Esterhazy on the right track: ʻAbsolutelyʼ - The Miner
Esterhazy on the right track: ʻAbsolutelyʼ - The Miner
INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Long-term service Unchulenko, Rowland honoured for long-term service. . . . . . . pg. 3 Investments Winter games Make maximum RSP contributions Four local skaters represent Parkland Valley district. . . . pg. 7 each year. . . . . . . . . . . . . .pg. 8 The SINGLE COPY $1.00 inc. GST PROUD TO SERVE THE POTASHVILLE AREA FOR MORE THAN 100 YEARS PM#40011900 Monday, February 1, 2010 Vol. 39 No. 05 Esterhazy, Saskatchewan, Canada Esterhazy artist Jocelyn Duchek has painted a mural inside P.J. Gillen School commemorating the school’s namesake and former principal, P.J. Gillen. The mural depicts Gillen and his wife May during the official opening of the school in 1969. Gillen was the principal of the school from 1925-49. The mural incorporates the 2009-10 school group photograph which will be changed in subsequent school year. Esterhazy on the right track: ʻAbsolutelyʼ by Helen Solmes Esterhazy mayor Herb Hozjan is confident that his council is moving in the right direction toward meeting the growth potential of Esterhazy during the expansion of the potash industry in the next five to 10 years. Life as elected officials has not been without its headaches and hard work, however, Mayor Hozjan told The MinerJournal last week, “But I think we are on the right track,” he said. “Absolutely.” Lots priced on cost-recovery basis At the top of council’s list of priorities have been housing and water. In the past two years since Mosaic Potash Co. and PotashCorp Rocanville announced their multi-billion-dollar expansion plans, the town has experienced a serious housing crunch. Currently there are as few as 10 town-owned, serviced, vacant residential lots available for sale, some of which are rated as too small for today’s house designs. In 2009, the town forged ahead and developed the Sylvite subdivision, a new 40-lot residential subdivision on the east boundary of the town. Lot prices range from $31,000 to $62,000. Todate, six have been sold. The first basements are expected to be dug “as soon as the ground has thawed,” Hozjan said. The cost of installing water, sewer, power, gas, telephone and cable infrastructure has dictated the price of the lots. “The lots are priced at a break-even point,” he said. Elsewhere in the town, a mobile home subdivision south of Gonczy Avenue is ready to receive housing units . . again, as soon as the ground thaws. And council continues to entertain proposals from developers for smaller blocks of land in the north and northwest corners of the town. However, Hozjan is puzzled why no one developer has committed. developed,” he said. “If everything comes to pass, then the town can consider developing the land east of the Parkland College. For now, the town is moving ahead with its plans to build a new water treatment plant. Consultants have been hired to advise council on a suitable location for the new plant. The town’s two new wells west of town are up and running and performing well, despite a higher than desirable sodium level in the water drawn from the Hatfield aquifer. “You’ll remember a few years ago when council conducted a public sur- vey and asked the public for their input on the water that was then being drawn from four older wells,” he said. “Eighty-five percent of the population said that Esterhazy water was fine. “Water safety is not the issue. Our water has con’t on pg. 2 Mayor Herb Hozjan “We are open to all inquiries, all possibilities,” he said. “Developers have come and they have asked lots of questions, but nothing is happening yet.” No one has a crystal ball to show what Esterhazy may look like five years form now, Hozjan stated. “Ideally, by the end of Mosaic and PotashCorp’s expansions the Sylvite subdivision will be full, the proposed new 60-plus unit hotel will be built, the town’s industrial court will have expanded to include a few new service companies, and the northwest corner of the town will be Esterhazy town crews clean a side street following the Colorado prairie storm that hit the province on Jan. 23-25 with high winds and more than 20 centimetres of snow and caused traffic congestions, impassable roads, and in parts of the province, power outages. See letter to the editor, pg. 5. Parties too far apart A ‘take it or leave it’ offer final offer – one that increases the wage offer by a paltry 0.1 per cent (to 9.5 per cent over four years) and is loaded with concessions.” The parties to the contract negotiations were too far apart with no prospect of settlement, according to a SAHO press release on Jan. 27. “The final offer tabled is a four-year contract including general wage increases of four, two, 1.5 and two per cent, maintaining market competitive wages relative to western Canadian provinces; provisions for retroactive pay; and market adjusted rates for specific classifications, such as medical radiation technologists, and medical lab technologists to address market related recruitment and retention concerns.” Government and General Employees Union (SGEU) and include laundry staff, clerical workers, cooks, special care aides and licenced practical nurses. “Can you imagine them treating teachers or registered nurses this way?” a CUPE press release on Jan. 27 stated. “Last Thursday (Jan. 21), the health care provider unions presented a new offer of settlement to conciliator Doug Forseth. SAHO and the health employers said they would respond on Jan. 27 – a week later. “Instead of receiving a response, however, the employees produced a Bar fight investigated No charges have been laid as a result of the investigation, according to Sgt. Lawrence Whiteman. Esterhazy, Sask. 745-6151 UPCOMING EVENTS On track con’t from front page always been safe and always meets regulations. However we still have some esthetic issues. “The town has contacted a few companies that are willing to install filtration systems and conduct pilot tests to see what level of filtration the town could use to improve the taste of the town water. “They would be test MAPLE LEAF THEATRE runs, for eight to 12 months, using different combinations of filtered and non-filtered water to see what the public prefers.” The objective, Hozjan explained, is to find the right ratio of filtered to non-filtered water to satisfy the public’s desire for a better tasting water with the lowest level of filtration and hence the lowest cost and longest life of a filtration system. Feb.5/6 Sr.Boysʼ Bball Home tournament Feb.10 Sr. Bball vs. Langenburg boys 4:30pm girls Feb.12 Harlem Crowns pm Feb.24 Mrs.Tivasʼ Gr.8 English class to Regina for 6pm “The Wiz” Mar. 2 Activity Day Mar. 2 SCC Symposium (Yorkton) Mar.12-14 Saskarie FRI-SAT-SUN Feb. 5, 6 & 7 Two Esterhazy RCMP officers were called to the Old Central Hotel after hours, at approximately 3 a.m., on Jan. 24, to investigate a fight. P.J. Gillen School Grade 1 Room 2 students raised a total of $290 for the Haiti relief fund during a cookie sale. The cookies were baked by para-educator Delores Huber and the students and were sold during a lunch break on Jan. 26. An additional $320 was raised through donations for a total of $610 that will be matched dollar-for-dollar by the federal government. L-R: Dalton Norek, Jarett Luhtala, Kaven de Vries, Reimer Cole, Breanna Swann, and Felice Rieger. Regular Showtime: 8 p.m. Nine-and-a-half per cent over four years is what Saskatchewan Association of Health Organizations (SAHO) is offering in what SAHO referred to on Jan. 27 as “the final offer”, and what CUPE said is a bitterly disappointing “take it or leave it” offer. Approximately 25,000 health care workers have been without a contract since April, 2008. They are represented at the bargaining table by the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE), Service Employees International UnionWest (SEIU-West) and the Saskatchewan REGULAR HOURS Monday-Thursday: 12-9 p.m.; Friday-Sunday: 12-10 p.m. All School & Statutory Holidays: 12-10 p.m. Ad sponsored by: Issued every Monday by Koskie Publications Ltd. from the office located at 606 - 2nd Avenue, Esterhazy, Sask., S0A 0X0. Publications mail Registration No. 07715. (306) 745-6669 FAX 745-2699 E-MAIL: [email protected] Proud to serve the Potashville area The Miner-Journal is a member of the Canadian Community Newspapers Association and the Saskatchewan Weekly Newspapers Association. Office hours: Monday-Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.; closed daily 12 noon to 1 p.m. and statutory holidays. Letters: We encourage letters to the editor on any subject of interest to our readers. Letters must be signed and include a phone number for verification purposes. We reserve the right to edit letters for length, libel and offensive content. Deadlines: Regular news deadlines: Wednesday at 3 p.m. Display advertising deadline: Thursday at noon. Classified advertising deadline: Thursday at 3 p.m., for publication the following Monday. SWNA Blanket classified deadline: Tuesday, 12 noon, for the issue seven days hence. We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada, through the Publications Assistance Program (PAP), toward our mailing costs. Proud roud to serve the Potashville Potashville area In Saskatchewan: $30/year or $52/2 years In Canada out of Sask.: $35/year $62/2 years United States: $110 International: $185 Online (electronic subscription) $25/year (register at Name__________________________________________ Address _______________________________________ City/Town ___________________________Prov. ______ Postal Code _____________ (If renewing, attach label, if possible) New Subscription SUBSCRIBE NOW Page 2 Renewal Box 1000, Subscriptions: In Saskatchewan: $30/year; $52/2 year; In Canada (out of Sask.): $35/year; $62/2 year; U.S.–$110; International–$185. (All prices include GST). On-Line subscription - $25 (downloadable pdf file) Classifieds: The following rates (minimum charge is for 25 words, GST not included): One week – $6.50 (26¢/word) Two weeks – $10.50 (21¢/word) Three weeks – $12.75 (17¢/word) Four weeks – $14.00 (14¢/word) Special one-week rate for cards of thanks, in memoriams, engagements, birthdays, anniversaries – 16¢/word plus GST (minimum 25 words). Display ads: .48¢/agate line, .58¢/agate national rate Obituaries – First 250 words, $15; additional words, 10¢; photos $5. Blanket Classifieds: Reach all 86 Saskatchewan weeklies for only $199 (for 25 words or less). Additional words $4. Other services: We are your source for specially designed business cards, tickets, posters, programs, etc. We also offer color copying, regular photocopying and fax services. Esterhazy, Sk., S0A 0X0 The Miner-Journal, Esterhazy, Sask. Monday, February 1, 2010 Still something to contribute Town of Esterhazy Mayor Herb Hozjan presented a gift to town treasurer Maggie Rowland in recognition of her 25 years of employment with the town. Change always for the good by Helen Solmes Twenty-five years ago, when Maggie Rowland started what is now a 25-year-long career with the Town of Esterhazy, it took one-and-a-half weeks to process water bills; whereas today, three days tops. In 1985 when Rowland was hired as a full-time accounting clerk, all invoices and ledgers were posted manually one invoice at a time – name, mailing address, and billing information. Today, the town uses the standardized municipal accounting software provided by Munisoft that includes regular updates. It is a simple matter of inserting a disc, Rowland told The Miner-Journal. Rowland has during the past 25 years been part of many computerrelated changes. She was always a key player in installing the technology, learning from the ground up, all of which has served her well, she admits. Today, she knows the town’s accounting system inside out. However, time hasn’t stood still. She has earned the Local Government Authority Standard Certificate which is the highest level of municipal administration certificate that is open to her at this time. In 2009, Rowland was appointed town treasurer and assistant administrator. She is now wearing two hats, as teacher and student. She is learning the tax-roll side of the town administration and at the same time, teaching the accounts payables, receivables, GST, PST, front counter, and utilities to the new account clerk, Colette Lintick. With all of the economic growth that the town is facing lately, Rowland’s job has its hectic moments. The Sylvite subdivision, for example. Before the development the parcel of land was classified as one town-owned, taxexempt lot. Now each of the 40 lots must be classified as individual lots, and the tax assessment and taxation process initiated. Rowland began her career under the administration of Peter Wosnesensky and Mayor Scott Boreen. In 25 years, she has worked with four different mayors and three administrators. She spoke highly of today's’ mayor and council and for the personal and professional support that she feels is a perk to her job. “Council welcomes feedback from town employees,” she said. “The mayor and aldermen are openminded. They want to know what we think.” As to the future, on a personal note, Rowland’s main focus is the birth of the grandchild that is due in May. by Helen Solmes The reason Bob Unchulenko continues to serve on town council today is the same one that drew him to public office 20-some years ago: As long as he feels he has something to contribute, he will continue to serve, though he admits the job is at times wearing. “I love the place I live, Esterhazy. I like to see it get better and better. Many would say the same but many just sit and watch. “I still feel that I can contribute something and make Esterhazy a better place to live.” Unchulenko has been buoyed over the years when people have come to him and asked him to run one more time. Unchulenko will be honoured this week during the annual Saskatchewan Urban Municipalities Association convention in Regina with the long- term service award. “I have been on council for so long that I don’t even know which year I started,” he said. “Scott Boreen was mayor and Peter Wosnesensky was administrator. It was a very proactive council then. Peter was gung-ho and very proactive. There was not a lot of money, but back then, we could do a lot with little money.” In the 20-some years as alderman, Unchulenko has served on a variety of committees and worked on a host of projects including the regional park board, the recreation committee, the new recreation funding committee, the Langenburg and District Activity Centre board and recycling committee, and the public works committee. He is proud of the town’s accomplishments, particularly the Saskatchewan Potash Alderman Bob Unchulenko interpretive Centre, the flour mill that back in the 1980s was headed for the demolition block and is now a national historical site, the D.A Mackenzie Aquatic Centre, and the Mosaic District Medical Centre. As long as the town is moving forward, he told The Miner-Journal, he will be willing to continue on council. Fair to introduce what town has to offer by Helen Solmes The first-ever community fair scheduled for Feb. 17 is taking shape with more than 24 businesses, service clubs, and recreation groups lined up to date, to showcase what the town of Esterhazy has to offer to newcomers, whether temporary residents or new permanent residents. The Esterhazy Economic Development Committee is hosting the one day fair at the Royal Canadian Legion with hopes that newcomers to town will spend some time to get to know what services and goods that the town has to offer. As of Jan. 31 the following businesses and groups had committed to be represented: resi- SAVE $$$ with SUPER SAVER COUPONS Save $$$ on your advertising costs in 2010 by purchasing a SUPER SAVER ADVERTISING COUPON BOOK from The Miner-Journal. Each coupon book contains:TEN - 50% OFF advertising coupons That could mean a savings of $2,475... for only $247.50 Call Brenda or Shelley at 745-6669 dential/commercial contractors, the cross-country ski club, a realtor, boarding house owner, a hairstylist, the bowl arena, an auto equipment retailer, the Maple Leaf Theatre and DVD rentals, the media, a travel agent, the Lions Club, representatives from three tourist/recreational sites, the arts council, an artist, a health products agent, and Al Anon. Other businesses, the town’s recreation department, and special interest groups who can not attend had offered to have their information/pamphlets available for distribution. See ad this issue for details. First Ever Community Fair Wednesday, Feb. 17 Esterhazy Legion Hall (upstairs) 473 Main Street 3-9 p.m. Free admission An opportunity : • to ask local businesses what goods and services they offer • to meet members of the many service groups and recreational clubs and • to find out what they have to offer To date, the following groups and types of businesses have committed to be represented: residential/commercial contractors, cross-country ski club, a realtor, boarding house owner, hairstylist, bowl arena, auto equipment retailer, theatre and DVD rentals, media, travel agent, the Lions Club, reps from three tourist/recreational sites, the arts council, an artist, a health and wellness agent, and Al Anon. Other businesses, the town's recreation department, and special interest groups who can not attend have offered to have their information/pamphlets available for distribution. Sponsored by the Esterhazy Economic Development Committee with financial assistance from Polar Star Loans Monday, February 1, 2010 The Miner-Journal, Esterhazy, Sask. Page 3 EDITORIAL by Arthur Black Arthur Black is a freelance columnist and former CBC Radio broadcaster Is that you, Jack? Feature this: A 30-something Canadian nondescript male toting a backpack lines up to go through security at Vancouver airport. His boarding pass indicates he’s heading for Toronto. He plops his backpack on the conveyor belt as instructed, walks through the scanner and prepares to retrieve his bag on the other side. But his backpack isn’t coming through. Instead the guy at the controls is staring bug-eyed, waving his colleagues over to look at the X-ray image on the screen. In no time an airport security team, flanked by a couple of Mounties shows up and escorts the nondescript would-be passenger to the little room. They have one question for the guy. Why is there a loaded, .38-calibre Smith and Wesson revolver and extra rounds of ammunition in his backpack? I have a larger question for him: What the hell was he thinking? Is it possible that in this post 9-11, would-be shoe bomber and underachieving underpants detonator era, someone still exists who’s dumb enough to think he could carry a loaded handgun in his carry-on luggage on to an airplane? A police .38 Smith and Wesson is as long as a shoe and weighs a couple of pounds – you’re not going to ‘overlook’ it while you’re packing and it’s difficult to mistake it for a toothbrush. And those vigilant minions at airport security are positively percolating with paranoia these days. They’re confiscating everything from nose-hair tweezers to bobby pins. Last month airport security goons in Ottawa made headlines by forcing an 85-year-old silver-haired grandmother – four-footten, 90 pounds soaking wet, suffering from osteoporosis and answering to ‘Cynthia’ – to take off her shoes, unzip her pants and submit to a belly prod from an ‘inspection officer’. Terrorist? No. Terrorized? Definitely. In Minneapolis, a bomb-sniffing dog found a piece of luggage he didn’t like. False alarm. Nevertheless, part of the terminal was evacuated. In Portland, a Maui-bound flight returned to earth after an overly-liquefied passenger turned surly and obnoxious. The airport in Bakersfield, California, was shut down after authorities discovered a ‘suspicious substance’ in a jar in someone’s carry-on luggage. It was buckwheat honey. And this guy tries to board with a .38 calibre revolver in his backpack? If it’s any consolation, he’s not the only idiot attempting to fly the not-sofriendly skies these days. Mansur Mohammad Assad, a passenger on a Northwest Airways jet bound for Ohio, happened to casually mention that he wanted “to kill all the Jews”. That entitled Assad and his 230 fellow passengers to a mid-air U-turn and a quick descent back to Miami airport, escorted by two F-15 fighter jets. Then there was the 42-year-old German dummkopf who was flying with his wife and kids out of Stuttgart last month, heading for a vacation in Egypt. Why not, he apparently thought, have a bit of sport with airport security personnel? “I have explosives in my underwear,” he wittily informed the fraulein wafting the wand. After they called off the Alsatian attack dogs, let him up off the floor, strip-searched and interrogated him for several hours and thoroughly examined his non-incendiary gotchies, the German airport authorities informed the jokester that not only would he and his family not be flying to Egypt (or anywhere else), they also would not be refunded the cost of their cancelled tickets and would in fact, be assessed a $1,000 fine plus costs for the entire police operation. Those airport security people – no sense of humour. The courts aren’t a barrel of laughs these days either. That doofus who tried to fly from Vancouver to Toronto with a pistol in his backpack? He’s doing 39 months in the slammer. There are two lessons to be learned from these current in-flight follies. Number one: If you really have to travel somewhere consider a cab, a bus, a train – hell, duct-tape a bedsheet to your skateboard if you have to – anything but submit to the horrors of commercial air travel these days. Number two: If you absolutely must fly somewhere and you spot your old high school buddy Jack Wilson ahead of you in the airport security line-up . . . Wave at him. Whistle, if you like. Semaphore if you know how. Sing your high school anthem if you must. Just don’t yell out “Hi, Jack!” LOOKING BACK Fifty years ago, 1960 - Mining difficulties encountered by two of the major potash companies had a slow-down effect during 1959. Although Saskatchewan was looked upon as the coming world leader in the production of potash, 1959 was a disappointing one. Potash Company of America came up against a serious situation when water started to seep into the shaft at a rate that forced the mine to shut down completely while repairs were made. Forty years ago, 1970 - The wintry weather hardly seemed conducive to spring lambs, but that’s what was happening on the farm of Ed Onda in the Zeneta district. From his herd of 400 ewes, Ed started to harvest his lambs in January through until spring. Thirty years ago, 1980 - Estevan Duce Electric captain Bill Derosier and team-mate Paul Drebit was presented the Towne Sales Bantam hockey tournament championship trophy from Ron Little of Towne Sales and Service. Team members also received gold medallions. Twenty years ago, 1990 - February was the month designated to pay tribute to our heritage – officially the third Monday of the month was Heritage Day. Esterhazy and area had a rich heritage of buildings, some of which reached the century mark within the 199099 decade. Among them are the rectory at Kaposvar, built by German stonemasons in 1900, the Kaposvar Church built in 1907 by Belgian stonemasons, the Central Hotel (Plus 2) the first building on a surveyed lot in Esterhazy (1905), to name but a few. compiled by Kasey Gillespie Publisher/Owner: Brenda Matchett Editor: Helen Solmes Display ads: Brenda Matchett Page 4 The Miner-Journal, Esterhazy, Sask. Office Manager: Christina Holmberg Advertising/Sales: Shelley Gillespie Looking Back/Office: Kasey Gillespie Monday, February 1, 2010 EDITORIAL Budget austerity must begin with health To hear the Saskatchewan Party government, one might think its budget problem is strictly one of violently fluctuating revenues. Admittedly, Premier Brad Wall’s first couple of years have clearly been reports marked by the rise and fall of oil, gas from the and potash money. It has watched its resource revenues roller-coaster from $2.3 billion in 2007-08 to $4.6 billion in 2008-09, back down to $1.8 billion this current budget year. But the real budget story is always found on the spending side. In fact, in Saskatchewan it boils down to one line item – the annual budget for health spending that now gobbles up 40 per cent of all government spending and that hasn’t been seriously scrutinized for some 16 years now. Of course, many still view health spending as untouchable. Despite ominous warnings from both Wall and Finance Minister Rod Gantefoer of hiring and spending freezes in the March budget to deal with the decline in resource revenues, most in the health sector just assume that the government isn’t talking about them. “I’m not hearing a lot of rumbling about cutbacks or reductions in services,” Barb Cape, president of SEIU West, told the StarPhoenix’s James Wood. “Whether you be rural or urban, people want that access and they want that service and they don’t see that as particularly negotiable.” You can understand why the unions may have this sense in immunity – especially after the Saskatchewan Union of Nurses 37-per-cent increase in four years (plus benefits) settlement in 2008. Health labour clearly feels it is untouchable. Besides, as recently as this past fall, the Sask. Party government was guaranteeing surgical wait times would be no more than three months within four years and calling for a “patient-first” approach to health care delivery. Both initiatives will be accompanied by a hefty pricetag. And it’s been this way for a while now. Even when governments did not have specific health agenda items, throwing money at health care in the annual budget has been a given. Actual health expenditures increased 9.3-, 7.2-, 6.6-, 8.5- and 11.8-per-cent in the years between the 2003-04 and 2008-09 budget. And in this year’s 2009-10 budget, health spending topped $4 billion – roughly, the total operational expenditures of all government departments when the past NDP government took power 18 years ago in 1991. One would have to go back to the austerity budgets of the early 1990s when the former NDP government was dealing with debt and deficit budgets left behind by the previous Progressive Conservative government (you will recall those budgets for the closure of 52 rural hospitals) to find a Saskatchewan budget that kept health spending in check. But since that 1994-95 budget, health spending has increased an amazing 166.7-per-cent. So don’t expect health spending to subside in the 2010-11 budget, either – especially, with the aforementioned commitment to nurses and reducing surgical wait times plus pending contracts with other unions and the doctors. That said, it’s just possible that the 2010-11 budget may see the Sask. Party at least deliver the message that it is getting serious about dealing with government’s biggest cost item. We’ve already seen the government send out strong signals through the Saskatchewan Association of Health Organizations that other unions aren’t going to get nurse-like settlements and are clearly backing that strong message with their essential services legislation that severely limit the unions’ ability to strike. Also, health regions are being called to account in this pre-budget period for spending. Admittedly, this isn’t necessarily great news – especially for those in rural Saskatchewan who had hope for enhanced health services. (Although one would think the 13 capital projections aimed at replacing out-dated nursing homes and hospitals would be less affected, given that they are just replacing aging facilities.) But if any government is serious about living within our means, it simply has to begin with health spending. Murray Mandryk helen solmes Saskatchewan Legislature Should I buy a season pass? A few weeks ago, The Leader-Post ran a news clip relating an instance in a Toronto park where a group of seniors, out for their morning walk, was stopped by a bylaw officer who asked to see their park permit. The seniors ignored the officer and preceded. After all, urban parks are public. Since when did anyone need a permit to walk in an urban park? The officer apparently followed the seniors to their vehicles and issued a fine. The story seemed far-fetched at the time. However, last week, alderman Bob Unchulenko reported the minutes of the Esterhazy Regional Park Board meeting to council and I have been feeling a tad guilty since then, each time I have walked through the town ball diamonds or have used the Esterhazy ski trails. The ball diamonds and the trails are part of the Esterhazy Regional Park and, like the seniors in Toronto, a permit is required. I haven’t purchased my annual park sticker fee. I never have. And I am not alone, it seems. Did you know: The ball diamonds, the golf course, the camp site, the walking trails and the ski trails – on the golf course, above the golf course, and what is known as the Donald Trails on private land to the northeast of the golf course – are a part of the Esterhazy Regional Park and technically, a season pass is required by all who use them. The current park sticker is $35 per season per family unit. Under the Saskatchewan regional park system, a season pass is required of anyone who uses regional park facilities. The permits are transferable in that a sticker purchased in Esterhazy will be honoured in any regional park in the province. Moreover, the revenue from season passes sold in Esterhazy stays with the Esterhazy Regional Park and could, if everyone who used the park purchased a pass, add up to substantial revenue toward the maintenance, upgrades, and expansion of our beloved park. Esterhazy does have an exceptionally beautiful park. The golf course is second to none, the walking trails and cross-country ski trails are a treasure, the ball diamonds are the envy of many small towns, and camp sites are at a premium. However, how can the regional park enforce the season passes when access to either the trails or the ball diamonds is virtually impossible to police? There are least four vehicle accesses and endless number of entry points for pedestrians. According to Alderman Unchulenko, the pressure from Saskatchewan Regional Parks Association (SRPA) to enforce the season passes is mounting. Our park receives grant money from SRPA annually. In order to qualify for the grant, our park must be accredited, and to be accredited . . . aye, there’s the rub . . . in order to be accredited, the regional park board must enforce the seasonal passes. The cost of enforcing could outweigh the value of the grant, easily. But the revenue generated could go a long way toward off-setting the cost of upgrades and maintenance. So what do I do? Be the good citizen and purchase my season pass. But how? The passes are sold at the golf clubhouse which for the time being is closed for the season. Do I ignore the requirement until further notice and keep looking over my shoulder for a bylaw officer on my heels? I might as well. There is no enforcement officer that I know of. Or should I wait till golf season and hope that I remember to stop in to purchase a 2010 season pass? I am going to take my chances for now and wait to hear more on this matter from the regional park board. Stay tuned. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Kudos to St. Anthonyʼs Hospital the “big city” gal in me. It was unbelievably clean, the staff is so very caring and “Johnny-on-the-spot”, and the food was superb. If anyone wants to “Hrumph” at the latter, try the large city hospitals’ foods. This old gal used to be a chef, so I can tell the difference. So, dear people I adore in Esterhazy, be thankful you have such a great facility. I almost had to take Lively weather channel music lively music, dancing-type music? Guess what? The weather channel people are now playing several lively music tunes and are wanting people to twitter online to vote for which song that they like the most. My mom had this great idea about music being played on the weather channel – that is, nice lively pick-you-up-tunes-to-get-through-the-day music. GREG HEMMING ESTERHAZY, SASK. Dear Editor, After stubbornly refusing to follow instructions from doctors for more than a year, and edgy about going to a “small town hospital”, it came to the point, if I wanted to live, I had to go in last week! Well. Was I surprised. Keep in mind I still have Dear Editor, I’m just wanting to twitter my thoughts on the weather channel on TV and the many countless viewers who like to tune into the weather channel 24 hours every day. I like to listen to the relaxing music, but my mother decided to phone the weather channel because one of the tunes they played during the day made people start falling asleep. She said: Why don’t they play Excellent snow removal Dear Editor, I would like to express my appreciation to the Town of Esterhazy for its excellent service regarding snow removal. Having lived in almost a dozen cities and towns over the past 25 years, I can say that Esterhazy has, by far, the best snow removal I have seen anywhere. Monday, February 1, 2010 In the larger cities, the residential streets rarely, if ever, have any snow removal, even after major storms such as we experienced this past week. I was reminded once again of what a great job the town crew does in keeping our streets safe for everyone. Thank you to all involved! BRENT NIGHTINGALE ESTERHAZY, SASK. The Miner-Journal, Esterhazy, Sask. my last breath before finding out on my own. Many kudos to St. Anthony’s doctors, Sister Cecile, and medical staff. Every one of you deserve it. Best of all? You aren’t wakened from a deep sleep at night and hear the whisper, “Would you like a sleeping pill?” DARLINE YUKE ESTERHAZY, SASK. The Miner-Journal welcomes your letters. Please sign them and include your phone number. Page 5 BOWLING NEWS Week of Jan. 18 Monday Golden Jets Women’s: High single – Blanche Provick, 241; High triple – Margaret Matyas, 597; High average – Margaret Matyas, 191. Men’s: High single – Mike Bewcyk, 224; High triple – Herb Lacroix, 570; High average – Herb Lacroix, 190. Wednesday Afternoon Women High single – Jen Mutrie, 301; High triple – Jen Mutrie, 715; High average – Jen Mutrie, 203. Wednesday Night Mens High Single – Gil Brule, 219; High triple – Gil Brule, 707; High average – Gil Brule, 235. Wednesday Motor Mixed Women’s: High single – Delphine Gehl, 241; High triple – Delphine Gehl, 616; High average – Delphine Gehl, 185. Men’s: High single – Alan Petracek, 210; High triple – Alan Petracek, 504; High average – Alan Petracek/Clayton Lomenda, 146. Thursday Silver Threads Women’s: High single – Margaret Matyas, 248; High triple – Margaret Matyas, 582; High average – Margaret Matyas, 191. Men’s: High single – Herb Lacroix, 255; High triple – Herb Lacroix, 656; High average – Herb Lacroix, 195. Thursday Night Mixed Women’s: High single – Judy Hruska, 282; High triple – Judy Hruska, 675; High average – Diane Lowe, 194. Men’s: High single – Ken Johnston, 222; High triple – Bob Barbarine, 521; High average – Brian Flatt, 192. F ROMB Y ESTERHAZY BOWLARENA Friday Night Mixed Women’s: High single – Bernadette Berthelet, 314; High triple – Bernadette Berthelet, 728; High average – Bernadette Berthelet, 216. Men’s: High single – Richard Hodgkinson, 348; High triple – Richard Hodgkinson, 841; High average – Richard Hodgkinson, 233. YBC Seniors Women’s: High single – Karmen Zich, 229; High triple – Karmen Zich, 588; High average – Karmen Zich, 205. Men’s: High sin- THE gle – Tyler Mountain, 286; High triple – Jeremy Jordan, 659; High average – Travis Campbell, 191. YBC Juniors Women’s: High single – Casey Bogdan, 201; High triple – Casey Bogdan, 531; High average – Hayley Itterman, 149. Men’s: High single – Austin Helmeczi, 210; High triple – Quinn Bomboir, 525; High average – Carter Zich, 174. YBC Bantams Women’s: High single – Cassandra Nagy, 145; High triple – Cassandra Nagy, 333; High average – Bailey Luce, 104. Men’s: High single – Hunter Bomboir, 187; High triple – Hunter Bomboir, 488; High average – Hunter Bomboir, 145. YBC Smurfs Women’s: High single – Sierra Sapara, 82; High double – Sierra Sapara, 163; High average – Dakota Mutrie/Sierra Sapara, 86. Men’s: High single – Mathew Metz, 93; High double – Mathew Metz, 168; High average – Mathew Metz, 89. S IDELINES BRUCE PENTON Saints’ win best comeback of all No matter which team won the National Football Conference championship for the right to play the Indianapolis Colts in this year’s Super Bowl, NFL fans were going to get a heartwarming outcome. Everybody loves a comeback, and the bigger comeback of the two at play – the city of New Orleans, which was almost reduced to rubble in 2005 when Hurricane Katrina nearly destroyed the city – won out. An overtime field goal by Garrett Hartley gave the Saints a 31-28 win over the Minnesota Vikings and their first appearance ever in the Super Bowl. The other comeback story in play that day, that of 40-year-old Vikings quarterback Brett Favre, was not as dramatic, but heartwarming nonetheless. The warrior from Mississippi had retired twice, once from the Green Bay Packers and once from the New York Jets, but hemmed and hawed his way to one more comeback try when he suited up this year for the Vikings. He came back “just for this,” he said – meaning one last shot at the Super Bowl, but in a game of fumbling, bumbling, penalties at key times and crucial interceptions, the Saints prevailed and will meet the Colts Feb. 7 in Miami. The Saints battered Favre mercilessly, flattening him on four or five occasions, hitting him late and leaving him with a bum ankle and sore ribs. But he is definitely the toughest 40-year-old hombre in the game and if he decides to not retire one more time, he’ll be the toughest 41-year-old next year. Meanwhile, the city of New Orleans has come all the way back from its near destruction four and a half years ago. The city’s recovery and the Saints’ run to the championship game have the population looking ahead with optimism instead of looking back with sadness. “What’s great about doing it here,” Saints coach Sean Payton told’s Peter King, “is that four years ago, there were holes in this roof. The fans in this city and this region deserve it.” This will truly be a New Orleans Super Bowl. On one side you have the Saints. On the other, you have the face of the Colts, Peyton Manning, the NFL’s most valuable player who was born in New Orleans when his dad, Archie, was quarterbacking the sad-sack Saints in the 1970s. Ol’ Arch can’t lose on Feb. 7. No matter who wins, his heart will be filled with warmth. • RJ Currie of, after Forbes magazine pegged the Toronto Maple Leafs, who haven’t won a title since 1967, as the NHL’s most valuable team for the fourth year in a row: “Who knew there was so much value in laughing stock?” • Jeff Schultz, Atlanta Journal-Constitution: “I don’t want to suggest that anybody has replaced the Oakland Raiders as the most dysfunctional franchise in sports. But the Seahawks are going to be paying (Jim) Mora almost $12 million for the next three years to not coach, and they just gave $30 million and power over the roster and the draft to a coach who has failed with two franchises in the NFL (Jets and Patriots). I’m assuming as the cofounder of Microsoft, Seattle owner Paul Allen can afford this. But I’m starting to think his football product is as susceptible to viruses as Windows.” • Reggie Hayes of the Fort Wayne (Ind.) NewsSentinel, on Laker Ron Artest’s return from a concussion: “Team officials wanted to make sure he was behaving erratically again before clearing him to play.” • Scott Ostler of the San Francisco Chronicle: “After (NBA commissioner) David Stern disarms his players, he will crack down on gambling. What will these guys have left? They’ll start reading books, and we’ll be stuck with a league full of insufferable intellectual snobs.” • Comedy writer Jerry Perisho: Adidas says it has ended its endorsement deal with troubled NBA star Gilbert Arenas. Arenas said he’d call around to see if Smith and Wesson, con’t on pg. 9 ESTERHAZY SUP ER SLEDDERS al u n n A SNOWMOBILE DERBY Feb. 14, 2010 ESTERHAZY SUPER SLEDDERS’ Registration – 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Esterhazy Scouts Hall FOOD AVAILABLE ON TRAIL NON ALCOHOLIC DRINK AVAILABLE $5 Rider hands or 3 for $10; Silent Hands $3 ea TAK VAL E YOU FOR ENTIN R AR E IDE For more information contact: Randy Abdai at 745-8470 or Gerard Kristoff at 745-2054 10021GG00 10021KK00 Page 6 The Miner-Journal, Esterhazy, Sask. Monday, February 1, 2010 Flyers finish in first place Four Esterhazy skaters will represent the Parkland Valley district during the Saskatchewan Winter games this month. L-R: Justin Kacsmar, Madison Tocher, Tori Forst, coach Bev Pangracs, and Bailey Kacsmar. Local skaters sweep winter games run-offs submitted by the Esterhazy Skating Club Four Esterhazy Skating Club members travelled to Moose Jaw for the Saskatchewan Winter Games run-offs during the weekend of Dec. 19-20. All regions competed against each other, with members for each region then selected from the final result. The Esterhazy club skaters took top regional spot in all five events that they competed in. In class 1 ladies, Madison Tocher came in fifth of a field of 32 skaters, and first in the Parkland Valley Region. Attending the games with her from our region will be Chloe Mrozowich and Carolyn Hauser of Yorkton, who placed sixth and 18th respectively. Tori Forst placed seventh out of 30 skaters in class 2 ladies, and as the only competitor from Parkland Valley in this event, will also advance to the Winter Games. In class 3 ladies, Bailey Kacsmar, who was again the only Parkland Valley competitor, will go on to the games as well after taking the 21st spot out of 27 ladies. Justin Kacsmar took first place out of a field of four men and will be advancing in the prenovice men category. Tori Forst and Justin Kacsmar who also took top spot in pre-novice dance, against four other couples, will be part of the games team as well. Rounding out the Parkland Valley Saskatchewan Winter Games team will be Esterhazy Skating Club coach Beverly Pangracs, who was chosen as one of the team coaches. She will be accompanied by coach Julie McConnell from Langenburg. Brian Kacsmar volunteered as team manager, which ultimately puts Esterhazy skating club members into seven out of 10 available spots for Parkland Valley. Skaters and coaches are now preparing for the Saskatchewan Winter Games, which will run from Monday, Feb. 15 to Wednesday, Feb. 18 for the figure skating portion. Team members will be in attendance for the opening ceremonies portion of the games in Moose Jaw. submitted by Kristen Groeneveld Entering the final week of regular season play in the Triangle Hockey League, the Esterhazy Flyers have wrapped up top spot and will receive a bye into the semi-final round of the league playoffs. As of press time on Jan. 28, Esterhazy has one game remaining in the regular season (the game was scheduled to be played Jan. 30 in Whitewood) and with a record of 16-1 and 32 points, the Flyers cannot be caught by second-place Langenburg Warriors. The Warriors have three games remaining but with a record of 12-3 and 24 points, Langenburg cannot match the Flyers record, no matter the outcome of the remaining games. The Bredenbury Cougars, however, with two games remaining, can still overtake Langenburg for second place. The regular season is slated to conclude on Feb. 6. The Flyers added to the win column twice over the Jan. 22-23 weekend. Esterhazy defeated the Moosomin Rangers 8-2 in Moosomin on Jan. 22, and then defeated Rocanville 12-4 at home Jan. 23. Scoring for the Flyers during the weekend contests were: Dave Sheilds (5), Everett Bear (3), Clint Lomenda (3), Mike Kaczmar (2), Les Helmeczi, Bryan Unchulenko, Nevin Gurniak, Jarret Walker, Adam Flick, Kevin Monastryrski and Caleb Zack. Goaltenders Dustin Bear and Jeremy Hrebenik each picked up a win. Much of the attention for five teams in the THL will be turning to Saskatchewan Hockey Association Provincial play over the next couple Goalies from the Esterhazy Minor Hockey Association were treated to a one-day goalie camp on Jan. 17, with instructor Rob Muntain from Regina. Goalies attending were (l-r) Connor Gareau, Kayden Tocher, Lane Tomolak, Cam Chern, Derek Kulcsar, Tyler Hertlein, Colby Entz, Graham Johnson, William Merritt and Instructor Rob Muntain. Sitting is Casey Cairns. Photo courtesy of Simone Tocher. Nevin Gurniak Jarrett Walker of weeks. Langenburg has already advanced to the second round in the Senior Provincial ‘A’ draw, defeating the Cupar Canucks in two games. Esterhazy will face the Kelliher Komets in the first round in the South Division Provincial ‘B’ draw. Game 1 of the twogame total-goal series is scheduled to be played in Kelliher tonight (Feb. 1) with the second game set for Feb. 12 at 8:30 p.m. in Esterhazy. In Provincial ‘D’ action, Bredenbury will face the Redvers Rockets, Whitewood will face the Milestone Flyers, and Rocanville will face the Wawota Flyers. Provincial ‘D’ series are also two-game total-goal. TRIANGLE HOCKEY LEAGUE as of Jan. 25, 2010 L T F A Pts 1 0 162 45 32 3 0 98 56 22 4 0 98 71 21 9 0 79 91 16 11 0 65 111 9 11 0 47 93 8 14 0 36 118 4 Scoring Leaders Name Team GP G A Pts PIM Dave Shields EST 17 26 43 69 30 Justin Keller BRED 14 31 28 59 47 Scott Woytas EST 15 23 25 48 26 Jeff Nordquist EST 17 18 23 41 49 Trent Cassan LANG 9 19 17 36 17 Adam Flick EST 15 14 22 36 4 Andy Katzberg BRED 12 9 26 35 69 Drew Putland CHUR 17 12 21 33 6 Clint Lomenda EST 15 10 22 32 35 Les Reagh ROC 14 12 18 30 8 Darren Wilson LANG 8 10 18 28 10 Jeff Lucky LANG 8 14 13 27 2 Goaltenders Name Team Min W L T GA PG Jeremy Hrebenik EST 540 8 1 0 23 2.56 Dustin Bear EST 480 8 0 0 22 2.75 Riley Apland LANG 540 8 1 0 25 2.78 Devon Byblow BRED 575 7 3 0 42 4.38 Todd Bourgette CHUR 600 4 6 0 49 4.90 Esterhazy Langenburg Bredenbury Churchbridge Rocanville Whitewood Moosomin W 16 11 10 8 4 4 2 10021PS01 Esterhazy Lion’s 12th Annual FISH DERBY SUNDAY, Feb. 21 Bird’s Point, Round Lake Registration: 10 a.m. Derby: 11 a.m.-2 p.m. $10/hole Children accompanied by a parent will fish for free FISHING HOLE PRIZES! DRAW FOR 8” Ice Auger to be made on Sunday, Feb. 21 at conclusion of fish derby. 50 / 50 prize for longest fish (Pike, Perch and Walleye) Walleye- Catch & Release SASKATCHEWAN FISHING REGULATIONS APPLY Lunch and Refreshments Available 5/7:1c Silent fishermen being sold in advance Monday, February 1, 2010 The Miner-Journal, Esterhazy, Sask. Page 7 Make maximum RSP contribution each year by Barbara March-Burwell, CFP Investment Advisor Financial Planner RBC Dominion Securities When it comes to saving for your retirement, you just can’t beat the tax advantages offered by your Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RSP). Here are some tips on making the most of your RSP: 1. Maximize your RSP contributions every year. Not only are your contributions taxdeductible, they also grow on a tax-deferred basis. In other words, you don’t pay taxes on the investment income earned within your RSP, until you eventually withdraw it. This can HASSLER SALES LTD. ESTERHAZY, SK CALL ANYTIME PH: 745-3965; 745-7690; Lake 697-2631 Premium Vehicles Clearance Prices 2003 CHEV IMPALA 4 DOOR 3.4 V/6 AUTO, TRACTION CONTROL, AIR, CRUISE, CD STEREO, REMOTE ENTRY, POWER W- L- M- SEAT, 16” WHEELS, MUD GUARDS. CINNAMON MET. WITH TAN CLOTH, CLEAN AND SERVICED, SASK. SAFETIED, 109 KMS. ECONOMICAL 6 PASSENGER CAR . . . . . . . . $ 7,450 SK. TAX PAID 2005 PONTIAC G6 4 DOOR GS MODEL 3.5 V/6, AUTO, AIR, CRUISE, CD STEREO, REMOTE START AND ENTRY SYSTEMS. MUD GUARDS, COMPUTER DASH 16”MAGS, POWER WINDOWS, LOCKS & MIRRORS. WHITE WITH CHARCOAL CLOTH BUCKETS & CONSOLE, CLEAN SASK. CAR ,GOOD PAINT, TIRES & GLASS, 84KMS. ......... $ 10,490 + TAX 2006 F 150 XLT CREW CAB 4X4 XTR PKG. result in significantly greater growth over time. Make your maximum contribution every year and, if you have unused RSP contribution room from previous years, catch up as soon as possible. Also consider contributing earlier in the year, or at regular intervals throughout the year – this can result in greater growth over time compared to contributing a lump sum at the end of the year. 2. Set the right asset mix for your life stage. Your RSP’s risk/reward trade-off is largely based on your asset mix between stocks, bonds and cash. Stocks tend to provide higher returns over 10-20 years, but fluctuate more in value. Bonds and cash tend to provide lower, but more consistent returns. How you balance these three asset classes largely depends on your life stage. When you have 10 or 20 years to go before retirement, time is on your side, so you can afford to allocate more of your RSP to stocks. As you approach retirement, it’s generally a good idea to add some more stability to your RSP with a fairly even balance between stocks and bonds. During retirement, shift your balance more towards bonds to provide income and stability. Allocate part of your portfolio to stocks to enhance the longevity of your savings, which is particularly important given today’s longer life spans. 3. Reduce future taxes now – with a spousal RSP In Canada, the higher your income, the higher your tax rate. Because of this, it can make sense to “split” your income with your spouse, so that you have two smaller retirement Barbara March-Burwell incomes taxed at a lower combined rate, instead of one bigger one taxed at a higher rate. The spouse expected to have the higher retirement income can do this by contributing to a spousal RSP on behalf of the lower-income spouse, who will then receive income from the spousal RSP during retirement. 4. Go global to reduce risk and enhance return potential With the elimination of the foreign content limit on RSPs, you have an opportunity to increase your allocation to global investments. By diversifying your RSP’s assets among different geographic areas, you can offset the impact of negative performance in one area with stronger performance in another. In addition, many major global markets have outperformed Canada over the long term. 5. Bring it all together. If you find it difficult to determine how much you have saved for retirement – or what rate of return you are getting on your savings – you could probably benefit from a consolidation strategy. By consolidating your savings The Esterhazy & District Chamber of Commerce would like to Thank the following people for contributing to another successful Santa Day: 2007 RANGER SPORT SUPERCAB 4X4 Esterhazy Lions Club Esterhazy Museum Committee Donald Helmeczi Gerry Halyk Shop Easy Foods The Miner-Journal 4.0 V/6, AUTO O/D, AIR, CRUISE, SATELLITE CD STEREO, FOG LAMPS, MUD GUARDS, 17” MAGS AND ACCENT STRIPES. EXCELLENT PAINT, TIRES & GLASS. SHARP YELLOW WITH CHARCOAL CLOTH, A CLEAN SASK. TRUCK WITH ONLY 54KMS. POWERTRAIN W/T TO DEC. 2011 ............ $ 13,750 + TAX Page 8 Shelley Cherney Service Best Knowing that a retailer’s frontline staff can make or break a business and that the same applies to the service, hospitality, and industry sectors, the Saskatchewan Tourism has designed a one-day workshop for businesses to assist them with staff training in areas of customer service; how to sell, up-sell, and cross-sell; and how to communicate with customers and field complaints. In so doing, businesses can expect to increase productivity, increase sales and profits, and lower staff turnover. Shelley Cherney, Coordinator skills training Parkland College Coordinator of Skills Training presented information to the Esterhazy and District Chamber of Commerce on Jan. 26, on the Service Best program. The one-day workshop is available through Parkland College on demand. For information, contact Shelley Cherney at 786-2586. 10021TS01 THANK YOU 5.4 V/8, AUTO, AIR, CRUISE,CD STEREO, TEMP & COMPASS POWER W-L-M-SEAT, STEP BARS, HITCH, 18” MAGS, MUD GUARDS, POSI-TRAC, TRAILER BRAKE, TOUCH ENTRY, FOG LAMPS, BOX LINER, REAR AIR SUSPENSION. WHITE WITH GREY CLOTH, A CLEAN SASK. TRUCK WITH ONLY 62 KMS. AND FORD WARRANTY TO 2011 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 18,950 + TAX into one overall plan, you can reduce the extra costs associated with multiple RSP accounts, while making it easier to understand where you stand today, and where you will be tomorrow. 6. Making your 2009 RSP contribution: The deadline for your 2009 contribution is Monday, March 1, 2010. You can contribute up to 18 per cnet of your 2008 earned income to a maximum of $21,000, minus any pension adjustment from your 2008 T4 tax slip. You can also make your 2010 RSP contribution and jump start your savings. This article is not intended as nor does it constitute tax or legal advice. Readers should consult their own lawyer, accountant or other professional advisor when planning to implement a strategy. Barb March-Burwell can be contacted in Regina at 306-777-0543, in Esterhazy at 306-7454764, by fax at 306-7572606, through her associate, Lorna Onrait at 306-777-0504, or online at 5:1C The Miner-Journal, Esterhazy, Sask. Monday, February 1, 2010 Penton sidelines con’t from pg. 6 Remington or Glock made shoes. • Greg Cote, Miami Herald, on Tim Tebow’s upcoming pro-life Super Bowl commercial: “There is a place for rigorous political debate, but during the Super Bowl? It’d be like you throwing a big Super Bowl party and one of your guests shows up on a bullhorn railing against the evils of drinking. The first fumble of Tebow’s professional career.” • “Gilbert Arenas faced five years in jail on felony gun charges,” reported Brad Dickson in the Omaha (Neb.) World-Herald, “but he plea-bargained down to two years with the Nets.” • Janice Hough, of “A top prospect in the Oakland As organization, Grant Desme, has left baseball to join the priesthood. Which is surprising, normally the only people who give up on baseball for a life of prayer are Cubs fans.” • Steve Simmons of Sun Media: “The NBA, NFL and MLB all donated $1 million US to Haiti. The NHL donated $100,000 but wouldn’t admit it had already donated millions to another natural disaster: The Phoenix Coyotes.” Care to comment? Email [email protected] 10021MF00 Seniors warned: Lock doors, avoid dark places submitted by Vi Zeebeck Esterhazy Golden Jets held its regular monthly meeting on Jan. 21, chaired by President Carin Vrabetz. The meeting was preceded by a very informative address by Cst. Jesse Nkwama of the local RCMP. She spoke about the various scams that are out there, singling out seniors, and gave advice on personal safety, such as keeping doors locked, avoiding darkened places when out walking, etc. Activities are back to normal again at the Jets, with whist, cribbage, bridge, as well as a shuffleboard tournament on Tuesdays. 2 ESTERHAZY CARLYLE LOCATIONS 306-745-6355 306-453-4444 TO SERVE CALL ANY LOCATION TOLL FREE YOU BETTER! 1-888-888-7011 Monday, February 1, 2010 The Miner-Journal, Esterhazy, Sask. FORD SALES LTD. Visit us on our website AFTER HOURS CALL: ESTERHAZY Mark Faul 745-2943 Keith Kendel 743-5317 Vern Dauncey 645-2925 CARLYLE Hal Moffat 577-4966 Faron Biesenthal 577-2423 Page 9 OBITUARIES Agnes (Aggie) Krupi May 17, 1917 – Dec. 22, 2009 Agnes (Aggie) Krupi entered her eternal rest on Tuesday, Dec. 22, 2009, at the Yorkton Regional Health Centre at the age of 92 years. Aggie, as she was known to family and friends, was born on May 17, 1917, in the Lemberg District of Saskatchewan, a daughter to Frank and Maria (nee Rottmeyer) Zimmer. Aggie was baptized in Melville and received her First Communion and Confirmation in Lemberg. She resided in Lemberg, Sask., for 12 years and attended Weisenberg School. The family moved to the Kimbrae district where Aggie worked for local farmers. Aggie was employed by Esterhazy Cafe then moved to Regina and worked for Burns and Company for five-andone-half years. In 1948, Aggie was united in marriage to Joseph Krupi at St. Mary’s Roman Catholic Church in Grayson. The couple farmed in the Grayson district for a while, then moved to Broadview, where Joe worked as a bricklayer. Later they returned to Grayson. Aggie and Joe welcomed Danny Romaniuk into their home. Joe passed away in 1955, seven-and-one-half years after their marriage. Aggie found it hard working at various jobs until she received a job offer as a switchboard operator in Grayson. Later the switchboard was moved into her home, then she moved to work for SaskTel in Yorkton for 23 years. Aggie was a person of laughter, fun and prayer. She was an active member of St. Mary’s Church and sang in the church choir, a member of the Catholic Women’s League and a member of the St. Peter’s Hospital Auxiliary. Aggie enjoyed travelling, visiting, cooking and gardening. Predeceased by her parents, Frank and Maria Zimmer; her husband Joe; four brothers – August, John, Charlie and Frank; four sisters – Elizabeth Heinrich, Margaret Gelowitz, Mary Tymura and Annie in infancy. Aggie leaves to cherish her memory and celebrate her life her son Danny (Carol) and their children Jeffery and Rob of North Vancouver, B.C.; two sisters – Josie Kunkel of Esterhazy and Ida Duchek of Atwater; sisters-in-law – Francis Zimmer, Betty Zimmer and Frances Pape; brothers-in-law – Ewalt Krupi and Mike Tymura; a very special friend, Barb Hornung; as well as numerous nieces, nephews and friends. Prayer services were held on Sunday, Dec. 27, 2009, at St. Mary’s Roman Catholic Church in Grayson, Sask., with Doug Parislau as the Lay Presider. Elaine Exner did the reading. Aggie’s good friend Barbara Hornung did a tribute. Soloist Allan Gelowitz and organist Charlotte Holitzki led in the singing of the hymns Be Not Afraid and Amazing Grace for the prayer services, and for the funeral mass the hymns were On Eagle’s Wings, Only A Shadow, Hail Mary and How Great Thou Art. The Funeral Mass was held on Monday, Dec. 28, 2009, at St. Mary’s Roman Catholic Church, with Rev. Father Yodel Cereno as the celebrant. Debbie Rausch and Carol Vranai gave the readings and Barbara Hornung, the intercessions. The gift bearers were Muriel Schultz and Cathy Gerhardt and the eucharistic minister was Cathy Gerhardt. ESTERHAZY & DISTRICT DONORʼS CHOICE New Computer Lab – Microsoft Office 2007 Computer Classes in Esterhazy Computer Basics 50+ Feb. 22, 24, Mar. 1, 3. 8, 10 (Mon.& Wed.) 9:00 a.m. to Noon Tuition $200 Book $20 MS 2007 Word Level I March 16, 18, 23, 25 (Tues. & Thurs.) 6-9:00 p.m. Tuition $140 Book $40 MS2007 Excel Level I April 20, 22, 27, 29 (Tues. & Thurs.) 6-9:00 p.m. Tuition $140 Book $40 Registration and payment deadline is 1 week prior to start date. Minimum of 5 paid registrations required for class to run Office Hours Monday to Thursday 12:00-5:00 p.m.; Friday 9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Phone 745-2878 or drop in to 501 Kennedy Drive Honorary pallbearers were everyone who knew and loved Aggie. The interment followed in the St. Mary’s Parish Cemetery with Brian Exner, Reg Lesko, Wally Heinrich, Robert Stone House, Duane Helen (Berry, Onda) Thorpe Oct. 21, 1937 – Jan. 22, 2010 Helen (Berry, Onda) Thorpe passed away suddenly and peacefully in the Pasqua Hospital in Regina on Friday, Jan. 22, 2010, with her family by her side. Helen was born on Oct. 21 1937, in Truro, N. S., daughter of the late Emma and Alex Berry. Helen’s passing was completely unexpected Duchek and Gerald Gelowitz as the casketbearers. Aggie will be missed by family and friends. Arrangements were by Bailey’s Funeral Home, Melville. and left her many friends and family in shock. She is survived by her husband Glenn Thorpe; sisters Emily (Ritchie Boyd) of Amherst, N.S., Carlene (Doug Crouse) of Granville Ferry, N.S.; and brothers Keith (Bessie), Reg, and Don (Peggy), all of Truro, N.S. She also leaves behind aunts Bessie Sawatsky, Mavis Wilders and Carol Marshall and many nieces and nephews. Helen’s funeral was held at St. Andrew’s United Church in Yorkton, Sask., on Jan. 27. The internment took place in Yorkton Memorial Gardens with Christie’s Funeral Home in charge of arrangements. E.M.B.I.’s Annual ANNUAL MEETING ESTERHAZY ELKʼS HALL starting Feb. 10-26 THURSDAY, Feb. 11 Starting at 7:00 p.m. Everyone welcome to attend and see what Donor’s Choice is all about. Many local organizations benefit from the annual campaign. If you are looking to volunteer in the community, please consider Donor’s Choice. 5:1C Students will be coming door to door selling California fruit & cookie dough. If you are missed, call: Linda - 745-2087 5:2c Sharon - 745-3467 Whitewood Service Centre Inc. The Biggest Little Dodge Dealer in South East Saskatchewan NUTRIMOR WINTER PROMOTIONS at save room for dessert January 26 - 30 Buy any regular priced necklace or bracelet and receive the matching earrings FREE! (where applicable) February 2 - 6 Schwiing Clothing - 30% OFF All Handbags - 30% to 40% OFF February 9 - 13 20% OFF all pink, red or heart shaped jewellery, napkins, tissues, scarves and clothing! Watch for clearance items all 3 weeks! save room for dessert! Hwy. #16, Langenburg, SK 306-743-2880 Page 10 Believe it or not, it’s possible to eat plenty of food, even healthy food, and still starve your body of the nutrients it requires for real health and well-being. It is very rare for us to consume all the necessary vitamins and minerals our bodies need, so daily intake of key vitamins can help build and strengthen your body and provide a strong foundation for health. NutriMor’s delicious, easy-to-take formula will protect your body on the inside while giving you health and energy you can appreciate on the outside. NutriMor embraces the power of the Moringa tree, whose array of phytonutrients have been shown to have antioxidant and cholesterol†-supporting effects, in a bioavailable formula designed to supply your body with the essential vitamins, minerals and amino acids it needs. Cassia cinnamon and green tea leaf extract further enhance NutriMor’s health-promoting effects by helping support already healthy levels of glucose and triglycerides in the blood, and aiding in maintaining a healthy bodyweight.* #FOFmUJOHUIF8PSME Nearly every part of the Moringa tree has value- from its nutritional uses, to water purification and agricultural enhancements. Humanitarian groups throughout the world have recognized the enormous potential of Moringa to enrich humanity and are reaching out to educate impoverished nations on the benefits of this natural resource. Moringa has the power to combat nutritional deficiencies and is drought-resistant, making it indigenous to areas such as Africa and Southeast Asia that can draw on the versatility of the tree to fight malnutrition and save millions of lives. Contact your Synergy Independent Distributor or Contact Brenda Matchett at 745-2719 or log on to and find out about Synergies products. The Miner-Journal, Esterhazy, Sask. 1-866-RAM-HEMI 2009 INVENTORY BLOWOUT! PURCHASE A REMAINING NEW 2009 VEHICLE PURCHASE AT MY INVOICE! LESS ANY REBATES IN PLACE! PLUS GET YOUR NAME ENTERED IN MY $10,000 KRAZY KASH DRAW! EXAMPLE: 2009 CALIBER SXT (STK # 09-32) INVOICE $20,900 LESS CONSUMER CASH OF $2,000 YOUR PRICE $18,900 ADD THE TAXES AND IF YOU CURRENTLY HAVE A DODGE, CHRYSLER OR JEEP PRODUCT REGISTERED, TAKE ANOTHER $750 LOYALTY BONUS OFF! WHAT A GREAT WAY TO START THE NEW YEAR! Call Kevin at 1866-RAM-HEMI Call Chris at 306-435-4327 Monday, February 1, 2010 George's Try it . . . The best pizza in the province! 612 Park Ave. ESTERHAZY Monday-Thursday 10:30 a.m. - 10 p.m. Friday 10:30 a.m. -11 p.m. Saturday 11 a.m. - 11 p.m. Sunday 3:30-10 p.m. P I Z Z A & SUB HOME OF THE BIG SLICE only $285 745-6656 HAPPY NEW YEAR New pizza specials for a new year Buy Two 10” Pizzas for $20.99, Get 12” Garlic Fingers FREE Excluding Chicken pizza coupon expires Feb. 1, 2010 George’s Pizza 745-6656 Buy an 18” Pizza for $31.99 get 12” Garlic Fingers Buy an 18” Pizza for $31.99 get 12” Garlic Fingers FREE Excluding Chicken pizza FREE coupon expires Feb. 1, 2010 George’s Pizza 745-6656 George’s Pizza 745-6656 P I Z Z A Buy Two 10” Pizzas for $20.99, Get 12” Garlic Fingers FREE Excluding Chicken pizza coupon expires Feb. 1, 2010 George’s Pizza 745-6656 coupon expires Feb. 1, 2010 Excluding Chicken pizza 10” Med. 9.99 10.49 10.99 11.49 11.99 12.49 Plain (Cheese & sauce) 1 Topping 2 Toppings 3 Toppings 4 Toppings The Works 12” Lg 13.99 14.99 15.99 16.99 17.50 17.99 15” XL 17.99 18.99 19.99 20.59 20.99 21.99 18” Party 23.99 24.99 28.99 29.99 30.99 31.99 12.49 17.99 21.99 31.99 10.99 15.99 19.99 25.99 All Meat 12.49 17.99 22.49 31.99 Vegetarian 12.49 17.99 21.99 31.99 Buy an 18” Pizza for $31.99 get 12” Garlic Fingers FREE coupon expires Feb. 1, 2010 George’s Pizza 745-6656 (Ham, salami, pepperoni, bacon, mushrooms, pineapple) Hawaiian coupon expires Feb. 1, 2010 George’s Pizza 745-6656 Excluding Chicken pizza (Pepperoni, salami, bacon, onions, mushrooms, green pepper) All Dressed FREE Excluding Chicken pizza M E N U TOPPINGS: Pepperoni, Salami, Bacon, Onions, Mushrooms, Green Peppers, Ground Beef, Ham, Tomatoes, Olives, Pineapple, Hot Banana Peppers Your choice of: Buy an 18” Pizza for $31.99 get 12” Garlic Fingers (Ham & pineapple) Buy Two 10” Pizzas for $20.99, Get 12” Garlic Fingers FREE Excluding Chicken pizza (Mushrooms, green pepper, onions, tomatoes, hot banana peppers, pineapple, olives) Canadian 12.49 17.99 21.99 31.99 12.49 17.99 21.99 31.99 Buy Two 15” Pizzas for $34.99, Get 12” Garlic Fingers (Ham, bacon & mushrooms) The Imperial (Ham, salami, green pepper, mushrooms, onions, pineapple) Georgeʼs Special 12.49 17.99 22.49 31.99 13.99 19.99 27.99 34.99 17.99 22.49 n/a FREE (All 12 toppings) Chicken Pizza (Mushrooms, onions, green pepper, pineapple, real chicken breast) coupon expires Feb. 1, 2010 George’s Pizza 745-6656 12.49 Uncooked Pizza Excluding Chicken pizza (Pepperoni, salami, bacon, ground beef, ham) Garlic Fingers 8.99 12.99 16.99 13.99 19.99 27.99 32.99 19.99 27.99 32.99 George’s Pizza 745-6656 (Garlic spread, cheese, & bacon) Try it, itʼs good! Bubba Pizza coupon expires Feb. 1, 2010 (Garlic spread, donair meat, bacon, onions, tomatoes, special sauce) 13.99 Greek Pizza (Pepperoni, olives, green peppers, onion, tomatoes, feta, mozzarella) Buy Two 12” Pizzas for $25.99, Get 12” Garlic Fingers FREE Excluding Chicken pizza coupon expires Feb. 1, 2010 George’s Pizza 745-6656 Buy Two 12” Pizzas for $25.99, Get 12” Garlic Fingers FREE Excluding Chicken pizza coupon expires Feb. 1, 2010 George’s Pizza 745-6656 Monday, February 1, 2010 SIX Large 12” Homemade Uncooked Pizzas only $59.99 no tax Buy Two 12” Pizzas for $25.99, Get 12” Garlic Fingers FREE Excluding Chicken pizza coupon expires Feb. 1, 2010 George’s Pizza 745-6656 Having a group function? Great for weddings, meetings, get-togethers CALL 745-6656 FOR MORE INFO Buy Two 12” Pizzas for $25.99, Get 12” Garlic Fingers FREE Excluding Chicken pizza coupon expires Feb. 1, 2010 George’s Pizza 745-6656 The Miner-Journal, Esterhazy, Sask. Buy Two 15” Pizzas for $34.99, Get 12” Garlic Fingers FREE Excluding Chicken pizza coupon expires Feb. 1, 2010 George’s Pizza 745-6656 Buy Two 15” Pizzas for $34.99, Get 12” Garlic Fingers FREE Excluding Chicken pizza coupon expires Feb. 1, 2010 George’s Pizza 745-6656 Page 11 LOCAL BUSINESS DIRECTORY JOCO Construction James Stocks - for a personal and reliable grain hauling service FOR ALL YOUR NEW HOME CONSTRUCTION & HOME RENOVATION NEEDS KAREN PISAK JOSH PISAK Cell: 306-740-7949 Phone: 306-745-2126 Res: 745-2127 Cell: 461-4521 Esterhazy Carpet Cleaners Owned and operated by Sandra Fiala For all your carpet, upholstery, mattress, furniture, automotive and floor tile cleaning needs. • Carrier Furnaces, Regency Gas fireplaces • Softeners, pumps & filters • Hot water Boilers, in floor heating • SaskEnergy Network Dealer BOOK YOUR CARPET CLEANING NOW Phone 745-2473 E-mail: [email protected] CAL’S LOCK & KEY SERVICE Phone 745-3908 IRIDOLOGY CONCEPT FOR HEALTH Your Local Your Certified Planner Local Financial Certified Financial Planner • For all your lock & key requirements • Emergency Openings Treva Duchek, R. Ir. C.Ir., CH Registered Clinical Iridologist Ionization Therapy Chartered Herbalist 314 Park Ave., Esterhazy Kevin Zazula, B. Admin, FMA, CFP Phone: (306) 745-6615 CFP®, CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER® and are trademarks owned outside the U.S. by Financial Planning Standards Board Ltd. Financial Planners Standards Council is the marks licensing authority for the CFP Marks in Canada, through agreement with FPSB. (306) 745-3573 Pensions – RRSPs – GICs Pensions– RRIFs - RRSPs – - TFSAs RRIFs - TFSAs - GICs THE UNIFORM CORNER FREE CONSULTATION 1124 Kaposvar Drive Esterhazy, Sk Specializing in top quality uniforms for the healthcare professional. In stock items and special orders are available. • Farm • Commercial • Residential Sutton Group Results Realty Warren Vandenameele Langenburg Phone 745-3969 and leave message. 743-5558 Natural Life Solutions Measures the health of your cardiovascular system. Non-invasive, painless Shows you the elasticity or stiffness of your cardiovascular system and strength of your heart Certified Cardio Pulse Wave technicians Synergy Independent Team Members, Lella and Jim Binns 745-6357, 740-7445 or 745-7446 e-mail: [email protected] FISHER LAW OFFICE Serving Esterhazy and Area for over 25 Years Garnet M. Fisher B.A (Hons), LL.B. A general practice of Law including: Real Estate and Mortgages, Wills and Estates, Family Law, Corporate Law, Civil Law, Criminal Law Insurance Real Estate License Issuer **Free Initial Consultation** 420 Main Street, Esterhazy Phone 745-2261• Fax 745-2815 Tuesdays and Thursdays 8:30 a.m.- 4:30 p.m. LAYH & ASSOCIATES Legal Professional Corporation Langenburg, Sask. Ph. (306) 743-5520 Fax (306) 743-5568 e-mail: [email protected] Donald H. Layh, Q.C., Shawn M. Patenaude, B.Comm, L.L.B. Zackly-Rite Massage (Platinum Studios – Main St.) Relaxation, Therapeutic & Hot Stone Massage Available Infant Massage Classes Offered For appointments, call: Aura-Lee Zack, RMT 441 Main St Trenching CJ’s Excavating Inc. Dr. Pat Biglow-Lecomte D.M.D. Comprehensive General Dentistry 903 Broadway Ave., Moosomin, Sask. Office Hours: Mon-Fri. 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Phone: (306) 435-3080/Toll Free: 1-800-668-3080/Emer: 435-2901 ESTERHAZY AGENCIES (1986) LTD. Call Colin Duchek at 745-2376 or Cell 991-0074 BACKHOE SERVICES WE CAN DIG IT!!! Sewers / Septic Ponds Yard Maintenance Fully licensed/Bonded Life and General Insurance, Investments, Motor License Issuer, Notary Public Bus. Phone – 745-3983 Res. Phone – 745-6991 Basements Trenches & Sand Clear bush for fenceline Carey’s Plumbing & Heating Phone: 745-2486 Fax: 745-2252 LTD. JASON POWERS Owner/Operator Serving Esterhazy & South Eastern Saskatchewan RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL Mike Carey, Owner Eagle Construction PLUMBING, HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING Fax 745-3494 Your Independent Dealer Esterhazy, 745-6645 Esterhazy Economic Development Office We encourage you to contact any of the committee members listed below with your questions, comments or concerns. 745-6440 w 745-6560 h Mark Muir 745-3304 w 745-6290 h Tyler Metz Roy Spence 745-6615 w Judy Parker, EDO 745-5405 w Don Tanasichuk 745-3385 h Derek Paidel 745-3540 w 745-6669 w Donnica Davis 745-6575 h Helen Solmes 745-4263 w Stacy Rushinko 745-3557 h Chandra Pratt Arlynn Kurtz 793-4450 h Jeff Bisschop 745-6615 w Pauline Jeannot, Chair 745-2020 w 745-6337 h Dr. Nathan Knezacek TIRED ALL THE TIME? HIGH CHOLESTEROL? HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE? DIABETES? POOR CIRCULATION? Phone/Fax: 306.745.2811 Cell: 306.737.9921 email: [email protected] P.O. Box 1737 Esterhazy, Sask. S0A 0X0 TUX – siding, soffit, fascia, eavestrough – stucco – additions & interior renovating – new home construction – windows, doors – metal, asphalt & torchon roofing – commercial & residential Robert (Bob) Nordin, Sales Associate in Esterhazy Contact Brenda Matchett, 745-2719 E-mail: [email protected] Page 12 306-745-6335 Servicing Esterhazy and Area Specializing in underground installations 745-2697 Line/Fault Locating MOOSOMIN DENTAL CLINIC 745-9085 Phone 745-3488 Sean Thompson Owner/Operator/Journeyman “Your Local Experts” Century 21 Parkland Realty Ltd. Melville, Sask. The Miner-Journal, Esterhazy, Sask. Phone 306-745-2005 Cell 306-745-7644 Fax 306 745-2005 e-mail; [email protected] Optometrist For appointments call: Mon. – Fri. 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. Tel: 745-2524 Fax: 745-3437 519 Main St., Esterhazy • Eye Exams • Glasses • Contact Lenses • Laser surgery referrals Monday, February 1, 2010 LOCAL BUSINESS DIRECTORY SONOW SOWOW 4HELATESTLOOKS4HEHOTTEST STYLES-AKETHECONNECTIONTO THESEASONSMUSTHAVETRENDS BRIAN’S VACUUM SALES & SERVICE A Better Place For You DARWIN LUCAS – Associate Agent ©Blue Chip Realty Independently Owned and Operated Nancy Johnson Phone – 745-6572 • Large selection of new/used vacuums • Central vacuums • Service to all Makes New Vacuums from $34.95 • Bags, Belts & Parts• Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning Phone: (306) 745-2532 Life Insurance RRSPs RRIFs Segregated funds Health Disability Mortgage Life Sales Associate 80 Palliser Way Yorkton, SK S3N 4C5 Res: (306) 745-6452 Bus: (306) 783-6666 Fax: (306) 745-3715 Cell: (306) 745-7578 E-mail: [email protected] Website: INCOLOURWITH-ARY+AY3EEWHATS NEWTODAY#ALLMEFORTHELATEST ANDLIMITEDEDITIONPRODUCTS p BEAUTY CONSULTANT I.AME NDEPENDENT )NDEPENDENT"EAUTY#ONSULTANT p Pauline Hruska -ARY+AY0ERSONAL7EB3ITE 745-2733 / 745-7444 p 0HONE.UMBER p R & C HALBACH Larsen Jewellery Inc. 600+ Engagement Sets . . . 1000’s of Jewellery Items Jewellery Boxes . . . Promotional Products & More Browse, order on-line or contact us for more info. 428 Main Street, Esterhazy 306-745-3592 or [email protected] RAY ISAAC CONSTRUCTION Heating & Backhoe Service Supplying & Installing all your Plumbing, Heating & Cooling Needs – Including Geo Thermal Inquire on government incentives for energy efficient systems New Homes, Additions, Renovations FREE ESTIMATES Bredenbury, SK Call Kevin at 745-6721 Ph: 1-306-898-2285 QUALITY WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED LORNE FARMER, SPY HILL PRAIRIE CONSTRUCTION PRODUCTS LTD. NEW HOME CONSTRUCTION HOME RENOVATIONS SIDING & SOFFITS ESTERHAZY ELECTRIC CO. LTD. NORTH VALLEY CREDIT UNION Esterhazy Br. Stockholm Br. Box 1389 Box 130 Esterhazy, SK Stockholm, SK (306)745-6615 (306)793-2171 1-866-533-NVCU (6828) Custom Exhaust / Welding General Auto Repairs Snowmobile Maintenance ROB REID - Manager (cell) 745-8675 or 745-3759 TIMMS ACCOUNTING SOLUTIONS For all of your accounting & tax needs SPECIAL RATES FOR SENIORS Business or residential offering services that require a fork, sweeper, or bucket. Lillian Timms, CMA Phone: (306) 745-6738 Cell: (306) 745-8288 OWNER/OPERATOR LLOYD NAGY SKILNICK MILLER MOAR GRODECKI & KREKLEWICH Chartered Accountants 420 Main Street Esterhazy, Sask., Phone 745-6611 Phone: 306-898-4489 Sales Associate 80 Palliser Way Yorkton, SK S3N 4C5 Bus: (306) 534-4511 Fax: (306) 534-4455 Cell: (306) 745-7755 E-mail: [email protected] Website: For all your machining requirements. We measure success with quality MACHINE WORKS LTD. Dale Leftwich Independent Sales Representative for Pioneer® brand products Box 1257 Esterhazy, SK S0A 0X0 306 745 3888 Res 306-745-3818 Fax 306-745-7321 Cell 306-745-3600 Office [email protected] 1205 Hwy #22 East. Esterhazy, Sask. Ph: 745-6440 Fax: 745-6441 Cell: 745-7743 Town ‘n Country Decorating Gerry the Painter • interior/exterior • Paint • Flooring • Draperies • free estimates GERRY OAKE (306) 745-3478 Cell: 306-745-7241 Main Street Esterhazy (306) 745-6144 Crushrite Concrete For every concrete project, Residential Flatwork, Garage Pads Driveways, Sidewalks and Stamping PROVIDING OVER 15 YEARS EXPERIENCE Esterhazy, Sask. (306)745-6685 W.D.K. Construction & Excavating • Trackhoe • Dozer • Loader • Grader • Skid Steer • Hydro-Vac Truck • Backhoe • Trucks (Gravel & Low Boy) • Specializing in basements, sewer and water • Commercial & residential, farms, dugouts, etc • Sand, gravel & dirt (black & fill) Willy: 306-740-7805 Bill: 306-745-7226 Bredenbury • Personal income tax • corporate income tax • Financial statements • Business plans • Estate planning Esterhazy, Sk. Marcel DeCorby Monday, February 1, 2010 NELSON’S REPAIR ©Blue Chip Realty Independently Owned and Operated Murray Lucas [email protected] RBC Dominion Securities Inc.* and Royal Bank of Canada are separate corporate entities which are affiliated. *Member CIPF. ®Registered Trademark of Royal Bank of Canada. Used under licence. RBC Dominion Securities is a registered trademark of Royal Bank of Canada. Used under licence. ©Copyright 2007. All rights reserved. All Seasonal Bob Cat Services Distributors for PowerUp Lubricants Bus. Phone – 745-2935 Res. Phone – 745-6348 Count on Barbara to help achieve all of your wealth management goals. Barbara March-Burwell | Investment Advisor | (306) 745-4764 Barbara March-Burwell, CFP - Investment Advisor • (306) 745-4764 LLOYDʼS BOB CAT SERVICES 710 Kubik Drive, Esterhazy, Sask. Electrical contracting/ Indoor showroom Phone: Larry Wallace (306) 743-5188 104 4th St. S., Langenburg, SK, S0A 2A0 Retirement, Estate & Financial Planning • Professional Wealth Management •GICs • RRSPs & RRIFs • Stocks • Bonds • Pension Plan Rollovers Chartered Accountants & Business Advisors Audrey Bonkowski, CA 306.435.3347 ENTERPRISES Medichair Dealer Stocking lift chairs, walkers, scooters and other living aids • Granite Memorials PROFESSIONAL INVESTMENT ADVICE YOU CAN COUNT ON Business advice served straight up. 740-7796 • Railene & Courtney Halbach HOME: (306) 745-3949 CELL #1: (306) 745-7960 FAX: (306) 745-6993 E-mail: [email protected] Forming Base work Rebar etc. HELMECZI PLUMBING WA L L A C E CONCRETE & LANDSCAPING Mini Storage now available residential or commercial Secure and convenient 745-6671 Labor packages available FREE ESTIMATES Country Color & Cuts by Heather VERY FLEXIBLE HOURS 7 days/week 10 a.m.-8 p.m. just 15 minutes north of Esterhazy off Bredenbury grid 306-898-2227 The Miner-Journal, Esterhazy, Sask. Heather Bernath Toll Free: 1-877-898-4489 OSMAN & COMPANY LAW OFFICE formerly MacKenzie Law Office Barristers & Solicitors, Notaries and Commissioners Sheena D. Metzger LL. B. Erin Tilley Bolton, LL.B.(collaborative lawyer) Lynnette Longman B.A. LL.B. Donald J. Osman (Retired) Main Offices: Monday - Friday Esterhazy: 500 Maple St. (306) 745-3952; 745-6772 Fax 745-6119 Email: [email protected] Moosomin: 1103 Broadway Ave. (306) 435-3851 Fax: 435-3962 Email: [email protected] Branch Offices: Kipling: Wednesday Redvers: Thursday Rocanville: Friday Afternoons Wawota: Friday Page 13 SERVICES SERVICES SERVICES SASKATCHEWAN FARMS & RANCHES James & Lisa Jakubiec, Yorkton, Windows installed July 23 & 24, 2008 “Northome Comfort Windows provide a quality made product, which we have heard from a variety of people about. The best thing about the windows is the excellent view seen through them, and the nice clean job made with the finishes. Very friendly staff which worked very efficiently, amazing clean up, leaving clean, great looking windows.” NORTHOME COMFORT WINDOWS Toll Free 1-866-FOAMLAKE Call for a free information package EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY CHEAP TELEPHONE RECONNECT! Low rates, fast connections, reliable service. Calling features & ong distance offered. Ask about special discounts! Call now Phone Factory Reconnect 1-877-336-2274; CRIMINAL RECORD? Only PARDON SERVICES CANADA has 20 years experience GUARANTEEING RECORD REMOVAL. Call 1-8-NOW-PARDON (1-866-972-7366). DOCTOR INCENTIVE mmediate payment of $50,000.00 each available to two doctors moving to practice n Redvers, Saskatchewan, Canada. Contact Bonnie (306) 452-3533 for information. JOURNEYMAN & 3rd or 4th year apprentice required for growing autobody business. Top wages, benefits, pension. Email: corey@kochford Fax 7 8 0 - 6 7 5 - 5 8 1 8 ;; For all your buying or selling needs contact: Jason Beutler (306) 735-7811 Ed Beutler (306) 735-7780 LANE REALTY CORP. Farm & Ranch Specialists LOST & FOUND Lost, a brown diamond willow cane in Esterhazy. If found, please call 7452992. 45:2nc Please send resume to Manitou Springs Resort [email protected] or fax: 306-946-3622 Journeyman Automotive Technician Required for GM dealership in Melfort, SK. The successful applicant: *Should be a Journeyman Mechanic *Apprentice Technician would be considered. *GM experience an asset *Self Motivated *Computer knowledge an asset *Interpersonal skills an asset Wages commensurate on experience. Company benefits. Please contact George Blair or Ron Bowditch at Cheyne Motor Products Ph: 306-752-2783 Visit our website at FULL-TIME CERTIFIED ESTHETICIANS & REGISTERED MASSAGE THERAPISTS Benefits, Staff Discounts, Parking, Paid Holidays, Training, Uniforms Send Resume to Temple Gardens Mineral Spa Resort Attention Spa Manager 24 Fairford Street East Moose Jaw, Sask, S6H 0C7 Or email to payroll@temple HELP WANTED #1 IN PARDONS. Remove your criminal record. Express Pardons offers the FASTEST pardons, LOWEST prices, and it’ s GUARANTEED. BBB Accredited. FREE Consultation Toll - free 1-866-416-6772, #1 IN PARDONS. Remove your criminal record. Express Pardons offers the FASTEST pardons, LOWEST prices, and it’ s GUARANTEED. BBB Accredited. FREE Consultation Toll - free 1-866-416-6772, Carpenters Needed: Coram Construction Is looking for Experienced carpenters to work on PCL Sites around Regina Journeymen Starting rate is $28.40 hr Call 306-525-1644 or fax 306525-0990 OUR LARGE FARM Team needs a fulltime mechanic/ operator to help repair, maintain and operate large farm equipment. Farm experience required, Class 1A an asset. Please send resume to fax 306-778-3938 or email [email protected]. AUCTIONS Auction: Have your Auction listed in Hodgins Auctioneers 37th Annual Catalog. Call Today 1-800-667-2075 PL915407. AUCTIONS DONE RIGHT! Whether it’s equipment, real estate, livestock or a complete farm dispersal. For a free auction proposal contact Ritchie Bros. Auctioneers today! 1-800-491-4494 or BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY SUCCESSFUL WATER Conditioning Company (25+ years). Ready to slow down & share the company. Setup where you live or take over Edmonton office. Call 7 8 0 - 4 2 1 - 7 7 7 6 ; WW1008 Thinking of becoming a firefighter? Now you can – right here in Saskatchewan! Take your training in Melville and receive the following certifications: NFPA 1001 – Firefighter Professional Qualifications – Level II NFPA 1051 – Wildland Fire NFPA 472 – Dangerous Goods – Awareness/Operations Levels NFPA 1041 – Fire Service Instructor EMR – Emergency Medical Responder If you are interested in these or other fire related training opportunities visit our website or contact us at: Protection & Emergency Training - Parkland College 306-728-6596 1-866-783-6766 Page 14 Will do hemming and small alterations. Other items – I will have to see it first before I commit to do it. Phone 745-6548 Helen Bolen 4:4p 44:eow MTAS registered massage therapist required immediately at Manitou Springs Resort located at Manitou Beach, SK (Watrous). Workers will be paid approx. 45-50% of the treatment costs listed on our website massage brochure at Flexible hours between 9 am & 10 pm. Other esthetic training for facials, manicures, etc, is preferred but not mandatory. All materials, bookings & workspace provided. Excellent Employee Group Benefit Plan!!! CABINS/RESORTS CAREER TRAINING MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTION RATED #2 for At-Home Jobs. Achieve your goal. Work from home! Start your Medical Transcription training today. Contact CanScribe at 1-800-466-1535,, [email protected]. COMING EVENTS Attn Hunters/Outdoors People; SCI (Safari Club International) Saskatchewan Rivers Chapter Annual Banquet March 13, 2010 for information or membership application eric.moland or [email protected] CABINS/RESORTS WESTEND Trailer with furnace, air cond., newly built wood deck, storage shed on nicely landscaped well-treed rented lot. Call 737-9921 (cell) or 745-2811 (home). Asking $15,000. FEED AND SEED DID YOU KNOW? Birds need energy to survive!” Oil = Energy *100% hull less oilseed, provides quick energy for the birds during cold snaps *Attracts a wider variety of birds! *Keeps your grass clean & green! FOR SALE MANUFACTURED HOMES $38.95 HOME PHONE SERVICE RECONNECT Your Home Phone! No One Refused - $38.95 Monthly $18.95 One Time Activation $18.95 Unlimited Long Distance. Call Choice Tel Now! 1-888-333-1405. HOMES WITHOUT the Stress. 16 X 76, 3 bedroom, 2 bath, $72,900. Affordable quality and great service. Also available 18 X 80 and 20 X 80 ready to go. 1-866-640-4609; 1-306-3374663. A FREE TELEPHONE SERVICE - Get Your First Month Free. Bad Credit, Don’t Sweat It. No Deposits. No Credit Checks. Call Freedom Phone Lines Today Toll-Free 1-866-884-7464. HOME PHONE RECONNECT Black Oil Sunflower Kernel “No Mess, No Waste, Just Great Food!” Ask for the ‘“brown bag” at a dealer near you! HEATED CANOLA WANTED!! - GREEN CANOLA - SPRING THRASHED - DAMAGED CANOLA FEED OATS WANTED!! - BARLEY, OATS, WHT - LIGHT OR TOUGH - SPRING THRASHED HEATED FLAX WANTED!! HEATED PEAS HEATED LENTILS "ON FARM PICKUP" Westcan Feed & Grain 1-877-250-5252 Buying/Selling FEED GRAINS Wheat, barley, rye, triticale, feed pulses, spring threshed heated / damaged CANOLA/FLAX No Broker Fees FOB FARM Western Commodities 877-695-6461 [email protected]. FINANCIAL $$ NEED MONEY $$ Have RRSP or locked in pension plan from an ex-employer (LIRA) or (LIF) 3 easy ways to help. Call 1-866-341-3274. $500$ LOAN SERVICE, by phone, no credit refused, quick and easy, payable over 6 or 12 installments. Toll Free: 1-877-776-1660 DEBT CONSOLIDATION PROGRAM. Helping Canadians repay debts, reduce or eliminate interest, regardless of your credit. Steady Income? You may qualify for instant help. Considering Bankruptcy? Call 1-877-220-3328 FREE Consultation Government Approved, BBB Member. Call 1-866-287-1348. HiSpeed Internet available in most parts of Saskatchewan! Prepaid long distance specials! Feature package specials! Referral Program! Connect! Call 1-866-287-1348 Manufactured & Modular We have a great selection of show homes ready for your viewing. Slash pricing on stock homes for immediate delivery. New homes starting at $63,900 . Price includes delivery and installed skirting kit. 1-800 -249-3969 Prince Albert IN MEMORIAM DROTAR – AUG. 3, 1937 FEB. 1, 2003 – In loving – memory of Mel. The unseen string’s of memory’s harp are softly touched today as we remember and honour Mel’s life. Seven years have not filled the hole that was left in our hearts with the passing of such a special man. Always ready with a word of good cheer and help for those in need, he was a friend who could be counted on. A man who took time to visit the ill and elderly; to take much younger cousins out hunting for the day; to help neighbours needing a handyman. And always with a big smile and lots of colourful language. He enjoyed sports, often taking friends to local hockey and ball games. The gang sure misses him at the annual fastball tournaments. We remember many happy times, laughing times and bright, sunny days. He taught us how best to live life with courage, faith, determinations and optimism. We were blessed to know such joy in loving him, and he will always be in our hearts and souls. – Till we meet again, Connie, family, friends. 5:1p BODNARYK – In loving memory of Antonette, who passed away on Feb. 6, 2009. Sweet memories will linger forever, Time cannot change them, it’s true; Years that may come cannot sever My loving remembrance of you. In our hearts, your memory lingers, Sweetly tender, fond and true; There is not a day, dear mother, That we do not think of you. – Sadly missed by your family. 5:1c HEALTH MAKE YOUR RESOLUTION a reality! And, your first 15lbs are FREE. Look great. Feel great. Lose weight. Guaranteed. Call Herbal Magic 1-800-926-4363. Limited time offer. WANT TO QUIT SMOKING? We’re here to help. Call the SMOKERS HELPLINE today for your free ‘Quit Plan’ Free, Confidential, Bilingual. 1-877-513-5333. A service of the Canadian Cancer Society & Heart & Stroke Foundation of Saskatchewan. Funded by Health Canada PERSONALS #1 PARDON SERVICE We can remove your criminal record in 6 months! Receive FREE pardon or waiver evaluation. We guarantee it - Ask for details! Call Toll-Free 1-800-298-5520, DATING SERVICE. LongTerm/Short-Term Relationships, FREE CALLS.1-877-297-9883. Exchange voice messages, voice mailboxes.1-888-5346984. Live adult casual conversations-1on1, 1-866-311-9640, Meet on chat-lines. Local Single Ladies.1-877-804-5381(18+) The Miner-Journal, Esterhazy, Sask. Modular, Manufactured or RTM homes. Starting at $68,000. Great factory rebates on selected homes for immediate delivery. Call for more information 1-866-838-7744 Regina,SK STEEL BUILDINGS FUTURE STEEL BUILDINGS Durable, Dependable, Preengineered, All-Steel Structures. Custom-made to suit your needs & requirements. Factory-Direct affordable prices. Call 1-800-668-5111 ext. 170 for free brochure. STEEL BUILDING SALE! Less than WOOD. Less than CANVAS. Various sizes and shapes. Canadian Manufacturer Direct. For the BEST AND LOWEST call Pioneer Steel Manufacturers, 1-800-6685422. TRAVEL ADVENTURE! TEACH ENGLISH OVERSEAS Get TESOL certified in 5 days (Sask/Reg) Next course is February 24, 2010 In-class or online Job guaranteed No degree or experience req’d WWW.GLOBALTESOL.COM 1-888-270-2941 J U N E K – In loving memory of our beloved husband and father, Donnie, who passed away on Feb. 12, 2009. It isn’t what we write Or even what we say. It’s what we feel within our heart As we think of you each day. As time goes on without you As days turn to years, They hold a million memories And a thousand silent tears. Just as you were you will always stay For those we love don’t go away. They walk beside us every day. Unseen and unheard but always near So loved, so missed and so very dear. – Lovingly remembered by wife Mary Ann, Kelly (Carrie), Deanna (Joe). 5:1p Monday, February 1, 2010 Proud to serve the Potashville area CAMPSITES Westend Resort has available a limited number of full-service seasonal campsite lots. They won’t last long. Lease price is $1,100 plus GST/lot. To book a site call 306-793-4365 or 7352966. $100 refundable deposit, if a suitable lot is not available by May 1, 2010. We also have deeded, serviced lots for sale. 5:4c ANNOUNCEMENTS Thanks to increased support, the Dubuc Memorial Hall will remain open for 2010. For all of your events, consider the Dubuc Memorial Hall. Only $350/day! Call Julie at 877-4401. 5:2p CLASSIFIEDS COMING EVENTS HOUSE FOR SALE CARDS OF THANKS Esterhazy Royal Canadian Legion #249 DABBER BINGO EVERY THURSDAY, jackpot, 8 early bird games, new 10 page booklets, progressive bonanza. Early bird games commence 7 p.m. and regular games at 7:30 p.m. License #G09-0051. 5:1c For sale, house in Langenburg. Call 745-2797. 2:4p A special thanks goes to all our friends and families for your help and support during Jovi’s hospital stay in NICU Regina. To our Moms, who spent the first days sitting in the hospital with us and to our Dads, who watched Alanis at home. Also a big thank you to Christy, Stacy, Clayton and Lori for the time you spent in Regina with us and for the support we received from you after. Thanks to everyone for your phone calls and most of all, your thoughts and prayers. – Craig and Krista Dutka. 5:1p Atwater Recreation Board Snowmobile Derby, Feb. 20, starting at the Atwater Hall. Registration 10 a.m. – noon. Short and long trail. Gas available. Lunch at the hall. Free hot chocolate and wiener roast on trail. Hands are 1 – $5, 3 – $10, 8 – $20, 10 – $25. Contacts are Blake Duchek 7452415, Lance Rausch 7453879. 3:5p NEW ARRIVALS HOUSE FOR RENT Three-bedroom house with single car attached garage. Four appliances included. Town of Langenburg. Phone 740-7796. Available Feb. 1. 3:4c 1,500 sq.ft. home, four bedrooms, large fenced yard, fridge, stove, dishwasher. Available Feb. 1, 2010. 306-458-7972 4:4p ROOM FOR RENT Three rooms available for rent, $800/month per room. Cost of utilities shared by tenants. All appliances included. Available immediately. Call 505-0104 and leave a message. 50:3p SUITES FOR RENT Two bedroom basement suite for rent in Stockholm. All utilities included. Can rent entire suite or can be shared. Call 7932925 or 621-6882. 3:4p SUITES FOR RENT Denmar & Stanley Court DUTKA It’s a girl! Alanis would like to announce the arrival of her baby sister, Jovi Bret Dutka. She was born on Dec. 10, 2009, weighing 8 lbs. 4-1/2 oz. and 20-3/4 inches long. Parents are Craig and Krista Dutka of Esterhazy. Proud grandparents are Ron and Darlene Dutka of Esterhazy and Nelson and Penny McKee of Creelman. Great-grandma is Elsie McKee of Creelman. 5:1p Come and celebrate Mildred Moore’s 80th birthday party on Feb. 6, 2010, 2-4 p.m. at the Tantallon rink. Let your presence be your present. 4:2p Kaposvar Historical Society Heritage Tea and Bake Sale will be held on Saturday, Feb. 13, at the Golden Jets Centre from 2-4 p.m. Cash raffle draw, Hungarian Torte draw, fruit and ham baskets draw, plus a 50-50 draw, and a door prize. Live musical entertainment. 5:2c Shrove Tuesday pancake supper at Redeemer Lutheran Church on Tuesday, Feb. 16, 5-7 p.m. Adults $5, 12 and under $3. Maximum per family $15. 5:3c NOTICE SORENSEN Mark, Shannon and big sister Amber of Saskatoon are pleased to announce the arrival of a baby girl, Kelby Rose, born on Jan. 2, 2010. Proud grandparents are John and Denise Soyka of Langenburg and Chris Sorensen of Saskatoon. 5:1p VEHICLES 1997 GRAND PRIX GTP, supercharged, dark green in color, four door, power door locks, windows, mirrors and trunk, tire pressure sensor, super clean, 200,000 kms. Lots of power and great on gas. Sacrifice – first $4,900 takes it home. Phone 745-3759 and leave message ESTERHAZY GOLDEN JETS SHUFFLEBLOARD Tues., 1 p.m. WHIST - Wed, 7 p.m. BRIDGE - Thursday aft. CRIBBAGE - Fridays, 2 p.m. POOL - Every a.m. Everyone welcome For more info contact Mary Patrick at 745-2703 or The Golden Jets at 745-2280 RENTALS AVAILABLE Currently have NO AVAILABLE UNITS Call 306-745-3587 tfc PERSONALS If you want to drink and can, that’s your business. If you want to stop and can’t, that’s our business. Phone Alcoholics Anonymous at 745-6750, 783-6951, 745-6301, 745-3561, 7456156. 47:tfc Affected by alcohol? You are welcome to join the Happiness Is Alanon or Esterhazy Alanon group meetings on Mondays at 1 p.m. at the Lutheran Church or Wednesdays at 8 p.m. at the Town Office. Phone 745-6301 or 534-4604. 3:tfc If you have a drug problem and need help call Our House at 745-3478, 745-7241, 745-3576. Check out our on-line meeting rhousevancouver. 50:tfc ANNOUNCEMENT Thanks to increased support, the Dubuc Memorial Hall will remain open for 2010. For all of your events, consider the Dubuc Memorial Hall. Only $350/day! Call Julie at 877-4401. 5:2p Friday, Feb. 5 ADVERTISING WORKS Page 15 2-4 p.m. Esterhazy Legion Lounge Pie & Coffee: $3.00 For more information please call Elaine: 745-2193 or Trina 745-6738 Contact Brenda Matchett for more information at 745-2719 or check out the website at HELP WANTED Decker’s Janitor Service Ltd. is now accepting resumes from reliable & energetic people for full & part time positions. Must be able to work well with others, attention to detail, repetitive tasks. No experience necessary, will train and orientate the right persons. Some shift work but mostly afternoon shifts. Work to be conducted at PCS Mine Sites so must have own transportation. Starting rate $12.00/hour. Only those applicants selected to be interviewed will be contacted. 4:2c HAPPY BIRTHDAY Mother Munch on your 90th (Feb. 4) The values you taught, the care you have given, the love you have shown, have blessed us all. – Happy Birthday with love from your family. 5:1c Lordy Lordy Look who’s 40! Wish her a Happy Birthday on Feb. 1! – Love, your family. 5:1p HELP WANTED Childcare required in Esterhazy. Looking for someone to come in to home to watch two young children, one- and threeyears-old, willing to work one-three days/week, including occasional Saturdays. Please forward application letter and references to Box 403 Esterhazy, S0A 0X0. 3:5p Sleeping like a newborn baby just like 50 years ago! Wish her a happy birthday on Feb. 2nd. What, no life jacket? 5:1C R.M. of Fertile Belt No. 183 Municipal Maintenance Works Person Seasonal Position The R.M. of Fertile Belt No. 183 is now accepting applications for a Municipal Maintenance Works Person, Seasonal position, to commence April 1, 2010. Duties to include, but not limited to: • Operating Municipal Equipment. i.e. Grader,/Tractor/ Mower • Maintenance and repair of Municipal Equipment • Other duties as may be assigned by Council This position is for outside work and requires applicant to be in good physical condition. Applicant must have a valid Class 5 license. Please submit your application with three references. Second Annual Hospital Auxiliary PIE & COFFEE The family of James Hanis would like to express their heartfelt gratitude for all the love and support given to us during this difficult time. We would like to especially thank Dr. Bellingan, and the staff of St. Anthony’s Hospital, Father Albert, Sister Cecile, Myron Ecklin and Peter Carscadden Funeral Service Ltd. Special thank you to Glenn, Donna and Kimberly Hanis, Drew Parks, Dale, Brianna and Kyle Hanis, Dan and Debbie Fisher, Melissa Hahn, Evelyn Lacey and family, Alice Hanis, Elsie Park, Frances Dancsok, Bob Dancsok, Ann Dancsok, Margaret Munch, the residents of Daisy Hill and all other family and friends too numerous to mention, for their never-ending support. We thank all those who attended the prayer and mass services and the Royal Canadian Legion Honour Guard for bestowing such a memorable and moving final tribute to Dad. Thank you for the flowers, food baskets, cards of sympathy, visits, telephone calls and to those who made donations in his memory. Even though he is gone from our presence, he will never be gone from deep within our hearts. – The family of James Hanis. 5:1p Synergy’s V3 Nutritional System helps you build a strong foundation of health, boosts your body’s immune system with powerful antioxidants and enhances your circulatory system. 4:2c Deadline: February 11, 2010. Mail to: R.M. of Fertile Belt No. 183, Box 190, Stockholm SK S0A 3Y0 or fax to 793-2063 or email [email protected] We wish to thank all applicants for applying but only those selected for an interview will be contacted. 4:2 The Miner-Journal, Esterhazy, Sask. C Monday, February 1, 2010 VET TALK with Dr. Justin Noble, DVM Out of all the members of one’s family, it is not difficult to guess who has the worst dental hygiene. It is the pets. They do not brush their teeth, nor do they floss, and this goes on for years. In fact, more than 85 per cent of dogs and cats older than four years of age suffer from some degree of dental disease. To see what would happen to your teeth without brushing and flossing, look into your cat or dog’s mouth. Or just smell their breath. There is little difference physically between the dog or cat’s tooth and the human tooth. We all have a set of baby teeth that come in and fall out to make way for adult teeth. We all have nerves and blood vessels in our teeth surrounded by dentin, which is surrounded in turn by a hard coat of enamel. The enamel is bathed in saliva which is quickly covered by plaque (bacteria mixed with saliva). It is imperative to clean and disinfect our mouths to rid our teeth of plaque and tartar. Periodontal disease is the medical term used to describe problems around (perio) the tooth (dontal). Periodontal disease starts when plaque forms on the teeth. Plaque is a transparent adhesive fluid that mineralizes into tartar. Tartar is solid and gritty and blocks oxygen from the tooth. This results in a favorable environment for bacteria to grow. Once these bacteria begin to grow, it is harmful to the attachment between the bone and tooth, known as the periodontal ligament. This will continue to progress until the bone around the tooth is literally eaten away. Unfortunately, it does not stop there. The bacteria will then be able to access the blood supply and seed other areas in the body leading to infection in the heart, liver, or kidney. Gingivitis (inflammation of the gums) is reversible, bone loss is not! Your pet’s dental care begins at home. Puppies and kittens will learn how to have their teeth brushed. Some diets are aimed at minimizing the plaque and tartar build up. You and your pet should be comfortable with you looking inside his or her mouth. First smell your dog or cat’s breath. If you sense a disagreeable odor, gum disease may be present. Usually the first sign of dental disease is bad breath. Other signs you may notice are red swollen gums, tartar, chips or loose teeth. If problems are noted, veterinarian treatment is warranted. Contrary to common belief, chewing on raw hides, cow hooves, rocks, bones or other hard materials offer little benefit for your pet’s teeth, and may even break their teeth. Chewing on any type of toy or treat only prevents tartar build up on the teeth that they chew with, leaving many or most of their teeth uncared for. Just like you and I, your pet will benefit from having his or her teeth professionally scaled and polished. At Twin Valley VHS, our trained registered veterinary technologists will perform a complete and thorough oral exam on your pet. This will allow us to establish to what degree your pet has periodontal disease and what is the best treatment. A pet’s dental treatment is much the same as a human’s, however, all pets need to be anesthetized to have their teeth scaled, polished or extracted. Please ask our staff about our dental promotion. If you have any questions regarding the above information or any concerns in general, please contact Twin Valley VHS at 745-6642. JC JOCO CONSTRUCTION would like to thank all past customers and would like to say we are taking bookings for 2010. Soffit, Siding, Fascia, 5” Continuous eaves trough Additions of all sizes Interior and Exterior Renovation Installing Windows & Doors Metal & Asphalt Roofing Straight Wall Shop & Pole Sheds Decks – Vinyl & Wood Fencing Wood Basements 4:2 New Home Construction Blow in insulation Restoration of your hip roof barns C We would like to give you a free estimate Phone 745-2126 days or cell 740-7949 or 745-9297 Members of the P.J. Gillen School patrol on duty last week in frigid weather were (l-r) Kayla Jacques, Trina Shewfelt, Jordan Johnson, Stacey Moore. New appointee on housing board courtesy of Trudy Jackson Social Services Charles Meyer has been appointed to the Esterhazy Housing Authority Board of Directors. Other members of the board of directors are Elva Boreen, Michael Bewcyk, Dianne Schwalm and Leonard Forster. Forster is chair- person. The Esterhazy Housing Authority is a community-based organization that provides daily management of 118 housing units constructed and operated under the terms of a federalprovincial-municipal cost-sharing agreement. Persons interested in volunteering to serve on the board of directors for the Esterhazy Housing Authority are encouraged to contact the mayor of Esterhazy. A local nominating committee recommends board members. Applications for accommodation are available from the manager of the Esterhazy Housing Authority. Galaxy Restaurant WE ARE NOW LICENSED COME IN AND ENJOY OUR NEWLY RENOVATED RESTAURANT Lunch and Supper Buffets 10021JJ00 THURSDAYS 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. 5-8 p.m. SUNDAYS 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. 4-8 p.m. Soft ice cream served with buffet HELP WANTED We are now hiring, inquire within. 823 PARK AVE Page 16 The Miner-Journal, Esterhazy, Sask. ESTERHAZY 745-3946 Monday, February 1, 2010
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