8th December 1935


8th December 1935
sever81 b&ll#ons
pssyased in
have been sent ug here but h ~ v ebeen
And behind all i s the terrible
Nazis hzve made in Wmeig
financial and economic muhdle the
very critioal situation which
X do not
overlook in estimating the outlook.
I am going to Kersaw f o r a
I suggested it some
day or two,
montb~ago ~ i n dtwo days after C ' s a;leech, the i o l i s h Xinister proposed
that i t should t&e place t h i s week.
And after that to,Geneva for
Borne talks before presesing f o x the January Councril meeting.
8th December, 1931
Just returned from ~Yarsaw,
officiol v i s i t ,
Usis and
Tho ~ ~ o l made
e s it
I were net at the
forms1 a d
Dastzlg rsilw&y s tation
and. con&ucted t o the eay;eoially dec'o~atedReception Room, along a l i n e
of i o l i s h railway officials, behind whom stood a line of P a s t ~ i g
In the room waited the three principal Counsellors of the
relish Commi~sariat, with other r o l i s h o f f i c i a l s and their wives.
presented U s i e with a bouquet and then we made
another cortege t o the train.
b e . haye'@, w i f e of the ~ o l i s h
ILiniater, waited at the s t e y s ~f %he State Coach, which had also been
She accompanied us to !.'axsaw,
sleepers and a salon,
The caach had four
About 20.50 yeme we were met in 'GTarsaw by
Count Lubienski (on b e b l f of the Foreign &ini%ter)and M e
Xarlevoky, who was att~schedt o cre &ring our stay.
f l e s h l i g h t photographs, we, all went to our hotel,
After the usual
A car was a l s o
placed a t our dispoaal by t h e G o ~ e ~ e n t ,i7e stayed, of course,
- perhaps the real meeting
at the h k r o k e ~ k i
and West, as r o ~ Said
i s by sea,
between &st
on t h e Continent
Tired, we st8 a
lete sup2er in our room, which looked out oa the g r e a t 2 i l s u d s k i
m emgty looking square where fornerly s t o o d a magnificent
EZussPan church,
The ,oSes c?emolished i t some years ago, regarding
i t as a s p b o 3 of the p e r i o d of Buesian subjugation.
time there was some controver~yabout if,
Even at that
it was a fine p i e c e of
In the morning, a skim of snow decorateti the somewhat drab
Alsie g o t son% shop names and rent out in a &osky (&xi
open b o r ~ ocarriage at a eloty a triy) to f i n d eorilr~ of the shoes f o r
w is Justly fmouo,
official a a l l s
1 went vStb &arlsvsky t o pay my
, eta,
diplomatic c o r p s ,
Tiinlator for Forei-
I sent casda this time a l s o to the
I hstd a talk only with Count snbeck, the viceAffairs.
t i a a we a22soached anything
f a i n t l y resembling an inquiry, he s a i d that
Beck personally
dealt with Dsnzig mstters,
I found a l e t t e r waiting f o r me frorn S i r Howas4 Kennard, Britiah
rho s a i d they were in mourning (~ing's sister), but he
would l i k e us t o Eine, or lunch, or at least have tea quietly with
I had suggested very f e w agyointaenta and
so v a s eble to
lunch with him yesterday,
l;e Itnncksed the first 6zy ~ i t h
C o l o w l Eeck, the Fortsign
Xinister, dark h a i r arid eyes, un-Slav looking, and his vivacious
wife vho t a l k a a n d t a l k s a d is oharming, withal in an i~yersonal
In a $arty of about eighteen xith the deputy t r i n e iv-inister,
we were the principal p a s t e t i n the old ralace,of our f r i e n d Count
~ a c # k k $(nor r-olish Ambassador in
on don) which is the residence
of the linister untfl the o f f i c i a l kouee is completed.
was here
that the traasfer of %hissaw government was formally completed in
1919, before the German evacuation and the facsimile
signatures are inset i n the t a b l e used,
- satisfactory
After lunch 1 had my t a l k *$;ithBeck
again em;;jbasierss that z o l a n d w i l l . neglect none of her duties (re:
~anzig)as s mcsmbes of the Council.
Lie ifraked If I mula see him
again at 'i;a~saw, or he would come to Gdynia, after I had made the
flsonckgesMat Geneva.
Me did not know how f a r Ismeig
l o c a l ox i n s g i ~ e dfrom Berlin and, with
action was
h i n t from ae, ssid he would
hare his representatives in Berlin, London, etc.,
asked to interest
The January position should be carefully yregared,
s s i d that
why I @asir).\;areas and was going t o Geneva,
We dined st Simon i Steaki, the fatnous restawmt, a amall
company, a d had a box at the Opera
- *The Gipsy Baront1, very gag
end one or two girl dancers xho %illbe
b o i t e de Muit,
emo om be red,
Then to a
k t the table next to us sat no less than seven
r o l i s h Generals8
The army occugies a big ijlaos in i o l i s h l i f e .
Cabaret quite good.
Msxt morning, sono shop2ing and an Inspsction of the
i r e s i d e n t ' 5 ialace, tPd the King Jan Sobieski's
chateau (
beautiful Little
) on the outskirts.
Lunched with S i r Howard a d Lady Kernnard in the British
- alone.
He is on good terms with Von X o l t k e , German
Ambesslredor, and gramliesd t o inform bin ~f my yreoccu2ations,
call on G.
E 1 s h u t for her inevitable souvenir and Lrs, Beakls
A gayish dinner in the H o t e l before finding our sleeping
V'arosw is drab but t o &pgrseiate it one ~ u s tv i s i t in the
innmerable private "palaces", ~ r e t e n t i o u sand r a t h e r dignified
in a o h i t e c t u r e and artill f i l l e d with tokens of ~ o l i s hariratocratic
Rather s friendly city, attractive in spite o f t h e poverty
of many of its million ~iwzd rr quarter inhabitants,
O f c o w a e , the visit was a political demonstration
- following
Greiserls insults and challenge to the Leaye, an8 an opportunity
far sounding the i o l i s h Go-rrernmentls p o s i t i o n in v i e w of y o s s i b l e
&eve1opment s.
Deoember, 1935
Von Radowlta called on me,
Bs h B been in Eerlin and had seen
the FoiPeSgn X i n i s t e t r , von Eieurath, following ay fast conversation
when I had warns& him that the Geman relation8 wftb Danzig had now
Been publicly brought into question by Greissr9a s2eechz and k e t I
would be com$elled t o raise the question of the source of' Forsterts
Von Radowitz s a i d he had been oharged by Von Beursth to say
offio%ally that the speeoh represented in no way t h e result of German
It was contrary to t h e i r wishes and he