Arti cial Life - Institut für Statistik


Arti cial Life - Institut für Statistik
Articial Life
Manuel J. A. Eugster
[email protected]
Institut f
ur Statistik
at M
Sommersemester 2009
Pygmalion in Metamorphosen by Ovid, 1th-3th to 8th century AD.
Picture: Pygmalion and Galatea, Jean-Leon Gerome, 1890.
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How to create an Homunculus in
De natura rerum by (?)
Paracelsus, 1538.
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Jacques de Vaucanson's
, 1739.
Digesting Duck
Wagner creates an Homunculus
in Goethe's Faust II.
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Chess-playing turk
constructed by Wolfgang von Kempelen, 1770.
Chess-playing turk
constructed by Wolfgang von Kempelen, 1770.
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The General and Logical Theory of Automata
, John von Neumann, 1940s.
and the idea of
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The Game of Life
by John H. Conway, 1970.
Created the rst cellular automaton.
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Creature from Spore.
Boids by Craig Reynolds, 1986.
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Game of Life
Sony AIBO.
Cooking Robot.
Actroid by
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1. rule: any live cell with fewer than two live neighbours dies, as if
2. rule: any live cell with more than three live neighbours dies, as
caused by underpopulation.
if by overcrowding.
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3. rule: any live cell with two or three live neighbours lives on to
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4. rule: any dead cell with exactly three live neighbours becomes
the next generation.
a live cell.
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