bigway foods - The Miner
bigway foods - The Miner
LANDMARK MILK 4L – 1%, 2%, 3.25%, Skim EVERYDAY LOW PRICE $4 HARMONIE EGGS 18 pk 59 EVERYDAY LOW PRICE $4 29 BIGWAY FOODS 615 Main St. ESTERHAZY 745-3987 Open Sundays 12-5 p.m. PROUD TO SERVE THE POTASHVILLE AREA FOR MORE THAN 100 YEARS The SINGLE COPY $1.00 inc. GST PM#40011900 Monday, February 25, 2013 INSIDE THIS ISSUE LIONS ICE FISHING DERBY PAGE 2 SPORTS PAGE 7 Vol. 42 No. 8 Snow Lake plane crash leaves permanent scar by Jaime Rieger It was all over the news on Nov. 18, 2012. Facebook was flooded with messages from local friends, family and neighbors, all wanting to know what was going on. They had heard that Yarbo resident, Jamie Kaczmar, had been in a plane that crashed near Snow Lake, Man. They wanted to know: was he one of the survivors? Kaczmar’s story starts before the day of the crash. He was living the life of a miner, working 20 days on, 10 days off, helping to sink the shaft of a new copper, gold, nickel mine near Snow Lake Man. The 27 yearold is an explosives specialist who had trained under Leonard Banga with Xtreme Mining and Demolition. “The first time I heard an explosion, I was hooked for sure,” Kaczmar said of his career choice. His humour was apparent as he said, “Boldly going where noone has gone before - like Star Trek, except for underground.” The only way in to Snow Lake’s remote northern area was by flying a small aircraft. It is contractual for Dumas Mining Corporation to provide transportation for its employees to and from the larger airport in Winnipeg. According to Kaczmar, the flight from Winnipeg to Snow Lake was usually about a two and a half hour trip, and was considered a mundane flight on almost given day. But, the morning that the accident happened, things were a little different. “Then we went straight into the ground. We made a 50 foot mark with a 30 foot plane. We were going a couple of hundred miles an hour.” “It was misty raining as soon as we got off the mine site after a night shift. We were told we’re not going to fly. It was freezing to the front windshield of the plane RCMP REPORT PAGE 10 CLASSIFIEDS PAGE 15 miner.journal “Friend” us on facebook and keep up to date with daily news from Esterhazy and area! Esterhazy, Saskatchewan, Canada Road to recovery Jamie Kaczmar gives thumbs up to his doctors, family, and friends that helped him through his harrowing experience. so we just hung out at camp. After about two and a half hours of delay, we were told we were ready to go.” A group of seven passengers and one pilot loaded their small amount of luggage into the plane and prepared for take-off. The plane they took was a Cessna 208 Caravan. “Yeah, it’s a nice plane. It was Toby Keith’s old plane. [He refers to the famous country singer.] He did like a million dollar swap out on the engine, and we test drove it right down into the ground. Beautiful plane . . .did you see the video on facebook?” The video Kaczmar refers to is the video he took during take-off. The crash happened minutes after leaving the ground, and Kaczmar managed to capture the moments leading up to it on his cell phone camera. It’s a chilling recollection of the moment before disaster struck. The Crash Although the cause of the crash is still under investigation, there are still a few specifics that are known about that fateful day. Approximately 1.6 km away from the Snow Lake runway, the plane went down. A 9-1-1 call was placed around 10 a. m., and help arrived almost two hours later. News broadcasters were left to fill in the grisly gaps as to what could have happened during the hours before rescue. What was going through the crash victim’s minds could have been nothing less than traumatic. Here is Kaczmar’s account of what happened that day. “We took off into the air. All of a sudden the tail dropped [he motions with his hands how the plane would look flying in the air], like we were floating standing up, the engines revving right up. All of a sudden I hear a beep-beep-beep-beep. And then the engine stopped. And then we were pointing straight down. Start up the engine again and rev it out as fast as we can, trying to get enough speed to The flight Minutes before take-off, Jamie Kaczmar snapped photos of the plane and crew getting ready to board. Cessna 208 The plane nose-dived into the thick northern forest near Snow Lake, Man. The wreckage Federal Transportation Safety Board investigators posted this photograph on Twitter of the scene of the plane crash. (Transportation Safety Board) get lift again.” Kaczmar gets really quiet here. “Then we went straight into the ground. We made a 50 foot mark with a 30 foot plane. We were going a couple of hundred miles an hour.” He pauses. “It was just quick, no one even broke their arms because no one knew when to brace.” These little planes are infamous for carrying a small amount of passen- gers with seatbelts for everyone. Kaczmar was wearing his. “It broke me all to hell, but it saved me,” he said. What Kaczmar found out in the following days was that he had broken eight ribs, broke his back, broke his sternum, collapsed both of his lungs, bruised his heart and kidneys, and badly sprained his ankle. “Hard to kill a miner,” he jokes. Cont’d on page 6 The Old Central Hotel jam nights are a hit by Brenda Matchett The Old Central Hotel is now offering open jam sessions on Saturday and Sunday for anyone with a musical talent; however, anyone can get up and jam any day or night of the week. Whether it be vocals, guitar or drums, the hotel is now fully equipped with a drum set, microphone, amp and guitars for anyone interested in getting up and showing off their musical talent. The Old Central Hotel was the first building on a surveyed lot, and was built in 1903. Before 1911, the building was extended to the north and doubled in size. This building is generally the same structure that stands today. In 1926, when prohibition ended and the government al- lowed the sale of liquor once again, James Brown built a beer store in an unused portion of the hotel. Further renovations were carried throughout the building in the years that followed. The Old Central, as all hotels in the early days, was the center of social and business activity. It was the setting for many festivities where individuals entertained families and friends and today is still the setting where friends meet to have a good time in the lounge and steak pit. Last Saturday night, The Old Central was packed with local musicians of all walks of life. Some just wanted to belt out a tune, some brought their own guitars and instruments and played songs they had written or been practicing on. Pat Duchek, owner of The Old Central said, “The talent in the area is amazing. Each night different local musicians and singers are up showcasing their talents. It is incredible to sit back and listen and watch someone you have known for a long time, get up and start jamming when you never even knew they could do that. It gives local musicians a way to come out and have fun while doing something they love.” Duchek has been trying to get jam nights up and running for quite a few months. She acquired the equipment a bit at a time until she had everything she needed to start. “We want to make an atmos- phere where anyone, no matter their talent, can get up and enjoy themselves.” So if you have no plans on Saturday, why not head out to The Old Central Hotel, and see for yourself, just how talented the Potashville area is. Standing room only Meagan Duchek (left) and Melissa Duchek were two of the many local talent up at last Saturday’s Jam night at The Old Central Hotel. photo by Brenda Matchett Lions Ice Fishing Derby attracts many Fish Finesse The winners of the Lions Club Annual Fish Derby were given prizes in four main categories. (Back row l-r) announcer Dennis Firkola, Dustin Agecoutay, Calinda Nielsen, Lions member Charlie Smith. (front l-r) Carlee Lemieux and Drew Brown. by Jaime Rieger The Lions Annual Ice Fishing Derby attracted young and old alike to Bird’s Point, Round Lake, on Feb. 17. The event is held as a fundraiser for the Lions Club and has been a great success through the years. The ice was drilled with 223 holes that day, and it didn’t take long for someone to catch the first fish. Carlee Lemieux won the $50 prize and caught the fish at 11:07 a. m. There was also a $277 prize for the biggest Jack fish, and this was won by Drew Brown. His fish measured in at 27 and a half inches. The biggest Pickerel went to Dustin Agecoutay. This 16 inch fish also won him $277. Calinda Nielsen won the prize for biggest Perch. Her Perch measured 10 and seven eighths inches, and this won her $277. Among the main prizes, there were also smaller raffle prizes to be won. The Lions Club had over 100 prizes that were handed out that day. The Lions Club was supported by many local businesses as well as personal donations of time and effort. UPCOMING EVENTS Mar. 6 - Esterhazy Respite Home Fundraiser at the S.N. Boreen Hall @ 7 p.m. featuring local talent Mar. 12 - Activity Day Mar. 14 - Early Dismissal at 12:12 (Classes Run 4,5,1) Mar.14 - High School Orientation Night - 7 p.m. (for current grade 9 students) Ad sponsored by: Issued every Monday by Koskie Publications Ltd. from the office located at 606 - 2nd Avenue, Esterhazy, Sask., S0A 0X0. Publications mail Registration No. 07715. (306) 745-6669 Proud to serve the Potashville area FAX 745-2699 E-MAIL: [email protected] The Miner-Journal is a member of the Canadian Community Newspapers Association and the Saskatchewan Weekly Newspapers Association. OFFICE HOURS: Monday-Thursday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.; closed daily 12 noon to 1 p.m. and statutory holidays. LETTERS: We encourage letters to the editor on any subject of interest to our readers. Letters must be signed and include a phone number for verification purposes. We reserve the right to edit letters for length, libel and offensive content. DEADLINES: Regular news deadlines and Display advertising deadline: Wednesday 4 p.m. Classified advertising deadline: Thursday noon, for publication the following Monday. SWNA Blanket classified deadline: Tuesday, 12 noon, for the issue seven days hence. Proud to serve the Potashville area Name__________________________________________ In Saskatchewan: Address _______________________________________ $30/year or $52/2 years In Canada out of Sask.: City/Town ___________________________Prov. ______ $35/year $62/2 years Postal Code _____________ (If renewing, attach label, if possible) United States: $110 International: $185 Online (electronic subscription) New Subscription Renewal $25/year (register at SUBSCRIBE NOW Page 2 Box 1000, Esterhazy, Sk., S0A 0X0 The Miner-Journal, Esterhazy, Sask. Subscriptions: In Saskatchewan: $30/year; $52/2 year; In Canada (out of Sask.): $35/year; $62/2 year; U.S.–$110; International–$185. (All prices include GST). On-Line subscription - $25 (no paper will be mailed, it is downloaded from each week). Classifieds: The following rates (minimum charge is for 25 words, GST not included): One week – $6.75 (27¢/word) Two weeks – $11.00 (22¢/word) Three weeks – $13.50 (18¢/word) Four weeks – $15.00 (15¢/word) Special one-week rate for cards of thanks, in memoriams, engagements, birthdays, anniversaries – .18¢/word plus GST (minimum 25 words). Display ads: .56¢/agate line, .68¢/agate national rate Obituaries – First 250 words, $15; additional words, 10¢; photos $5. Blanket Classifieds: Reach all 94 Saskatchewan weeklies for only $199 (for 25 words or less). Additional words $4. Other services: We are your source for specially designed business cards, tickets, posters, programs, etc. We also offer color copying, regular photocopying and fax services. Monday, February 25, 2013 EHS Sr. Girls Curling will advance to provincials 2nd year in a row by Jaime Rieger The Esterhazy High School Sr. Girls curling team has done it again. This will be the second year in a row that the girls team will advance to the provincial competition that will be held in Carrot River March 2-3. The girls participated in Regionals on Feb. 1516 in Estevan and came out victorious. The girls won their first game against Lumsden with a score of 13-1. Their second game had a final score of 8-4 over Kelvington. They then played Oxbow in the A-final but suffered a tough loss. They regrouped and went out right away to play in the B-final. They came up against Kelvington again. They won in five ends with a score of 8-1. This was enough to qualify them for provincials. The Sr. Boys Curling Team also went to the Regional competition in Estevan. They were not as successful and lost both of their games on the first day of the competition. They will not advance to the provincial competition. Curling win The EHS Sr. Girls Curling Team will move on to provincials in Carrot River on March 2-3. (l-r) Spare/lead Sarah Moore, Lead Brittany Lee, Second Jasmine Kerr, Third Jade Kerr, Skip Courtney Bartok. Roughriders partner with the Red Cross to tackle bullying The Canadian Red Cross and the S a s k a t c h e w a n Roughrider Football Club are teaming up for a fight against bullying. Through an agreement signed this week, the Roughriders formally join the Red Cross in working to create safe and respectful school environments in Saskatchewan. “We are embarking on a new relationship that will allow us better access to their players and their image,” said Norm Jakubowski, Provincial RespectED Lead for the Red Cross in Saskatchewan. “Adding their voice to ours will help us better reach children with our bullying prevention education.” Under the new agreement, the Red Cross can access more S a s k a t c h e w a n Roughrider players to deliver school presentations, doubling its capacity and potentially reaching in excess of 8,000 students. “The Saskatchewan Roughriders share the belief that bullying is a community problem,” said Saskatchewan Roughriders President and CEO, Jim Hopson. “We are proud to help the Red Cross address the issue by delivering violence and abuse prevention programs to schools and community groups across the province.” Since 2009, the Red Cross has engaged S a s k a t c h e w a n Roughrider players Luc Mullinder, Weston Dressler, Chris Getzlaf and Keith Shologan to deliver the workshops with the support of Affinity Credit Union. “Education is the key to preventing bullying Sunrise Health Region launches baby friendly initiative project The Baby Friendly Initiative Working Group announces an innovative project to support mothers choosing to breastfeed their babies. The project will feature life-size cutouts of mothers breastfeeding their babies. The cutouts will be created from photos mounted on cardboard and will be displayed in highly visible public areas in communities throughout the health region and First Nations communities covered by the Yorkton Tribal Council. The goal of this project is to encourage and promote the acceptance of breastfeeding in public. The Baby Friendly Initiative Working Group consists of health care workers in Sunrise Health Region and the Yorkton Tribal Council who have come together to support, promote and protect breastfeeding families. Breastfeeding mothers who would like to take part in this project by having their picture taken while breastfeeding are invited to phone Lactation Services at 786-0886. Details of the project and a consent Monday, February 25, 2013 Our Lady of Victories Parish Roman Catholic Church 308 Sussex Avenue, Esterhazy, Sask. (306) 745-3315 Mass Times: Saturday 6:15 p.m. Sunday 10:45 a.m. Fr. Anthony Varghese Padayatty St. Wenceslaus Roman Catholic Church Gerald, Sask. Mass Times: Sunday 9:00 a.m. Fr. Anthony Varghese Padayatty Redeemer Lutheran Church 700-4th Ave., Esterhazy (306) 745-2077 9:30 a.m. Service Old Central Hotel form will be sent to all interested parties. Esterhazy & Area Church Notes St. Andrew's United Church 550 Sumner Street, Esterhazy (306) 745-3363 Rev. Heather Rogers Worship and Sunday School at 10:00 a.m. behaviour in our schools and communities,” said Jakubowski. “And we find that when S a s k a t c h e w a n Roughrider players speak, kids listen.” For 25 years, in communities across Canada, the Canadian Red Cross has been helping to break the cycle of hurt through its violence and abuse prevention education. New Stockholm Lutheran Church Church Road (10 km south of Junction on Hwy. 9) (306) 793-2836 Sundays at 11:30 a.m. Esterhazy Baptist Church 5th Ave. & Babyak Street, (306) 745-2222 Pastor Robert Moss Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. Sunday Worship: 11:00 a.m. Esterhazy Full Gospel Fellowship 520 5th Avenue, Esterhazy (306) 745-2989 Pastors Brent & Charlene Nightingale SuperChurch (Children's Ministry) - 10 a.m. Sunday Service - 11 a.m. COMING EVENTS OPEN JAM NIGHT SATURDAYS AND SUNDAYS **SATURDAY TOONIE DRAFT** WEEKLY SPECIALS MONDAY – SOUP AND SANDWICH TUESDAY – BUILD YOUR OWN BURGER WEDNESDAY – COOK’S CHOICE THURSDAY – APPETIZER NIGHT ($2 OFF APPETIZERS) FRIDAY – WING NIGHT SATURDAY – NACHO NIGHT SUNDAY – CHILI & A BUN (Sunday - Kitchen open 12-7 p.m.) ***FREE TUNES AND POOL EVERYDAY*** St. John's Anglican Church Sunday services at 9:30 a.m. with kids corner 2nd Ave. and Esterhazy St., Esterhazy Rev. Kim and Rev. Susan Salo (306) 590-7222 / (306) 590-7227 The Miner-Journal, Esterhazy, Sask. WEEKLY DRINK SPECIALS Steakpit available every night. Phone for reservations. 745-6627 Page 3 EDITORIAL Murray Mandryk reports from the Saskatchewan Legislature Sask. shifts from rural to urban Lest there be any doubt that Saskatchewan is changing to a more urbanized place, consider a couple of news items in the last week. The first is the news from the Saskatchewan Transportation Company that it is abandoning three of its money-losing routes to lessen its record $10-million annual subsidy. The fact that STC that hasn’t turned a profit since 1977 is again losing money is hardly news. What was newsworthy, however, is the willingness to stop traveling on money-losing routes – a move that may not go over well in rural Saskatchewan. The government-owned bus company announced cancellation of the ReginaLanigan, Eastend-Swift Current-Mossbank and Blaine Lake-North Battleford routes. According to the government, the two more southern routes – running only three times a week, were only averaging two passengers per trip. Meanwhile, the North Battleford route that only ran once a week was only averaging one passenger in the past four years. Savings could total $300,000 annual – a drop in the bucket compared with the eight-digit subsidy STC is now getting. Nevertheless, it does seem a toughbut-prudent move for the Saskatchewan Party that relies heavily on its rural support. After all, the loss of these routes also means the loss of parcel and farm parts delivery to small communities and farms. There again, the loss of farmers and community population in sparsely populated areas suggests the loss of these STC routes won’t be as hard to take as it once might have been. This is a sign that Saskatchewan isn’t quite as rural as it once was. Another news item, however, suggested that Saskatchewan is becoming more urban. It could be found in the announcement of proposed rate hikes at Saskatchewan Government Insurance – especially for motorcycle insurance premiums that will increase, on average, a massive 73-per-cent. Admittedly, this has little to do with the fact that there are more bikes in the city than in the country. There probably are, but that is not exclusively the factor behind these premium hikes. The key factors, at least according to SGI, are that there motorcycles are more expenses and far more likely to get into accidents. And on an annual basis, the cost of motorcycle accidents to SGI is, on average, about $9 million more than what riders pay in their insurance premiums. That means that other drivers have had to pick up the additional costs. Of course, motorcycle riders are less accepting of this statistic and some have been quick to blame a monopoly Crown insurance corporation protected from competition from the private sector. There might be some validity in the notion that the SGI views such a huge rate adjustment as a quick fix to this issue. It might also be possible that both the rate review panel and the cabinet might see a 73-per-cent increase as something less than necessary or immediate. That said, there might be another explanation that has more to do with our shifting and growing population. Saskatchewan drivers benefited for years from lower auto insurance rates not just because there was publicly owned insurance but because where the publicly owned insurance company was operating. In a province that was older than average and with a much larger rural component than anywhere else, you were simply less likely to get into an accident. But as our population grows younger and more urban (with a greater propensity to ride motorcycles) the likelihood of all types of vehicle accidents also increases. Simply put: We drive more vehicles. They are worth more. And, because there are more of us in the confined urban spaces of the towns and cities, they collide more. It’s also a subtle indicator that Saskatchewan is becoming more urban than it once was. WEEK OF FEB. 24 TO MAR. 2, 2013 The luckiest signs this week: Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces. ARIES There is lots of work on the horizon and the full moon seems to be bringing you some extra stress. You'll have to organize yourself differently to get everything done. TAURUS Lots of people want your attention. You find yourself at the centre of their world in one way or another, which is great for your self-esteem. GEMINI You might hear about a great real estate opportunity. You start to think more and more seriously about selling or buying a property. CANCER You spend part of your days in the cafeteria just gabbing about and with people. This is a good way to develop some new relationships. LEO You hear lots of talk about numbers at this time of year. Your head may be spinning as you calculate and recalculate your finances. VIRGO You try to please everyone and to create a harmonious atmosphere around you. Be careful not to tire yourself out; set your limits as clearly as possible. LIBRA You may feel quite a lot of tiredness building up, and the full moon is partly to blame. Try to pay special attention to your health. SCORPIO You find yourself in the middle of a crowd where there is a fair amount of stress in the air. You could play a very important role here and may even make a heroic gesture. SAGITTARIUS You can expect to carry a lot of family and professional responsibilities this week. You begin to appreciate more clearly the path that lies ahead of you. CAPRICORN You decide to leave on a mid-winter break even though you're overloaded with work at the office. Just take your files with you and work with two feet in the sand. AQUARIUS When your financial situation isn't up to snuff, you are able to react quickly to find the necessary solutions. Just be creative and remind yourself to practise a little self-discipline. PISCES With a few well-placed compromises you obtain complete satisfaction. You succeed in finalizing an agreement at work that will have a positive longterm impact. Publisher/Owner: Brenda Matchett Office Manager: Terri Duchek Page 4 The Miner-Journal, Esterhazy, Sask. Office Assistant: Shelly Pelletier Editor: Jaime Rieger Monday, February 25, 2013 EDITORIAL MONEY SENSE by Kevin Zazula – Ja i m e R i e g e r The longest night of my life I remember as a child finding out for the first time that Telemiracle ran all night long. I was mystified by how these people managed to keep themselves awake! I was amazed that maybe, if I woke up in the middle night, and if I turned on the TV, I would be able to see Bob McGrath singing Over the Rainbow. I wondered who in their right mind would stay up to make a donation in the middle of the night, anyway? This fascination with Telemiracle carried over into teenage-hood. Taking part in a live-broadcast of the event became something on my to-do list and I couldn’t wait until I could do it for the first time. (Front-row jokes aside. . .) When I was about 16, the opportunity to go to Telemiracle presented itself. There was an exchange student in my class that was encouraged to take part in Saskatchewan culture, and what better way to teach her about Saskatchewan people, then by going to Telemiracle? As it happened, Telemiracle was in Regina that year, so off we went. My parents loaded us up into the mini-van and took us to the then Centre of the Arts. It was awesome. My parents dropped us off outside with a promise to pick us up later the next day. They had made the smart decision to not stay awake all night to participate in the all-night celebration of music and stories. So there we were, left alone to be part of a live audience that Telemiracle is so famous for. Our plans were lofty for that weekend; we were going to get on TV, we were going to raise our “Ring Those Phones” posters high, we were going to meet a famous musician and get his autograph. Oh yes, the world had become unbelievably small as we congregated at the Centre. We found some empty seats behind the camera man (there went the getting-on-TV plan) and settled into our padded cushions, tucking our winter coats in around us for a comfortable all night stay. At first, it was terribly exciting! We got to see our famous musician, we saw Bob McGrath, we saw some incredible sisters sing a duet. The talent Saskatchewan has was unbelievable to us. Then around midnight the place started to empty out. Bob McGrath had retired to his hotel room for a nap, and the local talent was starting to take to the stage. By one in the morning we had our pick of the seats and Telemiracle testimonials were becoming the entertainment. By two o’clock, we were starting to nod off, and by three o’clock we were trying to make pillows out of coats and mitts. I can tell you, those individual padded chairs at the now Conexus Arts Centre do not make comfortable beds. At all. Pretty much anyone who was on the who’s-who list for Telemiracle had gone to their hotels for a sleep and a shower. As young teenagers, we were not aware that this was customary for Telemiracle honorariums to do. We were starting to question why we were even there. We managed to keep ourselves awake into the wee hours of the morning, and by six a. m., after a few cups of coffee and a sugary donut, we were ready to greet another Telemiracle day. And what a glorious day it was! The Arts Centre was starting to fill up again and by 10 a .m. the place was full. In our tired state of mind, we forgot to move our coats out from behind the camera man, so there we sat, still not making our television debut. By mid-afternoon the excitement in the room was really starting to grow. Some big money totals were starting to roll in. The entertainment was even better than the day before. Near 5 o’clock, all of the famous Telemiracle announcers started to stay on stage. Everyone started singing the infamous Telemiracle song I get by with a little help from my friends. Then before we knew it, the cheerleaders were starting to post total after total after total, interrupting the song repeatedly, trying to get the number as high as possible. Everyone in the audience was on their feet, the song was ending. Telemiracle was over. The crowd started singing O, Canada! and we ended up being part of a family of Telemiracle survivors. We had made it to the end. We stayed for a bit afterward, trying to get backstage to see if our famous musician would give us an autograph. His manager said that he was too tired to come out. Oh boy, were we mad. Nonetheless, his guitarist came out, so we got him to sign our CD’s instead. It was worth it. On the drive home from the city, all of us girls fell asleep in the back seat of the mini-van. By the time we reached home, my eyes had swelled themselves shut, and were puffed out like two plums in my eye sockets. My body was telling me, it was time to sleep. I think my parents were proud of us. What we didn’t really know, or understand at the time, was that we had taken part in a trusted Saskatchewan tradition that makes our province so unique. Like going to your first Roughrider game, it made us truly believe in the heart and soul of Saskatchewan people. We were now officially deeprooted in this province, and attached to the people who dig deep to make a difference. We were part of Telemiracle. Monday, February 25, 2013 B. Admin, CFP, FCSI, FMA Making the most of your RRSP When it comes to saving for your retirement, you just can’t beat the tax advantages offered by your Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP). Here are some tips on making the most of your RRSP 1. Maximize your RRSP contributions every year Not only are your contributions taxdeductible, they also grow on a tax-deferred basis. In other words, you don’t pay taxes on the investment income earned within your RRSP, until you eventually withdraw it. This can result in significantly greater growth over time. Make your maximum contribution every year and, if you have unused RRSP contribution room from previous years, catch up as soon as possible. Also consider contributing earlier in the year, or at regular intervals throughout the year. This can result in greater growth over time compared to contributing a lump sum at the end of the year. 2. Set the right asset mix for your life stage Your RRSP’s risk/reward tradeoff is largely based on your asset mix between stocks, bonds and cash. Stocks tend to provide higher returns over 1020 years, but fluctuate more in value. Bonds and cash tend to provide lower, but more consistent returns. How you balance these three asset classes largely depends on your life stage. When you have 10 or 20 years to go before retirement, time is on your side, so you can afford to allocate more of your RRSP to stocks. As you approach retirement, it’s generally a good idea to add some more stability to your RRSP with a fairly even balance between stocks and bonds. During retirement, shift your balance more towards bonds to provide income and stability. Allocate part of your portfolio to stocks to enhance the longevity of your savings, which is particularly important given today’s longer life spans. 3. Reduce future taxes now – with a spousal RRSP In Canada, the higher your income, The Miner-Journal, Esterhazy, Sask. the higher your tax rate. Because of this, it can make sense to “split” your income with your spouse, so that you have two smaller retirement incomes taxed at a lower combined rate, instead of one bigger one taxed at a higher rate. The spouse expected to have the higher retirement income can do this by contributing to a spousal RRSP on behalf of the lower-income spouse, who will then receive income from the spousal RRSP during retirement. 4. Go global to reduce risk and enhance return potential With the elimination of the foreign content limit on RRSPs, you have an opportunity to increase your allocation to global investments. By diversifying your RRSP’s assets among different geographic areas, you can offset the impact of negative performance in one area with stronger performance in another. In addition, many major global markets have outperformed Canada over the long term. 5. Bring it all together If you find it difficult to determine how much you have saved for retirement – or what rate of return you are getting on your savings – you could probably benefit from a consolidation strategy. By consolidating your savings into one overall plan, you can reduce the extra costs associated with multiple RRSP accounts, while making it easier to understand where you stand today, and where you will be tomorrow. 6. Making your 2012 RRSP contribution The deadline for your 2012 contribution is Friday, March 1 2013. You can contribute up to 18% of your 2011 earned income to a maximum of $22,970, minus any pension adjustment from your 2011 T4 tax slip. This article is supplied by Kevin Zazula, an Investment Advisor with RBC Dominion Securities Inc. MemberCanadian Investor Protection Fund. This article is not intended as nor does it constitute tax or legal advice. Readers should consult their own lawyer, accountant or other professional advisor when planning to implement a strategy. Sponsored by Harke’s Electrical Esterhzy, SK 306.740.9020 Page 5 Plane crash survivor recounts his story Cont’d from front page He pulled himself out of the wreckage, struggling to breathe the entire time. As he was coming out of the door, he heard another plane fly over. He pulled himself about six feet away from the plane and rested his shoulders between two logs. His chest was pulling apart with every movement, so he propped himself up in a semicomfortable position between the wood. He didn’t have his shoes on at the time of the accident, so when he crawled out of the plane, his feet were starting to freeze. It was approximately -11 degrees celcius that day. He stuck his feet in some luggage that was nearby to get them out of the snow and said to himself, “we’re gonna be here awhile, and it’s cold.” He was with a group of men that spoke French and some English. Kaczmar didn’t understand what they were saying, but one of them had phoned 9-1-1 to get rescue workers out. He couldn’t breathe because of the trauma his chest had suffered. He waited, focusing on his breath, listening to screams from another passenger that was suffering a fate much worse. A few of the men were still stuck in the plane. There was a small part of the plane that had caught fire and one of the passenger’s legs was trapped in the flame. “People started really screaming. And then it went out after a few minutes. I was worried because we were all covered in fuel,” Kaczmar recollects. “One guy was screaming in the plane, ‘Ow, it’s burning my leg’. Finally he pulled himself out of the plane and came and laid himself down beside me and kept screaming for three and half hours. He did not stop screaming. He’d try to move and he’d push on my face and I couldn’t stop him. I couldn’t move. I just laid there struggling to breathe.” The Rescue After almost two hours of lying in the cold snow, Kaczmar finally heard his rescuers. They came on foot, walking through the bush. All attempts at finding the crash site by air was foiled by lowlying clouds, which meant that ground search-and-rescue had to be used. The area is covered by thick bush, and the rescue workers had to literally create their own trail, cutting through the thick forest on snowmobiles and by foot. “It felt like there were 60 people out there and it was chaos. Nobody really knew what to do; there was no organization. I sucked back two bottles of oxygen in the bush before they finally Page 6 Scarred for life Jamie Kaczmar revealed his post-surgery scars that will be a physical reminder of his plane crash survival. moved me. I was the second last guy to be moved out of there.” said Kaczmar. The pilot had died on impact with the crash. Two of the other men had broken legs. Another had extensive head trauma and it is still unknown if he will ever make a full recovery. The pain Kaczmar endured from slowly becoming extracted from the forest is better left unsaid. Emergency people tried to put him on a spinal board that ended up being too short for his tall frame, so they had to transfer him to a larger board. His feet were all but freezing off in the frigid temperature, and he was about to endure a bumpy ride over some rough terrain. “I told myself I can’t fall asleep, because I’m not going to wake up,” Kaczmar recalled. Rescue workers literally carried the survivors out of the bush on stretchers, by foot. They were then loaded up into the backs of 4x4 trucks and transported out of the bush to nearby ambulances. There was no way that an ambulance could have made the trek into the bush. The Recovery The ambulance transported the men to the Snow Lake Hospital and that was where Kaczmar spent his first night on the road to recovery. The next day he was transported to Thompson Hospital where he was x-rayed. It was at this point that the doctors found out he had broken his back and that they were going to airlift him to Winnipeg. Once here, he received an MRI and was put into the Gold Trauma Unit. “They were amazing. The people, the doctors, everyone there was fantastic. You are so looked after in there that you couldn’t ask for more. They save your life,” said Kaczmar. They cut a chest tube in to Kaczmar’s chest so that the pressure from the fluid could be drained. He had to have this tube in for eight days. He was started on a steady stream of pain killers to help promote his body’s healing. After a few weeks of observation in this hospital he was transferred to Brandon City Hospital to recover. It was here that Kaczmar experienced some complications and another chest tube was put in place. Kaczmar describes his experience in graphic detail and shudders at the thought of what he had to endure. His blood pressure was also now starting to spike throughout the day and the doctors had to wait three weeks before getting Kaczmar in for proper surgery. When the day came, his surgery lasted eight hours. He now had proper tubes in place to begin draining the fluid out of his chest cavity. Kaczmar said the doctors removed 1.7 litres of fluid from his chest. “Finally after this surgery, I could breathe. And once I got all my chest tubes out, I could really breathe. I could cough. I started to walk more. Every day I went further. My goal was to get to the Tim Horton’s in the hospital. This was just before Christmas. I finally got there, but man was it tough.” The Future Kaczmar was finally released from the hospital just before New Year’s and he moved in to his parent’s house in Killarney, Man. to recuperate for a few more weeks. He still needed to stay close to the hospital. He moved back in to his house in Yarbo at the beginning of February, and has been taking it easy ever since. “It’s been great. Everyone has been so supportive. My mom, my dad, all of my family, and Breanne Prazma and all of her family. All of the doctors, I have to thank them for saving my life. I got to go out for a few beers with my friends the other night. It was fantastic. I really needed to do that.” Kaczmar is expected to make a full recovery, but still has a long road of healing ahead of him. When asked if he would return to work at the same job, his determination rang through,“I would go back tomorrow. I would hop on the same plane. Oh yeah, I love my job.” Your exterior renovation experts for more than 20 years in supplying and installing: Energy Star PVC Windows, Doors, Eavestrough, Soffit, Fascia, Vinyl Siding, Manufactured Stacked Stone Contact us today: 130 Livingstone St., Yorkton, SK Phone# (306) 786-7055 Fax# (306) 782-7371 Email: [email protected] Whitewood Service Centre Inc. The Biggest Little Dodge Dealer in South East Saskatchewan 1-866-RAM-HEMI out! miss Don't ONLY A little furnace TLC can save you money Get $10 off when you book a SaskEnergy Network Home Heating Tune-Up between February 1 and April 15, 2013. Annual furnace maintenance will keep your heating system running safely and at peak efficiency. Receive $10 Off Prime +2% financing on a new furnace Enjoy a low financing rate (oac) on the purchase and installation of an ENERGY STAR® qualified furnace (95% AFUE) with a brushless DC motor. Plus, save the PST. Upgrading your furnace can save you over 30% in annual heating costs. ends March 31, 2013 AFUE=Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency Residential & Commercial Installations 421 Esterhazy St. 306-745-3908 [email protected] The Miner-Journal, Esterhazy, Sask. 2012's left! Must go b y the end of Februa ry! Take at look at this! 2012 Challenger SXT Plus 3.6L V6 5 Speed Automatic Leather Interior Fog Lamps Heated Front Seats Uconnect Voice Command Remote Start Steering Wheel Paddle Shift Controls Performance Steering Performance Suspension Rear Spoiler Power Sunroof List price $35,14000 Sale Price $28,50000 But only unitl the end of February! We also have a 2012 Jeep Patriot Ltd. AND a 2012 Ram 1500 Reg Cab V6 Automatic 2WD at SUBSTANTIAL SAVINGS as well! CALL KEVIN AT 1-866-RAM-HEMI Monday, February 25, 2013 Esterhazy Bowlarena Report For the week of Feb. 11-Feb. 15 Monday Smurfs Girl’s: High single – Darien Mickle, 102; High double – Darien Mickle, 193; High average – Darien Mickel, 89. Boy’s: High average – Dylan Mutrie, 97. Monday Golden Jets Women’s: High single – Margaret Matyas, 230; High triple – Margaret Matyas, 628; High average – Margaret Matyas, 201. Men’s: High single – Doug Salkeld, 234; High triple – Doug Salkeld, 609; High average – Doug Salkeld, 214. Tuesday YBC Bantams Girl’s: High single – Makenna Vinish, 178; High triple – Dakota Mutrie, 468; High average – Dakota Mutrie, 155. Boy’s: High single – Paden Oremba, 106; High triple – Paden Oremba, 254; High average – Terris Duchek, 109. Wednesday Afternoon MAJOR HOCKEY LEAGUE -now in playoffs- Women High single – Tracy Hendrick, 272; High triple – Billie Betts, 647; High average – Laurie Burton, 192. Wednesday YBC Juniors Women’s: High single – Kendal Junek, 191; High triple – Carlie Moore, 504; High average – Carlie Moore, 137. Men’s: High single – Colby Nagy, 200; High triple – Colby Nagy, 538; High average – Wrylee Nicholauson, 138. Wednesday YBC Seniors Girls: High single – Casey Bogdan, 242; High triple – Casey Bogdan, 647; High average – Casey Bogdan, 188. Boys: High single – Ryan Off, 271; High triple – Troy Forst, 628; High average – Carter Zich, 177. Wednesday Motor Mixed Women’s: High single – Laurie Burton, 220; High triple – Jen Mutrie, 641; High average – Jen Mutrie, 223. Men’s: High single – Tavis Ellinger, 211; High triple – Tavis Ellinger, 577; High average – Tavis Ellinger, 203. Thursday Golden Jets Women’s: High single – Eunice Glazer, 213; High triple – Margaret Matyas, 596; High average – Margaret Matyas, 196. Men’s: High single – Doug Salkeld, 258; High triple – Doug Salkeld, 627; High average – Doug Salkeld, 198. Friday Night Mixed Women’s: High single – Bernadette Berthelet, 267; High triple – Bernadette Berthelet, 726; High average – Jen Mutrie, 224. Men’s: High single – Ray Vinish, 313; High triple – Ray Vinish, 689; High average – Chris Bradford, 225. Flyers finish first round of playoffs as of Feb. 20, 2013 NOVICE A-side Kamsack Flyers Moosomin White Grand Plain Hawks Melville Oilers Esterhazy Blue Roblin stars W 3 3 3 2 1 0 L 1 1 2 0 3 5 Pts 6 6 6 4 2 0 NOVICE C-side W L Pts Esterhazy White 2 0 4 Langenburg 1 1 2 Canora Black 1 0 2 Whitewood Elks 1 1 2 Keeseekoose Rangers 0 2 0 ATOM C-side W L Pts Melville Blues 5 1 10 Canora Red Cobras 3 4 6 Ykt. Deneschuk Terriers 3 1 6 Kamsack Red 2 2 4 Esterhazy Blue 2 3 4 Esterhazy White 1 5 2 PEE WEE B-side Points Ykt Century 21 Terriers 16 Ykt. WWH Terriers 15 Moosomin Rangers 17 Melville Pirates 17 Preeceville Pats 13 Esterhazy Flyers 14 BANTAM Placing Points 1st - Rocanville Tigers 32 2nd - Yorkton Quiznos Terriers 32 3rd - Yorkton DR Auto Terriers 28 4th - Swan Valley Stampeders 27 5th - Kamsack Flyers 27 6th - Melville Billionnaires 21 7th - Grenfell 20 8th - Melville Bucks 19 9th - Esterhazy Flyers 16 10th - Moosomin Rangers 12 11th - Fort Knox 6 12th - Cote Wolverines 5 13th - Churchbridge Imperials 4 MIDGET Placing Points 1st - Foam Lake Flyers 36 2nd - Whitewood Elks 32 3rd - Swan River Stampeders 29 4th - Langenburg Warriors 26 5th - Preeceville Pats 23 6th - Yorkton Mano Terries 20 7th - Esterhazy Flyers 18 Next Home Playoff Game Feb. 26 @ 6:50 p.m. March 5 @ 7 p.m. Feb.25 @ 7:15 p.m. 8th - Melville Chiefs 13 9th - Cote Chiefs 10 10th - Fort Knox Midgets 7 11th - Ochapowace Midgets 4 For more info go to Monday, February 25, 2013 Feb. 27 @ 6:50 p.m. The Esterhazy Flyers have been busy with their end of season playoffs. Their first best-offive series put them up against the Churchbridge Imperials where they won the series in a three game streak. The first game put them with a win of 6-1. The second game was a closer match with a final score of 7-4. The final game in Esterhazy on Feb. 16 put the score at a whopping victory of 11-3. The Flyers will now wait to see who their next round of playoffs will put them up against. Also finishing other series in the Triangle Hockey League were Theodore, who beat out Kipling within the first three games. Whitewood and Bredenbury pushed the series to four games, but Bredenbury managed to finish the series off as victors. The series between Langenburg and Rocanville will be the deciding factor as to who will be playing who in the next round of playoffs. The Miner-Journal, Esterhazy, Sask. Page 7 Around the Town iPads: iThink so! P. J. Gillen elementary students are getting some hi-tech education with the inclusion of iPads in every classroom. A total of 20 iPad II with keyboards and cases were purchased to assist educators with teaching. iPad apps can be bought and shared amongst the grades and will take learning to another level. The total cost of the project was roughly $10,000 and was funded through a variety of sources. This group of grade 4’s proudly show off their new iPad. (l-r) Kayden Tocher, Aidan Palmer, Sam Niebergall, and Estelle Dunster. Sibling rivalry Little sister Mia Lemieux (left) tried hard to catch the first fish, but was beaten to the punch by big sister Carlee. This was part of the annual Lions Fish Derby held at Round Lake on Feb. 17. FEATURED ACREAGE MLS®452951 RM of Saltcoats Making a difference Grads pay it forward for Respite Page 8 the Respite Home, and we will be donating 100 per cent of the proceeds to this cause. I would like to thank the individuals who generously stepped forward to pay for the hall, as well as the performers who are contributing their time and talent. In order to make this night a success, we need you to come out and support us. Believe me; the talented performers we have lined up will make it worth your while! The cost is $5/person and there will also be a 50/50 draw. Bring your friends, co-workers, family members, people you just met but want to hang out with in a public setting, grandparents, fellow church goers . . . you get the picture. See you there! NICOLE MARCHAND ESTERHAZY, SASK. # " $339,000 Acreage: 6 miles north of Saltcoats, 1390 sq.ft. bungalow with walk out basement, fully updated. 24x26 detached car garage and various other building. Approx 10 acres pending subdivision. ACREAGES MLS® 451023 RM of Moosomin, 5 miles south of Welwyn. 1,386 sq.ft. bungalow with detached car garage and various other buildings 10 acres subdivision. $289,000 MLS® 451990 RM of Silverwood 2687 acres, 2053 cult. all in one block, 26,000 grain storage, 1,232 sq.ft. bungalow. 2 yard sites, various buildings $2,490,000 MLS® 446015 RM of Saltcoats 1,445 acres, 1,300 cult. $1,799,000 SOLD MLS® 424661 RM of Spy Hill, 1,399 acres, 568 cult., 1800 sq. ft., 2 storey house, various buildings $1,059,000 SOLD MLS® 445465 RM of Churchbridge, 533 acres, 425 cult. $549,000 SOLD MLS® 452961 RM of Saltcoats, 480 acres, 402 cult. 7800 bu. grain storage. $520,000 SOLD MLS® 452951 RM of Saltcoats - 6 miles north of Saltcoats, 1390 sq.ft. bungalow with walk out basement, fully updated. 24x26 detached car garage and various other building. Approx 10 acres pending subdivision. $339,000 MLS® 442212 RM of Grayson, 598 acres, 495 cult. $499,000 SOLD MLS® 447081 RM of Saltcoats - 3 miles Northeast of Bredenbury. 1272 sq.ft. bungalow with many updates detached car garage and various other buildings approx. 10 acres pending subdivision. $255,000 MLS® 450518 RM of Churchbridge, 244 acres, 195 cult $288,000 MLS® 450415 Village of Spy Hill - 1130 sq.ft. 2 storey house and 4 lots detached car garage. $45,900 MLS® 444688 6.41 acres bordering the Villlage of Spy Hill. Ideal place to build your dream home with services to property boundary. $45,000 MLS® 436701 5.54 acres 2 miles Northwest of Rocanville. $16,500 If you are thinking of selling consider this: • I can provide current information so we can determine a fair market value for your farmland and implement a marketing plan to put maximum dollars in your pocket • Listing your farm exposes it to a world of buyers (no sale is complete until you are satisfied and commission is due only when the sale is finalized) For a private consultation give me a call at 306-745-7755 %$ &$%' &!$$ MLS® 453712 RM of Fertile Belt 65 acres, 45 cult $99,000 MLS® 453726 RM of Langenburg 69 acres ,55 cult $99,000 Nicole Marchand (left) helps Kayla Boehmer (right) at the Respite Centre in Esterhazy. Dear Editor: The S.N. Boreen Hall, Wednesday, March 6, 7 p.m.; you’re going to want to mark that down on your calendars. It is the date of the Esterhazy Respite Home Fundraiser, which I have organized on behalf of the grads of 2013. We are looking forward to hearing music performed by local talent as well as a few graduates. Our graduating class decided we wanted to give back to the community we grew up in before many of us leave it forever. We decided to do something for Respite because a fellow grad, Courtney Bartok, has a brother who will be living there. The girl I have been working with for the past three years, Kayla Boehmer, will also be residing in the facility. In addition to this fundraiser, we have decided to donate the extra money from our graduation to Respite and have made arrangements to spend as little as possible on the ceremonies in order to have more left over to donate. The need for fundraising is to buy the special equipment needed inside FARMLAND MLS® 448826 RM of Saltcoats, 322 acres, 310 cult. $429,000 MLS® 449604 RM of Rocanville, 160 acres, 155 cult. $245,000 SOLD MLS® 452962 RM of Saltcoats, approx. 150 acres, pending subdivision, 145 cult $205,000 MLS® 449618 RM of Rocanville, 159 acres, 130 cult $209,000 MLS® 446017 RM of Saltcoats, approx. 140 acres, pending subdivision, 135 cult. $199,000 MLS® 445469 RM of Saltcoats, approx. 140 acres, pending subdivision, 130 cult. $159,000 MLS® 447074 RM of Saltcoats approx. 150 acres, pending subdivison, 140 cult. $155,000 MLS® 450520 RM of Churchbidge, 80 acres, 70 cult. $91,000 MLS® 447068 RM of Churchbridge, 139 acres, 68 cult. $85,000 SOLD Blue Chip Realty “Rural Real Estate Specialist Team” Serving Saskatchewan with Professionalism & Integrity! (AMILTON2OADs9ORKTON3+ The Miner-Journal, Esterhazy, Sask. MARCEL DECORBY Agriculture/Commercial Specialist 0HsWWWFARMSREMAXYORKTONCA Monday, February 25, 2013 Skater of the Month for Esterhazy submitted by Skate Esterhazy Skate Esterhazy has named the December Knights of Columbus Skater of the Month. Eleven year old Marty Haubrich takes the honors as an extremely dedicated athlete. When Marty is not on the ice with Skate Esterhazy, he is on the ice with his hockey team, the Melville Pee Wee AA Millionaires. He virtually puts on the blades seven days a week in the winter season. This winter, Marty has become a Program Assistant for the Club’s CanSkate program, and his success in this is evident by the enjoyment the young skaters have when he is assisting their group. Haubrich also does double duty in the club: working as a singles skater and taking a provincial Gold Medal in Juvenile Men, plus practicing with partner and club mate Madison Tocher, where another Gold Medal was achieved in Juvenile Dance. In December, Marty passed his European Waltz, which completed his Senior Bronze Dances. He is now working on his Junior Silver Skills, Junior Silver Dance and Junior Silver Freeskate under the guidance of coach Beverly Pangracs. Haubrich attends Grade six at McDonald School in Stockholm, and is the son of Rhonda and John Haubrich. Letter to the Editor Blankets For Canada Dear Editor: I would like to say thank you to Pauline Lintick and all her elves for their crocheting and knitting for “Blankets For Canada”, and also the Nagy family for bringing me bags of squares and afghans. There are more and more shelters all the time – there are three boys shelters in Regina, and one girls. Also, three abuse shelters. Ronald McDonald House in Saskatoon is expanding and they send a blanket/afghan home with each child, so they receive all smaller ones. Blankets for Canada has two more chapters, one in Watrous and one in Viscount as well as Birch Hills, so they can serve the northern part of the province. Our constant need is for more wool or some of my ladies also quilt, so leftover material is also welcome. So if you know someone in your area who could use extra warmth or if you have leftover yarn, give Paulette a call. Thanks, DONNA LOOS BLANKETS 4 CANADA NOTICE OF PREPARATION OF ASSESSMENT ROLL Town of Esterhazy Marty Haubrich from Stockholm, was named Skate Esterhazy’s Skater-of-the-Month for December. ESTERHAZY WILDLIFE WILDLIFE ESTERHAZY FEDERATION FEDERATION Pursuant to subsection 217(1) of The Municipalities Act, notice is hereby given that the Assessment Roll for the Town of Esterhazy for the year 2013 has been prepared and is open to inspection in the office of the Assessor during Regular Office Hours on the following days: Monday to Friday inclusive, February 25 to April 26, 2013. SWF ANNUAL AWARDS BANQUET ESTERHAZY SWF ANNUAL BANQUET & AWARDS NIGHT March 2, 2013 Any person who wishes to appeal his/her Assessment or Classification to the Board of Revision is required to file his/her notice of appeal with: The Assessor, Town of Esterhazy, P. O. Box 490, Esterhazy, Saskatchewan S0A 0X0 by the 26nd day of April, 2013. Dated this 25th day of February, 2013. S.N. Boreen Hall Cocktails – 5:30 - Supper – 6:30 RAFFLE TABLES AND DRAWS Menu: Moose, ham and much more. 8:1C Donna Rollie Assessor On the ice - Tickets - $15.00 per person advanced. $10.00 children 12 and under Tickets can be purchased ahead of time from any executive member; Robert Dyck – 745-3823, Curtis Fraser - 745-6507, Micky Kubik - 745-2117, Reg Soyka - 745-2659, Dave Moore - 745-2377, Martin Dyck - 745-2960 see us at 7:2c 13025KK00 13025SS02 Monday, February 25, 2013 The Miner-Journal, Esterhazy, Sask. Page 9 RCMP Report: Snowmobile theft a major concern by Jaime Rieger The Esterhazy/Langenburg detachment is still having to deal with snowmobile thefts. According to Sgt. Pelzer with the Esterhazy detachment, there have been upwards of 10 snowmobile thefts in the area this winter alone. The RCMP can not stress enough the importance of registering snowmobiles through SGI. Not only is it the law, but it helps in the event of a snowmobile theft. The Sergeant also said that some snowmobile owners are still leaving their keys in the ignition and will park their snowmobiles in an area that is easily accessible. Snowmobiles are extremely hard to track down, and many of these thefts will remain unsolved. The following article will include some of the reports that were dealt with in the month of January. For a reminder, the Esterhazy/Langenburg detachment covers 28 separate communities which include RMs, villages, and resorts. • There were 130 complaints in the month of January. • Of these, three were false 9-1-1 calls, and all of these came from the town of Esterhazy. • There were seven complaints of assaults. Of these, one is cleared by charge, one is still under investigation and one is unfounded, meaning it may have never occurred. In the remaining four complaints, the complainant did not press charges. • There were four assistants to outside agencies. This is when other police services ask the Esterhazy Detachment for their specific help. • There was one breach of the peace. These typically occur at a residence where there might be arguing and drinking. • There were three criminal harassment complaints. This is when there is repeated unwanted contact. This can be either face to face, or through social media such as facebook. • There were two complaints of causing a disturbance. This usually is a result of someone being intoxicated in public or swearing in public and generally making a commotion. • There were two individuals who failed to appear in court. • There were three hit and runs reported in the area. • There were three reports on the Family Relations Act. In these cases, the RCMP tend to keep the peace, and resolve the conflict in a peaceful manner. These disputes are usually over custody orders. • There were five “Fingerprints for the General Public”. People will usually get fingerprinted in this category if they are attempting to get pardons or if they looking into immigration. • There were 29 criminal record checks in Esterhazy and eight in Langenburg. These are usually done for employment purposes. • There was one report of a fire in Esterhazy. • There were three reports of fraud. The vast majority of these are mail or phone scams. The public is reminded to NOT to give out private information to anyone who is not a trusted source. • There were two impaired driving complaints, both in Esterhazy. Charges are being laid in both of these cases. • There were two reports of missing items. In one of the cases, a wad of cash and traveller’s cheques was found in some clothing that was purchased at Value Village. The honest individual turned the money and cheques over to the RCMP and the rightful owner was tracked down. • There were six reported mischiefs. Of these, one pertained to some damage to ice fishing shacks on Cutarm Creek. This case still remains unsolved. • There were 36 traffic-related offenses, and all of these resulted in charges. • There was one theft over $5000 that occurred on Jan. 4. A 2010 Polaris snowmobile was stolen, and the case still remains open. • There were four requests to locate individuals in the area. This may not seem like a large number, but for this small detachment, it is extremely high. This is probably because there are a lot of transient people in the area who may have not checked in with loved ones back home. The local RCMP are asked to locate the individuals and ensure their safety. • There was one “gas and dash”. An individual filled their gas tank with $40 worth of fuel and then left without paying. The person was identified and no charges were laid in this case. The individual just came in and paid the outstanding bill. • There were 13 traffic collisions. Only one was considered a non-fatal motor vehicle accident. The individual suffered serious injuries. The other 12 collisions were property related. This means the driver hit a deer, or hit the ditch. This could be due to the horrible road conditions the area has experienced with the melt and freeze of winter. • There were two complaints of uttering threats. One case was between two adult males who were brought in to the station to talk out their differences. The other case involved threats that were posted on facebook. How the mine expansion has affected area policing From 2010 to 2011, the total calls in to the Esterhazy/Langenburg detachment increased by 25 per cent. According to Sgt. Pelzer, the whole area has seen an increase in reported crime, but that the total overall number still remains very low. There were 878 total complaints in 2009 and 928 in 2010 where this detachment was the primary detachment. In 2011 there was a large increase up to 2221 complaints in the entire year. This was raised slightly more to 2296 in 2012. Sgt. Pelzer said that the actual number of files that the Est/Lang detachment assisted or dealt with was 3007 in 2012. The Sergeant expects that this area has peaked in terms of the amount of calls it has received. He expects that 2013 will be in line with the previous two years, if not more on the decline. 40% OFF ALL WINTER ITEMS 30% OFF ALL WORKWEAR ITEMS SEWING... WOOL BUY 1, GET 2ND AT 1/2 PRICE Yuen’s Family Fashions, Langenburg, SK 51:1C 231 Kaiser Wm. Ave. E (306) 743-2242 13025MS00 Page 10 The Miner-Journal, Esterhazy, Sask. Monday, February 25, 2013 Asessippi homecoming weekend celebrates another year Since the introduction of a winter long weekend, Asessippi Resort has been growing the February holiday weekend into a homecoming tradition. “Approximately 4500 people participated is one of the many activities here over the weekend.” said Roz Pulo, director of marketing for Asessippi. Saturday kicked off with RAIL WARS, an annual event that is a big hit with free style skier and snowboarders alike. Over $5500 worth of cash and prizes were on the line as the 45 competitors threw down all they had to get to the podium. Winners are listed below. “Our newest feature this season, the yellow school bus, was an incredible hit,” Pulo added. The larger of the two terrain parks, Central Park, was used for the event. The yellow school bus was added to the multiple features such as the canon, wall ride, kink and rainbow rail, along with all kinds of straight rails and jumps giving the park an urban feel. The park is located off the Bear Chair and can be viewed part way up the lift making for excellent entertainment for guests just out skiing for the day. Saturday evening the Powder Keg Pub was alive with the sounds of Swamp Gas of Neepawa. Live music in the pub is now a weekly event thanks to the Subway Snow Packed Series which invites a different musical talent every Saturday. March 2, Don Amero, recent Juno Nominee will be performing. Mike Oakley of the Accelerators and Curtis Newton will be out March 9th and 16th respectively. Sunday, the resort was open late, until 8 p.m. and followed by another spectacular fireworks display. Kids were treated Monday to some great extras in the village with face painting, jugglers and more. “We named the weekend the Asessippi Homecoming Weekend the same year, Manitoba had their province wide homecoming events and have decided to stick with it,” Pulo explained. The weekend here has grown into one of the busiest for the resort with both local residents and guests from all over taking in the winter experience right here in Manitoba. Asessippi Ski Area & Resort is located just west of Inglis, near the Manitoba/Saskatchewa n border. LOCAL BUSINESS DIRECTORY S harpe’s JOCO Construction James Stocks - for a personal and reliable grain hauling service RDH Plumbing For all your plumbing, heating & cooling needs Res: 745-2127 Cell: 461-4521 CONCERNED ABOUT THE MARKETS? Esterhazy Carpet Cleaners BOOK YOUR SPRING RBC Dominion Securities Inc.* and Royal Bank of Canada are separate corporate entities which are affiliated.NOW *Member-Canadian CARPET CLEANING Investor Protection Fund. ®Registered Trademark of Royal Bank of Canada. Used under licence. RBC Dominion Securities is a 745-2473 E-mail: [email protected] registered trademark of Royal Bank of Canada.Phone Used under licence. ©Copyright 2011. All rights reserved. RETURNED SOLAR POWER HONEST PRICE Kyle Moss Cell: (306) 737-9507 E-mail: [email protected] Spencer Bot, B. Comm, Kevin Zazula, B. Admin, FMA, CFP Investment Advisor Phone: 306-745-6615 Phone: (306) 745-6615 Email: [email protected] CFP®, CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER® and are trademarks owned outside the U.S. by Financial Planning Standards Board Ltd. Financial Planners Standards Council is the marks licensing authority for the CFP Marks in Canada, through agreement with FPSB. Pensions – RRSPs – GICs Pensions– RRIFs - RRSPs – - TFSAs RRIFs - TFSAs - GICs Harke’s Electrical • Farm • Commercial • Residential THE UNIFORM CORNER DONALD LAYH • BROOKS MACK • AVERY LAYH Kaposvar Drive Layh1124& Associates Esterhazy, Sk (306) 743-5520 Specializing in top quality uniforms Corporate - Courses & Seminars – Debt Collection for the healthcare professional. Contracts – Leases - Real In stock items andEstate Powers of orders Attorneyare - Wills & Estates special available. 216 Road Ave. East, Langenburg, Saskatchewan, S0A 2A0 Warren Vandenameele Langenburg 743-5558 Commercial and Residential 420 Main Street, Esterhazy Phone 745-2261• Fax 745-2815 Tuesdays and Thursdays 8:30 a.m.- 4:30 p.m. 441 Main St Construction & Service Calls PILE DRILLINGS BASEMENT EXCAVATING SHALLOW TRENCHING PILE DRILLING BSASEMENT EXCAVATING HALLOW TRENCHING LLANDSCAPING MATERIAL HAULING ANDSCAPING BARN CLEANING BSARN TTREE NOWCLEANING REMOVAL REE TRANSPLANTING TRANSPLANTING SNOW REMOVAL ETC... , ETC. MATERIAL HAULING FREE ESTIMATE CALL KADA FORFOR FREE ESTIMATE CALLJASON JASON KADA 740-7655 (cell) or 745-6592 306-745-6592 or 740-7655 (cell) Natural Life Solutions Measures the health of your cardiovascular system. Non-invasive, painless Shows you the elasticity or stiffness of your cardiovascular system and strength of your heart Certified Cardio Pulse Wave Synergy Independent , Team e-mail: [email protected] Lella and Jim Binns 745-6357, 740-7445 or 740-7446 Retail Home Decor & Design Services 745-3612 Owner/Operator/Journeyman 306-745-6335 745-2697 Servicing Esterhazy and Area Specializing in underground installations Line/Fault Locating Trenching CJ’s Excavating Inc. Parkland Realty Ltd. Bus. (306) 728-4600 Ph. (306)[email protected] 743-5520 e-mail: Res. 745-2005 Fax (306) 743-5568 R. A. (Bob) Nordin e-mail: [email protected] For all your residential, farm 306-740-9020 and commercial sales Esterhazy, Sask Sean Thompson CJ’s EXCAVATING, Inc. Licensed, Bonded, Insured Sales Associate SERVICES INCLUDE: SERVICES INCLUDE: 506 Main Street Insurance Real Estate License Issuer Eaton Certified Contractor **Free Initial Consultation** Monday, February 25, 2013 Phone 745-3908 Vibe Interior Decorating Serving Esterhazy and Area for over 25 Years JOURNEYMAN ELECTRICIAN Garnet M. Fisher B.A (Hons), LL.B. A general practice of Law including: Real Estate and Mortgages, Wills and Estates, Family Law, Corporate Law, Civil Law, Criminal Law Donald H. Layh, Q.C., Shawn M. Patenaude, B.Comm, L.L.B. • Carrier Furnaces, Regency Gas fireplaces • Softeners, pumps & filters • Hot water Boilers, in floor heating • SaskEnergy Network Dealer Kada Kats Phone 745-3969 Saskatchewan and leave message. & Manitoba Bars FISHER LAWJASON OFFICEHARKE Legal Professional Corporation Langenburg, Sask. FARMERS Skid Steer Service Kada Kats FREE CONSULTATION LAYH & ASSOCIATES FOR Your Local Your Certified Planner Local Financial Certified Financial Planner • For all your lock & key requirements • Emergency Openings Sutton Group Results Realty OST THEHONESTELECTRIAN.CA For all your carpet, upholstery, mattress, furniture,Since automotive Professional Wealth Management 1901 and floor tile cleaning needs. CAL’S LOCK & KEY SERVICE Cell: 306-740-7949 Phone: 306-745-2126 85% OF C Ask about a complimentary second opinion today. Barbara March-Burwell, CFP | Investment Advisor 306-745-4764 |Owned and operated by Sandra Fiala Phone: 745-2172 KAREN PISAK JOSH PISAK !" #$%#&'("#$$"$##)# Richard Helmeczi 745-2972 FOR ALL YOUR NEW HOME CONSTRUCTION & HOME RENOVATION NEEDS TRENCHING GROUNDWORK PILES Duchek at 745-2376 or Cell 991-0074 Colin Call CONCRETE DEMOLITION BACKHOE SERVICES WATER, SEWER Colin WE CANDuchek DIG IT!!! 991-0074 Sewers / Septic Basements RBC Leasing Available Ponds Trenches & Sand Ask About Our Steel Building Deals Yard Maintenance Clear bush for fenceline and Commercial Lease Program 866-609-4321 The Miner-Journal, Esterhazy, Sask. Fully licensed/Bonded ESTERHAZY AGENCIES (1986) LTD. Life and General Insurance, Investments, Motor License Issuer, Notary Public Bus. Phone – 745-3983 Res. Phone – 745-6991 Page 11 Spy Hill News - by Linda Gander One of our Spy Hill residents, Dorothy Barker, was lucky enough to take home the Valentine’s basket of goodies, which was donated by Iris Perrin of Spy Hill. The draw was made at the Spy Hill Valentine’s Brunch on Feb. 10 in the Spy Hill Hall. Everyone thought the food was excellent and was well attended. Sympathies are extended to all of the Kingdon families of Tantallon on the passing of Mrs. Grant Kingdon of Tantallon. Her funeral was held in Tantallon on Feb. 15, with Rev. Delta Kelly officiating and the Spy Hill United Church Choir helping out with the singing. Birthday wishes are extended to Evelyn Baseley of Spy Hill, who celebrated her birthday this month. She seemed to be very pleased with the many gifts she received on this special day from friends and family members. Cameron Duncan of Spy Hill, has just put up another huge shed out at his Construction site and will be quickly filled up with his many machines. Quite impressive when you drive by Cameron’s business place now, it takes a lot of men and experience to be able to operate all of the heavy equipment that he has on the job, but what a success it is for CD and his family. The Spy Hill RM is putting up a new build- ing as well, and have made a pretty good start on it already. The auditors from Regina that were doing the books at the RM this past week stayed at the White Pine B&B on Feb. 11-13. I always look forward to these guests coming, as they have been staying at the White Pine for around 17 years now. Mr. Vern Jess, one of the auditors, took a great liking to some of my quilts, and gave me an order for two of them. One is going to be given for a silent auction in Regina, and the other one he will be taking back to his home in White City. This nearly knocked my socks off because I took the quilt over just to show it to my Mom, and he bought it on the spot. So, this was very good news for me. Our Victoria Quilts for Cancer Group met at the Golden Jets Center in Esterhazy on Feb. 14, with our members really getting a lot of quilting done on that afternoon. In total, we have sent about 10 quilts to Climax since we started in September, and will have five more completed at the end of March. The new flooring in the Jets Center sure makes the place look pretty sharp, now that the work has been completed. A congregational meeting was held in the United Church following the service on Feb. 17. LOCAL BUSINESS DIRECTORY New Image Fitness THE NEW BODY BY VI CHALLENGE IS HERE WEEKLY PRIZES FOR 10 POUNDS LOST OR 10 POUNDS OF LEAN MUSCLE BUILT AND A FREE “I LOST IT” T-SHIRT • Custom Designed Doors • Steel Craft Insulated Garage Doors • Liftmaster Door Openers • Sales and Service GET IN THE BEST SHAPE OF YOUR LIFE NOW WITH A 90 DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEE FULL SERVICE GAS BAR Pizza Cabbage Rolls Available Subs Samosas Brenda Matchett - 745-7217 JIM MAGA Esterhazy, Sask. PH 745-7997/2404 J.M. YARD CARE Yard, landscaping, bobcat, sweeper, snow, etc. (306) 745-2465 LLOYDʼS BOB CAT SERVICES NORTH VALLEY CREDIT UNION Esterhazy Br. Stockholm Br. Box 1389 Box 130 Esterhazy, SK Stockholm, SK (306)745-6615 (306)793-2171 1-866-533-NVCU (6828) OWNER/OPERATOR LLOYD NAGY • Personal income tax • corporate • Business plans Phone: 306-898-4489 Esterhazy, Sk. SKILNICK MILLER MOAR GRODECKI & KREKLEWICH Chartered Accountants 420 Main Street Esterhazy, Sask., Ph: 745-6440 Fax: 745-6441 Phone 745-6611 SalesAssociate Associate Sales PalliserWay Way 8080Palliser Yorkton,SK SKS3N S3N4C5 4C5 Yorkton, Bus: Bus:(306) (306)534-4511 534-4511 Fax: Fax:(306) (306)534-4455 534-4455 Cell: Cell:(306) (306)745-7755 745-7755 E-mail: E-mail:[email protected] [email protected] Website: Independent Sales Representative for Pioneer® brand products Box 1257 Esterhazy, SK S0A 0X0 C.L. ‘Charlie’ Kallen 306 745 3888 Res Residential Framing Specialist 306-745-3818 Fax 306-740-7108 [email protected] 306-745-7321 Cell Esterhazy 306-745-3600 Office Residential and Commercial Wood Framing Services [email protected] New & Custom Homes – Renovations – Outbuildings – Roofing – Decks – Fences – Creations Cell: 745-7743 Town ‘n Country Small ads work! Decorating Gerry the Painter • interior/exterior • Paintreading • Flooring You’re this • Draperies Main Street one!Esterhazy • free estimates GERRY OAKE (306) 745-3478 Cell: 306-745-7241 (306) 745-6144 Crushrite Concrete For every concrete project, Residential Flatwork, Garage Pads Driveways, Sidewalks and Stamping PROVIDING OVER 15 YEARS EXPERIENCE Esterhazy, Sask. (306)745-6685 Mini Storage now available residential or commercial Secure and convenient 745-6671 Labor packages available FREE ESTIMATES Country Color & Cuts by Heather W.D.K. Construction & Excavating TYLER KILBACH, REALTOR® NOBODY IN THE WORLD SELLS • Trackhoe • Dozer • Loader • Grader • Skid Steer • Hydro-Vac Truck • Backhoe • Trucks (Gravel & Low Boy) • Specializing in basements, sewer and water • Commercial & residential, farms, dugouts, etc • Sand, gravel & dirt (black & fill) Willy: 306-740-7805 Bill: 306-745-7226 FISHER LAW OFFICE Serving Esterhazy and Area for over 30 Years Garnet M. Fisher B.A (Hons), LL.B. A general practice of Law including: Real Estate and Mortgages, Wills and Estates, Family Law, Corporate Law, Civil Law, Farm Sales 420 Main Street, Esterhazy Phone 745-2261• Fax 745-2815 Tuesdays and Thursdays 8:30 a.m.- 4:30 p.m. E-mail: [email protected] Dale Leftwich For all your machining requirements. We measure success with quality MACHINE WORKS LTD. 1205 Hwy #22 East. Esterhazy, Sask. MarcelDecorby DeCorby Marcel Page 12 Lillian Timms, CMA Phone: (306) 745-6738 Cell: (306) 745-8288 ©Blue Chip Realty ©Blue Chip Realty Independently Owned Operated Independently Owned andand Operated Murray Lucas [email protected] For all of your acco SPECIAL RATE Business or residential offering services that require a fork, sweeper, or bucket. Representative for Distributors for PowerUp GRABER Blinds Lubricants Bus.306-793-2982 Phone – 745-2935 Res. Phone – 745-6348 [email protected] TIMMS ACCOUNT All Seasonal Bob Cat Services 710 Kubik Drive, Esterhazy, Sask. Electrical contracting/ 745-7404 – KAPOSVAR ONE STOP – ESSO ESTERHAZY ELECTRIC CO. LTD. Open 7 days/week 6 a.m. – 10 p.m. Cliff Martin Phone: 306-620-9393 E-mail: [email protected] VERY FLEXIBLE HOURS RE/MAX Blue Realty MORE REAL ESTATE THAN RE/MAX 7 days/week 10 Chip a.m.-8 p.m. Cell: (306) 331-9223 269Esterhazy Hamilton Road just 15 minutes north of off Bredenbury grid Yorkton, SK S3N 4C5 Bus: (306) 783-6666 306-898-2227 Heather Bernath Fax: (306) 745-2923 Website: E-mail: [email protected] The Miner-Journal, Esterhazy, Sask. BOCK & COMPANY LAW OFFICE FORMERLY Osman & Co. MacKenzie Law Office Barristers & Solicitors Notaries, Commissioners Lynnette Bock B.A. J.D. Main Office: Monday - Friday Esterhazy: 500 Maple St. (306) 745-3952; 745-6772 Fax 745-6119 Email: [email protected] Branch Office: Rocanville: Friday Afternoons Phone: (306) 645-4552 Monday, February 25, 2013 Advertise here for only Executive Rentals $7.50 per Now Renting weekLOTS FOR SALE Res: (306) 745-6452 Bus: (306) 783-6666 Fax: (306) 745-3715 Cell: (306) 745-7578 E-mail: [email protected] Bags, Belts & Parts 269 Hamilton Road Yorkton, SK S3N 4C5 Website: RETIREMENT VILLA HOUSING AVAILABLE NOW CALL (306) 530-9300 HELMECZI PLUMBING & HEATING & BACKHOE SERVICE Installing energy efficient furnaces. A/C Units, Boilers, gas fire places, geo thermo units and more Dealing: Carrier, Viesman, Napoleon, Econar All Types of excavation: Pile drilling, stump grinding & concrete demolition Kevin Helmeczi Owner/Operator VISALUS IS NOW IN CANADA!!! NEED TO LOSE WEIGHT? WANT TO GET HEALTHY? BUILD LEAN MUSCLE? JOIN THE 90 DAY CHALLENGE $47 MILLION IN PRIZES AWARDED YEARLY MONTHLY WINNERS AND NOW... FIRST 10 POUNDS ENTER TO WIN 10 WEEKLY PRIZES OF $1,000 306-745-6721 Mills Boarding Kennel formerly Kountry Charm Boarding Kennels Safe, secure and loving environment for your dogs. Shots required. Call to book SHAWN AND RITA MILLS Brenda Matchett - 745-2719 or 745-7217 Serving Esterhazy & Area 24 Hour emergency service Limited availability till January 745-6335 240 Veterans Ave. 740-8912 Ltd. "%&#$! $ Cando Plumbing & Heating Ltd. ADVERTISE - Sewer line locates - Camera HERE inspection Call anytime (306) 745-2503ONLY $5 Trevor Rieger Owner/Operator BLUE CHIP REALTY Supplying & installing all of your plumbing, heating and IRIDOLOGY CONCEPT & SPIRIT NOOK cooling needsfor HEALTH/The BODY, MIND **Your HOLISTIC HEALTH ANALYSIS & SUPPLY CENTRE** ROD VANJOFF 314 Park Ave. Esterhazy, Sk (306-745-3573) RESIDENTIAL & FARM SALES Services Include: --IRIDOLOGY (Comprehensive Iris Analysis) 269 Hamilton Road --IONCLEANSE D-TOX Yorkton, SK S3N 4C6 --RAINDROP Therapy Home: 306-793-2982 --NUTRI-BODY ANALYSIS Fax: 306-793-2982 --OTHER Services include THERMAL,Email: MOTION & [email protected] CAL IMPULSE Therapies, based on your individual assessment We carry a wide range of vitamins, herbals, health food & other unique health related & gift items.... "SERVING ESTERHAZY & AREA" 745-2500 Connie’s Baskets Gift baskets ’S V OR R TRE OOTE OR R OT , sk ald Ger CONNIE NEYEDLY ! Box 1408 RBC Dominion Securities Inc.* and Royal Bank of Canada are separate corporate entities which are affiliated. *Member-Canadian Investor Protection Fund. RBC Dominion Securities Inc. is Esterhazy, a member company of RBC Wealth a business segment Sask. S0A Management, 0X0 of Royal Bank of Canada. ®Registered trademarks of Royal Bank of Canada. Used under licence. © RBC Dominion Securities Phone: 745-6929 Inc. 2012. All rights reserved. Advertise here only $10/week November’s winner - Laurie Appel 306-740-9392 Advertise here for only $7.50/week Monday, February 25, 2013 The Miner-Journal, Esterhazy, Sask. Page 13 Housing markets expected to cool in 2013 Several records set in 2012 Coming off a recordbreaking year for residential construction activity in Saskatchewan, 2013 should see a bit of a cooling off in the red-hot housing sector, participants at the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corp. (CMHC) housing outlook conference were told here. “In terms of housing activity, 2012 represented record levels for many components — housing starts, multifamily (starts), resale (home sales), record pricing,’’ said Lai Sing Louie, regional economist for CMHC’s Prairie and Territories region. “We expect that this year activity in the housing EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY LOCAL GOVERNMENT Assistant Administrator - working towards or certified, experience preferred. Strong computer, communication, resourcefulness skills. Town of Lashburn 306-2853533; townoflash [email protected]. Box 328, Lashburn, SK, S0M 1H0. Apply by March 15, 2013. N E W C A R T CONTRACTING LTD. is hiring for the upcoming turnaround season. Journeyman/Apprentic e; Pipefitters; Welders; Boilermakers; Riggers. Also: Quality Control; Towers; Skilled Mechanical Labourer; Welder Helpers. Email: resumes@newcart Fax 1-403-729-2396. Email all safety and trade tickets. PARTS PERSON REQUIRED for a AG dealership. Experience an asset, but willing to train the right person. Health plan. Newer shop. In a full service community, 35 mins. from Saskatoon, SK. Salary based on experience. Fax resume to 306-2374466. Cam-Don Motors Ltd., 306-237-4212, Perdue, SK market will stay elevated, but moderated, from last year.’’ Indeed, 2012 would be a hard act to follow, with the highest number of housing starts in 33 years at just under 10,000 total housing starts for the province, up more than 40 per cent from 7,000 in 2011. Economic and employment growth, along with strong population growth and record in-migration from other provinces and countries, fuelled the demand for new and existing housing, both owned and rental units, Louie said. For example, CMHC is forecasting the economy to grow by 2.7 per cent in 2013 and 2.8 per cent in 2014, the second-highest growth rate in Canada SERVICE MANAGER required for a Massey ANNOUNCEMENTS Ferguson dealership, 35 mins. from CLASS ACTION Claim Saskatoon, SK in a full service community with Support - Vioxx, others. The Nurses at The a K to 12 school. This position offers a health Optio Group will help plan, competitive prove your claim and wages and a newer get you the money you shop. Journeyman deserve. 1-855-9390499; Claims@ status not required.; Mechanical aptitude as well as exceptional computer, people and organizational skills a necessity. Fax resume MARCH to: 306-237-4466; IS e-mail to: scott@cam FRAUD AWARENESS MONTH Want to see the country? Semi Retired? We are looking for 1 ton and 3 ton O/O to transport RVs throughout N. America. 1-800-8676233; www.roadexser RECOGNIZE IT. REPORT IT. STOP IT. Learn more HELP WANTED DRIVERS WANTED: Terrific career Opportunity with outstanding growth potential to learn how to locate rail defects. No Rail Experience Needed!! Extensive paid travel, meal allowance, 4 weeks vacation and benefits package. Skills Needed - Ability to travel 3 months at a time, Valid License with air brakeendorse ment.Compensation based on prior driving experience. Apply at under careers, keyword Driver. DO NOT FILL IN PYRAMID CORPORACITY OR STATE TION is now hiring! A HOME Instrument Technicians NEED and Electricians for PHONE? Cable TV or various sites across High Speed Internet? Alberta. Send resume We Can Help. Everyone to: hr@pyramidcorpora Approved. Call Today. or fax 1-877-852-1122 Protel Reconnect 780-955-HIRE. AUCTIONS 1 HOME QTR & 18 Parcels of Farmland Davidson, Saskatchewan. Sorgaard Ranches Ltd - 2290+/- title acres. 3 bedroom bungalow, 30 X 50 ft. garage, selling at the Saskatoon Auction March 19/13. Ritchie Bros. Auctioneers: 1-800-491-4494; AUTOMOTIVE Guaranteed approval drive away today! We lend money to everyone. Fast approvals, best interest rates. Over 500 vehicles sale priced for immediate delivery OAC. 1-877796-0514. www.your during the forecast period. Economic growth led to 2.1 per cent increase in employment and helped to lower the unemployment rate in 2012. Those factors will continue to keep housing starts at elevated, albeit lower, levels, with 8,300 total housing starts projected for 2013 (down nearly 17 per cent from 9,968 in 2012). “There’s a lot (housing units) being built that are going to compete with new projects this year. Those will have to be completed and absorbed. That will obviously temper some of the activity in 2013.’’ But there were signs in late 2012 that the economy was starting to slow, including declining value ing conditions, please consult the Association’ s Blanket Advertising Conditions on our webGET FREE VENDING site at MACHINES Can Earn $100,000.00 + Per D I S C O N N E C T E D Year. All Cash-Retire PHONE? ChoiceTel in Just 3 Years. Home Phone Service. Protected Territories. No One Refused! Low Full Details Monthly Rate! Calling Features and Unlimited CALL NOW 1-866-668Long Distance 6629 Website Available. Call WWW.TCVEND.COM ChoiceTel Today! 1-888-333-1405. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY CAREER TRAINING HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATOR TRAINING - Daily, Weekly and Monthly Programs. Call (306) 955-0079 for details! www.practicum FOR SALE - To be Moved. Various sizes and styles of buildings available. For further information call 1-866-451-6395 / 1-403-279-6395 or visit www.mccannsbldg of international exports. “Certainly, the economy is a factor. Around mid-year 2012, economic growth started to moderate. We had a stronger first half of 2012 and a weaker second half. Combined, it was still a strong year, but there has been some moderation,’’ he said. “When you’re experiencing 42 per cent growth rates (in total starts in 2012), you can’t continue to grow at that level.” As a result, CMHC is projecting 4,600 singlefamily starts in Saskatchewan in 2013, an 11-per-cent drop from 2012, while multiples are expected to decline 23 per cent to 3,700 starts in 2013. However, total starts should rebound by 2.4 per cent to 8,500 in 2014. Mathieu Laberge, CMHC’s deputy chief economist, said the national housing forecast also reflects a moderat- ing trend caused by the slowing Canadian and global economy, with total housing starts expected to range from a high of 202,000 to a low of 178,600 in 2013. TENDER FOR GRASS CUTTING/MAINTENANCE Tenders are now being accepted by the R. M. of Spy Hill No. 152 Council for the grass maintenance of the following whole or in part: Spy Hill cemetery – SW 06 19 30 W1 Holar cemetery – SW 13 18 32 W1 Vallar Icelandic cemetery – SE 28 19 32 W1 Valley View cemetery – SW 30 18 32 W1 Hazelcliffe cemetery – NW 21 18 33 W1 Gerald cemetery – NW 19 19 31 W1 Hazelcliffe Shop/Well Site and Picnic Area – NE 27 18 33 W1 Bavelaw Historical School Site – NE 15 19 30 W1 Heritage Site – NE 05 18 31 W1 Heritage Site – NW 10 18 31 W1 Tantallon Well Site – NE 12 18 31 W1 Gerald Well Site – NE 22 19 31 W1 Duties will include: • Cut grass as necessary and/or as requested by the RM • Trim after cutting grass • Blowing graves after cutting grass MISCELLANEOUS LAND FOR SALE FARMLAND WANTED CANADIAN MANUFACTURED NO FEES OR COMMISSIONS! backed by 10 year warranty -multi family, single section, motel style homes -Qualify for C.M.H.C.Financing -starting at $69,000 We sold our farm to Freshwater Land Holding Co. Ltd. this spring and we were satisfied with the deal we were offered. They were very professional to deal with an upfront with the details of the land deal. We would recommend them to anyone wanting to sell their land. Ken & Penny Stevns SUMMARY OF SOLD PROPERTIES Central - 62 1/4’s South Central - 17 1/4’s East Central - 74 1/4’s South - 70 1/4’s South East - 22 1/4’s South West 58 1/4’s North - 6 1/4’s North West - 8 1/4’s East - 39 1/4’s NEVER SHOCK CHLORINATE AGAIN! FEED AND SEED Newly Patented! “Kontinuous Shok” HEATED CANOLA Chlorinator. Eliminates: WANTED!! Shock Chlorination; - GREEN CANOLA iron bacteria; smell; FARM AND PASTURE LAND AVAILABLE TO RENT - SPRING THRASHED bacterial breeding in - DAMAGED CANOLA water wells. Phone PURCHASING: FEED OATS 1-800-BIG-IRON. Visit WANTED!! our 29 inventions; SINGLE TO LARGE - BARLEY, OATS, WHT BLOCKS OF LAND. PREMIUM PRICES - LIGHT OR TOUGH PAID WITH QUICK - SPRING THRASHED LAND FOR RENT PAYMENT. HEATED FLAX WANTED!! RENT BACK HEATED PEAS AVAILABLE HEATED LENTILS "ON FARM PICKUP" Call DOUG Westcan Feed 306-955-2266 & Grain Welcome to [email protected] 1-877-250-5252, Western Canada’s first online farmland rental FOR SALE auction website. MANUFACTURED HOMES Renting your land? Post your land, Advertisements and set your terms and statements contained herein are the sole conditions and get maximum exposure using responsibility of the perModular, Manufactured Renterra’s unique sons or entities that or RTM homes. mapping system. post the advertisement, A variety of homes Looking to rent land? and the Saskatchewan in production or Renterra’s auction Weekly Newspaper system makes it easy ready to ship Association and memRegina,SK to find and bid on bership do not make available rental land. 1-866-838-7744 any warranty as to the See all of the available Estevan, SK 1-877-378-7744 accuracy, complete- rental land in your area. ness, truthfulness or GET THE BIG reliability of such adverPICTURE. tisements. For greater Join information on advertis- CCCN_VOICE_6 FOR MORE INFO CALL 1.800.249.3969 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Please submit tenders based on each time grass is cut. Must have own equipment. Tenders must be submitted in writing by 12 Noon on Thursday, March 14, 2013. Not necessarily any or lowest tender will be accepted. Council thanks all for applying however only those considered will be notified. Submit tenders to: R. M. of Spy Hill No. 152 Grass Cutting Tender P.O. Box 129 Spy Hill, SK S0A 3W0 8:1C High Quality Canadian Built Modular Homes & Cottages Over 175 Plans to Choose from. 60-90 Day Turnkey 10 Year Warranty Regina, SK Toll Free: 1-(855)-494-4743 Visit us online: Crossword Puzzle REAL ESTATE FINAL PHASE FOR SALE. 55 PLUS ADULT ONLY Ground Level Townhome INFO CALL 306 241 0123 WARMAN, SK INSIDE EACH ISSUE Place Yours! ACROSS 0RYHHIIRUWOHVVO\ 6\ULDQELVKRS 9. Chocolate tree 11. Stagger 12. Warn *RRGE\H 14. Pillow place 15. Ego’s partner 17. North northeast 18. Deeds 20. Saw 22. Be seated BBHYDWHGUDLOZD\ 24. Quill &RPSO\ 29. Rub out 31. Less than usual in size, power or character 32. Speaks with a hoarse voice $VVRFLDWLRQDEEU 34. After suns. DOWN 1. Replace a striker 2. Cabbage cousin 3. Chilled 4. Mutilate 2I¿FLDOFDQLQHUHJLVWU\DEEU 6. Thing 7. Legumes 8. Lotion ingredient 10. Useless 16. Telephoner 'HFLJUDPDEEU 19. Compass point 20. Agrees 21. Objects 22. Cola (OBB7H[DVFLW\ 25. Sports channel 26. Loch __ monster 28. Yang’s partner 30. Ewe’s mate © 2013. Feature Exchange Solution on page 15 Page 14 The Miner-Journal, Esterhazy, Sask. Monday,February 25, 2013 CLASSIFIEDS Proud to serve the Potashville area HOUSE FOR SALE COMING EVENTS TELEMIRACLE For sale in the Town of Stockholm. Location, location, location. Prime real estate. Large treed lot, .78 of an acre with approximately 1,000 sq. ft. house. Asking price $114,900. For information call 250-7883562 or 250-788-5058. 2:tfncc Esterhazy Royal Canadian Legion #249 Dabber Bingo Every Thursday. $1000 jackpot in 54 numbers or less. $400 progressive Bonanza, 8 early bird games commencing at 7 p.m. Regular games at 7:30 p.m. License #CB12-0046. 15:tfc There will be a Scouts Hot Dog Sale for Telemiracle on March 2, at the Shop Easy parking lot from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. Hot dogs donated by Shop Easy Foods. FOR RENT 3-two bedroom (yearround) cabins, and 1- three bedroom mobile trailer in Esterhazy. All inclusive. Contact Tara or Kelly at 1780-860-8958. 52:12cc 2 bedroom apartment for rent, no pets allowed, non-smoking building. Call Shirley at 745-6302. 46:tfn FARMLAND WANTED Cash sale, quick closing, no realtor fees! Rent/lease back options available! Call for more details 780908-6449. 8:4cc FREE The Gerald Rink has many sets of children’s hockey and figure skates to give away for free. There is also some old hockey and road hockey equipment. You can come and look during regular rink hours. The rink is open every night from 6-9 p.m. and 1-4 p.m. on Sundays. LIVESTOCK McTavish Charolais & Red Angus Bull Sale with Charla Moore Farms, March 12, 1:30 p.m., at the farm, Moosomin, SK. Featuring 39 Charolais yearlings, 1 Charolais herdsire, 15 Red Angus yearlings, 20 tan Charcross open heifers. Contact Brian McTavish 306-435-4125 or view catalogue online m Mike & Sally Lalach, Wynyard Windows installed Dec. 18, 2012 “On installation day, a bunch of friendly men arrived, The Gerald Rink is open for public skating Mon-Sat. at 6-7 p.m. Shinny hockey – Mon-Sat. at 7-9 p.m. Sunday public skating 1-4 p.m “Almost Spring” Craft and Trade Show will be held on Saturday, March 9, 2013, at 11 a.m. - 4 p.m. at Esterhazy Royal Canadian Legion (upper level). Over 18 vendors. FREE ADMISSION. See you there! For more information call 7932011. 8:2p Melville Community Market is now taking bookings for table rentals at their weekly Tuesday market starting soon. If you bake, sew, grow plants, make or sell items that fit in with an open market please call us. The community market will be well advertised and will be held at the Melville Community Works Building which provides plenty of parking and lots of traffic. For enquiries and bookings call Yvonne at 7285552. Hosted by The Melville Arts Council. 8:3c. PERSONALS If you have a drug problem and need help call Our House at 7453478, 745-7241, 745-3576. Check out our on-line meeting is once again found on 50:tfc Affected by alcohol? You are welcome to join the Happiness Is Alanon group meetings on Mondays at 1 p.m. at the Lutheran Church or Esterhazy Alanon at the Town Office, Wednesdays at 8 p.m. Phone 745-6301 or 534-4604. 3:tfc If you want to drink and can, that’s your business. If you want to stop and can’t, that’s our business. Phone Alcoholics Anonymous at 745-6750, 783-6951, 745-6301, 7453561, 745-6156. 47:tfc RENTALS doing their job and before I knew, they are finished and surprised how clean the house was left when the job was done. The triple pane glass is something different – the inside glass is almost warm – not like double pane.” NORTHOME COMFORT WINDOWS Toll Free 1-866-FOAMLAKE Call for a free information package Engineered steel building erecting and/or supply BOOK NOW FOR SPRING & SUMMER FabTec Manufacturing Ltd. Spy Hill, Sask 306-534-2213 email: [email protected] Fax: 534-2074 Getting Married? Planning an anniversary? For rent: 35 black 84”x 84” square tablecloths (great for round tables as well), 25 white 8’ satin runners, 30 16-inch round mirrors for table centerpieces, and assortment of red accents. Please call 745-3759 for more information. LOST & FOUND Found at Home Hardware, Chrysler key with keychain. Claim at The Miner-Journal. 4:1nc The Miner-Journal has several found keys (Dodge, Chrysler, Ford, Nissan etc). Also found eyeglasses and a cell phone. If you have lost any items, please stop by The Miner-Journal and have a look. Found – A pair of sunglasses in their case in the parking lot of St. Anthony’s Hospital. (Must identify case and glasses) Claim at the Hospital. 5:nc Sarcan is selling Telemiracle “Helping Hands” this month. Anyone who purchases a hand will get their name entered in a draw to win a home entertainment system: flat screen TV, sound system, and blu-ray player. Two winners will be drawn for this district. NEW ARRIVALS BIRD – Born to Jason IN MEMORIAM CARDS OF THANKS Thank you to all for the phone calls, cards, visits, food, flowers, and sympathy angel pin at the time of our great loss of Father David Banga. We are so overwhelmed at your thoughtfulness and kindness shown to us. God bless you all. – Wayne and Adeline Poncsak. 8:1p On behalf of the Hegedus family, we would like to thank everyone for all their support during this difficult time. Words cannot express how thankful we are. The phone calls, visits, personal messages, texts, flowers, food, hugs, cards and donations to the hospital fund have been amazing. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for all of your support. – The Hegedus family 8:1p Crossword Solution The Miner-Journal is seeking Part-time reporters/freelance writers. This position will be responsible for two or three local news stories per week. If you are interested in writing, contact Brenda Matchett at 745-6669 or drop off resume at the office between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m., Monday-Thursday. You can also email us at [email protected] No experience necessary, just a desire to write. Bird and Dedette Roussin, a baby girl, Delia Dianne Bird on Feb. 8, 2013, at 10:26 a.m. She weighed 8 lbs. 4 oz. and was 19 1/2” long. Grandparents are Ronald T.J. Roussin, Gerald, Sask. and David and Dianne Cropp, Medicine Hat, Alta. and great-grandmother Bernadette Thievin, Esterhazy, Sask. 8:1p 8:1cc TOTH – In loving memory of our dear mom, grandmother, and greatgrandmother Irene, who passed away March 1, 2008. No space of time, No lapse of years can dim the treasured past. A loving memory keeps it dear, Affection holds it fast. – Lovingly remembered and missed by your family. 8:1p HELP WANTED Possibility of full time for the right candidate. . HOOD – Jean (Mitchel) Hood, March 23, 1936 February 27, 2009 You had a smile for everyone, You had a heart of gold. You left the sweetest memories This world could ever hold. To me you were so special What more is there to say? Except to wish with all my heart That you were here today. You never failed to do your best, Your heart was true and tender You gave all you had to give And all of us remember. – Lovingly remembered by your lifetime friend, Lois. HELP WANTED HELP WANTED MOBILE MEDICAL EXAMINERS: RNs, RPNs, LPNs, Lab Techs. Insurance Services Co. recruiting in Esterhazy, Dubuc, Langenburg, Spy Hill and surrounding. Venipuncture experience req. Contact: [email protected] 8:2cc HELP WANTED Sharpe’s Soil Services in Stockholm is looking for an ambitious self motivated individual to join our team as a Full Time Seasonal employee. Duties will include general yard and warehouse , loading and unloading of trucks, delivery of fertilizer and chemical. Wages will be negotiable and comparable with experience. Please apply to: Sharpe’s Soil Services Stockholm, SK Box 400 S0A 3Y0 or call (306) 793-4333, or email: [email protected] TOWN OF ESTERHAZY The Town of Esterhazy is seeking individuals who are looking for full time employment from May to September, 2013. The Town is looking for mature, reliable, hardworking individuals to work at various locations in Town. Must be friendly, flexible and courteous and take pride in our community. Duties include: cutting grass, giving tours of our historical facilities, weeding, planting and watering of flowers, cleaning and maintaining summer facilities 8:3c Please send resume and a copy of all qualifications to: Brenda Redman Box 490 Esterhazy, SK. S0A 0X0 Deadline – March 15, 2013 TOWN OF ESTERHAZY D.A. Mackenzie Aquatic Center has the following full time and part time positions available for hire for the 2013 Season: • Pool Manager (Must have current Pool Operator’s Course, Swim for Life Program, National Lifeguard Service, Bronze Cross, Standard First Aid and CPR “C”) • Swim Instructors (Must have current Swim for Life Program, National Lifeguard Service, Bronze Cross, Standard First Aid and CPR “C”) • Lifeguards (Must have National Lifeguard Service Award, Bronze Cross, Standard First Aid and CPR “C”) 8:3c Please send resume and a copy of all qualifications to: Brenda Redman Box 490 Esterhazy, SK. S0A 0X0 Deadline – March 15, 2013 7:4C Monday, February 25 , 2013 The Miner-Journal, Esterhazy, Sask. Page 15 BOOMBATA HOMES “Building Your Home Should Be Easy” D E E RWO O D E S TAT E S P.J. Gillen School We also have Executive Rentals (Short or Long Term) Esterhazy Baptist Church Babyak Street Build your dream home with the Boombata Family, and make your dreams a reality. Pick a lot today... 5th Avenue Park Place Villa Deerwood Estates Developments [email protected] 306.530.9300 1.800.589.0984 See us at 437 Main Street for more information Page 16 The Miner-Journal, Esterhazy, Sask. Monday, February 25, 2013
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