by Bike InitIatIve2016


by Bike InitIatIve2016
by Bike Initiative 2016
Back in 2008, it all began when Joost and Stan, two Boomers
from Belgium, contacted us to say they wanted to cycle to Boom.
2,700km and 40 days later they arrived at the festival. We were
astonished by their positivity and adventure. “Everybody should do
it!”, said Stan enthusiastically!
Years later, Boomers are still being inspired by this story
and we believe this is one more way to actively promote
environmental awareness.
The wheels have been set in motion and now the Boom
by Bike Initiative has begun...
The popularity of bikes is rapidly growing. At Boom
Festival we are in the midst of developing plans
and currently looking at the best way to integrate
bicycles into the Boom experience.
With each edition we are witnessing a large increase
in the number of Cyclists travelling to Boom, some
of whom pedal great distances.
People want to travel to Boom by Bike.
BOOM 2016:
In 2016, our positive intentions are spinning into
action and we are highly motivated to support
all of the Boomcyclists. We are excited to present
our new initiative Boom by Bike and area, the
Boom Bike Village!
Many of us grew up listening to the adventures
of colourful characters travelling overland to
India or to remote far away places in Asia or
Africa by bus. The world has certainly changed
since then, however the adventurous hippie
spirit lives on and nowadays the overland
argonautic still seeks adventure, so why not
travel to Boom by bike!
The Boom Bike Village wants to support all
Boomers who wish to cycle to the festival.
The Bike Village will be more than just a
simple bike workstation, it will include the
inspiring participation of Bike Activists,
alternative Thinkers & Bicycle Believers.
People who are exploring bicycle related
challenges and solutions.
To take the Boom By Bike Initiative to the
next level, there will be several mobility
improvements on site this edition: there will
be an increased amount of bikes used by the
Boom team and festival workers, both before
and during the event. Boomland will have a
new infrastructure to support and promote the
use of bicycles.
The cycling experience is unique! Arriving at
Boom, after encountering characters & cultures
en route, pedalling through the forever changing
landscape, besides facing the unknown and
discovering yourself. All of this is a ‘once in a
lifetime’ experience... and then when you arrive
at Boom, you will be welcomed by like minded
friends from all over the world.
If you come to Boom by bike, please contact
us at [email protected]
For those who arrive by bicycle, we will organise
priority access into the Festival and Cyclists
will be welcomed amongst the first Boomers to
access the festival site on opening day.
Even if an overland trip by bike isn’t possible,
you can still bring your bike and use it as much
as possible around the Boomland. The bike is
an ideal way to move at Boom… Save your legs,
indulge in the nature and then dance more!
Help us improve the Boom By Bike Initiative
The BBI is a participative project, started by
Boomers for Boomers, with the support of
the Boom Festival. And, we have a dedicated
coordinator, a long distance cyclist known as
Boomcyclist who pedalled from Grenoble to
Boom in 2014. We are involving Boomers in the
development of the initiative.
We believe BBI can and will be improved with
your input and ideas. So share your thoughts
and ‘out of the box’ ideas and we are here
available to help you.
You are the inspiration, the true Inspirers
of the philosophy of Boom.
With Love and Gratitude
Yours the Boom Team
Bicycles are spaceships
they wilL take yOu
ON infinite jOurneyS
THROUGH the Universe.
Learning areas: 1ST priority “Upcycle concept”
› Workstations and bicycle maintenance:
usage of organic and natural resources for the
repair and maintenance of bicycles;
› Special needs mobility: People with reduced
mobility and helping young riders;
› Hi-tech cycle solutions: What is the future
of bicycles?
› Cyclo touring & long distant journeys
by bicycles;
› Development of special vehicles: “Upcycle”;
› Tune your bike;
› Art & bikes;
› Presenting new bicycle technologies: Out
of the box ideas, eco-mobility & accessories;
› Bike parks and bike security;
› Workshops and project demos: related
to bicycles and their many magnificent
› Meeting point for Cyclists;
› Ecological machines and energetic
resources using your pedal power.
E - m a i l : b o o m by b i ke @ b o o m fe s t
B o o m we b s i te : b o o m fe s
B o o m 2016 / e nvi ro n m e n t/ boom -byb i ke - i n i ti a tive /
B o o m cycl i s t we b s i te : b o o m-bike .info
F b : b o o m b i ke .i n fo