company news - Mears Transportation
company news - Mears Transportation
September - October 2014 Volume 18 Back to School With Style We are pleased to announce another record-breaking School Supply Giveaway was held on August 9, 2014. Through generous donations and compassionate assistance from our volunteers, we were able to provide supplies for more than 540 children in more than 300 families. This year’s event included some familiar traditions. Frosty snow cones provided a cool respite from the summer heat, and carnival games gave everyone a chance to be a winner. Glitter tattoos and free storybooks were available to all attendees. Each child had a chance to win a raffle prize, and each family could enter to win Universal Studios and Solar Bears tickets. We also introduced some fresh entertainment elements this year: An all-new “Cookie the Clown” was in attendance, creating fun balloon hats and toys for everyone. “DJ Bob” was another popular addition, spinning cool tunes and encouraging everyone to dance to the beat. A spirit of generosity is strong in the Mears community, demonstrated time and again with each sponsored event. Special thanks to all who donated supplies, books and time to make our 2014 School Supply Giveaway a wonderful success! Continued on Page 2... Issue 5 COMPANY NEWS LRQV 9HQGRU'RQDW 2014 School Supply Giveaway (...continued from Page 1) FH6RXUFH $PHULFD¶V2I¿ Centra Care R,QF SDQ\RI2UODQG &LW\&DE&RP ,QF DWLRQ6HUYLFHV 0HDUV'HVWLQ YMCA Prize Winner s Volunteers Alicia Reece David Thomas Karen Diaz Amy Taylor Duane Slater Katara Slater Ann-Ka Fritz Duane Slater, Jr. Kiara Reece Ariel Christenson Gabriel Pellegrin Kim Bryant Beatriz Martinez George LeGault Lydia Cortez Bill Langbein Grace Herzog Lynn Pool Bob Brehove Gwynn Sutterby Marcia Lapetina Bob Rutherford Isabella Slater Mark Enix Butch Sawyer Jacob Gregoire Martha Fernandez Carlos Collazo Janice Lowe Matthew Savoie Cathy Enix Jiana Gregoire Michael Ford Cathy Larson Jim Ungvary Mickie Goelz Chris Earl John Wolfe Molly Gravitte Chuck Williams Jordan Gregoire Olga Ungvary Chyna Slater Jose Pujals Pam Ward Dan Ford Joshua Gregoire Pamela Ocana Danielle Ford Joy Fleming Pete Savoie Danny Robles Julie James Rhonda Gregoire 2 4,(9:054 6;0655,>:3,;;,9 September - October 2014 Abanet C harlemagne Jacson Auguste Al bert o Gal lardo Jean Fleuranc ois Alejandro Ber mudez Jean Fleurvil April B urton Jorge De Mat os Emad Klub Laquinta Gaston Ernst Noel Latosha Mack Exumene Saint-Cyr Mar ia Mesa Fr itz Gedeon Mateos Asgedom Heidi Ziegler Mauricio Sier ra Jack Henkle Miguer lkange C ius Roy Safeek Said Grini Syl ner Aldeus Vanessa Velasquez Wesner Jean Baptiste W ilt ho Saintfelix Robert Phelps Rodger Schmidt Rosemary Gates Book Donations Samantha Tyner Augustin Jean Jonas Sandy Esteves Emmanuel Blema Sarah Savoie Shannon Gravitte Julie James Shelbi Patrick Karen Keim Sky Dominguez Ligia Lammers Lynn Pool Steven Ouy Vanessa Velasquez Tiphanie Lopez EMPLOYEE NEWS WELCOME ABOARD ON THE MOVE Sarah FranksOHZQVPULK[OL4LHYZ:HSLZ6MÄJL as a Sales Coordinator. Originally from North Carolina, Sarah graduated from UCF’s Rosen College with a Master’s degree in Hospitality and Tourism Management. Sarah has an extensive IHJRNYV\UKPUOVZWP[HSP[`PUJS\KPUNL_WLYPLUJL ^P[OOV[LSZ[OLTLWHYRZHUKMVVKHUKIL]LYHNL :HYHO»ZJVTTP[TLU[[VN\LZ[ZLY]PJLHUK H[[LU[PVU[VKL[HPSTHRLOLYHNYLH[HZZL[>LSJVTL:HYHO LHYLL_JP[LK[VHUUV\UJL[OH[Susan > Ayars has been appointed Mears Transportation Manager-Airport Operations at OIA. Susan’s duties will PUJS\KLZ\WLY]PZPVUVMV\Y:O\[[SLVWLYH[PVU HUK+PZUL`»Z4HNPJHS,_WYLZZHZZOL helps us strengthen our relationships with [OL.YLH[LY6YSHUKV(]PH[PVU(\[OVYP[` :OL»SSHSZVJVU[PU\LV\YWHY[ULYZOPWZ^P[O+PZUL`=PYNPU /VSPKH`Z;OVTHZ*VVR/VSPKH`ZHUKV\YJ\Z[VTLYZH[60( :\ZHUQVPULK4LHYZHZH*OLJRLY*HI+YP]LYPUILMVYL ILJVTPUNH4V[VY*VHJO6WLYH[VY:OL^HZ[OLUWYVTV[LK [V4+:*SPLU[:LY]PJL4HUHNLYPU4HYJOVM:\ZHU brings great insight into how our business operates, and she VMMLYZL_JLSSLU[JVHJOPUNZRPSSZMYVTOLYWYL]PV\ZL_WLYPLUJL PULK\JH[PVUHUK[YHPUPUN7SLHZLQVPUPU^LSJVTPUN:\ZHU[V her new role. >L^LSJVTLRhonda Gregoire as our new Human Resources Manager. She brings with her `LHYZVM/9L_WLYPLUJL[OYV\NOV\[JLU[YHS -SVYPKH^P[OZWLJPHSL_WLY[PZLPU[OLOVZWP[HSP[` PUK\Z[Y`9OVUKH»ZYLZ\TLPUJS\KLZ^VYR^P[O various hotels in our region, as well as the Orlando Country Club. Katara SlaterOHZQVPULK[OL/\THU9LZV\YJLZ :HML[`*SHPTZ[LHTHZAdministrative Support Manager(UH[P]LVM4HZZHJO\ZL[[Z2H[HYH OHZ`LHYZVML_WLYPLUJLHZ.\LZ[:LY]PJLZ Manager for Wyndham Cypress Palms and Island Club West. Her attitude, enthusiasm and H[[LU[PVU[VKL[HPSTHRLOLYH^VUKLYM\SHKKP[PVU [V[OLJVTWHU`>LSJVTLHIVHYK2H[HYH BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENTS ;H_PJHI:HSLZ4HUHNLY Mickie Goelz and husband, Jeff, ^LSJVTLKHIHI`IV` on May 29. Logan ;OVTHZ.VLSa^LPNOLK SIZ VaHUK TLHZ\YLKPUJOLZ *VUNYH[\SH[PVUZ[V/LSSV -SVYPKH(JJV\U[,_LJ\[P]L Stephanie Hotchkiss and her husband, Matt, who ^LSJVTLKHIHI`IV`VU 4H`(ZOLY/V[JORPZZ ^LPNOLKSIZVaHUK TLHZ\YLK PUJOLZ 7SLHZLQVPUPUJVUNYH[\SH[PUNMichael Greco on his new title of Hello! Florida +PYLJ[VYVM:[HMÄUN. We are pleased to have ZVTLVUL^P[OZVT\JO]HS\HISLL_WLYPLUJL PU[OPZYVSL4PJOHLSJHTL[V\ZPU MYVT*OPJHNV^OLYLOLHSZV^VYRLKMVYH KLZ[PUH[PVUTHUHNLTLU[JVTWHU`;OLYL OLHZZPZ[LKPUVWLYH[PUNSHYNLJP[`^PKL WYVNYHTZPUHKKP[PVU[VTHUHNPUNZ[HMMKPYLJ[S`4PJOHLS»Z YLSPHIPSP[`HUKWLYZVUHISLKLTLHUVYTHRLOPTHNYLH[HZZL[ VUV\Y6YSHUKV[LHT>L^PZOOPTT\JOZ\JJLZZPUOPZ new position. CONDOLENCES 3\_\Y`=LOPJSL*OH\MML\Y Phil McClellan passed away on August 2, 2014. Phil ILNHUJVU[YHJ[PUN^P[O4LHYZPU We extend our sympathies to his family, MYPLUKZHUKJVSSLHN\LZ /LHY[MLS[JVUKVSLUJLZ[VMHTPS`MYPLUKZ HUKJVSSLHN\LZVM3\_\Y`=LOPJSL Chauffeur Chandrashekhar Shinde who passed away on May 31, 2014. *OHUKYHZOLROHYILNHUJVU[YHJ[PUN with Mears in 2012. 4 ,( 9:05 4 6;06 5 5 ,> :3,;;,9 Septem be r - Oc t obe r 2014 3 EMPLOYEE NEWS WEDDING ANNOUNCEMENT 25 YEARS Hello! Florida Account Executive Erin Considine and Wes Feldman were married on June 28, 2014. Best wishes to the happy couple! Skip Havener ***4LJOHUPJ EXAMPLE OF EXCELLENCE 4V[VY*VHJO6WLYH[VYNestor Sosa has served thousands VMJ\Z[VTLYZK\YPUNOPZ [LU\YL^P[O4LHYZ9LJLU[S` our “Mystery Shopper” observed him aboard Disney’s 4HNPJHS,_WYLZZ+4, Congratulations to Nestor for LHYUPUNH7LYMLJ[:OVWWLY 9LWVY[HUKJV\Y[LZ`H^HYK Here’s what the shopper had [VZH`HIV\[OPZNYLH[ZLY]PJL! “As Nestor boarded the coach he began to speak the required script. He was clear and easy to hear his volume and pitch were perfect. He thanked everyone for riding Disney’s Magical Express and his announcements were verbatim from the protocol. The video volume was set low, but not unreasonably. The coach was clean and free of odors, and the temperature was comfortable. Nestor drove safely, wore his seatbelt and had a polite and friendly demeanor. He announced our arrival to Disney as we approached the property and pointed out the Disney sign as we drove under the archway. He engaged the passengers with this, and everyone cheered as we entered the Disney area. Nestor announced each stop as he was about to arrive at the different resorts. Each time, he reviewed the luggage process, thanked guests for riding Disney’s Magical Express and helped us exit the coach safely. Nestor was professional, well-versed, and his skill was appreciated. He was impressive in his performance.” 4 4,(9:054 6;0655,>:3,;;,9 September - October 2014 15 YEARS David Crawford 4V[VY*VHJO6WLYH[VY Heather Husom /LSSV(YPaVUH .LULYHS4HUHNLY Krista Estepa (JJV\U[,_LJ\[P]L Joseph Lenart =PJL7YLZPKLU[ 0UMVYTH[PVU;LJOUVSVN` Trudy Malcolm :WLJPHS(JJV\U[Z*VVYKPUH[VY Bill MacLeod -PLSK;YHPULY 4V[VY*VHJO6WLYH[VY Luis Villegas 4V[VY*VHJO6WLYH[VY EMPLOYEE NEWS 10 YEARS Daniel Baran 4V[VY*VHJO6WLYH[VY Gary Clark /LSSV-SVYPKH-PLSK:[HMMLY James Hickey /LSSV-SVYPKH-PLSK:[HMMLY Nysha Lucky /LSSV-SVYPKH-PLSK:[HMMLY Arnaldo Sanchez 4V[VY*VHJO6WLYH[VY Erin Leonhardt Sales Coordinator Emily Nicolas /LSSV-SVYPKH (JJV\U[,_LJ\[P]L 5 YEARS Anthony Doski ;YVSSL`(\KP[;LJOUPJPHU +\Z[PU.YPMÄ[O Web Developer Valerie Hershiser 5H[PVUHS(JJV\U[,_LJ\[P]L 1 YEAR Luis Alves, MDS 9LKV\HU(V\Ä MDS Victoria Belizaire, MDS Eric Bradley, MDS Michael Bridges, Jr., MDS Fito Briseus, MDS Donald Cerasa, MDS Tamara Chambers, MDS Todd Coleman, MDS Kimberlee Davis, HF Jephte Desormeau, MDS Andrew Dignam, MDS Marion Douglas, CCC Djimmy Fleurima, MDS Timothy Foster, MDS Timothy Hall, MDS Eldon Hammonds, MDS Youness Houkaik, MDS Krista Krolak, HAZ Olondi Legrand, MDS Aida Leon, MDS Michael McAllister, HF Erik McCandless, HF Steven Marchese, MDS David Meyer, MDS Salaheddeen Mohammed, MDS Lisselott Moor, MDS Adjani Nicholson , HF Gail Ortega, CCC John Ortiz, MDS Steven Ouy, CCC Miguel Pedraza, MDS Quinilio Peguero, MDS Yvon Saint Louis, MDS Jean Saint Marc, MDS Darryl Saunders, MDS Andreas Schwab, MDS Maurice Smith, MDS Zethro Smith, MDS Jefferson Thebaud, MDS La Tia Thompson, MDS Marcha Thompson, CCC Eudis Valerio, MDS David Vega, MDS Gregory Vernet, MDS Nicole Walker, HF Katina Williams, MDS 4 ,( 9:05 4 6;06 5 5 ,> :3,;;,9 Septem be r - Oc t obe r 2014 5 COMPANY NEWS 401(k) Savings Plan Quarterly Updates and Enrollment UPDATES: 8\HY[LYS`\WKH[LZMVYV\YR:H]PUNZ7SHUZMVY[OLWLYPVK6J[VILY[OYV\NO+LJLTILY^PSSILNPUVU September 1, 2014. Participants may modify their contributions by completing a new “Paycheck Contribution Election” form prior to September 26, 2014.;OLUL^JVU[YPI\[PVUZ^PSSILNPU^P[O`V\YÄYZ[WH`JOLJRPU6J[VILY0M`V\KVUV[JVTWSL[L HUL^7H`JOLJR*VU[YPI\[PVU,SLJ[PVUMVYT`V\YJVU[YPI\[PVUZ^PSSYLTHPUPULMMLJ[WLY`V\YSHZ[LSLJ[PVU ;VJVTWSL[LHUL^7H`JOLJR*VU[YPI\[PVU,SLJ[PVUMVYT! 4LHYZ+LZ[PUH[PVU:LY]PJLZ4LHYZ.SVIHS*OH\MML\YLK:LY]PJLZ*P[`*HI *VTWHU`,_LJ\[P]L7PSV[:LY]PJLZHUK/LSSV-SVYPKH6YSHUKVWHY[PJPWHU[Z ZOV\SKZ[VWI`[OL/\THU9LZV\YJLZ+LWHY[TLU[PUI\PSKPUN4SVJH[LKH[ 1017 S. Division Ave. /LSSV-SVYPKH/VSS`^VVKWHY[PJPWHU[ZZOV\SKJVU[HJ[4HYJ`3HWL[PUHH[ VYLTHPSOLYH[TSHWL[PUH'TLHYZ[YHUZWVY[H[PVUJVT0U /VSS`^VVK`V\TH`HSZVJVU[HJ[*H[HSPUH9\SSHUH[VY LTHPSOLYH[JY\SSHU'OLSSVÅVYPKHJVT /LSSV(YPaVUH/LSSV3HZ=LNHZ/LSSV>HZOPUN[VU+*HUK/LSSV;L_HZ WHY[PJPWHU[ZZOV\SKJVU[HJ[4HYJ`3HWL[PUHH[VYLTHPSOLYH[ TSHWL[PUH'TLHYZ[YHUZWVY[H[PVUJVT ENROLLMENT: -VYLTWSV`LLZ^OV^VYRPU6YSHUKVHUKHYLUL^S`LSPNPISL[VLU[LY[OL7SHUVY OH]LILLULSPNPISLI\[OH]LUV[`L[WHY[PJPWH[LKPU[OL7SHU`V\^PSSILYLX\PYLK [VH[[LUKVULVMV\Y\WJVTPUNLUYVSSTLU[TLL[PUNZ9LWYLZLU[H[P]LZMYVT SunTrust will be on site to assist in the enrollment. If you are eligible to enroll HUK^VYRPUVULVMV\YVMÄJLZV\[ZPKLVM6YSHUKVWSLHZLJVU[HJ[4HYJ`3HWL[PUH H[VYLTHPSOLYH[TSHWL[PUH'TLHYZ[YHUZWVY[H[PVUJVTMVYTVYL information on how to enroll in the Plan. ;VILLSPNPISL[VWHY[PJPWH[LPU[OL7SHU`V\T\Z[! )LH[SLHZ[`LHYZVMHNLWYPVY[V6J[VILY /H]LJVTWSL[LKVUL¸`LHYVMZLY]PJL¹;OL7SHUKLÄULZH¸`LHYVMZLY]PJL¹ HZHTVU[OWLYPVKPU^OPJO`V\^VYRH[SLHZ[OV\YZ;OLÄYZ[ LSPNPIPSP[`ZLY]PJLWLYPVKZ[HY[ZVU`V\YÄYZ[KH`VMLTWSV`TLU[(M[LY[OLÄYZ[ TVU[OLSPNPIPSP[`WLYPVK[OL7SHU^PSSTLHZ\YL`V\YLSPNPIPSP[`ZLY]PJL WLYPVKVUHJHSLUKHY`LHYIHZPZ 0M`V\^VYRPU6YSHUKVHUKHYLUL^S`LSPNPISL[VLU[LY[OL7SHUVU6J[VILY 1, 2014, your supervisor will notify you of your meeting date and time. If `V\HYLUV[Z\YLVM`V\YLSPNPIPSP[`Z[H[\ZVYOH]LNLULYHSX\LZ[PVUZHIV\[[OL R:H]PUNZ7SHUWSLHZLJVU[HJ[H/\THU9LZV\YJLZYLWYLZLU[H[P]LPU 6YSHUKVH[ 6 4,(9:054 6;0655,>:3,;;,9 September - October 2014 COMPANY NEWS Expedia Names Mears “Transportation Partner of the Year” KUDOS 4V[VY*VHJO6WLYH[VY>PSSPHT)YPULZZLUKZ 2<+6:[V4V[VY*VHJO6WLYH[VY John Ortiz! “Recently my DME motor coach had mechanical issues on the 417. I was going to Disney and I called for a rescue coach for my guests. To my and my guests’ amazement, John Ortiz was there in a couple of minutes to transfer the guests and the luggage. The guests were very impressed with his quick work. Pardon the pun but he was ‘Johnny on the spot.’” *VYL=HS\LZ!,MÄJPLUJ`:HML[` 4HYR:`TTVUKZ*SPLU[:LY]LY(WWSPJH[PVUZ 4HUHNLYZLUKZ2<+6:[V3\_\Y`=LOPJSL Training Manager David Thomas! Linda Chalfant, Shuttle Driver, displays our ELE Transportation Partner of the Year trophy. ;OHURZ[VV\YV\[Z[HUKPUNKYP]LYZ,_WLKPH3VJHS,_WLY[HKP]PZPVUVM,_WLKPHJVT OHZJOVZLU4LHYZHZ¸;YHUZWVY[H[PVU7HY[ULYVM[OL@LHY¹MVY,_WLKPH3VJHS ,_WLY[,3,J\YYLU[S`ZLSSZ4LHYZ4V[VY:O\[[SLHPYWVY[HUKH[[YHJ[PVU[YHUZMLYZHZ^LSS HZ09PKL;YVSSL`,3,JVUJPLYNLZLY]PJLVMMLYZWLYZVUHSPaLKYLJVTTLUKH[PVUZHUK HZZPZ[HUJLPUTVYL[OHU JP[PLZ^VYSK^PKLHUK4LHYZJHTLV\[VU[VWHZ[OLPY U\TILYVULJOVPJL >LJ\YYLU[S`ZLY]PJLTVYL[OHUYLZVY[ZMVY,3,[OYV\NOV\[[OL0U[LYUH[PVUHS+YP]L HUK3HRL)\LUH=PZ[HHYLHZZ\JOHZ[OL>HSKVYM(Z[VYPH.H`SVYK7HSTZ/`H[[.YHUK *`WYLZZHUK[OL1>4HYYPV[[HUK9P[a*HYS[VUH[.YHUKL3HRLZ,3,PZZVWSLHZLK^P[O [OLZLY]PJL^LWYV]PKL[OL`HYLUV^PU[OLWYVJLZZVML_WHUKPUN[VTVYLZO\[[SLaVULZ HUKTVYL]LOPJSL[`WLZ.YLH[QVI[LHT4LHYZ “I would like to commend David Thomas. I had the pleasure of being a part of the Mears Luxury Fleet Chauffeur Familiarization program on Thursday and Friday. The experience was such a pleasure because of the enthusiasm and professionalism of Mr. Thomas. It is a rare occurrence to meet someone who carries such pride and excitement for what he does, but Mr. Thomas portrayed that there was no other place he would rather be each day. Just being in this class motivated me to show the same pride and enthusiasm during my day, and although I was only there as an observer, Mr. Thomas had even me convinced I’d want to drive a Mears vehicle. 0ILSPL]LOLKLÄUP[LS`L_OPIP[Z[OL4LHYZJVYL values, and I look forward to working with him in the future.” *VYL=HS\LZ!9LZWLJ[,U[O\ZPHZT Supporting Our Next Generation of First Responders -VY[OLZLJVUKJVUZLJ\[P]L`LHY4LHYZ was proud to sponsor the Orlando Teen 7VSPJLHUK-PYL(JHKLT`WYV]PKPUN [YHUZWVY[H[PVUMVYH^LLRSVUNZLYPLZVM events this summer that provided students ^P[OHILOPUK[OLZJLULZSVVRH[ZVTLVM 6YSHUKV»ZÄULZ[ 6YSHUKV7VSPJL6MÄJLY2L]PU>PSSPHTZ Z\TTLK\W[OL\UPX\LL_WLYPLUJL ZH`PUN¸0^V\SKSPRL[VWLYZVUHSS`[OHUR Mears Transportation for the wonderful QVIHUKZHJYPÄJL[OH[HSSVM`V\OH]L NP]LU[V[OL6YSHUKV7VSPJL+LWHY[TLU[ [OYV\NO[OL;LLU7VSPJLHUK-PYL(JHKLT` )LJH\ZLVM4LHYZ^L^LYLHISL[V[HRL Z[\KLU[Z[V=HSLUJPH<*-HUK[VZL]LYHS SH^LUMVYJLTLU[[YHPUPUNZP[LZ[OYV\NOV\[ 6YHUNL*V\U[`ZVTL[OPUN[OH[^V\SK not have been possible without Mears Transportation. In addition, we were the envy of all groups who were visiting ZPTPSHYZP[LZILJH\ZL^LHS^H`ZHYYP]LK VU[PTLPUTVZ[JHZLZLHYS`HUKPUZ[`SL >P[OV\[4LHYZ»Z\WWVY[^LJV\SKUV[OH]L provided the students with anywhere near [OLSL]LSVML_WLYPLUJLVYLUQV`TLU[[OL HJHKLT`^HZHISL[VWYV]PKL¹ 4 ,( 9:05 4 6;06 5 5 ,> :3,;;,9 Septem be r - Oc t obe r 2014 7 COMPANY NEWS Co mmit to be 6\Y/\THU9LZV\YJLZ+LWHY[TLU[YLJLU[S`OLSKHJVU[LZ[ [VÄUKHZ\P[HISLSVNVHUKZSVNHU[VYLWYLZLU[HSS4LHYZ*P[` *HIHUK/LSSV+LZ[PUH[PVU4HUHNLTLU[^LSSULZZ programs. Our talented employees submitted a [V[HSVMJYLH[P]LSVNVLU[YPLZHUKJSL]LY slogans that were judged by a panel of WLLYZ;VTHPU[HPUPTWHY[PHSP[`[OL names of the entrants were not shared ^P[O[OLQ\KNLZ ;OLSVNVJYLH[LKI`:[L]LU6\` MYVT*P[`*HI4HPU[LUHUJL ^HZJVTIPULK^P[O[OLZSVNHU Z\NNLZ[LKI`3`KPH*VY[La MYVT/\THU9LZV\YJLZ[V MVYTH^PUUPUNJVTIPUH[PVU ;OPZUL^NYHWOPJ^PSSIL\ZLK to represent our Health and Wellness initiatives everywhere. Congratulations to Steven and Lydia, LHJOVM^OVTYLJLP]LKH (TLYPJHU,_WYLZZNPM[JHYKHZH [OHUR`V\ )LVU[OLSVVRV\[MVY[OLUL^SVNVHUKZSVNHU [VHWWLHYVUM\[\YL^LSSULZZYLSH[LKHUUV\UJLTLU[Z WYVNYHTZHUKTLYJOHUKPZL*VTTP[[VILÄ[ The Holiday Inn Sunspree LBV (location code#1070) is now Holiday Inn Resort Orlando 13351 State Road 535 Orlando, FL 32821 407-239-4500 Shuttle Zone 4 Luxury Vehicle Zone 143 Taxi Zone 804 8 4,(9:054 6;0655,>:3,;;,9 September - October 2014 The Ramada Maingate West (location code #1252) is now Magnuson Grand Hotel Maingate West 7491 W. Hwy. 192 Kissimmee, FL 34747 407-396-6000 Shuttle Zone 4 Luxury Vehicle Zone 162 Taxi Zone 354 COMPANY NEWS All Aboard the LEGOLAND® Shuttle! =PZP[VYZ[V*LU[YHS-SVYPKHJHUUV^SLH]L[OLKYP]PUN[V 4LHYZHUKILNPU[OLPY3,.63(5+-SVYPKHL_WLYPLUJL HIVHYK[OL3,.63(5+:O\[[SL*OPSKYLUHUKHK\S[ZYPKLPU Z[`SL[V*LU[YHS-SVYPKH»ZUL^LZ[[OLTLWHYRMVYWS\Z[H_ YV\UK[YPWWLYWLYZVU;OLYLPZUVJOHYNLMVYPUMHU[Z\UKLY the age of three. All passengers need a reservation to guarantee a seat, HUKYLZLY]H[PVUZT\Z[ILTHKLOV\YZPUHK]HUJLH[ O[[W!ÅVYPKHSLNVSHUKJVTLUI\`F[PJRL[Z(KTPZZPVU ;PJRL[ZZO\[[SL.\LZ[Z^P[OV\[HYLZLY]H[PVUTH`IL HJJVTTVKH[LKKLWLUKPUNVUZWHJLH]HPSHIPSP[`HUK[OVZL ZLH[ZHYLZVSKVUHÄYZ[JVTLÄYZ[ZLY]LKIHZPZ ;OLZO\[[SLKLWHY[ZWYVTW[S`H[ HTMYVT0+YP]LH[ <UP]LYZHS)S]KHUKYL[\YUZ[V6YSHUKV^OLU[OLWHYR JSVZLZJSVZPUN[PTL]HYPLZI`KH`7HYRPUNPZMYLLH[[OL 0+YP]L3,.63(5+N\LZ[WHYRPUNKLJR ;OL3,.63(5+:O\[[SLSL[ZMHTPSPLZLUQV`[OLPY[YH]LS time together in a fun and safe way without the worry VMUH]PNH[PUNVYWHYRPUN-VYTVYLPUMVYTH[PVUJHSS VY]PZP[O[[W!ÅVYPKHSLNVSHUKJVTLUI\`F [PJRL[Z(KTPZZPVU;PJRL[ZZO\[[SLZO\[[SLFMHX CUSTOMER COMMENTS /VWL(KHT=PJL7YLZPKLU[:LY]PJL4HZ[LYVM-HYNV4VVYOLHK HWWYLJPH[LK[OLZLY]PJLWYV]PKLKI`3\_\Y`=LOPJSL*OH\MML\Y Vitorio Neves! Dr. Don Li, Senior Manager, R & D, with RTI International 4L[HSZL_WYLZZLKOPZNYH[P[\KLMVY3\_\Y`=LOPJSL Chauffeur Shakawat “AKM” Hussain! “Vitorio picked us up at the airport. We had a 4-month-old baby with us, and Vitorio was so helpful and concerned that everything was good with the baby. We had him pick us up at the Rosen Shingle Creek Resort as much as possible during our stay, as we took in some of the Disney parks and attractions. He was always kind, gracious, very professional, and always concerned that everything was good for the baby as well as for us. I had originally booked a luxury sedan to pick us up but decided to pay for the upgrade to a Luxury SUV so Vitorio could also drive us back to the airport on our departure day so we could see him one more time and thank him for all he had done to make our trips around Orlando comfortable. “I left my cell phone on the back seat of the vehicle driven by Mr. Hussain. He found my phone and mailed it back to me. I really appreciate his kindness and help, and I want to make sure the management of your town car division is aware as well.” “Vitorio is one-of-a-kind. As one business owner/manager to another, I hope you do not overlook the special gift you have in this man and his admirable service to your company. Thank you for sharing Vitorio with me, my daughter and grandson during our stay in Orlando!” *VYL=HS\LZ!,U[O\ZPHZT:HML[`9LZWLJ[ Sales Coordinator Erin Leonhardt HUK4V[VY*VHJO6WLYH[VY Edwin NievesYLJLP]LK[OPZUV[LVMHWWYLJPH[PVUMYVT*HYVSPUL +LSNHKV3VJH[PVU+PYLJ[VY^P[O)YPNO[:[HY[7LKPH[YPJZ! “Thank you! We had a great trip. Your driver, Edwin, was very courteous and on time. Once again thank you!” Business Manager Rosemary Gates, Senior Sales Coordinator Rachel Bustamante and Travel Industry Sales Coordinator Jose Ulmos^LYL[OHURLKI`*OYPZ/PNNPUZ ^P[O>VYSK*SHZZ=HJH[PVUZ>*=! “A big ‘thank you’ to you and your staff. It has been a [LYYPÄJZLHZVU^P[O>*=;OHURZMVYHSS`V\YZ\WWVY[@V\ have an excellent team!” *VYL=HS\LZ!0U[LNYP[`,U[O\ZPHZT *VYL=HS\LZ!9LZWLJ[,U[O\ZPHZT *OYPZ,SSPZ;YH]LS0UK\Z[Y`:HSLZHUK4HYRL[PUN4HUHNLY ^P[O=PZP[6YSHUKVOHKNYLH[[OPUNZ[VZH`HIV\[3\_\Y` =LOPJSL*OH\MML\YLucas Barroso! ;HTT`>PNNZ^P[O[OL:VJPL[`MVY/\THU9LZV\YJL Management praised Sales Coordinator Alyssa McDermott HUK3\_\Y`=LOPJSL*OH\MML\YZMichael Brathwaite, Joseph Fils, Antonio Hodge, Yves Isaac, Luis Orrego, Franck Paul, Jose Paul, Daniel Rich, Hemwattie Singh, Dallas Suarez, Olmy Talent, Fernando Trujano and Gregely Wilson! “We all write letters of complaint but rarely write letters of compliment. This is a letter to express our thanks to one of our drivers. “Lucas was assigned to drive two guests from Norwegian Airlines to various meetings for two days. He was always there on time waiting for them and prepared to go that extra mile to ensure their visit was enjoyable. I had dinner with the guests and they both commented on the excellent service provided by Lucas. As the saying goes, ‘It takes a village’ and with Lucas’ help they are very impressed with Orlando. “Please thank Lucas for his excellent work.” “I wanted to say thank you, and let you know that the services provided to our board members to and from the airport exceeded expectations. All drivers were on schedule and polite. Our board members commented that they had no issues, and each time I followed up on a scheduled pick-up, the driver was onsite and ready to go. It was a pleasure working with you, and I would use and recommend Mears in the future.” *VYL=HS\LZ!9LZWLJ[,MÄJPLUJ`,U[O\ZPHZT *VYL=HS\LZ!,MÄJPLUJ`,U[O\ZPHZT *VYL=HS\LZ!9LZWLJ[,MÄJPLUJ` 4 ,( 9:05 4 6;06 5 5 ,> :3,;;,9 Septem be r - Oc t obe r 2014 9 CUSTOMER COMMENTS EXAMPLES OF EXCELLENCE Safety Investigator Carl Head YLJLP]LK[OPZJVTTLUKH[PVU MYVT6HRSHUK»Z*OPLMVM7VSPJL :[L]LU9;OVTHZ! ¸6MÄJLYZMYVTV\YKLWHY[TLU[ responded to a missing and endangered juvenile complaint. In the middle of the night, the teen, who suffers from post-traumatic stress disorder, disappeared from her home without taking any personal belongings. 6\YVMÄJLYZJVUK\J[LKHULPNOIVYOVVKZLHYJO^P[O negative results. “Soon after our detective began his follow-up investigation, he developed a person of interest who resided near Richmond, Virginia. Based on information that was developed, detective McDonnell felt that the subject may have taken a bus and used public transportation to travel to our area. With this in mind, and understanding that Mears Transportation is a leader in this industry, he reached out to you for assistance. “You worked tirelessly as you tried to track this subject and you were ultimately able to determine that he traveled to our area by Greyhound bus and then used taxis to transport him from place to place. At one point he hired a taxi to drive to Oakland, where he picked up the missing teen. “With your help he was ultimately located at a hotel in Orlando, where we found him and the victim. She was unharmed and as it turned out, had made plans with this subject to leave the state. She has now been reunited with her family and the State Attorney’s 6MÄJLPZYL]PL^PUN[OPZJHZL[VZLLPMJOHYNLZZOV\SK ILÄSLK “On behalf of the victim, her family and the Oakland Police Department, I would like to thank you for your hard work and dedication in helping us solve this case.” *VYL=HS\LZ!:HML[`0U[LNYP[`,MÄJPLUJ` +PZUL`»Z4HNPJHS,_WYLZZ)VHYKPUN Representative Amanda Sookraj YLJLP]LK[OLHWWYLJPH[PVUVM 5HUJ`;PLKQLUZ)PNV[^P[O +PZUL`»Z4HNPJHS,_WYLZZ;YHPUPUN ;LHT60(! “I would like to recognize and thank Amanda for doing an outstanding job assisting a Guest from Port Orleans Riverside. The Guest left his breathing machine at the resort and Amanda handled the situation with ease. She called the resort and arranged for the breathing machine to be brought to the airport before [OL.\LZ[»ZÅPNO[;OHUR`V\[V(THUKHMVY`V\YL_JLSSLU[ Guest Service!” Travel Industry Sales Coordinator Jose Ulmos^HZ[OHURLKI` :\ZHU/\IIHYK;V\Y7SHUULY^P[O)VI5LMM;V\YZ! 4V[VY*VHJO6WLYH[VY Dan Lawler ^HZ[OHURLKI`(KYPHUH +H*VZ[H^P[O4HYYPV[[=HJH[PVUZ>VYSK^PKL! “Thank you so much for your very helpful and professional service to us. Our tour director spoke so highly of your company and every person she met and spoke with at Mears.” “Thank you. The coach driver was fantastic - 10 out of 10.” *VYL=HS\LZ!9LZWLJ[,U[O\ZPHZT 3\_\Y`=LOPJSL*OH\MML\YFernando Pinzon^HZJVTWSPTLU[LK I`4H[[:JOHSR9LNPVUHS9L]LU\L+PYLJ[VY^P[O/`H[[! “I received amazing service from Fernando. He was very pleasant and genuine. I work for Hyatt Hotels and am consistently traveling to Orlando. I plan on utilizing Fernando for my transportation needs during future visits to Orlando. You have an exceptional associate in Fernando and I know (working in the hospitality industry) these are not always easy to come by.” *VYL=HS\LZ!,U[O\ZPHZT9LZWLJ[ :[YL[JO3PTV\ZPUL*OH\MML\YSam Masieh earned this JVTWSPTLU[YLJLU[S`! ¸>LOHKHNYLH[L_WLYPLUJL6\YKYP]LY:HT^HZ[LYYPÄJ timely, friendly, knowledgeable. Thanks again.” *VYL=HS\LZ!,U[O\ZPHZT,MÄJPLUJ` /LSSV3HZ=LNHZ+PYLJ[VYVM6WLYH[PVUZ Kristina Ghiloni, :LUPVY(JJV\U[,_LJ\[P]LRebekah Johnson and Field Staffers Pete Santarini and DeAnna Brooks^LYLJVTWSPTLU[LK by Leyla Conlan, Operations Manager with Ann Arbor (UU\P[`,_JOHUNL! “Just did my survey; I gave you glowing reviews - well deserved, of course! “This was our best event ever. People cannot stop talking about Richard Petty and they were super impressed with the plaques. They loved it and want to do it again next year. MIX [restaurant] was so outstanding. They did such a great job and their service was exceptional. The violin player is so great; she ^VYRZ[OLYVVTZV^LSS>LKLÄUP[LS`^HU[[V\ZLOLYHNHPU Please pass my comments along to your boss. I want him to know how pleased we all are! ¸9LHSS`YLHSS`NYLH[QVISHKPLZMYVTZ[HY[[VÄUPZO0OH]L high expectations to begin with and you both exceeded my expectations! “P.S.: Pete and Deanna were great as well.” *VYL=HS\LZ!,MÄJPLUJ`,U[O\ZPHZT 3\_\Y`=LOPJSL*OH\MML\YJean Benoit earned this note VMHWWYLJPH[PVU! “I would like to congratulate you on the excellent service Jean provided. He took such good care of my family that we used him for all our travel in Orlando. He is a credit to your company, and we will request his service every time we visit. Thank you, and please thank Mr. Benoit on behalf of my wife and daughter.” *VYL=HS\LZ!,U[O\ZPHZT9LZWLJ[ *VYL=HS\LZ!,U[O\ZPHZT,MÄJPLUJ` 10 4,(9:054 6;0655,>:3,;;,9 September - October 2014 *VYL=HS\LZ!,U[O\ZPHZT:HML[` 3H\YPL-VYK5H[PVUHS)\ZPULZZ4HUHNLY,.+PZ[YPI\[PVU^P[O /L^SL[[7HJRHYK*HUHKHWYHPZLK3\_\Y`=LOPJSL*OH\MML\Y Jim Shepherd! “I was in Orlando on business and had a single day to enjoy a.) warmth (I am from Toronto); and b.) a little retail therapy. I was traveling with a colleague and we had the good fortune to bump into Jim Shepherd at the Marriott. “Jim saved us from a questionable taxi driver who tried to scoop us at the Marriott, which was much appreciated. (I’ve been the victim of scam artists before.) Further, my colleague and I were fully loaded with our luggage, as we planned to stop by Macy’s and then head on to the airport. Jim not only dropped us off at Macy’s, he even held onto our larger luggage for a couple of hours before he returned to take us to the airport. A great customer service experience all the way around. “As you can see, I work for Hewlett-Packard. The only thing that stands between HP and ‘everyone else’ is my personal effort to provide customers with extraordinary experiences. It is always a pleasure when I receive the same.” *VYL=HS\LZ!9LZWLJ[0U[LNYP[`,U[O\ZPHZT (OHWW`J\Z[VTLYWYHPZLK/LSSV-SVYPKH(JJV\U[4HUHNLY Melanie Patalano! ¸;OHUR`V\MVY4LSHUPL)V`ZOLPZHÄUKHUKHRLLWLY Hello! Florida is one group that I know is seamless and it is people like Melanie who make it all work. She is amazing!” *VYL=HS\LZ!,U[O\ZPHZT,MÄJPLUJ` Sales Coordinator Nancy Provenzano HUK4V[VY*VHJO Operator Steve AllenWYV]PKLKNYLH[ZLY]PJL[V:OHUUVU )V^SPU^P[O(YIVY9PKNL,SLTLU[HY`:JOVVS! ¸;OHUR`V\MVYHSS`V\YOLSWPUWSHUUPUNV\YÄLSK[YPW0[ is a very hectic task and you were helpful by answering my multiple questions and making me feel at ease. The coach was on time, clean and the driver was courteous and knowledgeable. The transportation to and from was perfect! Please pass this information on to your customer service representative because everyone involved needs to ILJVTTLUKLK0^PSSKLÄUP[LS`YLJVTTLUK4LHYZ[VT` colleagues for future trips. Thanks again for making our trip successful!” *VYL=HS\LZ!9LZWLJ[,MÄJPLUJ`,U[O\ZPHZT City Cab Driver Jose Soto^HZ[OHURLKI`HJ\Z[VTLYMYVT[OL <UP[LK2PUNKVT! “A big thank you to Jose for his excellent service to my family whilst in Orlando. He gave us a lot of valuable information.” *VYL=HS\LZ!,U[O\ZPHZT9LZWLJ[ CUSTOMER COMMENTS 3PZH3VWLa^P[O4HYP[a;YH]LSWYHPZLK/LSSV-SVYPKH(JJV\U[ ,_LJ\[P]LEmily Nicolas(JJV\U[4HUHNLYMichael Schultz HUK:HSLZ(ZZVJPH[LNicole Tukel! “Thanks to a great working relationship that Maritz has with Hello! our UBS Leadership Council program was a success! I have been fortunate enough to work with Hello! in Arizona, Florida and Las Vegas! I look forward to continue working with Hello! on future programs.” *VYL=HS\LZ!,U[O\ZPHZT,MÄJPLUJ` 7LUU`*HZZPK`^P[O:PLTLUZJVTWSPTLU[LK)\ZPULZZ4HUHNLY Rosemary GatesHUK4V[VY*VHJO6WLYH[VYGeorge Blum! “Thank you for all of your help! George was wonderful to work with and the Baton Pass Day (a campaign to support innovative, accelerated cancer research) was a great success!” 1HUL[(TVZ7YPIHUPJ*OPLM6WLYH[PUN6MÄJLY^P[O1VOU+HUPLS (ZZVJPH[LZOHK[OPZ[VZH`HIV\[3\_\Y`=LOPJSL*OH\MML\Y Carlos Guerreiro! “Please accept this note as a ‘well done’ for Mr. Carlos Guerreiro. I was traveling in Orlando and was fortunate that Carlos was my driver to return to the airport. Upon leaving, I shared that I was returning in June, and asked if it would be possible to get him again. “Carlos said yes, he could indeed take care of our rides again in June. It was such a pleasure working with him, and I would simply like to make you aware of his professionalism, kindness, and sincere work ethic. Those qualities are not so often found these days. He was great in all our communications, and because he committed to drive me, he came out on his day off to take us back to the airport. “I seldom write notes of this kind, and sincerely hope you YLJVNUPaL[OLILULÄ[VMZ\JOHJOH\MML\Y¹ *VYL=HS\LZ!,MÄJPLUJ`,U[O\ZPHZT *VYL=HS\LZ!,U[O\ZPHZT9LZWLJ[ /LSSV>HZOPUN[VU+*+PYLJ[VYVM6WLYH[PVUZLauren Beegal WYV]PKLKNYLH[ZLY]PJL[V3PZH/VMMTHU3PULYV=PJL7YLZPKLU[ VM(JJV\U[:LY]PJLZ^P[O:[HYTHYR! /LSSV-SVYPKH(JJV\U[4HUHNLYSummer Roberts YLJLP]LK [OLZL^VYKZVMWYHPZL! “What a fabulous event we had at Rosa Mexicano. Let me start by saying that we are not easy to work with. We are very particular and we want only the best. It takes the best talent to make that happen. Lauren Beegal is truly outstanding. The SL]LSVMZLY]PJLZOLWYV]PKLK^HZL_JLW[PVUHS-YVTÄUKPUN[OL perfect location (an almost impossible task) to anticipating our needs, possible challenges, additional fees, etc., Lauren did not miss a beat. I have no idea how she remained so happy and energetic through a very long day. We came to her at the last moment and announced an unanticipated cocktail reception [OH[OHK[VILZL[\WPUZ[HU[S`3H\YLUKPKU»[L]LUÅPUJO:OL found a way to do it and she just made it happen. She has a secret bag of tricks no matter what the challenge. Bottom line, Lauren is the type of professional we all wish to work with. You have a rising star in your organization. Kudos to you. “Thank you, Lauren. We enjoyed working with you and learning from you. And thank you, Hello! Washington D.C. You helped make Greater Fort Lauderdale truly shine.” *VYL=HS\LZ!,U[O\ZPHZT,MÄJPLUJ`9LZWLJ[ 1HTLZ.YVZZV.LULYHS4HUHNLYVM/PS[VU6YSHUKV3HRL)\LUH =PZ[H^HZ]LY`WSLHZLK^P[O[OLZLY]PJLWYV]PKLKI`*VU[YHJ[ :LY]PJL4HUHNLY3\_\Y`=LOPJSL+P]PZPVU Rebecca Katsur! “Rebecca, I have been receiving many compliments and positive feedback on the services you have been providing at V\YOV[LS0^P[ULZZLK`V\YOHUKZVUH[[LU[PVU[VHÅH^SLZZ execution for the group.Thank you and keep it up. Your services have not gone unnoticed. Great job!” 3LL)YHKSL`+PYLJ[VYVM*SPLU[:LY]PJLZHKKZ! “Your continued dedication and ability to gain customer JVUÄKLUJLPZYLHSS`THRPUNHKPMMLYLUJL@V\YLMMVY[ZHYLNYLH[S` appreciated. Great job!” *VYL=HS\LZ!,U[O\ZPHZT9LZWLJ[,MÄJPLUJ` “Summer provided excellent service. She was right on target with the many changes our attorneys made to their travel plans throughout the course of our program. In every past event, we have had some complaint due to transportation (missed pick-ups, declined service, etc.). We had no such feedback this year, which we consider a huge success.” /LSSV-SVYPKH(JJV\U[,_LJ\[P]L4PJOLSSL>PSRPLHKKZ! “I’d like to brag on Summer Roberts for her amazing job OHUKSPUNV\Y2PYRSHUKHUK,SSPZJSPLU[Z:\TTLY»ZJVUÄKLUJL and customer service left them with nothing but positive things to say! Thank you Summer for your dedication and sleepless nights keeping up with the hundreds of changes; it did not go unnoticed and is very much appreciated!” *VYL=HS\LZ!,U[O\ZPHZT,MÄJPLUJ` +PYLJ[VYVM;H_P6WLYH[PVUZDavid Dease shared this heartfelt UV[LVM[OHURZMYVT[OL-VVYKMHTPS`PU[OL<2! “After having just returned to the UK from a week at Give Kids the World with my family, I feel compelled and honoured to thank all of your staff for the transport you provided so my son could smile through the whole week. Thank you for helping us to forget all the rubbish that comes with my son’s condition. You are the friendliest bunch of people we have ever had the privilege of meeting, from the bus drivers to the taxi drivers to the people who manage your call centre. From the bottom of our hearts we thank you and salute you.” *VYL=HS\LZ!:HML[`9LZWLJ[ Sales Coordinator Peggy NanceHUK4V[VY*VHJO6WLYH[VYZ Bobby Love and Christopher LuckieYLJLP]LK[OPZUV[LVM [OHURZMYVT2HYLU/HUZLU^P[O,5/(5:,,]LU[Z! “All went well with the ground transportation. The drivers were on time, the vehicles were nice and we got to our destinations in a timely fashion. Thanks so much for your help. It was great working with Mears and I will use your company the next time I’m in Florida.” EXAMPLES OF EXCELLENCE ,KKPL*OHU.\LZ[:LY]PJL Coordinator with Walt Disney Dolphin Hotel and Resort, JVTTLUKLK[OLZLY]PJLWYV]PKLK I`3\_\Y`=LOPJSL*OH\MML\Y Daniel Rich! “Daniel has been a huge asset alongside our valet operation in providing great customer service and professionalism as a Luxury Town Car driver. Daniel is always very upbeat, punctual and ready to serve with a smile on his face. It is a pleasure to work with such a professional and know that his work ethic exceeds my expectations PU[OLÄLSKVMOVZWP[HSP[`0OH]LUVWYVISLT recommending Daniel in any future endeavors or opportunities that Mears Transportation may have for him.” 9LILJJH2H[Z\Y*VU[YHJ[:LY]PJL4HUHNLY3\_\Y` =LOPJSL+P]PZPVUHKKZ! “Another great observation of a chauffeur. I could not agree more with Eddie. Daniel is a great, positive WYLZLUJLV\[PU[OLÄLSK¹ *VYL=HS\LZ!9LZWLJ[,U[O\ZPHZT Marisa Mansour, Senior Catering & Convention :LY]PJLZ4HUHNLY^P[O+PZUL`»Z@HJO[)LHJO*S\I 9LZVY[ZL_WYLZZLKOLY[OHURZMVY[OL^VUKLYM\S ZLY]PJLZOLYLJLP]LKMYVT3\_\Y`=LOPJSL*OH\MML\Y Glen Williams! “Glen was SO FANTASTIC! Chad and I both thought he was the best person we could have been blessed with to drive us to and from the airport for our trip. He taught us a lot about his time in Orlando, was super personable and genuine. Honestly, if every driver is like him, Mears will never run out of business opportunities. “He even had a Winnie the Pooh video for Mikayla, my 3-year-old daughter, to watch on the way home – she was so spoiled! And of course she is now convinced that the next time anyone comes to visit us that ‘Gwen’ will pick them up from the airport and bring them to our house. “You spoiled us with great service and kindness – thank you.” *VYL=HS\LZ!9LZWLJ[,U[O\ZPHZT *VYL=HS\LZ!,MÄJPLUJ`,U[O\ZPHZT 4 ,( 9:05 4 6;06 5 5 ,> :3,;;,9 Septem be r - Oc t obe r 2014 11 CUSTOMER COMMENTS 3\_\Y`=LOPJSL*OH\MML\YWalter HernandezYLJLP]LK[OL HWWYLJPH[PVUVM[OPZJ\Z[VTLY! “My family and I arranged transportation through Mears from the Orlando Airport to a nearby hotel, then transportation from the hotel to the Port of Tampa. Our driver for both trips was Walter Hernandez. He was the most pleasant, most considerate and most helpful driver! We really appreciated his services. He was prompt and extremely friendly. We were traveling with our four children. On our trip from the hotel in Orlando to the Port of Tampa, Walter made sure the kids had a DVD to watch on the way. That was fantastic! We just wanted to say thanks again to Walter!” *VYL=HS\LZ!9LZWLJ[,MÄJPLUJ`,U[O\ZPHZT =P]PHU)H[[SL^P[O[OL*VJH*VSH*VTWHU`ZLU[OLY[OHURZ[V Sales Coordinator Peggy Nance HUK4V[VY*VHJO6WLYH[VY Carl Edwards! “Thank you for all your help and support during our Technical Forum and Juice Session in Lakeland and Apopka. Everything went very well and the transportation during the week was excellent. The group was very pleased and complimentary of the service. I could not have done it without your help. I look forward to the opportunity to work with you again in the near future.” *VYL=HS\LZ!,MÄJPLUJ`9LZWLJ[ Sales Coordinator Erin Leonhardt HUK4V[VY*VHJO6WLYH[VY Edwin NievesYLJLP]LK[OPZUV[LVMHWWYLJPH[PVUMYVT*HYVSPUL +LSNHKV3VJH[PVU+PYLJ[VY^P[O)YPNO[:[HY[7LKPH[YPJZ! *SPLU[:LY]PJL4HUHNLYJoe Downey HUK+4,+PZWH[JOLY George RiveraYLJLP]LK[OLZL^VYKZVMHWWYLJPH[PVUMYVT 7H\S:TPSL`.YV\WZ:LY]PJLZ4HUHNLY^P[O+PZUL`»Z 4HNPJHS,_WYLZZ! “I could not have asked for any better partnership with your team. Joe was on top of everything throughout the early morning hours, and Dispatch provided the proper amount of equipment all day. We heard lots of great feedback about how much better an experience it was this year versus [our previous experience with a different provider] in 2012. Please thank Joe, George and the drivers again for an awesomely executed day.” *VYL=HS\LZ!,MÄJPLUJ`9LZWLJ[,U[O\ZPHZT 3\_\Y`=LOPJSL*OH\MML\YYves Isaac ^HZ[OHURLKI` [OPZJ\Z[VTLY! “I want to compliment the driver who picked us up at the airport. He is very professional, courteous and friendly. His vehicle was spotless. We enjoyed him, and when we had to leave Orlando we called him to take us back to the airport. Please let Mr. Isaac know we appreciate him and if we return to Orlando we will request him again.” *VYL=HS\LZ!9LZWLJ[,U[O\ZPHZT 4V[VY*VHJO6WLYH[VYZDavid Masse and William Murphy ^LYL[OHURLKI`,TTH5PSZZVU(J[P]P[PLZHUK:HSLZ *VVYKPUH[VY:;::[\KLU[;YH]LS:JOVVSZ>PUKLYTLYL 7YLWHYH[VY`:JOVVS! “Thank you! We had a great trip. Your driver, Edwin, was very courteous and on time. Once again thank you!” “Could you please forward a message to the drivers who were with us at Daytona Beach? They were both very friendly and willing to help when I called them to stand ready with the coaches in case a storm hit us. We really appreciated it.” *VYL=HS\LZ!9LZWLJ[,MÄJPLUJ` *VYL=HS\LZ!:HML[`,U[O\ZPHZT NEWSLETTER CREDITS Published bimonthly through the teamwork of: Cher Brutus, MDS Operations Chris Earl, Safety Joy Fleming, Employment Rosemary Gates, Sales Shannon Gravitte,.V]»[*VTT\UP[`9LSH[PVUZ Rhonda Gregoire/\THU9LZV\YJLZ Christy Hornbuckle, /LSSV-SVYPKH/VSS`^VVK Heather Husom,/LSSV(YPaVUH Julie James, Training & Development Kraige Jean,4V[VY*VHJO6WLYH[PVUZ Danielle Kambic, /LSSV>HZOPUN[VU+* Greg Kaul, /LSSV;L_HZ Colleen Gorman,/LSSV-SVYPKH6YSHUKV Lynn Pool, Training & Development David Taitano, Taxi Training Jim Ungvary,/\THU9LZV\YJLZ Heidi Ziegler, MDS Operations Melissa Zorko,/LSSV3HZ=LNHZ Layout and design by Stephanie Cruz 12 3\_\Y`=LOPJSL*OH\MML\YJohn GauthierYLJLP]LKHÄ]LZ[HY YL]PL^MYVT*OYPZ[PUL/HUJVJR([[VYUL`([3H^! “I was in Orlando for a 10-day conference. I used your services for transportation while at the Marriott World Center. John Gauthier was exceptional. I called him the rest of the stay for transportation to dinner with clients, to go to meetings, to go shopping and to go to the airport when I concluded my conference. “Mears advertises professionalism and service as the number 1 priority for their guests. John is an example of what ‘Professionalism’ and ‘Service’ mean. He dressed professionally, he spoke professionally, he drove professionally and more importantly, drove safely. He was very courteous and respectful. His car was very clean and smelled clean and he was very aware of my expectations and comfort. For example, every time he picked me up, he always arrived early, called to inform me that he had arrived, always had cold water,, napkins and hand wipes for me. He had a phone charger for my phone. He had a charger for my computer. He always asked if the air conditioner temperature was satisfactory. When it was raining he provided an umbrella for me. “I will always call John when I am in Orlando for my transportation requirements and will recommend that my partners and friends call him. Mears should commend John for representing Mears and himself in such an exemplary manner.”” *VYL=HS\LZ!9LZWLJ[:HML[`,MÄJPLUJ`,U[O\ZPHZT 4,(9:054 6;0655,>:3,;;,9 September - October 2014 EXAMPLES OF EXCELLENCE >PU[LY7HYR;H_P+YP]LYJose AlmarazYLJLP]LK[OLNYH[P[\KL VMHN\LZ[! “I arrived at the Sanford Airport with my wife, daughter and 4 young children. We needed transportation to Lake Buena Vista. [Our prior transportation company] texted us that morning saying they would not be able to accommodate us at that time. I went to the taxi stand and they directed us to Jose. He gave us very good service to the hotel. About 3 hours later, when our 4-year-old granddaughter realized she had left her blanket in the vehicle, we called back. Jose said he would try to get the blanket to us. At about midnight the front desk called to say the blanket was there. That is what I call great customer service. I will recommend this service to anyone who asks when they go to the Sanford Airport. Jose is a great representative for your company.” *VYL=HS\LZ!9LZWLJ[,MÄJPLUJ`,U[O\ZPHZT :HT)OHUKHYRHY+PYLJ[VYVM ,]LU[Z4HUHNLTLU[^P[O(TLYPJHU *\SPUHY`-LKLYH[PVUJVTTLUKLK [OLL_LTWSHY`ZLY]PJLWYV]PKLKI` /LSSV-SVYPKH-PLSK:[HMMLY Paul Sliepka! “I wanted to recognize a member of your staff for truly outstanding hospitality. I was in Orlando for Marriott Masters and lost my wallet. I had a feeling that it had been lost on one of the Hello!/ Mears coaches on Thursday night, but it did not turn up on Friday. On Saturday morning, I left the Gaylord Palms for an early site/planning meeting at the World Center. Out of the blue, I received a call from American Express, stating that Paul had found my wallet and wanted to contact me to return it. Not only did Paul take the creative initiative to contact Amex with his personal contact information, but when I called him from my site and told him that I could not break away from the hotel until later in the afternoon, he volunteered to drive over to the World Center to return the wallet to me. “As a 20-year veteran of the hospitality and meetings industry, I cannot think of another time that a stranger from the industry who had no knowledge of my role or extensive business with a destination has demonstrated such personal effort and creativity to ensure that a [YHUZWVY[H[PVUJ\Z[VTLY^HZZV^LSSZH[PZÄLK7SLHZL know that I already held Mears and Hello! in very high regard, but my experience with Paul will certainly PUÅ\LUJLT`KLJPZPVUTHRPUN^P[OT`VYNHUPaH[PVU»Z programs in Orlando in 2015, 2019 and beyond. Please extend my gratitude to Paul and your entire team for working so hard to ensure that even your clients’ guests receive the highest levels of service.” *VYL=HS\LZ!9LZWLJ[0U[LNYP[`,U[O\ZPHZT
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We welcome Mike McAllister as the new Manager to the Hello!/