Spring 2015 Newsletter - The Crested Butte Land Trust
Together, saving the lands you call home S U M M E R 2 015 N E W S L E T T E R Photo: Lydia Stern Why do YOU love the Gunnison Valley? This place offers amazing access to nature right from my front door, and back! And “ there are so many ways to explore it... biking and hiking in wildflowers, skiing the snowy ” wonderlands, wading in rivers and skipping rocks—there are endless possibilities. When I’m in nature, I feel like my soul can stretch out to fit the inside of my skin. -Jen Hillebrandt, local Board of Directors P.O. Box 2224 Crested Butte, CO 81224 [email protected] www.cblandtrust.org 970.349.1206 Bill Reimer, President Charla Brown Kiley Flint, Vice-President Beth Hise Margery Feldberg, Treasurer Peter Kennel Karen Janssen, Secretary Cynthia O’Brien Beth Appleton John Simmons Skip Berkshire Staff Cover Photo Ann Johnston, Executive Director Julie Ball, Outreach Danielle Beamer, Stewardship Cassidy Brush, Stewardship Claire Karban, Outreach Hedda Peterson, Stewardship Nate Page our mission: to forever protect and steward open lands for vistas, recreation, wildlife and ranching, thus contributing to Gunnison County’s unique heritage and quality of life. Protecting our water supply High temperatures and low snowfall this past winter make protecting our fresh water more important than ever Throughout the West, water is increasingly a disappearing resource. The Crested Butte Land Trust is working on several projects that will help protect our precious fresh water in the Gunnison Valley. Peanut Lake A 700-foot stretch of the Slate River runs along the southeastern bank of Peanut Lake, just outside of Crested Butte. In some areas, just a few feet of beaver dam separate the river from the lake, and that separation is becoming more precarious. Photo: Xavi Fane Human interference has restricted the natural course of the Slate River on its eastern bank. As a result, the river has been moving, sometimes up to six feet a year, towards Peanut Lake. The Land Trust has conducted several thorough assessments, and crafted a plan to keep the river from breaching the lake, while restoring the wetlands in the area. We plan to remove a berm to the east of the Slate, allowing the river to reclaim its natural floodplain. With your help, we will begin this time-sensitive work to protect the lake and wetlands this October. If we don’t act now, and the river is allowed to breach the lake, the clean water in the Slate River is at risk. Peanut Lake sits just below the Peanut Mine. The Land Trust successfully reclaimed the mine, but not before significant concentrations of heavy metals leached into Peanut Lake. If the river takes the lake, these metals could contaminate the water downstream. Keeping the Slate River clean is vital because it feeds into the East River, which provides drinking water for the City of Gunnison. Additionally, many working family ranches and farms in the Gunnison Valley rely on this water to maintain their operations. The loss of Peanut Lake would also be a great loss to our community. Hundreds of waterfowl rely on the open waters for habitat, in addition to tens of thousands of recreationalists who view the lake as they hike or bike the Woods Walk and Lupine trails each year. Funders across the state agree that we must act now. The Land Trust has raised just over $66,000 so far. We need your help today to raise the remaining $41,000 required to save Peanut Lake. Looking Forward As you read this, we are at the table with several landowners to conserve more water in the area. We can’t go into details at this time, to protect confidential negotiations. However, clean, fresh water and the lands that surround it will continue to be a priority for the Crested Butte Land Trust. Visit: cblandtrust.org/donate to support clean water in our Gunnison Valley. Photo: Shayn Estes Introducing: Glacier Community Farm ou may have noticed that we changed Y the name of our collaborative farming project to the Glacier Community Farm. This name change reflects the rich heritage of the area, and was suggested to us by a local ranching family. In the early 1880s, the townsite of Glacier sprang up at the junction of Cement Creek Road and Highway 135. Named for a glacier formation to the east, Glacier began as a stage stop for mines located up Cement Creek, and soon became a stop for the Denver and Rio Grande Railroad. The Glacier schoolhouse was rebuilt in 1920, and that building still stands today as the Red Mountain Log Works furniture store. Photo: Mountain Roots At the Glacier Community Farm, we are working to renovate the ranching homestead, a crucial next step in our effort to get the farm up and running. Built in 1934, the humble log cabin has been vacant for nearly eight years and is in need of some serious restoration. Once renovated, the cabin will serve as a home for our Farm Manager, to ensure that operations on the farm are running smoothly. Community member Bill Gallen has served as a volunteer at the Glacier Community Farm in the past. He and his wife are care-takers for a local ranching operation. “This is going to be a great opportunity for somebody to live on a ranch and experience that lifestyle, and I get excited about that,” says Bill. To learn more about the Community Farm, or to help us get off and running with a donation, visit: cblandtrust.org/glaciercommunity-farm or contact our Stewardship Director, Danielle, at [email protected]. Crested Butte Land Trust 2016 Calendar Pre-Order Form Get your 2016 Crested Butte Land Trust Calendar before it sells out! Adding inspiration to your busy schedule, our annual calendar keeps you organized with beautiful images of the Gunnison Valley by local and visiting photographers and thoughtful haikus by fourth grade students at the Crested Butte Community School. Name: ___________________________________________ Phone:_______________________ Email: ________________________ Billing Address: ______________________________________________________ Shipping Address: ____________________________________________________ Method of payment: CHECK CREDIT CARD (Visa and Master Card Only) Name as it appears on credit card:________________________________________ Card # ______________________________________ Expiration Date: ________ Total # of Calendars ___________ x $15.95 each = $ ____________ Shipping & Handling ($2.95 per calendar) = $ __________ I would like to make an additional donation of $ ____________ Total Payment $_______________ 2016 Calendar preserving the present for the future “ o .” all sc ow e grass g h t r , he ds At t edge o o st a l l , t he f t he w and the bla ance, ckb d s e ird -Cynthia Cotten si i da Photo: Lydia Stern Bringing a story to life in the woods T his summer, the Crested Butte Land Trust will partner with the Old Rock Library for an exciting new children’s program called StoryWalk™. StoryWalk™ is a unique way to connect with our natural areas and trails through an engaging story. For this summer, we have chosen Cynthia Cotten’s book, “At the Edge of the Woods.” The story will be deconstructed, page by page. Each page will be displayed along the Lower Loop, where children, parents, and friends can walk from page to page in anticipation of what’s next. StoryWalk™ is geared towards children ages three to six, but may be enjoyed by everyone. The program will begin June 12th, and remain on display for several weeks. “If I were a parent, I’d wish for a StoryWalk around every corner!” says Hedda Peterson, Stewardship Coordinator for the Land Trust. “The interactive activity combines reading, walking, and observing the natural surroundings.” The StoryWalk™ Project was created by Anne Ferguson of Montpelier, VT and developed in collaboration with the Vermont Bicycle & Pedestrian Coalition (VBPC) and the Kellogg Hubbard Library. For more information about the StoryWalk™ program, contact Hedda at [email protected], or at 970.349.1206. Fishing for funds 14th Annual Caddis Cup Dinner & Fly Fishing Tournament Friday, July 10th & Saturday, July 11th Photo: Lydia Stern F Register at cblandtrust.org/events/fish Two-Day Tournament: $600 Kick-Off Dinner Only: $100 ish the famous Gunnison County waters during our 14th annual Caddis Cup Fly Fishing Tournament this July. Prizes will be awarded for the largest brown trout, largest rainbow trout, and most aggregate inches. “The Caddis Cup allows us to integrate with the local community, do something positive for the Land Trust and get to know some of the best fishing spots in Gunnison County,” says veteran participant Chip Fudge. The tournament is a wonderful opportunity to improve your cast, meet new folks, and soak in the scenery—all while helping to preserve our incredible lands and waters. If you don’t feel like fishing, you can still join us for the Kick-Off Dinner, on Friday, July 10th. The dinner is a chance to catch up with old friends, bid on great auction items, and learn what we’re working on at the Land Trust! “We strongly believe in the mission of the Land Trust and feel that preserving and acquiring open space is a wonderful legacy for those that follow us,” says Chip. “The natural beauty of our Valley is world class and we hope to help protect as much of this area as possible.” For more information or to register, visit: cblandtrust.org/events/fish or contact our Outreach Coordinator, Claire Karban, at [email protected]. Wildflower hikes Washington Gulch Wildflowers Tuesday, July 14th from 8:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Hunt for the elusive Orchid, enchanting Twisted Stalk, Bishop’s Cup, Monkey Plant and more on the Land Trust’s decorated Washington Gulch Parcel. Wildflower expert Gary Rainwater and Land Trust Stewardship Coordinator, Hedda Peterson will guide you through shady aspen forests and sunny, open meadows. Photo: Wouter Van Tiel Rozman Ranch Roots Thursday, July 16th from 9 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Photo: Chad Martens Join us to explore one of Gunnison Valley’s most historic ranches, located at the base of Whetstone Mountain. This centennial ranch has been homesteaded by the Rozman family since the 1890s. We will travel up through the aspen stands to observe the understory’s wildflowers and re-vegetated winter avalanche paths, on a hike lead by board member Beth Hise and local wildflower expert Vinnie Rosignal. Irwin Past and Present Friday, July 17th from 8:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Photo: Xavier Fane The historic town of Irwin was once a hopping mining town, home to 5,000. On this hike, we’ll go back in time and learn about the boomtown that occupied the land, in addition to exploring Irwin’s spectacular wildflowers. Tour guides Beth Hise and Vinnie Rosignal will lead the way through the lush forested areas that are home to Irwin’s abundance of wildflowers. Please register directly with the Crested Butte Wildflower Festival at crestedbuttewildflowerfestival.com or 970.349.2571. Trail enthusiasts, rejoice! ome get your hands dirty at our upcoming trail building weekend. SatC urday and Sunday, June 13-14, join your friends and neighbors to build two miles of new single-track. We will extend the popular Lupine Trail to Gunsight Bridge. As local volunteer Robbie Robinson knows, trail building days are a rewarding opportunity to give back. “I volunteer because I want to help the CBLT preserve the land which also preserves the wonderful and unique community,” says Robbie. “It is rewarding to play a small part aiding in the stewadship of the environment enjoyed by so many. And it is fun!” The new hiking, biking and equestrian trail will start just up the road from the Lupine Trail. From there, flowy single-track will descend through aspen groves into the open meadow above Gunsight Bridge. This new connection will allow users to stay off Slate River Road and stay on trails. Photo: Sam Faivre Weather permitting, we’ll meet at 9 a.m. at Gunsight Bridge, and plan to work until about 4 p.m. Tools will be provided, so all you need to bring are work gloves if you have them, and plenty of water. Kids of all ages are welcome. You can join us for the day, or for just an hour or two. Either way, all volunteers are invited to celebrate our hard work with the Crested Butte Land Trust and the Crested Butte Mountain Bike Association at Gunsight Bridge afterwards. Cold beer, soda and Brick Oven pizza will be provided! For more information, contact Danielle at [email protected]. If you’re unable to join us in trail building but would like to support trails, you can make a tax-free donation on our website: cblandtrust.org/donate or join our stewardship volunteer list by emailing Hedda at [email protected]. New Devo team in town Photo: Katie Onheiber L ocals Amy and Mike Nolan wanted to create an affordable mountain bike program, to help kids of all ages see the bike as a means to a life full of adventure. So, they created The Crested Butte Development Team, or Devo team for short. The team offers a safe and non-competitive way to explore the incredible trails that Crested Butte has to offer. “A huge part of our program is educating these young riders about taking care of their favorite hiking and biking trails,” says Amy. Proper trail etiquette is an important part of making sure our trails remain beautiful for years to come. When using trails, please respect local calf-cow operations by leaving gates the way you find them (either open or closed). Make sure you stay on the trail and off of private property, and consider a different activity when trails are very muddy. If you do encounter mud, walk your bike through the mud, rather than biking around it. And, bikers should always yield to hikers and horses. For further information on Land Trust trails, click on cblandtrust.org/explore/trail-map, or to learn more about the Devo team, a 501(c)(3), visit: crestedbuttedevo.com. Photo: Courtesy of CB Devo THANK YOU to the following Crested Butte Land Trust supporters from April 15, 2014 to April 15, 2015. We sincerely appreciate our Sustaining Members (shown in green). If you are interested in becoming a Sustaining Member, please contact Ann Johnston at 970.349.1206. Trustees of the Land ($25,000 +) 1% for Open Space Colorado Water Conservation Fund Great Outdoors Colorado Gunnison County Land Preservation Board Margery Feldberg and Dr. Jeremy Levin Diane and Tim Mueller North Village Reserve Slick Family Foundation Stanley H. and Theodora L. Feldberg Foundation The Conservation Fund Town of Crested Butte Town of Mt. Crested Butte Anita and William Vallett, Jr. Bonnie and David Weekley Guardians of the Land ($10,000 - $24,999) Anonymous (2) Shirley and Dr. Eugene Cordes Rick Divine Shannon and Chip Fudge Acorn Foundation Chris Mikesell Foundation in memory of Evelyn Mikesell The Pine Tree Foundation Shannon and John Fudge Jeff Hermanson Land Trust Alliance Cynthia and Kevin O’Brien Suzanne and John Simmons Daphne and Jay B. Shipowitz Upper Gunnison River Water Conservancy District Kelsey Wirth and Dr. Sam Myers Patrons of the Land ($5,000 - $9,999) Anonymous Arthur Kontos Foundation Linda and Thomas E. Biery Malla and Robert Brandenberger The Brandt Foundation Catharine Hawkins Foundation Murrie and Nick Chirekos Allison Elliot and Harold Brill Lisa and David Flesher Helen and Matthew Hayes Raymond Kimbell Judith Naumberg and Stuart Bluestone Carolyn and Bill Reimer Barbara and Ken Moffitt Ruth H. Brown Foundation Betty and David Schneider Leila and Lowry Smith, Jr. Marsha and Dr. John Soucheray Carson and John Taylor, Jr. Advocates of the Land ($1,000 - $4,999) Anonymous (3) Sumaya Abuhaidar and Jason Berv Mary and Richard Allen in memory of Ellie Pryor Booher Debbie and Bruce Alpern Monica Ariowitsch Susan and Kevin Beltz Jennifer Murray Bess and Charles W. Bess Big Al’s Bicycle Heaven Jackie Bird and William Hamilton Tina and Robert Bishop Sallie and Dr. Don Bolich Deborah and Lawrence Brannian in memory of Ellie Pryor Booher Frances and Ian Bresnahan Charla Brown and Robert Burnett Mary Nelson and John Brown Terry and Stephen Bruce Dorothy and Russell Budd Lenore and William Burke Ruth and Dr. J. Christopher Carey Community Foundation of the Gunnison Valley Community Foundation of the Gunnison Valley with thanks to: Christe and Timothy Fretthold Lynn and Gil Friedlander Susan and Reagan Coon Robert Couchman Mrs. and Dr. Winfield Craven Crested Butte Mountain Bike Association Kathy Darrow Robbie and Paul Davis Cathy and Peter Dea Melinda and Sterling Doster Robin and Andre Dreyuss Pamela and Scott Eaton Carole and David D. Ebner Sally and Chuck Ferrell Linda and Frank Fialkoff Stephanie and John Flanigan Jaunea and Dr. Ken Ford, Jr. Judith and James Gibbs Liberty Godshall and Edward Zwick Judy and Lash Hansborough Helios Foundation Elisabeth and Joseph Hise Tracy and Joe Hollister Lezlie and David R. Hudiburg Mary Gwen and Ben Hulsey Gretchen and Bruce Jacobsen Linnea and Mindaugas Jatulis Karen and Thomas Jensen Wendy and Mavis P. Kelsey, Jr. Margaret and Peter Kennel Jacquelyn and Paul S. Kingsbury Jane Kuenzel and Calvin Cruz Carol and Mark Lester Judy Ligon Pamela and Karey Low Debra and John Lucas Jim and Ellen Martin Jane and Dr. John E. McAllister Linda and Douglas Ian McDonald Desiree and David Miller Judith and John Miller Liz and Franklin Myers Buffy and Vernon Naake Kari Fletcher Nina Kingsdale in memory of Ellie Pryor Booher Rosalie and Kevin Ott Jeanette Peter Joann and Charles Philpott Gregory Potter Margaret and William Puckett Linda and Gareth Roberts Lisa Roberts and David Seltzer Anne R. and William G. Ronai Gerrie Runice Mary and Stephen Sallman Deedra and Spencer Schnaitter in memory of Rodney Wade Roark Christianne Schoedel and John Segal Donna Seligman and John Garrett Mary Louise Skinner and Richard Kimball Meg and Michael Smith Theresa and Gerald Sokol Valerie and Dale Stahl Elizabeth and Leland Stone Lindsay and Timothy Stoner Wally Trepp Corinne and David Tyler Lois and Ted Uihlein Kim and Eric Upchurch Jim A. Watson Beth and Ben Wegbreit Tina and Guy Weintraub Drs. Barbara Weiss and Bob Probe Laura and Michael Werner Rosemarie and Richard Whiting Becky and Joe Williams J. Tom Williams Gretchen and Joseph Wilson Wren and Timothy Wirth Karin and Klaus Wisiol Betsy and Robert Zakely Janice and John Conner Kolb Melissa and James Kontos Josephine and Don LeBrasse in memory of Daniel Kelly, James Tillman, Meredith Simmons, William Fuchs, and Dwayne Graves Susan and James E. Maclean Kathy and Michael C. Manning Cathy and Chuck McGinnis Sandra McNamara and Neil J. Watko Debra Jo and Douglas McQueen Katie and John Meyer Gwen and John Nixon Holly and Allen Oliphant Judy and Craig Pauly Susan and Steve Porter Frances and Gary Rainwater Nancy and Michael Roach Lotte and Kevin Roache Susan Rouse and William Langley Victoria and Charles Shaw Juliet Stillman and Jeff Troyer Lisa and Phillip Stranahan, Jr. Suzanne and William D. Sullivan Marcella and Brian Wildes Protectors of the Land Susanne and Bruce W. Wilkinson ($500 - $999) Teena and Richard Williams Anonymous (2) in honor of Emily and Sam Wells Christopher Wirth Chris and David Baxter Kimberly and Thomas Zeiner Carla and Nathan Beal Suzanne and Fred Berry, Jr. Caretakers of the Land Carolyn Blanchard and David Gray ($250 - $499) Kenneth Bolich Anonymous (3) Rose-Marie Bollier Carolyn and Gary Achenbach Linda and Roger Brown Emily and Jason Addlesperger Mrs. Graham M. Brush, Jr. Linda and Trent Anderson Cassia and Ryan Cadenhead Bailey Family Foundation Dr. Joseph J. Calandra Danica Baker and Trent Bona Carlson Family Foundation Jodi and Keith Bauer Cyd Chartier-Cohn and Elliot Cohn Helen Behr Virginia S. Cobb in memory of Robert S. Behr Jane and Dr. Chris Colwell Peter Booth Colwell Family Distributable fund BP Foundation, Inc. at the San Diego Foundation Carolyn Bradshaw and Chris Burns Shirley and Stuart Crow John Briggs Davita Richard Brodale Neva and John Dawson Jr. Nina Brooks and Mychael Griswold Dr. Chris Degner Gabi and Michael Brummer Gwendolyn G. Des Cognets Emily and Dr. John Bruno in memory of Ellie Pryor Booher Monique and Kevin Calhoun Kiley Flint Kathryn and Stuart Carey Heather and Ed Fornataro Vanessa Carmean and Mark Van Akkeren Kathleen and Harry Fulton Josette and Richard Carter Michelle and Marshall Funk Jane and Gerald Clark Ann and Robert Fyfe Peggy and John Colby Marilyn and Rob Gentry Ann and Richard Cook Karen and Alexander Gruzen Michelle and John Cowell and Phyllis Cowell in honor of Mon Levinson in memory of Trinda Weymouth Linda Hamlin Rosalind Cross in memory of Ellie Pryor Booher Alene and John Davis Sandra Henry Ann Davis Ynette S. and James M. Hogue Nancy and Edward Deutsch Jacqueline E. and John S. Ingham, Jr. Nicole Digate and Kevin Bates in memory of Trinda Weymouth Char Dougherty and Bruce Driver Ann and David Johnston Heather Duryea and David White Sarah and Tim Judkins Darlene and Tim Egelhoff Seher and Andrew Judkins Eleven and Irwin Guides in honor of Cody and Caleb Morgan Fields and Clay Meier Barbara and Robert Kauffman Jay Fitzgerald in memory of William Joyce Wendy and Trent Foltz Sarah and Dr. Mark Kaufman Linda Fontaine in honor of Stuart Bailey Anne Lamkin Kinder Emily Franden and James Burtchell Diane Gansauer Sarah Garrity and Scott Downes Bettye Lemon-Gilmour and Jack Gilmour Maureen and Charles J. Gries Lisa Gundersen and Thomas Hoby Lindsay Hale and Rory Hughes Linda Hamilton Tanja F. and Kelly B. Harrison Gloria M. and Alan G. Heath Joan M. Heinz and Robert Van Arsdale Brittany Hocking and Forrest Burke Elizabeth and Kevin Hofstra Ynette S. and James M. Hogue Randa Jacobs Kari Jansen and Matt Burks Mary S. and John C. Jones Sally and Terry Kelley Christina and Brian Kuhlmann Connie and Prewitt Lane Tammara and Jack Lawrence, Jr. Andrea R. and Timothy D. Lee Trinity Lucero and Justin Brown Nan and Sam Lumb Ashlea Mangum and Matthew Sheridan Patricia and Ronald Martin Julia Matalo in honor of Trinda Weymouth Willoughby Johnson in honor of Christy Miller Ruth N. Miller Chelsea Minter and Joe Brindley Melina Moors and Tom Bjornson Christy B. and John L. Murchison Anne and Steve Murray Brynn Murrell and Scott Zimmer Susan and Scott Noreen Nilesh Parikh and Balin Anderson Callie and George Parkman Cynthia and William C. Peatross Cassie Pence and Timothy Szurgot Thomas H. Perkins Debby Phelps and Ralph Kwaitkoski Sharon and Richard Renwick Anna Rooney and Cory Engel Jane Dunn Rossiwall Carol Sandvick and Charles Talbott Susan and Daniel Semegen Marsha S. and Dr. Randall P. Singleton Peggy and Neil Sisson Dr. Bertram Smith Julie and Christian Smith Kim and Richard Sweitzer in memory of Trinda Weymouth Marian B. and Clayton C. Taylor Laura and Charles Tomlinson Kathleen Turner and Raymond Sprague Drs. Aileen and James Utley Julie Vlier and Rich Tocher Ellen D. and Joe R. Walker Martha and Tom Warner Jamie and Carl Weisbrod Dawn Wieker and William Cooper Katalin and Jon Wolff Supporters of the Land (up to $249) Anonymous (13) in honor of Emily and Sam Wells in honor of Ruth and Skip Berkshire in memory of Fritz Evers Karen Altergott AmazonSmile Foundation Judy Anderson and Jeremy Cosgrove Jill and William Angel Holly Annala and Rob Mahedy Elizabeth Jane Ayarra and Peggy Preston Barbara Baccari and Eric Weston Jane and Murray Banks Greg Baranko Martha and Dale Barker Tony Barnard Mary C. and Tery L. Baskin Mrs. and Mr. David M. James in honor of Mrs. and Mr. G.W. James, Jr. Nancy R. Beaudry Heather and Daniel Bellow in memory of Paul Gallaher Maria and Charles Bennett Catherine and Doug Benson Joyce and R.C. Benson Marianne Berkovich Ruth and Walker Berkshire Carol Boggs and Ward Watt Laurie Bolard and Janet Furman Lavada Bramlitt Carol and Dr. Robert Breeze Andrew Breibart Christina and Dale Broekemeier Frank Brockins Susan and William Brooks Andrew Brown Patsy and Dwight Brown Carolyn and Bill Brusman Elaine and William Burcham Gail Burford and Pete Lawson Lisbeth Carter Cristiana Guesthaus Shelly Catterson Helen Vollmer Caudle Holly and Dave Chavez Bette and David Chenault City Market Community Rewards Gabriele Clark and Bruce Bennett Trisha and Abe Cobb Ann and Travis Colbert Betty W. and Dustin Cole Marsha Collins and Randy Melton Holly and Ira Conn Kirsten and Gary Cook Patricia and Clifford Crader Crested Butte Development Team Crested Butte Property Management Sales Caroline Lee and John Todd Crocker croeSKI Inc. Lynn Cudlip and Mark Daily Elizabeth D. and Stephen Cushman in memory of Ellie Pryor Booher: Martha Darby and M.G. Walton In honor of Robbie Davis: anonymous Laurie and Paul Blumberh Kyle Davis Owen Davis Diane and James Russell Fisher Honeydew Murray Julia and Andy Shoup Elizabeth and Don Smith Margaret and William R. D’Armond Jennifer and Bob Darnell Alice and Robbin Dawson Amie and Richard Dawson Barbara C. and David Dehaemers Dana Beardslee and Jeffrey Delaney Dusty Demerson Trudie and Kerry Demus Laura and Terry Detlefsen Lisa Devore Susan and Paul Doak Sharon and Thomas Dobson Sonda and Kevin Donovan Marie and Fred Drake David C. Duncan Anne H. and Dr. Paul R. Ehrlich Lois and David L. Einsidler Andrea and Maxwell Evans Barbara Farnsworth Dee Farnsworth Theodora L. Feldberg John Fielder Kate and Heidi Magnus Kimberly and Jerry Fisher Janice and Joseph Foerch Barb Frase Nan Frates Rachael Freeman and Samuel Slosek Sigrid and Dick Freese Becky Frey and Shelle Carrig Stephanie R. and Charles K. Gailey, III Bill Gallen Marie and Robert Garcia Barbara and James Garot Joshua German Joyce and Steven Gibson Dr. Lisa Gidday and Amy Lehman Mandy and Bob Gillie Jennifer and Roger Glasgow Nancy and Robert Good Rebecca Gordon Holly and David Grainger in honor of Tim Clark Sheila M. and Christopher M. Green in memory of Sarah Brandt Adam Groudan Gunnison County Library District Lindsay Faulkner and Peter Hagen Denis Hall Elizabeth and J. Marshall Hamilton Carol and Ralph Hamner Kathleen Hands Jamia R. and Christopher S. Hansen-Murray in memory of Ken and Mary Alice Hansen Karen and Jim Harley Julia and Vernon Harms Susan Harris and Jeremy Myers Brian Hart in honor of Emily and Sam Wells Ian Hatchett Janet Haw Emily Hazan and Jason Goldman Sara Hazel and Dan Goldhamer in honor of Michael V. Hazel Lynn and Andrew Hedesh Casady Henry Mary Hense Karen Hickey Christine P. Holbrook Fred Holbrook Lauren Holbrook in honor of Fred Holbrook Mary and John Holder Roanne Rouse Houck and Jonathan D. Houck Eileen and Jack Hughes Janis and William Hughes Simone and John Irwin Rebecca Isaacson in memory of Robert Behr Cynthia K. and Cary W. Iverson Donna and James Jackson Jeanne Curet and David McGuire James in honor of Mrs. and Mr. G.W. James, Jr. Karen Janssen and Xavi Fane Jane B. and Dr. Edwin P. Jenevein, Jr. Linda and Greg Jennings Alice and Steve Jennison Jean B. and Ralph K. Johnsen Kristine and Gregg Kampf Patricia Karlin and Ernest Eck Carol and Bill Kastning Ruth and James Keene, III Sarah Keene Susan Kegeles and Jeff Lazrus Elizabeth S. and Gary R. Keiser Dr. John Knowles Robin and Fred Koval in honor of Ann Johnston Pam and Michael Kruteck Karen Kubarek and Nate Page Henry Kutny Kathryn and David Larsen Linda Lattanzi Iris Levin Carol Lipsitch and Stephen Figlewski Elizabeth and Gary Keiser Bette and Eric Long John Tyler Lucas Mark Lucas Robert C. Lyman Kriste Lyon and J.C. Leacock Priscilla and Holden MacRae Karen and Charles Mangum Christian and William Manuel III Susan Marrion and Raynor Czerwinski in memory of Stanley Czerwinski Lyn Martel Dena and Jerry B. Matthews William Matthews, III Margaret G. McCown Susan and Sandy McDonough in honor of Suzana Gordon Grant McFarren Marilyn McIntyre Susan and Charles McKee Caroline McLean and Frank Stern Meike Meissner and Michael McMahon Uwe and Gunda Meissner Michael Merrifield Nancy Ann and Richard Meyer in memory of Trinda Weymouth Jean and William Miller Warren Miterko Lisa and Richard Moody Alyce and James Moore Carolyn and Henson Moore Linda and James R. Morton in memory of Bea and Charles Cleveland Nancy and Skip Moss Mountain Colors Nancy Vogel Molly and Sam Nay, III Gaylor Nevergold Marjorie H. and David E. O’Reilly Jan Parker and Marcel Medved Virginia Passoth Lois and Gerry Pate Harriet and Dan Peavy Susan and Frank Peterson Daniel Pike Shirley and Randall Pogue Sandra L. and John D. Polson Donna and Greg Price Laura Puckett Melanie Rees Denise and Kevin Reinert Bobbie and George Reinhardt Susan Reithel Miriam Ricketts and Jim Willis Jill Robbins Kim and Edward Roberson William B. Robinson, Jr. Kathleen and Eric Ross Roberta and William Rouse List continued on next page... Margaret and Jeremy Saunders Rebecca Schmidt and Jeremy Carpenter Wendi Schneider and Edwin Lehrburger Margaret and Kurt Schrammel Annamarie and Hugh Scott Mariann and Judge Ross Sears Louise Sedevie-Lawrynk and Patrick Lawrynk Tricia Seeberg Christine and Anthony Sementelli Deborah and Peter Sershon Donna and Ronald Seuferling Andy Shepard Elisabeth Sherratt Jean H. and Frank W. Shipman in honor of Ruth and Skip Berkshire Delrena and James Sides Dr. Sterling Sightler and Dr. James Crowell, III Tandy and Richard Simpson Jon Sirkis Francine Salkin and Jonathan Beamer Tracy and Rick Slama Harriet and Darrell Sollberger Lois Spinelli Annie and James Starr Elissa Stein and Richard Replin in honor of Jeff Hermanson Jennifer and Joseph A. Stembridge Avery Stonich Sue Navy Robert Sundstrom Jafar Tabaian Lucinda and Jim Tagliareni Zenia Tata and John Ferguson Sarah MaeTeich in honor of Greg Grossman Karen Terrey Susan and Ron Tilton Townie Books and Rumors Coffee and Tea House Ashley and J. Baron Unbehagen Nora Underwood and Brian Inouye Marcia Van Eden Jill and Wouter Van Tiel Dian VanDeMark and Tom Hartman Lynne and Ralph Veerman Martha Watson Violett Diane and Tim Wagner in memory of Fritz Evers Vicki and Rod Walker Jenny and James Ward Lori and Cory Welch in memory of Marilyn Jansen Nancy Welch Kay Whelan in honor of Beth Hise Leah and Matt Whiting Deidr Wiherell and William Oliver Pam and Curt Wilker Leni Wilsmann Joan and Neil Windsor in honor of Hedda Peterson Diana and William Winkler, MD Wendy and Jonothon Woltmon Dr. Leila Worth Ben Wright Michelle Yagi in honor of Emily and Sam Wells Codicil Club Anonymous (3), Frank Brookins, Mike Gould, Jeff Hermanson, Karen Hickey, Margaret Mead, Melanie Rees, Phil Roy, Suzanne and John Simmons, Mary Louise Skinner and Richard Kimball Stewards of the Land Allen, Anders, Beitner, Bench, Betz, Biery, Budd, Burstein, Cavalli, Conroad Associates LP, Stock, Cosentino, De Pasquale, Divine, Eccher, Elliot, Family of Andrew Kasic, Gallin, Gebhart, Graham, Gronk, Hermanson, Hidden Mine Homeowners Association, Huckeby, Ingraham, Jucha, Kapushion, Kennel, Klingsmith, Kochevar, Kroft, Kubricht, Lumb, McBride, McElroy, McGill, Mead, Meredith, Miller, Niccoli, North Village Reserve, Ochs, Oso & Luna, Passow, Parry, Pitkin Iron Co., Ranch Reserve, Riverbend Homeowners Association, Robbins, Roberts, Robinson, Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory, Rolling River, Rozman, Silka, Smith, Stratman, Stroh, Town of Crested Butte, Trout Ranch, Trust for Public Land, US Energy, US Forest Service, Utley, Zeligman For a detailed map of the areas preserved by the Land Trust, and information about access, check out our interactive map at cblandtrust.org/interactive-map. Community support in your backyard Powered by tremendous support from the community, the Land Trust was able to purchase three parcels of land on Snodgrass Mountain. The purchase includes the Snodgrass Trailhead, and ensures that Snodgrass Trail will forever remain as it is today. The trail will continue to be managed as it has been, closing seasonally every mid-August for the Allen Family’s cow-calf operation. Fantasy Ranch, below the trailhead, will continue to offer horseback rides at their outfitting operation. Hundreds of friends and neighbors generously contributed to this project, as did the towns of Crested Butte and Mt. Crested Butte, CBMR, Great Outdoors Colorado, the Gunnison Valley Land Preservation Fund, The Conservation Fund, 1% for Open Space, and CBMBA. The Land Trust pursues projects like Snodgrass to create a network of conserved lands that maintain the character of our region. Working with willing landowners, we secure access to nature. We also save lands important for fish and wildlife, scenic vistas, and our ranching heritage. There are many ways to protect your land while deriving tax benefits and other advantages. For more information, in confidence and without obligation, contact Ann Johnston, Executive Director, at 970.349.1206 or [email protected]. Photo: Xavi Fane Adventure with a board member North Pole Basin Hike August 5th, from 8:00 a.m. to Early Afternoon Join Land Trust Vice-President Kiley Flint for a unique opportunity to glimpse one of our most spectacular protected areas. Nestled between the Raggeds Wilderness and the Maroon Bells-Snowmass Wilderness lies the North Pole Basin – a breathtaking place, with lush spruce forests, incredible cascading waterfalls, and 360-degree views of some of Colorado’s famous fourteeners. Kiley will explore this littletrafficked area with a small group of hikers, offering insider information of the property and the Land Trust. Photo: Shayn Estes For details about this and other Board Member-led activities, and to register, email Ann at director@ cblandtrust.org or visit our website: cblandtrust.org/boardmemberexplore How does the Land Trust raise funds? 1% Grants 1% In-Kind 3% Events 94% Individual Donations Our financial reports are always open to the public. Find our current audited financial statements at cblandtrust.org/strategic-plan-financials. For information on previous years, give us a call at 970.349.1206. We understand that you want assurance of professionalism and integrity. We’re proud to be nationally accredited and state licensed – which demonstrates that we are operating at the highest standards. You’ll also be pleased to know we are the recipient of six excellence awards, including our most recent, the Abandoned Mine Land Reclamation Award from the U.S. Government for our efforts in removing over 700 truckloads of coal from the wetlands just upstream of Gunsight Bridge. A monthly gift is an easy way to make a big impact. For as little as $10 a month, you can join a growing number of Land Trust friends – people like you, who want to make sure the Land Trust is ready to jump on opportunities all year long. What does the Land Trust spend funds on? Most of our time is spent saving land. We do this in two ways. We purchase or accept donations of land, and we enter into agreements with families who want to conserve their land but still want to own it and pass it on to their heirs. We also actively care for the lands we own, optimizing their value for the community. We call this stewardship. Stewardship involves building and signing trails, and sometimes providing parking at trailheads. Stewardship also involves restoring wetlands, improving water quality, and treating infestations of pine beetles, noxious weeds or other pests. 5% Administration 3% Fundraising 20% Stewardship 72% Acquisitions NONPROFIT ORG US POSTAGE PAID PERMIT NO. 27 CRESTED BUTTE, CO 81224 P.O. Box 2224 Crested Butte, CO 81224 Postal Patron preserving the present for the future Photo: Izzac Nixon w w w. c b l a n d t r u s t . o r g P.O. Box 2224 - 308 Third Street - Crested Butte, CO - 81224 970.349.1206 - [email protected]
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