PDF - Mears Transportation
PDF - Mears Transportation
January - February 2014 Volume 18 Issue 1 EMPLOYEE NEWS As always, preparations for this event started months in advance and required the efforts of many dedicated volunteers. The 2013 Christmas Party Committee (David Dease, Ron Jones, Rodney Posey, Cathy Larson, Mickie Goelz, Ariel Christenson, Donnie Dieterle, Amanda Trosset, Michelle Brooks and Joy Fleming) would like to thank the following individuals for their support and contributions: Adalisa Jackson-King Julie James Arlyn Moore Justin Moore Bill Langbein Karl Clements Bret Voisin Kerri Ludwig Cari Rubin Kim Mouton Carl Hobbs Larry Duniho Chris Earl Linda Kauffman Chris Recicar Cindy Mackey City Cab Company Maintenance Team: Robby Phelps, Andy Valentin, Steven Ouy, Denny Robles, Brian Purdy and Carlos Collazo City Cab Company Operations Team: Brian Roy, Wayne Nassis, Mike McGrath and Lenny LaGrange Dan Ford Fritzner Montauban Gordon King Gwynn Sutterby Hugh Dowling Ian Kaufman Janice Lowe Jean Worthington Jeff Goelz Jennifer Campbell Jim Ungvary Joe Tuero Jose Pujals Judy Haley Lisa Langdon and Hello! Florida Staffers: Brian Langdon, Joe Drogo, Bill Bigelow, Renee Mayo, Paola Santagati, Cindy Turner, Diana Perts, Pat Wahl, Donna Fein, Lori Babb, Steve Babb, Mike Babb, Marilyn Young, Tina Fawls, Irene Hackworth and Dave Langenbach Lydia Cortez (UK[OL9HMÅLWYPaL^PUULYZHYL! Julie James Angie Gomez Karl Clements Anna Cousins Kesha Jenkins Cari Rubin Lee Bradley Carlos Chavez Lynn Callahan Cassy Eye Lynn Naylor Chad Falhab Marisol Badillo Charles Sasser Mark Bankston Charlie Kauffman Michael Rojas Chris Earl Miguel Rivera Chris Olmeda Mike Ferrara Christopher Peters Mohammed Khan Claudia Jenkins Monica Armstrong Corey Reid Ortancis Gaines Prater Radiator, Inc & Warehouse Covottis Upshaw Oscar Torres Dan Lawler Pam Ward Ralph Martinez, Tom Dukes and McEwan Martinez & Dukes, PA David Rose Pat Mayberry Donna Fein Pooya Behbood Ritz Carlton Orlando Grande Lakes Donnie Dieterle Rafael Riano Erin Considine Ralph Cuevas Erin Leonhardt Renee Mayo Evelyn Nelson Robert Torres Royal Battery Fred Hammer Robert White Rodney Posey (ZPUWYL]PV\Z`LHYZ[OLYHMÅLMVYV\Y*OYPZ[THZ Party was dedicated to raising money to assist The Russell Home for Atypical Children. This year our wonderful employees and independent contractors helped raise $10,569 to support the Russell Home’s important work. (See related photo on page 8.) THANK YOU ALL! Lastly, our heartfelt thanks to the following I\ZPULZZWHY[ULYZMVY[OLPYNLULYV\ZYHMÅLWYPaL donations: ABC Companies Ameno Connector Balloon Connections Battery USA Carroll’s Catering Charles Sackett Repairs, LLC Cheryl’s Distinctive Creations, Inc. Cigna Roper YMCA – Jake Steger Rosen Center Spa Marcia Lapetina Darland’s Bakery SeaWorld Orlando George Montalvo Michelle Rodriguez Disney Cruise Line Shadow Graphics Hamer Diglel Roy Richardson Mike Lalikos Domino’s Pizza LLC #5128 Southern Truck Hien Tran Sonia Robinson Specialty Vehicles Ian Kaufman Steve Theodorou Standard Coffee Ingrid Carvajal Ulribe Thornbury Streeter’s Weld Fab Irving Valle Vera Matilda Sunbelt Tree Service Jayson Bloser Vic Kruppenbacher T. Skorman Productions Jeanne Hamilton Vic Laxson Jennifer Campbell Walt Kreiser Jimmy Lawrie Warren Young John Hebert Wayne Nassis Nick Stein Pamela Ocana Patty Soto Fun Planners Gaylord Palms Resort Rosemary Gates Grower, Ketcham, Rutherford, Bronson, Eide & Telan, P.A. Sandy Esteves Hilton Bonnet Creek Shannon Gravitte JW Marriott Orlando Grande Lakes Pete Savoie Shieva Jolly Tonya Dease Vanessa Velasquez Warren Wagman Kirby Rentals Lancer Insurance Linda & Murray Collins Lisa Hayley Lundquist Lou Holtz Mandy Ilene Schiff Max King TIB – Transportation Insurance Broker and Mike Howery Toyota TRS Midstate Fire Equipment of Central Florida Unisource Universal Orlando NAPA Vehicle Spa Nickelodeon’s Family Suites Hotel Waldorf Astoria Orlando Fluid Power Westar Party Guys MEARS IN M OTION NEWSLETTER • January - February 2014 Talk of the Town Restaurant Group: Charley’s, Fishbones, 4VVUÄZO1VOUUPL»Z Hideaway, Vito’s Chophouse and Texas Cattle Company Michael Murray, Ent. Orlando Freight Liner 2 Abdelhay Motassim Walt Disney World Zepp Products Judy Ray EMPLOYEE NEWS WELCOME ABOARD ON THE MOVE We welcome Mike McAllister as the new Manager to the Hello!/ 4LHYZ:[HMÄUN+LWHY[TLU[4PRLZWLU[THU``LHYZPU[OLHPYSPUL PUK\Z[Y`HUKTHUHNLKHSVJHS;^V4LUHUKH;Y\JRVWLYH[PVUMVY TVYL[OHU`LHYZ4VZ[YLJLU[S`4PRL^VYRLKHZH4LHYZ3\_\Y` =LOPJSL*OH\MML\YHUK[OLUHZH:O\[[SL=HU+YP]LY/LIYPUNZH NYLH[KLHSVMTHUHNLTLU[L_WLYPLUJL[VOPZUL^YVSL^P[O[OL :[HMÄUNKLWHY[TLU[ /LSSV(YPaVUHAccount Executive Rachel BellPZHZZ\TPUN HKKP[PVUHSYLZWVUZPIPSP[PLZHZZOLPZUV^[OLTHPU(JJV\U[ ,_LJ\[P]LMVY/V\ZL(JJV\U[Z:PUJLQVPUPUN\ZPU ZOLOHZZOV^U[OH[ZOLPZWHZZPVUH[LHIV\[PU[LYHJ[PUN^P[O JSPLU[ZSLHYUPUNOV^[OL`LU]PZPVU[OLPYL]LU[ZHUKIYPUN PUN[OH[[VSPML9HJOLS»ZKLKPJH[PVUSV`HS[`HUKJVTTP[TLU[ [VILPUN;OL)LZ[^PSSZLY]LOLY^LSSPU[OPZYVSL 7SLHZLQVPUPU^LSJVTPUNAaron Tharp[V/LSSV-SVYPKHHZ[OL new Account ManagerH[[OL9P[a*HYS[VUVU;LHT/\NOLZ >P[OOPZ `LHYZVML_WLYPLUJLH[[OL.H`SVYKPUJS\KPUN.\LZ[ :LY]PJLZ9LWYLZLU[H[P]L)PSSPUN*VVYKPUH[VY*VU]LU[PVU:LY]PJLZ *VVYKPUH[VYHUK0U[LYUHS,]LU[4HUHNLYH[IV[O[OL7HSTZHUK 5H[PVUHSPU+*^LMLLS[OH[OL^PSSILHNYLH[Ä[VU[OL9P[a [LHT Jordan BickelOHZHJJLW[LK[OLWVZP[PVUVMAccount ManagerVU;LHT+H]PZH[9VZLU:OPUNSL*YLLR1VYKHU Z[HY[LK^P[O/LSSV-SVYPKHPU:LW[LTILYVMHZV\YMHSS 0U[LYU(TVU[OPU[VOLYPU[LYUZOPWZOL^HZOPYLKM\SS[PTL HZH:HSLZ*VVYKPUH[VYMVY;LHT+H]PZ:PUJLZOLPZ]LY` MHTPSPHY^P[O;LHT+H]PZ»JSPLU[Z^LHYLSVVRPUNMVY^HYK [VHZTVV[O[YHUZP[PVUPU[V[OLVWLYH[PVUZYVSL Natalie VilarOHZQVPULK[OL/LSSV-SVYPKH[LHTHZSales Coordinator/LYIHJRNYV\UKPUJS\KLZH)HJOLSVYVM(Y[Z KLNYLLPU*VTT\UPJH[PVUZMYVT<*-HUKTVYL[OHU`LHYZVM L_WLYPLUJLPUW\ISPJYLSH[PVUZHUKOVZWP[HSP[`0UOLYJVVYKPUH[VY YVSLZOLSVVRZMVY^HYK[VSLHYUPUNZVTL[OPUNUL^L]LY`KH` HUKKLSP]LYPUNHNYLH[ÄUPZOLKWYVK\J[[VLHJOJSPLU[>LSJVTL 5H[HSPL /LSSV-SVYPKH^LSJVTLZNicole WalkerHZHM\SS[PTLSales Coordinator5PJVSLKPKHUV\[Z[HUKPUNQVIHZHMHSSPU[LYUHUK UV^QVPUZ(TPL.HYYL[[»Z[LHT/LYWYPVYL_WLYPLUJLH[ +LZ[PUH[PVU4*6OHZNP]LUOLY[OLHIPSP[`[VNYHZW[OLYVSL X\PJRS`(ZHYLJLU[9VZLUNYHK\H[LZOLPZYLHK`[VZ[HY[OLY JHYLLY^P[O/LSSV>LHYLL_JP[LK[V^LSJVTL5PJVSL WEDDING ANNOUNCEMENTS Hello! Florida Product Development Manager *OYPZ[`3H^ZVU and Johnny Hornbuckle were married on October 12, 2013. Best wishes! Congratulations to Hello! Arizona Account Manager /VSS`)YV^U. She and Michael Stephens exchanged wedding vows on October 12, 2013. Megan DeCarlo^PSSILTV]PUN[V+HSSHZ[V^VYRHZ Product Development ManagerMVY/LSSV;L_HZ4LNHU QVPULK/LSSVHZH:HSLZ*VVYKPUH[VYPU[OLZV\[O-SVYPKH VMÄJLPU4HYJOVMHUKX\PJRS`LHYULKHWYVTV[PVU [V(JJV\U[4HUHNLY:OL[YHUZMLYYLK[V[OL6YSHUKVVMÄJL PU1\ULHZHU(JJV\U[4HUHNLY:OL^PSSILVMÄJPHSS` ^VYRPUN^P[O;LHT;L_HZLMMLJ[P]L1HU\HY`"OV^L]LY ZOL^VU»[ILTHRPUN[OLWO`ZPJHSTV]L\U[PS[OLÄYZ[VM -LIY\HY`/LYJVVYKPUH[VYHUKVWLYH[PVUZL_WLYPLUJL^PSSJVTLPUOHUK`HZ ZOL^PSSILV]LYZLLPUNWYVWVZHSNLULYH[PVUHUK]LUKVYYLSH[PVUZHZ^LSSHZ HZZPZ[PUN^P[O6WLYH[PVUZ^OLUULLKLK >LJVUNYH[\SH[LKrista EdgrenMVYTLYS`+H:PS]HVUOLY WYVTV[PVU[V/LSSV-SVYPKHAccount Manager at the 1>4HYYPV[[2YPZ[HLHYULKOLY4HZ[LYVM:JPLUJLPU /VZWP[HSP[`HUK;V\YPZT4HUHNLTLU[^OPSLH[[OLZHTL [PTLNHPUPUNOV[LSHUK^LKKPUNWSHUUPUNL_WLYPLUJL :PUJLZ[HY[PUN^P[O/LSSV+4*PU4HYJOVM2YPZ[H L_JLSSLKHZH:HSLZ*VVYKPUH[VYHUKX\PJRS`WYV]LKOLY PU[LUZLKLZPYL[VTV]L\WPU[OLJVTWHU`>LSJVTL[V 6WLYH[PVUZHUK;LHT/\U[LY Alleson Liebling^PSSILHZZ\TPUN[OLYVSLVMAccount ExecutiveZLY]PUN[OL4VU[LS\JPH9LZVY[HUKRL`THYRL[ ZLNTLU[ZMVY/LSSV(YPaVUH(SSLZVUPZH7PSSHYVM/LSSV" ZOLTV[P]H[LZHUKPUZWPYLZHUKNP]LZL]LY`[HZROLYHSS THRPUN\ZZ[HUKV\[HIV]LHUKIL`VUK[OLYLZ[ LSSV(YPaVUHPZWSLHZLK[VHUUV\UJL[OH[Natalie / SheahanOHZHJJLW[LK[OLYVSLVMProduct Development Manager5H[HSPLOHZKLTVUZ[YH[LKNYLH[VYNHUPaH[PVUHS ZRPSSZHUKHUHTHaPUNHIPSP[`[VT\S[P[HZR0U[OPZUL^ JHWHJP[`ZOL^PSSHSZVJVU[PU\LHZ(SSLZVU3PLISPUN»ZZHSLZ JVVYKPUH[VY>P[O5H[HSPL»ZNLU\PULLU[O\ZPHZTHUK WHZZPVUMVY[OLQVI^LHYLJVUÄKLU[ZOL^PSSWYV]PKL NYLH[SLHKLYZOPW[VV\Y:HSLZ*VVYKPUH[VY[LHTTV]PUN MVY^HYK*VUNYH[\SH[PVUZ5H[HSPL M EARS IN M OTIO N N EW SLETTER • January - Fe brua ry 2014 3 EMPLOYEE NEWS 25 YEARS 15 YEARS Chuck Favorite /LSSV-SVYPKH-PLSK:[HMMLY Luis Martinez :O\[[SL=HU+YP]LY Gregory Moore 4V[VY*VHJO6WLYH[VY Emmanuel George :O\[[SL=HU+YP]LY Tony Isker /LSSV-SVYPKH-PLSK:[HMMLY Cendy Knight /LSSV(YPaVUH+PYLJ[VYVM *YLH[P]L:LY]PJLZ Stella Leysath /LSSV-SVYPKH-PLSK:[HMMLY Rusty McFatter 4HUHNLY60(6WLYH[PVUZ Darrell Porter +4,)VHYKPUN9LWYLZLU[H[P]L Karren Umstead *SPLU[:LY]PJLZ4HUHNLY Marc Whitney /LSSV-SVYPKH-PLSK:[HMMLY Lisa Zafar 60(;H_P:[HY[LY Joel Mollay 4V[VY*VHJO6WLYH[VY Janet Pagan-White ***+PZWH[JO*VVYKPUH[VY Karen MacLean 4V[VY*VHJO*HZOPLY 10 YEARS John Wolfe =7+PYLJ[VYVM/\THU9LZV\YJLZ 20 YEARS Mike Cone :HML[`+LWHY[TLU[4HUHNLY Evelyn Naugle /LSSV-SVYPKH-PLSK:[HMMLY 5 YEARS Angel Santos 4V[VY*VHJO6WLYH[VY 4 MEARS IN M OTION NEWSLETTER • January - February 2014 John Klinge /LSSV-SVYPKH-PLSK:[HMMLY EMPLOYEE NEWS 5 YEARS Continued Ariel Rodriguez :O\[[SL=HU+YP]LY Cindy Turner /LSSV-SVYPKH-PLSK:[HMMLY Deb Valyou 4+:)PSSPUN:WLJPHSPZ[ Stephanie Van Velzen /LSSV-SVYPKH7H`YVSS(KTPUPZ[YH[VY 1 YEAR John Ball4+: Luis M. Collado4+: Roger Conboy4+: Hiram De Jesus, Jr.4+: Deron Dillon4+: Gabrielle Garrison/- Arthur Gibbs III4+: Elizabeth Harby*** -YHUR/LÅPU4+: Richard Henry/Marsha Heppler/(A Sheila Hernandez4+: Michael Itani4+: Kelly Kruger4+: Krista Lawrence*** Cristal Legault4+: Dashaya Miller*** Arlyn Moore4+: Christopher Olmeda4+: Ivan Payne4+: Robert Powell4+: Angel Quinones4+: Khrystle Rader/Charles Ray4+: Cameron Rust/Kenneth Salter4+: Precious Shealey*** Ariel Sommers/Ruthie Lang/Tereatha Williams4+: KUDOS .YV\W:HSLZ4HUHNLY:HYHO)HYY`ZLUKZ2<+6: [V+PYLJ[VYVM*SPLU[:LY]PJLZLee Bradley*SPLU[ :LY]PJL4HUHNLYZSusan AyarsAlex ColonNelson PimentelHUKKarren Umstead;YHUZWVY[H[PVU :HSLZHUK6WLYH[PVUZ4HUHNLYArlyn MooreHUK *VU[YHJ[:LY]PJL4HUHNLY3\_\Y`=LOPJSL+P]P ZPVURebecca Katsur: “Thank you for the outstanding job your team does. Nelson and Karren were instrumental in the success of a high-level group at the Grand Floridian. The meeting planner was very pleased, as was Disney. I know there are countless other times all of your team goes above and beyond – I wish I could recognize each one of them. Please know how much they are appreciated.” 3LL)YHKSL`HKKZ! “Please allow me to add my sincere appreciation for the dedication and attention to detail that our team continues to provide. This is one of the many reasons that we continue to set the bar for excellence in our industry and continue to be ‘The best in the business.’ Again, congratulations for a job well done.” *VYL=HS\LZ!,U[O\ZPHZT,MÄJPLUJ` *VU[YHJ[LK-HJPSP[PLZ4HUHNLY;H_P+P]PZPVU*HYS /VIIZZLUKZ2<+6:[V60(*\Z[VTLY:LY]PJL 9LWYLZLU[H[P]LCristina Marin: 6WLYH[PVUZ4HUHNLY3\_\Y`=LOPJSL+P]PZPVU 4PJOLSSL,UNYHTZLUKZ2<+6:[V:HSLZ *VVYKPUH[VYPeggy Nance: “I was walking through the airport checking out the taxi podiums when I was approached by three customers who had just exited the escalators. ;OL`^LYL]LY`JVUJLYULKILJH\ZL[OLPYÅPNO[ OHKJVTLPUÄ]LOV\YZLHYSPLY[OHUZJOLK\SLK([ that point I went to the Mears counter because the customers had a town car reservation. There were three agents at the counter. I introduced myself and told the employees about the issue. “I would like to thank Peggy for stepping up to being our UNCF 5k Run/Walk for Education Team Captain by doing all the legwork. You Rock! I really appreciate everything you did to get this going. I may have been assigned Team Captain, I\[`V\Y,U[O\ZPHZTHUK,MÄJPLUJ`LHYULK`V\ the title.” “Cristina jumped on the phone and called about Ä]LKPMMLYLU[WLVWSLPUHZWHUVMHIV\[[^VTPU\[LZ>OLUZOL^HZÄUPZOLK^P[O[OLSHZ[WOVUL call, she somehow was able to get a car and a KYP]LY[VHYYP]LH[[OLSVJH[PVUPUÄ]LTPU\[LZ When I approached the customers and told them, they were so happy, you could see the young lady get a little emotional. “It is moments like this that make me proud to be a member of the Mears family. Upon further investigation I was able to gather that Cristina was not even on the clock. She was walking out and without hesitation jumped into action. It is because of employees like her I am able to wear my Mears shirt with pride every day.” *VYL=HS\LZ!,U[O\ZPHZT,MÄJPLUJ` /LSSV-SVYPKH(JJV\U[4HUHNLY3PHUH3PWRV^P[a ZLUKZ2<+6:[V-PLSK:[HMMLYZChuck Favorite Ben JensenDave LangenbachHUKPat Wahl: “Chuck and the arrival team for Wilson Elser were great. Ben and Dave were awesome, too! Dave went above and beyond to help us with our coaches (he was my greeter for the group). Having him there made it just a little smoother. Ben was great on departures and helped with a lot of pop-ups. This group demands exceptional service and everyone was wonderful! Pat Wahl made sure they got to the right place for dinner. She kept me at ease!” *VYL=HS\LZ!,MÄJPLUJ`,U[O\ZPHZT *VYL=HS\LZ!,MÄJPLUJ`,U[O\ZPHZT M EARS IN M OTIO N N EW SLETTER • January - Fe brua ry 2014 5 COMPANY NEWS KUDOS Continued 3\_\Y`=LOPJSL*OH\MML\Y4VL(OTLKZLUKZ 2<+6:[V6WLYH[PVUZ4HUHNLY3\_\Y`=LOPJSL +P]PZPVUMichelle EngramHUK[OL4LHYZ[LHT! “I just wanted to say thank you. I’m sincerely thankful to the men and women behind the scenes who work diligently for such a big company that I’m a proud partner of. Without your and their tireless effort to support us, doing what we do ^V\SKILKPMÄJ\S[0»TWYV\KVM^OH[0KV0»T very proud of Mears Transportation. And I’m very thankful to all of you.” *VYL=HS\L!Enthusiasm /LSSV(YPaVUH(JJV\U[,_LJ\[P]L*OYPZ[PL *OYPZ[PHUZLUKZ2<+6:[V(JJV\U[4HUHNLY Holly Stephens: “Holly did such an amazing job at Tempe Center for the Arts. She was extremely professional, assertive when she needed to be and got the job done perfectly. I was so proud to have her on our team!” *VYL=HS\LZ!Respect & Enthusiasm /LSSV(YPaVUH(JJV\U[,_LJ\[P]L)YPHUUH4VVK` ZLUKZ2<+6:[V+PYLJ[VYVM*YLH[P]L:LY]PJLZ Cendy Knight: “Having Cendy as a part of our team is super helpful! My site went really well and I think a lot of that comes from our previous relationship with them, but also because Cendy has that creative background. There have been multiple sites and meetings where she has really sold us because of what she brings to the table. She puts in so much time and effort; I just wanted you to know that 0]HS\LOLYHUK0RUV^[OLYLZ[VM[OLVMÄJL does too!” *VYL=HS\L!Enthusiasm Business Manager Rosemary GatesÄSSZPUMVY Santa at St. Luke’s United Methodist Church’s annual Buddy Break Christmas Party. Pictured with her are Amari and Tyrill Golding. Buddy Break is a caregiver respite program that allows kids with special needs to make new friends and enjoy various activities while their caregivers receive a much-needed break. This free service is provided through partnerships with local churches. Rosemary volunteers monthly with Buddy Break. 6 MEARS IN M OTION NEWSLETTER • January - February 2014 +YLHTÅPNO[:VHYZ(NHPU ,HJO`LHY4LHYZ;YHUZWVY[H[PVU.YV\WWHY[ULYZ^P[O+YLHTÅPNO[[VWYV]PKLVUJLPUH SPML[PTLKYLHT]HJH[PVUZMVY[LYTPUHSS`PSSJOPSKYLUMYVT[OL<UP[LK2PUNKVT;OPZ`LHY»Z +YLHTÅPNO[NYV\WPUJS\KLK JOPSKYLUWS\ZKVJ[VYZU\YZLZHUK]VS\U[LLYZ^OV]PZP[LK 6YSHUKVMVYHQHTWHJRLK^LLRVMM\U(IVHYK4LHYZ4V[VY*VHJOLZ[OL`[YH]LSLK[V 4HNPJ2PUNKVT<UP]LYZHS:[\KPVZ0ZSHUKVM(K]LU[\YL:LH>VYSK)SPaaHYK)LHJO(UPTHS 2PUNKVT/VSS`^VVK:[\KPVZ+PZJV]LY`*V]LHUK]HYPV\ZZOVWWPUNKLZ[PUH[PVUZ6\Y KYP]LYZHUKÄLSKZ[HMM^OVWHY[PJPWH[LÄUK[OLL_WLYPLUJLWLYZVUHSS`YL^HYKPUNHUKVM[LU YLX\LZ[[OLHZZPNUTLU[`LHYHM[LY`LHY 7H[YPJPH7LHYJL4),+YLHTÅPNO[*V-V\UKLY;Y\Z[LLZLU[[OPZSL[[LY[V:HSLZ*VVYKPUH[VY Jose Ulmos: ¸0Q\Z[^HU[LK[V^YP[LHWLYZVUHS[OHUR`V\[VL]LY`VULH[4LHYZ^OVTHKL+YLHTÅPNO[ Z\JOHNYLH[Z\JJLZZ,]LY`VULNVLZV\[VM[OLPY^H`[VOLSW[OL+YLHTÅPNO[JOPSKYLU and I so appreciate it. It is great to see the drivers wearing the group T-shirts, etc. Thank you for letting them do this. Thanks to Mears Event Staffer Nysha Lucky as well. “I would also like to thank Azher Quereshi (the wheelchair taxi driver) for all his help this year. He even said to me that if we needed him in the middle of the night, we just had to phone him. “I think moving to Mears Transportation was one of the best moves we made, and you are HSSUV^WHY[VM[OL+YLHTÅPNO[MHTPS`0^PSSILBPU[OL<:DUL_[4H`HUK^PSSILIYPUNPUN :HSS`>YHTWSPUN^P[OTL:OLPZNVPUN[VILOHUKSPUNHSS[OLL]LY`KH`TH[[LYZPU[OLVMÄJL leaving me free to concentrate on PR and have a little bit of retirement!” :WLJPHS[OHURZ[V[OLZL4V[VY*VHJO6WLYH[VYZ^OVZLY]LKK\YPUN+YLHTÅPNO[! )3<4.,69.,1 )6>4(596),9;1 */(4),93(057(<34 +0(33620:4,;3 ,+>(9+:*(93: 2(<--4(5*/(93,:, 3(/,5:96),9;6 3<*20,*/90:;67/,9( 4*.05;@96),9;3 4,5(4(9*064 :/<;;1(4,:2 :03=(4(90(4 :40;/+(5= COMPANY NEWS Mears Proudly Sponsors UNCF 5k *LU[YHS-SVYPKH»Z[O(UU\HS<5*-R9\U>HSRMVY,K\JH[PVU[VVRWSHJLVU5V]LTILYNP]PUNJVYWVYH[LZWVUZVYZHUKV[OLYZPU[OLJVTT\UP[` HUVWWVY[\UP[`[VYHPZLT\JOULLKLKM\UKZ[VILULÄ[[OYLL<5*--SVYPKHTLTILYPUZ[P[\[PVUZ;OPZZ\WWVY[OLSWZWYV]PKLKLZLY]PUN-SVYPKHZ[\KLU[Z ^P[OZJOVSHYZOPWKVSSHYZ[OL`ULLK[VNV[VJVSSLNL <5*-PZ[OLUH[PVU»ZSHYNLZ[TPUVYP[`LK\JH[PVUVYNHUPaH[PVU:PUJLP[ZMV\UKPUNPU <5*-OHZYHPZLKTVYL[OHUIPSSPVU[VOLSWTVYL[OHU Z[\KLU[ZYLJLP]LJVSSLNLKLNYLLZH[<5*-TLTILYPUZ[P[\[PVUZHUK^P[O<5*-ZJOVSHYZOPWZ;VKH`[OLVYNHUPaH[PVUWSH`ZHJYP[PJHSYVSLPU LUHISPUNTVYL[OHUZ[\KLU[ZH[[LUKJVSSLNLLHJO`LHY >LHYLWYV\K[VZH`[OH[MVY[OPZ`LHY»ZL]LU[^LOHKV\YSHYNLZ[[\YUV\[[VKH[LHUK^LJV\SKU»[ILTVYL[OHURM\S[VLHJOHUKL]LY`WLYZVU^OV [VVR[PTL[VYLWYLZLU[V\YJVTWHU`MVYZ\JOH^VY[O`JH\ZL 6\Y[LHTVYNHUPaLYZPeggy NanceKrista EstepaHUKMichelle EngramZLUK[OHURZ[V[OLMVSSV^PUNWHY[PJPWHU[Z! (SL_*VSVU (UNLS*YLZWV (SL_.\PMHYYV )LH[YPa4HY[PULa )Y`HUH5HUJL *HYS/VIIZ *OHU[LS.YHOHT *OLY)Y\[\Z *OYPZ[PUL4LSLUKLa *SH\KPH1LURPUZ +LIIPL9L`UVSKZ +LIYH4P[JOLSS ,YPJ9HTVZ .SLU>PSSPHTZ .YLN>PSZVU /LT^H[[PL:PUNO 0HU2H\MMTHU 1HUUL[[L.\PMHYYV 1LYTHPUL.YHOHT 1LYVTL.HYK` 1VHU+LUUPZ 2YPZ[H,Z[LWH 3PZH>PSZVU 4HY`*VSVU 4LNHU4J-H[[LY 4PJOLSSL,UNYHT 6Y[HUJPZ.HPULZ 7LNN`5HUJL 9HTVU4LSLUKLa 9PJHYKV4LKPUH 9VILY[,UJHYUHJPVU 9\ILU.YHU[ :PTVU:\TTLYSPU :PTVUL2H\MMTHU ;LNL;LNLZ[ ;OVTHZ:\[[VU ;PT/LILYSPUN ;YPZO2HUULY >PSI\Y9L`UVSKZ >PSSPHT:PTWZVU Luxury Vehicle Chauffeur Simon :\TTLYSPUOVSKZOPZJLY[PÄJH[LMYVT UNCF. Simon placed 3rd in the 60+ age group. Congratulations! M EARS IN M OTIO N N EW SLETTER • January - Fe brua ry 2014 7 COMPANY NEWS *OYPZ[THZ9HMÅL)LULÄ[Z9\ZZLSS/VTL Proceeds from our 2013 Christmas Party YHMÅL^LU[[V;OL9\ZZLSS/VTLMVY Atypical Children. Pictured (L to R) are Cathy Larson, Joy Fleming and Rodney Posey presenting the $10,569 check to Judy Harris (second from L), Administrator at the Russell Home. Ms. Harris is the daughter of the home’s founder, Vantrease Russell. Calypso Cay Resort (location code #221) is now :V\[O3HRL)\LUH=PZ[H:\P[LZ 4991 Calypso Cay Way Kissimmee, FL 34746 407-997-1300 Shuttle Zone 4 Luxury Vehicle Zone 143 Taxi Zone 361 Country Inn & Suites Maingate (location code #1069) is now ;OL0UUH[*HS`WZV 5001 Calypso Cay Way Kissimmee, FL 34746 407-997-1400 Shuttle Zone 4 Luxury Vehicle Zone 143 Taxi Zone 361 Holiday Inn Express Lake Buena Vista (location code #1077) is now 3HRL)\LUH=PZ[H/V[LS 8686 Palm Parkway Orlando, FL 32836 407-239-8400 Shuttle Zone 4 Luxury Vehicle Zone 142 Taxi Zone 402 Royal Plaza (location code #1042) is now )9LZVY[ 1905 Hotel Plaza Boulevard Orlando, FL 32830 407-828-2828 Shuttle Zone 4 Luxury Vehicle Zone 142 Taxi Zone 401 8 MEARS IN M OTION NEWSLETTER • January - February 2014 Gifts Bring Joy to Edgewood Youths 4LHYZ4LTWSV`LLZWHY[PJPWH[LKPU[OLHUU\HS,KNL^VVK)V`ZHUK.PYSZ@V\[O9HUJO*OYPZ[THZ JLSLIYH[PVUOVZ[LKI`[OL9VWLY@4*(PU>LZ[6YHUNL*V\U[`Shieva JollyChris EarlPete Savoie HUKDan Ford]VS\U[LLYLK[OLPY[PTL[VHZZPZ[PU[OLWYLWHYH[PVUZHUKPTWSLTLU[H[PVUVM[OLWHY[` :L]LUHKKP[PVUHSLTWSV`LLZMYVT/\THU9LZV\YJLZ;YHPUPUN:HML[`HUK*SHPTZKVUH[LKNPM[ZMVY [OLZL[LLUHNLYZ[OYV\NO[OL(UNLS;YLLWYVNYHT2YPZ2YPUNSLV\YV^U+HU-VYKTHKLHUV[OLYSP]LS` HWWLHYHUJLMYVT[OL5VY[O7VSL^OPSL[OLYLZ[VM[OL4LHYZ[LHTOLSWLKZLY]LTLHSZHUKZTPSLZ[V TPKKSLZJOVVSHUKOPNOZJOVVS[LLUHNLYZMYVT[OL,KNL^VVK9HUJO ;OLZLJOPSKYLUJVTLMYVTKP]LYZLIHJRNYV\UKZI\[[OL`HSSZOHYLKPU[OLQV`VM*OYPZ[THZ0[^HZ Q\Z[HZT\JOHISLZZPUN[V\ZHZP[^HZ[V[OLT(M[LY[OLL]LU[2YPZ2YPUNSLZOHYLK[OH[HZVUL `V\UNTHUYLJLP]LKOPZ(UNLSNPM[OLL_JSHPTLK¸)\[:HU[H[OLYL HYL[^VNPM[ZOLYL(YL`V\Z\YL0NL[[^V&¹6UJLOL^HZYLHZZ\YLK [OH[[OPZ^HZJVYYLJ[HSS[OH[JV\SKILOLHYKMYVT[OLZTPSPUN `V\[OHZOL^HSRLKH^H`^HZ¸>6>¯>6>¯>6>¯¹;OHUR `V\[V[OL4LHYZ4LTWSV`LLZMVYIYPUNPUN*OYPZ[THZJOLLY[V [OLZL`V\UNTLUHUK^VTLU CUSTOMER COMMENTS /LSSV-SVYPKH:LUPVY(JJV\U[,_LJ\[P]L Valerie Matalon(JJV\U[4HUHNLYLindsay LeblangHUK(ZZPZ[HU[(JJV\U[4HUHNLY Lauren RiffelYLJLP]LK[OLZL^VYKZVMWYHPZL! “Val, you and your team are absolutely fantastic! Thank you for your hard work and dedication these past few months and certainly this week. Our event was a huge success because of you! I hope to work with you real soon, and you can be sure we will tell all our colleagues there is only one DMC in Miami!” *VYL=HS\LZ!,U[O\ZPHZT,MÄJPLUJ` 3\_\Y`=LOPJSL*OH\MML\YVitorio Neves was JVTTLUKLKI`HNYH[LM\SJ\Z[VTLY! “I travel for work and often have the need for transportation. Vitorio is an absolute pro. His customer service values are outstanding. He is the most reliable driver I have consistently used in more than 15 years of extensive travel. He is polite, sincere, honest and keeps an immaculate vehicle. His professionalism is unparalleled. “I have been in hospitality my entire career. Vitorio knows how to treat people and make them feel special. He is absolutely the reason why I call upon this service so often. I very much appreciate Vitorio; he truly makes it easy!” *VYL=HS\LZ!Respect, Integrity & Enthusiasm 4PJOLSSLAVUL;LHT3LHKLY^P[O-*<:(0UJ 4HYRL[PUNOHK[OPZ[VZH`HIV\[+PYLJ[VYVM )\ZPULZZ+L]LSVWTLU[Karen PitcherelloHUK :LUPVY:HSLZ*VVYKPUH[VYRachel Bustamante: “I wanted to let you know how perfectly all of our transportation turned out. Thank you so much for all of your help in arranging the details with me. I really appreciate all that you did for us.” *VYL=HS\L!Enthusiasm :HSLZ*VVYKPUH[VYTeneisha NanceHUK4V[VY *VHJO6WLYH[VYWarren YoungYLJLP]LK[OLZL ^VYKZVM[OHURZ! “Thank you very much for all your help! The motor coach transport was a success. As always, it is a pleasure working with you and your team. I appreciate all your effort and professionalism.” *VYL=HS\LZ!Enthusiasm & Respect :HSLZ*VVYKPUH[VYPeggy Nance4V[VY*VHJO 6WLYH[VYZFrancisco GarciaChristopher LuckieJames ShuttHUKMahadeo Surujballi 60(*\Z[VTLY:LY]PJL9LWYLZLU[H[P]LLorna AllenHUK/LSSV-SVYPKH-PLSK:[HMMLYCindy TurnerTHKLHNYLH[PTWYLZZPVUVU;VTHUK 5HUJ`4HKKLU^P[O9L[YV\]HPSSLVM6YSHUKV! “Our conference for this year was very successful. We are very appreciative of the cooperation that you gave us in planning our event. As you RUV^^L[YPLK[VZ[H`HZÅ\PKHZWVZZPISL during the weeks leading up to the event and then had to move quickly at the end. We KVU»[OH]L[OLÄUHSÄN\YLZ`L[VU[OL\ZLVM the shuttle between OIA and the hotel, but it seemed to go very smoothly at the airport. The Mears personnel that we dealt with over the three days that we spent at the airport were extremely helpful and cordial. I would especially mention Lorna, who always had a smile and quickly moved our attendees along. “As for the move from the hotel to the Mary Queen of the Universe Shrine, your choice of Cindy Turner as Coordinator could not have worked better. Cindy had good suggestions for us and made the moves exactly as I envisioned them. Christopher, Francisco, James and Mahado were professional in appearance and actions, a real credit to the organization. The attendees were very complimentary about the entire experience. Thanks again for all your assistance.” *VYL=HS\LZ!9LZWLJ[,MÄJPLUJ`,U[O\ZPHZT 9HJOLS(3V^LZ^P[O9\TILYNLY2PYR *HSK^LSSWYHPZLK:HSLZ4HUHNLYOrtancis GainesHUK4V[VY*VHJO6WLYH[VYSam Knechel: “Everyone had a great time on the Orange County Bar Association Young Lawyers Section trip, thanks in large part to you and your company. Our driver, Sam, was excellent; everyone loved him! Thank you!” 2LSS`*VUUVSS`4LL[PUN7SHUULY^P[O.SVIHS 7SHUULYZZLU[OLYJVTWSPTLU[ZMVY/LSSV -SVYPKH-PLSK:[HMMLYZPat MorrisHUKDiana Perts: “Please ensure your management knows that Diana and Pat are must-haves at every meeting. They are truly great!” *VYL=HS\LZ!,U[O\ZPHZT,MÄJPLUJ` 3\_\Y`=LOPJSL*OH\MML\YLuis DuarteLHYULK [OPZUV[LVMHWWYLJPH[PVU! “I am emailing you to extend a most gracious compliment about your associate Luis Duarte. Wow! He is amazing. As a former corporate L_LJ\[P]L0HS^H`ZÄUKP[ULJLZZHY`[V compliment the best of the best. “Luis took great care of us to and from Disney, as well as on our airport trip. I was impressed by his professionalism, optimistic personality, and his graciousness. He truly takes pride in OPZ^VYRHUKP[PZYLÅLJ[LKPU[OLJSLHUSPULZZVM his vehicle. “Thank you so much. I look forward to my next visit to Orlando and will request Luis again for my transportation needs.” *VYL=HS\LZ!Enthusiasm & Respect :HSLZ*VVYKPUH[VYLisa WilsonHUK3\_\Y` =LOPJSL*OH\MML\YZ“Bo” Azeez, Jonel Edmond Larry GrovesNadeem Iqbal“Shoby” Lodhi HUKVictor RodriguezYLJLP]LK[OPZUV[LVM [OHURZMYVT1\K`)HSJP[PZ^P[O(K]VJH[L :OLYTHU/VZWP[HS! “I recently traveled to Orlando with 22 nurses. My assistant told me that you were so helpful, patient and kind when she was planning our trip. We are grateful to you. Our entire stay was great, thanks to your very professional drivers, too. “ *VYL=HS\LZ!Respect & Enthusiasm (OHWW`J\Z[VTLYJVTWSPTLU[LK@LSSV^*HI +YP]LYJason Bosini: “I travel about 50 times a year and I would say I am in a taxi roughly 20% of my time. I have never had such a pleasant cab experience in my life. Fabulous!” 7H\S>0ZZSLY4HUHNLYVM.YV\UK;YHUZWVY[H [PVU:LY]PJLZ.YLH[LY6YSHUKV(]PH[PVU (\[OVYP[`6YSHUKV0U[LYUH[PVUHS(PYWVY[HKKZ! “Jason Bosini has made another favorable lasting impression on one of his (our) taxi customers. This is the third compliment on his outstanding customer service I have received in the last few months. What a wonderful asset he is to Yellow Cab and the customers he transports from the Airport. Please pass on to him our appreciation.” *VYL=HS\LZ!Respect & Enthusiasm *VYL=HS\LZ!,MÄJPLUJ`,U[O\ZPHZT M EARS IN M OTIO N N EW SLETTER • January - Fe brua ry 2014 9 CUSTOMER COMMENTS :[LWOHUPL4L`LY^P[O*HYPIL9V`HSL JVTTLUKLK:HSLZ*VVYKPUH[VYPeggy Nance 3\_\Y`=LOPJSL*OH\MML\YAngel CrespoHUK 3PTV\ZPUL*OH\MML\YSteven Poppick: 9LILJJH2H[Z\Y*VU[YHJ[:LY]PJL4HUHNLY 3\_\Y`=LOPJSL+P]PZPVUWHZZLKHSVUN[OPZ JVTWSPTLU[MVY3\_\Y`=LOPJSL*OH\MML\Y Anthony Reyes: /LSSV(YPaVUH.LULYHS4HUHNLYHeather HusomHUK(JJV\U[,_LJ\[P]LAlleson Liebling WYV]PKLKNYLH[ZLY]PJL[V7LNN`)\YMVYK 7YVQLJ[4HUHNLY^P[O4HYP[a;YH]LS! “Thank you for taking care of arrangements for my family from the limo pick-up upon arrival to the luxury van upon departure to Sanford/ Orlando Airport. Steven was absolutely wonderful, very professional, patient and kind. My mother and family members said Angel was great, professional, patient and as my mother says ‘very sweet.’ Thanks again. I truly appreciate your kindness and assistance in taking care of my needs. Please pass along my appreciation to the drivers, too.” “Matt Guillen at the Dolphin called to report HZWLJPÄJJOH\MML\YHUKOPZJ\Z[VTLYZLY]PJL Matt had loaded a family into one of our luxury vans, driven by Anthony. Unfortunately, these guests had been storing three car seats in the Dolphin’s luggage/storage room but only two of the car seats were there at the time of their departure. The guest was very upset about this and Anthony was kind enough to step in and offer immediate guest recovery with the use of his personal car seat. The guest was still concerned with what their third child would use when they arrived home. Anthony, noticing the guest’s concern, let the guest take the car seat home for their personal use until the car ZLH[PZZ\L^HZÄN\YLKV\[4H[[^HZL_[YLTLS` pleased with how kind Anthony was to help out in this situation. Matt described Anthony as always displaying great customer service.” “I wanted to let you know what a WONDERFUL job Heather and Alleson did on my AT&T program to Scottsdale. As many programs do, this one had its challenges, but Heather and Alleson helped us through them every step of the way. It was truly a partnership from the beginning and I don’t know what I would have done if they had not been there to support me! I cannot say enough about their professionalism and their willingness to do whatever it took to keep the client happy. I look forward to working with them in the future.” *VYL=HS\LZ!Enthusiasm & Respect 6\YJ\Z[VTLYZLY]PJL[LHTWHZZLKHSVUN[OPZ JVTWSPTLU[[OH[HKPZ[YLZZLKN\LZ[ZLU[PU HWWYLJPH[PVUVM3\_\Y`=LOPJSL*OH\MML\Y Eddie Diaz: “A passenger called to compliment our company for going above and beyond. She OHKL_WLYPLUJLKWYVISLTZB^P[OOLYHYYHUNLK [YHUZWVY[H[PVUDZVHTHUHNLYHNYLLK[VHZZPZ[ on the return for the inconvenience. The THUHNLYZLU[HS\_\Y`[V^UJHYBKYP]LUI`D Eddie. The guest said he was so professional and friendly; she wanted to express her appreciation for a job well done.” *VYL=HS\LZ!Respect, Integrity & Enthusiasm 3LUVYL:JOHLMLY:LUPVY4HUHNLY^P[O+) 4LL[PUNZHUK,]LU[ZL_WYLZZLKOLYNYH[P[\KL[V :HSLZ*VVYKPUH[VYErin Leonhardt: “Once again, you have done an outstanding job! Thank you for all of your support with the D&B Program. As always, we had a lot of changes and you responded quickly and your manifests were accurate. I don’t know how you do it! Great job!” *VYL=HS\LZ!,MÄJPLUJ`,U[O\ZPHZT 4HY`;\YULY2PUKLYNHY[LU;LHJOLYH[3HRL >OP[UL`,SLTLU[HY`:JOVVSNH]LHU¸(¹ [V:HSLZ*VVYKPUH[VYLisa WilsonHUK4V[VY *VHJO6WLYH[VYZRandy ColonHUKThomas Sesic: “Thank you so much for all of your help! We had a wonderful experience and such pleasant, friendly drivers. You made this such an easy experience for this ‘old teacher!’ “ *VYL=HS\LZ!Respect, Enthusiasm and Safety /LSSV-SVYPKH:LUPVY(JJV\U[,_LJ\[P]LMika DuynhouwerHUK(JJV\U[4HUHNLYMichelle Wilkie LHYULK[OLHWWYLJPH[PVUVM5HUJ` )YVLYZ,]LU[7SHUULY^P[O,__VU4VIPS! “Thanks for everything you did to make the National Council Meeting so successful. Each restaurant was a huge hit, so great job on creating and executing not 1, not 2, but 3 fabulous evenings. The logistics were spot-on and coming through on the last-minute gift request was a huge help. Looking forward to continued success on our next 2 programs.” *VYL=HS\LZ!,U[O\ZPHZT,MÄJPLUJ` /LSSV3HZ=LNHZ(JJV\U[4HUHNLYBrittany Willis^HZJVTWSPTLU[LKI`2HYSH)H\THU 4LL[PUN,]LU[4HUHNLY^P[O,_WLYPLU[! “I cannot stop thinking about how great everything went! The centerpieces at the speedway, the aerialist, paparazzi and pretty much everything at the Gatsby Dinner were my favorites, and spectacular. Brittany is KHYSPUNHUK0HTJVUÄKLU[OLYLTLYNPUNZRPSS set will take her far in this business. Her H[[P[\KLPZZWV[VUBL]LU^OLUD0^HZOV\UKPUN her about the waivers and DVDs on the coaches. Impressive!” *VYL=HS\LZ!Respect & Enthusiasm *VYL=HS\LZ!Enthusiasm & Respect 10 MEARS IN M OTION NEWSLETTER • January - February 2014 7H\S4LHYZ0007YLZPKLU[/LSSV+LZ[PUH[PVU 4HUHNLTLU[4LHYZ;YHUZWVY[H[PVU.YV\W HKKZ! “Great job, ladies! This is a big win and a very sincere note from Peggy. Though I know you do great work every day, program after program, it’s nice to hear it from a very important client.” *VYL=HS\LZ!9LZWLJ[,MÄJPLUJ`,U[O\ZPHZT Chairman Paul Mears, Jr. shared this letter he received from a grateful father in Maryland: “Your drivers are amazing! My family and I had the honor of investing a week with Give Kids the World in early October. What an experience! I haven’t seen that kind of ‘servant leadership’ in staff and volunteers in a very long time. We had a blast! There are no words to describe the fun we had while at the village and the amusement parks. The people, food and accommodations were perfect. “I have enclosed a DVD of highlights from our trip that I put on YouTube. By no means does the DVD cover all we saw and experienced ^OPSLPU-SVYPKHI\[P[^PSSNP]L`V\HÅH]VY for all the fun we had while away from home. Juliana, our youngest daughter, was stricken ^P[OJHUJLYMVY[OLÄYZ[[PTLPU^OLUZOL ^HZÄ]L`LHYZVSK:OLPZUV^VUJOLTV[OLYHW` after dealing with cancer for the third time. There are no words to describe the joy I saw on her face when she went on many of the rides, LZWLJPHSS`:WHJL4V\U[HPUMVY[OLÄYZ[[PTL (she went on the ride three more times after that). To see her face light up was incredible. There are just no words. “Thank you for your kindness and compassion for sick kids and their families.” *VYL=HS\LZ!Respect, Integrity, Safety & Enthusiasm CUSTOMER COMMENTS 7H\SH)YLLK^P[O4VUHS[V*VYWVYH[L,]LU[Z ^HZ]LY`WSLHZLK^P[O[OLZLY]PJLWYV]PKLKI` /LSSV3HZ=LNHZ*YLH[P]L:LY]PJLZ4HUHNLY Patrick Peel:LUPVY(JJV\U[,_LJ\[P]L Rebekah Johnson+PYLJ[VYVM6WLYH[PVUZ Kristina Ghiloni HUK7YVK\J[+L]LSVWTLU[ 4HUHNLYKrista England: “As always, it is a total pleasure working with you. You are so creative and make the entire experience both fun and rewarding. Not to mention that the end result is always outstanding. We had some challenges thrown at us this year, and yet you managed to create an amazing event inside less-than-inspiring surroundings. And our client was so happy! We look forward to continuing our partnership going forward and continuing to raise the bar with amazing parties. Thank you for your total professionalism, timeless support and patience. It’s a pleasure working with Hello! Las Vegas.” *VYL=HS\LZ!,U[O\ZPHZT,MÄJPLUJ` /LSSV-SVYPKH(JJV\U[4HUHNLYGabrielle GarrisonHUK-PLSK:[HMMLYTeresa AnoLHYULK [OPZJVTWSPTLU[YLJLU[S`! “Gabrielle was a pleasure to work with. She was very proactive and very professional. Teresa on site was great! I look forward to working with you again. As a former DMC operations executive, I have high standards and you guys surpassed my expectations.” *VYL=HS\LZ!,U[O\ZPHZT,MÄJPLUJ` (OHWW`J\Z[VTLYWYHPZLK4V[VY*VHJO 6WLYH[VYKismet Diallo: “Kismet was amazing for our return trip! Such a professional! She sure represents Mears well!” *VYL=HS\L!Enthusiasm *P[`*HI-PLSK6WLYH[PVUZ:\WLY]PZVYIan KaufmanYLJLP]LK[OLZL^VYKZVMNYH[P[\KL MYVT9PJOHYK)SLKZVL=PJL7YLZPKLU[*LU[YHS <:^P[O:PTWSL_.YPUULSS! “I wanted to send you a note of thanks. I traveled in one of your taxis from Rosen Shingle Creek to the Orlando airport and left my cell phone in the cab. It was returned to the hotel that day by your company – it is greatly appreciated! Additionally, when one of my staff tried to tip the person who returned it, he refused the tip – said it was his honor to return the lost property. Please express my sincere thanks, and thank you for creating a great culture at Mears.” :HSLZ*VVYKPUH[VYJose UlmosHUK/LSSV -SVYPKH-PLSK:[HMMLYTina FawlsYLJLP]LK[OL HWWYLJPH[PVUVM:HTHU[OH.SV]LY7YVNYHT *VVYKPUH[VYMVY;OL:\UZOPUL-V\UKH[PVUVM *HUHKH! “We have another DreamLift coming to Disney World. We would really like to work with Mears again as you always treat us so well! Our experience with Mears last month was incredible and Tina did a fantastic job of assisting us to ensure we were back at Orlando (PYWVY[[VTHRLV\YÅPNO[ 1LMM)V_LY)\ZPULZZ+L]LSVWTLU[4HUHNLY ^P[O4LYP[:WLJPHS[`=HJH[PVUZHUK<S[PTH[L =HJH[PVUZOHK[OPZ[VZH`HIV\[:LUPVY:HSLZ *VVYKPUH[VYRachel BustamanteHUK4V[VY *VHJO6WLYH[VYZLuis CastroJack HenkleHUK William Speigle: ¸0^HU[LK[VZOHYLB[OLZL^VYKZZLLILSV^D0 received from my client on an outstanding job by all of you on his recent trip. I would like to add my personal thanks for your excellent service and I look forward to working with each of you again on future bookings.” .YLN,SSPV[[^P[O,(;65,SLJ[YPJHS3VUKVU :HYUPH>PUKZVYOHK[OPZ[VZH`! “Thanks for all of your help, Jose.” *VYL=HS\LZ!9LZWLJ[,MÄJPLUJ`,U[O\ZPHZT (NYH[LM\SJ\Z[VTLY^YV[LPU[VJVTWSPTLU[ *OLJRLY*HI+YP]LYFrantz St. Germain: “We received a note from Ken Keene saying thank you to driver Frantz St. Germain. Frantz recovered and returned his keys.” *VYL=HS\LZ!Enthusiasm & Integrity :HSLZ4HUHNLYLinda SchwarzHUK4V[VY *VHJO6WLYH[VYZGary HucklesbyOlga Velez HUKVirginia Velez^LYL[OHURLKI`1HTPL.YH` ^P[O36*:VM[^HYL! “Please thank all the drivers for me. They did a great job, and I appreciate all your help through this process.” *VYL=HS\LZ!Enthusiasm & Respect (NYH[LM\SJ\Z[VTLYWYHPZLK*P[`*HI+YP]LY Jack Hicks: “Just a quick note to praise Jack, whose services I have used on multiple occasions to transport my parents to and from doctors’ visits and visits with each other as they are in separate locations for a while (one in a BWO`ZPJHSDYLOHIMHJPSP[`HUKVULPUHZZPZ[LK living). “He is very engaging and great with my parents. He is dependable and very safetyconscious when transporting passengers who use wheelchairs. We always know we are in good hands with Jack. Both of my parents’ facilities enjoy working with him and he is well respected by facility staffers. Jack represents well and I wanted to share that.” *VYL=HS\LZ!Respect, Safety & Enthusiasm “I wanted to send my appreciation to you and all of the staff at Hammock Beach Resort, TPC Sawgrass, and Mears Transport.The reviews from our customers on the trip were outstanding. The motor coach operators were well organized and on time.” 9HJOLS)\Z[HTHU[LHKKZOLY[OHURZ[V)\ZPULZZ 4HUHNLYRosemary GatesHUK/LSSV-SVYPKH -PLSK:[HMMLYMichelle Zwieg: “A shout out to Michelle who worked on ÄUHSPaPUN[OPZNYV\W^OPSL0^HZV\[ZPJR:OV\[ out to Rosemary for arranging the beverages/ coolers for their airport transfers.” *VYL=HS\LZ!9LZWLJ[,MÄJPLUJ`,U[O\ZPHZT *P[`*HI+YP]LYAzher QureshiYLJLP]LK[OPZ UV[LVMHWWYLJPH[PVU! “It was a great service. The driver helped me with everything I needed: Address, locations, talking to people, etc., for a right price. I’m going to call him every time I need a cab again. Great! Great! Great!” *VYL=HS\LZ!Enthusiasm & Respect ;OPZTLZZHNLVMNYH[P[\KL^HZWHZZLKHSVUNMVY @LSSV^*HI+YP]LYHamer Diglel: “He was most helpful and made us feel really ^LSJVTLHM[LYHSVUNÅPNO[MYVT[OL<2¹ *VYL=HS\L!Enthusiasm 3\_\Y`=LOPJSL*OH\MML\YMoe AhmedYLJLP]LK [OLZL^VYKZVMWYHPZL! “Moe was the best Mears chauffeur we have ever had. He was on time, pleasant and absolutely wonderful to deal with. His knowledge of the area and driving skills were exemplary.” *VYL=HS\LZ!Respect, Enthusiasm & Safety *VYL=HS\LZ!Respect, Integrity & Enthusiasm M EARS IN M OTIO N N EW SLETTER • January - Fe brua ry 2014 11 CUSTOMER COMMENTS /LSSV-SVYPKH:LUPVY(JJV\U[,_LJ\[P]L Alison Davis*YLH[P]L:LY]PJLZ4HUHNLYHolly SteinebronnB[OLUD(JJV\U[4HUHNLYMegan DeCarloHUKB[OLUD:HSLZ*VVYKPUH[VYJordan BickelLHYULK[OPZJVTWSPTLU[YLJLU[S`! “Your ears should be burning, Alison. I just enjoyed lunch with the team and tried to describe the magical environment/atmosphere Hello! Florida conceived and executed in Conway. Obviously, they want/need photos because I was unable to capture such excellence with my meager grasp of the English language, although my passion may have helped a bit. Who besides you deserves praise on the accomplishment? Can’t remember a more impressive transformation of space on any scale. You did yourselves proud in front of a most discriminating audience.” :JV[[:[PMM^P[O:[HY^VVK=HJH[PVU6^ULYZOPW OHKNYLH[[OPUNZ[VZH`HIV\[:HSLZ4HUHNLY Linda Schwarz HUK/LSSV-SVYPKH7YVNYHT 4HUHNLYMary Johnson: “As always, thank you for your support of our event these last several years. Without a doubt we continue to appreciate the hard work of `V\HUK`V\YVUZP[L[LHTZPUJVYYHSSPUN plus people every year. We have such a sense VMJVUÄKLUJLILJH\ZLVM`V\YVUNVPUNZ\Wport, and our associates have provided us very positive feedback regarding the transportation to and from the event each year. “Something I’m thankful for year after year is V\YJVUÄKLUJLPU`V\HUK`V\Y[LHT»ZHIPSP[` to make our transportation run smoothly and without incident.” (SPZVU+H]PZHKKZ! 3PUKH:JO^HYaHKKZ! ¸/VSS`1VYKHUHUK4LNHU[OPZÅH[[LYPUN compliment truly needs to go to you three. Holly, you envisioned this and oversaw the set onsite with Megan. Jordan coordinated putting the elements together for me. Thanks for making me look so good!” “I received this from a client that I work with every year and have done so for the last 6 `LHYZ>L[YHUZMLY[OLH[[LUKLLZMYVT[OLPY SVJHSVMÄJL[VHSVJHSOV[LSMVYHUHWWYLJPH[PVU luncheon. My lead staff has always been Mary Johnson, and she does a wonderful job.” *VYL=HS\LZ!,U[O\ZPHZT,MÄJPLUJ` 7L[L+L9VZH^P[O:PLTLUZ>LZ[PUNOV\ZL 9L[PYLLZ(ZZVJPH[PVUJVTWSPTLU[LK:HSLZ *VVYKPUH[VYPeggy NanceHUK4V[VY*VHJO 6WLYH[VYBill Reardon: “Our coach trip was enjoyed by all who took part and it exceeded expectations. I received a lot of very positive feedback regarding the whole experience, including the great job done by our driver, Bill.” *VYL=HS\LZ!Enthusiasm & Respect (T`*>HSZO:LUPVY9LWYLZLU[H[P]L^P[O <UP]LYZHS7HY[ULY/V[LSZ^HZ]LY`WSLHZLK ^P[O[OLZLY]PJLWYV]PKLKI`)\ZPULZZ4HUHNLY Rosemary GatesHUK3PTV\ZPUL*OH\MML\YSam Masieh: “I wanted to thank you again for setting up T`JLY[PÄJH[LYLKLTW[PVUHUK[VSL[`V\RUV^ how great our driver, Sam, was. I used this service to go out to dinner to celebrate my birthday and he went above and beyond to be courteous and to make it special, even decorating and having ‘Happy Birthday’ play as we drove away from my house! He was great and my friends and I thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. Thank you again!” *VYL=HS\LZ!,U[O\ZPHZT,MÄJPLUJ`9LZWLJ[ ([OHURM\SJ\Z[VTLYL_WYLZZLKOLYHWWYLJPH[PVU MVY3\_\Y`=LOPJSL*OH\MML\YEverett McClung: “I am writing in a letter of commendation regarding Mr. McClung. He was my driver previously and did an excellent job and was very professional. As a result, while vacationing at the Summer Bay Resort in August, when the villa I was staying in collapsed into a sink hole and my son and I lost all of our belongings and had no transportation available, I remembered Everett and called him to ask him to pick us up and take us home. I told him it wasn’t a joke - that it was a serious situation and would he please help. He immediately replied ‘of course’ and was at the site in 45 minutes. He patiently listened to my babble for the next 45 minutes while driving my son and me back to my home. He was very gracious, courteous and professional. As a result I have requested him to be my driver again. I so hope he is available! I wanted to let you know what a valuable chauffeur you have representing Mears Transportation.” *VYL=HS\LZ!9LZWLJ[,MÄJPLUJ`,U[O\ZPHZT *VYL=HS\LZ!Enthusiasm & Respect 12 MEARS IN M OTION NEWSLETTER • January - February 2014 4V[VY*VHJO6WLYH[VYJeanne Hamilton YLJLP]LK[OLZL^VYKZVMNYH[P[\KL! “We the members of Mt. Olive AME Church, under the leadership of the Rev. Dr. Mark E. Crutcher, would like to express our sincere appreciation to Jeanne Hamilton who was the driver for our recent trip to Madison, Florida. “We experienced her warm and pleasing personality along with her great sense of humor. We want you to know how much we enjoyed traveling with her and how much we appreciate her driving expertise. It is employees like Jeanne, who provide excellent customer service, that contribute to the maintaining of clientele. Our prayer is that God will continue to shower her with His blessings.” +YP]LY4HUHNLY>HYYLU>HNTHUHKKZ! “I would like to congratulate Jeanne on a job well done. She continues to go above and beyond, time and time again.” *VYL=HS\LZ!Respect, Integrity & Enthusiasm (NYH[LM\SJ\Z[VTLYZLU[OPZ[OHURZMVY[OL ZLY]PJLWYV]PKLKI`3\_\Y`=LOPJSL*OH\MML\Y Silvetta Auguste: “I want to say how much of a help one of your drivers was when I was in town. Ms. Auguste drove me to the hospital because my child had a food allergy. She was very helpful and very professional. She should have some recognition for her work.” *VYL=HS\LZ!Enthusiasm & Respect NEWSLETTER CREDITS Published bimonthly through the teamwork of: Cher Brutus, 4+:6WLYH[PVUZ Chris Earl, :HML[` Joy Fleming,,TWSV`TLU[ Rosemary Gates, Sales Shannon Gravitte,.V]»[*VTT\UP[`9LSH[PVUZ Heather Husom,/LSSV(YPaVUH Julie James,;YHPUPUN+L]LSVWTLU[ Kraige Jean,4V[VY*VHJO6WLYH[PVUZ Bill Langbein, 7YPU[.YHWOPJ:LY]PJLZ Julie Mezzina,/LSSV-SVYPKH6YSHUKV Emily Nicolas,/LSSV-SVYPKH-[3H\KLYKHSL Lynn Pool,;YHPUPUN+L]LSVWTLU[ Jose Pujals,7YPU[.YHWOPJ:LY]PJLZ Cari Rubin,/\THU9LZV\YJLZ David Taitano,;H_P;YHPUPUN Jim Ungvary,/\THU9LZV\YJLZ Heidi Ziegler, 4+:6WLYH[PVUZ Melissa Zorko,/LSSV3HZ=LNHZ