Vol. 30 No. 2 Summer Issue - Published Quarterly


Vol. 30 No. 2 Summer Issue - Published Quarterly
Vol. 30 No. 2
Summer Issue - Published Quarterly
Shelter Makeover
We want to give a HUGE thanks to Purina Cat Chow and
their “50 Years. 50 Shelters.” program for the renovations
to SpokAnimal’s Kitty City and adoption center! Through a
$30,000 grant from Purina Cat Chow to SpokAnimal we have
been able to give the shelter a much needed facelift. In a two
phase makeover Kitty City and our lobby, front desk and
adoptions areas have been refurbished.
After 30 years it was time. Now when you walk in to the
shelter it’s just like coming home. SpokAnimal has created a
warm and inviting environment for those looking for a new
pet. When you come to shelter you will find new meet &
Summer 2013
greet and adoptions
rooms where you
can get to know your
new family member.
Next door to
SpokAnimal we also
have a new larger
group play area and
training yard. It’s a
terrific area for families to introduce their
current pets to a new
brother or sister. It
is also a fun place
for the shelter dogs
to run, play and get
some well deserved
Please support and give thanks to the following companies
that have made this exciting endeavor possible: Purina Cat
Chow, Flaim Construction, Moran Fence, Larson Demolition,
Wittkopf Landscaping, Pro Recycle and Millers Paint!
Please come in soon
for a visit and check out our new digs, they are so
cozy you’ll feel right at home!
What’s Inside:
What’s Inside:
Water at the Dog Park........................................................................... 2
Thank You Pet Sponsors...................................................................... 10
From the Executive Director................................................................. 3
Hearts of Gold...................................................................................... 11
Summer Safety.....................................................................................4-5
Operation OKdog................................................................................. 11
Happy Endings....................................................................................... 6
Stanley Speaks...................................................................................... 12
Adoption Day......................................................................................... 6
AHCC Offenders Raise Funds for Prison Dog Program................ 12
Purrs, Licks and Tailwags..................................................................7-8
Wrigley Writes...................................................................................... 13
Sit Up & Beg............................................................................................ 8
A Hopping Good Time........................................................................ 14
How You Can Help................................................................................ 9
Upcoming Events................................................................................. 14
Volunteer Corner.................................................................................. 10
In Loving Memory and Honoring Tributes...................................... 15
Water at the Dog Park!!!
Board of Directors
Pres: Christel Carlson
Treas: Barbara Grant
Secretary: Angela Scheres
Suzy Dix
Kathy Hull
Molly Lundberg Carmen Murphy
Cynthia Schwartz
Friends of SpokAnimal
Kim Kamel
Frank Harrison
Regina Winkler
SpokAnimal’s Dog Park at High
Bridge now has water!!! Thanks to the
generosity of many, the days of hauling
water from home to the park is over! We
raised funds from many events, including our annual Thanksgiving Day Dog
Walk and new Doggy Egg Hunt, and
a $2,000 grant from Nutro Dog Food’s
Room to Run program gave us what
we needed to make water at the park
a reality for our two- and four-legged
friends! Throughout the summer SpokAnimal will have mini doggy dips at
the park and will bring hoses and pools
for the dogs to enjoy! Donations to help
pay the water bill will gladly be accepted and very much appreciated. Please
watch our Facebook page for those
Special thanks to our friend Chad
McDonald of Pro Builders for helping with the heavy work, as well as to
Lowes for the donation of water hydrants! Thanks to everyone that participated in our fundraising events—
this would not have happened without
SpokAnimal C.A.R.E.
710 N. Napa • Spokane, WA 99202
(509) 534-8133 • Fax: (509) 535-9630
Clinic: (509) 534-4253
Shelter Hours:
10AM-6:30PM ~ Mon-Fri
Noon-4PM ~ Sat-Sun
24-hour Lost Pet Hotline:
Veterinary Clinic:
Vaccinations, microchips and
well-care exams.
Sterilization by appointment.
Walk-in Clinic Hours:
2:30-4:30PM ~ Monday
10:00AM-6:00PM ~ Tue. & Wed.
2:30-4:30PM ~ Thurs.
2:30-4:30PM ~ Friday
SpokAnimal C.A.R.E. is pas-
sionately dedicated to the placement, protection and health of
animals through legislation,
education and programs for pets
and their people.
Come See Us Online!
We’re on Facebook! Stay up to
date with all things SpokAnimal and
talk to us! Our Companion Animal
News quarterly newsletter is available
for download on our website at www.
spokanimal.org. We hope you will
share your paper copy with another
animal lover when you have finished
reading it - reduce, re-use, recycle! For
an up-to-the-minute update, we also
put out a regular e-letter. If you would
like to join our email list, you can submit your email address on our website,
or email [email protected] to
be included.
From the Executive Director
Dear Friends,
The thing that holds most true at SpokAnimal is change—
MAJOR change. We are in the process of remodeling and renovating. Phase I-Kitty City makeover which included flooring,
paint, pet and people friendly adoption and visitation areas,
of $30k was paid for by Purina Cat Chow. Phase II-intake,
kennel office, and reception area costs are $23k, with $10k
coming from Allstate giving and $1k from Purina Cat Chow.
We are fundraising for the balance of $12k currently. This includes new flooring, removal of walls, paint, new entry and
a retail area. Phase III-demolition of the house next door and
installation of large fenced training and group play area and a
six foot group play area for large dogs. Cost for this project all
inclusive was $10k, still working on funding. This is a great
naming opportunity. The project has been completed. Phase
IV is water to the dog park - $3500. This was paid for by a
grant from Nutro and events such as the Thanksgiving walk
and Easter egg hunt at the park. This phase is complete.
SpokAnimal has always been a safe place for animals
in need. Since 2007, our save rate has continued to increase
month by month. Going forward into 2014, our way of doing
business is changing drastically. We will no longer contract
with the City of Spokane for animal control—a job we have
had since 1984. We have the unique opportunity to re-invent
ourselves and decide how we can best help the animals in our
care. We will be accepting pets from shelters and rescues and
bringing them to SpokAnimal. They will be temperament
evaluated, vaccinated, wormed, examined, and sterilized prior to being placed in the kennels, giving them a second chance
for happiness. The best part of this is that when someone
adopts, the pets will be ready to go immediately. Adoptions
will no longer be done at the front desk, there are comfortable
family rooms where fun loving staff members will help you
complete your adoption as you bond and get to know your
new pet.
Having one of the highest positive outcomes for pets in
our care in the country is not enough for us. In 2014, we will
be taking steps to implement a program to work with pets
with treatable problems, like unweaned babies, those too
young, too shy or too injured/ill to be placed for adoption.
Our tremendously successful foster program that cares for
these pets will be ramped up. New applications are being
sought as we speak. Our veterinary clinic will be working
with our Foster Coordinator and foster families to offer the
best and most comprehensive care possible for those at risk
from other facilities.
Where do you, as a SpokAnimal supporter fit into our
dream equation? We need three things to succeed: adopters, volunteers and donors. The pets we heal will need new
homes, so come see us to adopt your next pet. Volunteers are
essential when it comes to providing loving care that those
pets need. The last item, donations, is critical. Your donations
translate into the power to save lives. Thanks to your support, we have made huge strides. We look forward to working together for even more positive results. Thanks for your
help in the past and we are looking forward to the future.
Gail B. Mackie
Executive Director
Our animals need homes too! Become a Sponsor!
Your one-year Sponsor helps us care for the thousands of homeless dogs and cats that come through our doors each
year. Every animal is a unique individual with their own hopes and needs. Through our Sponsor-a-Kennel Program you can
be part of the work we do and make a difference for our animals. We provide tons of love, and your sponsorship will help
to provide food and shelter, vaccinations, treatment and medications, blankets and toys.
$100 to Sponsor a Dog Kennel
$100 to Sponsor a Cat Kennel
$250 to Sponsor an Outdoor Play Area
$500 to Sponsor a Vehicle
Please print your message below:
City________________________ State_____ Zip__________
Your Inland Northwest Humane Society
Payment Method: Check
710 N. Napa Street
[email protected]
Card #________________________ Exp. Date:_ _________
Spokane, WA 99202
Signature_______________________ CVV Code:_________
(509) 534-8133
Summer Safety
FIREWORKS - the Racket Starts Before the 4th
which are sound blocking ear muffs for dogs. You can find
those online. Turn on the radio or TV to try to drown out the
noise, and think about closing your windows and turning on
the AC if need be.
There are a number of natural products for calming your
dog. L-Tryptothan, an amino acid, works well. There are many
other natural products, some with herbal blends, that can be
bought at the shops mentioned above.
Please don’t assume your pet will be fine in a fenced area,
because so many pets, as mentioned before, dig out, crawl
out, and just lose all composure. This letter is being written
now, so you have time to think ahead with your purchases,
which may need to be ordered online.
Also, your veterinarian can write a pharmaceutical prescription for a drug to calm your pet.
If your pet does go missing, report it right away on Craigslist, in both the pet section, and lost and found. And be sure
to check all of the local shelters.
Have a safe and happy Fourth, and remember your furry
family members, and also, your neighbor’s pets.
by Lona Holm,
Inland Small Dog Rescue
The Fourth of July is coming sooner than you think, and
it’s time to think about your companion animals and the noise
that comes with the season. Many dogs go missing during the
noisy celebrations. They climb fences or dig out, or just run
out of fear of the noise and the unknown. Please, bring your
pets in!
Also many dogs go missing over the Fourth while their
guardians are camping. If you take your pets camping, please
secure them, and have pictures of your pets with you for posting on Craigslist. Make sure they are wearing ID tags on their
collars, too, so if they do get out, you will have a better chance
of getting them back home. If they are chipped, make sure
your information is up to date.
There are ways to help fearful dogs during the fireworks
season. Thundershirts are very calming. They also make them
for cats. If you have a fearful cat or dog, it is like swaddling
a fussy baby. They can be found at some of the big box pet
shops, as well as Yuppy Puppy and Urban Canine and Prairie
Dog Pet Mercantile. There is also a product called Mutt Muffs,
Don’t “wait and see” if your dog is afraid of fireworks!
Every year, shelters and vet clinics are overrun with scared and
injured pets that panic and escape from yards and homes.
Desensitize Purchase a CD of fireworks sounds and play
at a volume low enough that your dog does not show signs of
anxiety. Each BOOM is followed by a high-value treat. Gradually increase the volume. Keep sessions short - 15 treats or less.
Even dogs that are mildly concerned about fireworks will benefit from desensitization.
Manage Keep your dog indoors, in a room that is away
from the street, and turn on a fan, television or radio to drown
outside noise. Talk to your vet about medication that can help
your dog relax during the celebrations.
Avoid If your dog panics at loud noises, consider camping or
taking a trip to an area where fireworks aren’t allowed.
For more information and tips, visit
© 2013 4Paws University, Inc. All rights reserved.
More Summer Tips continued on page 5
Summer Safety (continued)
Don’t Tie Your Dog Out!
Tying or chaining dogs for extended periods of time can be both inhumane and and a threat to the safety
of the confined dog, other animals and
even humans.
Why is this practice a problem?
Dogs are naturally social animals who
need attention and interaction. Entangled dogs can become severely injured - broken bones, neck injuries or
even strangulation. Dogs who become
tangled may not be able to reach food,
water or shelter. Chained dogs cannot
escape from other animals, biting insects and people. Chained dogs make
easy targets for theft, where they may
The signs of heastroke include:
• Excessive or exaggerated panting
• Lethargy
• Weakness
• Drooling
• High fever
• Dark red gums
• Rapid heartbeat
• Unresponsiveness to commands and
• Vomiting
• Collapse
• Staring/anxious expression
• Warm/dry skin
If you think your pet my have heatstroke, head straight to your veterinary
office. It could save his life!
be used for training other dogs to fight
or sold to research institutions for experiments. Leaving your dog tethered
outside a store leaves him at risk for all
of the above.
Heatstroke Can
Be Deadly!
Share this image to help pet parents
learn the signs.
Summer BBQs
and Your Pets
Warm weather brings with it more
outings and more backyard get-togethers with friends and family. Is your dog
accustomed to large groups of strangers in the yard that he typically considers his own? Are your pets tolerant of
children of all ages? What if unfamiliar
kids suddenly, run, jump or fall? What
if they aren’t well- versed in how to be
kind to animals?
Will guests bring their animals?
Are those animals good with other animals? Or will they bully your dog and
chase your cat? Will they get into your
child’s room where the hamster lives?
Will there be a problem over your dog’s
bones and toys?
Other safety concerns are unattended food and trash; too many or the
wrong kinds of shared goodies; alcoholic drinks left within reach; and gates
and doors left open. Pets should be contained safely or monitored closely.
Don’t Sit on the Dog
Dogs are not chairs and children
should not be encouraged or allowed to
sit on them.
Dogs are not chairs or horses. Their
backs are sensitive and the weight of a
child of any size is not comfortable and
potentially damaging to the dog. It may
appear cute but this is unfair to the dog
and unsafe for the child. If a child sits
on or rides their family dog it is likely
they will believe this is ok with all dogs.
This is NOT cute and is putting both
dog and child in a potentially dangerous situation.
Jennifer Shryock,
Dog & Baby Connection
Happy Endings
I just wanted to thank you for the
heads up regarding the Shepherd. Josh
Keck went to the shelter on Friday, and
“Bear” has officially become a member
of his household and my new next door
neighbor. He is a great dog!!! What a
sweetheart - just wants me to pet his face
through the fence. My three, and especially Tessa Clairabelle, seem to be enchanted with him. I could not get them
into the house yesterday for most of the
day - they just wanted to sit by the fence
and wait to see if Bear would come back
to play. Bear came back every half hour
or so, would play for a few minutes, and
then I think got distracted by something
else and left. He would actually rather
have his face scratched than play with
my three. Small wonder, as they sometimes just stand at the fence and yap at
him for long periods of time.
He seems to be getting along great
with Tucker, Josh’s cocker spaniel. Tessa
did think she was in love with Tucker,
but I think Bear has replaced him.
Thanks so much for the help in getting Bear this good home. I will keep an
eye out for him. He is everything you
said he was.
Cynthia L. Schwartz
Update on Nixe
In our last newsletter we published a
story about Nixe, a German Shepard that
was found with seven puppies. Luckily
she had a microchip and SpokAnimal
was able to locate her owner and reunite
them. To read the whole story go to our
website: www.spokanimal.org/newsletter.php.
We wanted to thank you again for
taking care of Nixe and her puppies back
in March. You will be happy to know all
the puppies are well. Meanwhile, Nixe
is happily running around on the farm
with the other critters. Thank you for all
your work and dedication.
Suzanne Eviston
Von Grunheide Shepherds
- $500 donation!
Puppy Mill Raid Rescue Dog Reunion
This very special group of friends had a 5 year ‘after the puppy mill raid rescue’
reunion with our special dogs.
Pat has Suede the beautiful greyhound, Heather has little Peaches from the Lind rescue, Dennis and Vicki have their Harley from the Lind rescue, Flo and her LyndeLou of the rescue,
Charlie and Major of SpokAnimal rescue, and Dennis and Lena with their Adams county
rescue Lily. All because of dogs, these folks are forever friends!
Adoption Day
Her eyes met mine as she walked down the corridor peering apprehensively
into the kennels. I felt her need instantly and knew I had to help her.
I wagged my tail, not too exuberantly, so she wouldn’t be afraid. As she stopped
at my kennel I blocked her view from a little accident I had in the back of my
cage. I didn’t want her to know that I hadn’t been walked today. Sometimes
the overworked shelter keepers get too busy and I didn’t want her to think
poorly of them.
As she read my kennel card I hoped that she wouldn’t feel sad about my past.
I only have the future to look forward to and want to make a difference in
someone’s life.
She got down on her knees and made little kissy sounds at me. I shoved my
shoulder and side of my head up against the bars to comfort her. Gentle fingertips caressed my neck; she was desperate for companionship. A tear fell down
her cheek and I raised my paw to assure her that all would be well.
Soon my kennel door opened and her smile was so bright that I instantly
jumped into her arms.
I would promise to keep her safe. I would promise to always be by her side. I
would promise to do everything I could to see that radiant smile and sparkle
in her eyes.
I was so fortunate that she came down my corridor. So many more are out there
who haven’t walked the corridors. So many more to be saved. At least I could
save one.
I rescued a human today.
- Janine Allen
Purrs, Licks & Tailwags
Thank you!
Help N Hands Estate Sale! Thanks
to Bonnie McLain-Bosch of Help N
Hands Estate Sales and to their customer for their continuing donations
of funds, pet toys and pet supplies.
They’ve been donating for 3+ years!
Lowe’s store 172 (Sprague) donated the
hydrants for the dog park.
Pro-cycle donated the fill for the group
play areas and outdoor training yard on
the SpokAnimal campus. Larsen’s Demolition donated the equipment and
operator to level the above yards.
Happy Birthday!
Kayna celebrated her
8th birthday at Wild
Walls, and
instead of
asking for
from all of
her friends,
she asked that everyone bring a little
something for the animals here at SpokAnimal. Kayna’s generosity makes us
all so happy, even at such a young age
she still made an impact on the homeless animals that are here waiting for
their fur ever homes! Also, Kayna and
her family rescued their very own fur
ever friend “Stormy”. Stormy is 1 and
a half and loves to play with her kid
friends! Great Job Kayna!!
Nyah Holland
Age 10 years old (birthday June 13th)
We have a
really great
trend starting among
our youth,
r a t h e r
than gifts
kids are
asking for
for our local animal
Nyah continued
this trend for her 10th birthday! We
received all sorts of goodies for the
animals as well as for the day to day
functions of our facility including dog
and kitty food, toys, treats, cat litter,
and even cleaning supplies! We really couldn’t continue to help as many
homeless pets as we do without the
support of the community and acts of
kindness like this. Happy 10th birthday Nyah!!
Mobius Kids!
SpokAnimal’s education director Carol
Byrnes and her dog Stanley visited Mobius Science Center where Stanley got
to show off his tricks and the kids got
to learn about clicker training. The kids
made a bunch of rope tug toys out of
recycled T-shirts for our Pawsitive Dog
Training - prison program pups! Thanks
to Joelene and Mobius Science Center!
West Plains
Stanley and Carol had a great visit to
West Plains ECEAP in Airway Heights
where the kids learned about dog safety
and responsible pet care. They look forward to visiting the Bee Kind Garden
and Harvard Park North in the coming
Career Path Services; Volunteer Day!
We would like to give a big WOOF
WOOF to the staff at Career Path Services for spending Wednesday May
20th helping out at SpokAnimal. They
were great and did lots of projects.
From spreading bark in the play yard to
cutting drapes in the clinic for surgery,
they were great and got lots of projects
completed. Beyond all the great work
they did helping out they also presented SpokAnimal with a check for
$500.00!!!!!! It doesn’t get much better
than that! Thanks so much for all your
help and support!
Shear Heaven Pet Salon groomers
Help Prison Pups
Huge thanks to Cari Haider for
the lovely resting mats and to Jamie
Wilke for the wonderful dog toys for
the Pawsitive Dog prison training program. Jamie will be coming out to give
grooming lessons to the guys again this
session. Thank you both, so much!
More Purrs, Licks and Tailwags on page 8
Purrs, Licks & Tailwags (continued)
Staples Advantage
We want to thank a great trio of volunteers form Staples Advantage who
came out and helped clean up our new
play area. Imae, Laura and Chad painted the play area fence and sorted cans
and cans of kitty food for us. While in
the play area they were able take much
needed breaks and play with some shelter pups. Their “supervisor” Max was
among their favorites! Thanks, you
three, for a job well done!!!
Thanks to the troops!
On April 24th over fifteen Fairchild AFB
men and women came out and whipped
our event center, pet food bank and food
storage garage in to shape. Members of
the Inland Northwest First Four and
92nd CES worked hard and cleaned up
the areas and moved in total over 41,200
pounds (20 tons) of dog food. This was
a huge undertaking and they had the
place ship shape in no time! Thanks for
all your help, we salute you!!!
Cruisin’ Critters
• Black medium point pens
• Colored copy paper
• Regular Copy paper
• Card Stock paper
• Printer Cartridges - 12A, 36A,
HP 74-75, HP 901
• File folders
• Legal pads
• Bulletin board
• Flash drives
• Portable hard drive
• Wet floor signs
• Nails, screws, etc.
• Big black trash bags for the
dog park
• 100 slip leads - $48
• Usable human shoes for recycling
• Gift cards for gas for the Cruizin Kritters program
• Food gift cards for Cruizin
Kritters (to feed those people who
drive 10-12 hours to deliver and
return home)
• Purina dog and cat food
• Treats
• Peanut butter for stuffing kongs
• Toys – kongs
• Non-clumping cat litter
• Powdered kitten and puppy
formula: 28oz Esbilac Powder
for nursing puppies $21.88 each
12 oz KMR powder for nursing kittens $11.88 each
Thanks for everything all of you
do for the animals!
For our foster care team
• Bleach
• Gallon Rubbermaid garbage cans
• Bathroom cleanser,
• String mop heads
• 32 gallon bags
• Laundry detergent
• Paper towels
• Tall kitchen bags
• Window cleaner
• Hand soap scrub
• Brushes
• Toilet paper
• Simple green
• Swiffer wet cloths
SpokAnimal is a non-profit and tax-exempt organization.
All contributions, donations and gifts are tax-deductible.
Enjoy Spokane’s Best
and Help Support the Critters, too!!!
Foster Families Needed
Please mark your calendars and join our “Cuisine
for Critters” give back events! Join us at the below
locations and the restaurant will give back a portion
of that days profits to benefit SpokAnimal on the day
and times listed!!! It’s a win win situation!
Come join Gail and the SpokAnimal staff, share stories and partake in some of Spokane’s best fare while
supporting the homeless shelter animals.
• Shakey’s Pizza - August 13th 5:00pm to 9:00pm & Adoption Event
9602 N. Newport Hwy 464-0200
• Monterey Café - October 16th 11:00am to closing
9 N. Washington
1007 W. 1st Ave
• Scratch - November 14th 11:00am to closing
Your Inland Northwest Humane Society
Saturday, July 13th
Noon to 3:00pm
At SpokAnimal
Gift Ideas…
• Puppy/Kitten Formula
• Wire Crates
• Purina One Kitten Food Dry & Wet
• Baby Toys
• Litter Scoops
• Bottles
• Puppy/Kitten Baby Wipes
• Beds
• Baby Shampoo
Drop gifts at:
Fred Meyers - 400 S Thor
Petco - 2808 E. 29th
SpokAnimal - 710 N. Napa
Want to be a foster family? We need you.
Contact Lisa at 503-8133 ext 207.
Join us on the 13th for refreshments,
meet & greet, and foster orientation
and lots of licks and wags!
Help us help the babies!
We need your help! With the weather warming up we are just now getting
into kitten season, and have an URGENT
need for foster homes for our little babies
under four weeks who are going to need
to be bottle fed! Please stop by the shelter
and grab an application if your interested. If you aren’t able to foster but would
still like to contribute we are always accepting donations of Kitten milk replacement and other feeding supplies.
Dog Walkers Needed
It’s the season to enjoy the sun and
walk some of the dogs here at the shelter! We are very happy to announce that
our new “off leash” dog area is now
complete and ready for you to enjoy! It
is located on the north side of the shelter
across from the parking lot. The smaller
kennels on the west side of the building
are still available for use, however the
new off leash area is MUCH bigger and
has an area for dogs to run, jump, and
play! There is also a smaller fenced area
within the large off leash area which is
fantastic for meet and greets with potential adopters and their dogs!
We hope our Volunteers will stop by,
grab some toys and a dog and enjoy this
beautiful weather!
Volunteer Corner
Farewell, Bridgette
We are sad to report that Bridgette
will be leaving us in the fall as her
husband has taken a new job in Georgia.
Bridgette has done an amazing job as
our wrangler of an amazing volunteer
team. She has been an incredible asset
to SpokAnimal as our Development
and Outreach Coordinator. Whoever
takes her place will have big shoes to
fill! “I’m going to miss it here and it’s
going to be a HUGE change, but this
is a great opportunity for Ken. We’re
moving to Georgia, most likely the
Peachtree City area. I’ve never lived
outside of Spokane, well never out of
my one mile radius of my childhood
home. I’m excited, scared, worried,
nervous all sorts of things are going on,
but mostly excited.”
All the best, Bridgette.
Please keep in touch!
We will miss you!
Volunteer of the Quarter
Viktoria Ramm
Help us congratulate and thank Viktoria Ramm who is our Volunteer of the
Quarter! Thanks in part to the tremendous effort Viktoria has made to the
kitty’s at SpokAnimal we have been
able to find homes for many of our
furry friends! Viktoria has a passion for
photography and has been putting that
to good use by coming in once a week
to photograph the cats up in Kitty City!
These photos are put online for people
to see—so whether it helps bring someone in to adopt a kitty because of how
sweet the photos was, or if it helped an
owner find their lost kitty her time is
certainly appreciated by SpokAnimal as
well as the community! Viktoria stays
very busy in her time away from the
shelter studying and hanging out with
her two cats and two dogs. She hopes
that some day she will also be able to
take her passion for biology and put
it to good use in the medical field. We
know you’ll do great things Viktoria, on
behalf of all the SpokAnimal Staff thank
you for everything that you do!! Congratulations on being volunteer of the
summer quarter, you earned it!
Thank You, Pet Sponsors!
The following animal lovers sponsored pets in our adoption center.
Bernice Furukawa x 8
Ruth Dewalt x 3
Sheila Woodruff x 1
Terrie Brown x 1
Dolores Finan x 2
Boyce Clark x 8
Diana Sebastian x 1
Shirley Alexander x 12
Mary O’Byrne x 2
Gary Mallon x 1
Amy DeMeeneer x 1
Leonard Kasai x 1 - in memory
of Jiro
Gordon Litzenberger x 1
Ellen Selby x 1
Lorri Reilly x 2
Ken Adams x 1
Cory French x 2
Truella Stone x 4
Jason & Jen Friederichs x 1
Jackie & Blane Silvey x 1
Jennifer Adams x 1
Richard & Joan Cease x 1
Pam Whitcomb x 3
Jane Anderson x 1
Adrienne Brownlow x 4
Ken Norikane x 1
Ruth Colwell x 1
Shirley Mitchell x 1
Jo-Ann Gauerke x 1
Heidi MacDonald x 1
Nancy Frankovic x 1
Jan & Johnny Humphreys x 2
Marcia Mueller x 6
Robert & Micaela Sutphin x 4
Donna Mergen x 1
Susan Smith x 1
Karen Jessup x 1
Mark & Marjorie Winters x 1
Anita Lamp x 2
Donnetta Havens x 1
Gary & Connie Burchill x 1
Lev Volynskiy x 1
Mary Maxfield x 1
Janice Baker x 4
Debbie Walker x 3
Mikaela Flis-Maclean x 2
Amanda Vandenberg x 1
Kathryn Muelder x 2
Sheila Durst x 1
Gayle Hennings x 1
Micaela Sutphin - in memory of
“Otto the Brave”
Shiran Lee x 2
Orvella Kendall x 3
Kevin Isherwood x 1
Camille VanHorne x 1
Thomas & Mary Fuget x 4
Claudia Kuttner x 1
We couldn’t do it
without you.
Thank You All!
HEARTs of Gold
Local Volunteers Assist Animal Victims of Moore, Oklahoma Tornado
Two Spokane residents
recently traveled to Moore,
Oklahoma to
assist animal
victims of the
EF5 tornado
that struck
on May 20. Donna Breidenbach and
Nancy Zietlow, both members of Spokane’s Humane Evacuation Animal
Rescue Team (HEART), deployed with
the American Humane Association Red
Star™ Animal Emergency Services team
to the City of Moore Temporary Shelter.
The shelter housed approximately 100
animals; 60 dogs and 40 cats.
Donna, HEART President, took a
lead role in the care of several cats and
kittens in the “Healthy Cats” section.
With her sheltering and feline expertise,
Donna was able to tend to the cats’ and
kittens’ physical and emotional needs
in a very stressful environment. Donna also imparted much information to
less experienced volunteers assigned to
work with her.
Nancy, HEART Webmaster and
Diamonds in the Ruff Assistant Trainer, assisted in the “Medical Dogs” section which included young puppies six
months old or less. Nancy’s ability to
safely handle puppies and dogs from
Chihuahuas to Pit Bull Terriers to Newfoundland-sized dogs was paramount.
Nancy spoke with many of the local shelter volunteers. They were extremely gracious and expressed a deep
gratitude for the outpouring of assistance they have received from complete
strangers from every part of the country. Donna and Nancy worked with fellow AHA volunteers from all over the
United States including: Rhode Island,
Maryland, Pennsylvania, California,
and two others from the western side of
Washington State.
There are still many animals with no
known history and no current identification still housed at the shelter. These
“Tornado Dogs and Tornado Cats” will
be up for adoption on Sunday, June
23. It is expected that adopters from
all over the country will provide these
animals who have survived so much
with a new forever home. Donna and
Nancy agree, there are some great cats
and dogs at the shelter who will make
wonderful companions.
Operation OKdog
A Story of One Volunteer’s Experience.
by Kimberly Marie Freeman - Official who
is the head trainer at City Sit Stay in NYC
Today I broke down in a flood of
tears on the shelter floor in Oklahoma.
A Dogue de Bordeaux male had been
locked in his pen for the last week as
he was too aggressive for the shelter
staff to work with. I was asked to look
at him and do a little bit of work.
I am not often scared of a dog but
knowing dogue’s are big, powerful
animals that really can hurt me, I was
a little on the cautious side.
I put his slip leash on, and coaxed
him out of his cage. His initial confidence and bravado was not surprising
as he trundled out of the crate. What
did surprise me was the fact that within 10 steps, the dog had turned into a
trembling mess who had dropped to
the ground shaking and crying. He
had just “shut down” and no amount
of coaxing or bribing (with delicious
treats) was going to get through to
Seeing an incredibly majestic, and
respected animal turn into a shaking
wreck was too much for me. All the
emotions I had been suppressing over
the days in Oklahoma and build up to
arriving here rolled down my eyes as I
sobbed for the loss of this dogs spirit.
Seeing this dog so broken killed a part
of my soul.
My crying seemed to connect with
the dog and he gave me eye contact for
the first time since arriving. He also sat
up and approached me allowing some11
one to touch him for the first time.
As time continued and he became more
comfortable with me, he would allow
me to touch other parts of his body
and even deliver sacred belly rubs.
In less than an hour of sitting with
the dog, we had connected on a level
whereby he trusted me to take him outside on his first walk (with his daughter) and feel the grass on his feet.
Watching this baby go from a
shaking, crying wreck who had “shut
down” to a dog comfortable enough
to be outside on a loose leash was the
highlight of my day.
Having him come back to me, tail
wagging for a treat may have made my
entire year.
Dear Stanley,
input on how to
We need your
to NOT jump at
train our puppy
r when he sees
the sliding doo
ver our shoulder
us. We watch o
d require that he
until he sits an
come in, but in
sit and wait to
he’s jumping al
the mean time,
over the doors.
Baffled By
Muddy Window
Dear Muddy,
You are on the right track, turning
your back until he stops jumping. First
he needs to learn to sit at the door before going in. Practice on leash with you
and him outside the door, approach the
door, sit, treat, open the door, treat, close
the door, treat - with lots of practice he
will be able to remain sitting while the
door opens and closes. Next have him
“sit” while you step inside, feed him,
close the door, open the door feed him,
“wait”, let him in, “sit”, feed, send him
out, “sit” feed, close the door, etc etc etc
until sitting at the door becomes habit.
The door itself will become a default
“sit” cue when he approaches and he
will learn to wait while you walk away
and come right back to let him in. The
goal is to set him up for success. If he
jumps, you’ve probably made it too
hard, too soon. Go back a step. NOW if
he forgets and you turn your back, he’ll
know exactly what you are waiting for!
You might also teach him to ring a bell
so he has an alternative to jumping to
get your attention when he wants in and
sitting patiently isn’t working.
Best of Luck!
St a
Airway Heights Corrections Center Offenders Help
Raise Funds For Prison Dog Training Program
On April 7, 2013 AHCC Offenders
participated in a fund raiser event which
supported a non-profit organization that
is near and dear to their hearts. Over
556 sub sandwiches were purchased by
Offenders at the AHCC Main institution
and MSU which generated $883.76 for a
charitable contribution to SpokAnimal.
SpokAnimal is an organization that was
incorporated in Spokane in 1983 and has
operated an animal adoption program
during that time that has handled up to
as much as 700 animals per month.
SpokAnimal is also a community
partner with AHCC in their dog program which has graduated 15 dogs to
date. SpokAnimal provides food, treats,
supplies, training, and veterinary care
for all of the dogs in the program. The
cost per dog for the program is around
$600.00 and adoption fees are $300.00,
much of the costs for these programs are
managed through charitable contributions such as the one made by the AHCC
Offender Fund raiser. The AHCC Dog
program is a program that all of the offenders at AHCC support and when it
came to naming a non-profit organization to donate the funds to it was a
unanimous decision.
All of the offenders who participated in the fund raiser were happy with
the quality of the sandwiches which
were purchased through WINCO, who
is a local grocery store who was willing
to work with organizing staff to make
and deliver the 556 sandwiches at a cost
that would allow many offenders to purchase the sandwiches. Judging by the
behaviors of our little furry friends here
at AHCC, who are still furiously wagging their tails; it can be safely assumed
that the offenders are not the only ones
that are happy about the results of the
fund raiser.
These are the kind of programs that
create meaningful change. They touch
so many lives and bring value to the animal partners as well as humans who are
Wrigley Writes
Hi again! Wrigley here, hoping
you all had a wonderful spring. It is
hard to believe that the spring session
of the Pawsitive Dog Prison Training
Program has come and gone. All of my
friends graduated the first week of June.
Boy, are they ever lucky to be selected
for this program! Each of the dogs who
get the chance to spend any time at all
in the prison is a lucky dog, each has his
own story, but there is one that I kept
hearing my human speak about and I
thought I would share it with you.
Sonny became a member of the
Pawsitive Dog Program when he entered the prison on March 28, 2013.
He had come into the shelter as a stray
very matted and dirty, but that did not
diminish his smile and spunk. No one
came to reclaim him as their own, so he
was awarded a spot as a prison pup.
After being vaccinated, neutered, treated for fleas and worms and groomed to
have all of the mats removed from his
fur he headed down the road to Airway
Heights Correction Center.
His handlers were thrilled to welcome him ‘home’ and began working
with him right away. While teaching
Sonny basic manners and a variety
of fun tricks their bond with him was
growing stronger by the day. Sonny
was thriving and gaining quite the fan
club among the other offenders and
staff alike. And then, halfway through
his stay, one of Sonny’s handlers was
moved to another part of the prison.
While this was considered a ‘promotion’ and a very good thing for his handler, it meant that his handler had to
leave the program and they would not
see each other again.
For several days Sonny looked for
him. Some of his normal spunk and silliness was dimmed. One of his very
best friends was gone and he did not
know why. Sonny’s other handler continued to keep his routine as normal as
possible to help ease Sonny’s loss. He
comforted him and reassured him that
everything was going to be okay. Sonny
settled back into his routine and was a
shining star in the program, passing his
Canine Good Citizen evaluation with
flying colors. And then it was time for
the big day. Graduation!
Sonny, along with his handler and
all of his canine buddies and their handlers gathered with staff and volunteers
to celebrate their successes and how
far all of them had come. But the celebration was getting off to a slow start.
Why was everyone just sitting around?
And then, a door opened. It was him!
He was back! After all these weeks, he
was there. Amid cheers from the other
handlers and tears from the volunteers
and staff, Sonny broke loose and raced
across the room to fall into the embrace
of his former handler, his caregiver, his
very best friend.
Deafening cheers and applause
continued as Sonny and his handler
took a moment for their reunion and the
two walked back to the group together,
smiles on both of their faces. His fellow handlers welcomed him back with
warm smiles and gracious greetings,
heartfelt handshakes and joyous “Welcome back buddy”, and Sonny did not
take his eyes off of his handler for the
rest of the celebration.
I have heard my human tell this story over and over again. Each time she
talks about what a special bond Sonny
had with his handler and how amazing
it is to see the men care for and love the
dogs. And how they have all come to
work together, to help each other, to do
what is best for each and every dog in
the program. I know how Sonny felt to
have that bond with his handler. It is
why each time I get to go back to prison to help teach, I cannot get there fast
enough and cannot wait to see all of the
guys. It truly is a special place to be.
And as my human says, this program
changes the lives at both ends of the
leash. I could not agree with her more!
Wr i g ley
To follow the progress of the Pawsitive Dog
program, find us and ‘like’ us on Facebook
A Hopping Good Time . . .
On March 23rd SpokAnimal’s first
annual Doggy Egg-Stravaganza hunt
at the SpokAnimal’s Dog Park at High
Bridge was a huge success. With over
80 people and dogs in attendance, over
$800.00 was raised which helped bring
water into the park. Everyone had a
great time hunting for treat filled eggs
as well as visiting with the Easter Bunny. All participants received a good bag
filled with lots of treats from our many
generous supporters. Thanks to everyone involved and especially the Easter
Bunny for taking time out of his busy
schedule to surprise the pups!
Please support those who support
Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream
Diamonds in the Ruff
Fred Meyer
Haute Paws – Grooming & Boutique
Northwest Seed & Pet
Pet Vittles and Wild Bird West
Pizza Rita
Shear Heaven
The Yuppy Puppy
Upcoming Events
Furrrrst Friday @ the Steam Plant
July 5th, 4-8pm
Join us as we celebrate local fare and
South Perry Fair
July 20th, 11 to 4pm
Come on down to the Perry District
and partake in lots of fun happenings.
Pup Crawl Party Bus
August 2nd, 2 to 7pm
Come join the fun as we visit six
neighborhood pubs and “Party for
the Pups”. Tickets are $20 and get
you a t-shirt and a ride on the bus!
KREM 2 Pick of the Litter
August 9th, 4 to 7pm
Come down to SpokAnimal for this
HUGE fee waived event, meet Mr. Tom
Sherry and take home a new family
Unity in the Community
August 17th, 11 to 4pm
Join us at Riverfront Park for a day long
celebration of diversity.
Millwood Days
August 24th, 11 to 3pm
Come to Millwood and join in on all the
fun kid-friendly activities.
Doggy Dips
August 25th, 26th and 27th
Join us for this year’s dog swims.
$10 per dog gets you in the pool.
• Comstock Pool –
August 25th 2 to 5pm
• Shadle Pool –
August 26th 5 to 8pm
• Hillyard Pool –
August 27th 5 to 8pm
In Loving Memory and Honoring Tributes
of Bette Butcher Topp
- Joan Mote
- Nancy Edwards
- the Eastern Washington
Genealogical Society
- Robert & Micaela Sutphin
- Jen Israel
- Jacque Lane & Charles Hansen
of Margaret Schueneman
- D. Joan Bauer
of Patricia Joyce (Frucci) Danis
- Sharon Frucci
of Pam Siedhoff
- Gerry Bulger at Payne Financial Group, Inc.
-Ann Smith
of Randy Humble
- Henry & Marilyn Mayer
of Jackie Clements
- Greater Spokane Shetland
Sheepdog Club
of “Jasper” (Psycho-Kitty), we love
and miss you!
- Connie, Chris, Jack & Sophie
of Christine M. Sellers
- Dan Bielenberg
of our beloved kitty, “B.B.”
- Patricia Turner
of Niko, we love you. Beloved
friend and pet, departed to Rainbow Mountain Summer of 2012
- Steve, Elissa &
Shane Weitensteiner
of ‘Maggie,’ completely cared for
and loved by her family
- Bernadette & Norm Brown
of Toby
- Stella Linardos
of “Spot”
- Geraldine Brooks
of Zorro and Buddy, a great pair of cats
- James Parenti
of Violet Helsner
- Suzanne Williams
of “Romeo”
- Sandra Hatch
of Lucky Perdue, best friend and
protector of all our grandkids
- Marie & Gary Perdue
of Judy Wooten
- John & Janet Nord
of Bonnie Hartman
- Annette Akins
of Brandi
- Loretta Nelson
of George Tanaka
- Steve Duvall
of Dorothy Hayes
- Melvin Hayes
of Ruby, miss you so much
- Jennie, Bob, & Kyle Cerenzia
of Henry H. Ervin
- Thelma Ervin
of Clarice Huffman
- Gayle Hennings
of Delaine Lewis
- Gary Wright
of Jon & Ursula’s Cecil the cat
- Alma Vogt
of “Wally” loved by Ann-Luise
& Craig Marshall
of Pat Moberly’s mom
- all of us at Diamonds in the Ruff
of Joanne Grimsrud
- Wendy Walker
of Etter
- Steve Duvall
In Honor & Tribute
of Sonya Womack
- Marion Smith
of Helene Roach
- Wende Barker
of Maureen Murphy-Butte,
Happy Birthday!!
- Zandra Saez
of Valerie Gamon, Happy
- Theresa Gamon
of Linda McHenry, Happy
- Zandra Saez
of Pal, Belle, Barney, Finn & Wheels
- Anne Pluth
of Connie Lovett
- Charles Lovett
of Lucky Perdue, our best companion
for walking, we will miss her
- Marie & Gary Perdue and
Richard McCallum
- Richard, Tom, and O.C. Larchmant, New York
In honor of Emily’s Sweet 15th
- Val Wogsland
“There is a cycle of love and death that shapes the lives of those who choose to travel in the
company of animals. It is a cycle unlike any other. To those who have never lived through its
turnings and walked its rocky path, our willingness to give our hearts with full knowledge that
they will be broken seems incomprehensible. Only we know how small a price we pay for what
we receive; our grief, no matter how powerful it may be, is an insufficient measure of the joy we
have been given.”
- Suzanne Clothier
Support/Donation Form
SpokAnimal C.A.R.E
SpokAnimal C.A.R.E.
710 N. Napa
Spokane, WA 99202
(509) 534-8133
A non-profit organization dedicated to the
prevention of cruelty to animals.
Pet Sponsor . . $25
U.S. Postage
Spokane, WA
Permit 1012
Yes, I’m a SpokAnimal C.A.R.E. supporter!
Please use the following supporter/donation
of $__________________________ in support
of SpokAnimal C.A.R.E. in its work with animals
and public education.
Mr/Mrs/Ms _________________________________
(If different from label)
Phone _____________________________________
Address _ __________________________________
City___________________State _______ Zip______
Email _____________________________________
I’d like to volunteer! Please call me!
Upcoming Events
Volunteer & Foster
Orientations - Meetings are
held twice per month on the
2nd Saturday at 10:30am and
the 4th Thursday at 6:00pm at
SpokAnimal, 710 N. Napa.
Looking to adopt
a cat or dog?
Pick up a
Cuisine for Critters - see page 9
of this newsletter for details.
Kitten & Puppy Shower - July
13th - see page 9 of this newsletter for details.
What is My Dog Saying Body
Language Lecture - free to staff
and shelter volunteers. July 19,
6:30-9:30pm at Diamonds in the
Ruff, 2925 N. Monroe.
Mailed quarterly to over 13,000 animal lovers.
Editor: Carol A. Byrnes
Executive Director: Gail B. Mackie
For more upcoming events, see
page 14 of this newsletter.
For more info, call Libby Smith or
Bridgette Bossio
at (509) 534-8133, ext. 209
or email: [email protected]
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KXLY Ch 4 - Monday on Good Morning NW
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