בס"ד MIZRACHI MATTERS SHABBAT PARASHAT KEDOSHIM (Vol 8, No 34) To sponsor the newsletter please call the Mizrachi office on 8317 2504 Friday, 25 April (25 Nissan) SHABBAT Minchah at 5:30pm2 Candle Lighting at 5:23pm 1. Beit Yehuda 2. Beit HaRoeh 3. Beit Midrash 4. Bnei Akiva 5. Elsternwick 6. Midrashah 7. Rabbi’s Home 8. Goldberger Hall 9. Nachalat David Z’manim Shacharit Dawn Tallit & Tefillin Sunrise Sh’ma ()גר"א Earliest Mincha Minchah followed by Ma’ariv SHABBAT 26 APRIL 26 NISSAN SUNDAY 27 APRIL YOM HASHOAH 7:00am1 1 7:15am 8:00am1 9:30am1-4 9:00am3 5:44am 5:45am 6:04am 6:04am 6:56am 6:57am 9.37am 9:37am 12:48pm 12:48pm 5:15pm1, 3 5:25pm1 MONDAY 28 APRIL 28 NISSAN TUESDAY 29 APRIL 29 NISSAN 7:30am1 1 7:20am1 1 9:30am 9:30am WEDNESDAY 30 APRIL THURSDAY 1 MAY FRIDAY 2 MAY 2 IYAR 6:30am1 7:30am1 6:25am1 7:25am1 6:30am1 7:30am1 ROSH CHODESH ROSH CHODESH 5:46am 6:05am 6:58am 9:38am 12:47pm 5:47am 6:06am 6:59am 9:38am 12:47pm 5:48am 6:07am 7:00am 9:39am 12:47pm 5:49am 6:08am 7:01am 9:39am 12:47pm 5:25pm1 5:25pm1 5:25pm1 5:25pm1 Mincha: Candles: 5:33pm 6:15pm 9:30pm3 SHABBAT Sunset Night SECOND MA’ARIV Shiurim Mishnah Yomit Events Yahrtzeits 5:39pm 6:21pm 5:38pm 6:20pm 9:30pm3 5:37pm 6:19pm 9:30pm3 5:36pm 6:18pm 9:30pm3 5:35pm 6:17pm 9:30pm3 Daf Yomi Daf Yomi R’ Bert Mond 8:45am3 8:15am3 8:45am3 R’ Dudi Winkler R’ Dudi Winkler R’ Leor Broh Sefer HaKuzari (for women) 9:00am2 6 8:45am 9:30am6 Noam Malki 6 Daf Yomi Not this week 9:30am 9:45pm3 R’ Dudi Winkler Drashot Practical Halachah R’ Yaakov Sprung 1 in the 21st Century Not this week2 8:30pm2 R’ Leor Broh 3 Not this week R’ Dudi Winkler9 R’ Dovid Segal R’ Chezy Deren Gemara B’iyun Rabbi Sprung’s 8:30pm2 Perek from the R’ Chezy Deren Parsha; The Two Contemporary Worlds of Halacha Mesorah1 4:25pm 7/93 Hotham Street 8:30pm Michal Kaufman (Lewis’ house) 9:00pm Daf Yomi 9:45pm3 Daf Yomi 8:15am3 R’ Yaakov Sprung Chumash Shiur for women 10:00am6 R’ Dudi Winkler Chabura Gemara for female uni students 7:30pm6 Not this week R’ Dudi Winkler Rav Kook Shiur 8:30pm6 Not this week Daf Yomi 9:45pm3 Daf Yomi 8:15am3 Weekly Parashah Shiur for ladies & girls 7 Morrice Street Caulfield 11:00am R’ Yaakov Sprung Gemara B’iyun 6:30pm6 R’ Yaakov Sprung Masechet Brachot 8:00pm6 Chani Winkler (for women) 8:15pm2 Not this week Daf Yomi 9:45pm3 Children’s The Holy Bagel 9:00am3 Tefillah Groups 10:15am – Limmud - Bnei 11:30am Akiva’s Learning Program 6:00pm3 Gan Shabbat 10:15am – 11:30am Bnei Akiva 4:00pm Seudah Shlishit: Speaker TBA Molad for Iyar 4:38pm (and 10 chalakim) Daf Yomi 8:15am3 R’ Dudi Winkler Gemara Shiur 8:00pm3 Not this week R’ Yaakov Sprung Shiur for men 8:30pm7 Chani Winkler Chabura for female uni students 8:30pm6 R’ Dudi Winkler Parashat HaShavua in easy Hebrew 8:45pm3 Not this week Chillen Cholent 9:45pm6 Daf Yomi 9:45pm3 5:50am 6:08am 7:02am 9:39am 12:47pm 5:20pm1 5:14pm 5:32pm 6:14pm Daf Yomi 8:15am3 Menachot 13:3-4 Menachot 13:5-6 Menachot 13:7-8 Menachot 13:9-10 Menachot 13:11Chullin 1:2-3 Menachot 1:4-5 Chullin 1:1 Between Minchah Between Minchah Between Minchah Between Minchah Between Minchah 5:05pm1 5:10pm1 and Ma’ariv1 and Ma’ariv1 and Ma’ariv1 and Ma’ariv1 and Ma’ariv1 The Great Stories of our Great Leaders for children in Years 2-3 & Years 4-5 5:15pm3 Irene Herman (Father) MIZRACHI’S VIRTUAL NOTICEBOARD The Melbourne Minyan Finder helps members of the community and visitors find a minyan via bi-annual printed cards distributed to shules throughout Melbourne. The Minyan Maven App lists all the minyanim, and also includes “smart” additions such as “Favourites”, map view, next minyan in bold, add to calendar, as well as always many other features. Each minyan also includes an information page with contact details, distance from the user and weekly times. It is available free of charge on iTunes for Apple iOS (iPhones, iPads and iPods). An Android version of the app will be released in the near future. Click on this link on your device to load: https://itunes.apple.com/au/app/minyan-maven/id859011995?mt=8 For more information e-mail David Havin: [email protected]. We wish a hearty Mazal Tov to Shmuel & Deena Berkowitz (nee Lederman) on the birth (in Tel Aviv) of their son Grandson to Robert & Judy Berkowitz (Melb) and Joe & Reeva Lederman (Melb) Great Grandson to Yossef & Eva Lefkovits (Melb), Seyma Lederman (Israel) and Valerie Gillis (Melb) *** We wish a hearty Mazal Tov to Zvi & Nicole Brooks (nee Reti) on the birth of their son Grandson to Mera Brooks & Michael Levin (Melb) and Les Reti & Lee Liberman (Melb) Great Grandson to Edith Reti (Qld) and Herta Rybar (Melb) *** We wish a hearty Mazal Tov to Jeremy and Evelyn Lewin (nee Reich) on the birth of their daughter Granddaughter to Ahuvah-Anne and Zwi Lewin and Rose and Joe Reich Great Granddaughter to Lola Reich *** We wish a hearty Mazal Tov to Joshua Paneth & Talia Fuchs on their engagement Mazal Tov to the parents Ruth & Pinny Paneth and Lisa & Stan Fuchs Mazel tov to the grandparents Brigetta Paneth and Max Stern We wish Mazal Tov to the following members who celebrate their Hebrew wedding anniversary during the coming week: Adina and Danny Karp (Thursday) We wish Happy Birthday to the following members who celebrate their birthday during the coming week: Gideon Cher (Hebrew) (Sunday) Alana Bruce (Sunday) Ilana Max (Sunday) Tamara Cher (Monday) Gideon Cher (Tuesday) Harry Mainzer (Wednesday) Jim Moustos (Wednesday) Gabriel Strum (Friday) Yonatan Lindell (Hebrew) (Friday) ב ס "ד NEWSLETTER FOR THE ELSTERNWICK JEWISH COMMUNITY Yahrzeits during the coming week Shirley Sles (Husband) [26 April] Lisa Hespe (Father) [26 April] Kerrie Sles (Father) [26 April] Contact numbers Rabbi Rabbi Chaim Cowen 0433-308-584 [email protected] Chairman Mark Kras 0410-460-970 26 April 2014 26 Nissan 5774 Parshat Kedoshim Peter Hyman (Father) [26 April] Avi Paluch (Father) [29 April] Shiphrah Farfel (Brother) [2 May] Shabbat times Candle Lighting this week Kabbalat Shabbat this week Pre-Shacharit Shiur Shacharit No Rabbi’s Shabbat Shiur till after Succot Mincha at Shabbat ends at Candle Lighting next week Kabbalat Shabbat next week 5.23 pm 5.35 pm 9.00 am 9.30 am 5.05 pm 6.21 pm 5.14 pm 5.25 pm [email protected] Gabbai Elan Jacobs 0419-527-227 The Rabbi’s Shabbat Shiurim The early shiur (9.00am, before Shacharit) - come join Rabbi Wernick for cake, coffee and an exploration of the mystical parsha Secretary Sally-Ann Jaye 0437-625-350 Condolences Barry, Kim, Natasha and Jarred Abrahams on the loss of their mother, mother-in-law and grandmother, Zena Abrahams a”h Haftorah requests Dennis Max 9528-6865 In shule this week … EJC warmly welcomes Rabbi Wernick into the pulpit in Rabbi Cowen’s absence [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Contributions to Newsletter (please) Sally-Ann [email protected] Jordan Simai will be leading Kabbalat Shabbat, Hanan Szokovski will be leading Shacharit, Saul Cohen will be saying the Haftorah, and Rabbi Wernick will be leading Mussaf. Kiddush this Shabbat You are all invited to the kiddush, which will be sponsored by EJC. For Young Adults The Wick at the Rabbi’s home, Unit 3, 301 Glen Eira Road, Caulfield North on Thursday evenings from 8.00 to 9.00pm Mizrachi’s Hesder Bachurim invite The community to our Yom HaZikaron Interactive Exhibition Which will be open to the public on Sunday, 4 May between 10am—4pm HaMerkaz Hall, Leibler Yavneh College, 2 Nagle Avenue, Elsternwick. The sessions will be held every hour Bookings are essential. Please call Shay: 0403155754 or email: [email protected] (not suitable for children under 12 years old) The Beit Midrash’s events for Yom Ha’Atzmaut: MUSICAL HALLEL for Women On the program: Introduction - Chani Winkler A BBQ dinner with Israeli taste To be followed by Rabbi Sprung, Rabbi Cowen & Rav Winkler Hallel with Music Who will help you to Shiur by: Rabbi Gurewicz. ‘Choose your own MASHI’ACH’ Tuesday 6 May 2014, Tuesday 6 May 2014, 6 Iyar 5773 6 Iyar 5773 at 9:30 am – 10:45 am at 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm in Beit Haroeh in Goldberger Hall 81 Balaclava Rd, Caulfield North 81 Balaclava Rd, Caulfield North Mizrachi Organisation בס"ד THE EUGEN YAACOV WEISS MIZRACHI CENTRE 81 Balaclava Road, Caulfield North, Victoria 3161, Australia Telephone: (03) 8317 2555 Fax: (03) 9527 5665 Email: [email protected] MARA D’ATRA Rabbi Yaakov Sprung Members are advised that the 70th Annual General Meeting of the Mizrachi Organisation PRESIDENT Ian Waller SC CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER Daniel Solomon ********** will take place at 8:00 PM on Monday 26th May 2014, in the Goldberger Hall, Weiss Mizrachi Centre 81 Balaclava Rd, Caulfield North MIZRACHI SYNAGOGUES Beit Yehuda Beit HaRoeh Beit Midrash ‘Bogrim’ Minyan Nachalat David ********** BEIT MIDRASH NAFTALI HERC Kollel Torah MiTzion Midreshet Ohr HaMizrachi ********** ELSTERNWICK JEWISH COMMUNITY Faye Rockman Synagogue The Agenda appears below. A complete set of Annual Reports will be circulated via email prior to the AGM. It will also be available for collection in hard copy from the Mizrachi Office. A nomination form is attached at the end of the newsletter of 24 April. Persons entitled to vote or stand for election at that meeting are required to have been financial members at 31st December, 2013. ********** LEIBLER YAVNEH COLLEGE The Joseph & Stera Gutnick School of Jewish Studies A.S. Leibler Secondary School Leopold & Isabella Abrahamovits Yavneh Primary School Abeles Liberman Early Learning Centre ********** KOSHER AUSTRALIA P/L ********** MIZRACHI CHARITY FUND MIZRACHI SICK VISITING SOCIETY BNEI AKIVA YOUTH MOVEMENT EMUNAH WOMEN’S MOVEMENT ********** MIZRACHI NOMINEES PTY. LTD. ABN 83 005 019 670 AGENDA Opening of Annual General Meeting Dvar Torah Apologies Minutes of the 69th Annual General Meeting Matters arising out of the Minutes Adoption of Annual Reports Elections: a. Mizrachi Chairman b. Mizrachi President c. Mizrachi Vice President d. Mizrachi Treasurer e. Mizrachi Secretary f. Leibler Yavneh College Chairman g. Leibler Yavneh College Deputy Chairman h. Leibler Yavneh College Treasurer i. Kosher Australia Board Chairman j. Building Chairman k. Bet Midrash Committee Chairman l. Bet HaRoeh Executive Representative m. Twelve (12) Committee Members 8. Address by incoming President 9. General business Rae Bower, Acting Returning Officer 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. The Land of Israel for the People of Israel according to the Torah of Israel ארץ ישראל לעם ישראל על פי תורת ישראל Mizrachi Organisation בס"ד THE EUGEN YAACOV WEISS MIZRACHI CENTRE 81 Balaclava Road, Caulfield North, Victoria 3161, Australia Telephone: (03) 8317 2555 Fax: (03) 9527 5665 Email: [email protected] ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING, 2014 NOMINATION FORM MARA D’ATRA Rabbi Yaakov Sprung PRESIDENT Ian Waller SC CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER Daniel Solomon ********** MIZRACHI SYNAGOGUES Beit Yehuda Beit HaRoeh Beit Midrash ‘Bogrim’ Minyan Nachalat David ********** We ............................................................................................................. (NAME OF PROPOSER - BLOCK LETTERS) and ............................................................................................................ (NAME OF SECONDER - BLOCK LETTERS) being financial members as at 31st December 2013 of the Mizrachi Organisation, hereby nominate ................................................................................................................... (NAME OF CANDIDATE - BLOCK LETTERS) BEIT MIDRASH NAFTALI HERC Kollel Torah MiTzion Midreshet Ohr HaMizrachi ********** ELSTERNWICK JEWISH COMMUNITY Faye Rockman Synagogue ********** LEIBLER YAVNEH COLLEGE The Joseph & Stera Gutnick School of Jewish Studies A.S. Leibler Secondary School Leopold & Isabella Abrahamovits Yavneh Primary School Abeles Liberman Early Learning Centre as a candidate for the position of (PLEASE TICK ONE) Mizrachi Chairman Mizrachi President Mizrachi Vice President Mizrachi Treasurer Mizrachi Secretary Leibler Yavneh College Chairman Leibler Yavneh College Deputy Chairman Leibler Yavneh College Treasurer Kosher Australia Board Chairman Building Chairman Bet Midrash Committee Chairman One of Twelve (12) Committee Members ********** ACCEPTANCE I accept this nomination KOSHER AUSTRALIA P/L ........................................... Signature of candidate ....../...../..... Date ............................................ Signature of proposer ....…................................. Signature of seconder ********** MIZRACHI CHARITY FUND MIZRACHI SICK VISITING SOCIETY BNEI AKIVA YOUTH MOVEMENT EMUNAH WOMEN’S MOVEMENT To be received at the office by 3:00 PM on Friday 23 May 2014. ********** MIZRACHI NOMINEES PTY. LTD. ABN 83 005 019 670 Rae Bower ACTING RETURNING OFFICER The Land of Israel for the People of Israel according to the Torah of Israel ארץ ישראל לעם ישראל על פי תורת ישראל Parshat Kedoshim Issue 528 26 Nisan 5774, April 26, 2014 בס“ד Shabbat MiTzion שבת מציון Building a Spiritual Identity - through Vision and Action Rav Doron Podlashuk - Former Rosh Kollel in Johannesburg. Director of the post smicha –Manhigut Toranit program at Eretz Hemda in Jerusalem Joel Barker said – "Vision without action is merely a dream. Action without vision just passes the time. Vision with action can change the world" The Jewish people can undoubtedly claim that they have changed the world. One could argue that this should come as no surprise since G-d himself chose us to become his Chosen nation. However although G -d is almighty and can do anything; He willfully chose to govern our world through a natural order and thereby give us free choice. second half of Sefer Shmot is dedicated to the building of the Msihkan. Here Hashem illustrates the concept of Kedusha within the realm of space. The beginning of Sefer Vayikra teaches us that we can consecrate animals and mundane objects and instill within them Kedusha. Finally after all of these lessons; of being able to find Kedusha in all aspects and realms of this world – Hashem teaches us that there is holiness within ourselves – through perfection of our actions, character traits and thoughts. This in essence is the hidden mesIf Barker is correct, the question is how did G-d take a sage of the illnesses' of Ttzaraat and and Ziva. slave nation, and turn them into a people that would (although they reflect this in our failure to achieve literally change the world? this) Firstly G-d gave us a vision – not only on a personal level but on a national one as well. "To be a kingdom of priests and a holy nation"(Shmot 19/6). This "holy nation" would be a "light unto the other nations"(Yeshayahu 42/6) – and bring about a Tikun Olam – a restoration of the world. But to a slave nation, who has just emerged from the depths of depravity in immoral and brutal Egypt, Kedusha – is not only unfathomable; it is incomprehensible. Here G-d gives us his proverbial hand and leads us step by step giving us a clear action plan. When Am Yisrael came out of Mitzrayim, and reached Mara – Chazal tell us that Hashem gave them two mitzvothHonoring ones parents and Shabbat.(Midrash Pesikta Zutrta) Hashem tells the slave nation – before we can achieve the sublime and lofty vision of "Kedusha", you first need to be decent human beings – a nation of mentchzin. Honoring ones parents is a basic and fundamental principle of common decency called – Hakarat Hatov – Appreciating and thanking others for the good they bestowed upon you. Rav Kook writes that any Yirat Shamayim (fear of Heaven) that negates ones innate human morality is on a certain level a perverted "Yirat shamayim".(Orot Hakodesh chp3) Rashi quotes another midrash that the mitzva of the Red heifer was given then. This mitzva is the quintessential example of doing things because we are commanded to by Divine law – even though we cannot fathom its meaning. A critical aspect of achieving our vision is internalizing this principle – We do mitzvoth because we are commanded, and not because we view and understand their immense value and beauty. At this stage G-d introduces us to the concept of "Kedusha – holiness". First, we are shown the concept of Kedusha within the realm of time – Shabbat. The TMT Shlichim prepare for Pesach In our Parsha – the Torah tells us " Kdoshim Tihiyu". The Ramban in his famous explanation of this pasuk gives a novel approach to the concept of Kedusha. If up until now we have illustrated that the Torah not only gave us a clear vision, of whom we could become; together with a step by step action plan as to how to achieve it; here the Ramban explains that the Torah is ordering us to "separate ourselves from impurity even though the Torah didn’t command us to do so" and "going beyond the letter of the law for others" relating to this idea and the pasuk "and you shall do good and just". If up until now Hashem has given us a clear action plan as to how to achieve our vision of Kedusha; here the Torah tells us that the final step is for us to navigate our own way to cleave to Hakadosh Barucha Hu and become holy once we have internalized all the direct commandments of the Torah. Shmuel Grossbaum and David Fuchs, Cape Town Aviad Kelner and Amichai Blau, Montevideo Gidon Last and Netanel Zadok, Perth G-d as the ultimate teacher at some stage, wants us to figure out the answer even though he hasn’t taught us explicitly in the proverbial classroom. He has given us the tools and knowhow to intuit what is the straight and just path. B"H after Chag Hapesach where we celebrated our freedom; let us merit to use it to achieve our G-d given vision – "And you shall be holy". Gathering for the Seder in Munich Shabbat Times Jerusalem Begin 18:39 End 19:53 Parshat Kedoshim Page 2 ISRAtag בס“ד Arik Speaker The Tel Aviv Stock Exchange (TASE) is the only operating stock exchange in Israel. It serves to raise capital for and from the Israeli capital market and securities trading. The TASE is a private commercial company owned by 28 members mostly Israeli banks and large investment houses - both local and foreign. Members of the Stock Exchange are the only ones who have the ability to trade, so each transaction is made solely through them. The trading includes a wide range of financial products. The Exchange's international code is TASE. Local trade in securities began in the 1930s, years before the formation of the State of Israel. Trade was carried out through the Exchange Bureau for Securities, founded by the Anglo-Palestine Bank (which became Bank Leumi) in 1935. With the formation of the State of Israel, a pressing need arose to formalize trade in securities. In September 1953, a number of banks and brokerages joined forces and established the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange. Since the mid-1990s the TASE has been adapting to meet the standards of the most advanced exchanges in the world. Physical trading floors, long abolished, have been replaced by a computerized system, the TACT (Tel Aviv Continuous Trading) allows the flow of transaction orders in real time. TASE is an internationally recognized exchange and is a member of the World Federation of Exchanges (WFE), an observer member of the Federation of European Stock Exchanges (FESE) and an affiliate member of the International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO). Since 1983 the TASE has been located on Echad Ha'am street but in the coming year it will move to a new home on Montefiore Street in Tel Aviv - the building featured in last week's ISRA-tag. The Stock Exchange trading volume in 2007 reached a record peak height of nearly 600 billion NIS but declined steadily since that year, as part of the global crisis in 2008 and subsequently many local factors, to a low of 265 billion NIS in 2012. In the past year there has been a slow recovery in trading volume. Let's hope that this trend will continue. As of 2012, Israel ranks 16th among 187 nations on the UN's Human Development Index, (a composite statistic of life expectancy, education, and income indexes used to rank countries into four tiers of human development) which places it in the category of "Very Highly Developed". If you would like to advertise in Shabbat MiTzion contact: www.facebook.com/ WorldTorahMiTzion Ph. 02 620 9022 [email protected] Where was this photo taken? Please send answers to [email protected] The answer, further information about this location as well as the name of the first person to recognize this site will be published in next week‘s edition. Torah MiTzion was established in 1995 with the goal of strengthening Jewish communities around the globe and infusing them with the love for Torah, the Jewish People and the State of Israel. Over the past eighteen years Torah MiTzion's shlichim have inspired and enriched their host communities through a wide range of formal and informal educational programs.
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