ce 579 tiefenfiltration
ce 579 tiefenfiltration
WASSERBEHANDLUNG MECHANISCHE VERFAHREN CE 579 TIEFENFILTRATION Das optimale Gerät, um Tiefenfiltration ganzheitlich zu lernen und zu unterrichten Filtration und Rückspülung Umfangreiche Mess- und Regelungstechnik Manometertafel zur Bestimmung der Drücke im Filterbett Moderne Software mit Steuerungsfunktionen und Datenerfassung ENVIRONM ENERGY & ENT CE 579 CE 579 DEPTH FILTRATIO N 1 All rights reserved , G.U.N.T. Geräteb au, Barsbüttel, All rights reserved , G.U.N.T. Geräteb au, Barsbüttel, Germany 03/2010 Germany 03/2010 Fig. 3.15 Fig. 3.25 Flow paths in filtration operat Differential pressu re sensor ENERGY & ENVIRONM ENT 26 Differential press ure The differential pressure (PDIR between the ) is recorded sand filter inlet and outlet. This done by hydra is ulically conne cting the differe pressure senso ntial r to the upper and lower sand flange connection. filter The hoses must be completely filled with water To fill the pipes . , the valves (1) on the differe pressure senso ntial r must be opene d until there is more air in the no pipes. Measuring point 2/3: System pressure / temperature The system press ure (PIR) and the temperature (TIR) of the water are recorded in the sand filter feed line. Fig. 3.16 F System pressu re and temperature sensor Measuring point 4: Flow rate The flow rate (FIR) is recor ded using a magn inductive flow etorate sensor. The sensor outpu as a control t acts variable for the raw water pump backwash pump or . The flow rate adjusted and sensor is prerequires no furthe r calibration. ing mode pars line can be water, the bypas V10. To mix the raw d using the valve tially or fully opene prein the feed line butterfly valve in the oppoThe non-return back g flowin water from vents the raw site direction. tion N Measuring point 1: through the sand raw water flows in During filtration, solids suspended to bottom. The The filter from top in the filter bed. are retained the raw water filter at the lower sand the s leave tank. treated water treated water the into end and flows Filtration 3 Unit descrip DEPTH FILTRATIO Fig. 3.17 3 3 Unit descrip Magneto-indu ctive flow rate sensor tion 17 Das gut strukturierte didaktische Begleitmaterial wird als Papierdruck in einem Ordner und zusätzlich auch als PDF-Dateien auf einer CD geliefert. Einsatz hochwertiger Komponenten: Magnetisch-induktiver Durchflussaufnehmer, Rückspülpumpe und Kugelhähne mit elektrischen Antrieben LabVIEW-Software Manomete Versuchsstand 17