greetings from lythgoe family productions!


greetings from lythgoe family productions!
Dear Friends,
For many years we have searched for the perfect holiday entertainment for the stage of The Playhouse. We have
filled the time during the Christmas season with a variety of choices which have been quite successful - including
the premiere of the delightful Plaid Tidings, The Nutcracker, and a funny and touching radio version of It’s A
Wonderful Life. All of those brought audiences holiday cheer and good spirits, to be sure. However, I always felt
that both the theatre and our audience might benefit from programming during this special time that had more
appeal to the entire family. And I also hoped that we could find just the right thing that would keep our stage alive
and dazzling like a well decked Christmas tree over many years.
When Becky Baeling and Kris Lythgoe approached me about the idea of yearly presenting “Panto at the Playhouse,”
I was immediately intrigued. My excitement for this concept grew even greater when I saw A Snow White Christmas
last year and knew that it would be so very at home on our stage and warmly embraced in our community. We
immediately started to make plans to bring Miss White and her tiny friends to The Playhouse this year. I am very
happy that those plans have grown into the hope that our collaboration will continue for many years ahead during
this season. It is our intention to annually bring you holiday entertainment such as this, telling these well-known
stories in the well respected Panto tradition of good fun. We will continue to explore these much loved tales in
exciting, and musically fresh ways that hopefully will draw you back here year after year after year.
We have frequently been asked to make more family programming available here at The Playhouse. Building new audiences for the future is one of the
most important parts of our mission (and interestingly, yet another way for us to continue our strong commitment to diversity at our theatre). I am so
grateful to our producing partners, to all of the artists involved, and to everyone who has helped to make this “Holiday Wish” come true so that you can
be a part of a new tradition here at The Pasadena Playhouse.
With Happy Holiday wishes to you all!
Sheldon Epps
Artistic Director of The Pasadena Playhouse
The Lythgoe’s have always been committed to creating entertainment that brings families together, with shows such as “American Idol”
and “So You Think You Can Dance,” these are programs the entire family can enjoy. Along with his family (brother Simon, and parents
Nigel and Bonnie Lythgoe), Kristopher Lythgoe has now made his home in America, inspired by the endless amount of entertainment
possibilities. He soon noted that the holiday theatre tradition he had grown up with in England, “Panto,” was distinctly missing stateside.
He saw there was a need for family entertainment during the holidays; a place he could take his five year old son, George, and watch
him fall in love with the magic of theatre the way he had as a child.
Joining forces with his Mum, Bonnie Lythgoe, who has helmed hundreds of Pantos in the UK including Peter Pan starring Henry Winkler
and Cinderella starring Patrick Duffy, they began Lythgoe Family Productions. Their quest: To bring Panto to families across America,
aspiring to create a new American holiday tradition as timeless as A Christmas Carol or The Nutcracker. Another goal, introducing new
audiences to the theatre, especially the next generation of theatregoers. There is nothing better than hearing a first time theatre going
child exit the theatre exclaiming “I want to see it again! It was the best live movie ever!” Between the music, magic, interaction, and
miniature pony, they have fallen in love with the magic of the theatre! But to make this a time honored tradition instilled in the hearts of
the nation, it is essential to have a homebase that shares these same goals of family, community, and passion for the arts.
Enter The Pasadena Playhouse, the State Theatre of California, and one of the most prestigious theatre’s across the country. The rich
history, unparalleled quality of productions, and the passionate arts community surrounding The Playhouse led Becky Baeling and Kris
Lythgoe to approach Sheldon Epps and forge together in the creation of “Panto at the Playhouse." Panto in England is a tradition since
the 1700‘s, and was initially begun to service the community with a gift of entertainment for the family at Christmas time. Thus what
better sanctuary for American Panto to grow, than within a theatre
steeped in history of servicing it’s community, from the original
“School of Theatre Arts”, to world premieres of classics from Noel Coward, Eugene O’Neill, Tennessee Williams and more, to their
current Outreach and Education endeavors.
The Christmas season is a time for families to come together and reflect on all they are thankful for. We here at Lythgoe Family
Productions are thankful to all of you, the audience, for embracing our arrival at The Playhouse. We look forward to building this new
family tradition with you all!
Happy Holidays!
Lythgoe Family Productions
Sheldon Epps
Elizabeth Doran
Artistic Director
Executive Director
Lythgoe Family Productions Presents
A Snow White Christmas
Written by
Kris Lythgoe
Ariana Grande Charlene Tilton Neil Patrick Harris
Curt Hansen Jonathan Meza David Figlioli Little Man
The Spencer Liff Dancers
Italo Egueta Morgan Larsen Janaya French
Clarice Ordaz David Morales Marc Spaulding
Produced By
The Lythgoes Musical Director/
Additional Music and Arrangements Choreography By
Spencer Liff
Becky Baeling
Magic By
Company Manager/Stage Manager
Assistant Stage Manager
Michael Orland
Musical Supervisor
Nancy Severinsen
Ed Alonzo
John Holly
Costume Designers
Sound Designer
Julia Clancey, Kleev Guessford, Donna Maas
Press Repesentative
Ken Werther Doug Newell
Michael Vitale
Casting By
LFP Casting
The Michael Orland Band
Brian Boyce (percussion) and Keith Harrison
(Assistant Musical Director, keyboards)
Directed by
Bonnie Lythgoe
SNOW WHITE .............................................................................................................................. Ariana Grande*
WICKED QUEEN ...................................................................................................................... Charlene Tilton*
MAGIC MIRROR .................................................................................................................. Neil Patrick Harris*
PRINCE HARRY ............................................................................................................................... Curt Hansen*
MUDDLES ...................................................................................................................................... Jonathan Meza*
HERMAN THE HUNTSMAN ...................................................................................................... David Figlioli*
BLITZEN ..................................................................................................................................................... Little Man
JOSE, DANCER . ................................................................................................................................. Italo Egueta
CLARA, DANCER ......................................................................................................................... Morgan Larsen
DANCERS ......................................................................................................... Janaya French, Clarice Ordaz,
David Morales, Marc Spaulding
RED APPLE TEAM ......................................................... Caitlyn Leone, Isaiah Morgan, Gianna Gomez,
Gabe de Guzman, Matt Moseley, Hunter Cole,
Ricky Garcia
SNOW WHITE TEAM .................................................... Aiden Lewandowski, Rachael Anne Anderson
Zander Faden, Kade Pait, Alix Newman, Tyler Mitchell,
Daisy Stoneman
RED APPLE TEAM: December 12, 14, 16, 21, 23, 26, 28, 30
SNOW WHITE TEAM: December 13, 15, 20, 22, 24, 27, 29
Taking pictures and/or making visual or sound recordings is expressly forbidden
A Snow White Christmas is a professional production employing members of AEA.
*Member of Actors’ Equity Association, the Union of Professional Actors
and Stage Managers in the United States.
Panto’s are an interactive show! Crowds are encouraged to shout and participate. We
encourage you to BOO the Wicked Queen and CHEER for Snow White.
SING-A-LONG to songs you know and above all, enjoy yourself! HAPPY HOLIDAYS!
Snow White & Ensemble
Snow White
Prince Harry
Wicked Queen
Snow White
Wicked Queen, Dancers
Snow White & Dwarves
Snow White & Dwarves
Wicked Queen
Prince Harry & Snow White
A Note From
his is the first time I have directed in the beautiful Pasadena Playhouse
and I am overjoyed. As I walked into the incredible theatre I had a feeling
of déjà vu. I was back in London where I directed my first Snow White 20
years ago. Then my thoughts came back to Pasadena, I felt a chill down my
spine and an incredible sense of excitement, I was home again.
New challenges though, directing a Panto in the UK is easy, but not so in the
States! Who understands the English tradition of over 200 years? Not many people
I guess! Let me enlighten you. Panto is a fairytale story, with a modern twist, current
music, great recognizable actors, comedy and guess what? The Audience.
Strange as it may seem, Panto is all about us; we become as one. So be prepared for
some fun, laughs, tears and romance. My job as a director is to make sure all those
elements fuse together and bring entertainment to all the family from 2 to 102!!
Finding the perfect cast is no easy task because like a jigsaw puzzle, the pieces have to fit. Weeks of auditions
are needed and as a director, I can call back actors three or four times. The writer, the musical director and
producers have a judgment as well, so it becomes a joint decision on the final casting. Rehearsals are another
experience. From the first day, I have to take control and head the cast into a company team. It usually takes me
three days to get actors relaxed and into performing. By the fourth day, we are winning. Directing takes a lot of
preparation, getting the characters right, making the script work and making it live. I have sleepless nights, lots
of worries as we head into the dress rehearsal and first night. Will we make it in time? Will the pieces fit? Will
lines be forgotten? Will I survive?!
Our Snow White is about her life as a Royal Princess, her difficulty in understanding her Aunt, the friendship with
her friend Muddles, and the memory of a young Prince she used to play with as a child. Her Aunt, the Wicked
Queen, bitter and mean, asks her Magic Mirror (played by Neil Patrick Harris) if she is ‘Still the fairest in the
land'. He replies "NO, Snow White is more beautiful". The Wicked Queen, eaten up by jealousy, makes a plan to
get rid of Snow White. But, as with most fairytale stories, good always wins the day and she is saved by the seven
dwarves and her unforgettable handsome Prince!
It truly is entertainment for the family and I can't wait for you all to see the story unfold before your very eyes.
The children will come away wanting more, and like me and my children, it could be the first introduction to
So please enjoy and remember your lines! BOO the Wicked Queen, CHEER Muddles, and WARN Snow White
not to take a bite of the apple!! Thank you cast and production team for your dedication and THANK YOU
Talented Audience, give yourselves a clap, and I will see you as the lights go down and the performance begins.
Finally, thank you Sheldon for having faith in our production. The Lythgoe's will make you proud.
Bonnie Lythgoe
Director of A Snow White Christmas
History of
Snow White is a fairy tale known from many countries in
Europe, the best known version being the German one
collected by the Brothers Grimm, Snow White and the
Seven Dwarves. The German version features
elements such as the magic mirror, the poisoned apple,
the glass coffin, and the seven dwarves, who were first
given individual names in the 1912 Broadway play Snow
White and the Seven Dwarfs and then given different
names in Disney's 1937 film Snow White and the Seven
Dwarfs. The Grimm story, which is commonly referred to
as Snow White, should not be confused with the story of
Snow White and Rose Red, another fairy tale collected by
the Brothers Grimm.
The story of Snow White may have been intertwined with
those of some historical figures. Scholars have
uncovered parallels between the legendary Snow White
Priscilla Presley as the Wicked Queen in an English Snow White Panto
and Margarete von Waldeck (1533–1554). Like Snow White,
Margarete was a strikingly attractive young woman. Like Snow White she had a problematic relationship with
her stepmother. She grew up in the mining town of Waldeck, where small children known as "dwarves" worked
in the mines. At 17, Margarete moved to Brussels. There, she attracted the romantic interest of several nobles,
including Philip II of Spain. Philip hoped to marry her because she was beautiful, but she became ill as a result
of poisoning. Ruthless politics were a part of medieval court, where marriage to powerful personage was often
viewed as a way for a clan to gain allies to the detriment of rivals. Margarete died at the age of 21. The
handwriting of her will, written shortly before her death, shows evidence of tremor. The perpetrator was never
exposed, but it could not have been her stepmother, who was already dead at the time. The poignant tale of
a beautiful young woman whose life was cut short may have captured the popular imagination and provided
inspiration for the folktale.
Information gathered by Magic Pictures International with added input from The Pasadena Playhouse.
The Pasadena Playhouse Outreach & Education programs are made possible in part by the support of the Wells Fargo Theatrical Diversity Project.
Panto is derived from the British institution, which is a musical show based on Fairytale
stories. The historical fairytale stories include Cinderella, Snow White, Aladdin, Jack and the
Beanstalk, Beauty and the Beast, Robin Hood, and Mother Goose. Panto scripts are rewritten
every year and include ever changing music sourced from Billboard Charts, so that each
production remains current.
Another contemporary Panto tradition, is
the inclusion of celebrity guest stars. Past Panto stars
include Stephen Fry, Sir Ian Mckellan (pictured at right),
Eartha Kitt, Henry Winkler, George Takei, Joan Collins,
Patrick Duffy, Priscilla Presley (pictured on page 6), and
many more.
The focal point of a Panto though is how it brings
together the family unit by way of entertainment.
Whether you are young or old, a Panto is enjoyed by all
members of the family!
Villian: “Oh, no there isn’t”
Audience: “Oh yes there is”
Villian: “Oh no there isn’t”
Audience: “Oh yes there is!”
Villian: “Isn’t, isn’t, isn’t!”
Audience: “Is, Is , Is!”
BOO the Wicked Queen and CHEER Snow White at
any point throughout the show!
Sir Ian McKellan as Dame Twanky
Photo: Manuel Harlan
A Panto in Ancient Greece was originally a group who "imitates all" accompanied
by sung narrative and instrumental music, often played on the flute. The word later
came to be applied to the performance itself. The Panto was a popular form of
entertainment in ancient Greece and, later, Rome.
The style and content of the modern Panto have very clear and strong links with the
Commedia dell'arte, a form of popular theatre that arose in Italy in the Early
Modern Period and which reached England by the 16th century. The great clown
Grimaldi transformed the format. Each story had the same fixed characters: the
lovers, father, servants (one being crafty and the other stupid), etc. These roles/
characters can be found in today's Pantos.
The first Cinderella Panto in England was the 1804 production at Drury Lane,
director Mr. Byrne, with music by Michael Kelly (1762-1826). (Pictured at left.)
Ariana Grande
Jonathan Meza
Curt Hansen
Italo Egueta
Morgan Larsen
Neil Patrick Harris
Charlene Tilton
Janaya French
Little Man
David Figlioli
Clarice Ordaz
David Morales
Marc Spaulding
Red Apple Team
Caitlyn Leone
Isaiah Morgan
Gianna Gomez
De Guzman
Matt Moseley
Hunter Cole
Ricky Garcia
Snow White Team
Rachael Anne
Zander Faden
Kade Pait
Alix Newman
ARIANA GRANDE (Snow White) recently filmed
the new Nickelodeon pilot "Sam & Cat," which
is a spin-off taking Nickelodeon's beloved
sidekicks from both "iCarly" & "Victorious"
and giving them their own platform. She is
most known for originating the role of “Cat
Valentine” on "Victorious" where she was a
series regular for three seasons. Ariana is
signed to Universal Republic Record label
and will be releasing her debut album early
2013. Ariana's track “Voodoo Love," from the
album, will be featured in this production of
Snow White. Ariana’s other credits include
voiceover work as an animated Fairy,
Princess Diaspro, on the new Nickelodeon
series, "The Winx Club," and the original
role of Charlotte in "13 the Musical," on
Broadway. In 2010, she created the original
role of Miriam in the reading of the new
musical, Cuba Libre, written and produced
by Desmond Child. While growing up in
Boca Raton Florida, she was a solo vocalist
with various symphonies including South
Florida’s Philharmonic, Pops and Symphonia
Orchestras. Ariana supports various charities
such as St. Jude's Children's Hospital
and Susan G Komen. Ariana would like to
thank Lythgoe Family Productions for this
opportunity! Special thanks to Ariana's friends,
family, and fans for their continuous love and
support and always having her back. Also,
special thanks to Ariana's incredible music and
management team, you know who you are!
Shout out to vocal coach Eric Vetro, you're
dope and I love you forever. CHARLENE TILTON (Wicked Queen) was raised
in Hollywood, the land of dreams. Charlene
knew her destiny of being an actress and
began performing in neighborhood theatre
workshops by the age of eight. She attended
the famous Hollywood High School and
graduated alongside other successful artists
in the industry. At the age of fifteen Charlene
was discovered by an agent who came to
see a production of Elisabeth 1 at Hollywood
High. Even though she only had a few small
parts in the play the agent saw something
special in her and signed her within a week.
Charlene began going on auditions and was
soon featured in a series of five Japanese
Clothing commercials with Beatle Ringo
Star. From there her career catapulted with
numerous motion picture roles in Freaky
Friday with Jodie Foster, and Big Wednesday
with Gary Busey just to name a few. She also
did many memorable television guest star
parts, and commercials. After competing with
over two hundred other actresses Charlene
won the role of Lucy Ewing in the television
phenomenon "Dallas " at seventeen years old.
The character of Lucy Ewing went through
many dramatic changes during her eleven
year run. Her wedding to "Dallas" husband
Mitch Cooper was the second highest rated
episode behind the famous "Who shot J.R.?"
At that time Charlene was seen on more than
600 magazine covers worldwide. Aside from
her starring role on "Dallas". Charlene has
also starred in several TV movies, and guest
starred in other popular television shows,
such as "Happy Days," "Laverne and Shirley,"
"Murder She Wrote," "Married With Children,"
and many more. Some of the other fun things
Charlene has been blessed to have done are
to host The Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade,
star with Bob Hope on his "Funny Valentine
Special," and host "Saturday Night Live." With
her love for theatre, Ms. Tilton traveled to
London where she played Honey in Who's
Afraid of Virginia Woolf?. In San Francisco
she co-starred in The Foreigner with Imogene
Coca, directed by nine time Tony award
winner Jery Zaks. In Los Angeles Charlene
earned rave reviews playing a quadriplegic in
Whose Life is it Anyway's. She is the recipient
of the L.A. theatre Critics award for best
supporting actress for her performance in
Dish Babies where she played eight different
characters. Ms Tilton co-produced and starred
in the hit comedy Tell Veronica at the Hudson
Theatre, and recently returned to the U.K. to
star as the Wicked Stepmother in the musical
Cinderella. Ms. Tilton extended herself as
a producer in November 2004 when she
co-produced the "Return to Southfork" Dallas
Reunion Special with Henry Winkler and
Michael Levitt for CBS. The special was raved
by critics as well as diehard fans of the series
which proved to be a huge ratings success.
Charlene is the proud mother of her grown
daughter Cherish, three rescued dogs, and
one cat. Ms Tilton serves as president on the
board of Actors With Autism, and teaches
weekly classes to the very talented students.
Charlene is also involved with, and teaches
classes for Meet the Biz, an organization that
brings actors with disabilities and non-disabled
actors together to promote inclusion.
Broadway: Assassins, Cabaret and Proof.
Off-Broadway/Regional: Company (NY
Phil), Amadeus (Hollywood Bowl), All
My Sons (Geffen Playhouse), Tick, Tick...
Boom (Menier Chocolate Factory), The
Paris Letter (Kirk Douglas Theater), Sweeney
Todd (SF Symphony Orchestra), Romeo and
Juliet (Old Globe) and Rent (LA, San Diego).
Harris made his theatrical directorial debut
with I Am Grock (El Portal Theatre), and
more recently, he directed a production of
Jonathan Larson’s Rent at the Hollywood
Bowl. Film: A Very Harold and Kumar
Christmas, The Smurfs, Beastly, Cats & Dogs
2: The Revenge of Kitty Galore, Cloudy with
a Chance of Meatballs, Harold and Kumar
Escape from Guantanamo Bay, Harold and
Kumar Go to White Castle, Undercover
Brother, The Next Best Thing, The Proposition,
Starship Troopers, and Clara's Heart (Golden
Globe nom.). Television: “How I Met Your
Mother” (Emmy & Golden Globe noms,
People’s Choice Award), “Glee” (Emmy
Award), “Stark Raving Mad,” and “Doogie
Howser, M.D.” (People's Choice Award,
Golden Globe nom.), among many others.
Harris served as the host of the 63rd, 65th,
and 66th Annual Tony Awards (Emmy Award),
and the 61st Annual Primetime Emmy Awards.
CURT HANSEN (Prince Harry) grew up in
Wisconsin and now lives in NYC. Broadway:
Next to Normal (as well as the National
Tour), Hairspray. CTG's Parade at the
Mark Taper Forum. TV: "Nickelodeon’s Big
Time Rush," as Dak Zevon, "The Good
Wife." Selected NYC Readings: It's On
(NYMF), bare, Charlie and the Chocolate
Factory, and The Flamingo Kid. Much love
to his family, Hay, BRS, and Mike at Principal
Entertainment. @curt_hansen www. HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!
JONATHAN MEZA (Muddles) Jonathan is
excited to be back as Muddles! He is a Los
Angeles native who studied at the Moscow
Art Theater in Russia. He has performed and
hosted thousands of events including shows
at Sea World San Diego. He played a lead on
the Kids show "the Jumpitz" which aired
videos on Nick Jr, and traveled around the
world with the show performing for US
military families on base. Most recently he
welcomed his son into the world and is
experiencing the father life. Feel free to
follow him on twitter and enjoy the show!
God Bless!
DAVID FIGLIOLI (Herman the Huntsman)
Reprising the role of Herman The Huntsman,
David has worked Off-Broadway, Regional
Theatre, Dinner Theatre, Disney World,
Universal Studios and the international tour of
Cirque Du Soliel’s Corteo. Approximately 40
TV Shows, TV Pilots, TV Movies, Independent
and feature films along with anestimated 75 TV
Commercials. TV Series: "The X-Files," "E.R.,"
"Star Trek Enterprise," "The Practice," "Monk,"
"Angel," "Charmed," "General Hospital,"
"Numb3rs," "Boomtown," "Southland," "Castle;"
TV Movies: Hard Ground and Rock Monster;
Feature Films, Lies and Alibis, I Know Who
Killed Me, and All Souls Day. David holds a
B.FA. in Theatre from Wayne State University.
ITALO EGUETA (Jose, Dancer) Italo’s first
performance for a world-wide audience
was as a Feature Dancer in High School
Musical 2. Italo then rejoined the cast, and
was cast as a Principal Dancer in the Feature
film High School Musical 3: Senior Year.
He has performed and choreographed on
"Dancing With the Stars," Disney Channel's
"So Random," Lythogoe Panto productions
A Snow White Christmas, Touring live show
"Ballroom With a Twist," Co-choreographer
for "Dance India Dance." Associate
choreographer and performer for hit musical
Loving the Silent Tears. Performed for several
artist in videos and stage performances
including: Kylie Minogue, Jesse McCartney,
Jonas Brothers, Ben Vereen, Collin Raye,
Clay Aiken, Lucas Grabeel, Paris By Night.
Participated as a professional dance partner
and choreographer on the Oxygen
Network’s reality series “Dance Your Ass Off,"
motivating and inspiring fitness and dance.
Italo’s teaching experience has varied from
fresh mind of children to adults in jazz and
contemporary classes, fitness dance classes,
and private dance instruction in Latin and
ballroom. He expanded his knowledge by
becoming a NASM certified personal trainer
to include dance, health, and fitness in his
life, and to share with others. Teaching and
training around the globe, He has already
traveled teaching through Chile, India,
Canada, and the United States.
CLARICE ORDAZ (Clara, Dancer) is a
passionate young dance from Whittier,
California. At two years old, Clarice was wild
about dancing around in her living room.
She danced so much that her mother finally
took her to a few dance classes in the area
and that's where it all began. Clarice started
taking ballet, tap, and jazz classes at a small
studio in Downey, CA and later transferred
over to West Coast School of the Arts when
she was 9. At West Coast, Clarice gained
strong technical skills, as well as a great
sense of performance quality. With these
talents, Clarice won many titles including
Dancer of the Year in 2009 which gave her
the opportunity to dance in Australia. Aside
from competing with her studio, Clarice was
also part of the Varsity dance team at her high
school, Rosary High School. They attended
the National Dance Team Championships in
Orlando, Florida and won titles her junior and
senior year. Clarice then attended California
State University, Long Beach where she
studied dance. There she was trained by
former Martha Graham students and former
principal dancers of the American Ballet
Theatre. With all of this training at hand,
Clarice tried out for the Fox show "So You
Think You Can Dance?" and made it to the
top ten of season 8. She was able to tour
with the rest of the top ten in the fall of 2011
and danced for 32 different cities around
the country! Now in Hollywood, California,
Clarice is ready to kick start her career and
is really excited to be a part of A Snow White
JANAYA FRENCH (Dancer) After graduating
in 2010, Janaya started her dance career
assisting West Coast Dance Explosion for
their 2010/2011 season. She moved to Los
Angeles in May 2011 and is currently signed
with Bloc Talent Agency. Since she moved
Janaya has danced at the Aria Hotel in Las
Vegas for New Year's Eve in a show for E+
Productions, was in the season premiere of
"How I Met Your Mother," and performed in
the Julie Andrews Tribute for The Professional
Dancers Society luncheon. She performed
a mash-up of Julie's classics in honor of her
inspirational work in the arts, choreographed
by Michael Rooney. Most recently she was
a part of the Top 20 dancers on Season 9
of "So You Think You Can Dance?" Since
the show has concluded she has worked on
an upcoming movie, dancing in "Behind the
Candelabra," choreographed by Marguerite
Derricks, which will come out some time in
2013. She will also be in episode 8 of the new
TV show "Vegas," another one of Marguerite
Derricks works. Janaya continues auditioning
and furthering her career in Los Angeles in
any way possible.
MORGAN LARSON (Dancer) began her training
as a competitive gymnast and developed her
artistry in all styles of dance in Waukesha,
Wisconsin. She graduated with a BFA
in Dance from the University of Arizona
where she was the recipient of the Creative
Achievement Award for Choreography from
the College of Fine Arts. She has featured
work in New York City at the 2010 Capezio
A.C.E. Awards as Co-choreographer. August
2012 marked her first official year in Los
Angeles working as a professional dancer!
Following her move, she has worked alongside
Christopher Scott and Jeffrey Hornaday in
Disney Channel's "Teen Beach Movie," as a
Biker/Dancer set to release summer 2013. Her
recent projects have given her opportunities
to work with Spencer Liff, Invisible Children,
Inc, Adrenaline Dance Convention, Adam
Shankman's Rock the Vote Campaign and Nick
Hissom, where she can be found in his latest
music video "Killin' Tonight" under direction
from Kenny Ortega, Christopher Scott and
Jessica Keller. Just finished dancing on Disney
Channel's Shake It Up, Austin and Ally, and
2012 Teen Nick Awards on Nickelodeon.
This will be her second season with the
fantastic company and cast of A Snow White
Christmas! She approaches life with a smile
and boogies her way through it! Oh, and she
dreams big, so you should too!
raised in Puerto Rico, David started dancing at
the age of thirteen and trained in jazz, classical
ballet, hip-hop and also excels at Salsa,
rumba, and cha-cha because of his culture.
David was a member of “Ballet Concierto de
Puerto Rico” for 3 years when he was given
the opportunity to work on the Disney movie
“Teen Beach Movie” filmed in Puerto Rico and
choreographed by Chris Scott. Half a year ago
David moved to Los Angeles, California and
has since then worked in the movie Under the
Candelabra choreographed by Marguerite
Derricks, the TV series “Hart of Dixie” and the
commercial “Rock the Vote” choreographed
by Chris Scott. He’s grateful and humble to be
living his dreams every day.
MARC SPAULDING (Dancer) Marc began his
dancing training at the prestigious Duke
Ellington School of the Arts in Washington,
DC under the direction of Lynn B. Welters. He
received a BFA. Degree in Ballet Performance
from the University of the Arts. Marc has
performed in film, television, and on live stage.
His performance credits include: "Dancing
with the Stars" (Kenny Ortega), Dreamgirls
-National Tour, West Side Story International
Tour, Broadway revival of Equus, feature film
Hairspray (Adam Shankman), the NBC
“Today Show," "SNL," Singer-Actress RavenSymone, Philadelphia Dance Company
(Philadanco), feature film Bolden (Hinton
Battle), Donald Byrd/The Group, and the
Eleone Dance Theatre. As an Instructor Mr.
Spaulding has taught master classes for
various studios, universities, and festivals
including: the “Rock School," Broadway
Connection, Long Island University, Duke
Ellington School of the Arts, Clater-Kaye
Theatre Works, the International Black Dance
Conference, Dance Master’s of America,
the Ailey/Fordham BFA Program and the
University of the Arts. Marc has presented his
choreography in various venues including, Los
Angeles’ Carnival, Independent film Water
Theory, the Philadelphia Dance Company
showcase “Danco on Danco”, recording artist
Denisse Lara, and the “One Night Only” Aids
benefit hosted by Actress-Singer Sheryl Lee
LITTLE MAN (Blitzen) was born in a circus,
which closed right after his birth. He was sold
to two little girls, they showed him at the 4H
club and he won many ribbons. One day the
girls mom got sick and they had to move to
the city. Leaving Little Man was very hard for
the girls but their stepfather assured them
that he would be taken care of until they
returned. Unknown to them, he had sold
Little Man to a traveling pony ride business.
Over the next two years he traveled from
little towns to big cities until one day, he was
put up for auction. At the same time, stunt
coordinator Nicholas Plasschaert, received a
call looking for a special pony for a Cinderella
Panto. Nicholas, son of two time Emmy
Award- Winning choreographer grew up in the
hey day of musical variety shows. He jumped
at the chance to be a part of this show. Soon
he was led to Little Man at the horse auction.
When Little Man was put in his stall on the
ranch he seemed very sad and would not eat.
Nicholas’ daughter Summer came to sit in his
lap and ask what was wrong? After listening
to her daddy she asked if she could come to
the ranch and give Little Man a hug and a kiss.
Well believe it or not that hug was just what
Little Man needed. Over the next few weeks
Little Man became the perfect gentleman and
ready to perform for his fans!!!
BONNIE LYTHGOE (Director, Producer)
President of Lythgoe Family Productions
is an entertainment industry success story.
With a career spanning more than 30
years, Bonnie’s achievements as a dancer,
choreographer, director, TV presenter, TV
producer and Broadway producer are second
to none. Bonnie started her dancing career
at the Corona School for Performing Arts in
London. While studying, she won a role in the
feature film To Sir With Love starring Sidney
Poitier. Seven months later she was offered
a presenter role on a children’s television
series in the UK, "The Sooty Show." Bonnie
then auditioned for a BBC dance series called
"Young Generation;" the choreographer for
the series was Nigel Lythgoe who Bonnie later
married in 1974. A variety of choreography
and directing roles in London included Snow
White, Seven Brides for Seven Brothers,
Grease, TheBestLittleWhoreHouse in Texas,
The Real Full Monty, Cinderella, Peter Pan,
Aladdin, West Side Story and Royal Variety
for HRH Queen Elizabeth to name just a few.
With ongoing success in musical theatre,
Bonnie was then approached to produce
a special for the BBC, 100 years of music.
Following on from this, the BBC asked her
to stay on and appear as a judge on a new
singing reality series called "S Club Juniors"
which was created by Simon Fuller. Once
this successful project was over, Bonnie
then flew to the United States to join a new
Simon Fuller venture – "American Idol." Here
she was reunited with her husband who
was the Executive Producer on the series.
Bonnie was a producer on the first three
series of "American Idol" before moving on
to another new project – "So You Think You
Can Dance?" (US) for which she was both
a judge and a producer for the first two
seasons. Bonnie was then given the amazing
opportunity to become a judge on Network
Ten’s new hit series "So You Think You Can
Dance Australia?" Bonnie has worked with
numerous well known entertainers throughout
her career including Gene Kelly, Sammy
Davis Jr., Sir Cliff Richard, Barry Humphries,
Patrick Duffy (Bobby Ewing) and Charlene
Tilton (Lucy Ewing), Victoria Beckham, Dudley
Moore, Sidney Poitier, Olivia Newton-John,
Black Eyed Peas, Sarah – The Duchess of York,
Rolf Harris, Jerry Lewis, Neil Diamond, The
Bee Gees, Pink, Leona Lewis, Stevie Wonder
and Neil Patrick Harris. In 2011 Bonnie created
Lythgoe Family Productions in Los Angeles
with her son Kristopher. Together they have
brought musical “Panto” to Los Angeles. The
first Production was Cinderella, Snow White
then followed. Snow White was picked up for
a reality series following the making of the
production called A Snow White Christmas:
Opening Night’ which aired this year on
KRIS LYTHGOE (Writer, Producer) Kris is
President of Magic Pictures based in Los
Angeles. TV credits include: "So You Think
You Can Dance?" (Fox)"'Corkscrewed,"(Fox)
"Who Are You?" (Fox), "On The Nose’
(TVG)," "My Beautiful Game," (Fox Sport),
"A Snow White Christmas: Opening Night,"
(OVATION). His first love is theatre and he
has produced several musicals including
Footloose, The Wedding Singer, Cinderella
and Snow White. This is Kris’ fourth panto
he has written and he encourages people to
buy his App Panto Storytime!!!! He dedicates
this attempt at humor to his son George, the
BECKY BAELING (Producer) Thrilled to be
bringing Panto to America as part of Lythgoe
Family Productions. BFA graduate of The
University of Michigan, she also studied at the
Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts in London.
She’s performed in numerous productions
regionally and in NYC. She was co-executive
producer on her debut album with Universal
Records, Becstasy (2 number 1 Billboard
Dance hits and Artist of the Year at the
IDMA). TV credits include: Guest Star on
“House MD,” “All of Us”; Host and producer:
“CD:USA”(DirectTv) “G-Word” (Discovery
Channel) “Star!Weekly” (E! Scandinavia), Extra
(NBC) and commentary for “Chelsea Lately!”
(E!), BBC3, and UK channel 4. She also serves
as EVP for MPIENT: "My Beautiful Game" (Fox
Sports) "A Snow White Christmas: Opening
Night" (OVATION). Thank you Sheldon for
making Panto at the Playhouse come to life!
Love forever to Yaffe for his love and creative
inspiration. Thank you Mom for your endless
strength and spirit, and for supporting my
theatre endeavors since 3 years old!
MICHAEL ORLAND (Musical Director,
Additional Music and Arrangements) is the
Pianist, Arranger and Associate Musical
Director for the hit Fox-TV series "American
Idol." Through this amazing opportunity,
Michael has appeared on "Oprah,"
"Entertainment Tonight," "Access Hollywood,"
and a record number of appearances on
"The Ellen Show." At the end of every "Idol"
season, Michael also accompanies the top 3
contestants to New York for appearances on
"Regis & Kelly," "The Kelly Ripa Show," "Cbs
Early Show," and concerts on the plaza for
"The Today Show." He has collaborated with
music industry giants such as Burt Bacharach,
Neil Sedaka, Diane Warren, Elton John, Dolly
Parton, Martina McBride, Tim McGraw, and
Tony Bennett all as a result of "American
Idol." He also served as a pianist/coach for
the successful summer series "America’s Got
Talent" (Seasons 1 & 2) and has Associate
Produced two hit singles (God Bless The
USA And What The World Needs Now Is
Love) for "American Idol" as well as the hit
compilation CD from "American Juniors."
Every winter, Michael musically directs
one of the touring companies of the Radio
City Christmas Spectacular starring the
world-famous Rockettes. He is a published
author in the best-selling book Chicken
Soup For The American Idol Soul. Please
visit and www.
SPENCER LIFF (Choreographer) Spencer
Liff's choreography has been seen on the
past 4 seasons of Fox's "So You Think You
Can Dance?", he received an Emmy Award
nomination for his work last season. Other
TV choreography includes: "Dancing With
The Stars," "How I Met Your Mother," "Parks
and Recreation." Theater credits: Oliver! for
The Human Race Theater, On A Clear Day
for MTW (director and choreographer) Two
Gentleman of Verona: A Rock Opera for The
Shakespeare Theater Company, Saturday
Night Fever for Royal Caribbean, Two
original shows for Disney's newest cruise
ship The Fantasy, The Wedding Singer for
MTW, Broadway By The Year at Town Hall
in NYC. As a performer on Broadway: CryBaby, Equus, 9 to 5, The Wedding Singer,
and Big the Musical. Film: Hairspray (Mikey),
Across the Universe (Daniel), Footloose,
Gypsy. Spencer has performed on The
Academy Awards, The Grammys, The Tony
Awards (5 times), and The Kennedy Center
Honors (4 times). Much love to great family
and friends on both coasts, and Victoria
JOHN HOLLY (Company Manager/Production
Stage Manager) proudly serves as Chair of
the Actors Fund Western Council and as the
newly appointed Special Events Coordinator
for Crystal Cruises World Cruise. His career
spans working as a theatre consultant,
union executive, producer and director, and
performing on Broadway, Off-Broadway, and
regional theaters, stage managing national
tours, producing and directing childrens
theatre, managing corporate shows, and
developing and producing new American
musicals. He has served as Executive
Producer for several major theaters, including
Fords Theatre in Washington, D.C., Theatre
Under The Stars in Houston, Texas, the 5th
Avenue Theatre in Seattle, Washington, and
Music Theatre of Wichita in Kansas. For nearly
ten years he served as the Western Regional
Director for Actor's Equity Association, and
is now CEO of John Holly Consulting, a
theatre consulting firm. He also serves on the
Advisory Boards of the LA Festival of New
American Musicals and the Hollywood Blank
Theatre Company. He has worked with a long
roster of distinguished artistic talents of the
American theatre and is a proud member
of Actor's Equity since 1968. John enjoys his
three wonderful daughter's families on the
West Coast, including six happy and healthy
NANCY SEVERINSEN (Music Supervisor)
After a stint as a back-up singer/dancer, Nancy
moved to the other side of the footlights,
working in Music Supervision on such TV
shows as "So You Think You Can Dance?"
"American Idol," "In Living Color," "National
Geographic," "Comic Relief(s)," and comes
from a musical family with her Dad being the
former "Tonight Show" band leader, ‘Doc’
ED ALONZO (Magic Director) was the youngest
comedy magicians ever to perform at the
world famous Magic Castle and won the
coveted Stage Magician of The Year for two
consecutive years, and Comedy Magician
of The Year for another two consecutive
years. Ed is also the recipient of two World
Magic Awards and two Merlin Awards from
the International Magicians Society. He is
recognized as the series regular, Max from
the hit sitcom “Saved by the Bell," and the
costar on “XUXA,” the CBS Saturday Morning
program. His television appearances include
NBC's "Las Vegas," ABC’s "Full House," CBS,
comedy "Murphy Brown" and in addition, Ed
has appeared on over 100 major television
talk shows like "The Ellen Degeneres" show,
"Top Chef Masters," "The Late Late show,"
with Craig Ferguson, "Animal Planet," "E True
Hollywood Story," and "Americas Next Top
Model." From March to November 2009 Ed
toured around the world with pop star Britney
Spears, performing in a magic production
number with Miss Spears playing the role of
magicians assistant. Ed was hired by Michael
Jackson to create the illusions for his O2
London concert This Is IT.
MARIO MOSELY (Dwarf Assistant
Choreographer) Mario attended the UCLA
School of Theatre, Film and Television and
was a series regular on both seasons of
Oxygen’s “Dance Your A** Off," where he
and his partner Shayla quickly became fan
favorites and danced their way straight into
the finals. Most recently, he was featured as
a Guest Host on the Fox hit “Hell’s Kitchen,"
wrapped shooting of the featured film The
Famous Joe Project (in which he played the
role of Ryan), and is currently starring as
“Flip,” in a hilarious, new web series called
“The Shop." Mario’s many talents have given
him the opportunity to work with some of the
entertainment industry’s most recognizable
names, including Beyonce, Justin Timberlake,
Britney Spears, Eddie Murphy, Jamie Foxx,
The Pussycat Dolls, Rod Stewart, Jennifer
Hudson, Debbie Allen, Zac Efron, Prince,
Michael Jackson, Snoop Dogg, and Gloria
JULIA CLANCEY (Costume Designer, Finale
Costumes) British self-taught designer Julia
Clancey launched her line of ready to wear
dresses at London Fashion Week in 2004.
Having worked previously as s a stylist her
debut collection also included a collaboration
with Jimmy Choo and her first piece of body
jewelry which was shot by Corinne Day for
UK Vogue. Julia relocated to the U.S. in 2008
after being sponsored by IMG in New York to
show at L.A. Fashion week with Andre Leon
Tally sat backstage profiling her accessories in
his column. In 2010 Julia launched her private
showroom in West Hollywood catering to
her loyal following of private clients and red
carpet clientele. 2012 saw the launch of the
accessory line. The accessory line consists
of belts, head pieces , masks , body drapes,
necklaces, cuffs and hand drapes. They are
all hand-embroidered with Swarovski crystals
and finished with dramatic silk scarves.
Inspiration comes from vintage embroidery,
Erte, deco architecture and design. She
now splits her time in Los Angeles running
the ready to wear line, working as costume
designer and in New York on the accessory
line. Private commissions are available upon
KLEEV GUESSFORD (Costume Designer)
Kleev Guessford is a designer and stylist
for film, television and theatre. Credits
include Puccini’s Madama Butterfly,
Menoti’s The Medium, Suddenly Last
Summer, Die Fledermaus. He was a
puppetmaster for Disney’s The Lion King;
Los Angeles company, Cheetah and Gazelle
national tours,. Other costuming credits
include Fox Television’s 25th, AFI Salutes,
the 79th and 80th Academy Awards,
the American Music Awards and the ESPY
Awards. Currently he is part of the design
team for the new comedy series, "The First
Family," and "Mister Box Office." Kleev is
also the creator of a custom bowtie line
called Templer Knuse.
DONNA MAAS (Costume Designer/Wardrobe)
Attended San Jose State University. She spent
11 years as a Technical Publications Editor
and Writer for the U.S. Geological Survey in
Menlo Park. She designed costumes and sets
for community and regional theatre for 14
years. After moving to the Los Angeles area
she started working in professional theatre,
television and film. She also did several
national tours as wardrobe supervisor.
DOUG NEWELL (Sound Design) Theatre credits
include: The Doctor’s Dilemma A Noise
Within (original music & sound design), The
Heiress The Pasadena Playhouse (original
music & sound design), The Boomerang
Effect The Odyssey (sound design), The
Illusion A Noise Within (original music &
sound design), No Good Deed Inside The
Ford/Furious Theatre Company (original
music & sound design), Boom Furious Theatre
Company (original music & sound design), The
Pain & the Itch The Theatre @ Boston Court
(original music & sound design), Girls Talk at
Lee Strasberg Theatre (sound design). TV/
Film Credits include: "The Walking Dead,"
AMCTV/GenerateLA (production sound
mixer), Comrades Landed Entertainment
(production sound mixer), Revenge of the
Bimbot Zombie Killers Celtino Productions
(sound designer), Takedowns & Falls Resilient
Pictures (sound mixer), Pure Shock
Value Furious Films (composer & sound
designer). Doug is an ensemble member
of Furious Theatre Company, and is the
owner and operator of Zipline Sound (www.
MICHAEL VITALE (ASM) Over the past 5 years,
Michael, has had good fortune to work on a
wide variety of productions around SoCal.
Favorite projects include Hairspray at the
Hollywood Bowl, Front and Center featuring
Reba McEntire at the Honda Center, Miss
Saigon, Chicago, Romeo and Juliet, Hay Fever, and Daughter of Light at the Segerstrom
Concert Hall. Michael received his B.A. in
Theatre Arts from California State University,
Fullerton and is currently in his second year
at the University of California, for his M.F.A. in
Stage Management. THADEUS WELCH (LFP Production Manager/
Assistant Stage Manager) Thadeus' credits
include Talent Coordinating for The Academy
Awards, The Emmy Awards and The Critics
Choice movie awards, Heck, if there is an
award show on TV then Thadeus has probably
worked on it. He is very appreciative to have
also volunteered his talents for television
benefits such as "Stand up 2 Cancer" and
"Hope for Haiti Now." Born and raised in Salt
Lake City, Utah, he has been involved as an
actor and crew member in many local theatre
and film productions such as High School
Musical and other Disney Channel films. Upon
moving to Los Angeles 4 years ago, his first
LA gig was the Script Assistant on "American
Idol" for 2 seasons. Then he found himself
working on a little show with a big heart
known as "So You Think You Can Dance?"
and was their Talent Assistant for 4 seasons.
That's where he met Kris Lythgoe and Becky
Baeling and immediately bonded over their
mutual love for live theatre. This is Thadeus'
3rd Panto production with LFP! Needless to
say he - “Adores being part of the Lythgoe
Family and will always plan to be a part of
their MAGIC!”
BRIAN BOYCE (Drums/Percussion) Since
attending UCLA (B.A., Music Performance
and Ethnomusicology) and UVA (M.A.,
Musicology), Brian has worked as a freelance
drummer and percussionist performing
various kinds of music on, below, and adjacent
to the stage. Recent theatrical highlights
include A Night at Sardi’s: Showstoppers (2012
Alzheimer’s Foundation fundraiser with David
Hyde Pierce, Kristen Bell, Idina Menzel, Taye
Diggs, and more), Rated RSO—the Music and
Lyrics of Ryan Scott Oliver(Boston Court
Theatre and Joe’s Pub at the New York Public
Theater), Lesli Margheritia’s All Hail the
Queen, The Coco & Ruby Variety Hour, Dames
at Sea (Colony Theatre), Kiss of the Spider
Woman (Ovation-winning L.A. intimate theater
premiere), Little Shop of Horrors (national
tour), Jingle Bell Rock (national tour), and
Musical Theatre Guild’s Shenandoah,
One Touch of Venus, Hello Again, Bat
Boy, and Blood Brothers. On the small
screen, Brian appeared in a national Honda
commercial, and he sidelined with Diddy, Rick
Ross, T.I., and Nicki Minaj at the 2010 BET
KEITH HARRISON (Assistant Musical Director/
Keyboards) is an Emmy Award-nominated
composer and performer. Theater credits
include Milion Dollar Quartet (original
Chicago cast), Whoopi Goldberg's White
Noise, and The Boys From Syracuse (Jeff
Award-nominated Best New Adaptation). His
original music has been heard on ABC, NBC,
CBS, CW, HDNet, several independent films,
and dozens of national television and radio
advertisements. He was recently seen as a
featured composer and pianist on the Lifetime
TV reality series, "Abby's Ultimate Dance
Competition." Keith is also an established
singer-songwriter, whose debut LP is due out
in 2013. Thanks to Michael Orland for the
opportunity to work with this outstanding
Snow White team!
JESSICA STANDIFER (Production Assistant)
is excited for another holiday season with
Lythgoe Family Productions! Recent credits
include 1776 (Cabrillo Music Theatre; Assistant
Stage Manager), Private Lives(Rubicon
Theatre Company; Stage Management Intern),
Legally Blonde(Moonlight Stage Productions;
Assistant Stage Manager), and is now thrilled
to return to this production of Snow White.
Many thanks to everyone involved for the
fantastic experience.
ELIZABETH DORAN (Executive Director) Our new Executive Director,
Elizabeth Doran, brings a lifetime of theatrical experience to our
organization—she was selected from a field of over 100 applicants
from all over the country. Elizabeth hails from Patchogue, New York,
where she began her career in theatre as a writer and performer.
After earning her B.A in theatre arts at SUNY Fredonia, she became
interested in building and sustaining great theatre companies. She
earned her MBA in Entrepreneurship and Strategy at Rensselaer in
Troy, NY. She has served as Director of Finance and Planning for the
La Jolla Playhouse, was Managing Director for Capital Repertory
Theatre (a LORT regional theatre in Albany, NY) and most recently
as Managing Director of Los Angeles' own The Actor’s Gang since
October 2008, where in partnership with Oscar-winner Tim Robbins,
she expanded international touring, outreach programming and raised
major gifts in support of artistic development. She and her husband,
Kwinn Doran, a college professor and historian, have made themselves
at home in South Pasadena with their two young sons, Giacomo and
Ely and have just welcomed thier third child!
SHELDON EPPS (Artistic Director) has been Artistic Director of the
renowned Pasadena Playhouse since 1997. Before beginning his tenure
at The Playhouse he served as Associate Artistic Director of the Old
Globe Theatre for four years. He was also a co-founder of the Off
Broadway theatre, The Production Company. Mr. Epps has directed both
plays and musicals at many of the country’s major theatres including
the Roundabout, Manhattan Theatre Club, the Guthrie, Playwrights
Horizons, Seattle Repertory Theatre, Arena Stage, and the Goodman
Theatre. He conceived the highly acclaimed musicals Play On! and Blues
In the Night, which both received Tony Award nominations. He directed
productions of both of those shows on Broadway, in London, and at
theatres throughout the world. Mr. Epps also has had a busy career as a
television director helming episodes of shows such as "Frasier," "Friends,"
"Everybody Loves Raymond," "Girlfriends" and many others. For more
than a decade, he served as a member of the Executive Board of the
Society of Stage Directors and Choreographers. Mr. Epps received
the James Irvine Foundation Leadership Award for his efforts and
accomplishments at The Pasadena Playhouse. Under his leadership The
Playhouse has earned distinction for productions of artistic excellence,
critical and box office success, and highly praised theatrical diversity.
Recently he Co-Directed the Broadway production of Baby It’s You!, which
premiered at The Pasadena Playhouse.
*8 differences. Answers: 1. Tinkerbell, 2. Hat, 3. Beard, 4. Apple 5. SW Headband 6. Belt Buckle 7. Boot 8. Kerchief
Throughout the show, Prince Harry wears his Coat of Arms on his sash. A Coat of Arms has the Family Crest/Charge
in the middle of them and have been used throughout history as a way to determine whether someone is a friend or
The best place to start is with the shield and the Charge (device/picture) that is on it. This specific shield is divided
up into four sections with four different Charges or pictures. You can have what ever you want as your Charge, but
first think about your personality and character. Here are some examples of possible charges and their meanings:
lion (deathless courage); bear (ferocity in the protection of kind); unicorn (extreme courage); dragon (a most valiant
defender of treasure); harp (contemplation); axe (execution of military duties); horseshoe (good luck). If you want
more examples, you can go to the library and do a search on the Symbolism of Heraldry. You will also find out what
certain colors mean when you make a Coat of Arms. For example, white (peace); gold (generosity); blue (loyalty and
truth); green (hope); purple (sovereignty). The shield with a Charge is just the beginning. You also have the
supporters, the helmet, the mantel, the crest at the top and a motto at the bottom. It’s a lot to think about!
As a parent or teacher, you are the only person qualified to determine what is right for your child/student, but we hope this information was entertaining.
Designed by Magic Pictures International with added input from the Outreach & Education Manager/Artistic Associate at The Pasadena Playhouse.
The Pasadena Playhouse Outreach & Education programs are made possible in part by the support of the Wells Fargo Theatrical Diversity Project.
Tear out your above Family Crest and ENTER TO WIN (in the lobby), a special Winter Wonderland prize!!!
NAME: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
EMAIL: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
PHONE NUMBER: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Words and music by Jace Everett
All rights owned or administered by EMI Blackwood Music, Inc. (BMI) Used by permission.
Words and music by Stefani Germanotta, Fernando Garibay, Paul Edward Blair, Jeppe Breum Laursen
All rights owned or administered by Warner-Tamerlane Publishing Corp. obo itself & Garibay Music Publishing, Sony/ATV Songs LLC obo itself & House of Gaga Publishing, Inc. (BMI), Universal Music
Corp. (ASCAP) Used by permission.
Words and Music by Ronald Bell, Claydes Smith, George Melvin Brown, James Warren "JT" Taylor, Robert Spike Mickens, Earl Eugene Toon Jr., Dennis Ronald Thomas, Robert E Bell, Eumir Deodato
All rights owned or administered by Warner-Tamerlane Publishing Corp. obo itself & Old River Music (BMI), WB Music Corp. (ASCAP) Used by permission.
Words and music by Esther Dean, Mikkel Storleer Eriksen, Tor Erik Hermansen, Katy Perry, Sandy Julien Wilhelm
All rights owned or administered by Ultra Tunes obo itself & Di Pui Srl, EMI April Music, Inc. obo EMI Music Publishing Ltd., WB Music Corp. obo itself & When I'm Rich You'll Be My Bitch (ASCAP),
Peermusic III obo itself, 2412 LLC, & Dat Damn Dean Music (BMI) Used by Permission.
Words and music by Jai Sang Park, Keon Hyung Yoo
All rights owned or administered by Universal Tunes A Division of Songs of Universal, Inc. (SESAC), Sony/ATV Music Publishing Hong Kong Korean Branch (KOMCA). Used by permission.
Words and music by Khari Cain, Philip Martin Lawrence, Ari Levine, Bruno Mars, Khalil Walton
All rights owned or administered by Bughouse o/b/o itself & Art For Art’s Sake Music (ASCAP), Mars Force Music & Toy Plane Music c/o Music of Windswept (ASCAP), Universal Music Corporation
o/b/o itself & Dry Rain Entertainment (ASCAP), Music Famamanem LP & Roc Nation Music c/o EMI April Music, Inc. (ASCAP), W.B. Music Corp. o/b/o itself and Upper Dec (ASCAP), Northside
Independent Music Publishing LLC (ASCAP) obo Thou Art The Hunger (ASCAP) Used by permission.
Words and music by Gerald Goffin, Michael Masser
All rights owned or administered by Lauren Wesley Music c/o Evolution Music Partners, Screen Gems-EMI Music, Inc. (BMI), Almo Music Corp., Universal Music Corp. (ASCAP) Used by permission.
Words and music by Stephen Lawrence Schwartz
All rights owned or administered by Greydog Music (ASCAP) Used by permission.
Words and music by Elmer Bernstein
All rights owned or administered by EMI April Music, Inc. (ASCAP) Used by permission.
Words and music by Peter Gene Hernandez, Philip Martin Lawrence, Ari Levine, Keinan Abdi Warsame
All rights owned or administered by Bug Music, Inc. obo Art for Arts Sake Music/ Toy Plane Music obo Arthouse Entertainment LLC, Windswept Holdings LLC dba Music of Windswept obo Mars Force
Music/ Bughouse, Roc Nation Music & Music Famanem LP c/o EMI April Music, Inc., Northside Independent Music Publishing LLC c/o Warner/ Chappell Music, Sony/ATV Tunes LLC (ASCAP) Used by
Words and music by John Victor Colla, Hugh Anthony Cregg, Christopher John Hayes
All rights owned or administered by WB Music Corp. obo Cause and Effect Music, Huey Lewis Music, & Kinda Blue Music (ASCAP) Used by permission.
Words and music by Rodney Lynn Temperton
All rights owned or administered by Rodsongs c/o Almo Music Corp. (ASCAP) Used by permission.
Words and music by Catherine Roseanne, Henrik Nils Jonback, Christian Lars Karlsson, Pontus Johan Winnberg
All rights owned or administered by Colgems EMI Music, Inc., BMG Music Publishing (ASCAP) Used by permission.
Words and music by Ariana Grande, Pebe Sebert, Allan P Grigg
All rights owned or administered by Sony/ATV Songs LLC obo Kecse Rose Music (BMI), Kobalt Music Publishing America, Inc obo Prescriptions Songs, Kojaktrax (ASCAP)
Used by permission.
Words and music by Henri Belolo, Jacques Morali, Victor Edward Willis
All rights owned or administered by Can't Stop Music (BMI) Used by permission.
Words and music by Sara Allen, Daryl F Hall, John William Oates
All rights owned or administered by Hot Cha Music, Unichappell Music, inc., Primary Wave Brain c/o Wixen Music Publishing (BMI) Used by permission.
Sheila Grether-Marion
Chair of the Board
David DiCristofaro
Vice-Chair of the Board
Linda Boyd Griffey
Lenore Almanzar
Valerie Amidon
Sheri Ball
Elizabeth Doran
Peggy Ebright
Michele Dedeaux Engemann
Sheldon Epps
George A. Henning
Brad King
Darrell D. Miller
C. Anthony Phillips
Bingo Roncelli
Lilah Stangeland
Corky Hale Stoller
Mike Stoller
Martha Williamson
Dear Playhouse Friends and Fellow Supporters of the Arts,
It was Oscar Wilde who said, “I regard the theatre as the greatest of all art forms,
the most immediate way in which a human being can share with another the
sense of what it is to be a human being.”
In celebration of the season of giving, consider giving a loved one the gift of
theatre by purchasing them a subscription to the rest of our season! My husband
and I have done this in the past and our friends and family have loved it!
And best of all-- it could cost as little as $60 per subscription!*
This season is filled with impressive programming that does not disappoint,
including the world..premiere of the musical version of the classic movie Sleepless
in Seattle, a Noel Coward comedy
classic Fallen Angels directed by Art
Manke, opening February 3, 2013, as
well as our eagerly anticipated surprise
production—which, if rumors are true—
will rock the house!
For subscriptions, special discounts or
tickets to our season showcase, contact
our box office at
(626) 356-PLAY!
Enjoy this wonderful holiday – we look
forward to seeing you again very soon!
Sheila Grether-Marion
Chairman of the Board
(*subscription package costs are based upon seating location)
A Message from Sheila Grether-Marion, Board Chair:
I am pleased to list the following people who have been elected by the Board of Directors to our Emeritus Board, in recognition
of their extraordinary service as past members of our Board of Directors, and in many cases for their continued commitment and
service to The Pasadena Playhouse.
Chair Emeriti: David M. Davis, Albert Lowe, Kerry McCluggage, Margaret Sedenquist
Board Members Emeriti: Kathy Arntzen Roat, Carol Burnett, Ralph Hirschmann, Frank Kleeman, Dennis Lowe, Tad Lowrey,
Rao Makineni, Abel Ramirez, Lyn Spector, Elliot Stahler, Greg Stone, Leslie Tolan, James Watterson
In Memoriam: David Angell, Betty Ann Koen Brooks, Theodore Fitch Behr, Roger Stangeland
Dear Playhouse Friends,
2012/2013 Annual Fund
Donor Benefits
Executive Director’s Circle – $100,000+
All benefits of Artistic Director’s Circle plus:
• Access to rehearsals of productions on Mainstage (at discretion of Director)
Artistic Director’s Circle – $25,000-$99,000
All benefits of Director’s Circle plus:
• Concierge Services for house seats at other local
and nationwide theatres, including Broadway
Director’s Circle – $10,000-$24,999
All benefits of Playwright’s Circle plus:
• Annual exclusive event hosted by Board of
Directors along with key Playhouse leadership
• Parking pass for every Mainstage production in
the 2012/2013 season
Playwright’s Circle – $5,000-$9,999
All benefits of Performer’s Circle plus:
• Invitations to select events throughout the season
Performer’s Circle – $2,500-$4,999
All benefits of Stage Manager’s Circle plus:
• Invitations to every Pasadena Playhouse Opening Night for 2 people
Stage Manager’s Circle – $1,000-$2,499
All benefits of Supporter plus:
• Personal VIP ticketing and subscription services
• Season long admission to the exclusive VIP
Lounge at the Makineni Library, which offers
complimentary snacks and beverages before
the show and during intermission at every
Mainstage performance
Supporter – $500-$999
All benefits of Friend, plus:
• Treats at your seats throughout the season
Friend – $250-$499
We are so pleased to be partnering with
Lythgoe Family Productions to bring you
this very special, family-friendly musical – A
Snow White Christmas. With its entertaining
offerings of comedy and modern music
involving performers and dancers of all
ages and for an audience of all ages, it is the
perfect show to share with your family and
friends and to spend some time together,
and with us, at The Pasadena Playhouse
during this special time of year – so thank
you for joining us today. And if today is
your first time here at The Playhouse, we
welcome you with open arms and delighted
you are with us for this holiday treat.
While memorable in itself, this show is also very special for what it has
done for community youth of Los Angeles Country with the Opening
Night fundraiser on December 12th and event proceeds directed to
underwrite special matinees for those youth. I want to thank our Snow
White Opening Night Committee for their amazing work in recruiting
support and fans for this important initiative and a very heartfelt thank
you to our Committee Chair, Julietta Perez-Cruz, for her tremendous
efforts. And to all of you who supported this event and cause – thank
you for your heart and care and partnership to bring this theatrical
opportunity to others.
Part of our responsibility in bringing great theater to our community is
also our social responsibility to help our community. And not just at the
holidays but all year long. Here at The Playhouse, we are committed
to supporting all powerful voices of the theatre and as a nonprofit, we
rely on our generous patrons to help bring art and magic to our stage,
and off stage with our Outreach and Education programs. During this
special time of year, please consider a gift in support of The Playhouse
and in doing so, please know your generosity will significantly impact the
productions that appear on our stage, and our ability to bring the magic
of the stage to an even wider swath of audience goers in our quest for
Art for All. Together with your support, we are truly making a difference
in having arts available to all.
Happiest of holidays to you and yours,
All benefits of Contributor, plus:
• Recognition in the program
Contributor – $1-$249
Recognition on the website
To take advantage of your 2012/2013 season
donor benefits or for more information, please
call the Development office at 626-921-1156.
Bingo Roncelli
Development and Outreach & Education Chair
Our thanks to the following individuals and companies who donated gifts-in-kind to The Playhouse since October 1, 2011. Any giftsin-kind received after October 24, 2012 will be acknowledged in the next program.
Chantal and Steve Bennett
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Blake
Corner Bakery Cafe
Laura Diaz, Anchor/Producer
Kevin Dunn
Easy Parking Service
Michele and Roger Engemann
Elements Kitchen
Glass Bee Partners Hospitality Consulting
Courtney Harper
Doris Kao, Steve Bickel and Bluelounge Design
The Krezel Family
Patti La Marr and The Friends of The Pasadena
Le Cordon Bleu College of Culinary Arts
Lerman, Pointer & Spritz, LLP
little junebugs
O’Melveny & Myers
Pacific Global Investment Management
Rosebud Floral Design
Saunders Electric, Inc.
Wells Fargo Bank
wild Up
Executive Director’s Circle - $100,000 - $1,000,000+
Anonymous; Connie and Ed Foster; Sheila Grether-Marion and Mark Marion; Wells Fargo Bank
Artistic Director’s Circle - $25,000 - $99,999
Jon Andersen and Martha Williamson; Avery and Andrew Barth; Chantal and Steve Bennett; Bill and Mary Lea Carroll; Marilyn and Don Conlan; Michele and Roger Engemann;
Julie and Don Hopf; Sally and Bill Hurt and Bernadette Glenn; Pam and Brad King; Terri and Jerry Kohl; David Lee and Mark Nichols; Randy and Candy Renick; Bingo and Gino
Roncelli; Rick Saveri; The Shubert Foundation; Lilah Stangeland; U.S. Bank; Frank Williams
Director’s Circle – $10,000 - $24,999
Diane and Fred Blum; Ann and Paul Demartini; Patti and Jim Dolan; St. Paul and Kathryn Epps; Sheldon Epps and Monette Magrath; Linda and Jay Griffey; Sumi and Bill Hughes;
Helen and Steven Kerstein; Ellen and Harvey Knell; Lily Lee and Tom Chang; Lindemann Foundation; Gayle and Tad Lowrey; Shannon and Darrell Miller; The Kenneth T. and Eileen
L. Norris Foundation; Pacific Global Investment Management Company; Gayle and Edward P. Roski, Jr. – Majestic Realty; Betty Sandford; Anne Taubman and David Boyle; Sid and
Betsey Tyler; Cindy Vail and Greg Stone; Jinny and Scott Wilcott
Playwright’s Circle – $5,000 - $9,999
Ann Peppers Foundation; Anonymous (2); Dan and Sandy Bane; The Bank of America Charitable Foundation; Bea and Paul Bennett; Julieta and Jeffrey Bennett; Meta and Jay
Berger; Z Clark Branson; Frank Brooks, in loving memory of Betty Ann Brooks; Marty and Bruce Coffey; The Dedeaux Family – Justin & Mary Lin, Terry & Christine and Denise;
Gail and Jim Ellis; In Memory of Willette Foster; Friends of The Pasadena Playhouse; Brenda and Bill Galloway; Susan and Gary Gerstenslager; Ann and Robert Hamilton; Tracy
and Richard Hirrel; Marcia L. Hoffman; Jennifer and Michael LaRocco; Linden Optometry, a P.C.; Susan McGuirl and Bob Musselman; Merrill Lynch; Milo W. Bekins Foundation;
Skip Ober; Kay and Bob Rehme; Michael Roney; Thomas Safran; Elliot and Danielle Stahler; Laney and Tom Techentin; Martha Tolles; Judy and Robert Waller
Performer’s Circle – $2,500 - $4,999
Anonymous (2); Ars Viva Symphony Orchestra; Cynthia Bennett and Ed de Beixedon; Claire and Bill Bogaard; Lesley Brander; The Capital Group Companies Charitable
Foundation; Hilary and Richard Clark; Lynn and Carl Cooper; David DiCristofaro; Peggy Ebright; Fox Rothschild, LLP; Teena Hostovich; Justin Dart Family Foundation; Shelly and
Dennis Lowe; Greta and Peter Mandell; Diane and Craig Martin; Liz and David McFadzean; Stephanie and Greg McLemore; Edith Mehlinger; Jessie Milano; Sharon and Sam Muir;
Gaylord Nichols; Deidra Norman Schumann; Elizabeth Pankey; Barbara and Tony Phillips; Mr. and Mrs. Herbert M. Piken; Jane and Kris Popovich; Martin Salvin; Sidney Stern
Memorial Trust; Mindy and Gene Stein; Alison and Steve Trytten; Mary and William Urquhart
Stage Manager’s Circle – $1,000 - $2,499
Sara and George Abdo; Tracy Alderson; JoJeanne and Dann Angeloff; Mrs. William E. Ballard; William Barney; Ann and Olin Barrett; The Beggs Family; Sue and Richard Biggar;
Barrett and Carol Bingaman; Brian Bissell; Darrell Brown; Michael Budd; Brent Chang; Catherine “Tink” Cheney; Marty and Jim Childs; Karen and Tim Chrisman; Carol Chua;
Dottie Clougherty; Adam and Janette Cochran; Barbara and Wesley Coleman; Martin L. Cohen, M.D. and Sharleen Cooper Cohen; Carol Ann Collins; Stephen Courtney; Carlos
and Julio Cruz; William Cunningham; Ginny and John Cushman; Gary Dahle and Derek Whitefield; Faye and Robert Davidson; David and Holly Davis; Jean De Silvestri; Mike
Deasy; Richard and Bryn DeBeikes; Darrell Done; Barbara and Tom Dukes; Dennis Ellis; Frank W. Epinger; Alan Ett; Dorothy Falcinella; Fishbein Family Foundation; Margaret
Foley Jagels; Henri and Donna Ford; Tim Garrity; Richard Gilman; Audrea Golding; Kelly Gonda; Don Gorsch; Rose Ann Hall – California Custom Fruits & Flavors; George
Handtmann; Arlene and Robert Harder; Ellen and Michael Hatch; Susan Hauk; Virginia Hawkins and James C. Kenaga, M.D.; LeAnn and Michael Healy; Felicia D. Henderson;
June and Gareth Hughes; Colin Hurren; Patti Johns Eisenberg; Donna and Lou Jones; Marcia and Gordon Kanofsky; Kelton Fund Inc./David and Lenora Kelton; Lena L. Kennedy;
Stacey and Charles King; Jeffrey Kravitz; Evans Lam; Helen L. Lambros; Sally Jean Lash; Mattie and Michael Lawson; Leigh Leshner; Michael Mackness; Melba Macneil; Sandra
Martin; Donald and Judy Matthews; Deborah Maxson; Vicki and Kerry McCluggage; Linda McManus and Prof. Bill Bridges; Susan and Bradley Mohr; Mr. and Mrs. Chase Morgan;
Michael Naples; Mark Ogden and Brad Froehle; William and Judy Opel; Jennifer Parker-Stanton and Sandy Stanton; Cathie and David Partridge; Pasadena Playhouse Alumni
& Associates; Amy Pascal and Bernard Weinraub; Anita Pemstein; Julian K. Petty; Derek and Susan Pippert; Gloria and Don Pitzer; Carol and Glenn Pomerantz; Jeffrey Porter;
Preciosa Entertainment Corp.;Gregory Probert; Anette and Edward Pumphrey; Dean Madeline Puzo, USC School of Dramatic Arts; Charles Reardon; Lorna and Chuck Reed;
Debby and Bill Richards; Joi Rideout; Steven Robman and Kathy Baker; Rotary Club of Pasadena; Saks, Inc.; Sossi and Norman Sarafian; Michael Schwartz, M.D.; The Seaver
Institute; Rodney S. Shepard; Sherry and Charles Sheppard; Andre Sherman; Bernadette and Russell Sherman; Judy and Bill Shupper; John Singleton and Shelia Ward; Ronald
Slates; Boyd Smith; Laurie and Jeff Smith; Phillip Sotel; Southern California Gas Company; Vivien Stanley Foran and William Foran; Anthony Stein; Amy and Charles Stephens;
Philip Swan; June Thurber Paine and Garrett Paine; Martin Pierce Udell; Ashana and Tom Thorman; In Memory of Roy Tolles; Dr. Mario Tse; USC Alumni Association; Mary and
Michael Veselich; Michele Vice-Maslin; Lin Vlacich; Richard von Ernst and Thomas Castaneda; Darrell Walker; In Memory of Neva Ward Wallace; Lyla White; Rita Whitney; Alyce
and Warren Williamson; Jeph Willis; James Wilson; Mark Withers; Molly and Ralph Wolveck; William H. Wright, Jr.
Supporter – $500 - $999
Malcolm Axon; Meghan and Monte Baier; Aline and Danny Bakewell, Sr.; Sheri and Andy Ball; Neil Bauman; John Brende; John Casani; Marlene and Nolan Charbonnet; Corky
and Marilyn Conzonire; William Craver; Dorothy and William Davila; Janet and Edgar Davis; Jarita and Tony Davis; Edwina and David Dedlow; Mr. and Mrs. Leo Dencik; Laura Diaz,
Anchor/Producer; Dr. Thomas Edwards and Sally Edwards; Robert Ellis; Carol Fox; Robert and Bridget Furiga; Robert Galvan; Scott and Barbara Gantz; Cleola Gavalas; Harry
Gilbert; Margie and Paul Grossman; Courtney Harper and Family; Sue Haynie Horn; Susan Hoffman; Schuyler and Deborah Hollingsworth; Gregory and Samantha Jessner; Helga
Johnstone; Elizabeth Koen, in loving memory of Elizabeth Koen Brooks; Sherry and Al Lapides; Jeehyun Lee and Mark Kim; Mr. and Mrs. Les Lazar; Sue and John Leisner; Martha
and Fidel Leos; C. Peter Magrath; Pamela and J.C. Massar; Dreux McNairy; Roger C. Memos; Gloria and Accie Mitchell; Susan and Allan Mohrman; Elly and Jim Morgan; Cheryl
and Judd Morris; Kenneth and Richel Nash; Janice Ohta; Mr. and Mrs. A.F. Osterloh, III; Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Palumbo; Ellen and Doug Patton; Sandra Piller, in memory of Michael
Piller; Jack Pollock; George Prothro Coulter; Rancho Book Club; Redhill Group; Winnie and Lynn Reitnouer; Isi Russ and Liz Fitzgerald-Russ; Chief and Mrs. Phillip Sanchez; Jeff
Scofield; Jean Scott and Kent Keller; Katharine Sickel Higgins; Rosemary Simmons; Janis and Stuart Simon; Drs. Neil and Sonia Singla; Gail and David Snyder; Shigeyoshi Takagi;
Frank Taylor; Janet Thomasser; Sheran and David Voigt; Vroman’s Bookstore; Greg Wessels; Marion and Michael Westmore; J. Patrick Whaley and Lynda Jenner
Friend – $250 - $499
Joan and Andreas Aebi; Kerby Alvy; Anonymous; Gale and Jane Bensussen; Jennifer and John Berger; Doris and Martin Berkowitz; David Blazek; Paula Brand; Esthere Brutsch;
Jacqueline and Arthur Burdorf; Patty and Byron Capps; Mary Castillo; Suzanne and Walter Cochran-Bond; Phyllis and David Crandon; Creative Capacity Fund’s Next Gen Arts
Professional Development Program; Pat Cuneo; Christina and Richard Doren; Michele Dressback; Ann and Gene Dryden; Allan Edmiston; Gerri and William Edson; Mary Ann and
Thomas Fell; Valerie Foster Hoffman; Beryl and Graham Gosling; Thomas Greany; Diane and James Harris; Elizabeth and David Hasbrouck; Tom Hatten; Gary Hunter; Marie Ida;
Mr. and Mrs. George Inadomi; Dr. James Johnson; Larry Johnson; Meg Jolley and David Sameth; Nancy and John Killen; Donald Kottler; Marilyn Kezirian; Mr. and Mrs. Michael
Korney; Mary L. Latimore; Penny and Steven Ledbetter; Sandy Leonardis; Karen and Victor Limongelli; Mary Lyon; Linda Malmquist; Kenneth and Ruby Maya; Jeanie McCarthy;
Dorothy McVann; Mr. and Mrs. Asa Meudell; Paula J. Miller; Mr. and Mrs. Richard Moak; Frank P. Morse; Mollie Murphy; Robert and Sharon Novell; Diana Palmer; Maiya Penberthy;
Paula G. Pitzer; Michaela Pereira; Florence Reese; Susan and Ed Richmond; Harriet Scott; Margaret and Charles Sedenquist; Dorothy Shepherd; Grant and Liz Smith; Floraline I.
Stevens; Warren Stout, M.D.; Dottie and Walt Sumner; Eileen T’Kaye and David Bischoff; Janet and Robert Tranquada; Andrea and John Van de Kamp; Timothy Vient; James and
Mary Weidner; Edgar and Peggy Whitmore; Erik and Tanya Zommers; Bob and Patty Zuber
All donors listed gave $250 since October 1, 2011. Contributions received after October 24, 2012 will be acknowledged in the next program.
Did you know that ticket and subscription purchases cover only about 50% of the cost of your seat? As a nonprofit
institution, The Pasadena Playhouse relies on the generous support of its patrons to help bring art and magic to our
stage, and off stage with diverse Outreach & Education programming.
Your individual or institutional contribution will significantly support the productions that appear on our stage: worldpremiere plays, musicals and dramas for all ages and generations of theatre-goers. Annual gifts can be unrestricted,
which means they will be designated to address the areas deemed of greatest need. Donors may also designate their
gifts toward a program of choice.
With the holidays approaching and the season of gift giving upon us, please consider a gift to The Pasadena
Playhouse. There are many ways to give:
Cash, Check, Credit Card Gift or Online Donation
The easiest, most direct way to support The Playhouse.
A gift of appreciated stock or other securities allows you to make a tax deduction for the full fair-market value without
realizing capital gain.
Matching Gifts
Your employer may match your donation to The Pasadena Playhouse, thereby doubling or even tripling its impact.
Honorary or Memorial Gifts
Gifts may be given in honor or memory of a friend, family member, Playhouse staff member or anyone of your
For more information on ways to give, please contact Beth Lewis, Annual Giving Manager, at
[email protected] or (626) 921-1156.
The Gilmor Brown Society, dedicated to a legacy of live theatre and thus named after The Playhouse founder, was established to recognize,
honor and thank those individuals for provisions they have made through thoughtful estate planning to further the mission of The Pasadena
Ellen Bailey
Estate of Shirley Filiatrault
Adele F. Morse
Lyn Spector
Estate of Evelyn Bray
Harriet L. Freeman
Shirli Nielsen
Lilah and Roger* Stangeland
Marjorie Cates
Estate of Ada Gory
Estate of Charles Pierce
Estate of Bill Watters
Estate of Angus Duncan
Sheila Grether-Marion
Estate of Constance Ropolo
Jim Watterson
If you have included The Playhouse in your estate plans and your name is not currently listed, please notify the Development Office so
we may acknowledge you for your support and add your name to the Gilmor Brown Society. For further information or questions about
other gift opportunities, please contact Jennifer Berger, Director of Development/Outreach & Education at 626.921.1164 or by email at
[email protected].
Saturday, April 27, 2013
3rd Annual
High School Theatre Festival
Photo by Outlook Newspapers
Julietta Perez-Cruz (Committee Chair) and Amanda Horton
Back Row - L to R: Christine Franke (Major Gifts Officer), Laurie Smith, Susan
Pippert, Cristina Perez Gonzalez, Kris Lythgoe, Becky Baeling, Juliette Harrhy,
Wende Headley, Kimberly Ruppert (Special Events Coordinator for Development) Front Row - L to R: Dianna Lau, Ylianna Perez Guerrero, Amy Powell, Julietta Perez-Cruz (Committee Chair), Amanda Horton, Jennifer Berger (Director
of Development) Committee Members Not Pictured: Sushma Adarkar, Chantal
Bennett, Beth Hansen, Pam King, Emilie Lanstra, Lily Lee, Heather Lillard
Photo by Outlook Newspapers
Photo by Outlook Newspapers
Photo by Outlook Newspapers
Becky Baeling, Jennifer Berger (Director of Development), Julietta Perez-Cruz
(Committee Chair) and Kris Lythgoe
Cristina Perez Gonzalez and Christine Franke (Major Gifts Officer)
Pre-Show Festivities begin at 6pm in the Courtyard
Showtime - 7pm
Extended Intermission with Winter Wonderland Activities
VIP Post-Show Celebration
This Opening Night Gala Event is going to be magical and full of surprises. A Winter Wonderland awaits you...Santa will be
receiving guests in the Library, traditional English treats will be served, 'apple' cider will be flowing, there will be activities for
the children to enjoy and who knows, it might just snow at The Playhouse!
Sheila Grether-Marion and Mark
Parenting Magazine
Wells Fargo Bank
Stephanie and Greg McLemore
Jon Anderson and Martha Williamson
The Beggs Family
John and Tami Brown
Lily Lee and Tom Chang
Carlos and Julio Cruz
Kristin and Berkeley Harrison
Wende and Jon Headley
Helen and Steven Kerstein
Pacific Global Investment Management Company
Derek and Susan Pippert
Preciosa Entertainment Corporation
Gino and Bingo Roncelli
Sushma and Ashwin Adarkar
Les and Celeste Allan
Jennifer and John Berger
Vivien Stanley Foran and William
Christine and Michael Franke
The Gunter Family
Beth and Rob Hansen
Gregory and Samantha Jessner
April and Kelly Johnson
Allen and Emilie Lanstra
Victor and Karen Limongelli
Debbie Mitchell
Phong and Marcela Rock
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey M. Smith
Corky Hale Stoller and Mike Stoller
Courtney Harper and Family
Pam and Brad King
Stewart and Amy Powell
Robert and Shelly Reisch
Sharleen Cooper Cohen
*Nov. 27, 2012
Some people may be surprised to discover there once had been an accredited college
associated with The Pasadena Playhouse. Many more might be amazed to know that even
though the school closed in 1969, The Pasadena Playhouse Alumni & Associates is still
a vital organization with nearly 350 members around the world. The PPA&A publishes
a quarterly newsletter to help our members stay in touch with their classmates and up
to date with the events at The Playhouse. Our yearly Brunch meeting - the 60th annual
Diamond Jubilee gathering to take place June 2013 – provides another opportunity to
keep the bonds strong. Over all, the Alumni Association is most proud of our scholarship
program for needy students of the theatre. Thanks to a generous endowment from
alumnus Henry Sumid (‘40), the PPA&A has bestowed college scholarships over the
last six years with an aggregate value of $130,000.00. For more information on our
scholarship program for theatre students, please visit
What a happy merry time to be a Pasadena Playhouse Ambassador Host!
One of our goals is to emphasize to our guests how important they are to the creative adventure known as theatre. Behind
each production is a playwright, an artistic director, a set designer and set builders, a director, a cast, sound and light
persons, a stage, a box office, and a staff to operate it all. But nothing is more important than an audience to see and
appreciate and support it. Our audiences complete our family circle.
Now add a holiday tradition of English Panto, the jolly rollicking take on the classic that appeals to grown-ups and children
alike, and the family feeling of The Pasadena Playhouse shines brighter than ever... and our Hosts get to promote and relish
it all in the lovely warmth of our library up over the lobby!
So Happy Holidays to all of our wonderful audiences and supporters from all of The Pasadena Playhouse Hosts.
Peggy Ebright, [email protected] and Carolyn DiPane, [email protected].
Although The Friends serve more as a Service Organization than a Fund Raising one, they do hold a few fundraisers to purchase much needed items for The Pasadena Playhouse. During the Saturday of Art Walk, The Friends held a Fund Raising
Bazaar in the patio. The event featured a White Elephant Table, Holiday Gifts, Crafts, Vintage
Jewelry, New Clothing, Baked Goods, and their Sales Cart. They also held mini tours of The Playhouse and introduced
many new people to our wonderful theatre. To add to the fun, Blitzen, the white pony who will be featured in A Snow White
Christmas, was there to greet people. The patio buzzed with activity from 11 until after 5, and the event proved to be a profitable one. The Friends will soon be decorating the Lobby, Friendship Center, and the Green Room for the holidays and also
providing additional help with the Winter Wonderland activities on the patio. They are truly a hard working and dedicated
volunteer organization.
For more information on how to become a Friend, please check our website at
The Pasadena Playhouse is the oldest regional theatre in the nation occupying its original building. A fascinating and informative tour behind the scenes will divulge what makes it so unique and special. There is much more on the other side of the
curtain than you’d imagine. Your visit will include the extraordinary scene shop, the impressive Green Room, the beautiful
library and more.
For additional information or to book a tour, contact Ellen Bailey at 626-921-1162 or email [email protected]
Hollywood Piano Company Congratulates The Pasadena Playhouse
On Their Opening Of A Snow White Christmas.
El Portal Yucatan/Mexican Cuisine Proudly
Wishes to Congratulate Panto
at The Playhouse
Sheldon Epps
Artistic Director
Elizabeth Doran
Executive Director
Controller. ...............................................Stephanie Surabian
Executive Assistant...............................Whitney Fortmueller
Staff Accountant.......................................................... Chris Lu
Union Liaison........................................................Angela Sidlow
Accounting Consultant......................Mary Ann Heidsman
IT Consulting Firm. ........................................... TechFirmation
Development/Outreach &
Education Director.........................................Jennifer Berger
Major Gifts Officer..............................................Christine Franke
Outreach & Education Manager/
Artistic Associate. ..............................................Courtney Harper
Annual Giving Manager............................................Beth Lewis
Special Events Coordinator. .................. Kimberly Ruppert
Marketing & Communications Director. .........Patty Onagan
Public Relations Director...........................................Joel Hile
Marketing Coordinator. ...............................Jewel E. Moore
Subscriptions Manager..................................Jonathan White
Group Sales Associate.................................. Susan von Tress
Press Representative............................................. Ken Werther
Broadcast Advertising............................ Nancy’s Media Buys,
Nancy Pank
Graphic Design...........................................................Eric Pargac
Program Design.........................................................Tara James
Photography.....................................................................Jim Cox
Subscription Designer...........................................Blue Lounge
Telemarketing.......................................................Theatre Direct
Pamela M. Golinski, Esq. Beigelman, Feiner&FeldmanP.C.
Patron Services Manager. ..............Lemuel H. Thornton III
Patron Services Assistant Manager. ..... Whitney LaBarge
Box Office Manager................................ Louis Doug Jacobs
Hospitality Manager........................................Stacey Castillo
Subsriptions Services Manager.............Frank Ensenberger
Patron Services Senior Associates..................Shelby Page,
Adam Quinney
Patron Services Associates............................... Kenia Brown,
Colin Burton, Ally Caldicott Levitt, Kareem Cervantes,
Elias Feghali,
Deborah Geer, Rafael Goldstein, Marcelo Olivas,
Ben Torres, Sean Renzettu, Holly Walker
House Managers............................... Lenore Bond Almanzar,
Sue Haynie-Horn, Patrick J. Oliva
Winter Wonderland Manager. .................... Adam Quinney
Winter Wonderland Decor. ...Kenia Brown, Shelby Page
Production Manager....................................................Joe Witt
Company Manager.......................................Kristen Hammack
Technical Director..................................................Brad Enlow
Master Electrician.......................................... Cameron Zetty
Crew Chief................................................................Matt Petosa
Wardrobe Supervisor. ................................... Marie Growden
Audio Supervisor...............................................Eric Thompson
President. .............................................Lenore Bond Almanzar
1st Vice-President..........................................Sue Haynie-Horn
2nd Vice-President...........................................Nancy Ashcraft
Treasurer. ....................................................................Nola Widin
Recording Secretary.........................................Sharon Zaslaw
Eugenia Amodei, Doris Arima, Ellen Bailey, Mary Basile,
Evey Brown, Virginia Browning, Bonnie Davis,
Bob De Wees, Ruthe Kilburn, Gloria Klaparda,
Patti La Marr, Yvonne Lai, Beverly Meissner,
Shirley Miller, Patrick Oliva, Betty Parnell, Jayne Thomas
President. ............................................................Valerie Amidon
1st Vice-President................................................ Anne La Rose
2nd Vice-President..............................................Bridget Furiga
Administrator...................................................RJ Muehlhausen
Corresponding Secretary. ......................Charlyn d'Anconia
Treasurer. ..................................................................... Eric Johns
Lenore Almanzar, Ellen Bailey, Marje Cates,
Ross Clark, Jaclyn Palmer, Jack Scott
Ross Eastty, Jim Kent, John McElveney, Pete Parkin
Director. .............................................................Bonnie Lythgoe
Writer/Producer................................................... Kris Lythgoe
Producer................................................................ Becky Baeling
Producer.......................................................Jason Haigh-Ellery
Musical Director. ........................................... Michael Orland
Music Supervisor......................................... Nancy Severinsen
Magic Director............................................................Ed Alonzo
Choreographer........................................................Spencer Liff
Dwarves Assistant Choreographer................Mario Mosley
Costume Designer.................................................Julia Clancey
Costume Designer..........................................Kleev Guessford
Costume Designer/Wardrobe.............................Donna Maas
Sound Designer.......................................................Doug Newell
Production Stage Manager....................................John Holly
Assistant Stage Manager..................................Michael Vitale
LFP Production Manager............................. Thadeus Welch
Production Assistant................................... Jessica Standifer
Company Manager.....................................................John Holly
Percussion................................................................. Brian Boyce
2nd Keyboards......................................................Keith Harrison
Deck Head..................................................................Matt Petosa
Deck Carpenter. ........................................................Chris Cook
Deck Carpenter. ..................................................Sean Lewellyn
Rail Op....................................................................... Brian Mason
Rail Op.........................................................................Mike Askew
Deck Electrician. ............................................Mark Dougherty
Master Electrician...........................................Cameron Zetty
Light Board Operator..........Cameron Zetty/Lauren Tyler
Spot Programmer..................................Hilda Outwater Kane
Spot Operator...........................................................Mike Turner
Production Sound Engineer..........................Eric Thompson
Deck Sound A2.................................................. Joey Cleveland
WardrobeMistress...........................................Marie Growden
Wardrobe Dresser............................................Jana Morimoto
Video Production. ..................................... Sweetwater Video
The actors and stage managers employed in this
production are members of actors’ equity association, the union of professional actors and
stage managers in the United States.
WARNING: The photographic or sound recording of any performance or
the possession of any device for such photographing or sound recording
inside the theatre, without written permission of the management, is
prohibited by law. Violators may be punished by ejection and violations
may render the offender liable for money damages.
The Designers at this Theatre
are Represented by
United Scenic Artists • Local USA 829
of the International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employes
*This Theatre operates under an agreement between the League Of Resident Theatres and Actors’
EquityAssociation, the Union of Professional Actors
and Stage Managers in the United States.
Ravi Singh (and Maya Singh) for your passion in
making the show possible! Everyone at The Pasadena
Playhouse, thank you, especially to Sheldon Epps
for his belief in bringing families to the theatre,
and passion for Panto! Charles Dillingham, Jason
Haigh-Ellery, Neil Patrick Harris, David Burtka, Jason
Paige, Karissa Noel, Brian Riordan and Levels Audio,
Wylleen May and American Idol Productions, Ovation for your generous donation to cover buses for
underpriviledged kids to see the production, LA’s
Best, Jason Bellamy and the Soundtronic Team, little
junebugs, Mel Weiss, Eileen Lee, Patrick Lee and everyone at Actor’s Equity, Nicholas Plasschaert, Jean
"Oh Fancy That", Elaine Trebek-Kares, the fabulous
Eric Vetro, and to all the Dwarf Parents for driving
to rehearsals! Paul Greenberg, Jackie Harris, John
Fekas, Ron Drews, Kara Dioguardi (for your gorgeous
home for our press shoot) and F. Scott Schafer.