Rappahannock Record, Thursday, June 5, 2014, Section D
Rappahannock Record, Thursday, June 5, 2014, Section D
MarketPlace 2EAL%STATEs0UBLIC.OTICESs"USINESS$IRECTORY Section D Rappahannock Record Kilmarnock, VA June 5, 2014 www.rrecord.com CALL US! Monday-Friday, 9 am to 5 pm, 804. 435.1701 or (toll-free in VA) 1.800.435.1701. FAX your ad to 804.435.2632. E-MAIL your ad to [email protected]. ONLINE: Submit your ad 24 hours a day at www.RRecord.com (click on “Classifieds” in the top menu and then “Click here to submit your classified ad online.”) Call or go online now to easily place your classified ad. Sandra Hargett, Broker 804-436-3454 Diamond Award Winner yearly in this Chesapeake Bay Region since 1998 ~ My experience counts! IsaBell K. Horsley Real Estate, Ltd (DFK2I¿FH,V,QGHSHQGHQWO\ 2ZQHGDQG2SHUDWHG [email protected] • www.SandraHargett.com www.HorsleyRealEstate.com ! ISTED JUST L NEW PRICE! ,000 N RIVER – $639 CORROTOMA 1.58?7&2&9.(39*7.47$.)*#.*<8 < 749*(9*)4&9&8.3 942&3439*2547&7> 4774 RAPPAHANNOCK RIVER TOWNHOME S – $197,500 86+9? ? *&(-?4(0?441 #.8.9%4:$.11$&3994 9&> Carters Creek off the Rappahannock >H[LYZPKL+V\ISL7VYJOLZ-PYLWSHJLZ .VYNLV\Z3HUKZJHWPUN+LLW>H[LY+VJR 150’ Waterfront $1,795,000 INCREDIBLE NEW PR ICE! 9,000 0 REEK – $59 TAYLORS C:*894:8*?**5$&9*74( )*&14(&9.43 ?441? 1* 7**0 .)* 9> GREAT WICOMICO RIVER – $479,000 **5$&9*74(0? NEW PRICE! GOLDEN EAGLE COTTAGE ON THE LAKE – $399 ,500 1*,&3939*7.47?4:72*9.9(-*3?472&1< .7*51&(* 1*&8&39.;.3,43499&,*4< Oyster Point Colonial in White Stone 86+9 99,000 RIVER ACCESS – $2 RAPPAHANNOCK 9*7&72-4:8*425*9*1>*34;&9*) Western Branch of the Corrotoman River ± 1.39 Acres ● ± 332’ Waterfront c. 1936 Log Cabin ● Solid construction Exterior & interior Log walls ● Two Screen Porches Amazing River views ● Perfect Southern Exposure Additional acreage available $287,000 HIGHBANK TOWNHOME Waterfront community on the Rappahannock Amenities include: Pier O Sand Beach O Pool Elegant residence, +2000 sq. ft. $549,000 -&72.3,!.)*<& .;*7*1&=.3, DRAMATIC NEW PRICE! 0 EAST RIVER – $699,00 1*=?86+9 7*&9-9&0.3,#.*<8?4(04259&(:1&77.(* 5*( 5*(9&(:1&7745*79>? CORROTOM AN R 947>"3.6:* IVER – $599,000 &.1'4&9*59-$ 42*? &9*7? &.1478 *1.,-9 HENRY CREEK – $8 89,000 44084:72*9.9(-*3 $43)*7+:114471&3? ,+47 47&74<) .;.3 &1 )* 9? 6+ 8 804-435-2644 White Stone JUST LISTED! 79,000 ER TOWNHOMES – $2 RAPPAHANNOCK RIV 1?4(0 44 -? *&( ? ? 86+9 .8(4;*79-*.;*7.+* Perfect Medical/Dental facility in Kilmarnock Built in 1984 - Two Stories - Move in Ready ± 11 Parking Spaces ● Convenient Road Frontage Reception Area ● Waiting Room ● Full Laboratory Multiple Examination Rooms ● 3 Restrooms 0XOWLSOH2I¿FHVRQVHFRQGÀRRU $145,000 BAY WALK-KILMARNOCK – 4<3.;.3, ?.7*51&(*?&7&,*?3! CARTERS CREEK – $6 99,000 ?4(0?:*89 :&79*78?3/4>9-*44).+* The Realtor You Choose DOES Matter! D2 .YRI Real Estate “A BUILDER’S BEST HOME” 3600 Sq. Ft. Overall 9’ Ceilings, 3BR, 2BA Wood, Marble, Tile Floors Lanai, Patio, Tile Roof 3-Car Garage & Pier Too Much To List Here! Jackson Creek, Hague VA Estimated 2 Hrs. From No. VA Appraised $568k Asking $499k Please Call Cas 804.334.8045 [email protected] Port & Starboard R.E., Inc. (June-5-4t) $25!! Include up to 3 photos in your ad online for just $25 for up to 13 weeks. Show off your property at www.rrecord.com where we receive over 200K page views a month!.. (May-29-tf) 1.16 ACRES: 1500 sq.ft. 3BR/2BA with open kitchen. Only $179,696. 804-443-0710..(May-15-4t) 206 LONESOME PINE Trail, Heritage Point, Lancaster. 3BR/2BA ranch, huge deck, storage building. 1 landscaped acre/$150,000. Catherine Bennett, Melrose Plantation Real Estate. www.RealEstateChesapeakeBay.com. 804-435-0321.. (May-15-13t) INDIAN CREEK Estates: Townhome Z[`SLÅVVY)9)(HJYVZZMYVT water. $107,000. Great for 2nd OVTL5L_[[VJV\U[Y`JS\I>H[LY access. Kilmarnock. Owner/Broker, 804-436-5437..(May-8-13t) $1100/month. PARKS HOUSE. 3BR/2.5BA, waterfront, Village of Morattico. Wood floors, CHAC, appliances. Furniture possible. No cats/Section8. Catherine Bennett, Melrose Plantation Real Estate. www.RealEstateChesapeakeBay. com. 804-435-0321..(May-15-13t) NO CREDIT or contract. Furnished room in Kilmarnock. Near shops. Cable internet, phone. $110/per week plus security deposit. 240780-7604, 804-435-5511 after 10 a.m..(May-22-3t) JUNE 7, 10a.m.-1p.m. Open house on lovely year round waterfront 2BR/2BA cottage. Has pier, detached 2 car garage with bonus overhead guest apartment. 32 Potomac Shore Dr., Heathsville. (May-29-2t) LancasterCH: Two-unit, Commericalzoned American-Craftsman-style bungalow. Tea shop, antiques, nursLY`VMÄJLZWHJL&3HYNL`HYKWHYRPUN $190,000. Catherine Bennett, Melrose Plantation Real Estate. 804-435-0321. Lancaster. www.RealEstateChesapeakeBay.com..(Apr-3-13t) LITTLE BAY Waterfront reduced. 4 side waterview, 3BR/1BA 990sq.ft. cottage. Remodeled 2007. Elevated 1/2 acre, large decks. Will consider sailboat for partial trade. $210,000. 804-761-4881..(X) CARTER CREEK WATERFRONT 6.22+/-AC w/375’ frontage & new dock. Gorgeous private creek views. Cleared, ready to build ^)9ZLW[PJ 2*HSS[L_[ 436-6935. Chesapeake Bay Group.. (May-29-13t) IRVINGTON: Chesapeake Drive. Nice wooded building lots in quiet neighborhood. Town water, septic approved, cable ready. Walk to shops & restaurants. $57K-$77K. 757-8985693 or 804-436-6828..(Apr-10-13t) LAND FOR Sale. 11.9Ac +/-. (WWYHPZLK H[ ,ZZL_ County, Occupacia Road off of Route 17. 5 acres cleared, 4BR ZLW[PJ SL[[LY 6^ULY ÄUHUJPUN SV^ down. Make offer. Call for details. 804-580-4591 or email cvsillc@ gmail.com..(May-15-4t) MUST SELL: 2.5 acre water front lot, skiff deep, perks. Between White Stone and Kilmarnock. Price, 6^ULY ^PSS ÄUHUJL 761-6284..(May-22-3t) WANTED WATERFRONT. Lot with 5’-6’, 1-3 acres with some privacy. Under 130K. Cash. 804-580-4048.. (May-22-14t) Residential Rentals $$1200/ MONTH: WONDERFUL craftsman style in Irvington. Commercial zoned -live and workcurrently used as professional VMÄJLYVVTZNYLH[^YHWWVYJO outbuilding. 1/2Ac. in prominent town location. Option to purchase available. References required. 804761-1237..(May-1-tf) $495/MONTH: SPACIOUS 1 bedroom White Stone apartment. Built-in bookcases, wall-to-wall carpet, some utilities included. Nonsmoking. Available June 1. Kane & Associates, Inc. 804-580-0327.. (May-22-13t) $600. KILMARNOCK. 1BR apt in historic district has fully equipped kitchen, central air, washer/dryer, plus parking. See this & more at www.chesapeakepm.com. Call Catherine at 804-436-6701. Chesapeake Property Mgmt..(X) $950. HERITAGE POINT. 3BR/2BA OVTLOHZÄYLWSPUSP]YTKPUPUNYT fully equipped kit, 2 car garage on lge lot w/room for your garden. See this & more at www.chesapeakepm.com. Call Catherine at 804436-6701. Chesapeake Property Mgmt..(X) 1, 2 & 3 BEDROOM NorthumberSHUK9PJOTVUK,ZZL_JV\U[PLZ equal housing. 804-529-9505 or www.leeselfproperties.com..(Mar20-13t) ON RAPPAHANNOCK waterfront. 3BR/2BA house, screened porch, pier, boathouse. $900/month plus deposit and credit check. 804-366-5624 or 804-462-5342. (Apr-17-tf) REAL ESTATE AUCTION 92.5 Acre Farm FRIDAY, JUNE 27 at 11:00am Aucon Locaon: 169 Millwood Ln, Heathsville, VA 22473 • Brick Home with 1.5± Acres • 92.504± Total Acres • Parcels to be Offered Separately • 54.992± Acres • Online Bidding Available • 36± Acres PREVIEW DATES Friday, June 6th from 12-2pm & Saturday, June 14th from 12-2 pm ROOM FOR RENT for single person. No smokers/pets. Price negotiable. 804-761-1763..(June-5-4t) SHORT TERM furnished 3BR/2BA house in Reedville. Waterfront, dock, very private, washer/dryer, TV. Weekly and monthly rates. [email protected]. 571-2126077..(May-15-6t) THE RED COTTAGE: Lovely 2 story cottage in a private and secluded setting. Outside Weems Village. 2BR/2BA, CHAC, 600sq.ft. storage building/workshop, $750/month security deposit. Email pictures available. Mark Allen, 804-5641180..(June-5-4t) Terms: 10% Buyer’s Premium. 10% deposit due on the day of aucon. For complete terms,visit www.AtlancCoastAucons.com. in conjuncon with VAAF #795 804-761-6751 AtlancCoastAucons.com Commercial Warehouse – Lively 1, 2, & 3 BEDROOM apartments available. Sign up for 1yr. lease. Sonrise Apts., Wicomico Church, John, 804-580-2473..(Mar-13-13t) 1BR SENIOR APT: Main St., Reedville, VA; All modern amenities; LR/DR; full kitchen, bath with tub/ shower; carpeted, no-smoking. $550/mo; 912-777-6569..(Apr24-13t) 2BR APARTMENT, White Stone, all appliances, water & trash included. Quiet community, great location. Call Chris, 804-493-9659. (Mar13-tf) 2BR, 1BA COTTAGE: Quiet neighborhood, Chase St., Kilmarnock. Newly renovated, all appliances including W/D. Lawncare provided. Security, references required. Call Rick, 804-8159263..(Mar-13-tf) 2BR, 1BA NEW UPSCALE 1000sf. K\WSL_ -HPYWVY[ 9LLK]PSSL HYLH */(* OHYK^VVK ÅVVYZ NHZ ÄYLplace, all new appliances, large closets, lots of storage, front porch. $795. No pets, security/references required. 804-450-8699, anytime.. (Jan-23-tf) 2BR/2BA IMMACULATE Home. King Carter Drive, Irvington. . No smoking/pets. All appliances. $850/ month. Available June 1. References required. 804-758-2115.. (May-29-3t) 3BR HOUSE. Available NOW. Located near Christ Church. A New South property. $685/month plus deposit. 804-577-0932. (June-5-4t) Approximately 13,000 sq. ft; cinderblock exterior with concrete flooring, rubber flat roof on main part and A-roof on remaining; one restroom, forced air heat, loading dock, shared well and septic; warehouse site on 2.60 +/- Ac; 2 adjacent properties included totaling 24.87 acres. $225,000 Long & Foster 434 Rappahannock Dr. White Stone, VA 22578 804-435-2673 Skipper Garrett Mobile: 804-370-4080 [email protected] www.skippergarrett.com 3BR UPSCALE HOME in Wicomico Church with water access. No pets/ smokers please. $950/month negotiable 804-761-1783..(June-5-4t) 3BR/2BA Rancher: w/carport, utility shed, deck, CHAC, all appliances, water access, large lot, 7 minutes from Kilmarnock. $950/month plus security and references. 804-4620444. (Dec-5-tf) APARTMENT: Weems area, 1BR, 1 person, no smoking, no pets, 1-year lease. Deposit, credit check, references required. $450 month. Call 804-929-0407. (Mar-27-tf) APTS/DUPLEX: 2BR. New windows. Freshly painted. Discount MVY ÄYL WVSPJL YLZJ\L [LHJOLYZ military + Dec. rent credit. Available now. Lively. Call Owner/Broker, 804436-5437..(May-8-13t) DELTAVILLE: 3BR BRICK rancher, 2400sq.ft., 2-1/2BAs, family room ^NHZÄYLSVNZSNYLJYVVTKLJR -LUJLKPU (* SV[ JHY »_» garage/workshop. Whole house generator. Gas heat, water heater, stove. Available 1/1/13. $1200 month plus 1-month deposit. 804694-9546. With option to buy.. (June-5-tf)SS KILMARNOCK STEPTOE district. Fabulous 1BR, full bath, refrig, washer/dryer, freshly painted and UL^ÅVVYPUN5VZTVRPUNWL[Z-YLL parking behind building. $650/mo. 804-436-7558. (May-8-tf) KILMARNOCK: Large 2BR/1BA mobile home. Heat/AC. W/D. $650/ month plus security deposit. No pets. Non-smoking. Call 540-8456107..(Feb-20-tf) LOTTSBURG, 2BR/1BA house: 3HYNL ZOLK /HYK^VVK ÅVVYZ CHAC, W/D, dishwasher. 1 mile to marina. Close to shopping/amenities. Good credit a must. $695/ month plus deposit. 571-233-5078.. (Apr-10-13t) P.D. O’Keefe 804-435-3555 [email protected] www.PDOKeefe.com OPEN HOUSES Potomac River )LH\PM\SS`YLUV]H[LK)9IH[OJVHZ[HS OVTLVU[OLTHQLZ[PJ7V[VTHJ9P]LY (SSUL^RP[JOLU^P[OUL^JHIPUL[ZZ[HPUSLZZ Z[LLSHWWSPHUJLZIYLHRMHZ[IHYHUKNYHUP[L JV\U[LY[VWZ 6WLUÅVVYWSHUZSL[`V\ZLL^H[LYMYVT ]PY[\HSS`L]LY`YVVTPUJS\KPUNNPNHU[PJ^H[LYMYVU[ MHTPS`YVVT^P[OZLWHYH[LNYHUP[LIHY >OVSLOV\ZLNLULYH[VYZ\UYVVT[VUZVM Z[VYHNLHUKJVTT\UP[`WVVSJS\IOV\ZL [LUUPZJV\Y[ZIVH[YHTWHUKILHJO :LLNYLH[]PKLVVM[OPZWYVWLY[`H[! ^^^7+62LLMLJVT 6US`$369,000 Saturday, June 7th Yeocomico River 12:00-4:00 Indian Creek ;V[HSS`YLUV]H[LKVWLUÅVVYWSHU^H[LYMYVU[ OVTLPU0UKPHU*YLLR,Z[H[LZ 5L^YVVMZPKPUNWS\TIPUN/=(*MHTPS` YVVTHKKP[PVUKLJRÅVVYPUN ;OYLL[V[HSS`UL^M\SSIH[OZHUKYLKLZPNULK RP[JOLU^P[OHSSUL^JHIPUL[ZRP[JOLUIHY NYHUP[LJV\U[LY[VWZHUKUL^Z[HPUSLZZ HWWSPHUJLZ /\NLKVJR^P[OÄZOJSLHUPUNZ[H[PVUHUK IVH[SPM[-P]LTPU\[LZMYVTHSS[OLHTLUP[PLZVM 2PSTHYUVJR ;OPZPZHT\Z[ZLLWYVWLY[` ,]LY`[OPNPZUL^ :LL]PKLVH[!7+62LLMLJVT $429,000 OPEN HOUSES )9HUK1/2)(JSHZZPJ*HWL*VK^P[OOPNO JLPSPUNZHUKJYV^UTVSKPUNZ 5L^S`YLUV]H[LKRP[JOLU^P[ONYHUP[LJV\U[LY [VWZK\HSZ[HPUSLZZKPZO^HZOLYZJ\Z[VT YLMYPNLYH[VY^L[IHY 6WLUÅVVYWSHUMHTPS`YVVTNHZÄYLWSHJL HUKHKQHJLU[O\NLZJYLLULKWVYJO +LLW^H[LYKVJR^P[OHTWZLY]PJLHUK IVH[SPM[)HJR\WNLULYH[VY :LLNYLH[]PKLVVM[OPZWYVWLY[`H[! ^^^7+62LLMLJVT 6US` $699,000 OPEN HOUSES Up to 25 words: 1 week-$6; 2 weeks-$10; 3 weeks-$15; 4 or more weeks-$4.50 each week. Minimum run for TFN ads, 4 weeks. Same ad, 25 words or fewer, 13 successive weeks, $40 (no refunds). $.24 per word for HKZV]LY^VYKZ*\Z[VTJSHZZPÄLKZ[OVZL with centered or blank lines, special type styles, art), Legals, Notices, Resolutions or Memorials, $1.25 per line (9-line minimum). Special features (per week) $20 for yellow highlighted ad, $10 for banner, $15 for a border and $1/wrd. for bold, $5 web link. ClasZPÄLKZWSHJLK\UKLY[OLMVSSV^PUNJSHZZPÄJHtions are payable in advance: Personals, Card of Thanks, Moving/Yard Sales, In Memoriam, Work Wanted, Wanted, Want To Buy, Lost HUK -V\UK >OLU VYKLYPUN JSHZZPÄLKZ WH` with cash (not credit card) and get a 10 percent discount; no refund. 24/7 Exposure! All JSHZZPÄLKZPU[OPZZLJ[PVUHSZVHWWLHY^LLRS` on our web pages at RRecord.com. You can HKKHJVSVYWOV[VSPURLK[V`V\YJSHZZPÄLKMVY VUS`MVY\W[V^LLRZ*SHZZPÄLKKLHKline: Noon Tuesday. Display ad deadline: 5 p.m. Monday. We now charge a $5 per classiÄLKHZMVYH*LY[PÄJH[LVM7\ISPJH[PVU Call 804-435-1701 or 1-800-435-1701. /MPQEVRSGO:MVKMRME Residential Rentals -69:(3,!(Ä_LY\WWLYHJYLZ Well and septic system. 7 out build- 2.55 ACRE WOODED lot: Laurel ings. 2BR/1BA. $60,000/OBO. 804- Point, water access (Browns Creek), ramp, dock, slips/community water 436-3311. (June-5-4t) available, underground utilities. Quiet FSBO. WAKE 4BR/2BA 1960sq. community, close to Kilmarnock. ft. 3AC. Pool, workshop, free inter- $60,000. 757-345-3131..(Mar-27-13t) net. Near boat landing, beach. $169,900. Rent $1400 +deposit. No BEAUTIFUL 1.75AC. deep water lot rent-to-own. 804-824-3008. Leave on Seniors Creek with 520ft. frontHNL SHYNL [YLLZ 6^ULY ÄUHUJPUN message..(May-29-13t)SS available. Septic approval. $239k. GO HERE for a great house. http:// 804-350-6691..(May-22-13t) ^^^TVYNHUHUKLK^HYKZS\_\Y`homes.com. 804-815-8621. Call B U I L D I N G L O T: $ 5 0 0 d o w n . Deborah Morgan, Broker. Morgan $193.44/month. $22,000/sale. & Edwards Real Estate....(Apr-17-tf) 6^ULY ÄUHUJPUN ' `YZ(79 -PZOPUNO\U[PUN Leland Corporation, 804-529-9505. [email protected]..(June-5-13t) &ODVVLÀHG5DWHV Residential Rentals Lots/Acreage Publisher’s Notice RAPPAHANNOCK RECORD Real Estate WATERFRONT COTTAGE in the village of Morattico in Lancaster County. Circa 1950s cottage with two bedrooms, one bath, eat-in kitchen, separate dining area, living 222 EAST HIGHVIEW, Corrotoman- room and utility room. Separate By-The-Bay. Deep water pier, Cor- garage. Cottage and garage need rotoman River. Stunning custom TLC but are located on .786 of an contemporary: marble/hardwood acre on a tidal pond. Kayak and ÅVVYZ *H[OLYPUL )LU- canoe depth. Every room in the nett, Melrose Plantation Real Estate. house has a waterview! Included www.RealEstateChesapeakeBay. is a quarter of an acre on the Rappahannock River within walking com. 804-435-0321..(Apr-3-13t) distance. Perfect for a gazebo 4 5 9 2 W I N D M I L L P O I N T R D . and dock. Already rip-rapped. Summer/year round home. Great Motivated sellers. Asking $150,000 IH`]PL^ÄZOPUN-7/>ÅVVYZUL^ for both the cottage and riverfront roof! Near marina. $142,500. Susan property. Serious inquiries only Moenssens, 804-436-5437. Light- please. 804-438-5374 or 804-761house Real Estate. susan.lighthouse 0204..(Mar-27-tf) @gmail.com..(May-8-13t) WATERFRONT 4BR/3.5BA HOUSE for sale by 62 Deep Harbor Lane, Lancaster. V^ULY/HYK^VVKÅVVYZNHZSVNZ 3BR/2.5BA, single story w/beach wet bar, 2 car attached garage, HUKL_WHUZP]L]PL^VU*VYYV[VTHU shed, fenced backyard, subdivision Screened porch & partial basement. in Kilmarnock, 1 acre. 804-436- Garage and workshop. Pier, electric, 6319..(May-29-4t) water, lift, BBQ gazebo. Opportunity DUPLEX! Live in one side, rent the at $449,000. Third party agents other! New windows! Great invest- welcome. 804-338-4375, 804-517TLU[.VVKJHZOÅV^,Z[HISPZOLK 9489 for appointment. (June-5-3t) neighborhood, Lively. $149,999. Owner/Broker, 804-436-5437.. www.LocalRels.com (May-8-13t) Visit Our New Local Website ESTATE SALE! $318,250. Beach house. New carpet/heatpump. Post Real Estate For Sale... Great location. Indian Creek, near It’s Free! marina, country club. 499 Pocahon(June-5-2t)SS tas Rd., Susan Moenssens Lighthouse Real Estate. 804-436-5437.. (May-8-13t)photo-on-line All real estate advertised herein is subject to Virginia’s fair housing law which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation or discrimination because of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, elderliness, familial status or handicap, or intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination. This newspaper will not knowingly accept advertising for real estate that violates the fair housing law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. For TVYL PUMVYTH[PVU VY [V ÄSL H OV\ZPUN JVTWSHPU[JHSS[OL=PYNPUPH-HPY/V\ZPUN6MÄJLH[ (804) 367-8530; toll-free call (888) 551-3247. For the hearing-impaired, call (804) 3679753. E-mail [email protected]. Web site: www.fairhousing.vipnet.org /MPQEVRSGO :MVKMRME RAPPAHANNOCK RECORD .YRID3 Residential Rentals Commercial Rentals For Sale Yard Sales Yard Sales Yard Sales TWO BEDROOM home with attached garage. Located in quiet neighborhood just north of Kilmarnock. No pets/smoking. Must qualify with good credit. Call 804-4356791..(May-8-tf) REEDVILLE, DOCKSIDE INN fully furnished, large 1BR, bath, kitchen, LR, private dock. Sleeps 4. Pet friendly. Easy walk to restaurants, museum. 2 night minimun/$250. 3 night at $330. 7 nights at $630. 804-453-4498..(May-22-4t) PITTSBURGH AUTOMOTIVE heavy-duty 1-ton folding crane, used 2 times, $150. Magic Chef 1.7 cu.ft. refrigerator with ice cube tray compartment, $50. Sunjoy 30qt. aluminum turkey fryer with stand and connectors for propane, new, $50. 804-580-4235. (June-5-2t) ESTATE TAG SALE 7032 Geo Wash Mem Hwy, Gloucester, VA Fri & Sat June 6 & 7, 9:00a.m. Behind Sherwin Williams Beside Sonic ST. MARGARET’S School Community Yard Sale, June 7. 7a.m.-1p.m. 444 Water Lane, Tappahannock, VA. (SSWYVJLLKZ[VILULÄ[:[4HYNHret’s School..(May-22-3t) www.LocalRels.com ;>6),+9664M\SSIH[OK\WSL_ in White Stone. Immaculate condition, all appliances included, W/D. Private park like setting. Call 804435-0050 for more info..(May-29-4t) 1997 HARLEY SOFTAIL, 1 owner, TPSLZ ,_JLSSLU[ JVUKP[PVU VILLAGE OF WEEMS. Available red. $7000. Will consider trade. 804UV^3V]LS`ÄYZ[ÅVVYSP]PUNPU[OL 761-2531..(May-29-2t)SS quiet Village of Weems. 3 bdrms, masterbed room with bath. Hard- 2011 TRAVEL TRAILER 26’ Rock^VVK ÅVVYZ SHYNL S]UNYT KPUPU- wood Ultra Lite. Rear living, many grm, and all-year round sun room. upgrades, owned by non-smoker Updated kitchen, walk in pantry, without pets. Like new $17,500. Call 2 full baths, attached one car 804-580-4214..(June-5-13t) NHYHNL6ULISVJR[VWVZ[VMÄJL and rivers. 7 minutes to shopping. 27’ UNIFLITE DIESEL cruiser. Good $875. This home rents quickly, condition. Ready to go. Also 360 if interested call 804-436-3630.. Chrysler marine engine. Rebuilt carburetor, starter and transmission. (May-29-4t) Make offer. 804-462-5326 (c) 252W A R S A W : A P A R T M E N T S : 564-2933..(May-22-4t) 2BR/1BA. Clean and safe. $650$750/month. W/D. Includes water 8HP TROY-BILT TOMAHAWK and trash pick-up. 804-493-9659.. chipper/shredder with push pole. >VYRZÄULI\[ULLKJHYI\(Apr-10-tf) retor cleaning and adjustment. WATERFRONT/GOLF front home Call after 7p.m. 804-462-7622 or on Indian Creek and ICYCC 15th daytime mobile 804-761-1348.. green. 1 bedroom, 1.5 baths, great- (June-5-tf) room, L-shaped porch. References. Owner/agent $995. 804-435-0773.. ANTIQUE CHILD’S Chifferobe; (June-5-3t) adjustable-height German table; 6 dining chairs w/2 armchairs; WHITE STONE: $800/month. antique wicker table; round 3BR/2BA. Waterfront lot. Call Tom, THWSL [HISL L_[YH SLHM" ^VVK licensed real estate agent. 804-436coffee table. 804-435-1793.. 0165..(May-29-2t) (May-29-3t) WHITE STONE: 3BR/1BA home, walk to town. Great location; nice ASPARAGUS! ASPARAGUS! The kitchen; large deck, washer/dryer; asparagus farm at Remo has asparcentral air/heat; $795. 804-240- gus now. Asparagus washed, sized 0620..(May-29-2t) with organic remedies for pests. 804-580-7345.. (Mar-13-13t) WHITE STONE: In town, large lot. 3BR/2BA, 1 car attached garage. BRIGHT START Automatic baby $900/month plus deposit. 804-357- bouncer with music. Baby lays in 0338..(May-29-5t) bouncer and is soothed by music and vibration. $19. Contours clasCommercial Rentals sic cherry wood baby bassinet w/ clip on changing table. Storage (2) COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS on underneath & on the side. $75. Rt.360. One is on a large corner lot -PZOLY7YPJLÅVVYTVIPSL ^P[OHUPJLVMÄJLHUKIH`NHYHNL 761-7456. (June-5-tf) 0KLHS MVY H \ZLK JHY SV[ VY VMÄJL COLLECTORS PINBALL machine, warehouse. The second is a large circa 1961, standard size. Gottlieb’s IH`NHYHNL^P[OVMÄJL Flying Circus, one or two players. 6691..(May-22-3t) Fun project, needs to be restored. COMMERCIAL RENTALS on high Order parts online. Asking $300 [YHMÄJZ[YLL[ZXM[^P[OVMÄJL or best offer. 804-438-5450, leave HVAC and more. Contractors are message..(June-5-2t) welcome. See/call Mac 804-435- CRAFTSMAN 10” TABLE saw, 6660. Commerce Dr., White Stone.. $250/OBO. 12” Dewalt compound (Apr-24-tf) miter saw, $250/OBO. 804-514FOR LEASE now! 750sq.ft. Great 1830..(May-15-4t) location, heart of White Stone, DOWNRIGGER, CANNON Easiacross from 7-11 store, with fabu- ;YVSS9LZPZ[HUJLL_LYJPZLJOHPY SV\Z[YHMÄJJV\U[VMÄJLZ^P[OPU 4 level cables, $75, bike carrier, Call 804-436-3630..(Feb-27-tf) receiver, 2 bike, $50. 804-435FOR LEASE: Commercial build- 6877..(May-29-2t) ing, 4000sq.ft. 68 S. Main. #1 ETHEN ALLEN solid wood maple spot downtown Kilmarnock. Large DR set. Buffet, corner china cabinet, private parking in back of build- large table 2 leaves, two arm chairs, ing. 804-435-1211, ask for Bill.. 4 side chairs. Bought new in 1971. (Apr-24-tf) Asking $2200. Call for details, 804KILMARNOCK: Office space. 580-4591 or email cvsillc@gmail. L_JLSSLU[SVJH[PVUNVVKWHYRPUN com..(May-15-4t) Ideal for professional, insurance -0,3+.96>5,UNSPZO)V_^VVK counselor, real estate, small Various sizes. Buy wholesale w/ retail, etc. $250 and up/month. purchase of 10. Self service. Fall Utilities included. 804-436-5437. best time for planting. Pictures Owner/Broker. Immediate..(Mar- on Craigs List. 804-462-6289, 13-13t) 301-645-7734, 301-659-7186.. OFFICE SPACE for rent. Urbanna (Dec-5-tf) Professional Center. 1200 sq.ft. GOLF CLUBS: Ladies, left handed Lease term negotiable. Call 804- with golf bag. New, never used. 748-4477..(Mar-6-tf)SS $195. Call 804-462-0829. (May29-3t) For Sale Vacation Rentals $890/WEEK WATERFRONT: Sleeps 8, screen porch, 3BR/2BA, golf cart, heated pool, WIFI, furnished, walk in and enjoy. 800-529-5071. Cell 804-456-0251. Callao/Lottsburg, VA..(Mar-20-13t) IRVINGTON, VA: Newly renovated cottage, 3BR, 3BA, open LR/DR/ kitchen area, screen porches, sundeck, swimming pool, internet, all amenities, great location. $1200/ week. 804-355-2595..(Nov-28-tf) KHS TOWN & Country DLX 21” bicycle. 21 speed, suspension fork and seat. Adjusts for riders 5’4” [V » 0UJS\KLZ IHZRL[ ,_JLSSLU[ condition. $175. 804-436-4378.. (May-22-3t) KITCHEN CABINETS and Counter Tops: Quality brand name cabinets HUK ]HUP[PLZ H[ \W [V VMM SPZ[ price. Guaranteed lowest prices. Call Discounted Building Supply and Surplus, 2721 Richmond Road, Warsaw, Va. 804-333-1234..(Sept26-tf) LARGE PORTABLE Generator, Briggs & Stratton Elite Series. 10,000 running watts and 12,500 start-up watts. Model 098C1. Lightly used. Kept indoors. Connections included to connect to your house. $800. 804-435-6507.. (May-22-4t) INDIAN CREEK APARTMENTS 501 Southport Lane Kilmarnock, VA 22482 Accepting applications for 1 & 2 bedroom units NEAT DESK DOCUMENT Scanner for PC - like new! New $400, will sell for $200. Come see it at the Rappahannock Record or call 804 L_[ HZR MVY (UNPL (May-15-tf) Includes: sWall-to-wall carpeting s!PPLIANCES s7ATERSEWERGARBAGE collection included s/NSITELAUNDRYFACILITY s#OMMUNITYROOM NEW ADIRONDACK CHAIRS, $109. Nice any time gifts. Quality wood swings, picnic tables, lawn and deck furniture. Leslie R. Dawson Jr. 804-580-6391..(Mar-13-13t) SPECIAL OLD WOODEN high chair in fair condition. $20. 804-436-1716. (Apr-17-tf) First Month’s Rent FREE with paid security deposit 5000 Square Feet Packed to the Rafters All To Be Sold, No Reasonable Offer Refused - A Huge Storage Warehouse Clean-out with Multiple Estates Being Packed Up for Years. Furniture, Lighting, China, REPLACEMENT WINDOWS: Life- Glass, Pottery, Tools, Hardware, time Warranty. Guaranteed lowest Rugs, Art, Linens, Holiday, Much WYPJLZ;H_PUJLU[P]L^PUKV^Z*HSS Jewelry and More..(X)SS Discounted Building Supply and HALF PRICE SALE: NorthumberSurplus, 2721 Richmond Road, land Co. Animal Shelter Yard Sale. Warsaw, Va. 804-333-1234..(Sept- June 14, 9a.m.-1p.m. All items half 26-tf) price. Northumberland Co. School Sell your item fastPUV\YJSHZZPÄLKZ Board building, Lottsburg, VA. *HSS ,_[ =PZP[ (May-29-3t) www.rrecord.com and click on JUNE 7, 8A.M.-1P.M. Multi-family, ¸*SHZZPÄLKZ¹VYZ[VWI`V\YVMÄJL Pine Point Estates, Heathsville. at 27 N. Main St. Kilmarnock. (X) Furniture, fishing gear, jewelry, SMITH MINI-PLANE 82” wing driftwood, toys, antiques, tools, span. Partially built Kawasaki TA51 household/kitchen, more. Rt. 360 engine. 3.5 cubic inch, 4.0HP (new) to Walnut Pt. Rd. (630) at Claraville. ÄILYNSHZZ JV^SPUN ^OLLS WHY[Z Go 4.5 miles, turn right onto Pine Balsa coverite, etc. $150/OBO. Pt. Drive..(X) Mooney Chaparaal hot line model, MOVING SALE: Saturday, June ¹ ^PUN ZWHU HUK ;YHPULY :P_[` 7, 8a.m.-2p.m. Household, tools, .YLH[7SHULZ5L^PUIV_LHJO lawn equipment, books, games, OBO. 804-462-3159..(June-5-2t) clothes. Everything must go. 86 TABLE WITH Queen Anne legs, Elm Street. Located in Dymer 6 Windsor chairs (2 w/arms), 2 Shores Estate off Chases Rd., leaves. $375. Ladies writing desk White Stone..(X) w/inlay wood, 3 drawers. Wonder- MULTI-FAMILY Sale. Saturday June ful for sofa table or stand alone. 7, 8a.m.-12noon. 811 and 882 King $225. Metal bed (double) painted Carter Drive, Irvington VA..(X) ÅVYHS KLZPNU VU OLHKIVHYK Beautiful wood Penn. House coffee PUBLIC AUCTION. River Storage table. $125. Sofa (cream on cream LLC. 1048 Jessie DuPont Mem. stripe). $350. 2 barrel back chairs Hwy, Burgess, VA 22432. Saturday, (cream w/damask). $175/each or June 14, 2014, 9:00a.m. Cash sales $300/pair. (2) Laura Ashley lamps. only..(June-5-2t) $75/pair or $40/each. Beautiful red accent chair. $95. Other items. To QC FLEA MARKET. Fri/Sat 8a.m.view call for appointment. 804-580- 4p.m. Collectibles, jewelry, knives, power-tools, bulk landscape rope, 7451. (June-5-2t) diesel generators. Clean out attic/ VEGTABLES, HAPPY hen eggs, garage. Tables $15/day. Daily/ strawberries and more, Locusville weekly/monthly rates. Routes Plantation. Hours Monday-Satur- 3/198, Dutton. 804-725-3889.. day, 9:30a.m.-6p.m. Sunday’s usu- (May-1-13t)SS ally. 583 Slabtown Rd., Lancaster. River Rd. through Ottoman. Follow SATURDAY, JUNE 7, 7a.m.-1p.m. 661 Little Oyster Lane, White Stone. signs. 804-462-0002..(X) Rappahannock Dr. towards WindVINTAGE GARDEN/Flower/Vender mill. Take right on Little Oyster Lane, Cart. Zinc bed liner 27”X53”, on go to end..(X) wheels. Display shelves front and back. Pull cart with steering. SATURDAY, JUNE 7, 8a.m.-2p.m. $2200. The Wharf, 34 Chesapeake Mini-chopper, go cart, local crafts, Dr, White Stone. 804-435-3336. tools, collectibles, golf bag, clubs, accessories, furniture, clothes. thewharf-va.net..(June-5-2t) Fathers Day gifts. 48 Knights LandVintage OYSTER TONGS for sale. ing Dr., Heathsville..(X) 19’ long. Great condition $150. The Wharf, 34 Chesapeake Dr., White Stone. 804-435-3336. See us at www.thewharf-va.net..(June-5-2t) ILMARNOCK QUALITY MADE recreational crabpots for sale. $28/each. Ready to put overboard. 804-453-3161.. (June-5-2t) WAX LEAF Begonias, 6” pots, $2/ each. Over 25, $1.80/each. Hostas and daylillies also available. Williams’ Mill Farm. 804-450-9182.. (May-22-3t) www.LocalRels.com Visit Our New Local Website To Buy, Sell & Auction Stuff (June-5-2t)SS Yard Sales AUCTION ALL Day Sat. June 14. Wicomico Church. Go east on Remo Rd. Signs will be up. Nice furniture, gold, diamond, etc. jewelry; 30ft travel trailer; Kobota Diesel ALYV [\YU HWWYV_ OYZ" [VVSZ full household. Lots of nice things. Bayside Auction and Real Estate Co. 804-580-0700..(X) K 4$$ Write or call for an application. “This institution is an equal OPPORTUNITYPROVIDERANDEMPLOYERv Equal Housing Opportunity Post A Yard Sale Notice… It’s Free! (June-5-2t)SS “LIKE” us on Facebook! RRecord.com VILLAGE APARTMENTS 89 School Street, Kilmarnock, VA 22482 Accepting applications for 1 & 2 bedroom apartments: Includes: s7ALLTOWALLCARPETING s!PPLIANCES s7ATER3EWER Garbage pickup s/NSITELAUNDRYFACILITY One Bedroom Vacancies Rental assistance available Please call about our rent prices BIG YARD sale 6-14-14, 8A.M.1P.M. Motorcyle, auto, house & `HYK Z[\MM 5L^ WHY[Z PU IV_LZ power equipment. 129 Bowsprit Lane, Wicomico Church area.. (June-5-2t) 804-435-2997 TDD #711 DO YOU LOVE vintage, antiques, JVSSLJ[PISLZZHS]HNLHUKºQ\UR»&;OLU don’t miss this chance to be part of the ‘Backyard Bazaar’ to be held once a month on Sundays, starting Sunday June 22. The location is in the backyard under shade trees behind ‘River Gardens’ on Rt. 200 in Burgess. Let your imagination run wild. You can rummage through unusual, unique stuff from all over the world, and as a vendor or buyer, network with other who love it too. So gather up your own second hand treasures to sell or just come and pick through others. Call 804-453-3180 to register for spaces for $15..(X) Equal Housing Opportunity 494 N. Main St. 804-436-3463 7KH$PHOLD On your lot complete! Just add well VHSWLFDQGPRYHLQ:LWKLQPRQWKV\RXU SODQVRURXUV$IIRUGDEOHTXDOLW\FRQVWUXFWLRQ 7RITEORCALLFORANAPPLICATION “This institution is an equal OPPORTUNITY PROVIDEREMPLOYERv [·5DQFKHU Living area is VTIWZLWK porches) 3 bedrooms IXOOEDWKV KILMARNOCK Salt Box Contemporary $179,000 IsaBell K. Horsley Real Estate, Ltd. SPACIOUS 3 bedroom, 21/2 bath located at 25 Oak Ridge Drive. Large Living and Dining Room Combo with ^VVKI\YUPUN-PYLWSHJL-PYZ[ÅVVY master suite with bath, 2 upstairs bedrooms and full bath, 1stÅVVYKLU VYVMÄJL:P[\H[LKVUHSTVZ[3/4 of an acre with town water and sewer. Many deluxe features! FAIRFIELDS BAPTIST Church in Burgess is holding a yard sale/ bake sale on Saturday, June 7 from 8a.m.-12noon. Tables are only $5! Contact Ashley at 804-436-4319 for more details. Donations accepted. 7YVJLLKZ[VILULÄ[-HPYÄLSK)HW[PZ[ Church’s Vacation Bible School!.. (May-29-2t) Jane Ludwig Associate Broker IsaBell K. Horsley Real Estate >OP[L:[VUL VYQHULS\K^PN']LYPaVUUL[ GET NOTICED! Make your yard sale ad stand out by highlighting it for just $20 per week! PHOTOGRAPHY BY Kathryn Murray. Northern Neck Mediations at the Rappahannock Art League, Main Street, Kilmarnock, TuesdaySaturday 10a.m.-4p.m. 50+ artists are represented in the gallery.. (May-1-13t) 804-435-2997 YARD SALE ON Lloyd Lane, Kilmarnock. Saturday, June 7, 9a.m..(X) Visit Our New Local Website OPEN HOUSE Model open in Hills Quarter! Open every Saturday and Sunday from 1pm – 4pm. AUCTION Built by Southern Traditions, this 3BD, 2.5BA home has master on first floor with open floor plan for kitchen and living room. Choose standard model or the many upgrades to include optional bonus room. We have many lots and up to a dozen different floor plans. Visit us in Hills Quarter. Community amenities include swimming pool, tennis courts, community center & the Award Winning King Carter Golf Course. LANCASTER CO., VA (2) Adjacent Waterfront Homes OFFERED SEPARATELY & AS AN ENTIRETY Located on Carter’s Creek Near the Chesapeake Bay 825 King Carter Dr., Irvington, VA 22432 3BR/1.5BA, 1,360± SF, Renovated Farmhouse, Newly Built Dock Terrie Dort, 811 King Carter Dr., Irvington, VA 22432 SALE HELD: 811 KING CARTER DR. 3BR/2BA, 1,958± SF, Recently Renovated, Heated Pool & Pool House, Large Deck, Covered Boat Slip & Dock Associate Broker Long & Foster Realtors >8*66.*)368(31 [email protected] hillsquarterva.com JUNE 27 @ 4 PM Waterfront Home on Dividing Creek 135 COBBS HALL LANE, KILMARNOCK, VA 22482 864± SF Cottage, Dock, 6’ MLW, Access to Chesapeake Bay 0/ű4*5&4"-&t'3*+6/&ũ1. 3% PAID TO QUALIFIED BROKERS NPUMFZTDPN.05-&:4 All Sperry Van Ness® Offices Independently Owned and Operated. Powered by Motleys Asset Disposition Group. VA16 .0079&68*6> 0)!&.283-27 3&)6:.2,832$ D4 .YRI RAPPAHANNOCK RECORD /MPQEVRSGO:MVKMRME Autos/Trucks Boats/Motors Boats/Motors Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted 2003 PONTIAC SUNFIRE: 51,960 miles. Asking $3200. 804-4351003..(X) 2006 16.5’ CATALINA SAILBOAT ^P[O [YHPSLY ,_JLSSLU[ JVUKP[PVU Great family boat. In Lancaster. $4000. 202-744-9930..(May29-2t) WE ARE SELLING Boats! Chesapeake Yacht Sales @ Deltaville Yachting Center. Virginia’s dealer for Catalina Yachts, and Carolina Classic Sportfishing Boats, Mainship & Albin Specialist. Large inventory, preowned, power & sail. 804-776-9898, www.cysboat.com. We take trades & make deals on new boats!..(Mar-20-tf)SS BANK OF LANCASTER is seeking a Junior Network Administrator. Candidate should possess an associate’s degree, preferably with VUL `LHY VM 0; YLSH[LK L_WLYPLUJL Candidate must have a working knowledge of PC hardware, workstation/server operating systems, networking, anti-virus software, HUK VMÄJL WYVK\J[P]P[` ZVM[^HYL Candidate must be willing to learn in a dynamic service-oriented environment with a great deal of attention to detail and the ability to prioritize multiple problems and assignments. This is an entry-level position. Training and mentoring will be provided. Resumes should be ZLU[[V/\THU9LZV\YJLZ76)V_ 1869, Kilmarnock VA 22482. Bank of Lancaster is an Equal Opportunity Employer of women, minorities, protected veterans and individuals with disabilities..(May-29-2t) COORDINATED CARE MANAGER Full time position to be located in Urbanna, VA. Will be responsible for managing all Coordinated Care contracts for Managed Care Organizations, Nursing Homes and will supervise Bay Aging’s other home and community based care services. Will ensure all programs are ÄZJHSS` Z\Z[HPUHISL VWLYH[L ^P[O funding guidelines and meet federal and state requirements. Must possess a BSW or Registered Nurse (RN) license and at least 5 years L_WLYPLUJL PU I\ZPULZZ THUHNLment, preferably in medical adminPZ[YH[PVU-\SSILULÄ[WHJRHNL6WLU until filled. Please send resume and cover letter to: Kay Sheldon, )H`(NPUN76)V_<YIHUUH VA 23175, or email to: ksheldon@ bayaging.org EOE. (May-29-2t)SS LOOKING FOR Dependable, enerNL[PJ OHYK^VYRPUN WLYZVU L_WLrienced in running all phases of a food grill including food ordering. Call for more information. 804-3135929. (May-29-2t) CAD TECH needed. Land surveyPUN HUK LUNPULLYPUN ÄYT PZ ZLLRPUN L_WLYPLUJLK *(+ [LJO 4\Z[ IL WYVÄJPLU[ PU *HYSZVU ZVM[^HYL and have knowledge of surveying. 4(905, :,9=0*,:! ,_WLYPLUJLK Benefits include: Health insurmobile mechanic. Gasoline, diesel, ance, vacation & sick leave. Send transmissions, carburetors, other resume to: info@baydesigngroup. systems, OB/IB and electrical. Hun- com or call 804-693-2993 E.O.E.. dreds of engines and transmissions (May- 22-4t) YLI\PS[,_JLSSLU[KPHNUVZ[PJZHIPSP[` CARPENTER NEEDED. Local Rich, 804-529-5912..(Apr-24-13t) builder needs carpenter with deck, screened porch, and finish carWLU[Y`L_WLYPLUJL4\Z[OH]LV^U transportation. References necesAMERICAN GREETINGS is looking ZHY`-H_YLZ\TL[V for Retail Greeting Card Merchan- or email [email protected]..(X) disers in Kilmarnock, VA. As a CARPENTER. ESTABLISHED but member of our team, you will ensure growing company seeks wellthe greeting card department is rounded lead carpenter. Must have merchandised and maintained own tools, reliable transportation, to provide customers the best strong work ethic and positive attiselection of cards and product to tude. 804-758-0802, leave name/ celebrate life’s events. Join the phone number..(May-29-2t) American Greetings family today by applying online at: WorkatAG.com COOK NEEDED: Historical Lanor call 1-888-323-4192.(May-22-3t) JHZ[LY;H]LYUPZZLLRPUNHUL_WLYPenced line cook w/saute, grill and (<;646;0=,;,*/50*0(5!,_WL- IYLHRMHZ[L_WLYPLUJL4\Z[IL^PSSrienced needed. State Inspection ing to take a cooking assessment 3PJLUZLHT\Z[(:,*LY[PÄLKWYL- to verify cooking ability. Pay is BOE. ferred. Heated & AC shop. Call 804- The position will start out part-time 776-0550, Deltaville Auto Sales. 20-25 hrs per week. You can apply Ask for Jim to discuss details.. in person..(May-22-4t) (May-29-2t)SS EMMANUEL UNITED Methodist AVON: WANT to work from home Church in Morattico is seeking a HUK V^U `V\Y I\ZPULZZ& pianist to play at 9:30a.m. worship investment. Completely trained, free services on Sundays. References website, free books for 1 month. please. Apply to [email protected], Angelia, 757-749-5288. (Apr-17-14t) call 804-462-6103..(May-22-3t) CDL CLASS A DRIVERS. Local EQUIPMENT OPERATORS/Installservice company seeking highly ers. Local service company seekmotivated, organized, self-start- ing highly motivated, organized, ers with septic, plumbing and/ self-starters with septic, plumbVY LSLJ[YPJHS L_WLYPLUJL 9LX\PYLZ PUN HUKVY LSLJ[YPJHS L_WLYPLUJL L_WLYPLUJL KYP]PUN Z[YHPNO[ [Y\JRZ 9LX\PYLZL_WLYPLUJL^P[OHSS[`WLZ and/or combination vehicles haul- of equipment working in the coning heavy equipment and tank- struction, septic, and/or utilities ers. Tanker endorsement on CDL ÄLSK 6WLYH[VYZ [OH[ HSZV WVZZLZZ license required. Applicant must a CDL license are a plus. Applicant have transportation and good must have transportation and good driving record. Background check driving record. Background check and drug tested. 804-693-2075.. and drug tested. 804-693-2075.. (June-5-4t)SS (June-5-4t)SS *6<5;,97,9:655LLKLK!,_WLrience a plus. Call Dakin or Jim at Deltaville Auto Sales, 804-7760550..(May-29-2t)SS 2007 GMC SOUTHERN COMFORT: =LY`SV^TPSLHNL_SPM[LK,_[YHZ ÄYT4H` 25’ HUNTER SAILBOAT: Like new. 29-2t) 9.8HP 4 stroke Nissan OB. Asking $5750. Priced to sell. 804-5802011 SMART CAR-PASSION, 3312..(May-22-3t) 27,000 miles. Blue and silver. Like new. $9600. 804-453-5113. (June- 8’ ROWING DINGY boat tender. 5-4t) Fiberglass w/teak trim. Very good condition. $295. Boat jack stands. NEED CASH: We buy junks. Cars, (6) heavy duty, very good condition. trucks, etc! (Any condition) 804- $35/each, all 6/$150. 804-725436-7949..(Apr-24-13t) 2183.(June-5-2t)SS Boats/Motors C. Scott Vail Yacht Brokerage 70 Rappahannock Road 11’ SKIFF, my design. Row, sail Irvington, VA or skull. Can take small outboard. (804) 438-6443 $700. With trailer, $1050. Must ‘87 Present 46’ Sundeck-$134,500 see to appreciate. 804-580-3312.. 2002 Mainship 430- SOLD (May-22-3t) 1983 Wilbur 34’ D-East-$95,000 M[4050-0:/:(03)6(;,_JLSSLU[ )SHJRÄU»*VU] 1972 Brownell 33’ FB-$69,000 condition. $250. 804-453-5113.. 1974 Grand Banks 32’-$59,900 (June-5-4t) 1998 Eastern JC 31’-$79,000 1986 25’ Tiara Pursuit $16,500 1997 Eastern JC 31’-$68,000 »:LH-V_ 1988 Boca Grand 26’-$25,000 ‘73 23’ Chris-Craft $17,500 1961 Pearson 27’ Diesel -$25,000 ’89 24’ Limestone $24K 2004 Proline 25’ Sport-$32,500 ‘96 24’ Chaparral $12,000 SAIL ’05 24’ Robalo WA $39,900 1987 Tartan 40’CB-$135,000 ’06 26’ Custom Cent. Con. $55K 1985 Hunter 40’ Shoal $49,500 1986 33’ Tiara $25,500 1983 Cape Dory 36’-$75,000 ‘01 37’ Nordic Tugs $290K 1973 Hinckley 35’-$70,000 »:LH9H`,_W2 1977 Ericson 36’-C-$39,500 »:LH9H`,_W 2 1983 O’Day 34’ Shoal-SOLD ‘88 36’ Trojan Convert. $42K 1989 Ericson 32’-200-SOLD ‘87 36’ Carver Aft Cab. $39K 1983 S-2 9.2 CC-$17,500 1976 42’ Post $74,500 1986 Cape Dory 32’-SOLD 1979 53’ Hatteras $150K 1982 Cape Dory 30’-SOLD TIFFANY YACHTS 1989 Pearson 27’-$12,000 www.tiffanyyachtsinc.com Summer is here! Call (804) 453-3464 Quality listings needed! (X) (X) ;961(5 MVV[ ,_WYLZZ CUSTOM YACHT SERVICE Cruiser with mid-cabin, twin gas YACHT BROKERAGE engines, well equipped. Asking 96 SEAFOOD LANE $14,000. Call 804-580-4487..(MayIRVINGTON, VA 15-6t) 804-438-5563 www.yachtworld.com/ 1997 SEA RAY 28’ cuddy cabin, customyacht ÄILYNSHZZ [^PU NHZ Z[LYU KYP]LZ SAIL ,_JLSSLU[JVUKP[PVU^P[OHS\TPU\T 40’ 1986 J-Boat $120,000 trailer. Asking $5000 below low 27’ 1980 Cape Dory $19,100 NADA at $23,000. Call 804-5804487..(May-15-6t) POWER 20’ 2005 Cobalt $27,000 1998 12-FOOT “Porta-Bote” folds to 4-inches thick. Oars, sail, lee (Feb-27-tf) boards, and dolly included. $800 OBO. Two-person pedal boat. $250 OBO. Call 804-435-1365. (Apr-3-tf) HOBIE 16’ CATAMARAN. Blue hulls, new rigging and trampoline, 2000 PROLINE CUDDY cabin. 150 very good condition, ready to sail. Mercury. Very clean. Boat, motor Trailer available. Will deliver. $1175. and trailer for $12,500. 804-761- 804-436-4378..(May-22-3t) 7547..(May-22-4t) POWER BOAT: Carolina Skiff DLX 2002 32’ CHESAPEAKE Deadrise 16ft. 2008. 25HP Honda 4-cycle. with Crusader engine. Nice rock Very low hours. 4-bow bimini top. ÄZOVY^VYRIVH[,_JLS- All stainless hardware. EZloader lent condition. 804-436-6964. trailer. $7500. 804-394-2337.. (May-29-2t) (May-22-4t) NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE 10 a.m. FRIDAY JUNE 6, 2014 37 N. Main Street Kilmarnock, VA 22482 Marine Services AMPRO SHIPYARD: Authorized dealer Caterpillar, Detroit, Yanmar, Cummins, John Deere, Twin Disc, A- 6UHU >LZ[LYILRL HUK 5L_[Gen. Mobile Service call 804-4386050..(May-1-13t) CARTER’S COVE covered slips. 30’ or 40’ power, water $160 - $230 month. One year in advance. 804397-9181..(May-29-13t) HAVE YOU LOST Knots, RPM’s or M\LSTPSLHNL&0MZV`V\TH`ULLK my dive services. Call Dustin Rose, 804-436-5824..(June-5-13t) Help Wanted DELTAVILLE BOATYARD. Immediate opening. Assistant rigger. Sailing L_WLYPLUJLYLX\PYLK;VWWH`ILULÄ[ZWHPK]HJH[PVU*VU[HJ[HT`' deltavilleboatyard.com..(X) DELTAVILLE BOATYARD. Immediate opening. Multi talented yard crew. Travel lift operations. Prep and paint. Hull maintenance. Top pay, benefits, paid vacation. Contact [email protected]..(X) MAINTENANCE PERSON needed for church. Perform a variety of daily maintenance and upkeep activities. Some knowledge of heating/AC systems helpful. Assist with project work. Initiative and self-supervision necessary. Send resume or list of L_WLYPLUJL [V <YIHUUH 4L[OVKPZ[ *O\YJO 76 )V_ <YIHUUH Va. 23175. Apply by June 20.. (June-5-2t) MINISTER OF MUSIC: Immanuel Baptist Church in Saluda is seekPUNHM\SS[PTLX\HSPÄLK4PUPZ[LYVM Music to direct its music ministry. Applicant must be a capable and committed musician with a spiritual calling to lead contemporary and traditional gospel music for all musical groups of the church. Keyboard, organ and choral skills are required. Candidate with a relevant degree is preferred, however, candidates who demonstrate proficiency in [OL HMVYLTLU[PVULK X\HSPÄJH[PVUZ are encouraged to apply. Send resume with a current letter of recommendation to: Rev. Calvin 9PKLH\:Y76)V_ :HS\KH VA 23149. All applications must be postmarked no later than July 10, 2014..(May-1-10t)SS PT CUSTOMER Service Apprentice. Technical aptitude and posiDELTAVILLE BOATYARD. Imme- tive attitude. Handle incoming diate opening. Skilled all round sales inquiries and help with technicians. Mechanical, elec- analytical testing. 804-435-5522.. [YPJHS JHYWLU[Y` L_WLYPLUJLK (June-5-2t) ;VWWH`ILULÄ[ZWHPK]HJH[PVU Contact amy@deltavilleboatyard. RESTAURANT: ECKHARD’S kitchen com..(X) and dining room help needed. 804758-4060..(June-5-2t )SS DINING ROOM Manager: Fast NYV^PUNYLZ[H\YHU[ZLLRPUNL_WLYP- SERVERS NEEDED: Historical Lanenced, energetic, cooperative team caster Tavern is hiring waitresses. play to manage as head waitperson. `LHYZ L_WLYPLUJL MPUL KPUPUN Apply in person. Must be 21 or over. ,_JLSSLU[YLMLYLUJLZULLKLK7PJR Willaby’s, 327 Old Ferry Rd., White up application, 8373 Mary Ball Rd., Stone. No phone calls..(X) 3HUJHZ[LY UL_[ [V JV\Y[OV\ZL (May-22-4t) DRIVERS: LOCAL/Regional/OTR. ,_JLSSLU[ WH`ILULMP[ WHJRHNL TECHNOLOGY SPECIALIST. Lancaster County Public School system Great pay/consistent miles. Daily/weekly/bi-weekly hometime. is looking for a solid, self-motivated *+3(`Y6;9L_WYLX technology professional with an Associate’s Degree in Computer 8498..(May-29-2t) Information Systems or equivalent GENERAL CONTRACTOR seeks ^VYR L_WLYPLUJL" L_WLYPLUJL PU Carpenter and Construction Help- Windows based environment, Cisco ers. Pay commensurate with ability. VoIP, IOS, and networking infra)LULÄ[Z6WWVY[\UP[`MVYHK]HUJL- structure needed to support these ment. Must have own tools and devices; CompTIA A+, Network+, reliable transportation. Cell 804- Security+; ability to lift 40 lbs. For 370-7280..(June-5-2t) an application contact Lancaster HEATHSVILLE UNITED Methodist *V\U[`7\ISPJ:JOVVSZH[76)V_ Church is looking for an energetic 2000, Kilmarnock, VA 22482 or part time choir director to lead download an application from the music for our Sunday worship. website, www.lcs.k12.va.us or call If interested in this paid position L_[ (WWSPJHplease contact Rev. Rebecca Minor [PVUZHJJLW[LK\U[PSWVZP[PVUPZÄSSLK EOE..(X) at (757)870-8265..(June-5-2t) (formerly Rose’s Steak House) Pursuant to Writs of Fieri Facias issued in the cases of Commonwealth of Virginia v. No Fish, Inc. and Peggy Davis and Edward J. Davis, Trustees of the Edward J. Davis Trust v. No-Fish Inc., I will sell at W\ISPJ H\J[PVU YLZ[H\YHU[ Ä_[\YLZ HUK LX\PWTLU[ including but not limited to freezers, refrigeration \UP[Z TL[HS JHY[Z Z[LLS [HISLZ ÄYL Z\WWYLZZPVU LX\PWTLU[ Z[V]LZ NYPSSZ MY`LY ^HYTPUN JHIPUL[ assorted cookware, pans, storage containers, utensils, dishes, plates, bowls, platters, chargers, JYVJRZ LSLJ[YVUPJ LX\PWTLU[ [HISLZ IHY Z[VVSZ JOHPYZIVV[OZHU[PX\LIHYJVVSLYZJHIPUL[ZJ\Z[VTIHYIHJRPJLTHRLYNSHZZ[HISL[VWZHU[PX\L oak bench, candle holders, cash register, bar stemware and glasses, linens, sound system, and other assorted goods. Terms of Sale: Presale View at 9 a.m. Cash or PreApproved Check All items to be removed at conclusion of sale or by agreement with Edward J. Davis, Jr. All items sold “as is” and subject to any and all prior liens S/ Ronald D. Crockett Sheriff NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given pursuant to Chapter 11, 15.21800 of the Code of Virginia as amended that the Northumberland County Board of Supervisors will hold a public hearing on June 12, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. in the Northumberland County Courts Building at 220 Judicial Place adjacent to the Sheriff’s Department in Heathsville, VA for the consideration of amending the Northumberland County Code to include provisions of § 58.1-3506.A.13 of the Code of Virginia 1950, as amended, that will allow one motor vehicle which is owned by each volunteer rescue squad member or ]VS\U[LLY ÄYL KLWHY[TLU[ TLTILY [V IL KLJSHYLK PU a separate class of property for tangible personal taxation and exempt the vehicle from personal property taxes. All interested persons may appear at such time and place to present their views. All written comments should be received by the County Administrator’s OfÄJLWYPVY[V[OLTLL[PUN-VYM\Y[OLYPUMVYTH[PVUJVUcerning this amendment, contact the County Adminis[YH[VY»Z6MÄJLH[[OL6SK*V\Y[OV\ZLPU/LH[OZ]PSSL=( (804-580-7666 or email [email protected]. va.us). If you are physically disabled, hearing or visually impaired and need assistance with this hearing, please call Bill Knight at 804-580-8910 (Voice) or Via the Virginia Relay or TDD for assistance. Northumberland County Board of Supervisors May 29-2t By: K. D. Eades, County Administrator NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY 6MÄJLVM)\PSKPUNAVUPUN NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING CHESAPEAKE BAY ACT Notice is hereby given pursuant to Chapter 11, 15.22204 of the Code of Virginia as amended that the Northumberland County Board of Supervisors will hold a public hearing on 1\UL H[ ! WT in the Northumberland County Courts Building (220 Judicial Pl) at Heathsville in order to consider the following: 1. An amendment to the Northumberland County Chesapeake Bay Preservation Area Ordinance Chapter 54 Article IV, Section 54-12; Lot Size, to add the underlined language in the last sentence as follows: ¸;OLHYLH[OH[PZKLLTLKZ\MÄJPLU[[VHJJVTTVKH[LH proposed development shall be a minimum of 15,000 square feet.” 7YVWVZLK YLX\LZ[Z JHU IL ]PL^LK PU [OL 6MÄJL VM Building and Zoning. All written comments should be YLJLP]LKI`[OL6MÄJLVM)\PSKPUNHUKAVUPUNWYPVY[V the Board meeting. For further information concerning [OPZYLX\LZ[JVU[HJ[[OL6MÄJLVM)\PSKPUNAVUPUNH[ the Courthouse in Heathsville, VA (580-7921 or email [email protected]). If you are physically disabled, hearing or visually impaired and need assistance with this hearing, please call Bill Knight at (804) 580-8910 (Voice) or via the Virginia Relay or TDD for assistance. Northumberland County Board of Supervisors By: E. Luttrell Tadlock, Assistant County Administrator May 29-2t AUCTION Antiques, Collectibles & Household Furnishings, to be held at the Callao Auction House in Lottsburg, Virginia on Saturday, June 7, 2014 at 9:30 a.m. Oak bow front china cabinet; oak library table; dining room table; 6 matching dining chairs; curio cabinet; pecan china cabinet; French console/server; 4-modern lawyer style bookcases; quilt rack; pine lift top bench; pine cabinet; nice signed prints & pictures; platform rockers; dual & triple reclining sofas; king box spring & mattress w/frame; high chair; doll rocker; dolls in boxes (new); child’s table & chairs; plant stands; folding chairs; end tables; knitting basket; sq. oak table; crock n/blue; futon bed; wrought PYVU[HISLJOHPYZ"ÄSLJHIPUL[Z"JHSM`HYKVYUHTLU["ZUV^ ZSLKZ" )\KK` ¸3¹ WLKHS ÄYL [Y\JR" :WLLK^H` ,_WYLZZ wagon; packages of cedar closet liners; garden wagon; JD & Troybilt lawn tractors (parts); pick-up tool box; 6’ ladder; animal trap; Bolens chipper; motor bike; dump cart; bench NYPUKLY":RPSZH^"SPTIZH^" TVUL`ZHML"SV[VM^YLUJOLZ" stuffed animals; oil lamps; child’s horse sulky; cameras; Z[VYHNL YHJR" ÅVVY UHPSLY Z[HWSLY" TPZJ NSHZZ^HYL" VSK records; lot of misc. items. Terms: cash or check w/proper I.D. Announcements day of auction take precedence over all printed advertising. Visit auctionzip.com#13136 for pictures and info. Auctioneer Grayson L. Smith, Auctioneer Va. Lic. #14 804-333-4894 cell 804-514-5293 /MPQEVRSGO :MVKMRME RAPPAHANNOCK RECORD .YRID5 Business Services Business Services Business Services Business Services Business Services Work Wanted A1 ROTOTILLING SMALL GARDENS $65: Trenching $1.30ft. ($130 min), grass and bush-hog cutting, backhoe power rake grading work. 804436-3636, leave message or e-mail [email protected]..(Mar-6-26t) AJ’s LAWNCARE and landscaping. Lawn mowing, mulching, fertilizing, seeding, pruning, debris removal. Hardscape work, walkways and patios. Free estimates. Call 804238-0019..(Apr-10-13t) I AM A CAREGIVER for the elderly. Will care for your loved ones in their OVTL `YZ L_WLYPLUJL 9LMLYences available. 804-241-0016.. (May-29-4t) ATTENTION!! WE DO what regular cleaners won’t do: Walls, skylights, windows/gutters/roof/home painting, home repairs, any/all cleaning, powerwashing, metal roof painting. Insured, bonded. Bob, 1-804-4362241..(June-5-3t) ODD JOBS: Installation of paving stones, retaining wall systems. Form concrete steps, French drains, yard grading/seeding. Concrete restoration, veneer stone work, property management. 804-4352198..(May-1-13t) Wanted to Buy CRABBERS WANT more money for `V\Y JYHIZ& *HSS (May-29-2t) A-Z PROPERTY MAINTENANCE & repair. Pool cleaning/service. Powerwashing. Lawncare, guttercleaning, painting. Drywalling. Plumbing. Affordable prices. Military & senior citizen discount. Call our service professionals, 804-5770252..(May-8-13t) BIKE REPAIR & SALES: Pete specializes in repair of all makes & models of bikes. Also is an authoYPaLK -\QP KLHSLY ,_WLYPLUJL WYVfessional work. 804-436-2531.. (Apr-10-13t) COMPUTER REPAIR: The Computer Wizard, LLC: Your source for IT consulting, computer repair/ networking, data recovery, managed business solutions, webdesign/hosting. 506 N. Main St., Kilmarnock. 804-435-1310.. (Mar-13-13t) GRASS CUTTING, Fertilizing, mulching, lawn clean-up, tree removal. Licensed HUK PUZ\YLK `LHYZ L_WLYPLUJL Danny, 804-436-3329..(May-29-13t) HOME IMPROVEMENTS & Repairs: Kitchens, baths, bayrooms, decks. Large/small jobs. Licensed, insured, free estimates, prompt calls/service. Wicomico Restoration, 804-580HARD SCAPE WORK: Patios, walk- 1587. View work samples www.Wic^H`ZYL[HPUPUN^HSSZÄYLWP[Z*HSS omicoRestoration.com..(May-8-tf) Keith Lowery of LawnPro, 804-761J&L SERVICES: Kitchen/Bath renova7648..(Mar-27-13t) CONCRETE DESIGNER: Conven[PVUZ=PU`SJLYHTPJ^VVKÅVVYPUN=PU`S [PVUHSL_WVZLKHNNYLNH[LZ[HTWLK HAVE A MOSQUITO free property. siding/wrap. Window/door replace(slate, cobblestone, granite), side- Guaranteed kid and pet safe. Works ment. Decks & porches. Masonry, plaswalks, patios, driveways, slabs, on over 75 different pest’s. Call A&A ter/sheetrock repair. Virginia Masters ZTHSSL_JH]H[PVU4H[LYPHSZH[JVZ[ Pools and Lawn Care. 804-436- License/Insured. Serving Mid-Peninsula Calls returned, Crocker’s Bobcat 2796. (Apr-10-13t)SS over 40yrs. 804-296-4460..(Mar-27-13t) and Concrete, 804-462-6052.. MISCELLANEOUS ODDS & Ends. STORM CLEAN-UP. Tractor work, (Apr-24-13t) Where all odds have a positive end. grading, tree removal, rip-rap, CONCRETE FINISHER: Patios, All home improvements from A-Z. debris removal, leaf clean-up. driveways, slabs, sidewalks. Licensed/Insured. 804-238-5514(c), Licensed insured. Call 804-761,_WVZLKHNNYLNH[LMVV[PUNZJVU- 804-238-6401(o)..(June-5-13t) 7648..(Mar-27-13t) crete resurfacing, conditioning crawl spaces, coloring/sealing. Materials at cost. Call Gary Clingan, 804-435-2198..(Mar-13-13t) Business Services June 12, 2014 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING - Pursuant to Section 28.2-1302 of the Code of Virginia, notice is hereby given to all interested parties that the Lancaster County Wetlands Board will hold a public hearing for the following Wetlands Board actions: 1. George C. and Theresa A. Kanuck c/o Bayshore Design, LLC, P.O. Box 339, Kinsale, VA 22488; requests permission to construct a 345’ linear foot riprap revetment along the shoreline of Lowery Creek. Located off VSH 604(Ottoman Ferry Road) on Spring Hill Road. Tax Map# 20-189C. VMRC# 14-0426. 2. Russ and Betsy Armstrong c/o Bayshore Design, LLC, P.O. Box 339, Kinsale, VA 22488; requests permission to construct 82’ linear feet of riprap revetment, one 50’ stone breakwater, one 16’ and one 20’ stone spur along with 60 cubic yards of beach nourishment along the shoreline of the Western Branch of The Corrotoman River. Located off VSH 610 (Oak Hill Road) on Yankee Point Road. Tax Map # 26J-1-16. VMRC# 14-0511. 3. E. Derwin Booker, Jr. c/o Bayshore Design, LLC., P.O. Box 339, Kinsale, VA 22488; requests permission to construct a 127’ linear foot riprap sill with 50 cubic yards of beach nourishment and 1,100 square feet of wetlands vegetation planting along the shoreline Tabbs Creek. Located off VSH 645 (Dungeons Thicket Road) on Pine Trail. Tax Map# 35C-1B-10. VMRC# 14-0520. 4. Howard Shafferman c/o Joseph Scott, P.O. Box 315, Kilmarnock, VA 22482; requests permission to repair and replace 290’ linear feet of riprap revetment along the shoreline of Corrotoman River. Located off VSH 733 (Berkley Forest Road) on Wintergreen Lane. Tax Map # 26B-1-41 & 42. VMRC# 14-0581. 5. R. Gordon Smith c/o Delta Marine Construction, LLC., P.O. Box 500, Deltaville, VA 23043; requests permission to construct one 16’ groin, two 48’ groins and 11.12 yards of dredging along the shoreline of Carter Creek. Located off VSH 637 (James Wharf Road) on Crab Point Road. Tax Map# 33-471. VMRC# 14-0624. The Public Hearing will convene at 9:30 a.m., on June 12, 2014 in the Board of Supervisors Meeting Room in the County Administration Building, 8311 Mary Ball Road, Lancaster, VA. Board members will inspect sites on June 10, 2014 beginning at 8am. Information on the above actions is on ÄSL PU [OL )\PSKPUN3HUK <ZL 6MÄJL H[ [OL *V\U[` (KTPUPZ[YH[PVU 6MÄJL (SS PU[LYLZ[LK WHY[PLZ ^PSS be afforded the opportunity to be heard and are requested to submit a concise written statement. May 29-2t LANDSCAPE CONSULTING: Plant your own landscape. Desire to have ILH\[`& *OLY`S Educated in Horticulture/Landscape Design. Strong references.. (May-8-13t) LAWN PRO: For all your lawn care needs. Grass cutting, fertilizer programs, mulching, walkways, retaining walls. Dependable, qualP[` ZLY]PJL `LHYZ L_WLYPLUJL insured. Keith Lowery, 804-7617648..(Mar-27-13t) Town of Irvington CORA’S BACK! I’ve come in out of the rain. Serving take out at BlueWE BUY and Sell coins and coin colwater Seafood, 459 N. Main St. lections. We always pay the most. I Friday and Saturday, 10a.m.-5p.m. JVTL[V`V\>LWH`JHZO*HSS(SL_ 804-296-4631. (Mar-20-13t) BOOKKEEPING and MONEY Man757-880-5649..(Mar-20-13t) CUSTOM TILLAGE agement Services for small busiWORLD WAR II, cash for guns, nesses and individuals. Reliable & BUSHHOGGING KHNNLYZ OLSTL[Z TLKHSZ ÅHNZ HUKL_WLYPLUJLK7YPJLZ[HPSVYLK[V Pasture renovation, large etc. Any country. Beat any offer. services requested. 202-251-8958 NHYKLUZVYÄLSKZ Will come to you. 804-843-3108.. or email me, dnickersonatbay@ 80HP Tractor. Moldboard, (May-1-13t) JOPZLSKPZJVYÄLSKJ\S[P]H[VY gmail.com..(June-5-13t) Reasonable hourly rates BUD’S INTERIOR and EXTERIOR 804-761-0892 Painting: Power washing homes, (Sept-26-tf) decks and boat docks for mildew. “HINSON’S LAWN CARE:” Insured, Water sealer on decks and boat E. D. COCKRELL JR Hauling: dependable. Mowing, leaf removal, docks applied if wanted. 804-435- (YTV\YZ[VULYPWYHWZHUKÄSSKPY[ edging, mulching, storm cleanup, 6906..(May-22-13t) top soil, bushhogging, hardwood/ pressure washing/sealing. ReferWPULT\SJOÄYL^VVKNYHZZJ\[[PUN ences. Owner, Philip Hinson III. BULK HARDWOOD, pinebark, snow removal. Days 804-241-5068, black dyed mulch, bulk mushroom 804-453-6601. (Mar-20-13t) 804-436-5329..(Apr-3-13t) compost. Available at Farm & Home 4 SEASONS LAWN Maintenance: Supply, 469 N. Main St., Kilmar- EVERYBODY NEEDS a hand. Let Mulching, trimming, grass cut- nock, VA. 804-435-3177. Delivery me be your handyman. Local busiting, small tree work. vacuum and available..(Mar-20-13t) ULZZ `YZ L_WLYPLUJL -SVVYZ removal of leaves. Insured. For free windows, trim, siding, painting, estimate please call 804-436-6589, CARPENTRY AND VINYL siding doors, more. Free estimates. Keith, and replacement windows, decks, 804-436-3687..(Apr-10-13t) Joe Scott/owner..(Mar-13-13t) painting and small repairs. 34 years A&A POOLS and Lawn Care. Call L_WLYPLUJL *HSS .LVYNL 3HJRLY[ .605. 65 =(*(;065&& 5LLK us for all your pool and landscaping 804-724-9453. (Mar-13-13t) someone to take care of your needs. Openings, closings, weekly lawn and home. Dependable, & bi-weekly service and everything CARPET & VINYL Installations, repairs fully insured, w/references. DC in between. 804-436-2796..(Apr- and restretching. Professional & Lawncare, 804-436-3329..(Mayprompt. Serving the area for over 20 29-13t) 10-13t)SS years. Quality work. Call 804-435A/C, HEATING, PLUMBING and 3630 or 804-435-3988..(Mar-27-13t) GRASS CUTTING, Bushhogging, LSLJ[YPJ*HSS.YPMÄU(PYH[(09 tree/debris removal, lot clearing, (804-505-0247). Great service. Low *3(92»: 3(>5 ,_JH]H[PUN bush trimming, other services WYPJLZ KPZJV\U[ MVY ZLUPVY LLC: Licensed, insured. Grass cut- available. H&L Services, Brent Hall, ting, lot clearing, driveways. Rip- Kevin Lewis, 804-462-0780 or 804citizens!..(Mar-20-13t) rap, gravel, mulching, tree work, AFFORDABLE PRICES. Property bushhogging, etc. Free estimates. 435-0028..(Mar-20-13t) Maintenance/repairs. Lawncare. 804-453-5707. (May-8-13t) Gutter cleaning, Pool cleaning/ service. Powerwashing. Hauling. COMPUTER REPAIR Services Painting. Drywalling. Plumbing, on site. Virus/spyware removal. more. Foreclosure service. Call our Hardware/software installs. System professionals for free estimate. 804- upgrades. System rebuilt & restore. Internet lessons. Backup solutions. 480-9123..(Apr-17-13t) Chris Emry, 804-462-3462 ..(AprAIM & SHOOT MULCH blowing. 17-13t) Dyed walnut color. Holds color all summer. Be the first in your FULL LAWN maintenance grass neighborhood. Call for details/free cutting, mulching, bed clean-up. In accordance with Section estimate. DC’s Lawncare, 804-436- >LKVP[HSS*HSS\ZÄYZ[+HUKYPKNL of Supervisors shall hold a 804-436-6303. (Apr-24-13t) 3329..(May-29-13t) COUNTY OF LANCASTER, VIRGINIA WETLANDS BOARD NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING 3(47 9,7(09:ZTHSS VMÄJL LX\Ppement. Large supply of accessories. Work done on-site, reasonable YH[LZ5VY[OLYU5LJR6MÄJL,X\PWment, 2852 Merry Point Rd., Merry Point. 804-435-1698. (Mar-13-13t) NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to Section 15.2-2506 of the Code of Virginia that the Irvington Town Council will hold a public hearing for the purpose of receiving public comment on the proposed 2014-2015 Budget at the regular town council meeting on Thursday, June 12th, 2014, at 7:30 P.M., at 235 Steamboat Road, Irvington, Virginia. A copy of the proposed budget is available for review at the Town 6MÄJL^LLRKH`ZMYVT !(4[V!74 ;OLWYVWVZLKI\KNL[PZHZMVSSV^Z! ,?7,5+0;<9,:! 6WLYH[PUN,_WLUZLZ Community Support ;V\YPZT7YVTV[PVU +LKPJH[LK*HWP[HS 0TWYV]LTLU[ *In & Out Expenditures (See Corresponding Revenue) Total Expenditures 9,=,5<,:! General Fund 9L]LU\LZ *In & Out Revenues (See Corresponding Expenditure) Total Revenues 2013-2014 2014-2015 (WWYVWYPH[LK 7YVWVZLK Comparison $38,000.00 $143,298.00 $38,000.00 $152,024,00 $ 0.00 $ 8,726.00 $ 38,000.00 $143,298.00 $ 38,000.00 $152,024.00 $ 0.00 $ 8,726.00 COUNTY OF LANCASTER, VIRGINIA NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING PROPOSED FISCAL YEAR 2014-15 BUDGET 15.2-2506 of the Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended, the Lancaster County Board public hearing at its regular meeting on Thursday, June 19, 2014, at 7:00 p.m. in the Board Meeting Room of the Lancaster County Administration Building, 8311 Mary Ball Road, Lancaster, =PYNPUPH [V YLJLP]L JVTTLU[Z MYVT [OL W\ISPJ VU [OL WYVWVZLK 3HUJHZ[LY *V\U[` )\KNL[ MVY [OL ÄZJHS `LHY beginning July 1, 2014 and ending on June 30, 2015 (FY15). All citizens of Lancaster County are invited to attend the public hearing and to state their views thereon. A copy of the complete proposed budget is available MVYPUZWLJ[PVUK\YPUNYLN\SHYVMÄJLOV\YZVM[OL*V\U[`(KTPUPZ[YH[VY»Z6MÄJL4HY`)HSS9VHK3HUJHZ[LY Virginia and is posted on the county website at www.lancova.com. ;OL MVSSV^PUN I\KNL[ Z`UVWZPZ L_JLW[ MVY [OL W\ISPJ ZJOVVSZ I\KNL[ PZ MVY PUMVYTH[PVU HUK ÄZJHS WSHUUPUN purposes only. In no case, including the public schools budget, shall this budget synopsis or its approval be deemed an appropriation. Actual allocation of funds shall be made by appropriation by the Board of Supervisors. PROPOSED OPERATING BUDGET FY14 FY15 Increase / (Decrease) $5,399,336 $4,257,447 ($1,141,889) General Property Taxes Other Lancaster County Taxes Commonwealth of Virginia Funds Federal Government Funds School Operating Revenues School Cafeteria Revenues Total Revenues $14,921,000 2,775,700 3,408,962 546,707 4,408,634 585,000 $26,646,003 $14,971,000 2,780,000 3,446,962 588,060 4,481,312 616,600 $26,883,934 $50,000 4,300 38,000 41,353 72,678 31,600 $237,931 Total Revenues & Funds All Sources $32,045,339 $31,141,381 ($903,958) Beginning of Fiscal Year Revenues Expenditures General Government Courts Public Safety Public Works Health & Welfare Education (Non-Public Schools) Recreation & Cultural Activities Community Development Non-Departmental School Operations School Cafeteria Debt Service Capital Improvements Total Expenditures by Function Fund Balance End of Fiscal Year $1,290,570 695,593 4,298,422 1,124,106 2,547,820 6,536 182,595 447,247 66,925 14,834,118 585,000 1,122,060 586,900 $27,787,892 $1,318,962 707,116 4,547,795 1,159,363 2,537,916 6,817 182,595 448,942 66,925 15,187,728 616,600 1,124,757 793,260 $28,698,776 $28,392 11,523 249,373 35,257 (9,904) 281 0 1,695 0 353,610 31,600 2,697 206,360 $910,884 $4,257,447 $2,442,606 ($1,814,842) In accordance with the aforementioned Virginia Code section, the Board of Supervisors shall wait at least seven (7) GD\VIROORZLQJWKHSXEOLFKHDULQJEHIRUHLWFRQVLGHUVDGRSWLRQRIWKHSURSRVHGEXGJHWZLWKRUZLWKRXWPRGLÀFDWLRQ 7KH%RDUGRI6XSHUYLVRUVPD\VHWUXOHVJRYHUQLQJWKHFRQGXFWRIWKHSXEOLFKHDULQJ :ULWWHQFRPPHQWVPD\EHVXEPLWWHGWRWKH&RXQW\$GPLQLVWUDWRUҋV2IÀFHDW0DU\%DOO5RDG/DQFDVWHU9$ E\IDFVLPLOHDWRUGXULQJWKHSXEOLFKHDULQJ )UDQN$3OHYD &RXQW\$GPLQLVWUDWRUUHJXODUEXVLQHVVKRXUVWHOHSKRQH )UDQN$3OHYD&RXQW\$GPLQLVWUDWRU June 5, 2t D6 .YRI RAPPAHANNOCK RECORD /MPQEVRSGO:MVKMRME Business Services Business Services Business Services Business Services Business Services MAGILL PIANO Tuning: Kevin Magill WYV]PKPUNL_WLY[WPHUV[\UPUNHUKYLWHPY to Middle Peninsula and Northern Neck communities. 804-450-5520. www. magillpianotuning.com..(Apr-3-13t) MOORE’S EXCAVATING: Roads, drive^H`ZSV[JSLHYPUNSHUKZJHWPUNL_JHvating, grading, rip-rap. Fully insured, JLY[PÄLK ,: 9LZWVUZPISL 3HUK +PZturber. 804-462-7357..(May-15-tf) NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY 6MÄJLVM)\PSKPUNAVUPUN NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given pursuant to Chapter 11, 15.22204 of the Code of Virginia as amended that the Northumberland County Board of Supervisors will hold a public hearing on June 12, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. in the Northumberland County Courts Building (220 Judicial Pl) at Heathsville in order to consider the following: 1. An amendment to the Northumberland County Zoning Ordinance Chapter 148 Article I, Section 148-3; +LÄUP[PVUZHUK^VYK<ZHNL[V! a. Delete the following terms and associated KLÄUP[PVUZ! ¸)VHYKPUN /V\ZL¹ HUK ¸4V[LS *HIPU VY 4V[VY3VKNL¹ I 4VKPM` [OL MVSSV^PUN KLÄUP[PVUZ! ¸)LK HUK )YLHRMHZ[¹¸:PUNSL<UP[+^LSSPUN¹¸/V[LS4V[LS¹HUK ¸;V\YPZ[/VTL¹ c. Add the following terms and associated KLÄUP[PVUZ!¸;YHUZPLU[¹HUK¸=HJH[PVU/VTL9LU[HS¹ 2. An amendment to the Northumberland County Zoning Ordinance Chapter 148 Article I, Section 148-5; <ZHNLZ[V! H9LTV]L\ZLZ!¸)VHYKPUN/V\ZL¹HUK¸4V[LS*HIPUVY4V[VY3VKNL¹ I4VKPM`\ZL!¸/V[LS¹[VYLHK¸/V[LS4V[LS¹ c. An amendment to the Northumberland County Zoning Ordinance Chapter 148 Article I, Sec[PVU"<ZHNLZMVY[OL(NYPJ\S[\YHS(*VUZLY]H[PVU*9LZPKLU[PHS.LULYHS99LZPKLU[PHS>H[LYMYVU[99LZPKLU[PHS9LJYLH[PVUHS9+PZ[YPJ[Z [VPUJS\KL¸=HJH[PVU/VTL9LU[HS¹HZH7LYTP[[LK<ZL HUK[VPUJS\KL¸=HJH[PVU/VTL9LU[HS¹HZH*VUKP[PVUHS<ZLPU[OL)\ZPULZZ.LULYHS)+PZ[YPJ[ 3. An amendment to the Northumberland County Zoning Ordinance Chapter 148 Article XIV, Section 148155, to list requirements to be met in order to operate H¸=HJH[PVU/VTL9LU[HS¹ ;OL )VHYK ^PSS HSZV JVUZPKLY YLJVTTLUKH[PVUZ made by the Planning Commission on the language HIV]LMYVT[OLPY4H`TLL[PUN 7YVWVZLK HTLUKTLU[Z JHU IL ]PL^LK PU [OL 6MÄJL of Building and Zoning or on the County’s webpage (www.co.northumberland.va.us). All written comTLU[Z ZOV\SK IL YLJLP]LK I` [OL 6MÄJL VM )\PSKPUN and Zoning prior to the Board meeting. For further inMVYTH[PVUJVUJLYUPUN[OPZYLX\LZ[JVU[HJ[[OL6MÄJL of Building & Zoning at the Courthouse in Heathsville, VA (580-7921 or email [email protected]. va.us). If you are physically disabled, hearing or visually impaired and need assistance with this hearing, please call Bill Knight at (804) 580-8910 (Voice) or via [OL=PYNPUPH9LSH`VY;++MVYHZZPZ[HUJL Northumberland County Board of Supervisors )`!,3\[[YLSS;HKSVJR(ZZPZ[HU[*V\U[`(KTPUPZ[YH[VY 4H` [ COUNTY OF LANCASTER, VIRGINIA NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING PROPOSED TAX LEVIES FOR CALENDAR YEAR 2014 In accordance with Section 15.2-1427 of the Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended, the Lancaster County Board of Supervisors shall conduct a public hearing to receive citizen comment on and to consider a proposed ordinance setting the calendar year 2014 tax levies on Thursday, June 19, 2014, at 7:00 p.m. in the Board Meeting Room of the Lancaster County Administration Building, 8311 Mary Ball Road, Lancaster, Virginia. The proposed ordinance reads as follows: Beginning January 1, 2014 until December 31, 2014 the following tax rates shall apply in Lancaster County, Virginia: Real Estate - $0.55 per $100 of assessed value Personal Property Motor Vehicles - $2.04 per $100 of assessed value All Other Personal Property - $1.52 per $100 of assessed value Machinery and Tools - $1.52 per $100 of assessed value Merchant’s Capital - $1.00 per $100 of assessed value discounted by 50% PUBLIC SERVICE CORPORATIONS Real Estate - $0.55 per $100 of assessed value Personal Property Motor Vehicles - $2.04 per $100 of assessed value All Other Personal Property - $1.52 per $100 of assessed value The calendar year 2013 real estate tax levies or rates were $0.50 per $100 of assessed value. No other changes to the existing tax levies are proposed. The Board of Supervisors may set rules governing the conduct of the public hearing. ON THE NAIL Contracting: Class A contractor, licensed and insured. Charles Harris, contractor. Call 804815-4218(o), 804-815-4686(c). FramPUNÅVVYPUN^PUKV^ZKLJRZHKKPtions, siding and more. (Apr-17-tf) Lost and Found Notices Code 15.2-906, Authority to require removal, repair, etc. of buildings and other structures. Citizens are invited to provide their input in person or in writing. Public hearing documents can be found at the Town 6MÄJL 5 4HPU :[ 2PSTHYUVJR =( K\YPUN VMÄJL OV\YZ 4VUKH` -YPKH` (4 [V 74" HUK online at www.kilmarnockva.com. Questions and JVTTLU[ZTH`ILKPYLJ[LK[VL_[ or [email protected]. Individuals with a disHIPSP[` HZ KLÄULK PU [OL (TLYPJHUZ ^P[O +PZHIPSP[PLZ Act, desiring to attend this public hearing should con[HJ[[OL;V^U4HUHNLY»Z6MÄJL[LUKH`ZWYPVY[V[OL meeting to ensure appropriate accommodations are provided. NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY 6MÄJLVM)\PSKPUNAVUPUN NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given pursuant to Chapter 11, 15.22204 of the Code of Virginia as amended that the Northumberland County Board of Supervisors will hold a public hearing on ;O\YZKH` 1\UL H[ ! p.m. in the Northumberland County Courts Building (220 Judicial Pl) in Heathsville in order to consider the following requests. 1. Request by Thomas E. and Cathleen M. Allen, owners, to allow an existing dwelling and accessory building partially within the 100’ Resource Protection Area buffer located at 460 Whittstat Lane near Heathsville. NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY 6MÄJLVM)\PSKPUNAVUPUN NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given pursuant to Section 28.2-1302 of the Code of Virginia, that the Northumberland County Wetlands Board, at a meeting in the Board of Supervisors Room of the Old Courthouse in Heathsville, Virginia, on ;\LZKH`1\ULcommencing at ! 74, will consider the following applications for wetland and/or coastal primary sand dune and beach permits: 1. Request by Richard L. and Jill. M. Day (V.M.R.C. #14-0713) to install 35 linear feet of riprap revetment along the shoreline of the Little Wicomico River and 738 Bridgecreek Circle. 2. Request by James Joseph Panzetta (V.M.R.C. #140660) to construct 97 linear feet of bulkhead along the shoreline of Indian Creek and 244 South Drive. 3. Request by Robert Starkweather (V.M.R.C. #140672) to remove a section of existing bulkhead and construct 73 linear feet, including return walls, of vinyl bulkhead channelward of existing bulkhead along the shoreline of Cranes Creek and 185 Marlin Place. 4. Request by Vicki Toye (V.M.R.C. #14-0675) to construct 88 linear feet. Including return walls, of bulkhead along the Coan River and Tax Map Parcel #16-(3)-7, on Westview Lane. 7YVWVZLK YLX\LZ[Z JHU IL ]PL^LK PU [OL 6MÄJL VM Building and Zoning. All written comments should be YLJLP]LKI`[OL6MÄJLVM)\PSKPUNHUKAVUPUNWYPVY[V the Board meeting. For further information concerning [OPZYLX\LZ[JVU[HJ[[OL6MÄJLVM)\PSKPUNAVUPUNH[ the Courthouse in Heathsville, VA (580-7921 or email [email protected]). If you are physically disabled, hearing or visually impaired and need assistance with this hearing, please call Bill Knight at (804) 580-8910 (Voice) or Via the Virginia Relay or TDD for assistance. The applications requesting the proposed permits HYLVUÄSLPU[OL6MÄJLVM)\PSKPUNHUKAVUPUNH[[OL Old Courthouse in Heathsville, VA, where all interested parties may view and inspect the projects. Written comments must be mailed, faxed to (804) 580-8082 or e-mailed to [email protected]. If you are physically disabled, hearing or visually impaired and need assistance with this hearing, please call Bill Knight at (804) 580-8910 (Voice) or Via the Virginia Relay or TDD for assistance. Northumberland County Board of Supervisors By: Philip Marston, Zoning Administrator May 29-2t Northumberland County Wetlands Board )`!7OPSPW/4HYZ[VUAVUPUN(KTPUPZ[YH[VY HOW DO YOU REACH MORE THAN These ads reach over 4 million Virginia readers for only $275. SAVE ST. PAUL’S COLLEGE 6($/(' %,'$8&7,21 /DZUHQFHYLOOH 9$ &DPSXV %XLOGLQJV$&6WXGHQW &HQWHU$&$OVR2IIHUHGDV (QWLUHW\%,'6'8(30 ZZZPRWOH\VFRP027/(<69$(+2 AUCTION – FORECLOSURE $& :DWHUIURQW /RW 5DSSDKDQQRFN 5LYHU &HGDU 3RLQW 6XEGLYLVLRQ /RW 6KHOO 5HHI &RXUW 8UEDQQD 9$ 216,7( 6$/( -81( # 30 ZZZPRWOH\VFRP027/(<69$(+2 0HGLFDO2I¿FH7UDLQHHV1HHGHG 7UDLQ WR EHFRPH D 0HGLFDO 2IILFH $VVLVWDQW 1R ([SHULHQFH 1HHGHG 7UDLQLQJ -RE 3ODFHPHQW DYDLODEOH DW &7, +6 'LSORPD*(' FRPSXWHU QHHGHG A hard copy of the proposed ordinance is available for public inspection at the County Administrator’s 6MÄJL K\YPUN YLN\SHY I\ZPULZZ OV\YZ" [LSLWOVUL! (804) 462-5129. It is also posted on the county’s website at www.lancova.com. DRIVERS-CDL TRAINING VW<HDU5RDQRNH RU 6SRWV\OYDQLD :HHNV RU :HHNHQGV *XDUDQWHHG )LQDQFLQJ DQG -RE 3ODFHPHQW $VVLVWDQFH$YDLODEOH 9HWHUDQV :HOFRPH June 5-2t SEMI-RETIRED PAINTER: Interior/ ,_[LYPVYWHPU[PUN7YLZZ\YL^HZOPUN houses, decks, docks, etc. Kitchen/ baths makeovers. Repaint cabinets, etc. Color updates. 25 years L_WLYPLUJL +H]L (June-5-13t) was recorded in Instrument No. 080001195, the undersigned Substitute Trustee will offer for sale at public auction in the front of the Circuit Court building for Lancaster County, 8265 Mary Ball Road, Lancaster, Virginia, on June 26, 2014, PAINTING EXTERIOR/Interior. Old at 12:00 PM, the property described home my specialty. Metal roofs, TAYLOR’S TREE Service. Bushhog- in said deed of trust, located at MILTON’S WORK Shop: Reuphol- fences, minor home deck/dock ging, grass cutting, pine mulching, the above address, and more parstering, quality work and over 35 cleaning and repairs, landscaping. ÄYL^VVK WY\UPUN :[VUL [VWZVPS ticularly described as follows: ALL `LHYZ L_WLYPLUJL -HIYPJ ZHTWSLZ Honest, reliable. Free estimates. Bill road gravel. Demolition work. Lot THAT CERTAIN LOT OR PARCEL to select from. Located in White 804-435-3412(H), 804-435-0286. clearing, property maintenance. OF LAND, TOGETHER WITH ALL www.taylortreeservice.com (H) IMPROVEMENTS THEREON, SITUStone by appointment. Call 804- (Apr-17-13t) 804-435-0648, (C) 804-436-3528, ATED IN WHITE STONE MAGIS435-3988..(Apr-3-13t) 7(05;05.!05;,9069HUKL_[LYPVY (C)804-435-3197..(Apr-17-13t) TERIAL DISTRICT, LANCASTER MULCH: Pine or hardwood, 14 pressure washing houses and yards delivered locally, $300/per decks, sealing and staining decks, TRANSPORTATION: AIRPORT drop COUNTY, VIRGINIA, load. Smaller loads available. Instal- professional window cleaning. Call off/pick up, accompany to medical CONTAINING 1.66 ACRES, MORE SH[PVUVYZWYLHKPUNL_[YH the best, B-Clean, 804-438-5106, or other scheduled appointments OR LESS, AND MORE CLEARLY or to run errands. Contact Becky SHOWN AND DESCRIBED AS 3329, DC’s Lawncare for all your (C)-804-370-6851..(Mar-20-13t) @ www.leaveittobecky.com or call LOT 2 ON A PLAT OF SURVEY lawncare needs..(May-29-13t) ROAD GRADING. Ideal results w/ 804-512-1532, free consultation.. ENTITLED “DIVISION SURVEY BEACHWOOD”, MADE BY TOMLIN MULCHING: New bed installa- ZTHSS 4V[VY .YHKLY HUK L_WL- (Apr-24-13t) & KEYSER, P.C., DATED MARCH tions and maintenance, edging, rienced operator for your driveVACATIONERS and SECOND Home 18, 1988, A COPY OF WHICH PLAT planting, walkways and retaining way/subdivision. Can add stone. Owners: Offer home check-ins, OF SURVEY IS RECORDED IN THE walls. Mulch delivery by yard, 5-12 Free estimates: Chesapeake Road oversee home remodels/repairs, CLERK’S OFFICE OF THE CIRCUIT yds. Insured. Call Keith Lowery of Grader Service (804)480-9313. stock refrigerators, bonded and COURT OF LANCASTER COUNTY, LawnPro, 804-761-7648..(Mar- www.chesapeakeroadgrader serinsured. Contact Becky @ www. vice.com.. (Apr-24-13t) VIRGINIA, IN DEED BOOK 282, AT 27-13t) leaveittobecky.com or call 804-512- PAGE 94, AND BY THIS REFERNEED your projects (homes/decks/ ROYAL DIAMOND Event Plan- 1532, free consultation..(Apr-24-13t) ENCE MADE A PART HEREOF. NHYHNLZ ÄUPZOLK MHZ[& 6\Y PUZ\Y- ning/540-429-6307. Weddings, anniTOGETHER WITH A 1/7TH INTERance (fire/wind/water) damage versaries, birthdays, showers, retireEST IN THE FOLLOWING: FORTY L_WLYPLUJL NL[Z MHTPSPLZ IHJR ment, church functions, reunions, (40’) FOOT R/W AND CUL-DE-SAC home fast. Custom & modular con- graduations, business events, parties, CONTAINING ACCORDING TO struction. licensed/insured/BBB. linen rental, set design, programs & 630=,.9,,5ZPUNSLWLYZVUÄZOPUN SURVEY 0.833 ACRES, MORE OR Free Estimates. 1-800-211-5660.. invitations. www.RoyalDiamond.biz.. kayak with white oar lost on Mos- LESS, 0.067 ACRES MORE OR quito Creek during Memorial Day LESS AND THAT AREA GENER(Mar-13-13t) (Mar-27-13t) weekend. Please contact if found. ALLY DESCRIBED AS “20’ EASE804-512-2546..(June-5-2t) MENT” WHICH WIDENS AS IT APPROACHES TAYLOR’S CREEK AND THE COMMON DOCKAGE, Town of Kilmarnock ALL AS SHOWN ON THAT CERTAIN A public hearing will be conducted BWW# 130084 PLAT OF SURVEY ENTITLED “DIVITRUSTEE’S SALE OF 145 Beech- SION SURVEY, BEECHWOOD”, by the Kilmarnock Town Council on wood Drive, IRTA 2 Beechwood DATED MARCH 18, 1988, MADE June 16, 2014 at 7 PM in the Kilmar+YP]L>LLTZ=(0UL_LJ\- BY TOMLIN AND KEYSER, A tion of a certain deed of trust dated COPY OF THE PLAT OF SURVEY nock Town Hall, 1 North Main Street, December 05, 2006, in the original BEING DULY RECORDED IN THE Kilmarnock, VA. principal amount of $1,000,000.00 CLERK’S OFFICE OF THE CIRCUIT The hearing is to solicit public comment on a proYLJVYKLKPU[OL*SLYR»Z6MÄJL*PY- COURT OF LANCASTER COUNTY, cuit Court for Lancaster County, Vir- VIRGINIA IN DEED BOOK 282 AT posed code adoption within Ch.10, Buildings and ginia, in Instrument No. 060003785, PAGE 94. SUCH PLAT OF SURVEY Building Regulations. The code adoption is specifand modified on May 01, 2008. IS INCORPORATED HEREIN BY ic to a general blight ordinance as authorized by VA This modification agreement THIS REFERENCE. REFERENCE MASSARO BROS. Seamless Gutters: 5”&6” gutters. Gutter covers. Clean-out and repair service. Lowest price/satisfaction guaranteed. Reedville, Licensed/Insured. Call Matt for, estimate. 804-4800155. [email protected]..(Apr-3-13t) Written comments may be submitted to the County (KTPUPZ[YH[VY»Z 6MÄJL H[ 4HY` )HSS 9VHK Lancaster 22503, by facsimile at (804) 462-0031 or may be presented during the public hearing. Frank A. Pleva County Administrator Notices $9(5,77 (;35(66 1HZ 3D\ ,QFUHDVH )RU 5HJLRQDO 'ULYHUV &30)XHO%RQXV$OVR 4 MILLION READERS FOR ONLY $275? 3RVW7UDLQLQJ 3D\ ,QFUHDVH IRU 6WXGHQWV'HSHQGLQJRQ'RPLFLOH*HW+RPH(9(5<:HHN ([FHOOHQW %HQH¿WV &'/$ UHT $SSO\ # $YHULWW&DUHHUVFRP(TXDO2SSRUWXQLW\ (PSOR\HU±)HPDOHVPLQRULWLHV SURWHFWHGYHWHUDQVDQGLQGLYLGXDOV ZLWK GLVDELOLWLHV DUH HQFRXUDJHGWRDSSO\ $VD'LDPRQG'ULYHU\RXHDUQ DGGLWLRQDO SD\ RQ WRS RI DOO WKH FRPSHWLWLYHLQFHQWLYHVZHRIIHU 7KH YHU\ EHVW FKRRVH 6ZLIW *UHDW0LOHV *UHDW3D\/DWH 0RGHO (TXLSPHQW $YDLODEOH 5HJLRQDO 2SSRUWXQLWLHV *UHDW &DUHHU 3DWK 3DLG 9DFDWLRQ ([FHOOHQW%HQH¿WV3OHDVH&DOO REGIONAL TRACTOR75$,/(5 '5,9(56 :HHNO\ 5HJLRQDO 0LG $WODQWLF DUHD :RUN GD\V RII HYHU\ ZHHNHQG +HDOWK /LIH ,QVXUDQFH . 3HQVLRQ SODQ SDLG KROLGD\V YDFDWLRQ 5HTXLUHV JRRG 095 '27 UHFRUG PLQ \UV H[SHULHQFH +D]PDW ZLWKLQ GD\V +RXII 7UDQVIHU :H\HUV &DYH :LQFKHVWHU 5LFKPRQG %DOWLPRUH 0G $SSO\ DW ZZZKRXIIFRP 'ULYHUV ± &'/$ '5,9(56 1(('(' 727$/ 5HVSHFW ± 727$/6XFFHVV6WDUWXSWR PLOH2755HJLRQDO5XQV&'/ *UDGV:HOFRPH7UXFNV *URZLQJ ZZZ 'ULYH7RWDOFRP 'ULYHU7UDLQHHV QHHGHG 1R H[SHULHQFH QHHGHG /HDUQ WR GULYHDWUXFNDW6KLSSHUV&KRLFH -REUHDG\LQZHHNV*RRGSD\ EHQH¿WV :(/',1* &$5((56 ± +DQGV RQWUDLQLQJIRUFDUHHURSSRUWXQLWLHVLQVKLSEXLOGLQJDXWRPRWLYH PDQXIDFWXULQJDQGPRUH)LQDQFLDO DLG IRU TXDOL¿HG VWXGHQWV -RESODFHPHQWDVVLVWDQFH&$// 7LGHZDWHU7HFK EXPERIENCED DRIVER OR 5(&(17*5$'":LWK6ZLIW\RX FDQJURZWREHDQDZDUGZLQQLQJ &ODVV$&'/GULYHU:HKHOS\RX DFKLHYH 'LDPRQG 'ULYHU VWDWXV ZLWK WKH EHVW VXSSRUW WKHUH LV 1XUVLQJ &DUHHUV EHJLQ KHUH ± *HW WUDLQHG LQ PRQWKV QRW \HDUV 6PDOO FODVVHV QR ZDLW OLVW )LQDQFLDO DLG IRU TXDOLILHG VWXGHQWV$SS\ QRZ DW &HQWXUD &ROOHJH1RUIRON $,5/,1(&$5((56EHJLQKHUH ± *HW )$$ DSSURYHG $YLDWLRQ 0DLQWHQDQFH7HFKQLFLDQWUDLQLQJ +RXVLQJ DQG )LQDQFLDO $LG IRU May 29-2t 1 phone call. Call Rappahannock Record at 804-435-1701 or 1-800-435-1701. 1 bit of paperwork: Just write your ad copy and ZULWHFKHFN7KDW·VLW 1 price: Just $275 for 25 words ($10 each TXDOLILHG VWXGHQWV -RE SODFHPHQWDVVLVWDQFH6&+(9&HUWL¿HG&$//$,0 6$:0,//6IURPRQO\ 0$.( 6$9( 021(< ZLWK \RXU RZQ EDQGPLOO &XW OXPEHU DQ\ GLPHQVLRQ ,Q VWRFN UHDG\ WRVKLS)5((,QIR'9'ZZZ 1RUZRRG6DZPLOOVFRP ([W1 75287675($0±1$7,21$/ )25(67 )5217$*( %HGURRP/RJ+RPHPLQXWHVWR%OXH 5LGJH3DUNZD\DQG$SSDODFKLDQ 7UDLO5DUHFKDQFHWRRZQVSHFLDO 0RXQWDLQ5HWUHDWRQO\ FDOORZQHU 0DNHD&RQQHFWLRQ5HDO3HRSOH )OLUW\ &KDW 0HHW VLQJOHV ULJKW QRZ&DOO/LYH/LQNV7U\LW)5(( &DOO12: ' , 9 2 5 & ( ± 8 Q F R Q W H V W H G FRXUWFRVW1RFRXUW DSSHDUDQFHUHTXLUHG(VWLPDWHG FRPSOHWLRQ WLPH WZHQW\RQH GD\V$OOWHOHSKRQHLQTXLULHVZHOFRPH ZLWK QR REOLJDWLRQ +LOWRQ 2OLYHU$WWRUQH\ ',925&(:,7+25:,7+287 FKLOGUHQ,QFOXGHVQDPH FKDQJHDQGSURSHUW\VHWWOHPHQW DJUHHPHQW 6$9( KXQGUHGV )DVW DQG HDV\ &DOO /MPQEVRSGO :MVKMRME RAPPAHANNOCK RECORD .YRID7 Notices Notices Notices Notices IS HEREBY EXPRESSLY MADE TO SUCH PLAT OF SURVEY FOR A MORE COMPLETE AND ACCURATE DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPERTY HEREIN CONVEYED. TERMS OF SALE: ALL CASH. A bidder’s deposit of ten percent VM[OLZHSLWYPJLVY[LUWLYJLU[VM[OLVYPNPUHSWYPUJPWHS balance of the subject deed of trust, whichever is lower, in the form VM JHZO VY JLY[PÄLK M\UKZ WH`HISL to the Substitute Trustee must be present at the time of the sale. The balance of the purchase price will IL K\L ^P[OPU ÄM[LLU KH`Z VM sale, otherwise Purchaser’s deposit may be forfeited to Trustee. Time is of the essence. Sale is subject [V WVZ[ ZHSL JVUÄYTH[PVU [OH[ [OL IVYYV^LYKPKUV[ÄSLMVYWYV[LJ[PVU under the U.S. Bankruptcy Code prior to the sale, as well as to postZHSL JVUÄYTH[PVU HUK H\KP[ VM [OL status of the loan with the loan servicer including, but not limited to, determination of whether the borrower entered into any repayment agreement, reinstated or paid off the loan prior to the sale. In any such event, the sale shall be null and void, and the Purchaser’s sole remedy, in law or equity, shall be the return of his deposit without interest. Additional terms to be announced at the sale. A form copy of the Trustee’s memorandum of foreclosure sale and contract to purchase real property is available for viewing at www.bwwsales.com. This is a communication from a debt collector and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. The ZHSLPZZ\IQLJ[[VZLSSLYJVUÄYTH[PVU Substitute Trustee: Equity Trustees, LLC, 2101 Wilson Boulevard, Suite 402, Arlington, VA 22201. For more information contact: BWW Law Group, LLC, attorneys for Equity Trustees, LLC, 4520 East West Highway, Suite 200, Bethesda, MD 20814, (301) 961-6555, website: www.bwwsales.com. (May-29-2t) NOTICE OF OYSTER GROUND APPLICATION Leo Stoneham Robbins, (2014139) OHZHWWSPLKMVYHWWYV_PTH[LS` acres of oyster planting ground in Harpers Creek near mouth of creek situated in Lancaster City/County and described as follows: North By: Kellum PF11500 East By: Stickel PF10562; Vacant South By: MLW; Vacant; Robbins PF10532 West BY: Robbins PF10532; MLW Lat/long: N37-37.7374 W76-20.9872 Send comments or concerns to: Marine Resources Commission, Engineering/Surveying Department 2600 Washington Ave., 3rd Floor, Newport News, VA 23607 -VYTVYLZWLJPÄJHWWSPJH[PVUSVJHtion information call 757-247-2230 (May-22-4t) ground in Rappahannock River near Taft situated in Lancaster City/ County and described as follows: North By: MLW East By: Robbins PF13044; Churchill PF19027 South By: P.G.#1; Martin/Henderson PF’s 15970 & 15971 West BY: Robbins PF13044 Lat/long: N37-37.6686 W76-23.0690 Send comments or concerns to: Marine Resources Commission, Engineering/Surveying Department 2600 Washington Ave., 3rd Floor, Newport News, VA 23607 -VYTVYLZWLJPÄJHWWSPJH[PVUSVJHtion information call 757-247-2230 (May-15-4t) for the Circuit Court for Lancaster County, VA, securing a loan which was originally $112,500.00. The appointed SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE, Commonwealth Trustees, LLC will offer for sale at public auction at the front steps of the Circuit Court for Lancaster County, located at 8311 Mary Ball Rd on: NOTICE OF OYSTER GROUND APPLICATION VIRGINIA WATER HOLDINGS, LLC, OHZHWWSPLKMVYHWWYV_Pmately 60-+ acres of oyster planting By virtue of the power and authority contained in a Deed of Trust dated December 21, 2006, and recorded at Instrument Number 070000143 in the Clerk’s Office NOTICE OF OYSTER GROUND APPLICATION VIRGINIA WATER HOLDINGS, LLC, OHZHWWSPLKMVYHWWYV_Pmately 30-+ acres of oyster plantNOTICE OF OYSTER ing ground in Rappahannock River GROUND APPLICATION VIRGINIA WATER HOLDINGS, near Taft situated in Lancaster City/ LLC, (2014124) has applied for County and described as follows: HWWYV_PTH[LS`HJYLZVMV`Z[LY North By: MLW planting ground in Little Bay near East By: Boswell PF20084; Robbins Davenport Cove situated in Lan- PF13045 caster City/County and described South By: P.G. #1; Robbins PF13045 West BY: Robbins PF13911; as follows: Churchill PF19027 North By: MLW: Jones PF8317 Lat/long: N37-37.3025 East By: Vacant: Jones PF8317 W76-22.5373 South By: Vacant; MLW Send comments or concerns to: West BY: Jones PF11578; MLW Marine Resources Commission, Lat/long: N37-39.0276 Engineering/Surveying Department W76-20.1272 2600 Washington Ave., 3rd Floor, Notes: Subject to SAV Newport News, VA 23607 Send comments or concerns to: -VYTVYLZWLJPÄJHWWSPJH[PVUSVJHMarine Resources Commission, tion information call 757-247-2230 Engineering/Surveying Department (May-15-4t) 2600 Washington Ave., 3rd Floor, NOTICE OF SUBSTITUTE Newport News, VA 23607 TRUSTEE SALE -VYTVYLZWLJPÄJHWWSPJH[PVUSVJH12211 Mary Ball Road tion information call 757-247-2230 Lancaster, VA 22503 (May-15-4t) Notices Notices The balance of the purchase price, with interest at the rate contained in the Deed of Trust Note from the date of sale to the date said funds HYL YLJLP]LK PU [OL VMÄJL VM [OL SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE, will be K\L^P[OPUÄM[LLUKH`ZVMZHSL In the event of default by the successful bidder, the entire deposit shall be forfeited and applied to June 27, 2014 at 12:00 PM [OLJVZ[ZHUKL_WLUZLZVMZHSLHUK Substitute Trustee’s fee. All other improved real property, with an public charges or assessments, abbreviated legal description of All including water/sewer charges, that certain tract or parcel of land, whether incurred prior to or after together with the improvements, the sale, and all other costs incirights, ways and appurtenances dent to settlement to be paid by thereto belonging, containing by [OLW\YJOHZLY0U[OLL]LU[[H_LZ Ten (10) acres (shown as 9.52 any other public charges have been acres on the Lancaster County advanced, a credit will be due to Land Books) the same being the seller, to be adjusted from the hereby conveyed in gross and not date of sale at the time of settleby the acre, be the same however ment. Purchaser agrees to pay never so much or less, situate and the Seller’s attorneys at settlement, lying Mantua Magisterial District, a fee of $445.00 for review of the Lancaster County, Virginia. Less, settlement documents. ZH]L HUK L_JLW[ [OH[ WVY[PVU VM Additional terms will be announced land taken by the Commonwealth at the time of sale and the sucof Virginia on August 15, 1969 cessful bidder will be required to and recorded in Deed Book 158, L_LJ\[LHUKKLSP]LY[V[OL:\IZ[Pat Page 597 and also shown tute Trustees a memorandum or in State Highway Plat book 3, contract of the sale at the concluH[ 7HNL ;H_ 0+ )` sion of bidding. fee simple Deed from Phyllis D. Coleman, married as set forth in FOR INFORMATION Instrument No. 030000970 and CONTACT: recorded on 3/24/2003, Lancaster County Records., and as more fully Rosenberg & Associates, LLC described in the aforesaid Deed (Attorney for Commonwealth of Trust. Trustees, LLC) TERMS OF SALE: The property will 7910 Woodmont Avenue, be sold “AS IS,” WITHOUT REPRE- Suite 750 SENTATION OR WARRANTY OF Bethesda, Maryland 20814 ANY KIND AND SUBJECT TO con- 301-907-8000 ditions, restrictions, reservations, www.rosenberg-assoc.com easements, rights of way, and all (May-29-2t) other matters of record taking priPUBLIC SALE: Items belongority over the Deed of Trust to be announced at the time of sale. A ing to Reid, J. Unit #29; Taylor, KLWVZP[VMVYVM L. Unit #42; Burbach, S. Unit the sale price, whichever is lower, #49. Sale to take place 10a.m., in cash or cashier’s check payable Saturday, June 14, 2014. Terms, to the SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE will cash. Sentry Self Storage, White be required at the time of sale. Stone..(May-29-2t) TRUSTEE’S NOTICE OF SALE 300 King Carter Drive Irvington, VA 22480 ;H_4HW 0UL_LJ\[PVUVMHJLY[HPU*YLKP[3PUL Deed of Trust dated June 28, 2006, HUK YLJVYKLK PU [OL *SLYR»Z 6MÄJL of the Circuit Court of Lancaster County, Virginia as Instrument # 060002142, wherein Randolph W. Stephens and Tamara S. Stephens JVU]L`LK [V :\aHUUL +P_ 2L`ZLY and John K. O’Shaughnessy, Trustees, certain real estate described therein; and, John S. Martin having been appointed as Substitute Trustee by Appointment of Substitute Trustee dated April 30, 2014, and recorded in the aforesaid Clerk’s 6MÄJLHZ0UZ[Y\TLU[ " and, default having been made in the debt secured by said deed of trust, and being required so to do by the noteholder, the undersigned Substitute Trustee will offer for sale at public auction on Monday, June 16, 2014 at 10:00 a.m., at the front entrance of the Lancaster County Circuit Court courthouse building, located at 8265 Mary Ball Road, Lancaster, Virginia 22503, those two (2) parcels of land described as follows: PARCEL ONE: 1.9161 acres, more or less, Town of Irvington, Lancaster County, Virginia, shown on a plat of survey entitled “Plat Showing A Survey Of The Land To Be Conveyed To Randolph W. & Tamara S. Stephens,” dated November 3, 2005, made by Gordon L. Jones, Land Surveyor, a copy of which plat of survey is to be recorded PU [OL *SLYR»Z 6MÄJL VM [OL *PYJ\P[ Court of Lancaster County, Virginia, HUK I` [OPZ YLMLYLUJL L_WYLZZS` made a part hereof for a further and more accurate description of the real estate herein conveyed. Together with a perpetual, appur[LUHU[UVUL_JS\ZP]LLHZLTLU[VM right of way for ingress and egress over, across and upon that certain “Variable Width Easement Of R/W Business & Professional Directory Advertise in the Business and Professional Directory and receive special rates. Your ad will run for 13 weeks at $8.00 per column inch weekly. There is no minimum or maximum size requirement. Please call 1-800-435-1701 or 804-435-1701 or fax your ad to us at 435-2632. The Business and Professional Directory advertising deadline is 5:00 p.m. Friday. Ray’s Roofing & Exterior Trim License d & Insured FREE s te Estima 435-2827 Allison’s Seamless Gutters LeafProof Your Gutters and Downspouts and Never Clean Them Again! Wicomico Restoration LLC /9:LY]PJL ¸:HTL3V^9H[L +H`VY5PNO[¹ Custom Remodeling & Home Repairs Licensed, Insured, Free Estimates 804-580-1587 Comfort Consultants www.WicomicoRestoration.com The Heating and Air Conditioning Specialists /=(* 9LMYPNLYH[PVU ;HWWHOHUUVJR >HYZH^ CALL NOW FOR YOUR SEASONAL INSPECTION! 9LZPKLU[PHS *VTTLYJPHS 2PSTHYUVJR ;VSS-YLL Crawford Moving and Storage SINCE 1973 ( $'"%"%%%$#%&&(# DENNIS SAUNDERS ELECTRICAL & PLUMBING An Experienced Workforce with more than 35 years serving this Community I]ka\]flaYdÛÝÛ:gee]j[aYd E]oÛÝÛJ]jna[] Call Joey 804-529-7578 www.allisonsacehardware.com 3010 Northumberland Highway, Lottsburg, VA An established business serving the Northern Neck and surrounding areas for 41 years! IOTUBMMBUJPO4BMFTt$VTUPN7JOZM8JOEPXT 3FQMBDFNFOUt/FX$POTUSVDUJPO 1BUJP%PPST4UPSN%PPST (804)462-7840 or Toll-Free (866)462-7840 P.O. Box 707 Kilmarnock, VA 22482 804-435-2073 804-436-6260 Clarke’s Cleaning & General Maintenance, Inc. Licensed & Insured 3RZHU:DVKLQJ 5HSODFHPHQWGRRUVZLQGRZV :LQGRZ&OHDQLQJ 3DLQWLQJ6WDLQLQJ &DUSHW&OHDQLQJ )L[EURNHQZLQGRZV $OOKRQH\GROLVW %RDW&OHDQLQJ &RPPHUFLDO5HVLGHQWLDO&OHDQLQJ Showroom by Appointment .BSZ#BMM3PBEt-JWFMZ7JSHJOJB Locally Owned & Operated by Julie and Artie Ransone 804-438-6869 5#/s52#+06+0) 20 Years! New & Re-roofs - Residential & Commercial Certified Master Installers for GAF & CertainTeed Standing Steam Metal & Copper. 6!#LASS!,ICENSED&ULLY)NSUREDs7EACCEPTALLMAJORCREDITCARDS 3145896-01 Commited Experience for Over R(6IDENTI$/&O00(R&I$/ INTERIOR(;TERIOR Call today for your FREE estimate, 804-435-4044 Henderson Pressure Washing Houses, Decks, Docks 804-456-6168 804-462-5970 'HFNV&OHDQLQJ:DWHU6HDOLQJ6WDLQLQJ $OXPLQXP9LQ\O6LGLQJ&OHDQLQJ DI6&OUNT TO 6ENIOR &,7,=EN6 6$0/$NKFORD 435-2705 FREE (VWLPDWHV “LIKE” us on Facebook! RRecord.com Jim Combs 703-201-3206 0M`V\^HU[[VJH[JOTVYLÄZOVYQ\Z[SPNO[\W[OL^H[LY¶;OPZPZ [OLSPNO[MVY`V\ Look for us in these locations: Green Top RW Sports Shops 529-5634 Jetts Hardware 453-5325 Sporting Goods 550-1746 Get things out from underfoot with &ODVVLÀHGV 55HFRUGFRP JERRY WEBER PLUMBING WHY Licensed Class A Contractor ADVERTISE? 462-7040 You’re reading this aren’t you? 804.435.1701, Troy ext. 15 EnonEast Earth Maintenance, Inc. DRIVEWAYS, GRADING EXCAVATION & LOT CLEARING Mark Dameron O 804/436-9226 www.EnonEast.com Advertise your business in the Rappahannock Record and get results! Call Troy: 804-435-1701 Your local gutter professionals for over 20 years offering complete gutter solutions. Frederick Johnson, LEED Accredited Professional 54HPU:[YLL[2PSTHYUVJR=( 804-435-1358 ^^^UUZLHTSLZZN\[[LYZJVT 100% satisfaction guaranteed D8 .YRI RAPPAHANNOCK RECORD /MPQEVRSGO:MVKMRME Museum to host author of Towles family history The Mary Ball Washington Museum & Library will host a talk on Thursday, June 12, by Keith Kehlbeck, author of Gone to God: A Civil War Family’s Ultimate Sacrifice about the Towles of Lancaster. Kehlbeck will discuss the family history as well as his experience researching and writing this book, reported executive director Karen Hart. The program will be held at Trinity Episcopal Church, 8484 Mary Ball Road, Lancaster. Doors will open at 6:30 p.m. and the lecture will begin at 7 p.m. A book signing will follow. Donations are suggested. Kehlbeck draws upon previously unpublished personal letters, family stories and a soldier’s diary to relate the saga of his wife’s ancestors, the Towles family, particularly three broth- ers who served in the 4th Virginia Cavalry of the Confederate army. James, Vivian, and Robert Towles were the sons of the Rev. John and Sophronia Chowning Towles, both from Lancaster. During the Civil War, the boys’ parents and siblings left Prince William County, where John was an Episcopal rector, and returned to live at the family home in Towles Point. Fighting near Culpeper Court House claimed the life of Vivian in September 1863, at age 24. James died at Spotsylvania on May 9, 1864, at age 18. Robert, an intelligence scout for J.E.B. Stuart, was captured in August 1863, but escaped from prison in Washington, D.C. He later died, at age 20, from a mortal wound at the battle of Trevilian Station near Louisa on June 11, 1864. Keith Kehlbeck “These young men provided loyal service to the Confederacy, wrote letters home, fought in skirmishes and battles…and ultimately died in the service of the state and country they loved,” said Kehlbeck. “Their parents followed their exploits, worried for their safety, and mourned their passing. This individual family history is a microcosm for the larger story of the Civil War. Families on both sides suffered losses. How the Towles family dealt with that loss is really at the heart of the story.” Kehlbeck lives with his wife and daughter in Marshall, Mich. They have a second home in Lancaster County. His wife, Ali Webb, and mother-in-law, Virginia Dix McGinnes Webb, are descendants of Ella Towles Poole, the younger sister of the Towles soldiers, who was later a founder of the Lancaster Chapter of the United Daughters of the Confederacy. Books can be purchased at the event or in advance at the Mary Ball Washington Museum Shop for $30 including tax. Kathy Pittman presents Dream Fields report Enhancing the soil Master Gardeners learned how to make “biochar” at their May meeting in Heathsville. From left are Jan Boyd, Scootie Watson, Betsy Hardy, Bonnie Wilson and Carolyn Gorman. Hampton Master Gardeners Rhonda Graves ERH 'EVSP /MRK TVIWIRXIH E [SVOWLST SR XLI FIRI½XW of biochar as a soil additive in the garden. Participants made their own small-scale biochar burners. 4LSXS F] /EXL]4S[IPP Tickets are on sale for Irvington Crab Festival The third annual Irvington Crab Festival will take place August 9 at the Irvington Town Commons. The crab picking will be under a big tent in front of the Steamboat Era Museum, 156 King Carter Drive, Irvington. Crabs, barbecue, hot dogs and an assortment of Dog and Oyster wine, as well as beer will be available, reported museum executive director Barbara Brecher. The gates will open at 4 p.m. and crabs will be served at 5 p.m. Tickets are $35 for adults and $10 for ages 12 and younger. The ticket price is subject to increase as of July 1, based on crab availability, said Brecher. Tickets may be purchased at steamboateramuseum.org; at the museum from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Thursdays through Saturdays; or 438-6888. Sponsorships are available to help support the Steamboat Era Museum’s primary fundraiser, she said. Chesapeake Bank, Bank of Lancaster, Rappahannock Westminster-Canterbury, Northern Neck Insurance Co., Visiting Angels and Sherri Germaine of Davenport & Company have pledged their support. In addition, in-kind sponsorships have been donated by the Tides Inn, 101.7 Bay FM and 104.9 WIGO Country. Jim-DanDee Seafood and Crab King will supply the crabs and Jumbo Lump Daddy & the Backfin Boys will entertain the crowd. To join the list of sponsors, call the museum.. Notices Notices For Ingress/Egress,” shown in part on the aforesaid plat or survey, to be used in common with all others lawfully entitled to the use thereof. PARCEL TWO: 1.3140 acres, more or less, Town of Irvington, Lancaster County, Virginia, shown on that plat of survey entitled “Plat Showing Location Of Improvements On The Land To Be Conveyed To Forrest F. Henry And Virginia T. Henry,” dated April 15, 2005, made by Gordon L. Jones, Land Surveyor, and recorded PU [OL HMVYLZHPK *SLYR»Z 6MÄJL ^P[O Instrument #050001398. Subject to that certain easement granted to Jerry Lee Copley and Theresa V. A. Copley in Deed Book 428, page 422 in the *SLYR»Z6MÄJLHMVYLZHPKHUK[OH[JLYtain “Proposed 20’ Easement For R/W For Ingress And Egress Purposes” shown on the aforesaid plat of survey, which easement shall be for ingress and egress and utility services. The property is further described in the above mentioned deed of trust, the terms of which are incorporated herein by reference. TERMS OF SALE: ALL CASH. The subject property and any improvements located thereon will be sold “AS IS” without representation or warranty of any kind. A deposit of at least [LU WLYJLU[ VM [OL W\YJOHZL WYPJLI`JLY[PÄLKVYJHZOPLY»ZJOLJR will be required of the successful bidder at the time of the sale, with the balance due within twenty (20) days from the date of said sale. The deposit shall be applied to the credit of the successful bidder at settlement to be held within twenty (20) days from the date of the sale, and TIME SHALL BE OF THE ESSENCE. The deposit shall ILHWWSPLK[V[OLJVZ[HUKL_WLUZL of sale and the Trustee’s compensation authorized by the Deed of Trust and applicable law. In the event of default by the purchaser, the Trustee may, in addition to any other remedy, maintain an action against Purchaser for recovery of the purchase price. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Trustee reserves the right to waive or modify the requirements of said deposit. All costs of the conveyancing, which shall be by Special Warranty deed, shall be the responsibility VM7\YJOHZLY9LHSLZ[H[L[H_LZZOHSS be prorated as of the date of the sale. In the event the Trustee deems it best for any reason at the time of the sale to hold open, postpone or continue this sale from time to time, such notice of holding open, postponement or setting over shall be announced in a manner deemed reasonable by the Trustee. Additional terms may be announced at sale. THIS COMMUNICATION IS FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. FOR INFORMATION CONTACT: John S. Martin, :\IZ[P[\[L ;Y\Z[LL 7 6 )V_ Kilmarnock, VA 22482. (804) 436 WOVUL" MH_" [email protected] (email). (June-5-2t) VA ABC Retail License ApplicationPosting and Publishing Notice Lally & Lally LLC/Ellen Janet Lally trading as Ellens Country Store, 2220 Morattico Rd., Lancaster, Lancaster Virginia 22503. The above establishment is applying to the VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE CONTROL for a Wine and Beer off premises license to sell or manufacture alcoholic beverages. Ellen J. Lally Member/owner Note: Objections to the issuance of this license must be submitted to ABC no later than 30 days from the W\ISPZOPUN KH[L VM [OL ÄYZ[ VM [^V required newspaper legal notices. Objections should be registered at www.abc.virginia.gov or 800552-3200. (June-5-2t) Magic Tree Service & Crane Work Tree removal, tree topping, tree pruning, stump grinding, hazardous tree take down, crane and bucket work. Fully Licensed & Insured Free Estimates Call Magic Tree Service Inc. 804-462-5577 Dream Fields’ impact on the community was outlined by board member Kathy Pittman at a recent KilmarnockIrvington-White Stone Rotary Club luncheon at Rappahannock Westminster-Canterbury, reported club president Dennis Burchill. Dream Fields provides facilities for Lancaster County Little League baseball and softball with approximately 250 participants, Lancaster High School varsity and junior varsity baseball and softball programs, and hosts summer youth baseball and softball camps in conjunction with the Virginia Commonwealth University baseball team and the Northern Neck Family YMCA. The varsity fields have become known as the model playing fields in the region, said Pittman. Dream Fields established a website that can be a resource for communication, scheduling and outreach. Successful fundraising efforts in 2013 included team and sign sponsorships, the fifth annual Spanish Mackerel Fishing Tournament and a community spaghetti dinner. Additionally, it was reported that Dream Fields is 100% volunteers/100% donations, with over 225 kids playing Little League, six school teams, church groups, travel ball teams and community groups. The cost to operate the facility exceeds $50,000 per year. 2015 will mark the 50th anniversary of youth league activity at the site and they are looking for memorabilia to help piece together the past half-century. Photos, newspaper articles, old uniforms, and any old booklets, or stories from folks who were at the ballpark since 1965 are requested. These items can be mailed to Dream Fields, P.O. Box 1491, Kilmarnock, VA 22482; or call 7249279, or visit dream-fields.org. Pittman also outlined primary goals for 2014: s 4O CONTINUE TO UPGRADE the fields based on the varsity fields model. s4OREPLACEOUTDATEDEQUIPment and ensure that all equipment meets league requirements. s4O ENHANCE THE WEBSITE AS a communication and scheduling tool. s4OPREPAREFORTHECELEBRAtion of the 50th anniversary. The current needs include monetary funds for capital improvements, purchase of Little League sanctioned equipment, volunteers to become certified Little League Umpires, volunteers for ground maintenance, and volunteers to work the concession stand Kathy Pittman during games. Rotary president Dennis Burchill thanked Pittman for her very well received presentation and informed her that the club is having a book dedicated to her organization’s honor for the Lancaster Community Library. AREA EVENTS ■ Art preservation The Foundation for Historic Christ Church will host a program June 19 and 20 on portraiture, painting and preservation in the colonial American South. At 7 p.m. June 19, Christ Church will host a courtyard reception at 420 Christ Church Road, Weems. At 7 p.m., Colonial Williamsburg Foundation curator Carolyn Weekley will present “Painters in the Colonial South.” On June 20, Christ Church will host a bus trip to Williamsburg to see Weekley’s exhibit, “Painters and Paintings in the Early American South.” For schedule, fees and reservations, visit christchurch1735. org, or call 438-5186. ■ Protection course The Rappahannock Pistol and Rifle Club will sponsor a Personal Protection in the Home course June 20 and 21. Those interested in participating in classes may contact the club via the website, or call training officer Mike Farson, 757-784-5040. ■&IRI½XGSRGIVX The Independence Fund Benefit Concert, will be held from 2 to 9 p.m. June 28 at Yankee Point Marina, 1303 Oak Hill Road, Lancaster. The Independence Fund provides services for veterans. Concert supports purchase of adaptive wheelchairs for combat-wounded veterans. Bring chairs and blankets. Performers will include Parker Arnold, VooDoo Dolls, Ottoman, Salty Dawgs With Faith, Force of Habit, Legacy and Tim Morgan. Guests of honor are Blair and Jonah Hughes. The fee will be for $10 adults and $5 for children. Food and beverage will be available for purchase. ■ Community breakfast Lancaster Union Lodge #88 A.F.& A.M. will hold its “All You Can Eat” breakfast from 7 to 10 a.m. on second Saturdays at 48 North Main Street in Kilmarnock. The menu offers eggs, sausage, blueberry pancakes, cheese grits, potatoes, sausage gravy, biscuits, fruit, juice and coffee. The fee is $6 per person; children ages 5 and younger eat free. ■ Free lunch Fairfields UMC will serve a free community lunch from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. June 17 in the activities building, 14741 Northumberland Highway, Burgess. All are invited; however, due to limited staffing and overwhelming demand in May there will be no takeout meals for the foreseeable future. ■ State Fair The 2014 State Fair of Virginia will be held September 26 through October 5 at The Meadow Event Park in Caroline County. Competition reregistering is open. Entry forms, guidelines and information are available at StateFairVa.org/competitions, and entry forms will be accepted online and by mail through September 5. ■ Makeovers Rappahannock General Hospital and the American Cancer Society will host a “Look Good…Feel Better” program for females in active treatment for cancer. The next session will be held at 4:30 p.m. June 19 in the RGH Cancer Center at the hospital, 101 Harris Road, Kilmarnock. Pre-registration is required. Call 435-8593 to sign up. L A Z B O Y The new look of comfort® Recliners (in stock and special order) On Sale Now! Just in time for Father’s Day! th & Son, Inc o o B . F . . W CUSTOM INTERIORS 54HPU:[YLL[2PSTHYUVJR=( ^^^^MIVV[OJVT4VUKH`:H[\YKH`
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