Rappahannock Record,Thursday, June 12, 2014, Section D
Rappahannock Record,Thursday, June 12, 2014, Section D
MarketPlace 2EAL%STATEs0UBLIC.OTICESs"USINESS$IRECTORY Section D Rappahannock Record Kilmarnock, VA June 12, 2014 www.rrecord.com CALL US! Monday-Friday, 9 am to 5 pm, 804. 435.1701 or (toll-free in VA) 1.800.435.1701. FAX your ad to 804.435.2632. E-MAIL your ad to [email protected]. ONLINE: Submit your ad 24 hours a day at www.RRecord.com (click on “Classifieds” in the top menu and then “Click here to submit your classified ad online.”) Call or go online now to easily place your classified ad. Real Estate “A BUILDER’S BEST HOME” 3600 Sq. Ft. Overall 9’ Ceilings, 3BR, 2BA Wood, Marble, Tile Floors Lanai, Patio, Tile Roof 3-Car Garage & Pier Too Much To List Here! Jackson Creek, Hague VA Estimated 2 Hrs. From No. VA Appraised $568k Asking $499k Please Call Cas 804.334.8045 [email protected] Port & Starboard R.E., Inc. (June-5-4t) $25!! Include up to 3 photos in your ad online for just $25 for up to 13 weeks. Show off your property at www.rrecord.com where we receive over 200K page views a month!.. (May-29-tf) Real Estate Lots/Acreage Residential Rentals DUPLEX! Live in one side, rent the other! New windows! Great investTLU[.VVKJHZOÅV^,Z[HISPZOLK neighborhood, Lively. $149,999. Owner/Broker, 804-436-5437.. (May-8-13t) IRVINGTON: Chesapeake Drive. Nice wooded building lots in quiet neighborhood. Town water, septic approved, cable ready. Walk to shops & restaurants. $57K-$77K. 757-898-5693 or 804-436-6828.. (Apr-10-13t) 2BR/2BA IMMACULATE Home. King Carter Drive, Irvington. . No smoking/pets. All appliances. $850/ month. Available June 1. References required. 804-758-2115.. (May-29-3t) ESTATE SALE! $318,250. Beach house. New carpet/heatpump. Great location. Indian Creek, near marina, country club. 499 Pocahontas Rd., Susan Moenssens Lighthouse Real Estate. 804-436-5437.. (May-8-13t)photo-on-line MUST SELL: 3 2.5ACs waterfront, lots near bay, starting at $95,000. Perks. Adjacent 13ACs timber land, $25,000. Between White Stone/ 2PSTHYUVJR 6^ULY ÄUHUJL 761-6284..(June-12-3t) -69:(3,!(Ä_LY\WWLYHJYLZ Well and septic system. 7 out buildings. 2BR/1BA. $60,000/OBO. 804436-3311. (June-5-4t) WANTED WATERFRONT. Lot with 5’-6’, 1-3 acres with some privacy. Under 130K. Cash. 804-580-4048.. (May-22-14t) FSBO. WAKE 4BR/2BA 1960sq. ft. 3AC. Pool, workshop, free internet. Near boat landing, beach. $169,900. Rent $1400 +deposit. No rent-to-own. 804-824-3008. Leave message..(May-29-13t)SS Residential Rentals $$1200/ MONTH: WONDERFUL craftsman style in Irvington. Commercial zoned -live and workcurrently used as professional INDIAN CREEK Estates: Townhome VMÄJLYVVTZNYLH[^YHWWVYJO Z[`SLÅVVY)9)(HJYVZZMYVT outbuilding. 1/2Ac. in prominent water. $107,000. Great for 2nd town location. Option to purchase home. Next to country club. Water available. References required. 804access. Kilmarnock. Owner/Broker, 761-1237..(May-1-tf) 804-436-5437..(May-8-13t) 222 EAST HIGHVIEW, CorrotomanBy-The-Bay. Deep water pier, Cor- LancasterCH: Two-unit, Commer- $1100/month. PARKS HOUSE. rotoman River. Stunning custom ical-zoned American-Craftsman- 3BR/2.5BA, waterfront, Village of contemporary: marble/hardwood style bungalow. Tea shop, antiques, Morattico. Wood floors, CHAC, ÅVVYZ *H[OLYPUL )LU- U\YZLY` VMÄJL ZWHJL& 3HYNL `HYK appliances. Furniture possible. No nett, Melrose Plantation Real Estate. parking. $190,000. Catherine Ben- cats/Section8. Catherine Bennett, www.RealEstateChesapeakeBay. nett, Melrose Plantation Real Estate. Melrose Plantation Real Estate. www.RealEstateChesapeakeBay. com. 804-435-0321..(Apr-3-13t) 804-435-0321. Lancaster. www. com. 804-435-0321..(May-15-13t) RealEstateChesapeakeBay.com.. 3 . 6 A C R E S : N E W 1 5 0 0 s q . (Apr-3-13t) $495/MONTH: SPACIOUS 1 bedft. 3BR/2BA, island in kitchen. $169,975. Call 804-443-0710.. LITTLE BAY Waterfront reduced. 4 room White Stone apartment. Built-in bookcases, wall-to-wall (May-15-4t) side waterview, 3BR/1BA 990sq.ft. carpet, some utilities included. Noncottage. Remodeled 2007. Elevated smoking. Available June 1. Kane 4592 WINDMILL POINT RD. 1/2 acre, large decks. Will consider Summer/year round home. Great sailboat for partial trade. $210,000. & Associates, Inc. 804-580-0327.. (May-22-13t) IH` ]PL^ÄZOPUN -7 />ÅVVYZ 804-761-4881..(X) new roof! Near marina. $142,500. Susan Moenssens, 804-436- WATERFRONT COTTAGE in the $750. KILMARNOCK. FABULOUS 5437. Lighthouse Real Estate. village of Morattico in Lancaster 2BR apt in historic district has susan.lighthouse @gmail.com.. County. Circa 1950s cottage with 2 full BA, covered deck, fully equipped kitchen, central air, (May-8-13t) two bedrooms, one bath, eat-in kitchen, separate dining area, living washer/dryer, plus parking. See 4BR/3.5BA HOUSE for sale by room and utility room. Separate this & more at www.chesapeakV^ULY/HYK^VVKÅVVYZNHZSVNZ garage. Cottage and garage need epm.com. Call Catherine at 804wet bar, 2 car attached garage, TLC but are located on .786 of an 436-6701. Chesapeake Property shed, fenced backyard, subdivision acre on a tidal pond. Kayak and Mgmt..(X) in Kilmarnock, 1 acre. 804-436- canoe depth. Every room in the $795. SALTAIRE. LOCATED in 6319..(May-29-4t) house has a waterview! Included private waterfront community off CARTERS CREEK. Dunton Cove is a quarter of an acre on the Rap- Rt. 354 with dock & ramp on Rapwaterfront 2-story Dutch Colonial, pahannock River within walking pahannock. Charming 2BR cottage 2+ bedrooms, 2 baths, full base- distance. Perfect for a gazebo OHZÄYLWSPU39M\SS`LX\PWWLKRP[ ment, huge screened porch, boat and dock. Already rip-rapped. washer/dryer, & heat pump. See house, dock, 1.91 acres, great Motivated sellers. Asking $150,000 this & more at www.chesapeakneighborhood, close to every- for both the cottage and riverfront epm.com. Call Catherine at 804thing. $345K. Contact Mary Bur- property. Serious inquiries only 436-6701. Chesapeake Property gess, RE/MAX Commonwealth, please. 804-438-5374 or 804-761- Mgmt..(X) 804-938-4663. Text HOME501 0204..(Mar-27-tf) $950. HERITAGE POINT. 3BR/2BA to 878787 for virtual tour..(JuneWATERFRONT OVTLOHZÄYLWSPUSP]YTKPUPUNYT 12-4t) 62 Deep Harbor Lane, Lancaster. fully equipped kit, 2 car garage on 3BR/2.5BA, single story w/beach lge lot w/room for your garden. See and expansive view on Corrotoman. this & more at www.chesapeakScreened porch & partial basement. epm.com. Call Catherine at 804Publisher’s Notice Garage and workshop. Pier, electric, 436-6701. Chesapeake Property All real estate advertised herein is subject water, lift, BBQ gazebo. Opportunity Mgmt..(X) to Virginia’s fair housing law which makes it ilat $449,000. Third party agents legal to advertise any preference, limitation or discrimination because of race, color, religion, welcome. 804-338-4375, 804-517- $995. CORROTOMAN BY the Bay. One-level home features 3BR/2BA, national origin, sex, elderliness, familial status 9489 for appointment. or handicap, or intention to make any such (June-5-3t) dining rm, lge kit, sun rm, & garage. preference, limitation or discrimination. This See this & more at www.chesapeakwww.LocalRels.com newspaper will not knowingly accept adverepm.com. Call Catherine at 804tising for real estate that violates the fair hous436-6701. Chesapeake Property ing law. Our readers are hereby informed that Visit Our New Local Website Mgmt..(X) 206 LONESOME PINE Trail, Heritage Point, Lancaster. 3BR/2BA ranch, huge deck, storage building. 1 landscaped acre/$150,000. Catherine Bennett, Melrose Plantation Real Estate. www.RealEstateChesapeakeBay.com. 804-435-0321.. (May-15-13t) all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. For TVYL PUMVYTH[PVU VY [V ÄSL H OV\ZPUN JVTWSHPU[JHSS[OL=PYNPUPH-HPY/V\ZPUN6MÄJLH[ (804) 367-8530; toll-free call (888) 551-3247. For the hearing-impaired, call (804) 3679753. E-mail [email protected]. Web site: www.fairhousing.vipnet.org &ODVVLÀHG5DWHV Up to 25 words: 1 week-$6; 2 weeks-$10; 3 weeks-$15; 4 or more weeks-$4.50 each week. Minimum run for TFN ads, 4 weeks. Same ad, 25 words or fewer, 13 successive weeks, $40 (no refunds). $.24 per word for HKZV]LY^VYKZ*\Z[VTJSHZZPÄLKZ[OVZL with centered or blank lines, special type styles, art), Legals, Notices, Resolutions or Memorials, $1.25 per line (9-line minimum). Special features (per week) $20 for yellow highlighted ad, $10 for banner, $15 for a border and $1/wrd. for bold, $5 web link. ClasZPÄLKZWSHJLK\UKLY[OLMVSSV^PUNJSHZZPÄJHtions are payable in advance: Personals, Card of Thanks, Moving/Yard Sales, In Memoriam, Work Wanted, Wanted, Want To Buy, Lost HUK -V\UK >OLU VYKLYPUN JSHZZPÄLKZ WH` with cash (not credit card) and get a 10 percent discount; no refund. 24/7 Exposure! All JSHZZPÄLKZPU[OPZZLJ[PVUHSZVHWWLHY^LLRS` on our web pages at RRecord.com. You can HKKHJVSVYWOV[VSPURLK[V`V\YJSHZZPÄLKMVY VUS`MVY\W[V^LLRZ*SHZZPÄLKKLHKline: Noon Tuesday. Display ad deadline: 5 p.m. Monday. We now charge a $5 per classiÄLKHZMVYH*LY[PÄJH[LVM7\ISPJH[PVU Call 804-435-1701 or 1-800-435-1701. Post Real Estate For Sale... It’s Free! (June-5-2t)SS Lots/Acreage 2.55 ACRE WOODED lot: Laurel Point, water access (Browns Creek), ramp, dock, slips/community water available, underground utilities. Quiet community, close to Kilmarnock. $60,000. 757-345-3131.. (Mar-27-13t) 1, 2 & 3 BEDROOM Northumberland, Richmond, & Essex counties, equal housing. 804-529-9505 or www.leeselfproperties.com..(Mar20-13t) 1BR SENIOR APT: Main St., Reedville, VA; All modern amenities; LR/DR; full kitchen, bath with tub/ shower; carpeted, no-smoking. $550/mo; 912-777-6569..(Apr24-13t) 2BR APARTMENT, White Stone, all appliances, water & trash included. BEAUTIFUL 1.75AC. deep water lot Quiet community, great location. on Seniors Creek with 520ft. front- Call Chris, 804-493-9659. (MarHNL SHYNL [YLLZ 6^ULY ÄUHUJPUN 13-tf) available. Septic approval. $239k. 2BR, 1BA COTTAGE: Quiet neigh804-350-6691..(May-22-13t) borhood, Chase St., KilmarB U I L D I N G L O T: $ 5 0 0 d o w n . nock. Newly renovated, all appli$193.44/month. $22,000/sale. ances including W/D. Lawncare 6^ULY ÄUHUJPUN ' provided. Security, references `YZ(79 -PZOPUNO\U[PUN required. Call Rick, 804-815Leland Corporation, 804-529-9505. 9263..(Mar-13-tf) [email protected]..(June-5-13t) 2BR, 1BA NEW UPSCALE 1000sf. CARTER CREEK WATERFRONT duplex, Fairport, Reedville area. 6.22+/-AC w/375’ frontage & new */(* OHYK^VVK ÅVVYZ NHZ ÄYLdock. Gorgeous private creek place, all new appliances, large views. Cleared, ready to build closets, lots of storage, front porch. w/4BR septic. $449K. Call/text 804- $795. No pets, security/references 436-6935. Chesapeake Bay Group.. required. 804-450-8699, anytime.. (Jan-23-tf) (May-29-13t) 3BR UPSCALE HOME in Wicomico Church with water access. No pets/ smokers please. $950/month negotiable 804-761-1763..(June-5-4t) 3BR/2BA Rancher: w/carport, utility shed, deck, CHAC, all appliances, water access, large lot, 7 minutes from Kilmarnock. $950/month plus security and references. 804-4620444. (Dec-5-tf) APTS/DUPLEX: 2BR. New windows. Freshly painted. Discount MVY ÄYL WVSPJL YLZJ\L [LHJOLYZ military + Dec. rent credit. Available now. Lively. Call Owner/Broker, 804436-5437..(May-8-13t) FURNISHED ROOM for rent for single person. Private bath & deck including utilities. No smokers/pets. Price negotiable. 804-761-1763.. (June-5-4t) IN TOWN, quiet location. 3BR/3BA rancher w/basement. Family room ^ÄYLWSHJL JV\U[Y` RP[JOLU SHYNL screened porch/deck, fenced yard, 2 car detached garage and shed. Available June 15. $1100/month plus security deposit and references. No pets/smoking. 804-4362801..(June-12-4t) KILMARNOCK STEPTOE district. Fabulous 1BR, full bath, refrig, washer/dryer, freshly painted and UL^ÅVVYPUN5VZTVRPUNWL[Z-YLL parking behind building. $650/mo. 804-436-7558. (May-8-tf) KILMARNOCK. BEAUTIFUL in town private estate. 3BR/2.5BA rambler. Great room w/fireplace, eat-in kitchen, large screen porch, garages. Available July 1. $1600. Call owner/agent 804-761-5111.. (June-12-4t) IsaBell K. Horsley Real Estate, Ltd www.HorsleyRealEstate.com The Rooster Cottage JUST LISTE D! Positively Charming Waterfront Cottage Water views of the Rappahannock 50’ Waterfront ● ± 1092 well utilized sq. ft. Includes a small Guest House! $ 349,500 Highbank “A Stand Alone Townhome” On the Rappahannock River ● ± 2000 square feet Exclusive community amenities: Wide Sand Beach Pier with 2-4’ MLW ● Walking Trails ● Pool & Pool House An elegant residence Just Listed $ 399,500 LOTTSBURG, 2BR/1BA house: 3HYNL ZOLK /HYK^VVK ÅVVYZ CHAC, W/D, dishwasher. 1 mile to marina. Close to shopping/amenities. Good credit a must. $695/ month plus deposit. 571-233-5078.. (Apr-10-13t) NEW SOUTH 2BR/2BA apartment. W/W carpet, deck, AC, $635 month. Security and references. No pets. Available now. Call 804-577-0932. (June-12-4t) ON RAPPAHANNOCK waterfront. 3BR/2BA house, screened porch, pier, boathouse. $900/month plus deposit and credit check. 804-3665624 or 804-462-5342. (Apr-17-tf) THE RED COTTAGE: Lovely 2 story cottage in a private and secluded setting. Outside Weems Village. 2BR/2BA, CHAC, 600sq.ft. storage building/workshop, $750/month security deposit. Email pictures available. Mark Allen, 804-5641180..(June-5-4t) TWO BEDROOM home with attached garage. Located in quiet neighborhood just north of Kilmarnock. No pets/smoking. Must qualify with good credit. Call 804435-6791..(May-8-tf) TWO BEDROOM/2 full bath duplex in White Stone. Immaculate condition, all appliances included, W/D. Private park like setting. Call 804435-0050 for more info..(May-29-4t) VILLAGE OF WEEMS. Available UV^ 3V]LS` ÄYZ[ ÅVVY SP]PUN PU [OL quiet Village of Weems. 3 bdrms, masterbed room with bath. Hard^VVK ÅVVYZ SHYNL S]UNYT KPUPUgrm, and all-year round sun room. Updated kitchen, walk in pantry, 2 full baths, attached one car garage. 6ULISVJR[VWVZ[VMÄJLHUKYP]LYZ 7 minutes to shopping. $875. This home rents quickly, if interested call 804-436-3630..(May-29-4t) W A R S A W : A PA R T M E N T S : 2BR/1BA. Clean and safe. $650$750/month. W/D. Includes water and trash pick-up. 804-493-9659.. (Apr-10-tf) WATERFRONT/GOLF front home on Indian Creek and ICYCC 15th green. 1 bedroom, 1.5 baths, greatroom, L-shaped porch. References. Owner/agent $995. 804-435-0773.. (June-5-3t) WHITE STONE. 3BR/1BA home, walk to town, large deck, W/D; central air/heat; $795. 804-240-0620.. (June-12-2t) WHITE STONE: In town, large lot. 3BR/2BA, 1 car attached garage. $900/month plus deposit. 804-3570338..(May-29-5t) Commercial Rentals COMMERCIAL RENTALS on high [YHMÄJZ[YLL[ZXM[^P[OVMÄJL HVAC and more. Contractors are welcome. See/call Mac 804-4356660. Commerce Dr., White Stone.. (Apr-24-tf) FOR LEASE now! 750sq.ft. Great location, heart of White Stone, across from 7-11 store, with fabuSV\Z[YHMÄJJV\U[VMÄJLZ^P[OPU Call 804-436-3630..(Feb-27-tf) FOR LEASE: Commercial building, 4000sq.ft. 68 S. Main. #1 spot downtown Kilmarnock. Large private parking in back of building. 804-435-1211, ask for Bill.. (Apr-24-tf) OFFICE SPACE for rent. Urbanna Professional Center. 1200 sq.ft. Lease term negotiable. Call 804748-4477..(Mar-6-tf)SS on Indian Creek in Kilmarnock Wide water views ● 120’ Waterfront 2 Story Custom Home ● Built in 1996 - 3/4 Acre ± 2,587 sq. ft. $597,500 RIVERS LANDING RANCH – $525,000 200’ Waterfront on Rappahannock River ± 1144’ Waterfront on Pond 2-4’ MLW ± 9.9 Acres Gorgeous White Sand Beach Charming Ranch ± 3074 sq. ft. New Price Pocahontas Road Cottage 1320 sq. ft. ● Built in 2013 3 Bedrooms ● 2 Full Baths Includes one year warranty Just Listed $189,500 JUS Pocahontas Road Ranch 1524 sq.ft. ● Built in 2011 JUS T LIS TED T LIS Back Deck ● Front Porch Fireplace ● Open Floor Plan Move in Ready! $199,500 804-435-2644 White Stone TED D2 .YRI RAPPAHANNOCK RECORD /MPQEVRSGO:MVKMRME Residential Rentals For Sale Yard Sales Boats/Motors Help Wanted Help Wanted WHITE STONE: Commercial Space. Artist studio space w/gallery VW[PVUZWYVMLZZPVUHSVMÄJLZWHJL retail space. Sizes from 100sq.ft. to 450sq.ft. Power/AC/heat included. All wired for internet and cable. Email: [email protected].. (June-12-2t) NEW ADIRONDACK CHAIRS, $109. Nice any time gifts. Quality wood swings, picnic tables, lawn and deck furniture. Leslie R. Dawson Jr. 804-580-6391. (June-12-13t) GALLERY 15 Summer Solstice Open House, Friday, June 20, 4-6pm, Saturday, June 21, 10a.m.6p.m., Sunday 22, 12-2pm. 4353 Irvington Rd, Irvington, VA (next to Nate’s Trick Dog Cafe). Mark your calendar and come join us for local, original, and affordable arts and crafts, and refreshments: Fusion teas, personally prepared pastries, and more treats, by creative contributor and artist Jum Jirapan. www. Gallery-15.com..(June-12-2t)SS C. Scott Vail Yacht Brokerage 70 Rappahannock Road Irvington, VA (804) 438-6443 ‘87 Present 46’ Sundeck-$134,500 2002 Mainship 430- SOLD 1983 Wilbur 34’ D-East-$95,000 )SHJRÄU»*VU] 1972 Brownell 33’ FB-$69,000 1974 Grand Banks 32’-$59,900 1998 Eastern JC 31’-$79,000 1997 Eastern JC 31’-$68,000 1988 Boca Grand 26’-$25,000 1961 Pearson 27’ Diesel -$25,000 2004 Proline 25’ Sport-$32,500 SAIL 1987 Tartan 40’CB-$135,000 1985 Hunter 40’ Shoal $49,500 1983 Cape Dory 36’-$75,000 1973 Hinckley 35’-$70,000 1977 Ericson 36’-C-$39,500 1983 O’Day 34’ Shoal-SOLD 1989 Ericson 32’-200-SOLD 1983 S-2 9.2 CC-$17,500 1986 Cape Dory 32’-SOLD 1982 Cape Dory 30’-SOLD 1989 Pearson 27’-$12,000 Summer is “Red Hot” Quality listings needed ! (X) CAD TECH needed. Land surveyPUN HUK LUNPULLYPUN ÄYT PZ ZLLRing experienced CAD tech. Must IL WYVÄJPLU[ PU *HYSZVU ZVM[^HYL and have knowledge of surveying. Benefits include: Health insurance, vacation & sick leave. Send resume to: info@baydesigngroup. com or call 804-693-2993 E.O.E.. (May- 22-4t) HEATHSVILLE UNITED Methodist Church is looking for an energetic part time choir director to lead music for our Sunday worship. If interested in this paid position please contact Rev. Rebecca Minor at (757)870-8265..(June-5-2t) Vacation Rentals $890/WEEK WATERFRONT: Sleeps 8, screen porch, 3BR/2BA, golf cart, heated pool, WIFI, furnished, walk in and enjoy. 800-529-5071. Cell 804-456-0251. Callao/Lottsburg, VA..(Mar-20-13t) IRVINGTON, VA: Newly renovated cottage, 3BR, 3BA, open LR/DR/ kitchen area, screen porches, sundeck, swimming pool, internet, all amenities, great location. $1200/ week. 804-355-2595..(Nov-28-tf) REEDVILLE, DOCKSIDE INN fully furnished, large 1BR, bath, kitchen, LR, private dock. Sleeps 4. Pet friendly. Easy walk to restaurants, museum. 2 night minimun/$250. 3 night at $330. 7 nights at $630. 804-453-4498..(May-22-4t) For Sale 1995 SEA-DOO 3 seater jet ski. Excellent condition. Low hours. Always winterized. At Lancaster Auto and Marine, Rt. 3, just north of Lively. $1200. 804-436-4236.. (June-12-3t) 2 WOOD LATHES by Jet. 1 - 12” swing/bed 42”, $200. 1 - 14” swing/ bed 48”, reversible, $500. Both excellent condition. Day/804-7610539, after 5p.m./804-435-1118.. (June-12-4t)SS 2011 TRAVEL TRAILER 26’ Rockwood Ultra Lite. Rear living, many upgrades, owned by non-smoker without pets. Like new $17,500. Call 804-580-4214..(June-5-13t) 27’ UNIFLITE DIESEL cruiser. Good condition. Ready to go. Also 360 Chrysler marine engine. Rebuilt carburetor, starter and transmission. Make offer. 804-462-5326 (c) 252-564-2933..(May-22-4t) 5 PIECE SET of Ludwig drums. Clear Vistalite. Buddy Rich snare, collector’s edition. $4000. Call after 6p.m. 804-580-7005. (June-12-2t) 8HP TROY-BILT TOMAHAWK chipper/shredder with push pole. $175/ OBO. Works fine but need carburetor cleaning and adjustment. Call after 7p.m. 804-462-7622 or daytime mobile 804-761-1348.. (June-5-tf) OLD WOODEN high chair in fair condition. $20. 804-436-1716. (Apr-17-tf) PHOTOGRAPHY BY Kathryn Murray. Northern Neck Mediations at the Rappahannock Art League, Main Street, Kilmarnock, TuesdaySaturday 10a.m.-4p.m. 50+ artists are represented in the gallery.. (May-1-13t) PITTSBURGH AUTOMOTIVE heavy-duty 1-ton folding crane, used 2 times, $150. Sunjoy 30qt. aluminum turkey fryer with stand and connectors for propane, new, $50. 804-580-4235. (June-5-2t) QUALITY MADE recreational crabpots for sale. $28/each. Ready to put overboard. 804-453-3161.. (June-5-2t) REPLACEMENT WINDOWS: Lifetime Warranty. Guaranteed lowest prices. Tax incentive windows. Call Discounted Building Supply and Surplus, 2721 Richmond Road, Warsaw, Va. 804-333-1234..(Sept26-tf) Sell your item fastPUV\YJSHZZPÄLKZ Call (804) 435-1701 Ext. 14, Visit www.rrecord.com and click on ¸*SHZZPÄLKZ¹VYZ[VWI`V\YVMÄJL at 27 N. Main St. Kilmarnock. (X) GARAGE SALE SATURDAY, June 14, 8a.m.-2p.m. 147 Canvasback Lane, Heathsville (Mallard Bay). Excellent carpenter tools, sewing and household items, dishes, luggage, 20’ extension ladder w/ roof guards. Vintage jewelry, VB bags..(X) HALF PRICE SALE: Northumberland Co. Animal Shelter Yard Sale. June 14, 9a.m.-1p.m. All items half price. Northumberland Co. School Board building, Lottsburg, VA. (May-29-3t) MOVING ESTATE Sale: 8a.m.-3p.m. Friday, Saturday, Sunday, June 13-15. Furniture, china, appliances, linen, garden. 194 Heritage Pt. Rd., Deltaville..(X)SS PUBLIC AUCTION. River Storage LLC. 1048 Jessie DuPont Mem. Hwy, Burgess, VA 22432. Saturday, June 14, 2014, 9:00a.m. Cash sales only..(June-5-2t) QC FLEA MARKET. Fri/Sat 8a.m.SMITH MINI-PLANE 82” wing 4p.m. Collectibles, jewelry, knives, span. Partially built Kawasaki TA51 power-tools, bulk landscape rope, engine. 3.5 cubic inch, 4.0HP (new) diesel generators. Clean out attic/ ÄILYNSHZZ JV^SPUN ^OLLS WHY[Z garage. Tables $15/day. Daily/ Balsa coverite, etc. $150/OBO. weekly/monthly rates. Routes Mooney Chaparaal hot line model, 3/198, Dutton. 804-725-3889.. 70” wing span and Trainer Sixty. (May-1-13t)SS Great Planes. New in box $15 each/ www.LocalRels.com OBO. 804-462-3159..(June-5-2t) Visit Our New Local Website TABLE WITH Queen Anne legs, 6 Windsor chairs (2 w/arms), 2 Post A Yard Sale Notice… leaves. $375. Ladies writing desk It’s Free! w/inlay wood, 3 drawers. Wonder(June-5-2t)SS ful for sofa table or stand alone. $225. Metal bed (double) painted ÅVYHS KLZPNU VU OLHKIVHYK Beautiful wood Penn. House coffee table. $125. Sofa (cream on cream 2011 SMART CAR-PASSION, 27,000 stripe). $350. 2 barrel back chairs miles. Blue and silver. Like new. (cream w/damask). $175/each or $9600. 804-453-5113. (June-5-4t) $300/pair. (2) Laura Ashley lamps. $75/pair or $40/each. Beautiful red NEED CASH: We buy junks. Cars, accent chair. $95. Other items. To trucks, etc! (Any condition) 804view call for appointment. 804-580- 436-7949..(Apr-24-13t) 7451. (June-5-2t) Autos/Trucks USED BUT not abused. 400SXT Ditchwitch. Has tilt trailer, new tires, 36 inch bar, runs like a “DEERE”. $4000/OBO. 804-453-7624..(June12-2t) Boats/Motors CUSTOM YACHT SERVICE YACHT BROKERAGE 96 SEAFOOD LANE IRVINGTON, VA 804-438-5563 www.yachtworld.com/ customyacht SAIL 40’ 1986 J-Boat $120,000 27’ 1980 Cape Dory $19,100 POWER 20’ 2005 Cobalt $27,000 (Feb-27-tf) WE ARE SELLING Boats! Chesapeake Yacht Sales @ Deltaville Yachting Center. Virginia’s dealer for Catalina Yachts, and Carolina Classic Sportfishing Boats, Mainship & Albin Specialist. Large inventory, preowned, power & sail. 804-776-9898, www.cysboat.com. We take trades & make deals on new boats!..(Mar-20-tf)SS Marine Services AMPRO SHIPYARD: Authorized dealer Caterpillar, Detroit, Yanmar, Cummins, John Deere, Twin Disc, ZF, Onan, Westerbeke and NextGen. Mobile Service call 804-4386050..(May-1-13t) CARTER’S COVE covered slips. 30’ or 40’ power, water $160 - $230 month. One year in advance. 804397-9181..(May-29-13t) CDL CLASS A DRIVERS. Local service company seeking highly motivated, organized, self-starters with septic, plumbing and/ or electrical experience. Requires experience driving straight trucks and/or combination vehicles hauling heavy equipment and tankers. Tanker endorsement on CDL license required. Applicant must have transportation and good driving record. Background check and drug tested. 804-693-2075.. (June-5-4t)SS COOK NEEDED: Historical Lancaster Tavern is seeking an experienced line cook w/saute, grill and breakfast experience. Must be willing to take a cooking assessment to verify cooking ability. Pay is BOE. The position will start out part-time 20-25 hrs per week. You can apply in person..(May-22-4t) DINING ROOM Manager: Fast growing restaurant seeking experienced, energetic, cooperative team play to manage as head waitperson. Apply in person. Must be 21 or over. Willaby’s, 327 Old Ferry Rd., White Stone. No phone calls..(X) Help Wanted LANCASTER COUNTY Public Schools is now accepting applications for the position of a paraprofessional. The minimum requirements preferred, include: 1. Two years (60 semester hrs.) or more of study at an institution of higher learning; or 2. An associate’s degree or 3. A passing score on the parapro praxis exam. Applications can be picked up at the School Board 6MÄJL H[ 0Y]PUN[VU 9VHK VY downloaded from www.lcs.k12. va.us. Applications will be accepted \U[PS[OLWVZP[PVUPZÄSSLK(WWSPJHtions will be reviewed before selecting which applicants will be invited for an interview. The School Board reserves the right not to fill any advertised position. EOE..(X) MAINTENANCE PERSON needed for church. Perform a variety of daily maintenance and upkeep activities. DIRECTOR OF Budget & Finance. Some knowledge of heating/AC Lancaster County Public Schools, systems helpful. Assist with project [^LS]LTVU[OWVZP[PVU^P[OILULÄ[Z work. Initiative and self-supervision Bachelor’s degree in accounting, necessary. Send resume or list of business administration or related experience to Urbanna Methodist ÄLSK ^P[O H TPUPT\T VM `LHYZ VM Church, P.O Box 217, Urbanna, ÄUHUJPHS HKTPUPZ[YH[P]L L_WLYPLUJL Va. 23175. Apply by June 20.. in a public agency or any equivalent (June-5-2t) combination of training and experience which would provide the acceptable knowledge, skills and abilities. Application & resume (required), an application can be picked up at the ILMARNOCK :JOVVS)VHYK6MÄJLH[0Y]PUN[VU Rd. or downloaded at www.lcs.k12. ILLAGE va.us, phone 804-462-5100, ext. 7001. The School Board reserves the PARTMENTS YPNO[UV[[VÄSSHU`HK]LY[PZLKWVZP[PVU EOE..(June-12-2t) 89 School Street, K A DRIVERS LOCAL/Regional/OTR. New enhanced pay, package based VUL_WL_JLSSLU[ILULÄ[Z*VUZPZtent miles. Daily/weekly/bi-weekly hometime. CDL-A 1yr. OTR exp. 855-842-8498..(June-12-2t) EQUIPMENT OPERATORS/Installers. Local service company seeking highly motivated, organized, self-starters HAVE YOU LOST Knots, RPM’s or with septic, plumbing and/or electrical M\LSTPSLHNL&0MZV`V\TH`ULLK experience. Requires experience with VARIETY VEGETABLES, eggs, my dive services. Call Dustin Rose, all types of equipment working in the ANTIQUE CHILD’S Chifferobe; “using farm methods of our heri- 1977 22FT. Cabin Cruiser Sea Ray 804-436-5824..(June-5-13t) construction, septic, and/or utilities adjustable-height German table; tage.” Antiques, collecitbles, more. w/2001 Towmaster trailer. Needs field. Operators that also possess 6 dining chairs w/2 armchairs; Locusville Plantation. Monday- TLC. $2500 OBO; 1979 21ft. stain- MARINE SERVICES: Experienced a CDL license are a plus. Applicant antique wicker table; round Saturday, 9:00a.m.-6:30p.m. Sun- less, 150HP V6 Suzuki outboard. mobile mechanic. Gasoline, diesel, must have transportation and good maple table, extra leaf; wood day’s usually. 583 Slabtown Rd., $200/OBO. 804-761-5410..(June- transmissions, carburetors, other driving record. Background check coffee table. 804-435-1793.. systems, OB/IB and electrical. Hun- and drug tested. 804-693-2075.. Lancaster. River Rd. through Otto- 12-4t)SS (May-29-3t) dreds of engines and transmissions (June-5-4t)SS man. Follow signs. 804-462-0002.. 1987 TROJAN 33 foot Express Cruiser rebuilt. Excellent diagnostics ability. APOLLO 4 PROFESSIONAL grade (June-12-3t) with mid-cabin, twin gas engines, well Rich, 804-529-5912..(Apr-24-13t) GENERAL CONTRACTOR seeks 4 station weight machine. Space VINTAGE GARDEN/Flower/Vender equipped. Asking $14,000. Call 804Carpenter and Construction Helpsaving 120”x102”. Can send pic- Cart. Zinc bed liner 27”X53”, on 580-4487..(May-15-6t) ers. Pay commensurate with ability. tures. $1650. 804-462-0171..(June- wheels. Display shelves front )LULÄ[Z6WWVY[\UP[`MVYHK]HUJL12-2t) and back. Pull cart with steering. 1997 SEA RAY 28’ cuddy cabin, ÄILYNSHZZ [^PU NHZ Z[LYU KYP]LZ ALLISON’S ACE looking for full & part ment. Must have own tools and $2200. The Wharf, 34 Chesapeake reliable transportation. Cell 804BEAUTIFUL BED for princess. Excellent condition with aluminum Classic four poster, metal canopy, Dr, White Stone. 804-435-3336. trailer. Asking $5000 below low time help. Experience in plumbing 370-7280..(June-5-2t) and electric needed. Must be availthewharf-va.net..(June-5-2t) JV]LYÄUHSZ4H[[YLZZIV_ZWYPUN NADA at $23,000. Call 804-580- able to work Saturdays. Competitive antique bedspread and pillows Vintage OYSTER TONGS for sale. 4487..(May-15-6t) wages. Applications available at 3010 included. Excellent condition. 19’ long. Great condition $150. The $250. Millenbeck, 703-402-8099.. Wharf, 34 Chesapeake Dr., White 1998 12-FOOT “Porta-Bote” folds Northumberland Hwy, Lottsburg, VA. Applicants of interest will be con(June-12-3t) Stone. 804-435-3336. See us at to 4-inches thick. Oars, sail, lee tacted for an interview. No phone calls boards, and dolly included. $800 www.thewharf-va.net..(June-5-2t) BRIGHT START Automatic baby OBO. Two-person pedal boat. $250 please..(June-12-2t) bouncer with music. Baby lays in OBO. Call 804-435-1365. (Apr-3-tf) AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR SHOP: www.LocalRels.com bouncer and is soothed by music 1999 16’ SANDPIPER with 2000 Seeking a service writer. Must have and vibration. $19. Contours clasVisit Our New Local Website 25HP Mercury. New bimini top basic knowledge of automobiles. sic cherry wood baby bassinet w/ and EZ Loader trailer. Excellent Must be a people person. Need clip on changing table. Storage To Buy, Sell & Auction Stuff good driving record and license. underneath & on the side. $75. (June-5-2t)SS condition. $2800. 804-453-5113. Will train on site. Bayside Garage. (June-12-4t) -PZOLY7YPJLÅVVYTVIPSL 804-435-8903. (June-12-4t) 761-7456. (June-5-tf) 2000 PROLINE CUDDY cabin. 150 Mercury. Very clean. Boat, motor AVON: WANT to work from home CLEAN RED OAK tree trunk. 24’x4’. HUK V^U `V\Y I\ZPULZZ& 804-462-0171..(June-12-2t) BIG ESTATE Sale. White Stone, and trailer for $11,500. 804-761- investment. Completely trained, free 7547..(May-22-4t) 419 Rappahannock Drive. Clothes, website, free books for 1 month. COLLECTORS PINBALL machine, circa 1961, standard size. Gottlieb’s dishware, home decor, holiday 2002 32’ CHESAPEAKE Deadrise Angelia, 757-749-5288. (Apr-17-14t) decor, and much more. June 14, with Crusader engine. Nice rock Flying Circus, one or two players. ÄZOVY^VYRIVH[,_JLSSLU[ BOOKKEEPER WITH PAYROLL Fun project, needs to be restored. 9a.m.-5p.m..(X) 804-436-3463 Order parts online. Asking $300 BIG YARD sale 6-14-14, 8A.M.- condition. 804-436-6964. (May- experience, Quickbooks knowledge and understanding of debits and or best offer. 804-438-5450, leave 1P.M. Motorcyle, auto, house & 22-4t) credits. Full time or part time. Must message..(June-5-2t) yard stuff. New parts in boxes, be organized and thorough. Able ‘86 25’ Tiara Pursuit $16,500 power equipment. 129 Bowsprit to work independently and good ‘73 23’ Chris-Craft $17,500 DAYLILY SALE Continues: $1 per Lane, Wicomico Church area.. with customers. Send resume and ’89 24’ Limestone $24K fan any cultivar. Many colors. You (June-5-2t) salary requirement to P.O. Box 2282, ‘96 24’ Chaparral $12,000 dig or we dig. Bayway Daylily Kilmarnock, VA 22482. Position ’05 24’ Robalo WA $39,900 Garden, 273 Pine Tree Pt. Dr. Bur- DO YOU LOVE vintage, antiques, available immediately..(June-12-2t) ’99 29’ Tiara Exp. $59,500 gess; June 13, 14, 15 and June JVSSLJ[PISLZ ZHS]HNL HUK ºQ\UR»& 1986 33’ Tiara $25,500 20, 21, 22, 8a.m. to 3p.m. or call Then don’t miss this chance to be BUS DRIVERS & custodians. Lan‘01 37’ Nordic Tugs $290K 804-761-0164 or 804-761-5281.. part of the ‘Backyard Bazaar’ to be caster County Public Schools is now 1999 33’ Sea Ray Exp. $85K (June-12-2t) held once a month on Sundays, accepting applications for full and ‘88 36’ Trojan Convert. $42K 22. The part time bus drivers and custodiDRY ICE MAKER. 2 tanks of carbon starting Sunday June ‘87 36’ Carver Aft Cab. $39K ans. A high school diploma or GED KPV_PKL:HJYPÄJLMVY*HSSHM[LY location is in the backyard under ’68 46’ Tiffany $35K OBO required. Applications can be picked 6p.m. 804-580-7005..(June-12-2t) shade trees behind ‘River GarTIFFANY YACHTS dens’ on Rt. 200 in Burgess. Let \WH[[OL:JOVVS)VHYK6MÄJLH[ www.tiffanyyachtsinc.com FANTASTIC FUN. 2008 Winnebago your imagination run wild. You can Irvington Rd. or may be downloaded Call (804) 453-3464 Voyage 35A RV. 24,000 miles. 3 rummage through unusual, unique at www.lcs.k12.va.us, phone 804(X) slides. Excellent condition. Call for stuff from all over the world, and 462-5100, ext. 7001. Applications will appt. Can be seen at Indian Creek as a vendor or buyer, network with SACRIFICE! 23’ Sloop 1987. Sails be reviewed before selecting which Yacht/Country Club. 804-480- others who love it too. So gather up good condition. Needs good wash applicants will be invited for an interyour own second hand treasures to and TLC. $2000 to a good home. view. The School Board reserves the 0896..(June-12-4t) sell or just come and pick through FIELD GROWN English Boxwood. others. Call 804-453-3180 to regis- Much misc. gear. Great little cruiser. YPNO[UV[[VÄSSHU`HK]LY[PZLKWVZP[PVU EOE..(June-12-2t) 804-462-7125..(June-12-4t) Various sizes. Buy wholesale w/pur- ter for spaces for $15..(X) chase of 10. Self service. Fall best time for planting. Pictures on Craigs GET NOTICED! Make your yard List. 804-462-6289, 301-645-7734, sale ad stand out by highlighting it for just $20 per week! 301-659-7186..(Dec-5-tf) 16’ HOBIE CAT, all rigging, rudders, no mast, galvanized Hobie trailer, VGC, title. $375. 804-725-2183.. (June-12-2t)SS HVAC INSTALLERS/Service Technicians. Crowther Heating & Air Conditioning is continuing to build a team of skilled, motivated, long term HVAC experts immediately. -VYKL[HPSZWSLHZLHWWS`H[V\YVMÄJL located at 503 North Main Street in Kilmarnock, Virginia or on-line at www.chac-hvac.com under the Contact Us Section. Phone 804435-1141..(June-12-2t)SS Kilmarnock, VA 22482 Accepting applications for 1 & 2 bedroom apartments: Includes: s7ALLTOWALLCARPETING s!PPLIANCES s7ATER3EWER Garbage pickup s/NSITELAUNDRYFACILITY One Bedroom Vacancies Rental assistance available Please call about our rent prices 804-435-2997 TDD #711 7RITEORCALLFORANAPPLICATION “This institution is an equal OPPORTUNITY PROVIDEREMPLOYERv Equal Housing Opportunity Yard Sales GOLF CLUBS: Ladies, left handed with golf bag. New, never used. $195. Call 804-462-0829. (May29-3t) HAULMARK LOW Hauler enclosed trailer 8x12. Like new condition, less than 5000 miles. Mounted spare. $3675. 804-8403628..(June-12-2t) KITCHEN CABINETS and Counter Tops: Quality brand name cabinets HUK ]HUP[PLZ H[ \W [V VMM SPZ[ price. Guaranteed lowest prices. Call Discounted Building Supply and Surplus, 2721 Richmond Road, Warsaw, Va. 804-333-1234..(Sept26-tf) LARGE PORTABLE Generator, Briggs & Stratton Elite Series. 10,000 running watts and 12,500 start-up watts. Model 098C1. Lightly used. Kept indoors. Connections included to connect to your house. $800. 804-435-6507.. (May-22-4t) LAY-Z-BOY POWER Lift Recliner. Like brand new; used twice. Burgundy color. Excellent condition. $500. Call 804-436-2696..(June12-2t)SS REAL ESTATE AUCTION INDIAN CREEK APARTMENTS 501 Southport Lane Kilmarnock, VA 22482 Accepting applications for 1 & 2 bedroom units Includes: sWall-to-wall carpeting s!PPLIANCES s7ATERSEWERGARBAGE collection included s/NSITELAUNDRYFACILITY s#OMMUNITYROOM SPECIAL First Month’s Rent FREE with paid security deposit 92.5 Acre Farm FRIDAY, JUNE 27 at 11:00am Aucon Locaon: 169 Millwood Ln, Heathsville, VA 22473 • Brick Home with 1.5± Acres • 92.504± Total Acres • Parcels to be Offered Separately • 54.992± Acres • Online Bidding Available • 36± Acres PREVIEW DATES Friday, June 6th from 12-2pm & Saturday, June 14th from 12-2 pm Terms: 10% Buyer’s Premium. 10% deposit due on the day of aucon. For complete terms,visit www.AtlancCoastAucons.com. in conjuncon with 804-435-2997 4$$ Write or call for an application. “This institution is an equal OPPORTUNITYPROVIDERANDEMPLOYERv Equal Housing Opportunity VAAF #795 804-761-6751 AtlancCoastAucons.com V Design Center 494 N. Main St. Kilmarnock, VA Please call for an appointment to tour this custom home. Built on your lotStarting at $299,900 3000 sq. ft. w/garage and bonus room 4 bedrooms 3 full baths www.riverviewcontracting.com Quality, service and value! /MPQEVRSGO :MVKMRME Help Wanted RAPPAHANNOCK RECORD .YRID3 Notices Business Services Business Services Business Opportunity Notices herein by reference. TERMS OF SALE: ALL CASH. The subject property and any improvements located thereon will be sold “AS IS” without representation or J&L SERVICES: Kitchen/Bath renoIn execution of a certain Credit Line warranty of any kind. A deposit ]H[PVUZ=PU`SJLYHTPJ^VVKÅVVYDeed of Trust dated June 28, 2006, VM H[ SLHZ[ [LU WLYJLU[ VM AJ’s LAWNCARE and landscaping. ing. Vinyl siding/wrap. Window/door HUK YLJVYKLK PU [OL *SLYR»Z 6MÄJL [OL W\YJOHZL WYPJL I` JLY[PÄLK VY replacement. Decks & porches. Lawn mowing, mulching, fertilizing, of the Circuit Court of Lancaster cashier’s check will be required Masonry, plaster/sheetrock repair. seeding, pruning, debris removal. County, Virginia as Instrument # of the successful bidder at the Virginia Masters License/Insured. Hardscape work, walkways and 060002142, wherein Randolph W. time of the sale, with the balance Serving Mid-Peninsula over 40yrs. patios. Free estimates. Call 804Stephens and Tamara S. Stephens due within twenty (20) days from 804-296-4460..(Mar-27-13t) 238-0019..(Apr-10-13t) conveyed to Suzanne Dix Keyser the date of said sale. The deposit 630=,.9,,5ZPUNSLWLYZVUÄZOPUN and John K. O’Shaughnessy, Trust- shall be applied to the credit of the ATTENTION!! WE DO what regular 3(47 9,7(09:ZTHSS VMÄJL LX\P- kayak with white oar lost on Moscleaners won’t do: Walls, skylights, pement. Large supply of accesso- quito Creek during Memorial Day ees, certain real estate described successful bidder at settlement windows/gutters/roof/home paint- ries. Work done on-site, reasonable weekend. Please contact if found. therein; and, John S. Martin having to be held within twenty (20) days been appointed as Substitute from the date of the sale, and TIME ing, home repairs, any/all cleaning, YH[LZ5VY[OLYU5LJR6MÄJL,X\PW- 804-512-2546..(June-5-2t) Trustee by Appointment of Substi- SHALL BE OF THE ESSENCE. powerwashing, metal roof painting. ment, 2852 Merry Point Rd., Merry tute Trustee dated April 30, 2014, The deposit shall be applied to the Insured, bonded. Bob, 1-804-436- Point. 804-435-1698. (Mar-13-13t) and recorded in the aforesaid Clerk’s cost and expense of sale and the 2241..(June-5-3t) LANDSCAPE CONSULTING: Plant 6MÄJLHZ0UZ[Y\TLU[ " Trustee’s compensation authorized and, default having been made in by the Deed of Trust and applicable A-Z PROPERTY MAINTENANCE your own landscape. Desire to have NOTICE OF OYSTER NN MONTESSORI School is cur- & repair. Pool cleaning/service. ILH\[`& *OLY`S ,K\the debt secured by said deed of law. In the event of default by the GROUND APPLICATION rently accepting applications for the Powerwashing. Lawncare, gut- cated in Horticulture/Landscape trust, and being required so to do purchaser, the Trustee may, in addiMVSSV^PUNWVZP[PVUZ!6MÄJL4HUHNLY tercleaning, painting. Drywalling. Design. Strong references..(May-8-13t) Leo Stoneham Robbins, (2014139) by the noteholder, the undersigned tion to any other remedy, maintain has applied for approximately 10-+ before/after school Enrichment Pro- Plumbing. Affordable prices. Military Substitute Trustee will offer for sale an action against Purchaser for gram, lead and assistant teachers, & senior citizen discount. Call our LAWN PRO: For all your lawn care acres of oyster planting ground in at public auction on Monday, June recovery of the purchase price. substitutes. Contact nnmontes- service professionals, 804-577- needs. Grass cutting, fertilizer Harpers Creek near mouth of creek 16, 2014 at 10:00 a.m., at the front Notwithstanding the foregoing, programs, mulching, walkways, situated in Lancaster City/County entrance of the Lancaster County the Trustee reserves the right to [email protected] to request 0252..(May-8-13t) retaining walls. Dependable, qual- and described as follows: an application. The closing date Circuit Court courthouse building, waive or modify the requirements for all positions is June 27, 2014.. BIKE REPAIR & SALES: Pete spe- ity service. 15/years experience, North By: Kellum PF11500 located at 8265 Mary Ball Road, of said deposit. All costs of the East By: Stickel PF10562; Vacant insured. Keith Lowery, 804-761(June-12-3t) cializes in repair of all makes & Lancaster, Virginia 22503, those two conveyancing, which shall be by South By: MLW; Vacant; Robbins 7648..(Mar-27-13t) models of bikes. Also is an autho(2) parcels of land described as fol- Special Warranty deed, shall be PF10532 PT CUSTOMER Service Apprentice. rized Fuji dealer. Experience, proTechnical aptitude and positive fessional work. 804-436-2531.. MAGILL PIANO Tuning: Kevin Magill West BY: Robbins PF10532; MLW lows: PARCEL ONE: 1.9161 acres, the responsibility of Purchaser. Real more or less, Town of Irvington, Lan- estate taxes shall be prorated as providing expert piano tuning and Lat/long: N37-37.7374 attitude. Handle incoming sales (Apr-10-13t) caster County, Virginia, shown on a of the date of the sale. In the event W76-20.9872 repair to Middle Peninsula and inquiries and help with analytical testing. 804-435-5522..(June-5-2t) BOOKKEEPING and MONEY Man- Northern Neck communities. 804- Send comments or concerns to: plat of survey entitled “Plat Showing the Trustee deems it best for any agement Services for small busi- 450-5520. www.magillpianotuning. Marine Resources Commission, A Survey Of The Land To Be Con- reason at the time of the sale to hold RECEPTIONIST FOR White Stone nesses and individuals. Reliable com..(Apr-3-13t) Engineering/Surveying Department veyed To Randolph W. & Tamara open, postpone or continue this SH^VMÄJL"M\SS[PTLWVZP[PVUYLX\PYLZ and experienced. Prices tailored to 2600 Washington Ave., 3rd Floor, S. Stephens,” dated November 3, sale from time to time, such notice a professional, highly-organized services requested. 202-251-8958 MASSARO BROS. Seamless Gut- Newport News, VA 23607 2005, made by Gordon L. Jones, of holding open, postponement or individual with excellent interper- or email me, dnickersonatbay@ ters: 5”&6” gutters. Gutter covers. -VYTVYLZWLJPÄJHWWSPJH[PVUSVJH- Land Surveyor, a copy of which plat setting over shall be announced in Clean-out and repair service. tion information call 757-247-2230 of survey is to be recorded in the a manner deemed reasonable by sonal and communication skills, gmail.com..(June-5-13t) Lowest price/satisfaction guaranfamiliarity with operating multi-line (May-22-4t) *SLYR»Z 6MÄJL VM [OL *PYJ\P[ *V\Y[ the Trustee. Additional terms may WOVULZ`Z[LTWYVÄJPLU[JVTW\[LY BUD’S INTERIOR and EXTERIOR teed. Reedville, Licensed/Insured. of Lancaster County, Virginia, and be announced at sale. NOTICE OF and clerical skills. Compensation Painting: Power washing homes, Call Matt for, estimate. 804-480by this reference expressly made a THIS COMMUNICATION IS FROM SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE’S SALE commensurate with experience. decks and boat docks for mildew. 0155. matt@massarobrosseamlesspart hereof for a further and more A DEBT COLLECTOR. ANY INFORVALUABLE UNIMPROVED All inquires confidential. Reply Water sealer on decks and boat gutters.com..(Apr-3-13t) accurate description of the real MATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED WATERFRONT PROPERTY with cover letter and resume to docks applied if wanted. 804-435estate herein conveyed. Together FOR THAT PURPOSE. FOR INFORMILTON’S WORK Shop: ReupholHiring Partner, Dunton, Simmons 6906..(May-22-13t) with a perpetual, appurtenant, MATION CONTACT: John S. Martin, stering, quality work and over 35 Lot 8, Jetty’s Reach, Northumber- non-exclusive easement of right Substitute Trustee, P. O. Box 159, & Dunton, L.L.P., P.O. Box 5, White years experience. Fabric samples BULK HARDWOOD, pinebark, land County, Stone, VA 22578 or by e-mail to: of way for ingress and egress over, Kilmarnock, VA 22482. (804) 436Virginia 23061 [email protected]. No phone calls black dyed mulch, bulk mushroom to select from. Located in White across and upon that certain “Vari- 8031 (phone); (804) 436-8051 (fax); Stone by appointment. Call 804compost. Available at Farm & Home (Tax Map 29D-1, Parcel 8) please..(June-12-3t) able Width Easement Of R/W For [email protected] (email). Supply, 469 N. Main St., Kilmar- 435-3988..(Apr-3-13t) (June-5-2t) Ingress/Egress,” shown in part on RESTAURANT: ECKHARD’S kitchen nock, VA. 804-435-3177. Delivery MISCELLANEOUS ODDS & Ends. In execution of a Deed of Trust the aforesaid plat or survey, to be VA ABC and dining room help needed. 804- available..(Mar-20-13t) Where all odds have a positive end. dated October 27, 2011, recorded used in common with all others Retail License Application758-4060..(June-5-2t )SS CARPENTRY AND VINYL siding All home improvements from A-Z. in the Clerk’s Office of the Cir- lawfully entitled to the use thereof. Posting and Publishing cuit Court of Northumberland PARCEL TWO: 1.3140 acres, more SERVERS NEEDED: Historical Lan- and replacement windows, decks, Licensed/Insured. 804-238-5514(c), Notice County, Virginia, as Instrument or less, Town of Irvington, Lancaster caster Tavern is hiring waitresses. painting and small repairs. 34 years 804-238-6401(o)..(June-5-13t) #201111002411, from Donald W. County, Virginia, shown on that plat 2-years experience, fine dining. experience. Call George Lackert, MOORE’S EXCAVATING: Roads, Kelly, Grantor, to Pamela D. Chap- of survey entitled “Plat Showing Lally & Lally LLC/Ellen Janet Lally Excellent references needed. Pick- 804-724-9453. (June-12-13t) driveways, lot clearing, landscap- man and Dianne Hall, Trustees, Location Of Improvements On The trading as Ellens Country Store, up application, 8373 Mary Ball Rd., ing, excavating, grading, rip-rap. (“the Deed of Trust”) for whom Land To Be Conveyed To Forrest F. 2220 Morattico Rd., Lancaster, CARPET & VINYL Installations, Lancaster (next to courthouse).. -\SS`PUZ\YLKJLY[PÄLK,:9LZWVU- Matson C. Terry, II, has been Henry And Virginia T. Henry,” dated Lancaster Virginia 22503. repairs and restretching. Profes(May-22-4t) sional & prompt. Serving the area sible Land Disturber. 804-462- substituted as Substitute Trustee, April 15, 2005, made by Gordon L. The above establishment is applyby that certain instrument of sub- Jones, Land Surveyor, and recorded ing to the VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT SPEECH-LANGUAGE Pathologist. for over 20 years. Quality work. Call 7357..(May-15-tf) stitution, dated April 24, 2014, PU[OLHMVYLZHPK*SLYR»Z6MÄJL^P[O OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE CONLancaster County Public Schools, 804-435-3630 or 804-435-3988.. MULCH: Pine or hardwood, 14 K\S`YLJVYKLKPU[OL*SLYR»Z6MÄJL Instrument #050001398. Subject TROL for a Wine and Beer off prempart time position. Individual will (Mar-27-13t) yards delivered locally, $300/per aforesaid, default having occurred to that certain easement granted ises license to sell or manufacture need to hold a valid license issued & Excavating load. Smaller loads available. Instal- in the payment of the note thereby to Jerry Lee Copley and Theresa V. alcoholic beverages. by the Virginia Board of Audiology CLARK’S LAWN & Speech-Language Pathology. LLC: Licensed, insured. Grass cut- lation or spreading extra. 804-436- secured and at the request of the A. Copley in Deed Book 428, page Ellen J. Lally An individual who holds an active, ting, lot clearing, driveways. Rip- 3329, DC’s Lawncare for all your holder of the note, the Substitute PU[OL*SLYR»Z6MÄJLHMVYLZHPK Member/owner Trustee will offer for sale at public and that certain “Proposed 20’ Note: Objections to the issuance of renewable license issued by the rap, gravel, mulching, tree work, lawncare needs..(May-29-13t) Virginia Board of Education with bushhogging, etc. Free estimates. MULCHING: New bed installations auction to the highest bidder in Easement For R/W For Ingress this license must be submitted to ABC no later than 30 days from the a valid endorsement in speech- 804-453-5707. (May-8-13t) and maintenance, edging, planting, front of the Courthouse of the And Egress Purposes” shown on language pathology on June 30th, COMPUTER REPAIR Services walkways and retaining walls. Mulch Circuit Court for Northumberland the aforesaid plat of survey, which W\ISPZOPUN KH[L VM [OL ÄYZ[ VM [^V ^PSS IL KLLTLK X\HSPÄLK [V on site. Virus/spyware removal. delivery by yard, 5-12 yds. Insured. County, Virginia, at 39 Judicial easement shall be for ingress and required newspaper legal notices. obtain a school speech-language Hardware/software installs. System Call Keith Lowery of LawnPro, 804- Place, Heathsville, Virginia 22473, egress and utility services. The Objections should be registered at on Friday, June 20, 2014, at 10:00 property is further described in the www.abc.virginia.gov or 800-552pathologist license from the BASLP. upgrades. System rebuilt & restore. 761-7648..(Mar-27-13t) a.m., the property known as Lot above mentioned deed of trust, the 3200. An application can be picked up at Internet lessons. Backup solutions. (June-5-2t) [OL :JOVVS )VHYK 6MÄJL H[ Chris Emry, 804-462-3462 ..(Apr- NEED your projects (homes/decks/ 8 Jetty’s Reach, Northumberland terms of which are incorporated NHYHNLZ ÄUPZOLK MHZ[& 6\Y PUZ\Y- County, Virginia, more particularly Irvington Rd. or downloaded at 17-13t) ance (fire/wind/water) damage shown and described as Lot 8 on www.lcs.k12.va.us, phone 804462-5100, ext. 7001. The School COMPUTER REPAIR: The Com- experience gets families back home that certain plat of survey entitled, Board reserves the right not to puter Wizard, LLC: Your source for fast. Custom & modular construc- “Division Survey Jetty’s Reach”, ÄSS HU` HK]LY[PZLK WVZP[PVU ,6, IT consulting, computer repair/net- tion. licensed/insured/BBB. Free dated April 30, 1982, made by (June-12-2t) working, data recovery, managed Estimates. 1-800-211-5660..(Mar- Tomlin & Keyser, C.L.S., recorded PU [OL *SLYR»Z 6MÄJL HMVYLZHPK PU business solutions, web-design/ 27-13t) Plat Book 5, at Page 109, Tax Map hosting. 506 N. Main St., KilmarON THE NAIL Contracting: Class 29D-1, Parcel 8. nock. 804-435-1310..(June-12-13t) A contractor, licensed and insured. The sale of the Property shall A1 ROTOTILLING SMALL GAR- CONCRETE DESIGNER: Conven- Charles Harris, contractor. Call be made subject to the covenants, DENS $65: Trenching $1.30ft. ($130 tional, exposed aggregate, stamped 804-815-4218(o), 804-815-4686(c). conditions, easements, restricmin), grass and bush-hog cutting, (slate, cobblestone, granite), side- -YHTPUNÅVVYPUN^PUKV^ZKLJRZ tions, reservations, and deeds backhoe power rake grading work. walks, patios, driveways, slabs, additions, siding and more. (Apr- of trust, if any, superior to the 804-436-3636, leave message small excavation. Materials at cost. 17-tf) lien of the Deed of Trust, duly of or e-mail [email protected].. Calls returned, Crocker’s Bobcat record and constituting construc(Mar-6-26t) and Concrete, 804-462-6052.. PAINTING EXTERIOR/Interior. Old tive notice. The sale further shall home my specialty. Metal roofs, (Apr-24-13t) fences, minor home deck/dock be made subject to the rights, if I AM A CAREGIVER for the elderly. Will care for your loved ones in their CORA’S BACK! I’ve come in out of cleaning and repairs, landscaping. any, to persons in possession of home. 20yrs. experience. Refer- the rain. Serving take out at Blue- Honest, reliable. Free estimates. Bill the Property and to any and all ences available. 804-241-0016.. water Seafood, 459 N. Main St. 804-435-3412(H), 804-435-0286. defects, liens, encumbrances or adverse claims of whatever nature, (May-29-4t) Friday and Saturday, 10a.m.-5p.m. (Apr-17-13t) recorded or unrecorded, includ804-296-4631. (Mar-20-13t) PAINTING: INTERIOR and exterior, ing any and all statutory lien(s) ODD JOBS: Installation of paving pressure washing houses and for labor or materials which now stones, retaining wall systems. CUSTOM TILLAGE decks, sealing and staining decks, have gained or hereafter may gain Form concrete steps, French drains, & BUSHHOGGING professional window cleaning. Call priority over the lien of the Deed yard grading/seeding. Concrete Pasture renovation, large the best, B-Clean, 804-438-5106, VM ;Y\Z[ ^OL[OLY ÄSLK VM YLJVYK restoration, veneer stone work, NHYKLUZVYÄLSKZ (C)-804-370-6851..(Mar-20-13t) property management. 804-435or inchoate, which are superior to 80HP Tractor. Moldboard, 2198..(May-1-13t) the lien of the Deed of Trust. The JOPZLSKPZJVYÄLSKJ\S[P]H[VY ROAD GRADING. Ideal results w/ Property is being sold “AS IS” Reasonable hourly rates small Motor Grader and expewithout representation or warranty 804-761-0892 rienced operator for your driveof any sort or nature concerning its (Sept-26-tf) way/subdivision. Can add stone. condition. SEEKING EARTH Friendly person E. D. COCKRELL JR Hauling: Free estimates: Chesapeake Road TERMS: CASH. The Buyer to share waterfront house. Sailor (YTV\YZ[VULYPWYHWZHUKÄSSKPY[ Grader Service (804)480-9313. shall pay for all recording charges, welcome. 804-516-9138..(June- top soil, bushhogging, hardwood/ www.chesapeakeroadgrader ser- examination of title, settlement 12-EOW-4t) WPULT\SJOÄYL^VVKNYHZZJ\[[PUN vice.com.. (Apr-24-13t) fees and all costs of conveyancing snow removal. Days 804-241-5068, SEMI-RETIRED PAINTER: Interior/ which shall be by Special Warranty 804-453-6601. (Mar-20-13t) Exterior painting. Pressure washing Deed. Real estate taxes shall be LIQUIDATION SALE LIQUIDATION SALE EVERYBODY NEEDS a hand. Let houses, decks, docks, etc. Kitchen/ prorated to date of sale. WE BUY and Sell coins and coin me be your handyman. Local busi- baths makeovers. Repaint cabi- (KLWVZP[VMVM[OLZHSLZ price will be required from the highcollections. We always pay the ness. 35 yrs. experience. Floors, nets, etc. Color updates. 25 years most. I come to you. We pay cash. windows, trim, siding, painting, experience. 804-435-6820. Dave.. est bidder in cash or by cashier’s VYJLY[PÄLKJOLJRHUK[OLOPNOLZ[ Call Alex 757-880-5649..(Mar-20- doors, more. Free estimates. Keith, (June-5-13t) bidder will be required to execute 13t) 804-436-3687..(Apr-10-13t) STORM CLEAN-UP. Tractor work, a Memorandum of Sale. The WORLD WAR II, cash for guns, FULL LAWN maintenance grass grading, tree removal, rip-rap, successful bidder shall assume KHNNLYZ OLSTL[Z TLKHSZ ÅHNZ cutting, mulching, bed clean-up. debris removal, leaf clean-up. all risk of loss or damage to the etc. Any country. Beat any offer. >LKVP[HSS*HSS\ZÄYZ[+HUKYPKNL Licensed insured. Call 804-761- property from and after the time Everything must go regardless of price Will come to you. 804-843-3108.. 804-436-6303. (Apr-24-13t) 7648..(Mar-27-13t) of sale. Settlement is to be held (May-1-13t) within thirty (30) days of the sale All are genuine handmade oriental rugs from Iran .605. 65 =(*(;065&& 5LLK TAYLOR’S TREE Service. Bushhog- H[[OLVMÄJLZVM/\IIHYK;LYY` someone to take care of your ging, grass cutting, pine mulching, Britt, P. C., 293 Steamboat Road, Pakistan India China lawn and home. Dependable, fully ÄYL^VVKWY\UPUN:[VUL[VWZVPS Irvington, Virginia 22480. In the Thousands to choose from in all sizes 2x3 to 12x18 insured, w/references. DC Lawn- road gravel. Demolition work. Lot event closing does not occur within clearing, property maintenance. thirty (30) days of the sale through “HINSON’S LAWN CARE:” Insured, care, 804-436-3329..(May-29-13t) Many over size runners any size any color antique www.taylortreeservice.com (H) dependable. Mowing, leaf removal, buyer’s default, then the Substitute edging, mulching, storm cleanup, GRASS CUTTING, Bushhogging, 804-435-0648, (C) 804-436-3528, Trustee may retain the deposit, $1 million in inventory must go pressure washing/sealing. Refer- tree/debris removal, lot clearing, (C)804-435-3197..(Apr-17-13t) treat the sale as canceled and 55% to 75% off ences. Owner, Philip Hinson III. bush trimming, other services available. H&L Services, Brent Hall, TRANSPORTATION: AIRPORT drop resell the Property. In the event the 804-436-5329..(Apr-3-13t) Substitute Trustee cannot convey Entire inventory one day only off/pick up, accompany to medical Kevin Lewis, 804-462-0780 or 804or other scheduled appointments to the buyer marketable title, in 1-2-3! That’s how quick we’ll 435-0028..(Mar-20-13t) On Sunday, June 12 10am - 5pm or to run errands. Contact Becky Substitute Trustee’s sole discrerespond. Cutting Edge Lawn Service: Resident/commercial. Bush- GRASS CUTTING, Fertilizing, @ www.leaveittobecky.com or call tion, the sale may be rescinded At American Legion post 86 Kilmarnock hogging. Competitive, reasonable mulching, lawn clean-up, tree 804-512-1532, free consultation.. and the buyer’s sole remedy shall 882 Waverly Avenue off Route 3 be refund of the deposit. The rates, insured, free estimates. removal. Licensed and insured, 35 (Apr-24-13t) holder of the note evidencing the Serving all N’Neck counties. years experience. Danny, 804-436Come to the show, name your price TURNER DRYWALL and Painting debt secured by the Deed of Trust 804-580-2331, leave message.. 3329..(May-29-13t) Home Repairs: New work, repair, expressly reserves the right to bid Due to circumstances beyond our control, we are forced (June-12-13t) MASSARO BROS. Seamless Gut- renovation, home improvements, at the sale. The Substitute Trustee to liquidate a large collection of magnificent Persian and A&A POOLS and Lawn Care. Call ters: 5”&6” gutters. Gutter covers. [PSL ^VYR :[H[L JLY[PÄLK `YZ expressly reserves the right to us for all your pool and landscaping Clean-out and repair service. experience. 804-761-5410..(June- reject any bid(s). The sale is subject Oriental rugs in the U.S.A.... needs. Openings, closings, weekly Lowest price/satisfaction guaran- 12-13t)SS to such additional terms as the teed. Reedville, Licensed/Insured. Any reasonable offer will not be refused & bi-weekly service and everything Substitute Trustee may announce in between. 804-436-2796..(Apr- Call Matt for, estimate. 804-480- VACATIONERS and SECOND Home at the time of sale. Please note: If you are looking for a Persian rug for in0155. matt@massarobrosseamless- Owners: Offer home check-ins, over10-13t)SS Written notice of this Substisee home remodels/repairs, stock gutters.com..(Apr-3-13t) vestment as well as practical function to make your room tute Trustee’s Sale has been sent refrigerators, bonded and insured. A/C, HEATING, PLUMBING and [V[OLV^ULYZI`JLY[PÄLKTHPS LSLJ[YPJ*HSS.YPMÄU(PYH[(09 HAVE A MOSQUITO free property. Contact Becky @ www.leaveittomore beautiful and more welcoming, this is the liquidain strict compliance with sec(804-505-0247). Great service. Low Guaranteed kid and pet safe. Works becky.com or call 804-512-1532, free tion sale you are looking for. We will accommodate you tion 55-59.1 of the Virginia Code. WYPJLZ KPZJV\U[ MVY ZLUPVY on over 75 different pest’s. Call A&A consultation..(Apr-24-13t) MATSON C. TERRY, II Pools and Lawn Care. 804-436citizens!..(Mar-20-13t) for almost any size rug and color that you want. Substitute Trustee 2796. (Apr-10-13t)SS Business Opportunity AFFORDABLE PRICES. Property We buy and exchange old rugs FOR INFORMATION CALL: Maintenance/repairs. Lawncare. HOME IMPROVEMENTS & Repairs: Bring this ad for a door prize! 301-526-3399 Gutter cleaning, Pool cleaning/ Kitchens, baths, bayrooms, decks. RETAIL LIGHTING FIXTURE and Ceiling Hubbard, Terry & Britt, P. C. service. Powerwashing. Hauling. Large/small jobs. Licensed, insured, Fan business. Established 15 years. 293 Steamboat Road Terms: Cash, Check, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, Painting. Drywalling. Plumbing, free estimates, prompt calls/service. Popular product brands, large customer P. O. Box 340 American Express more. Foreclosure service. Call our Wicomico Restoration, 804-580- base. Inquire 804-654-4659 or home- Irvington, Virginia 22480 professionals for free estimate. 804- 1587. View work samples www.Wic- townlighting.com or paulrilee@hotmail. (804) 438-5522 omicoRestoration.com..(May-8-tf) (June-12-2t) com. $65,000..(May-1-8t-EOW)SS 480-9123..(Apr-17-13t) LIQUIDATION SALE LIQUIDATION SALE MINISTER OF MUSIC: Immanuel Baptist Church in Saluda is seekPUNHM\SS[PTLX\HSPÄLK4PUPZ[LYVM Music to direct its music ministry. Applicant must be a capable and committed musician with a spiritual calling to lead contemporary and traditional gospel music for all musical groups of the church. Keyboard, organ and choral skills are required. Candidate with a relevant degree is preferred, however, candidates who demonstrate WYVÄJPLUJ` PU [OL HMVYLTLU[PVULK qualifications are encouraged to apply. Send resume with a current letter of recommendation to: Rev. Calvin Rideau, Sr., P.O. Box 1139, Saluda, VA 23149. All applications must be postmarked no later than July 10, 2014..(May-1-10t)SS Work Wanted AIM & SHOOT MULCH blowing. Dyed walnut color. Holds color all summer. Be the first in your neighborhood. Call for details/free estimate. DC’s Lawncare, 804-4363329..(May-29-13t) HARD SCAPE WORK: Patios, walk^H`ZYL[HPUPUN^HSSZÄYLWP[Z*HSS Keith Lowery of LawnPro, 804-7617648..(Mar-27-13t) $180,000: LEASE $800/month. Includes professional salon trade fixtures. Upstairs office rented. Lancaster Courthouse. Zoned/ commercial. American-Craftsman bungalow. Catherine Bennett, Melrose Plantation Real Estate. www. RealEstateChesapeakeBay.com. 804-435-0321..(June-12-13t) TRUSTEE’S NOTICE OF SALE 300 King Carter Drive Irvington, VA 22480 Tax Map # 33-447 & 33-450 Lost and Found Notices SUBSCRIBE 66IGSVHGSQ Wanted LIQUIDATION SALE LIQUIDATION SALE LIQUIDATION SALE LIQUIDATION SALE ORIENTAL RUGS & RUNNERS ONCE IN A LIFETIME OPPORTUNIT Y LIQUIDATION SALE Business Services LIQUIDATION SALE Wanted to Buy LIQUIDATION SALE D4 .YRI RAPPAHANNOCK RECORD Park will hold rangers’ camps *VSQ PIJX EVI JVSRX VS[ %PMWSR .E]RI 7ERHI 7RIEH ERH %PMWWE *YPQIV RI\X VS[ ;IRH] 1YVTL] .ER 1EG0ISH 1MGLIPI *EYPORIV 8VM\MI &MGORIPP %RRMI 1E\IPP ERH 2ERG]/MWIV *VSQPIJXEVIJVSRXVS[.MQ'SYRGMP1MOI'SRVS]&MPP/MRK2SVQ*EYPORIVERH1EG 'SYRGMP RI\X VS[ .SLR 7YPXIRJYWW .EQIW 4IXXMRIPPI %WL &S[HIR 'VIRWLE[ 6IIH ERH.SLR'EVH[IPP Tennis competition takes spotlight at country club Indian Creek Yacht and Country Club recently held its A-Flight Member-Guest Tennis Tournament. The tournament started with a pre-tournament cocktail party on Friday night followed by two days of play on both the indoor and outdoor courts, reported Megan Stephens. Ten teams competed with the win going to ladies’ division team of Terrie Dort and Trixie Bicknell. Norm Faulkner and Crenshaw Reed won the men’s division. The B Flight tournament is in mid-September, said Stephens. Belle Isle State Park will host three Junior Ranger programs this summer. All programs will be held from 9 a.m. to noon at the picnic area. The programs are designed for the designated age ranges, but children outside of that range may attend, said chief ranger of visitor experience and volunteer management Charlene Talcott. Little Rangers (ages 4-6) will meet June 24-26. Children will learn about the animals and plants at Belle Isle, said Talcott. Each morning will be filled with games, crafts and other activities to encourage a love of nature and stewardship. Rappahannock Antics (ages 6-9) will meet July 8-July 10. Children will learn about the Rappahannock River and its animals, history, and culture, she said. They will hear how the river was used by Virginia Indians, steamboat captains and watermen and others. They also will go seining to catch fish, make crafts and play games. Survival Through the Ages (ages 10 and older) will meet July 29-July 31. Children will learn outdoor skills used from the time of early Virginia Indians through modern day techniques and how to be safe while outdoors, said Talcott. The fee is $5 per day and preregistration is required. Children may attend one, two, or all three days of a session. Adults may attend with their children at no additional charge. Register at 462-5030. /MPQEVRSGO:MVKMRME Commonwealth Antiques and Appraisals, Inc. Estate Sale Saturday & Sunday June 21st & 22nd Near Kilmarnock Details to follow in next week’s paper For more information, call (804) 580-3301 Or visit Commonwealth Antiques on Facebook! TOP NOTCH CONCRETE FINISHER Patios - Footings - Slate - Sidewalks - Backfill Site Work Specializing in Exposed Aggregate Driveways FOR ALL YOUR RESIDENTIAL CONCRETE NEEDS Gary Clingan Insured Licensed Contractor (804) 435-2198 SPORTS SHORTS Q4VSXIGXMSRGSYVWI The Rappahannock Pistol and Rifle Club will sponsor a Personal Protection in the Home course June 20 and 21. Those Runners, joggers and walkers will hit the ages 12 and younger. T-shirts are guaranteed to interested in participating in pavement in Reedville early on Independence the first 300 folks to register. classes may contact the club via Day for the 12th annual Reedville Firecracker The course is flat and will extend along Main the website, or call training offi5K Run/Walk. Street and finish by winding through the back cer Mike Farson, 757-784-5040. The event will ignite the village’s Indepen- streets of Reedville. dence Day Celebration July 5. The race starts at Profits support the Reedville Independence Q&EWIFEPPGPMRMG 8 a.m. at Festival Halle, 177 Main Street, Reed- Day Fireworks Celebration. Virginia Commonwealth Univille. Registration and packet pickup times are Fireworks will be held at 9 p.m. July 5 over versity coaches will offer a hit9 a.m. to 3 p.m. July 4 at Festival Halle and Cockrell’s Creek. The fireworks conclude a day- ting and pitching clinic for basefrom 6:45 to 7:45 a.m. on race day. long celebration featuring food, music, games ball players ages 13-17 from 5 to Trophies will be awarded to the top three and a 3 p.m. parade. 7 p.m. July 30 and 31 at Dream male and female finishers in eight age groups, Registration may be mailed to the Reedville Fields, 1693 Irvington Road, 12 and younger, 13-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, Firecracker 5K, P.O. Box 306, Reedville, VA Kilmarnock. The fee is $30 for 50-59, 60-69 and 70 and older. 22539, or by calling 453-6529. Make checks both days. Registration is $25 for adults and $10 for payable to the Greater Reedville Association. To register, contact camp coordinator Damien Crissey, 814327-6609 or [email protected]. va.us., The opportunity to help an person includes lunch, celebra- the opportunity to attend sevat-risk gifted student from the tion supper and awards. Pro- eral performances of the arts Q7YQQIVWPEQ Middle Peninsula or Northern ceeds go toward the costs of and attend a week-end retreat. The 2014 Summer Slam Neck comes by way of the 21st sending students to the Jacob’s In addition to these activities Camp, sponsored by the Youth annual Jacob’s Ladder Golf Ladder summer enrichment where the students are together, Club of Lancaster County, will Classic July 18 at the Golden program. they individually have regu- be held July 28 through August 1 Eagle Golf Course, 364 ClubRegister at jladder.org and lar contact and support from at Dream Fields, 1693 Irvington house Road, Irvington. mail payment. Checks and Jacob’s Ladder staff members, Road, Kilmarnock. Instruction in The golf tournament format credit cards are accepted. he said. More than 90% com- softball or baseball is offered for will be four-person teams, said Make checks payable to plete the program and go on to ages 7-12. executive director W. Aubrey Jacob’s Ladder Inc. higher education—many earnThe fee is $150 for a full day, Hall. Registration will open at Jacob’s Ladder, begun in ing advanced degrees. or $100 for a half day. To regis10:30 a.m., contests follow at 1991, is for middle school There is no cost for stu- ter, contact camp coordinator 11 a.m. and a shotgun start at youngsters, said Hall. They dents to participate in Jacob’s Damien Crissey, 814-327-6609 12:30 p.m. spend the month of July at a Ladder, added Hall. or [email protected]. Registration of $150 per residential camp and then have Firecracker 5k to ignite July 4 celebration Jacob’s Ladder Golf tourney tees off July 18 CLUB GOLF +SPHIR)EKPI The Golden Eagle Golf Club play day winners for last week were first, hank Little; second, Mike Osteen; and third, Don Bowser. /MRK'EVXIV The King Carter Golf Club’s men’s play day winners for June 2 were first, Dave Ruble; second, Klaus Schaschek; and third, (tie) Wayne Graves and Arthur Abbott. Winners for June 4 were first Bob Chambers; second, David Crowther; and third, (tie) Don Mauney, Ned Crockett and Phil Booth. Winners formJune 6 were first, (tie) Bruce Adams and Steve Craig; and second (tie) Abbott and Jon Baer. 4MEROEXERO+SPJ'PYF The Piankatank River Ladies Golf Association first flight winners for June 5 were first, Michele Meanley; second, Gail Thomasson; and third, Chong Hudgins. Second flight winners were first, Kim Harris; second, Sharon Dunaway; and third, Christy Pitts. Third flight winners were first, Bev Hudgins; second, Zealon Stiley; and third, Bea Foley. 5YMRXSR3EOW The Quinton Oaks Senior Men’s League first flight winners for June 3 were first, Bob Price; and second, (tie) Dale Henderson, Stan Rembisz and Wayne Oliff. Second flight winners were first, (tie) Chuck Dunnington and Dick Thompson; and second, Frank Gingiloski. A world of service for your car & you. Auto/Marine machine shop on premises Follow Rt. 3 to Rt. 200 in White Stone Call 804-435-6660 Open Monday thru Friday 7:30-5:30 & Drop off Saturday 7:30-10:00 White Stone United Methodist Church accepting applications for Choir Director/Organist Should have a degree in music. For an application, please call 435-3555 between 9 am to 1 pm Auction ANTIQUES, COLLECTIBLES, HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGS TO BE HELD ON SITE AT 7 MAIN SALE COURT, CHESAPEAKE HARBOR SUBDIVISION, WICOMICO CHURCH, VIRGINIA DIRECTIONS: FROM WICOMICO CH: East on SR 609, 3.6 miles to L on R1010 (Skip Jack Rd) Chesapeake Harbor. Follow signs. SATURDAY, JUNE 14, 2014 @ 10:00 AM GUNS: 12 ga Remington Sportsman 58; Chinese Pellet gun; Mossberg 22 cal. w/sling & sight; Ari Saka Japanese >>^YHYL6YPNPUHS+\Z[*V]LY"3L]LY+HPZ`(PY9PÅL" Crossman .177 cal. Outbacker Pellet gun; Daisy pump BB gun; Ithica Model 1911 45 cal. WW2 pistol; 22 cal. Ranger Revolver; Iver-Johnson Model 55-SA 32 cal. Cadet; 1HWHULZL>>9PÅL>)H`VUL[:JHIIHYK BEAUTIFUL JEWLERY: PEARLS, DIAMONDS, GOLD, SILVER (SEE PHOTOS ON AUCTIONZIP.COM) Too Much to List; Banjo (Reserve); Yamaha Guitar (Reserve); Golf Clubs; Rocking Chair; Art Deco Dressers; Art Deco Dressing Table w/ Mirror; Quilt Rack; Sewing Machine; Embroidery Sewing Machine; Green Drop Leaf Table; Dale Earnheart Memorabilia; MEH, Queen Poster Bed; 2 Art Deco bedside Tables; Dressing Table Bench; Dolls; 2 Prism Lamps; Doll Crib; Chest of Drawers; Nice Rugs, Various Sizes; Beige Leather Sofa & Recliner; Brown Leather Sofa & Recliner; Brown Leather Chair w/Ottoman; Nice Walnut Secretary; Magazine Racks; Half, Treadle Sewing Machine Side Tables; Cane Seat Chair; Very Nice Walnut, Double Larkin Secretary; Elec. Organ; Nice Curio Cabinet; Marble Top Shelf w/Mirror; Early Platform Rocker; 19th Century Bow Front China Cabinet; Gate Leg Table; 2 Tier Pie Crust Table; Sofa & Wing Back Chair; Oriental Medicine Cabinet; Nice Walnut Wardrobe; Ornate Octagon Table; Heavy Wood Chair; Double Bed w/Footboard; Art Deco Dresser; Wood File Cabinet; Barber Prints (Framed & Unframed); Saye Prints; 30’ 1998 Holiday Rambler Alumascape Travel Trailer (Reserve); 2 Kitchen Tables w/Chairs; Large, Ornate Bird Cage & Table; Several Oak Tables; Oak Secretary; Mirrors, Doctors Bag; Humidor, Iron Beds; 25 Cent Mechanical Slot Machine (Excellent Shape); Butcher Type Table/; Model Boats; Antique Childs High Chair; Childs Cane Seat Rocker, Old Phonograph; Desk; Washer, Dryer; Refrigerator; Lawn Ornaments; Generator; *HUVW`;LU[">LLK,H[LYZ"0UÅH[HISL)VH["Model AD-21 Kubota, Diesel Zero Turn Mower (Less than 350 hours, Reserve); Gas Pressure Washer; Glass, Glass, Glass & Collectables; Too many items to list. Terms; Cash or Check W/Proper I.D. Announcements Day Of Auction Take Precedence Over All Printed Advertising. Visit Auctionzip.com #36618 For Info. & Pictures. Rain Date: June 28, 2014 MANUEL HAYNIE – AUCTIONEER VA. LIC. #2729 804.453.7323 OR 804.580.0700 /MPQEVRSGO :MVKMRME RAPPAHANNOCK RECORD .YRID5 Magic Tree Service & Crane Work Rappahannock Record Deadlines Display Advertising: Monday @ 5 p.m. Tree removal, tree topping, tree pruning, stump grinding, hazardous tree take down, crane and bucket work. Classified Advertising: Tuesday @ NOON News: Tuesday @ NOON Fully Licensed & Insured Free Estimates 804.435.1701 Call Magic Tree Service Inc. 804-462-5577 WX ERRYEP %RXMUYI %YXSQSFMPI WLS[ EX 7XER´W (EMV] *VII^I ERH 7OEXIPERH MR 1SRXVSWWEXXVEGXWZILMGPIW Antique auto club covers lots of ground May 2014 was an especially busy month for members of the Northern Neck Region of the Antique Automobile Club of America. Two very big events were held as well as a few smaller ones, reported president Ward Sevila. The week of May 13-16, the region hosted its second AACA National Tour, with 100 members from 11 states attending, some as far away as Texas and Michigan. Mike and Joan Huffman drove their 1935 Auburn from their home in Hudsonville, Mich., said Sevila. Highlights of the tour included a leisurely trip through King & Queen County with stops at two historic churches and an afternoon at King & Queen Courthouse, he continued. The tour covered back roads of Richmond County and Warsaw with visits to Sabine Hall, Mt. Airy, Menokin and the Jones Home. On the final day, members traveled up and down the Rappahannock River on the Capt. Thomas with narration of early American history by Essex County Museum docent Howard Reisinger, said Sevila. They spent a leisurely afternoon in downtown Tappahan- nock, where the 49 antique cars were on display. The Town of Tappahannock even brought out an antique fire truck, he said. After a quick lunch, local musician Michael Burgess entertained folks. Later Essex Museum host Joan Moore had her group’s docents lead everyone on a walking tour through town explaining the history of the many homes, buildings, churches and waterfront attractions of days gone by. The week began and ended with banquets with AACA National president Micky Bohne remarking that the country roads reminded her so much of her youth back in West Pike, Pa. The region closed the month with its 21st annual Antique Automobile show at Stan’s Dairy Freeze and Skateland in Montross, the largest show in years with 121 cars in attendance, said Sevila. There were fun games and events, with music by Cold Steel Country. Raffle winners were: first, generator , Gary Deckers, King George; second, table, chair and BBQ grill set, Bob Pickeral, Southern Maryland; third, $100 cash, John Harmon from Jetersville. Other awards included tro- Virginia State Parks enjoy record-setting Memorial Day weekend Virginia State Parks had a record-setting Memorial Day weekend in large part thanks to great weather and a statewide case of cabin fever. Both attendance and revenue for the 36-park system reached new highs, eclipsing previous records set in 2012. “We’re delighted so many people chose to enjoy the great weather and shake off the effects of a long winter by visiting their Virginia State Parks,” said Clyde Cristman, director of the Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR). “This strong turnout shows that these parks are an attractive part of Virginia’s tourism mix and an important part of their communities.” DCR manages the Virginia State Park system. The more than 330,000 visits over the extended weekend are a 30% increase over last year’s Memorial Day weekend. The state park system collected more than $700,000 for camping, cabin rental, parking, swimming, boat rental and other visitorrelated fees over the weekend, besting the 2012 total of approximately $688,000. “Perhaps the best part is that it appears everyone had a safe and fun weekend in the parks,” said state parks director Joe Elton. “By all accounts our staff did an outstanding job in being gracious hosts. This all bodes well for the upcoming season.” PIT STOP :MVKMRME1SXSV7TIIH[E] .YRIVIWYPXW 0EXIQSHIPW - First, Billy Hubbard; second, Justin Williams; and third,Tim Shelton. 4VSPEXIQSHIPW - First, Bobby Thompson; second, Corey Almon; and third, Joe Ender. 7TSVXWQIR - First, Jeremiah Marshall; second, Junior Carter; and third, Hunter Shelton. 1SHM½IHW - First, Mike Reynolds; second, Matt Quade; and third, Matt Marshall. 0MQMXIHWXSGOW - First, Bobby Curtis; second, James Givens; and third, Stephen Childress. 9TGSQMRKWGLIHYPI June 14: No races. June 21: Fifth annual Down & Dirty Mud Mayhem. Mud bog to feature nine classes from stock to unlimited. (VMS is at 4426 Tidewater Trail in Jamaica, eight miles north of Saluda. Gates and registration open at 9 a.m. Registration and inspection ends at 11 a.m. Single eliminations begin at noon. ) phies and plaques given out to winners in 14 separate classes as well as Top Sponsor Award, Linda Townsend, Heathsville, 1967 Rambler Rogue Convertible; Oldest , Hiram Lahman, Farnham, 1922 Ford Truck; Mayor’s Choice, Bill Clifton, Fredericksburg, 1951 Ford; Stan’s Choice, James and Marsha Benya, Waldorf, Md., 1957 Thunderbird; Best Show Antique, Larry Dawson, Lancaster, 1970 Challenger; Best of Show Custom, Ann Thompson, Heathsville, 1951 Mercury Woodie; and Best Rat Rod, Mike Arensen, Lancaster, 1952 Ford Truck. The Northern Neck Region, AACA greatly appreciates the many businesses, serving the Northern Neck communities and beyond, for supporting the show, said Sevila. Special thanks to Stan Schoppe for allowing us to use his business facilities. To join Northern Neck Region car club or our events, contact Sevila at wsevila@msn. com, 580-4177. Town of Irvington NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to Section 15.2-2506 of the Code of Virginia that the Irvington Town Council will have a second reading for the proposed 2014-2015 Budget at a special town council meeting on Thursday, June 26th, 2014, at 7:30 P.M., at 235 Steamboat Road, Irvington, Virginia. The council will vote on the budget at this meeting. A copy of the proposed budget is available for review at the Town 6MÄJL^LLRKH`ZMYVT !(4[V!74 ;OLWYVWVZLKI\KNL[PZHZMVSSV^Z! ,?7,5+0;<9,:! 6WLYH[PUN,_WLUZLZ Community Support ;V\YPZT7YVTV[PVU +LKPJH[LK*HWP[HS 0TWYV]LTLU[ *In & Out Expenditures (See Corresponding Revenue) Total Expenditures 9,=,5<,:! General Fund 9L]LU\LZ *In & Out Revenues (See Corresponding Expenditure) Total Revenues 2013-2014 2014-2015 (WWYVWYPH[LK 7YVWVZLK Comparison $38,000.00 $143,298.00 $38,000.00 $152,024.00 $ 0.00 $ 8,726.00 $ 38,000.00 $143,298.00 $ 38,000.00 $152,024.00 $ 0.00 $ 8,726.00 COUNTY OF LANCASTER, VIRGINIA NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING PROPOSED FISCAL YEAR 2014-15 BUDGET In accordance with Section 15.2-2506 of the Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended, the Lancaster County Board of Supervisors shall hold a public hearing at its regular meeting on Thursday, June 19, 2014, at 7:00 p.m. in the Board Meeting Room of the Lancaster County Administration Building, 8311 Mary Ball Road, Lancaster, =PYNPUPH [V YLJLP]L JVTTLU[Z MYVT [OL W\ISPJ VU [OL WYVWVZLK 3HUJHZ[LY *V\U[` )\KNL[ MVY [OL ÄZJHS `LHY beginning July 1, 2014 and ending on June 30, 2015 (FY15). All citizens of Lancaster County are invited to attend the public hearing and to state their views thereon. A copy of the complete proposed budget is available MVYPUZWLJ[PVUK\YPUNYLN\SHYVMÄJLOV\YZVM[OL*V\U[`(KTPUPZ[YH[VY»Z6MÄJL4HY`)HSS9VHK3HUJHZ[LY Virginia and is posted on the county website at www.lancova.com. ;OL MVSSV^PUN I\KNL[ Z`UVWZPZ L_JLW[ MVY [OL W\ISPJ ZJOVVSZ I\KNL[ PZ MVY PUMVYTH[PVU HUK ÄZJHS WSHUUPUN purposes only. In no case, including the public schools budget, shall this budget synopsis or its approval be deemed an appropriation. Actual allocation of funds shall be made by appropriation by the Board of Supervisors. PROPOSED OPERATING BUDGET FY14 FY15 Increase / (Decrease) $5,399,336 $4,257,447 ($1,141,889) General Property Taxes Other Lancaster County Taxes Commonwealth of Virginia Funds Federal Government Funds School Operating Revenues School Cafeteria Revenues Total Revenues $14,921,000 2,775,700 3,408,962 546,707 4,408,634 585,000 $26,646,003 $14,971,000 2,780,000 3,446,962 588,060 4,481,312 616,600 $26,883,934 $50,000 4,300 38,000 41,353 72,678 31,600 $237,931 Total Revenues & Funds All Sources $32,045,339 $31,141,381 ($903,958) Beginning of Fiscal Year Revenues Expenditures General Government Courts Public Safety Public Works Health & Welfare Education (Non-Public Schools) Recreation & Cultural Activities Community Development Non-Departmental School Operations School Cafeteria Debt Service Capital Improvements Total Expenditures by Function Fund Balance End of Fiscal Year $1,290,570 695,593 4,298,422 1,124,106 2,547,820 6,536 182,595 447,247 66,925 14,834,118 585,000 1,122,060 586,900 $27,787,892 $1,318,962 707,116 4,547,795 1,159,363 2,537,916 6,817 182,595 448,942 66,925 15,187,728 616,600 1,124,757 793,260 $28,698,776 $28,392 11,523 249,373 35,257 (9,904) 281 0 1,695 0 353,610 31,600 2,697 206,360 $910,884 $4,257,447 $2,442,606 ($1,814,842) Women on Target Clinic set In accordance with the aforementioned Virginia Code section, the Board of Supervisors shall wait at least seven (7) GD\VIROORZLQJWKHSXEOLFKHDULQJEHIRUHLWFRQVLGHUVDGRSWLRQRIWKHSURSRVHGEXGJHWZLWKRUZLWKRXWPRGLÀFDWLRQ The Rappahannock Pistol and Rifle Club will host a Women on Target Clinic in association with the Women of the NRA on September 20 at the RPRC Shooting Range, 640 Blueberry Point Road, White Stone. This clinic is open to all women, ages 18 and older regardless of any firearm experience, reported clinic director Pepper Mann. Women will have the choice of two out of three disciplines, including the .22 rifle, .22 pistol and 20-gauge shotgun. The clinic will offer one-on-one instruction on how to safely handle and shoot firearms, said Mann. Sign up at rprclub.com, [email protected], or call Mann at 435-3859. 7KH%RDUGRI6XSHUYLVRUVPD\VHWUXOHVJRYHUQLQJWKHFRQGXFWRIWKHSXEOLFKHDULQJ :ULWWHQFRPPHQWVPD\EHVXEPLWWHGWRWKH&RXQW\$GPLQLVWUDWRUҋV2IÀFHDW0DU\%DOO5RDG/DQFDVWHU9$ E\IDFVLPLOHDWRUGXULQJWKHSXEOLFKHDULQJ )UDQN$3OHYD &RXQW\$GPLQLVWUDWRUUHJXODUEXVLQHVVKRXUVWHOHSKRQH )UDQN$3OHYD&RXQW\$GPLQLVWUDWRU June 5, 2t D6 .YRI RAPPAHANNOCK RECORD /MPQEVRSGO:MVKMRME Scholarship fundraiser concludes The Freedoms Foundation, Mary Ball Washington chapter, recently concluded its scholarship fundraiser of selling blueberry bushes. All bushes have been sold with all proceeds going towards providing full funding of scholarships for area high school juniors to attend the Spirit of America Youth Leadership Conference next spring at Valley Forge, said president Gerry Waring. The chapter thanks Brian Major and his staff at Rivah Students tour farm museum )RXSQSPSKMWX (EZMH 7LVMZIV VMKLX I\TPEMRW XLI MQTSVXERGISJFIRI½GMEPMRWIGXW Students build insect hotel Northumberland Kindergarten students recently participated in a tour of the Northern Neck Farm Museum where they had an opportunity to complete a craft, listen to a story relating to farming, and tour the facility. The Master Gardeners were delighted to have the students do a walk-through of their garden on the grounds and observe and learn about vegetables, fruits and flowers in various stages of development, reported administrative assistant Frances Stoughton. The museum, in cooperation with a grant from The Nettie Lokey Wiley and Charles L. Wiley Foundation, looks forward each spring and fall to open their facility to the students, said Stoughton. Each year, over 500 children participate in museum tours learning about Northern Neck agriculture in the past and present. one student that will provide a safe dry home. Each of the four fifth-grade classes made signs that they autographed for each of their decorated sections. The signs read, “Home Tweet Home,” “There’s No Place Like Home,” “Home Is Where The Heart Is” and “Honey, I’m Home,” which was decorated with a bee. A large sign marking and describing the project was installed by Scoutmaster Bob Parker and his son, Ryan. Special thanks go to Carol Lee Bowman, the daughter of garden club president, Patsy Sylvia, who initiated the idea for the insect hotel which Sylvia then took on as her “President’s Project,” said Walker. Club members and students were excited at the end of the day to find that a few bees had already arrived to check out the potential habitat, she said. The now completed insect hotel is dedicated to the school in honor of this year’s fifth-graders. Northumberland Elemen.EGSF1,IEHPI] tary School invited mem4LSXSF]=SYVW8VYP]4LSXSKVETL] bers of the Chesapeake Bay Garden Club to their graduation program, where students gave a special tribute to the club for helping them build the insect hotel, the butterfly Jacob Michael Headley of garden and a vegetable garden White Stone has accepted memat the school. bership in The National Society of Collegiate Scholars (NSCS). COUNTY OF LANCASTER, VIRGINIA “NSCS is more than just a symbol of academic achieveNOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ment. Membership gives students PROPOSED TAX LEVIES access to a number of amazing FOR CALENDAR YEAR 2014 benefits including career and networking resources, scholarships, In accordance with Section 15.2-1427 of the Code travel, and service projects both of Virginia, 1950, as amended, the Lancaster County on campus and in the commuBoard of Supervisors shall conduct a public hearing nity,” said founder and chief execto receive citizen comment on and to consider a utive officer Stephen E. Loflin. proposed ordinance setting the calendar year 2014 NSCS is a member of the tax levies on Thursday, June 19, 2014, at 7:00 p.m. Association of College Honor in the Board Meeting Room of the Lancaster County Societies and is the nation’s only Administration Building, 8311 Mary Ball Road, interdisciplinary honors organiLancaster, Virginia. The proposed ordinance reads zation for first-year and secondas follows: year college students. Membership is by invitation only, based on grade point average and class Beginning January 1, 2014 until December 31, 2014 standing. the following tax rates shall apply in Lancaster County, Virginia: On May 20 the Chesapeake Bay Garden Club assisted the Northumberland Elementary School’s 110 fifth-graders, under the direction of lead science teacher, Becky Crowther, in completing the building of an “insect hotel” on school property near the entry way to the nature trail and outdoor classroom. Boy Scout Troop 250 of Callao offered additional assistance. The purpose of the project is to demonstrate to students that in providing the right habitat, the number of beneficial insects can be increased, said garden club publicity chairman Katie Walker. Some wild invertebrates, such as bumblebees and solitary bees, are declining in numbers in the wider countryside, so by improving their habitat, folks can contribute to their conservation. Entomologist and garden club member David Shriver spoke to the students about beneficial insects and the importance of their available food and habitat in enabling them to be robust, disease resistant, efficient pollinators. Students, parents and garden club members contributed materials, including bamboo, pine cones, bricks, broken pottery, cardboard, old wood, straw and even an old torn baseball offered by Jacob Headley joins NSCS Real Estate - $0.55 per $100 of assessed value Personal Property Motor Vehicles - $2.04 per $100 of assessed value All Other Personal Property - $1.52 per $100 of assessed value Machinery and Tools - $1.52 per $100 of assessed value Merchant’s Capital - $1.00 per $100 of assessed value discounted by 50% PUBLIC SERVICE CORPORATIONS Real Estate - $0.55 per $100 of assessed value Personal Property Motor Vehicles - $2.04 per $100 of assessed value All Other Personal Property - $1.52 per $100 of assessed value The calendar year 2013 real estate tax levies or rates were $0.50 per $100 of assessed value. No other changes to the existing tax levies are proposed. The Board of Supervisors may set rules governing the conduct of the public hearing. Written comments may be submitted to the County (KTPUPZ[YH[VY»Z 6MÄJL H[ 4HY` )HSS 9VHK Lancaster 22503, by facsimile at (804) 462-0031 or may be presented during the public hearing. A hard copy of the proposed ordinance is available for public inspection at the County Administrator’s 6MÄJL K\YPUN YLN\SHY I\ZPULZZ OV\YZ" [LSLWOVUL! (804) 462-5129. It is also posted on the county’s website at www.lancova.com. Frank A. Pleva County Administrator June 5-2t Birch Nursery for ordering the bushes and for their helpful advice, said Waring. Additionally, the chapter thanks all who purchased bushes or made donations for this project. The chapter’s mission is civics education aimed at high school NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY, VIRGINIA PROPOSED BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR COMMENCING JULY 1, 2014 AND ENDING JUNE 30, 2015 Notice is hereby given pursuant to Chapter 11, 15.2-2204 of the Code of =PYNPUPH;OPZI\KNL[Z`UVWZPZPZWYLWHYLKHUKW\ISPZOLKMVYPUMVYTH[P]LHUKÄZJHS planning purposes only. In no event shall this publication be deemed to be an appropriation of funds. Actual appropriation of funds will be made by the Board of Supervisors on a monthly and/or annual basis. A public hearing will be held by the Northumberland County Board of Supervisors on this budget on June 19, 2014 at 7:00 P.M. in the Northumberland County Courts Building, 39 Judicial Place, Heathsville, Virginia. The public hearing is being held pursuant to Section 15.2-2506 of the Code of Virginia, 1950 as amended, allowing the public to question and comment on the proposed budget. This WYVWVZLKI\KNL[YLÅLJ[ZH[OYLLJLU[ZPUJYLHZLPU[OL[H_YH[LMYVT[V HM[LY[OLYH[LPZHKQ\Z[LKMVY[OLYLHZZLZZTLU[ Approved Proposed FY 14 FY 15 EST. BEGINNING UNDESIGNATED GENERAL FUND BALANCE: $ 6,400,000 AUCTION – WATERFRONT ESTATE 4BR/4BA, 5,200± SF Luxury Custom Home 3± AC, 4,480± SF Triple-Bay Boathouse. 90 Crane’s Landing Rd., Heathsville, VA ON-SITE SALE: JUNE #30ZZZPRWOH\VFRP 1-877-MOTLEYS VA16 EHO AUCTION – BALTIMORE CITY 10 INCOME PRODUCING COMMERCIAL PROPERTIES Retail/ 2I¿FH %OGJ 'XSOH[ 3RUWIROLR Unit Apt Bldg, 4-Story Brownstone, 3 Bankruptcies. SALE: JUNE 24 @ 2PM Brookshire Suites, Baltimore, MD. www. PRWOH\VFRP027/(<6 AUCTION – WATERFRONT HOMES. 1)135 Cobbs Hall Ln, Kilmarnock, VA ON-SITE SALE: 6/27 @ 2PM. 2)811&825 King Carter Dr., Irvington, VA ON-SITE SALE: 6/27 @ 4PM. ZZZPRWOH\VFRP 5397 VA16 EHO On-Site Estate Auction Saturday, June 14 -10 a.m. 2596 Elk Island Road, Columbia, Va. 23038 (Goochland County) 13-room farm house of antiques, furniture, collectibles, personal property www.tilmansauction.com for information, VAL #348 0HGLFDO2I¿FH7UDLQHHV1HHGHG Train to become a Medical Office Assistant. No ExperiHQFH 1HHGHG 7UDLQLQJ -RE 3ODFHPHQW DYDLODEOH DW &7, HS Diploma/GED & computer $ 6,400,000 REVENUE ESTIMATES: Local Sources ................................................ Other Local Sources ...................................... State & Federal Sources................................. Subtotal Revenues.......................................... 16,242,000 3,378,280 10,053,268 29,673,548 16,769,430 4,509,960 9,944,210 31,223,600 TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES .................. General Government Administration.............. Judicial Administration .................................. Public Safety................................................... Public Works................................................... Health and Welfare.......................................... Education........................................................ Parks, Recreation and Culture........................ Community Development............................... Non-departmental........................................... Subtotal Estimated Expenditures .................. Undesignated General Fund Balance............. 1,583,484 826,862 3,999,777 1,227,551 3,151,554 16,549,908 160,000 470,168 2,458,932 30,428,236 5,645,312 1,479,845 804,961 4,715,408 1,256,843 2,485,838 17,974,782 188,432 406,155 4,522,531 33,834,795 3,788,805 TOTAL ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES & FUND BALANCE........................................ EXPENDITURE ESTIMATES: TAX RATES ;OL)VHYKVM:\WLY]PZVYZWYVWVZLZ[OH[[OLSVJHS[H_SL]PLZMVY[OLÄZJHS year ending June 30, 2015 be as follows: Real Estate.....................$0.49 cents per $100 of assessed valuation. Personal Property...........$3.60 at a 40% assessment ratio of NADA Machinery & Tools..........$3.60 at a 25% assessment ratio of original cost, 1st year. Machinery & Tools..........$3.60 at a 10% assessment ratio of original cost, 2nd year. Merchants Capital..........$1.00 at a 50% assessment ratio of original cost. ************************************************************** (JVW`VM[OLJVTWSL[LWYVWVZLKI\KNL[PZVUÄSLPU[OL6MÄJLVM[OL*V\U[`(Kministrator, Old County Courthouse, 72 Monument Place, Heathsville, Virginia and on the county’s web site. Published by Order of the Board of Supervisors for Northumberland County, Virginia. Northumberland County Board of Supervisors By: Kenneth D. Eades Ronald L. Jett, Chairman County Administrator Richard F. Haynie, Vice-Chairman A. Joseph Self, Sr James M. Long Thomas H. Tomlin June 12-1t HOW DO YOU REACH MORE THAN These ads reach over 4 million Virginia readers for only $275. juniors who are academically motivated and show a strong interest in U.S. history, she said. Scholarships are offered competitively each academic year to juniors from Middlesex High, Lancaster High and Northumberland High. 4 MILLION READERS FOR ONLY $275? needed. 1-888-424-9419. DRIVERS-CDL TRAINING VW<HDU5RDnoke 540-857-6188 or Spotsylvania 540-582-8200. 4 Weeks or 10 Weekends. Guaranteed Financing and Job Placement Assistance Available. Veterans Welcome 1-800-646-2374. AVERITT EXPRESS New Pay ,QFUHDVH )RU 5HJLRQDO 'ULYHUV &30)XHO%RQXV$OVR Post-Training Pay Increase for 6WXGHQWV'HSHQGLQJRQ'RPLcile) Get Home EVERY Week + ([FHOOHQW %HQH¿WV &'/$ UHT 888-362-8608 Apply @ AverittCareers.com Equal Opportunity Employer – Females, minorities, protected veterans, and individuals with disabilities are encouraged to apply. REGIONAL TRACTORTRAILER DRIVERS $1200$1350 Weekly. Regional MidAtlantic area. Work 5 days, off every weekend. Health & Life Insurance, 401K & Pension plan, paid holidays & vacation. Requires good MVR & DOT record, min 2 yrs experience, Hazmat within 30 days. Houff Transfer Weyers Cave, Winchester, Richmond, Baltimore, Md. Apply at: www.houff.com 877-234-9233 'ULYHU7UDLQHHV QHHGHG 1R H[SHULHQFH QHHGHG /HDUQ WR GULYHDWUXFNDW6KLSSHUV&KRLFH -REUHDG\LQZHHNV*RRGSD\ EHQH¿WV Paying Drivers $1.29-$1.38 per PLOH4XDOLW\'ULYH$ZD\,QFLV hiring drivers to run nationwide from its Creedmoor, NC location. Pay advances, quick settlements, non-forced dispatch, tolls DQG SHUPLWV UHLPEXUVHG &DOO today at 866-764-1601 or apply RQOLQHDW4XDOLW\'ULYH$ZD\FRP CDL DRIVER TRAINING CLASS A&B. Blue Ridge Community College. MORE training miles DW ORZHU WUDLQLQJ FRVWV 48$/ITY instruction. Job placement College Financial Aid Available. 540-820-6816 / 8 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. CENTRAL VIRGINIA- 3 ACRES of tall hardwoods - dead end road between I-64 and Louisa. Buy QRZEXLOGODWHU2ZQHU¿QDQFing - nothing down. $49,900. 540- 487-0480 MOUNTAIN LAND - 16 ACRES at end of private paved road in Amherst County. High up - with view. Fabulous homesiteWRWDO SULYDF\ 2ZQHU ¿QDQFLQJ $129,900. 540-487-0480 LAKEFRONT - 4 ACRES of tall hardwoods. Fronts 22 acre private lake. Peace and quiet in Central Virginia. $135,900. Buy QRZEXLOGODWHU2ZQHU¿QDQFing. 434-534-5161. BEST BUY ON LAND - Half acre 1 phone call. Call Rappahannock Record at 804-435-1701 or 1-800-435-1701. 1 bit of paperwork: Just write your ad copy and ZULWHFKHFN7KDW·VLW 1 price: Just $275 for 25 words ($10 each on paved road near Danville. OK for doublewide. NO down payment, NO credit check, No closing costs. $10,900. 540294-3826 Nursing Careers begin here – Get trained in months, not years. Small classes, no wait list. Financial aid for qualified students. Appy now at Centura College Norfolk 888-893-3477. WELDING CAREERS – Hands on training for career opportunities in shipbuilding, automotive, manufacturing and more. FinanFLDO DLG IRU TXDOL¿HG VWXGHQWV Job placement assistance. CALL Tidewater Tech 888-205-1735. AIRLINE CAREERS begin here – Get FAA approved Aviation Maintenance Technician training. Housing and Financial Aid for qualified students. Job placement assistance. SCHEV Certi¿HG&$//$,0 SAWMILLS from only $4397.00MAKE & SAVE MONEY with your own bandmill- Cut lumber any dimension. In stock ready to ship. FREE Info/DVD: www. NorwoodSawmills.com 1-800578-1363 Ext.300N DIVORCE – Uncontested, $350 + $88 court cost. No court appearance required. Estimated completion time twenty-one days. All telephone inquiries welcome with no obligation. Hilton Oliver, Attorney. 757-490-0126. /MPQEVRSGO :MVKMRME RAPPAHANNOCK RECORD .YRID7 Larry Chowning’s new book on Deltaville is published On June 16, Arcadia Publishing of Charleston, S.C., will release Images of America: Deltaville, a historical pictorial book on the community of Deltaville. Author Larry Chowning of Urbanna has compiled nearly 200 images and copy in this eight-chapter, 128-page book. A book signing will be held June 20-21 at the Donovan Masonic Lodge next to Zoar Baptist Church in Deltaville. The June 20 signing will be from 1 to 6 p.m. and the June 21 signing from 10 a.m to 4 p.m. Chowning also will have a story hour from 1 to 2 p.m. on June 21 where he will relate stories of old Deltaville that involve his many interviews with such community notables as Lee and Ed Deagle, Capt. Johnny Ward, Jesse Hurd, Lewis Wright, Edmond, Talmadge and Duck Ruark, Willis and Elizabeth Wilson, Hugh and Dorothy Norris, Edna Deagle Shackelford, Molly (Crab) Weston, the Walden Brothers, Edmond Harrow Sr., Paul and Robert Green, Milton, Floyd and Melvin Ward, Alvin Sibley and Randolph Norton. For over 30 years Chowning has covered the Del- taville area as a Southside Sentinel reporter. However, he first started reporting on Deltaville in 1980 covering the boatbuilding beat for National Fisherman Magazine. In 1986 he was named a Mid-Atlantic field editor for National Fisherman, taking over the job long held by veteran journalist John Frye. As the baton was being passed, Frye told Chowning, “There are two things you need to know about this job. You will know it is time to give it up when you can’t get on and off the boats any more and, secondly, you live near Deltaville where there are some of the best boatbuilders in the United States and some of the finest people I’ve ever known.” The chapter “Boatbuilding and Boats” features most of the active boatbuilders of the 1980s and is an accumulation of years of Chowning photographing boat launchings, builders and boats. Bryan Miller, Chip Collamore and other non-wood boatbuilders, along with the wooden boatbuilders, are well represented. The book also addresses early colonial settlement and history, including education, This image of Stingray Point Hotel was provided by Edmond Harrow Jr. and is one of nearly 200 images in the new book Images of America: Deltaville to be released on June 16. religion, steamboats, the lighthouse, vegetable-packing businesses, and commercial freighting in sailing schooners and powered buyboats. “Most importantly,” said Chowning, “The book highlights the many people who have lived in the Deltaville community.” With every project there is a favorite story. Willard and Shirley (Harrow) Norris were extremely helpful in the book project, said Chowning. “Shirley had a great deal of image material spanning several generations of the Harrow family who lived on Lovers Lane,” he said. “One image she provided was of the 1937 second-grade class at Deltaville School appearing on page 73. Willard and Shirley were able to identify the entire class. However, as they were figuring out each student’s name, Willard strug- gled to identify one of the students. Shirley asked to look at it. She looked at it closely and then looked at Willard and said, ‘For Lord sake, Willard, that’s you!’ “ Also, there was a restriction on the number of words used for the dedication to the book. “My first dedication was rejected because the word count was too big,” said Chowning. “However, I think the one that is published truly speaks to why I took on this project.” The dedication reads: “Dedicated to Hugh and Dorothy Norris and Willis and Elizabeth Wilson. They inspired and encouraged me to write and learn of the waterman’s culture and taught me how wonderful and giving the people are in the Deltaville community; and to the lifelong relationship between my mother Emily Chowning and Mildred Ward Ailsworth that brought our families together in the 1950s on those hot, sweet July days at the beach on Stove Point, with delicious peanut butter and jelly sandwiches sprinkled with sand, and canning jars filled with all you could drink iced tea. Those memories of the sounds of summer, the touch of sand, wind and water on Fishing Bay, and those far away voices of my childhood have enriched my life and greatly contributed to this book on Deltaville!” Images of America: Deltaville sells for $21.99 and will be available for purchase at stores in Deltaville and online. From 1 to 4 p.m. June 22, Chowning will be at Make Thyme on Prince George Street in Urbanna. Business & Professional Directory Advertise in the Business and Professional Directory and receive special rates. $8.00 per col. Inch. (3-week run); $7.50 per col inch (8-week run). There is no minimum or maximum size requirement. Please call 1-800-435-1701 or 804-435-1701 or fax your ad to us at 435-2632. The Business and Professional Directory advertising deadline is 5:00 p.m. Friday. PLUMBING Licensed Class A Contractor 462-7040 Ray’s Roofing & Exterior Trim JERRY WEBER License d & Insured FREE s te Estima GOT NEWS? [email protected] Tu e s d a y s a t n o o n 435-2827 Allison’s Seamless Gutters LeafProof Your Gutters and Downspouts and Never Clean Them Again! 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The gathering was for members of the community to meet and mingle with others who have common interests and clientele—those who provide medical, psychological, spiritual, legal and complementary services in the Northern Neck and Middle Peninsula. Diana Jamison, a therapist and chairman of the Helpers and Healers Gathering committee was pleased that the Robert B. Lantz Foundation, sponsor of the evening, was able to have several of their board members in attendance. “The grant awarded by the Lantz Foundation has helped the Bay Center to enhance this event, enabling increased networking within our medical, clerical and psychological community,” said Jamison. “The Bay Center believes this type of collaboration increases community spirit and pro- %RKIPE,EVH](YRGER motes their mission of offering hospitality.” The Lantz Foundation’s vision and mission is: To provide viable and relevant educational and charitable support to the clerical, pastoral and health care workers of the Northern Neck of Virginia and surrounding area, including the Middle Peninsula. The foundation supports the Bay Center’s “A Year of Health and Wellness for Helping and Healing Professionals.” The Rev. Dr. Angela S. Hardy-Duncan was the guest speaker for the evening. *VSQ PIJX EVI %RKIPE ,EVH](YRGER /EXLIVMRI 0ERX^ ERH'SPPIIR)PPMW “Those who work in helping and healing professions must include themselves in the circle of caring,” said Rev. Dr. Hardy-Duncan. “We cannot work in a vacuum by ourselves; we are part of a network of care; unless we care for the caregivers, their health, or the lack thereof, will prevent them from assisting others.” She serves as assistant chairman and assistant pro- fessor in the School of Allied Health professions, Department of Patient Counseling at Virginia Commonwealth University. She also serves as the manager of Bereavement Services and the faculty chaplain for The Pauley Heart Center at the Virginia Commonwealth University Health System. “A gathering such as this enhances the outcome of referrals and builds our community %GVS[HSJ±LIPTIVWERHLIEPIVW²KEXLIVIHSRXLIPE[R .YRI EX XLI &E] 'IRXIV MR /MPQEVRSGO JSV XLI ERRYEP VEPP] by bringing together all those ‘Helpers and Healers’ who offer so many diverse types of services,” said Jamison. Those who came were asked to bring business cards to share. Refreshments were provided through donations and discounted costs from Blue Water Seafood, Ingleside Winery, Good Luck Cellars and Bay Trust Company. Master Naturalist Tom Teeples helps preserve natural heritage by Larry Mazzeno O n a warm day in late May six residents from Rappahannock Westminster-Canterbury climbed off a small bus at the entrance to Hickory Hollow just west of Kilmarnock. The nature preserve owned by the local Audubon chapter is a sea of green overhead, its trails covered with the remnants of last year’s leaves and newly sprouting plants, many of them poison oak or ivy. The temperature and humidity promise a morning of discomfort. None of that seems to bother anyone in the group. Fellow RW-C resident Tom Teeples, Master Naturalist and past president of the Northern Neck Audubon Society, is guiding them through property he helped to save from the developer’s bulldozer 15 years ago. Teeples explains to his neighbors that Hickory Hollow now covers 250 acres, but the original tract included land occupied by Lancaster High School, the county animal shelter and the county dump. As the group walks the trail, Teeples points out the many species of flora lining the path. Noth- where he worked in computers for George Washington University and the MITRE Corporation. When he retired, he decided to pursue an interest long felt but seldom practiced. “Although I grew up on a farm outside Smyrna, Tenn., I left home after high school and went to the big city— and never looked back. Moving to this area gave me a chance to get outdoors and learn about the natural world that has always fascinated me,” he says. They moved into the small house on Bluff Point that they had purchased in 1988 as a vacation home. He joined the Audubon chapter and ended up serving two terms as president. In 1999, Lancaster County officials were planning to -R LMW IPIQIRX 8SQ 8IITPIW PIEHW E LMOI EX ,MGOSV] designate the area an indus,SPPS[2EXYVEP%VIE4VIWIVZI trial development zone. Teeples and others decided ing seems to escape his eye, century the area was the site that should not happen. “We from the giant hickory to tiny of a logging operation. The agreed to put up some of the native orchids, ivies and run- path into the nature preserve money we had available to ning cedar. was originally the logging us and seek a grant from the “Was this the poor farm?” road, he added. State to purchase the land someone asks. Teeples said the person from the county,” he said. “Yes, it was,” Teeples who first recognized the In exchange for grant replies. In the 19th century ecological value of Hickory money, the Audubon agreed people too poor to pay taxes Hollow was retired forestry to make the site a designated were sent to this land and official Henry Bayshore. natural area preserve. The made to farm. In the 20th “Although the land was site cannot be developed in owned by the county, Henry perpetuity. personally maintained trails Teeples took his group here beginning in the 1960s,” down a steep path to the he said. edge of a tiny stream where Hickory Hollow became sunlight glistened off the a special place for Teeples water. “Look here,” he tells after he moved to the them, pointing off the trail at Northern Neck. He and a yellow globe hanging from his wife, Paula, married in a slender green reed. 1955, raised three sons in “This is the Kentucky the Washington, D.C., area yellow lady slipper. It’s a ‘disjunct’—there are no others growing within six hundred miles. How this plant came to find a home in the woods outside Kilmarnock is anybody’s guess,” he said. If anyone could make an educated guess, it would be Teeples. In 2007 he was in the first Master Naturalist course offered on the Northern Neck. This group of educators, scientists and stewards helps Virginia manage its natural resources. It was during this rigorous 40-hour program of classroom instruction and field work that Jane Henley first met Teeples. “I learned quickly that Tom is knowledgeable about virtually every aspect of the natural world, and he has a gift for explaining things in a way that makes you laugh while you learn,” she said. Since moving to RW-C in 2012, Teeples has become active in creating nature trails on the campus. His Campus Nature Trail allows those who experience difficulty walking to enjoy a dozen examples of nature’s beauty right along hardsurfaced paths. He has marked interesting exhibits along both the Wood Duck and Beaver Dam Nature Trails that run through the woods on RW-C’s 165-acre property. On his explorations in the woods at RW-C Teeples has come upon three massive trees that date back approximately 200 years. He speculates that a farm house once stood on the site. “I just find it exciting to get out and discover things,” he said. Teeples also maintains a network of bluebird boxes at RW-C, cleaning them out annually and making weekly checks to make sure new eggs are hatched and new birds are able to “fledge” (develop wings for flight). Recently, however, he’s suffered what might be described a minor setback in this project. Henley, who helps Teeples with the bluebird trail, said the two discovered a snake in the box right outside Teeple’s window. Of course, there were no birds. Henley is quick to note the irony, saying, “Of all the people to see his birds ousted!” Teeples’ knowledge and concern for the natural environment were evident on that hike in Hickory Hollow. He traversed forest trails for nearly two hours, resting occasionally but always keeping his group focused on their woodland surroundings. As the noon hour approached, six tired but delighted hikers climbed back on the bus. Teeples joined them, pleased that he was able to introduce more of his neighbors to a spot he considers one of the Northern Neck’s greatest blessings. Freelance writer Larry Mazzeno of Weems is a frequent contributor to the Rappahannock Record. He submits articles on behalf of several local organizations and interests. L A Z B O Y Concert support *VSQ PIJX ):& /MPQEVRSGO FVERGL QEREKIV 6IFIGGE ,YFIVXTVIWIRXWEWTSRWSVWLMTGLIGOXS*VMIRHWSJ&IPPI -WPI TEWX TVIWMHIRX 7YWMI 4MIVGI JSV XLI WIEWSR SJ 1YWMG F] XLI 6MZIV 'SRGIVXW [MPP GSRXMRYI JVSQ XS TQ.YRI.YP]ERH%YKYWXERH&VMRK XLIJEQMP]ETMGRMGERHIRNS]XLIQYWMG ANSWERS ON AGING 1]JEXLIVEKILEWZIV]PMQMXIHMRGSQI-´ZI RSXMGIH XLEX LI MWR´X FY]MRK EPP SJ XLI QIHMGEXMSRWXLEXLIRIIHW;LIR-´ZIEWOIHLMQEFSYX MX LI WE]W LI GER´X EJJSVH XS FY] LMW QIHW ERH EPWSFY]JSSH-´ZILIEVHXLEXMJLIUYEPMJMIHJSV 72%4LIQE]FIEFPIXSYWIQSVISJLMWQSRI] JSV QIHMGEXMSRW ;SYPH LI FI IPMKMFPI JSV XLI 72%4TVSKVEQ# In Virginia, the Department of Social Services’ website, commonhelp.virginia.gov, will provide questions and determine by the answers given if an individual may be eligible for assistance for different programs. You could help your father go through the questions. If it looks like your father would be eligible, the website will let you know what needs to be done next. If you or your father prefer to talk to someone about this program, you can call the SNAP Hotline in Virginia, 800552-3431, or 726-7000. For answers to questions on aging, visit seniornavigator.org. The new look of comfort® Recliners (in stock and special order) On Sale Now! Just in time for Father’s Day! th & Son, Inc o o B . F . . W CUSTOM INTERIORS 54HPU:[YLL[2PSTHYUVJR=( ^^^^MIVV[OJVT4VUKH`:H[\YKH`
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