Week 9 - Wideview Public School
Week 9 - Wideview Public School
Week 9 Term 3 2017 Enrolment Intention In order to plan for classes and teachers for 2017 we need to know if all our 2016 current students in Years K-5 will be continuing in 2017. Please complete this 2 minute form for each child currently at Wideview PS. Click here for form Showcase 2016 CALLING ALL PHOTOGRAPHERS! To any parents or children who have taken photos at school events (swimming/athletics carnivals, excursions, gardening, band and dance events, etc), could you please send copies of your best photos to me at myles.richardson3@ det.nsw.edu.au Contents Ctrl + click the hyperlink Parent Survey CARES Calendar As part of the school’s Creative Arts Program, we would like to invite parents and friends to the Showcase 2016 ‘Turn Back the Clock’ Concerts. Students in Kindergarten to Year 6 will be performing in three concerts: -Wednesday 7 December at 11:30am -Wednesday 7 December at 5:30pm and -Thursday 8 December at 7:00pm The purchasing of tickets will go on sale next term from Monday 7 November. A note was sent home today to all students regarding the P&C’s online booking system and the process of allocating tickets as fairly and equitable as possible. Berowra Musica and Hornsby Music Festival On Friday five local schools and Wideview PS performed as part of the Berowra Musica Concert at the local Community Centre. Our students performed as part of the Berowra Big Town Big Band as well as our own bands with well known favourites of ‘Sesame Street Theme’, ‘Bop’ and ‘Don’t Stop Believin’. Congratulations to the students for their fine performances and to Mr Mal Harpur who was the key organiser and conductor for the event. The Junior and Senior Dance groups and Choir were magnificent during their performances at the Hornsby Music Festival. All of these concerts have involved the commitment of all students and Miss Hayward, Miss Asmanas and Mrs Kelett over many months. Thankyou to the parents who have sent emails acknowledging the work that we do in the Performing Arts area of the school. Merit Awards Lost Property Australian Girls Choir Canteen Disco Too sick for School link Year 6 Fun Day and Stage 2 Colonial Day All students K-6 may wear mufti next Tuesday 20 September for the Year 6 Activity and FunDay. Pre-orders are to be paid by cash only: wrist bands $7 or wristband/lunch pack $12. Years 3 and 4 students may wear colonial style clothing next Wednesday as part of their Colonial Day incursion. Wideview School Garden Thank you Thank you to Tiffany Betts and the parent volunteers who worked last Saturday on the garden bed in the infants playground. Your time on the weekend was much appreciated. Please take a seat and admire the view! 1 Too sick for School In the first column of the front page we have included a link to information on when your child is too sick for school. It will appear in each newsletter. The Partners in Learning Feedback Survey We have only had a small number of parents complete the survey so far. This survey asks parents and carers questions about different factors that are known to impact on student wellbeing and engagement. Running this survey will help our school understand parents’ and carers’ perspectives on their child’s experience at school. These include: communication between parents/carers and staff, activities and practices at home and parent/carer views on the school's support of learning and behaviour. This valuable feedback will help our school make practical improvements. The survey will typically take 15 minutes or less to complete and is completely confidential. The parent survey will be conducted between today and 21 October. Please click the link below to the survey: WIDEVIEW PS PARENT SURVEY Australian Girls Choir Auditions A representative from the Australian Girls Choir will be at our school on Thursday 22 nd September at 1pm to listen to any girls in year 1-6 who wish to audition. The choir will have their rehearsals weekly at St Ives. Permission notes must be returned by Monday 19 th September. If you would like a note please ask the school office. For more information visit www.aspagroup.com.au Mrs Asmanas and Miss Hayward Lost Property All lost property will be on display outside the library next Thursday 22nd and Friday 23rd September. Any items remaining at the end of Friday will be disposed of or given to the uniform shop for re-sale. Lost property for the whole school is located in the foyer next to KD in infants. If you or your child is looking for any items, please leave the area tidy by placing any items back into the basket. Parking Issues Once again it has been brought to the school’s attention that some parents are not obeying the road rules when dropping off and collecting their children. Some incidences reported to the school have been parking in No Standing zones, U-turns across double white lines on the bend of Wideview Rd and not stopping at the marked crossing both in Wideview Rd and Lonsdale Ave. Group Photos Group photos of Prefects, House Captains, Library Monitors and Year 6 are on display in the administration building foyer. If you would like to order a copy, cash/cheque payment envelopes are available from the office alternately, orders can be placed via The School Photographer at www.theschoolphotographer.com.au using access code S636VT34W. Orders must be placed by 14th October. 2 CARES Monday the 12th year 5 went to CARES. We learnt three of the most important rules for bike riding. Always wear a helmet, check your bike for safety and get on and off on the left side of your bike. Firstly, always wear a helmet for safety because they save heaps of bike riders lives. The helmet has cushioning in it for your head so when you fall over on your bike your brain and skull is not going to get damaged and shut down. Secondly, you should always check your bike before going on a ride. It’s important to check your bike because your brakes might not be working properly and when you put your brakes on they’ll not work and you will crash. Also make sure that your bike chain is on the gear and it’s oily. Lastly, it’s important that you get off on the left side of your bike. The reason why you should get off on the left side is if your bike falls on you and you’re on the right side you land on the road and you get hurt. If you get off on the left side your bike can fall on you and you’ll be safe. So at CARES I learnt a lot of things for when riding on the road. I also learnt to wear bright colours, scan and listen for cars but the most important rules of the road is always wear a helmet, check your bike before riding and get on and off on the left side of your bike. By Eliza P 5C CARES On the 12th of September 2016, Year 5 went to CARES. We learnt how to ride our bikes on the road. We learnt three things we learnt to always wear a helmet, wear bright colours and check your bike. Always wear a helmet, it protects your head. If you hit the left part of your head you won’t be able to see, if you hit the back you won’t be able to talk. Always wear bright colours. At night you need to wear bright colours or people won’t be able to see you and you will get run over. Always check your bike to make sure it all works. If you don’t check your bike you could fall and hurt yourself. Riding is fun but always wear a helmet, wear bright colours and check your bike. by Jacob B 3 SCHOOL CALENDAR The Calendar is updated each week. Please check regularly for any additions or changes which will be marked in red for your convenience or see the school website. Term 3 September 16 Friday FunDay lunch orders close 20 Tuesday Year 6 FunDay—wear mufti 21 Wednesday Colonial Day Stage 2 22 Thursday House winners BBQ—winners TBA NO Flip dance today 23 Friday Last day of term 10 Monday Term 4 commences 11 Tuesday Flip Dance—wear sports uniform 25 Tuesday Kinderlinks commences 28 Friday Fluro Disco K-2—6:00-7:00pm Yr 3—6 7:30—9pm 7 Monday Showcase ticket sales open 15 Tuesday Kindergarten 2017 Orientation Night 6:30pm 1 Thursday Presentation Day 9:30—K—2 12 to 2pm—Primary 7 Wednesday Show Case Matinee—11:30am Show Case Twilight—5:30pm Show Case Evening—7:00pm Term 4 October November December KD Jia K, William K KCG Eden S, Declan S KH Cohen J, Max S-Y 1W Josh S, Tom M 1D Laura B, Tom I 1F Amelia D, Zaylan S 2C Esther K, Samantha B 2RW Chiara T, Tabitha V 3AF Mia B, Jay G 3S Jake S, Hayley L 3/4H James D, Nicholas H 4SV Ella S, Sam H 5D Ella W, Brianne T 6K 6T Matt C, Yvonne R Lucy J, Amelia S 4 TERM Three – WINTER Winter Warmers : Our packs from the canteen expo have come through. You can try from the Enrico company, supplied for canteens: Margherita Pizza $4.00 Nachos $4.00 Beef Lasagne $4.00 We also have Milo Drink in a UHT style carton $2.00. Another Gluten Free Option, but delicious for all is “Twisted” Yogurt cups $2.00. What a great selection for the end of term. September 2016 Mon 12 19 Tue Wed Thu Fri 13 14 15 16 Canteen open for snacks Michelle Bowden Kath Edgar Kerstin O’Sullivan and Anne Chilton 20 21 22 23 Canteen open for snacks Mary Chivers Bronwyn Thompson Virginia Pieper and Dani Choate EMAIL : [email protected] FACEBOOK : www.facebook.com/Cafe4Kids ONLINE ORDERING : www.munchmonitor.com user name: WPS password: munch2082 PHONE : 9456 1655 (116) Where - Wideview Public School Hall When - Friday 28th October 2016: Infants (Kindy - Yr 2 ONLY) - 6 - 7pm Primary (Yr 3 - Yr 6 ONLY) - 7.30 - 9pm Theme – Fluro/Glow in the Dark Disco. Wear all things fluorescent, clothes, hair spray and face paint. Cost - $5. This covers entry to the disco, a packet of chips and a drink. Tickets – Go on sale in Term 3 including glow in the dark items to purchase. 5 Join us for an outdoor movie under the stars COWAN PUBLIC SCHOOL PRESENTS “Oddball” Time: 7pm When and Where: Friday 23rd September 2016 (Last day of term 3) at Cowan Public School (on the oval) Cost: $20 per family or $7 per adult and $5 per child Tickets: Sold at the gate on the night. Can be pre-purchased from the office Who? Cowan public school community plus the wider Community – All welcome ! Come and support our school and give your children a wonderful memory Bring: Picnic chair/rugs. Popcorn, treats and drinks available on the night Popcorn, ice creams, drinks and lollies for sale on the night