansour Dr. Tarek Faour Dr. Walid Hassan Dr. Walid Al-Kaakour Mr. Youssef Charkieh Dr. Zaher Merhi Dr. Ziad Hamdan Dr. Zouhair Bazzal-El Dr. Zouheir Kanafani Dr. Ahmad Mehiedeen Dr. Bilal Ghazal Mr. Deeb Shranik Mr. Hisham Baalbaki Mr. Jihad Farhat Dr. Khalid Khatib Dr. Rani Rizk Dr. Shadi Abdallah Dr. Youssef AbouMsallem Dr. Assadour Khanjian Dr. Jean Tabet Dr. Hassan Shraim Mr. Ali Fawaz Mr. Abdelrazzak Merheb Dr. Ahmad Haddad Dr. Amani Raad Dr. Chadi Nohra Dr. George Challita Dr. Louay El-Soufi Miss Rola Osta Mr. Jawad Chahine Communication Engineering Rawia Abadi Sami Abbass Ali Abdallah Ali Abdallah Ameer Abou Hojailly Adham Abou Trabi Osama Abou Zeid Ahmad al Allaf Abeer al Habbal Tarek al Hajj Khaled al Hussein Hussein al Ibrahim Rani al Shami Mahmoud Ali Alaa el Din Asfour Bashir Assaf Nadine Assi Mohammad Ayoub Ammar Bitar Farah Charaf el Din Ali Daher Hamza Dimachk Amer Fares Mohammad Ali Fouani Mohammad Hajar Ahmad Jaballi Hassan Jaber Rasmi Jaber Noura Jammal Elias Khawaji Nabil Karimeh Hassan Khoury Fatima Khreis Hassan Krayem Thawrat Krayem Mohammad Lababidi Degrees: Honor Distinguished High Distinction Engineering Nazih Maadarani Abdallah Mallas Jad Mawla Serj Mehwaj Ahmad Menkara Mohammad Mjalled Mohammad Moussa Samer Moustapha Malak Mrad Hamza Nehme Mohammad Nour el Din Amer Ozeir Mostapha Raad Zeinab Ramadan Rania Ghoul Mostapha Sabbouri Ali Saleh Imad Salloum Mahmoud Siddek Ali Sleiman Rana Tabl Abbass Taher Zeinab Wayzani Mohammad Wehbi Mohammad Wehbi Fatima Yassine Ali Youness Hussein Zaher el Din Zeinab Zbeeb Jawad Zein Zaher Zohbi Ali Akkar Mounir al Halabi Mohammad al Hawi Mohammad Chehimi Naseem Hachem Hiba Hamdan Mohammad Jouny Mohammad Khalifeh Auqba Masri Samer Mostapha Fidel Srour Abdallah Yehya Computer Engineering Amal Abou Hjeily Kassem al Kassem Mohammad Ayoub Houssam Baasiri Reva Chammas Ali Dia Nassim Farroukh Hussein Habhab Firas Hoteit Sultan Nakkouzi Mohammad Nour el Din Jinan Rahal Hashem Abbass Malek al Sayed Haidar Makki Electrical Engineering Azza Tarhini Malek Wehbe al Abbass Yassine Sayid Ali Abdallah Ali al Khechen Rayan al Mohtar Jawad al Souheil Hassan Amhaz Mohammad Arabi Mohammad Ayoub Ahmad Charif Fatima Ezz el Din Khalil Ezz el Din Youssef Fawaz Ali Ghoson Mohammad Hamdan Abdallah Hammoud Moukhtar Hamzeh Maher Ishtay Manaf Mansour Ahmad Mazloum Degrees: Honor Distinguished High Distinction Engineering Ahmad Mohammad Rayan Nowayhed Omar Omar Abd el Kader Osman Moussa Shakaron Abd el Ghani Sharanek Fadi al Hosn Ahmad Fahes Mahdi Hajj Hasan Bshara Hanna Electronic Engineering Emphasis Biomedical Engineering Ahmad Sleileh Hatem Zeidan Hanna Abou Ali Nermine Agha Mohammad al Houjairy Ali Atieh Ali Atriss ITarek Bou Hamdan Marwan Chahine Ahmad Dbouk Lama Hijazi Rayan Kalach Rodrigue Kalach Wareef Karout Ibrahim Makhzoum Ali Mosarrah Mohammad Mourad Jalal Nour el Din Farah Saadeh Hisham Safawi Mohammad Salam Fatima Toameh Hussein Yehya Mohammad Youness Hadi Abo Zaher Ranime Ahdab Mohammad Houmani Mechanical Electronics Engineering Engineering Mohammad Husseini Rayan al Mohtar Omar Abd al Baki Ihab Akel Ayman Akraa Fatima al Abtah Khaled al Farag Abdel Rahman al Ghadban Abbass al Ghouri Chafic al Hajj Jonhio al Sayegh Mohammad al Taha Reem Alawiyeh Fawaz Azzam Ihab Bou Fakher Hamza Chalhoub Ibrahim Dahouk Michel Daoura Mohammad Ezz el Din Rayan Fawwal Houssam Ghoson Ali Hajj Sleiman Wajdi Halawi Hisham Hawari Youssef Ibrahim Ahmad Kassem Ahmad Kataya Ayat Khalaf Khodor Khalil Haitham Khoumassi Rida Koubeissi Ali Maatouk Degrees: Honor Distinguished High Distinction Engineering Mahmoud Maatouk Ali Najdi Nizar Natour Ali Nehme Habib Saadieh Ammar Saleh Hussein Shmaisany Raed Sleiman Nader Sleit Ahmad Taki Bashar Yamak Joseph Yazbeck Rawan Alaily Ali Alayan Ayman Fahs Sadek Ghannam Ali Kallas Hadi Kheshen Issam Lebdy Ahmad Abed al Rahman Tarek Abou Alaiwi Abbass Ahmad Hassan al Hajj Ali Ahmad al Ibrahim Hussein Ghosson Bashar Abou Osman Tarek Bou Hamdan Marwan Chahine Lama Hijazi Ali Mossarah Mohammad Mourad Hisham Safawi Mohammad Salam Mohammad Youness Engineering Marc Jbeily Mariam Kahloun Masters in CCE Masters in Surveying Biomedical Engineering Rayan Zahry Mohammad al Hassan Rawan Alwan Hassan Ezz el Din Ameen Farah Mohammad Hammoud Tony Harb Mohammad Haidar Tarek Hajjar Ahmad Iskandarani Yara Issa Hiba Kadri Ali Kanaan Mohsen Makki Abdallah Marrouche Abbass Moussa Ahmad Najem Abed al Raheem Natur Youssef Sawid Mohammad Hajj Hassan Hussein Hamdan Elias Korban Fares Youssef Issam Swaid Omar Ayoub Ahmad Ahmad Hussein al Jaamissi Mustapha Amro Antoine Aoun Kareem Makki Souhail Sleem Nabil al Ahmad Maarouf Azzam Hussein Berri Hassan Ghaddar Mounir Zein el Din Degrees: Honor Distinguished High Distinction Masters in Masters in Mechanical Electrical Engineering Engineering Ghaneia Tahan Khaldoun al Ahmadieh Zouhar al Jammal Mohammad Chhouri Hussein Kawtharani Khadija Khazem Hassan Khraibani Ameen Abboud Abbas Darwish Rida Jawad Masters in Surveying Engineering Degrees: Honor Distinguished High Distinction School of Pharmacy The School of Pharmacy in the Lebanese International University has significantly improved since its establishment in the year 2002. The number of faculty members has increased, the quality of teaching has progressed, and the number and quality of students have well grown. The School is currently well recognized and has good links with the Order of Pharmacists of Lebanon, the Ministry of Higher Education, as well as community pharmacists and accredited hospitals all over Lebanon. During the academic year 2010-2011, the PharmD program was launched and the first promotion will soon receive their degrees. These candidates had great interactions with medical staff of hospitals, and made a good contribution to optimizing drug utilization during their clinical rotations. The School also joined the Scientific Association of the Schools of Pharmacy in the Arab world, as an active member in the executive committee and in the committee of accreditation and curriculum development. The mission of the School of Pharmacy is to provide high quality pharmacy education, including both scientific knowledge as well as practical experience. We will always work towards enhancing the performance of the school and providing the best for our students. Dr. Mohammad Rahal Dean of Pharmacy Pharmacy Mrs. Dalal Hammoudi Dr. Diana Malaeb Dr. Elissar Farhat Dr. Etwal BouRaad Dr. Faraj Saadeh Dr. Fida Drouby Dr. Ghassan Sonji Mr. Hadi Dassouki Dr. Jihan Safwan Dr. Katia Iskandar Dr. Maha Haj Khalil Dr. Manal Abdelsamad Dr. Mariam Sraj Dr. Marwan Akel Dr. Michelle Cherfan Dr. Mohamad Rahal Mr. Mohamad Wehbi Mr. Mohammad Assi-Al Mrs. Nada Sonji Miss Rima Boukhary Mrs. Salam Osta Miss Sawsan Hussein-El Miss Sherine Traboulsy Miss Shiraz SalahEddine Dr. Souraya Domiati Dr. Ziad Nassour Dr. Fadi Hdeab Miss Maryam Saleh Miss Nadima Rajab Pharmacy Mariam Abbass Sanaa Abdallah Maria Abou Nabhan Ola Ahmad Iman Ahmad Mohammad al Mir Youssef al Rida Mazen Alameh Mohammad Alameh Laura Alawieh Mazen Ammar Rachelle Antoun Nour Arafat Soukna Athiea Soukna Atieh Mahmoud Atrissi Fatima Awada Ellen Barakat Farah Baydoun Ali Chehade Nader Choukayr Hasnaa Choukor Mariam Dabbous Asia Dekmak Hagop Derkhorenian Lama Faek Hadi Fahes Iqbal Fahes Alaa Fares Raed Farhat Fatima Fneish Sandy Hallal Sara Hammam Houssam Hawary Areej Hijazi Nihal Houshaimy Degrees: Honor Distinguished High Distinction Pharmacy Lina Jadid Hussein Jammal Amer Jarrah Fatima Joumaa Diana Kalout Rana Kandar Mohammad Kassem Jaaphar Kataya Malek Khaled Kholoud Khalil Ahmad Khamis Mona Khanafer Hanan Khoury Ali Klawze Sarab Kosmas Suzan Koubeissi Lara Malaeb Farah Mamlouk Marwa Manana Elie Massaad Wissam Medawar Mirna Musallem Nour Najem Lamysse Nasr Rabih Nasrallah Mariam Nasser Nancy Nasser Ghadeer Olleik Ghassan Rashidi Bader Reslan Fatima Saad Nancy Saed Layla Safi Fatima Shahrour Zeinab Sharara Hadi Sherry Fatima Tabaja Bilal Tabesh Reem Taha Rouba Wehbe Mohammad Yazbeck Kholoud Kreidieh Rawan Lebdy Jihane Maalouf Maya Mhanna Nidal Nader Mazen Ramadan Zeina Saed el Din Abed el Rahman Skafi Malak Tabaja Doctorate of Pharmacy Hassan al Smaili Mohammad Baydoun Bahia Chahine Marwa Dagher Abeer Deeb Ayat Koubeissi Lara Abou Ghaoush Rola Achhab Maha al Hajj Khalil Kale Derkaloustian Maya Mhanna Nesrine Mourad Zeinab Ramadan Salsabil Saifi Fouad Sakr Ahmad Yassine Samar Youness Zeinab Zaher Zeinab Abbass Mariam Dabbous Mariam Nasser Taghreed Sleiman Reine Tfaily Degrees: Honor Distinguished High Distinction Year in Retrospect To Tyre! October 4, 2010 The Lebanese International University opened its newest branch in Tyre, in time for Fall 2010/2011 In loving memory October 26, 2010 LIU community commemorated laboratory instructor Majdolynn Dinnawi in memorial ceremony at Saida campus Eternal martyrs November 11, 2010 Memorial stone marked Eternal Martyrs, 11/11/2010 was unveiled during Martyr’s Day exhibit at Nabatieh campus For the women we love November 20-21, 2010 The Human Rights Club at LIU organized a two-day workshop called Women’s Rights: On Paper and in Practice at the Ecovillage Camp Get the facts November 25, 2010 In collaboration with the Arab Culture Center, LIU held an instructive workshop titled Obesity and Diabetes: Today’s Epidemics Be aware, be safe December 6, 2010 Colonel Mohammad al Sheikh gave a seminar in the Saida campus about the dangers of landmines and cluster bombs A winning bounce! December 18, 2010 Student Ahmad Harb, representing LIU, won second place in the Lebanese Ping-pong Championship Still in our hearts… December 18-23, 2010 A Sports Competition dubbed the Nazir Sports Competition in memory of the late Sports Director was held in the Nabatieh campus Know your rights! January 12, 2011 The Human Rights Center was launched in the Bekaa campus Aiming for excellence January 15, 2011 A training workshop for instructors titled Effective Teaching Strategies took place at the Nabatieh campus The man and the legacy January 18, 2011 The 93rd birthday of Arab leader Gamal Abdul Nasser was commemorated in a photo exhibit at the Beirut campus It’s showtime! January 19, 2011 Public Relations students organized a public screening of Radio and TV student projects Wise words January 24, 2011 LIU hosted a book signing of Dr. Jamal Wakim’s Syria and Peace Negotiations in the Middle East Istanbul, here we come! February 14-19, 2011 Al Marah Club at the Tripoli campus organized a trip to Turkey during the break between semesters Special access February 16-20, 2011 Communication Arts instructors and students explored the inner workings of Turkey’s media institutions during the break between semesters A true winner March 22, 2011 Student Rana Radwan was awarded the structural packaging prize in the Student StarPack 2011 Award Ceremony, winning against 240 entrants And another… March 28, 2011 Student Patrick Saliba won the Second Chance competition on Future TV’s Zaven’s Sireh Infatahet, receiving an all expenses paid trip to London to attend the International Public Speaking Competition finals From the experts March 28, 2011 The Biomedical Engineering Department held a seminar titled Introduction to Medical Ultrasound and its Applications, hosting guest speaker Dr. Souheil Hakeem from Medtronic Next stop…Hollywood! April 9, 2011 LIU students’ contesting films were aired in a public screening of 10 Days 10 Minutes International Film Competition at Unesco Palace An active campus April 11-28, 2011 LIU Beirut teemed with energy during the Amal Sports Festival, with volleyball, street ball, ping pong and football games taking place right on campus A good cause April 18, 2011 Students from the Vista Institution visited LIU Tripoli and enjoyed a fun sports day Is EVERYONE wearing green? April 20, 2011 On Earth Day, all LIU campuses wore green to raise awareness about the Go Green recycling campaign and Clean Lebanon Club launch Casablanca connection April 21-24, 2011 LIU Morocco campus participated in the Annual Casablanca International Forum A celebration of culture May 1-15, 2011 LIU launched the First Annual LIU Cultural City in the Bekaa campus Stewards of the earth May 5, 2011 LIU, in collaboration with the Lebanese American University, organized an environmental conference in the Saida campus International Women’s Day May 8, 2011 The activities bureau in the Saida campus celebrated International Women’s Day, in collaboration with The Human Rights Club In his own words May 10, 2011 LIU hosted a book signing of national hero Samir al Kantar’s new book, My Story, at the Nabatieh campus Straight from the source May 10, 2011 Former Member of Parliament Najah Wakim addressed LIU students in a speech covering topics ranging from local politics, to the Arab Spring and the Palestinian Cause A tournament of a special kind May 15, 2011 After an extensive awareness period dubbed the R-Word campaign, LIU students organized a Special Olympics tournament for students with special needs We don’t see this every day… May 20, 2011 Staff and instructors competed against each other in a Basketball tournament in the Beirut campus Welcome to Lebanon! May 21 - June 4, 2011 The first class from LIU Morocco visited Lebanon and enjoyed a comprehensive touristic, educational, cultural and entertainment program Yes, I.CAN! May 23, 2011 The I.CAN exhibit, held at the Beirut campus, displayed Photography and Graphic Design student projects Why yes, I would like a job May 24, 2011 LIU opened its 6th Job Fair in the Beirut campus A final… on the battlefield! May 25, 2011 Radio and TV students did their Workshop II final while dodging paintballs: The class was divided into teams that battled each other, with students on each team designated as photojournalists A sweet-toothed cause May 26-27, 2011 Public Relations student Sahar Audi organized a bake sale from which all proceeds went to the St. Jude Children’s Cancer Society Pharmacy Day May 27, 2011 The 6th Annual Pharmacy Day was held at the Bekaa campus under the patronage of President of The Order of Pharmacists Dr. Ziad Nassour Future stars May 27- June 4, 2011 LIU Students Participate in 3rd Cabriolet Film Festival and the 9th Student Film Festival Congratulations, Mauritania! June 2, 2011 LIU’s Mauritania branch held its first graduation commencement A new incentive… June 3, 2011 Book Review Contest at Nabatieh campus allowed English students to show their full talents-and to receive monetary awards