Inside this issue: - Fleur de Lis Camp


Inside this issue: - Fleur de Lis Camp
Fall 2014
hat a perfect weekend it was to spend with old friends on the shores of Laurel Lake! The 85th reunion got off
to a great start on a sunny Saturday morning in July as alums greeted each other on the Farmhouse lawn.
With a packed schedule, many wasted no time before taking a dip in the lake and heading off to open activities. Throughout camp, picnic lunches were interrupted by much laughter, singing, and the familiar sound of shots fired
from the rifle range.
By late afternoon, all alumnae gathered together in the Old Dining Hall for a rousing game of Camp History Jeopardy.
Before long, it was time for dinner with the campers in the New Dining Hall, where we enjoyed chicken croquettes,
peppermint ice cream, and all our favorite camp songs. What’s not to love?
Following the meal, we joined the campers in the Barn for our favorite E.P.: Airbands! Many alums joined in on the
action and re-lived their camper years on the Barn stage. Not to be outdone, the campers shined as they entertained us
with their (superior) dance skills. As we bid the campers farewell for the evening, our night was just getting started! We
hurried off to the Fitzwilliam Inn for a private FDL party! More laughter, music, food, and drink rounded off the
wonderful day.
Sunday began with a beautiful Galilean service in the Hemlock Grove, followed by a
special alumnae brunch, complete with fleur de lis shaped waffles! After the silent
auction and raffle winners were announced, the long goodbyes started, while others
joined the campers in a rowdy game of capture the flag. By 5:00 pm, camp was quiet
again as alums made their trek home from what can only be described as a perfect
weekend with old (and now new) friends.
We had a wide mix of alumnae at this reunion, from those who attended in the 1930s
to others who were just at camp last summer. What a treat it was to watch generations
come together and bond over a mutual love of Fleur de Lis. The weekend was a
smashing success and wouldn’t have been possible without the enthusiasm, participation, and patience from all the attendees! We’re thrilled you could make it. Looking
forward to the 90th! Love, Lady A my Bates & Lady Sarah Heller
Inside this issue:
Page 1-2:
Page 3:
Page 4:
Page 5:
Page 6:
85th Reunion
Summer 2014 Recap
FDL Board
Memorabilia & FDL in News
85th Reunion Photos
Page 7:
Page 8-11:
Page 12:
Page 13:
FDL Legacy Program
Circle of Fleur de Lis
Notecards, Welcome, Wish
Big and Little
Page 14:
Page 15:
Page 16:
Page 17:
Page 18-19:
FDL Dates to Note
Mid Wog Renovation
Friends Update
Summer Photos
Fleur de Lis
Est. 1929
Jane E. Lawson
Vice President
Diane Foster
Christine Hassig Cressey
Ingrid Haessler Scanlon
Ruth White Keogh
Libby Williams
Maddie Jenkins Ouellette
Camp Director
Carrie Kashawlic
Fleur de Lis Core Values
Service to Others
Caring Community
Page 2
What a great summer! For the first time in Lady Carrie’s tenure at camp we hit our
goal of 80% camper retention! This is an exciting feat coupled with a five-year high in
both number of campers served and number of camper weeks. In addition, we have
heard from our campers themselves: the experience was fantastic, with 95% who would recommend camp and 100%
who indicated they enjoyed their stay at camp! Just to compare, the research done to distinguish between a good and a
GREAT camp is in the numbers, specifically an 80% camper retention rate. The average return rate for all camps for first
-time campers is about 55%; we are at 65%, which only speaks to the wonderful experience at Fleur de Lis. These numbers define us as a GREAT camp—of course, YOU already knew that! And if that alone was not enough, YOU helped
vote Fleur de Lis Camp BEST OF THE BEST not only in the Boston Parents Paper, but also in the
Manchester Union Leader. THANK YOU!
We had 75 campers register for the 2015 season before the 2014 season ended, which is fantastic! We filled our 3-week
session for 2014 by April, compared to having filled this session the previous year in June, 2013. It’s going to be
interesting to see how quickly we fill the three-week session for 2015; it’s more than half full already at the end of
September! Add to all of this a BURSTING Dining Hall on July 12 with the 85th Anniversary Reunion mingling
campers from the 1930s to 2014 with every table in use (even in the Champagne Room!), and it was ONLY possible
because our Seniors were on their way to kick some rifle-butt at our brother camp, William Lawrence. It was a truly
amazing summer. It was fun and exciting to hear the ROAR—and I do mean ROAR!—of the dining hall so full and as
each generation of campers stood to acknowledge their decades spent at camp. It was inspiring to see so many people of
so many ages return to camp to create a memory for a current generation of campers to look forward to emulating in the
As everyone knows, staff spends oodles of time shaping the camp experience. This starts even before camp “officially”
opens with training both on-site in kayaking, archery, life guarding, and tennis, as well as off-site with lifeguard
instructor trainer, rifle certification, and various other enrichment courses to up-skill staff to help them deliver solid
programs to campers. It then continues all summer as our staff work to meet the needs of campers and help them grow
and challenge themselves. In addition to our staff, our campers—especially returning campers—help shape our
community and culture here at camp. It is the friendliness, the warm welcomes to new campers, and the pure joyful love
of camp, friends, adventure, and fun that each girl brings back with her every year that makes Fleur de Lis what it is.
Thank you to all our campers, families, staff, alumnae, volunteers, donors, Corporation, Board, and everyone who invests in Fleur de Lis. YOU are what makes Fleur de Lis GREAT!
By Lady Carrie
Page 3
e are pleased to announce two new members to the Fleur de Lis Camp Board. Maddie Jenkins
Ouellette and Libby Williams will be joining us for our first meeting of the new fiscal year on
Saturday, October 4, 2014. Both Maddie and Libby bring important skills to the Board as well as a
deep commitment to keeping Fleur de Lis strong and vital. Maddie and Libby were campers, CTs, and
counselors. (See below for more about Maddie and Libby.)
Our first meeting this fall will focus on reviewing our five strategic initiatives that were created in the fall of
2011. These were as follows: Recruiting and Retention, Program Development, Charitable Week,
Development, and Volunteerism. We gave ourselves a timeline of three years to complete this work, and in
many cases we met our goals. With a largely new Board it is time to take a fresh look at where we want camp
to go in the future: retire some initiatives, revise some goals as needed, and create some new ones. We
welcome Maddie and Libby to this day-long meeting at camp. They will bring energy, enthusiasm, and a new
perspective to our work over the coming year.
By Jane Lawson, President
Maddie Jenkins Ouellette
Maddie joins the Fleur de Lis Board having been on the Corporation for a year. She looks forward to
contributing to the future of camp. Her daughter, Olivia, currently attends camp, and Maddie comes from a
long line of sisters that attended Fleur de Lis. Maddie and her sisters (Meredith, Sylvia, and Annie) have been
instrumental in teaching many of the “old” camp songs to new and younger campers and staff. Maddie resides
in Douglas, MA, with her husband, Michael, and daughter. They enjoy skiing in the winter and spend
weekends at the ocean in the summer, when not at camp.
Libby Williams
Libby has been actively involved with FDL since 1993, when she spent her first summer at camp as a 3rd year
Mid in Tent F. She went on to spend ten summers as a
camper, CT, and counselor and held a variety of
leadership positions including senior unit head,
waterfront director, and trip head. In 2009, she cochaired the 80th reunion, and in 2010, she was invited to
join the Corporation. Libby is very excited to now join
the Board and to continue to give back to camp. Libby
lives in Cambridge, MA, and currently serves as the
Administrative Director of Clinical Operations for the
Department of Anesthesia, Critical Care and Pain
Medicine at Massachusetts General Hospital. Libby
holds a BA in biology and art history from The College
of Wooster and an MPH in healthcare management from
Yale University.
Page 4
Mrs. Mary E. (Bodman) Kenner,
currently of Toronto, Ontario, sent in
some personal memorabilia from her
years at FDL. A big thank you for
this generous gift and a fun look into
our own history!
(see photo on right)
An exerpt from Page 2, Laurel Leaflet 1940. “Won by one Point.” That was the exciting telegram received from our
Rifle Team on July 23. At last the dream is fulfilled, and O-At-Ka is no longer an undefeated team. Congratulations go
to both teams. From all reports, it was one of the best and most exciting matches ever shot.
Our five highest scores were as follows: Abie Banton, 99; Flo Urquhart, 99; Elaine Lonnquest, 99; Eleanor Dummer,
99; Nancy Traill, 97. Final Score: O-At-Ka 492 v. Fleur de Lis 493.
Lady Lil and the team were welcomed home with the following song by L’Addie and Ruthie Pat: Cheer, cheer for our
Rifle Team! Now at last you’ve fulfilled our dream. We are glad to have you back, For there is nothing that you lack.
O-At-Ka’s team must be feeling blue Because they lost their big match to you. Fleur de Lis Ream we all proclaim Is
now on the road to fame. Rah!!! (Tune: Notre Dame Rally Song).
In case you missed the announcement this summer, Fleur de Lis Camp has been named the winner
of the Boston Parents’ Magazine Best of the Best for resident camps. In 2013, we were named in the
Top 5 Best of the Best for resident camps. Fleur de Lis Camp was also named #1 Favorite Summer
Camp by the Manchester Union Readers’ Choice awards this summer. Thank you to everyone who
took the time to vote; we are truly honored by these recognitions.
Online, Fleur de Lis has a NEW Pinterest page. You can now find us at We have also launched our Instagram page over the
summer, which can be found @fleurdeliscamp. Please check out both pages! In addition, we have a
group on Linked In—Friends of Fleur de Lis Camp for Girls—if you’d like to link with us. And as always, don’t forget to follow us on the blog and via Facebook!
Page 5
85th Reunion Merchandise and CD
Merchandise: We’ll have the 85th Reunion merchandise available online through the end
of the 2014 calendar year, for any final holiday gift giving you might want to do. Make
sure you check it out before it’s too late! You can buy the t-shirts and sweatshirts via the
Fleur de Lis website and the official uniform/apparel vendor, Maine Camp Outfitter.
CD: We’re just finishing up the CD recording and will update everyone shortly
on how to purchase it. Sorry for the delay!
Page 6
n conjunction with Fleur de Lis’ 85th anniversary, we launched two new Legacy campaigns to
identify families for whom a love of FDL spans (or will span) generations. So many “big” life
moments can happen at camp, but we would also like to celebrate the ones that happen at home.
If you have a young daughter or are going to have a little girl, please let us know because we want to
send a gift! We have FDL onesies for the littlest ones and a custom-made puzzle featuring Laurel
Lake and Mount Monadnock with camp’s rowboats in the foreground for those a little bit older. We
also hope to send a birthday card to each legacy as she grows up and excitedly awaits the time she can
attend Big & Little and camp.
So if this is you, please send your information to
Lady Sarena at [email protected], and if
you know of a friend in this situation, please send
their information for their little one to get a
wonderful surprise.
Four generations of Fleur de Lis campers! Now that’s a legacy!
Page 7
ircle of Fleur de Lis enjoyed its second season during August this year. It was staffed by an amazing
group of volunteers, and more importantly it served 45 campers who shared their stories and feelings
about experiencing the death of a parent. They instantly respected each other because of their
understanding of one another. All of these friendships flourished with the help of the magic of Fleur de Lis.
Laughter and tears filled a week that none of us will soon forget.
The following was read at Closing Campfire by Lady Lexy Heatley:
I remember….
The first time I heard about Circle Camps, I was intrigued
Wondering how Lady Jenn and I were ever going to do this again, I was nervous
Hearing about campers returning and new ones joining, I was excited
When so many volunteers came forward, I was appreciative
The buses pulled up and I saw your faces, I was thrilled
Seeing Lady Sarah and Lady Lauren in sequins singing, I was concerned
Campers performing in front of respectful crowds, I was proud
Sleeping in tent F, I was nostalgic
Hearing there ain’t no flies for the 99th time, I was annoyed
Observing your creativeness during inspection, I was inspired
Seeing you perform at the Talent Show, I was entertained
Seeing your faces while you tubed around the lake, I was joyful
Listening to your individual stories, I was touched
Dancing alongside you in the Barn, I was free
Laughing until I cried, I was energized
Watching campers with their arms around each other, I was moved
Reflecting on this week, I was at peace
Witnessing your growth, I was changed.
It has been a week filled with a roller coaster of experiences and emotions. Sitting under the stars in your
company, I realize our Circle has grown stronger, become more confident, and built respect. Each of you is an
important part of our Circle of Fleur de Lis, and I know we are a Circle that will continue to grow. Standing
here, I know we belong at Circle of Fleur de Lis.
Would you like to be a part of Circle of Fleur de Lis? We are looking for volunteers in all capacities to help us
with this special week. There is no prior experience needed. Do you know a girl ages 9-13 who has
experienced the death of a parent and would benefit from this week of camp? To learn more about camper and
volunteer opportunities, please contact Lady Jennifer Maynard at [email protected].
(**See page 11 regarding an evening event in Boston at which you can learn more about Circle of Fleur de
Lis, how to sponsor a camper, refer a child to the program, or donate to this very worthy camp.)
Page 8
Page 9
Page 10
hank you to everyone who purchased a ticket to win the paddleboard to benefit the Circle of Fleur de Lis Camp. We
were so blessed to have raised enough money to send three (3) campers to Circle Camp for the 2014 season! The
winner, Maddie Bray & family, was drawn on Sunday, August 10 by Queen Lauren Burnette.
“Maddie and I brought it up to Gloucester, MA, in late August for our vacation, where we had several days of paddleboarding off the beach and also in a protected
cove. We tried to do some yoga poses on it, but
alas, our doing-yoga-while-paddleboarding
skills are still
developing. The paddleboard has been a lot of
fun--and it's great exercise, too!” said
Allison Peter, Maddie Bray’s mom.
Thank you again to everyone who supported
the raffle and camp in all ways. And keep an
eye out for paddleboard at camp in
2015...we’re looking into fundraising to add
this program and some fantastic American
Canoe Association training for staff to deliver a
quality experience.
Who said anything about the terrible twos? We’re two, and we’re terrific! Please join us
on Friday, November 14, 2014, at Salvatore’s in Boston’s Seaport as we celebrate
Circle of Fleur de Lis’ second year. Circle of Fleur de Lis provides a free one-week
grief camp for girls who have a parent who has died. Join us for cocktails and learn
how you can support the program by referring a girl, volunteering as a counselor, or
making a donation. Meet the Circle Co-Directors and volunteer counselors who bring
this program to life. Visit with Fleur de Lis alumnae and friends while supporting Fleur
de Lis’s newest program. Tickets are $50 per person (cash bar). For more
information about tickets to this fundraiser or about Circle of Fleur de Lis, please visit or email [email protected].
Page 11
By Anna Nelson
Snail mail enthusiasts, rejoice. A selection of Fleur
de Lis greeting cards are now available online! If
you missed them at reunion, just visit and place your order.
Enjoy free shipping (use code HARK at checkout)
and 10% of your purchase will go right back to
Fleur de Lis!
 plastic hangers for the costume closet
 skirt hangers (with the clips) for the costume closet
 ski boat for waterskiing/tubing
 ski boom for teaching waterski
 life jackets—50-90 lbs (6)
 life jackets—90+ lbs (6 in M&L sizes)
 laptops with wireless ability for staff use (ideally with MS
office installed)
 GPS units (2) to be used on trips
 duct tape (for crafts, various colors/designs)
 embroidery floss (for crafts)
 Modge Podge (for arts class & crafts classes)
 Puffy paint (for crafts)
 googley eyes (for crafts)
 letter beads (for crafts—VERY POPULAR!)
 glue (Elmers & tacky for crafts, small bottles)
 face paint
 sewing notions (hand sewing needles, black & white
thread, machine needles, pins)
Page 12
Karin is a lifelong resident of the Monadnock
Region. She grew up riding horses and
participated in 4-H and Pony Club, riding
western, hunt seat, eventing, polo, and dressage.
She is a graduate of Franklin Pierce College with
a degree in Management. Her other job, of 13
years, is as the office manager/bookkeeper for a
pediatric physical therapy practice in Keene, NH.
Karin lives in Marlow, NH, with her husband
Tim (an IT professional), their son Ryan (Junior
at Vermont Academy) and her
precious side-kick Sammie Mae
(Boston Terrier). She enjoys
attending Ryan’s hockey, baseball,
and soccer games, traveling to
warmer climates, and training for
half marathons. Welcome, Karin!
 stools for the Junior Lodge (to pull up to the counter at
the back of the stage)
 safety pins for the costume closet
 knitting needles
 zip lock bags—gallon size (for stained glass &
index cards, white, 500 pieces
 thumb tacks (metal head not plastic, please)
 ping pong balls (2 dozen)
 paint brushes, assorted sizes (for backdrop painting)
 previously loved camp trunks to share with
international campers & staff
forks, knives, spoons, soup spoons, serving spoons (for
use at tables in the dining hall—extras & mismatched OK
citronella candles (6 for the rifle range)
 clothesline rope & bungee cords (for fields; bungee cords
for tents)
 Sof-Kut or Quick-Kut carving blocks (for play bill
 Sharpie markers (assorted colors, 3 large packs)
 clear contact paper
 ipod docking system (for dining hall)
ig and Little 2014 was a truly amazing weekend! With 68 participants, it was our largest turnout yet. I
would like to thank everyone who made the weekend the wonderful event that it was; we were lucky
enough to have twelve staff members from the 2014 season stay to help. They, along with Ladies Liz
Young, Sue Barnett, Emma Carney, and Betsy Kirkland who generously volunteered their time, created a true
Fleur de Lis Camp experience for everyone throughout those three days. We enjoyed time at the rifle range, in
the ceramics studio, down at the archery range, inside the crafts cabin and, of course, in the water on Laurel
Lake. Thank you so much to everyone who attended, and we hope to see you again next year! By Lady Sarena
Page 13
Fleur de Lis 2014-2015 Dates
October 2014
10/16: Open House in Philadelphia, PA
10/31: Early Registration ends! (2014 prices for the 2015 season)
November 2014
11/22: Open House in Boston, MA
January 2015
TBA: Open House in Washington, DC
1/9 or 1/10 (pm): Open House, Paris, France
1/10: Dexter School Camp Fair, Brookline, MA
1/10: Sejours Camp Fair, Paris, France
1/11: Camp Fair—Tips on Trips, Westchester, NY
1/12: Concord Carlisle Camp Fair, MA
1/25: Lincoln-Sudbury Camp Fair, MA
1/31: Camp Fair—Tips on Trips, Darien, CT
February 2015
2/5: Merriam School Camp Fair, Acton, MA
TBA: Open House in NJ
TBA: Camp Fair, NJ
March 2015
3/7: Parenting NH Camp Fair, Nashua, NH
3/14: Parenting NH Camp Fair, Manchester, NH
May 2015
5/2: Kimballs Farm Event, Westford, MA
June 2015
6/13: Lady Nurse Service Day, FDL
6/27: Opening Day!!!!
July 2015
7/11: Two-week Starter Session Ends
7/12: Visiting Day
7/25: July Session Ends
7/26: August Session Begins
August 2015
8/8: Two-week Starter Session Ends
8/16: Camp Closes
8/21-23: Big & Little Weekend
8/22-29: Circle of Fleur de Lis
For more information contact: Lady Sarena, [email protected] or
Lady Carrie, [email protected]
Page 14
Thank you to ALL our generous
donors to the Friends of Fleur de
Lis. Your generosity allows us to
continually keep camp looking
beautiful and provide upgrades to
current facilities for our campers.
Last fall we worked on renovating
the Applecart for the Senior Field,
and this fall it’s the Mid Wog!
Enjoy the photos of the work in
progress; we’re happy to show the
new individual shower stalls around
the back of the building, an interior
renovation and fixture upgrade for
the camper bathroom, additional
space for the Shang, and a new
storage unit that will allow for beds
and mattresses and other items to be
stored there rather than in the Junior
Lodge or cabins, allowing for
additional program space for the
campers. Come see the final and
painted version next summer!
2014 Fleur de Lis Photos—For More Pictures, See Pages 18 & 19!
Page 15
The following updates come from notes written on the donation mailing as well as Facebook posts. Thank you all for your comments!
Richard Sperry:
Natalie Cull Joslin:
Patricia D. Clark:
This gift is for Isabel Sperry and her
wonderful camp experience in 2004.
Keep us on your list. We Love Fleur
de Lis with all our hearts.
Am 88 now and still remember my
days at Fleur de Lis as if it were
yesterday! Talked to Bunny
Hanmen McQueen a few months
ago, and she feels the same. Are we
the only ones left from “those
Pamela Clark Cochrane just
received her M in Ministry from
Andover Newton. Sarah Cochrane is
currently working on her RN at
Mass General and will get her
degree early in 2015 to add to her M
from St Andrews. Maggie
Cochrane just r eceived her BA
from Princeton and is going to N.
Kenya for a year working with an
environmental issue.”
Mary Maynard Wilson:
Best Wishes for a great 2014
Cory Holt:
Cory is engaged to Markus Zwick
and planning a wedding next
summer. They have been living in
San Francisco, but are moving to
Sweden for 2 years.
Ellie Bates:
Just returned from the U. of Chicago
to be part of Amy Bates’ Master of
Education in Urban Teaching;
Valuing Student Voice Presentation.
From camper to counselor and now
Barbara Scollan:
A granddaughter, Layla Scollan,
was born on 7/15/14, the first
grandchild and hopefully a future
FDL camper!
Mia Elizabeth White:
Kelley Paradis:
Awesome Big & Little Weekend at
Fleur de Lis! Thanks for everything;
we tried new things, met great
people, and loved exploring the
Mickey Chehames Lutz
Couldn't have imagined how
wonderful a trip back to camp could
have been. So many new memories
made with so many terrific friends.
It was amazing that while we knew
time had passed, our connections at
this reunion were seamless. The
affections never died no matter how
much time had passed. I think Fleur
de Lis taught us well. If only we
could take that magic out into the
real world when it is needed. Thank
you all for another summer at FDL.
It will never be forgotten and will
truly always be in my heart.
Page 16
My five summers at FDL were truly
some of the happiest days of my
childhood. I have so many
memories of that place, the people,
the music, the smell of gun powder
at the rifle range, chilly mornings
jumping into Laurel Lake,
competing (and winning) our rifle
competitions with William
Lawrence. So many good times,
way too many to list here. I made
lifelong friends, even 21 years later,
there is still a large group of FDL
friends on my Facebook list. I have
my own daughter now, she is almost
2. I look forward to the day she can
be an FDL girl as well!
Karen Moncure Hill:
I have so many fond memories of
FdL. My mom was a camper in the
50s, so my sister and I were lucky
enough to go two years in the 70s.
My cousins also went for many
summers. In 2012, I went back as
farmhouse staff and it brought back
so many smiles. I only wish my
daughter had been able to be a part.
FdL is not just a camp, it is family.
Susan Clinkenbeard:
Beverly Mroz:
I would like to see pictures (on Facebook) of the Horse shows with
the Whipple horses. Dolly would
love to see them!!!
Finally got to listen to the lovely
Carole King song, “Now and Forever,” that made it into the camp song
repertoire and the songbook. Good
choice, Jenkins sisters! “Now and
forever, you will always be with
o how does she do it? At 85 years old, Fleur de Lis looks fabulous, heads out on new adventures, and
gives back to her community. So what is her secret? Friends! Each year, the extended Fleur de Lis
community generously gives to the “Friends of Fleur de Lis” campaign to support activities and provide
much-needed maintenance that our regular operating budget just can’t provide. For our 85th year, we set an
aggressive goal to raise $100,000 to support Fleur de Lis. To date, we have raised $86,000. Here are just a few
examples of what these donations have made possible:
Ten girls received scholarships to attend Fleur de Lis,
giving them the camp experience they might not otherwise have been able to enjoy
Kicked off the Shangri La/Mid WOG renovations
Five girls and their Boston Big Sisters joined in the fun during Big & Little weekend
Provided specialized staff training in archery, tennis, kayak, etc.
to allow us to continuously improve our program offerings.
And that’s not all! Donations earmarked for “Circle of Fleur de Lis” funded Fleur de Lis’ new charitable
program: a one-week grief camp for girls who have a parent who has died. This summer, Circle of Fleur de Lis
provided 45 girls with the opportunity to grieve in a supportive environment and experience the joy of Fleur de
Lis. This is our final push to reach our goal of $100,000. Fleur de Lis is looking to her friends to take us to,
and hopefully over, our goal in our 85th year.
So how can you make this happen?
1. Go to the Fleur de Lis web page,, and click on “Just Give.” Follow the prompts to
make your donation using your credit card.
2. Make a check payable to “Friends of Fleur de Lis” and send it to Ruth Keogh, 11 Hamlin Street, Unit 1,
South Boston, MA 02127.
Reaching our development goal in our 85th year is essential to our continued success. Thank you!
Know of any FDL friends who have made the news?
Anything you want to share?
To send an update, visit our camp page on Facebook, email your news to
Linda O’Malley at [email protected],
or fill out the “news” section on the donation envelope. Thanks!
Page 17
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Page 19
Fleur de Lis Camp
13 Hope Street
Hopedale, MA 01747
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Worcester MA
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Fleur de Lis Camp Mission Statement
leur de Lis Camp promotes the well being of girls and young women
socially, educationally and physically. We provide opportunities and
experiences to help them become self-sufficient and productive members of
their community and the world.
Fleur de Lis’ program is conducted in a natural environment, both safe and
nurturing, with the intention of fostering leadership skills, citizenship, and
self-confidence, while helping each girl reach her full potential. The girls and
young women of Fleur de Lis are developed in a spirit of cooperation and respect
with a focus on friendship, mentoring, positive example, and challenges
appropriate to the individual girl.
Fleur de Lis affirms its responsibility and obligation as a not-for-profit,
non-partisan organization serving the welfare of girls and young women. In this
spirit we strive to make our program affordable to all.