PDF Download: Summer in the City
PDF Download: Summer in the City
30 31 < < P R OJ E CT S > > This is how micro-adventuring works: after your business appointment in Hamburg, postpone your return flight by 24 hours and swap your laptop for a kayak. Text & Photos Michael Neumann HAMBURG, OUR PADDLE G E M 32 33 < < P R OJ E CT S > > Hamburg’s Globetrotter store is the starting point to one of Germany’s most beautiful paddle tours. What would you like? The canoe’s paternoster at Wiesendamm. Good morning Spiegel, hello ZDF! 34 < < P R OJ E CT S > > While the ICE thunders above us, we get an exclusive view of the Inner Alster. The Alster is for hobby captains whereas the Elbe is only for professionals. You can hardly get lost with the water sports map of the Alster, published by Globetrotter. TAKE THE LONG WAY Auf langen Wegen die Welt entdecken. Den Weg zum Ziel machen. Und echte Erfahrungen sammeln. Das wollen wir. Bei FRILUFTS orientieren wir uns dabei an den „Principles of Slow Travel“ (© by Daniel Roy). Wir reisen langsam und mit leichtem Gepäck. Wir sehen genau hin. Atmen durch. Lassen uns treiben. Uns geht es um die großen und die kleinen Abenteuer in der Welt. Und weil es dazu nicht viel mehr braucht als Neugier und Abenteuerlust, machen wir hochwertige, gut aussehende und funktionale Produkte zu einem fairen Preis. Mach dich mit uns auf den Weg. Den echten Weg. Den langen Weg. TAKE THE LONG WAY – mit FRILUFTS. PRINcIPLE Nº 1: SLOW DOWN. Erfahrungen sammelt man im Moment, nicht im Fotoalbum. Mach dich auf in Welt. Aber lass dir Zeit dabei. Sieh dich um. Tauche ein. Sei offen für jedes Abenteuer. Und für die Natur. Bleib stehen. Lass dich fallen. Auf Wiesen. Oder am Meer. Ströme durch Märkte. Feier jedes Detail. Kein Weg ist zu lang, kein Moment zu kurz. Mach dich auf den Weg. Und wenn du angekommen bist – geh weiter. Finde deinen Weg auf www.frilufts.com E N E U D I E kE OrMar O D t U O BEI USIV EXkL 37 < < P R OJ E CT S > > Check-in at the take-out: the 25hours at the Alten Hafenamt*. It is the harbour’s birthday celebration today, the biggest hustle and bustle harbour event in the world. But at 5 am, we are the only ones on the water. When all these launches pull the anchor, it is time to do a runner. Unbelievably controversial, unbelievably expensive, but also unbelievably pretty: the Elbe Philharmonic. *The hotel had to close in June due to a fire, more information on www.25hours-hotels.com. 36 38 huskytrack < < P R OJ E CT S > > Das umfangreichste Werk zum Thema Wheeling the packed kayaks from the hotel to the water. Hundeschlitten Reisen s the editorial office responsible for this magazine, we often journey from our home town of Augsburg to pay a visit to Globetrotter’s headquarters in Hamburg. We go there to think up new ideas, discuss various topics and enlarge stories in the making. And in the end, we go back home. Not this time at the beginning of May. Ascension Day allowed us some free time and we postponed our trip back by 24 hours and asked the store at Wiesendamm if we could rent two kayaks. We could. We quickly pack our belongings into the waterproof storage spaces in the boats and wheel our laden boat carriers 50 metres to the bank of the Osterbek Canal. In the afternoon, we paddle towards the city centre. In no time we reach the Outer Alster, a look-and-find river, which resembles a lake. Sailing boats are criss crossing back and forth, rowing boats speed past and tourist boats hoot us out of their way. From the Outer Alster, we make our way into the Inner Alster with the water fountain and the town hall in the back ground – probably one of the most photographed city scenes of Germany. And we are right in the centre of things. To reach the Elbe River from the Alster, we need to pass through two locks. They are designed to regulate the water level on the Alster and protect the inner city from flooding. When we leave the locks behind us, we enter a new world. The Elbe rules here with its tidal range of an average of 3.66 metres. It is abso- lutely vital to adhere to the traffic rules. It is possible that you have a 300 metre long container ship behind you instead of a little tourist boat. In short: If you go paddling on the Elbe, in the harbour area and through the warehouse district, you should know what you are doing. ALL ABOARD! To keep out of the thick of things, it is recommendable to stick to the well-known countercyclical strategy. So when we slosh out of the lock and into the warehouse district at 7pm, most of the traffic has already disappeared, a day’s work is done. We paddle through the brick gorges almost on our own. Just the hustle and bustle at the waterfront is a bit irritat- ing. What kind of huts are they putting up there? A passerby can tell us more. It's the traditional harbour anniversary event tomorrow, no less than the biggest harbour festival in the world. Whoa! That explains how difficult it was to find a hotel room. We did not choose it according to its stars rating or the length of the breakfast buffet table, all that counted was the distance to the water. It turned out to be the new 25hours at the Alten Hafenamt which suited us just fine. We were able to store the kayaks in the backyard before we treated ourselves to the eastern Mediterranean cuisine of the adjoining Neni restaurant. Luckily, nobody noticed that our neoprene shoes left wet marks everywhere. Before we closed heavy brocade curtains and disappeared under our duvets, we checked the sunrise app. It displayed an unearthly time of 5:39 am. And as we are planning on being on the water at that time, we agreed to meet at the boats at 5 am. There is nobody else on the water. We quickly paddle along the Elbe philharmonic hall, navigate our way past the jetties and on to the futuristic Hamburg Cruise Center. And then quickly back towards the Alster before the birthday party starts with the opening parade. The people in good spirits who floated past us in vessels of all shapes and sizes on Father’s Day were on a par with the harbour’s birthday celebrations. Hamburg is, and will always be, a paddler's gem. << auf über 200 Seiten Seiten • • • • • • • Jetzt gratis anfordern! Tel.: employees. The map is waterproof and can therefore always stay on board. It also shows the warehouse district and the harbour city. However, only experienced sea dogs should plunge their paddles into these waters, as it it quite narrow and busy with the shipping traffic. • h u s k y t ra ck .de Reise Nr. 46-33978-01 Reise Nr. 358-12808-01 8 Tage von Hütte zu Hütte If you are about to go paddling on the Alster, you will find important information including kayak rental agencies on the water sports map of the Alster (order number 18.61.86, € 6.95). Globetrotter unfortunately only rents boats out to prospective buyers and 03303-29 73 123 Finnland | Schweden | Lappland | Norwegen | Alaska Wildnistour in Lappland PADDLING THROUGH HAMBURG über 40 Reisvorschläge R eisvorschläge in 4 Ländern 20 Kennelportraits Reiseberichte viele Hintergrundinfos Tipps zur Ausrüstung Infos zu Regionen u.v.m. Huskyabenteuer Vindelfjällen ab 2.139 € 5 Tage Huskywanderung ab 1.679 € Leistungen inklusive Leistungen inklusive • Linienflug von Frankfurt nach Kittilä und zurück • Linienflug von Frankfurt nach Vilhelmina und zurück • Transfers ab/an Flughafen Kittilä zur Lodge • Transfers an/ab Flughafen Vilhelmina zur Huskyfarm • 4 Übernachtungen in der Lodge im DZ bzw. 1/2 DZ • 2 Übernachtungen auf der Huskyfarm • 3 Übernachtungen in Wildnishütten in Mehrbettzimmern • 2 Übernachtungen in urigen Wildnishütten in Mehrbettzimmern • Vollverpflegung (Hauptmahlzeit am Abend) • Vollverpflegung während des gesamten Aufenthalts • Ausrüstung für extreme Kälte (in Größen S - XXL, Schuhe 37 - 46) • Komplette Ausrüstung gegen extreme Kälte • 1 Schlittengespann mit 4 - 6 Hunden je Teilnehmer • eigenes Hundeschlittengespann mit 4-5 Hunden je Teilnehmer • deutsch- und/oder englischsprachiger Guide • erfahrener englischsprachiger Guide • 24h Servicetelefon während Ihrer Reise • 1 Reiseführer Schweden & 1 Buch zum Hundeschlittenfahren pro Buchung • 1 Reiseführer Finnland & 1 Buch Hundeschlittenfahren pro Buchung • 15 EUR Einkaufsgutschein für Globetrotter Ausrüstung pro Person • 15 EUR Einkaufsgutschein pro Person für Globetrotter Ausrüstung • 24h Servicetelefon während Ihrer Reise