Moses and the Burning Bush - Saxe Gotha Presbyterian Church


Moses and the Burning Bush - Saxe Gotha Presbyterian Church
February 22, 2015
Moses and the
Burning Bush
Exodus 3-4
Kids will
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• That M y of Moses and
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The children will take off one of their shoes and throw them into a large
container, such as a garbage can. Next, the kids will form a large circle.
The leader will dump the pile of shoes in the center of the circle. When
the leader gives the command to start, the children will run to the pile
of shoes and grab one shoe that is not their own. Without speaking,
each child must find the correct owner to the shoe that he grabbed
from the pile. When a child has found the correct owner of the shoe he
grabbed, and also has his own shoe on, he may race back to his original
seat in the circle!
• large container
In the Bible account today, we’re going to visit a desert where Moses
was instructed by God to take off both of his shoes because he was
standing on holy ground! Let’s watch and see an amazing sign from
Place the PowerPoint slide of a burning bush on a screen or board in the
front of the lesson area.
The actor is portraying Moses, dressed in a robe and sandals, holding
a staff. A narrator will start the Bible account as Moses walks around
herding sheep. A third character will be the voice of God. This person
will be near the image of the burning bush, but hidden from the children’s view and speaking through a megaphone. Moses will act while
the narrator is reading the Bible account.
Narrator: Moses was out tending a flock of sheep for his father-
in-law, Jethro. He led the sheep to the far side of the desert, to the mountain of God. Suddenly, an angel of the Lord appeared to Moses in flames of fire from within a bush. (Moses will freeze and stare in fear at the bush.)
Moses: Why isn’t that bush burning up? That is so strange … I’m going over there to see what’s going on. (walks near the bush)
Narrator: When the Lord saw that he had gone over to look, God called to him from within the bush.
God: Moses! Moses!
Moses: (terrified and shaking) Here I am!
God: Don’t come any closer. Take off your sandals, because
the place where you are standing is holy ground.
(Moses fumbles and quickly removes his sandals.)
Preschool This iKnow
• PowerPoint fire slide
• shepherd’s clothes
• sandals
• staff
• megaphone
Moses: (frightened) Who, who, who are you?
God: I am God. (Moses immediately hides his face.) I’ve seen how my people, the Israelites, have suffered under the Egyptians. I’ve heard their cries because they are held
as slaves. I’m sending you, Moses, to bring my people out of Egypt.
Moses: Me? But, I’m nothing. Why me?
God: Don’t worry, Moses. I will be with you.
Moses: Well, what should I say if the Egyptians ask me who commanded that the Israelites be let go?
God: You tell them I AM sent you.
Narrator: God instructed Moses to go to the elders of Israel and tell them what He had planned for the Israelites—the
plan to free the Israelites from the Egyptians.
Moses: But, what if they still don’t believe me?
God: Throw the staff that you’re holding to the ground,
Moses. (Moses throws his staff.)
Narrator: As soon as Moses’ staff hit the ground, it turned into a
snake. (Moses picks up staff.) And when he picked it back up, it turned back into a staff. God also told Moses
to stick his hand into his robe. When Moses pulled his hand out of his robe it was covered with leprosy sores.
(Moses will act this out as the narrator is reading.) God told Moses to put his hand back into his robe, and the leprosy was gone. The Lord performed these signs and wonders to show Moses that people will believe
that God is going to set His people free.
Moses: But, but, but (stuttering) God, I’m not a good speaker. My words are not smooth or professional.
God: Go Moses! I will help you speak and I’ll teach you what to say!
Moses: Oh God. I’m so scared. Please send someone else!
God: (angry) Enough Moses! I’ll send your brother, Aaron, to go with you! Now go! Lead the Israelites out of Egypt! (Moses quickly leaves the lesson area.)
Narrator: Moses left the burning bush and told his brother, Aaron, what God had said. God told Moses that he
would perform many miraculous signs with his staff.
God had a plan to set His people free, and He was
going to use Moses in a mighty way!
Preschool This iKnow
Beforehand, cover tables with newspaper as this craft could get a little
messy. Also, each child will need a cardstock copy of the burning bush
page found at the end of the lesson.
Squirt red, yellow, and orange paint colors each on a different paper
plate. Give each child a piece of shoestring and a burning bush page.
They will drag the shoestring through the paint and then drag it across
their craft page to create the fire on the bush. Continue letting them
paint the fire on their bush using a variety of paint colors. It’s okay for
paint to mix; it will all end up different shades of orange!
• white cardstock
• copies of bush from
end of lesson
• newspaper
• shoestrings
• paints – red, yellow &
• paper plates
As the children are working, encourage them to retell the important
parts of the story—Moses seeing the bush while tending sheep, taking
off his shoes, God talking from within the bush, Moses not feeling qualified enough, God’s name being I AM, Moses wanting someone to help
Seat the kids in circles of about 10. The children will play a game of Hot
Potato, only the potato will be a sandal. Each circle of children will pass
around a sandal while music is playing. When the music stops, the child
holding the sandal in each circle will be given one of the following questions to answer.
• What was Moses doing in the desert?
(taking care of sheep)
• What did Moses notice about the burning bush that was very
(The bush wasn’t burning up.)
• Who spoke to Moses from the burning bush?
• What was the first thing God told Moses to do?
(take off his sandals)
• Why did Moses have to take off his sandals?
(He was standing on holy ground.)
• What did God send Moses to do in Egypt?
(to lead the Israelites out of Egypt)
Preschool This iKnow
• sandal(s)
• Christian music
• How did Moses feel about going to Egypt to free the Israelites?
(scared and not good enough)
• What name did God tell Moses to tell the Egyptians when they
asked Moses who sent him?
(I AM)
• Who did God say He would send to help Moses?
(Moses’ brother, Aaron)
In our Bible account today, God talked to Moses from within the burning bush. After calling out for Moses, the Bible tells us God said, “Do
not come any closer.” God said, “Take off your sandals, for the place
where you are standing is holy ground.” Moses was standing in a desert. I wonder how that felt under his feet? Lead children in taking off
their shoes and socks. Give each child a sheet of sandpaper to stand on.
• sandpaper sheets
That desert place was not special, or holy, because it was desert
ground. It was a bunch of sand and rocks with a few scraggly bushes
and just a little bit of grass. That place was special or holy because
God was there. God’s presence was very, very real there and He
was going to do something amazing there. That’s what made it holy
When a preacher or speaker gets up to lead people in worship, it’s a
holy time … a holy place … because God’s presence is real there and
God wants to do something amazing in the lives of people. Whenever
we are in God’s presence, it’s a holy place, and we should treat Him
with great respect.
During the Bible account today, God told Moses to do something that
may seem odd to you and me. What was the unusual thing God told
Moses to do? God told Moses to take off his sandals, because Moses
was standing on holy ground. What do you think that means?
When we salute someone, that shows respect to them. Can you
salute? When we stand up when someone older comes in the room,
that shows respect to them. In some countries, when you bow, that’s a
way to show respect. Can you bow? In the time and culture when God
appeared to Moses in the burning bush, taking off your shoes was an
act of respect. Moses was about to meet with God, and that was something he should take seriously. Taking off his shoes showed how much
Moses respected God. The place where Moses was standing was not
considered holy ground because of the sand, a tree, or any rock in the
place. The place was holy because God was present … God was right
there! Moses knew not to go to God with a lack of respect!
Preschool This iKnow
• PowerPoint slide sandals
In some cultures around the world today, people remove their shoes
before entering someone’s home. Have you ever been to someone’s
house and they asked you to take your shoes off before you came in?
That’s out of respect for the “things” in their house … to treat them
In our church today we don’t take off our shoes as we enter the sanctuary. It might not be a bad idea, though, to do something like that
to get our attention that the sanctuary is a holy place. So how do we
show respect to the Lord when we come to church? (at times we are
quiet, we meditate, we know the appropriate times to laugh or giggle,
we know when to listen carefully, we respectfully go to communion, our
posture during worship)
Tape the shape of a cross on the far wall of the room. Put a pile of shoes
at a starting line on the other side of the room. In the middle of the
room tape a second line.
In our church today, we may not take off our shoes when we enter
church. We may not take off our shoes when we are worshipping God.
We may not take off our shoes when we pray for others. BUT we must
come to God respectfully during all of these things. We should not be
silly, rude, or have a “who cares” attitude when we approach God. We
may not take off our shoes, but there are some things that we should
take off and lay at the foot of the cross when we go to church, when
we worship, and when we pray. There are some things that we should
take off when we are standing on holy ground at church! These shoes
are going to help us remember that.
Hold up a pair of high heels. These shoes are fancy shoes. When would
someone wear these? Maybe for a special dinner? When girls wear
high heels, they feel pretty special. These shoes remind me that I can’t
think I’m more special than anyone else, and that’s something I need
to take off. God sees me for me and not any more or any less special
than everyone else. Everyone is special to God, so I need to take off
my feeling fancy before I go to God. After you talk about the first pair
of shoes, the first child in each line will wear one of the shoes as they
walk from the starting to the middle line. Encourage them to walk in a
fancy way! At the middle line they will take off their shoe and walk normally as they approach the wall with the cross.
Continue to complete the activity with other types of shoes.
Snow boots – I wear these shoes in the snow. Before I get into my
car or go into a house I stomp my feet on the ground to get all of the
snow off. It sounds like I am really angry! These shoes remind me that
sometimes I have a problem with being angry at others. I need to take
off my anger as I go to God.
Preschool This iKnow
• variety of shoes
• masking tape
• paper cross
Tennis shoes – I love my running shoes! When I wear these, I am the
fastest runner ever! No one is good enough to run with me because I
am so much faster than they are. That reminds me of when I think no
one else is good enough to be a friend or to come to church with me.
I think I need to take these off as I go to God because He wants me to
love everyone.
Old junky shoes – These shoes are so old and yucky I only wear them
when I mow the grass or am out in the mud. I really don’t like these
shoes. I wish I could be wearing any of my other pairs. Do you ever
wish you had what someone else has? That’s something we need to
take off when we go to God.
Sports shoes (ballet slippers, cleats) – Have you ever known someone
who said they were the best at something and they talked about it all
of the time? They go on and on and on about how good they are at
their sport. That’s called bragging, and it’s another thing we need to
take off as we stand on holy ground.
Beforehand, download the following YouTube video called “Magic Water
This is a short clip but will get your attention. If you were walking past
this faucet, would you stop and look at it closer? Would it get your
attention? Why does it get your attention? When something is really
unusual, we take an extra look just to make sure that we saw what we
thought we saw. The burning bush was something really unusual and it
got Moses’ attention.
The Bible says, “Moses saw that though the bush was on fire it did
not burn up.” Raise your hand if you’ve ever been to a campfire. To
start the campfire, you put logs like these in a fire pit. Hold up some
campfire logs. After the fire has been burning for a while, they look
more like these logs. Show the children the partially burned logs. What
differences do you notice between the unburned firewood and the
burned firewood? Moses knew what burning wood should look like. He
used fire for light, heat, cooking, so he knew what should be happening. The wood was NOT burning up, and Moses recognized that this
was a special site! God got Moses’ attention in a strange way!
Name some other things that get your attention. How does your mother get your attention? She usually wants to get your attention so she
can tell you something that’s important for you to hear or do. So, she
may whistle to let you know that the bus is waiting. That’s important.
How does your coach get your attention? Your teacher? Your pastor?
It’s important for you to listen when God wants to get your attention.
He may get your attention through an illness or through someone new
coming into your life (like a missionary or a teacher) or through a book
Preschool This iKnow
• YouTube video clip
• firewood
• pre-burned firewood
you read. He may try to get your attention when a friend mentions
an idea. God has many, many ways of trying to get your attention! He
used a burning bush with Moses.
• trick birthday candles
• one puppet
• matches
• cupcake
Puppet: Hello Jane!
Jane: Oh, hello there!
Puppet: I heard that today is a pretty special day for you.
Jane: You did, huh? Why is that?
Puppet: I heard it’s your birthday! I made something for you!
Jane: Oh, that was so sweet! (cautiously) I’m a little nervous to see what it is, because I know you like to play tricks
on people!
Puppet: No tricks today, Jane. Look what I baked for you. (Jane approaches the puppet and picks up the cupcake that is
next to the puppet.)
Jane: Really? You baked this for me? That is so thoughtful of you!
Puppet: Yeah! I even remembered a candle. But my mom told me never to play with matches, so you’ll have to light it.
Jane: Yes, I see. Here, I’ll light the candle for you. This is so kind of you! I’m totally touched by your thoughtfulness!
Puppet: (giggling) Yes, I know, but we can’t celebrate your
birthday without singing “Happy Birthday” to you! Come on kids, help me sing “Happy Birthday” to Jane!
(sing song) Alright … now for the big moment. Blow out your candle, Jane!
Jane: Okay, here I go! (Jane blows and the candle relights.)
Puppet: Come on Jane, you can do better than that!
Jane: Yeah, well I thought I blew it out, but I guess I didn’t. (blows again and candle relights)
Puppet: (giggling) What’s wrong, Jane? Didn’t you eat your Wheaties this morning?
Preschool This iKnow
Jane: That’s so strange! I don’t understand it! (tries to blow the candle out again)
Puppet: Come on, Jane! I always thought you had a lot of hot air in you! Blow!
Jane: Very funny! I must be missing my target! One more try! (blows and candle relights)
Puppet: (laughing) Surprise! I got you!
Jane: What do you mean you got me?
Puppet: That, my birthday girl, is a trick candle. It will keep relighting every time you blow it out! Isn’t that awesome?
Jane: Very funny, buddy! I’m not sure how awesome that trick was, but it does remind me of an awesome story from
the Bible!
Puppet: Somehow, Jane, I knew you would say that. You have a “funny” way of relating everything to the Bible.
Jane: (delighted by the compliment) Thank you! That is the
sweetest thing you have ever said to me! Do you want to hear about Moses and the burning bush?
Puppet: Let’s hear it.
Jane: You see, God wanted Moses to lead the Israelites out
of Egypt. The Israelites were being held in Egypt as
slaves. And to get Moses’ attention, God spoke to him through a burning bush!
Puppet: Ah-ha … that’s how the story relates to my trick candle.
Jane: Yes. Moses noticed that the bush was on fire, but the
bush never burned up!
Puppet: The bush never burned up? That’s impossible!
Jane: Yes, but all things are possible with God! God used that
burning bush to get Moses’ attention, so God could tell
Moses something really important. Moses knew how unusual it was that the bush was not burning up, and he listened to what God had to say! It sure got Moses’
Puppet: A burning bush that never burns up is way cooler than a trick birthday candle!
Jane: That’s our God! He is the coolest!
Preschool This iKnow
The leader will find small jobs around the lesson area to assign to a few
of the children. For example, one child may vacuum, one may clean the
white board, one may stack some chairs or gather up craft supplies. The
leader will call on a child and tell him to vacuum the carpet. After the
child completes this task, the leader will call on another child to clean
the white board.
• vacuum
• chairs
• cleaning supplies
After a few short tasks have been completed, the leader will choose another child to come to the front of the lesson area, and call on this child
to walk into the sanctuary to lead the congregation in a worship song.
When this child refuses to complete the task, ask him why. Ask the child
if he is too scared or nervous to complete the task. Next, choose another child to come to the front of the lesson area, and call on her to go
into the sanctuary to preach a sermon to the congregation. When this
child refuses to complete this task, ask the child if she is too scared or
nervous. Ask a third child to come to the front of the lesson area, and
call on him to fly to Africa to feed the hungry and teach them about
Jesus. When this child refuses to complete this task, ask the child if the
task seems impossible.
God may call you into a ministry that seems too big for you! Moses
was called to go into Egypt to set ALL of the Israelites free from slavery! That’s a big job! But we must remember that nothing is impossible
with God. Since God told Moses to set His people free, you can be sure
that God set His people free through Moses! And if God calls you to
do something that seems too big for you, you can be sure that God is
with you and that nothing is impossible for Him! You may be called to
be a pastor. You may be called to be a godly school teacher. You may
be called to lead a worship band, or you may be called to do missions in a different country. You may be called to tutor kids who have
trouble learning how to read, and do it with God’s love and patience.
You may be called to give up your home and go feed the poor. God
has a plan for you, just like He had a plan for Moses. Remember, with
God nothing is impossible!
The children will play a game of “Who Am I?” An adult volunteer will
come to the front of the lesson area. Attach a piece of paper with a
picture of a character (Mickey Mouse, Spiderman, Cinderella, Dora) on it
to a headband (using a safety pin). Place a headband on the volunteer.
The volunteers will not know who is on the headband, but the group
of children will be able to see it. Then, the volunteer will ask for yes/no
clues by asking, “Who Am I? Am I … (an animal, a person, a princess, a
superhero, a yellow character)?” and the group will answer yes or no
to the clues until he correctly guesses the name on his headband. (The
volunteer guessing the name on his headband will ask the group “Who
Am I?” before each clue question.)
Preschool This iKnow
• headbands
• pictures of cartoon
• safety pins
“Who Am I?” That was the question Moses asked when God gave
him the special job of going to Pharaoh. Moses was afraid to go to
Pharaoh, because he didn’t think he was important enough to have
the Pharaoh listen to him. Why would Pharaoh even let Moses talk to
him? Moses got hung up on thinking it was about him and who he was.
God had a pretty cool answer for Moses. It wasn’t about Moses! It was
about God … the God who had all power!
• 2 telephones
• 2 actors
• biblical costume
God called Moses, and he was scared.
“Don’t worry,” God said, “I will be there!”
Two leaders will act out a 911 emergency phone call between Moses and
the operator, and the children will continually repeat a rap throughout
the conversation. The leader will teach the children how to “rap the rap”
with the correct beat. The children will then say the rap every time they
are given the signal.
#1: 9-1-1, what is your emergency?
#2: (stuttering) Yeah … this is Moses and I have a real
#1: #2: Children: OK, Mr. Moses. Can you give me your location?
I’m in the desert, by a burning bush.
God called Moses, and he was scared.
“Don’t worry,” God said, “I’ll be there!”
#1: Do you need me to send the fire department? Is the fire spreading?
#2: #1: No! The fire isn’t spreading. It isn’t even burning up what’s on fire.
Children: God called Moses, and he was scared.
“Don’t worry,” God said, “I will be there!”
#2: You see … God is talking to me from this burning bush. That’s why the bush isn’t burning up.
#1: Do you have an emergency, Mr. Moses?
#2: (panicked) Yes! The emergency is that I’m scared to go into Egypt to help free God’s people!
Excuse me. What are you talking about?
Preschool This iKnow
Children: God called Moses, and he was scared.
“Don’t worry,” God said, “I will be there!”
#1: Let me get this straight. God called you to go into Egypt to free His people?
#2: Yes.
#1: Well then, you DO NOT have an emergency.
#2: (surprised) What do you mean I don’t have an
#1: I know God, and if He called you to do something, He will help you through it! You do not need MY
Children: God called Moses, and he was scared.
“Don’t worry,” God said, “I will be there!”
#2: You think I’ll be okay?
#1: Listen, Mr. Moses, I know you’ll be okay. God will be
with you. He will guide you through this. You do NOT have an emergency that I can assist you with! God is your answer!
Children: God called Moses, and he was scared.
“Don’t worry,” God said, “I will be there!”
Without discussing his actions, the leader will walk up to a child and
handcuff his wrist to the child’s wrist. (Plastic handcuffs can be found at
most dollar stores.) The leader will pretend that he does not even realize there is a child connected to him.
Using plenty of hand gestures while speaking, the leader walks around
the room, scratches his head and puts his hands on his hips, still completely ignoring the child that is handcuffed to him. I don’t know, but
something feels different. After the kids respond, the leader fakes surprise to the fact that there is a child handcuffed to him. Oh my! How did
you get there? (holding up the handcuffed wrists)
When I walked across the room, my handcuffed partner went with me.
When I scratched my head, my handcuffed partner had to help me. No
matter where you go or what you do, God is right there, joined with
you. Wow! If He calls you to do something for Him, or if you’re ever
scared, remember that God is with you … right there with you!
Preschool This iKnow
• toy handcuffs
The children will join hands with someone close to them and repeat the
following prayer phrase by phrase as you lead them.
Dear God,
Thank you for your Word.
Thank you for the lessons we learned today.
Help us to respect You at all times.
Help us to never be afraid.
Thank you for always being with us!
In Jesus’ name we pray,
May you always respect God!
Preschool This iKnow
The children will create an edible burning bush! Form the trunk and
sticks of the bush by laying out the pretzel sticks on the paper plate.
The kids will add 6 short squirts of cheese or frosting (yellow and red)
to the pretzels to represent the flames of fire. You can also use homemade pastry bags, made from parchment paper rolled into a cone and
just make a tiny snip on the tip where the frosting will come out.
• pretzel sticks
• red and yellow squirt
• paper plate
• squirt cheese
• parchment paper
The kids can retell the Bible story to one another as they work.
Although God’s bush did not disappear as it burned, this tasty treat
is sure to disappear quickly!
Psalm 18:2-3
“The Lord is my rock, my fortress, and my savior … I called on the Lord,
who is worthy of praise, and he saved me from my enemies.”
The Lord – point up
is my rock, – pound fist in open palm of the other hand
my fortress, – forearm forward like holding a shield
and my savior – start with wrists crossed, then open arms to a “T”
I called – thumb and pinkie held to ear and mouth like a phone
on the Lord – point up
who is worthy of praise – wave arms overhead
Review the motions with the memory verse several times before beginning the activity.
Preschool This iKnow
• laundry basket
• tape
Place a laundry basket on the floor and tape a starting line 4 feet away.
Send 3 or 4 children at a time to the line. Those children will toss their
shoe into the basket. The children who got their shoe into the basket
will say the verse together. Continue to send 3 or 4 children at a time
until all have had an opportunity to say the verse.
Use a variety of shoes and shoeboxes to set up a large memory game
on the floor. Place shoes on the floor in a grid, and then cover each
shoe with it’s own shoebox. One child at a time will walk onto the game
board, lift a shoebox to discover the shoe hidden underneath, and then
lift another shoebox in an attempt to match the first shoe. Play until all
matches have been discovered.
A skill that preschoolers are developing is learning to dress themselves
and shoes are a major portion of this. Putting on, taking off, and learning to tie make shoes one of the more complicated aspects of dressing. Putting on shoes requires knowledge of right and left (or at least
recognizing which shoe belongs on which foot!) You can help children
with this by cutting a sticker in half and putting each half in the shoe on
the arch area. When the 2 shoes are side by side on the floor, the sticker
would look complete.
Taking shoes on and off requires fine motor skills since shoes often require buckles, snaps, velco, zippers, or laces. All children should practice
all types of fixtures even if they only wear slip-ons. Let children practice
using dress-up or adult size shoes. Give them an opportunity to unlace
a tennis shoe completely, but then put the lace back through all of the
holes. Too often, shoes are put on in haste as children are being rushed
out the door, so give them a chance to explore shoes without the rush!
Preschool This iKnow
• variety of shoes
• shoeboxes