An Extra Shot!
An Extra Shot!
LIVING IN PERU An Extra Shot September 2015 - Issue 2 Lima - Perú Señor Z, a savvy audio-visual collective An approach that wins awards ^P[OÅHPY [8] Pods up high, salt down low Bottoms Up! How do you prefer to travel? *OVVZL`V\YÅH]VY^P[O[OLZL Sacred Valley options [4] Microbreweries make macro impact on industry Regional dishes, served up! 7S\Z ^OLYL HUK OV^ [V KYPUR SPRL H SVJHS ZWP[ UV[ YLX\PYLK but friends are) For a country HZÅH]VYWHJRLK as Peru, there’s no such thing as one national dish [9] [10] This paper is from sustainably managed forests and controlled sources -XX-XX 2 September 2015 - Issue 2 Welcome to An Extra Shot! Subscribe! From the editor Meet the team Are you on the 10-day plan? That’s right, we’re talking about your diet. It may not be bikini weather, but crowds are forming along Lima’s coast. The gastronomic mammoth that is Mistura will once again intrude upon our routine of limp salads and cold sandwiches at the office, kicking us into foodie boot camp the first half of September. Carsten Korch - Founder of Living in Peru Natasha Clay - The Buzz, Lifestyle Agnes Rivera - Travel Hillary Ojeda - Food, Art & Culture Casey Workman - Contributor Contributing photographers - Parker Clifford, Sebastian Galliani, Kat Goicochea, Marco Simola Eduardo Rivera - Contributing designer Julio Cesar Vergara - Graphic designer Isabel Cáceda Mendoza - Graphic designer Unable to make it to the fair? No worries, we have dedicated this issue to the wide range of flavors that Peru has to offer. From sweet to salty, from the jungle to the mountains, this issue is sure to make you salivate. September is a great month to be in Peru - then again, when isn’t it? Salud! Sincerely, Carsten Korch Suggestions & Comments [email protected] (+51) 1221 9998 Always on the go? So is Living in Peru! Take us with you wherever you may be: the office, the rain forest, an airport bathroom stall (sometimes being interesting has its price). Sign up for the daily digital newsletter today and stay informed, stay entertained, and stay connected! Visit us at Living in Peru @Living in Peru Corrections of last month´s issue: The Art & Culture page event photos were credited to the following in the respective order: (Photo: Creative Commons by Tambako the Jaguar under CC BY 2.0) (Photo: Creative Commons by under CC BY 2.0) (Photo: Creative Commons by under CC BY 2.0) (Photo: Creative Commons by Richard Camacho under CC BY 2.0) Cover photo by Sebastian Galliani The Buzz Who wants ceviche? Peru’s first leader, José San Martín, declared a contest for the national anthem. Do you know what three objects appear on the national coat of arms? This popular seafood dish from coastal Peru is typically made from raw fish marinated with lemon or lime juice, then topped with chili peppers, onions, salt, and cilantro. The winning title was called “Marcha Nacional.” Vicuña, the Cinchona tree and a Cornucopia. Have you ever tried chirimoya? Do you know Peru’s national bird? The chirimoya is a rare heart-shaped fruit that is also known as custard apples in English. Sweet in taste, the inside is white and juicy with a creamy custard-like texture and dark seeds. Peru has over 1,800 species of birds, but the one that stands out is Peru’s national bird, the Andean cock-of-the-rock. Lomo Saltado Granadilla A favorite amongst meat lovers is the popular Peruvian dish Lomo Saltado, a type of stir fry that contains strips of beef, red onions, parsley, tomatoes, aji pepper, french fries and is typically served with a side of white tasty! This native Andean fruit is also known as sweet granadilla. It has a hard outer shell and its inside has a light green gelatinlike pulp that is surrounded by black seeds. This soft flavored fruit is a favorite amongst Peruvians. Did you know there is a fruit in Peru called Tuna? Sounds fishy right? Also known as prickly pear, the tuna fruit grows on cacti and has many different colored skins. Its flavor is similar to that of a watermelon. What colorful friend of the Manú National Park might not be so friendly after all? The Manú poison frog. This amphibian can be found in southern Peru in the drainages of the Manú, Urubamba, and the Ucayali River. Mistura Did you know that every year Peru holds the largest gastronomic food fair in all of South America? It´s called Mistura! Natasha Clay Your Gate to the World of Business LIVE A GLOBAL EXPERIENCE Discover the Full time International MBA, one of the first in LATAM to be fully taught in English that allows our students to interact with people from all over the world during the entire program. more than more than more than 11 countries represented in the classroom 09 double degree partner universities 60 EDHEC Business School, France different exchange program options Testimonial of Daniela Arce IMBA student pursuing her double degree at EDHEC. 50 years of institutional history 1 Business School in Peru (according to America Economia 2015 ranking) st ESAN accredited by: - Top Elite regional QS Global - Top 10 in LA QS top MBA - 14 in LA - AE Information Carolyn Sillau T / 3177226 extension 4716 E/ [email protected] Marisa Padilla T / 3177226 extension 4042 E/ [email protected] Alonso de Molina 1652, Monterrico, Surco. @esanperu MBAEsan You could watch the video here :LW[LTILY0ZZ\L ;9(=,3 All Skylodge photos courtesy of Natura Vive :\YL`V\JHU[YH]LS[V(YLX\PWHHUKZ[HUKH[[OLLKNL of Colca Canyon hoping to spot a condor, or you can travel to Pachar in the heart of the Sacred Valley and ZSLLWSPRLVUL N LZ[SLK IL[^LLU 6 S S H U [ H ` [ H T I V HUK <Y\IHTIH H OHUNPUN JSPMMULZ[ H^HP[Z(ÅVJRVM[OYLLPUMHJ[ 7LYJOLK V]LY MLL[ OPNO [OLZL MVV[ [YHUZWHYLU[ WVKZ HYLV\[Ä[[LK^P[OJVTM`ILKZZV `V\JHUMHSSHZSLLWNHaPUNH[[OL Z[HYZVYILYLHK`MVYHOLSPJVW[LY YLZJ\L ;HRPUN YLZLY]H[PVUZ MYVT [OYPSS ZLLRLYZ ZPUJL 7LY\IHZLK [V\Y JVTWHU` 5H[\YH =P]L»Z :R`SVKNLZ OH]L ILLU TLU[PVULK PU/\MÄUN[VU7VZ[:SH[L0UOHIP[ .PaTHN [OL +HPS` 4HPS L]LU *55 HTVUN V[OLY HJJSHPTLK WVY[HSZ ¶ Q\Z[ PU [OL SHZ[ ML^ TVU[OZ )\[ ^OH[ [OLZL YLWVY[Z JHU»[ NL[ Z[YHPNO[ PZ ^OL[OLY VY UV[ P[»Z [OL TVZ[ [LYYPM`PUN VY [OL JVVSLZ[OV[LSPU[OL^VYSK /LHKSPULZ [H\U[ HUK [LHZL JSHPTPUN ¸7LY\»Z :LL;OYV\NO 7VK /V[LS /HZ H ;LYYPM`PUNS` (^LZVTL =PL^¹ /\MÄUN[VU 7VZ[ VY ¸:R`SVKNL (K]LU[\YL :\P[LZ¶MVY[YH]LSLYZ^OV^HU[[V OHUNV\[PU7LY\¹NPaTHNHSS[OL ^OPSL LUZ\YPUN YLHKLYZ [OH[ [OPZ 7LY\]PHUZ[H`YHURZHTVUNZ[¸;OL 4VZ[ ;LYYPM`PUN /V[LS 9VVTZ PU [OL>VYSK¹;YH]LS:[HY[LY So, how does one arrive to such a thrilling spot? ,_[YLTL S\_\Y` KVLZU»[ JVTL LHZ`;OL WVKZ HYL YLHJOLK I` H TL[LYJSPTI\WHZ[LLSSHKKLY Z`Z[LT [OH[ ^PSS H[ [PTLZ YLX\PYL OVYPaVU[HS [YH]LYZPUN T\JO SPRL H [YHWLaL -VY [OVZL ^OV OH]L HZSP[[SLMHP[OPU[OLPY\WWLYIVK` Z[YLUN[O HZ H ZHUL WLYZVU MLLSZ H[ LHZL ZSLLWPUN JSPMMZPKL [OL WVKZJHUHSZVILYLHJOLK]PHHU HYK\V\Z OPRPUN [YHPS HUK ZVTL aPWSPULZ(UKVMJV\YZL[OLL_P[ OHZ [V IL ^VY[O` VM [OL SVKNPUN ZV H ZL]LU^PYL aPWSPUL Z`Z[LT PZ OV^ N\LZ[Z JHU L_WLJ[ [V [V\JOKV^U[OLUL_[TVYUPUN 0Z [OH[ [OL KL]PS ^OPZWLYPUN VU `V\Y ZOV\SKLY& 7LYOHWZ VUL VM [OL ILZ[ ^H`Z [V NL[ `V\YZLSM [V HJ[\HSS`KVZVTL[OPUNHZJYHa`HZ 0UZWPYLK I` H IVVR HIV\[ ZWHJL [YH]LS V^ULYZ (YPV -LYYP HUK 5H[HSPH 9VKYxN\La JYLH[LK [OLZL WVKZ \ZPUN HLYVZWHJL HS\TPU\T HUK OPNOYLZPZ[HUJL WVS`JHYIVUH[L YLZ\S[PUN PU H JVTWSL[LS` [YHUZWHYLU[ ZOLSS;OL PU[LYPVY JHU IL SP[ \ZPUN ZVSHY WV^LYLK LULYN` HS[OV\NO [OL ZOPUPUN Z[HYZ ZLLU [OYV\NO [OL [YHUZWHYLU[ ZOLSS PZ SPRLS` [V IL NVVK LUV\NO LU[LY[HPUTLU[ (Z ^LSS[OLWVKZHYLLX\PWWLK^P[O ¸J\Y[HPUZ MVY WYP]HJ` MYVT [OL J\YPV\ZNHaLVMWHZZPUNJVUKVYZ¹ HJJVYKPUN[V[OLIYVJO\YL “ 7,9*/,+6=,9-,,; /0./;/,:,-66; ;9(5:7(9,5;76+:(9, 6<;-0;;,+>0;/*64-@ ),+::6@6<*(5-(33 (:3,,7.(A05.(;;/, :;(9:69),9,(+@-69 (/,30*67;,99,:*<, “ Sweet dreams, salty mines JHTWJSPMMZPKLPZ[VKHYLHMYPLUK [V QVPU `V\ ,HJO VM [OL WVKZ PZ LX\PWWLK^P[OMV\YILKZHZ^LSS HZ H KPUPUN HYLH HUK IH[OYVVT ( NYV\WMYPLUKS` HK]LU[\YL `V\ JHU [HRL [OL \UH]VPKHISL MHTPS` ]HJH[PVUÄNO[Z[VX\P[LSP[LYHSS`H UL^OLPNO[ >PUNLKULPNOIVYZ&.\LZ[ZZ\YLS` HYL NP]LU H NLU\PUL L_WLYPLUJL VM [OL 7LY\]PHU (UKLZ [OH[ ^PSS YLZ\S[ PU H SHZ[PUN TLTVY` VY H ZJHYYPUNUPNO[THYL 3PRL ^L ZHPK `V\ TH` Q\Z[ ÄUK `V\YZLSM ZSLLWPUN SPRL H JVUKVY! OLHK [\YULK IHJR HUK [\JRLK IL[^LLU`V\YZOV\SKLYISHKLZ 0M ZR`OPNO Z\P[LZ KVU»[ Z\P[ `V\Y [HZ[L ULHYI` `V\ JHU IL Z\YL [V ZLLZVTL[OPUNQ\Z[HZKYLHTSPRL HSS ^OPSL RLLWPUN `V\Y MLL[ VU [OL NYV\UK >VYK VM JH\[PVU! PM `V\»YL^H[JOPUN`V\YJOVSLZ[LYVS ILJHYLM\SUV[[VZSPW 5 September 2015 - Issue 2 Located in the province of Urubamba, the district of Maras is famous for its pre-Columbian salt mines. In the slope of the Qaqawiñay mountain, some 3,200 meters above sea level, a quilt made by thousands of salt deposits is a visual feast. the keeper opens a notch on the side wall. Eventually the sunwarmed water evaporates from the 30 centimeter deep pond, leaving behind the flavorful sal de Maras. The process is upheld by the community that claims ownership. As visitors will find, teamwork is a must in order to harvest on this terrain. These ponds, full of the tiny flavor enhancer, are like a chef’s treasure chest. Just like a good recipe, the ponds have been handed down through generations of local families who care and look after them. “ While Maras might not get the limelight received by the likes of Machu Picchu and the Nazca lines, thanks to some of Peru’s high-profile chefs (including Rafael Piqueras, who named his Lima restaurant Maras), more travelers are looking to get a taste. Forty kilometers north of Cusco, these high-altitude salt ponds are no where near an ocean like most salt deposits. The surrounding Andes were long ago part of the sea floor. Salt water dripping from its veins, it seems this mountain range can’t hide where it came from. Using a technique that proved fruitful some time ago, water flows from a local subterranean stream, guided by a series of small channels that feed water into the 5 meter squared basins. Trickling down the terrace of ponds, water is allowed in only when A Mystic Experience IN THE SLOPE OF THE QAQAWIÑAY MOUNTAIN, SOME 3,200 METERS ABOVE SEA LEVEL, A QUILT MADE BY THOUSANDS OF SALT DEPOSITS IS A VISUAL FEAST “ Photos by Marco Simola Salt crystals are scraped from the walls and floor by the pond’s keeper. Once gathered into piles the crop is then bagged and hefted over the shoulders of admirable miners with some serious physical strength. Glistening in the sunlight of the Sacred Valley, the salt mine is a harmonious relationship between the hand of man and that of nature. Following the month of celebrations honoring Pachamama (Mother Earth), September is a great time to visit and test your balance walking between the individual salt pools. The Salinas de Maras have been a tourist attraction for less than a decade, however having been converted as such has had a positive impact on the local community. Entrance fees go directly to those who own and harvest the ponds. Don’t forget to pick up your bag of fresh pink salt, garlic salt and other varieties of salty snacks that are available at the top of the basins. Skylodge contact information: [email protected] Agnes Rivera 6 September 2015 - Issue 2 How to get there: There are multiple ways to arrive from Cusco to the Sacred Valley. Depending on your plans, you will either go straight from the Cusco airport or after spending some time exploring the city of Cusco, onto your journey to the Sacred Valley. In both scenarios, you can arrive to the Sacred Valley by public transport or by a travel agency. BY PUBLIC TRANSPORT BY TRAVEL AGENCY You can take a colectivo bus from the Cusco bus station or a taxi. Although Cusco is only about 40 minutes on average from the Sacred Valley, transport could take up to 1 hour and 30 minutes depending on how many stops your bus decides to take, and how fast they drive. The public buses cost about S/. 6 to get from Cusco to the Sacred Valley, depending on what part of the Valley you desire to stop. As for a taxi from Cusco, fares from the airport can reach S/. 100, while taxis from the Plaza de Armas will run you about S/. 65 to reach the Sacred Valley. Booking a travel agency to pick you up from your location in Cusco, whether it be the airport or somewhere in the city, makes planning a lot easier, but most likely more expensive. Prices will vary. [email protected] 5 EASY STEPS TO BECOME A Step 1 Step 2 Write your book Send us your book (You can do it!) ([email protected]) Step 3 We convert it an e-book (epub & mobi) w w w.y o p u b 7 September 2015 - Issue 2 Around the corner attractions HUAYPO LAGOON Located in the belly of the Sacred Valley, the Huaypo Lagoon is situated at 3,500 meters. Its beautiful water feeds local communities and surrounding fields. One of the most common roads near the lagoon is the route that connects Cusco to Chinchero. Travelers can enjoy tours that offer walks or hikes around the lagoon, kayaking, and picnics for the day. With this surreal view you may just want to sit back and relax. Who: Munaycha Experiencia Email: [email protected] Terra Explorer Peru Email: [email protected] MORAY TEMPLE OF OLLANTAYTAMBO The quiet town of Ollantaytambo is a stop that everyone should make. Like many Peruvian ruins Ollantaytambo is situated between a modernized town, the ruins can be found at an altitude of 9,160 feet. And was once home to the emperor Pachacuti Inca Yupanqui, better known today as Pachacutec. Visitors can climb the ruins to the top and enjoy a panoramic view of the town. Climbing down from the ruins travelers can also view the irrigation system that run from inside the archaeological site to outside through the market at the foot of the ruins throughout the town. While the exact purpose of these natural amphitheaters is unknown (the deepest depression nearly 100 feet), the design and sophisticated irrigation system leads much speculation to point towards agricultural purposes. Visitors are welcome to explore the circular terraces, and imagine what crop strains may have been tested by the Incas. Play with elevation levels and hop from one level to the next, you’ll be sure to note the change in temperature. Constructed by stone walls and compacted earth, these Inca ruins of Moray are just 7 miles west of Maras, and 2 hours from Cusco. AN INTERNATIONAL AUTHOR 3 t into k b l i c o . s a xo . c o m Step 4 Step 5 We publish it worldwide online You receive 38% to 59% of royalties (And many more!) (And keep all your rights) 8 September 2015 - Issue 2 ART & CULTURE Señor Z Señor Z produces and crafts a good amount of the Peruvian media that you see in Peru. Pilsen, Inca Cola, Coca Cola...Señor Z has done it. Leaving the traditional scene couldn’t be a better way to understand the psyche of this audiovisual collective. As far as the members know, there’s not another production company that functions with such teamemphasis. Ariana Rodriguez (23), assistant producer at Señor Z, says, “The work environment is totally different than any other place I’ve worked for.” She feels the ‘doors are always open’ mentality and the collaborative strategy of the team is the best part of working for Señor Z. Photo by Kat Goicochea S o, who is Señor Z? Despite the name, Señor Z is not one solo señor who directs his clan of minions to produce masterpieces. No, Señor Z is a group of artists in Lima that form an audiovisual collective, and what sometimes looks like too much fun. Sitting down with three of the four founding members of the collective, Living in Peru found out that Señor Z is in fact a team of 25 and makes commercials, movies, short films, online content, and their own music platform, among other projects. The collective inhabits a peppermint mansion on the main strip entering the bohemian district of Barranco; the Peruvian capital’s art department. Characterized by Barranco’s traditionally tall ceilings, open spaces, an inviting backyard and floors lined with charming Spanish tiling, Señor Z’s home-office balances the playfully hectic and imaginative inner-workings of the art collective. One of Señor Z’s latest projects is their music platform, Playlizt. It forms the largest independent music platform of Peru and might just be the saving grace for the Peruvian music scene, historically underappreciated but paving its own path. With over 50 bands recorded in live exclusive sessions, Playlizt offers free access to more than 400 high quality music clips. It has become the benchmark for musical production in Peru. The collective is proud to announce the release of the trailer of their second film, “Como en el Cine.” The movie is starred by Peru’s current favorites Manuel Gold, Gisela Ponce de León, Pietro Sibille, Guillermo Castañeda, Andrés Salas, among others. The film follows the hilarious adventure of reconnecting with old friends and producing a low-budget short film. Señor Z has been recognized internationally for their advertising and for their films. Their first film ‘Perro Guardián’ (2013) won Best Director and Best Actor at the Malaga Film Festival in Spain and Best Film, Best Director, Best Actor, and Best Supporting Actor at Luces 2014. They’ve also won awards at Cannes, at the Eye of Iberoamerica, FIAP, Festival el Sol and the Effies Perú, among other others. ‘Como en el cine’ premieres this year on November 12. Hillary Ojeda The members come from different areas from film, advertising, art and architecture and their ages range from 23 to 44. Some have known each other and studied together for 20 years, while others might be as new as a few months. One of the four directors, Bacha Caravedo, told Living in Peru that the team pursues a particular aesthetic but at the same time, pushes conventional styles. “We have different directors, and they each have their own style. We always look for good ideas, we try to leave the traditional scene, (made up of) perfect guys and girls. We look for a distinct casting.“ Calendar September Aug. 5-Sept 27 MAC exhibition Baldomero Pestana. Retratos Peruanos Sept. 4-13 Mistura In Lima at the Costa Verde of Magdalena del Mar Sept. 8 Fiesta Patronal Virgen de la Natividad San Martín Region: A popular religious festival in the small town of Lamas near Tarapoto. Sept. 8 National Family Day Sept. 8 Virgen de Cocharcas Andahuaylas, Apurímac: A pilgrimage ending at the sanctuary of the Virgen de Cocharcas. Sept. 10 Juntos en Concierto 2015 In Lima with GianMarco, Carlos Vives, Daddy Yankee and Rio Roma at the Estadio Nacional Sept. 12 Gianmarco in Trujillo Sept. 12 Los Rabanes at the Wiracocha Festival In Lima at the Parque de la Exposicion with Libido and jauria Sept. 17 and 18 In Lima, Sept. 19 in Huancayo, venues TBA Marsheaux Female synthpop duo from Athens, Greece. Sept. 24 Svetlana Smolina In Lima the Orquesta Sinfonica Nacional Juvenil/Maestro Pablo Sabat Sept. 14 (main day) Señor Cautivo de Monsefú Monsefú, Lambayeque Region: Flower-strewn street parades in the small town of Monsefú near Chiclayo. Sept. 18 Systema Solar In Lima Centro de Convenciones Sept. 24-27 CAPFEST 2 Festival de cerveza artesanal Peruana In Lima at the Circulo Militar de Chorrillos Sept. 14, Cusco Señor de Huanca The pilgrimage to the Sanctuary of the Señor de Huanca is one of the largest in Peru, attracting people from across the continent. Sept. 17, Title Fight Noise (Plaza Butters 291, Barranco): Hardcore punk from Pennsylvania. Sept. 22 Katy Perry In Lima at the Jockey Club Sept. 23 Day of Primavera and Festival Internacional de la Primavera End of Sept, Trujillo, La Libertad Region: Trujillo’s International Spring Festival is a multi-day event with dancing, street parades, live music, gastronomic fairs, beauty pageants, bullfights, surfing and more. Sept. 27 Global Tourism Day :LW[LTILY0ZZ\L 30-,:;@3, Bottoms up! :THSSJYHM[IYL^LYPLZPU7LY\HYLUV[VUS`ILJVTPUN WVW\SHY[OL`HYLTHRPUNHIPNPTWHJ[VU[OLIYL^PUN industry. 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HK]PZL [OL [`WPJHS HUK HS^H`Z HWWYVWYPH[LYHPZPUNVM`V\YNSHZZ HZ L]LY`VUL ZH`Z ¸ZHS\K¹ HUK [HRLZ[OLÄYZ[ZPW[VNL[OLY:HS\K Where to enjoy craft brews • *OVSVZ!*HSSL7HSHJPV *\ZJV • *H|HZ`;HWHZ!*HSSL.LULYHS )VYNV|V 4PYHÅVYLZ • *OHXJOHV!*HSSL:HU[H *H[HSPUH(YLX\PWH How to drink like a local ( [`WPJHS 7LY\]PHU KYPURPUN [YHKP[PVU [OH[ OHZ ILLU WHZZLK KV^U MYVT NLULYH[PVUZ PZ [OL 7LY\]PHU )LLY *PYJSL ;OL KYPURPUN ILNPUZ ^OLU [OL I\`LYVM[OLÄYZ[ILLYPZ[OLÄYZ[ [V KYPUR ILMVYL L]LY`VUL LSZL PU [OL JPYJSL ;OL I\`LY ^PSS [OLU WYVJLLK [V ÄUPZO [OLPY NSHZZ^OPSLSLH]PUNHIP[H[[OL IV[[VT [V ZWPSS VU [OL NYV\UK Peruvian craft beers • *OLSH^HZP7\ISPJ/V\ZL! *HTWV9LKVUKV (YLX\PWH PUOVUVYVM7HJOHTHTH4V[OLY ,HY[O;OL ÄYZ[ KYPURLY ^PSS [OLU *Look for the CAPFEST 2 Festival WHZZ[OLNSHZZ[VOPZYPNO[ZV[OH[ de cerveza artesanal Peruana in [OPZ HUJPLU[ YP[\HS JHU JVU[PU\L our Event calendar. 0U[OLLUK[OLWLYZVU[OH[ÄUPZOLZ [OLIV[[SL^PSSIL[OLUL_[I\`LY Note! >OPSL [OPZ TH` IL SV]LS` IVUKPUN [YHKP[PVU P[ PZ UV[ ULJLZZHYPS` JVUKVULK PU TVZ[ IHYZ VY YLZ[H\YHU[Z >L»K TOMAR BEBIDAS ALCOHÓLICAS EN EXCESO ES DAÑINO 10 September 2015 - Issue 2 Regions of Peru and their representative plates FOOD Jungle Living in Peru wants to provide their readers with what dishes they feel are representative of the regions of Peru. Although regions could be split into many more than three categories, we decided to use the broader designated regions of the coast, the jungle and the highlands. And despite the fact that today ingredients from nearly every corner of Peru can travel across seas with modern-day transportation, forcing these regions to blur, we feel that there’s still something to be said about the history and unique flavors all developed in Peru’s territory. Juane: Snake drink: Wrapped and steamed in banana leaves, this mixture of rice, chicken, spices and a hidden olive or two, was once ideal for travelers as it could be stored easily. Each region of the jungle varies the ingredients slightly; no matter, it’s always great to accompany it with fried or boiled plantains and a scoop of spicy cocona salsa. One might think an image of South American jungle residents consuming snake drinks is nothing but pure myth stemming from folktales or Indiana Jones films (who would do such a thing?)--but think again. In the city of Rioja of the northern Peruvian Amazon, locals enjoy kicking back with friends by sipping on an alcoholic beverage flavored with snake. Venomous snakes are often fit into the bottles to enhance the experience. As most of us don’t have immunities to venom, it’s nice to know the alcohol denatures the venom, rendering it harmless to human consumption. Paiche: Also known as arapaima Paiche, is a fish native to the Amazon that has become the new exotic alternative in Western markets over the last year. Dubbed a “living fossil” the fish provides consumers with a nutritious white meat alternative. It can reach lengths of up to 3 meters and a weight of more than 400 pounds. Peruvians eat the fish in dishes with rice, salad, fried plantain and in soups, among other varieties. If you’re brave enough, try the dried, paiche tongue powder while in the jungle. Coast Charqui: Dehydrated, salted meat, prepared in the dry and arid highlands. Charqui is a Quechua term and provided the modern-day consumers of dehydrated, salted meat with its name, “jerky”! Common in the Andes, it is often made from chewy bits of cuy, alpaca or sheep meat. Locals prepare dishes with charqui including olluquitos con carne (julienned strips of the meat are cooked together with seasonings and the Andean tuber, olluco). Ceviche: From the sandy beaches of Piura, to the rocky coastline of Lima, a plate of ceviche is a must no matter the time of year. Although the classic ingredient list is short (fish, ají pepper, onion, salt and limon), there’s no harm in getting playful with one of Peru’s most popular dishes. Try it with rocoto for added spice, some canchita for crunch, sweet potato for color, a chilled Inca Cola and even slices of avocado to smooth things over. Chicha de jora: Chifa: From Mandarin means “to eat a meal (rice)” and is consequently the label for the PeruvianChinese fusion cuisine in Peru. Since they began settling in Peru, Chinese immigrants created what they could from the available ingredients in Peru; the result is nearly identical to Chinese food, with the occasional Peruvian rocoto pepper flaming up your tastebuds. Lima has become the Chifa capital of the country, as the waves of immigrants historically populated those areas. Arroz con pato: This dish has much more to offer than its otherwise bland name which means “rice with duck.” Similar to arroz con pollo, this dish is served with Peru’s famous, tasty, cilantrospiced green rice, peas and a hearty duck. Some like to add beer or chicha de jora (see below) for stronger flavor, prepare it with less cilantro, or cook it to a risotto-like consistency. Highlands Pachamanca: Before there were ovens, there was dirt - or, to be more polite, Mother Earth. A large pit is filled with hot stones to create the large and festive dish Pachamanca. What results from the “earth oven” is primordial comfort food: perfectly cooked potatoes and choclo, smoke-perfumed meat, and warm, sweet tamales known as humitas. Though this popular drink is consumed all over the country, the Peruvian highlands have the reputation of serving the best variety. Chicha de jora is a beer prepared by fermented corn. Traditionally, brewers would use their very own delicious saliva to catalyze the fermentation process. But these days most can find chicha de jora brewed with malted barley. It’s a sour-tasting beer that can contain ingredients including quinoa, yucca, and carob, among others for added flavoring and nutrition (it can also be used to add flavor to dishes including arroz con pato). PUBLIREPORTAJE/ADVERTISING FEATURE Macchiato Platform Campaign COFFEE CORNER Starting this September 14, Starbucks’ latest campaign will feature two delicious drinks: Double Caramel and Double Mocha. You can enjoy these delicious drinks in three versions: hot, cold and Frappuccino®. Desde este 14 de septiembre, Starbucks inicia una nueva campaña la cual tendrá como protagonistas dos deliciosas bebidas: Doble Caramel y Doble Mocha. Podrás encontrar estas dos bebidas en sus tres versiones: caliente, fría y Frappuccino® Double Caramel Macchiato Enjoy the delicious mix of coffee espresso, milk, with caramel syrup and topping. Disfruta una deliciosa mezcla de café espresso, leche, con jarabe y topping de caramelo. *HYHTLS Frappuccino® ANYLH[JVTIPUH[PVU VMJVMMLLHUKJHYHTLS ISLUKLK^P[OTPSRPJLHUK KLJVYH[LK^P[O^OPWWLK JYLHTHUK[VWWLKVMM^P[O KYPaaSLZVMJHYHTLS,UQV` Genial combinacion de café con caramelo, batido con leche, hielo y decorado con el crema batida y topping de caramelo.¡Disfrútalo! Seasonal Coffee Anniversary Blend (ULHY[O`M\SSIVKPLKJVMMLL^P[OKPZ[PUJ[P]LUV[LZVM^VVKHUKZWPJLZP[^HZJYLH[LKPU JVTTLTVYH[L[OL[OHUUP]LYZHY`VM:[HYI\JRZ T OPZJVMMLLPZHTP_VMILHUZMYVT(ZPH HUK HNLK ILHUZ VM 0UKVULZPH [OL SH[[LY [V HKK PU[LUZP[` HUK H JVTWSL_ ÅH]VY VM JLKHY HUK ZWPJLZ;OL JVMMLL THUHNLZ [V IL M\SSIVKPLK `L[ ^P[O SV^ HJPKP[` @V\JHUHJJVTWHU`[OPZJVMMLL^P[OMVVKZZ\JOHZ I\[[LYVH[TLHSTHWSLJOLLZLVYOLYIZ"HSS^V\SK WLYMLJ[S`IHSHUJLP[Z[HZ[LWLYMLJ[S` History ;OL HNPUN VM [OL JVMMLL [VVR WSHJL K\YPUN SVUN QV\YUL`Z ^OLYL [OL JVMMLL ^HZ [YHUZWVY[LK MYVT 0UKVULZPH [V ,UNSHUK ;OLZL JYVZZPUNZ SHZ[LK HSTVZ[ H `LHY HUK K\L [V [OL LMMLJ[ VM TVPZ[\YL HUK[OLJOHUNLZPU[LTWLYH[\YL [OL WO`ZPJHS HWWLHYHUJL VM [OL NYHPUZ JOHUNLK 5V[ VUS` KPK [OL`ILJVTL SPNO[ IYV^U PU JVSVY [OL ILHUZ HSZV L_WLYPLUJLK H UV[PJLHISL YLK\J[PVUPU[OL HJPKP[` HUK [OL ÅH]VY ILJHTL TVYLPU[LUZL Double Mocha Macchiato [V [PLZ HUK YLJHSSLK [OL »Z ^P[O WPUZ [OH[ ZHPK ¸.P]L [OPZ JVMMLL H JOHUJL¹ VY ¸THRL SH[[LZ UV[ ^HY ¸ ;OLYL ^HZ T\JO [V JLSLIYH[LHUKL]LUTVYL[VSVVR MVY^HYK [V HSS PU [OL JVU[L_[ VM PU[YVK\JPUN[OPZJVMMLL The sweet taste of white chocolate with milk and coffee. A touch of classic chocolate on top makes this drink truly something special for all lovers of this flavor. 7HY[ULYZ HUK J\Z[VTLYZ ^P[O H WHZZPVUMVYNYLH[[HZ[L^LYL[OL >OLU :[HYI\JRZ JLSLIYH[LK P[Z PUZWPYH[PVU MVY [OL (UUP]LYZHY` [O HUUP]LYZHY` PU [OLYL )SLUK HUK [OLPY KYP]L OHZ ^HZHSV[VML_JP[LTLU[7HY[ULYZ JLY[HPUS`HJOPL]LK[OH[ YLJLP]LK ZOPY[Z ^P[O PTHNLZ VM El dulce sabor del chocolate blanco con leche y café con un toque de topping de chocolate clásico, convierten a esta bebida en algo especial para todos los amantes de este sabor. Un café terroso y de cuerpo completo con distintivas notas a madera y especias, creado para Double Mocha Frappuccino® conmemorar el aniversario número 25 de Starbucks en el año 1996. Este café tiene una mezcla de granos de Asia 7HJPÄJV`NYHUVZH|LQVZKL0UKVULZPHLZ[VZ\S[PTVZ SLH|HKLUPU[LUZPKHK`\UJVTWSLQVZHIVYHJLKYV` a especias; además es de cuerpo completo y tiene IHQH HJPKLa 7\LKLZ HJVTWH|HYSV JVU HSPTLU[VZ de mantequilla, avena, maple, queso o hierbas, los cuales equilibran su sabor de manera perfecta. los granos cambiaban a un color marrón claro, además gracias a esto había una reduccion notoria en la acidez y el sabor se volvía mas intenso. Cuando Starbucks celebró su 25 aniversario en 1996, había Historia mucha emoción. Los Partners ,SH|LQHTPLU[VKLSJHMtZLWYVK\JPHLUSVZSHYNVZ recibieron polos con corbatas viajes en los que el café era transportado desde [L|PKHZ ` ULNVJPHIHU SH LYH KL Indonesia hasta Inglaterra, estas travesias duraban los 70’s con pines que decían JHZP\UH|V`KLIPKVHSLMLJ[VKLSHO\TLKHK` “Dale una oportunidad a este los cambios de temperatura, el aspecto físico de café” o “hagamos lattes, no la guerra”. Los ánimos eran muy buenos y se dieron cuenta que tenían mucho que celebrar, e incluso mucho más por mirar hacia adelante, todo esto en contexto con la introduccion de este café. Enjoy the taste of white chocolate en a delicious Frappuccino®. Shaken with ice, decorated with whipped cream and a drizzle of chocolate to top it off. Try it! Los partners y clientes con pasión por un excelente sabor fueron la inspiración para el Anniversary Blend, su fuerza lo ha convertido en uno de los favoritos. Disfruta también el sabor del chocolate blanco en un delicioso Frappuccino®, batido con hielo, decorado con crema batida y topping de chocolate clásico encima. ¡Pruébalo!
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