Newsletter Ecole d`Humanité
Newsletter Ecole d`Humanité
the Newslet ter Ecole d’Humanité January | Januar 2016 Hasliberg Goldern, Switzerland the 2 von der Schulleitung January | Januar 2016 from the directors the January | Januar 2016 3 HelferInnen MIKE MAY Schulleiter seit 2014 Seit Jahr und Tag leben die meisten LehrerInnen mit ihren Familien an der Ecole. Dieses integrative Lebenskonzept entspricht Paul Geheebs Vision einer Mehrgenerationengemeinschaft und bereichert unser Leben enorm. Dennoch ist die ganzheitliche Verbindung von Lehrtätigkeit, Freizeitgestaltung, eigener Familie und dem täglichen Zusammenleben mit den SchülerInnen immer wieder ein Balanceakt. Das ist eine tagtägliche logistische Herausforderung, was sich auch bei der Gewinnung und dem Erhalt unseres Mitarbeiterteams stets aufs Neue herauskristallisiert. Die Ausgabe dieses Ecolianers ist einem ganz wesentlichen Aspekt unserer Arbeit und der Ecole-Kultur gewidmet, der das Konzept grösstenteils erst überhaupt ermöglicht: Den HelferInnen. Diese jungen Menschen zwischen 18 und 20 Jahren spielen eine sehr entscheidende Rolle an der Ecole. Zum einen sind sie als SchülerInnen hier und nehmen an Vormittags- und Nachmittagskursen teil. Zum anderen unterstützen sie unsere Familien mit Kleinkindern, oder sind im Archiv, im LPC Büro, bei Wartungsarbeiten und in den Gärten tätig. Während ihrer Zeit an der Ecole übernehmen sie eine aussergewöhnlich anspruchsvolle Rolle – einerseits sind sie erwachsene MitarbeiterInnen, andererseits SchülerInnen. Doch sie nehmen die Herausforderung an und wandeln auf dem schmalen Grat zwischen MitschülerIn, Vorbild und ebenbürtigem Partner. Sie sind in die Ecole-Familien, den Unterricht und alle Freizeitaktivitäten eingebunden und werden so zu einem wichtigen Bindeglied im Netzwerk der Ecole. Interessanterweise habe ich eine persönliche Verbindung zu den Aufgaben unserer HelferInnen. Sie geht auf das Jahr 2004 zurück und hat also noch nichts mit der Ecole zu tun. Damals hatte ich gerade meine erste Schulleiterstelle an einer neu gegründeten High School in den USA angetreten. Die Arbeit war streng und schnelllebig (ähnlich wie an der Ecole). Meine Frau Noëlle schloss gerade ihren Magister ab und arbeitete zusätzlich in einer Teilzeitstelle. Daheim hatten wir drei kleine Jungs und es wurde klar, dass wir Hilfe brauchten wenn wir dieses ambitionierte Arbeitspensum bewältigen wollten. Auf der Suche nach einer Lösung kam uns der Gedanke, eine Au-Pair oder Nanny zu suchen. Bald trat eine junge Frau aus dem Südwesten Deutschlands in unser Leben. Miriam arbeitete selbständig, aber auch mit mir oder Noëlle gemeinsam. Sie hütete die Kinder, sorgte für den Haushalt und wir wuchsen schnell zusammen, wobei sie unsere Angewohnheit mit den Jungs Deutsch zu sprechen, beibehielt. So wurde sie immer mehr ein Teil unseres Lebens und wir unterstützten sie auch in ihrer persönlichen Entwicklung. Wir ermutigten sie, während ihrer Zeit in den USA Neues zu wagen, aus dem behaglichen Familienleben herauszutreten, andere Menschen zu treffen und neue Erfahrungen zu sammeln. Wie das im Leben so ist: Wir teilten, wir debattierten, waren auch uneins, machten Fehler und taten Abbitte; wir rangen mit den Jungs und unseren Zweifeln über die richtige Erziehung. Daraus erwuchs eine enge Freundschaft, die nun schon seit 13 Jahren andauert. Miriam wohnt heute mit ihrer kleinen Familie in Freiburg i. B. Da wir ihr nun so nahe sind, zieht - wann immer möglich – die ganze May-Borders-Sippe los und wir besuchen Miriam. Es bewegt mich tief, zu beobachten, wie heute unsere Jungs mit Miriams kleinen Kindern spielen und toben. Es überraschte mich also keineswegs, dieselben oder ähnliche Geschichten von den HelferInnen an der Ecole zu hören. Unsere HelferInnen hinterlassen tiefe Spuren in den Herzen vieler MitarbeiterInnen und oft bleiben latente, aber stete Verbindungen zur Ecole. Sie kehren möglicherweise zum Ecole-Kreis später als Table of Contents | Inhaltsverzeichnis Helfer 2 Helpers 3 Helfer im Schuljahr 2015-'16 | Helpers in the Schoolyear 2015–'164 Zeitfenster suchen 6 Constant opportunities 8 Wrestling… 9 The Ecole of My Heart 10 Rachel Borrego 11 Memories and thoughts on my year at the Ecole 12 Ski and “Pöschtli” 13 Hoher Besuch aus Bern 14 Enthusiasm for Math Neue Mitarbeiter | New Mitarbeiter 2015 People | Leute Abschied von Rosemarie Varga Dear Rosemarie… EGCF Hello Asia Reunion 2016 | Ehemaligentreffen 2016 – Update Stiftung Ecole d'Humanité 15 16 21 22 24 25 26 28 32 Impressum Editor | Redaktion Contact | Kontakt Foto Frontpage | Titelseite Reverse Side | Rückseite Guido Bieri [email protected] GUIDO BIERI Jonas Miller H at the Blueberry Hike 2014| Jonas Miller an der Heidelbeerwanderung 2014 GUIDO BIERI Joe Seserman H '15 in the “Gauli” | Joe Seserman H '15 im “Gauli” MitarbeiterInnen, Vorstandsmitglieder, Stiftungsratsmitglieder, SpenderInnen, Volontäre oder VermittlerInnen wieder zurück. Ich staune immer wieder über die wunderbaren Verbindungen, die aus dieser Zusammenarbeit über die Jahre erwachsen. Nun, da ich diese letzten Zeilen schreibe, geht es auf 12.00 Uhr zu und die tägliche Ansagekonferenz naht. Freudiger, spielerischer Lärm und Kindergelächter schallen durch die frische Herbstluft. Neugierig geworden, schaue ich aus meinem Bürofenster und entdecke ein familiäres Bild: Fünf unserer Jüngsten der Gemeinschaft – alle unter vier Jahren alt – toben durch einen riesigen, bunten Haufen Herbstlaub. Gleich hinter ihnen vier HelferInnen, die Kleinsten im Arm wiegend. Ihre Kinder wohl behütet wissend, streben die MitarbeiterInnen Richtung Geheeb 4 zur Konferenz und können sich beruhigt ihrer Arbeit widmen. Helpers MIKE MAY Director since 2014 For years the Ecole teaching corps has relied upon teachers with families. Their incorporation into the daily life and rhythm of the school fits the Geheeb multi-generational vision and enriches the fabric of the community. Nevertheless, the full-on lifestyle that comes with teaching academics and enrichment activities, while simultaneously integrating students into one’s own nuclear family and living space is truly a difficult juggling act, one which creates challenges with day-to-day logistics, as well as more broadly in attracting and retaining quality faculty. In this edition of the Ecolianer we explore a critical component of the Ecole culture that makes this work possible: Helpers. These young people, generally between the ages of 18 and 20, have long served a critical role at the Ecole. Here on student visas, the Helpers take a class in both the morning and afternoon while serving as caretakers and family supports for Mitarbeiter with children. Helpers also may serve in other capacities, such as supporting the office staff, the archivists, the administrative work of the Luethi Peterson Summer Camps, or even helping with maintenance and gardening work. During their time at the Ecole, these young adults occupy a uniquely challenging space at the Ecole; existing between the adult Mitarbeiter and students, they embrace the challenge of treading the fine line between being a valued partner, a role model and a peer. Through it all, they are incorporated into Ecole families, classes, and activities and become an important ingredient in the mortar, helping to bind the bricks of the Ecole structure together. Interestingly, I have a personal connection to the contributions made by Helpers, one that predates my experience at the Ecole. In 2004, I had just assumed my first position as principal at a newly-founded US high school. The work was intense and fast-paced (not unlike life at the Ecole), and my wife Noelle was a full- time graduate student and also working part-time. With three young boys at home, it was clear that we were going to need some help if we were to pull-off such an ambitious workload. In the midst of looking for a workable solution we stumbled upon the opportunity to host an au-pair or nanny. It wasn’t long afterwards that a young woman from southwest Germany entered our lives. Miriam worked alone and alongside Noelle and me, supporting our kids, helping run the household, and integrating herself into our lives. She also continued our practice of speaking German with our boys. And, as she worked her way into our lives, we supported her personal evolution—challenging her to take creative risks during her time in America, stepping further out of her comfort zone to meet new people and try new experiences. As is so often the case in life, somewhere along the way, as we shared, discussed, disagreed, made mistakes, apologized and wrestled with the joys and anxieties of raising children, we developed a close friendship which has endured for 13 years. Now, when we have time, the May-Borders crew enjoys zipping up to Freiburg to visit Miriam and her own young family, and there is something deeply gratifying about watching our boys romp and play with her own small children. It didn’t surprise me to discover this same storyline has repeated itself many times over at the Ecole. Former Helpers have not only firmly embedded themselves in the hearts of many a Mitarbeiter, but have themselves formed a steady potential pipeline of future Mitarbeiter, board members, foundation board members, donors, volunteers and recruiters. I can only marvel at the wonderful ripples that have resulted from these collaborations over the years. As I write these final lines, shortly before 12 noon and the start of our daily faculty conference, the exuberant, joyful sounds of playing children peal through the crisp fall air. Looking out my office window, I witness a familiar sight: Five of the youngest members of our community, all under 4 years of age, racing in, out, and through a huge pile of leaves—with fours helpers right on their heels, toddlers cradled under their arms. Confident in their children’s well-being, the faculty gather in Geheeb 4 for conference and continue with the work of the day. the 4 January | Januar 2016 HelferInnen im Schuljahr 2015–'16 | Helpers in the Schoolyear 2015–'16 From the landscape to becoming part of this great community, it has been a drastic change but at the same time unforgetable; in just this first three months I'm already impressed by the unity of all the school, and even though my cousin Diana (Helper from last year) told me a lot of things from here, I have to say I didn't expect anything like this. the January | Januar 2016 5 JOSE ANDRES DE JESUS GARCIA CRESPO (MÉXICO) Prior to coming to the Ecole, to work as a helper, my plan was to attend the University of Washington. Since my decision to come here was so spontaneous, I didn't have many expectations of the Ecole life. It took a bit of getting used to at first, but having been here for 2 months already, I can honestly say that I'm having a great time. The closeness of the community here has made adjusting much easier. I've made many wonderful friends and had experiences that I wouldn't have been able to have in America. REBECCA I spent most of my childhood In the Hudson Valley of upstate NY. Before I arrived at the Ecole, I worked in the marine industry as an electrician and systems technician after attending The Landing School of Boatbuilding and Design. My desire to understand through experiencing different ways of thinking by traveling was initially the reason I became involved in the boating world. This was also the catalyst which landed me here at the Ecole d’Humanité as a helper for LP. The dynamic structure of this school teaches not only academics but also helps students (and faculty) learn to live together in a community. Although the scheduled structure can be limiting to some, it can be liberating for others which has allowed many students to thrive. As a helper it can be challenging give up so much of your contact with the outside world and commit entirely to living a lifestyle immersed in this community. It has exposed many previously unrecognized insecurities because there is limited time to escape. With these insecurities revealed It introduces an opportunity to learn how to work on yourself while tending to your responsibilities. JOE SESERMAN From left to right | VLNR Rebecca Pacheco, Rory Maynard-Dean, Maud Lepdor, Melina Topic, Jonas Brand, Margaret Havey, Andrés de Jesús Garcia Crespo, Joseph Seserman, Tamara Kracke. the 6 Helper January | Januar 2016 the HelferInnen January | Januar 2016 HelferInnen im Schuljahr 2014–'15 | Helpers in the Schoolyear 2014–'15 Thea (Haus Shanti): “Thea, or “Aya" as Ray called her, was the best gift we could have had for our first year back at the Ecole as parents!” KARUNA, BEN & RAY Rachel (Haus Kathrin) taking car of sleeping Oskar, the youngest Jaschok son Teegan (Wagenschein-Archiv) Jonas (Haus Lüthi-Peterson) and his favorite outfit, ready to ski: “We miss you big brother!” KLUG-BIERI'S BOYS Diana (Haus am Bach) Shanti (Westhaus): “Musik, da blühte sie auf” ALINE Kassi (Waldhaus) "You developed the ability to walk the thin line of being both a friend and a mentor to students." NOËLLE From left to right | VLNR Diana Mejia Pena, Shanti Lobo, Kassi Roosth, Jonas Miller-Stockie, Rachel Borrego, Thea Bradley-Varner, Teegan Kilcoyne 7 the 8 January | Januar 2016 Helpers HelferInnen the January | Januar 2016 9 Zeitfenster suchen TAMARA ELENA KRACKE H 2015–'16 Von der Ecole d’Humanité habe ich das erste mal gehört, als ich in der siebten Klasse war. Einer meiner Lehrer und gleichzeitig Vater einer Freundin ist hier bei einem Treffen freier Schulen gewesen. Wir sprachen über die Ecole, vor allem wegen der Ähnlichkeiten zu Hogwarts, die wir ausmachten: Internat mit Häusern (wir waren gerade im Harry-Potter-Fieber). Als nächstes wurde mir die Ecole gegen Ende meines zehnten Schuljahres wieder in Erinnerung gerufen. Ein Schulwechsel stand an und meine Klassenlehrerin schlug uns vor, die Ecole d’Humanité in unsere Überlegungen einzubeziehen. Das Ergebnis dessen war, dass zwar nicht ich, aber meine Freundin Annabelle sich dazu entschied, an die Ecole zu gehen. In den Folgenden drei Jahren bekam ich also von ihr immer mehr von dieser Schule erzählt. Und bei meinen zwei Besuchen – einmal bei einem Sommerfest und einmal im Wintertrimester zum Skifahren – konnte ich etwas Ecole-Atmosphäre live erleben. Meine Eindrücke: wunderbare Aussicht direkt auf die Alpen, beeindruckende Kunstausstellungen und Musikvorführungen, eine enorme Vielfalt an Kursangeboten, viele verschiedene Nationen und Kulturen, eine Menge Spaß bei der Singgemeinde und natürlich ein Skigebiet direkt vor der Haustür! – Ich war durchaus neidisch an diesem besonderen Ort zur Schule zu gehen. Das ich nun doch hier bin, habe ich einem spontanen Einfall auf dem Fahrrad zu verdanken. In den Osterferien besuchte mich Annabelle und wir waren gerade mit unseren Rädern unterwegs zu mir nach Hause, als sie meinte ich könne mich doch nach meinem Abitur bei der Ecole als Helferin bewerben. Meine bisherigen Eindrücke von dieser Schule und die Lage mitten in den Alpen überzeugten mich rasch von Annabelles Idee. Fast alle ersten Eindrücke von meinen zwei Besuchen habe ich bestätigt gefunden. Das einzige, was ich noch nicht erleben konnte sind die Vorzüge des Wohnens inmitten eines Skigebiets, aber auch das wird hoffentlich nicht mehr lange auf sich warten lassen. Zu den Ersteindrücken haben sich dann noch viele weitere hinzugesellt. Ich freue mich, hier so viele verschiedene, interessante und offene Menschen kennenzulernen! Sei es unter den HelferInnen, in meiner Familie im Waldhaus, unter SchülerInnen oder MitarbeiterInnen. Und es freut mich, auf wie viel Hilfsbereitschaft und gegenseitige Unterstützung man täglich an der Ecole stößt. Trotzdem bedeutete das Leben in solch einer Gemeinschaft erst einmal eine große Umstellung für mich. Es war sehr ungewohnt und oft auch anstrengend durchgehend an der Ecole zu sein, und eben nicht am Nachmittag nach Hause zu kommen, wo es doch ruhiger ist. Eine weitere Eigenschaft des Ecole-Lebens: Es gibt hier immer etwas zu tun. Langeweile scheint den Hasliberg zu meiden und an manchen Tagen muss ich geradezu mit einer Lupe nach kleinen Zeitfenstern im vollen Programm suchen. Dafür blicke ich dann abends aber auch auf einen ereignisreichen Tag zurück. Ich genieße die Zeit hier an der Ecole sehr, ebenso wie die tollen Berge und Kletterfelsen rundherum, und bin schon sehr gespannt darauf, dies alles bald in Schnee gehüllt zu erleben. Tamara im «Zeitfenster» 4-Tages-Hochtour Herbst 2015 the 10 Helpers January | Januar 2016 HelferInnen Constant opportunities Wrestling… MATT MORISSON H 2009–'10 JONAS MILLER-STOCKIE H 2014–'15 I arrived fresh from High School. Small town British Columbia, I'd had a few chances to live away from home for a month or two at a time. I sheepishly took the gondola up from Meiringen with my bike that I had brought over from Canada, as my sister, dad and I did a bike trip before the school year, and my year as a Helper was to start. Not speaking a work of German (or Schweizer Deutsch), feeling nervously excited, I walked my bike off the lift into Reuti and started what I had concluded, was the way to the Ecole. Winding my way along the narrow road, in total awe of the life I was about to enter, it felt like stumbling into a dream world that I had built over the months of imagining what this place was like. Every moment of my time as a helper at the Ecole was transformative. Our hilarious dynamics as a collection of odd balls and keen learners from all over the world squished us into some of the closest and most nourishing, inspiring and challenging situations I have been in. The Ecole has a magic that anyone who is reading this knows, and that magic has remained deep inside of me. I long for it regularly, and anticipate my return. I feel so fortunate to have worked and lived with the people I did at my one short year living in the mighty presence of the Rosenhorn and its impressive companions. The Bieri Klug, Luthi Peterson Haus-family welcomed me into their home and lives with such grace and kindness, I have rarely felt such immediate and strong connection to a place and its people. I only have my perspective, but the helper at the Ecole has it Matt and Yul (3) on the couch pretty good. This transit zone of student and worker is captured in such a beautiful balance by the Helper and the flexibility of the teachers and staff that put up with the growing pains of such awkward years. Working daily to earn one's keep, with evenings for learning, socializing, playing and adventure provide a near perfect platform for building one's capacity for awe and wonder of the world. Constant opportunities for growth, while the freedom to take space and not feel burdened by the pressure of formal education provide a platform for finding one's self that is sure to at least tell you something you need to know. What a treat! What a privilege. I know and hope the days of wandering up to the Sportsplatz and into the forest are not over. That the afternoons of swerving on and off piste into the pillows of snowy joy will, with hope, recreate themselves. The lessons I learned, the friendships formed, the transformative year of channeling my naive youth into a constant project of learning and growth through the wonderful ways of the Ecole have never, for a moment been lost on me, and I know it every day. Helpers have it good, but magic steeps in no matter where you are in the Hasliberg. No matter how you came to be placed in the grace and beauty of the Alps, their people, and the Geheeb-Schule family. See you again, Much love, Matt When I came to the Ecole, I came with what I thought was an open mind and heart. I thought I knew what a community was and who my friends were. I came with one suitcase, my hiking bag and my skis. The first few weeks were so strange to me, I didn’t understand any German let alone Swiss-German. I remember the first time meeting Yul, Eno and Jan Andri or ‘my kids’ as I called them. All the Mitarbeiter kids were jumping on the trampoline and I decided to join in. It was so funny trying to communicate with Yul and Eno before we formed our own Germ-English dialect. When it came time for the Helpers to choose families I was leaning towards the May family, but when I found out how much Yul wanted to have me as Helper, I changed my mind. Looking back I think that was the best fit for me and for our family. I don’t think I could have been any happier with anyone else. I enjoyed every second even with our spaghetti fights, all the ignored bedtime warnings and the countless efforts to get the boys to clean their rooms. When times were hard, Yul always put a smile on my face. When I was frustrated with Yul, Eno was there to talk him into listening. When Eno wouldn’t listen to me, Jann Andri would slap him around. And when all else failed I wrestled them all to the ground and made them smell my feet until they were obedient. I the January | Januar 2016 11 became comfortable with my new family and really found trust, care and love in them. When I had a question I couldn’t answer, Guido was always there with a cup of coffee and years of wisdom. When I needed help with anything or just a hug, Chantal was there the whole time. During my time at the Ecole, I truly felt a sense of community full of diversity and ability and love, something which I have never felt in my life. I left the Ecole with so many things: new friends and a family who I will keep up with my whole life, hobbies I never thought I’d enjoy so much like skiing and climbing, and so much more. Best memories When I went sledding from Käserstatt to Lischen with Yul, Lukey, and Annie. We accidentally ended up on the ski piste while looking for the sled piste and got yelled at but had a great time. or Taking Yul to the gondola for soccer practice on scooters in the pouring rain. No matter how bad the circumstance, we always managed to have a great time. Those trips with Yul really taught me to appreciate how lucky I was to be at the Ecole. Jonas with Yul (9) the 12 Helpers January | Januar 2016 The Ecole of My Heart What my year as a Helper taught me SOO LEE TAN H 2003–'04 In the nineteenth year of my life, being a helper was by far the easiest and hardest thing I had done. Years later, with the assistance of a friend I call Retrospect, it has also been the best thing I’ve done. The easiest part was saying yes to the position and making the best friends of my life. The hardest part was leaving my boyfriend (now husband) in France. It was twelve years ago when I first stepped foot onto the Hasliberg. I remember arriving feeling lost, lovesick and culture shocked to the core. Looking out the window of the train I took from Geneva was like watching a flipbook of stunning images pass my disbelieving eyes. Turquoise lakes, golden fields, green rivers and massive mountains flicked past my young, adventure-hungry eyes. The Hasliberg was bigger than anything I’d ever seen. Knowing this place would be my home for the next twelve months frightened and excited me at the same time. Tall, bespectacled Regula was the first to greet me. As soon as I offloaded my luggage in Haupthaus she whipped out her camera for a ‘first day’ pic and in my jetlagged awkwardness I was forced to smile. I remember meeting my helper team for the first time. We sat in the gallery and played some getting to know you type games with KC and Regula. I had trouble understanding fellow helper Sara’s Welsh accent. There was a bizarre moment. She said she’d come from the apple. The apple? Us non-Welsh helpers looked at each other for translations. The ahhh-pple she said again, insisting that somehow her emphasis would assist us. I thought she loved fruit. Really loved fruit. Then someone picked it up. I think she means the airport. A sigh of relief and understanding overwhelmed the group. The realisation that we weren’t going to spend the year with a fruit bat consoled us. I was assigned to be the helper for Kathinka and Martin’s family and I also helped Frau Stein. For those who need clarification, being a helper is similar to being an au pair. The helper’s main role is to help family heads with the daily running of their household. This might include anything and everything from babysitting, dishwashing, ironing, and sweeping to dog walking, or picking up groceries from Meiringen. In this busy mix we were also allowed to sign up for one morning course and some afternoon courses. In my opinion it was a pretty sweet deal for a gap year. A balance of work and education with enough money to keep my Swiss chocolate fund running! Our helper group developed a steadfast bond and that bond has lasted since we left in the summer of 2004. What contributed to our closeness? Several factors. Laughing, loving, fighting, talking, groaning, celebrating, putzing (LOTS of putzing) and – my favourite part – just living together. I loved the multinational vibe of our group – Australia, Holland, Canada, Wales, Germany, Pakistan and the US. I’m sure we picked up funny habits from each other. At one point I was addicted to super strong British tea (tar black and three times stronger than my own tea bags). When I came home I realised I was expressing my surprise by saying “Oh man!” and “Dude!” countless times. I had also learned the best Dutch word ever – “gezelling”, plus a bunch of rude words! A fail on my part was not turning my helper HelferInnen friends into a group of Vegemite lovers. But I tried. I really did try. We groaned about so many things together: Our insistent friend the 6am gong, the endless putzing (putzpause, grossputz and the mother of all putzes MEGAPUTZ – my husband still thinks it’s hilarious), slipping on ice, our measly allowance, potatoes again for lunch, for dinner… and we laughed about the things that made us groan. I happened to have the funniest roommate in the history of funny roommates. Her name was Megan and she cracked me up all the time. Hitting her head first thing in the morning on the beams of our slanted-roof bedroom ceiling in Wagenschein Haus started each day of hilarity. We revelled in the breathtaking mountains, afternoon courses, receiving mail from loved ones, gorging on chocolate from Migros, and discovering the ups and downs of Ecole life together. We fell on icy steps, on icy slopes, on the ski fields, off sleds, off skis, off snowboards… there was a lot of falling on my part. But there was good falling too. We all fell in love with the mountains. We missed our families and boyfriends together, we missed the freedoms of living independently, we missed waking up without an alarm (or gong), we missed potato chips that weren’t paprika flavoured. There was a whole lot of missing and crying and it drew us closer together. It also made the celebrations we had together a whole lot more meaningful! Because over time we re- January | Januar 2016 13 alised that something beautiful and special had happened: we had become each other’s family. At the end of the year we had a farewell barbeque at Regula’s house. Our time at the Ecole was rapidly winding up and a sense of freedom was looming because most of us were returning to our largely unscheduled lives (i.e. uni student lives). Regula took this opportunity to whip her camera out again. A few days later, she presented us each with a before/after scrapbook shot. The difference between my two portraits was striking. The first photo showed a kid who barely looked at the camera and smiled without purpose. In the second photo I am looking directly into the lens displaying a confident smile that is ready to embrace the world! In those two pictures I saw someone who’d done a lot of growing up, someone who’d found a purpose. I think that’s what encapsulates the Ecole for me and a lot of other people who are fortunate enough to call themselves Ecolianers. It’s about how this community nurtures and strengthens human connections and maintains them across continents. And through this living environment, a unique love and respect for the world, our environment and its people is also nurtured and strengthened. It’s for these reasons I like to call the Ecole d’Humanité “l’ecole de mon coeur”. “…more impact than I thought…” RACHEL BORREGO H 2014–'15 The Ecole impacted me more than I ever thought because I had no expectation of what it would show me. I went to the Hasliberg just happy to be there, and I was welcomed as if I were an old friend. I was shown by example through leadership in my family exactly what community and support looked like on a consistent daily basis. I was able to see myself through the eyes of people who had such unconditional love for me, which allowed me to do the same for others. I was able to put all my time and energy for others into this community and what I got back in return impacted my view on how I see myself and the world. My time at the Ecole instilled a strong value for patience with others, and has shown me the impact of intention. I was a helper for a beautiful family that gave me a foundation for building strong relationships. Haus Kathrin and the Jaschoks supported and loved me so consistently; they showed me how unique each person is and how everyone brings something new and important to the table. How if you take time to see each person as an individual, it completely changes how you see others and how they see themselves. While at the Ecole I developed a passion for outdoor education, and learning through doing. At the Ecole I was able to find myself while being surrounded by so much love, which is something I will always be grateful for. The Ecole will always be an old friend, and when I return I know it will be with open arms. A pre-digital-era picture of the 2003–2004 helpers the Milo Jaschok and Rachel the 14 Helpers January | Januar 2016 Memories and thoughts on my year at the Ecole HelferInnen the January | Januar 2016 15 Building a Solid Foundation JOSHUA NASH H 2001–'02 ‘Do you know where you’re going to’ (Diana Ross) KARIN HEUGEN (FORMERLY ZWOLS), H 1983–'84 It must have been August, 1983, a train station in The Netherlands, friends, parents and new helpers. We were a group of 7 helpers from The Netherlands and most of us travelled together for the big Swiss adventure. We didn’t know where we were going to, we didn’t know what to expect, we didn’t know much. Sure we had talked to former helpers, sure we had seen pictures, and yes, we all read the Ecole guide. We are only eighteen and much younger than any eighteen year old nowadays. It was tough to get adjusted to Ecole life. As a helper I felt lonely, parked between students and Mitarbeiter. I was lucky I came to the Ecole with my best friend from school, and even though we went through some hard times, we enjoyed ourselves. We shared a room at the Turm House and we loved the squeeky floors and the oldness of it. My family helped me feel at home at the Ecole. It took a while, but at some point, my family with Michael Binder, Bettina, Heidi, Sarah, Holly, Dres and Franz became like real family. We had great Familienabenden, cooking, laughing, just talking and so on. My job started in the kitchen. I remember the very early morning breakfast shift, cooking porridge and making tea. I have fond memories of Dres, preparing us a nice lunch, which often differed from lunch served to students and staff. Frau Anderegg was a women from one of the villages who helped run the kitchen and who we all liked, though she kept us working at high speed. Never a dull moment when she was around, talking, talking, talking. During my year at the Ecole, I took French class with Alain Richard. I remember he was amazed at the level of French I spoke, coming from a state school. I enjoyed the hours reading Jean Paul Sartre and Françoise Sagan. Whenever we could, we went out hiking. The money we took from home was spent on hiking boots. Our weekends off started with an early breakfast and then we went. We just walked, not knowing where the road would take us. The roadsigns were the only guide we had. We went to Lungern, Planplatten, Interlaken, drank hot chocolate on the way and shared a cake with the little money we had. And than winter came. I remember the morning, just before the Christmas break, we woke up and discovered the first snow. Excited! It wouldn’t be long before we would learn how to ski. And after Christmas, when we returned to the Hasliberg, we stopped hiking and spent every free moment racing down the slopes. After Easter, we moved house and stayed with Pidi. We had a real room, with a real warm shower and a bath. Pidi was great. She would sometimes just enter our room, look at us, smile and leave again. She allowed us to bake apple pies in her kitchen and we felt great. The year went by and summer came. Students left, Mitarbeiter left and all helpers joined forces to clean up before the summer break. And who would have thought that we did not want to leave the Hasliberg. We had fallen in love with it all. How different it was from when we left for Christmas. Still now, 31 years after I returned to The Netherlands, I can’t really explain what it was, but Switzerland, Berner Oberland, the Hasliberg, Goldern and the Ecole have taken a special place in my heart. I went back four times, twice with my family. I had to show them why my eyes light up when I talk about the Ecole. I had to show them the place that for sure has made me the person I am now. How did this happen? I often wonder. I may romanticize things when I look back. Did I forget about the cold showers and the porridge in the morning? Definitely not, but as long as the positive moments win it from the lesser moments, even cold showers can make one feel warm. I could go on for a while longer, but I will end this by repeating the last song that ended the last Andacht that year: ‘Do you know where you’re going to’… I guess we never know where we are going to, we plan and just go, making the best of whatever we do, with whomever we meet… My name is Joshua Nash. I currently live and work in Vancouver as an IT Project Manager for an international utility management company. I was a helper at the Ecole d'Humanite during the 2001-2002 school year, over 13 years ago now. Time sure does fly. That year at the Ecole still stands out for me as one of the most memorable in my life, and without a doubt has had a significant impact in shaping who I've become, influencing my decisions, what I value, am passionate about and shifting the course of my life. Life in the Alps was exciting. We lived with a small group of fun, forwarding thinking and positive people that valued community, creativity, the arts, outdoors, individualism and genuinely wanted the best for others; not just themselves. People at the Ecole came from all over the globe and from all walks of life. I learned to think about culture, music, food, religion, politics and the world, in new ways as I was influenced by others with different perspectives than my own and my mind was opened. I connected and grew friendships with people from the US, Taiwan, Japan, Italy, Germany, Britain, France, Sweden, Russia, Spain and Switzerland. We ate, hiked, skied, created and laughed together. The camaraderie and friendships we built were extraordinary, and some continue to this day. Life at the Ecole represents so much of how we are intended to live: creatively, simply and in community. As a helper I learned the importance of serving others. There were eight of us helpers. 3 from Canada, 2 from Switzerland, 1 from Britain and 1 from Sweden. We bonded and many of us keep in touch to this day. I think the others would agree when I say, as a helper you learn what real work and serving others is all about. We worked long hours, some days as many as 12 and and some weeks we worked right through to Sunday. We cleaned, made sure the Ski hike, January 2002 At the “Pöschtli” students behaved at meals, gardened, did laundry, dishes, took care of small children and more. We helped where we were needed. In return we received some pocket money, room and board and an alpine ski pass with rentals. But there was so much more. When I look back now, the compensation was very generous and perhaps greater than any compensation I have ever received from any company I've worked for. The hiking, skiing, mountain climbing, guitar lessons, language lessons, lifelong friendships and experiences are irreplaceable. Recreating the Ecole wherever I go. Three years ago a few friends and myself launched a fitness and health organization in Vancouver. We named it EnduroFit because we believe endurance was crucial to everything we do from fitness, relationships, life's challenges and ultimately reaching our goals and dreams. At EnduroFit, our goal is to create a fun and safe environment for our members, with community being central to all we do. We believe more and more people these days, despite technology, feel less and less connected, loved and appreciated. Our membership has gone from just 10 members to over 70 in just 3 years. We know that life is all about relationships and having good people in our lives. EnduroFit owes its growth to community being above everything else that we aim to achieve. We are this way because of the significant role community played on my life during the year I spent at the Ecole. The Ecole is an incredible place. My advice for anyone that is considering attending the Ecole as a student, or working as a teacher or helper, is to seriously consider it. As with anything that is worth while, you'll need to make some adjustments and put in some hard work, but the reward is more than worth it. The Ecole will change your life for the better, and help you become the person you were intended to be. the 16 Fortbildung January | Januar 2016 Projects the January | Januar 2016 17 Hoher Besuch aus Bern Danach hielt er einen kleinen Vortrag zu «Wagenschein in der Schule von heute» in dessen Anschluss ein lebhafter Austausch stattfand. (der Vortrag selbst kann auf der Homepage des Wagenschein-Archivs « 23 01 15.pdf» nachgelesen werden.) Kurz, es war ein sehr gelungener, lehrreicher Nachmittag. Und… für das Wintertrimester 2016 hat sich Prof. Aeschlimann bereit erklärt, noch einmal zu kommen und mit uns ein anderes Thema von Wagenschein zu bearbeiten. An der Ecole gibt es ja nicht nur das Wagenschein-Haus und ein Wagenschein-Archiv, einige Lehrpersonen versuchen auch immer wieder, die Grundsätze Wagenscheins in ihren Unterricht einzubauen – das wirkliche Verstehen zu lehren, das es den Lernenden ermöglicht, dieses wirklich Verstandene auch später anzuwenden. Martin Wagenschein war seit dem Beginn seiner Berufstätigkeit mit Geheebs befreundet und bekam durch seine neunjährige Tätigkeit an der Odenwaldschule wesentliche Impulse für seine Didaktik. Da die Ecole sein Haupterbe war, ermöglichte er nach seinem Tod (1988) den Bau des Geheeb-Hauses, nicht des WagenscheinHauses, das gab es schon früher . Wir freuen uns auf das Wintertrimester und sind gespannt, welches Thema Professor Aeschlimann dann mit uns bearbeiten wird. Foto MANDY METZNER Foto MANDY METZNER Am Freitag, den 23. Januar kam Professor Dr. Dr. Ueli Aeschlimann von der Universität Bern an die Ecole, um für interessierte MitarbeiterInnen zu Martin Wagenschein, dem Mathematik- und Physikdidaktiker, einen Weiterbildungsnachmittag durchzuführen. Professor Aeschlimann ist wohl der profundeste Wagenschein-Kenner im schweizerischen Raum. Vor 15 Jahren war er Mitarbeiter der Ecole. Ein Schwerpunkt seiner Universitätsarbeit ist die Wagenschein-Pädagogik. Darum ging es auch an diesem Nachmittag. Mit viel Information und Humor zeigte er in kurzen Sequenzen, wie er seinen Studierenden Einblick in den Unterricht nach Wagenschein gibt. Foto MANDY METZNER HANNELORE EISENHAUER MA seit 1967 Enthusiasm for Math KEN RUSSELL MA since 2015 Frustration and despair are typically features of mathematics education which are avoided. And yet they are emotions which students should learn to encounter and overcome. Math is such a stressful subject for some students that it has become essential as a math teacher to centre on maintaining students’ confidence and optimism in the subject. As a consequence it changes the subject from one of discovery to one of pure process - every step is explained in advance; our young people are guided through set problems and led by the hand. This enables the teaching of advanced mathematics topics, but does not mean that students are using advanced mathematical thinking. And, I wonder, whether the original subject is as scary as the one created? Mathematics is sucked dry of everything that makes it so great. Gone is the imagination, and gone is the feeling of joy that comes from the determination to solve that which has never been seen before. This joy only comes about as a result of the frustration and despair in the same way that the joy of reaching the crest of a mountain pass differs depending on whether you spent two days getting to this point, or if you took the gondola. I began this project to see how students would respond to the act of doing real mathematics. It was to be open to all, students and teachers, in German and English, and reliant not on skills learnt in the classroom but on imagination. I first introduced the idea in our weekly Schulgemeinde and was immediately struck by the enthusiasm. Students came up to me afterwards, shaking my hand and thanking me. The enthusiasm remained, with people signing out late at night to work on the problems. Some of the problems have been seen before - the first for example required finding the formula for area of a triangle. Many students had this explained to them years ago, but discovering it for themselves required quite a different set of skills. Problems that are easy to understand are often very difficult to solve: why don’t you try this one that we’re working on right now… How big is the circle relative to the square? the 18 January | Januar 2016 People Neue Mitarbeiter | New Mitarbeiter 2015 Leute January | Januar 2016 19 Lise Cyrenne Benno Breitenmoser Sylvan & Francine Levin Sometimes life takes unexpected turns… We were all set for a romantic getaway to San Francisco last Valentine's Day including a planned weekend for our two girls with their grandparents and tickets to the once-in-a-lifetime art exhibit by Ai Wei Wei at Alcatraz Island. Instead, I (Sylvan) found myself at an international school job fair in San Francisco where my family and I would make the life-changing decision to move from San Luis Obispo, California to the Hasliberg to live and work at the Ecole. I had been working as a Social Studies teacher and administrator at a private Catholic college-preparatory school for eleven years, and my incredible wife of fi fteen years, Francine, had directed teen health and prevention programs for over fi fteen years. For the last five years, she had been running programs funded by a federal grant awarded by the Office of Adolescent Health that had been created as part of President Obama’s health care reform. We had a wonderful life in a community that had recently been named the "happiest place on earth," but change is good and it was time for a change! At the Ecole, I am now serving as the Dean of Academics of the US program and teaching AP World History. Francine is overseeing the Helpers at the Ecole, serving on the team addressing issues relating to student life on campus, and teaching sports programs and cooking classes. Among the more exciting things about our move are the opportunities it presents for our daughters, Lunabella (10) and Anisa (7). The idea of exposing them to a dynamic international and progressive community was quite hard to pass up (along with life in the Alps, four truly distinctive seasons, and the travel opportunities offered by living abroad in central Europe). It has been a thrill to watch them adapt so easily to life at the Ecole and to manage the challenges of the “Dorfschule” where they are learning not just the Swiss curriculum, but to speak and understand German as well. We are marveling as we watch them become more independent, more open to the outdoors, and more willing to walk when they want to go somewhere. No matter what is in our family’s future, we know that this chapter of our life will be an unforgettable one and it has already taught us never to think that one knows what lies ahead. the I grew up in Canada on a family farm in the Canadian Prairies. I arrived in Switzerland in 1992 to study at the C.G. Jung Institute in Zürich. Prior to coming to Zürich, I got a B.A. in Sociology and French from the University of Saskatchewan. I worked in Toronto and then in Winnipeg with Statistics Canada as Project Leader in Business and Farms Surveys, and in Parks Canada in the role of socio-economic analyst. Although I enjoyed my studies at the Jung Institute, I completed only the first half. I then became an EFL teacher, teaching English for Nurses, English for Nursing Research and Cambridge Diploma classes, as well as private classes in such instutitions as the ETH in Zürich. In 2000 I became a full time employee in international communications with Winterthur Versicherung in Winterthur. Following four years with Winterthur, I returned to Canada to complete a Master's in Conflict Studies at the University of Ottawa. I returned to Zürich where I also returned to adult language education as Manager of Language Diplomas with Klubschule Migros Zürich, then as Head of English managing a team of 60 teachers from over 20 countries. I am convinced that my new position with Ecole d'Humanité will allow me to participate and contribute at all levels making the best use of skills and knowledge that I have had the chance to develop to date. This new challenge is wonderful! Liebe Leserin, lieber Leser. Ich komme ursprünglich aus der Zentralschweiz. Meine Vision ist es, mit meiner Arbeit Jugendlichen Türen und neue Möglichkeiten zu (er-)öffnen. Seit Januar 2015 unterstütze ich das Ecole-Team als Fundraiser und Alumni Koordinator. In dieser Funktion helfe ich auch mit, das Ehemaligentreffen 2016 zu koordinieren. Weiter engagiere ich mich als Geschäftsführer der Stiftung Ecole. In den vergangenen Jahren ist das Spendenvolumen leider etwas gesunken, obwohl die Ecole-Community sehr solidarisch und hilfsbereit ist. Mein Ziel ist es, interessierten Personen in Zukunft noch attraktivere Spendenmöglichkeiten anzubieten. So können wir zusammen einen Beitrag für eine erfolgreiche Zukunft der Ecole leisten. Den Austausch mit Spenderinnen und Spendern schätze ich sehr. Sei es, um Fragen zu einer Spendenmöglichkeit oder einem Legat zu klären, oder um zu berichten, was an der Ecole gerade so läuft. Übrigens sind alle Spenderinnen und Spender herzlich zu Anlässen an der Ecole eingeladen. Bevorstehende Termine von Musik- und Theateraufführungen fi ndet ihr unter www.stiftung.ecole. ch/einladungen. Ich freue mich auf unser Kennenlernen! Mein Kontakt: 033 972 92 50 (Di & Do) [email protected] the 20 January | Januar 2016 People the Leute January | Januar 2016 21 Sheila Raju-Grebe & Cornelius Grebe Rebecca & Tim Madler Rebecca Madler I'm excited to be here with my husband and two children. I have a bachelors degree in French and Spanish from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, teacher certification in English as a Second language, French, and Spanish from the university is Wisconsin-Milwaukee and a Masters degree in Education from Mount Mary College. I have been teaching French and Spanish in a US high school since 2000. I'm thrilled to be here at the Ecole, living and working in such a different environment. Tim Madler Tim is a history and German teacher, who has lived and taught in Wisconsin for the past 20 years. As a Luxembourg national Tim was educated in the US. He completed his undergraduate degree at the University of Iowa and his Master's degrees at the University of Illinois in Urbana. In his freetime Tim likes to cook, bike, read, garden and spend time with his dog. Passionate about the outdoors and the environment he was thrilled to move with his family to the Hasliberg in the summer of 2015. Tim is teaching history and German as a foreign language in the American system. He also offers teaching basketball, hiking and ultimate frisbee in the afternoon. So far his biggest challenge has been understanding Swiss German! Sheila We have been around different places in the world and now we have arrived in Switzerland at the Ecole. My professional background is straightforward. I completed my legal studies in Britain and Germany. Through my husband I was introduced to education and I left the legal world behind and took on different roles in boarding schools, primarily in Admissions and as a Houseparent. At the Ecole I am the University Advising Coordinator and I support our Admissions Team. With my husband we are family heads of “Haus am Hang” and we live there with our three year old son Neil. In my leisure time I like to row, swim and play with my son. I also enjoy cooking, primarily Indian. Cornelius is originally from Hamburg, Germany. He obtained an MA in History and Politics from Heidelberg University, and a bilingual teaching qualification from the University of Nottingham. Having found his calling in teaching relatively late, he is also a trained paramedic and published feminist, holding a PhD in Sociology. An experienced boarding educator, he has lived and worked in a number of countries, such as Poland, England, Germany, and, most recently, Singapore. Cornelius enjoys Polish poetry, running, hiking, playing board games and sharing Asian food, in articular Thai, Sichuan and Indian. People | Leute Tom Sampson My name is Tom and I’m from Penarth, Wales. My background and passion has always been in the outdoors. This passion started from a young age and has grown into a way of life for me. I worked as an outdoor instructor in the Brecon Beacons, a national park in the Welsh mountains. Here I taught a variety of activities including canoeing, kayaking, caving, climbing and hiking. I decided to further develop my profession in the outdoors and graduated from Liverpool John Moors university in 2010 with a degree in outdoor and environmental education. I then went on to work with the UAE Military for a year, before returning to Wales and establishing myself as a freelance instructor. Before joining the Ecole I worked as a duty manager at the Cardiff International White Water centre. Working here in the heart of the Alps as the outdoor program manager is a dream job for me. I love being able to work, live and play in the mountains, whilst helping to develop the amazing outdoor program here at the Ecole. I have enjoyed being able to introduce mountain biking into the summer afternoon course schedule and look forward to exploring and expanding all the other possibilities that lay before the outdoor program at the Ecole. Births | Geburt › July 8th 2015 Yuma, Daughter from Karuna and Ben Richard Vinhateiro, Ecole d'Humanité, Goldern. Deaths | Todesfälle › 11. Oktober 2015 Rosemarie Varga MA 1953–2015 › 17. Oktober 2014 Eliane Dalmas van Dingenen, MA 1959 – 1973. › 5. Juli 2015: Maël Aurelius, Sohn von Ilana Aharon und Chris Aschwanden, Rümlang. › 23. August 2015 Mado, Sohn von Audray Sauvage und Stefan Kandera K 1987–1990, Buchs. › 16. September 2015 Alexander Robert, Familie Breitenmoser, Bern. In Memory Florian Scharlock 17.2.1982–22.11.2015 Student at the Ecole from 1997–2001 the 22 People January | Januar 2016 Leute the January | Januar 2016 23 Abschied von Rosemarie Varga MA 1953–2015 1. Teil – Das Leben Ich sitze in der Ecole-Bibliothek und denke an die Anfänge im Sommer 1990 zurück, als wir uns das erste Mal in deinem Büro im Haupthaus begegnet sind. In diesem Raum habe ich anschliessend fast 20 Jahre lang, jeden Mittwochnachmittag, drei Stunden mit dir verbracht. Du hast mich in die Arbeit einer Bibliothekarin eingeführt. Zuerst in das alte, von dir entwickelte System, mit zwei Karteikarten pro Buch, um dann 1992, gleichzeitig mit der Eröff fnung der neuen Ruth Cohn Bibliothek in das internationale Dewey System zu wechseln (mit bis zu sieben Karteikarten pro Buch). Um das neue System zu lernen, hast du fünf Tage einen Kurs in Bern besucht und mir anschliessend dein Wissen weitervermittelt. In den ersten zwei Jahren meiner Lernzeit bei dir war dein Lieblingswort «indiskutabel». Mit der Zeit hat sich dieses «indiskutabel» zu einer echten, warmherzigen Zusammenarbeit entwickelt, bis ich schlussendlich nach 18 Jahren die Leitung der deutschen Bibliothek von dir übernommen habe. Wie oft haben wir zusammen gelacht. Nie werde ich vergessen, als dein neuer Computer in einer Endlosschlaufe mit schmalziger Musik , die sich immer wiederholte, gefangen war, wir einen tränenreichen Lachkrampf nach dem anderen «erleiden» mussten und nicht mehr aufhören konnten, bis Heinz Zenger uns zu Hilfe eilte und uns erlöste. Am nächsten Tag hatte ich Bauchmuskelkater! Oder dass Rigmor Poeschel uns manchmal besuchte und wir zusammen Tee tranken, den neuesten Ecole-Klatsch besprachen oder über Gott und die Welt diskutierten, ihr «Alten» auch des öfteren Ecole-Erinnerungen austauschten. Ja, dein Wissen war unerschöpflich, dein Gedächtnis ein Computer. Namen, Menschen die dir Nahe standen, Ereignisse, die Schule seit ihren Anfängen betreffend, waren alle da gespeichert und abrufbar. Zweimal pro Jahr fuhren wir nach Bern in den Bibliothekarsdienst, um beladen mit den neuesten Büchern und Material für die Verarbeitung zurückzukommen. Aber diese Fahrten mit dir hatten es in sich und bleiben mir mit gemischten Gefühlen in Erinnerung. Du bist gerne Auto gefahren, aber du fuhrst schnell, sehr schnell und rassig, als ob du bei einem Autorennfahrer Fahrstunden gehabt hättest. Tunnels mochtest du nicht, deswegen ging die Fahrt meistens am rechten Brienzersee-Ufer entlang bis Interlaken. Später, als deine Sehkraft nachliess, war es kein einfacher Entscheid für dich, auf das Auto zu verzichten. Was uns auch noch verbunden hat, war die französische Sprache. Wir haben uns oft über unsere Lehrmethoden, über Lehr- und Lesebücher oder SchülerInnen ausgetauscht, bei dir zu Hause in der Stube. Immer waren Gutzli, Schöggeli oder sonst was zu knabbern auf dem Tisch und ein Blumenstrauss auf der Kommode beim Fenster. Natürlich nicht zu vergessen ist auch der Wiener Eiskaffee im Gletscherblick, nicht auf der Menu Karte zu finden und speziell für uns zubereitet. Und dann kam das grosse Unglück, dein Schlaganfall, der alles für dich verändert hat und du deinen geliebten Hasliberg verlassen musstest. Einseitig gelähmt, bettlägerig, abhängig von anderen Menschen. 2. Teil – Das Sterben Geburt Das Kommen aus der Liebe Tod Das Zurückgehen in die Liebe Der Zwischenraum Unser Leben, um diese Liebe in unserer Seele zu entfalten URSA PAUL In den letzten 1 ½ Jahren deines Lebens haben wir viele persönliche Gespräche geführt, auch über das Leben, das Sterben, deine (unsere) Ängste vor dem Tod, vor der Ungewissheit, vor dem grossen Nichts, das doch alles ist. Du bist im letzten Jahr deines Lebens zwischen den Welten hin und her gependelt. Du durftest auch erfahren, was nur den wenigsten Menschen vergönnt ist, nämlich die Gewissheit, dass du nach deinem Uebergang erwartet wirst. Einmal, als ich dich fragte, was denn noch an Unerledigtem da ist, was dich noch zurückhält war deine Antwort: «ich kann doch jetzt nicht Abschied nehmen und gehen. Seit einem Monat ist meine Familie, sind meine Eltern, meine Geschwister wieder alle zusammen und besuchen mich.» (Sie sind im 2. Weltkrieg in Auschwitz umgekommen, Rosemarie konnte nie Abschied nehmen und wusste jahrelang als Kind nicht, wo ihre Mutter, ihre Geschwister waren). Dein Lächeln, als dir bewusst wurde, dass es nicht ums Abschiednehmen ging, sondern dass sie gekommen sind, um dich willkommen zu heissen vergesse ich so wenig wie deine schwierigen Zeiten des Leidens, des Haderns, Zeiten des Schlafens und Zeiten des Wachseins, aber auch Zeiten des Humors, des einseitig-schiefen Schmunzelns, Zeiten der schönen Erinnerungen, Zeiten der Verwirrtheit und Zeiten des klaren Denkens … auf und ab, auf und ab. Am Donnerstag, drei Tage vor deinem Tod, habe ich dich besucht und auf meine Frage, ob du noch Angst vor dem Sterben hast, war deine Antwort: «Nein, nein, aber ich bin so müde und mein Kopf ist ganz leer.» Am Sonntag bis du im Beisein deiner Tochter Nurit und deiner Enkeltochter Judith friedlich eingeschlafen. Ich möchte diesen Bericht abschliessen mit einer Bitte von Rosemarie, die sie anlässlich eines meiner Besuche vorgebracht hat: «Kannst du allen Menschen, die ich kenne und welchen ich absichtlich oder unabsichtlich weh getan habe oder die ich verletzt habe, sagen, dass ich mich entschuldige. Ich bitte sie, mir zu vergeben.» Und hiermit möchte ich mein Versprechen einlösen MARIE-ANNE HOSTETTLER MA 1990–2012, seit September 2013 freie MA Bibliothek Rosemarie asked me to tell everybody that she feels sorry if she has hurt anybody willingly or unconsciously and asks for forgiveness. «Man muss sich mit Würde langweilen können» ROSEMARIE VARGA the 24 People January | Januar 2016 Dear Rosemarie… My visits to you during the Christmas holidays were only pleasant. No criticism then! Usually you were surrounded by family members and friends. I was always offered tea and coffee and a plate with Stollen or Christmas cookies, and sat down on the short couch in front of the round table to enjoy the warm atmosphere and lively discussions. There are two talks I wish to mention specifically, because you helped me so much at a time when I needed support. In my first trimester as a Mitarbeiter, even though I had been a student and knew the Ecole so well, I was struggling and often unhappy with my life as a teacher. One evening I sat with you in your living room and poured my heart out. You listened well and then told me about your start in Goldern. You said you were often so unhappy that you never unpacked all your bags, and often felt on the verge of packing everything! You said that you fully unpacked your bags when students who had been in your family began coming back to visit you. That was when you knew that all the hard work and frustration was worth it, and you settled in for the long haul. The second time you helped me emotionally was after the avalanche I set off, that ripped the Ecole community with grief and anger. Your clear, calm compassion and unwavering caring for me as an individual was important to me. Whatever I had done, you still valued me as an old friend and colleague, and nothing would change that. Thank you, dear Rosemarie, for that gift. Do you know that the Ecole has asked me to organize the reunion this year? Your reunion. The Ehemaligentreffen is your baby, founded and carried by you for 15 years. I learned the ropes from you in 1995, and carried the responsibility for it thereafter. Many who come to the reunion this year will remember you, and we will set aside a place to honor you and the other greats of your generation who have passed on ahead of you in the last few years. You worked long and hard for this school, Rosemarie. You gave it your love, your fierceness, your sharp intelligence, your unbelievable memory for details, your high standards, your seemingly limitless energy, and your 100% commitment to the ideals of the Ecole. Rest now, my love. You deserve it. KC MA 19???–2010 January | Januar 2016 25 EGCF In Memory of Rosemarie Varga MA 1953–2015 Dear Rosemarie, Even though our relationship was always only in German, I know that your English is excellent, so I’ll write today in my language, to better express all that I have in my heart and mind. I have known you for 45 years, dear Rosemarie! Of course back then, as a 14-year-old boy, I would never have dreamed of calling you Rosemarie. You were Frau Varga, one whom students described as fierce and fearful, a dragon. Thus I always went into the Haupthaus office with trepidation. I bought notebooks and toothpaste from you or your secretary, afraid you would scold or shout at me. But you never did! I got my tickets for going home from you that first December, 1970. I had to enter the inner sanctum of your office to conduct the important transaction of receiving the tickets for my journey home to the U.S. My fear level rose a bit as I went in to meet with you alone. You gave me my ticket and explained it to me. You told me how to find the hotel room you had booked for me in Basel, on my way to the airport in Luxembourg. You wished me a good trip and happy holidays. I walked out thinking, “What are people so afraid of? She’s quite all right.” As a teenager I could tell that you were indeed a fierce woman, but I could tell even then that you were fair. You were always respectful and helpful in all the matters that arose between us. In my three years as a student, you never had an unkind word for me. I can’t say the same is true of my 18 years as a Mitarbeiter! As a member of the directorship of the Ecole, you had plenty of criticism for me! Whenever I visited you, I first had to endure 15 minutes of sharp rebukes for all the ways in which our directorship and our staff were not doing things as you were convinced they should be done. Once you’d gotten all that off your mind, you were a most gracious and fascinating host. What a wonderful story-teller you were! I loved hearing about the Ecole in earlier days, and about the Geheebs, about Han Sen, and so much more. And as for the criticism, there was much for me to learn from your experience, much that past Ecole practices could teach us in the modern times. One of my favorite lessons was, “I never used the word “Rules” with the children,” you told me. “I just said, ‘This is how we do things here.’” the Leute The Edith Geheeb-Cassirer Foundation Dear All The Edith Geheeb-Cassirer Foundation is a tax exempt, non-profit organization founded in the U.S. to provide scholarship support so that U.S. students from all economic backgrounds have the opportunity to attend the Ecole d'Humanité. Because of a core group of about 100 generous donors each year, giving at all levels from less than a hundred dollars to many thousands of dollars, the foundation is usually able to raise enough money to support one scholarship per year. The foundation is operated entirely by volunteers who take no salary, and so every year we are able to put all of the money raised (minus the amount we spend on mailing our annual campaign letter and some other modest operating expenses) directly into a scholarship and into an endowment. The goal is to eventually grow this endowment, the Natalie Luethi-Peterson Scholarship Fund, so that it can sustainably fund a scholarship each year from the interest on the endowment. From the names of the foundation and the endowment, you can tell that one purpose of the organization is to honor the important contributions that Edith and Natalie made to the Ecole. I am asking you to think of their commitment to the school and to many, many students and teachers over the years in considering this question: do you have some time to give to the foundation? Personally, I find my work on the foundation rewarding because it gives me an opportunity to give something back to the Ecole. I gained a lot from my few years spent on the Hasliberg—it is part of who I am. I remember very well the one tea I had with Edith when I was a new 12 year old student. She showed me pictures of Paul Geheeb in an album, and told me how walking in the woods wild animals would come to him as if they were tame. More importantly, she told me how she remembered my mother fondly from when she was a student at the Ecole, and so she gave me a heartfelt connection to the school and its history, and gave me a sense of place and belonging there. Though she was nearing the end of her life and was quite frail, she still took the time to get to know new students like me and to attend Conference each day. Today, working with other volunteers on the foundation, I get to see each year that our efforts go into making something concrete: a scholarship for a student to attend the Ecole. The impact of that goes beyond that individual scholarship student because, after all, that student then becomes a contributing member of the Ecole community and part of its unfolding story. And I continue to nurture that part of myself that was given to me by teachers like Edith and Natalie—by putting some intentions into practice, I help to keep that legacy of wonderful teaching, and humane care for the individual present and alive for the next generation of Ecolianers. How about you? We have some important jobs that need to be done, and we are looking for a few committed volunteers who would be willing to spend what amounts to a few hours a year to get the work done. Job 1 We need someone who is comfortable with social media, and who would be willing to help make the foundation more dynamically present to former Ecolianers. We are not talking about daily posts or tweets, but rather taking our message and fundraising goals and opening an additional channel of communication to our donors—especially to those of us who are immersed in the social media universe. The idea is to increase our reach and keep alumni engaged with the foundation and with the school. Job 2 We need a future treasurer. Our current treasurer, June Vinhateiro agreed to a two-year commitment for the treasurer role after having served as the foundation’s president for many years. The treasurer is an officer of the board, and while some organizational skills are required, it’s not necessary to have experience in finance – our financial advisor helps with that. The treasurer keeps track of donations and provides tax letters to donors in the US, keeps the records of our bank accounts and pays our bills, maintains the bookkeeping system, and provides reports to the Board and to our accountant. Because so much trust and responsibility is involved in this position, it is expected that there would be a transition period before this person fully assumed this role. Job 3 Something we haven’t ourselves thought of, but that you think could be really important in furthering our goals. If you have a creative idea and the time and energy to put something together, we are interested in hearing about it. If this call to action resonates at all with you, or if you have any questions, please contact me at: [email protected]. I hope to hear from you. All the best, Tommy Turbyville President EGCF the 26 January | Januar 2016 People the Leute January | Januar 2016 Hello Asia JUNE VINHATEIRO Nín hǎo and xièxie, “hello” and “thank-you” – these are the two words that have punctuated my autumn trip to Asia, where I am visiting with Ecole parents & alumni, educational agents & consultants, and families who are interested in learning more about the Ecole for their children’s schooling. I’ve said 好 (hello) to new experiences, landscapes, tastes, and most importantly, people. It’s given me great pleasure to meet alumni and the parents of alumni in Taipei, Shanghai, and Guangzhou. Current and former parents have hosted receptions and provided testimony to what the Ecole has meant to their own families. Alumni have offered interpretation service, and, in the case of my own former students, big hugs! With delight I’ve observed that the afterpresentation questions have not been for me, but rather for the people who have personally experienced the Ecole – our alumni and parents. Families potentially interested in the school have particularly wanted to know how the Ecole has impacted alumni in their adult and professional lives. How wonderful it has been that our alumni and parents have been present to answer such questions with authenticity and clarity! Cindy Shao with the family of our new student With Ecole alum Andrew Yang, who attended the Taipei event and provided interpretation services Ecole parent Jason Yeh and his associate Amanda Pan, who organized the Ecole visit and reception in Taipei In Taipei with Joseph Chen, father of Ecole alumni Vicky and Andrew In Shanghai with Ecole alum Stephen Chang At the Taipei reception with Ecole alumni Vick Chang and Hsun Chao Which brings me to 謝謝 (thankyou). Over and over again, I have heard about the gratitude our alumni feel for the inner strength and character they attribute to their Ecole education. Some have told me that they didn’t fully appreciate what the Ecole had given them until they left the school. Others have spoken of how the values and attention to balance they learned to embrace at school have helped them in keeping apace of challenging and busy professional lives without losing themselves in the process. Most have mentioned that ideas, ideals, and interests around which they have built their lives had their geneses in Ecole classes, or in relationships with Family Heads or other teachers. Current parents have used words like “confidence,” “responsibility,” and “independence” in describing the changes they’ve seen in their children. And I have observed that what has been true in my own family is reflected in these Ecole families who live half a world away from me – when a student attends the Ecole, the whole family gets an education. I often remark that parents and alumni are the Ecole’s most valuable ambassadors, and this trip has been the quintessential demonstration of that sentiment. The generosity and generosity of spirit I’ve experienced have touched me deeply, and with tremendous gratitude I say xièxie to Jason Yeh and Jessie Chen, Andrew Yang, Hsun Chou, Vick Chang, Joseph Chen, Victor Chou, Stephen Chang, Liu Sheng Li, and Lawrence and Cindy Shao. As I head off on the next leg of my journey, I will be sorry indeed to say zàijiàn to Asia. 27 28 January | Januar 2016 January | Januar 2016 Reunion 2016 | Ehemaligentreffen 2016 – Update Dear Alumni The (R)evolution is just a few months away: June 25 –26. Here is a checklist of things to do and to keep in mind if you are planning on attending. Liebe/r Ehemalige/r Die (R)evolution ist nur noch wenige Monate entfernt: 25.–26. Juni. Hier findest Du eine Checkliste, was es noch zu tun und beachten gibt: • If you haven’t done so, register! It’s all online here: • Falls noch nicht erledigt, anmelden. Es steht alles online bereit: • Reserve a room! Hasliberg Tourist Information Office at +41 33 972 50 50 or • Übernachtung buchen! Unterstützung bietet Haslital Tourismus: 0041 33 972 50 50, • Remember: All former staff and helpers are invited. Former students are invited if they were at the Ecole in the school year 2010–11 or earlier. • Zur Erinnerung: Eingeladen sind alle ehemaligen Mitarbeitenden und HelferInnen. Ehemalige SchülerInnen sind eingeladen, falls sie 2010/11 oder früher an der Ecole waren. • You should have received an invitation, either by post or by email. If not, PLEASE CONTACT US TO MAKE SURE WE HAVE YOUR CORRECT ADDRESSES. • Die Einladung hast Du per Post oder E-Mail erhalten. Falls nicht, KONTAKTIERE UNS BITTE UND GIB UNS DEINE KORREKTE ADRESSE BEKANNT. • Remain in touch: visit the alumni website, facebook page or twitter feed to get updates on the reunion preparations, and on who has registered to attend. • Besuche uns regelmässig auf der Alumni Homepage, auf Facebook oder auf Twitter. Du findest dort Updates zu den Vorbereitungen und eine Liste der angemeldeten Gäste. • Reconnect lost alumni: Please help us find lost alumni. See the following pages. • Hol vermisste Alumni zurück : Mehr dazu liest Du auf den folgenden Seiten. • Relax and smile. It won’t be long now. If you have questions, drop us a line: [email protected]. • Lächle und sei froh. Hast Du noch Fragen? Kontaktiere uns! [email protected]. This helpful checklist was provided by your friendly Reunion Coordinators, KC and BENNO. Diese hilfreiche Checkliste haben Deine freundlichen Koordinatoren des Ehemaligentreffens entworfen, KC und BENNO. Lost Alumni Vermisste Alumni Many alumni have moved and not informed us of their new addresses. Please spread the word to your Ecole friends so that they know about the reunion! We’d appreciate it if you would tell them to give the Ecole their contact info! Viele Ehemalige sind umgezogen, ohne uns ihre neue Adresse mitzuteilen. Von diesen Alumni fehlen uns die Kontaktdaten. Hilf uns sie wiederzufinden. Bitte sie, uns ihre Kontaktdaten mitzuteilen. 1920 – 1949 Aschwanden Mathias, Busse Peter, Fürst Elnis, Golan I., Gorelik Linda, Hertwig Ursula, Hoenigsberg Pierre, Holstein Jan, Koolen Thomas, Morgan Linda, Müller Erhard, Oppenheim Ludwig, Rubsamen Eric, Rubsamen Hope, Schmidt Roland, Schönfeld Gert, Schraner Hedwig, Serrero Josiane, Silenzi Irmtrud, Wyland-Herzfelde George 1950 – 1959 Abramowitz Eva, Adell Randolph, Aeberli Peter, Aebi Suzanne, Alexis Serge, Allagoa Ndidi, Altmann Adolf, Andersson Laila, Bäcker Gisbert, Baden Grete, Baer Waltraud, Ballen Stork Jutta, Banzhaf Karin, Bargmann Rudolf, Bätcke Anni, Bates Anthony, Becker Luitgard, Bennett-Beynon Shirley, Berendt Heide, Biel Catherine, Bierlein Peter Michael, Bischof Hans, Blanc Pierre, Blankschein Helga, Blas Antonio, Bodenstedt Ruth, Bornkampf Christa, Bovet Joel, Bozzini Aurelia, Brandt Mary, Breasted Smyth Mary, Bried Barbara, Brinkmann Heinz-Jürgen, Bruggmann Alexandre, Bruns Elke, Büchli-Ming Hilda, Burgdorf Dieter, Buris Erika, Buris Martin, Burit Veronika, Buskühl Alexander, Butty Janine, Cabanis Georges, Cartwright Anne, Casaulta Martin, Chaladyniak Heinz-Günther, Chollet Marc-Antoine, Christiansen Traute, Craviotto Cathryn, Dalmas van Dingenen Eliane, de la Fontaine Ignace, de Quincy Christine, de Zurich Monique, Dezsi Franz, di Lorenzo-Bloch Urse, Diserens Roger, Dolle Viktoria, Donath Andreas, Dornier Christoph, Dreyer Jetty, Drissler Günther, DuBois Raymond, Dullien Detlev, DuPasquier Marie-France, Dupont Albert, Duus Jörgensen Sonja, Ehorn Ingrid, Eisenburger Leila Ingrid, Engels Gerburg, Estermann Candid, Faller Wolfganf, Fehlmann Ariane, Fiedler Claudia, Freebainr-Smith Tessa, Freund Elke, Friedman Martha, Friedrich Wolfgang, Ganz Brigitte, Gaugler Urs, Gernot George, Ghirardelli Karl, Gitermann Peter, Glaser Jeffrey, Graf Ludwig, Gray Benjamin, Gray Parker, Greger Simona, Gries Beatrix, Guinand Antoine, Günther Winfried, Gutnoff Dietlinde, Hacker Marianne, Hagemann Ursula, Halfbrodt Karin, Hammond Ruth, Hantos Theodor, Hart Mary, Hayne Christoph, Heilmann Bernhard, Heinz Fehring, Helbig Brunhilde, Helwig Gerhard, Henning Karin, Hermle Urs, Hertzner-Ferster Petra, Heusser Wilfried, Hewehi Fawzi, Hewehi Ursula, Heythum Jan, Heythum Jan, Hildenbrand Heinz-Dieter, Himmelseher Rainer, Hirlinger Irma, Hochmann René, Hopman Conrad, Huber Bettina, Hubl Günter, Hübner Inge, Humbel Pierre, Huter Ulrich, Huth Sigrid, Imgrüth Max, Jaeger Toni, Jansen Ragni, Janson Josephine, Jebsen Frauke, Jensen Jytte, Jetzer Heinz, Jongeneel Piet, Jörgensen Jette, Kardos Helen, Karnahl (ohne Vorname), Kaspar Kurt, Kaufmann David, Kaufmann Dinah, Kerewski William, Kimell Marie-Anne, King Ann, Klötzner Dagmar, Kohler Alfred, Kohn Monteser Diana, Kolb Wolfgang, Köller Gertrud, Köller Manfred, Kopel Ruth, Korrodi Monika, Kraft Eva-Maria, Kraft Gabriele, Krauthammer Robert, Krenkel Anneliese, Krohmann Christine, Kröll Jürgen, Krug Rainer, Krüger Katrin, Kunz Annemarie, Kunz Karin, Lackner-Glinz Eleanor, Lange Gösta, Langer Elke, Lauterburg Rudolf, Lawl John, Leser Horst, Leuba Guy, Leuffer-Kohlberg Brigitte, Lindemann Frauke, List Marieluise, Lodde Klaus, Lohse Werner, Loll Birgit, Lustig Ursula, Lütjens Elke, Maidana Apurimac, Manzolini Eleonora, March John Christoph, March Pritha, Martin Jean-Marc, Martin Norbert, Mathiesen Ingrid, Mattis-Brossat Heide, Maurer Günther, Mayer Amanda, Mehta Ashok, Mehta Dalip, Meignan Philip, Mergy Marie Odile, Meyer André, Meyer-Lindenberg Peter, Miché Claude, Michelson Alan D., Michelson Jennifer, Mielke Olaf, Miller Raymond, Mitscherlich Renè, Moldenhauer Monika, Müller Monika, Müri Heinz, Nehls Christiane, Neufert Katja, Neumann Mechtild, Neuroni Ferdinando, Neustätter Angela, Niemeyer Sigrid, Nötscher Robert, Nüssli Gertrud, Otto Heide, Palme Ingrid, Pape Klaus, Paul Lienhard, Paulsen Uwe, Pepp Rose, Perret Pierre-Olivier, Peter Maret, Petz Lilo, Phillips Robert Milton, Platzer Sigrid, Plewnia Doris, Postelnik Ingeborg Koko, Priester Michael, Pruschy Jean-Pierre, Prüser Jürgen, Prüser Jürgen, Prytz Anne, Pulvermacher Dr. Christine, Pünder Petra, Quassowski Peter, Rabret Luc, Rasmussen Birgit, Rasmussen Gerda, Read Ralph R., Read Tess, Read Timon W., Reichmann Eva-Maria, Renner Gabor, Renner Peter, Resnik John, Resnik Peggy, Reymond 29 Jean, Richter Jean-Claude, Rintelmann Helga, Robert Jean-Claude, Roeder Helga, Roland Anthony, Roland Held, Roland Jane, Roland Peter, Romijn Eva, Roos Joanna, Roos Michael, Rosenberg Ann, Rosenberg Edith, Roux Jean Pierre, Sakellarakis Angela-Lydia, Saulsbury Ann, Saulsbury Frank, Saulsbury Patricia, Saulsbury Robert, Saulsbury Susan, Savary Victor, Schiemann Helga, Schillig Sybille, Schleiner Steffi, Schmelz Stefan, Schmid Martin, Schmidts Veronika, Schmitt Johanna, Schmitt Renate, Schmoulovitz Joël, Schneider Eveline, Schneider Ingo, Schneiter Camille, Scholl Rita, Schönenberger Heinz, Schulz Karl, Schütz Eva, Schwartz Ulf, Scully Rock, Seng Helga, Shumlin Lola, Silverman Michael, Simmons Mark, Simmons Scott, Sommer Maximilian, Sorensen Inge, Spaeth Gabriele, Stocker Thomas, Stolley Ursula, Stössli John Maximilian, Streit Michael, Strub Ruedi, Stutz Gisela, Stutz Niklaus, Suter Moritz, Szeklinski Ingrid, Taveggi Benito Graf, Ten Cate Else, Tiebs Helga, Tillmann Werner, Tissot Claude, Townsend Brian, Turnwald Erika, Uhlig Helga, v. Bonhorst-Glinz Carla, v. Deichmann Gunther, v. Kitta-Kittel Jörg, v. Stietencron Heinrich, v. Stietencron Marianne, v. Tempsky Christiane, van Hall Dean Joanna, Vaucher Charles, Vettiger Denise, Vidal-Gisler Edouard, Vivas Tomschitz Wolfgang, Voigt Bettina, von Berger Mechtild, Voss Arthur, Wagner Monika, Walig Judith, Walker Catherine, Wardle Tessa, Weber Arthur, Weber Eckhart, Weitsch Andreas, Weller Ingrid, Wendel Hannelore, Wentzlaff Otto, Werner Denis, Weyer Klaus, Wichert Wolfgang, Wiedebach Alexander, Wiljakkala Olga, Will Marianne, Willen Gisela, Williams Alice, Winiger Paul, Wirther Paul, Wittenberg Erika, Woerner Brigitte, Wolf Jean-Luc, Wollmann Peter, Wottrich Karl, Zimmer Sylvia, zur Strassen Gerhard 1960 – 1969 Alexander Almqvist Rita, Alexandrow Elisabeth, Amendt Brauner Anneli, Anderson Laurie, Anderson Susan Ellen, Antenen Christiane, Arnold Roberta, Assarsson Sven, Assmann-Beth Ingeborg, Attwood Gillian, Balmer Elsbeth, Barmettler Manuela, Bassett Elisabeth, Basu Sunanda, Baumgarten Renate, Bazuin Christina, Becker Jacques André, Beetstra Netteke, Ben -David Irith, Benoit Jean-Jacques, Bick Eric, Bickes Wilhelmina, Bilde-Sorensen Karen Marie, Bobo Brandon, Boesch Martin, Boonstra Marianne, Booth Heather, Bosch Mies, Bouton Margot, Bowman Gamey, Brady Matthew, Brands Johanneke, Brechbühler Annemarie, Brechbühler Gabriele, Bredthauer Patrick, Brett Jennifer, Brett Michael, Bronfenbrenner Michael, Bronfenbrenner Mateer Mary, Brose Lydia Ann, Brost Elsbe, Brouha Paul, Brouwer Titia, Brünig Brigitte, Buchmann Alec, Buell Joy, Buhler Marc, Bullock Susan, Burgdorf Dieter, Bürgi Susi, Cerny Peter, Classon Monica, Couzens Michael Arthur, Craviotto Harry, Crawford Wylie, Dalmas van Dingenen Eliane, Daly Kimi Clysten, Daly Marion Chip, Daniel-Madsen Oda, Darby Maryanne, Darwin Ch’en, Davie Lynn, de Groot Tinecke, de Lang Gertrude, de Vries Catherina, de Vries Geiske, de Weyer Els, Delaney Nicholas, Diehl Peter, Dijkema Anneke, Djambinow Linda, Dorizzi Silvano, Düerkop Heidrun, Dutoit Marianne, Egli Ruprecht, Ehlers Dörte, Eikelboom Nienke, Elmér Maja, Epler Michael, Erdös Marina, Ernst Norbert, Esendam Maryon, Everling Karin, Feigenberg Gerz, Ferguson Allan, Fiechter Willy, Fischer Constanze, Fischer Norma Erszebet, Flammer Maria Luisa, Flier Liesbeth, Floris Andreas, Forthmann Hella, Freitag Susanne, Fuhrmann Marc-Olivier, Gabel Hans-Michael, Gardener Christa, Garwood Victoria, Gast Inge, Gefen Tamar, Geise Ursula, Gerdes Beate, Germann Peter, Gertsch Erich, Goll Wilfried, Gonzalez Guzman, Gonzalez Laura, Gordon Jerry, Graaf Marijke, Graeffe Ludmilla, Graeffe Ludmilla, Gräf Andrea, Gray Michael, Grisoni Caterine, Grossmann Barbara, Grossmann Katharina, Grund Robin, Grundt Edda, Gugger Andreas, Guye Frédy, GwinnerLejeune Hildegard, Habte-Hänni Esther, Häfliger Monika, Hakim Nouri, Hämmerli Monique, Hansen Karen, Harland Joan, Harris Maureen, Häuser Christoph, Heimann Hanni, Heimann-Kehrwand Meinrad, Heimburg Kathrin, Herrick Michael, Herrmann Peter, Heule Otto, Hewehi Fawzi, Hewehi Ursula, Heyer Gabriele, Hiddema Johanna, Hilferink Betsy, Hirzel Gisela, Hoenders Tjaakje, Hoke Creighton, Holst Annica, Hoover Paul, Hörstel Ulrike, Huisman Ilktje, Innes Dorothy, Jacques David Alan, Jéquier Madeleine, Jourdan Christine, Junkersdorf Nikolaus, Justi Ursula, Kaldenbach Hella, Kalinhoff Raya, Kann Peter, Kappeler Wolfgang, Keenan Pfeiffer Penelope, Keil Karin-Heide, Kerewski William, Kerssenbrock Philipp, Kesser Stephan, Kirmse Monika, Kiser Mary, Klemp Christoph, Knecht Hans Rudolf, Knuchel Urs-Beat, Köhne Marlies, König Adrian, König Gustav, Koppitz Margarete, Kracht Sabine, Kramer Agnes, Kroth Eva, Krüger Christian, Kuster Ulrich, Landa Germaine, Lange Hansjürg, Langer Erna, Langston Kenneth, Langston Kevin, Lauffer-Engelbrecht Felizitas, Lavy Cathy-Judith, Lehmann Peter Michael, Lejeune-Klose Maria, Leutwyler Urs, Levy Seev, Lewis Philip Lloyd, Lilley Korshed, Lind Ellen, Lippert Hanne, Lommers Eva, Long June, Loomis Elizabeth, Lubell Jane, Lühr Heike, Lupien Jeannette, Lütolf Cornelia, Lütolf Manuela, Madörin Thomas, Magnin Suzanne, Major Randon Leigh, Mann Hanne, Maples Karen Elizabeth, Märki Christine, Marshall Cydney Cameron, Masters Mark L., Maten Marijke, Mathis Theodor, Matson Laurence, Maurer Frank, Maurer Frédy, Mayo Margaret, McGoldrick Neale, McLaughlin Kevin, Mehl Susanne, Mérillat Michel, Mevers Barbara, Milev Valeri, Minder Alfred, Minder Doris, Mirande Nadine, Mitchell Celia, Mlasko Daniela, Monnier Marie Luise, Monnier Martin, Moor-Rieder Hanspeter, Müller Gertraud, Müller Hans, Müller Markus, Münch Culmer, Münch Culmer, Munk Michael, Muras Claudia, Muras Michael, Myers Mary Jo, Näf Joachim, Nägeli Erika, Nielsen Aase, Nielsen Eva, Nordquist Kirsten Vibecke, Nwachuku Georges, Oberländer Ralf, Ohlsen Gerd, Ollrogge Rosemarie, Oppliger Denis, Oppliger Jacques, Ottens Truus, Oudheusden Astrid, Owen Jane, Parnitzki David, Paschoud Françoise, Passarge Sabine, Passarge Sabine, Passmann Ursula, Pekonen Karibn, Penndorf Oliver, Pentz-Moeller Michelle, Petersen Helga, Peterson Niel Gregory, Pettenpaul Christa, Pflugshaupt Jennifer, Philipsen Elisabeth, Phillips Mitsuko, Pincus Gila Ruth, Plessow Manuel, Popenoe Alan Joshua, Portenier Helena, Prins Reinske, Radtke Marie-Luise, Rapp Elfriede, Reichelt Dorit, Reichelt Erika, Reinhardt Catherine, Richard Sylvain, Richstein Claude, Richter Katharina, Rietveld Annie, Rispens Jeanet, Ross Paul, Rozin Angela, Ruiter Ella de, Ryan Joy Buell, Said Samir, Sauer Renate, Sauvant Simone, Schaap Roswitha, Schaerer Olivier, Schanzer Sem, Scharpenborg Grietje, Schauf Gaby, Schild Werner, Schlienz Brigitte-Ursula, Schmidtmann Eva, Schneider Willfried, Scholtze-Durand Gisa, Schönberg Astrid, Schönbucher Thomas, Schröder Moritz, Schröder Ruth, Schroeter Irene, Schrörs Marita, Schultz Karl-Heinz, Schumberd Rosemarie, Schütz Thomas, Schwab Roger, Schwarz Karin, Seidel Marlis, Selden David Edward, Selden Stacey Anne, Senn Markus, Shaefer Anne, Shephard Suzanne, Siebert Therese, Sieburth Richard, Siegel Ralph, Sleutel Aimée Therese, Solmitz David, Solomon Davod, Sommer Maria, Spatzek Gerlind, Stäheli Henri, Stankovic Aleksander, Stappenbeck Renate, Steffen Roy Peter, Stephen-Blum Monica, Stern Martin, Stettler Adrian, Stettler Hansjörg, Stokes Glenn, Stolz Françoise, Streit Machell Lydia, Streit Machell Lydia, Stubbe-Teglbjaerg Helle, Stubenitzky Marian, Sulken Richard, Sutmöller Nico, Szekeley Andreas, Szilagyi Christine, Szych Gisela, Tariff Drora, Tehrantchi Marietta, Tepper Maria. M., Teusch Monika, Theile Stephan, Tilche Alexander, Todt Edgar, Tomek Daniel, Tramz Stephanie Carol, Tranberg Bente, Travis Ford Patricia Ann, Tremper Philip, Trolle Annette, Tulecke Kari, Uijthoven Emmeke, Uitewaal Carina, Uitewaal Louise, Uitewaal Ramona, Ulrich Hans-Jörg, v.d.Kerkhof Thyme, v.d.Meulen Simone, van de Graaf Eva, van der Haven Karen, van Dijk Johanna Maria, van Eck Annelies, van Ettinger Marian, van Ham Geke, van Heerde Gesina Marina, van Kervel Lucienne, van Noppen Halka, van Zijdenveld Mieke, Vautier Olive Tamare, Versluis Huiberdina, Vlugt Carla, von Baeyer Cornelius, von Brandenstein Elinor, Wagner Heidi, Wald Peter Steven, Waller Naritzon Wendy, Wartenweiler Ruth, Weber Alexander, Weibel-Iten Irina, Weidler Bertram, Weise Christoph, Wenger Edi, Wenger Peter, Wettler Rainer, Wiesemann Peter, Witting Rena, Wood Martha, Wülfing Christian, Wüst Regula, Wychers Lucie Margriet, Zahner Richard, Zurbriggen Jakob, Zurbriggen Vinzenz, 1970 – 1979 Abt Anneros, Aletto Mark, Alexander Fred, Alexander Almqvist Rita, Allberrey Stephen, Amies Laurence Derek, Ammann Thomas, Anderegg Daniel, Anderegg Kathrin, Anderegg Susanne, Anderfuhren Vreni, Andersen Grete, Andersen Grethe, Andersen-Frank Gaby, Anderson Susan Ellen, Andrews Julie de Valcourt, Antony Iris, Armengol Mowinckel Maria Josefa, Arnold Peter, Arteta Carlos, Atkins Jelmir Lukas, Auchli-Jaun Eva, Baas Annie, Baas Clara, Babista Eric, Baeker Saskia, Bahlsen Simon, Bakker Dineke, Banerjee Nilanjana, Bangerter Hansueli, Bär Patricia, Bartholomew Christopher, Baudin Laure, Baumann Christoph, Baumann Hanspeter, Baumann Kathrin, Baumann Martin, Baumann Renate, Beerli Andreas, Beetsma Sinnema, Bergman Brown Janice, Beutler Philip, Bietenholz Wolfgang, Bloemen Rose-Marie, Blum Dominique, Boas Robert, Boekhoven Nelleke, Bollinger Daniel, Bond Elisabeth, Booth Barbara, Booth Barbara, Borer Bettina, Bosshart Susanne, Brandwein Roswitha, Bräutigam Martina, Breeman Paula, Brenner Tobias, Brotzen Julie, Broussard Toni Marie, Bucher Monika, Büchi Jacques, Büchler Claude, Buhler Marc, Bullock Jane, Bützberger Manuela, Cary Nathaniel B., CasteleinBeetstra Nynke, Castellani Marc Olivier, Charrayre Dominique, Charrayre Jean-Claude, Clark Susan Phyllis, Cohen Andrew, Coulson Catherine, Courtens Jean-Nathaniel, Crivelli Annabella, Crivelli Fernando, Dabrey Wright Sarah, Dalmas van Dingenen Eliane, Daniels Donald C., Daniels William, Darmer Balz, de Boer Marjan, de Bordes Sjuck, de Lang Hermine, de Wekker Miranda, Demenga Valerie, Denner Charlotte, Dijkema Anneke, Dijkstra Femke, Dijkstra Femke, Dik Helen, Dillema Liesbeth, Diller Kevin, Dornier Irenäus, Dörr Ute, Douma Grietje, Dreschel Hjordis, Drost Anita, Dürst Mathias, Dürst Michael, Dutli Felix, Egger-von Weissenfluh Verena, Eggler-Tännler Elisabeth, Eicher Martin, Eisler David Charles, Emery Christopher, Emery Laurie, Ende Karl, Engel Marjorie, Engel-Baltensweiler Monika, Erickson Stefanie S., Etzold Susanne, Fayer Josiane, Fayer Michael, Fenske John, Fessler Erika, Filiti Toni, Fitzpatrick Colleen, Flach Francine, Folpmers Eva Marie, Fransen Erna, Freier Axel, Frey Elisabeth, Fuog Stephanie, Furrer Elisabeth, Gautschi Thomas, Geise Andreas, Geise Greta, Georg-Jobst Petra, Gerber Daniel, Geurts Charlotte, Girell de Giovanoel Gian, Graetz Anis, Grossfeld Catherine, Grossmann Andreas, Gugelot David, Guldemond Willy, Habte Selassie Salomon, Hafkamp Ria, Halbeisen-Loose Ursula, Hallgarten Ruth, Halpern Kay, Handschi Christian, Hartmann Kaspar, Hauptmann Emanuel, Hauser Marco, Hecht Amit, Herfkens Ingrid, Hernandez Stefanie, Herrick Michael, Hijner Francisca, Hilty Michael, Hirzel Edwin, Hischler Hubert, Hoffmann Daniel, Hollander Willy, Holtkott Guido, Hoogenboezen Anna Maria, Horisberger Aline, Howe Emily, Huber Barbara, Hubschmid Brigitte, Hutchinson Christopher, Iten Achil, Jager Johanna, Jaggi Patrick, Johan Akerström, Johnston Christopher, Jonkers Gea, Jordi Manuel, Jost Carlotta, Judge Jacqueline, Jungslager Jeanine, Kaboha Jean-Jacques, Kant Jonas, Kärgel Max, Karrasch Ingo, Keller Catherine, Keller Peter, Kern Ruth, Keverkamp Dettie, Key Dagmar, Klemm Anna, Klemm Silvia, Klieber Beat, Klingler Daniela, Knüsli Markus, Kolb Luc, König Nicolas, Koopman Marijke, Kops Peter, Kortenoever Steven, Kreppelt Astrid, Kriehn Ulrich, Kummer Viviane, Kunz Christine, Kunz Verena, Lang Corinne, Lange Peter Bruce, Larsen Gitte, Laupsa-Häderli Anahi, Lee Hon Harrison, Lehrer Wanda, Leisibach Claudine, Lenard Glatter Irena, Lenke Astrid, Lenz Otto, Lerf Coats Alexandra, Leuenberger Nicole, Lexow Christine, Libiszewski Thomas, Lièvre Gaby, Lindahl Birgitta, Linde David, Löffler Beat, Londo Hendrika, Looser Regula, Loosli Christian, Loosli 30 January | Januar 2016 Christian, Lopez Gilbert, Lopez Robert, Lorusso Loretta, Lott Hortense, Lowry James, Luimes Willy, Luitjens Alide Marta, Luitjens Marte, Lupien Jeannette, Lüscher Stefan, Lüthold Andreas, Mac Donald Anne, Maier Jan, Marchesi Gian Roberto, Marchesi Paolo, Marty Esti, Mason Stephen Edward, Masters Toby, Masters Toby, Mathias Müller, Mathis Theodor, Mayer Marianne, Mbanefo Sandra Uzoamaka, McGoldrick Neale, Meier Thomas, Meister Elisabeth, Meschini Renée, Messmer Arnold, Meyer Philipp, Meyerhans-Soto Julia, Michael Gregor, Middendorp Anita, Minder Sibylle, Monnier Gilles, Mörth Johanna, Mulders Andrea Lisa, Müller-Bochat Thomas, Munoz Carlos, Murer Josef, Mutsaerts Patrice, Mutti Esther, Näf Martin, Nägeli Renate, N'Diaye-Castellani Sabine, Necker Daniel, Negrini-Peter Sibylle, Neufville Gregory, Newkold Ulrike, Nicholas Melih, Nielsen Soren, Noser Janina, Nussbaum Beat, Nussbaum Thomas, Öhrbom-Stump Tamiko, Okeke Chuka, Okeke Obi, Oppliger Thomas Peter, Oshima Jennifer Tokoko, Pabst Uli, Pardridge Debra, Pecoraro Manueal, Peter Katharina Ursula, Peterson Natalie, Pfenninger Ariane, Phillipson Douglas, Piesbergen Jürg, Polheim Karin, Polk Andrea, Popkema Johanna, Posselt Harold, Prosser James, Provini Michele, Rait Janet, Ramer Lukas, Reber Margaret, Reed Worobey Nancy, Regas Diane Christine, Reich Daniel, Rhee George, Riedi Daniel, Rigert Ursula, Rijke Heleen de, Ritsema Elizabeth, Roelli Marina, Roscam Abbing Monica, Ross Judith Ann, Rossi Delia, Roth Claudia, Roth Irene, Röthlisberger Vreni, Rüfenacht Markus, Rüfenacht Monika, Rufener Heidi, Said Hala Mona, Salathé Pia, Sanford Steve, Sanford Susan, Saunders Deborrah, Sawyer William, Schachter Gary Victor, Schaffner Thomas, Schardt Martin, Schärer Stefan, Scheidegger Jacqueline, Scheidweiler Ulrike, Schiefelbusch Lidi, Schiess-Frey Rita, Schlaefle Caroline, Schlesinger Leor, Schloesser Nina Ruth, Schmid Elisabeth, Schmid Marc, Schmid Margrit, Schmidlin Iren, Schmidt Peter F., Schmitt Monia, Schoechlin Rolf, Scholing Jeannette, Schreiber Joachim, SchulthessScherer Franco, Schürmann Priska, Schwarz Olaf, Scott Albert Mary, Scott Albert Mary Suzanne, Seidenfaden Andreas, Seleger Christian, Senff t Heiner, Sertel Julie, Sertel Karla, Sevier Electa, Sevier Matthew, Siddique Anja, Signorino Chris, Slominski Irene, Smits Marleen, Smolka Michael, Snyder Abigail, Solca Marcel, Soldini Gabriel, Soldini Marie-Isabel, Sorrentino Pamela, Soule Renée, Soule Susanna, Spinnler Martin, Stein Frauke, Stensaeth Karette, Stickler Catherine, Stiles Lissa, Stöckli Gérard, Stöckli Stefan, Straub Ruedi, Straus Michael, Streit Magdalena, Streit Ursula, Strobel Dominik, Strub Ben, Stubbe Henrik, Stump Danette, Stutz Eugen, Summerer Alois, Swan Meredith P., Swerdlow Christina, Swierstra Julia, Swierstra Sjoerd, Tadema Ans, Takla Sonam Tsering, Tammens Fineke, Tännler Helen, ten Hove Monica, ten Hove Renate, Terentieff Gregor, Terpstra Akke, Terstege Rudi, Theile Katharina, Thiemann Ulrich, Thomas Marion, Thomass Balz, Thommen Thomas, Tietjen Bärbel, Töngi-Steiner Barbara, Traver Timothy Oliver, Trinkler Yvonne, Trowe Yvonne, Trüeb Marco, Tsering Sonam Takla, Tuinenga Gery, Uchtenhagen Gina, Uhlmann Dominique, Uplinger John, v.d.Voort-Geurts Lies, van den Berg Christel, van der Hoff Catharina, van der Hoorn Justine, van der Kind Peter Gerhard, van der Kolk Katja, van der Molen Ingrid, van der Paardt Liesbeth, van der Stok Arthur, van der Wal Albertha, van Dijl Loek, van Hellenberg Hubar James, van Lingen Ineke, van Steeden Olga, van Wieren Tinecke, Vance Mildred, Vasic Predrag, Vetter Daniel, Vincent Dorothee, Vincenz Manuel, Visser-Wreesmann Mary, von Korff-Schmiesing Christine, Vörtler-Keller Silke, Waefler Elisabeth, Waldvogel Sandra, Wallraven Hanneke, Waters Abby, Waveren Sonja, Weimann Nikolaus, Weimar Andy, Weimar Beate, Weisker Sonja, Wernli Patricia, Westra Japkje, White André, Whiting David, Widmann Michael, Wiersma Hiske, Wiesli Andrea, Wild Wittwer Brigitte, Willers-Kohlmann Nastja, Willi Katharina, Winzeler Norma, Wirth Moritz, Woolf Alison, Wullschleger Arnold, Wyss Liliane, Wyss Silvia, Wyss Stefan, Yvanovich-Dürst Katharina, Zainal Sujauddin Yussof, Zbinden Béatrice, Zellweger Monika, Zimmermann Christa, Zimmermann Viktor, Zingg Hanspeter, Zuccone Marie-José, Zürcher Françoise, Zweifel-Sütterlin Susanne 1980 – 1989 Abt Sorah, Albus-Burghorts Gaby, Almeida Christine, Anderegg Daniel, Arnet Pius, Arvidson Robert, Aschwanden Chris, Baebler Kaethi, Bagatir Bedrettin, Bähler Hans, Baldwin Kiera, Bangura Abdul, Barben Gabrielle, Barker Connie, Barker Joanne, Barneveld Marjolein, Baschung Wolf, Baumann Thierry, Baus Arno, Bein Thomas, Berger-Hurst Clarissa, Besozzi Carlotta, Beutler Susi, Bickel Matthias, Blank Bernhard, Blöchlinger Stephan, Blum Rolf, Boehmler Stephan, Bogati Steven Esteban, Böhner David, Boillat Florian, Boissenin Florence, Bolfing Daniela, Boll Daniela, Boll Patrick, Brahimi Aferdita, Brandwein Roswitha, Brenner Mark Robert, Brouwer Sigrid, Brubacher Tamara, Brücke Lucia, Brünnet Susanne, Bucher Thomas, Burda-Wilkin Sophie, Burgäzzi Alexander, Bürgisser Martin, Burkhardt Bavala Steffen, Canosa Sonia, Carling Maria, Castle Sarah, Cebolla Oliver, Cerff Alessandro, Chapman David, Cheesbrough Vincent, Cordua-Caspers Christiane, Crivelli Virgilio, Czerny Angelika, Dalebroux Yves Edouard, Dankert Elske, de Fraiture Charlotte, de Haan Alexandra, de Haan Alien, de Nève Dorothea Petra, de Rosa Luca, de Weichs Veronique, de Wolf-Zopfi Rahel, Demers Eric, Demers Eric, Dettwiler Simone, Diriwächter Oliver, Dobben Ina, Dubs Fredy, Dumont Chantal, Ebeling Stefan, Eberle Urs, Egger Ivar, Ellholm Patric, Eusebio Adrian Gareth, Faulk Holly, Ferreri-Degelo Sandra, Fiedler Susanne, Field Ronald, Filippino Zeno, Finkel Josef, Fischer Eric, Fleischli-Caporale Carla, Flood Suzanne, Fonad Anne Marie, Forstat Brian, Frackers Annemieke, Fraeyenhove Mieke, Francis Edward C., Frank Peter Wolfgang, Frei Carmen, Frei Helen, Frey Christian, Frey Mathias, Fuchs Ute, Gander Monika, Gasser Daniel, Gasser-Willener Dionys, Gauvin Elaine, Gervais-Muller Sasha, Giaever Hanne, Gisin Cyrus, Glaus Anne Catherine, Godel Jasminca, Godfrey Matthew, Gölcek Tuba, Gombos Dora, Götschi Ralph, Gressly Alain, Grice Alison, Grice Nicola, Grob Gerald, Grob Marianne, Gross Max, Gudenus Markus, Guds Meryth, Gugelmann Arlette, Guillaume Christine, Guldener Nicole, Gunaratna Amal, Guttchen Elischa, Güttinger Noah, Haberl Claudia, Hahn Daniel, Hahn Robert, Hartmann Hans Georg, Hartmann Thomas, Hebel Niclas, Heberlein Nadja, Heinrich Christopher, Heinz Stephan, Heitz Dagmar, Heldner Renata, Heller Sandrine, Hendley Jane, Herzog Nicole, Hess Tanja, Hill Finn, Hirsbrunner Michael, Hodel Jonas, Hohner Matthias, Holton Dwight, Holyoake Tracey, Hostettler Jacqueline, Huber Markus, Huggler Roland, Hürzeler Yvonne, Hussong Doris, Hutchinson James, Imbach Sibylle, Ineichen Liliane, Ineichen Sibylle, Isler Alexander, Itoh Jun, Jackson Blunt, Jean-Richard Martin, Joél Leila, Kalkstein Doron, Karczewski Matthias, Katz Malena, Katz Theresa, Kaupp Aaron, Keller Martin, Keller Sabine, Kiefer Pascale, Kilmarx Elizabeth, Kimche Avi, Kirk Caroline, Kiser Marcquart, Klaus Matthias, Klein Edwin, Klennert Antje, Klöckner Uwe, Klug Caspar, Knecht Victoria, Kohler Julia, Kolder Michael, Kopp Pia, Korhonen Janne, Körner Susanne, Kostadimas Jean-Pierre, Kouters Anne-Marie, Kreil Patrick, Kriegel Saskia, Kriesi Sara, Kunze Stephan, Künzler Martin, Künzli Andreas, Kuss Gioia, La Porta Carlo, Langari Daryous, Law Martyn, Lawrence Peggy Elisabeth, Lehmann Christoph, Leuenberger-Drieghe Zora, Levy Smada, Lienert Sibylle, Linivker Ronnie, Link Susanne, Linse Susanne, Lisowski Tomas, Locher Monica, Loefgren Malin, Lourens Regina, Lüber Matthias, Ludwig Thomas, Lugauer Paul, Luisoni Censy, Lüthi Caspar, Lutz Frédéric, Maeder Richard, Main Richelle, Majoni Claudia, Marchal Aina, Marchal Mi Hwa, Mathis Christof, Matson Laurence, Maurer Judy, Mayer Diana, Mayer Marc-Olivier, Mayer Oliver Marc, Meier Fabio, Messerli Thomas, Meyer Boris Alain, Meyer Jan, Mezger Stefanie, Michael Gregor, Michael Gregor, Michel Monika, Migliaccio Annamaria, Mollema Rolien, Moore Patrick, Moser Ursula, Moser Kanapalhypillai Nanda Seraina, Moynihan Richard Kevin, Mühlemann Anna Elisabeth, Mulligan Nicholas, Mumm Dr. Susanne, Myhre Tom, Näf Martin, Nägeli-Peter Lea, Nagler Jane, Nanzig Oliver, Narges Iran, Needham Rosie, Neupert Katharina, Niederberger Roger, Niederöst Marcel, Nielsen Christopher, Noorden Sonja von, Nouvion Nathalie, Nouvion Nathalie, Nydegger Andrea, Ober Sebastian, Oesch Kaspar, Ooms Marian, Oostendorp Marije van, Ossel Janet, Ostuni Emanuele, Palmer Gorham, Pascual Joanne, Pearl Anthony, Pellizzari Nicolao, Pellow David Arthur, Peter Sabine, Pfister Katjana, Pflegerl Barbara, Pichler Carmen, Place Heather, Posthuma de Boer Tai Eric, Probst Christian, Rafsnider Gilian, Reinhard Alexandra, Renno Sergio, Ribbink Marc, Ribbink Vera, Rieger Maria, Roederer Carolyn, Roesli Florence, Rogge Joana, Rose-May Jaqueline, Rotach Christian, Roth Christian, Rüegg Rin Alice, Ruigrok Jacqueline, Ruigrok Mattie, Ruland Norman, Rumo Martin, Rüttimann Daniel, Sager Elizabeth, Salim Sharifa, Sam Nana, Schäfer Patrick, Schaufelberger Cornelia, Schildknecht Peter, Schläpfer-Varone Agathe, Schlumpf Andreas, Schmatz Maria, Schmid Leona, Schmid Mark Alexander, Schmidlin Caspar, Schmidlin Philipp, Schmidt Joachim, Schmidt Michael, Schneider Isabelle, Schneider Klaus, Schoenenberger Peter, Scholtemeyer Marike, Schroeder Laura, Schuler Tino, Schulz Alexander, Schüpbach -Kreienbühll Simone, Schürmann Balz, Schürmann Hans Konrad, Schürmann Jan Bertold, Schürmann Pascal, Schwarz Jennifer, Seda Mona, Seeli Michel, Sherwin Anne, Shiraishi Kurato, Sigloch Florian, Sigrist Tina, Singer-Seidenfaden Saija, Smith Fiona, Smith Kevin, Stahlberg Johann, Staub Mirjam, Stebler-Kissling Jacqueline, Steinberg Sophia, Steiner Dominik, Steiner Francisca, Steiner Matthäeus, Sterzel Guido, Stettler Philipp, Stockhammer Sonja, Storz Marco, Strahlberg Leila Rachel, Streckeisen Monika, Struys Marielle, Stuyvenberg Margaretha, Sugimine Masanori, Sugimine Yoshinori, Sugita Maiko, Sunke Anita, Suter Johanna, Sutton Jilian, Svendsen Vivian, Swan Anna, Takino William, Tauber Christian Eduard, Thomas Catrin Helen, Thönen Naomie, Tiollier Agnês, Tiollier Raphaëlle, Titzer Christoph, Tran Du Doan, Turbyville-Williams Sally, Uebelhart Michael, Uebersax Lilian, Uehlinger Christoph, Ulery Carina Pia, Valentin Wilhelm, Valerio Sandra, van der Meer Carine, van Fraeijenhove Annemarie, van Heeren Sylvia, van Overdijk Joke, van Rey Marc, VARONE Etha, VasquezVilliger Stefanie, Veitinger Tobias, Visser Heer David, Vögeli Beni, Vogt Christian, von Wurstemberger Jean-Marie, Vos de Waal Maximus, Wacker Natalie, Waeser Andrea, Walther Christoph, Waltsgott Martin, Warnke Sebastian, Weber Caspar-Urban, Weber Leigh Anne, Webster Victoria, Weibel Hans-Adam, Weiss Stefan, Wempe Klemens, Wempe Peter, Werder Eveline, Wespe Barbara, Wickli Tobias, Widmer Franziska, Wimmer Anna, Winzenried Florian, Wirth Sylvia, Wirz Barblin, Wirz Marc, Wirz Muriel, Wittmer-Korhonen Marketta, Witzig Nicolas, Wolff Astrid, Woudstra Femmy, Wulf Arne, Wulfing Amy Helene, Yamakawa Shoji, Young Daniel, Zumbrunn Ursula, Zürcher Dominique, Zwahlen Mireille 1990 – 1999 Aaröe Daniel Nicolai, Abegglen Sandra, Abrahams Leoni, Akerström Hanna, Akin Lenka, Altmann Volker, Amstutz Christian, Arp Carmela Delina, Ashkenazy Alexandra, Ausley Francis, Bachmann Irene, Bachmann Michael, Backes Olaf, Baladurage Julian, Balmer Annina, Bangerter Peter, Baumann Tobias, Baumgartner Thomas, Baur Patricia, Bernabe Martha, Bettiol Gaia, Bildt Catharina, Bini Alessandro, Blaha Christoph, Blaser Philipp, Blatti Denise, Bodenwieser Emma, Bodenwieser Emma, Bolten Greta, Boschetti Lisa, Botta Andrea Christina, Brater Caroline, Brechbühl Ives, Bredanger-Sicker Evelyn, Brefin Lukas, Breitung Ilinca July, Britschgi Sandra, Brock Nadiya, Broggi Ramiro, Bruderer January | Januar 2016 31 Thabo, Bücheler Angelika, Bucher Alvar, Bucher Michelle, Bugbee John S., Bühlmann Sarah, Bullet Chantal, Burtt Melanie, Cai Thanh-Thai, Campbell Jesse, Capitanio Carlo, Cardenal Baste Paz, Caza Brian Patrick, Cazac Serenella, Chang Chiang-Sheng Johnson, Chenaux-Repond Bastien, Chramosta Jiri, Christen Aragon, Christen Maika, Chukhray Karine, Chukhray Karine, Cluer Christopher, Cong Jing, Conserva Giovanni, Coon Eliza, Coy Meagan, Cummings Margo, Dack Catherine, David Eshkoli, DE LONG Kira, Dean Jeffrey, Deragisch Fabienne, Dettwiler Fabian, Dietz Joëlle, Dios Campell Eleonore, Dixon Kerry, Doggwiler Oliver, DRAKE Kristen, Dresenkamp Jan, Eggenschwiler Peter, Ehrensperger Joachim, Eichta Oliver, Emmerich Jens, Erne Nilo, Ertas Günay Cem, Euler Tim, Everett Courtney Lynn, Ewald Aina, Eyre Jayne, Fabre-Polls Laia, FASOLA Sandro, Fauchère Yan, Fehling Georg, Feindel Blake, Fischer Hagen M., Fischer Simon, Fragnière-Huber Alexandra, Frei Lea, Freymond-Guth Jean-Claude, Fringeli Aïsha, Fuchs Cécile, Fuchs Mitja Dimitrij, Gabriel Adrian, Gafner Sandra, Galis Mario, Galway Lotty, Garner Kelly, Gaus Thomas, Geissberger Christof, Gendotti Maïté, Gentile Stephania, Gerber Nathalie, Gerber Numa Biju, Giaever Lise, Gienger Tobias, Gilding Back Callan, Gilgen Christoph, Gillis Fausta Sarah, Glausen Anita Salomi, Glausen Jeannine, Glutz Michael, Gniady Cassandre, Gottschalk Sara, Graap Sebastian, Gretener Ivo, Gretener Kevin, Gretener Sun Ada, Greter Urs, GUNN Alisha, Gustavsson Linda, Guyer Pascal, Haase Stephanie, Habich Mathias, Hablützel Christian, Haditsch Jiro, Haditsch Michal, HALLETT Rebecca, Hatano Akiko, Helm Marco, Helmling Dirk, Henderson Susan, Herbert Shaun Russell, Hibner Lauren Wong, Hill Adrian Rose, Hoffmann Joshua, Hofmann-Lord Alexander, Höhn Oliver, Hölle Ignacio, Huang Jo-Fan, Huber Gawayn, Hübner Florence, Hürlimann Ester, Husi Stefan, Hydusik Carley A., Imhof Shaila, Jackson Annet, Jadallah Amani Mohammad, Jaeggi-von Hartz Oliver, Jalabert Philippe, James Evelyn, Jarl Rut, Jauslin Melanie, Jenzer Fabio, Jenzer Gabriel, Jermini Rüegg Miriam, JOGUNCIC Emina, Johanson Karen, Kälin Isabelle, Kallen Jessica, Kane Allison, Kappeler Tiffany, Keim Andreas, Kellenberger Stefan, Kenerson Julia, Kiem Quok, Kiem Quok, Kiem Quok, Kiilerich Mikkel, King Olivia, Klemp Katharina, Klop Pieter Jan, Klop Saskia, Knepper Bettina, Koloszar Ilona, Koloszar Valerie, Komlan Kossi, König Raphael, Koppenhöfer Charlotte, Korbach Ellen, Krabichler Peter, Krabichler Rahel, Krabichler Sandor, Krieg Daniel, Krotz Barbara, Kuby Elias, Kuczera David, Kuster Mathias, Kym René, Lacroix Daniel Tobias, Lagger Jelena, Larsen Helene, Le Grand Christine, Legeret Jedaeja, Leonhardt Andrea, Leuenberger Peter, Leufvén Lina, Ley Martina, Li Dong, Liao Li Ling, Liechti David, Lienert Sibylle, Lihaug Lasse, Limacher Melchior, Lin Winny Xiao Ying, Linde Elizabeth, Lipscomp Dos Santos Alexandre, Lolja Liljana, Lolja Rudina, Lowry James, Ludden Andrea, Ludendorff Alexander, Lüthi Oliver, Lütscher Claudio, Maas Silja, Mäder Marcel, Marchal Mi Hwa, Marras Patrizio, Marschall Bettina, Martella Ubaldo, Marti Christina, Martinaglia Diego, Masera Emanuel, Matter Franz, Mattiucci Serena, Maubach Christoph, Mauser Johanna, Mayer Doris, Mazzolini Tanja, Megan Megan Nechamka de Long, Meyer Christoph, Meyer Fabio, Meyer Saskia, MICHEL Judith, Morley Michael Daniel, Morley Nicholas, Moser Michèle, Mounir Marouan, Mühlberger Mareike, Müller Antje, Müller Cyrille, Munz Tania, Nager Sandra, Nanjoud Bulle, Needham Christopher, Neiger Emanuel, Niederer Nora, Nirnberg Egret, Nobbs Jodie Natascha, NOMIS Leopardo A.K., Nüesch Julian, OESTERLE Johannes, Ogimachi Kanako, Osmanovic Elvira, Ott Christian, Page Lindsay Coleman, Pàl Kornel, Pedretti Noemi, Peter Diego, Peters Kim, Peterson Jessica, Peuckert Daniel Paul, Pfaff Flurina, Phillips Paula, Polastri Diana, Portmann Fabian, PREUSSE Mariana, Probst Bénédict, Qumsieh Vera, Rabret Hervé, Raisch Andreas, Ramsay Christine Marden -, Randall Richard, Reclam Tobias, Reichlin Alexander, Reimann Aline, Rein Beate, Richard Christopher, Riegel Tim, Risnes Trude, Rivas Gomez Jose Alfredo, Rodrigo Marcos, Rohner Mirjam, Romer Kurt, Roncaglio Chiara, Röösli Nikolas, Rudnitzky Susan Emma, Ryser Daniel, Sabrije Shkelzeni, Sacher Raphael, Salzmann Sonja, Saraev Marcel, Saxer Kathrin, Schaafsma Mirjam, Schaedel Delia Anne-Marie, Schäfer Sabine, SCHAPIRA Amanda (Ariel), Schärrer Pascal, Scherz Rafael, Scheurer Kathrin, Scheurer Sebastian, Schmid Géraldine, Schmid Samuel, Schmidt Jasmin, Schmidt Nora, Schmutz David, Schnider Simon, Schoppe Myra, Schuppers Liselotte, Schwarzenbach Anouk, Schwarzenbach Carole, Schwarzenbach Géraldine, Schwarzenbach Nina, See Nathan, Seldman Ariana, Sennhauser Sandra C., Sha Patrick, Shapiro Lywyn, SHERPA Tashila, Sian Howard-Cheers, Sieber Pascal, Sotil Dana, Souviron Carolina, Steger Adriano, Stehli Lukas, Stein Ulrike, Sterling William, Stiefel Moritz, Stiefel Tim, Stolba Marco, Stolzenburg Pio, Stoops Ashley Rebecca, Straumann Gabriel, Suter Julian, Tada Shuhei, Talib Ramin Mathias, Tamuro Ayanano, Teichmüller Martin, Thiam Aisha, Thieme Sebastien, Tiberini Elena, Tillmann Roxane, Tillmann-Hauser José Benjamin, Tilmann Liza, Tresch Andreas, Tschanz Martin, Tysoe Nicola, Urfer Hansjörg, van der Linden-Woeller Daniel, Van Luit Ryan T., Varela Sebastian, Vaucher Alex, Vetter Alexandra, von Wurstemberger Nicolas, WACH Cyril, Wacker Lisa Sulaika, Walsoe Andreas, Walsoe Andreas, Warmelo Martin, Waser Martina, Weber Jean, Weiss Sascha, Whitney Kara, Wick Anna, Wiegerinck Tessa, Willareth Thomas, Williams Tahira, Wilson Elisabeth, Wirz Florian, Würmli Chasper, Wyllie James George David, XU Jiang, Yang Andrew Wei-Chih, Yang Grace, Yiu Chieh, Zapel-Wyndham Annia, Zaugg Kerima, Ziegler Christina, Zinser Maximilian, Zotz Melanie, Zürcher Sara 2000 – 2011 Abt Salome Hanna, Aeschi Niklaus, Amberbir Kirubel Meshesha Robert, Andrus Nathalie, Antsutkin Dimitri, Appel Tim, Arber Oliver James, Arnet Andreas, Astreyn Andrey, Batsankalashvili Ketevan, Battegay Jean, Baumgartner Daniel, Beger Anna, Behrangi Maral-Alina, Ben Arbia Cherrelle, Berraquero Dhoani, Beurret Cindy, Bhatnagar Vikram, Bixler Cally Jordan, Blatter Stefanie, Bollhalder Sandrine, Borner Johannes, Bratnick Ann Julia, Bresgen Dorian, Bruderer Sophie, Brügger Dominique, Bühlmann Matthias, Bührer Yannick Marc, Bürki Demian, Businger Aldrin, Busscher Helen, Busscher Phillip, Büttl Stephan, Cese Gunta, Chaves Anna, Cina Gaston, Connell Hannah, Conrad Celina, Crawford Elizabeth, Da Silva Inês, De Haan Josephine, De la Cruz Jory, De Souza Couto Weslley, Decherd William Jon, Dengler Sophie Angela, Dewhirst Sharon, Dreyfus Léa, Durrer Carmen Valéry, Eberle Flurin, Eberle Nicole, Ege Deborah, Fähndrich Jsabelle, Ficke Kristen, Fiechter Ronja, Flury Rahel, Frantz Nick, Frey Kora, Friedrich Laura, Frye Aaron Paul, Furger Aleksej, Galvan Garrett Dan, Gäng Sebastian, Garcia de la Rosa Alejandro, Geiger Ueli, Georgescu Adina, Gränicher Kilian, Graf Yannick Joel, Gray Amanda Spalding, Grois Eric Frédéric, Gusewski Astrid, Haberthür Pina, Hagmann Svenja, Hallama Bosch Maria, Hassani Shailesh, Hertle Dominik J., Heinzelmann Christa, Heuberger Barbara, Hoffmann Katrin, Hörstel Hilke, Howard Trevor, Hu Jung Henry, Huber Romi, Huber Romi, Hübscher Oliver, Iandovka Mark, Isler Sarah-Lisa, Janjaroenjit Saranhia, Johnsen Brett Thomas, Jones Chrystyna, Kappeler Tiffany, Kassismitri Mahira Munir Odeh, Kelemen Zoltan Martin, Keller Christian, Keller Rebekka, Kerkhof Yamal Siddharta Jan Willy, Kneer Anna-Sophie, Knittel Hliddal Sonja, Koller Jacob, Kramer Tobias, Kuczawski Nemo Max, Kuczera David, Kühn Dustin, Kühni Salomé, Künzli Stefanie, Kürsteiner Stéphanie, Kurz Rüegsegger Toni, Laubach Anna, Laver Brendon, Liu Chao, Lieberherr Janos, MacFadyen Alexander Lithgow, MacFadyen Christopher Gerrish, Malatesta Jean-Philippe, Masopust Anja, Mattingly Mackenzie, Mauch Hans-Peter, McGraw Erin Beth, McLaughlin Kathleen Kendrick, Meier Rebecca, Meier Seraphin, Methlouthi Leila, Michling Maurice, Miller Ben, Minton Imogen Raye, Morillo Patricia, Moser Ricardo Leon, Mueller Michael Chris, Müller David, Näf Martin, Nater Samantha, Nelson Caleb Ives, Neuschwander Chantal Desirée, Ngin Sophorl Tatyana, Ogbe Paz Leo, Pervez Simon, Pfaff Gerson, Plattner Lionel, Primavesi Zoe Maea, Punzenberger Michael, Rabret Hervé, Razina Natalja, Reidy Christopher, Riesch Sarah Lisa Alisar, Riesch Sarah Lisa Alisar, Rossi Fabiano, Rossi Hümeyra, Rumo Delphine, Ruppolo Caterina Melissa, Rybak Mikolay Piotr, Ryser Shereen, Salcinovic Kerim, Sanders Lia, Santos Silverstein Zoe Kian, Sathiapal Jehan, Schaub Martin Philipp, Schaub Martina, Schaub Nora, Schaumburg Andreas, Schenker Karin, Schenker Tizian, Schild Lucky Christian Wardhana, Schildhauer Jessica Sofie, Schlessinger Charles Cedric, Schluchter Anna, Schmid Jonas, Schmit Marie-Claire, Schmitz Bettina, Schwarzbach Oliver, Shatz Alexander, Shaw Nicholas, Shelton James, Shimizu Leina Seiko, Siemens Emma Henriette, Simon Nikolai, Smallenberg Tanja, Sommer Rahel, Sommerhalder Philip Martin, Spalt Ferdinand Ian, Speidel Carlo Maximilian, Stambuk Fay, Stambuk Galla, Stohler Meret, Stokvis Schmuel, Strømberg Elena, Stubel Volker, Sturm Ramon, Superti-Furga Carlotta, Suter Mona, Talib Ramin Mathias, Thalmann Elio Dorian, Thom Megan, Thom Megan, Thoma Hubis Frances, Thomann Michela, Tillmann-Hauser José Benjamin, Toscano Alina Mara, TownesAnderson Nathan, Trüssel Solima Ann, Tschudin Kansamit Win, Tsulaia Zaza, Uberti Zalea Giovanna, Uribe Sierra Rose, van Rheenen Constance, van Rheenen Emily, Vinhateiro Olivia, Vinhateiro Olivia, Vogler Alysha, von Siebenthal Marco, Wacker Lisa Sulaika, Wagner Basil, Waibel Flavio, Weiss Christine, Weltner Anna, Werder Raphael, Westerberg David, Whitmore Michael, Wickander Love, Wicki Luis Lucho, Widmer Vanessa, Wiedmer Adrian, Wild Jan, Winiger Michael, Winterberger Linda, Winters Janina, Wohler Kaspar Lucas, Wong Chris, Yuan Keer Coco, Zaugg Benjamin, Zehnder Chantal Monique, Zhao Qinghao John, Zimmermann Marc, Zindel Silja Irene • Lost alumni can provide current contact information via our website or inform us in person, by phone or by email. • Vermisste Alumni können uns Ihre Adresse via Webseite mitteilen oder uns persönlich, telefonisch, per Post oder per E-Mail kontaktieren: Ecole d'Humanité 6085 Hasliberg Goldern +41 33 972 92 92 [email protected] 32 January | Januar 2016 January | Januar 2016 Wie ein Stipendium ein Leben verändern kann Mit dem Stipendienfonds bieten wir eine konkrete Möglich keit an, zur angestrebten Chancengleichheit an der Ecole d’Humanité beizutragen. Spenderinnen und Spender können so rund 5% aller Schülerinnen und Schüler unterstützen. Ohne Spenden wäre für sie der Aufenthalt an der Ecole nicht möglich. Doch was bewirken diese Spenden eigentlich? Senior Mats reflektiert für uns seine Erfahrungen an der Ecole d’Humanité. Was wolltest Du verändern? Ich verbrachte nun den Grossteil meiner Freizeit damit, Musik zu komponieren. Dabei entdeckte ich meine Freude daran, als DJ zu begeistern. Plötzlich fand ich heraus, dass ich für die Stöckli-Gruppe nominiert war. Und tatsächlich, ich wurde ins Stöckli gewählt! Anders als frühere DJs war ich offen gegenüber ganz unterschiedlichen Musikstilen. Wer keine Grenzen kennt, findet auch in der Musik Zugang zu Neuem. Danke Mats für Deine Bereitschaft, Deine Erfahrungen an der Ecole zu reflektieren. Was bedeutet die Ecole für Dich? Als ich an die Ecole kam, war ich noch ein Kind und vor allem an Videospielen interessiert. Ich hatte fast keine Hobbies, war scheu, und eher unsportlich. Aber all das hat sich jetzt verändert. Die Ecole hat so viel aus mir herausgeholt. Dieser Gedanke gefällt mir gut. Aber ich kann mir vorstellen, dass es auch Herausforderungen und Frustrationen gab. Am besten gefiel mir die Herausforderung, dass nicht alle Besucherinnen und Besucher die gleichen Vorlieben haben. Mein Ziel als DJ war es, sie alle zufrieden zu stellen. Das war schwierig für mich, aber ich habe mir dadurch ein neues Gefühl für meine Kompositionen erarbeitet. Es frustriert mich, wenn bei meinen Kompositionen nicht das herauskommt, was ich mir erhofft habe. Dann versuche ich die Frustration in Motivation umzuwandeln, bis ich das erwünschte Resultat erzielt habe. Ich habe später gelernt, dass diese Methode nicht nur in der Musik, sondern auch bei akademischen Herausforderungen greift. Ich kann mir kaum vorstellen, dass Du einmal scheu warst. Wie hat sich das denn weiterentwickelt? Nach einem Jahr an der Ecole hatte ich aufgehört, ständig allen Menschen gefallen zu wollen. Ich hatte herausgefunden, dass ich eine grossartige Passion für Musik habe, und dass ich ein talentierter Kletterer und Snowboarder bin. Ich versuchte mir Zeit zu nehmen, um das zu verändern, was verändert werden musste. War die Musik also eine Art Türöffner für Dich? Absolut. Meine Motivation und mein Privileg, mich in der Musik engagieren zu dürfen, haben mir dabei geholfen herauszufinden, was ich im Leben erreichen will. Ich bin nun ein viel besserer Schüler als zum Zeitpunkt meiner Ankunft. Also bewarb ich mich bei einem der top US-Colleges im Medienbereich. Nun halte ich die Aufnahmebestätigung in meinen Händen. Die Stiftung Ecole fördert Chancengleichheit an der Ecole d’Humanité »Ecole Stipendiatinnen und Stipendiaten sind für die Ecole eine wichtige Bereicherung. Sie tragen zur kulturellen und sozialen Diversität bei, welche die Ecole prägen. In einer sich leider verstärkt wieder abschottenden Welt gemeinschaft sind wir dankbar dafür, diesen wertvollen Beitrag leisten zu können. Herzlichen Dank allen Spenderinnen und Spendern für ihren aktiven Beitrag zur Förderung der Chancengleichheit an der Ecole d’Humanité.« Benno Breitenmoser, Geschäftsführer Stiftung Ecole Jetzt einfach und schnell online spenden: Die Stiftung Förderbereiche Vererben Herzliche Gratulation! Und vielen Dank für Deine Zeit und Offenheit! Gern geschehen. Ich öffnete mein Herz gegenüber den Menschen, und sie öffneten ihr Herz für mich. Ich kann das jedem weiterempfehlen. Aus Datenschutz-Gründen verzichten wir darauf, die Namen unserer StipendiatInnen zu veröffentlichen. Mats war bis im Sommer 2015 Senior an der Ecole d’Humanité. Er kommt hier stellvertretend für alle Schülerinnen und Schüler zu Wort. Das Interview wurde schriftlich geführt. Aus dem Englischen von Benno Breitenmoser. »In the past, I’ve often meant to donate donation, get a confirmation in my email to my beloved Ecole but never took all the for tax purposes all in one easy step in just steps to do so. This year I donated online a few minutes while sitting at my computer. because I could click on the link, send a Done.« Kathleen Hennessy, Online-Donor Spenden 33 34 January | Januar 2016 January | Januar 2016 Jahresbericht des Stiftungsrats zum Geschäftsjahr 35 1.8.2014–31.7.2015 Rückblick auf das Geschäftsjahr Viele Spenderinnen und Spender haben uns auch im vergangenen Geschäftsjahr grosszügige Spenden zukommen lassen. Dafür möchten wir uns ganz herzlich bedanken. Diese Spenden ermöglichten uns, die Ecole d’Humanité durch Vergabe von Stipendien und Mitfinanzierung von Projekten im Einklang mit dem Stiftungszweck tatkräftig zu unterstützen. Ein wesentlicher Erfolgsfaktor war die vehement angestrebte und anfangs Dezember 2014 eingetroffene Bestätigung der Steuerverwaltung des Kantons Bern, dass unsere Stiftung weiterhin steuerbefreit ist. Dies bedeutet, dass Spenden an unsere Stiftung auch in Zukunft in der Schweiz steuerlich abzugsfähig sein werden. Um unsere Spenderinnen und Spender jederzeit aktuell informieren zu können, haben wir im Frühjahr 2015 unsere Website neu gestaltet und dem Webauftritt der Ecole angepasst. Gleichzeitig wurde auf der Website die Möglichkeit von OnlineSpenden per Kreditkarte oder PostFinance eingeführt. Spenden ist damit so einfach wie nie zuvor, und wir erhoffen uns davon eine weitere Belebung des Spendenzuflusses. Ein einschneidendes Ereignis mit Einfluss auf die finanzielle Lage der Ecole war die Aufhebung des Euro-Mindestkurses durch die Schweizerische Nationalbank im Januar 2015. Der sprunghafte Anstieg der Kosten des Schulgeldes für Eltern aus dem Euroraum hat sich negativ auf die Schülerzahlen aus dem Euroraum ausgewirkt. Ein spontaner Spendenaufruf auf unserer Website zur Unterstützung bei der Überbrückung finanzieller Engpässe hat leider nur ein geringes Echo gefunden. Unser Geschäftsführer und Fundraiser, Benno Breitenmoser, setzt Zeit und Energie ein, um mit unseren Spenderinnen und Spendern in Kontakt zu treten, sei es persönlich, telefonisch oder via Brief und Mail. Am vergangenen Sommerfest hat er unsere Stiftung mit einem Stand vertreten. Für die Schulabgängerinnen und Schulabgänger hat er ein Abgangspaket mit wichtigen Informationen über unsere Stiftung zusammengestellt. Um deutlich zu machen, dass unsere Stiftung einzig die Interessen der Ecole vertritt, verzichten wir seit 2015 auf eine eigene Publikation und veröffentlichen unsere Informationen im Ecolianer. Gleichzeitig sparen wir damit Druckkosten. Die Spenden an den Stipendienfonds betrugen im Berichtsjahr CHF 110’872.00 (im Vorjahr CHF 97’500.00). Zahlen Dem Gönnerfonds sind im Berichtsjahr CHF 83’832.80 zugeflossen (im Vorjahr CHF 58’655.00). Die im Gönnerfonds angesammelten Mittel können sowohl für die Finanzierung von Stipendien wie auch für Projekte und Beiträge an die Infrastruktur der Schule eingesetzt werden. Die auf unserer Website publizierte Jahresrechnung gibt Auskunft über die finanzielle Lage der Stiftung. Erfreulich ist, dass nach den markanten Rückgängen des Vorjahres nun wieder eine Zunahme der Spenden sowohl an den Stipendienfonds als auch an den Gönnerfonds zu verzeichnen ist. Die Finanzierung von Stipendien musste auf CHF 120’000.00 beschränkt werden (Vorjahr CHF 180’000.00). Die Stipendien wurden sowohl aus dem Stipendien- wie auch aus dem Gönnerfonds finanziert. Es wurden zwei Jugendliche aus der Schweiz, eine aus Deutschland sowie je einer aus Kroatien und Tadschikistan unterstützt. Die im Stipendienfonds verbleibenden Mittel sind bereits für die Auszahlung im Geschäftsjahr 2015–16 reserviert. Aus dem Projektfonds (Rubrik Bandraumfonds) wurden die für die restliche Finanzierung des Bandraums reservierten CHF 108’000.00 entnommen. Neu zugeflossen sind grosszügige zweckbestimmte Spenden von insgesamt CHF 56’877.00, wovon CHF 50’000.00 für die Finanzierung des schulinternen »Waschsalons« und CHF 5’000 für Fitnessgeräte ausgegeben wurden. Ausblick Im Sommer 2016 steht das nächste Ehemaligentreffen auf der Agenda. Unsere Stiftung ist in die Vorbereitungen aktiv involviert, wird am Treffen präsent sein und erhofft sich davon einen deutlich erhöhten Spendenzufluss. Unsere Stiftung wurde im Testament einer ehemaligen Mitarbeiterin berücksichtigt. Wir erwarten die Auszahlung eines substantiellen Betrags im Geschäftsjahr 2015–16. Wir beabsichtigen, im neuen Geschäftsjahr wieder einen höheren Betrag an Stipendien zu vergeben, sofern sich der angestrebte Mittelzufluss realisieren lässt. Im neuen Geschäftsjahr werden wir unter anderem das Aufbauprojekt eines schulinternen Learning Centers unterstützen. In seiner strategischen Planung strebt der Stiftungsrat eine Zunahme des jährlichen Spendenvolumens an. Ein aufgefrischtes Kommunikationskonzept und neue Fundraising-Initiativen sollen zur Erreichung dieser Zielsetzung beitragen. Personelle Neuerung An der Stiftungsratssitzung vom 19. Januar 2015 wurde Herr Benno Breitenmoser als Nachfolger von Herrn Markus Fellmann zum neuen Geschäftsführer unserer Stiftung gewählt. Benno Breitenmoser ist organisatorisch bei der Geschäftsführung der Ecole angesiedelt und nimmt sowohl für unsere Stiftung als auch für die Schule direkt die Funktion Fundraising wahr. Albert Gnand Präsident des Stiftungsrats 28.11.2015 the 36 January | Januar 2016
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